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A Study on OTT Content Versus Theatrical Released Cinema Preferences

Among the Urban Population of Guwahati

Article · March 2022

DOI: 10.54105/ijmcj.C1010.031322


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Anindita Dey
Royal Global School


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Indian Journal of Mass Communication and Journalism (IJMCJ)
ISSN: 2583-0651 (Online), Volume-1 Issue-3, March, 2022

A Study on OTT Content Versus Theatrical

Released Cinema Preferences Among the Urban
Population of Guwahati
Anindita Dey, Rahul Chanda

Abstract: In the year 2020 when the world was going through a The audience was wooed by new releases that could be
period of lockdown due to Covid_19 and the shooting came to a watched comfortably sitting at home as premium or VIP
halt, cinema halls were shut and film releases were suspended. It content on offer, created especially for the digital space. The
was then internet managed to create a new viewing experience
where the mode of entertainment drastically shifted to the small content is available in different genres such as romance,
screens known as Over the top streaming platforms where the thrillers, drama, science fiction, action, or comedy the
user could be customized according to their taste and webspace has been distributing quality content every minute
preferences. Also, this changed the way we will be viewing and and people who were eagerly waiting for fresh content were
this has created greatest fear for cinema hall owners. OTT is slurping up. Channels like Netflix, Voot, HotStar Amazon
widely popular for its, fresh, latest content, good storyline, plot Prime, Sony Liv, and many other channels are currently
and focuses on the quality of work rather than depending on
commercial success. The objective of this research is to find out present in the market and have managed to establish
whether over-the-top channels had created an impact on the themselves in the mind of the viewers. The emergence of
urban population of Guwahati, Assam in comparison to other the OTT platforms has given new birth to writers who feel
film viewing channels and theatres. This study tries to investigate suffocated by the growing interference of the Censor Board
if OTT has taken over the films on the basis of cost, content, and by moral policing. Here, not only the writers but the
characterization, and accessibility catered to its respective directors and actors, can come out of their comfort zones
audience in the city. Many viewers are against the idea of
censorship in Ott which is considered to be one of the major and experiment with their content. Since the content on such
reasons for its increased viewership. In this research, the platforms has been selling like hotcakes, there has been an
researcher tries to find out whether the preferences of the viewers explosion of regional content as well as platforms that have
are diverting towards OTT content or it remains with commercial entered the digital entertainment world. The regional
cinema released in theatres. platforms have not restricted themselves to series or movies,
Keyword: OTT (Over the Top), Cinema, Censorship but also several celebrities' chat shows as well. Regional
content's success is not limited to actors; in the years 2020-
I. INTRODUCTION 2021, streaming platforms such as Hoichoii Simply South
(Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam), Film (Telugu), Planet
Over-the-top channels or OTT are online media platforms Marathi (Marathi), and CityShor TV (Gujarati) Sun NXT,
that are also known as on-demand channels. These services Aha Video (Telugu), have seen increased popularity.
are not connected to traditional pay-tv services like cable or Because all platforms have blurred the line between
satellite. This project also focuses on how OTT has taken international and national cinema by making them easily
over films based on cost, content, characterization, and accessible, it is now a valid point for production houses to
accessibility tailored to their respective audience in the city. create narratives in a variety of regional languages as well.
The entertainment industry had a difficult year in 2020-21, Direct-to-digital releases have resulted in the release of a
with cinemas closing and film shoots and daily soaps new set of movies or series on OTT platforms. The OTT
coming to a halt as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. As release ensures wider coverage of audiences across the
viewers were left with no other options for entertainment, whole globe. OTT releases have not been censored up to
the doors were opened for OTT platforms to flourish and this point, but they have been the subject of several
reach a new level of popularity among viewers. controversies. For a variety of personal reasons, we may be
unable to watch our favorite movie at times. We may miss
important details and later have difficulty understanding the
rest of the story, but thanks to OTT, we can pause and re-
Manuscript received on 23 February 2022 | Revised watch from the point where we left off. It can also change
Manuscript received on 04 March 2022 | Manuscript Accepted the way films are made, where the screenwriter won’t need
on 15 March 2022 | Manuscript published on 30 March 2022. to drag out a story for two-three hours just to deliver a good
* Correspondence Author
Anindita Dey*, Research Scholar, Royal School of Communication and
interval or pre-interval scene. No unnecessary songs and
Media. The Assam Royal Global University, Assam, India. Email: dances as we could easily skip them. And one of the most
[email protected] important factors is that in OTT, one doesn’t have to
Dr. Rahul Chanda, Assistant Professor & Coordinator, Royal School
of Communication and Media. The Assam Royal Global University,
impress all the viewers and not think about who is going to
Assam, India. Email: [email protected] purchase tickets.

© The Authors. Published by Lattice Science Publication (LSP). This is

an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license

Retrieval Number:100.1/ijmcj.C1010031322 Published By:

DOI:10.54105/ijmcj.C1010.031322 Lattice Science Publication (LSP)
Journal Website: 15 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
A Study on OTT Content Versus Theatrical Released Cinema Preferences Among the Urban Population of Guwahati

In OTT, only those who have access to different 2. What are the popular OTT channels among the
applications will only watch and only see what they want to Guwahati youths?
see and won't regret spending money, as they would do 3. Do people prefer watching video content in OTT, TV
during a theatrical release. However, not all films have the or cinema halls?
same impact that one often experiences while watching 4. Identifying viewers opting for OTT content than
blockbuster films and on the atmosphere. The amount of theatrical release content?
content available in the digital space is so vast that many 5. What are the reasons dominating the shift?
good works of art may be overlooked, and moviegoers may
not be able to view or experience the same magic at home. IV. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES
Now even the regional content holds big when it comes to 1. To analyze the demand for Over-the-top content over
the OTT market, platforms like Hoichoi, Asia Net Mobile TV and Cinema.
Tv, Sun NXT, Aha, and many more are now available in 2. To Identity, compare and analyze the reason leading to
various regional languages like Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, the competition between OTT channels and cinema
Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam to name a few. All content.
these years, many regional OTT platforms have gained 3. Exploring the factors influencing the audience to watch
prominence. They have also started delivering high-quality films.
content which is mostly original.Over the years, it has been 4. To understand if there is a demand for censorship in
observed that many viewers have opposed to the idea of OTT content.
censorship in Ott, which is considered to be one of the major 5. To study of OTT content is more entertaining than
reasons for its increased viewership, and audiences believe Films.
that films will not die anytime soon but that content design
must be reworked rather than relying on stars and directors.
Ever since content viewing shifted from a 70mm screen to a According to an article that is the rise of OTT players:
5-inch mobile screen, the nature of the content has changed Streaming platforms and the threat to the box office, 2018 it
too. space where there are no restrictions and, encouraged was stated that Steaming platforms and OTT players have
by the popularity of certain shows, the makers felt free to reached a new hike and to certain extend that it is a threat to
incorporate graphic scenes and usage of language which the silver screen. Although Distribution income remains the
may be restricted and rejected by the censor board as well as largest source of revenue for producers, but if footfalls at
draw flak from the audience. Every other show soon cinema halls were to decline, it could seriously affect
followed, either for using unparliamentary language, margins.
offending religious sensibilities, or being too indecent. The The cost of a subscription notwithstanding, streaming a
idea of censorship has been both supported and opposed by movie is significantly cheaper than a night at the multiplex,
several celebrities, such as actors, directors, politicians, and and less demanding and time-consuming than watching a
media critics. Moving forward, one should be certain that matinee on television with its bloated runtime padded by
the post-pandemic scenario will be different for the lengthy commercial breaks.
filmmakers, where the templates that Bollywood has This online article “How OTT Will Drive Innovation in
established, such as storylines and masala or item number 2018” Bharat Berlia wrote an article on August 02, 2018
formulas or creating remakes from films of different origins, about how the government's Digital India Initiative is
will no longer work. Although the film industry will enabling even the most remote villages to stay connected.
continue to flourish, thanks to streaming platforms, there are India already has over-the-top (OTT) media services such as
several options available when it comes to entertainment Netflix and Amazon Prime. In one of the articles in Reasons
and hence audiences are spoilt for choice with a variety of to Watch Movies at Home than in a Theatre it was
choices. highlighted that there were various would prefer staying at
home and watch online content rather than visiting a cinema
II. STUDY GAP hall nearby. Since everybody would like to save money, no
Though there have been lot of research done on the impact Spoilers, no restrictions, not every content is
understandable- There are some scenes which needs a
of media content on youngsters but as OTT is a new format
proper concentration, because anything and everything
where the content is unregulated the researcher wanted to
know the effect how youths are shifting their viewing connects. There can be a home theatre as well. We can also
have control in our hands, we can pause, play, fast-forward
preferences from theatres to the OTT platforms in
Guwahati. Therefore, it is important for the people to and rewind it, in case we have some disturbance or
emergency and not miss any Vitol scene. OTT platforms
understand the purpose and the impact of any new format of
and theatres will continue their parallel paths, according to a
media in this market. The researcher observed that there has
been no work done to find out the impact of OTT channel report by Manoj Mathew. It is expected that films that were
previously released on OTT won't be released in theaters.
content in the northeast hence, the study is vital for the
present digital age to media content viewership. OTT platforms will end the screening of films at theaters if
they move from theatres to OTT platforms.
1. What is the popularity status of Ott channels in

Retrieval Number:100.1/ijmcj.C1010031322 Published By:

DOI:10.54105/ijmcj.C1010.031322 Lattice Science Publication (LSP)
Journal Website: 16 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Indian Journal of Mass Communication and Journalism (IJMCJ)
ISSN: 2583-0651 (Online), Volume-1 Issue-3, March, 2022

VI. METHODOLOGY and Messenger. For the questionnaire, both convince and
snowball sampling was used to select the respondents for
To complete the study, the researcher both primary and
the study as it could help in getting more respondents. Here
secondary methods. The primary method adapted was data
the researcher has taken a sample size of 200 respondents
collection which included a questionnaire. Both the methods
who belonged to the age group of 18-40 mainly. This
were helpful while collecting the desired data and
helped to find out the consumer's video consumption
completing the study. The questionnaire was prepared on
pattern, their preferences between OTT platforms and films
google forms so that it could be easily circulated online The
released in the theatres, popularity of OTT channels and
questionnaire link was randomly distributed on various
platforms amongst the youth of Guwahati. Also to
digital media platforms. Those were Facebook, Instagram,
understand whether censorship is required in the new
WhatsApp, Gmail, and Messenger, some were collected by
platforms or not and also to study if Ott is more entertaining
using the survey method. According to Joseph Check,
or not.
Russell K Schutt, 2012 a survey method is defined as "the
collection of information from a sample of individuals
through their responses to questions", which consists of a
variety of methods to recruit participants and collect data. Data collection was done online through Google forms.
(Check & Schutt, 2012.Not only the questionnaire link was Around 200 responses. Out of which 99% do watch films
randomly distributed on various digital media platforms but and 1% were not movie lovers. The majority of respondents
it was distributed offline as well. Platform’s, where the link fell within the 18-40 age range.
was shared, were Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Gmail,

This survey was conducted in Guwahati with views form 200 respondents out of which 82.5 % are between 18-25 years, 12
% are between 26-30 years, 4 % are between 31-35 years, 2 % belonged to the age group 36-40 years. They respondents
belonged from varied professions like Student, teacher, Engineers, Government Employees, Homemakers, film makers,
doctors, Public Relation employees, Architect, Entrepreneur, Journalist, Visual effects Artist, Communications Specialist
and Training & Placement Officer.

1. It was found that almost entire Guwahati watch films leaving 1% of the respondent are not interested in film viewing.

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DOI:10.54105/ijmcj.C1010.031322 Lattice Science Publication (LSP)
Journal Website: 17 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
A Study on OTT Content Versus Theatrical Released Cinema Preferences Among the Urban Population of Guwahati

2. The researcher found that most of the respondents (36%) watch films in cinema halls, while (29.6%) watch in their own
mobile phones, around (19.6%) view it in television and (14.6%) of respondents use other mediums to watch films such
as Laptops, Tablets and Projector. This shows that when it comes films, the viewers are not restricted to cinema halls,
Televisions, mobile phones and other devices are also used as a medium to watch film in the present digital era.

3. The respondents around (72.5 %) did agree, while (14.5 %) disagreed with the statement and rest (13%) is not sure about
their answer. This shows that majority of the respondents are aware of Ott channels (Over the top) Channels and OTT
channels are gaining popularity among the urban population of Guwahati. Others (14.5%) disagreed and think cinema is
still popular in this generation, while some could not be sure about their answer as they find both medium equally

4. Around (44%) do visit the nearby cinema halls on a monthly basis, while (47 %) Rarely visit cinema halls, (7%) visit on
a weekly basis rest (2%) do not prefer visiting a movie hall after a new movie is released. This shows that the
respondents visit once or twice in a month depending on the content as well as content of the film. Mostly it depends on
the content and trailer of the movie whether it was interesting or not.

Retrieval Number:100.1/ijmcj.C1010031322 Published By:

DOI:10.54105/ijmcj.C1010.031322 Lattice Science Publication (LSP)
Journal Website: 18 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Indian Journal of Mass Communication and Journalism (IJMCJ)
ISSN: 2583-0651 (Online), Volume-1 Issue-3, March, 2022

5. Majority (84%) the viewers watch a particular film because of its storyline ,while (11.1 %) visit due to start cast and fan
following and rest (5 %) view the films only because others have suggested probably who has watched it and gave a
positive review. We can see that, however the audience viewing pattern may vary with both positive and negative
response. If people do not give positive response then it may reflect at the box office collection.

6. Netflix has emerged as one of the popular channels amongst the rest (60.4%) had already subscribed it as well. While
(41.6%) prefer Amazon Prime (18.8%) prefer Voot App Cricbuzz around (12.2%) , JioTv has (26.4%) , Sony Liv has
(13.2%) , Rest subscribed to TVF, Airtel TV, Yup TV, Vodafone Play Gallery, TVF and Hotstar.

7. It is found (42.3%) watch Ott channels because of its easy access, while (23.5%) because of its quality in terms of
pixels, (15.8%) respondents think that the content which are shown in Ott channels are better than the shows and films
screened in television and cinema halls. Another (15.8 %) watch the series only because it is uncensored and bold
around (3 %) due to their favorite stars.

Retrieval Number:100.1/ijmcj.C1010031322 Published By:

DOI:10.54105/ijmcj.C1010.031322 Lattice Science Publication (LSP)
Journal Website: 19 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
A Study on OTT Content Versus Theatrical Released Cinema Preferences Among the Urban Population of Guwahati

8. The researcher observed that maximum Guwahatians (40.4%) do not want the content shown in OTT channels to be
censored, while (37.9 %) are not sure, (14.1%) do agree and want some kind of restrictions should be done, Rest (7.6%)
they don’t want any kinds of small or big censorship effect on its content. This shows that the OTT viewers are open to
new and bold content. Series like Mirzapur, Ghoul, and Made in heaven and Sacred Games are some of the Indian series
which consisted scenes which were a taboo in the society in the past but are accepted now.

9. Almost (41.1 %) opted for neutral when asked if they found the total expenditure of visiting cinema halls less expensive
than subscribing various OTT channels such as Netflix and Amazon. While (23.4%) Agreed to the statement, (17.3 % )
strongly agreed and are happy with subscribing OTT channels rather than visiting cinema halls , (13.2% ) strongly
agreed while rest (5%) strongly disagreed and still watch films at the cinema hall because according to them only halls
with loud speakers and big white screen can provide a real life experience.

10. 28.4% watch almost every day of the week, 33% watch it on a weekly basis where they collect the entire series and
watch it at the weekend, 14.2% watch it on a particular month if a certain series they find interesting streaming at that
particular time, and 24.4% rarely watch Ott channels.

Retrieval Number:100.1/ijmcj.C1010031322 Published By:

DOI:10.54105/ijmcj.C1010.031322 Lattice Science Publication (LSP)
Journal Website: 20 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Indian Journal of Mass Communication and Journalism (IJMCJ)
ISSN: 2583-0651 (Online), Volume-1 Issue-3, March, 2022

11. Around (68%) agreed that the Ott channels did create an impact on commercial films. (21.6%) strongly agreed to the
statement. While (8.8 %) Disagreed with the statement and rest (2%) Strongly disagreed with the statement, they don’t
think an Ott channel has overtaken the commercial films yet.

12. When the respondents were asked to rate the performance, 29.5 % of the respondents rated it as 8 out of 10 , while 22%
rated it as 7 out of 10, 15 % rated as 9 out of 10 ,7.5 % rated 6 out of 10 , rest 17.5 % rated them between 1-5 out of 10.

13. It was found that around (32.5%) did agree that the Ott channels are coming up with new ideas, veteran actors, amazing
soundtrack, background score and brilliant story line which had more of realistic content, which still appeal to its
viewers. Around (22%) did not agree that the commercial film will be able to survive strongly despite the invasion of
the new media and rest (45.5%) is not clear about the statement.

Retrieval Number:100.1/ijmcj.C1010031322 Published By:

DOI:10.54105/ijmcj.C1010.031322 Lattice Science Publication (LSP)
Journal Website: 21 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
A Study on OTT Content Versus Theatrical Released Cinema Preferences Among the Urban Population of Guwahati

14. Almost 81% agreed that Ott channels like Netflix, Amazon, and HotStar do provide more original screenplay rather than
films which consist of fiction / fantasy which may not resemble the real life. Rest (19%) still think commercial films are
still giving tough competition to the several OTT channels.

15. Almost around (40.5%) may or may not sit at home and view mobile rather than visiting the nearby cinema halls. ( 35%)
opted for yes and they are willing to sit back home, relax, wear comfortable clothes , order food from nearby cafes and
restaurants and find a cozy place to enjoy and watch favorite series and movies. However (18%) are not sure it depends
whether a good film has released or good series. Rests (7%) are never going to sit back and watch on their phone.

16. It has been observed that 30.5 % of the respondents rated the OTT channels as 8 out of 10, 19.5 % respondents opted for
9 out of 10. While 15.5 % respondents rated 10 out of 10, 15% rated 7 out of 10. 9.5 % respondents opted 6 out of 10.
Rest 10% rated within 1- 5.

Retrieval Number:100.1/ijmcj.C1010031322 Published By:

DOI:10.54105/ijmcj.C1010.031322 Lattice Science Publication (LSP)
Journal Website: 22 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Indian Journal of Mass Communication and Journalism (IJMCJ)
ISSN: 2583-0651 (Online), Volume-1 Issue-3, March, 2022

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Retrieval Number:100.1/ijmcj.C1010031322 Published By:

DOI:10.54105/ijmcj.C1010.031322 Lattice Science Publication (LSP)
Journal Website: 23 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
A Study on OTT Content Versus Theatrical Released Cinema Preferences Among the Urban Population of Guwahati

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Anindita Dey, Research Scholar, Royal School of
Communication and Media. The Assam Royal Global
University, Assam, India. Ph. No. 8787796101.
Completed masters in Mass Communication and
Journalism from The Assam Royal Global University.
Worked as content creator, Jr. social media executive and
trainee, with 16 months of experience. Email:
[email protected]

Dr. Rahul Chanda, Asst. Professor &Coordinator, Royal

School of Communication and Media, The Assam Royal
Global University. Ph.D. (Assam University), MA in
Mass Communication (Assam University). Experience:
3.5 year (academics) 11 years (Industry - The author has
worked as political and crime journalist across the
country. Has 5 publications in International and National
journals. Email: [email protected]

Retrieval Number:100.1/ijmcj.C1010031322 Published By:

DOI:10.54105/ijmcj.C1010.031322 Lattice Science Publication (LSP)
Journal Website: 24 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
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