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12, DECEMBER 2022 1827

Efficient Design of Majority-Logic-Based

Approximate Arithmetic Circuits
Zhufei Chu , Member, IEEE, Chuanhe Shang, Tingting Zhang , Graduate Student Member, IEEE,
Yinshui Xia , Member, IEEE, Lunyao Wang, and Weiqiang Liu , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— Approximate computing (AC) offers benefits by to many applications and architectures, such as data analysis,
reducing the requirement for full accuracy, thereby reducing image recognition, multimedia, and signal processing [3], [4].
power consumption and area. The majority logic (ML) gate There have been a number of emerging nanotechnolo-
functions as the fundamental logic block of many emerging
gies proposed in recent years, including quantum-dot cellular
nanotechnologies. In this article, ML-based arithmetic circuits,
i.e., multibit adders and multipliers, are proposed. These adders automata (QCA) [5], nanomagnets logic [6], and spin-wave
are designed to prevent the propagation of inexact carry-out devices [7]. These techniques are based on the majority logic
signals to higher order computing parts to enhance accuracy. (ML) abstraction, which differs from the traditional Boolean
We implemented the proposed multiplier by using a unique logic. The intrinsic energy consumption of nanotechnology is
partial product reduction (PPR) circuitry, which was based on lower than that of CMOS. Also, the ML function is more
the parallel approximate 6:3 compressor. Several logic imple- expressive than these traditional two-input Boolean logic oper-
mentation costs, error metrics, and layouts implemented by
ations. Thus, this article uses ML to implement the proposed
quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) are analyzed to evaluate
the adder designs. A significant improvement is observed over designs for approximate circuits.
previous ML-based designs based on the experimental results. Adders and multipliers are arithmetic units that are widely
The proposed designs are further evaluated using both a neural used in computing systems. Thus the performance of comput-
network (NN) accelerator and image processing. A structural ing systems is significantly influenced by the speed and power
similarity (SSIM) value of 1 and a peak signal-to-noise ratio consumption of arithmetic circuits. Although researchers have
(PSNR) value of infinity are achieved by the proposed adder proposed a variety of designs for the approximate circuit in
the transistor-based technologies [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13],
Index Terms— Approximate adder, approximate compressor, [14], these designs are less attractive when implemented in
approximate computing (AC), approximate multiplier, image other nontransistor or technologies that use different logic
processing, majority logic (ML). gates. As an example, the design shown in [12] adopts a
lot of XOR operations for carry generation and propaga-
I. I NTRODUCTION tion. However, ML operations are inefficient when represent-
ing XOR gates with two or more inputs; for more details,
W ITH the increasing integration of circuits, the tradi-
tional CMOS technologies have been gradually limited
in the design of VLSI circuits. The power dissipation of com-
see Section II-A.
In this article, we propose both ML-based approximate
full adders (MLAFAs) and ML-based approximate multipliers
puting systems is still an increasingly serious problem, despite (MLAMs). These contributions are described in the following.
advances in semiconductor technology and energy-efficient
design techniques [1]. 1) Our work presents a direct method for designing multibit
As a new computing paradigm at the nanoscale, approx- approximate circuits, allowing us to reduce the critical
imate computing (AC) offers a promising solution to the path delay and enhance the accuracy of our proposed
VLSI industry by trading precision for reduced complexity 2- and 4-bit adders significantly. As a result of the spe-
and power consumption. AC takes advantage of the inherent cial structure of the proposed adders, long computation
error tolerance of the application to balance performance and sequences are less prone to accumulating errors.
accuracy of the circuit [2]. As a result, AC can be applied 2) We propose an approximate parallel 6:3 compressor
and show how it can be used in combination with
Manuscript received 2 May 2022; revised 9 August 2022 and 6 September the Wallace-based distinctively partial product reduc-
2022; accepted 21 September 2022. Date of publication 11 October 2022; tion (PPR) circuitry to produce a simple and efficient
date of current version 9 December 2022. This work was supported in part
by the NSFC under Grant 61871242, Grant 61871216, and Grant 62022041.
8 × 8 multiplier. As an alternative to the conventional
(Corresponding author: Zhufei Chu.) 4:2 compressor, the proposed compressor can compress
Zhufei Chu, Chuanhe Shang, Yinshui Xia, and Lunyao Wang are with the six partial products simultaneously with a simpler circuit
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ningbo University, structure.
Ningbo 315211, China (e-mail: [email protected]).
Tingting Zhang is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- 3) Adders and multipliers are used in image processing
neering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 1H9, Canada. applications. The results are evaluated by considering
Weiqiang Liu is with the College of Electronic and Information Engineering, structural similarity (SSIM) and peak signal-to-noise
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China. ratio (PSNR). In addition, multipliers are used to
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at develop low-power neural network (NN) accelerators for
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVLSI.2022.3210252 machine learning.
1063-8210 © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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We conduct experiments on 8-bit MLAFAs and MLAMs

with applications to image processing. The experimental
results are presented in three aspects. In terms of accuracy,
the maximum absolute error (MAE) and normalized mean
error distance (NMED) of the proposed designs are signif-
Fig. 1. Schematic of the majority gate.
icantly improved when compared with previous works [15],
[16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21]. The proposed 8-bit approx-
imate adder reduces MAE by 50% and NMED by 38.1%,
respectively. As a result of efficient designs, the number of
majority gates, inverters, and logic levels is reduced for logic
implementation. In an 8-bit approximate multiplier design,
the number of majority gates, inverters, and logic levels is
decreased by 16.67%, 50%, and 42.86%, respectively. SSIM
and PSNR are improved after evaluating the image processing
designs. We found that there is one design that makes the
resulting image infinitely close to the original. In terms of
machine learning application, the proposed multiplier-based
accelerator achieved 97.18% accuracy for LeNet-5 on the
MNIST dataset.
Fig. 2. Schematic of the exact full adder.
The proposed adders are implemented using the QCA tech-
nology. The results obtained by simulations performed with
the QCA design tool, QCA Designer-E 2.2 [22], that show
the performance of the QCA layouts is generally consistent
with the logic implementation cost. Due to the reduction in the
number of majority gates, inverters, and logic levels of logic
graph, the power consumption, clocking phases, and area of
QCA realization are reduced.
The remainder of this article is structured as follows.
In Sections II and III, the fundamentals of exact circuits,
error metrics, related works, and motivation are outlined.
Sections IV and V describe the proposed ML-based approx-
imate adders and multipliers as well as the comparison with
previous works, respectively. Section VI concludes this article.

II. P RELIMINARIES Fig. 3. Schematic of the exact 4:2 compressor.

A. Majority Logic
The ML operation acts as a voter, denoted as M(x 1 , . . . , x n ), adder (MLEFA) is natively a majority gate, i.e., Cout =
where n is typically an odd number. The function evaluates M(A, B, Cin ). The summation function actually acts as a
to true if more than [(n − 1)/2] variables are true. The logic three-input XOR gate. Exact synthesis can be used to find opti-
expression of a majority-of-three function (see Fig. 1) over mal logic expressions based on specified logic primitives [29].
three Boolean variables A, B, and C is In terms of the number of majority gates, at least three majority
F = M(A, B, C) = AB + AC + BC. (1) gates are required. The implementation proposed in [30]
reveals that MLEFA requires three ML gates and two inverters
By setting any one of the inputs to constant zero or as shown in Fig. 2, where S = M(Cout , M(A, B, Cin ), Cin ).
one, the majority-of-three function is reduced to AND or Another alternative realization of the summation operation is
OR, respectively. As an example, M(A, B, 0) = AB and S = M(Cin , M(A, B, Cin ), M(A, B, M(A, B, Cin ))), in which
M(A, B, 1) = A + B. Hence, ML can be seen as a gene- only one inverter is required but the logic depth is increased
ralization of the traditional AND/ OR-based logic. Recently, from 2 to 3.
the ML-based logic is established as a graph repre-
sentation for synthesizing Boolean functions [23], [24],
which yields promising synthesis results for both FPGA/ C. Exact 4:2 Compressor
ASIC [25], [26] and nanocircuit designs [27], [28].
The arithmetic circuits often use XOR gates. XOR expressions Compressors are used for implementing the PPR stage in
with two inputs require three majority-of-three operations, high-performance and energy-efficient multipliers [31]. The
which is A ⊕ B = M( Ā, M(A, B, 1), M(A, B̄, 0)). general schematic of an exact 4:2 compressor is shown in
Fig. 3. The exact 4:2 compressor has four inputs (x 1 , x 2 ,
x 3 , and x 4 ) and two outputs (Sum and Carry). The carry
B. ML-Based Exact Full Adder input (Cin ) comes from the preceding block of lower sig-
Given three Boolean variables A, B, and carry input Cin , nificance, and the carry output (Cout ) is carried to the next
the carry output operation of an ML-based exact full block of higher significance. The logic expression of the

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A. ML-Based Approximate Adders
The CMOS-based approximate circuit designs cannot be
directly applied to the ML-based circuits because of the
differences in the underlying logic. Therefore, there is lim-
ited research on the design of the ML-based approximate
adders [15], [16], [33], [34]. Labrado et al. [33] pro-
posed an approximate 1-bit full adder, subtractor, as well as
addition–subtraction devices, but investigations into multibit
approximate adder designs are lacking. An approximate 1-bit
full adder was proposed in [34], which was combined with the
adder proposed in [33] to develop multibit approximate adders
by cascading. In a recent study [15], multibit approximate
adders are applied to image processing techniques to study
conventional 4:2 compressor can be expressed as follows: the tradeoff between performance and error. In [16], two novel
2-bit approximate adders, namely, the most subadder (MSA)
Sum = x 1 ⊕ x 2 ⊕ x 3 ⊕ x 4 ⊕ Cin (2) and the least subadder (LSA), were presented. For n-bit
Carry = (x 1 ⊕ x 2 ⊕ x 3 ⊕ x 4 ) · Cin addition, the two most significant bits and the remaining
+ (x 1 ⊕ x 2 ⊕ x 3 ⊕ x 4 ) · x 4 (3) n − 2 bits of operands are exploited separately. The MSA
which consists of two exact full adders was used to generate
Cout = (x 1 ⊕ x 2 ) · x 3 + (x 1 ⊕ x 2 ) · x 1 . (4)
the final carry output signal. Moreover, the LSA requires more
ML gates and levels than other 2-bit adders currently available.
D. Error Metrics
Since AC always produces erroneous results, error metrics B. ML-Based Approximate Compressors
are essential for measuring approximate designs versus their Compressors are indispensable for partial product compu-
exact counterparts. The error metrics used to evaluate approx- tation in multipliers. There were several efficient 4:2 approx-
imate designs are summarized in [32]. In this article, we eval- imate compressors proposed in the literature [15], [17], [18],
uate approximate designs using two metrics: the NMED and [19], [20], [21]. Liu et al. [15] and Angizi et al. [18] proposed
the MAE. Error distance (ED) is the absolute value of the several 4:2 approximate compressors by stacking techniques
difference between approximate and accurate results based on the 1-bit approximate full adder proposed in [33]
  and [34]. In contrast, a 4:2 approximate compressor pro-
ED =  E x − A p  =  E x [i ] ∗ 2i − A p [ j ] ∗ 2 j  (5) posed in [17] was designed based on truth table modification.
 i j  To avoid the power consumption problem caused by the
XOR gate, an imprecise 4:2 compressor implemented with
where E x is the exact value, A p is the approximate value, and only one majority gate was proposed in [19]. Moreover,
i and j are the indices for the bits in E x and A p , respectively. Sabetzadeh et al. [20] and Salmanpour et al. [21] ignore Cin
MAE is defined as the maximum absolute error, namely, the and Cout signals as efficient ways to improve the performance
maximum value of ED of compressors.
MAE = max{ED}. (6)
C. Motivation
NMED represents the normalized average of the ED across
all possible input combinations Large-bit width adders designed with small-bit building
 adders are highly dependent on the carry chain structure of the
NMED = (7) building adders. Compressors, in contrast, play a significant
N × MAX role in PPR in large-bit width multipliers. Both the adders
where N and MAX represent the number of all possible and compressors must address the propagation of erroneous
combinations of inputs and the maximum decimal value of carries to higher bits in the carry chain design to maintain
the output result, respectively. accuracy. As a result, the primary purpose of this article is
Example 1: Take the truth table shown in Table I as an to design a carry chain structure that is efficient for building
example, where A, B, and Cin are the binary inputs, Cout and adders and compressors.
S are the binary outputs, “Index” represents the decimal value In this article, the computation of the carry output of the pro-
of the binary input combinations, from (000)2 to (111)2 , and posed approximate adder is independent of the carry input of
“D” indicates the decimal value of the binary output combi- the previous stage. This allows for a smaller area and a lower
nations. We note that among all N = 23 = 8 combinations, logic depth. A 4:2 compressor is typically used for accumulat-
there are indices 0 and 7 that have modifications, resulting in ing the partial product of the multiplier in the existing works.
an ED of 1. Thus, the total ED is 2 and MAE also equals 1. Since adders connect compressors, the 4:2 compressor with
The maximum decimal value of the output is MAX = 3, a carry chain also has the problem of propagating erroneous
which is obtained by the binary combination “11.” Therefore, carries to the higher bits. Comparatively, the 6:3 compressor
NMED = (2/(8 × 3)) ≈ 0.083. is not affected by the carry chain, and it saves its unique carry

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Fig. 4. Schematic diagrams of the proposed 2-bit MLAFAs. (a) MLAFA-a.

(b) MLAFA-b.

output for the next compression stage. Also, this compressor is

more efficient than the standard 4:2 compressor when it comes
to compressing six partial products at the same time regardless
of carry chain differences. As not all the six inputs of the
6:3 compressor are used simultaneously, this feature can
effectively reduce the size of the multiplier by only generating
the product that is required.
Multibit approximate adders constructed from cascading
smaller bit-width adders suffer from the erroneous carry prop-
agation issues. In contrast to cascading, direct exploitation 2) MLAFA-b: The existing designs of approximate adders
of multibit adders maybe more effective. Because of the usually have Cin and Cout on the carry chain. By cascading
complexity of the synthesis, the direct method may be able the designs to implement a larger bit-width adder, this may
to work with small-scale circuits, e.g., through truth table cause a rapid increase in logic depth. Therefore, reducing the
modification. To prevent the propagation of erroneous carries, logic depth of carry signals is of paramount interest. Using the
it is essential to reduce the number of intermediate carries. same idea in MLAFA-a design, we obtain MLAFA-b design
Our main focus here is on 2- and 4-bit approximate adders by whose schematic is shown in Fig. 4(b). The summarized ED
direct design, whereas 8- and 16-bit approximate adders are of MLAFA-b is also 16. The design requires four majority
proposed by cascading the 2- or 4-bit ones. All the designs gates and two inverters. The logic expressions of MLAFA-b
and corresponding errors are evaluated and analyzed. are shown in (11)–(13). Because Cin is not a support of Cout ,
MLAFA-b can be used as a building block for larger bit-width
A. Proposed 2-bit Approximate Adders approximate arithmetic circuit designs
In this section, two novel 2-bit approximate adders, namely, Cout = M(a1 , b0 , b1 ) (11)
MLAFA-a and MLAFA-b, are proposed. The two adders have
S1 = M(M(0, a0 , b0 ), Cout , M(a0 , b0 , b1 )) (12)
different advantages in structure and performance. The inputs
of the 2-bit approximate adder are A = a1 a0 , B = b1 b0 , S0 = Cin . (13)
and Cin , while S = S1 S0 , and Cout are the outputs. 3) Comparison and Discussion: A logic implementa-
1) MLAFA-a: The schematic of MLAFA-a is shown in tion cost comparison is done between designs proposed
Fig. 4(a). The main design principle is to constrain the MAE in [15], [16] and ours. The comparison is reported in Table III.
shown in (6). In this way, the summarized ED may be reduced When considering the ML-based nanotechnologies, the delay
to improve accuracy. For MLAFA-a, we constrain the ED of is normalized by the number of majority gates only (the delay
all the input combinations to be no greater than 1, which is for the inverters is not included because it is often very small
the minimum decimal value for approximation. Consequently, compared with the majority gate [15]).
we obtain a design with 16 inexact outputs among a total As of NMED, our designs have a 20.04% improvement over
of 32. The reduced truth table is shown in Table II, where MLAFA12 [15] due to the reduction in MAE, while it is the
“Index” is the decimal value of the binary input combinations, same with MSA [16]. Both MSA and our designs have an
from (00000)2 to (11111)2, and D is the decimal value of MAE of one, but our design MLAFA-a requires 50% fewer
the binary output combinations. Note that we only list the majority gates, inverters, and logic depth than MSA.
16 inexact outputs, while the remaining 16 cases have exact
binary outputs. The design is expressed by only three majority
gates and one inverter. The logic expressions of MLAFA-a are B. Proposed 4-bit Approximate Adders
shown as follows: In this section, two novel 4-bit approximate adders, namely,
Cout = M(Cin , a1 , b1 ) (8) MLAFA-I and MLAFA-II, are proposed. In both the adders,
there is a competitive tradeoff between the cost of logic
S1 = M(Cout , a0 , b0 ) (9) implementations and their accuracy. The proposed adders are
S0 = M(Cout , a1 , b1 ). (10) significantly smaller in area, but their accuracy does not

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MLAFA-II have shown an improvement in their overall per-

formance. First, on the basis of accuracy, MLAFA-II has the
lowest MAE and NMED, whose NMED is 47.79% better than
MLAFA2121 and 40.32% better than improved MLAFA2133.
Although MLAFA-I has relatively degraded performance,
Fig. 5. Schematic diagrams of the proposed 4-bit MLAFAs. (a) MLAFA-I.
(b) MLAFA-II. it still results in improvements of 38.30% and 29.47% com-
pared with MLAFA2121 and MLAFA2133, respectively. Sec-
fall drastically compared with their exact counterparts after ond, in terms of the logic implementation cost, MLAFA-I
throwing away some of the primary inputs. The inputs of the and MLAFA-II have different advantages than their counter-
4-bit approximate adder are A = a3 a2 a1 a0 , B = b3 b2 b1 b0 , parts in [15]. The MAE, for example, has a reduction of at
and Cin , while S = S3 S2 S1 S0 , and Cout are the outputs. least 50%. By comparing our designs with LSA-MSA in [16],
1) MLAFA-I: As shown in Fig. 5(a), the primary inputs our designs save at least 58.33% of the number of majority
discarded by MLAFA-I include b0 , b1 , a0 , and Cin , which gates. In particular, since LSA and MSA are designed to
means that the output of MLAFA-I is no longer affected by be independent of the carry chain, the maximum delay of
the carry input. Moreover, the outputs S1 and S2 share the LSA-MSA is determined by the delay of the module MSA. For
same node. Thus, the circuit area is considerably reduced, n-bit (n ≥ 2) adders, the maximum delay of adders produced
requiring only four majority gates and two inverters. The logic by LSA and MSA is always four, while the proposed designs
expressions of MLAFA-I are shown as follows: are two and are also independent of the carry chain.
Four 4-bit approximate adders are also given in Table IV
Cout = M(b2 , b3 , a3 ) (14) by cascading the proposed 2-bit approximate adders. These
S3 = M Cout , b2 , M b2 , b3 , a3 (15) cascaded 4-bit approximate adders have the same MAE
  and NMED and are lower than those of MLAFA2121 and
S2 /S1 = M b2 , a1 , a2 (16)
  MLAFA2133. The NMED of MLAFA-I and MLAFA-II has
S0 = M b2 , b3 , a3 . (17) reduced by 23.32% and 35.12%, respectively, compared with
these cascaded 4-bit approximate adders. The number of MAJ
2) MLAFA-II: We propose MLAFA-II to further improve gates has improved by 16% as well. Therefore, the proposed
the accuracy, as shown in Fig. 5(b). MLAFA-II discards only designs significantly reduce the negative impact of incorrect
three primary inputs, b0 , a1 , and Cin , while S2 and S0 share the carries based on both the 2- and 4-bit approximate adders.
same node. MLAFA-II is also independent of the carry chain.
MLAFA-II is more accurate, but requires one more majority
gate and one more inverter in addition. The logic expressions C. Application and Simulation
of MLAFA-II are shown as follows: To further validate the performance of the proposed adders,
Cout = M(b2 , b3 , a3 ) (18) the reference 8-bit ripple-carry adders (RCAs) proposed
   in [15] are replaced by the proposed 8-bit approximate designs.
S3 = M Cout , b3 , M b2 , b3 , a3 (19) Adders are used to combine images by adding two of the same
S2 /S0 = M b2 , b1 , a2 (20) images pixel by pixel and combining them into one single
S1 = M b2 , a2 , a0 . (21)
The SSIM and PSNR [36] of each image are used as a
3) Comparison and Discussion: Table IV shows that the measure of the differences between the image processed by the
proposed 4-bit designs require fewer gates and inverters than approximate adder and the original image. In the case of two
the exact 4-bit adders [30], [35] and have a shorter critical images, one of which is distortion-free and the other distorted,
path delay at the cost of reduced accuracy. When compared the SSIM of the two images can be viewed as a measure of
with MLAFA2121 and MLAFA2133 [15], MLAFA-I and the image quality of the distorted image. SSIM, which ranges

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Fig. 6. Image processing of 8-bit MLAFAs. (a) Original image, (b) MLAFA1212-1212, (c) MLAFA1212-1233, (d) MLAFA1212-12MSA,
(e) MLAFA1212-12a, (f) MLAFA1212-12b, (g) MLAFA1212-3333, (h) MLAFA1212-LSAMSA, (i) MLAFA1212-aa, (j) MLAFA1212-ab,
(k) MLAFA1212-bb, (l) MLAFA1212-I, (m) MLAFA1212-II, (n) MLAFA1233-3333, (o) MLAFA12LSA-LSAMSA, (p) MLAFA12b-bb, (q) MLAFA3333-
3333, (r) MLAFALSALSA-LSAMSA, (s) MLAFAbb-bb, (t) MLAFAI-I, and (u) MLAFAII-II.

from −1 to 1, measures the similarity between two images construct several representative 8-bit adders for comparisons.
and measures one when the images are identical. The PSNR The comparisons are shown in Table V, and the images are
is the logarithm of the squared error between the original and shown in Fig. 6.
processed images relative to the square of the maximum value 1) Accuracy: With cascading larger bit-width adders, MAE
of the signal. The unit of PSNR is decibel (dB). The higher and NMED for the 8-bit adders are reduced significantly. As an
the PSNR value, the less distortion it represents. example, the proposed MLAFAI-I consumes the same number
For comparison, we use MLAFA1212-1212 [15], which of majority gates and inverters, but with a logic depth of two
achieves relative efficiency tradeoff between accuracy and the instead of five in MLAFA1212-1212. Specifically, the MAE
number of logic gates, as the original 8-bit RCA. Since 8-bit is reduced from 170 to 85, and the NMED is optimized from
adders can be implemented by cascading 2- or 4-bit adders, 0.0904 to 0.0560, which represents improvements of 50%
we adopt the designs proposed in [15], [16] and ours to and 38.1%, respectively. The reasons come from two aspects.

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On one hand, the proposed larger bit-width adders are non- TABLE VI
cascaded designs, which have low MAEs inherently. It means C OMPARISON OF L AYOUT R ESULTS OF 8-bit MLAFA S
that when the adders are used as a building block for large
circuits, the resulting ED is relatively smaller than a cascaded
design with several smaller bit-width adders. In contrast, the
proposed adders are independent of the carry chain, so they
do not cause unexpected errors resulting from previous blocks’
2) Logic Implementation Cost: Among the designs,
have a logic depth of two, which is the minimum. This is
also due to the design outputs not being dependent on the
carry inputs, thus preventing the carry chain from growing on
a critical path.
3) SSIM and PSNR: The results of SSIM and PSNR indi-
cate that the proposed designs perform better than MLAFA12,
MLAFA33, LSA, and MSA. In the most efficient hybrid
0.7313 and 36.9670 dB, respectively. After using our proposed
designs as a building module, six designs got SSIM of more
than 0.8 and seven got PSNR greater than 40 dB. For image
processing, the proposed 4-bit designs generally outperform
the proposed 2-bit adders, with the exception of MLAFA-b.
Interestingly, as the number of MLAFA-b modules increases,
the values of SSIM and PSNR are much better than the
others. Also, the experiments yielded results that were almost
indistinguishable from the original figure when the number of
MLAFA-b modules was four. Thus, the SSIM was one and
the PSNR was infinity. Small-bit width arithmetic circuits are extensively studied
4) Layouts: Both the proposed and compared circuits are due to their energy efficiency. Researchers have demonstrated
implemented by the QCA technology, in which the ML-based that NN inference computational bit width can be scaled down
gates are the building logic blocks. The circuit layouts to just a few bits [37]. We also construct some special 16-bit
are designed, simulated, and characterized using the QCA adders for further evaluation in addition to the 2-, 4-, and 8-bit
Designer-E 2.2 software tool with default settings. With regard adders. The accuracy and QCA layout metrics are shown in
to the QCA layouts, we use a multilayer wire crossing Table VII. For the accuracy metrics, MAE and NMED are
approach with a uniform layout strategy and a four-phase generated by simulating 210 × 210 × 2 combinations of input
clocking scheme. operands that are randomly created and satisfy the uniform
The comparison results of the 8-bit approximate adders distribution. The proposed adders still perform well when
are shown in Table VI, in which the number of QCA cells, constructing adders with large-bit width. Compared with a
area, delay (the number of clocking phases), and energy are general adder, adders with independence from the carry chain
demonstrated, respectively. The design MLAFAI-I achieves exhibit progressively larger advantages in area, delay, and
the minimum number of QCA cells, minimum area, minimum power consumption as the bit width increases. When com-
delay, and minimum energy. In general, the performance pared with MLAFAII-II-II-II, the MLAFALSALSA-LSALSA-
of layouts is consistent with the cost of logic implementa- LSALSA-LSAMSA design has better metrics in MAE and
tion. However, there are some exceptions due to the layout NMED. However, our design has a lower implementation cost
strategy adopted. As an example, the design MLAFA12b-bb, in the QCA layouts.
which has a logic depth of two, uses four clocking phases
in QCA compared with three other designs (MLAFAbb-bb, V. P ROPOSED A PPROXIMATE M ULTIPLIERS
MLAFAI-I, and MLAFAII-II). A parallel 6:3 compressor and a PPR circuitry are proposed
It is observed from Table VI that the proposed designs in this section that yield an efficient balance between logic
outperform the designs in [15] above all the metrics when implementation cost and accuracy. Then we create and use an
constructing large-bit width adders. This is mainly due to efficient, imprecise multiplier for multiplying the images and
the fact that the carry signals of the proposed adders are building energy-efficient NN accelerators.
independent of the carry chain. In Fig. 7, the layouts of
the proposed designs are extended in only one direction, A. Proposed Approximate Compressor
which greatly reduces the area, delay, and energy consump- The three steps of multiplication are: 1) partial products
tion of the circuit. Although the designs proposed in [16] generation; 2) PPR; and 3) final products generation by RCA.
are likewise independent of the carry chain, their com- By taking these three elements into account, PPR contributes
plex structural design results in slightly worse performance significantly to latency, power consumption, and design com-
overall. plexity. Adding proper arithmetic blocks, e.g., compressors,

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Fig. 7. QCA layouts of samples for 8-bits MLAFAs. (a) MLAFA1212-1212, (b) MLAFA12LSA-LSAMSA, (c) MLAFAbb-bb, and (d) MLAFAI-I.

to this stage can significantly improve the efficiency and

performance of the multiplier.
In recent years, imprecise compressors have generally been
designed to compress partial products of the same weight. Few
compressors compress the partial products of different weights
simultaneously, e.g., a parallel 10:4 compressor is proposed
in [38]. Inspired by this, an ML-based approximate parallel
6:3 compressor (MLAPC) is proposed in this article.
As shown in Fig. 8, the exact parallel six-input compressor
has six inputs and four outputs. Three inputs come from i
and the remaining three from i + 1, where i denotes the
significance of the input bits. MLAPC is designed from a
two-step process. First, we use an approximation for the Fig. 8. Schematic of the exact parallel 6:3 compressor.
number of outputs. We are using three outputs instead of four.
More specifically, binary (111)2 is used to represent results
larger than decimal seven, which includes the numbers (1000)2 S1 = x 5 (23)
and (1001)2. As a second step, we introduce errors into the S0 = x 2 . (24)
truth table we obtained in the first step and simplify it based on
the properties of ML. The logic expressions of the proposed Fig. 9 gives the schematic of MLAPC. The proposed
MLAPC are given as follows: imprecise compressor has a very simple structure and contains
just one majority gate. Since the carry out signal can be
Cout = M(1, x 4 , x 6 ) (22) represented by only one majority gate, the proposed MLAPC

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In Fig. 10(b), each partial product bit is represented by

a dot. The reduction is done using two full adders along
with 13 MLAPCs. A 7-bit RCA is then used to produce
the final product. There are two possible reasons why the
partial products shown by blank circles in Fig. 10(b) are
not generated. In the proposed MLAPC, there are six inputs;
however, the first and third inputs (x 1 and x 3 ) are not used,
and they are not required in the production phase. Second, the
Fig. 9. Schematic of the approximate parallel 6:3 compressor.
outputs of the compressors are not required in the next stage.
By removing the partial products indicated by the red dots in
can be seen as a Cout generation block. The outputs S0 and S1 Fig. 10(b), additional area can be saved in the multiplier.
are generated directly from the primary input signals without MLAPC does not have a symmetric input, which causes
using any logic gates. It is worth noting that MLAPC discards the error to be determined by the order in which the partial
the primary inputs x 1 and x 3 , which means that part of the products are connected to the inputs. As a result, the output
partial products does not require generation in the first stage value may change if the inputs are permuted. Therefore, the
of multiplication, and thus, the multiplier using MLAPC would error of the PPR tree depends on the specific connections
further reduce the cost of the logic implementation. of each partial product to each input of the approximate
The proposed MLAPC is extensively compared with other compressor. This was ignored in previous works.
state-of-the-art and most efficient approximate compressors Based on a uniform and independent distribution of the
and exact compressors in Table VIII. Both the conventional inputs, we assume that all the partial products are independent
approximate 4:2 compressor and the approximate 4:2 com- of each other and their probability of being “1” (as indicated
pressor that ignores Cin and Cout (non-C compressor) are con- simply by a probability below) is 1/4 (since inputs “00,”
sidered for comparison. According to the results, the proposed “01,” “10,” and “11” result in the outputs “0,” “0,” “0,”
parallel 6:3 compressor has comparative logic implementation and “1,” respectively). As a result, there is no preferential
cost with the 4:2 compressor proposed in [19]. The proposed connection between the partial products of the first stage and
compressor can be constructed with only one majority gate and the approximate compressor inputs. However, the probability
no additional inverters. Despite the significantly smaller area, of some partial products in the second stage has changed after
the MLAPC can compress six partial products simultaneously, the first stage has been reduced by MLAPCs. The blue dots
resulting in a significant improvement in logic implementation in Fig. 10(b) represent the partial product with a probability
cost. In addition, the NMED of MLAPC is smaller compared of 7/16. Since the accuracy of MLAPC is more influenced
with the non-C compressors. by Cout , it is crucial to assign the partial products with different
There are three distribution cases.
B. Design of Proposed PPR Circuitry With MLAPC 1) Case 1: The probabilities of two inputs of the Cout signal
The general structure of the approximate unsigned 8 × 8 generator are both 7/16.
Dadda multiplier based on the 4:2 compressor is fully 2) Case 2: The probabilities are 7/16 and 1/4, respectively.
explained in [39], as shown in Fig. 10(a). It is not possible 3) Case 3: Both the inputs have probabilities of 1/4.
to apply the MLAPC directly in the Dadda approximate As a result of practical experiments, case 3 works best in the
multiplier due to the structure being specified for the 4:2 com- approximate multiplier.
pressor. Therefore, we propose a new PPR circuitry combined
with the Wallace algorithm, as shown in Fig. 10(b). The partial C. Image Processing Using Approximate Multipliers
products are generated using an array of majority gates with We apply an unsigned 8 × 8 multiplier to validate the
a constant “0,” which is an AND gate. performance of approximate multipliers for image processing.

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Fig. 10. Reduction process of an unsigned 8 × 8 multiplier. (a) General PPR circuit. (b) Proposed PPR circuit.


MATLAB is used to multiply two images by pixels to pixels. 2) Logic Implementation Cost: The cost of logic implemen-
While the proposed MLAPC uses the proposed PPR circuitry, tation is significantly optimized for the number of majority
the other 4:2 compressors use a general Dadda tree compres- gates, inverters, and logic depth. The main reason is the
sion technique. Note that two exact full adders are used at the discarding of several primary inputs and the further reduction
second stage of the PPR circuit to improve the accuracy of the in area in the second stage of the simplification caused by
multiplier. As a result, in the general reduction circuit, exact their unique structure. As an example, compared with the best
compression is also applied to the corresponding columns for results proposed in [20], the number of majority gates reduced
fair comparison. from 96 to 80, the number of inverters reduced from 36 to 18,
Table IX presents the results of image processing using the and the logic depth reduced from 21 to 12, which correspond
multipliers of the proposed MLAPC and the designs of other to 16.67%, 50%, and 42.86% improvement.
literatures. In these results, we have applied all 65 536 inputs to 3) SSIM and PSNR: The approximate multiplier using
the circuits. Fig. 11 illustrates the image multiplication results MLAPC as the approximate compression design shows good
for various examples. performance with SSIM of at least 0.9 and PSNR of at
1) Accuracy: In addition to having the lowest NMED, least 46 dB. Compared with MLAC1, which has a relatively
the proposed approximate multiplier also has a noteworthy better performance among the mentioned compressors, there
reduction in MAE. Compared with the approximate design is still a slight improvement in SSIM and PSNR of 8.11%
in [17], which has the most efficient NMED, our design makes and 14.91%, respectively. There is no significant difference
the MAE reduced from 10 320 to 7746, and the NMED from between the output of the exact multiplier and the output of
0.0304 to 0.0277, which correspond to 24.94% and 8.88% the proposed approximate multiplier when we visually observe
reduction, respectively. the obtained image directly.

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Fig. 11. Image processing of 8 × 8 MLAMs. (a) Exact-compressor-based, (b) MLAC1-based, (c) MLAC2-based, (d) MLAC4-based, (e) MLAC22-2-
based, (f) MLAC12-1-based, (g) Taheri-based, (h) Sabetzadeh-based, (i) Salmanpour-based, (j) MLAPC-based (case 1), (k) MLAPC-based (case 2), and
(l) MLAPC-based (case 3).

D. Neural Network With Approximate Multipliers

The AC method is also particularly well-suited for com-
putational tasks involving NNs, which rely heavily on
multiply–accumulate operations (MACs). However, training
accuracy decreases significantly when approximate addition is
introduced into NN, and thus, only approximate multiplies are
considered here. We obtain the energy-efficient NN accelerator
by replacing the exact arithmetic devices with their approxi-
mate counterparts.
Most popular NN models use floating point training. It is
necessary to quantize the weights and activations as suitable
integers to fit the unsigned integer designs. The quantization is
implemented by a scaling factor S, round function, and clamp
function [42], [43]. As an example, a floating point r , which
is quantized as an n-bit unsigned integer q by the following
q = clamp(round(r/S), min, max) (25)
where min and max represent the range of values of the Fig. 12. Accuracy for retraining the LeNet-5 accelerator built with various
unsigned integer q, and S is the scaling factor. Note that this multipliers.
behavior has inherently approximation properties. There may
be some scale difference between the values of weights and
activations. Therefore, the scaling factors should be selected The experimental results show that the accuracy of the
appropriately to support the accuracy of the quantization NN based on the proposed MLAPC-based multiplier is up
process, separately. For instance, when r ∈ [0, 1), S can to 97.18%. The overall accuracy is also slightly higher than
be 1/2n ; in contrast, if r ∈ [1, 2), S can be 1/2n−1 . The that of MLAC1. Although there are fluctuations in the conver-
quantization is applied to the convolutional and fully con- gence curve, these fluctuations are small (magnitude ≤ 0.5).
nected layers. After approximate multiplication is achieved, On the other hand, Salmanpour’s accuracy fluctuates a lot in
the integer result is multiplied by the corresponding two the convergence process. Moreover, the accuracy of Salman-
scaling factors to complete the antiquantization and passed pour is 5.27% lower than the exact network (93.85% ver-
to the next layer. sus 99.12%). Therefore, the MLAPC NN accelerator performs
The tiny-dnn [44], involving LeNet-5 and MNIST better than other approximate multipliers.
dataset [45], is an open-source deep-learning program imple- Overall, the MLAPC-based multiplier has excellent accu-
mented in C++14. A modified version of it is used to racy and relatively low hardware overhead. The proposed
validate the application of multipliers on NN accelerators approximate compressor and PPR circuit can help reduce
by replacing the exact multiplier with approximate versions. latency and hardware complexity in a wide range of AC appli-
Some basic training parameters are set when running tiny- cations while maintaining a high output quality.
dnn, i.e., the epoch is 50, the learning rate is 0.001, and the
minibatch size is 16. The accuracy performance of the LeNet-5 VI. C ONCLUSION
accelerator after retraining based on different multipliers is This article presents the designs, analysis, and evaluation
shown in Fig. 12, from which only designs with high accuracy of approximate adder and multiplier based on ML. In view of
were selected from the approximate multipliers. Besides, the the shortcomings of the existing approximate adders, several
approximate compressors’ names have been substituted for the 2- and 4-bit adders have been proposed to overcome these
names of NNs in Fig. 12. problems. Moreover, a novel approximate 6:3 compressor and

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Weiqiang Liu (Senior Member, IEEE) received the
B.Sc. degree in information engineering from the
Zhufei Chu (Member, IEEE) received the B.S. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
degree in electronic engineering from Shandong (NUAA), Nanjing, China, in 2006, and the Ph.D.
University, Weihai, China, in 2008, and the M.S. and degree in electronic engineering from Queen’s Uni-
Ph.D. degrees in communication and information versity Belfast (QUB), Belfast, U.K., in 2012.
system from Ningbo University, Ningbo, China, in He is currently a Professor and the Vice Dean
2011 and 2014, respectively. of the College of Electronic and Information Engi-
He was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the École neering and the College of Integrated Circuits,
Polytechnique Fédéderale de Lausanne (EPFL), NUAA. He has authored two research books and
Lausanne, Switzerland, from 2016 to 2017. He is over 190 leading journal and conference papers
currently an Associate Professor with Ningbo Uni- (over 70 IEEE and ACM journals including eight invited articles). His research
versity. His current research interests include many interests include energy-efficient and secure computing integrated circuits and
aspects of logic synthesis and its applications. systems.
Dr. Chu serves as the Proceedings Chair from 2019 to 2021 and the Finance Dr. Liu is a member of the IEEE NTC AdCom and CASCOM/VSA
Chair in 2022 for the International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS), Technical Committee of the IEEE CAS Society. He received the prestigious
and also a Technical Program Committee Member for IWLS, International Excellent Young Scholar Award by the National Natural Science Foundation
Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID), China Semiconductor Technology of China in 2020 and the Young Scientist Award by the Fok Ying Tung
International Conference (CSTIC), and China Computer Federation Integrated Education Foundation, Ministry of Education, China, in 2022. He has been
Circuit Design and Automation Conference (CCFDAC). He is actively main- listed in the Stanford University’s 2020 list of the top 2% scientists in the
taining the logic synthesis framework ALSO ( world. He is the VP-Elect for TA of the IEEE Nanotechnology Council
(NTC). He is the Program Co-Chair for the IEEE International Symposium
on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH) 2020 and ACM/IEEE International Sym-
posium on Nanoscale Architectures (NANOARCH) 2022 and also a Technical
Program Committee Member for a number of IEEE/ACM conferences,
Chuanhe Shang received the B.S. degree in elec- including Design Automation Conference (DAC), Design, Automation, and
tronic and information engineering from Chaohu Test in Europe (DATE), ARITH, and International Symposium on Circuits
University, Hefei, China, in 2019, and the M.S. and Systems (ISCAS). He is a Tutorial Organizer and Speaker in DAC
degree in integrated circuit engineering from Ningbo 2022, DATE 2022, IEEE ISCAS 2021, and International Conference on
University, Ningbo, China, in 2022. Omni-layer Intelligent Systems (COINS) 2021. He serves as an Associate
His research interests mainly include approximate Editor for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON C IRCUITS AND S YSTEMS —I:
a Steering Committee Member of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON V ERY
L ARGE S CALE I NTEGRATION (VLSI) S YSTEMS , and the Guest Editor of

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