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WORKSHEET 1. BLOQUE VII. Tema 1. This is my town

1.Complete with the correct personal pronoun:

Mary ……SHE……… John ………HE………. Mary and John ……THEY……….

Your dog ……IT………….. Your brother and you ………YOU……….

The children ………THEY………………. A chair ……IT…….. Two chairs …….THEY………

2. Complete with the correct number:

2 ……two………………. 4 ………four……………… 5 …five……… 8 ……eight……

9 ……nine……………… 13 …thirteen………… 6 ……six……….. 11 …eleven…….

3. Complete these sentences with the correct form of “be”.

3. I …am…… Barack. I ……am…………….. 45 years old. I ……am……….. the President of the USA. I
……am………… from the USA, I……am………….. American. My wife’s name …is…………. Michelle. She
……is…………… 45 years old. She ……is…………… very beautiful and tall.

3.2. She …is……………..Penelope Cruz. She ……isn’t…………………. a top model. She …is… actress. She
……isn’t……….. from the USA. She …is……… from Spain.

3.3. His name ……is…………….Antonio Banderas. He ……is……………. from Malaga, Spain. He …is…………
51 years old. He ……isn’t……………. young, he ……is………………..middleage. His wife and he
……are……………… nice people. They ………are…………celebrities.

4. Answer these questions:

4.1. What’s your name? …My name is / I’m………………………………………………..

4.2. How old are you? …I’m………………………………………(years old)……………

4.3. Where are you from? …I’m from…………………………………………………………….

4.4. How are you? …I’m fine/ ok/ good, thank you……………………………

5. Translate:

5.1. Se llama Juan. His name is Juan/ He is Juan

5.2. Procede de Portugal. He is from Portugal/ He comes from Portugal

5.3. Tiene 24 años. He is twenty-four years old

5.4. Está en el piso 10. He is on floor 10/ He is on the tenth (10th) floor (planta también)

5.5. Estamos en clase. We are in class/ in the classroom

6. Complete with “am” “is” or “are”.
1. …Are……….you happy?
2. …Is………. it difficult to speak Chinese?
3. …Are……….these computers expensive?
4. …Am………..I wrong?
5. …Are………..the dogs good with the children?
6. …Are………..we ready to go?
7. …Is………..dinner ready?
8. …Are………..your hands clean?
9. …Is………..the window open?
10. …Am………..I late again?
7. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
1. ready/are/you Are you ready ?
2. is/big/your garden Is your garden big?
3. thirsty/are/you Are you thirsty?
4. the airport/open/is Is the airport open?
5. me/angry with/he/is Is he angry with me?
6. are/fresh/these vegetables Are these vegetable fresh?
7. these shoes/expensive/are Are these shoes expensive?
8. early/I/am Am I early?
9. American/car/your/is Is your car American?
10.this/important/is ? Is this important?
8. Ask and answer following the example.
Is she hungry? Yes, she is.
1. …Is………breakfast ready? No, it …isn’t………………...
2. …Is………your sister at home? Yes, she …is……………
3. …Are………her eyes blue? No, they …aren’t…………………..
4. …Is………she his wife? No, she ……isn’t………………….
5. …Are………you tired? No, I …am not……………………………
6. …Is ………your hotel expensive? Yes, it……is……………
7. …Are………the buses in London red? Yes, they …are….........
8. …Are………the taxis in New York black? No, they …aren’t……
9. …Is………your coffee hot? No, it …isn’t…………………….
10…Are………they here? Yes, they …are………………………

WORKSHEET 2. BLOQUE VII. Tema 1. This is my town/ 1.2) Cardinal points

1. Complete with the cardinal points:

1.1. San Sebastian is in the ……North………… of Spain.

1.2. Cádiz is in the ……South…… of Spain.

1.3. Scotland in the ……North……… of Great Britain.

1.4. Spain is in the …South West…… of Europe.

1.5. Valencia is in the ……East……… of Spain.

1.6. Girona is in the ……North East……… of Spain.

2. What’s the weather like?

a. It’s hot

b. It’s warm and sunny

c. It’s rainy

d. It’s windy

3. Translate:

3.1. Hace calor en verano. It’s hot in summer

3.2. Llueve en primavera It’s rainy / It rains in spring

3.3. Nieva en invierno. It’s snowy/ It snows in winter

3.4. Hace frío en invierno. It’s cold in winter

3.5. Está nublado en otoño. It’s cloudy in Autumn/Fall

3.6. Hace sol hoy. It’s sunny today

4. Complete with HAS/HAVE GOT. Use the contracted forms ´VE/´S GOT.
1. Mary’s got a beautiful bedroom.
2. They’ve got three houses.
3. David’s got a bad foot.
4. We’ve got a lot of problems.
5. Joan’s got a very good job.
6. I’ve got a terrible headache.
7. Julie’s got beautiful hair.
8. The dog’s got a broken leg.
9. They’ve got a lot of friends.
10. Jenny ‘s got a new car.

11. You ‘ve got a very nice bike.
12. He ‘s got very long hair.
5. Complete with the correcto form of “have got”.
1. “ …Has………..she …got………a sister?” “No, she …hasn’t….”
2. “…Have……… …got………a telephone?” “Yes, I …have...”
3. “……Have……..we ……got…….the tickets?” “Yes, we …have……..”
4. “……Has…….the town …got….a theatre?” “No, it …hasn’t ….”
5. “……Has……..he …got…..a job?” “No, he …hasn’t…….”
6. “……Have……..your friends ……got…some good music?” “Yes, they …have….”
7. “……Have…….. I …got….time for a cup of coffee?” “Yes, you …have….”
8. “……Has…….your son …got….a cold?” “Yes, he …has…..”
9. “……Have……..they ……got…….a garden?” “No, they …haven’t ……”
10. “……Have…….you …got…..a good hotel room?” “Yes, we …have…”.

6. Write these sentences in the interrogative form.

1. I´ve got a penfriend in Australia.= Have I got a penfriend in Australia?
2. We´ve got a computer in our office.= Have we got a computer in our office?
3. We´ve got a swimming pool in our school.= Have we got a swimming pool in our school?
4. She´s got a radio in her car.= Has she got a radio in her car?
5. We´ve got a cinema in our village.= Have we got a cinema in our village?

7. Complete with the correct form of “have got”.

7.1. I …have… ……got…. a car, but I ……haven’t …. …got… a motorbike.

7.2. My daughter ……has…… ……got……. a bicycle.

7.3. We ……have………. ……got…… two computers at home.

7.4. My friend …has……. ……got…….. three brothers.

7.5. My mum ……has……. ……got……… beautiful eyes.

7.6. My friend ……has……. ……got…….. a good heart.

WORKSHEET 3. BLOQUE VII. Tema 1; 1.4) My house and my town

This ……IS………. my city. It ……IS………. very big and there ………ARE…………. a lot of facilities in it. There
……IS…… a hospital. There …ARE………….. two theatres and four schools and there ………IS…….. a
supermarket near my house.
There ……ARE………. a lot of people in the city centre. There ………IS……………. a large barn outside the
city and there ……ARE………….. lots of animals:

a………A HORSE…. b……A CHICKEN…… c…A COW…. d…A PIG…. e…A SHEEP……

My house.

I live on a ……flat….. I live on the …first….. floor. My house has got …three…. Bedrooms, a
……bathroom……… and ……a……….. …………balcony………….. (ES UN EJEMPLO)


Mi casa es pequeña. Tiene dos plantas y un pequeño jadín. Hay un salón en la planta baja. Hay un
dormitorio y un cuarto de baño. La cocina está abajo.

My house is small. It has got two floors and a small garden. There is a living room on the ground
floor. There is a bedroom and a bathroom. The kitchen is downstairs.

Complete with there is/are.

1. .....There is....................some bread in the bag.

2. .....There is....................some sugar in my coffee.
3. .....There are....................some tomatoes in the shop.
4. ......There is................... a cucumber on the table.
5. .......There is.................. an apple in her bag.
6. .....There are.................... some peppers on the pizza.
7. .....There are.................... some children in the garden.
8. .....There is.................... some water in the glass.
9. .....There is.................... a telephone on the table.
10. .......There is.....................some money in my pocket.

A) Escriba a o an delante de los nombres contables y some delante de los no

1. ……some…………money
2. ……a…………prize
3. ………an………egg
4. ……a…………hot dog

5. ……some…………food
6. ……a…………pear
7. ……some…………water
8. ………a………coin

B) Complete las frases con some o any.

1. There aren´t …any…….sweets in the shop, but there are .....some...........biscuits.
2. “Is there in your bag?” “No, but I´ve got ..some.........cheques.”
3. Please buy ..some............popcorn, but don´t buy ..any..............drinks.
4. There are ....some............people at the bus stop.
5. There isn´t ....any..........meat in the fridge.
6. “Are there ....any.........glasses in the cupboard?” “Yes, there are ....some...........”
7. She has got ...some............milk, but she hasn´t got ...any.............juice.
8. There on the floor.

C) Complete las frases con is o are y a/an o some.

1. There ……are some………….........coins on the table.
2. There a....................dictionary on the shelf.
3. There in the fridge.
4. There in the bowl.
5. There juice in the glass.
6. There on the table.
7. There some.....................information about the concert in the paper.
8. There ....are some.....................bottles in the cupboard.
D) Complete with “there is” “there isn´t” “there are” “there aren´t”
1. ....There are ........................ a lot of students in my class.
2. ....There is........................ a television in my house.
3. ...There aren’t......................... any bananas in the basket.
4. .....There are....................... a lot of people in my family.
5. .......There is a..................... a pen in my bag.
6. ....There are ....................... a lot of words in a dictionary.
7. .....There is....................... an apple in my bag.
8. .....There isn’t.......................any bread in the fruit shop.

E) Complete with “there is” “there are” “is there” o “are there”

1. .......There is.....................a beach in Cádiz.

2. ........There are.................... four girls and two boys in her family.
3. .......Is there.....................a train to Manchester?
4. .......There is..................... a new disco near the college.
5. .......Is there......................a good restaurant in this street?
6. .......There are...................... two hospitals in town.
7. .......Are there...................... a lot of children in the pool?
8. .......There are......................three families in that house.
9. ........Is there ..................... a television in the flat?
10. ..........There is...................a big grey cloud over there.

F) Complete las preguntas con how much o how many.

1. ……How many……………… games have you got?
2. .......How have you got in your pocket?
3. .......How much...........................water is there in the glass?
4. .......How many...........................players are there on the football field?

5. .........How is there on the plate?
6. .........How many............giraffes are there in the zoo?
7. .........How much.........................meat is there in the shop?
8. .........How much.........................fruit is there on the table?
9. .........How is there in the cup?
10. ........How many..........................apples are there on plate?

G) Elija la palabra correcta.

1. There isn´t much apples/fruit on the tree.
2. There aren´t many sweets/oil in the bowl.
3. There are many water/people outside.
4. How many cheese/biscuits are there in the packet?
5. Is there much rubbish/papers to collect?
6. There isn´t much tea/sweets in my cup.
7. Are there many exercises/time for homework?
8. How much money/candles is there on the desk?
9. She hasn´t got many friends/furniture in her house.
10. There aren´t many food/apples on her plate.
11. They haven´t got much sugar/ biscuits in the cupboard.
12. Are there many money/coins in your purse?

WORKSHEET 4. BLOQUE VII. Tema 2: Now and then

1. Complete with the correct present simple form.

Sally Smith …lives…… (live) in New York. She …gets up…… (get up) at 7 o´clock. She ……has…………..
(have) a shower and later she ……has……………. (have ) breakfast. She ……leaves………………. (leave)
home at half past seven and ……goes…………. (go) to work. She ……works………………. (work) in an office
and …takes……..(take) the bus . She …works…….. (work) in an large office with twelve people. They
…have……. (have) a break at 13.30, so they …eat… (eat ) lunch at 13.45 and they …continue……
(continue) working till 4.00 when they …leave…… (leave) the office.
Sally usually ……goes……………… (go) shopping and later …takes…………..( take) the bus and
……arrives……………(arrive) home at 6.00 She ….reads..............(read) a little, …watches…. (watch) tv
and finally she ……goes…… (go) to be at 11 o’clock.
2. Complete.
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
wash I wash I don’t wash Do I wash?
drive She drives She doesn’t drive Does she drive?
read They read They don’t read Do they read?
meet He meets He doesn’t meet Does he meet?
eat We eat We don’t eat Do we eat?

3. Rewrite these sentences using the words in brackets.

a. Henry takes milk in his coffee. (always). Henry always take milk in his coffee
b. Sara is late for school. (never) Sara is never late for school
c. I watch television in the evening. (often) I often watch television in the evening
d. I´m busy on Tuesdays. (usually) I’m usually busy on Tuesdays
e. I have lunch before two o´clock. (rarely) I rarely have lunch before two o’clock
f. We eat at a Chinese restaurant. (always) We always eat at a Chinese restaurant
g. John plays basketball after school. (never) John never plays basketball after school
h. Karen forgets to do her homework. (sometimes) Karen sometimes forgets to do her homework
i. Sandra is the first to arrive at parties. (often) Sandra is often the first to arrive at parties
j. He visits his friends in Madrid. (usually) He usually visits his friends in Madrid

4. What time is it? It’s…

15:00 …three o’clock………. 21.15 a…quarter past nine…. 08:10 …ten past eight…..….
10:30 …half past ten……….. 11:45 a quarter to twelve.…. 09:50 …ten to nine………….

5. Write the sentences in the negative. (he puesto como cambia el verbo sólo; el resto queda igual)*
a. I play the piano very well. ....don’t play..............................................................
b. She works very hard. .....doesn’t work.........................................................
c. I go to the cinema every day . .....don’t go................................................................
d. John and Mary live near our house. .....don’t live...............................................................
e. My brother smokes and eats meat. .....doesn’t smoke.......................................................
f. Jack plays the piano very well. .....doesn’t play..........................................................
g. Bill and Rose like classical music. .....don’t like...............................................................
h. John studies English every day. .....doesn’t study........................................................
i. Mary and John like children. ....don’t like...............................................................
j. The City Museum opens at 9 o´clock. .....doesn’t open.........................................................
6. Write the sentences in the interrogative.
a. John works very hard. . Does John work very hard?
b. They play tennis every day Do they play tennis every day?
c. Mary likes cigarettes. Does Mary like cigarettes?
d. John and Mary speak English. Do John and Mary speak English?
e. She wants to be famous . Does she want to be famous?
f. Jonathan watches television in the evening. Does watch TV in the evening?
g. They go to work by bus. Do they go to work by bus?
h. I do exercises every morning . Do I do exercises every morning?
i. Your parents get up at 7 0´clock every day . Do your parents get up at 7 o`clock every day?
j. My mother drinks coffee every morning. Does my mother drink coffee every morning?
7. Answer these questions. Use short answers. (Depende de vuestras respuestas personales)*
a. Do you speak English? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t
b. Does your friend live in Cádiz? Yes, she does/ No, she doesn’t
c. Do your children get up at seven? Yes, they do/ No, they don’t
d. Do you smoke? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t
e. Do the banks close at 1 o´clock? Yes, they do/ No, they don’t
8. Answer these questions: (Depende de vuestras respuestas personales)*
a. How often do you go to school? I go to school every day from Monday to Friday.
b. How often do you take the bus? I never take the bus.
c. What time do you get up? I usually get up at 8 o’clock.
d. How often do you get up late? I hardly never/ rarely get up late.
e. How often do you go to bed at 12 o´clock? I always go to bed at 12 o’clock or later.
f. What time do you have a shower? I always have a shower at 11 oc’clock a.m.

WORKSHEET 3. BLOQUE VII. Tema 2: Now and then/ 2.3 THE PAST SIMPLE.

1. Complete the sentences using was or were.

1. She ……was…………….very tired yesterday.
2. John and Mary ……were………….not very happy together.
3. You …were…………….very angry with me last night.
4. Her friend ……was……………..not helpful.
5. Clare ……was………… France last summer.
6. Your brother ……was……………. not in the office yesterday.
7. The water …was……………..not very warm.
8. María and her boyfriend …were….not friendly to my sister.
9. The children ……were….awake early this morning.
10. He …was…very pleased to see me.
2. Change these sentences from the positive to the negative.
1. John and Mary weren’t on the beach yesterday.
2. The sun wasn’t very hot last Wednesday.
3. We weren’t in Madrid last weekend.
4. John wasn’t 18 last month.
5. John and his sister weren’t in Paris in 2003.
3. Make these sentences into questions.
1. Was London an interesting city?
2. Were the underground trains very fast?
3. Was the weather warm?
4. Were the streets clean?
5. Were the people friendly?
6. Were the parks beautiful?
4. Answer the following questions. Use short answers. (Depende de vuestras respuestas)*
1. Were you at school last night? Yes, I was/ No, I wasn’t
2. Were your friends at the beach last weekend? Yes, they were/ No, they weren’t
3. Was your teacher at school yesterday? Yes, she/he was/ No, she/ he wasn’t
4. Was it hot last week? Yes, it was/ No, it wasn’t
5. Were you late this morning? Yes, I was/ No, I wasn’t
6. Were you at the cinema last night? Yes, I was/ No, I wasn’t
5. Write the past simple of the following verbs.
1. act acted 9. Explain explained

2. arrive arrived 10. Help helped
3. attend attended 11. Plan planned
4. carry carried 12. Prepare prepared
5. chew chewed 13.marry married
6. clean cleaned 14. Stop stopped
7. cover covered 15. Wait waited
8. dance danced 16. Want wanted
6. Complete these sentences, putting the verbs in brackets into the past simple.
1. He ……helped……………….(help) his friend.
2. They …decided…………………(decide) to go on a trip.
3. She ……visited………………..(visit) her grandmother.
4. His parents ……allowed……………(allow) him to go on a trip.
5. Jack ……enjoyed……………..(enjoy) the film.
6. Mr. Rogers …replied………………(reply) to the letter.
7. Janet ……closed………………….(close) the door.
8. Bob and Susan ……planted……………….(plant) flowers in the garden.

7. Rewrite these sentences using the words in brackets.

1. He often practises the piano. (last week).
He practised the piano last week
2. John and Mary always visit their cousins in Rome. ( a year ago)
John and Mary visited their cousins in Rome a year ago.
3. We play football in the park on Sundays. (often)
We often played football in the park on Sundays.
4. He washes his car every day. (once a month).
He washed his car every day once a month.
5. They visit the museum once a month. (last week)
They visited the museum last week.
6. The doctor checks the patient every week. ( the day before yesterday)
The doctor checked the patient they day before yesterday.

8. Change the time expression in the sentences using an “ago” phrase.

1. John Logie Baird invented the television in 1925.= ninety years ago

2. Summer finished on 21 September.= two months ago

3. The Wright brothers flew the first aeroplane in 1903.= one hundred and twelve years ago

4. Felipe González became President in 1982.= thirty-three years ago

9. Answer the following questions about the past. (Son posibles respuestas)*

1. What time did you get up this morning? I got up this morning at 9 o’clock.

2. When did you last go to the cinema? I went to the cinema last weekend.

3. When did you start learning English? I started learning English a year ago.


4. When did you last use a computer? I used a computer two days ago.

5. What time did you arrive at school? I arrived at school at 8 o’clock yesterday morning.

10. Change your answers using a time expression and ago.

Las expresiones de tiempo están especificadas arriba y dos de ellas llevan ‘ago’, la particula de



Fill in the blanks with in / on / at .

a. My sister travelled to London 1998.

b. Lisa and Tom went to the beach June.
c. The term started September.
d. I studied summer for my September exam.
e. She had a birthday party .......on........... Sunday.
f. Peter got married .......on........... 4 March, 2001.
g. We got up half past eight.
h. She saw the doctor the afternoon.


a. am writing

b. is leaving

c. are building

d. are studying

e. is leaving

f. is teaching

g. are making

h. are telling


2. C

3. A

4. A

5. A

6. D

7. A

8. C

9. C

10. A

11. B

12. C

13. B


1. Ordene las palabras para formar frases.

1. Women can be pilots

2. We can’t send e-mails.

3. Austronauts can’t fly to the sun.

4. A hippo can’t walk on two feet.

5. He can play tennis

6. You can make bread

7. Your uncle can ride a biclycle

8. You can understand this questions

9. People can cook well in your country.

2. Escriba las preguntas que faltan en el diálogo.

1. Can I speak to the doctor now?

2. Can I see him now?

3. Can I come in the morning?

4. Can I meet the doctor at 8 o’clock?

5. Can you give me the address, please?

3. Escribe oraciones según el ejemplo.

1. She can play basketball but she can’t play golf

2. He can ride a bike but he can’t drive a car

3. My brother can remember faces but he can’t remember names

4. Her husband can dance but he can’t swim

5. Andrew can use a typewriter but he can’t use a computer

6. My aunt can speak French but he can't speak English

7. I can make a toast but I can’t cook spaguetti

8. Her dog can catch a ball but he can’t catch a stick

4. Escribe preguntas y respuestas cortas, según el ejemplo.

1. Can you waterski? Yes, I can

2. Can you remember his telephone number? No, I can’t

3. Can your cat jump from tree to tree? Yes, it can

4. Can your sister read English? Yes, she can

5. Can you find your keys? No, I can’t

6. Can your father see without glasses? No, he can’t


1. Fill the blanks with the correct form of the verb be or have.

I…am…… 22 years old.

My friend ……has got………… a big car.

My son and I ………have got……………… a computer.

…Are………….. you fine?

…Is……….. this your sister?

2. Circle the correct answer:

Paris is a 1. Village 2. cottage 3. town.

Cows give 1. Milk 2. inhabitants 3. vegetables.

It is …………………… in Sierra Nevada. Lots of people go to ski.

1. Rainy 2. Snowy 3. Hot

It is ………………………….. in the desert. 1. Cold. 2. Cool 3. Hot

It is ………………………….. in summer. 1. cold. 2. Sunny 3. cloudy

Cadiz is in the ……………………… of Spain. 1. East 2. West 3. South

3. Say the odd one out.

Hospital – bus station – hen – block of flats

Sheep – cows – barn – pig

Flat – cottage – horse – igloo

Living room –toilet – hospital – kitchen

washbasin– sofa – armchair – table – chairs

balcony – hall – bedroom – toilet

bed – wardrobe – shower – bedside table

ate- bought –lived – left

went – came – left– had

arrived – studied – had- played

4. Complete with the correct form of there is / there are:

…There is…………… some juice in the fridge, but ……There isn’t……………. any milk.

…Are there………………. two cars?No, …there………… …isn’t…… a bike.

5. Complete with the correct Wh- question form:

How, How old, When, Where, Who, What, What time

…Where …………. Is she from? She is from Portugal.

…How old………… she? She is 30 years old.

…What………….. is the weather like today? It’s sunny.

…What time………………… is the concert? At 9.00

…How…………. do you do? – How do you do?

6. Complete with the present of the verb sin brackets:

She …lives……………. (live) in a small apartment in the country.

My father ……leaves………….. (leave) home at 6.30.

I always ……wash……………. (wash ) my teeth after eating.

…Do…….. you …work……….. (work) in Chiclana?

No, I ……don’t…………….. . I ……work………………..(work) in Puerto Real.

They often ……buy………………… (buy ) in the supermarket near their house.

7. Rearrange the words to form correct sentences.

I / to / Mexico /went /ago / years / three= I went to Mexico three years ago

computer / new / bought / my / sister / 2002 / new / a / in= My sister bought a new computer in

bus / the / left / ago / ten / minutes= The bus left ten minutes ago

weren´t/ home / at / my / yesterday / friends= My friends weren’t at home yesterday

children / my / always / get up/ late = My children always get up late

must / sit / you / not / down / here.= You must not sit down here * (Esto no lo hemos visto; no entra)

you / can / the / guitar / play/ ?= Can you play the guitar? (significa ‘poder o saber’)

? / we / must / do / all / exercises / the= Must we do all the exercises? (Esto no lo hemos visto; no

8. Write sentences in past tense using the following verbs: (Posibles frases)*

Leave, live, buy, arrive, go.

a. I left home at 10 o’clock last night.

b. I lived in London many years ago.

c. My sister bought a nice car last year.

d. My father arrived from work late yesterday.

e. She went to the cinema last Monday.


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