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Before the High Court at ……………….………………………. Civil


In the matter of:

An application under section 11 of the said Act

In the matter of:

An Arbitration Agreement bearing in the Contract

No…………………………………..dated ..................


In the matter of:




The Hon’ble Mr........

Chief Justice and His Companion Justices of the said Hon'ble Court

The petitioner named above most respectfully

1. Petitioner is engaged in building trade, having a good reputation.

2. By and under a agreement dated ........................... entered into with the

respondent petitioner consented to construct and build specified,
apartments for and on behalf of the respondent. The terms / conditions
along with specifications will appear from the said agreement. Petitioner
under took the work of building per terms of agreement and offered to
handover possession of the completed work to the respondent.

3. The respondent on some pretext or the other did not take delivery of the
apartments built by petitioner, and to pay the final bills of petitioner duly
presented to the respondent.

4. The said agreement bearing a clause concerning that all controversies

and disagreements shall be referred to an Arbitrator to be selected by the

5. The controversies and disagreements have emerged between parties on

or about No………………, petitioner requested the respondent to approve
the selection of a sole Arbitrator and petitioner selected Mr.
……………………….……… an Advocate……………………………. A copy
of notice in this behalf sent to respondent is annexed hereto marked 'B'.

6. The respondent is doing business at the address given above within the
said jurisdiction of this Hon'ble Court and the controversies emerged as the
respondent did not give approval for selecting sole Arbitrator at the address
of respondent within the jurisdiction of this Hon'ble Court.

7. Petitioner says that this Hon'ble Court will be pleased to select a sole
Arbitrator as laid in the Arbitration agreement dated ..............................a
certified copy whereof is annexed hereto marked 'C'. '

8. Unless Orders are passed as prayed for herein, petitioner would sustain
loss with prejudice.

9. This application is made bona fide with interest of justice.

Petitioner, hence humbly prays to Your Lordships for orders as below:

(a) A fit person be selected as sole Arbitrator for arbitrating the

controversies emerging from the said agreement and make his Award;

(b) Costs of this application become costs in the arbitration proceedings;

(c) Subsequent orders be passed and instruction be given as to this

Hon'ble Court may consider proper and fit for giving complete relief to

And your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray.

Signature…………………………………………………………………. of the
Advocate of the petitioner

Signature ………………………………………………………….……….of the



(1) I being Director of Coimbatore construction and Principal Officer and

Constituted Attorney. I know and I have acquainted myself with the
facts/circumstances of this case and I can depose thereto. I am
empowered and competent to verify the above stated petition and I do
verify the same on behalf of the petitioner.

(2) The statements covering in the paragraphs 1 to 9 herein are true to my

best knowledge basing on information got from records kept by petitioner
and I believe them to be true.

Solemnly affirmed by the said Mr. ........................pertaining to Board

Resolution dated ............ of the …………………… construction. in the
Court House at ……………………………./…………./………..

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