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This loan can be used to pay your

student services and amenities fees.

Visit for up-to-date information.

Published December 2023

You must read this booklet before submitting the Request for a SA-HELP loan form.
When you submit your form, you are declaring that you have read this booklet and that you
are aware of your obligations as a Commonwealth supported student and under SA-HELP.

If you are eligible and want to use a SA-HELP loan, you must submit your form by the date
payable—you can get more information about this date from your provider.

The Department of Education has endeavoured to ensure that the information in this
publication is consistent with the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (the Act) and guidelines
made under the Act, available at However, there may be differences
between this publication and the Act or guidelines. If there is any inconsistency the Act will
take precedence.

ISSN 1449-9282
© Commonwealth of Australia 2023

The Department of Education supports and encourages the dissemination and exchange of information. All
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Except where otherwise indicated, and save for the content in this booklet supplied by third parties, the
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The Department of Education must be attributed as the author of the Department’s copyright material. As far as
practicable, material for which the copyright is owned by a third party will be clearly labelled. The Department has
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Copyright requests and enquiries concerning further authorisation should be addressed to:
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emailed to [email protected].
This booklet is for eligible higher education students who want to use a SA-HELP loan to pay
their student services and amenities fees.
This booklet contains a summary of the key points a person getting a SA-HELP loan needs
to know.


Some pages in this booklet will have words highlighted. Check the glossary for a definition
of these words.
Contact your approved higher education provider for any questions about:
• the eligibility criteria for SA-HELP
• applying for a SA-HELP loan
• the application process.

All HELP student information booklets are available at

SA-HELP information 1


What is the student services and amenities fee? 5
How much is the fee? 5
When will I have to pay the fee? 5
What if I enrol at multiple providers? 5


What is SA-HELP? 5
Can I get SA-HELP? 5
What is my visa status? 6
NZ SCV long-term residency requirements 6
How much can I borrow? 6
How can I check my previous SA-HELP loans? 7
Do I have a CHESSN or USI? 7
What is my USI? 7
Create or find your USI 7


How do I apply? 8
Do I need to re-apply for SA-HELP each year? 8
Is there an application fee or a loan fee? 8
What if I make a mistake on my eCAF? 8
Can I get my SA-HELP debt removed? 8


How do I check my HELP debt? 9
When do I start paying back my HELP debt? 9
Will my HELP debt grow? 9
Indexation examples 10
What if I go overseas? 10
How much will my repayments be? 10
What if I can’t make my compulsory repayment? 11

Australian Taxation Office 12
Services Australia 12
Department of Home Affairs 13
Office of the Student Identifiers Registrar 13

SA-HELP information 2
Approved higher education provider (provider)—In this booklet, this term means a university
or other accredited higher education provider that has been approved by the
Australian Government to offer subsidised Commonwealth supported places (CSPs) and/or
HELP loans to eligible students.
Australian Taxation Office (ATO)—The principal revenue collection agency of the Australian
Government. It is responsible for managing HELP debt repayments.
Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN)—This is a 10-digit
number provided by the Australian Government, to all students who are in receipt of a CSP or
a HELP loan. If you have accessed Commonwealth assistance between 2005 and 2020 you will
have been assigned a CHESSN. From 2021, the CHESSN was replaced with the Unique
Student Identifier (USI) for new students.
Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN)—A notice from your provider issued after the due
date of the student services and amenities fee that provides information about the
Commonwealth assistance you have used for the study period. You will receive your CAN within
28 days of your census date or 28 days of the date on which your SA-HELP debt was incurred,
whichever is later. If you think there are errors on your CAN, you have 14 days from the day after
your CAN was issued to contact your provider and ask for a new, correct one.
Commonwealth supported place (CSP)—A place at a provider that is subsidised by the
Australian Government.
Course of study—In this booklet, this term means a course leading to a higher education award,
like a bachelor degree.
Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF)—An electronic version of the Request for
a SA-HELP loan form you must submit to your provider to request a SA-HELP loan.
Eligible former permanent humanitarian visa holder— a person who is:
• not a current permanent humanitarian visa holder; and
• was previously a permanent humanitarian visa holder; and
• the current holder of a subclass 155 or subclass 157 Resident Return visa (please visit for more information)

Higher Education Loan Program (HELP)—Commonwealth loans to help you pay your student
contributions (HECS-HELP), tuition fees (FEE-HELP or VET Student Loans/
VET FEE-HELP [closed], overseas study expenses (OS-HELP),the student services and
amenities fee (SA-HELP) or accelerator program course fees (STARTUP-HELP). HELP loans
are repaid through the Australian tax system once you earn above the compulsory repayment
HELP debt—The total of any HECS-HELP, OS-HELP, FEE-HELP, VET FEE-HELP (closed),
VET Student Loans, SA-HELP or STARTUP-HELP debts you have incurred (including any
Australian Government study loans from before 2005). It will also include any applicable loan
fees and any indexation that has been applied to your debt.
Higher Education Support Act 2003 (the Act)—The Commonwealth legislation that outlines
the requirements for getting a SA-HELP loan and other Australian Government assistance.
Indexation—This is legislated under the Act and is applied on 1 June each year to the portion of
a HELP debt that is 11 months or older. The rate of indexation changes each year as it is based
on the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

SA-HELP information 3
myHELPbalance (—This site allows you to view your available
HELP balance entitlement. You will also be able to see your study history, as well as view any
repayments to the ATO that credit your HELP balance.
New Zealand Special Category Visa (NZ SCV)—If you arrived in Australia using a
New Zealand passport, in the absence of another valid Australian visa, you will have
automatically received a Special Category Visa (SCV) provided you met certain security,
character and health requirements. It is a temporary visa that expires as soon as you leave
Australia, but it remains in place for as long as you remain in Australia.
From 29 June 2023, New Zealand citizens who formerly held a Special Category Visa and have
transitioned to a permanent resident visa on the pathway to Australian citizenship will retain
access to the Higher Education Loan Program, if they meet the residency requirements.
Pacific engagement visa holder (PEV)— a person who holds a Subclass 192
(Pacific Engagement) visa under the Migration Regulations 1994. This is a permanent resident
visa for eligible individuals from participating countries across the Pacific and Timor-Leste.
Request for a SA-HELP loan form—The official name of the form you must submit to your
provider to apply for a SA-HELP loan. This form is usually completed online, as an eCAF.
SA-HELP—The loan scheme you can use to pay your student services and amenities fee.
Student services and amenities fee (the fee)—This is a type of fee that your provider can
charge you for specific student services and amenities of a non-academic nature.
StudyAssist (—This website provides information about how you can
pay for your tertiary study. It includes information about the types of HELP loans available, a list
of providers that offer HELP loans, and student income support options.
Tax file number (TFN)—Your unique identification number from the Australian Taxation Office
(ATO) for everything tax-related. You need a TFN if you want to get a HELP loan and to make
HELP debt repayments.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)—Your USI is a 10-digit alpha-numeric identifier assigned to you
by the Student Identifiers Registrar under the Student Identifiers Act 2014. Your USI is used to
connect your student loan information to your personal details. You will need a USI and report it
to your provider by the census date to be eligible for SA-HELP. If you do not already have a USI,
you can apply for the USI at the Unique Student Identifier website at

SA-HELP information 4

What is the student services and amenities fee?

It is a fee that providers can charge students for services and amenities of a non-academic
nature. Providers can only spend revenue from the fee on specific services and amenities set out
in the Act, such as sporting and recreational activities, employment and career advice, childcare,
financial advice, and food services.

How much is the fee?

Providers can charge different groups of students different fee amounts. If you are a full-time
student in 2024, the maximum amount your provider can charge you for the year is $351. This
amount is indexed each year.
If you are undertaking less than 75 per cent of a full-time study load, you cannot be charged
more than 75 per cent of the fee amount that full-time students will pay.

When will I have to pay the fee?

You can either pay the fee upfront or use a SA-HELP loan. Your provider will tell you the due
date for the fee. If you do not organise payment by your provider’s due date, your enrolment may
be affected (e.g. your provider may not release your academic results to you or your library
privileges may be affected).

What if I enrol at multiple providers?

If you are enrolled at multiple providers, you may be required to pay this fee for each of your
enrolments (this also applies to cross-institutional study). However, you can only use a SA-HELP
loan for the fee if you are enrolled in an actual course of study (like a bachelor course) with the
provider charging the fee.
If you are enrolled in two courses with two different providers that are charging the fee, then you
will need to submit two separate SA-HELP eCAFs.


What is SA-HELP?
SA-HELP is a loan you can use to pay your student services and amenities fee.
Your HELP loan must be repaid to the Government once you earn enough income to make
repayments (this is known as the repayment threshold). You should think about how this will
affect you in the long term before you apply, as having a HELP debt may affect access to bank
and home loans. Please read further information under the section Repaying your HELP debt.

Can I get SA-HELP?

You can only get a SA-HELP loan if you are enrolled in a higher education course of study.
You must also be, on the day the fee is payable, either:
• an Australian citizen
• a permanent humanitarian visa holder resident, or eligible former permanent humanitarian
visa holder in Australia

SA-HELP information 5
• a NZ SCV holder who meets the long-term residency requirements.
• a permanent visa holder who held a NZ special category visa immediately prior to your
permanent visa and you previously met the long-term residency requirements.
• a pacific engagement visa holder who is resident in Australia (see note)

Note: a pacific engagement visa holder becomes eligible from 1 February 2024.
You must also:
• meet the TFN requirements
• meet the USI requirements
• have read this booklet
• have submitted a valid SA-HELP eCAF to your provider on or before the day on which the fee
is payable.

What is my visa status?

Your provider will need proof of your visa status to check if you are eligible for SA-HELP. If you
don’t know your visa status, you can check it on the Department of Home Affairs website at

NZ SCV long-term residency requirements

If you are a NZ SCV holder, or a permanent visa holder who held a NZ special category visa
immediately prior to holding a permanent visa, you may be able to access a SA-HELP loan if you
meet all of the following requirements:
• you first began to be usually resident in Australia at least 10 years before the test day*
• at that time, you were a dependent child** under the age of 18 with no spouse or de facto
• you have been in Australia for at least:
− a total of eight years out of the last 10 years immediately before the test day
− a total of 18 months out of the last two years immediately before the test day
• you are otherwise eligible for SA-HELP.
You must give your provider evidence that you first began residing in Australia as a minor at
least 10 years before the test day. You can do this by requesting your International Movement
Record from the Department of Home Affairs website at
*‘test day’ means the first day you successfully applied for a SA-HELP loan for a unit that formed
part of the same course of study as an eligible NZ SCV holder. Otherwise, the ‘test day’ is the
day you submit your SA-HELP eCAF.
**a ‘dependent child’ is someone who is aged under 18 and does not have a spouse or
de facto partner.

How much can I borrow?

SA-HELP is not included in your HELP loan limit.
There is no limit on the amount of SA-HELP you can access, rather, the limit is on how much
your provider can charge you for the student services and amenities fee.

SA-HELP information 6
How can I check my previous SA-HELP loans?
To access your loan history, including checking how much SA-HELP you have accessed
previously, you will need to log on to the myHELPbalance site at
To see your loan history:
• Get your personal details together first – date of birth; first and last name; your CHESSN (if
you have studied before) or USI (if you’re a new student); and student ID number at your
• Go to and log in using your personal details
• You can view your available HELP balance and the HELP limit that applies to you
• Additionally, you can select "export full statement", which generates a detailed statement of
the HELP loans you have accessed, including SA-HELP.

Do I have a CHESSN or USI?

The Government uses unique reference identifiers to monitor and manage your use of
Commonwealth assistance. Depending on when you started study, your identifier may have
previously been a CHESSN (see glossary). However, from 1 January 2023 all students must use
a Unique Student Identifier (known as a USI).
If you are starting a higher education course in 2024, you will need a USI to be eligible for a CSP
or get a HECS-HELP loan for your study.
The CHESSN has been replaced by the USI.
Even if you already have a CHESSN, you will still need to apply for and provide a USI to your
provider. Your USI will become your primary identifier. See below on creating a USI.

What is my USI?
Your Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a 10-digit alpha-numeric identifier assigned to you and
is unique for each student.
You must have a USI to be eligible for a CSP or HELP loan and you must tell your higher
education provider your USI before the census date for the unit of study.
Without a USI, you will not be able to receive your statement of attainment, qualification, or
Once you have a USI, it will be your primary education identifier (and replace your CHESSN, if
you had one). You will need your USI when you enrol as it connects your student loan
information to your personal details. You can log in to the Student Portal to update your details at
any time.

Create or find your USI

Creating a USI is fast and free. Your USI is your education number for life and you only create it
once. Using one form of verifiable identification, you can create a USI at
If you have studied a VET course since 2015, including while at school, you will already have an
existing USI. Don’t create another one; find your USI. For information on finding your USI online,
The USI website provides self-service options to create or find your USI or update your personal

SA-HELP information 7

How do I apply?
To apply for SA-HELP, you must submit a valid SA-HELP eCAF to your provider on or before
their payment due date (this may or may not be the same as the census date of your course).
Your provider will give you instructions on how to do this.
You must give your provider your TFN, name, date of birth and address. Your details must match
the information held with the ATO. If the details in your application do not match ATO records,
you will not be able to access a SA-HELP loan until you correct the error.
The fastest way to apply for a TFN is online using myGovID ( If you think
you will not receive your TFN by the census date, you should call the ATO and ask for a
Certificate of Application for a TFN, so that you can give this to your provider. You will not be
able to access a HELP loan by providing the Australia Post receipt from your TFN application
lodgement. Once you receive your TFN, you must give your TFN to your provider within 21 days
or lose your access to HELP.
Your provider will assess whether you meet the eligibility requirements for a SA-HELP
loan. Please contact your provider directly if you require more information about
this process.

You must provide your TFN because your HELP debt is repaid through the Australian
tax system.

Do I need to re-apply for SA-HELP each year?

You only need to apply once for each course of study. If you are enrolled with more than one
provider (i.e. you are undertaking two courses at two different providers), you will need to submit
two separate SA-HELP eCAFs.
If you change your course or transfer to a different provider, you will need to submit a new

Is there an application fee or a loan fee?

No. There is no application or loan fee for SA-HELP.

What if I make a mistake on my eCAF?

If you realise you have made a mistake, you should correct it with your provider as soon as
possible. You only have six weeks after the SA-HELP incurral date to correct any errors to
ensure your loan is not affected. This period is not an extension to the incurral date. You must
meet the SA-HELP citizenship, residency, and TFN requirements before the fee’s payment due

Can I get my SA-HELP debt removed?

It is not possible to remove your SA-HELP debt once it has been incurred.

SA-HELP information 8
For the most up-to-date information on HELP debt repayments, check the ATO’s website at

How do I check my HELP debt?

Your myGov account will show you a statement of your HELP debt and what your repayments
have been. If you do not have a myGov account, you can set one up following the instructions at You can then call the ATO on 13 28 61 to assist you with linking the ‘ATO
online services’ to your myGov account so you can view your ATO account balances, for
example, your HELP debt and superannuation accounts.

myGov only shows information from 2014 onwards. If you want information prior to 2014,
call the ATO to request an account information statement.

When do I start paying back my HELP debt?

You start repaying your HELP debt through the Australian tax system once you earn above the
compulsory repayment threshold. The compulsory repayment threshold is different each year.
For the 2023-24 income year it is $51,550. The more income you earn, the higher your
repayment will be (see Table 1). Voluntary repayments can also be made at any time to reduce
the balance of your HELP debt. As a general note, voluntary repayments are in addition to
compulsory repayments and are not refundable, see how at
HELP debt repayments are calculated based on your income – not the size of your debt.
To manage repayments, your employer will withhold some of your pay to go towards paying your
tax, which includes your HELP debt repayments. Although these amounts are withheld from your
pay throughout the year to offset your compulsory repayment—your compulsory repayment won’t
be processed until you lodge your tax return. This is because your compulsory repayment is
calculated from a number of different sources on your income tax return, including:
• your taxable income
• reportable fringe benefits (reported on your payment summary)
• total net investment loss (including net rental loss)
• reportable super contributions
• exempt foreign employment income amounts.

Will my HELP debt grow?

Similar to interest, your HELP debt will grow. We call this ‘indexation’. Indexation is applied
on 1 June to the portion of your HELP debt that is 11 months and older. Indexation is applied to
keep up with changes in the cost of living to maintain the ‘value’ of the education, so that no
matter how long it takes to repay, a student would repay an amount that is more like the cost of
education today.
The rate of indexation that is applied to your debt changes each year, as it is based on the
Consumer Price Index (CPI). You can check current and prior indexation rates at

SA-HELP information 9
Indexation examples
• Erin has $9,000.00 of HELP debt left to repay from studies that she undertook in 2015-17.
On 1 June 2023, the HELP debt was indexed at 7.1% ($9,000 x 7.1% = $639.00).
Erin now owes ($9,000 + $639.00) = $9,639.00

• Juan Carlos started his undergraduate degree in 2022. He has a HELP debt of $15,600.00.
His fees of $4,800.00 from the first semester (census date of 28 March 2022) will be indexed
on 1 June 2023 as they are more than 11 months old ($4,800 x 7.1% = $340.80). The
remaining fees from semester 2, 2022, and semester 1, 2023 will not be indexed on 1 June
2023 as the debts are not yet 11 months old.
Juan Carlos now owes ($15,600.00 + $340.80) = $15,940.80.

• Melinda undertook a three-year undergraduate degree from 2020-22. She hasn’t made any
repayments yet. Her HELP debt was indexed each year as follows:
− 1 June 2020 – no indexation was applied, as no part of the debt was 11 months old yet.
− 1 June 2021 – the part of the debt that was 11 months old (Semester 1, 2020) is indexed
at 0.6%.
− 1 June 2022 – the part of the debt that was 11 months old is indexed at 3.9%.
− 1 June 2023 – the part of the debt that was 11 months old is indexed at 7.1%.

For more information, visit

What if I go overseas?
If you go overseas and have a HELP debt, you still need to make repayments as if you were
living in Australia. If you live or plan to move overseas for 183 days or more (about six months)
in any 12-month period, you must complete an Overseas Travel Notification. You must also
update your contact details through ATO online services within seven days of leaving Australia.

For more information, visit


How much will my repayments be?

The amount you repay each year is calculated as a percentage of your world-wide income.
The more income you earn, the higher your repayments will be (see Table 1). When you do your
tax return, the ATO will calculate your income for the year and tell you on your tax notice of
assessment how much your compulsory repayment will be. Compulsory repayments are not tax

SA-HELP information 10
Table 1: Repayment rates for the 2023−24 income year

Repayment income Repayment % rate

Below $51,550 Nil

$51,550 – $59,518 1.0%

$59,519 – $63,089 2.0%

$63,090 – $66,875 2.5%

$66,876 – $70,888 3.0%

$70,889 – $75,140 3.5%

$75,141 – $79,649 4.0%

$79,650– $84,429 4.5%

$84,430 – $89,494 5.0%

$89,495 – $94,865 5.5%

$94,866 – $100,557 6.0%

$100,558 – $106,590 6.5%

$106,591 – $112,985 7.0%

$112,986 – $119,764 7.5%

$119,765 – $126,950 8.0%

$126,951 – $134,568 8.5%

$134,569 – $142,642 9.0%

$142,643 – $151,200 9.5%

$151,201 and above 10.0%

In addition to your compulsory repayment, you can also make a voluntary repayment at any time.
For more information on voluntary repayments, visit

What if I can’t make my compulsory repayment?

If you are struggling to make a compulsory repayment, there may be some options to relieve the
stress. Depending on your situation, you may be eligible to apply to the ATO to request an
amendment or deferment of your compulsory repayment. For more information, visit

SA-HELP information 11

StudyAssist website

This website provides information about options for financing tertiary study, including:
• HELP loans available in both the higher education and vocational education and
training sectors
• a list of providers that offer HELP loans
• student income support options and available scholarships.

Course Seeker website

This website helps you compare undergraduate courses in Australia. You can shortlist up to four
courses and compare them for things like cost, location, delivery mode and if you can get a CSP.

ComparED website

This website helps you to compare the experience that other students had when studying a
particular study area at a provider. You can search a field of study (e.g. nursing) and choose four
providers to compare combined feedback from actual students who have gone before you in that
study area, including how satisfied they were overall, if they got a job after graduating and the
starting salary.

You can log into this site to see your study and loan information and keep track of your available
HELP balance.

Australian Taxation Office

It can help you with your HELP debt in addition to compulsory, voluntary and overseas
repayments. To contact the ATO:
• visit
• use its online services to view loan accounts and other information such as your Payment
Reference Number and voluntary repayment options
• call 13 28 61 for information about your HELP account and personal tax topics
• call 13 36 77 TTY or 1300 555 727 TTY for hearing or speech impaired students.

Services Australia
Services Australia has payments to help support you while you do further tertiary study or
training. These include fortnightly payments like:
• Youth Allowance, if you’re 24 or younger
• Austudy, if you’re 25 or older
• ABSTUDY, a group of payments for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student or
There are also extra payments like the Student Start-up Loan, which is a voluntary loan, and the
Tertiary Access Payment, that helps students with the costs of relocating to study.

SA-HELP information 12
You can make a claim for a payment up to 13 weeks before your course or training starts, using
your Centrelink online account linked to myGov.
Services Australia also provides other payments and services, including Medicare.
For more information on the help available for students visit
Keep up to date by following or @services.australia on

Department of Home Affairs

The Department of Home Affairs can help you with visas and Australian citizenship.
Visit or call 13 18 81.
For information on COVID-19 and international travel, students should review the Department of
Home Affairs website at and the Department of Foreign Affairs and
Trade website at

Office of the Student Identifiers Registrar

It can help you with getting a USI or finding your USI and updating your USI account details. To
contact them you can:
• visit
• for information on finding your USI online, visit
• call 1300 857 536 for further assistance between 8:30am and 6:30pm (AEST) on 1300 857
536 Monday to Friday (excluding national and South Australian public holidays).

SA-HELP information 13

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