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Quarter 4 – Module 7:

Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion – Grade 12

Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 7: Reporting Findings, Drawing Conclusions and Making Recommendations
First Edition, 2020

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Development Team of the Module:

Author: Maria Conception Sione E. Alpore

Jungie G. Palma
Reviewers: Mark Jason Dungog
Cathrine B. Pielago
Illustrator: Jungie G. Palma

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Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III

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Co-Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr., CESO V
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Members: Dr. Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr.
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Dr.Nick C. Pañares
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Inquiries, Investigations, and

Quarter 4 – Module 7:
Reporting Findings, Drawing
Conclusions, and Making

This Instructional material is collaboratively developed and reviewed by

educators from public and private schools, colleges, and/or universities. We
encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their
feedback, comments and recommendations to the Department of Education
at [email protected]

We value your feedback and recommendations. Developed

and reviewed by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and
universities. We encourage teachers and other education stake holders to email there

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

What I Need to Know

Conclusion and Recommendations comprises the Chapter 5 of your

paper and is considered as the last step in accomplishing a research study. In
this module, you are going to focus on learning the last two sections of your
research paper as per introduced above.
Conclusion focuses on implying the totality of the result of the study, whether
all the objectives of the study are satisfied or not. Conclusion also gives the
comprehensive summary of the findings of the study. The recommendations
section, on the other hand, gives the opportunity for the researcher to give
his/her suggestions for the betterment and improvement of the study.
This module is also designed to help young researchers to know the ways on
how to improve the writing and presentation of research papers. As
proofreading is important in submitting research papers, one must take note to
consider all the significant points in pursuing the mentioned.

At the end of this module you are expected to learn the following:
a. Define and understand the concepts of research conclusions,
recommendations and written reports;
b. create their own conclusion, recommendations and reports based on
their specific research topics; and
c. appreciate the importance and usage of research conclusion,
recommendations and written reports in a research study.

How to learn from this module?

To achieve the objectives of this module, do the following:

1. Read the overview to assess the coverage of this module.
2. Take the pre-test to check your comprehension on the topics.
3. Carefully read all the discussions of this module.
4. Accomplish the activities provided per lessons. Always take note of the
given directions.
5. Take the post-test to check your learning.
6. Have an enjoyable learning experience!

What I Know

Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each

_____1. This is a section in the research paper that focuses on providing a

comprehensive summary of the findings and points out what were
learned from the study.
a. Summary c. Recommendations
b. Conclusion d. References

_____2.What section in a research paper gives the researcher the chance to

give suggestions to matters for the improvement of the research study?
a. Summary c. Recommendations
b. Conclusion d. References

_____3. Which of the following is not a purpose of the research conclusion?

a. It stresses out the importance of the thesis statement
b. It gives the written work a sense of completeness
c. It does not leave a final impression to the readers
d. It demonstrates good organization.

_____4. Which of the following characteristics of recommendations states that

it should not be ambiguous and must be specific?
a. Recommendations must be brief
b. Recommendations should be clear
c. Recommendations must be precise
d. None of the above

_____5. This is defined as written documents that discusses a certain issue or

a. Research study c. Research report
b. Research source d. Research draft

_____6. _________________ is a content of the research report that focuses

on explaining the reason of the conduct of the study.
a. Introduction c. Methodology
b. Review of Related Literature d. Results and Discussion

_____7. A part of the research report that holds the findings of the study and
the discussion of each findings.
a. Introduction c. Methodology
b. Review of Related Literature d. Results and Discussion

____8. Which among the parts of your research report focuses on presenting
relevant information regarding the research topic?
a. Introduction c. Conclusion
b. Review of Related Literature d. Recommendations

____9. From the given choices below, which consideration in making research
reports focuses on securing the correct in-text citation?
a. Researcher must decide on what are the sections that must be
included in your report.
b. Researcher must write your report clearly and concisely.
c. References should be carefully and accurately cited.
d. Report should be edited by several times.

____10. Which of the following considerations in making research reports

discusses the importance of proof-reading?
a. Researcher must decide on what are the sections that must be
included in your report.
b. Researcher must write your report clearly and concisely.
c. References should be carefully and accurately cited.
d. Report should be edited by several times.



Conclusions is the first section of your Chapter 5. This section as described

by Prieto et al. (2017), is commonly composed of the inclusive summary of
findings of the research study. In this section, you can find facts that were
learned from the inquiry. Conclusion serves an important part in making a
research paper as it is the chance of the researcher to leave a lasting

Research conclusion has its important roles and purpose in a research
study. These are commonly elaborated as the following: a) it stresses out the
importance of the thesis statement, b) it gives the written work a sense of
completeness, c) it leaves a final impression to the readers and d) it
demonstrates good organization.
When making the conclusion of your paper, you must abide with the
following characteristics (Prieto et al., 2017). These characteristics will guide
you to produce a quality research conclusion.
1. Conclusions are inferences, deductions, abstractions, implications,
interpretations, general statements and/or generalizations based upon
the finding.
2. Conclusions should appropriately answer the specific questions raised
at the beginning of the investigation in the order that they are given under
the statement of the problem.
3. Conclusions should point out what were factually learned from the
4. Conclusions should be formulated concisely, that is, brief and short, yet
they convey all the necessary information resulting from the

Below are the strategies that you could follow in making your conclusions:
1. You briefly discuss or re-echo your Introduction.
2. Put a final impression on your readers by giving them a hint of the
application of your research towards their daily life.
3. Get more good impressions by concluding the importance of the study
towards the society.
4. Leaving a question to the readers which could be an avenue for gaining
new perspective.

Activity 1.

Directions: Visit your library or surf the internet for five (5) free and available
research papers. Analyze how did the authors crafted their
conclusion, and supply your answer on the space allotted below.

Research Title Author and Date Analysis of the

Published Research Conclusion

(Include website if
source is from the

What I Can Do

Activity 7.1.2.

Directions: Craft your research conclusion based on the discussion given


What’s New


After crafting your research conclusion, the next step for you to take is
to write your research recommendations. Recommendations will be the last part
of your Chapter 5. Recommendation is commonly known as the section where
you can give suggestions on the matters relative to your research that must be
improved. When writing you must take the following considerations:
e. Recommendations must be brief. When writing your
recommendations, take note to write it concisely and as brief as
f. Recommendations should be clear. You must state the specific
suggestions that you want to imply in you study.
g. Recommendations must be precise. When giving suggestions, you
should avoid vague recommendations to secure sufficient results.

As recommendations should be crafted briefly, clearly and precisely,

here are some guidelines by Prieto et al. (2017) that you can use.
1. You must avoid writing broad and generic recommendations. Also,
avoid recommendations that are directly related to the topic of the
2. Remember that recommendations are one step further than the
3. You must take into consideration that recommendations must be
specified according to the areas of concern (i.e. academe,
policymakers, etc.)

What’s More

Activity 2

Directions: For this activity, you will need the sources that you have used for
the completion of the last activity. To do this activity, you need to
read and analyze the contents of the recommendation of each
identified source. Write all your answers on the table provided below.

Research Title Author and Date Analysis of the

Published Research
(Include website if
source is from the

Activity 3

Directions: Craft your research recommendation based on the discussion given




After accomplishing all of the contents of your research paper, the next
thing that you must do is to prepare and write a research report. Accordingly,
research reports are defined as written documents that discusses a certain
issue or topic. It is a document which holds all the information about a research
study from its introduction down to the recommendations.
In making your report, you must take the following considerations:
1. You must decide on what are the sections that must be included in
your report. Take note to include the findings and discussion of your
study. You should also include the introduction, methodology,
conclusion and recommendations of your study.
2. You must write your report clearly and concisely. Main idea should
be highlighted and is supported by statements for elaboration and
explanation. Commonly, research reports are written in past tense
form. Words used should be understandable by all of the possible
readers, thus, jargon terms must be avoided.
3. References should be carefully and accurately cited. Citing your
references is a must. Paraphrasing is also needed to avoid
4. Report should be edited by several times. Checking and proofreading
is a must to secure that all entries and information stated on the report
holds credibility and transparency.

When writing a research report, you must take note that it should be in a
straightforward manner. A research report is composed of five (5) integral parts,
namely: The Introduction, Review of Related Literature, Methodology, Results
and Discussion and Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations. The
specifications of the parts are explained below:

a. Introduction
Your introduction must contain the explanation regarding the
reason of the conduct of the study. It must also have the research
framework, statement of the problem and objectives, significance of
the study, and scope and limitations.
b. Review of Related Literature
This chapter focuses on presenting relevant information regarding
the topic. Citing the references appropriately is a must in this section.
c. Methodology
Information found in a research methodology is commonly the
research design, research respondents, setting, the research
methods and the analysis procedure.

d. Results and Discussion
This chapter holds the findings of the study and the discussion for
each finding. Results of the study must be written clearly and
objectively. There are a lot of ways that can be used in presenting
results, some of which are by the use of tables, graphs and figures.
These data should then be discussed.
e. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
Commonly, the summary of the research paper gives brief
information about the research problems, methodology and findings.
The conclusion, on the other hand, gives provides direct answers to
the research problems. Recommendations prioritizes the
suggestions that can lead to the improvement of the study.

What I Can Do
Accomplishing your research report does not signify the end of your research.
After doing such, you must take into consideration the evaluation of its quality.
Take note that the ultimate goal of evaluating your paper is to secure its quality.
Corbin and Strauss (1990) as cited by _______________ suggests the
following guidelines in assessing and evaluating research papers.

1. How was the sample selected?

2. What major themes or categories emerged?
3. What were some evidential or incidental proofs pointing to the
4. What were some of the statements of relationships made during the
analysis and on what grounds were they formulated and validated?
5. Were there discrepancies and how were they accounted for?
6. How and why was the core theme, is applicable, selected?
7. Are the concepts systematically related? The concepts and their
relationships must be developed systematically to generate a theoretical
explanation of a phenomenon of interest.
8. Was the process taken into account? A clear discussion of the process
enables theory users to explain theory consequences under changing
9. Are the theoretical findings significant and to what extent?
10. Do the findings become part of the body of the research topic?

The following sample format can help you in developing your research
paper. The discussion for each component is described in the contents of this



Sample Lay-out for the Cover pag e


DEPARTMENT OF ______________, ______________________




Table of Contents


Chapter I. Introduction
a. Background of the Study
b. Statement of the Problem
c. Objectives of the Study
d. Significance of the Study
e. Scope and Limitations of the Study

Chapter 2. Review of Related Literature

a. Overview/Introduction of the Review of Related Literature
b. Body
c. Conclusion

Chapter 3. Methodology

Chapter 4. Results and Discussion

Chapter 5. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations



Directions: Craft your research paper following the guidelines set on the
preceding topics.


. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each
number. Good luck!

_____1. This is a section in the research paper that focuses on providing a

comprehensive summary of the findings and points out what were
learned from the study.
a. Summary c. Recommendations
b. Conclusion d. References

_____2. What section in a research paper gives the researcher the chance to
give suggestions to matters for the improvement of the research study?
a. Summary c. Recommendations
b. Conclusion d. References

_____3. Which of the following is not a purpose of the research conclusion?

a. It stresses out the importance of the thesis statement
b. It gives the written work a sense of completeness
c. It does not leave a final impression to the readers
d. It demonstrates good organization.

_____4. Which of the following characteristics of recommendations states that

it should not be ambiguous and must be specific?
a. Recommendations must be brief
b. Recommendations should be clear
c. Recommendations must be precise
d. None of the above

_____5. This is defined as written documents that discusses a certain issue or

a. Research study c. Research report
b. Research source d. Research draft

_____6. _________________ is a content of the research report that focuses

on explaining the reason of the conduct of the study.
a. Introduction c. Methodology
b. Review of Related Literature d. Results and Discussion

_____7. A part of the research report that holds the findings of the study and
the discussion of each findings.
a. Introduction c. Methodology
b. Review of Related Literature d. Results and Discussion

____8. Which among the parts of your research report focuses on presenting
relevant information regarding the research topic?
a. Introduction c. Conclusion
b. Review of Related Literature d. Recommendations

____9. From the given choices below, which consideration in making research
reports focuses on securing the correct in-text citation?
a. Researcher must decide on what are the sections that must be
included in your report.
b. Researcher must write your report clearly and concisely.
c. References should be carefully and accurately cited.
d. Report should be edited by several times.

____10. Which of the following considerations in making research reports

discusses the importance of proof-reading?
a. Researcher must decide on what are the sections that must be
included in your report
b. Researcher must write your report clearly and concisely.
c. References should be carefully and accurately cited.
d. Report should be edited by several times.

What I Have Learned

1. The Chapter 5 of the research paper is composed of Conclusion and
2. The conclusion is composed of the inclusive summary of the findings of
the study.
3. The uses of research conclusions are denoted by the following: a) it
stresses out the importance of the thesis statement, b) it gives the
written work a sense of completeness, c) it leaves a final impression to
the readers and d) it demonstrates good organization.
4. Recommendations is the section in the research paper where you
could give your suggestions for the improvement of the study.
5. The research recommendations should follow the following
characteristics: a) must be brief, b) should be clear and c) must be
6. Things to consider when crafting the recommendations were as
follows: a) must avoid writing broad and generic recommendations; b)
recommendations must be one step further than the conclusion and c)
researchers must consider the areas of concerns of the study.
7. The research report gives the information about the research study. It
must be composed of five (5) chapters namely: 1) Introductions, 2)
Review of Related Literature, 3) Methodology, 4) Results and
Discussion and 5) Conclusion and Recommendations.
8. All chapters of the research report/paper should be written in
accordance with the guidelines set for each one.

Prieto, N.G., Naval, V.C. & Carey, T.G. (2017). Practical research 1 for senior
high school: Qualitative. Quezon City, Metro Manila: LORIMAR
Publishing, Inc.

Prieto, N.G., Naval, V.C. & Carey, T.G. (2017). Practical research 2 for senior
high school: Quantitative. Quezon City, Metro Manila: LORIMAR
Publishing, Inc.

Torneo, A.R. & Clamor-Torneo, H.S. (2017). Practical research 2: An

introduction to quantitative research. Quezon City: SIBS Publishing
House, Inc.

Instruction: Follow this format in answering all the activities, and assessment. Write
your answers in ONE WHOLE SHEET of paper. Make sure to label the activity and
assessment on your answer sheets. Use another sheet if needed.

Subject Teacher: _________________________________________________

Name of Student: ____________________________________________
Grade level: 12 Section: _______________________________
Module Week: 2 Quarter: FOUR Semester: SECOND
Contact Number: _________________________________


 WHAT I KNOW (pages 2 – 3) (10 items – 1 point each)


 ASSESSMENT (pages 12 – 13) (10 items – 1 point each)

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