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Deliverable Template Version: 1.

Template Name: 3.70 TEMPLATE - Enhancement Functional Spec

EH&S Product Safety and Stewardship
Business Scenario
Dow_Manage Specification Data
Business Process

Business Process N/A

3.70-MS-Create ALT ECBOSM and ALT Pre-Adjusted composition using
Object Title Recipe formula
Created Logic to Auto Populate ALT Composite Exact Composition Based On
Starting Material, VAT 1, and ALT Composite Pre-Adjusted Composition,
Object Description
VAT 2, from the property tree from the Recipe Development Web-UI

To Be Determined
Technical Name
Complexity of Object
To be determined
Custom Transaction
SAP Module
Menu Path
SAP Transaction Similar SAP Program

Is this Tenant No
New Menu Button
Enhancement Type

User-Exit/BAdI N/A
Definition Name

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Deliverable Template Version: 1.0
Template Name: 3.70 TEMPLATE - Enhancement Functional Spec

Table of Contents

Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................2
1. Change Log............................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Approval Tracking...................................................................................................................................3
3. Functional Design...................................................................................................................................4
d. Language Requirements.......................................................................................................................10
e. Intended User Community....................................................................................................................10
f. User Experience....................................................................................................................................10
4. Tenant Specific Details..........................................................................................................................10
5. Selection Criteria..................................................................................................................................10
a. Validation of Selection Criteria.............................................................................................................10
b. Variants.................................................................................................................................................10
6. Report Output.......................................................................................................................................10
a. Screen Shots and Table Field Details.....................................................................................................10
b. Output Method.....................................................................................................................................10
c. Main heading (including Dow Classification)........................................................................................10
d. Sub heading..........................................................................................................................................10
e. Footer...................................................................................................................................................10
f. Layout...................................................................................................................................................10
g. Page-Break Requirements....................................................................................................................11
7. Processing & Operational Considerations.............................................................................................11
a. Drilldown Requirements.......................................................................................................................11
b. Totaling Requirements..........................................................................................................................11
c. Sorting Requirements...........................................................................................................................11
8. Layout...................................................................................................................................................11
9. Dependencies, Constraints and Assumptions.......................................................................................11
10. Security.................................................................................................................................................11
a. Security Considerations........................................................................................................................11
b. Export Control Considerations..............................................................................................................12
c. SOX Considerations...............................................................................................................................12
11. Frequency & Timing..............................................................................................................................12
a. Expected Volume..................................................................................................................................12
12. Error Management...............................................................................................................................12
a. Error Handling.......................................................................................................................................12
b. Alert Mechanism..................................................................................................................................12
13. Open Items...........................................................................................................................................12
14. Business Test Conditions......................................................................................................................13

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Deliverable Template Version: 1.0
Template Name: 3.70 TEMPLATE - Enhancement Functional Spec

1. Change Log
For each major and minor revision please provide an update to the change log, including the initial
creation of the document.


Version Date
Author Summary of Changes
No. Created/Revised
1.0 Feb 20 2017 Jennifer Willis Document Creation/Initial Updates

1.1 Feb 21 2017 Jennifer Willis Document Updates

1.2 Feb 27 2017 Jennifer Willis Document Type Change/Updates

1.3 Mar 29 2017 Jennifer Willis Document Finalization

1.4 Apr 04 2017 Jennifer Willis Document Update/Finalization

1.5 Apr 27 2017 Kodandapani Pasupulati Document updated with new logic

2. Approval Tracking

Role Name & Embedded Email Date Approved

Author Jennifer Willis N/A

Peer Reviewer 04.27.2017

Kodandapani Pasupulati (KP)

Business Process Expert 05.02.2017

Ken Dempz

Architecture Specialist/Lead
Architecture Specialist
Dylan Sova

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Deliverable Template Version: 1.0
Template Name: 3.70 TEMPLATE - Enhancement Functional Spec

3. Functional Design
Develop a tool to create VAT 1 and VAT 2 in property specification assigned to the recipe using recipe
This logic will be handled with a menu option by clicking Create VAT 1 and VAT 2
The functionality is to auto-populate VAT 1, Alt Composite ECBOSM, displaying any substitute options as
their own separate line item and Save. Up on successful creation of VAT1, auto-populate VAT 2- Alt
Composite Pre-Adjusted Composition, which will break each Real Sub down in to the Pure Sub level, and
Design Abbreviations:
Abbreviation Description Name
VAT 1 ALT Composite Exact Composition based on Starting Materials
VAT 2 ALT Composite Pre-Adjusted Composition

a. Justification
The current Dow solution allows for calculation of standard composition outside of ECC by the
Product Stewardship Specialist (no system tools) or in ECC by an expert rule but the input only allows
ONE formulation totaling 100% (no alternative raw materials or formulation variations).
If the current Dow solution is used, there will need to be additional resources to determine the standard
compositions “manually”.
The functionality of VAT 1 and VAT 2 is needed to show the recipe substitutes as separate
line items. This will allow for the user to view all the possible substitutes, then make decisions

b. Functional Details
This design will deliver system functionality to capture product Recipes aligned to the product
REAL Subs. The system will allow for alterative raw materials and alternate formulations to be captured.
All these will then be used to calculate the composite “pre-adjusted” composition. This composition
will be recorded on the REAL Sub and control limits will be established. From this “pre-adjusted”
composition, the composite standard composition will be determined. The standard composition will
also have control limits established and be consistent with those on the “pre-adjusted” composition.
Changes to existing recipes or additional alternative recipes will be entered a “pending” state. The “pre-
adjusted” composition will be system calculated and compared to the existing control limits on the REAL
Subs composite “pre-adjusted” composition. Acceptance of the “change” will be considered with
impact to the EHS product safety documentation determined.

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Template Name: 3.70 TEMPLATE - Enhancement Functional Spec

c. Functional Flow

I. Flow diagram

II. Processing Logic-

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Template Name: 3.70 TEMPLATE - Enhancement Functional Spec

Create an ABAP component (development type will be determined after discussion with Recipe
management consultant)
Input for this process is an In-Progress recipe
Processing Logic for this ABAP component is below.
 Get the recipe number from where user initiated this process
 If formula is not maintained, then display error message “Formula not maintained for this
recipe. Process cancelled. Maintain the formula and re initiate the process”, and stop the
 Else, check property specification is assigned for the recipe. Is not then raise error message
“Property specification not assigned” and end the process.
 Read formula of the recipe and include inputs of the formula for the further process.
 For all the components in formula, check any component is of type other than REAL_SUB. Is,
then raise error message “Formula has invalid substance type as components. ECBOSM
can’t be created”, and end the process.
 If there are no Pure Subs in the Formula, continue with the first Process: Creating the VAT 1.

First Process - Which displays Substitutes in the formula as separate line items.
The first process will be for the substitutes to be expanded out and displayed as separate line items. As
shown below:
Formula in recipe -

To be created ECBOSM in Property specification -

The weight Percentage that would be taken needs to first come from Value, Upper limit, Then Lower
- Always check for the exact value available for the component. If, then consider that value.

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Template Name: 3.70 TEMPLATE - Enhancement Functional Spec

- In case of no exact value provided, then consider upper values in case range is provided as
shown below

- Only lower value of range is available with expression >= or >, then treat that range of upper
values 100. Ex- below screen, only lower limit is available. So in this case, upper limit is 100.

In Recipe WebUI, Wt% will be available for substitute also. So, consider all components and its
substitutes. Also for every component and substitutes, default component type as ACT_AGENT and
create ECBOSM

In case any input component is appeared more than once, then sum all wt% and create ECBOSM.
Ex – in above picture, real sub 000101219997 is primary input and available in stage 1 with quantity
40%, but the same real sub can exist in stage 2 with different quantity, ex -10%. In this case sum all wt%
to get final wt% to create ECBOSM.

Process two:
For the recipe number user initiated this process

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Template Name: 3.70 TEMPLATE - Enhancement Functional Spec

- Call include/ function module which will be created as part of FD 3.70-MS-FOP-Display

Calculation Results for Alt Pre-Adjusted Composition
o This include/ function module, has process explained below
o Read standard composition of each REAL_SUB in recipe formula
o Calculate new Wt% for each PURE_SUB component in standard composition
o Composite new Wt% values in case substitute/alternative are available for a
o Consolidate those calculated & composite results by summing Wt% belongs to same
- Above include/ function module will return a table (Final components table) after deriving
appropriate pure substances and it’s % values after compositing and consolidation. This
table also returns the component type for each component.
- Create Alt Pre-Adjusted composition at property specification.

III. Screen Presentation

In above screen, new menu and items under the menu will be added one for each RIECEFW. Use
chooses any of the menu item to trigger the ABAP component.

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Template Name: 3.70 TEMPLATE - Enhancement Functional Spec

In above screen, highlighted number represents a property specification. This specification is used to
maintain recipe properties and/or compositions.

Above screen represents the in-scope properties and compositions for this development.
Below are the composition and technical names at property specification

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Template Name: 3.70 TEMPLATE - Enhancement Functional Spec

IV. Technical Details

Retrieval of Recipe number –
Select data from ESTRH where DELFLG = ‘ ‘, VALTO = 12.31.9999, SUBID = RECIPE number, SUBCAT
= REAL_SUB (right now system landscape points from recipe to SMC_SPEC)
Select data from /PLMB/RCP_RECIPE where SUBRECN = ESTRH-RECN, ALT_NO = 3 digits between “/”
in recipe number and VERS_NO = last 3 digits in recipe number.
Retrieval of Formula-
Select data from /PLMB/RFO_FRM where RFO_GUID = /PLMB/RCP_RECIPE-RFO_GUID and
DEL_IND = ' ‘.
Select data from /PLMB/RFO_FRMITM where RFO_GUID = /PLMB/RCP_RECIPE-RFO_GUID. In this
table, if field COMP_TYPE = "PRODUCT", then that is not an ingredient. So don't consider that for
further processing
Here SUBRECN will have RECN of Component substance. Use this as component SUBID to create
VAT 1 of Property specification using BAPI BAPI_BUS1077_CREATE.

Retrieval of Property specification-

Select data from ESTRH where DELFLG = ‘ ‘, VALTO = 12.31.9999, SUBID = /PLMB/RCP_RECIPE -

d. Language Requirements
The Languages used in the Recipe Development Module

e. Intended User Community

Recipe/Quality Management

f. User Experience
Users should have knowledge of Recipe Management, EHS Compositions.

4. Tenant Specific Details


5. Selection Criteria

a. Validation of Selection Criteria


b. Variants

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Template Name: 3.70 TEMPLATE - Enhancement Functional Spec

6. Report Output

a. Screen Shots and Table Field Details


b. Output Method

c. Main heading (including Dow Classification)


d. Sub heading

e. Footer

f. Layout

g. Page-Break Requirements

7. Processing & Operational Considerations


a. Drilldown Requirements

b. Totaling Requirements

c. Sorting Requirements

8. Layout

9. Dependencies, Constraints and Assumptions


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Template Name: 3.70 TEMPLATE - Enhancement Functional Spec

Type Description

1. The QM team finishes their designs that tie to the EHS Team.
2. The correct security access has been granted
1. The Drop-Down Idea is not possible
2. There is no Recipe without a Pure Sub
1. There will be plenty of Recipes to use this tool on.
2. The Desired Data will be populated in the correct location on the
property tree

10. Security
a. Security Considerations
Display and Edit Access to the Recipe Development Web-UI

b. Export Control Considerations

The user must have the authorizations to view the desired recipe if the recipe is classified as
being Export Controlled.

c. SOX Considerations

11. Frequency & Timing

Whenever the user needs to populate that section of the Recipe Development Property Tree
The user will select DISPLAY AS SEPARATE LINE ITEMS from the drop down menu created, the data will
auto populate on the Property Tree, then it will display for the user to view.

a. Expected Volume
Once Recipe at a time.

12. Error Management

a. Error Handling
Errors will be handled with error messages.

b. Alert Mechanism

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Template Name: 3.70 TEMPLATE - Enhancement Functional Spec

13. Open Items

Date Opened and Closed and
Item # Description Owner
the Resolution

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Template Name: 3.70 TEMPLATE - Enhancement Functional Spec

14. Business Test Conditions

Scenario Name Input Selection Criteria Expected Result
1 Raise error Trigger this development using Error message should get displayed
message menu option ‘Calculate with appropriate message text
“Formula not ECBOSM & Alt Pre-adjusted
maintained for composition’ from a recipe
this recipe” where no formula maintained
2 Raise error Trigger this development using Error message should get displayed
message menu option ‘Calculate with appropriate message text
“Formula has ECBOSM & Alt Pre-adjusted
invalid substance composition’ from a recipe
type as where recipe formula
components. maintained with at least
ECBOSM can’t be component which is of type
created” other than REAL_SUB
3 Create ECBOSM Select a valid Recipe and click ECBOSM and alt pre-adjusted
& Alt pre- on the menu ‘Calculate composition should get created
adjusted ECBOSM & Alt Pre-adjusted
composition composition’.

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