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uuAGEJ ellipsis and substitution • tastes and opinions

5A We know what you like
1 A Read two comments about entertainment experiences. Complete the .
rn Wrth 'No
.. / / rdsfr0
pr~g mpif6cre o ng te_~ous mthe b
r---~ - - r 7~---- ......__ ª~.
The comedy níght looked 1·rwmi~lt1CJ,8S it had
' I 'd ne ver even heard .............._
a fíve-star ratíng from a national newspaper. . Of Far,g
N e tfl ,x suggested ·t o befo
lt went on for three hours, though, so got r atter I' re blJt
black comedy and . d Watched'
pretty 2 -t ed Io(hf Most of the comedians crrrne d oth
3 TV series reatty 4 rarnas _th er
were Yltccl, 0 cr-t- / hardly laughed atal/. Don't
sc.>í..rt ~ n ~ t o n , atkind
waste your money! e. The act¡
recommend ,u the ser;pt exceptiona1 1n¡
.. A • rea1
"' ~
J g;o Share 11, Like " Comment
O v
Share 1'9 Like ' Cornn
B Have you had any similar experiences? Tell your partner about them.
Go to Vocabutary practice: tastes and opinions, page 122
2 In pairs, tell your partner about:
• an actor you despise or can't face seeing yet again.
• a cefebríty who rea/ly gets on your nerves.
• a song you have no desire to listen to.
• a series that sounded promising, but turned out
to be average. • a movie with sensational special effects.
3 A'Ps3 et • a singer or band you used to be wild aboutt
\::/ , , is en to a talk about entertainment obsessed with.
recomme ations. Are !he sentenrPc ,,, ,_ ,~.
1 ThA t"n- - 1
2 Match the words and phrases that have a similar meaning.
a not be wild about
1 detest
b sensational
2 just average
,,-e exceptíonal
3 not be a huge fan of
4 spectacular ~- ,,,,,. d mediocre
s outstanding ----- e despise

3 ®s.2 Match the underlíned part of sentences 1-10 with a-j. Listee and check.
1 The show ísn't great.1 don't know why everyone laves it so much.~ ; a promising
2 Klara !oves that singer. She'salways thinking and talking about him. b gets on my nerves
3 l'm not crazy about camping, but I think it's better than a cheap hoteC\ e have a strong desire to
4 lf l'm honest, 1found the movie somewhat boring and too long. f d detests
s The products sold in that store are low guality. e._ e inferior
6 She talks all the time, and it really irritates me! b f tedious
7 lt was afantastic show - really exciting and impressive. J g obsessed with
8 l've seen the traíler far the movie and it looks likely to be good. C\- h is wild about it
~olly is so ímp~tient .- she hates waiting far anything. 0\ ¡ find it preferable to
10 111 come shopp1ng w1th you if you'd like, but I don't really want to go. ( j sensational

se Verb suffixes
Go back to page 40

1 5.7 Make verbs from the .

in the correct column of th ~ords _ ,n the box below and write them 2
.. ee art. Listen and check. Choose the correct options to complete the sentence1
ant1c1pation .
assoc1ation b . 1 Her hair is naturally curly, but she straightens / brighte1
ernphasis ~ -" nght clarificatío . .
rn1n1rnizatio -:,:,"~ ~fa~:- . . n detenorat,on 2 After much discussion, adeal has been exaggerated Ir
soft spe(f1i~ ~egotiation not·fi"'ª~ Jt1stifteattert
cat1on I cat,on · 3 The cereal is sugar-free, but you cansweeten I sdt~ r
Weak ~tr-a~~ npe simplifi t·
-------- surnmary ca ion 4 Let the grapefruit weaken / ripen befare eatittg it.

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