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Elements of a business plan and their definitions………………………………………… pg.


What is a business plan……………………………………………………………………………………… pg.1

Elements of a business plan…………………………………………………………………………… pg.1

Definition of elements…………………………………………………………………………………… pg.2-3

My Business Plan……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… pg.5-13

Reference page…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… pg.14-16

What is a business plan?
A business plan is a guide for a business that outlines goals, strategies,
and details and how to achieve those set goals.

Elements of a business plan

A business plan consists of several elements, namely:
✓ Title Page
✓ Table of Contents
✓ Executive Summary
✓ Company Description
✓ Product/Service
✓ Market and Competition
✓ Marketing and Selling Strategy
✓ Operating Plan
✓ Management/Organization
✓ Financing
✓ Supporting Documents
Title page- the first page of a business plan that communicates what
the enclosed document is about and highlights the key company
information like name, logo and contact details.

Table of contents- It assists the reader to navigate through the

document and is placed at the beginning of a business plan.

Executive summary- It is an overview of the entire business plan. Its

purpose is to summarize the key points of a document for its readers,
saving them time and preparing them for the upcoming content.

Company description- It is an overview or summary of a business.

It's an important part of a business plan that often briefly describes an
organization's history, location, mission statement, management
personnel and, when appropriate, legal structure.

Product/service- It is the centerpiece of your plan. It is the essence of

the business and the point around which every other part of the business
plan is built.

Market and competition- is the contest between organizations that

provide similar products or services or that target the same audience of
Marketing and selling strategy- this allows you to understand your
market better and helps you formulate strategies to increase your sales.

Operating plan- It is the section of your business plan that gives an

overview of your workflow, supply chains, and similar aspects of your
business. Any key details of how your business physically produces goods
or services will be included in this section.

Management/organization- It is a high-level plan for the direction

and control of an organization.

Financing- A financial plan for a business can help managers determine

if they can achieve the organization's goals.

Supporting documents- public-records assembled or created to be

used in the preparation of other records which are needed to trace actions,
steps, and decisions covered in the final or master-record.
Maple Wood corp.
Business plan



Phone: 442-2074(Linden branch)/ 250-0607(Georgetown branch)

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Website: maplewoodcorp/

October 5th, 2022

Executive summary………………………………………………………………………… pg.5
Company description………………………………………………………………………. pg.6
product/service…………………………………………………………………………….. pg.7
Market and competition…………………………………………………………………… pg.8
Marketing and selling strategy……………………………………………………………. pg.19
Operating plan…………………………………………………………………………….. pg.10
Management/organization……………………………………………………………….... pg.11
Financing ………………………………………………………………………………….pg.12
Supporting documents…………………………………………………………………..... pg.13

The following business plan highlights the company’s desire to create an

international branch in England. Creating an international branch in England will
raise the demand of our product. Since our product is not originated in England, it
will be deemed as exotic and a “must have product”.

This plan will raise our revenue by a high percentage if carried out according to
this business plan’s exact details.

We are hoping to accomplish this by August 28th, 2025.

Company Description

Maple Wood Corp., a generational inherited company, have been on the market
since 1873 and is currently the 2nd largest maple wood production company in the
Our company is located in South America, Guyana; where the forest never stops
growing so our company never stops producing.
This company makes an average profit of $1.5 million per year with just one
branch. In total this company’s average profit currently is about $2 million.
Besides from Maple wood being our company’s main product, we house a variety
of different species of wood, from purpleheart to redwood.
At our Linden branch, we have on staff over 200 employees. Each with their
specialized roles. At our Georgetown branch, over 420 employees are on board to
ensure smooth sailing and speedy production in our company.
Our company’s mission statement is one of inspiration. “Produce it to build it,”
meaning, without producing the various construction wood, our company would
not be abled to build furniture, houses, and public buildings.

The Maple wood corp. produces many constructions wood and furniture at a very
affordable price for everyone. Our company, through the future expansion into
England, will provide British citizens a more affordable and durable wood choice
for their buildings and furniture.
Compared to other wood production companies in England, Maple wood corp.
would be one of a few wood companies that produce furniture with the wood it
manufactures. Maple Wood corp. will be a far more affordable choice since
shipping will only be at the low cost of $50,000 GYD (€215.91), depending on the
size of the shipment.
Selling no more than 20 pieces of wood per shipment, the cost of one bundle will
be no less than $73,00 GYD (€315.22); that’s if required for a public building.
However, if required for private property such as a house or furniture, prices will
be as low as $6000 GYD (€25.91) for 10 pieces of wood.
Though all the set information is about the cost of Maple wood, woods with similar
manufacturing steps of maple wood, will be priced at the same cost.
Market And Competition

With the consideration of many other companies and sawmills in England, our
company face a high competition in the demand of our products.

Our company face a high risk of loss in revenue due to high-ranking saw mills
such Crown Mills, MRN Mills, Timber produces, Products and Cuts, Floor
polishers, and many other famous and ever-growing companies.

Many of these mills produce similar products of our company, but most
threatening is, many of them produce our exact product and might be lowering the
cost of their products.

Fortunately, our specialized group of planners have ensured a solution to this

Marketing And Selling Strategy

With all the competition, we have made a solution to better our sales and increase
profit by 23% per year.

Since our company will now be introduced into England for the first time, it will
be wise to first start with advertising our company and its products. This can be
done in the following ways:
• TV advertisements
• Radio broadcasting
• Sponsoring various public events
• Having our furniture displayed at various stores

Once buyers have been attracted to our company, there is still the cost of our
products that must be adjusted to ensure that we keep our customers.

For the first, prices can be low, and production will be high. The lower our prices
with a high production will attract buyers and keep current buyers with the idea of
being a reliable source.
With a moderate number of buyers, cost can be raised, and production quantity can
be improved to accommodate special orders. This is also a customer keeper and
attraction strategy, but this time, there will be an expectation of government
construction companies being attracted.
Now with a high average of buyers, our company will then return to our original
price with a far more higher production rate to accommodate a fully running and
demanding crowd for our company. With the quantity and quality of our
production at its peak, buyers will see our company as the more dominant choice.

With this plan in motion, all competition will no longer be a threat to our
company’s profit.
Operating Plans

Maple Wood Corp. has the best skilled workers and suppliers in a wood
manufacturing company.

When log is brought in from our main supplier, DY Loggers, our skilled
employees then makes the log into its useable form through the processes of
debarking, optimizing, sawing, trimming, drying, and shaving.

Now that the log, now lumber, is in its useable form, it is ready to be used for
construction. However, the lumber still goes through a few processes before it is
fully ready for usage. These processes include Grading and sorting.

After all the necessary precautions have been taken, the lumber is now fully ready
for construction and furniture making.

With the current direction of Maple Wood Corp., there is no doubt that we will
achieve 57% profit by the end of 2028.
The opening of our first international branch will ensure major profits due to
currency worth.
Maple Wood Corp. will then have enough revenue to improve machinery and one,
buy portions of land to even open new stores to sell our furniture independently.
This act would increase profit by 0.67%.
Though it is not much of an increase, that small percent can carry our company to
major heights in the marketing community.
This company can become the largest lumber industry in the world with just one
small idea becoming a reality.

Although Maple Wood Corp. wishes to expand its territory, we still require the
necessary financing for such a great movement.

Maple Wood Corp. have been investing in this expansion for many years. We have
agreed on a goal of $600 million GYD. Our company have raised a total of $375
million GYD and we are seeking funding from five (5) organizations to donate an
average of $15.6 million GYD each.
Our company will invest more for the remaining $197 million GYD to make this
plan go into action as soon as possible.

Maple Wood Corp. thanks every organization for their donation and in return, we
will grant you a 45% discount on each shipment cost until our debt is repaid unto
you, as long as the current owner is with us and the company’s product is still on
the market.
Supporting Documents

This document had been granted legal rights and is in keeping with government and
company regulations.
The executive staff of Maple Wood Corp. have all agreed to the contents of this
document and have all signed several legal documents indicating their agreement in
this project.
This document was also signed for further evidence of legal act of agreement.

Cequan Holder
Owner’s signature
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