Proyecto de Ingles

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On Mondays I always get up at 5:50 am. I start school at 7:00 am.

I have breakfast at 10:10 am, which is the time we leave for recess. I leave school at 1:40 pm, I usually get
home at 3:00 pm. After I get home I eat, but usually my mom I eat at my grandmother's house this day, after
eating I go to the gym, when I get home from the gym I always do my homework, I have dinner, I bathe and I
go to sleep at 11:00 pm.

On Tuesdays I always get up at 5:50 am. I start school at 7:00 am, I have breakfast at 10:10 am which is the time we leave
for recess. I leave school at 1:40 pm and arrive I go to my house at 3:00 pm. After getting home I always eat and go to the
gym. When I get home from the gym I do my homework, I have dinner, I bathe and I go to sleep at 11:00 pm.

On Wednesdays I always get up at 5:50 am. I start school at 7:00 am, I have breakfast at 10:10 am,
which is the time we leave for recess. I leave school at 1:40 pm and arrive I go to my house at 3:00 pm.
After I get home I always eat and go to the gym, arriving from the gym I do my homework, I have
dinner, I bathe and I go to sleep at 11:00 pm.

On Thursdays I get up at 5:50 am. I start school at 7:00 am, I have breakfast at 10:10 am, which is the time we leave for
recess. I leave school at 12:00 am and arrive at my house at 1:00 pm. After getting home I usually do my homework, I eat
and I go to the gym, arriving from the gym I finish my tasks that I advance in the afternoon, I have dinner, I bathe
and I go to sleep at 11: 00 pm.


On Fridays I get up at 5:50 am. I start school at 7:00 am, I have breakfast at 10:10 am,
which is the time we leave for recess. I leave school at 12:00 am and arrive at my house at
1:00 pm. After getting home I usually advance my homework, I eat and I go to the gym,
arriving from the gym I finish my tasks that I progress in the afternoon, I have dinner, I
bathe and I go to sleep at 1 :00 am
On Saturdays I get up around 11:00 am depending on what time I fall asleep. After
getting up I usually clean my house and finish around 1:00 pm, after finishing all my
tasks around 2:00 pm, after that time I take the remaining time as a rest. . I have dinner
at 8:00 pm, I bathe and go to bed, after which I am on my cell phone for a while and I
fall asleep at 1:00 am.

My Sundays are very calm, I hardly do anything but sometimes I go out somewhere to get bored, on Sundays
I never go to the gym. I get up at 12:00 am and I start cleaning my house. After finishing the I clean my house
at around 2:00 pm, having finished all my tasks, I go to sleep and get up at 7:00 pm, I

get up having dinner and then I take a bath at 8:30 pm. Finishing all this, I go to bed and I entertain myself on
my cell phone and then I fall asleep at 10:30 pm, because the next day it's time to go to schoo

-On Sundays and Saturdays I never go to the gym.

-I never wash clothes.

1-What is your name?

Marian star Flores Pérez

2-What time do you get up to go to school?

At 5:50 a.m.

3-Do you practice any sport, and what if your answer is affirmative?

Yes, I go to the gym

4-Help do a job at home? yes, the toilet of my house

5-What do you do on Sundays?

I hardly go out to have fun

6-What do you do during the week?

I go to school

7-How often do you practice your sport?

Every day I go to the gym

8-What time do you leave school?

Monday to Wednesday at 1:40 pm and Thursday and Friday at 12:00 am

9--What time do you get home after school?

Monday to Wednesday at 3:00 pm and Thursday and Friday at 1:00 pm

10-What time do you go to school?

At 7:00 am

On Mondays she never goes to work, so it is her day of rest at her job. He gets up at 12:00 am and then has lunch and
often cleans the house.

He makes lunch at 2:00 pm and eats at 3:00 pm when I arrived. He takes the remaining time to rest,
at 8:00 pm he has dinner and takes a bath, finishing bathing and sleeping at 10 :30 pm.

On Tuesdays he always gets up at 5:00 pm to make lunch for my dad and me, after finishing making lunches he goes back
to sleep and usually gets up at 8:00 am to go to work. After arriving from work, he has lunch at 2:00 pm and eats at 3:00
pm when I arrived. He takes the remaining time to rest, at 8:00 pm he has dinner and takes a bath, finishing bathing and
sleeping at 10:30 pm.

On Wednesdays he always gets up at 5:00 pm to make lunch for my dad and me, after finishing making lunches he goes
back to sleep and usually gets up at 8:00 am to go to work. After arriving from work, he has lunch at 2:00 pm and eats at
3:00 pm when I arrived. He takes the remaining time to rest, at 8:00 pm he has dinner and takes a bath, finishing bathing
and sleeping at 10:30 pm.

On Thursdays he always gets up at 5:00 pm to make lunch for my dad and me, after finishing making lunches he goes
back to sleep and usually gets up at 8:00 am to go to work. After arriving from work, he has lunch at 2:00 pm and eats at
3:00 pm when I arrived. He takes the remaining time to rest, at 8:00 pm he has dinner and takes a bath, finishing bathing
and sleeping at 10:30 pm.
On Fridays he always gets up at 5:00 pm to make lunch for my dad and me, after finishing making lunches he goes back
to sleep and usually gets up at 8:00 am to go to work. After arriving from work, he has lunch at 2:00 pm and eats at 3:00
pm when I arrived. He takes the remaining time to rest, at 8:00 pm he has dinner and takes a bath, finishing bathing and
sleeping at 10:30 pm.

On Saturdays he always gets up at 5:30 pm, to make lunch for my dad. After finishing making the lunches, he goes back
to sleep and usually gets up at 8:00 am to go to work. After arriving from work he has lunch at 12:00 pm and eats at 2:00.
He takes the remaining time for rest, at 8:00 pm he has dinner and takes a bath, finishing bathing from sleep to 11:00

On Sundays he usually gets up at 12:00 am. He eats at 2:30 pm and then goes to work at 4:00 pm and returns at 9:00 pm
and has dinner at 9:40 pm and bathes and always falls asleep at 10:30 pm.

Negative sentences
-my mom doesn't work on Mondays

-My mom doesn't do laundry on weekends.

1-Where he works?

Clothing for sale

2-Do you do lunches?


3- When do you make the house bone?

On Monday

4-Who does he live with?

With my husband and my two children.

5-From what day to what day does he work?

he he he works all week

6-What time do you usually get up?

At 8:00 pm

7-What do you do on weekends?

work and rest

8-What do you do during the week?


9-What time do you get up on Sundays?

At 12:00 am

10-What time do you get up during the week?

5:00 in the morning.

11-What is the student's name and who is he?

My name is Irma Irene Pérez Izaguirre and I am your mother.

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