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1. Tenses:

- Present simple: * to be: S + is/am/are + ...

* ordinary verbs: S + V/ Vs/es + ...

* Adverbs: everyday, every morning ..., always, usually, often, sometimes, never

- Present progressive: S + is/am/are + V-ing + ...

* Adverbs: now, at the moment

- Past simple: * to be: S + was/were (not) + ...

* ordinary verbs: S + V2/ed + ...

S + didn’t + V-inf+ ... / Did + S + V-inf + ...

* Adverbs: yesterday, last week, last year...

* Cách đọc đuôi (-ed): - /id/ khi động từ nguyên mẫu tận cùng là: t,d

- / t/ khi động từ nguyên mẫu tận cùng là: f, p,k, s, sh, c, ch, gh

- /d/ là các từ còn lại và nguyên âm.

- Future with “be going to” S + is/am/are + to + V-inf...

will (‘ll)


- Modal verbs: S+ must + V - inf

have to

ought to/ should

2. Question words:

What, Where, When, Which, Why, How often, How much, How many, How long, How far

Ex: How much is it? (Hỏi về giá tiền)

How much + Nkhông đếm được ?

How many + Nđếm được số nhiều ? hỏi về số lượng

3. Prepositions of time: in, on, at, from ... to... / at the back of/ between ... and .../ either... or...

Ex: at six o’clock/ on Monday/ in February ...

4. Adjectives and adverbs:

a) Adj + ly adv: beautiful - beautifully ; quick – quickly ; safe - safely ; bad- badly

b) Adj 2 âm tiết kết thúc bằng “ y” chuyển sang trạng từ phải đổi “ y” “ ily”: easy- easily,

c) Adj kết thúc = “ ble” chuyển thành “ bly”: sensible - sensibly; simple- simply, comfortable -

d) Một số Adj chuyển sang adv không đổi: fast- fast; hard – hard; late –late; early – early

e) Đặc biệt: good – well

* Cách chuyển câu: ADJ → ADV

S + is/ am / are + a / an + adj + N chỉ người S + are + adj + Nchỉ người(s)

S + V/ Vs / Ves + adv. S + V + adv.

 Tobe ( a/an) + adj + Nsingular

 V+ adv (trừ 1 số động từ: seem, sound, feel, find, look, keep, make, become, get, .......+

5. Exclamations: (Câu cảm thán):What a + Adjective + N ! Ex: What a happy day!

6. Comparative and superlative:(So sánh hơn và so sánh nhất)

good - better - the best

cheap - cheaper - the cheapest

expensive - more expensive - the most expensive

Ex: This house is more expensive than that one.

7. Responses with too, either, so and neither:(Câu trả lời tương ứng với too, either, so and
Ex: I’d like some peas. - I’d like, too.

I like spinach. - So do I.

I don’t like carrots. - I don’t like, either.

I don’t like durian. - Neither do I.

* Vị trí và cách sử dụng Neither, either, So , too.

Đầu Cuối

Khẳng định So + tobe / modal.V/ TĐT + S S + tobe / modal V/ TĐT , too

Phủ định Neither + tobe / modal / TĐT + S S + toben’t / modaln’t / TĐTn’t , either

8. Some other structures: (Một số cấu trúc khác):

would like + to V-inf/ want to + V-inf / need + to V-inf/ N

like/ prefer + to V-inf ... / like + V-ing

Let’s + V-inf ...

Why don’t we + V-inf + ...?

What/How about + V-ing + ... ?

9. Modals: Can, must = have / has to + V....., may, might, could, should, ought to + V

10. Indefinite quantifiers: a little, a lot of / lots of, too much

Everybody, everything, nobody, no one, nothing → is/ does/ has…

- More: nhiều hơn + Danh từ

- Less: ít hơn + N ko đếm được

- Fewer: ít hơn + N đếm được

Eg: Now, there are more eggs and juice. There is less milk. There is fewer bananas.

11. Hỏi khoảng cách

- How far is it from the shoes store to the mini mart?

It’s 500 meters.

Form: How far is/are + S+ from + N + to + N ?

It is + số + meters/kilometers.

12. Giới từ

Near: gần beside = next to: bên cạnh between: ở giữa opposite: đối diện

To the right: bên phải to the left: bên trái

13. Why?(Tại sao) -> Because + S + V.

Eg: Why does his tooth hurt?

Because he has a cavity.

14. Hỏi cân nặng:

What is his/her weight? = How heavy is she/he?

What are your weight? = How heavy are you?

15. Hỏi chiều cao:

How tall are you? = What are your height?

How tall is she/he? = What is her/ his height?

16. Hỏi nơi học:

Which school does he/she go to?

Which school do you go to?

17. Hỏi về tình trạng sức khỏe:

What is(was) wrong with you? // What is(was) the matter with you? -> I had a bad cold.


Choose the best answer:

1. I felt a lot …………..after she fixed my tooth.

A. good B. better C. well D. fine

2. You must drink…………….water everyday

A. much B. many C. a few D. a lot of

3. This film is……………than the one we saw last month.

A. as interesting B. less interesting C. interesting D. much interesting

4. What is he…………….? He is 1m60cm

A. weight B. tall C. height D. high

5. ……………a nice shirt! Did you make it yourself.

A. How B. What C. Very D. Such

6. You ought …………….to the dentist

A. to go B .go C. seeing D. to see

7. Many people…………………in this club

A. take B. participle C. enjoy D. interested

8. ……………..does you father like? He like beef.

a. What food B. What sport C. What drink D. What time

9. I know the worker really……………………..

A. careful B.carefully C. carefuly

10. The river is very……………..for swimmer

A. danger B. dangerous C. safely D. saferly

11. I ………………stay in bed because I have a bad cold

A. can B. shouldn’t C. must D. ought

12. What time did he………………home last night?

A. get B. come C. arrive D. all are correct

13. What did you do……………your vacation?

A. on B. during C. in D. with

14. I………………….how to sew last week.

A. learn B. learned c. learns D. learning

15. She ………………….a new motorbike yesterday.

A. buy B. buys c. buying D. bought

16. Nam is absent today. What is the matter…………. him?

A. with B. for C. to D. of
17. How far is it…………………..Hanoi to HCMC ?

A. at B. in C. to D. from

18. Minh was absent……………………class yesterday.

A. form B. to C. off D. away

19. Hoa hate the…………………of the drill

A. sound B. noise C. loud D. music

20. The nurse .............................her temperature in the room now.

A. take B. takes C. took D. taking

21. My mother…………………… a new shirt last Sunday.

A. give B. gives C. gave D. will give

22. We saw many different types of ……………………in the aquarium

A. fish B. birds C. chickens D. animals

23. You…………………wash your hand before meals

A. should B. can C. will D. would

24. …………… brush your teeth after meals

A. don’t forget B. remember C. not forget D. A& B are correct

25. They will .......................badminton next Sunday.

A. play B. to play C. playing D. plays

26. Which is the…………………..apartment?

A. best B. better C. most D. more

27. Her date of birth is ………………….November 4th.

A. at B. on C. in D. of

28………………………of people like playing sports.

A. Many B. A lot C. Lot D. Much

29. Hoa feels sick because she ate too…………….candy last night.

A. much B. many C. a lot of D. little

30. She doesn’t like pork, and ………………does her uncle.

A. either B. so C. neither D. too

31. I would like……………………some fruit and vegetables.

A. buying B. to buy C. buy D. A&B

32. You must drink ……………………..water every day.

A. much B. many C. a few D. a little

33. He was busy yesterday and ………………….were his brothers.

A. neither B. so C. too D. either

34. How …………….is your brother ?- He’s 1, 70 meters.

A. high B. tall C. weight D. far

35. He can speak English very well and ………………can his sister.

A. so B. too C. either D. neither

36. Stop, please. That is too …………………

A. many B. lots of C. much D. little

37. I am glad ………………….you are feeling better.

A. hear B. hearing C. to hear D. B&C

38. A balanced diet is good …………………..your health.

A. to B. in C. for D. of

39. After you take some medicines, you will feel ………………

A. well B. better C. worse D. A&B

40. She left without …………………goodbye.

A. say B. to say C. saying D. A&B

41. They only eat ………………….and delicious food.

A. healthy B. healthful C. healthily D. health

42. It is an …………………book .

A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interestingly

43. How………………….does the T.V cost ?

A. far B. long C. often D. much

44. I’m not a teacher and ……………….is he .

A. so B. neither C. either D. too

45. Nam is a…………………..student. He always gets good marks

A. good B. well C. bad D. badly

46. You can’t eat these bananas because they aren’t……………….

A. green B. ripe C. fresh D. blue

47. I prefer watching soccer at the stadium to……………..them on TV

A. watching B. watch C. watches D. watches

48. You ought ……………..your room.

A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned

49. Nga: My mother isn’t fat. What about your mother? - Mai: She isn’t fat, ……………….

A. too B. to C. either D. neither

50. Long: I didn’t go to our English football club last week. - Nam: …………………..
A. So do I B. So did I C. Too did I D. Neither did I

51. The waiter: ………………….would you like, beer or wine? - Mr Brown: Beer, please.

A. What B. Why C. When D. How

52. Nam: What should we eat every day?

- The doctor: We should eat more vegetables and …………………meat and sugar.
A. more B. less C. little D. few

53. Nga: Oh, this cucumber salad tastes very ………………. Would you like to eat …….?

- Mai: No, thanks. I’m full.

A. good / any B. well / any C. good / some D. well / little

54. Yesterday, all of us ate spinach. My parents …………OK but I …………… an awful
A. was / had B. were / had C. are / have D. did / had
55. Mai: Vegetables and fruit are good for us. - Nga: I think cereals are good for us, ………..

A. either B. neither C. too D. to

56. Driving too fast is very ………….

A. danger B. dangerous C. dangerously D. endanger

57. Cycling is one of the best way……………… fit.

A. to keep B. keeping C. to keeping D.keep

58. If you want to increase your…………..and energy, you should do morning exercises every day.
A. strong B. to strong C. strongly D. strength

59. I would like ________ you about my school and my teachers.

A. to tell B. telling C. tell D. tells

Match the words in column A to ones in column B:


1. Flu, headache, stomachache, toothache a. and I do neither.

2. She always goes to school on time b. and write essays.

3. Carrots, spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes c. are illness.

4. In Literature, we learn about books d. are vegetables.

1……….. 2………… 3………….. 4……………

Identify one mistake in each sentence:

1. We must remembers to eat sensibly.


2. Why don’t we playing badminton or table tennis?


3. We not spend our summer holiday in Dalat last year.


4. My brother often has a three- weeks summer vacation.

5. Does Nam have less stamps than Viet.


6. Chi usually spends two hours to do her homework.


7. What were you buy the souvenir store yesterday.


8. Hoa told me that her aunt cutted her hair yesterday


9. Now they are waiting of seeing the dentist.


10. She prefers listen to the radio to reading a book


11. He is a badly runner. She runs very badly.


12. I would like some meat and I’d like some pork, either



1.A. album B. battle C. addictive D. athletics

2.A. cricket B. detective C. affect D. dentist

3.A. started B. filled C. visited D. needed

4.A. hour B. house C. hot D. healthy

5.A. school B. chemistry C. children D. character

6.A. asked B. stopped C. called D. watched

7.A. think B. this C. mother D. the

8.A. brushed B. changed C. combed D. ironed

9.A. absent B. disease C. poster D. essay

10.A. decided B. fitted C. needed D. watched

11. A. usually B. unhappy C. uniform D. useful

12.A. filled B. worried C. stayed D. noticed

13.A. armchair B. kitchen C. catch D. chemistry

14.A. post B. closet C. police D. phone

15.A. math B. moth C. with D. both

16.A. distance B. family C. different D. library

17.A. which B. whole C. where D. what

Odd one out

1.A. cucumbers B. chopsticks C. carrots D. potatoes

2.A. stomachache B. sick C. headache D. toothache

3.A. felt B. had C. fine D. ate

4.A. spinach B. beef C. cucumber D. pea

5.A. nurse B. sick C. doctor D. student

Complete the passage with the words from the box

receive show watch like station series cities around

Most teenagers (1) ________ the world (2) _______ TV. Some of them listen to
the radio. In a lot of countries, the most popular shows on TV are (3) . They (4)
___________ordinary characters and how they live.

Many teenagers (5)___________pop music. There are lots of music programs on TV and
one satellite TV(6) __________ only shows pop videos.

In many countries, people can (7) ________ satellite TV. Often in large (8)
__________ , cable TV is available. With satellite and cable TV, it’s possible to choose from a
wide variety of programs.

Put the verbs in the right forms(Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets)

1. Yesterday, Hoa and her aunt (go)…………………………to the market.

2. I would like (tell)…………………… about my family.

3. You shouldn’t (eat)……………………too much candy.

4. I (be)………………………fourteen years old next week.

5. What about (go)………………………to the movies?

6. She never (allow)………………………..her children to stay up late.

7. Nam likes (watch)……………………….basketball.

8. What you (do)…………………………last night?

9. You ought (finish)……………………..your homework before (watch) TV.

10. I (not have)……………………( get)…………………..up early.

11. His uncle (teach)……………………..English in our school five years ago.

12. The children should (spend)…………only a small part of their free time (play)……….. video

13. My English teacher (get)……………………a bad cold last week.

14. They (not go)…………………….to the movies last Sunday.

15. They (build)……………………this school in 1995.

16. You (meet)…………………………….your old teacher yesterday ?

17. We would like (fly )………………………….to Jakarta

18. What you (do) ………………. last Saturday? – I (go)…………………

19. John ( buy )……………………….. a lot of old books last month.

20. Video games can (be)…………………. addictive, so players must ( be )……………….


21. She prefers (socialize)…………………..with her frriends.

22. She prefers (read)…………………………

23. I’d like (see)……………………………cowboy movies

Rewrite sentences

1. You should not watch TV too late

→ You ought………………………………………………………………………………….

2. My sister likes walking better than cycling

→ My sister prefers……………………………………………………………………………

3. They like to travel to Nha Trang on their vacation.

→ They enjoy…………………………………………………………………………………

4. Let’s see a detective film.

→ How about………………………………………………………………………………….

5. Ba is a skillful basketball player.

→ Ba plays…………………………………………………………………………………….

6. Would you like milk for breakfast?

→ Do………………………………………………………………………………………….

7. I hate durians.

→I don’t ………………………………………………………………………………………

8. Are you interested in collecting stamps?

→ Would you………………………………………………………………………………….

9. Would you like to have dinner with me ?

→ Lan invites me ……………………………………………………………………………..

10. I ought not to do my homework today.

→ I don’t……………………………………………………………………………………….

11. How much do you weigh?

→ How………………………………………………………………………………………….

12. His brother cycles safely.

→ His brother is…………………………………………………………………………………

13. My father is a careful driver

→ My father drives……………………………………………………………………………..

14. What is wrong with her?

→ What is……………………………………………………………………………………….

15. What is your height?

→ How…………………………………………………………………………………………..

16. What is the matter with him?

→ What is……………………………………………………………………………………….

Choose the best answer

1. Dr Lai fills the…………… Minh’s tooth. (mouth / cavity / record / stomach)

2. What ………….you like to watch?- I’d like to watch music program. (would / should / shall /

3. She was late for work and………….was he. (too / so / either / neither)

4. Children ………………drink a lot of milk. (must / can / should / ought)

5. ……………… your brother ? - 60 kilos. (What / How / How heavy / How high)

6. I don’t have time to…………….. play tennis (few / lot / much / many)

7. ……………does he go to the dentist? Because he has a toothache. (What / Why / Where /


8. He speaks English …………………(fluent / fluently / good / bad)

9. I like taking part………………sports. (at / on / of / in)

10. You must drink ………………..water everyday. (much / many / afew / most)

11. My mother didn’t wash it but I ………………….(did / didn’t / do / don’t)

12. We don’t like milk and Nga doesn’t…………………..(too/ so / either / neither)

13. I am a bad swimmer. I swim……………….(bad / good / badly / well)

14. You ought……………… the dentist. (to go / go / going / to going)

15. We should wash our hands…………………meals. (in / before / on / after)

16. I prefer watching TV…………………listening to music. (in / on / to / for)

17. ………………have dinner at my house? Yes, I’d love to.

(Do you like / Would you like / Would you like to / Let’s)
18. What kinds of ………………do you like ? I like cartoons. (books/films/pictures/sports)

19. Nam often …………… hour a day playing video games. (takes/has/gets/spends).

20. The students have a…………………….break between two periods

(five-minutes /five minute /five-minute /five minutes)

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

(1)..............................teenagers around the world like television. Many listen to the radio. In a lot of
countries, the most (2)............................shows on TV are series. They (3).......................ordinary
(4)...........................and how they live. Many teenagers like pop music. There are
(5) programs on TV and one satellite TV (6)...............................only shows
pop videos. In many countries, people (7) satellite TV. Often in large
cities, cable TV is (8).............................With satellite and cable TV, it’s possible to choose from a
wide variety of programs.

1.A. All B.Most C. Any D. some

2.A. popular B.interested C. important D. excited

3.A. have B. make C. show D. perform

4.A. people B. characters C. artists D. teenagers

5. A. much B .lot of C. lots of D. any

6. A. station B. set C. video D. shows

7. A. must B. can C. should D. might

8. A. full B. used C. available. D. popular

Choose the best completed sentences

1. My mother likes walking better than cycling.

A. My mother likes walking better than cycling. B. My mother prefers walking to cycling.

C. My mother prefers walking than cycling. D. My mother prefer walking to cycling.

2. Why don’t we go to the movies this weekend ?

A. Why don’t we go to the movies this weekend?

B. How about go to the movies this weekend?

C. Let’s going to the movies this weekend

D. Let’s goes to the movies this weekend

3. Minh should not eat too much.

A. Minh had not better eat too much. B. Minh had better not eat too much.

C. Minh had better eat too much. D. Minh ought to eat too much.

4. She is not a quick summer.

A. She is not a quick summer B. She is not a quickly summer

C. She does not run quickly D. She do not run quick

5. Lan didn’t go to school yesterday because he is sickness

A. Because of Lan was sick, she didn’t go to school yesterday.

B. Because Lan is sick, she didn’t go to school yesterday.

C. Because Lan was sick, she wasn’t go to school yesterday.

D. Because Lan was sick, she didn’t go to school yesterday.

6. She/ like/ talk/ her friends/ her free time

A. She likes talking with her friends in her free time.

B. She likes talking at her friends in her free time.

C. She likes talking with her friends on her free time.

D. She like talking with her friends in her free time.

7. I/ prefer/ watch TV/ listen to music

A. I prefer watching TV to listen to music.

B. I prefer to watch TV to listening to music.

C. I prefer watching TV to listening to music.

D. I preferred watching TV to listened to music.

8. There/ be/ lots/ interesting programs/ TV/ next week

A. There is lots of interesting programs on TV next week.

B. There are lots of interesting programs in TV next week.

C. There will be lots of interesting programs on TV next week.

D. There were lots interesting programs on TV next week.

9. The Robinsons/ return/ Hanoi/ bus/ yesterday

A. The Robinsons return Hanoi by bus yesterday.

B. The Robinsons return to Hanoi by bus yesterday.

C. The Robinsons returned to Hanoi on bus yesterday.

D. The Robinsons returned to Hanoi by bus yesterday.

10. Why/ Hoa/ go/ the dentist/ last week?

A. Why does Hoa go the dentist last week? B. Why does Hoa go to the dentist last week?

C. Why did Hoa go to the dentist last week? D. Why did Hoa went to the dentist last

Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each of the blank spaces

Mary came from a rich family and was very pretty. In her family, young girls usually
spend their time going to parties until they married rich young men. But Mary found parties boring;
she wanted to be a nurse. Finally, in 1850, when she was 30, her parents accepted her decision. So
she went to study in a hospital in Germany. Soon she was asked to go to the Japan to take care of
the wounded soldiers. Then she was in charge of a nursing-home for women in London.

1. When was Mary born?

A. In 1820 B. In 1830 C. In 1850 D. In 1880

2. What was Mary like?

A. She likes parties. B. She likes nurses. C. She was pretty. D. She was boring.

3. How did girls in her family spend their free time?

A. They often went to parties. B. They looked after the patients.
C. They went to study in hospitals. D. They took care of the soldiers.

4. Did Mary like parties?

A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t.

C. She found parties very expensive. D. She found parties boring.

5. What did she do in Crimea?
A. She got married there. B. She was in charge of a nursing-home.
C. She took care of the wounded soldiers. D. She became a nurse there.

Rewrite these questions using “what”


- How heavy is Tom ? = What’s Tom’s weight ?

1. How heavy is this table ?→............................................................................................

2. How tall is your father ? → ...........................................................................................

3. How tall was Alice last time ? →…………………………………………………………

4. How heavy were you last month ? →………………………………………………………..

5. How high is the wall→…………………………………………………………………………

Complete sentences with too, either, so, neither

1. Susan can speak Japanese. Tom …………………………

2. Minh didn’t see the train. Nga ………………….

3. Hoa will fly to Hong Kong next month, and he mother …………………

4. The pineapples aren’t ripe. And the durians………………………

5. We went to the library on Sunday afternoon. ……………… they

6. Susan can’t speak Japanese. ……………………her sister

7. Minh sees the train. ……………………….. his friends

8. The pineapples are ripe, and…………………..the durians

9. He didn’t eat beef and …………………..his wife.

10. I don’t know how to use a computer and my friends………………………

XV. Arrange these words into sentence

1. fruit tree / some of them / planted / and vegetables.

→ ...............................................................................................................................

2. go / amusement / children / to / shouldn’t / often / center / the .

→ ...............................................................................................................................

3. video / addictive / be / games / can.

→ ...............................................................................................................................

4. teenagers / the / television / like / most / around / world

→ ...............................................................................................................................

5. children / after / their / brush / should / meals / teeth.

→ ...............................................................................................................................

Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the first.

1.As soon as I receive my result, I will phone you.

A.I will ring you the moment I receive my result.

B.Sooner or later after I receive my result, I will give you a ring.

C.After receiving my result, I will call you.

D.I will make a phone call to you when I get my result.

2.When I was a young girl, chocolate was one of my favourites.

A.When very young, I like eating chocolate cakes.

B.Chocolate used to be a favorite of mine when I was a young girl.

C.My favourite was chocolate as was a little girl.

D.Being a little girl, I like chocolate.

3.I haven’t seen my aunt for years.

A.I haven’t meet my aunt for long ago.

B.The last time I met my aunt was since years ago.

C.I last saw my aunt years ago.

D.I didn’t see my aunt years ago.

4.I think it’s necessary to tell Tim about it at once.

A.Tim may be told about it at once.

B.Tim might be told about it at once.

C.Tim must be told about it at once.

D.Tim should be told about it at once.

5.It is essential that we meet him at the airport.

A.He must be met at the airport.

B. He might be met at the airport.

C. He should be met at the airport.

D. He may be met at the airport.

6. It’s very likely that the company will accept his application.

A.The company needs accept his application.

B.The company must accept his application.

C.The company might/ may accept his application.

D.The company should accept his application.

7. Every student is required to write an essay on the topic.

A.Every student might write an essay on the topic.

B.Every student must write an essay on the topic.

C.They require every student write an essay on the topic.

D.Every student should write an essay on the topic.

8. It isn’t necessary for us to get a visa for Singapore.

A.We needn’t get a visa for Singapore.

B.We mustn’t get a visa for Singapore.

C.We mayn’t get a visa for Singapore.

D.We shouldn’t get a visa for Singapore.

9. The girl just said hello. She is Tom’s youngest sister.

A.The girl who just said hello is Tom’s youngest sister.

B.The girl saying hello is Tom’s youngest sister.

C.The girl just said hello is Tom’s youngest sister.

D.The girl, who just said hello, is Tom’s youngest sister.

10. I’m waiting for the bus. It is late.

A.The bus which I’m waiting is late.

B.The bus whom I’m waiting for is late.

C.The bus for that I’m waiting is late.

D.The bus I’m waiting for is late.

11. This house was built years ago. It is still in very good shape.

A.This house, which built years ago, is still in very good shape.

B.This house, built years ago, is still in very good shape.

C.This house, building years ago, is still in very good shape.

D.This house, which was built years ago is still in very good shape.

12. Despite his inexperience in the field, John applied for the job.

A.John was unable to do the job because he was inexperienced.

B.John applied for the job because he has experience in the field.

C.John did not apply for the job because of his inexperience in the field.

D.John applied for the job even though he has no experience in the field.

13. In spite of heavy rain, my brother went to work.

A.In spite it rained heavily, my brother went to work.

B.Although it rained heavily, my brother went to work.

C.Despite it rained heavily, my brother went to work.

D.Although of heavy rain, my brother went to work.

Đáp án

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A
6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. D
11. B 12. D 13. B

Read the text carefully, and then answer the question below.
Mumbai, which is located in the western coast of India, is the capital of Maharashtra state. It is
home to Bollywood, the centre of Hindu movie industry, and the film “Slumdog Millionaire” was
based there. Poor people have to live in slums. In the slum, people have to live with many
problems. People have to go to the toilets in the streets and there are open sewers. Children play
among sewage wastes and doctors deal with 4,000 cases of death a day because of lack of hygiene.

Next to the open sewers are water pipes which can crack and take in sewage. Dharavi slum is based
around this area. There are toxic wastes in the slum including hugely dangerous heavy metals.
Dharavi is made of 12 different neighbourhoods and there are no maps or road signs. The further
you walk into Dharavi from the edge, the more crowded area becomes. People live in very small
slums, often with many members of their extended families.

1. Where are the toilets in the slum?


2. Where is Mumbai?


3. Is Mumbai famous for the film industry? Why or why not?


4. How many neighbourhoods are there in Dharavi?


5. What happens to water pipes in Dharavi?


Đáp án

1. The toilets are in the streets.

2. Mumbai is located on the western coast of India.

3. Yes, it is. Because it is home to Bollywood, the centre of Hindu movie industry.

4. There are 12 different neighbourhoods in Dharavi.

5. They can crack and take in sewage.

Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can change the cues and
use other words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.
1. Modern/ means of transport/ be/ very strange/ me.

→ ________________________________________________________

2. I/ be/ most interested/ hyperloop/ skytrain.

→ ________________________________________________________

3. It/ be/ wonderful/ travel/ such/ modern/ means of transport.

→ ________________________________________________________

4. These/ modern/ means of transport/ help/ save/ much time/ travelling.

→ ________________________________________________________

5. It/ be/ fantastic/ if/ these/ means of transport/ be/ available/ future.

→ ________________________________________________________

Đáp án

1. Modem means of transport are very strange to me.

Dịch nghĩa: Tôi chưa quen với các phương tiện giao thông hiện đại.

2. I am most interested in hyperloops and skytrains.

Dịch nghĩa: Tôi quan tâm nhất đến tàu cao tốc và tàu trên cao.

3. It is wonderful to travel in such modem means of transport.

Dịch nghĩa: Thật tuyệt vời khi di chuyển trên các phương tiện giao thông hiện đại như vậy.

4. These modern means of transport help save much time of travelling.

Dịch nghĩa: Những phương tiện giao thông hiện đại này giúp tiết kiệm nhiều thời gian đi lại.

5. It will be fantastic if these means of transport are available in the future.

Dịch nghĩa: Sẽ thật tuyệt vời nếu những phương tiện giao thông này có sẵn trong tương lai.

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. cross / You / crossing / the / at / the / road / should / zebra /.


2. reviews / fantasy / received / That / film / many / very / good / exciting /.

3. are / be / festival / some / There / going / dances / to / traditional / at / the/ .


4. solar / now / heating / Some / are / using / energy / for / people /.


5. is / Christmas / she / abroad / but / Alice / home / always / returns / studying / at /.


Đáp án
1. You should cross the road at the zebra crossing.
2. That exciting fantasy film received many very good reviews.
3. There are going to be some traditional dances at the festival.
4. Some people are now using solar energy for heating.
5. Alice is studying abroad but she always returns home at Christmas.
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