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General Primary & Special Elections (May 21, 2024)

May 21, 2024
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This is not your official ballot. Any marks on this ballot will not count.
For United States House of For Clerk of Superior Court For Solicitor General of the State
Representatives - District 12 (Vote for One) Court
(Vote for One) Hattie Holmes Sullivan (Vote for One)
Daniel "DJ" Jackson (Incumbent) Omeeka P. Loggins
Elizabeth "Liz" Johnson (Incumbent)
For Sheriff
For State Senate (Vote for One) State Democratic Party Questions
District 22 Eugene "Gino Rock" Brantley
(Vote for One) -1-
Bo Johnson Should the United States and the
Harold V. Jones, III Richard Roundtree State of Georgia protect Georgians
(Incumbent) (Incumbent) from gun violence by banning assault
weapons and large-capacity
magazines, closing background
For State House of check loopholes, and passing other
Representatives - District 129 For Tax Commissioner common-sense gun safety reforms?
(Vote for One) (Vote for One) Yes
Scott Cambers T. Chris Johnson No
Karlton L. Howard -2-
(Incumbent) For Coroner Should the State of Georgia
(Vote for One) incentivize clean energy production
For District Attorney as part of a climate policy that
Mark Bowen recognizes the urgent threat that
Augusta Judicial Circuit (Incumbent) climate change poses to Georgians'
(Vote for One) health, lives and future?
Amber Brantley Yes
For Presiding Judge No
Jared T. Williams Civil and Magistrate Court
(Incumbent) (Vote for One)
Le'Joi N. Williamson
For Probate Court Judge (Incumbent)
(Vote for One)
Stacy Johnson
-3- -8- For Justice
Should the State of Georgia expand Should the State of Georgia improve Supreme Court of Georgia
voter access by allowing same-day access to safe, affordable housing by (To Succeed Andrew A. Pinson)
voter registration, removing increasing the affordable housing
obstacles to voting by mail, and supply, protecting tenants' rights to (Vote for One)
making secure ballot drop boxes habitable living conditions, and John Barrow
accessible at all times through cracking down on negligence or
Election Day? abuse by property management Andrew Pinson
Yes companies or landlords?
Yes (Incumbent)
-4- Write-in
Should the State of Georgia protect Nonpartisan General Election
reproductive freedom by repealing For Judge
the current six-week abortion ban, Court of Appeals of Georgia
restoring the protections of Roe v. For Justice
Wade and ensuring access to Supreme Court of Georgia (To Succeed Stephen Louis A.
contraceptives, IVF, abortion and Dillard)
other reproductive health care? (To Succeed Michael P. Boggs) (Vote for One)
Yes (Vote for One) Stephen Dillard
No Michael P. Boggs (Incumbent)
Should the State of Georgia stop Write-in
using taxpayer dollars intended for Write-in
public education to pay for private
school vouchers? For Judge
Yes For Justice Court of Appeals of Georgia
Supreme Court of Georgia (To Succeed Kenneth B. Hodges, III)
No (To Succeed John J. Ellington) (Vote for One)
-6- (Vote for One) Ken Hodges
Should the State of Georgia raise the John J. Ellington (Incumbent)
minimum wage to a living wage? (Incumbent)
No Write-in Write-in
-7- For Judge
For Justice Court of Appeals of Georgia
Should the portion of the Georgia Supreme Court of Georgia
state constitution allowing for (To Succeed Benjamin A. Land)
involuntary servitude of prisoners (To Succeed Nels S.D. Peterson) (Vote for One)
and others convicted of offenses be (Vote for One)
repealed, thus prohibiting all forms Ben Land
of slavery and involuntary servitude Nels Peterson (Incumbent)
statewide? (Incumbent)
No Write-in
For Judge For Judge - Superior Court For Marshal of Civil and Magistrate
Court of Appeals of Georgia Augusta Judicial Circuit Court
(To Succeed Amanda H. Mercier) (To Succeed Danny Craig) (Vote for One)
(Vote for One) (Vote for One) Ramone Lamkin
Amanda H. Mercier Charles Lyons (Incumbent)
(Incumbent) Matt Matson
Willie Saunders Write-in
Write-in For Augusta Commission
For Judge Write-in District 1
Court of Appeals of Georgia (Vote for One)
For Judge - Superior Court Matt Aitken
(To Succeed M. Yvette Miller) Augusta Judicial Circuit
(Vote for One) (To Succeed John Flythe) Kevin de l'Aigle
Jeff Davis (Vote for One) Jo'Rae Jenkins
Tabitha Ponder John Flythe Jordan Johnson
(Incumbent) (Incumbent)
Write-in Kenny Osorio
For Judge Write-in
Court of Appeals of Georgia For State Court Judge
(To Succeed Brian M. Rickman) (Vote for One) For Augusta Commission
(Vote for One) Robert "Bo" Hunter District 9
Brian M. Rickman (Incumbent) (Vote for One)
(Incumbent) Francine R. Scott
Write-in Marion Williams
For State Court Judge
For Judge (Vote for One)
Court of Appeals of Georgia Write-in
Kellie Kenner McIntyre
(To Succeed Jeffrey A. Watkins) (Incumbent)
(Vote for One)
Jeffrey A. Watkins
(Incumbent) Write-in

Special Election
Provides for the Mayor to be a Full
Voting Member
(Vote for One)
Shall the Act be approved that
provides that the mayor of Augusta-
Richmond County shall have the right
to vote on all matters before the
Augusta-Richmond County


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