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Title: Introduction to Computing

Code Number: CS1101

Credit Hours: 2 (1+1)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 1st

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Identify the components of a computer system
2. Explain the fundamentals of operating systems, databases and computer networks
3. Practice basic features of MS Office
4. Ability to write, debug and execute programs in MATLAB
Unit 1: Basic components of Computers:
1. CPU
2. Memory
3. Peripheral devices
4. Storage media
5. Motherboard and devices
6. Physical and logical storage
7. Network organization
Unit 2: Introduction to Software:
1. Operating systems
2. Introduction to word processing
3. Spreadsheets and presentation software
Unit 3: Introduction to Programming:
1. Programing Languages
2. Compilation process
3. Introduction to MATLAB
4. Introduction to simple program coding
5. Executing and debugging involving
6. Input / Outputs, Variables
7. Conditions and logical operators
7.1. If / else
7.2. loops (for, while)
8. Matrices
8.1. Single dimensional
8.2. Multidimensional
9. Functions
9.1. Built-in functions
9.2. Self-defined functions
10. Plots
11. Engineering Applications in MATLAB
12. Introduction to SIMULINK
13. Development of flowchart
Lab Work Outline
Demonstration of computer and networking hardware and peripherals.
Operating system (Linux, windows etc.) and application software installation (open office,
MATLAB etc). Overview of word processing, spread sheet and presentation software.
Solution of simple mathematical problems using MATLAB. Executing and debugging
involving Input / Outputs, Variables, Conditions and logical operators, If / else, loops (for,
while), Matrices (single / multidimensional), Functions (Built-in / self-defined), Plots,
Engineering Applications in MATLAB, Introduction to SIMULINK. Simple projects
involving input/output using Arduino, Raspberry-Pi etc.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.
Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:
A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.
Recommended Books:
1. Brian Williams and Stacey Sawyer, “Using Information Technology”, McGraw-Hill,
11thedition (2014).
2. Patt and Patel, "Introduction to Computing Systems from Bits and Gates to C and
Beyond", McGraw-Hill, 2ndedition (2004).
3. Moore, H., “MATLAB for Engineers”. Pearson. (2017)
4. Delores M. Etter, “Introduction to MATLAB”, Prentice Hall; 3rdedition (2014)
Title: Linear Circuit Analysis
Code Number: EE1102
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 1st

Course Objectives
1. Apply circuit reduction techniques such as series, parallel and source conversions and
circuit solving techniques like Mesh and Node Analysis to analyze for steady state
solutions for both sinusoidal AC and DC
2. Analyze for transients in RC and RL circuits for DC
3. Apply phasor techniques for the solution of steady state AC response including
voltage, current, power and power factor.
4. Conduct experiments in laboratory in order to interpret experimental data and observe
its conformance with analyzed results of circuits
Unit 1: Apply Circuit Reduction Techniques:
1. Electric quantities, electric signals, electric circuits
2. Kirchhoff's laws, circuit elements. Resistance, series parallel combination, voltage
and current dividers, resistive bridges
3. Nodal analysis, loop analysis, linearity and superposition, source transformation, one ports,
circuit theorems, power calculations. Dependent sources, circuit analysis with dependent
4. The operational amplifier, basic op-amp configurations, ideal op-amp circuit analysis,
summing and difference amplifiers, amplifier types
Unit 2: Transients in RC and RL Circuits:
1. Capacitance , inductance including mutual inductance
2. Natural response of RC and RL circuits.
3. Response to DC forcing function
Unit 3: Apply Phasor Techniques:
1. AC fundamentals
2. RMS or effective, average and maximum values of current & voltage for sinusoidal
signal wave forms
Lab Work Outline
Learn the use of basic instruments in electrical engineering such as function generators,
power supplies, oscilloscopes. Design and implement circuits using R, RL and RC and verify
the node voltages and loop currents using instruments. Verify Circuit-theorems using lab
instruments. Verify circuit transformations using lab instruments. Complex engineering
Problem using OP-AMP as black box.
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve engineering problems using electric
circuit solving techniques.
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. J D Irwin and R M Nelms, "Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis", Wiley, 9th Edition, 2008

2. R E Thomas, A J Rosa and G J Toussaint, "The Analysis and Design of Linear

Circuits" John Wiley, 6th Edition, 2009
3. C Alexander and M Sadiku, "Fundamentals of Electric Circuits", McGraw- Hill, 4th
Edition, 2008
4. S. Franco, "Electric Circuits Fundamentals", Oxford University Press, (Latest Edition)
5. W Hayt, J Kemmerly and S Durbin, "Engineering Circuit Analysis", McGraw- Hill, 7th
Edition, 2007
Title: Calculus & Analytical Geometry
Code Number: NS1103
Credit Hours: 3 (3+0)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 1st

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Illustrate the ideas of rate of change and derivatives using the concept of limits and
2. Apply derivatives and integrals for solving different problems arising in engineering
3. Comprehend the learning of vector calculus and analytical geometry in multiple

Unit 1: Limits & Continuity:
1. Graphical and intuitive computation of limit, lim sup, lim inf
2. Algebraic properties of limits
3. Continuity of multivariable functions.
Unit 2: Differentiation & Series Methods:
1. Techniques of differentiation: ordinary & partial derivatives
2. Single and Multivariable Optimizations
3. Power series, Taylor series and applications.
Unit 3: Integration Methods:
1. Riemann sums
2. The definite integral
3. Improper integrals: Convergence.
4. Techniques of line, surface and volume integrations
5. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
6. Area Under the Graph of a Function
Unit 4: Vector Calculus:
1. Three Dimensional Geometry
2. Vectors in Spaces
3. Vector Calculus: Directional Derivatives.
4. Gradient, Divergence and Curl of a Vector Field.
5. Multivariable Functions: Partial Derivatives & Lagrange multipliers.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.
Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:
A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Thomas’ Calculus by J. R. Hass, C. D. Heil and M. D. Wier, 14th edition, Pearson, ISBN
978 0134438986

2. Essential Calculus by James Stewart, 2nd Edition, ISBN 978-1133112297

3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, 10th Ed. Willey 2014. ISBN
Title: Applied Physics
Code Number: NS1104
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 1st

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Illustrate the electromagnetic and mechanical phenomena mathematically.
2. Interpret basic electric circuits used in science and engineering.
3. Follow the instructions to measure key variables of interest such as acceleration due
to gravity, spring constant, force and its components, voltage and current in a circuit
with confidence and proficiency
4. Explain related graphs (such as force- displacement graph and voltage-current graph)
with confidence and proficiency.

Unit 1: Force and Motion
1. Motion along a straight line.
2. Vectors.
3. Motion in 2 and 3 dimensions.
4. Force
5. Friction
Unit 2: Waves
1. Vibrations and Oscillations
2. Simple Harmonic Motion
3. Wave Motion and Sound
Unit 3: Mechanics
1. Work and Energy
2. Kinetic and Potential energy
3. Conservation of energy.
4. Center of mass and rotation
5. Linear momentum.
6. Torque and angular momentum.
7. Equilibrium and elasticity.
8. Gravitation
Unit 4: Thermodynamics
1. Thermal Equilibrium and zeroth law
2. First and second law of thermodynamics
Unit 5: Electric Charge
1. Introduction to electric charge
2. Conductors and Insulators
3. Coulomb’s Law
4. Quantization and Conservation of Charge.
Unit 6: Electric Fields
1. Introduction to Electric Field
2. A point charge in electric field
3. A dipole in electric field
Unit 7: Gauss’ Law
1. Electric Flux
2. Gauss’ Law and its Applications
Unit 8: Electric Potential
1. Electric potential and Electric potential energy
2. Potential due to a point charge
3. Potential due to group of charges
4. Potential due to an electric dipole
5. Potential due to continuous charge distribution
Unit 9: Capacitance
1. Introduction to capacitance
2. Capacitors in parallel and series
3. Energy stored in an electric field
4. Dielectric
Unit 10: Current and Resistance
1. Introduction to electric current
2. Effects of Electric Current
3. Sources of Electricity
4. Current density
5. Resistance and Resistivity
6. Ohm’s Law
7. Power in electric circuits
8. Semiconductors and super conductors
Unit 11: Circuits
1. Introduction to electric circuits
2. Pumping charges
3. Work, energy and EMF
4. Single and Multi-loop circuits
5. The ammeter and voltmeter
Unit 12: Electromagnetism
1. Introduction to magnetic fields
2. The Hall effect
3. Magnetic field on a current carrying wire
4. Torque on a current loop
5. Electromagnetic Induction

Lab Work Outline

This lab has been designed to provide an introduction to the ideas and concepts of Physics
that would serve as a foundation for subsequent electronic engineering courses. The primary
objective is to endow the knowledge of a wide variety of electric and magnetic phenomena.
The lab starts with a short review of basics of electricity. A majority of the lab experiments
are then dedicated for electric and magnetic fields, forces, elements and their applications. All
theory topics will be covered in lab.
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:
A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. “University Physics” by Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedman, 14th Edition.

2. “Fundamentals of Physics Extended” by D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker. 10th edition.

3. “Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Phenomenon” by D. Corson & Lorrain.

Title: Functional English
Code Number: HS1105
Credit Hours: 2 (2+0)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 1st
Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Improve their listening and reading skills in English
2. Communicate in written and oral English with peers and teachers
3. Rely less on their first languages and increase their use of English in formal and
informal situations
4. Have a deeper understanding of correct English structures in descriptive, narrative,
and instructional texts.
Unit 1: Grammar:
1. Sentence structure.
2. Analysis of phrase, clause and sentence structure.
3. Punctuation and capitalization.
Unit 2: Vocabulary Comprehension (Reading and Listening):
1. Answers to questions on a given text.
2. Answering questions about carefully selected conversations, documentaries,
commentaries, interviews and movie clips.
3. Discussions: General topics and every-day conversation
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:
A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.
Assessment and Examinations:
Elements Weightage Details

Midterm 35% It takes place at the mid-point of the

Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
Formative classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.
Recommended Books:
1. A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet “Practical English Grammar” 4th edition. Oxford
University Press.(1985)
2. A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet “Practical English Grammar Exercises” 3rd edition.
Oxford University Press.(1986)
3. Brain Tomlinson and Rod Ellis. “Oxford Supplementary Skills”. Third Impression (1992).

4. Patricial Dunkel and Phyllis L. Lim “Understanding and Recalling Spoken English” 3 rd
Edition (2006).

5. P.C.Wren & H.Martin “High School English Grammar& Composition”. (1995)

6. Saadat Ali Shah. Ilmi Kitab Khana “Exploring the World of English”. (2018)
Title: Workshop Practice
Code Number: EE1106
Credit Hours: 1 (0+1)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 1st

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Identify the Basic Electrical Workshop.
2. Hands on training various electrical and mechanical tools.
3. Understanding the basic electrical wiring diagrams.
4. Designing of PCS
Unit 1: Basic of Workshop & Safety:
8. Introduction to the Electrical Workshop
9. Electrical Equipment
10. Mechanical Equipment
11. Electrical Safety
12. Electrical Shocks & Treatment
13. Electricity Rules & Regulation
14. Earthing
Unit 2: Tools & Accessories:
4. Introduction to the Tools used by Electrician
5. Electrical Symbols for Wiring Schematics
6. Electrical Accessories
Unit 3: Electrical Wiring Types, Circuits & Testing:
1. Study the different type of House & Commercial Wirings
2. Wiring schemes of two-way and three-way circuits
3. Wiring scheme of ringing circuits
4. Testing of Electrical wiring
5. Current & Voltage Measurement
6. Introduction to simple program coding
Unit 4: Soldering & PCB Designing:
1. Introduction to Electrical Soldering & Soldering Tools
2. Study the different types of Soldering Methods
3. Printed Circuit Board Circuit Designing
4. Transferring a circuit to PCB
5. Etching, Drilling and Soldering Components on PCB

Lab Work Outline

Demonstration of Electrical Workshop Lab, Tools, Accessories & Components.
Use of different type of software for PCB Designing.
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this lab relies on face-to-face learning in the laboratory

Semester Project:
A minimum of one to be submitted before the final evaluation / written exams.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Choudhury, "Elements of Workshop Technology", Vol. 1, MPP.

2. Chapman, "Workshop Technology", Part-I,II,III, CBS.

Title: Islamic Studies
Code Number: HS 1107
Credit Hours: 2 (2+0)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 1st

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. To provide Basic information about Islamic Studies
2. To enhance understanding of the students regarding Islamic Civilization
3. To improve students skill to perform prayers and other worships
4. To enhance the skill of the students for understanding of issues related to faith and
religious life.

Unit 1: Introduction to Quranic studies:
1. Basic Concepts of Quran. History of Quran. Uloom-ul-Quran
2. Study of selected text from the Quran:
a. Verses of Surah Al-Baqra Related to Faith(Verse No-284-286)
b. Verses of Surah Al-Hujrat Related to Adab Al-Nabi (Verse No-1-18)
c. Verses of Surah Al-Mumanoon Related to Characteristics of the faithful (Verse
d. Verses of Surah al-Furqan Related to Social Ethics (Verse No. 63-77)
e. Verses of Surah Al-Inam Related to Ihkam(Verse No-152-154)
f. Verses of Surah Al-Ihzab Related to Adab al-Nabi (Verse No. 6,21,40,56,57,58.)
g. Verses of Surah Al-Hashar (18,19,20) Related to thinking, Day of Judgment
h. Verses of Surah Al-Saf Related to Tafakar, Tadabar (Verse No-1,14)

Unit 2: Seerat of Prophet (SAW) I:

1. Life of Muhammad Bin Abdullah ( Before Prophet Hood)
2. Life of Holy Prophet (SAW) in Makkah
3. Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Makkah

Unit 3: Seerat of Prophet (SAW) II:

1. Life of Holy Prophet (SAW) in Madina
2. Important Events of Life Holy Prophet in Madina
3. Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Madina

Unit 4: Introduction to Sunnah:

1. Basic Concepts of Hadith
2. History of Hadith.
3. Kinds of Hadith. Uloom –ul-Hadith
4. Sunnah & Hadith. Legal position of Sunnah.
5. Study of selected texts of hadith.
Unit 5: Introduction to Islamic law & Jurisprudence:
1. Basic Concepts of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence.
2. History & Importance of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
3. Sources of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
4. Nature of Differences in Islamic Law
5. Islam and Sectarianism.

Unit 6: Islamic Culture & Civilization:

1. Basic Concepts of Islamic Culture & Civilization
2. Historical Development of Islamic Culture & Civilization
3. Characteristics of Islamic Culture & Civilization.
4. Islamic Culture & Civilization and Contemporary Issues.

Unit 7: Islam and Science:

1. Basic Concepts of Islam and Science.
2. Contributions of Muslims in the Development of Science.
3. Quran & Science.

Unit 8: Islamic Economic System:

1. Basic Concepts of Islamic Economic System.
2. Means of Distribution of wealth in Islamic Economics.
3. Islamic Concept of Riba. Islamic Ways of Trade & Commerce.

Unit 9: Political System of Islam:

1. Basic Concepts of Islamic Political System.
2. Islamic Concept of Sovereignty.
3. Basic Institutions of Govt. in Islam.

Unit 10: Islamic History:

1. Period of Khilafat-e-Raashida.
2. Period of Ummayyads.
3. Period of Abbasids.

Unit 11: Social system of Islam:

1. Basic Concepts of Social System of Islam.
2. Elements of Family
3. Ethical Values of Islam.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Hameed ullah Muhammad, “Emergence of Islam” , IRI, Islamabad
2. Hameed ullah Muhammad, “Muslim Conduct of State”
3. Hameed ullah Muhammad, ‘Introduction to Islam”
4. Mulana Muhammad Yousaf Islahi, Hussain Hamid Hassan, “An Introduction to the
Study of Islamic Law” leaf Publication Islamabad, Pakistan.
5. Ahmad Hasan, “Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence” Islamic Research Institute,
International Islamic University, Islamabad (1993)
6. Mir Waliullah, “Muslim Jurisprudence and the Quranic Law of Crimes”, Islamic
Book Service (1982)
7. H.S. Bhatia, “Studies in Islamic Law, Religion and Society” Deep & Deep
Publications New Delhi (1989)
8. Dr. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, “Introduction to Al Sharia Al Islamia” Allama Iqbal
Open University, Islamabad (2001).
Title: Programming Fundamentals
Code Number: CS1201
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: CS 1101 Introduction to Computing
Semester: 2nd

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Build logic of a program, design an algorithm and make a flow chart to represent the
solution of problem
2. Analyze different programs to compute the output and identify logical and syntax errors
3. Design and Implement the solution of problem using loops, arrays, functions, structures

Unit 1: Introduction to Programming in C++:
1. Introduction to Programming
2. Introduction to Object Technology
3. Typical C++ Development Environment
4. Compiling and Running an Application in Visual Studio 2015
5. Compiling and Running Using GNU C++

Unit 2: Introduction to C++ Programming:

1. Input/Output and Operators: Program in C++
2. Printing
3. Adding Integers
4. Arithmetic
5. Equality and Relational Operators
Unit 3: Algorithm Development and Control Statements:
1. Algorithms
2. Pseudocode
3. Control Structures
4. Selection Statements
5. Iteration Statements
6. if Single/ double-Selection Statement
7. Nested if…else Statements
8. Conditional Operator (?:)
9. While Iteration Statement
10. Counter-Controlled Iteration
11. For Iteration Statement
12. Do-While Iteration Statement
13. Switch Multiple-Selection Statement
14. Break and continue Statements
15. Logical AND (&&) Operator
16. Logical OR (||) Operator
17. Logical Negation (!) Operator
Unit 4: Functions and an Introduction to Recursion:
1. Math Library Functions
2. Function Prototypes
3. Argument-Coercion
4. C++ Standard Library Headers
5. Scope Rules
6. Inline Functions
7. Function Overloading
8. Function Templates, Recursion
Unit 5: Arrays & Pointers:
1. Basic concepts of arrays
2. Declaring arrays, array with loops
3. Sorting and Searching arrays
4. Multidimensional arrays
5. Pointer Variable Declarations and Initialization
6. Pointer Operators
7. Pass-by-Reference with Pointers
8. Pointer Expressions and Pointer Arithmetic
Unit 6: Classes:
1. Creating class
2. Objects
3. Member functions
4. Interface of a Class
5. Scope Resolution Operator (::)
6. Member Functions vs. Global Functions
7. Constructors and Destructors
8. Composition: Objects as Members of Classes
9. Friend Functions
10. Friend Classes
11. Using the this Pointer
12. Static Class Members
13. Fundamentals of Operator Overloading
14. Base Classes and Derived Classes
15. Introduction to Polymorphism
Lab Work Outline
All the concepts of theory part will be covered in laboratory.
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Dietel and Dietel, “ C++ How to Program”, Prentice Hall; 9thedition (2013).

2. Patt and Patel, "Introduction to Computing Systems from Bits and Gates to C and
Beyond", McGraw-Hill, 2ndedition (2004).

3. Kernighan and Riechie, “ The C programming language”, Latest Edition.

Title: Electronic Devices and Circuits
Code Number: EE1202
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: NS1104 Applied Physics, EE1102 Linear Circuit Analysis
Semester: 2nd

Course Objectives
1. Describe and explain the basic construction, operation and characteristics of
semiconductor devices
2. Apply the acquired knowledge to solve small scale circuits consisting of semiconductor
3. Illustrate dc and ac response of small signal amplifier circuits using device models
4. Construct circuits on breadboards , conduct experiments in laboratory and perform
electrical measurements and interpret experimental data
Unit 1: Semiconductor Devices:
1. Semiconductor Diode Introduction
2. Semiconductors
3. Energy levels
4. N-type and P-type materials
5. Semiconductor Diode
6. Characteristics of Diode
7. Diode equivalent circuits
8. Transitions
9. Recovery
10. Specification
11. Notations
12. Testing of Diode
13.Zener Diode
14.Light emitting Diodes
15.Numerical Problems
Unit 2:Diode Applications:
1. Introduction
2. Load line analysis
3. Parallel and series configurations
4. Gates
5. Sinusoidal
6. Half wave/Full wave rectifiers
7. Clipper and Clamper circuits
8. Zener Diodes
9. Voltage-multiplier circuits and applications
10. Numerical Problems
Unit 3: Bipolar Junction Transistors:

1.Construction and operation

2.Amplification analysis
4.Common-Base and Common Collector configurations of BJT
5.Limits of operation
8.Casing and terminal identification of BJTs
Unit 4: DC Biasing-BJTs:
2.Operating point
4.Emitter bias
5.Voltage Divider bias configurations
6.Collector Feedback
8.Common-Base and miscellaneous configurations
9.Design operations
10.Current Mirror and Current Source circuits
11.PNP transistors
12.Transistor switching networks
13.Bias stabilization
14.Numerical Problems
Unit 5: BJT AC Analysis:
2.AC domain
3.BJT modeling
5.CE- Fixed configuration
6.Voltage Divider Bias
7.CE Emitter-Bias
10.Collector Feedback and Collector Feedback configuration
11.Current gain
12.RL and RS
13.Two port systems
14.Cascaded systems
15.Darlinton and Feedback pair
16.Hybrid equivalent model
17.Hybrid π model
18.Variations of transistor parameter
Lab Work Outline
Implementation of various electric circuits using lab instruments and using electric circuit
components, electronic components and breadboard. Plot Semiconductor diode
characteristics curve, Verify series and parallel diode configurations, Verify AND/OR Logic
Gates, Observe Half-wave and Full-wave rectification, Observe Clippers , Observe Clampers,
Verify Zener diode as a regulator, Implementation DC Biasing BJT fixed-bias configuration,
emitter-bias configuration, voltage-divider bias configuration ,collector feedback
configuration, emitter-follower configuration and common-base configuration. Observe
transistor switching networks, Implementation of small signal BJT amplifier circuits.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. This being an introductory course the instructor will cover the most of the ground
work for the electronics circuits such that students can understand active circuits, their
behavior and applications.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, H. Boylestad and L. Nashelsky, ISBN-10:

2. Electronic Devices, Thomas L. Floyd, ISBN-10: 0132359235

Title: Differential Equations
Code Number: NS1203
Credit Hours: 3 (3+0)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 2nd

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Solve ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations using the
concepts developed in the course.
2. Apply ordinary and partial differential equations for solving different problems
arising in engineering sciences.
Unit 1: Definitions and Kinds:
1. Definitions, order, degree, ODE, PDE
2. Linear Differential equations
3. Nonlinear Differential equations
4. Time-invariant and Time-varying Differential Equations
Unit 2: Solutions of Differential Equations:
7. General and Particular solutions
8. Solutions of Initial and boundary value problems
Unit 3: Techniques of solving Differential Equations:
6. Separable and Homogeneous equations
7. Differential equations reducible to homogeneous form and related examples
8. Exact equations and Integrating factors
9. Linear equations and related examples
10. Bernoulli’s equations, orthogonal trajectories, Equations solvable for p, Equations
solvable for y, Equations solvable for x and related examples.
11. Clairaut’s equation and Singular solution
12. Ricatti equations and related examples
13. Homogeneous linear equations, Differential operators, Non-homogeneous linear
14. Methods of Undetermined coefficients and Variation of parameters
15. Cauchy-Euler equations and related examples
Unit 4: Power series solutions:
1. Frobenius Method
2. Solution of Bessel Differential Equation
3. Solution of Laguerre Differential Equation
4. Solution of Hypergeometric Differential Equation
Unit 5: Modeling of Engineering Problems and Solutions:
1. Applications of Ordinary Differential Equations in Engineering.
2. Applications of Partial Differential Equations in Engineering.
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems by Dennis G. Zill, Michael R.
Cullen, 1996, Brooks/Cole Publishing.

2. Mathematical Methods by Dr. S.M Yousuf, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Latest Edition.

Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, 10th Ed. Willey 2014. ISBN 978-0-
Title: Engineering Drawing
Code Number: EE1204
Credit Hours: 1 (0+1)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 2nd

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Equip with basic knowledge and skills of engineering drawing.
2. Equip with application of engineering drawing in practical scenarios.
3. Work on Computer Aided Drawings.

Unit 1: Introduction to Engineering Drawings:
1. Types of lines & dimensions
2. Introduction to orthographic & first angle projection
3. Orthographic & third angle projection
4. Storage media
5. Motherboard and devices
6. Physical and logical storage
7. Network organization.
Unit 2: Introduction to Computer Aided Drawing:
1. Introduction to Computer Aided Engineering Drawing
2. Isometric Projection
3. Sectional Drawing
4. Assembly Drawing
Unit 3: Preparation of Electrical Drawings:
1. Reading & Preparation Electrical Drawings, i.e.
1.1. Wiring Diagram
1.2. Power System Layout
1.3. PCB Drawings
Lab Work Outline
Demonstration of proper use of Drawing table, T and Set square.
Basic drawings using Drawing table.
Use of Computer Aided Drawing Tools for preparation of basic drawings & engineering
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this lab relies on face-to-face learning in the laboratory

Students are engaged to draw the electrical engineering drawings using computer-aided
drawing tools.
Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:
A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Shawna Lockhart, “Tutorial Guide to AutoCAD”, Prentice Hall.

2. A. C. Parkinson, "First Year Engineering Drawing".

3. N.D. Bhatt, Engineering Drawing.

Title: Complex Variables and Transforms
Code Number: NS1205
Credit Hours: 3 (3+0)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 2nd

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Describe the theoretical concepts of Complex Variables & Transforms.
2. Apply the concept of limit, differentiability, and integration of complex valued
3. Illustrate sequence, series, and transformations in general and Laplace Transform in

Unit 1: Complex Numbers and Functions, Complex Differentiation:
1. Complex Numbers and Their Geometric Representation
2. Polar Form of Complex Numbers. Powers and Roots
3. Derivative. Analytic Function
4. Cauchy–Riemann Equations. Laplace’s Equation
5. Exponential Function
6. Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions. Euler’s Formula
7. Logarithm. General Power. Principal Value

Unit 2: Complex Integration:

1. Line Integral in the Complex Plane
2. Cauchy’s Integral Theorem
3. Cauchy’s Integral

Unit 3: Power Series, Taylor Series

1. Sequences, Series, Convergence Tests
2. Power Series
3. Functions Given by Power Series
4. Taylor and Maclaurin
5. Laurent Series. Residue Integration

Unit 4: Laplace Transforms

1. Laplace Transform.
2. Linearity.
3. First Shifting Theorem (s-Shifting)
4. Transforms of Derivatives and Integrals. ODEs

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition. Willey (2014).

2. Brown and Churchill, Complex Variable and Applications, 9th Edition, (Brown and

3. Mathews and Howell, Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering, (Mathews
and Howell)

4. Needham, Visual Complex Analysis (Needham)

Title: Pakistan Studies
Code Number: HS 1206
Credit Hours: 2 (2+0)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 2nd

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Develop vision of historical perspective, government, politics, contemporary Pakistan,
ideological background of Pakistan.
2. Study the process of governance, national development, issues arising in the modern
age and posing challenges to Pakistan.

Unit 1: Historical Perspective:
1. Ideological rationale with special reference to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Muhammad
Iqbal and Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
2. Factors leading to Muslim separatism
3. People and Land
a. Indus Civilization
b. Muslim advent
c. Location and geo-physical features.

Unit 2: Government and Politics in Pakistan:

1. Political and constitutional phases:
1.1 1947-58
1.2 1958-71
1.3 1971-77
1.4 1977-88
1.5 1988-99
1.6 1999 onward

Unit 3: Contemporary Pakistan:

1. Economic institutions and issues
2. Society and social structure
3. Ethnicity
4. Foreign policy of Pakistan and challenges
5. Futuristic outlook of Pakistan

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.
Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:
A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Burki, Shahid Javed. State & Society in Pakistan, The Macmillan Press Ltd 1980.
2. Akbar, S. Zaidi. Issue in Pakistan’s Economy. Karachi: Oxford University Press,
3. S.M. Burke and Lawrence Ziring. Pakistan’s Foreign policy: An Historical analysis.
Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1993.
4. Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Political Roots & Development. Lahore, 1994.
5. Wilcox, Wayne. The Emergence of Banglades, Washington: American Enterprise,
Institute of Public Policy Research, 1972.
6. Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Kayyun Toota, Lahore: Idara-e-Saqafat-e-Islamia, Club
Road, nd.
7. Amin, Tahir. Ethno - National Movement in Pakistan, Islamabad: Institute of Policy
Studies, Islamabad.
8. Ziring, Lawrence. Enigma of Political Development. Kent England: WmDawson &
Sons Ltd, 1980.
9. Zahid, Ansar. History & Culture of Sindh. Karachi: Royal Book Company, 1980.
10. Afzal, M. Rafique. Political Parties in Pakistan, Vol. I, II & III. Islamabad: National
Institute of Historical and cultural Research, 1998.
11. Sayeed, Khalid Bin. The Political System of Pakistan. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,
12. Aziz, K. K. Party, Politics in Pakistan, Islamabad: National Commission on Historical
and Cultural Research, 1976.
13. Muhammad Waseem, Pakistan Under Martial Law, Lahore: Vanguard, 1987.
14. Haq, Noor ul. Making of Pakistan: The Military Perspective. Islamabad: National
Commission on Historical and Cultural Research, 1993.
Title: Electrical Network Analysis
Code Number: EE2101
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE1102 Linear Circuit Analysis
Semester: 3rd

Course Objectives
To equip the students with the knowledge and techniques of analyzing electrical networks.
Unit 1: Analyze DC circuits and AC circuits:
1. Current and voltage transients
2. RLC circuits with DC and AC excitation
3. Transient response and step response of second order circuits
4. Resonant circuit: series and parallel resonance in AC circuit, Q-Factor
5. Analog filters
6. Introduction to phasor representation of alternating voltage and current
Unit 2: Balanced Three Phase Systems:
1. Single-phase circuit analysis
2. Star-delta transformation for DC and AC circuits
3. Three phase circuits
4. Power in three phase circuits and different methods of its measurements
Unit 3: Examine Behavior of Complex networks:
1. Two-port networks and their interconnections
2. Application of Laplace transform in circuit analysis

Lab Work Outline

Design and implement RLC circuits and observe resonance and impedance characteristics. Verify
the node voltages and loop currents in RLC circuits using instruments. Verify Circuit-theorems
using lab instruments. Verify circuit transformations using lab instruments. Learn the use of
Circuit Simulation computer package such as, SPICE, Observe transient and steady state response
in RL, RC and RLC circuits using SPICE, MATLAB/SIMULINK.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve engineering problems using electrical
network analyzing techniques.
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. S. Franco, "Electric Circuits Fundamentals", Oxford University Press, (Latest Edition).
2. V.V. Burg, "Network Analysis”, (Latest Edition)
3. R E Thomas, A. J. Rosa and G. J. Toussaint, "The Analysis and Design of Linear
Circuits" John Wiley, 6th Edition, 2009
4. C. Alexander and M. Sadiku, "Fundamentals of Electric Circuits", McGraw- Hill, 4th
Edition, 2008
5. J. D. Irwin and R. M. Nelms, "Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis", Wiley, 9 th Edition,
6. W. Hayt, J. Kemmerly and S. Durbin, "Engineering Circuit Analysis", McGraw-
Hill , 7th Edition, 2007.
Title: Digital Logic Design
Code Number: EE2102
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: CS 1101 Introduction to Computing
Semester: 3rd

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Do the analysis & design of digital electronic circuits and systems.
2. Understand the basic software tools for the design and implementation of digital
circuits and systems
Unit 1: Digital Systems and Binary Numbers:
1. Digital Systems
2. Binary Numbers
3. Number-Base Conversion
4. Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers
5. Complements, Signed Binary Numbers
6. Binary Codes
7. Binary Storage and Registers
8. Binary logic
Unit 2: Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates:
4. Introduction, Basic Definitions
5. Axiomatic Definition of Boolean Algebra
6. Basic Theorems and Properties of Boolean Algebra
7. Boolean Functions, Canonical and Standard Forms
8. Other Logic Operations
9. Digital Logic Gates
10. Integrated Circuits
Unit 3: Gate-Level Minimization:
1. Introduction
2. The Map Method
3. Four-Variable Map
4. Five-Variable Map
5. Product of sum simplification
6. Don’t Care condition
7. NAND and NOR implementation
8. Other Two level implementations
9. Exclusive–OR function
10. Hardware Description Language
Unit 4: Combinational Logic:
1. Introduction, Combinational Circuits
2. Analysis Procedure
3. Design Procedure
4. Binary –Adder Subtractor
5. Decimal Adder
6. Binary Multiplier
7. Magnitude Comparator
8. Decoders
9. Encoders
10. Multiplexers
Unit 5: Synchronous Sequential Logic:
1. Introduction, Sequential Circuits
2. Storage Elements: Latches,
3. Storage Elements: Flip Flops
4. Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits
5. State Reduction and Assignment
6. Design Procedure
Unit 6: Registers and Counters:
1. Registers
2. Shift Register
3. Ripple Counter
4. Synchronous Counters
5. Other Counters
Unit 7: Memory and Programmable Logic:
1. Introduction
2. Random Access Memory
3. Memory decoding
4. Error Detection and Correction
5. Read-Only Memory
6. Programmable Logic array
7. Programmable Array Logic

Demonstrate the students with the Combinational Digital Logic Design and Sequential
Digital Logic Design through the implementation of Digital Logic Circuits using ICs of basic
logic gates and some simple digital logic circuits.
Familiarization with HDL (Verilog) .To get the students acquainted with the HDL based
Digital Design Flow. Use of other tools like Logisim / Proteus for the analysis of logic
circuitries prior to their hardware implementation.
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using hybrid approach (i.e using
multimedia support and on white board). Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real
world problems using computer-aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four quiz assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Morris Mano and Charles R. Kime, “Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals”,
Prentice Hall; 5th edition (2015).
2. Jr. Charles H. Roth, Larry L Kinney “Fundamentals of Logic Design”, Cengage
Learning; 6th edition (2009).
3. Ronald J. Tocci, Neal Widmer, Greg Moss, "Digital Systems: Principles and
Applications", Prentice Hall; 11thedition (2010).
Title: Data Structures & Algorithms
Code Number: CS2103
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: CS 2101 Programming Fundamentals
Semester: 3rd

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Classify different categories of data structures and algorithms.
2. Analyze common searching and sorting algorithms
3. Design and Implement the solution of searching problems with data structures

Unit 1: Programming Methodologies:
1. An Introduction to Data Structure
2. Algorithm, Modular Programming
3. Top-Down Algorithm Design
4. Bottom-Up Algorithm Design
5. Structured Programming
6. Analysis of Algorithm
7. Time-Space Trade Off
8. Big “OH”
Unit 2: Memory Management:
1. Memory Allocation
2. Dynamic Memory Allocation
3. Free Storage List, Garbage Collection
4. Dangling Reference
5. Reference Counters
6. Storage Compaction
Unit 3: The Stack:
1. Operations Performed on Stack
2. Stack Implementation
3. Stack Using Converting Infix to Postfix Expression
4. Evaluating Postfix Expression
Unit 4: The Queue:
1. Algorithms for Queue Operations
2. Other Queues
3. Circular Queue
4. Deques
5. Applications of Queue
Unit 5: Linked List
1. Linked List
2. Representation of Linked List
3. Advantages and Disadvantages
4. Operation on Linked List
5. Types of Linked List
6. Singly Linked List
7. Stack Using Linked List
8. Queue Using Linked List
9. Queue Using Two Stacks
10. Polynomials Using Linked List
11. Doubly Linked List
12. Circular Linked List
13. Priority Queues
Unit 6: Sorting Techniques:
1. Complexity of Sorting Algorithms
2. Bubble Sort
3. Selection Sort
4. Insertion Sort
5. Shell Sort
6. Quick Sort
7. Merge Sort
8. Radix Sort
9. Heap
10. External Sorting
Unit 7: Searching and Hashing:
1. Linear or Sequential Searching
2. Binary Search
3. Interpolation Search
4. Fibanocci Search
5. Hashing
Unit 8: The Trees:
1. Basic Terminologies
2. Binary Trees
3. Binary Tree Representation
4. Operations on Binary Tree
5. Traversing Binary Trees Recursively
6. Traversing Binary Tree Non-Recursively
7. Binary Search Trees
8. Threaded Binary Tree
9. Expression Trees
10. Decision Tree
11. Fibanocci Tree
12. Selection Trees
13. Balanced Binary Trees
14. AVL Trees
15. M-Way Search Trees
16. 2-3 Trees
17. 2-3-4 Trees
18. Red-Black Tree
19. B-Tree
20. Splay Trees
21. Digital Search Trees
Unit 9: Graphs:
1. Basic Terminologies
2. Representation of Graph
3. Operations on Graph
4. Breadth First Search
5. Depth First Search
6. Minimum Spanning Tree
7. Shortest Path

Lab Work Outline

All the concepts of theory part will be covered in laboratory.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Horowitz Sahni, "Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++", 1999.

2. Lipshutz, "Data Structures", Schaum Outline Series,” 1999.

3. A. M. Tanenbaum, "Data structures using C and C++", 2001.

Title: Linear Algebra
Code Number: NS2104
Credit Hours: 3 (3+0)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 3rd

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Interpret the vector equations and linear transformations.
2. Recognize and solve system of linear equations, then apply to different engineering
3. Evaluate the eigen values and eigen vectors by using the characteristic polynomial
and use to study algorithms like Singular Value Decomposition etc.

Unit 1: Introduction to Vectors:
1. Vectors and Linear Combinations
2. Lengths and Dot Products
3. Matrices

Unit 2: Solving Linear Equations:

1. Vectors and Linear Equations
2. Elimination Using Matrices
3. Matrix Operations
4. Inverse Matrices
5. Factorization: A = LU
6. Transposes and Permutation

Unit 3: Vector Spaces and Subspaces:

1. Spaces of Vectors
2. Independence, Basis and Dimension
3. Four Fundamental Subspaces

Unit 4: Orthogonality
1. Orthogonality of the Four Subspaces
2. Projections
3. Least Squares Approximations
4. Orthonormal Bases and Gram-Schmidt

Unit 5: Determinants
1. The Properties of Determinants
2. Permutations and Cofactors
3. Cramer’s Rule, Inverses, and Volumes
Unit 6: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
1. Introduction to Eigenvalues
2. Diagonalizing a Matrix
3. Systems of Differential Equations
4. Symmetric Matrices
5. Positive Definite Matrices
6. The Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

4. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
5. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
6. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Strang, Gilbert. “Introduction to Linear Algebra.” Wellesley, MA: Cambridge Press, (5th
Edition) 2016.

2. Lay, David C., Steven R. Lay, and Judith McDonald. “Linear Algebra and Its
Applications.” Boston: Pearson, 2020.

3. Strang, Gilbert. “Linear Algebra and Its Applications.” Belmont, CA: Thomson,
Brooks/Cole, 2006.
Title: Communication Skills
Code Number: HS2105
Credit Hours: 2 (2+0)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 3rd

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Describe and critically analyze the components of effective communication skills.
2. Use self-analysis and reflection to examine personal communication styles and the
attitudes, beliefs and values that underlie them.
3. Employ interpersonal communication skills to establish and enhance personal and
work-based relationships characterized by open and honest communication and
effective conflict resolution.
4. Utilize effective communication skills appropriate to the purpose, audience, and

Unit 1: Business Writing
1. Seven Cs of Communication
2. Business Writing Styles
3. Business Memos
4. Business Emails
5. Tenders and Quotations
6. Billing and Invoicing
7. Common Writing Errors
8. Useful Vocabulary and Phrases
9. Personal Documents
Unit 2: Oral Communication
1. Verbal and non-verbal communication
2. Conducting meetings
3. Small group communication
4. Taking minutes.
Unit 3: Presentation skills
1. Presentation strategies
2. Defining the objective, scope and audience of the presentation
3. Material gathering and material organization strategies
4. Time management
5. Opening and Concluding
6. Use of audio-visual aids
7. Delivery and presentation.
Unit 4: Presentation skills
Interactive session of the students for communication skills followed by assessment
with defined rubrics
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet “Practical English Grammar” 4th edition. Oxford
University Press.(1985)
2. A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet “Practical English Grammar Exercises” 3rd edition.
Oxford University Press.(1986)
3. Khaled Mohamed Al Maskari “Writing in English for Non-Native Speakers”. Wiley
4. Marie-Chrisitine Boutin, Suzanne Brinand and Francoise Grellet. “Oxford Supplementary
Skills”. Fourth Impression 1993.
5. Jane Straus “The blue book of Grammar and Punctuation” 11th Edition, John Willey
Title: Signals and Systems
Code Number: EE2201
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: NS1205 Complex Variables and Transforms
Semester: 4th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Describe the time domain and frequency domain representation and transformation
techniques for the continuous-time and discrete time signals and systems.
2. Apply the time domain representation and techniques on the continuous-time and
discrete time signals and systems.
3. Apply the frequency domain representation and techniques on the continuous-time
signals and systems.
4. Investigation of signals in time and frequency domain, systems and its properties
using MATLAB. (Covered in lab.)

Unit 1: Introduction to signals and systems:
1. Continuous-time and discrete-time signals
2. Transformation of independent variables
3. Exponential and sinusoidal signals
4. Unit step and Unit Impulse signals
5. Continuous-time and discrete-time systems
6. Properties of systems
Unit 2: Linear time invariant systems:
1. Discrete-time convolution sum
2. Continuous-time convolution integral
3. Properties of LTI systems
4. Difference and Differential system equations
Unit 3: Fourier series representation:
1. Fourier series representation of continuous-time periodic signals
2. Convergence of Fourier series
3. Properties of continuous-time Fourier series
4. Fourier series representation of discrete-time periodic signals
5. Properties of discrete-time Fourier series
6. Fourier series and LTI systems
Unit 4: Continuous-time Fourier transform:
1. Representation of Continuous time aperiodic signals: Fourier transform
2. Properties of continuous-time Fourier transform
Unit 5: Discrete-time Fourier transform:
1. Representation of discrete-time aperiodic signals: Fourier transform
2. Properties of discrete-time Fourier transform
Unit 6: Laplace transform:
1. Introduction to Laplace transform
2. Properties of Laplace transform
Lab Work Outline
Investigation of signals in time and frequency domain, systems and its properties using

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. A. V. Oppenheim, A. S. Willsky and S. H. Nawab, "Signals and Systems", 2nd Edition,
Prentice Hall, (1996).

2. M. J. Roberts, "Fundamentals of Signals and Systems", McGraw-Hill, (2007).

3. B. P. Lathi, "Linear Systems and Signals", 2nd Edition, Oxford, (2004).

4. C. L. Phillips, J. M. Parr and E. A. Riskin, "Signals, Systems, and Transforms", 4th

Edition, Prentice Hall, (2007).
Title: Electrical Machines
Code Number: EE2202
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE2101 Electrical Network Analysis
Semester: 4th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. To understand the basics of electrical machines.
2. To understand the complete working of single phase & three phase transformers.
3. To understand the working and operation of DC Machines.
4. To understand the various techniques for starting, speed control, reversing and
5. To introduce the fundamentals of ac machine.
6. To understand the detailed operating principles of ac machines including induction
motor, synchronous motors, alternators.

Unit 1: Introduction to Electrical Machinery Principles:
1. Magnetic field and circuits
2. Faraday’s and Lenz’s law
3. Magnetization curves characteristics of hard and soft magnetic materials, losses.
Unit 2: Single Phase & Three Phase Transformers:
1. Introduction and fundamental concepts,
2. working principle, types, construction,
3. Ideal transformer, operation and equivalent circuit,
4. Voltage regulation, losses, open and short circuit test, efficiency,
5. Instrument and auto transformers, name plate ratings and applications.
6. Basics & connection schemes of 3-Phase Transformer.
Unit 3: DC Generator and Motor:
1. Introduction and fundamental concepts,
2. Working principle, types, construction, operation,
3. EMF equations, torque equations and characteristics
4. Commutation, armature reaction
5. speed and voltage regulation, losses,
6. Open and short circuit test, no load and blocked rotor test, name plate ratings and
Unit 4: Induction and Synchronous Machines:
1. Introduction and fundamental concepts,
2. Working principle, rotating magnetic field, magneto motive force and flux
3. Types, construction, operation, EMF equations,
4. Torque equations, speed and voltage regulation, losses
5. Open and short circuit test, no load and blocked rotor test, name plate ratings and

Unit 4: Special Purpose Motors:

1. Introduction to Single phase Induction Motors,
2. Switched Reluctance motors,
3. Hysteresis motors,
4. Stepper Motors,
5. Brushless DC motors.
Lab Work Outline
1. To Calculate the Voltage Regulations, Equivalent circuit and efficiency of 1-Phase
2. Magnetic & Load Characteristics of DC Generators.
3. Load characteristics of DC Motors, 1-Phase Motor & Induction Motor.
4. V Curves of 3-Phase Synchronous Machines
5. Synchronization of Alternator with Bus-Bar
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four to six assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.
Recommended Books:
3. Stephen J. Chapman, "Electric Machinery Fundamentals", McGraw-Hill. (Latest Edition)

4. Fitzgerald, Kingsley and Umans, "Electric Machinery", McGraw-Hill. (Latest Edition)

5. V. K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta, "Principals of Electrical Machines”. (Latest Edition)

Title: Numerical Methods

Code Number: NS2203
Credit Hours: 3 (3+0)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 4th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Apply different numerical methods to perform polynomial interpolation, curve fitting,
differentiation, integration, and estimation of algebraic nonlinear equations
2. Solve ordinary differential equations and compute optimum points in optimization
problems using numerical techniques.
3. Apply a simulation tool to implement various numerical methods.
Unit 1: Introduction to Numerical Analysis:
1. Measuring Errors, Sources of Errors, Propagation of Errors, Roundoff & Trunction
Unit 2: Solution of Nonlinear Equations:
1. Bisection Method
2. Newton Raphson Method
3. Secant Method
4. False Position Method.
Unit 3: Regression and Interpolation:
5. Linear Regression
6. Nonlinear Regression & Adequacy of Regression
7. Direct Method Interpolation
8. Newton’s Method of Interpolation
9. Lagrange Interpolation
10. Spline Interpolation
Unit 4: Numerical Differentiation and Integration:
1. Numerical Differentiation: Continuous and Discrete Functions
2. Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson’s Rule, Gauss Quad. Rule
3. Improper Integrals
Unit 5: Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations:
1. Elementary Theory of Initial Value Problems
2. Euler’s Method
3. Finite Differential Method
4. Runge Kutta Methods
5. Higher Order Differential Equations

Unit 6: Numerical Optimization:

1. Golden Section Search Method
2. Newton’s Method
3. Direct Search Method
4. Gradient Search Method
5. Simplex Method.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Numerical Methods for Engineers by Stephen Chapra, 7th Edition.

2. Numerical Methods with Applications by Autar K. Kaw, Latest Edition.

3. Numerical Analysis by Richard L. Burden, Latest Edition.

Title: Probability Methods in Engineering
Code Number: EE2204
Credit Hours: 3 (3+0)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 4th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Identify elements of axiomatic probability and apply these to realistic problems in
2. Calculate probability densities/distributions and statistical moments of discrete and
continuous random variables.
3. Illustrate stationarity and describe second-order theory for random processes.


Unit 1: Axiomatic Probability and Applications:

5. Basic probability concepts
6. Conditional probability
7. Bayes' theorem
8. Total Probability Theorem.
9. Continuous Sample Space, events and probabilities

Unit 2: Random Variables and Operations:

1. Random variable : probability density & cumulative distribution functions
2. Specific random variables: discrete as well as continuous
3. Operations on Random Variables : moments and moment generating function
4. Chebychev’s, Markov and Jensen’s Inequalities
5. Law of large numbers and Central Limit Theorem

Unit 3: Random Processes:

1. Concept of Random Process
2. Stationarity, Independence & Wide-Sense Stationarity
3. Second-Order Theory of Stochastic Processes
4. Correlation Functions and Properties
5. Karhunen-Loeve expansions
6. Gaussian and Poisson Random Processes

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Alberto Leon-Garcia: Probability and Random Processes for Electrical Engineering.
Prentice Hall, Inc. New Jersey, 3rd ed. 2008.

2. Peyton Z. Peebles.: Probability and Random Variables and Random Signal Principles.
McGraw Hill, 4th ed. 2001.
Title: Organizational Behavior
Code Number: HS2205
Credit Hours: 3 (3+0)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 4th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Identify the ethical dilemmas arising at workplace; identify possible actions that can be taken
in response to a given ethical dilemma and illustrate the probable consequences of these
2. Present an engineering catastrophe caused by not conforming to the code of ethics, report the
flaws and give recommendations
3. Explain why legal and professional definitions of ethics exist; Identify the benefits that are
expected to arise for engineers from acting ethically as well as specific consequences of
acting unethically in the society.

Unit 1: Managing Demographic and Cultural Diversity
1. Doing Good as a Core Business Strategy: The Case of Goodwill Industries
2. Demographic Diversity
3. Cultural Diversity
4. The Role of Ethics and National Culture
5. Managing Diversity for Success: The Case of IBM

Unit 2: Understanding People at Work: Individual Differences and Perception

1. Advice for Hiring Successful Employees: The Case of Guy Kawasaki
2. The Interactionist Perspective: The Role of Fit
3. Individual Differences: Values and Personality
4. Perception
5. The Role of Ethics and National Culture
6. Using Science to Match Candidates to Jobs: The Case of Kronos

Unit 3: Individual Attitudes and Behaviors

1. People Come First: The Case of SAS
2. Work Attitudes
3. Work Behaviors
4. The Role of Ethics and National Culture
5. Rebounding from Defeat: The Case of Jeffrey Katzenberg

Unit 4: Theories of Motivation

1. A Motivating Place to Work: The Case of Zappos
2. Need-Based Theories of Motivation
3. Process-Based Theories
4. The Role of Ethics and National Culture
5. Motivation in Action: The Case of Trader Joe’s

Unit 5: Designing a Motivating Work Environment

1. Motivating Steel Workers Works: The Case of Nucor
2. Motivating Employees Through Job Design
3. Motivating Employees Through Goal Setting
4. Motivating Employees Through Performance Appraisals
5. Motivating Employees Through Performance Incentives
6. The Role of Ethics and National Culture
7. Motivation Key for Success: The Case of Xerox

Unit 6: Managing Groups and Teams

1. Teamwork Takes to the Sky: The Case of General Electric
2. Group Dynamics
3. Understanding Team Design Characteristics
4. Management of Teams
5. Barriers to Effective Teams
6. The Role of Ethics and National Culture
7. Green Teams at Work: The Case of New Seasons Market

Unit 7: Conflict and Negotiations

1. Negotiation Failure: The Case of the PointCast
2. Understanding Conflict
3. Causes and Outcomes of Conflict
4. Conflict Management
5. Negotiations
6. The Role of Ethics and National Culture
7. Avoiding Conflict at WorldCom: The Case of Bernard Ebbers

Unit 8: Leading People Within Organizations

1. Taking on the Pepsi Challenge: The Case of Indra Nooyi
2. Who Is a Leader? Trait Approaches to Leadership
3. What Do Leaders Do? Behavioral Approaches to Leadership
4. What Is the Role of the Context? Contingency Approaches to Leadership
5. What’s New? Contemporary Approaches to Leadership
6. The Role of Ethics and National Culture
7. Leadership Development: The Case of Starbucks

Unit 9: Organizational Culture

1. Building a Customer Service Culture: The Case of Nordstrom
2. Understanding Organizational Culture
3. Characteristics of Organizational Culture
4. Creating and Maintaining Organizational Culture
5. Creating Culture Change
6. The Role of Ethics and National Culture
7. Clash of the Cultures: The Case of Newell Rubbermaid

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Finchan, R., & Rhodes, “Principles of Organizational Behaviour, 3rd Oxford.”
Publishing year 2003,

2. Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J. Gerhart, B., & Wright, , “Human Resource Management, 5th
Ed., McGraw-Hill”. Publishing year 2006.

3. Newstrom John W. “Organizational Behaviour, (12th Ed), McGrawHill”. Publishing

year 2007

4. Luthan Fred, “Organizational Behaviour, McGraw Hill Inc”. Publishing year 2005,
5. Robins, Stephen, “Organizational Behaviour, McGraw Hill Inc”. Publishing year 2005
Title: Occupational Health and Safety
Code Number: HS2206
Credit Hours: 3 (3+0)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 4th semester

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Identify hazards in the home, laboratory and workplace that pose a danger or threat to
their safety or health, or that of others.
2. Control unsafe or unhealthy hazards and propose methods to eliminate the hazard.
3. Present a coherent analysis of a potential safety or health hazard both verbally and in
writing, citing the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Regulations as well as
supported legislation.
4. Demonstrate a comprehension of the changes created by WHMIS and OSHA
legislation in everyday life.

Unit 1: Health and Safety Foundations:
1. Nature and scope of health and safety
2. Reasons/benefits and barriers for good practices of health and safety
3. Legal framework and OHS Management System
Unit 2: Fostering a Safety Culture:
1. Four principles of safety- RAMP (Recognize, Assess, Minimize, Prepare)
2. Re-thinking safety-learning from incidents
3. Safety ethics and rules
4. Roles and responsibilities towards safety
5. Building positive attitude towards safety
6. Safety cultures in academic institutions
Unit 3: Recognizing and Communicating Hazards:
1. Hazards and Risk
2. Types of hazards: Physical (mechanical and non-mechanical), Chemical (Toxic
and biological agents), electrical, fire, construction, heat and temperature, noise
and vibration, falling and lifting etc.
3. Learning the language of safety: Signs, symbols and labels
Unit 4: Finding Hazard Information
1. Material safety data sheets
2. Safety data sheets and the GHS (Globally Harmonized Systems)
Unit 5: Accidents & Their Effect on Industry
1. Costs of accidents
2. Time lost
3. Work injuries, parts of the body injured on the job
4. Chemical burn injuries
5. Construction injuries
6. Fire injuries
Unit 6: Assessing and Minimizing the Risks from Hazards
1. Risk Concept and Terminology
2. Risk assessment procedure
3. Risk Metric’s
4. Risk Estimation and Acceptability Criteria
5. Principles of risk prevention
6. Selection and implementation of appropriate Risk controls
7. Hierarchy of controls
Unit 7: Preparing for Emergency Response Procedures
1. Fire
2. Chemical Spill
3. First Aid
4. Safety Drills / Trainings:
 Firefighting
 Evacuation in case of emergency
Unit 8: Stress and Safety at Work Environment
1. Workplace stress and sources
2. Human reaction to workplace stress
3. Measurement of workplace stress
4. Shift work, stress and safety
5. Improving safety by reducing stress
6. Stress in safety managers
7. Stress and workers compensation

Unit 9: Incident Investigation

1. Importance of investigation
2. Recording and reporting
3. Techniques of investigation
4. Monitoring
5. Review
6. Auditing Health and Safety

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.
Recommended Books:
1. Jeremy Stranks, “The A-Z of health and safety”, 2006.

2. Jeremy Stranks, “The Manager’s Guide to Health & Safety at Work”, 8th edition, 2006.

3. Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak and Stewarts, “Occupational safety and health law
handbook”, second edition, 2008.
Title: Electromagnetic Field Theory
Code Number: EE3101
Credit Hours: 3 (3+0)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 5th

Course Objectives

The course will enable students to:

1. Discuss the vector calculus, orthonormal coordinate systems like rectangular, cylindrical
and spherical coordinate system

2. Analyze the theory of electrostatics in general and apply them in various situations.

3. Analyze the theory of magnetostatics in general and apply them in various situations.

4. Discuss the time varying fields and illustrate the physical significance of point and
integral forms of Maxwell’s equations


Unit 1: Vector calculus:

1. Vector algebra
2. Orthogonal coordinate systems
3. Transformations
Unit 2: Electrostatics:
1. Electrostatic fields Laws and Calculations
2. Electric Flux and Divergence Theorem
3. Gradient and Electric Potential
4. Field Calculations in materials
5. Electrostatic boundary value problems
6. Resistance and capacitance calculation
Unit 3: Magnetostatics:
1. Magneto-static fields Laws and Calculations
2. Curl and Stokes’ Theorem
3. Magneto-static fields in materials
4. Inductance calculation.
Unit 4: Electromagnetics:
. 1. Faraday's Law
2. Displacement current
3. Maxwell's equation

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.
Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:
A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. William Hayt and John A. Buck, “Engineering Electromagnetics”, McGraw-Hill
Education; 8th Edition (2011)

2. Sadiku, Matthew N, “Elements of Electromagnetics”, Oxford University Press; 2nd

Edition (1994)

3. J. D. Kraus, "Electromagnetics", McGraw-Hill Book Company; 2nd Edition (1973).

Title: Thermodynamics

Code Number: ME3102

Credit Hours: 3 (3+0)

Prerequisites: None
Semester: 5th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. To gain basic concept of thermodynamics & its law.
2. Understand conservation of Energy and Cycle Concept.
3. Understand the properties of working fluids.

Unit 1: Thermodynamics, Energy Conservation & Its Properties:

1. Introduction; Working substance; System; Pure substance; PVT surface; Phases;
Properties and state; Units; Zeroth Law; Processes and cycles;
2. Conservation of mass. Relation of mass and energy; Different forms of energy;
Internal energy and enthalpy; Work; Generalized work equation Flow and non-flow
processes; Closed systems; First Law of Thermodynamics; Open systems and steady
flow, Energy equation for steady flow; System boundaries; Perpetual motion of the
first kind.
3. Thermodynamics equilibrium; Reversibility; specific heats and their relationship;
entropy; Second Law and of Thermodynamics; Property relation from energy
equation; Frictional energy.
Unit 2: Gas Laws, Thermodynamics Cycle:
1. Gas laws; Specific heats of an ideal gas; Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure; Third Law
of Thermodynamics; Entropy of an ideal gas; Thermodynamic processes.
Cycle work; Thermal efficiency and heat rate; Carnot cycle; Stirling cycles; Reversed
and reversible cycles; most efficient engine.
2. Calusius’s inequality; Availability and irreversibility; Steady flow system.
3. Two-phase system of a pure substance; Changes of phase at constant pressure; Steam
tables; Superheated steam; Compressed liquid; Liquid and vapour curves; Phase
diagrams; Phase roles; Processes of vapours; Mollier diagram; Ranking cycles;
Boilers and ancillary equipment.
4. Otto cycle; Diesel cycle; Dual combustion cycle; Four stroke and two stroke engines;
Types of fuels.
Unit 3: Compressors, Turbines & RAC:
1. Condition for minimum work; Isothermal efficiency; Volumetric efficiency;
Multistage compression; Energy balance for a two-stage machine with inter-cooler.
2. Boilers Definition, types of boilers, comparison of fire tube and water tube boilers,
essentials of a good boiler, factors affecting boiler selection, firing of boilers and
boiler inspection.
3. Steam turbines, classification of steam turbines. Conditions for maximum efficiency
of an impulse Turbine, Special Industrial turbines, Gas turbines, types of gas turbines,
Advantages of gas turbine over I. C. engines and steam turbines and use of gas
4. Deification, applications of refrigeration’s, types of mechanical refrigerators, Ice
making capacity of refrigerator, refrigeration system for aircraft, Air conditioning
(definition and introduction), Air conditioning systems and equipment, classification
of air conditioning systems, Equipments and devices used in A.C. plants, typical A.C.
system layout.
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four to six assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists by T.D Eastop and A.
MacConkey, Fifth Edition.
2. Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach by Yunus A. Cengel, Michael A.,
3. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics by M. J. Moran and H. O. Shapiro,,
John Wiley & Sons.
Title: Linear Control Systems
Code Number: EE3103
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE2201 Signals and Systems
Semester: 5th

Course Objectives
1. Develop a mathematical model using input/output Differential equations, Transfer
Functions and State Space for Linear Time Invariant electrical and mechanical
2. Analyze the stability of Linear Time Invariant complex engineering systems using
Routh’s Criteria, Root Locus, Bode plots and State Space analysis.
3. Design a compensator to achieve desired closed loop response for a system using,
Root Locus, Bode plots and State Space.
4. Use Hardware and MATLAB for modeling and simulation of complex engineering
Unit 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction
1.2 A History of Control Systems
1.3 System Configurations
1.4 Analysis and Design Objectives
Case Study
1.5 The Design Process
1.6 Computer-Aided Design
1.7 The Control Systems Engineer
Unit 2: Modeling In The Frequency Domain
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Laplace Transform Review
2.3 The Transfer Function
2.4 Electrical Network Transfer Functions
2.5 Translational Mechanical System Transfer Functions
2.6 Rotational Mechanical System Transfer Functions
2.7 Transfer Functions for Systems with Gears
2.8 Electromechanical System Transfer Functions
2.9 Electric Circuit Analogs
2.10 Nonlinearities
2.11 Linearization
Unit 3: Modeling In The Time Domain
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Some Observations
3.3 The General State-Space Representation
3.4 Applying the State-Space Representation
3.5 Converting a Transfer Function to State Space
3.6 Converting from State Space to a Transfer Function
3.7 Linearization
Unit 4: Time Response
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Poles, Zeros, and System Response
4.3 First-Order Systems
4.4 Second-Order Systems: Introduction
4.5 The General Second-Order System
4.6 Underdamped Second-Order Systems
4.7 System Response with Additional Poles
4.8 System Response with Zeros
4.9 Effects of Nonlinearities upon Time Response
4.10 Laplace Transform Solution of State Equations
4.11 Time Domain Solution of State Equations
Unit 5: Reduction of Multiple Subsystems
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Block Diagrams
5.3 Analysis and Design of Feedback Systems
5.4 Signal-Flow Graphs
5.5 Mason’s Rule
5.6 Signal-Flow Graphs of State Equations
5.7 Alternative Representations in State Space
5.8 Similarity Transformations
Unit 6: Stability
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Routh-Hurwitz Criterion
6.3 Routh-Hurwitz Criterion: Special Cases
6.4 Routh-Hurwitz Criterion: Additional Examples
6.5 Stability in State Space
Unit 7: Steady-State Errors
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Steady-State Error for Unity Feedback Systems
7.3 Static Error Constants and System Type
7.4 Steady-State Error Specifications
7.5 Steady-State Error for Disturbances
7.6 Steady-State Error for Nonunity-Feedback Systems
7.7 Sensitivity
7.8 Steady-State Error for Systems in 0State Space
Unit 8: Root Locus Techniques
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Defining the Root Locus
8.3 Properties of the Root Locus
8.4 Sketching the Root Locus
8.5 Refining the Sketch
8.6 An Example
8.7 Transient Response Design via Gain Adjustment
8.8 Generalized Root Locus
8.9 Root Locus for Positive-Feedback Systems
8.10 Pole Sensitivity
Unit 9: Design Via Root Locus
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Improving Steady-State Error via Cascade Compensation
9.3 Improving Transient Response via Cascade Compensation
9.4 Improving Steady-State Error and Transient Response
9.5 Feedback Compensation
9.6 Physical Realization of Compensation
Unit 10: Frequency Response Techniques
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Asymptotic Approximations: Bode Plots
10.3 Introduction to the Nyquist Criterion
10.4 Sketching the Nyquist Diagram
10.5 Stability via the Nyquist Diagram
10.6 Gain Margin and Phase Margin via the Nyquist Diagram
10.7 Stability, Gain Margin, and Phase Margin via Bode Plots
10.8 Relation Between Closed-Loop Transient and Closed-Loop Frequency Responses
10.9 Relation Between Closed- and Open-Loop Frequency Responses
10.10 Relation Between Closed-Loop Transient and Open-Loop Frequency Responses
10.11 Steady-State Error Characteristics from Frequency Response
10.12 Systems with Time Delay
10.13 Obtaining Transfer Functions Experimentally
Unit 11: Design Via Frequency Response
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Transient Response via Gain Adjustment
11.3 Lag Compensation
11.4 Lead Compensation
11.5 Lag-Lead Compensation
Unit 12: Design Via State Space
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Controller Design
12.3 Controllability
12.4 Alternative Approaches to Controller Design
12.5 Observer Design
12.6 Observability
12.7 Alternative Approaches to Observer Design
12.8 Steady-State Error Design via Integral Control
Lab Work Outline
Design and implement robotic assistance for tracking and surgical applications.
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university classroom
environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white board. Students are
engaged to identify and describe various types of robots for medical applications, explain the
fundamentals of robot dynamics and simulation, design and implement robotic assistance for
tracking and surgical applications
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.
Recommended Books:
1. Raymond T. Steffani, Bahram Shahian, Clement J. Savant, and Gene H. Hostetter,
"Design of Feedback Control Systems", Saunders College Publications; 4th edition
2. KatsushikoOgata, “Modern Control Engineering”,McGraw-Hill; 5th edition, (2009).
3. Richard. C. Dorf and Robert. H. Bishop, “Modern Control Systems”, Prentice Hall; 12th
edition, (2010).

4. Benjamin C. Kuo, “Automatic Control Systems”, Wiley; 7th edition, (1995).

Title: Communication Systems
Code Number: EE3104
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE2201 Signals and Systems
Semester: 5th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
4. Describe the basic theory of Communication Systems, as well as understand the
characteristics of distortion-less communication channel.
5. Describe the basic theory, compare advantages and disadvantages, identify and
compute parameters, the performance metrics, and explain the working of the
different types of analog transceiver designs using time and frequency domain
6. Apply principles of Analog to Digital conversion and Digital modulation schemes.
Extend the concepts to design analog and digital modulators.
7. Build and troubleshoot various electronic circuits for analog and digital modulation
and demodulation and understand their working in order to apply theory into practice.

Unit 1: Analysis and transmission of signals:
8. Channel Bandwidth and rate of communication
9. Signal energy and Energy Spectral Density
10. Signal Power and Power Spectral Density
11. Signal Distortion over communication channel
Unit 2: Amplitude modulations and demodulations:
4. Baseband and carrier communications,
5. Double Sideband (DSB),
6. Single Sideband (SSB),
7. Vestigial Sideband (VSB),
8. Superhetrodyne AM Receiver,
9. Carrier Acquisition, Television.
Unit 3: Angle modulation and demodulation:
6. Instantaneous frequency,
7. Bandwidth of FM/PM,
8. Generation of FM/PM,
9. Demodulation of FM/PM
Unit 4: Principles of Digital Communications:
3. Sampling and Quantization,
4. Sampling theorem andaliasing,
5. Pulse Amplitude Modulation, Pulse Position and Pulse width Modulation,
6. Quantization Noise, Signal to Quantization Noise Ratio,
7. Pulse code Modulation,
8. Delta Modulation,
9. Frequency Shift Keying, Phase Shift Keying.

Unit 5: Noise Analysis

1. Noise: Mathematical representation,
2. Signal to Noise Ratio,
3. Noise in AM, FM, and PM systems Pulse Modulation

Lab Work Outline

Build and troubleshoot various electronic circuits for analog and digital modulation and
demodulation and understand their working in order to apply theory into practice.
Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:
A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

35% It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. Midterm
Assessment semester.

It is continuous assessment. It includes:

classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. B.P. Lathi and Zhi Ding, “Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems” 4th
Edition, Oxford University Press, (2010).

2. Simon Haykin, “Communication Systems” 4th Edition, Wiley (2006).

3. John G. Proakis and Masoud Salehi, “Communication Systems Engineering” Prentice

Hall, (2002).
Title: Professional & Leadership Psychology
Code Number: HS3105
Credit Hours: 3 (3+0)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 5th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Have a better understanding and recognize the psychological components of
leadership as opposed to management.
2. Familiar with different leadership styles, models, personality assessment and
leadership development.
3. Appreciate the complexity of the leadership role from a psychological and managerial
point of view.
4. Learn how leadership is crucial for coping with change
5. Learn how uncertainty responsibility for organizational well-being is connected to
6. Understand the impact of communication and strategic conversations in organizations
7. Learn how leadership is related to being able to navigate cross-cultural differences
and building strong diverse workforces

Unit 1: Introduction and Fundamentals
1. Introduction to Organizational Behavior
2. Introduction to Information Technology & Globalization.

Unit 2: Diversity & Ethics

1. Design & Culture

Unit 3: Reward Systems

2. Perception & Attribution.
3. Personality & Attitudes.
4. Motivation Need & Processes.
5. Positive Psychology.

Unit 4: Management and Leadership

1. Decision Making.
2. Stress & Conflict management
3. Power & Politics.
4. Group & Teams, Job Design & Goal Setting.
5. Performance Management.
6. Difference between Management and Leadership.
7. Leadership Processes.
8. Leadership Styles.
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Cris Argyris & Donald Schon. “Organizational learning”. AddisonWesley (1978).
2. Debra, L. N. & James Campbell Quick. “Organizational behavior”. 3rd edition
Cincinnati: South-Western (2000).
3. Edgar H. Schein,“Organizational culture and leadership.” San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
4. Fred Luthans, Alexander, D. S. & Edwin, A. Locke (Eds.). “Handbook of principles
of organizational behavior” London: Blackwell. (2000).
5. Jerald Greenberg & Robert A. Baron. “Behavior in organizations”. 7th edition Upper
Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. (2000).
6. Stephen, P. R. “Organization theory”. 3rd edition Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-
Hall. (1990).
7. Bernard M. Bass, “Leadership and performance beyond expectations.” New York:
Free Press. (1985).
Title: Sociology for Engineers
Code Number: HS3106
Credit Hours: 3 (3+0)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 4th semester

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Define the basic concepts and theoretical models of sociology. Distinguish between
the major fields of contemporary sociology.
2. Analyze the basic social issues caused by unethical behavior of engineers and
determine the impact of unethical engineer’s work on the society as a whole.
3. Discuss the social dilemmas involving engineers, formulate possible actions that can
be taken in response to a social issue, and evaluate the probable consequences of
those actions.


Unit 1: Introduction and Fundamentals:

12. Introduction to Sociology
13. Nature, Scope, and Importance of Sociology
Unit 2: Methods of Sociological Research:
10. Culture, Society and Socialization
11. Groups, Organizations, Deviance and Crime
Unit 3: The Basis of Society:
10. Social Interaction Processes
Unit 4: Major Perspectives in Sociology
Unit 5: Social Stratification
4. Factors of Social Stratification
5. Caste, Power, Prestige, and Authority
Unit 6: Macro-sociology and Social Change
7. Politics and Government
8. Social Processes of Globalization
Unit 7: Engineers and Sociology
1. Understanding Social Responsibilities of an Engineer
2. Engineers Bringing Social Change
Unit 8: Community Development Involving Engineers
1. Meaning, Scope and Subject Matter of Community Development •
2. Processes of Community Development •
3. Role of Engineers in Community Development
Unit 9: Case Studies Regarding Sociology Concerning Engineers

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. John J. Macionis, “Sociology” 16th edition, Pearson Education
Title: Introduction to Embedded Systems
Code Number: EE3201
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE2102 Digital Logic Design, CS1201 Programming Fundamentals
Semester: 6th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Describe microcontroller architecture, its internal registers, and instruction set
2. Perform timer programming, serial port programming and interrupt programming
both in C and assembly language
3. Design and implement microcontroller-based projects

Unit 1: The Microcontrollers:
1. Microcontrollers and embedded processors
2. Overview of the microcontroller families
Unit 2: Assembly Language Programming:
1. Inside the microcontroller
2. Introduction to Assembly programming
3. Assembling and running microcontroller program
4. The program counter and ROM space in the 8051
5. Data types and directives
6. Flag bits and the PSW register
7. Register banks and stack
Unit 3: Jump, Loop, And Call Instructions:
1. Loop and jump instructions
2. Call instructions
3. Time delay for various 8051 chips
Unit 4: I/O Port Programming:
1. I/O programming
2. I/O bit manipulation programming
Unit 5: Addressing Modes:
1. Immediate and register addressing modes
2. Accessing memory using various addressing modes
3. Bit addresses for I/O and RAM
Unit 6: Arithmetic & Logic Instructions:
1. Arithmetic instructions
2. Signed number concepts and arithmetic operations
3. Logic and compare instructions
4. Rotate instruction and data serialization
5. BCD, ASCII, and other application programs
Unit 7: Programming In C:
1. Data types and time delay in C
2. I/O programming in C
3. Logic operations in C
4. Data conversion programs in C
5. Accessing code ROM space in C
6. Data serialization using C
Unit 8: 8051 Hardware Connection:
1. Pin description of the microcontroller
2. Explaining the Intel hex file
Unit 9: Timer Programming:
1. Programming microcontroller timers
2. Counter programming
3. Programming timers 0 and I in C
Unit 10: Serial Port Programming:
1. Basics of serial communication
2. Microcontroller connection to RS232
3. Microcontroller serial port programming in Assembly
4. Programming the second serial port
5. Serial port programming in C
Unit 11: Interrupts Programming:
1. Interrupts
2. Programming timer interrupts
3. Programming external hardware interrupts
4. Programming the serial communication interrupt
5. Interrupt priority
6. Interrupt programming in C
Unit 12: LCD And Keyboard Interfacing:
1. LCD interfacing
2. Keyboard interfacing
Unit 13: ADC, DAC, And Sensor Interfacing:
1. Parallel and serial ADC
2. DAC interfacing
3. Sensor interfacing and signal conditioning
Unit 14: Interfacing To External Memory:
1. Semiconductor memory
2. Memory address decoding
3. Microcontroller interfacing with external ROM
4. Data memory space
5. Accessing external data memory in C
Unit 15: DS12887 RTC Interfacing and Programming:
1. DS12887 RTC interfacing
2. OSI2887 RTC programming in C
3. Alarm, SQW, and IRQ features of the DS 12887 chip
Unit 16: Motor Control: Relay, PWM, DC And Stepper Motors:
1. Relays and optoisolators
2. Stepper motor interfacing
3. DC motor interfacing and PWM

Lab Work Outline

All the concepts of theory part will be covered in laboratory.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. David Calcutt, “8051 Microcontrollers An Applications-Based Introduction”, Oxford
2. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice G. Mazidi, Rolin D. McKinlay, “The 8051
Microcontroller and Embedded Systems”, Prentice Hall;2nd edition (2005).
3. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Sarmad Naimi, and Sepehr Naimi, “The AVR
Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C” published by
Pearson Custom Electronics Technology
4. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Rolin D. McKinlay, and Danny Causey, “PIC
Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C for PIC18”, Pearson.
Title: Technical Report Writing
Code Number: HS3202
Credit Hours: 3 (3+0)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 6th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Demonstrate proficiency in writing memos, proposals, covering letter, enquiry letter, job
application letter, acceptance letter, business letter, short report, long report etc.
2. Use a standard word processing software along with a referencing tool for report writing
Unit 1: Introduction to Technical Report Writing
1. What is a report?
2. Purpose of Technical Report Writing
3. Characteristics of Technical Report Writing
4. Kinds of Reports
Unit 2: 7C’s of Communication and Resume Writing
1. The Traditional Resume
2. The Functional Resume
Unit 3: Technical Writing Process
3. The Pre-writing Stage
4. The Writing Stage
5. The Post-writing Stage
Unit 4: Technical Writing Style
1. Writing Clear Sentences
2. Writing Clear Paragraphs
3. Revising for Clarity
4. Organizing Clearly
Unit 5: Technical Writing Applications
1. Memorandums (Memo Format)
2. The Basic Elements of the Memo Format
Unit 6: Different Parts of a Technical Report (Formatting)
1. Title Page
2. Letter of Transmittal
3. Abstract/Summary
4. Introduction
5. Background
6. History, location, methodology, etc.
7. Results
8. Discussion of Results
9. Conclusion
10. Recommendations
11. Figures and Tables
12. Appendix
13. Bibliography
Unit 7: Writing Research Proposal
1. Parts
2. Format
3. Unit 2: Writing Research/Term Paper
4. Style
5. Consistency
6. Clarity
7. Language
Unit 8: Informal Report
1. Informal Introductions
2. Summary
3. Background
4. Conclusions and Recommendations
5. Discussion
6. Uses of Informal Reports
Unit 9: Formal Report
1. The Elements of a Formal Format
2. Arrangement of Formal Elements
3. Front Material
4. Format Devices in the Body of the Formal Format
5. End Material
Unit 10: Recommendation and Feasibility Reports
1. Planning the Recommendation Report
2. Writing and Presenting the Recommendation Report
Unit 11: Plagiarism

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

4. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
5. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
6. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:

1. Technical Report Writing Today by Daniel G. Riordan, Wadsworth Publishing, 10th

Edition, ISBN 9781133607380
2. Scenarios for Technical Communication by Teresa C. Kynell and Wendy Krieg Stone.
ISBN 978-0205275243
3. Communication for Engineering Students by J. W. Davies, ISBN 978-0582256484
4. Science Research Writing for Non-Native Speakers of English by Hilary Glasman-Deal,
Imperial College Press. ISBN 978 1 84816 309 6
5. Effective communication for Science and Technology by J V Emden, Palgrave 2001,
ISBN 9780333775462
Title: Engineering Project Management
Code Number: MS3203
Credit Hours: 3 (3+0)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 6th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Understand a sustainable lifestyle and why a sustainable society is important for the
2. Compare competency in various project management knowledge areas, including, Risk,
Quality, Stakeholder, Time and Cost management.
3. Solve the complex tasks of time and cost estimation using project scheduling and
controlling techniques including Critical Path Method and Earned Value Management.
4. Integrate various Knowledge areas of project management in order to prepare a project
plan on a simulation level using modern tool e.g. MS Project.
Unit 1: Introduction to Project Management
1. Project, program management and project management
2. Historical perspective of project management
3. Project characteristics, objectives, scope and requirements
4. Introduction to existing PM Bodies of Knowledge
Unit 2: Project Quality Management
1. History of Quality Management
2. Defining Quality
3. Relationship between project management and quality management
4. Quality Management Frameworks
Unit 3: Project Stakeholder Management
1. The Roles of Project Manager and Sponsor
2. Project team selection
3. Skills and competencies of project manager
4. How to develop and manage project teams successfully
5. Stakeholder management
Unit 4: Project Cost Management
1. Cost Estimation in projects
2. Cost components in projects and methods for cost estimation in projects
3. Cost Control in Projects
4. Estimation of outstanding work
5. Engineering Economics (Earned value management)
Unit 5: Project HRM and Communication Management
1. Effective organization and communication
2. The emergence of project management in developing company
3. Project matrix and project based organizations
4. Building and managing effective project team
Unit 6: Project Risk Management
1. Definitions and concepts including risk, risk management, business and project risk,
probability and impact.
2. Generic risk management processes.

Unit 7: Project Time Management

1. Introduction to Project Scheduling
2. Critical Path Method
3. Network representation of projects, critical activities, and critical path.
Unit 8: Project Scope and Integration Management
1. Selecting the Suitable Project for the Organization
2. Conducting Feasibility Study
3. Phases of project and the different activities carried out in each phase.
4. Lifecycle models and examples
5. Project management methodologies and processes
6. Traditional, structured and agile approach to project delivery
Unit 9: Project Closure
1. Project Evaluation
2. Defining project and project management success
3. Success Criteria for Projects
4. Project Audits
5. Project Termination
6. When to terminate a project
7. The verities of project termination
8. The termination process
Unit 10: Environmental and sustainable development projects
1. Importance of Sustainable development
2. Sustainability and project management
3. Evaluation of sustainable development projects from various sectors

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm 35% It takes place at the mid-point of the

Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
Formative classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
3. Final 40% It takes place at the end of the semester. It
Assessment is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
to the nature of the course the teacher may
assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:

1. Project Management: A System Approach to Planning Scheduling and Controlling by

Harold Kerzner, 11th edition, John Willey 2013, ISBN: 978-1-118-02227-6
2. Project Management: A managerial approach 7th edition, Jack R. Meredith and
Samuel J. Mantel, Jr. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Project Management for Business,
ISBN: 13 978-0-470-22621-6
3. Engineering and Technology: Principles and Practice 3rd Edition, by John M.
Nicholas and Herman Steyn, Elsevier Publications ISBN: 978-0-7506-8399-9
4. Project Management: A Strategic Planning Approach by Paul Gardiner, 2nd Edition,
Palgrave Macmillan, 2017,ISBN 9780230545106
Title: Digital Signal Processing
Code Number: EE3204
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE2201 Signals and Systems
Semester: 6th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Analyze bidirectional conversion from continuous-time signals to discrete-time
signals, relationships between analog and digital frequencies, and the characterization
of discrete-time LTI systems.
2. Perform frequency-domain analysis of sequences and sampled-data systems using z
and discrete Fourier transforms and their calculations using properties an efficient
implementation via FFT.
3. Evaluate design problems related to frequency-selective filtering and design FIR/IIR
filters, digital resonators, oscillators, notch filters, minimum-phase systems and
inverse systems.
4. Construct via Matlab FFT and design filters that meet a given specification.
Unit 1: Sampling, Quantization & LTI system characterization:
1. Analog & Digital Frequencies and Relationships.
2. Sampling of Continuous Time Signals: Basic principles, pre-filtering to avoid aliasing,
Quantization errors.
3. Review of Signals & Systems: Discrete LTI systems, Convolution, Difference
Unit 2: Frequency domain analysis of signals and LTI systems :
1. Z-transforms.
2. Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT).
3. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and FFT Algorithms
Unit 3: Frequency Response and Digital Filter Design:
1. Transform Analysis & Frequency response of LTI Systems.
2. Basic Digital Filters,
3. All pass systems, Minimum phase systems, Resonators and Notch Filters.
4. Analog and Digital IIR & Digital FIR Filters and Filter Design Techniques

Unit 4: Simulation tools for error-performance evaluation:

3. Matlab frequency domain analysis via FFT
4. Analog and Digital Filter design via Matlab

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

A minimum of four quizzes to be conducted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. G A.V. Oppenheim, R.W. Schafer and J.R. Buck, Discrete-Time Signal Processing,
3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2009.

2. S.K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach, McGraw-Hill,


3. J.G. Proakis and D. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and
Applications, 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2007.

4. Li Tan, Digital Signal Processing Fundamentals and Applications, Academic Press,

Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-374090.
Title: Digital Communication
Code Number: EE3205
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE3104 Communication System
Semester: 6th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. To understand the key modules of digital communication systems with emphasis on
digital modulation techniques.
2. To get introduced to the concept and basics of information theory and the basics of
source and channel coding/decoding.
3. To prepare mathematical background for communication signal analysis.
4. To understand and analyze the signal flow in a digital communication system.
5. To analyze error performance of a digital communication system in presence of noise
and other interferences.
6. To understand concept of spread spectrum communication system.
Unit 1: Baseband Transmission.
1. Pulse Modulation techniques – PAM, PPM, PDM.
2. Pulse code modulation (PCM), DM,
3. Destination SNR in PCM systems with noise.
4. Matched filter.
5. Maximum likelihood detection (MLD) in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN),
6. Bit Error Rate (BER) performance.
7. Nyquist criterion for zero ISI.
8. Optimum transmit and receive filters.
9. Correlative Coding, M-ary PAM.
10. Equalization; zero-forcing and adaptive linear equalizers.
Unit 2: Digital Modulation and Detection Techniques
1. Binary ASK, FSK, and PSK.
2. Signal space diagram. Error probabilities.
3. M-ary PSK, FSK, QAM, MSK and GMSK.
4. Optimum detector.
5. Signal constellation,
6. Error probability.
Unit 3: Channel Coding Techniques:
1. Linear block codes,
2. Encoding and decoding.
3. Cyclic codes.
4. Convolutional codes.
5. Viterbi decoding.
6. TCM.
Unit 4: Spread spectrum (SS) techniques:
1. Direct S.S
2. Frequency hop S.S.
3. Processing gain and jamming margin.

Unit 5: Basic information theory concepts

1. Shannon limit,
2. Channel capacity.

Lab Work Outline

To be able to:
1. Understand basic theories of digital communication system in practical.
2. Design and implement different modulation and demodulation techniques.
3. Analyze digital modulation techniques by using MATLAB tools.
4. Identify and describe different techniques in modern digital communications, in
particular in source coding using hardware and software tools.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four to six assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.
Recommended Books:
1. Proakis, John G., and Masoud Salehi. “Digital communications.” Edition. 5.
2. Stewart, Robert W., et al. “Software defined radio using MATLAB & Simulink and the
RTL-SDR.” Strathclyde Academic Media, 2015.
3. Rice, Michael. “Digital communications: a discrete-time approach.” Prentice Hall,
4. Proakis, John G., and Masoud Salehi. “Fundamentals of communication systems.”
Pearson Education India, 2007.
Title: RF and Microwave Engineering
Code Number: EE3206
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE3101 Electromagnetic Field Theory
Semester: 6th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Understand the basics of RF passive components and circuits
2. Analyze the RF circuits using S-parameters, Signal flow graphs and smith charts.
3. Design RF circuits using CAD tools (i.e Serenade/ADS/CST/HFSS)

Unit 1: RF behavior of Passive Components and RF models:
1. Importance of Radio Frequency Design
2. High frequency resistors
3. High frequency inductors
4. High frequency capacitors
5. Chip components and Circuit Board Considerations
Unit 2: Transmission Line Theory:
1. The Lumped-Element Circuit Model for a Transmission Line
2. Field Analysis of Transmission Lines
3. The Terminated Lossless Transmission Line
4. The Smith Chart
5. The Quarter-Wave Transformer
6. Generator and Load Mismatches
7. Lossy Transmission Lines
Unit 3: Transmission lines and Waveguides:
1. General Solutions for TEM, TE, and TM Waves,
2. Rectangular Waveguide
3. Stripline
4. Microstrip line
Unit 4: Transmission lines and Waveguides:
1. Impedance and Equivalent Voltages and Currents
2. Impedance and Admittance Matrices
3. The Scattering Matrix
4. The Transmission (ABCD) Matrix
5. Signal Flow Graphs
6. Discontinuities and Modal Analysis
Unit 5: Impedance Matching and Tuning:
1. Matching with Lumped Elements (L Networks),
2. Single-Stub Tuning
3. Double-Stub Tuning
4. The Quarter-Wave Transformer
5. The Theory of Small Reflections
6. Binomial Multisection Matching Transformers
7. Chebyshev Multisection Matching Transformers
8. The Bode–Fano Criterion
Unit 6: Power Dividers and Directional Couplers:
1. Basic Properties of Dividers and Couplers,
2. The T-Junction Power Divider,
3. The Wilkinson Power Divider,
4. The Quadrature (90◦) Hybrid,
5. Coupled Line Directional Couplers
6. The Lange Coupler,
7. The 180◦ Hybrid
Unit 7: Microwave Filters:
1. Filter Design by the Insertion Loss Method
2. Filter Transformations
3. Filter Implementation
4. Stepped-Impedance Low-Pass Filters
5. Coupled Line Filters
Unit 8: Noise and Nonlinear Distortion:
1. Noise in microwave circuits
2. Noise Figure
3. Nonlinear Distortion
4. Dynamic Range
Lab Work Outline
Experiments to investigate the characteristics of passive devices using Microstrip trainer.
Build understating of rectangular waveguide and waveguide based passive modules using
WT(wave guide trainer).
Familiarization with ADS tool for synthesis and analysis purpose
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four quiz assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Sr. Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. David M. Pozar, "Microwave Engineering", Wiley, 4th Edition (2011)
2. RF Circuit Design Theory and Application by Ludwig Bretchko, Pearson 2nd Edition (2000)
Title: Electronic Circuit Design
Code Number: EE3207
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE1202 Electronic Devices and Circuits
Semester: 6th

Course Objectives
1. Construct and examine the small signal and power amplifiers
2. Design and analyze various small-scale electronic circuits based on operational amplifier
including active filters, oscillators and data converters
3. Analyze the frequency characteristics and stability analysis of different electronic devices
including filters, amplifiers and oscillators
4. Conduct experiments in laboratory in order to interpret experimental data and observe its
conformance with designed and analyzed results of circuits
Unit 1: Amplifier Analysis :
1. Transistor as an amplifier
2. Hybrid model of a transistor
3. Small-signal analysis
4. Large-signal analysis
5. Gain Calculation of single-stage amplifier
6. Cascading
7. Multistage gain calculations
Unit 2: Current Sources:
1. Simple current mirror
2. Widler and Wilson current source
3. Output stage design
Unit 3: Differential Amplifiers:
1. DC and AC analysis of differential amplifier
2. Design of simple differential amplifier
3. Level translator
Unit 4: Use of Op-Amp
1. As a circuit element
2. Offset and offset compensation
3. Op-Amp with negative feedback
4. Frequency response of an op-amp
5. DC and AC analysis of op-amp ICs
Unit 5: Classification of Amplifiers on the Basis of Biasing
1. Class A amplifier
2. Class B amplifier
3. Class AB amplifier
4. Class C amplifier
5. Push-pull amplifier
6. Complementary Symmetry Amplifier
Unit 6: Feedback
1. Feedback concept
2. Feedback amplifiers
3. Voltage feedback amplifier
4. Current feedback amplifier
5. Effect of feedback on frequency response
Unit 7: Practical Amplifier Considerations
1. Input and output impedance
2. Loading
3. Impedance matching
Lab Work Outline
1. Construct and implement small signal amplifiers
2. Construct and implement large signal amplifiers
3. Design and implement active filters based on operational amplifiers
4. Design and implement oscillators based on operational amplifiers
5. Design and implement data converters based on operational amplifiers
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to design and analyze electronic circuits.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.
Recommended Books:
1. S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, "Microelectronic Circuits", Oxford University Press, Latest edition.
2. Behzad Razavi “Fundamentals of Microelectronics,” Wiley, Latest edition.
3. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, Prentice
Hall, Latest edition
4. Thomas L. Floyd “Electronic Devices (Conventional Current Version)”, Prentice Hall, Latest
5. . T.F.Bogart, “Electronic devices and circuits”latest edition
Title: Power Electronics
Code Number: EE3208
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE1202 Electronic Devices & Circuits
Semester: 6th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Understand the fundamentals of power semiconductor devices, Power diodes, Power
transistors and Thyristors.
2. Discuss Uncontrolled and controlled rectifiers under different loading conditions.
3. Analyze converters operation in steady state continuous and discontinuous conduction
4. Design of converter using software and hardware in lab environment working
individually and as a group

Unit 1: Introduction
1. Principles of power electronics, converters and applications.
2. Power Electronic circuits, components and their effects.
3. Control aspects of power electronic devices.
4. Characteristics and specifications of switches.
Unit 2: Power Electronic Devices
1. Power diode
2. Power transistors
3. Thyristors
.Unit 3: Rectifiers
1. Uncontrolled
2. Fully Controlled
3. Semi Controlled
Unit 4: DC to DC Converters
1. Non isolated converters
2. Isolated converters
3. Class A, B, C, D and E converters.
Unit 5: Pulse Width Modulated Inverters
1. Single phase inverters
2. Three phase inverters
Lab Work
1. To observe the working and performance of single phase uncontrolled half wave and full
wave rectifier for resistive and inductive load.
2. To observe the working and performance of multi-phase uncontrolled rectifier for
resistive and inductive load.
3. To observe the working and performance of Single phase half wave controlled rectifier
with resistance triggering.
4. To observe the working and performance of Single phase half wave controlled rectifier
with RC triggering.
5. To observe the working and performance of Single phase full wave controlled rectifier
6. To observe the working and performance of multi-phase full wave controlled rectifier.
7. To observe the working and performance of Gate drive circuit for N-Channel and P-
Channel MOSFET(including opto- coupler)
8. Generation of PWM using 555 and 741.
9. To observe the working and performance of Series voltage regulators
10. Use of regulating ICs
11. To observe the working and performance of DC-DC converters
12. To observe the working and performance of Single phase Inverters

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
This course will be taught in a face-face classroom environment along-with established
hardware and simulation lab tools. White board and multimedia based lectures (as required)
will be delivered along-with assignments and analysis based class discussions.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of three-four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations, homework,
attitude and behavior, hands-on-activities,
short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It is
mostly in the form of a test, but owing to
Final the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field work
and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. M. H. Rashid, "Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications", Prentice Hall, 4th
2. C. W. Lander, "Power Electronics", McGraw Hill;3rd edition(1994).
3. Philip T. Krein, "Elements of Power Electronics", Oxford University Press;6th edition
4. Robert W. Erickson,“Fundamentals of Power Electronics”, Kluwer Academic Publisher;
2nd edition(2001).
Title: Power Transmission & Distribution
Code Number: EE3209
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE2101 Electrical Network Analysis
Semester: 6th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Understand the necessary theoretical knowledge of electrical power transmission and
primary parameters of transmission lines.
2. Analyze the behavior of transmission lines under steady state and transient analysis.
Construct the electrical models for short, medium and long transmission lines using
modern simulation tools.
3. Discuss the Insulators for Overhead Transmission lines and the Mechanical Design of
Overhead Lines and towers
4. Understand the basic knowledge of electrical power distribution system, different
configurations of distribution networks and the configurations of switchgear and
5. Analyze the economics of power generation, different types of tariff, power factor,
causes and effects of low power factor and its improvement.

Unit 1: Power Systems Overview
1. Power system infrastructure.
2. Transmission and sub-transmission system.
3. AC/DC system.
4. Conductor types & Power Cables.
Unit 2: Primary Parameters of Transmission Line
1. Resistance, Skin effect, Line inductance based on flux considerations.
2. Inductance of line, composite line and bundled conductors.
3. Capacitance of two-wire and 3-phase line.
4. Parallel circuit lines.
Unit 3: Steady State and Transient Analysis of Transmission Lines
1. Representation of lines in terms of ABCD parameters for short, Medium and long
transmission lines.
2. Voltage regulation, Ferranti effect, series and shunt compensation for long
transmission line.
3. Sources of internal and external over voltages.
4. Lightening mechanism and switching surges.
5. Travelling waves on Transmission lines.
6. Arcing horns, expulsion tube surge arrestors and MOA surge arrestors.

Unit 4: Insulators for Overhead Transmission lines

1. Insulator material and types of insulators.
2. Voltage distribution over insulator string.
3. String efficiency and methods of improving the string efficiency.
4. Testing of insulators.
5. Corona
Unit 5: Mechanical Design of Overhead Lines
1. Line supports, sag and tension calculations.
2. Mechanical degree of safety.
3. Effect of wind pressure & ice loading, conductor vibration & use of dampers.

Unit 6: Introduction to Distribution System

5. Basic layouts and elements of distribution system
6. Classification of distribution systems
7. AC distribution calculations
8. DC distribution calculations
9. Design consideration of feeder and distributor

Unit 7: Substation and Switch Gears

1. Equipment in substations
2. Classification of substations
3. Bus bar arrangement in substations
4. Switch gear equipment
5. Switch gear accommodation

Unit 8: Load Forecasting and Distribution Economics

1. Load characteristics
2. Economic Considerations in Electrical Utility
3. Tariff generation
4. Causes and effects of low power factor
5. Power factor improvement

Lab Work
1. Modelling and simulation of a single phase and three phase power system.
2. To observe the variation of voltage regulation with transmission line parameters
3. To observe the Ferranti effect on a transmission line and its compensation using shunt
4. To apply series and shunt capacitive compensation on transmission lines.
5. Implementation and verification of a transmission line parameters of long
transmission line model.
6. Introduction to ETAP software.
7. To observe the working of transmission lines in series and parallel on ETAP
8. No-Load and matched load Performances, short circuit analysis on a small scale
transmission line trainer system.
9. Measurement of three phase active, reactive power and power factor using one
wattmeter and two wattmeter methods.
10. Analysis of radial distribution scheme.
11. Implementation of static power factor improvement.
12. Determination the vector groups of transformers.
13. Demonstration of an Auto-transformer.
14. Examine the load capacity of a transformer under asymmetrical load.
15. Double bus bar double breaker scheme without/with load.
16. Coupling of double bus-bar system.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
This course will be physically taught in a face-face classroom environment along-with
established hardware and simulation lab tools. White board and multimedia based lectures (as
required) will be delivered along-with assignments and analysis based class discussions.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of three-four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

4. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
5. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
6. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.
Recommended Books:
1. V.K. Mehta, “Principles of Power Systems”, S Chand; (2005).
2. Turan Gonen, “Electrical Power Transmission System Engineering: Analysis &
Design”, John Wiely& Sons: 3rdedition.
3. Greinger and William D. Stevensons Jr, "Power System Analysis", McGraw-Hill;
4. Central Station Engineers, “Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference
Book”, Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co.; 2nd edition.
5. Turan Gonen, “Electrical Power Distribution System”, CRC Press; 2ndedition.
Title: Microelectronics Technology
Code Number: EE3210
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: NS1104 Applied Physics, EE1202 Electronic Devices and Circuits
Semester: 6th

Course Objectives
1. To understand manufacturing and fabrication processes of integrated chip
2. Designing of a final microelectronic device starting from a wafer.
Unit 1: Introduction:
1. scaling
2. Moore’ law
3. International technology roadmap of semiconductors (ITRS)
Unit 2: Integrated Chip Manufacturing Technology:
1. Integrated chip (IC) wafers and substrate
2. Crystal growth and wafer processing
3. Oxidation
4. Thermal processing
Unit 3: Thin Film Technology:
1. Physical vapour disposition
2. Chemical vapor deposition
3. Epitaxy
4. Silicon-on-insulator
Unit 4: Doping:
1. Diffusion
2. Ion Implantation
Unit 5: Pattern Making:
1. Lithography
2. Etching
3. Contact metallization
4. Interconnects
Unit 6: Fabrication:
1. Process integration of BJT and MOSFET
2. Process integration of BJT and CMOS
Lab Work Outline
Theory concepts will be verified and tested through a process of laboratory experimentation.
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students will learn and understand the various manufacturing & fabrication processes
of integrated chip technology.
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Peter Van Zant, “Microchip Fabrication”, McGraw.Hill, 6th Ed., 2014.
2. Richard C. Jaeger, “Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication”, Prentice Hall; 2nd Ed., 2001
3. Stephen A. Campbell, “The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication”, Oxford
University Press, New York, 2nd Ed., 2006.
4. C. Y. Chang & S. M. Sze, “ULSI Technology”, McGraw-Hill International Ed., 1996.
Title: Transducers & Instrumentation
Code Number: MT4101
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE1202 Electronic Devices and Circuits
Semester: 7th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Illustrate the working principles of sensors and transducers and effectively choose a
particular sensor/transducer for a particular application.
2. Design a complete instrumentation and measurement system including sensor choice,
data acquisition, display, archiving and retrieval.
3. Implement complete instrumentation and measurement system with transducers for
data acquisition, display and analysis
Unit 1: Measurement:
1. Precision measurements terminologies
2. Principles of different measurement techniques
3. Instruments for measurement of electrical and non-electrical quantities
Unit 2: Modern Instrumentation:
1. Systems for signal processing and signal transmission
2. Modern instrumentation techniques
3. Static and dynamic responses of instrumentation and signal conditioning
4. Data acquisition systems
Unit 3: Resistance Measurement:
1. Carbon Track
2. Wire Wound
3. Linear Variable potentiometers
4. Measurement of Unknown Voltage using Wheatstone bridge
Unit 4: Light Sensing:
1. Light Dependent Resistance
2. Photo Diode
3. Photo transistor
4. Photocell
Unit 5: Position Measurement:
1. Linear Variable Differential Transformer
2. Limit switch
3. Mic Mercury Level Switch
Unit 6: Temperature Measurement:
1. LM 35/34 IC
2. RTD, Thermistor
3. Thermocouple
Unit 7: Distance Measurement:
1. Ultrasonic Sensor
2. RPM Measurement
3. Reflective Optical Sensor
4. Slotted Opto-Sensor
5. Hall effect Sensor
Unit 8: Environment Sensing:
1. Measurement of Sound
2. Gas Sensor
3. Smoke detection
4. Measurement of Airflow
5. Air Pressure
6. Humidity
7. Strain Gauge
8. Real world applications.
Unit 9: Biomedical Sensing:
1. Introduction to biomedical instruments
3. Ultrasound
4. CT Scan
5. MRI
6. Pulse Oximeter
7. Glucometer
8. ECG Monitor

Lab Work Outline

All the concepts of theory part will be covered in laboratory.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Klaas B. Klaassen and Steve Gee, “Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation”,
Cambridge University Press (1996)
2. H. Kevin, JamesH., “PC Interfacing and Data Acquisition: Techniques for Measurement,
Instrumentation and Control”, Newnes (2000)
3. B. Getz, “Principles of Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement”, Charles E. Merrill
Publishing International (1989)
Title: Entrepreneurship
Code Number: MS4102
Credit Hours: 3 (3+0)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 7th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
5. Develop a business plan with an appropriate business model
6. Demonstrate the ability to provide a self-analysis in the context of an entrepreneurial
7. Demonstrate the ability to find an attractive market that can be reached economically

Unit 1: Venture Opportunity, Concept, and Strategy
1. Introduction
2. Business Model
3. Strategies

Unit 2: Venture Formation and Planning

1. Risk and Return
2. The Business Plan
3. Types of Ventures
4. Legal Formation and Intellectual Property

Unit 3: Financing
1. The financial plan
2. Sources of Capital

Unit 4: Detailed Functional Planning

1. Marketing and Sales Plan
2. Acquiring and Organizing Resources
3. Management of Operations

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Thomas Byers, Richard Dorf, Andrew Nelson “Technology Ventures: From Idea to
Enterprise”, 4th Edition, McGrawHill (2015).

2. Steve Blank, Bob Dorf, K & S Ranch “The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great
Company” (2012).

3. Eric Ries, Penguin Books “How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to
Create Radically Successful Businesses” (2011).
Title: Computer Communication Networks
Code Number: EE4103
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: CS 1101 Introduction to Computing
Semester: 7h

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Understand and analyze the issues with host naming, addressing, and routing packets
in networks of networks (internetworks)
2. Analyze the issues in providing quality of service for networked multimedia
applications, such as internet telephony
3. Reproduce a simple network simulator to analyze the TCP protocol performance
under limited network resources in a virtual and local environment.
4. Get hands on practice on related concepts covered in theory via hardware or
simulation software.

Unit 1: Introduction to Computer Communications, Networking, and the Internet:
1. Computer communications and networking for today’s enterprise
2. Networks
3. The Internet

Unit 2: Protocol Architecture, TCP/IP, and Internet-Based Applications

1. The Need for a Protocol Architecture
2. The TCP/IP Protocol Architecture
3. The OSI Model
4. Standardization within a Protocol Architecture
5. Traditional Internet-Based Applications

Unit 3: Internetwork Protocols and Internetwork Operation

1. Internetworking – need and concept.
2. Connecting Devices – discussion on Routers, switches, repeaters, Bridges, Switches
and Gateways.
3. Basic Protocol Functions
4. Principles of Internetworking
5. Internet Protocol Operation
6. Internet Protocol
7. Multicasting
8. Routing Protocols
9. Integrated Services Architecture
10. Differentiated Services
11. Service Level Agreements
12. IP Performance Metrics

Unit 4: Transport Protocols

1. Connection-Oriented Transport Protocol Mechanisms
2. TCP/IP-Model, protocols layers,
3. INTERNET Address,
4. Logical address, Physical address,
5. UDP/IP Datagram Format,
6. Classes of IP address, Dotted Decimal notation of IP address,
7. Basics of IPv4 and IPv6,
8. Simple problems on addressing.
9. Address mapping–static mapping, dynamic mapping.
10. ARP- need, methods, need of RARP and ICMP.
11. Definition of fragmentation and reassembly.
12. Features of TCP, relationship between TCP and IP.

Unit 5: Network Security

1. Security Requirements and Attacks
2. Confidentiality with Conventional Encryption
3. Message Authentication and Hash Functions
4. Public-Key Encryption and Digital Signatures
5. Secure Socket Layer and Transport Layer Security
6. IPv4 and IPv6 Security
7. Wi-Fi Protected Access

Unit 6: Internet Applications

1. Electronic Mail: SMTP
2. Network Management: SNMP
3. Internet Directory Service: DNS
4. World Wide Web
5. Web Access: HTTP
6. Audio and Video Compression
7. Real-Time Traffic
8. Voice Over IP and Multimedia Support—SIP
9. Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP)

Lab Work Outline

1. To be able to design and implement various network application such as data
transmission between client and server, file transfer, real-time multimedia
2. To understand the various Routing Protocols/Algorithms and Internetworking.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four to six assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Kurose, James F., and Keith W. Ross. “Computer Networking: a Top-down
Approach”. Boston: Pearson/Addison Wesley, 2013.

2. Peterson, Larry L., and Bruce S. Davie. “Computer Networks: a Systems

Approach.” Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufmann, 2003.

3. Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Feamster Nickolas. “Computer networks.” Pearson, 2019.

Title: Antenna and Wave Propagation
Code Number: EE4104
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE3206 RF and Microwave Engineering
Semester: 8th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Able to explain the basic concept of antenna.
2. Able to design the antenna for given application.
3. Able to characterise and analyse the antenna from antenna parameters.
Unit 1: Antennas:
1. Introduction of antenna
2. Types of Antennas
3. Radiation Mechanism
4. Current Distribution on a Thin Wire Antenna.
Unit 2: Fundamental Parameters of Antennas:
1. Introduction
2. Radiation Pattern
3. Radiation Power Density
4. Radiation Intensity
5. Beamwidth
6. Directivity
7. Antenna Efficiency
8. Gain
9. Beam Efficiency
10. Bandwidth
11. Polarization
12. Input Impedance
13. Antenna Radiation Efficiency
14. Antenna Vector Effective Length and Equivalent Areas
15. Maximum Directivity and Maximum Effective Area
16. Friis Transmission Equation and Radar Range Equation
17. Antenna Temperature
Unit 3: Radiation Integrals and Auxiliary Potential Functions:
1. Introduction
2. The Vector Potential A for an Electric Current Source J
3. The Vector Potential F for a Magnetic Current Source M
4. Electric and Magnetic Fields for Electric (J) and Magnetic (M) Current Sources
5. Solution of the Inhomogeneous Vector Potential Wave Equation
6. Far-Field Radiation, Duality Theorem
7. Reciprocity and Reaction Theorems
Unit 4: Linear Wire Antennas:
1. Introduction to wire antenna
2. Infinitesimal Dipole
3. Small Dipole
4. Region Separation
5. Finite Length Dipole
5.1 Current Distribution
5.2 Radiated Fields: Element Factor, Space Factor, and Pattern
5.3 Power Density, Radiation Intensity, and Radiation Resistance
5.4 Directivity
5.5 Input Resistance
6. Half-Wavelength Dipole
7. Linear Elements Near or on Infinite Perfect Conductors
8. Ground Effects
8.1 Vertical Electric Dipole
8.2 Horizontal Electric Dipole
Unit 5: Loop Antennas:
1. Introduction
2. Small Circular Loop
3. Circular Loop of Constant Current
4. Circular Loop with Nonuniform Current
5. Ground and Earth Curvature Effects for Circular Loops
6. Ferrite Loop ,Mobile Communication Systems Applications
Unit 6: Arrays:
1. Introduction
2. Two-Element Array
3. N-Element Linear Array: Uniform Amplitude and Spacing
4. N-Element Linear Array: Directivity
5. Design Procedure
6. N-Element Linear Array: Uniform Spacing
7. Nonuniform Amplitude
8. Super directivity
9. Planar Array
10. Design Considerations
Unit7: Microstrip Antennas:
1. Introduction
2. Rectangular Patch
2.1 Transmission-Line Model
3. Circular Patch
4. Quality Factor
5. Bandwidth, and Efficiency
6. Input Impedance
7. Coupling
8. Circular Polarization
9. Arrays and Feed Networks
Lab Work Outline
Demonstration of Trainer based experiments to observe the radiation characteristics of
different kind of single element and array antennas. Measurement of different antenna
parameters with the help of data collected in the result of observations made.
Familiarization with HFSS to synthesize different kinds of antennas .
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four quiz assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Constantine A. Balanis , “Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design”,Wiely,4th
Edition (2016)
2. J. D. Krauss , “Antennas for all applications”, McGraw-Hill Patt and Patel,
Title: Satellite Communication
Code Number: EE4105
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE3104 Communication Systems
Semester: 7th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Learn about different generations of satellites and develop and understanding of
satellite subsystems
2. Solve and analyze the problems related to satellite communication links design.
3. Design an end-to-end communications link for given data rate, bandwidth and SNR
4. Implement various satellite communication schemes using hardware and software
Unit 1: Introduction to Satellite Communication
1. Space-segment and ground segment
Unit 2: Orbital Mechanics
1. Geostationary and Non geostationary Orbits
2. Launching and Spacecraft subsystems
3. Look angle determination
4. Orbital perturbations
5. Orbital effects in communication system performance space craft and its subsystem
Unit 3: Satellite Link Design
1. Propagation Characteristics of Satellite Links
2. Channel Modeling
3. Access Control Schemes
4. Modulation Schemes
5. Multiple Access Schemes
6. Coding
Unit 4: System Performance Analysis
1. System Design
2. Space standards
3. Earth Station Technology.
Unit 5: Satellite Applications such as earth observation
1. Weather and communication
2. VSATs and Network Architectures
3. GPS
4. Future trends

Lab Work Outline

Lab experiments are designed covering cover above mentioned topics.
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four quiz assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Tom Logsden, "Mobile Communication Satellites: Theory and Applications",
McGraw-Hill, (Latest edition).
2. Gerald M., Michel Bousquet, "Satellite Communication Systems: Systems,
Techniques and Technologies", John Willey, (Latest Edition).
3. Leon W. Couch, “Digital & Analog Communication Systems”, Latest Edition,
Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131424920.
4. Timothy Pratt, Charles W. Bostian and Jeremy E. Allnutt, “Satellite
Communications,” Latest Edition, 2003, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471429120.
5. Dennis Roddy, “Satellite Communications”, Latest Edition
Title: Power System Analysis
Code Number: EE4106
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE 2101 Electrical Network Analysis

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Explain one line diagrams and equivalent models of large power systems.
2. Apply different techniques to solve load flow of a power system.
3. Evaluate fault analysis.
4. Understand stability and control of power system networks.
Unit 1: Introduction
1. Structure & Growth of Electrical Power Systems.
2. Per unit system of calculations and one Line Diagram.
3. Impedance & Reactance Diagram.
4. Bus Impedance and Admittance Matrices-Formation, Modifications and Importance.

Unit 2: Load Flow Analysis

1. Scope of Load Flow in Electrical Power System.
2. Load Flow Problem Formulation & Solution Methodologies.
3. Gauss Siedel, Newton Raphson and Fast Decoupled Method and Load Flow Control.

Unit 3: Fault Analysis

1. Importance of the Fault Analysis in Electrical Power System.
2. Faults and their Types.
3. Symmetrical Fault Analysis.
4. Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis

Unit 4: Power System Stability

1. Stability Problem, Scope and Significance.
2. Steady State & Transient Stability.
3. Use of Digital Computer Methods for the Stability Studies.

Lab Work
1. To observe the working of a single phase power system and its theoretical variation
through per unit analysis
2. To observe the working of a single phase power system and its theoretical variation
through per unit analysis
3. Assignment to Solve the power network circuit to its equivalent per unit system and
impedance diagram
4. Introduction to Power World Simulator
5. Admittance matrix formulation in PWS and MATLAB.
6. Impedance matrix formulation in PWS and MATLAB
7. Load flow analysis of a Power System in PWS using Gauss Siedel Method
8. Load flow analysis of a Power System in PWS using Newton Raphson Method
9. Study of 3phase symmetrical fault in a power system
10. Study of unsymmetrical faults in a 3-phase power system
Single Line to ground fault
11. Study of unsymmetrical faults in a 3-phase power system
Single Line-Line fault
12. Study of unsymmetrical faults in a 3-phase power system
Single Double Line-Ground fault
13. Investigation of IEEE Test Systems & Small Industrial Power System(s) using
MATLAB or advanced tool.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
This course will be taught in a face-face classroom environment along-with established
hardware and simulation lab tools. White board and multimedia based lectures (as required)
will be delivered along-with assignments, analysis based class discussions.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of three-four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Hadi Saadat, “Power System Analysis”, McGraw-Hill; 3rdedition (2010).
2. Glover and Sarma, “Power System Analysis”, 4thedition.
3. Greinger and William D. Stevensons Jr, "Power System Analysis", McGraw-Hill;
Title: Advanced Electric Machines and Drives
Code Number: EE4107
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE2202 Electric Machines, EE3208 Power Electronics
Semester: 7th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Understand the parallel operations for three phase transformers/ generators
2. Understand the active and reactive power control for machines.
3. Understand the fundamentals and types of electrical drives and their performance
4. Implement various drive systems in simulation and understand their applications in
various engineering processes.

Unit 1: Three Phase Transformers
1. Construction
2. Types of connection
3. Parallel operation of multiple three phase transformers.

Unit 2: Asynchronous/Induction Machines

1. Speed Control of induction motors
2. Induction generators
3. Starting method of induction generators.

Unit 3: Synchronous Machines

1. Active and Reactive power control of synchronous generators
2. Synchronized operations among multiple Synchronous generators and/or bus-bars.
3. Synchronous Condensers.

Unit 4: Special Purpose Motors

1. Switched Reluctance motors (SRM)
2. Stepper motors
3. Brushless DC (BLDC) Motors

Unit 5: Machine Windings

1. Stator(Armature) Windings
2. Rotor Windings
3. Lap Windings
4. Wave Windings
5. Motor Winding Calculations
Unit 6: Introduction to Machine Drives
1. Fundamentals
2. Torque-speed curves and requirement of drives
3. Key components of an electric drive system
4. Performance quantifiers of an electric drive.

Unit 7: DC Machine Drives

1. Four quadrant operation
2. Thyristor based DC drives
3. Single converter based reversing drives
4. DC-DC chopper based drives
5. DC servo drives

Unit 8: AC Machine Drives

1. Open loop control
2. Scalar control for AC machine
3. Vector control of AC machine
4. Torque controlled AC machine drives
5. Cyclo-converters based drives

Lab Work
1. Demonstration of three phase transformers, delta-wye connections, load characteristics,
parallel operation of transformers.
2. Speed control of induction motors; starting and working of induction generators; active
and reactive power characteristics of induction generators.
3. Synchronization of alternator with bus-bar; active and reactive power control of alternator
for stand-alone operation, two generators in parallel, and generator tied with infinite
4. Use of synchronous motor as synchronous condenser
5. Working of stepper motor and BLDC (simulation/available hardware)
6. Basic switch controlled DC drive (simulation/available hardware)
7. Open loop control, V/f Scalar control AC drives (simulation/available hardware)

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
This course will be a physically delivered in a face-face classroom environment along-with
established hardware and simulation lab tools. White board and multimedia based lectures (as
required) will be delivered along-with design assignments, analysis based group discussions
and presentations.
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books
1. Stephen J. Chapman, "Electric Machinery Fundamentals", McGraw-Hill. (Latest
2. Electric Motors and Drives (Fundamentals, Types and Applications) by Austin
3. Charles I. Hubert, “Electric Machines”, Maxwell Macmillan (Latest edition)
4. Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems by Theodore Wildi
Title: High Voltage Engineering
Code Number: EE4108
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE3101 Electromagnetic Field Theory
Semester: 7th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. RECOGNIZE various types of insulating materials and their applications in high-voltage
2. Explain the breakdown mechanisms in solid, liquid and gaseous dielectrics.
3. ANALYZE the performance of high-voltage generation and measurement devices.
4. Demonstrate understanding of the testing methods of insulating materials and power
apparatus as per international standards.
Unit 1: Introduction:
1. Importance of High Voltage in all fields of daily life and medical applications.
Unit 2: Breakdown Mechanisms:
1. Dielectric strength of solids, liquids and gases,
2. Breakdown of solids, liquids and gases (Town send and streamer breakdown).
3. Break down of unstable states of matter.
4. Role of high voltage in production of unstable states of matter
Unit 3: Generation of High Voltages:
1. Transformer,
2. Series and Cascaded transformer connections,
3. Bracketing in Transformer and its purpose,
4. Series and Parallel Resonant Transformer, Tesla Coil, Transformer with rectifier,
5. Voltage Multiplier Circuits, Walton Multiplier, Deltatron Multiplier,
6. Electrostatic Voltage Generators (Van de Graff Generator, Sames Generator, Kelvin
Water dropper, Whimshurst Machine)
Unit 4: Significance and Methods of Generation of Impulse:
1. Introduction to Impulse, Standard Impulse used for testing.
2. Construction and working of MARX and Good-Let Generators for impulses.
3. Impulse Current Generators.
Unit 5: Measurement of High Voltages:
1. Direct & Indirect Measurement of high voltages and its significance in a particular
2. Direct Measurement: HV probe, Potential Transformer, Ammeter in series with high
resistance, Voltage divider
3. Indirect Measurement: Spark gaps, Electrostatic Voltmeters, Electrodynamic
Voltmeter, Hall Effect Sensor, Electro Optical Measurements.
Unit 6: Grounding and Earthing in Low and High Voltage Systems:
1. Basics and importance of grounding in low as well as high voltage devices and
2. Touch and step potentials in a HV lab.
Unit 7: Leakage Current in Insulation:
1. Introduction to leakage current, its types and components
2. Methods of measuring and minimizing leakage current.
Unit 8: Insulation Materials:
1. Different types of polymeric & Ceramic Insulation materials and their X-tics w.r.t
electrical, mechanical, optical, acoustical and environmental resistance.
Unit 9: High Voltage Testing Techniques:
1. Destructive, non-destructive, routine, fatigue, quantitative, qualitative, physical and
chemical tests on different insulation materials.
2. Health analysis of insulation systems.
Unit 10: Design Planning and Layout of HV Labs:
1. Classification of HV lab on small, medium and large scale.
2. Typical facilities required in a HV lab.
3. Designing a lab layout and equipment on customized demand.
Unit 11: HVDC:
1. Scope trends technologies and future of HVDC.
2. Advantages and issues in HVDC systems. HVDC distribution Systems.
Unit 12: Applications of High Voltage:
1. Applications of high voltage in medical, research and daily life activities.
Lab Work Outline
1. To Calibrate a Sphere-Gap using its Breakdown Strength against Gap Settings
2. To Calibrate a Rod-Gap using its Breakdown Strength against Gap Settings
3. To Calibrate a Cone-Shaped Gap using its Breakdown Strength against Gap Settings
4. To Calibrate Flat-Surface Gap using its Breakdown Strength against Gap Settings
5. To Calibrate Cone-Flat Surface Gap using its Breakdown Strength against Gap
6. To Find Out The 50% Critical Impulse Flash-Over Voltages on the 11kv Pin-Type
Insulator with Positive & Negative Impulses
7. Study of Relationship between String Efficiency & the No. of Insulators (Units) used
in a String Insulator
8. Study of Relationship between String Efficiency & the No. of Insulators (Units) used
in a String Insulator with Guard Ring
9. To Compare the Flashover Voltages Wet and Dry for a Typical Outdoor Insulator
10. To Measure the Ground Resistance Insulators (Units) used in a String Insulator with
Guard Ring
11. To Compare the Flashover Voltages Wet and Dry for a Typical Outdoor Insulator
12. To Measure the Ground Resistance
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four to six assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each

Assessment and Examinations:

Sr. Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.
Recommended Books:
1. High Voltage Engineering by Y. Kuffel, J. Kuffel and W. S. Zaingi 2nd ed.

2. High Voltage Engineering by M.S. Naidu, V. Kamaraju, 4th ed

3. High Voltage Engineering by Muhammad Naeem Arbab 1st ed

4. High Voltage Engineering by J. R. Lucas 1st ed.

Title: Renewable Energy Systems
Code Number: EE4109
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE 1202 Electronic Devices and Circuits
Semester: 7th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Develop understanding of Renewable energy and its impact on world
2. Analyze Renewable Generation Resources, generation, scalability and integration
3. Conceptually establish the economic & environmental impact of renewable energy
4. Develop skillsets to simulate, design and operate renewable energy based systems
Unit1: Introduction
1. World energy scenario
2. Place of renewable for energy generation
3. Review of renewable energy technologies
4. Place of PV in context of Pakistan and its importance

Unit2: Wind Energy

1. Classifications
2. Types of rotor
3. Energy extraction from wind
4. Wind power system

Unit3: Fundamentals of semi-conductors

1. Characteristics of PN diodes
2. Semiconductor materials for solar cell
3. Principle of solar cell fabrication

Unit4: Design of solar cells

1. Upper limits of cell parameters
2. Losses analysis in semiconductor based solar cells
3. Design parameters for high efficiency solar cell
Unit5: Types of solar cells
1. Thin film
2. Organic
3. Dye sensitized solar cell
Unit6: PV module system and applications
1. Stand-alone systems
2. Maximum power point tracking (MPPT)
3. grid connected system
4. Costing; life period and pay back for PV
Lab Work
Lab will cover above mentioned outline on hardware
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
This course will be a physically delivered in a face-face classroom environment along-with
established hardware and simulation lab tools. White board and multimedia based lectures (as
required) will be delivered along-with problem analysis and algorithm based assignments,
analysis based group discussions and presentations.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
4. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
5. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
6. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books
1. Solanki, Chetan Singh, “Solar Photovoltaics: Fundamental, technologies and
applications”, 2nd ed. 2009, Prentice Hall.
2. R.P Makund , “Wind and Solar Power Systems”, 1999, CRC press.
3. Gilbert M. Masters, “Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems”, Wiley.
Title: Integrated Electronics
Code Number: EE4110
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE1202 Electronic Devices and Circuits, EE3207 Electronic Circuit Design
Semester: 7th

Course Objectives
1. Design pulse and switching circuits
2. Classify various types of amplifiers based on coupling
3. Analyze the impact of parameters of Oscillators
4. Conduct experiments in laboratory using modern tool
Unit 1: Pulse and switching circuits:
1. Mono-stable circuit
2. A-stable circuit
3. Bi-stable circuit
4. Schmitt trigger
5. Logic families
6. DTL
7. TTL
8. ECL
Unit 2: Classification of amplifiers based on coupling:
1. RC-coupled
2. Transformer -coupled
3. Direct-coupled
Unit 3: Classification of amplifiers based on frequency:
1. Audio-frequency
2. Radio-frequency
3. Tuned
Unit 4: Oscillators:
1. Tank circuit
2. Phase-shift
3. Colpitt
4. Hartley
5. Wein Bridge
6. Clapp
Lab Work Outline:
Theory concepts will be observed and tested through a process of laboratory experimentation.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged to design and analyze pulse and switching circuits and

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. A. S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, "Microelectronic Circuits", Oxford University Press, Latest
2. A. S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, "Microelectronic Circuits", Oxford University Press, Latest
3. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”,
Prentice Hall, Latest edition.
4. Thomas L. Floyd “Electronic Devices (Conventional Current Version)”, Prentice Hall,
Latest edition
Title: VLSI Design
Code Number: EE4111
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE1202 Electronic Devices and Circuits
Semester: 7th

Course Objectives
1. To analyze CMOS VLSI design, apply CMOS technology-specific layout
2. Verify functionality, timing, power, and parasitic effects, and design final
design files of device/circuit.
Unit 1: Fundamental Concepts of VLSI Design :
1. Introduction
2. Conductors, insulators, semiconductors, intrinsic material, extrinsic material
3. Integrating circuits manufacturing technology economics
4. CMOS Technology
5. Power consumption , design and testability
Unit 2: Integrated Circuit Design Techniques:
1. Design abstraction
2. Translation and layout fabrication steps
3. Structure of a transistor
4. Transistor modeling parasitic,tubties and latch up
5. Leakage and sub threshold currents
6. Wires and Vias, skin effect
Unit 3: SCMOS Based Design Rules:
1. Stick diagrams, physical layout, fabrication errors
2. Static complementary gates
3. Switch logic
4. Delay through resistive interconnects
5. Low power gates
6. Delay through inductive interconnect
Unit 4: Standard Cell Based Layout
1. Fan-out path delay cross-talk, buffer insertion
2. Latches and flip flop
3. Sequential system design
4. Floor planning methods
5. Design validation
Lab Work Outline
Implementation of VLSI design techniques using VHDL/Verilog HDL/Mentor Graphics
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged to design devices and circuits and perform analysis of CMOS
digital electronics circuits.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Wayne Wolf, “Modern VLSI Design”, Prentice Hall, 2002
2. Neil Weste & David Harris “CMOS VLSI Design, A Circuit and System
Perspective”, Addison Wesley, 3rd Ed., 2004
Title: Industrial Electronics
Code Number: EE4112
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE3208 Power Electronics
Semester: 7th

Course Objectives
1. Design using building blocks of industrial heating system
2. Analyze various control mechanisms related to industrial drives
3. Analyze the impact of data acquisition on performance of industrial system.
4. Conduct a process of experimentation

Unit 1: Electric Heating:
1. Principles
2. Applications
3. Induction heating
4. Dielectric heating
Unit 2: Welding:
1. High-frequency welding
2. Spot welding control
Unit 3: Industrial Drives:
1. Speed control of DC motor
2. Speed control of AC motor
3. Speed control of Servo motor
4. Process control system
Unit 4: Measurement of nonelectric quantities:
1. Temperature
2. Displacement
3. Pressure
4. Time
5. Frequency
Unit 5: Digital Industrial Measuring Systems:
Unit 6: Ultrasound generation and applications:
Unit 7: Photo-electric Devices:
Unit 8: PLCs:
1. Industrial control using PLCs
2. Data acquisition for industrial processes
3. Distributed control system in process industries
Lab Work Outline
Theoretical concepts will be verified through a process of experimentation.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged to analyze control mechanisms of industrial drives, data
acquisition impact on the performance of industrial system and design industrial heating
system, to analyze control mechanisms of industrial drives, data acquisition impact on the
performance of industrial system and design industrial heating system.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:

1. Frank D. Petruzella, “Programmable Logic Controllers,” Latest Edition Frank D.

Petruzella, “Industrial Electronics,” Latest Edition
2. Terry L.M. Bartelt, “Industrial Control Electronics,” Cengage Learning, Latest Edition
3. Kelvin T. Erickson, “Programmable Logic Controllers: An Emphasis on Design and
Application,” Dogwood Valley Press LLC, Latest Edition
Title: Digital Control Systems
Code Number: EE4113
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE3103 Linear Control Systems
Semester: 7th

Course Objectives
1. Understand basic concepts of Digital Control Systems
2. Analyze various open-loop and close-loop systems
3. Analyze the impact of various parameters related to stability of the systems
4. Conduct experiments, analysis and interpretation of experimental data and analyze
using modern engineering tools

Unit 1: Introduction to Digital Control Systems:
1. Discrete time systems
2. Trnasform methods
3. Flow graphs
4. State variables
5. Transfer functions
6. Solutions of the state-equation
7. Sample/Hold unit with zero-order hold
8. Sampled-data control systems
9. Ideal Sampler
10. Properties & Evaluation of E* (s)
11. Data Re-construction- A/D – D/A
12. E(Z) & E* (Z)
13. Pulse TF

Unit 2: Open-Loop Systems:

1. Digital filter-modified Z-Transform
2. Systems with time delays
3. Nonsynchronous sampling
4. Discrete state equation
Unit 3: Closed-Loop Systems:
1. Derivation-procedure
2. State variable models
3. Time response-characteristics equation
4. Mapping
5. S&Z planes
6. Steady state accuracy
Unit 4: Stability:
1. Bilinear transformation
2. Routh-Hurwitz Criterion
3. Jury test
4. Root-Locus
1. Nyquist criterion
2. Bode diagram
3. Frequency response
4. Integration and differentiation filters
5. PID controller design

Lab Work Outline

Theoretical concepts will be done and confirmed through a process of experimentation.

1. Control system identification; controller design, experimentation, computer

simulation, and analysis of control systems.

2. All experiments are conducted with real-time process interface cards of PC for
experimental data display and storage.

3. Stored files are analyzed further using MATLAB. Lab assignments include
computer-based control system simulation and design using MATLAB.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:

The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university classroom
environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white board. Students are
engaged and encouraged to understand the basic concepts of digital control systems, analyze
various open-loop systems, closed-loop systems and the impact of various parameters related
to stability of the systems.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.

3. Final 40% It takes place at the end of the semester. It

Assessment is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
to the nature of the course the teacher may
assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:

1. Digital Control System Analysis and Design. (3rd Edition) Charles L. Phillips & H. Troy
2. Charles L. Phillips and H. Troy Nagle, “Digital Control System Analysis and Design,”
\Third Edition, 1995, Prentice Hall, Latest Edition ISBN: 013309832X.
3. H Benjamin C. Kuo H, “Digital Control Systems,” Second Edition, 1995, Oxford
University Press, Latest EditionISBN: 0195120647.
4. Mohammed S. Santina H, Allen R. Stubberud and Gene H. Hostetter, “Digital Control
System Design,” Second Edition, 1995, Oxford University , Latest Edition Press, ISBN:
5. Katsuhiko Ogata, “Discrete-Time Control Systems,” Second Edition, 1995, Prentice Hall,
Latest Edition, ISBN: 0130342815.
Title: Design Project
Code Number: EE4201
Credit Hours: 6
Prerequisites: All subject till 6th Semester
Semester: 7th and 8th

Course Objectives
1. Demonstrate a sound technical knowledge of their selected project topic.
2. Undertake problem identification, formulation and solution.
3. Design engineering solutions to complex problems utilizing a systems approach.
4. Conduct an engineering project.
5. Communicate with engineers and the community at large in written an oral forms.
6. Demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes of a professional engineer.

Assessment and Examinations:

Research thesis/ final year project will carry 6 credit hours. These credit hours will spread
over 2 semesters of final year.
Student is responsible for contacting a supervisor from the local faculty. The student must
have to submit the project proposal with the consent of supervisor to Final Year Project
Committee for approval.
The supervisor has to take care of a complete committee that meets the requirements
 Assessment and grading is based on project, thesis/report, presentation and questions
 A thesis of 80-120 pages must be submitted along with the working model of the
project/ simulation
 The Final Year Project Chair shall appoint a supervisory committee consisting of at
least three persons. The committee consists of the daily supervisor, final year project
committee member and an external examiner from Academia or Industry of relevant
field of the thesis.
 by the supervisor/committee

Assessment Rubric:

Barely Basic Good

PLO Meets Level Work
Statement ary Work
Mapped Standard Work 6-8
9-10 Marks
0-2 Marks 3-5 Marks Marks
PLO 1: Involves Engineering Barely uses Basic Significant Outstanding/
Engineering Concepts Electrical Engineering engineering modern
Engineering Knowledge ideas engineering
Knowledge Concepts used utilized work
PLO 2: Ingenuity of Idea/ Use of Innovative
Problem technology Basic Superficial Minor work with
concepts usage of new innovative research value
Analysis used concepts work
correctly New concepts
Understandin Technolog and
Lack in use g of y concepts Technology
of technology, / technique, used
Technology with basic with good frequently and
understandin understandi solve technical
g ng difficulties

PLO 3: Design Process Obvious Simple, yet Complete Provide a

Design / solution, mostly solution design solution
sketchy complete with to complex
Development functionalitie design and significant problems
of Solutions s solution functionalit
· ies Demonstrated
Less design solves the through a
involved stated Solve the working model
problem with problem or experiment
usable with User-
interface friendly
PLO 4: Functionality/Features/T Bare Basic Clear Clear
Investigation esting formulation formulation formulation formulation
with well-
Bare Basic Good defined scope
understandin understandin understandi
g of the g of the ng of the Very good
problem, problem, but problem, understanding
with scarce lack with study of the problem
knowledge appropriate of relevant and relevant
of relevant study of material material
material relevant
material Good
PLO 5: Tools/ Technology used Obsolete Basic level Modern State of the Art
Modern Tool tools usage old tools/ tools and futuristic tools/
methods techniques technique used
Usage usage involved
PLO 6: Comprehension of the Complete Minor Significant Deep
The Engineer larger context of the disregard for interest in the interest and appreciation of
problem and such issues relationship appreciatio the
and Society appreciation of the between n of the relationship
impact of the proposed society, and impact of between
solutions to the society at their their society and the
large engineering solutions to engineer
problem. the society
at large. · Engineering
No effect on design
proposed Design fundamentally
solutions impacted to determined by
some the impact on
degree by society.
PLO 7: Realization of the Complete · Minor Significant Deep
Environment importance of ignorance interest in interest in appreciation of
environment and about environment environme the importance
and sustainability environment and nt and of
Sustainability ally sustainable sustainable environmentall
responsible, engineering developme y friendly and
sustainable nt sustainable
engineering No effect on engineering
solutions engineering Minor solutions
design impact on
engineering Design
design fundamentally
impacted by
PLO 8: Commitment to Demonstrate Sometimes Rarely late Punctual and
Ethics behaving professionally d no real late for for regular in
and ethically commitment meetings. · meetings · meetings
to Sometimes Mostly met Met all
professional missed all deadlines (in
and ethical deadlines deadlines rare and
behavior (occasional genuine cases,
Worked hard ly would informed as
Tried once to at times, but not inform early as
pass off not about possible of a
copied work consistently missing a delay)
as his/her deadline
own. Never took Always
credit for Mostly worked hard
somebody worked and gave
else’s work. hard and 100%
professiona Never took
lly · Never credit for
took credit somebody else
for work
else’s work
PLO 9: Ability to work Barely Completes Completes Competes his
Individual effectively at an completes his own tasks his own own tasks and
individual level and as a his tasks tasks and helps other
and team member in Occasionally occasionall members
Teamwork multidisciplinary Passive shares simple y achieve their
environments member of alternatives to volunteers goals
team Avoids existing to help
multifaceted solutions · others Helps the team
problems Uncomfortabl move forward
and thinks e with Successfull by proposing
linearly multidisciplin y and innovative,
Causes team ary problems coherently constructive
disputes builds on options to
Personally proposed multidisciplina
avoids solutions ry problems
conflict by the
group Resolves
Shows conflicts in
some ways that
degree of strengthen the
comfort in team
Does not
to team
y helps
PLO 10: Oral communication Presentation Presentation Presentatio Presentation
Communicati does not has clear n has clear has a clear
have a clear organizationa organizatio organizational
on organization l structure nal structure
Points are Some points Points are
vague · are vague · Point are logical and
Multimedia Reads off the mostly lucid. ·
makes the slides clear and Engages the
presentation logical · audience with
worse Does not his
read from presentation
the slides style and
effective use
of multimedia
Documentation No Format · Format and Format and Well proofread
and No report report for format and
report structure is structure is report structure
structure is mostly adequate
followed followed Clear,
A few Readable and
Frequent Some errors errors in easy to
errors in in spelling spelling understand ·
spelling and and grammar and Graphs and
grammar · · Readable grammar diagrams used
Barely appropriately
readable Readable
and easy to
· A few
PLO 11: Project management Clueless · Sets · Sets Sets
Project about achievable achievable achievable and
achievable personal goals challenging
Management goals · goals goals
Hardly Monitors
reviews Tries to personal Monitors
personal monitor progress progress and
progress personal helps the team
progress · Accepts follow a
Little ability Struggles to appropriate clearly defined
to manage a decide on the tasks from timeline
team · Does suitability of group
not learn assigned leaders Assigns
from his tasks. appropriate
mistakes Occasionall tasks and
Tries to learn y self relinquishes
from his reflects and ownership
mistakes but learns from
lacks the the past Learns quickly
motivation or from mistakes
clarity to do and effectively
so. incorporates
lessons leant in
Efficiently and
manages all
resources at
his disposal
Title: Transmission and Switching Systems
Code Number: EE4202
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE4103 Computer Communication Networks
Semester: 8th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Acquire the basic knowledge of Transmission and switching used in
telecommunication network
2. Understand transmission, switching, access network, MUX standards, switching
modes, telecom networks, exchange hierarchy, signaling, telecom management and
enterprise networks, SS7 signaling call flow diagram
3. Solve, Analyze and Evaluate the problems using imagination and calculation while
tackling different switching and transmission problems
4. Illustrate different switching and transmission problems using hardware/software

Unit 1: Introduction

1. Introduction to telephone communication,

2. Manual switching system,
3. Automatic strowger switching system,
4. Crossbar switching system,
5. Signaling in Automatic Strowger Switching System,
6. Elements of a Switching System,
7. Design parameters of Switching System.
Unit 2: Elements of Tele-Traffic
1. Network traffic Load and parameters,
2. Grade of Service (GOS),
3. Trunking Efficiency and blocking probability,
4. Modeling switching systems,
5. Incoming traffic and service time characterization,
6. Blocking models and loss estimates,
7. Delay systems.
Unit 3: Switching Electronic space division switching:
1. Stored program control;
2. Centralized and distributed software architecture, application software, enhanced
services, single and multistage networks.
3. Time division switching; Basic time division space switching, basic time division
time switching, time multiplexed space switching, time multiplexed space switching,
combination switching, multistage combination switching
Unit 4: Telephone Networks
1. Analog termination requirements,
2. BORSCHT configuration,
3. Digital termination requirements, signaling tones,
4. Touch-tone dial generation,
5. Design consideration, touch-tone detection, switching hierarchy and routing,
6. Transmission plan,
7. Numbering plan – CCITT No. 7 Signaling systems
8. Channel SS7 signaling components
Unit 5: Switching in Data Networks
1. Data transmission in PSTN’s switching,
2. Techniques for data transmission,
3. Data communication architecture,
4. Link to link layers, end to end layers, PABX, data network standards,
5. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), Satellite based data networks,
6. Fiber optic networks
7. Line Codes for Fiber Optic Transmission, routing techniques and software life cycle
Unit 6: Network Hierarchy:
1. Network hierarchy in the telephone network
2. Network hierarchy in other networks
3. Network Intelligence
4. Intelligent Networks Associated Signaling (CAS)
5. Common Channel Signaling (CCS)
6. SS 7 Signaling call flow problems and troubleshooting

Lab Work Outline

Students will make use of the software to simulate the various theories and visualize the

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four to six assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. J. E. Flood, “Telecommunication Switching, Traffic and Networks” First Edition,
1995, Prentice Hall, ISBN-13: 978-0130333094.

2. John Bellamy, “Digital Telephony”, Third Edition, 2000, Wiley Interscience, ISBN-
13: 978-0471345718.

3. Roger L. Freeman, “Telecommunications Transmission Handbook”, Fourth Edition,

1998, Wiley, ISBN-13: 978-0471672487.

4. David R. Smith, “Digital Transmission Systems”, Third Edition, 2012, Springer,

ISBN-13: 978-1461347262.
Title: Wireless and Mobile Communications
Code Number: EE4203
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE3104 Communication Systems
Semester: 8th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Identify the multiple-access techniques, 1-6 G cellular networks, fundamentals and
features of cellular frequency-reuse concept.
2. Analyze the mobile and wireless multipath propagation via quantification of
associated parameters, radio-channel modeling and empirical path-loss models.
3. Design receiver for wireless channel and analyze the fading mitigation techniques for
improvement in mobile radio-link performance.
4. Apply MATLAB to simulate the error-probability performance of wireless
communications systems.
Unit 1: Introduction to wireless technologies:
4. Salient features of 1G, GSM, WCDMA, LTE, massive MIMO
5. Cellular Concepts, Frequency reuse, Cellular Channel Interferences
Unit 2: Mobile Propagation and Path Loss Models :
1. Path Loss,Shadowing, Scattering and Fading
2. Path loss models (Empirical, Probabilistic, Deterministic), Multipath Models, multipath
fading, wideband models,
Unit 3: Receiver Design and Fading Mitigation:
1. Capacity of wireless channels, digital modulation, Performance in wireless fadingchannels,
2. Time Diversity, Frequency Diversity, Space Diversity, Cooperative Diversity, Cooperative
Diversity Networks
3. OFDM,MIMO, multiuser MIMO, millimeter and terahertz communication systems
Unit 4: Simulation tools for error-performance evaluation:
5. Matlab Simulation of digital modulation for AWGN channels
6. Matlab Simulation of digital modulation for wireless channels

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

A minimum of four quizzes to be conducted before the written exams for each term.
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Ghosh, J. Zhang, J. G. Andrews and R. Muhammad, “Fundamentals of LTE”, First Edition, 2010,
Prentice Hall, ISBN:978-0137033119.
2. Theodore S. Rappaport, “Wireless Communications,” Latest Edition
3. William Stallings, “Wireless Communication & Networks,” Latest Edition
4. Andrea Goldsmith, “ Wireless Communication,” Latest Edition
5. David Tse, “ Fundamentals of Wireless Communication,” Latest Edition
Title: Data Communication
Code Number: EE4204
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: CS 1101 Introduction to Computing
Semester: 8th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. To understand the basic concepts of data communication, layered model, protocols
and interworking between computer networks and switching components in
telecommunication systems.
2. Discuss the nature, uses and implications of internet technology.
3. To understand the functioning of Frame Relay, ATM.
4. An overview of security issues related to data communication in networks.
Unit 1: Introduction to data communication
1. Data communication – data representation, data flow, components.
2. Concepts of node, link, branch, network, network criteria.
3. Physical structures-types of connection, working of different network topologies,
network configuration and their advantages, concepts and comparison of LAN, MAN,
4. Switching - concepts of circuit switching, packet switching & message switching and
their applications.
Unit-2: Networking Protocols and OSI model
1. Protocol layering - Scenarios, principles.
2. Logical connection-connection oriented and connection less.
3. Protocols in computer communications, OSI reference model - functions of all layers.
4. Data link control- concept of framing, flow control and error control.
5. MAC protocol – addressing mechanism.
6. Concept of encapsulation and de-capsulation.

Unit 3: Digital Data Communication Techniques and Data Link Control Protocols
1. Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission
2. Types of Errors
3. Error Detection
4. Error Correction
5. Line Configurations
6. Flow Control
7. Error Control
8. High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC)

Unit-4: Computer Networks

1. Local area network-wired LANs features and classification.
2. Ethernet- properties, frame format (IEEE 802.3), addressing, simple problems on
3. Virtual LAN – working, advantages.
4. Access method – CSMA/CD.
5. Token passing LANS – properties, token bus maintenance and working.
6. Token ring properties, mechanism.
7. FDDI operation, self-healing,
8. Wireless LANS – features,
9. Bluetooth architecture (IEEE 802.15).
10. Basic concepts of WIMAX, cellular telephony, satellite networks.
Unit-5: Communication Protocols
1. Concepts of Ports and Sockets.
2. Domain Name System (DNS) – name system, name space, working of DNS server.
3. Email – architecture, protocols, advantages of IMAP.
4. Basics of FTP, FTP Connections – Control and Data transfer Connection.
5. Frame relay – Need and working of frame relay
6. ATM – Architecture and characteristics.
Unit-6: Internet devices and protocols
1. Ways of accessing the internet – Dial-up access, SLIP, PPP, leased lines,
2. DSL basics, internet access by cable.
3. Modems-basics, types, operation, applications.
4. Network security-basics of threats and fire wall.
Lab Work Outline
Students will be able to
1. Apply the skills within data communications and computer networks
2. Apply data communication theory in practice
3. Evaluate the data traffic in an Internet connected local area network
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four to six assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Stallings, William, and Moumita Mitra. Manna. “Data and Computer Communications.”
Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education, 2014.
Title: Optical Communication
Code Number: EE4205
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: NS1104 Applied Physics, EE1202 Electronic Devices & Circuits
Semester: 8th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Design and Evaluate the performance of the optical systems
2. Assemble different optical components to make a basic optical system
Unit 1: Optical and electrical mediums
1. Basic optical communication system
2. Snell’s law
3. Refractive index
4. Phase velocity and group velocity
5. Optical and electrical bandwidth.
Unit 2: Step index and graded index fibers
1. Ray Propagation through Optical Fibers
2. Acceptance angle and acceptance cone
3. Numerical aperture
Unit 3: Modes in planar wave guides
1. Wave guiding condition
2. Evanescent waves
3. Modes in cylindrical fibers
4. Single mode fibers
Unit 4: Attenuation
1. Scattering
2. Bending losses
3. Dispersion
4. Reflectance and optical return losses
5. Special types of fibers.
Unit 5: Optical sources and detectors
1. Modulators and modulating schemes
2. Demodulator and demodulation methods
3. Couplers
4. Connectors
5. Switches
6. Splicing
7. Optical amplifiers and repeaters
8. Optical time division multiplexing
9. Wavelength division multiplexing
10. Link budgeting w.r.t time and power.
Unit 6: LAN system
3. Wavelength routing based optical networks
4. Optical burst switching.

Lab Work Outline

1. Introduction to optic fiber communication trainer
2. Fiber optic analog transmitter and receiver
3. Transmission of AM information by fiber optic system
4. Transmission ASK modulation/ demodulation by fiber optic system
5. Optic digital transmitter and receiver on fiber optic system
6. Transmission of FM by fiber optic fiber system. (Capacitive Microphone method)
7. Transmission of FM by fiber optic fiber system. (Varikap diode method)
8. FM by VCO on fiber optic system
9. PLL conversion on fiber optic system
10. Transmission of FSK modulation/ demodulation information by fiber optic fiber
11. RZ coder/ decoder on fiber optic system
12. NRZ coder/ decoder on fiber optic system
13. Manchester coder/ decoder on fiber optic system
14. AMI coder/ decoder on fiber optic system
15. Data communication between PC and module
16. CVSD encoder/decoder on fiber optic system
17. TV AV signal producer and signal modulator/demodulator FM signal producer
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four to six assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. John M. Senior, “Optical Fibre Communications: Principles and Practice”, Latest Edition,
Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0136354262.
2. Gerd Keiser, “Optical Fibre Communications,” Latest Edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN:
3. Harold Kolimbiris, “Fiber Optics Communications,” Latest Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN:
Title: Navigation and Radar Systems
Code Number: EE4206
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE3205 Digital Communications
Semester: 8th

Course Objectives
1. The course will enable students to:
2. Understanding of radar range equation and other important parameters
3. Investigate different types of radars for determination of its appropriateness
for a given scenario
4. Design of a radar system for given requirements
5. Implement various RADAR detection scenarios using hardware and software
Unit 1: Radar Basics
1. Radar frequencies
2. Application of the Radar
3. Origin of the Radar.
Unit 2: Radar Equations: Detection of signals in noise
1. receiver noise and signal to noise ratio
2. Probability of detection and false alarm
3. Integration of the Radar pulses
4. Radar cross section of targets
5. Transmitter power pulse repetition frequency.
Unit 3: MTI and Doppler Radar: Delay line cancellers
1. Staggered pulse repetition frequencies
2. Limitation to MTI performance.
Unit 4: Tracking Radar: Tracking with Radar
1. Monopulse tracking
2. Conical scan and sequential lobing.
Unit 5: Radar Transmitters and Receivers: Linear beam power tubes
1. Solid state RF power sources
2. Magnetron
3. Cross field amplifiers
4. Other RF power sources
5. The receiver noise figure
6. Super Heterodyne receiver
7. Duplexers and receiver protectors
8. Radar displays.
Unit 5: Propagation of the Radar Waves: Forward Scattering from a flat earth
1. Scattering from the round earth surface
2. Atmospheric Refraction
3. Standard and non-standard propagation
4. Diffraction
5. Attenuation by atmospheric gases
6. External environmental noise
7. Other propagation effects.
Unit 6: Navigational aids: Terminology used in navigational Systems
1. Global and reginal navigational systems
2. Direction finding
3. GPS
4. Laser Gyro
5. Decca
6. Loran
7. Beacon system.
Unit 7: Introduction to GNSS: Conventional navigation
1. Comparison of GNSS with other navigation systems
2. GNSS Transmitter and Receiver
3. GNSS Applications

Lab Work Outline

Demonstration of actual RADAR and cover verify all the theory concepts by hands-on

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four quiz assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.
Recommended Books:
1. Merrill I. Skolnik, "Introduction to Radar Systems", Latest edition.
2. Gerry L Eaves & Edward K Reedy, "Principles of Modern Radar", Latest Edition.
3. Teunissen, Montenbruck, “Springer handbook of Global Navigation Satellite
Systems” 2017.
Title: Emerging Wireless Technologies and RF Planning
Code Number: EE4207
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE4203 Wireless and Mobile Communications
Semester: 8th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
5. Understand the basic knowledge of wireless standards and RF planning
6. Analyze the impact of optimization on network performance
7. Demonstrate the wireless networks using different simulation tools
Unit 1: Introduction to wireless technologies:
6. Broadband Wireless alternatives
7. xDSL alternatives packet cable
8. WiMAX and Mobile WiMAX, LTE
9. Mobile-TV Platforms, Multimedia Broadcast/ Multicast Services (MBMS)
10. Channel structure, signal flow, operation and maintenance features vis-à-
vis cellular and WLAN/WMAN/WPAN technologies
Unit 2: RF Planning:
3. Introduction to RF environment and propagation model
4. Wireless network planning process
5. Antenna and feeder system
6. Site survey
7. Link budget
8. Capacity theory
Unit 4: RF Optimization:
11. Network optimization process
12. Access optimization
13. Signaling trace
14. Handoff optimization, Power control optimization, Drop call optimization
Unit 5: Advanced tools for network planning:
7. OPNET Simulation and optimization
8. Drive testing

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each term.

A minimum of four quizzes to be conducted before the written exams for each term.
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Ghosh, J. Zhang, J. G. Andrews and R. Muhammad, “Fundamentals of LTE”, First Edition, 2010,
Prentice Hall, ISBN:978-0137033119.
2. Y. Xiao and Y. Pan, “Emerging Wireless LANs, Wireless PANs, and Wireless MANS: IEEE
802.11, IEEE 802.15, 802.16 Wireless Standard Family”, First Edition, 2009, Wiley, ISBN: 978-
3. D. M. Dobkin, “RF Engineering for Wireless Networks”, First Edition, 2004, Newnes, ISBN:
4. H. Hammuda, “Cellular Mobile Radio Systems: Designing Systems for Capacity Optimization”,
First Edition, 1998, Wiley, ISBN: 978-0471956419.
5. J. Wheat, R.Hiser, J. Tucker, A. Neely and A. McCullough, “Designing a Wireless
Network:Understanding How Wireless Communication Works”, First Edition, 2001, Syngress,
ISBN: 978-1928994459
Title: Power Generation
Code Number: EE4208
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE2101 Electrical Network Analysis
Semester: 8th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
10. To understand the different types of Power Plants.
11. To understand the energy conversation to generate the electrical energy.
Unit 1: Power Stations:
1. Introduction,
2. Types of power Station,
3. Choice of type of Generator, Cost of Electrical Energy
Unit 2: Hydro Electric Stations:
1. Introduction, Types of Hydro Electric Power Stations,
2. Principle of working of a Hydro Electric Plant, Power Station Structure and Layout,
3. Types of Turbine and their characteristics,
4. Arrangements and location of Hydro Electric Stations,
5. Types of Hydro Electric Plants and Dam, Characteristics of Generators,
6. Costs of Hydro Electric Stations,
Unit 3: Steam Power Plants:
1. Introduction, Main Parts and working of a steam Station,
2. Plant Layout,
3. Rankin Cycle and its types,
4. Types of Boiler and their characteristics,
5. characteristics of steam turbines,
6. Design of a steam Power Station,
7. Steam station auxiliaries,
8. Cost of Steam Station
Unit 4: Gas Turbines:
1. Introduction, Main Parts of Gas turbine plant,
2. Plant Layout, Principle of Operation,
3. Characteristics of Gas Turbine plants,
4. Gas Turbine Power Plant operation and Control,
5. Combined Cycles Cost of Gas Turbine Stations
Unit 5: Diesel Electric Station:
1. Introduction of Diesel Engine,
2. Principle of working,
3. characteristics of diesel engines,
4. sizes and dimensions of generator sets,
5. Coordination of Engine and Generator Characteristics,
6. Use of Diesel Sets as Alternative Power Plant,
7. cost of diesel Plants.
Unit 6: Nuclear Power Stations:
1. Introduction, Nuclear Reaction, Main Parts of Nuclear Power Stations,
2. Plant Layouts,
3. Principle of Nuclear Energy,
4. Nuclear reactor and reactor control,
5. Types of Power Reactor,
6. Comparison of various types of reactors,
7. Economics of Nuclear Power Stations.
Unit 7: MHD Generators:
1. Gaseous conductors, analysis and design of MHD generator,
2. Problems associated with MHD generation, possible configuration.
Unit 8: Introduction to renewable energy generation:
1. Renewable energy resources
Lab Work Outline
1. Frequency-Power characteristics of an alternator.
2. Reactive power versus terminal voltage characteristics of an alternator.
3. Control of active & reactive power of an alternator connected to an infinite busbar.
4. Running induction machine as induction generator.
5. Determination of synchronous generator parameters. Determination of xd & xq of
silent pole synchronous generator.
6. Synchronization of alternator with infinite bus bar & voltage regulation with the loads
of different power factors.
7. Control of active & reactive power of induction machine running as generator.
8. Wind Power Generation
9. Solar Power Generation
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four to six assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
Final is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
3. 40% to the nature of the course the teacher may
assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.
Recommended Books:
1. A. K. Raja, Power Plant Engineering
2. Arche W. Culp, Principles of Energy Conversion
3. M. M. Wake, Power Plant Technology, McGraw Hill
Title: Power System Protection
Code Number: EE4209
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE4106 Power System Analysis
Semester: 8th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. To understand the different types of relays, relaying schemes, circuit breakers and
2. To understand the relay coordination.
Unit 1: Protective Relays:
1. Need for protective relaying in power systems,
2. basic attributes of protective relaying, principles and characteristics of pro tective
3. Theory and classification of relays,
4. Instrument Transformers, CT burden and accuracy classes.
Unit 2: Unit 1: Over-Current Protection:
1. Inverse characteristics of Over-current relays (OCR),
2. Inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) relays,
3. Primary and back up protection,
4. Relay coordination, application of IDMT relays,
5. Direct over-current relays (D-OCR),
6. Application of D -OCR, protection of a three phase feeder.
Unit 3: Differential Protection:
1. Dot convention and CT placement,
2. Simple Differential Protection,
3. Zone of Protection of the Differential Relay,
4. Percentage Differential Relay,
5. Earth Leakage Protection
Unit 4: Protection of Transformers:
1. Transformer faults,
2. Differential Protection of a three -winding transformer,
3. Inrush current and differential protection,
4. Bucholz relays,
5. Over-fluxing in transformer.
Unit 5: Protection of Generators:
1. Faults in stator and rotor windings,
2. Protective devices for stator, rotor, and prime mover of a generator,
3. Abnormal operating conditions (unbalanced loading, over -speeding, loss of
excitation and loss of prime mover) and their protection.
Unit 6: Protection of Transmission Lines:
1. Drawbacks of over-current protection,
2. Distance protection,
3. Zones of protection.
Unit 7: Fuses and Circuit Breakers:
1. Fuses Introduction,
2. Principle of circuit interruption,
3. Circuit Breaker-Types and characteristics,
4. Ratings of circuit breakers.
Lab Work Outline
1. To draw the operating characteristics of IDMT relay.
2. To study the performance of Earth fault relay.
3. To study the performance of an over voltage relay.
4. To study the performance of under voltage relay.
5. Testing of breakdown strength of transformer oil.
6. To study flash point test of transformer oil.
7. To find ABCD, Hybrid & Image parameters of a model of transmission line.
8. To study performance of a transmission line under no load condition & under load at
different power factors.
9. To observe the Ferranti effect in a model of transmission line.
10. To study performance characteristics of typical DC distribution system in radial &
ring main configuration.
11. To study characteristics of MCB & HRC Fuse.
12. To study radial feeder performance when a) fed at one end b) fed at both ends.
13. To draw the operating characteristics of IDMT relay
14. To study the performance of a differential over current relay
15. To study the operation of static definite time reverse power relay

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four to six assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.
Recommended Books:
1. Fundamentals of Power System Protection by Y.G. Paithankar and S.R. Bhide
2. Protective Relaying; Principles and Applications, by J. Lewis Blackburn, Thomas J.
Title: Power System Operation and Control
Code Number: EE4210
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE4106 Power System Analysis
Semester: 8th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Understand the basic concepts associated with the physical aspects of power system
operational planning.
2. Understand the Economic Dispatch, Unit Commitment, Hydrothermal Coordination,
and power system control with reference to following: Significance, basic concepts
and definitions. Mathematical modeling Application to small power systems with
hand calculation & using MATLAB
3. Introduce IEEE Test Systems & Small Industrial Power System using MATLAB or
Advance Tool.

Unit 1: Power System Operational Planning:
5. Introduction & brief overview on steps in P ower System Operational Planning.
Unit 2: Characteristics of power generation units:
1. Thermal Machines Cost Characteristics: input -output curve, incremental curve,
2. Specific cost curve, format to represent characteristics curves, how curves are
3. Hydel Machines cost curves.
Unit 3: Economic Dispatch (ED):
1. Concepts & Mathematical formulation,
2. Solution methodologies,
3. ED using Economic dispatch using Equal incremental cost Criteria (EICC) neglecting
network loss, and including network loss using B -Coefficients.
Unit 4: Unit Commitment (UC):
1. Concepts, Constraints,
2. Mathematical formulation, Solution Methodologies,
3. Priority List schemes for unit commitment.
Unit 5: Hydro Thermal Coordination (HTC):
1. Concepts, Constraints, Mathematical formulation,
2. Scheduling Problems,
3. HTC Solution using Constant Hydro,
4. Constant Thermal and Running Hydro Plant at its Maximum Efficiency.
Unit 6: Frequency Control:
1. Power System Control,
2. Load frequency Control problem, Generator & load model,
3. Prime Mover Model,
4. Automatic Generation Control (AGC)
Unit 7: Voltage Control (VC):
1. Voltage control problem importance and concepts, Problem,
2. Methods for voltage control.
Unit 8: SCADA:
1. SCADA System overview, architecture, protocols, and application to power system
Lab Work Outline
1. Measurement of ABCD parameters of transmission line.
2. Formation of admittance matrices for given networks.
3. Programming of power flow using NewtonRaphson Method.
4. Programming of power flow using Gauss Seidel Method.
5. Programming of power flow using Fast Decoupled Method.
6. Modeling of single area and multi line Load frequency control in MATLAB
7. Modeling AVR in MATLAB SIMULINK .
8. Modeling IEEE excitation systems in MATLAB SIMULINK.
9. Study of effect of Faults (LG, LL, LLG, 3 phase) on a single machine connected to
infinite Bus.
10. Representation of Sequence Networks.
11. Modeling of Turbine and Governor System

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged and encouraged to solve real world problems using computer-
aided tools.

Assignments/Types and Number with calendar:

A minimum of four to six assignments to be submitted before the written exams for each

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.
Recommended Books:
1. Fundamentals of Power System Protection by Y.G. Paithankar and S.R. Bhide
2. Protective Relaying; Principles and Applications, by J. Lewis Blackburn, Thomas J.

Title: Electric Machine Design and Maintenance

Code Number: EE4211
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE 2202 Electric Machines
Semester: 8th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Understand the design parameters in various machines and related circuits
2. Understand the Mathematical analysis process opted to design machines parameters
3. Implement techniques for troubleshooting and maintenance of electrical equipment


Unit1: Machine Standards

1. Industrial standardization, national and international standards

2. Codes and testing laboratories, manufacturing and operating systems

Unit2: Design considerations for electrical machines

1. Properties and applications of materials for magnetic machine insulation system and its
design considerations,
2. Thermal time constant,
3. Cooling systems of transformers and rotating machines, duty cycles,
4. Ratings and temperature-rise,
5. Mechanical design considerations
6. Specific loading and output equations of power transformer and induction motor
7. Classifications of design for transformer or induction motor

Unit3: Installation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Machines

1. Safety precautions,
2. Troubleshooting and emergency repairs.
3. Installation, commissioning, testing, maintenance, and troubleshooting of (i) power
transformers and (ii) induction motors. (iii) AC generators.

Lab Work Outline

1. Measurement of magnetic flux, inductance and reluctance of a part of electrical machines.
2. Study of transformer and rotating-machine parts.
3. Understanding operating principles, ratings and application of the following equipment:
power supplies, magnetic contactors, thermal overloads, miniature circuit breakers,
metallic-clad circuit breakers, earth leakage circuit breaker, clip-on meters, cable fault
locators, Megger earth tester, relay testers, motor controllers, tachometers, phase tester
(L.V. and H.V.).
4. Introduction to computer aided design (cad) and computer aided manufacturing (cam).

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
Physical classroom environment, associated equipped lab, simulation tools, and design based
assignment/projects are intended to execute the course.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books
1. J. Pyrhonen, T. Jokinen, V. Hrabovcona, “Design of Rotating Electrical Machine”,
Wileyp; 2nd Edition, (2013).
2. William Falanagon, “Handbook of Transformer Design & Applications”, McGraw-Hill,
3. M. G. Say, “Performance and Design of Alternating Current Machines”, CBS publishers
and distributors, (2005).
Title: FACTS and HVDC
Code Number: EE4212
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE 3207 Power Electronics, EE4103 Power Transmission
Semester: 8th

Unit 1: FACTS, Introduction and requirements
1. FACTS Concept and General System Consideration
2. System Compensation
3. Review on Bi-directional (Voltage source and current source) converters
Unit 2: Shunt and Series Compensators
1. TCR
2. TSC
3. SVC
8. Combined Compensators
9. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC)
10. Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC)
Unit 3: HVDC Transmission
1. Introduction and types of HVDC transmission
2. Multi-Level Conversion
3. Line-Commutated CSC Transmission
4. VSC Transmission
5. Multi-Level VSC and CSC Transmission
6. Multi-terminal HVDC (MTDC) grid
Lab Work
Experiments related to above contents will be conducted based on line and load
compensation; flexible switched reactors and compensators, concept of SVC and STATCOM
load analysis and control on voltage and current source converters, modelling of HVDC grid.
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
This course will be a physically delivered in a face-face classroom environment along-with
established hardware and simulation lab tools. White board and multimedia based lectures (as
required) will be delivered along-with design assignments, analysis based group discussions
and presentations. A provisional industrial visits for practical exposure is also provisionally
associated with this course.
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books
1. Narain G. Hingorani, Laszlo Gyugyi. “Understanding FACTS: concepts and technology
of flexible AC transmission systems” (latest Edition), IEEE Press Marketing.
2. J. Arrillaga, Y.H. Liu, N.R. Watson. Flexible power transmission the HVDC
options.(latest Edition) John Wiley & Sons
Title: Smart Grids
Code Number: EE4213
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE 3207 Power Electronics, EE3104 Communication Systems
Semester: 8th

Course Objectives
The course will enable students to:
1. Develop a broader understanding of Smart Grid
2. Investigation of the existing smart grid technologies
3. Applications and impacts of Smart grid technologies on current grid system
4. Implementation of smart grid algorithms and network dynamics considering power grid
based applications in simulation environment.

Unit1: Introduction to Smart grids technology

1. Overview of existing grid systems
2. Why do we need smart grid
3. Objectives and main features of Smart Grid
4. Current status of smart grid technology
5. Future of Smart Grid, advantages and Disadvantages
6. Implementation of smart grid and possible challenges
7. Smart Meters
8. Basics of Data communication technology

Unit2: Distributed Generations

1. Overview of Distributed Generation

2. Impact of Distributed Generation integration with existing grid system
3. Demand side Management
4. Demand Response and its applications
5. Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)
6. Types of loads & their current signatures

Unit3: Load flow Studies

1. Challenges for discrete load flow studies

2. Load flow analysis in smart grid environment

Unit4: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)

1. Main features and objectives

2. Architecture
3. Applications
Lab Work
Hands on practice on related concepts covered in theory via hardware or simulation software

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
This course will be a physically delivered in a face-face classroom environment along-with
established hardware and simulation lab tools. White board and multimedia based lectures (as
required) will be delivered along-with problem analysis and algorithm based assignments,
analysis based group discussions and presentations.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books
1. Hadi Sadaat “Power System Analysis”, McGraw-Hill International Editions
2. Clark W. Gellings , “The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand
3. J. Ekanayake, “Smart Grid Technology and applications”, Wiley, 2012
Title: Digital System Design
Code Number: EE4214
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE3201 Introduction to Embedded Systems
Semester: 8th

Course Objectives
1. Understand basic concepts of VHDL Systems
2. Analyze various types of architectures
3. Design using impact of various parameters related to Optimization

Conduct experiments, analysis and interpretation of experimental data using programmable

logic architecture that is programmed FPGAs trainer
Unit 1: Basic VHDL Elements and Semantics:
1. Industry standard EDA tools for logic description
2. Simulation
3. Synthesis
4. VHDL design styles
5. Sequential code
6. Concurrent code

Unit 2: Programmable Logic Architecture:

1. PLD

Unit 3: Digital Design and FPGAs:

1. FPGA based system design
2. SRAM-based FPGA
3. Permanently programmed FPGAs
4. Chip I/O
5. Circuit design of FPGA fabric
Unit 4: Embedded Blocks:
1. Multipliers
2. Adders
3. Carry chains
4. Embedded processors
5. Interfaces
Unit 5: Advanced VHDL Coding Topics:
1. Procedure
2. Functions
Unit 6: FPGA Design Flow based on VHDL:
1. Place
2. Route
3. Synthesize
4. Fitting
5. State machine design
Unit 7: Optimization:
1. Principles using VHDL
2. Arithmetic circuits
3. Architectures for basic building blocks
4. Adder
5. Compression trees
6. Multipliers
7. Barrel shifter
8. Abstract hardware models
9. Compilation
10. Optimization techniques

Lab Work Outline

Theoretical concepts will be implemented and confirmed through a process of

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university classroom
environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white board. Students are
engaged and encouraged to understand basic concepts of VHDL Systems and analyze various
types of architectures.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.
Recommended Books:

1. Wayne Wolf, “FPGA Based System Design”, PRENTICE HALL, 2004, ISBN: 0-13-142461-
2. Volei A. Pedroni “Circuit Design and Simulation with VHDL”, MIT Press, 2nd Edition, 2010,
ISBN: 978-81-203-4301-6.
3. Charles H. Roth, Jr. “Digital System Design Using VHDL”, Cengage Learning, 2nd edition,
2008, ISBN: 978-0534384623.
4. Kenneth L. Short “VHDL For Engineers”, Prentice Hall, 2008, ISBN: 978-0131424784.
Title: Solid State Devices
Code Number: EE4215
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE1202 Electronic Devices and Circuits
Semester: 8th

Course Objectives
1. Design using building blocks of semiconductor units
2. Analyze various control mechanisms fabrication mechanisms
3. Analyze the impact of properties of matter in fabrication process.
4. Conduct laboratory experiments, analysis and interpretation of experimental data
Unit 1: Introduction to Semiconductor Materials:
1. Basic structures
2. Basic properties
3. Carrier concentration
4. Energy band gap
5. Carrier transport in semiconductor
Unit 2: Semiconductor Units:
1. PN junction
2. Metal-semiconductor contacts
3. Metal oxide semiconductor FET
4. Bipolar transistors
5. Photonic devices
6. Solar cell
Unit 3: Fabrication Process:
1. Fabrication techniques
2. Semiconductor devices growth

Lab Work Outline:

Theory concepts will be done through a process of laboratory experimentation.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are engaged to analyze fabrication process and fabrication mechanisms and
design using building blocks of semiconductor units.
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Ben Streetman, Sanjay Banerjee “Solid State Electronic Devices”, Prentice Hall, Latest
2. Donald A. Neamen “Semiconductor Physics And Devices: Basic Principles”, McGraw-
Hill, Latest Edition
3. Robert F. Pierret, Semiconductor Device Fundamentals, Pearson Education, Latest
4. Jasprit Singh, Semiconductor Device Physics and Design, Wiley, Latest Edition
5. S. M. Sze, Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology, Wiley, Latest Edition
Title: Biomedical Instrumentation
Code Number: EE4216
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE1202 Electronic Devices and Circuits, EE3207 Electronic Circuit Design ,
EE4110 Integrated Electronics
Semester: 8th

Course Objectives
1. Explain the physiological source and detection of bio-potentials for the analysis in
biomedical instruments.
2. Identify a range of sensors and select relevant sensor for a particular application
3. Describe the elements of risk for various instrumentation methods and basic safety
4. Conduct a process of experimentation and hands-on training on the biomedical
equipment and instruments.

Unit 1: Introduction:
1. Precision, resolution, sensitivity, accuracy, uncertainty
2. Principles and development of biomedical instrumentation
3. Problems encountered in living systems
Unit 2: Biological Systems:
1. Physiological systems
2. Bio-potentials
3. Physiological parameters
Unit 3: Diagnostic Equipment:
1. Invasive measurement techniques
2. Noninvasive measurement techniques
Unit 4: Cardiovascular Measurements:
1. Electrocardiography
2. Measurement of blood pressure
3. Blood flow
4. Cardiac output
Unit 5: Biomedical Sensors and Transducers:
1. Principles and design
2. Speed and position
3. Temperature, light and pressure transducers
4. Programmable logic controller
5. PLC interfacing
6. Memory processor
Unit 6: Patient Monitoring Equipment:
1. Patient monitors
2. Central monitoring system
3. Telemetry system
4. Gas exchange and distributions
5. Respiratory therapy equipment
Unit 7: Therapeutic Equipment:
1. Ventilator
2. Inhaler
3. Defibrillator
4. Pacemaker
5. Heart lung machines
Unit 8: Radiological Equipment:
1. Ionization radiation
2. Non-ionization radiation
3. Medical lasers
4. Applications
Unit 9: Safety in Medical Equipment:
1. Electrical safety
2. Standards of medical devices
3. Biohazards
4. Safety regulations
Unit 10: Quality Assurance and Control:
1. Calibration
2. Maintenance of monitoring equipment
3. Reparability of monitoring equipment

Lab Work Outline

Theoretical concepts will be seen and confirmed through a process of experimentation and
hands-on training on the biomedical equipment and instruments.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university classroom
environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white board. Students are
encouraged to identify a range of sensors and selection of a particular sensor for a particular
biomedical application, describe the risk for various biomedical instrumentation and basic
safety rules and explain the physiological source and detection of bio-potential for the
analysis in biomedical instruments.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:

1. Biomedical Instrumentation System by Shakti Chatterjee, Edition 1st, Cengage, 2010

2. Biomedical Instrumentation: Technology and Applications by R Khandpur, Edition 1st,
McGraw Hill Education, 2004
3. Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design by J G Webster, Edition 4th, Wiley India
Private Limited, 2009.
Title: Optoelectronics
Code Number: EE4217
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE1202 Electronic Devices and Circuits
Semester: 8th

Course Objectives
1. Understand the basic concepts related to optoelectronics mechanisms.
2. Classify various types of lasers and other optoelectronic devices
3. Analyze the impact of parameters of modulation related to optoelectronics
4. Conduct experiments, analysis and interpretation of experimental data using optical
fiber trainer
Unit 1: Introduction to Optics:
1. Snell’s law
2. Numerical aperture
3. Total internal reflection
4. Fresnel equations
5. Dispersion
6. Pulse broadening
7. Pulse distortion
8. Resonant cavities
9. Dielectric slab
10. Optical waveguide
11. Optical fiber waveguide
12. Laser principles
13. Population inversion
14. Laser modes
Unit 2: Light Emitting Diodes and Laser Diodes:
1. Structures
2. Operating characteristics
3. Photo-detection
4. Semiconductor photodiodes
Unit 3: Modulation Related To Optoelectronics Circuits:
1. Thermal Noise
2. Shot Noise
3. Signal to noise ratio in electro-optical systems
Unit 4: Applications of Optoelectronics:
1. Photo-voltaic devices
2. Wavelength division multiplexing
Lab Work Outline:
Theory concepts will be investigated through a process of laboratory experimentation.
Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university
classroom environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white
board. Students are encouraged to understand the concepts of optoelectronics, lasers and
photo-voltaic devices.

Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:
1. Harold Kolimbiris, “Fibre Optics Communications,” First Edition, 2004, Prentice Hall,
latest edition.
2. John M. Senior, “Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice”, Prentice Hall,
latest edition.
3. Henry Zanger, Cynthia Zanger, "Fiber Optics: Communications and other Applications",
Maxwell MacMillan International.
Title: Introduction to Nanotechnology
Code Number: EE4218
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: NS1104 Applied Physics
Semester: 8th

Course Objectives
1. Understand basic concepts of nanotechnology
2. Analyze various control mechanisms for surface probing
3. Analyze the impact of various parameters on applications
4. Conduct a process of experimentation

Unit 1: Introduction:
1. Nano-scale phenomena
2. Nanoparticles
3. Carbon nanostructures
4. Nano-wires
5. Nano-structured
6. Materials
7. Self assembly

Unit 2: Control Mechanisms for Surface Probing:

1. Surface probe microscopy
2. Nano-scale characterization
3. Nanolithography
Unit 3: Applications of Nanotechnology:
1. Nano-scale devices
2. Nano-scale systems

Lab Work Outline

Theoretical concepts will be confirmed through a process of experimentation.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university classroom
environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white board. Students are
encouraged to understand the basic concepts of nanotechnology, analyze control mechanisms
for surface probing and the impact of various parameters on applications.
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:

1. Charles P. Poole Jr. and Frank J. Owens, “Introduction to Nanotechnology,” 2003, John
Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471079359.
2. Massimiliano Di Ventra, Stephane Evoy and James R. Heflin Jr. (Editors), “Introduction
to Nanoscale Science and Technology,” 2004, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN:
3. Mark A. Reed and Takhee Lee (Editors), “Molecular Nanoelectronics,” 2003, American
Scientific Publishers, ISBN: 1588830063.
Title: Medical Robotics
Code Number: EE4213
Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)
Prerequisites: EE3103 Linear Control Systems
Semester: 8th

Course Objectives
1. Identify and describe various types of robots for medical applications
2. Explain the fundamentals of robot dynamics and simulation
3. Design and implement robotic assistance for tracking and surgical applications

Unit 1: Introduction:
1. Fundamentals of medical robotics
2. Kinematics of medical robots
3. Teleportation and cooperative manipulation
Unit 2: Robot Dynamics and simulation:
1. Trajectory generation
2. Surgeon’s perspective
3. Medical imaging and image-guided interventions
Unit 3: Tracking and Surgical Navigation:
1. Motion planning ,prediction, correlation, replication and learning
2. DaVinci system
3. Cyberknife
4. Motorized C-arms
5. Operating microscopes
6. Strategic frames
Unit 4: Broad spectrum of Medical and Healthcare Robotics:
1. Robots for neroscience

Lab Work Outline

Design and implement robotic assistance for tracking and surgical applications.

Teaching-Learning Strategies:
The pedagogical approach to this course relies on face-to-face teaching in a university classroom
environment. The lectures are delivered using multimedia support and on white board. Students are
engaged to identify and describe various types of robots for medical applications, explain the
fundamentals of robot dynamics and simulation, design and implement robotic assistance for
tracking and surgical applications
Assessment and Examinations:

Elements Weightage Details

Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the

1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:

1. Medical Robotics by Achim Schweikard and Floris Ernst, Edition 1st, Springer, 2015
2. Medical Robotics by Jocelyne Troccaz, Edition 1st, Wiley-ISTE, 2012
Title: Quran & Hadith
Code Number: EE4220
Credit Hours: 1 (1+0)
Prerequisites: None
Semester: 1st - 8th

Course Objectives
As per University of the Punjab Policy
As per University of the Punjab Policy

Assessment and Examinations:

One credit hour for 8 Semester teaching

Elements Weightage Details
Midterm It takes place at the mid-point of the
1. 35%
Assessment semester.
It is continuous assessment. It includes:
classroom participation, attendance,
2. 25% assignments and presentations,
homework, attitude and behavior, hands-
on-activities, short tests, quizzes etc.
It takes place at the end of the semester. It
is mostly in the form of a test, but owing
Final to the nature of the course the teacher may
3. 40%
Assessment assess their students based on term paper,
research proposal development, field
work and report writing etc.

Recommended Books:

As per University of the Punjab Policy

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