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Name: ____________________________________________ Score: Time: 90’

Class: ____________________________________________ Reading

Date: ____________________________________________ Listening

A. Look and circle the correct word.

1. 2. 3. 4.

a. bring an umbrella a. get to school a. scary a. lion

b. wear a coat b. get to the party b. loud b. zebra
c. put on a scarf c. ride a bike c. kind c. hippo

B. Complete the sentence with the correct word from the box.
tidy wear sleep silly car

5. It's cold outside. Please _______ a coat.

6. How often do you __ your bedroom?
7. My cat likes to on my bed.
8. I get to school in my mom's .

C. Choose the correct answer.

9. The elephant is the monkey. 10. The turtle is the rabbit.

a. bigger than a. slow than
b. big than b. slower than
c. bigger c. faster than

11. Are they going to a party? No, they _______. 12. Is he going to the zoo? Yes, he __.
a. isn’t a. are
b. am not b. is
c. aren’t c. am

13. He loud as a child. He was quiet. 14. _____ the penguins looking for food.
a. isn’t a. was
b. wasn't b. wasn't
c. weren't c. were

15. There are two in the family. 16. does the bus come? It comes at seven o'clock.
a. babies a. When
b. babys b. How
c. babyes c. Where

Imagine Level 3 – Midterm test

Name: ____________________________________________ Score: Time: 90’
Class: ____________________________________________ Reading
Date: ____________________________________________ Listening

17. What's the weather like today? . 18. It’s raining. your umbrella today.
a. It's sun a. Don’t forget
b. It's sunny b. Forget
c. It sunny c. Doesn’t forget

D. Choose the correct answer.

19. A: How do you get to school?
B: _____________________
a. I go at eight o'clock. b. I go by bus. c. I go to English.

20. A: What's the weather like?

B: _________________

a. It's rain. b. It's Saturday. c. It's raining.

E. Read and answer these questions (Questions 21-34)

Dok Rak and his sister Dok Mai are baby elephants. Are they small?
Yes, they are. But they're bigger than you and me! They live at an elephant
park in Thailand. They are younger than the other elephants. Before, their
life wasn't easy. Some people weren't kind to them. Now workers at the
park are helping them. They look after them. They give them food and
water too. People can visit the park and see the elephants. It's fun to watch
them! They play and have fun.

a. Read and write T for True or F for False.

21. Dok Rak and Dok Mai are brothers. ________

22. People can't visit the elephants. ________

23. The elephants are smaller than people. ________

24. Workers are the park are kind to the elephants. ________

25. The elephants don't have fun. ________

Imagine Level 3 – Midterm test

Name: ____________________________________________ Score: Time: 90’
Class: ____________________________________________ Reading
Date: ____________________________________________ Listening

b. Read again and choose.

26. Dok Rak and his sister Dok Mai are baby .

a. rhinos b. elephants

27. Dok Rak and Dok Mai are than the other elephants at the park.

a. older b. younger

28. Before, their life was .

a. easy b. difficult

29. When Dok Rak and Dok Mai were little, some people weren't .
a. kind b. silly

c. Read again and complete.

30. The baby elephants live in an elephant park in .

31. The elephants are than people.

32. Dok Rak and Dok Mai are than the other elephants in the park.

33. The workers give food and to the elephants.

34. People can the park and see the elephants.

F. Listen and choose. TR: 3

35. What’s the weather like?

a. It’s training. b. It’s snowing.
36. Is it cold outside?
a. Yes, it is. b. No, it isn’t.
37. What's the boy doing?
a. He’s putting on his scarf. b. He’s putting on his coat.
38. What does the girl say?
a. Don’t forget your boots. b. Don’t forget your scarf and gloves.

Imagine Level 3 – Midterm test

Name: ____________________________________________ Score: Time: 90’
Class: ____________________________________________ Reading
Date: ____________________________________________ Listening

G. Listen, read and complete. TR: 7

kind loud quiet science scientist sports

39. When Mike was little, he was .

40. Mike wasn’t .

41. Mike wasn’t good at .

42. Mike was good at .

43. When Mike grows up he wants to be a __________.

H. Listen and write. TR: 9

44. The photo shows a. science and maths.

45. Yuki's mother was b. Yuki's mother.

46. Yuki's mother was a good c. five.

47. Yuki's mother was very good at d. friends and classmates.

48. Yuki's mother helped her e. student.

49. Yuki's mother wasn't f. loud.

44. _______ 45. ________ 46. _______ 47. ________ 48. ________ 49. ________
I. Choose one and write. (20-40 words)
50. a) Write about your favourite animal. Compare it to other animals.
b) Write about the weather today. Write about how to dress in this weather







The end.
Imagine Level 3 – Midterm test

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