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The Science Research Programme (SRP) was established in 1988 by the Faculty of Science,
National University of Singapore (NUS) in collaboration with the Gifted Education Branch,
Ministry of Education. In the current cycle, mentors for the Programme come from the National
University of Singapore’s Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering, and Yong Loo Lin School
of Medicine; A*STAR’s Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS), Institute of Molecular and Cell
Biology (IMCB), NanoBio Lab, Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences (SCIS) and Singapore
Institute of Food and Biotechnology (SIFB); Defence Science Organisation (DSO) National
Laboratories; Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA); Nanyang Technological
University (NTU); Raffles Science Institute (RSI); and Singapore University of Technology and
Design (SUTD).

The main objective of the Programme is to give selected first-year Junior College/Year 5
Integrated Programme students who have demonstrated interest and aptitude for scientific
research, the opportunity to be in a mentorship and undertake research projects in a scientific
and technological community, acquiring critical inquiry and research competencies, and
desirable dispositions of practitioners in the scientific field.

The Programme comprises 2 parts:
• Mentorship Attachment
• Science Research Congress

The Mentorship Attachment offers students the opportunity to work on research projects in
Life/Medical Sciences, Chemical/Physical Sciences, and Engineering under the guidance of
mentors from NUS and other established research centres. Students work in a real-world
research environment.

During the mentorship attachment in May/June, the student spends at least 2 weeks working
full-time on the research project.

Thereafter, the student meets with the mentor on a regular basis to complete the research
work. Every student writes a scientific paper at the end of the Attachment. The papers will be
published as Proceedings of the 37th Science Research Congress.

The Science Research Congress which will be held in April 2025 offers students an
opportunity to communicate their research findings to an audience of mentors and interested
JC students. On the successful completion of the Attachment, certificates of participation in
the SRP 2024/25 will be presented to the students at the Congress.

Since 2006, the student in the SRP may submit his/her research project for assessment as a
H3 subject. Students offering H3-SRP would have to submit their scientific papers for H3
assessment in January 2025 and take part in an oral defence in late February 2025.

SRP 2024/25

Interested eligible JC1 H2 and Year 5 IP science students should first apply to participate in the
Research Methods Module (RMM).

Shortlisting criteria for participation in RMM

About 140 students will be shortlisted for participation in the RMM based on:
- Strong academic performance;
- Interest demonstrated in scientific research-related activities in Secondary School; and
- JC or IP School Principal’s recommendation.

Admission criteria to SRP 2024/25

The admission criteria include:
- Successful completion of Research Methods Module (RMM),
- Attendance at the 36th Science Research Congress, and
- Acceptance of an approved Research Plan by a mentor.


The RMM will be accessible online during the last week of March to the first two weeks of April.
Students are introduced to the library resources available on-campus, basic laboratory safety,
ethics in research and gain some insights into the current R&D available in participating
departments/research centres in NUS. Students who intend to proceed to SRP 2024/25 then
identify a self-selected research topic, perform background literature search and formulate a
viable research plan.

On completion of the RMM and attendance at the 36th Research Congress, students interested
to proceed with the Mentorship Attachment and Science Research Congress may then submit
a Research Plan to a prospective mentor and apply for admission to SRP 2024/25 in May. On
acceptance of the Research Plan approved by either a H3-SRP supervisor or an Enrichment-
SRP mentor, they qualify as participants of the SRP 2024/25.


22 Mar -20 Apr 24 Complete the Research Methods Module (RMM)
27 Apr 24 Attend 36th Science Research Congress (Part 1) Face-to-Face
3 May 24 Attend 36th Science Research Congress (Part 2) Virtual


By end May ‘23 Apply for SRP 2024/25
Jun ‘24 Attend at least 2-week Full-time Attachment during the vacation
Jun – Nov ‘24 Work on research projects
Mid Aug ‘24 Register H3-Science Research projects (if applicable)
Mid Jan ‘25 Submit H3- and Enrichment-SRP scientific papers & abstracts
Late Feb ‘25 Oral Defence by H3-SRPians 2024/25
Late Apr ‘25 Presentations by Enrichment-SRPians 2024/25 at the 37th
Science Research Congress

SRP 2024/25


To Student,

1. Prepare the following information beforehand:

A. Questions:

i. What do you hope to achieve as a participant in RMM? (max: 100 words)

ii. What are your long-term career goals? (max: 100 words)

B. Details of participation in science / engineering / mathematics-related activities:

(Up to 6 per category from Sec/Year 1 to 4)

i. Mentorship Attachment (State the Programme, Institution/Organisation/Dept and Year)

ii. Science & Engineering Fair/Science Fair/Project Work (State title of project, award and
year obtained)
iii. Bio/Chem/Informatics/Math/Phys Competition and Olympiad (State highest
grade/award and year obtained)
iv. Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors' Competition and/or Innovation Programme (IvP) Fair
(State title of product, award/prize and year obtained)

2. Apply online at between Fri, 10 Feb and Fri, 20 Feb 2024.

3. If you have questions, please contact SRP school coordinator Mrs Ang
([email protected]) via email. You may also look for Mrs Ang @ 92200376 for

SRP 2024/25

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