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Background of the Study

In today's modern world, every country faces unique challenges in combating

crime. Every country has a different crime profile, and no one can claim to have the greatest

plan for reducing increasing criminality. To address this issue, law enforcement agencies

had already adopted the principle of crime prevention rather than crime fighting in order

to assess their effectiveness and efficiency in achieving their goals of maintaining peace

and order, protecting civil rights and civil liberties, and enforcing the law.

Criminality is a global experience which affects all nations economically, socially

and politically. According to article of Seng Boon Lim entitled Effectiveness of Fear and

Crime Prevention Strategy for Sustainability of Safe City, the United States and most

European countries such as the United Kingdom, combating crime has proven to be a long

battle for governors, city officers, and police officials. In 1996, the United Nations

launched a safe city program due to the increasing crime trends in Africa and throughout

the world. Following that, ref has published a guideline on crime prevention for

governments. Emerging and developing countries, including Malaysia, have welcomed this

idea and launched its Safe City Program in 2004, followed by a revision in 2009. Scholars

who have studied the Malaysian case have shown that many local authorities have

implemented such programs, but the programs’ assessments are still lacking.

According to (Shaw & Travers, 2007), the Government of the country as well as

the states are required to contribute towards the prevention of crime by formulating proper

rules and policies. The crime prevention strategies should be integrated in a cross-cutting

manner, into a social, economic, educational, employment, health, housing, urban planning

and justice. In all these areas, there is prevalence of crime, hence, prevention strategies are

required to get incorporated in a cross-cutting manner. Strategies are required to be built

upon cooperative partnerships between government institutions and ministries, community

and non-governmental organizations and the business sector and civil society.

In the Philippines setting, crimes against person and property are usually reported

crime in the national news, due to its set up that the Philippines economic status is not

enough in order to satisfy the standard living of an individual. Despite of full effort to

reduce the crime, the Philippine National Police (PNP) does not yet attain its foremost goal

to successfully implement crime prevention.

Today, Philippine society is facing many problems and issues in the economic,

social and political aspects. As the different problems arise like terrorism, poverty,

bureaucracies and other socio-political and socio-economic issues happening today in our

country, the Philippine National Police (PNP) is still the one people looked up to as the

institution that could at least safeguard its citizens. The PNP is mandated by our

constitution to protect the welfare of every citizenry.

To enforce the law, reduce and control crime rates, maintain peace and order, and

ensure public safety and internal security with the active support of the community.

This research study will make possible through the distribution of survey

questionnaire and the participation of the respondents. This study aims to determine the

effectiveness of crime prevention strategies of Municipal Police Station on reducing crime

rate in the municipality of Pili, Camarines Sur. And to identify the implemented strategies

or programs to reduce the crime rate in this municipality. The findings of this study will

help to the Police Officers, the community and to the municipality of Pili, Camarines Sur.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the Effectiveness of Crime Prevention Strategies of

Municipal Police Station on Reducing Crime Rate in the Municipality of Pili, Camarines


Specifically, the study concentrate the following questions:

1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents along with:

1.1 Age

1.2 Length of year/s in service

1.3 Gender

1.4 Civil Status

1.5 Present position

2. What are crime prevention strategies are implemented in reducing crime rate?

3. Effectiveness of crime prevention strategies of Pili Municipal Police station on

reducing crime rate in the Municipality of Pili, Camarines Sur.

4. What are problems encountered during the implementation of crime prevention

strategies in reducing crime rate?

5. What are the recommendations can be offered to reduce the crime rate in the

Municipality of Pili, Camarines Sur.

Objective of the Study

1. To identify the demographic profile of the respondents along with:

1.1 Age

1.2 Length of year/s in service

1.3 Gender

1.4 Civil Status

1.5 Present position

2. To determine the crime prevention strategies are implemented in reducing crime

rate in the Municipality of Pili, Camarines Sur.

3. To determine the effectiveness of crime prevention strategies of Pili Municipal

Police station on reducing crime rate in the Municipality of Pili, Camarines Sur.

4. To identify the problems encountered during the implementation of crime

prevention strategies in reducing crime rate in the Municipality of Pili, Camarines


5. To determine the recommendations can be propose to reduce the crime rate in the

Municipality of Pili, Camarines Sur

Theoretical Framework

` The study basically comprised three theories on sociology such as Broken Windows

theory, Routine Activity theory, and Situational Crime Prevention theory. These theories

explained why crime prevention strategies is important and how crime will be prevented.

This theory was anchored on Broken Windows Theory, a theory proposed by

James Q. Wilson and George Kelling in 1982 According to this theory, aggressive targeting

of minor offenses can lead to a reduction in more significant crimes down the line. Serious

crime can be prevented by actively addressing physical (graffiti) and social (prostitution)

disorders. Some people have expressed worry that the measures advocated by broken

window law enforcement may result in harassment of the innocent. According to this study,

shattered windows can be an effective tactic for lowering a municipality's major crime


Another theory that supported this study was the Routine Activity Theory,

formulated by Cohen and Felson (1979), According to the theory, issues arise when

offenders and targets continually collide and guardians fail to intervene. Routine activity

theory has grown in popularity since its inception. According to POP, crime can be averted

if the chances of the three ingredients of crime (appropriate target, motivated offender, and

accessible place) intersecting at the same place and time are decreased (Karn, 2010). The

SARA problem-solving methodology enables law enforcement agencies to examine and

identify features of places and potential targets that could generate crime opportunities for

a motivated offender, and then develop solutions to eliminate these opportunities, thereby

preventing future crime (Hinkle et al., 2020).

The third theory that supported this study was the Situational Crime Prevention

(SCP) Theory by Ron Clarke. According to this theory, crime can be deterred by changing

the environment and focusing on how (rather than why) a crime occurs. Its aim is to reduce

crime by making it impossible to commit crime regardless of the offender's motivation or

intent, deterring the offender from committing the offense, or reducing cues that increase

a person's motivation to commit a crime during specific types of events. SCP has given rise

to a slew of strategies that have been discovered to minimize crime at the local, national,

and sometimes international levels. SCP theory focus is thus different than that of other

criminological theories because it seeks to reduce crime opportunities rather than punish

or rehabilitate offenders.

The concept of the three theories above focuses on reducing the crime rate in society

or a municipality. The researcher might conclude that all of the ideas listed above have a

credible basis and were supported in this study on which to construct one's understanding

of crime occurrence and crime rate reduction in society.

Broken Windows Theory

By James Q. Wilson and George


Situational Crime Prevention

Routine Activity Theory Theory

By Cohen and Felson

By Ron Clarke


Figure 1. Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

The various components or the variables are the input, the process and the output.

The INPUT component is consisting of making a permission letter before identifying the

demographic profile of fifth teen (15) Police officers of Pili Municipal Police Station, and

fifth teen (15) random residence of Municipality of Pili, Camarines Sur, the crime

prevention strategies implemented in reducing crime rate and also the problems

encountered during the implementation of the strategies. The PROCESS component is

composed the data gathering, analysis, and interpretation of survey data questionnaires will

be administered to identified by respondents of this study. This will be made possible by

asking permission to the respondents which are the Philippine National Police of the

Municipality of Pili, Camarines Sur. And collected supported data records and review

related literature that will be conducted. After distribution, analyze the supported data and

the interpretation of the collected data use of statistical tool. And the last is the OUTPUT,

determines the effectiveness of crime prevention strategies of Pili Municipal Police station

and the recommendation strategies or program can be offer on reducing crime rate in the

Municipality of Pili, Camarines Sur.


❖ The demographic
profile of the
• Age
• Length of
year/s in
• Gender
❖ Identify the
• Civil Status
effectiveness of
• Present
crime prevention
strategies of
❖ Distribution of
Municipal Police
❖ The implemented Survey
Station on reducing
crime prevention Questionnaires
crime rate in the
strategies on ❖ Cooperation of the
Municipality of Pili,
reducing crime rate respondents by
Camarines Sur
and the Problems interviewing
❖ Recommendation
encountered during ❖ Tabulate the record
strategies or program
the implementation of data
can be propose to
of the programs
reduce crime rate in
the Municipality of
Pili, Camarines Sur.
❖ Effectiveness of
crime prevention
strategies of Pili
Municipal Police
station on reducing
crime rate in the
Municipality of Pili,
Camarines Sur.

Figure 2. Conceptual Framework

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The scope of the study focused on determining the effectiveness of crime

prevention strategies of Municipal Police Station on reducing crime rate in the

Municipality of Pili, Camarines Sur. The scope basically focused on the profile of Police

Officers of Pili Police Station which only include the age, sex, civil status, present position,

highest educational attainment, and number of years in service. It also identify the

implemented crime prevention strategies, and the problems encountered during the

implementation of crime prevention strategies in reducing crime rates. Also the

recommendation strategies or program to reduce the crime rate in the Municipality of Pili,

Camarines Sur.

Significance of the Study

This study considered beneficial to the following:

To the local elected, appointive officials and PNP. The findings of this study will

provide insights of how to address the demands and needs of their constituents, thus, giving

the means of improving and uplifting their performance as local area managers and

internalizing their accountability to the people.

Law Enforcer. This study may help the Law Enforcer to enhance their role and functions

by achieving peace and order. This study may also provide suggestions that will help them

fulfil responsibilities to achieve peace for the betterment of our community.

The Community. The findings of this study will benefit the Filipino community as a

whole. The ultimate goal of this study is to gain a better understanding of the tasks

performed in order to achieve a safer place to live, work, and do business, as well as to

understand the problems encountered by them and to benefit from the study in order for

them to be aware of the crime prevention strategies implemented by the police officer.

Future Researcher. The study would serve as a reference material for those students who

would like to conduct similar or related study. This may help as a guideline to those who

plan to conduct a research which is relevant to the study.

Definition of Terms

For the supplementary information, the researcher provides a different term to


Community Safety and Protection. A group of Police Officers protects citizens' rights

and ensures community safety. One of the roles and obligations of police officers is to

protect the public and ensure community safety.

Crime Prevention. Strategies and measures that seek to reduce the risk of crimes

occurring, and their potential harmful effects on individuals and society, including fear of

crime, by intervening to influence their multiple causes.

Law Enforcement. Describes the agencies and employees responsible for enforcing laws,

maintaining public order, and managing public safety. The primary duties of law

enforcement include the investigation, apprehension, and detention of individuals

suspected of criminal offenses. Some law enforcement agencies, particularly sheriffs'

offices, also have a significant role in the detention of individuals convicted of criminal


Municipality. Is an administrative entity composed of a clearly defined territory and its

population and commonly referring to a city, town, or village or a small group of people,

municipality is typically governed by a mayor and a city councillor (Webster

Comprehensive Dictionary, 2002). In this study, it refers to the Municipality of Pili,

Camarines Sur

Problems. A task, a situation, or person which is difficult to deal with or control due to

complexity and in transparency.



This chapter presents the research design of the study, respondents, research

method, research setting, instrument, data gathering procedure and the statistical analysis


Research Design

This study utilize a descriptive-mixed method of researcher to be able to 1.)

Determine the demographic profile of the respondents based on the age, length of years in

service, gender, civil status, present position, and highest educational attainment; 2.) To

determine the crime prevention strategies implemented in reducing crime rate; 3.) To

determine the effectiveness of crime prevention strategies of Pili Municipal Police station

on reducing crime rate in the Municipality of Pili, Camarines Sur; 4.) To identify the

problems encountered during the implementation of crime prevention strategies in

reducing crime rate; 5.) To identify the recommendation can be propose to reduce the crime

rate in the municipality of Pili, Camarines Sur.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are the Police Officer of Pili Municipal Police Station.

A total number of 30 respondents will answer the survey questionnaire.

Research Locale

In this study the researcher choose to conduct the study in the Municipal Police

Station, located at Barangay San Isidro, Pili, Camarines Sur. And the date will be assemble

sufficient and precise data to get the result. The said respondents will help the researcher

to gain a competent result of the study and that can be useful and it gives visualize for the

readers about this study.

Data Gathering Procedure

Permission to the respondents of Municipal Police Station will ask before

conducting the study survey questionnaire will be distribute personally to the respondents;

direct in the office. And taking pictures for documentation that test the study is credible.

After conducting the study all the data will be keep confidentially.

The researcher will be compute, tabulate and analyze the gathered results. And

after, the researcher will come up the profit conclusion and the recommendation for this


Research Instrument

The study will use of survey questionnaire to determine the crime prevention

strategies of Municipal Police Station on reducing crime rate in the Municipality of Pili,

Camarines Sur; to determine the crime prevention strategies implemented in reducing

crime; to identify the problems encountered during the implementation of the strategies or

programs; and to identify the recommendation can be offer to reduce the crime rate in the

Municipality of Pili, Camarines Sur.

Sampling Technique

The convenience sampling technique will be used for participants are base on

availability and willingness to take part in the study. This technique is choose because this

is a simplest method of technique and focus the availability and the comprehensible of the

participants in this study.

Statistical Treatment

A descriptive mixed method will use in this by using of weighted mean and

frequency methods, and rank that will identify the effectiveness of crime prevention

strategies of Municipal Police Station on reducing crime rate in the Municipality of Pili,

Camarines Sur.


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