Vacancy Notification NRCG Pune 1714374250

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भाकृअनुप-राष्ट्रीय अंगूर अनुसंधान केंद्र

डाक पेटी नं. 3, मांजरी फामम डाकघर, सोलापूर रोड, पुणे –

412307, भारत
Tel: +91-20-2695-6000(EPABX), 2695-6002(Director’s Office), Fax: +91-20-2695-6099
E-Mail: [email protected] Website:
F.No. 2(38)/2024-Estt/ Part-11 दिनांक: 19.04.2024

निदे शक, भा.कृ.अिु.प.- राष्ट्रीय अंगूर अिुसंधाि केंद्र, पुणे िे निम्ननिखित अस्थायी पद ं के निए निनभन्न समय बंधि तदथथ
पररय जिाओं/य जिा/सीआर परीक्षण के निए आिेदि आमंनित नकए जाते हैं , ज नभन्न पररय जिाओं के तहत अिुबंध के आधार पर में िीचे नदए
गए समय के निए नदए गए हैं ।
उम्मीदिार ं क ऑििाइि प्रनिया के माध्यम से साक्षात्कार के निए आमंनित नकया जा रहा है । य ग्य उम्मीदिार ं से अिुर ध है नक
िे अपिा आिेदि संिग्न आिेदि पि में मू ि दस्तािे ज ं की झेरॉक्स प्रनत के साथ स्पीड प स्ट / पंजीकृत डाक / हाथ ं हाथ से 9 मई 2024 तक
(शाम 5.30 बजे तक) निदे शक, भा.कृ.अिु.प.- राष्ट्रीय अंगूर अिुसंधाि केंद्र प . बा. िंबर-3, मांजरी फामथ प स्ट, स िापुर र ड, पुणे- 412307,
महाराष्ट्र क भेजिे की कृपा करें । दे य नतनथ और समय के बाद प्राप्त आिेदि ं पर स्क्रीनिंग के निए निचार िहीं नकया जाएगा। आिेदि ं की
जांच के बाद, पाि उम्मीदिार ं क साक्षात्कार के संबंध में अनधक जािकारी के निए ईमेि या फ ि या भा.कृ.अिु.प.- राष्ट्रीय अंगूर अिुसंधाि
केंद्र, पुणे की िेबसाइट ( पर सूनचत नकया जाएगा। उम्मीदिार ं के मूि दस्तािेज ं का सत्यापि बाद में नकया
जाएगा। पद का नििरण िीचे नदया गया है :
The Director ICAR-NRCG, Pune is please to invite applications for the following temporary posts under various time
bound ad-hoc Projects/ Scheme/ CR Trial projects for given period of time at ICAR- NRC for Grapes, Pune as mentioned below.
Candidates are invited for interview through online process. The eligible candidates are requested to send their
application in the enclosed Application form along with copy of the original documents by hand or speed/registered post on or
before 9th May 2024 (upto 5.30 PM) to the Director, ICAR- National Research Centre for Grapes, P.B. No.-3, Manjari Farm
Post, Solapur Road, Pune- 412307, Maharashtra. Applications received after due date & time will not be considered for screening.
After screening the applications, the eligible candidates will be informed by email or over phone or on website of ICAR- NRCG
( for further details regarding interview. Original documents of candidates will be verified at a later
stage. The detail of the position is given below:

Post Name No. of Name of project Qualifications Emoluments Project

Code of post post per month Duration

“Developing Essential:
01 SRF 01 genomic selection M.Sc. In Bioinformatics / Biotechnology / Molecular biology
strategy for with four years Bachelor’s degree. Rs. 31000/- + 1 Year (May
accelerating HRA for two be extended up
breeding program Desirable: years, 35000/- to next 2 years)
in perennial fruit • Working knowledge of R, python and Linux. HRA for 3rd
crops grape, • Master degree in relevant subject with 4 years / 5 years of year
guava and Bachelor’s Degree.
mango” • Candidate having Post-graduate degree in Basic Sciences
with 3 years Bachelor’s degree and 2 years Master’s degree
should have NET qualifications

“IoT-based Essential:
02 SRF 01 Vineyard M.Sc. in Agricultural Meteorology/ Horticulture/ Microbiology/
monitoring Soil Science/ Plant Pathology with two-year experience. Rs. 42000/- + 11 Month
system for Micro- HRA as (May be
climate and Soil Desirable: applicable. extended up to
moistre sensing Experience in working on crop phenology and precision 1 year)
system agriculture with working knowledge of statistical software’s.
Development and Essential:
03 YP-II 01 evaluation of B. Tech Agricultural Engineering or M. Sc. In Agricultural
robotic harvester Meteorology/ Horticulture/ Soil Science/ Plant Physiology. Rs.42000/- 10 Month
for grape bunches per month (May be
funded by NASF, Desirable: extended upto
New Delhi. Experience in canopy architecture modification in fruit crops 2 years)
and use of artificial intelligence for precision agriculture as
evidence by research papers. Should have working knowledge
of statistical software’s; photography and video recording skills

Contract Essential: 12 Months
04 YP-II 01 Research Trials in M.Sc. (Agriculture) in Entomology or Agricultural (The tenure
Entomology Entomology. Rs.42000/- may be
Laboratory per month extended for
Desirable: two more years
Experience of conducting field experiments and statistical (one year at a
analysis. time) subject to
availability of
funds &

Terms and conditions:-

1. The interview for the above posts will be conducted online through video conferencing on Google Meet (Scheduled date &
time which will be intimated later on through phone/email/WhatsApp or uploaded on Directorate’s website
2. Only Indian citizens are eligible for appearing in the online interview.
3. Age limit for SRF: Maximum age is 35 years for men and 40 years for women & YP-II: Minimum 21 Years and
Maximum 45 Years as on last date of submission of application with relaxation as per rule.
4. The above positions are purely temporary basis and co terminus with the project subject to satisfactory performance. The
selected candidates shall have no right/ claim for regular appointment or absorption at ICAR-NRCG at any point of time.
5. Only the candidates having essential/required qualification will be considered for interview.
6. Candidates are requested to ensure their eligibility before appearing for the interview.
7. Concealing of facts or canvassing in any form shall lead to cancellation of candidature or termination.
8. Person already in employment should submit “No objection Certificate” from their present employer.
9. The eligible candidates are requested to send their duly filled Application Form affixing a passport size photograph on the
top and declaration duly signed in the application form annexed with duly self-attested all supporting documents/certificates
such as (Proof for age, Category certificate, educational qualifications – Mark sheet & passing certificates from 10th class
onwards, experience and research publication) by hand or speed/registered post on or before 09.05.2024 (up to 5.30 P.M.) to
Director, ICAR- National research Centre for Grapes, P.B. No.-3, Manjari Farm Post, Solapur Road, Pune- 412307,
Maharashtra. Candidates must send their Provisional/Final Bachelor’s and Provisional/ Final Master’s degree Certificate
along with their application failing which their application will be rejected. Those candidates who want to apply for more
than one post code should send different applications along with separate set of documents attached.
10. List of the candidates who are eligible for interview will be published on Institutes website and
will also be informed through email/phone/WhatsApp. Candidates are requested to provide email, phone & WhatsApp
number in application.
11. Selected Candidates (s) will be required to produce all original documents at the time of Joining for verification purpose.
12. The selected candidates will be required to produce medical certificate at the time of joining.
13. Candidates are requested to check the website time to time for updates regarding recruitment.
14. The Director, ICAR-NRCG reserves the right to cancel / postpone the interview without assigning any reason thereof.
15. The decision of the Director, ICAR-NRCG, and Pune will be final and binding on all aspects.
16. The Director, ICAR-NRCG shall also reserve the right to terminate or reduce the contract period of job as mentioned above,
even before the completion of the project for which no appeal thereof shall be made.
17. Detailed terms and conditions and application form are available at ICAR-NRCG website:
18. In case of any dispute, it will be resolved in jurisdictions of Pune court only.
19. Only the candidates having Provisional/ Final degree certificate can apply.

प्रशासदनक अदधकारी

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