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Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics Vol. 15(4) 2023 , pp Comp.


Multi Level Deep Learning Model for Network Anomaly Detection

Maythem S. Derweesh*1, Sundos A. Hameed Alazawi1, Anwar H. Al-Saleh1
1 Department of Computer Science, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq ,Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected], Email: [email protected]


Article history: The increasing use of internet-based solutions and services in private and corporate sectors
Received: 9 /11/2023 has resulted in a significant increase in personal internet involvement. This shift, concurrently
Rrevised form: 3 /12/2023 exposed a heightened susceptibility to potential vulnerabilities, given the ability of malicious
actors to exploit external networks, network services, or corporate infrastructures utilized for
Accepted : 15 /12/2023
personal purposes. In recent times, there has been considerable interest in harnessing deep
Available online: 30 /12/2023 learning methodologies for enhancing cybersecurity, owing to their utilization of sophisticated
learning algorithms for addressing pertinent online security challenges. Machine Learning
Keywords: (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) paradigms have been extensively applied across diverse
dimensions of cybersecurity, encompassing tasks such as vulnerability assessment, malware
Anomaly detection classification, spam detection, and spoofing identifica tion.
In this paper, for hierarchical intrusion detection is proposed a novel multi-stage approach, The
Machine Learning proposed system comprises two distinct classification modalities: multi-class classification and
binary classification, contingent upon the nature of the attack within the dataset. the KDD99
Deep Learning dataset was leveraged to assess the classification performance of the proposed model. Both
classification approaches involve main preprocessing steps, such as feature selection, feature
cybersecurity normalization, building a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classifier apply on KDD99
dataset, deploying the CNN classifier for anomaly detection.

https:// 10.29304/jqcsm.2023.15.41346

1. Introduction

The issue of network security has become increasingly significant due to the exponential rise of computer network
usage and the proliferation of billions of applications operating within this framework. Irrespective of individual or
organizational users, contemporary hackers have identified more avenues to exploit vital information [1]. Hence, the
reliable detection of assaults and anomalies in networks becomes increasingly crucial for intrusion detection systems
(IDSs). It is crucial to priorities developing resilient detection techniques on Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) to
effectively safeguard against the continuously expanding range of harmful behaviors [1, 2]. Network anomalies can
arise from various factors, including network overload, device malfunctions, misconfigurations, malicious actions, or
network attacks that intercept and analyze standard network services [3, 4].
In the contemporary age, safeguarding digital systems from cyber threats is a paramount concern for IT
infrastructures and the broader technological landscape. The persistent endeavors to infiltrate national and
organizational network structures underscore the insufficiency of traditional firewall and antivirus protections
against advanced digital attacks. This insufficiency leads to potential vulnerabilities in systems. Recent times have

∗Maythem S. Derweesh

Email addresses: [email protected]

Communicated by ‘sub etitor’

8 Maythem S. Derweesh , Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics VOL. 15(4) 2023 , PP COMP. 8–19

borne witness to numerous instances of organizations falling victim to cyber assaults and data breaches, culminating
in substantial financial losses reaching millions of dollars and the exposure of customer information. Notable
examples of these incidents include Twitter, SolarWinds, and Finastra. Projections indicate a staggering surge from
$3 trillion to $10.5 trillion in costs attributed to cybercrime, positioning it as an unprecedented "transfer of economic
wealth" [5].
The rapidly expanding network has brought efficiency, convenience, and a growing demand for high-quality service.
Conventional machine learning techniques, including Bayesian [6], Support Vector Machines [7], Decision Trees [8]
and Logistic Regression [9], have been extensively employed in network intrusion detection systems, and other
similar methods. These strategies have yielded favorable outcomes. Nevertheless, these techniques are inadequate
for handling extensive and complex data sets, and are incapable of addressing the issue of diminished classification
accuracy caused by their susceptibility to outliers and noise. Simultaneously, traditional machine learning methods
have struggled to match user demands due to the ongoing advancement of digital technology and the growing variety
of cyberattacks.
There exist two distinct categories of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). There are two types of attack detection
methods: misuse detection, which identifies assaults by comparing them to known patterns, and anomaly detection,
which identifies aberrant attacks by comparing them to regular usage patterns. While the detection of bad using
makes the recognition of not-familiar attacks hard, the detection of abnormal states has the ability to detect the new
attacks; however, the detection of abnormal attacks can generate a lot of false alarms because of the deficiencies in
accurately detecting the normal patterns. Deep learning (DL) is a method to solve this limitation by developing unique
attributes with a sophisticated neural network. Utilizing Deep Learning in Intrusion Detection Systems can mitigate
the limitations of IDS. Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) autonomously acquire knowledge of an
intrusion set and identify regular usage patterns, hence minimizing the occurrence of false alerts.
Anomaly based system for intrusion detection is a solution for cyber security that aims to identify cyber attacks by
monitoring and classifying the system and network activities as normal or abnormal procedures. The goal of these
systems is to reach a balance between reducing false alarms and increasing the detection rate [10]. Anomaly detection,
including conntinous monitoring and analysis of typical network patterns, allows for the detection of potential threats
and the identification of deficiencies from the known standards. The anomaly events are considered significant
because they refer to atypical events and may be critical, such as abnormal flows of traffic indicating of ongoing
assaults or illicit transmission of data activities. Anomaly could be categorized as three distinct kinds: point, collective,
and contextual. Each type of attack corresponds to specific security breaches, including Denial of Service (DoS), Probe,
User to Root (U2R), and Remote to Local (R2L) attacks [11].
Efficiently spotting and categorizing these anomalies necessitates the adaptation of network intrusion detection
systems (NIDS) to dynamic network settings, encompassing novel protocols and behaviors. Various approaches, such
as statistical, knowledge-based, and machine-learning techniques, have been harnessed in anomaly-based NIDS.
However, research challenges need addressing to enhance Performance and align these techniques with the ever-
evolving characteristics of network data [12].
The frequency of internet attacks is on the rise, and in response to these threats, two fundamental methods are
employed to safeguard information security with the principles of CIA (confidentiality, integrity, availability) [13] in
mind: Identification based on signatures and detection based on anomalies. Signature-based methods rely on specific
databases specifically created to identify and categorize potential risks. Research has demonstrated the effectiveness
of this approach, but it necessitates continuous updates to the databases and the processing of new attack data.
Furthermore, even with up-to-date databases, they remain susceptible to zero-day attacks, which are previously
unseen threats that databases cannot defend against [14].
This paper proposes a hierarchical intrusion detection system consisting of multiple stages to determine whether
data is normal or attack. Subsequently, data identified as an attack is classified into specific attack types. The proposed
system is evaluated using the KDD99 dataset.
In our proposed model, binary classification is implemented as one stage, while multiple classification serves as a
separate stage. This approach reduces the volume of data processed in the second stage (multi-class), resulting in
more efficient processing and significantly reduced classification time.
in Section 2. related works are presented, in Sections 3 describe Network Anomaly Detection, in section 4 and 5,
respectively. We develop our CNN based ADS model and test our model and in Section 5 the conclusion.
Maythem S. Derweesh , Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics VOL. 15(4) 2023 , PP COMP. 8–19 9

2. Related Works

Numerous research endeavors and studies have been dedicated to enhancing the precision and detection rates of
identifying anomalous network traffic through the application of diverse technologies.
In 2019, Xiao et al. utilized a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) within the framework of Intrusion Detection
Systems (IDS). Their objective was to extract critical features from data that had undergone dimensionality reduction.
The CNN model was employed to process and interpret the dimensionality-reduced data, ultimately enabling the
detection of network intrusions [15]. In 2019, Yang et al, used (CNN) network that upgraded to detect wireless
network attacks, the changes in (CNN) framework aim to increase the efficiency of detecting the wireless attacks [16].
In 2019, Lin et al, proposed combining LSTM and AM to improve pattern recognition. LSTM, known for its memory,
helps remember network traffic patterns. The hierarchical neural network-based LSTM method combines current
data with historical knowledge to improve classification outcomes. Deep learning uses LSTM to store and keep
information, like the human brain. The Attention Mechanism (AM) replicates the brain's ability to focus on crucial
details, helping the model detect significant data patterns. LSTM and AM increase network performance by identifying
and interpreting complex data patterns [17]. In 2020, Karatas et al. used six machine learning methods to examine
the CICIDS2018 dataset in 2020. The machine learning methods mentioned were adaptive boosting (AdaBoost),
decision tree (DT), random forest (RF), k-nearest neighbours (KNN), gradient boosting (GB), and linear discriminant
analysis. The not equal of assault types in the dataset was addressed via synthetic minority oversampling (SMOTE).
Synthetic samples for underrepresented attack categories were generated using SMOTE, improving minority class
case detection [18]. In 2020, Mohamed et al, study the CICIDS2018 and Bot-IoT datasets, they tests sevent methods
to deep learning, used DNN, CNN, RNN, DBN, DBM, RBM, and deep autoencoder, this study test the efficiency of
modern deep learning techniques inintrusion detection [19]. In 2020, Zhiquan et al, improved Intrusion Detection
Systems using CNN and Adaptive Synthetic Sampling ADASYN. The IDS uses a uniform method to enhance the
precision and dependability of its abilities to improve its network attack detection accuracy [20]. In 2020, Kaiyuan et
al, created IDS by combines hybrid sampling with CNN and Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory. The hybrid
technique uses CNN and BiLSTM to monitor and analyze network operations to improve network intrusion detection
using both (CNN) and (BiLSTM) techniques [21]. In 2020, Feng et al, used (LSTM-RNN) to develop full system to
extract the complex attacks. their methodology included upgrade full structure that smoothly combine among data
preparing, features extraction, training and detection. the system designed and engineered carefully to effectively deal
with the various information channels, resulting to create extensive wide work to detect attacks. [22]. In 2020,
Jahanzaib et al, this paper presents a security protection framework designed specifically to secure the control layer
of a software defined network. For adept and prompt intrusion detection system (IDS), this platform employs the
capabilities of (LSTM) and (CNN) methodologies [23]. In 2020, Jiyeon et al, the researchers made a study using KDD99
and CICIDS2018 datasets, that contained a wide range of attacks types. however, they mainly focus on defeat the
Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. the choice of using these datasets inspired from the high international frequency of
Distributed Denial of Service (DoS) attack incidents, which offered of a lot of chances for training and evaluate the
proposed Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture. The CNN architecture chosen because of it is efficiency
in extracting the high value information from the extensive datasets via it is convolutional layers [24]. In 2021,
Anzhelika et al, performed a study using the two datasets KDD99 and CICIDS2018. they used the structure of U-Net
with temporal convolutional network (TCN) to identify the network threats. to enhance the accuracy, they combined
the TCN and LSTM models, that resulted to enhanced the performance. TCN played a critical part in effective
processing time series data by using the wide convolutions, that resulted to increase the convolution range and lead
to higher outputs [25]. In 2021, Yakubu et al, proposed approach named (BiDLSTM) to intrusion detection system
(IDS) to identify the attacks Remote-to-Local (R2L) and User-to-Root (U2R) accurately. during execute their model,
they achieved high level of accuracy compared to using (LSTM) traditional approach [26]. In 2021, FatimaEzzahra et
al, used Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on the dataset employing a mutual information technique. The goal was
to reduce the number of dimensions and show important characteristics. The dataset performed Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) using a mutual information technique to reduce dimensionality and find important characteristics.
Upon finishing the feature extraction procedure, they proceeded to create a detection methodology for attacks in the
dataset using (LSTM) [27]. In 2021, Satish Kumar et al, study the changing environment of network attacks and the
importance (IDS) in ensuring network security.

The article reviews research trends in Network-based Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS), covering approaches and
commonly used datasets. It analyzes the popularity of various NIDS techniques based on citations and publications
10 Maythem S. Derweesh , Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics VOL. 15(4) 2023 , PP COMP. 8–19

over a 15-year period [28]. In 2022, Theyazn et al, Employing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and a
combination of CNN and Long Short-Term Memory (CNN-LSTM), the focus was on fortifying the security of
autonomous vehicles from potential intrusions. undertook the task of training and assessing these techniques using
an authentic dataset sourced from an autonomous vehicle network. dataset encompassed an array of attack types,
including spoofing, flooding, and replay attacks, alongside legitimate packets [29]. In 2023, Tianhao Hou and
colleagues proposed a approach for Network Intrusion Detection (NID) by integrating the log-cosh conditional
variational autoencoder (LCVAE) with a convolutional bi-directional long short-term memory neural network
(LCVAE-CBiLSTM) utilizing deep learning (DL) methodologies. This method enables virtual samples to acquire
distinct threat data, hence augmenting the possible characteristics related to unbalanced assault types. In order to
consider both the temporal and spatial elements of assaults, a hybrid feature extracting model is proposed. This model
mixes (CNN) with (BiLSTM) networks [30]. In 2023, Jiaming Song et al, introduce a network intrusion detection
model, denoted as CSK-CNN, which is built upon a two-layer convolutional neural network (CNN) and employs the
Cluster-SMOTE + K-means algorithm to handle imbalanced datasets. The CSK-CNN model combines Cluster-SMOTE,
a synthetic minority oversampling technique based on clustering, with a K-means-based under sampling approach.
This two-layer network not only enables the identification of abnormal network traffic but also facilitates the
classification of such traffic into specific attack categories [31].
We want intrusion detection systems to possess the capability to not only detect the presence of an attack but also
accurately classify the specific type of attack. Consequently, certain researchers have utilized Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNN) to build a multi-class intrusion detection system. Nevertheless, their investigations revealed that,
akin to the real-world distribution of attacks, the dataset exhibits significant variation in the amount of data across
different classes. Hence, the rate of recognition is unsatisfactory for attack categories that have a limited amount of
training data. The strategy presented in this research aims to address the limitations identified in the previous
investigations. The previous works are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. Summary of recent researches

Research Year Methods Dataset Classification Accuracy

[15] 2019 LSTM + AM CSE-CIC-IDS2018 Multi-class 96.19%
[16] 2019 Improved CNN NSLKDD Multi-class 95.36%
[17] 2019 LSTM CSE-CIC-IDS2018 Multi-class 96%
[18] 2020 Adaboost CSE-CIC-IDS2018 Multi-class 99.69%
[19] 2020 DNN, CSE-CIC-IDS2018 Multi-class 97.28%
RNN, 97.31%
CNN 97.38%
[20] 2020 ADASYN + CNN NSLKDD Multi-class 80.08%
[21] 2020 CNN + BiLSTM NSL-KDD Multi-class 83.58%
UNSW-NB15 77.16%
[22] 2020 LSTM KDD99 Binary 98.94%
[24] 2020 LSTM + CNN CSE-CIC-IDS2017 Multi-class 98.60%
[25] 2021 TCN + LSTM KDD99 Multi-class 92.05%
CSE-CIC-IDS2018 97.77%
[26] 2021 TCN + LSTM KDD99 Multi-class 92%
CSE-CIC-IDS2018 97%
[27] 2021 BiLSTM NSLKDD Binary 94.26%
Multi-class 91.36%
[29] 2022 CNN + LSTM Collected data Multi-class 97.30%
[30] 2023 CNN + BiLSTM KDD99 Multi-class 87.30%
[31] 2023 CSK-CNN UNSW-NB15 Multi-class 98.77%
CSE-CIC-IDS2017 99.91

3. Network attacks

Network security's role is to protect digital information, preserving data confidentiality, integrity, and resource
availability [30]. In simple terms, a threat or attack encompasses any entity with harmful attributes aimed at
undermining a network. Weak network design, user negligence, and misconfiguration of software or hardware can
render a network susceptible to such attacks [32].
Maythem S. Derweesh , Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics VOL. 15(4) 2023 , PP COMP. 8–19 11

The types of networks attack are:

1. Denial of Service (DoS): Denial-of-Service (DoS) assaults refer to malevolent endeavors aimed at impeding the
regular operations of a certain system, network, or service by inundating it with an excessive volume of traffic or
requests for resources [33, 34].
2. Probe: The initiation of a Probe attack is regarded as the initial stage in an authentic attempt to breach a host or
network. While these attacks may not result in immediate damage, they are seen as significant risks to organizations
due to their potential to acquire valuable information that could be utilized to execute subsequent devastating strikes
3. User to Root (U2R): An attack is initiated when an assailant seeks to illicitly obtain access to an administrator
account for the purpose of manipulating or exploiting critical resources [36].
4. Remote to User (R2U): The assault is initiated with the intention of obtaining local access to a specific computer,
enabling the attacker to assume the role of a user and so get the privilege to transmit packets across its network. This
type of attack is commonly referred to as a Remote-to-Local (R2L) attack [37].
Figure (1) illustrate the analysis of attack types within the dataset (KDD99).

Figure 1. The attack types in dataset (KDD99)

4. Proposed Methodology

Figure 2 illustrates the overall architecture of the system's framework. During the dataset preprocessing phase, we
executed a range of procedures and operations on the data. During the second stage, the characteristics of each data
sample were standardized prior to being fed into the CNN model. During the third step, the most optimal
characteristics are chosen. The CNN model underwent training and testing in the fourth step, utilizing the KDD99
dataset. Ultimately, we employed the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model for the purpose of anomaly
12 Maythem S. Derweesh , Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics VOL. 15(4) 2023 , PP COMP. 8–19

Figure 2. The general structure for Anomaly Detection System

The model trained by Lenovo laptop with hardware capabilities of 24 Gigabyte of RAM, Core i7 2.30GHz CPU, and 64-
bit windo ws 1 p rofe ssiona l syste m. Al l e xpe rime nta l re sul ts conducte d python 3 e nvi ronme nt.
The main steps of the proposed system are summarized as follows:


In order to get better results, the data goes through some necessary preprocessing procedures such as feature
normalization and feature selection .Consequently, protocol types are converted into integer numerical values. Label
encoding is particularly useful for unordered and case-sensitive categorical data, as it assigns each category an integer
value in an alphabetical manner.

- Data Normalization and scaling

The current dataset consists of attributes that are measured on varying scales, significantly impacting the
performance of the model. To address this issue, normalization is employed as a preprocessing step [34]. This process
enhances flexibility and maintains consistent relationships among diverse data scales within both machine learning
(ML) and deep learning (DL) models.
Therefore, the utilization of the min-max normalization approach is employed to transform characteristics into a
range of values that is more appropriate and reliable, limited to the interval of [0, 1]. The Min-Max scaler, which is a
component of the normalization function, is represented by equation (1):


- Feature Selection
Feature engineering is a crucial preprocessing step that offers several benefits, such as reducing computing costs,
saving time, and improving model performance. Additionally, it involves determining the most influential feature
selection strategy from various types of feature selection strategies.
CNN model has feature selection inside his architecture, and we can add additional feature selection step before input
data in the CNN model and we use (Information Gain) to decrease the number of features and reduce the process time.
Maythem S. Derweesh , Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics VOL. 15(4) 2023 , PP COMP. 8–19 13

- Dataset balancing
We employed the SMOTE technique to achieve dataset balancing. SMOTE is an oversampling method that creates
synthetic samples specifically for the minority class. This technique mitigates the problem of overfitting caused by
random oversampling. This approach focuses on the feature space. in order to produce novel instances by means of
interpolation between closely located positive instances.

Anomaly Detection and Classification

The heart of our proposed methodology lies in the anomaly detection and classification stage, where Convolutional
Neural Networks (CNNs) are employed to identify and categorize network intrusions.
The current stage is segmented into the subsequent phases:

- CNN Architecture
To commence, the initial step involves the development of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) structure
specifically designed for the purpose of network intrusion detection. Figure 3 illustrates that the architecture consists
of several convolutional layers, followed by pooling layers. These layers allow the model to autonomously acquire
structured features from the preprocessed network traffic data.
The Conv1 and Conv2 Layers are 1D convolutional layers that are designed to learn local patterns or features in the
input data, the choice of the number (64) of filters are based on empirical experimentation and to reach the best
classification results.

Figure 3. general structure for CNN

Table 2. The proposed model (CNN) layers and parameters settings

No. Layer type Filters Size Activation function

1 Convolutional 64 3 Leaky ReLU
2 Convolutional 64 3 Leaky ReLU
3 Max pooling / 2 /
4 Convolutional 128 3 Leaky ReLU
5 Convolutional 128 3 Leaky ReLU
6 Max pooling / 2 /
7 Convolutional 256 3 Leaky ReLU
8 Convolutional 256 3 Leaky ReLU
9 Max pooling / 2 /
10 Flatten / / /
14 Maythem S. Derweesh , Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics VOL. 15(4) 2023 , PP COMP. 8–19

11 Dense 256 / Leaky ReLU

12 Dropout / 0.3 /
13 Dense 128 / Leaky ReLU
14 Dropout / 0.3 /
15 Dense 64 / Leaky ReLU
16 Dropout / 0.3 /
17 Dense / / Sigmoid

- Model training
The dataset split into training data (80%) and testing data (20%). The CNN model is trained on a labeled dataset that
includes both normal network traffic and various types of intrusions. During training, the model learns to differentiate
between normal and anomalous patterns by adjusting its internal parameters through backpropagation

- Classification and Detection of Anomalies

The classification of network anomalies was based on the content of the attributes of the dataset, normal, DoS, Probe,
U2R, R2U for KDD99 dataset After training the model classifier, the system tests the model by entering untrained data
(original preprocessed dataset) into the classifier and then examining the accuracy of the proposed model. Fig. 4
shown the classification structure for both data sets, where we notice that the data is shared of DoS attack, with the
presence of cases that are considered normal and harmless to the network.

Figure 4. The Architecture of Anomaly Detection System

Figure 5. training & validation accuracy values

Maythem S. Derweesh , Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics VOL. 15(4) 2023 , PP COMP. 8–19 15

Figure 6. training & validation loss values

5. Results

Proposed method achieved good results, the accuracy for Binary classifying (0.9933) and for multi-classifying
(0.9983) as presented in Table 3.

Table 3. illustrate the Performance of the classifiers on Binary and multi-class classification.

Table 3. performance metrics for the classifier

Stage 1


Epoch Accuracy Precision Recall F1 score

5 0.9933 0.9960 0.9896 0.9928

Stage 2


Epoch Accuracy Precision Recall F1 score

20 0.9983 0.9983 0.9983 0.9983

Accuracy for each attack type

Attack type Accuracy Attack type Accuracy

16 Maythem S. Derweesh , Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics VOL. 15(4) 2023 , PP COMP. 8–19

back 1.0 perl 1.0

buffer_overflow 0.6666 phf 1.0

guess_passwd 1.0 pod 1.0

imap 1.0 portsweep 0.9964

ipsweep 0.9958 resultssatan 0.9916

land 1.0 smurf 1.0

neptune 1.0 teardrop 1.0

nmap 0.9774 warezclient 1.0

In order to further verify the effectiveness of the anomaly detection model proposed in this paper, a performance
comparison experiment is carried out in this part. Under identical experimental conditions, we evaluated the
performance of well-known machine learning methods, including RNN, LSTM, and other state-of-the-art intrusion
detection models, on the given dataset. The performance comparison is displayed in Table 4. The bold words signify
the assessment criteria of the suggested model.

Table 4. Comparison of different models

Research Methods Dataset Classification Accuracy

[16] Improved CNN NSLKDD Multi-class 95.36%

[19] DNN, CSE-CIC-IDS2018 Multi-class 97.28%
RNN, 97.31%
CNN 97.38%
[20] ADASYN + CNN NSLKDD Multi-class 80.08%
[21] CNN + BiLSTM NSL-KDD Multi-class 83.58%
UNSW-NB15 77.16%
[22] LSTM KDD99 Binary 98.94%

[24] LSTM + CNN CSE-CIC-IDS2017 Multi-class 98.60%

[25] TCN + LSTM KDD99 Multi-class 92.05%
CSE-CIC-IDS2018 97.77%
[26] TCN + LSTM KDD99 Multi-class 92%
CSE-CIC-IDS2018 97%
[29] CNN + LSTM Collected data Multi-class 97.30%
[30] CNN + BiLSTM KDD99 Multi-class 87.30%
Proposed model CNN KDD99 Binary 99.33%
Multi-class 99.83
Maythem S. Derweesh , Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics VOL. 15(4) 2023 , PP COMP. 8–19 17

6. Conclusion

We have created a convolutional neural network (CNN) model to detect anomalies in networks, specifically utilizing
the KDD99 dataset. The KDD99 dataset consists of four attack categories, namely DoS (Denial of Service), U2R (User
to Root), R2L (Remote to Local), and Probing. The majority of KDD studies that utilize deep learning techniques have
focused on performing binary classifications to differentiate between normal and attack instances within the full
dataset. These studies have also conducted multiclass classifications to differentiate the four groups in KDD. Our CNN
model has been created taking into account the number of convolutional layers and the dimensions of the kernel. To
evaluate our model, we created multiple scenarios, considering hyperparameters such as the number of filters, the
amount of convolutional layers, and the kernel size described before. We conducted binary and multiclass
classifications for each situation and subsequently recommended the ideal scenarios that exhibit superior
performance. The empirical findings indicate that our suggested approach outperforms previous studies in terms of
accuracy, both in binary and multiclass classifications. Nevertheless, the model presented in this article exhibits
certain limitations, requiring substantial resources and featuring a rather large number of parameters. significantly
study should explore methods for minimizing latency in deep learning-based intrusion detection systems in order to
significantly decrease the computational time required.


The authors are thankful to the Department of Computer Science, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University
(, for supporting this work.


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