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Exam 1

(Experimental tests of ministry of education)

1) the following equation represents a system equilibrium state

AgCl(s) ⇌ Ag+(aq) + Cl-(aq)
Which of the following changes take place by adding drops
of lead acetate to the system?
a) The rate of backward increases and the concentration of silver
ions increases
b) The rate of backward decreases and the concentration of silver
ions decreases
c)The rate of forward increases and the concentration of chloride
ions decreases
d)The rate of forward decreases and the concentration of chloride
ions increases

2)you have pairs of sodium salts :

1) sodium nitrite and sodium carbonate
2) sodium sulphite and sodium sulphate
3) potassium sulphate and potassium phosphate
4) potassium iodide and copper sulphate
which of the previous pairs we can use dilute HCl to distinguish
between them separately …….?
a)1 and 3
b)1 and 2
c) 3 and 4
d) 2 and 4

3) if you have the following compounds solutions :
1) Aluminum chloride
2) Iron III chloride
3) Iron II chloride
4) Hydrogen chloride
Which of the previous compounds can be used to distinguish
between sodium hydroxide solution and ammonium hydroxide
a)1,2 and 3
b)1,2 and 4
c)2 and 3
d)1 and 4

4) (A) and (B) are two solutions of potassium salts , when adding
silver nitrate solution to both of them , a yellow preciptate is
formed for both of them,Then by adding dilute nitric acid to the
preciptate of both of them , we found that the preciptate from (A)
solution dissolves in the acid while the preciptate from (B)
solution doesn’t dissolve in the acid , The anions of (A) and (B)
salts respectively are ……

Choics Anion of (A) salt Anion of (B) salt

a) Phosphate Iodide

b) Bromide Chloride

c) Iodide Phosphate

d) Chloride Bromide

5)adding 2 moles of red bromine dissolved in carbon
tetrachloride to 1 mole of the following compounds ,
(2-butyne,pentane,2-hexene) the correct change that happens
to the solution color……..
Choices 2-Butyne Pentane 2-Hexene

a) Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged

b) The colour Unchanged Unchanged


c) Unchanged Unchanged The colour


d) Unchanged The colour Unchanged


6) the correct arrangement for the steps of preparing alkane

from alkyne is ……
a) Oxidation-dry distillation-neutralization by NaOH-catalytic
b) Dry distillation-neutralization by NaOH-Catalytic hydration-
c) Catalytic hydration-oxidation-neutralization by NaOH-dry
d) Neutralization by NaOH-dry distillation-Catalytic hydration-

7) the correct nomenclature for this following compounds
(2-bromo-5-ethyl-4-hexene) according to IUPAC system is …..

8) Study the following

The three compounds 1,2 and
3 are respectively……

a)1) FeCl2 , 2) Fe2O3 , 3)fe(OH)3

b)1) FeCl3, , 2)Fe(OH)3, 3)fe2O3
c)1) FeCl3 , 2)fe2O3, 3)Fe(OH)3
d)1) FeCl2, 2)feO, 3)Fe(OH)2

9) Show the suitable graph for heating iron II oxalate in absence
of air….. [Fe=56 , C=12 , O=16]

a) b)

C) d)

10)Heating iron II oxalate in air strongly gives a solid compound

(X) when concentrated hot sulphuric acid is added to compound
(X) another compound (Y) will be formed , in comparing the
properties of compound (X) and (Y) it is found that…….
a) The compound (X) Has higher magnetic moment than (Y) and
one of them is colored
b) The compound (X) and (Y) have equal magnetic moments
and both of them are uncolored
c) The compound (X) and (Y) have equal magnetic moment and
both of them are colored
d) The compound (Y) has higher magnetic moment than (X) and
both of them are colored

11) 2 chemical compounds A and B , on heating the compound a
gas is produced which is used to reduce iron oxides , and on
heating compound B the produced gas changes the paper
wetted with potassium dichromate acidified by conc .sulphuric
acid from orange to green , Which of the following correctly
represents compound A and B?

Choices (A) (B)

a) Iron II sulphate Iron III hydroxide
b) Iron II carbonate Iron III chloride
c) Iron II oxalate Iron II sulphate
d) Iron III sulphate Iron III oxide

12) X, Y, Z and L represents four transition elements and their

oxides are X2O5 ,Y2O3,ZO2 and L2O the right arrangement for their
oxidation number in these oxides is ……
a) L<Z<Y<X
b) L<Y<Z<X
c) L<Y<X<Z
d) Y<L<Z<X

13) In the previous figure (X), (Y) and (Z) are three different
elements are used to form three different types of alloys:
Alloy (1): Produced by mixing molten (X) with molten (Y)
Alloy (2): Produced by mixing molten (y) with molten (Z)
Alloy (3): Produced from reaction (Y) with (Z)
The types of alloys are ……..
Choices (1) (2) (3)
a) Interstitial Intermetallic Substitutional
b) Intermetallic Substitutional interstitial
c) Substitutional Interstitial Intermetallic
d) Substitutional Intermetallic interstitial

Element A B C D

Reduction -1.66 V -2.37 V +0.799 v -1.26 V


14)The previous table represents reduction potential for four

elements (A,B,C and D) Which of the previous metals can be
used as scarifying electrode for another element?
a) C for A
b) C for D
c) B for A
d) A for B

15)in plating a metallic object by using a pure gold rode
immersed in a solution of gold III chloride AuCl3
Which of the following represents what occurs to mass of anode
and the reaction at cathode?
Choices Mass of anode Reaction at cathode

a) Does not change 3Cl2 + 6e- → 6Cl-

b) increases 2Au0 → 2Au3+ + 6e-

C) Decreases 6Cl- → 3Cl2 + 6e-

d) Decreases 2Au3+ + 6e- → 2Au0

16) the opposite figure represents an analytical cell for molten

iron III oxide when 10 amperes passed for two hours through the
molten iron III oxide ,The volume of the evolved gas at anode at
(S.T.P) is ………………………………….

a)8.34 L
b)16.68 L
d)4.17 L

17)The element (X) is a transition element lies in the fourth period

, it has the highest possible oxidation state, it is possible to form
all the following compounds except ............
a) XCl
b) XCl2
c) XCl3
d) XCl4

18)Which one of the following transition elements has the
highest 1st ionization potential?
a) Ni → Ni+
b) V → V+
c) Sc → Sc+
d) Ti → Ti+

19) A main transition element, one of its oxidation states (X +3)

causes that the sublevel (d) contains two electrons, the
ionization potential of this element will be very high in oxidation
state …....
a) X6+
b) X3+
c) X5+
d) X4+

20) All of the following processes aim to improve the physical

properties of iron ore before reduction process except ........
a) oxidation of impurities
b) binding and collecting particles
c) increase the % of iron in the ore
d) crushing and grinding rocks of the ore

21) The opposite graph illustrates
the relation between the atomic
number of three successive
transition elements (X, Y, Z) ad
their oxidation numbers, the
possible groups they are found in
are ……
Choices X Y Z



22)When silver nitrate solution is added to the two salt solutions

(A) and (B) , a precipitate (X) is formed in case of salt solution
(A) which soluble quickly in concentrated ammonia solution,
and the precipitate (Y) formed in case of salt solution (B) which
soluble slowly in concentrated ammonia solution The two
precipitates (X) and (Y) respectively are :
a) X : AgCl , Y : AgBr
b) X : AgCl , Y : AgI
c) X : AgBr , Y : AgI
d) X : AgI , Y : BaSO4

23) A titration process is done by using 20 ml of NaOH solution
0.1M , with HCl solution its concentration 0.1M , if hydrochloric
acid is substituted by sulphuric acid its concentration 0.1M , the
volume of the used sulphuric acid will be :
a)half the volume of HCl
b)double the volume of HCl
c)equal the volume of HCl
d)double the volume of the alkali NaOH

24) When drops of bromothymol blue added to sodium oxalate

solution Na2C2O4 , the color of the solution is:

25)When equal concentrations of H2 and A2 are mixed , the

following equilibrium occurs :
H2(g) +A2(g) ⇌ 2HA(g)
If the value of [HA] = 1.563 M , and the equilibrium constant
equals 40 so [A2 ] equals .......

26) On dipping a magnesium strip in silver nitrate solution, the
following reaction is occurred:
Mg(s)+2 AgNO3(aq) → Mg(NO3 )2(aq) + 2Ag(s)
Which of the following properly expresses what happens?
a) oxidation of magnesium and reduction of silver ions.
b) oxidation of magnesium and oxidation of silver.
c) reduction of magnesium and oxidation of silver.
d) reduction of magnesium and reduction of silver ions.

27)Three rods of different elements (A , B , and C ) are put in

HCl(aq) , (A) and (B) react , while (C) doesn’t react , when a rod of
element (A) is put in a solution contains ions of element (B) , it is
corroded So the arrangement of these elements according to
their oxidation potential is :

28) If you know that:

K+ → K0 , E0= -2.92 V
Cu2+ → Cu0 , E0=0.34 V
Then the cell diagram which represents the cell formed from the
two electrodes is…………………………………….
a) 2k0/2K+ //Cu2+/Cu0
b) Cu0/Cu2+//2K0/2K+
c) Cu2+/Cu0 //2K+/2K0
d)K+/k0 // Cu0/Cu2+

29) The oxidation reduction reactions in the Fuel cell lead to :
a) transferring of Hydroxide ions towards Anode.
b) transferring of Hydroxide ions towards Cathode
c) Oxygen is converting to Hydroxide ion by oxidation
d) Hydrogen is converting to water molecules by reduction

30) In lithium ion battery, lithium ions transfers through (LiPF6 )

as follow:
a) From the negative anode to the positive cathode during
b) From the negative anode to the positive cathode during
c)From the cathode to the anode during discharging
d)From the cathode to the anode during charging

31) After writing the correct structural formula without

changing its molecular formula, the compound represents
a) alkene
b) branched alkene
c) open-chain aliphatic
d) unsaturated

32) Using the following table:

C2HBrClF3 CF4 CBr2Cl2 C5H10
which of the following is correct?
a) (D): is a saturated cyclic compound, (A): is an alkane derivative.
b) (B): is an alkene derivative, (C): is an alkane derivative.
c) (C): is an alkyne derivative, (D): is an alkene derivative.
d) (A): is an alkane derivative, (B): is an alkene derivative.

33) The opposite table illustrates the molecular formula of
three organic compounds (X), (Y), (Z) So ………………
The molecular formula The compound
C3H6 X
C7H8 Y
C3H8 Z
a) (X) is a cycloalkane, (Z) is a normal alkane, (Y) is an aromatic
b) (X) is a normal alkane, (Z) is a cycloalkane, (Y) is an aromatic
c) (X) is an alkyne, (Z) is a normal alkane, (Y) is an aromatic
d)(X) is an aromatic compound, (Z) is an alkene, (Y) is an alkyne.

34) To obtain cycloalkane from calcium carbide, we will make

the following steps …………….
a) Reaction with water, Polymerization, Hydrogenation
b) Hydrogenation, Polymerization, Reaction with water
c) Reaction with water, hydrogenation, Polymerization
d) Hydrogenation, Reaction with water, Polymerization

35) The common name of the compound (CH3)3CCl is…………

a) Tertiary butyl chloride
b) Secondary butyl chloride
c) 2-chloror-2-methl propane
d) 2-methyl-2-chloropropane

36) (A), (B) and (C) are 3 compounds on adding (A) to the
compound (C) a food flavor is produced, and on adding sodium
hydroxide to (B) or (C) a reaction occurs while on adding it to (A)
no reaction occurs , then the three compounds are …………
a) (A): Alcohol, (B): Phenol, (C): Acid
b) (A): Phenol, (B): Alcohol, (C): Acid
c) (A): Acid, (B): Alcohol, (C): Phenol
d) (A): Acid, (B): Phenol, (C) Alcohol

37) A, B, C in arrangement is …………… , ……………… and ………….


a) iron II salt, alcoholic compound, ammonium thiocyanate

b) iron III chloride, phenolic compound, ammonium thiocyanate
c) ammonium thiocyanate, alcoholic compound, iron II salt
d) ammonium thiocyanate, phenolic compound, Ammonium

38) Starting with saturated aliphatic compound, benzoic acid

can be obtain through …………………..
a) Catalytic reforming then oxidation
b) Polymerization then oxidation
c) Polymerization then hydrogenation
d) Oxidation then halogenation

39)The isomer of compound C6H5COOCH3 is called ……….
a) Phenyl acetate
b) Methyl heptanoate
c) Ethyl hexanoate
d) Phenyl formate

40) The correct arrangement of the written compounds

according to their boiling points is …………….
a) Propanoic acid > propanol > methyl acetate
b) propanol > methyl acetate > Propanoic acid
c) methyl acetate > propanol > Propanoic acid
d) methyl acetate > Propanoic acid> propanol

41) We can prepare the ester which is the isomer of CH3COOCH3

from ………………
a) Formic acid with ethyl alcohol
b) Acetic acid with methyl alcohol
c) Formic acid with methyl alcohol
d) Acetic acid with ethyl alcohol

42) When lactic acid reacts with sodium, the products of the
reaction are …………….





43) On alkaline hydrolysis of the compound C3H7Br which doesn’t

cointain methylene group , the produced compound is …..
a) Secondary alcohol only
b) Primary alcohol only
c) Primary or secondary alcohol
d) primary or teritary alcohol

44)By using the following diagram:

(Where one mole of compound (B) contains 12 moles of atoms).

The compounds (A), (B) and (C)are ……

a)(A)is 2-bromopropane, (B) is isopropyl alcohol

(C) is acetone

b)(A)is 2-bromopropane, (B) is propyl alcohol, (C)is propanoic


c)(A) is ethyl chloride, (B) is ethyl alcohol, (C) is acetic acid

d) (A) is ethyl chloride, (B) is ethyl alcohol, (C) is acetaldehyde

45) By the indication of Ka values of the following acids:


Ka (at 250c) 6.5X10-5 5.9X10-2 1.8X10-5 1.8X10-4

What is the correct order of the strength of these acids?

a) Oxalic acid < Benzoic acid < Acetic acid < Formic acid
b) Acetic acid < Benzoic acid < Formic acid < Oxalic acid
c) Benzoic acid < Oxalic acid < Formic acid < Acetic acid
d) Acetic acid < Formic acid < Oxalic acid < Benzoic acid

46) Alcohol (A) reacts with acid (B) by heating to obtain propyl
methanoate, Alcohol (A) represents ……………….
a) Methanol
b) Ethanol
c) Propanol
d) Butanol

47) If you have a mixture of (BaSO4 , Ba3(PO4)2) , Which of the
following is correct?
a) They can be separated by adding dil. HCl then filtration
b) They can be separated by adding water then filtration
c) BaSO4 does not dissolve in water but dissolves in dil. HCl
d) Ba3(PO4)2 is soluble in water and dil. HCl

48) Dilute HCl can be used to detect both of ……………………….

a) NO2- , Hg+
b) Br-, Hg+
c) PO43- , Pb2+
d) SO42- , Ag+

49) which of the following describes the chemical reaction at

equilibrium state ?
a)Rate of forward is always higher than that backward reaction
b)The reaction is always static not dynamic
c)Concentration of reactants and products are always constant
d)Concentration of reactants and products are always equal

50) 14.3g of hydrated sodium carbonate Na2CO3.XH2O Dissolved

in water, then the volume of the solution is completed to 1 liter . if
25 ml of this solution is neutralized by 25 ml of 0.1M of
hydrochloric acid so, the percentage of water crystallization will
b) 15.73%
c) 25.87%
d) 62.94%

Exam 2
(2nd session 2021)
1)The compounds which are similar in their physical state and
their chemical properties are ……….

a) C8H18, C18H38
b) C20H42, C18H38
c) C3H4, C8H16
d) C3H6, C16H32

2)The element (X) from elements of the first transition series, The
electronic configuration of one of its ions is [18Ar], 3d5 this
element is ……………
a) Zn
b) V
c) Sc
d) Fe

3) Which one of the following processes is the hardest one to

a) Zn2+ → Zn3+
b) Ti2+→ Ti3+
c) V2+ → V3+
d) Fe2+ → Fe3+

4)The transition element which has one unpaired electron in its

atomic state, and it is chemically active is …………...
a) Ti
b) Fe

5) An element (X) its electronic configuration ends by (3d7) , so
the compound XCl3 is ……………
a) Uncolored, has zero unpaired electrons
b) Colored, has two unpaired electrons
c) Colored, has four unpaired electrons
d) Uncolored, has three unpaired electrons

6) The element (X) is a representative element lies in the 2nd

period , its outer most shell contains 4 electrons, the element (Y)
is a main transition element found in the first transition series ,
its atom contains four unpaired electrons , When these two
element are mixed together they will form ………………
a) Intermetallic alloy
b) Interstitial alloy
c) Substitutional and interstitial alloy
d) Intermetallic and substitutional alloy

7) The chemical substance which has the lowest magnetic

moment is …………………….
a) Fe2O3
b) CuO
c) CrO
d) MnO2

8)Ammonium carbonate solution is used to differentiate

between all of the following cations, Except …………….
a) Na+, Ca2+
b) K+, Mg2+
c)Ca2+, Mg2+
d) K+, Fe2+

9) When diluted sulphuric acid is added to test tube contains a
mixture of iron (II) oxide and iron (III) oxide , after the reaction is
completed the contents of the test tube will be …….
a) Iron (III) sulphate, iron (III) oxide and hydrogen
b) Iron (II) oxide, iron (III) oxide and sulphur dioxide
c) Iron (II) sulphate, Iron (III) oxide and water
d) Iron (III) sulphate, Hydrogen and sulphur dioxide

10) The number of methylene groups in 2,2-dimethyl butane is

equal to the number of methyl groups in …………
a) Propene
b) Propane
c) Pentane
d) Ethyne

11)When diluted HCl is added to three solid salts (A , B and C)

With (A): A gas evolves
With (B): A gas evolves and a ppt. is formed.
With (C): No reaction occurs.
The anions of (A, B and C) are…………………
Choices (A) (B) (C)
a) NO2- S2O32- SO42-
b) NO3- S2- PO43-
c) Cl- S2O32- SO42-
d) CO32- NO3- PO43-

12)The anion which forms a precipitate with both of (Ag+) and

(Ba2+) cations is ………………….
a) Cl-
b) HCO3-
c) NO3-

13) During an experiment of detection of a cation of a salt (X) ,
some of NaOH solution is added , a ppt. is formed . then by
adding excess of the reagent, the precipitate disappears, the
salt solution (X) is ………………
a) Al (NO3)3
b) FeSO4
c) FeCl3
d) CuSO4

14) When a strong mineral concentrated acid is added to two

solid salts (X) and (Y) separately, a gas evolves in case of salt
(X) has different color than the gas evolves in case of salt (Y),
The choice which does not represent these observations is

Choices (X) (Y)

a) Potassium bromide Potassium iodide
b) Potassium bromide Potassium nitrate
c) Potassium Chloride Potassium carbonate
d) Potassium iodide Potassium nitrate

15) Two organic compounds (A) and (B), they are open chain
hydrocarbon compounds.
The compound (A) has 3 carbon atoms, the compound (B) has
6 carbon atoms.
The compound (B) is chemically more active than (A)
The two compounds (A) and (B) are ……………
a) (A) is a gaseous alkane, (B) is a liquid alkene
b) (A) is a liquid alkane, (B) is a liquid alkene
c) (A) is a gaseous alkane, (B) is a gaseous alkene
d) (A) is a gaseous alkane, (B) is a gaseous alkane

16)In the following reaction:
I2(g)+H2(g) ⇄ 2HI(g)-Heat
Kc value increases by …………………
a) Decreasing the temperature
b) Increasing the concentration of H2 gas
c) Decreasing the concentration of H2 gas
d) increasing the temperature

17)Given the value of the equilibrium constant for the reaction:

H2(g) +Cl2(g) ⇄2HCl(g) Kc=4.4x1032
So, the equilibrium constant for the following reaction equals ……
½ H2(g) + ½ Cl2(g) ⇄HCl(g)


18) The law of mass action is applied to all of the following, Except
a) H2SO3(aq)
b) HCl(aq)
c) HF(aq)
d) H2CO3(aq)

19) 1 mole of ethene reacts with an excess of chlorine, the
number of chlorine mole(s) required to obtain halogenated
compound doesn’t contain hydrogen
(In suitable conditions for these reactions) equals ……………
a)1 mol
b) 5 mol
c) 2.5 mol
d) 1.5 mol

20)In the following reaction:

A(g) ⇄2B(g)
If the value of partial pressures is as follow:
(A)=0.213 atm , (B)=0.213 atm
So the equilibrium constant for the reaction equals ……………..

21) In the cell whose electrodes are iron and tin, if you know that:
Fe(s) → Fe2+(aq) + 2e- , E0=0.409 V
Sn2+(aq) +2e- → Sn(s) ,E0=0.150 V
Which of the following is correct?
a) Iron is the anode, and the value of emf of the cell is positive
b) Iron is the cathode, and the value of emf is negative
c)Tin is the anode, and the value of emf of the cell is positive
d) Tin is the cathode, and the value of emf of the cell is negative

22) The reaction of 1-butene with colorless hydrogen peroxide
is considered as a reaction of ……………….
a) Oxidation and reduction, and it is a detecting test for the double
bond existence
b) Oxidation only, but not a detecting test for the double bond
c)Oxidation and reduction, but not a detecting test for the double
bond existence
d)Oxidation only, and it is a detecting test for the double bond

23) Which of the following process may produce propane?

a) Dry distillation or catalytic thermal cracking
b) Destructive distillation or oxidation
c) Polymerization or catalytic hydration
d) Halogenation or dry distillation

24) If you know that:

Al0 → Al3+ + 3e- E0=1.67 V
Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu0 E0=0.34 V
The diagram of the cell composed of these two electrodes is
a) Al0/Al3+//Cu2+/Cu0
d)Cu2+/Cu0 // Al3+/Al0

25) Which of the following properties of cyclobutane is correct?

a) Less active than cyclopentane
b) More stable than normal pentane
c) Faster in combustion than cyclopentane
d) Slower in combustion than normal pentane

26) The molecular formula C3H6O may represent ……
a) Primary alcohol or ether
b) Secondary alcohol or ketone
c) Aldehyde or ketone
d) Aldehyde or ether

27) alkaline hydrolysis for primary alkyl halide forms the

compound (A) , and alkaline hydrolysis for secondary alkyl
halide forms the compound (B) , The compounds (A) and (B) are

a) (A):2-butanol, (B) Isobutyl alcohol

b) (A):1-butanol, (B):2-methyl-2-propanol
c) (A): 2-methyl-2-propanol, (B):1-butanol
d) (A) 2-methyl-1-propanol, (B): 2-butanol

28) 7.258 g of HCN acid is dissolved in water, The volume of

solution become 100 ml, if you know that (Ka=7.2x10-10) , so the
degree of ionization of the acid equals ……………………
[H=1 , C=12 , N=14]

29) Iron (III) chloride is added two hydroxyl compounds (A) and
(B) separately, A violet color is produced with (A), no changes
happen with the compound (B). Which of the following correctly
represents the bond energy?
a) (O-H) in the compound (A) is more than (O-H) in the
compound (B)
b) (O-H) in the compound (A) is less than (O-H) in the compound
c) (C-O) in the compound (B) is more than (C-O) in the
compound (A)
d) (C-O) in the compound (B) is equal to(C-O) in the compound

30)During the discharge of the lead acid battery.

Which of the following is correct?
a) The concentration of the acid increases and its density
b) The concentration of the acid decreases and its density
c) The oxidation number of cathode material changes from (+4 to
d) The oxidation number of anode material changes from (0 to

31) (A) and (B) are hydrocarbons derivatives, the compound (A)
is produced from reduction of compound (B) are …………………… c

32)The following table illustrates the standard reduction

potentials of the elements W, X, Y and Z:
The element (W) (x) (y) (Z)
Reduction -2.37 V -0.25 V -0.74 v -1.66 V
One of the following expresses anodic protection,…………………..
a) The element (Y) is plated by element (Z)
b) The element (Y) is plated by element (X)
c) The element (W) is plated by element (Z)
d) The element (W) is plated by element (X)

33) Metachlorobenzoic acid can be obtained from ethyne by the
following steps……………
a) Polymerization → Oxidation → Halogenation → Alkylation
b) Polymerization → Alkylation→ Oxidation→ Halogenation
c) Alkylation→ Polymerization→ Halogenation→ Oxidation
d) Oxidation→ Polymerization→ Halogenation → Alkylation

34) When oxalic acid reacts with excess sodium hydroxide. the
products of the reaction are …...

a) b)

c) d)

35)On alkaline hydrolysis of the isomers of the compound C6H12O2

separately, The producing alcohol which has the highest boiling

point is …………………….

a) C6H13OH
b) C2H5OH
c) CH3OH
d) C4H9OH

36)To obtain an organic monobasic acid from aromatic
compound. The required steps in sequence are …………..

a) Reduction, Alkylation then oxidation

b) Nitration, alkylation then reduction
c) Reduction, Halogenation then hydrolysis
d) Nitration, Halogenation then oxidation

37)In the following reaction

MnO2(s) + 4HCl(aq) → MnCl2(aq) + 2H2O(l) + Cl2(g)
The changes that occur are ………..
a) Mn4+/Mn2+, Cl2/2Cl-
b) Mn4+/Mn2+, 2Cl-/Cl2
c)Mn2+/Mn4+, 2Cl-/Cl2
d)Mn2+/Mn4+, Cl2/2Cl-

38) In the fuel cell, the hydrogen of hydroxide group during the
operation of the cell ……………………………………
a) Oxidation tales place for it and it loses 4 electrons
b) Oxidation takes place for it and it loses 2 electrons
c)no oxidation, no reduction takes place for it
d)Reduction takes place for it and it gains 4 electrons

39) The following reaction occurs in an electric cell:
Ni0(s) +2Ag+(aq) → Ni2+(aq) + 2Ag0(s)
If you know that:
Ni0(s) → Ni2+(aq) + 2e- E0 = +0.23V
2Ag+(aq) + 2e- → 2Ag0(s) E0=+0.8 V
Which of the following is correct?
a) The cell is electrolytic, e.m.f=-1.03 V
b) The cell is galvanic, e.m.f= 1.03 V
c)The cell is galvanic, e.m.f=0.564 V
d)The cell is electrolytic, e.m.f = -0.564 V

40) The amount of electricity in faradays required to precipitate

0.5 g of gold on a metallic medal by electrolysis according to the
equation ………………………………… [Au=196.98]
Au3+ + 3e- → Au
a)2.53x10-3 F
b)7.61 F
c) 7.61 x10-3F
d) 2.53 F

41)All of the following are reversible reactions, except:…….
a) CO2(g)+H2(g)=CO(g)+H2O(v) (Closed vessel)
b) CH₃COOH(l)+C₂H₅OH(l)=CH3COOC₂H₅(aq) + H2O(l)
c)2Na(s)+2HCl(aq) =2NaCl(aq) + H2(g)
d)2NO(g) = N₂O₄(g) (Closed vessel)

42) The opposite compound is

called …………… according to
IUPAC name.
a) methyl butanoate.
b) ethyl propanoate.
c) propyl acetate.
d)propyl ethanoate.

43) An organic compound (A)

reacts with organic compound
(B) to produce a chemical substance has a role in treatment of
heart diseases. So the compounds (A) and (B) are……..
a) (A): Terphthalic acid , (B) : Ethylene glycol.
b) (A) : Phenol , (B) :Formaldehyde.
c) (A): Phenol , (B) : Ethylene glycol.
d) (A) : Glycerol , (B) : Sulphuric acid

44) When hydrogen sulphide gas passes through copper (II)

sulphate solution. The precipitate appears by……….
a) adding NaOH solution.
b) increasing the pressure.
c) adding diluted HCI
d) raising the temperature

45) If you know that the solubility product of silver chloride salt
in saturated solution its volume is (0.1 L) at a certain
temperature equals 2.56 x 𝟏𝟎−𝟔 ,
the mass of silver chloride dissolving in the solution equals………..
{Ag=108 , Cl=35.5}
a) 0.023 g
b) 0.0115 g
c) 2.3 x 10−6g
d) 1.15 x 10−6 g

46) Ester (A) is a derivative of the product of toluene oxidation,

by ammonolysis of this ester the two compounds (B), (C) are
produced, the compound (C) is aromatic with acidic properties.
Which of the following choices is correct ?
a) Compound (A) is phenyl benzoate, compound (B) is
b) Compound (A) is phenyl benzoate, compound (B) is benzyl
c) Compound (A) is methyl benzoate, compound (B) is
d) Compound (A) is methyl benzoate, compound (B) is benzyl

47) All of the following can be done to the iron ore before its
reduction, except………………..
a) Converting the unsuitable size for reduction process to be
b) Reaction with CO gas in high temperature
c)Using magnetic separation to reduce impurities
d)Expelled humidity by strong heating in air

48) When 200 mL of distilled water added to 0.5 L of 0.1 M of NaOH
So, the concentration of the solution becomes………………
a) 0.714 M
b) 0.0714 M
c) 7.14 M
d) 4.17 M

49) 2 g of impure barium chloride dissolved in water and then

excess of lead (II)nitrate solution is added to it, the mass of the
ppt. is 1 g, so the percentage Of chloride ion in the sample =………
[Cl= 35.5 ,Ba = 137,Pb=207]
a) 19.31%
b) 46.3%
c) 28.3%
d) 12.77%

50) On adding a solution of substance (Y) to a solution of

substance (X) which has a pale yellow color, a solution with a
certain color is produced, and when excess of the substance (Y)
solution is added to the same reaction, the produced color
increases. So, the two substances (X) and (Y) are……….
a) (X) : FeCl₃ , (Y) : NH₄SCN
b) (X): NH₄SCN , (Y) : FeCl₃
c) (X) : NH₄OH , (Y) : FeCl₃
d) (X) : FeCl₃ , (Y) : NH₄OH

Exam 3
(1st session 2021)
1) Hydrogenation of the compound produced from reduction of
phenol, in suitable conditions leads to form.
a) picric acid.
b) aliphatic compound.
c)vinyl chloride.
d) aromatic compound.

2) Which of the following compounds discharge the color

of 3 moles of bromine water?
a) CH3(CH2)4CCH
b) HCC(CH)2CH3
c) CH3(CH2)5CH3
d) CH2CH(CH2)4CH3

3) The element (X) from elements of the first transition series, it

is difficult
to be reduced from (x3+) to (x2+) under normal conditions.
The element (X) is ..................
a) Fe
b) Co
c) Mn
d) Ni

4)When concentrated sulphuric acid is added to two salts, with
one of them:
a gas (X) evolves which turns a paper wetted by starch yellow,
with the other one:
a gas (Y) evolves which turns a paper wetted by starch blue, the
two gases are
a) (X): NO2, (Y): I2
b) (X): HBr, (y): HI
c) (X): HCl, (Y): Br2
d) (X): Br2, (Y): I2

5)(A) and (B) are hydrocarbon derivatives, they share some

chemical properties
(A): Can be used as fuel.
(B): Enter in preparation of one of plastic products.
Then (A) and (B) are....................
a) (A) alcohol, (B) alkyl halide.
b) (A) phenol, (B) acid.
C) (A) ester, (B) aldehyde.
d) (A) alcohol, (B) phenol.

6)In the opposite equilibrium reaction:

Br2(g) + H2(g) ⇌2HBr (g)
If the partial pressure of bromine, hydrogen and hydrogen
bromide gases are
0.5 atm, 1 atm, 1.5 atm respectively. So the equilibrium constant
for dissociation of hydrogen bromide to its elements equals.......
b) 0.22

7) by using the following diagram:

Where one mole of the compound (C) contains 5 mole atom,

the compounds (A), (B) and (C) are ......
a) (A) is methyl chloride, (B) is methanol, (C) is formic acid.
b) (A) is ethyl chloride, (B) is ethanol, (C) is acetic acid.
c) (A) is methyl chloride, (B) is methanol, (C) is formaldehyde.
d) (A) is ethyl chloride, (B) is ethanol, (C) is acetaldehyde

8)When drops of blue litmus solution added to potassium nitrate

solution, the color of the indicator is..................
a) blue.
b) violet.
c) red.
d) green.

9) Titration of NaOH solution with diluted sulphuric acid with the

same concentration,
at the end point the volume of the used acid will be
a) equal the volume of the alkali solution.
b) half the volume of the alkali solution.
c) double the volume of the alkali solution.
d) four times the volume of the alkali solution

10)On charging the lead acid accumulator. All the following
occur, except.................
a) the concentration of the acid increases.
b) the mass of water decreases.
c)pOH value decreases.
d)pH value decreases.

11) In the opposite reaction:

H2N-NH2(g)⇌ N2(g) + 2H2(g) H= (-)
The amount of evolved hydrogen gas can be increased by
a) increasing the temperature.
b) increasing the container volume.
c) adding excess of N2 to the reaction medium.
d) adding catalyst to the reaction medium.

12) In the opposite reaction:

I2(g) + H2(g) ⇌ 2HI(g)
If the equilibrium constant for this reaction equals 1.55, and the
concentration, of hydrogen iodide is 1.035 M, so the
concentration of hydrogen and iodine
respectively equals...................
a) [H2] =0.79 M, [I2] =0.83 M
b) [H2] =0.83 M, [I2] = 0.79 M
c) [H2] =0.83 M, [I2] = 0.83 M
d) [H2] =0.135 M, [I2] = 0.135 M

13) To protect the element (A) from corrosion by using element
(B) , Which of the following occurs?
a) Withdrawing of electrons from (A) to (B) and it represents
anodic protection.
b) Withdrawing of electrons from (B) to (A) and it represents
anodic protection.
c) Transferring of electrons to the element (A) and it represents
cathodic protection.
d) Transferring of electrons between the elements (A), (B) and (A)
represents scarifying electrode

14) One of the following is considered as an isomer for ethyl

a) Pentyl formate.
b) Propyl butanoate.
c)Phenyl benzoate.
d)Phenyl acetate.

15) On performing nitration process to the compound produced

from thermal catalytic reforming of normal heptane give..
a) an insecticide.
b) a detergent.
c)an explosive substance its molecular formula C6H3N3O7
d)an explosive substance its molecular formula C7H5N3O6

16) If you have two compounds (A) and (B),
the compound (A) is an opened chain alkane, its molecular
mass is 58
The compound (B) is saturated monohydric alcohol its
molecular mass is 60, So the two compounds (A) and (B)
[C=12, O=16, H=1]
a) (A) is a gas, (B) has less boiling point than (A).
b) (A) is a liquid, (B) has higher boiling point than (A).
c) (A)is a gas, (B) has higher boiling point than (A).
d) (A) is a liquid, (B) has less boiling point than (A).

17) When 1 mole of an alkane (x), and an alkene (Y) are

completely combusted separately. The number of water vapor
moles which are produced from (X) and (y)are …………………………….
[Given that (n) is number of carbon atoms]
a) from X (n + 1), from Y (n).
b) from X (n - 1), from Y (n + 1).
(3𝑛 + 1) (3𝑛)
c)from X , from y
2 2
d) from X (3n + 1), from Y (3n)

18) Physical process done for iron ores leading to decreasing the
mass of the iron ore.............
a) roasting.
b) crushing.
c) sintering.
d) surface tension.

19) On a rod of an element (A) is placed in a solution of ions of an
element (B), If you know that (A) is divalent, (B) is monovalent,
which of the following is true?
a) Number of dissolved moles of (A) is double the number of
precipitated moles of (B)
b) Number of dissolved moles of (A) is half the number of
precipitated moles of (B).
c) Number of dissolved moles of (A) equals the number of
precipitated moles of (B).
d) Number of dissolved moles of (A) is three times the number of
precipitated moles of (B)

20) Four metals (A) , (B), (C) , (D) characterized by :

• The element (A) lies in group 3A
• The element (B) form with tin bronze alloy.
• The element (C) used as a catalyst in ammonia industry.
• The element (D) non transition, and found in d block.
To cover a metallic object by brass, we will us...................
a) (B) and (D).
b) (A) and (C).
c) (A) and (B).
d) (C) and (D).

21) Which of the following expresses saturated hydrocarbon

which doesn't contain methyl group?
a) C5H12
b) C6H12
c) C7H8
d) C7H12

22) If you know that the solubility degree of silver chromate
(Ag2CrO4) is 6.62 × 10-5 M, the solubility product of this compound
a)0.58 x10-12
b)1.16 × 10-12
c)2.32x 10-12
d)3.48 × 10-12

23) The following table represents the molecular formula for two
substance (X) and (Y):
(X) (Y)
C2H2Br2 C4H6

When one mole of bromine dissolved in carbon tetrachloride is

added to one mole of each of the two substances (X) and (Y).
Which of the following is correct?
a) The color of bromine discharges with (X) and doesn't change
with (Y).
b) The color of bromine doesn't change with both of (X) and (Y).
c)The color of bromine discharges with both of (X) and (Y).
d)The color of bromine doesn't change with (X) and discharges
with (Y).

24) If you know that:

•A→ A2+ + 2e E°= 0.409 V
• B→B+ + é E°=-0.800 V
If a galvanic cell composed of the two elements (A) and (B).
Which of the following represents the cell diagram and the value
of e.m.f?
a) A/A2+ // 2B+/2B, e.m.f=1.209V
b) 2B+ /2B / A/A2+ e.m.f=1.4 V
c) B+/B // 2A/2A2+ e.m.f= 0.896 V
d) 2A/2A2+// B+/B e.m.f= 0.879 V

25) The cell diagram for the fuel cell expresses by one of the
a) H2/2H+ // O2 /2O2-
b) 2H2/4H+// O2 / 2O2-
c) 2O2- / O2 // 2H+/H2
d)O2 /2O2- // 2H2 /4H+

26) (A) is an organic compound, (B) is an inorganic compound,

on adding the compound (C) to the compound (A) a violet colour
is formed, while adding compound (C) to compound (B) a
reddish-brown ppt. is formed.
Which of the following choices is correct?
a) (A): Acidic salt, (B): Sodium iodide.
b) (A): Basic compound; (C): Acidic salt.
c) (A): Acidic compound, (B): Alkaline compound.
d) (A): Liquid substance, (B): Gas solution in water.

27) The transition element which has the highest boiling point
and the electronic configuration of its ion is [18Ar], its ion will
a) W 2-
b) X 3+
c) Y+
d) Z –

28) 3.4 g of impure potassium chloride dissolved in water, and
excess of silver nitrate solution is added to the solution, 6.7 g of
silver chloride precipitated. So the percentage of chlorine in the
sample =..............
[K=39, Ag=108, Cl=35.51
b) 46.7%
d) 94.1%

29) Which of the following is a complete reaction?

a) CH3COOH(l) + H2O(l) =CH3COO (aq)+ H3O (aq)
b) HCOOH (aq)+ CH3OH (aq)= HCOOCH (aq)+ H2O
c) NaOH (aq)+ HCl (aq)= NaCl (aq)+ H2O(l)
d) NH3 (aq) + H2O (l) = NH4 (aq) +OH (aq)

30) Which one of the following can be used to distinguish

between the solid salt of sodium sulphide and sodium sulphate ?
c)HCl (aq)
d)NaOH (aq)

31) When AgNO3, solution is added to the salts solutions (X) and
(Y), a yellow precipitate is formed with both of them, when
ammonia solution is added to the two precipitates, the
precipitate disappears in case of salt solution (Y),
and doesn't change in case of salt solution (X).
so the two salts (X) and (Y.) are....................
a) (X): Nal; (Y): Na3PO4
b) (X): NaCl, (Y): NaBr
c) (X): NaNO3. (Y): Na2SO4
d)X): NaNO2, (Y): NaNO3

32) One of students add ammonium hydroxide reagent to one of
iron (II) salts,
the color of the formed ppt. differs from the expected color.
The probable reason is ..............
a) the used reagent is wrong.
b) the reagent is a strong base.
c) the reaction needs to be heated.
d) the salt is mixed with other salts.

33) To obtain magnetic iron oxide from iron (III) chloride, the
following processes are done in sequence ……..
a) reaction with hydrochloric acid - oxidation - reduction.
b) reaction with alkaline solution - thermal decomposition -
c) oxidation - reduction - thermal decomposition.
d) thermal decomposition - oxidation - reaction with alkaline

34) The transition element, used in process of hydrogenation of

oils, the electronic configuration of its ion (M 3+) is .…….
a) [18Ar], 3d7
b) [18Ar] ,3d8
c)[18Ar], 4S2 ,3d7
d)[18Ar] ,4S2 ,3d8

35) The number of methylene groups in ethyl butene

a) 3

36) When copper sulphate solution reacts with gas (A) in acidic
medium a black precipitate is formed, and when silver nitrate
solution reacts with solution (B) a black precipitates is formed
too. So (A) and (B) are ................
a) (A): CO2., (B): NaBr
b) (A): H2S, (B): Nal
c) (A): H2S, (B): Na2S
d) (A): SO2, (B): Nacl

37) (x), (Y) , (Z) are three successive transition elements found
at the end of the first transition series, the element (X) has the
largest atomic number, they form the following compounds: ZA2,
YA2, XA2, the correct arrangement of their ions
according to their magnetic moment is..............
a) Z 2+ > Y 2+ >Z 2+
b) X 2+ >Y 2+ > Z 2+
c) Z 2+>X 2+> Y 2+
d) X 2+ > Z 2+> Y 2+

38) In the cell in front of you:

Which of the following is correct?

a) The cell is a galvanic cell, the
concentration of solution (A) increases.
b) The cell is a galvanic cell, the concentration of solution (B)
c)The cell is an electrolytic cell, the concentration of solution (A)
d)The cell is an electrolytic cell, the concentration of solution (B)

39) A galvanic cell is expressed by the following cell diagram :
Fe° / Fe 2+ // Ni 2+ / Ni 0 if :
• fe(s)→ Fe 2+ (aq) + 2e - E 0=+0.409 V
• Ni 2+ (aq) +2e -→ Ni(s) E 0=-0.23 V
Then the e.m.f of the cell is ............
a)1.639 V
b) 0.936 V
c)0.396 V
d)0.179 V

40) Oxidation of the compound gives .......... ..

a) 2,3- dimethyl propanoic acid.

b) 2,3- dimethyl butanoic acid
c)2,3- diethyl butanoic acid.
d) 2,4- diethyl propanoic acid.

42) If the amount of electricity required to precipitate the
equivalent mass of a metal equals the amount of electricity
needed to precipitate one mole of it.
Which of the following correctly represents this process?
a) A mole of metal ion gains a mole of electrons.
b) A mole of metal ion loses a mole of electrons.
c) A mole of metal ion gains 2 moles of electrons.
d) A mole of metal ion loses 2 moles of electrons.

43) At constant temperature, on dilution of a weak electrolyte ....

a) the degree of ionization decreases, and the solution
concentration increases
b) the degree of ionization increases, and the solution
concentration increases.
c) the degree of ionization increases, and the solution
concentration decreases.
d) the degree of ionization decreases, and the solution
concentration decreases.

44) In the equilibrium reaction:

2NO2(g) ⇌ N2O4 (g) + Heat
The value of equilibrium constant changes with the change
a) the pressure and catalyst.
b) the temperature only.
c) the concentration and catalyst.
d) the pressure only.

45) When one mole of ethylene glycol reacts with 2 mole of
acetic acid, the product is................... a

46) The compounds (A) and (B) are organic compounds, each of
them reacts with NaOH , Which of the following is correct?
a) The molecular formula of compound (A) is C6H6O and the
molecular formula of compound (B) is C2H6O
b) The compound (A) is methyl alcohol, and the compound (B) is
acetic acid.
c)The compound (A) is isopropyl alcohol, and the compound (B) is
d)The molecular formula of compound (A) is C6H6O and the
molecular formula of compound (B) is C7H6O3

47) The electronic configuration for the ion of a transition

element (X) in the compound (X2 O3) contains 3 unpaired
electrons, this element is found in the periodic table in
group number...........….......
a) 9
b) 10
c) 11
d) 12

49) To obtain the simplest aromatic compound from the
aromatic compound which has the formula C7H8, the correct
arrangement for the required processes are ...........
a) neutralization, oxidation, dry distillation.
b) oxidation, dry distillation, neutralization.
c) neutralization, dry distillation, oxidation.
d) oxidation, neutralization, dry distillation.

50) When silver nitrate solution is added to two salts solutions

(A) and (B), a ppt. is formed with salt solution (A), and no ppt. is
formed with salt solution (B). The anions of the two salts
respectively are............
a) (A): Sulphide (B): Nitrite
b) (A): Nitrite (B): Sulphide.
C) (A): Bicarbonate (B): Nitrite.
d) (A): Nitrite (B): Bicarbonate.

Exam 4
1)A sample of crystallized substance (A) its color is pale green,
its heating strongly produces red solid substance (B) and gas
(C) which turns a paper wet with acidified potassium
dichromate solution into green, in addition to another colorless
gas which of the following identifies A, B and C?
Choices substance (A) solid substance (B) gas (C)
a) FeSO4.7H2O Fe2O3 SO2
b) FeSO4.7H2O FeO SO3
c) Fe2(SO4)3.(H2O)n FeO SO2
d) Fe2(SO4)3.(H2O)n Fe2O3 SO3

2)What is the number of the isomers which have the molecular

formula C3H6Cl2?

3)A concentrated solution dissociates to a gas in the presence of

a catalyst what is the effect of adding water to this solution on
the reaction rate and the volume of evolving gas at the end of the

Choices Reaction rate Evolving gas volume

a) Does not change Decreases

b) Decreases increases
c) Decreases Does not change
d) Increases increases

4)All the following compounds can be prepared, Except………….
a) NiCO3
b) Co (NO3)2
c) ScSO4
d) Cu3(PO4)2

5) The following reaction is carried out in 1 L closed vessel:

A(g) + B(g)⇄2C(g)
At equilibrium (At 200oc) , the concentrations are ……
[A] = 0.2 M , [B] = 3M , [C]=0.5 M
How many moles of (A) should be added to the reaction mixture
To increase the concentration of (C) to 0.7 M (At the same
a) 0.19 mol
b) 0.26 mole
c) 0.06 mole
d) 0.28 mole

6) In the reaction:
AgNO3(aq) + NaCl(aq) → AgCl(S) + NaNO3(aq)
Which of the following graphs represents the relation between
reactants concentrations(c) and time?
a) b) c) d)


Choices Reaction Compound Reaction Compound

(A) (X) (B) (Y)

a) Substitution Bromoethene Neutralization Ethanoic


b) Addition Bromoethane Addition Ethanol

C) Substitution Bromoethene Substitution Ethene


d) Addition Bromoethane Substitution Ethanol

8) What is the IUPAC nomenclature of: HCCC(CH3)3

a) 1-Hexyne
b) 3,3-dimethyl-1-butyne
c) 2,2-dimethyl-2-butyne
d) 2,2-dimethyl -3-pentyne


a) 2
b) 1
c) 3
d) 4

10) The diagrams below illustrate two electrochemical cells:

What are the types of cells (1) and (2) ? What is the charge of (X)
and (Y)?

Cell (1) Cell (2) Electrode (X) Electrode (Y)

Galvanic Electrolytic Positive Negative

Galvanic Electrolytic Positive Positive

Electrolytic Galvanic Negative Positive

Electrolytic Galvanic Negative Negative

11) Which of these compounds is more soluble in water?
a) Ag2S , (ksp=6x10-51)
b) CuS , (ksp=2x10-37)
c) MnS , (ksp=7x10-16)
d) Bi2S3 , (ksp=1x10-70)

12) A student assumes that the following statements represents

sodium ethoxide:
(1): It is a salt prepared through the reaction of sodium with
(2): It is an organic compound prepared through the reaction of
sodium hydroxide with ethanol
(3): It hydrolyzes forming an aqueous mixture, its pH is higher
than 7
Which of the following represents sodium ethoxide?
a)1, 2 and 3
b)1 and 2 only
c) 1 and 3 only
d) 2 and 3 only

13) In the reaction ……………….

What is the chemical formula of compound Y? a



14)The following figure illustrate the following reaction

2SO2 + O2 ⇄ 2SO3

The factor that is changed at time t


a) increasing pressure
b) withdrawing sulfur dioxide gas
c) adding a quantity of oxygen gas
d) adding a quantity of sulfur trioxide

15)All the following solutions can be used as an electrolyte in salt

bridge in Daniel cell except ……………
a) potassium nitrate
b) sodium sulfate
c) lead II acetate
d) sodium chloride solution

16) The following reversible reaction is carried out in a closed
vessel whose internal volume is 2 L:

2H2S(g) 2H2(g) + S2(v)

The number of moles of the mixture at equilibrium are:
(1 mol of H2S(g) 0.2 mol of H2(g) and 0.8 mol of S2(v))
What is the value of Kc of this reaction?

17) The opposite compound is called according to IUPAC name

a)1,1,3,3-tetramethyl butane
b) 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl butane
c) 2,4,4-trimethyl pentane
d) 2,2,4-trimethyl pentane

18) In a saturated solution of calcium

phosphate (Ca3(PO4)2), the concentration of calcium ions
is 2.0×10-8 M and that of phosphate ions is 1.0×10-3 M. Calculate
the solubility product of calcium phosphate.



19) the correct arrangement of the following compounds

according to their pH is ………………….
1) Nitric acid
2) Propanol
3) Oxalic acid
4) Benzoic acid
a) Propanol > Oxalic acid > Benzoic acid > Nitric acid
b) Nitric acid > propanol > Oxalic acid > Benzoic acid
c) Benzoic acid > Oxalic acid > nitric acid > propanol
d) Nitric acid > Oxalic acid > propanol > benzoic acid

20)Y, X are two alcoholic compounds have the same molecular

formula C4H10O, compound X is oxidized In one step using
acidified potassium permanganate, while compound Y don’t
discharge color of acidified potassium permanganate,
compound X&Y are

Choices X Y
a) 2-butanol 2-propanol
b) 2-methyl-2- 2-methyl-1-
propanol propanol
c) 2-methyl-1- 2-methyl-2-
propanol propanol
d) 2-butanol 2-methyl-2-

21) Benzaldehyde can be converted into aromatic benzene
through the process …………………………………
a) Oxidation → Esterification → Hydrolysis
b) Reduction → Neutralization → Dry distillation
c) Oxidation → Neutralization → Dry distillation
d) Reduction → Esterification → Hydrolysis

22)Which of the following values express the pH for salt solution

sodium carbonate its concentration is 2M , knowing that the
ionization constant of carbonic acid 4.4x10-7
a) 5.25
b) 5.4
c) 6.4
d) 8.4
23)the following figure shows a part of electromotive series so
which of the following choices is incorrect

a) Y replaces Z in its salt solutions

b) X represents cathode according to Z

c) Z is the strongest oxidizing agent

d) Y oxidizes X and reduces Z+ ions

24) KCl is used as an electrolyte in the salt bridge used in
galvanic cell which is represented by the cell diagram ……..
a) Pb(s)/Pb2+(aq)//Cu2+(aq)/Cu(s)
b) Fe(s)/Fe2+(aq)//Pb2+(aq)/Pb(s)
c) 3Cu(s) /3Cu2+(aq) // 2Au3+(aq)/2Au(s)
d) Zn(s)/Zn2+(aq) //2Ag+(aq)/2Ag(s)

25) On mixing two equal volumes of two solutions of

hydrochloric acid and calcium hydroxide whose concentration is
1M, the produced solution ………………….
a) Has as an acidic effect
b) its pH equals 7
c) Has an alkaline effect
d)its pH value is less than 7

26) The reactions (X) , (Y) and (Z) are oxidation process for iron and its
oxides , Which of the following identifies 1:4?

Choices (1) (2) (3) (4)

a) Fe Fe3O4 Fe2O3 FeO

b) Fe Fe3O4 FeO Fe2O3
c) FeO Fe(OH)2 Fe(OH)3 FeO

d) Fe2O3 Fe(OH)3 Fe2O3 Fe

27)Consider the given elements X, Y, Z, and W with their radius

1. 𝑟(X)=2.16̊A
2. 𝑟(Y)=0.57̊A
3. 𝑟(Z)=2.18̊A
4. 𝑟(W)=2.15̊A
An interstitial alloy is most likely to form from elements …. and ….
a) X, Y
b) X, Z
c) X, W
d) Z, W

28)Which of the following transition metal ions has the
electronic configuration of [Ar] 3d6

a) Co2+ and Mn2+

b) Co3+ and Fe2+
c) Mn2+ and Fe3+
d) Sc2+ and Fe3+

29)If you have a basic solution its concentration is 0.2M, and the
value of the equilibrium constant Kb = 3.6 x10-4 , then the value of
POH of the solution equals ……………………..

a) 2.07
b) 1.70
c) 4.07
d) 3.02

30) The [H3O+] in a 0.05 M solution of Ba (OH) 2 is:

a) 1.0 x 10-5 M
b) 5.0 x 10-2 M
c) 1.0 x 10-13 M
d) 5.0 x 10-10 M

31) Consider the equation:
CO(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ CH4(g) + H2O(g) Δ𝐻=(−)
The amount of hydrogen gas would be increased by….. .
a) adding a catalyst
b) adding CO gas
c) increasing the volume of the container
d) decreasing the temperature

32) in the equilibrium reaction:

N2(g) + 3Cl2(g) ⇄ 2NCl3(g) ∆H=+460KJ

Which of the following choices represents the effect of adding

more NCl3 to the reaction mixture?

Choices A B C D
Reaction is Forward Backward Forward Backward
activated to reaction reaction reaction reaction
Kc value Remains Remains increases Decreases
constant constant

33) To convert iron III chloride to iron III sulphate:

a) Reaction with NaOH , Heating the product , then reacting the

product with conc. Sulphuric acid

b) Reaction with NaOH , Heating the product , then reacting the

product with conc. Hydrochloric acid

c) Reaction with NaOH , heating the product , Reduction at 4000c,

Then reacting the product with conc. Sulphuric acid

34) Consider the following: Which of the following displayed
formulas shows the structure of the first two repeat units of the
polymer formed from the monomer? (EKB)

35) The reaction:
Na2CO3(s) ⇌ Na2O(s) + CO2 (g)
shows the thermal decomposition of sodium carbonate in a
vacuum. Which of the following is the correct equation for 𝐾p?

36) The chart in front of you explains the change of the first
paraffins series compound to the first acetylenes chain

and on adding 1 mole of HBr to compound Y, compound Z is

produced so we could conclude that compound Z is
a) vinyl bromide
b) bromo ethane
c) 1,2-dibromoethene
d) 1,1-dibromoethane

37) What is the IUPAC name of the compound
c)isopropyl methyl acetylene

38) to precipitate g/atom from metal X 3F is required so the

compound is

a) X2O3
b) X2O
c) XO2
d) XO

39) The percentage of iron in the ore can be increased using

physical methods through ………………….. process.
a) Roasting
b) Magnetic separation
c) Crushing
d) Sintering

40) Cane sugar can be converted into acetic acid through………

a) An alcoholic fermentation then a polymerization process
b) An oxidation process then alcoholic fermentation
c) An alcoholic fermentation then an oxidation process
d) An oxidation then a reduction process

41) The correct IUPAC name of the following compound is…………
a) Chloroheptyl alcohol
b) 1-chloro-3-methyl-2-hexanol
c) 3-methyl-1-chloro-5-hexanol
d) 6-chloro-4-methyl-1-hexanol

42) What is the quantity of chlorine gas (Cl=35.5) yielded

From the electrolysis of NaCl solution when a current its intensity
is 2A is passed in it for 30 min?
a)33 g
b)1.32 g
c)66 g
d)99 g

43) Arrange the following steps to prepare monobasic aromatic

acid from carbolic acid:
1) Oxidation
2) Alkylation
3) Reduction
a) 3 , 2 , 1
b) 1 ,2 , 3
c) 2 , 3 ,1
d) 1 , 3 ,2

44) Arrange the following steps to get (Alkane) methane from
1) Dry distillation
2) Neutralization
3) Alcoholic fermentation
4) Hydrolysis
5) Complete oxidation
a) 5 ,3 ,2, 4 ,1
b) 4 , 3 , 5 , 2 , 1
c) 1 , 2 ,3 , 4, 5
d) 4 , 3, 2, 1 ,4

45) What are the two products of the catalytic reforming of both
normal heptane and normal octane?
Choices Normal heptane Normal octane

a) Toluene Ethyl benzene

b) Ethyl benzene Toluene
c) Toluene Benzene
d) Benzene Ethyl benzene

46) The correct arrangement of the following compounds

descendingly according to their relative stability:

1 2 3

a) 1 , 2, 3
b) 2 , 3,1
c) 3,2,1
d) 1,3,2

47)from the following standard potentials:
1)Cu2+ +2e→ Cu E=+0.34v 2)Pb→ Pb2+ + 2e E=+0.13V
3)Ag+ + e→ Ag E=+0.80V 4)Al →Al3+ + 3e E=+1.66V
Which couple of elements can generate the highest EMF if a
galvanic cell is formed from them?
a) 1,2
b) 1,4
c) 2,4
d) 3,4

48) Four containers X, Y, Z, and W contain the following:

✓ X: 10 g of magnesium with a surface area of 10 cm2
✓ Y: 10 g of magnesium with a surface area of 100 cm2
✓ Z: 10 mL of sulfuric acid with a molar concentration of 0.2 M
✓ W: 10 mL of sulfuric acid with a molar concentration of 2 M
So, the rate of the reaction is at its minimum when ….
a) Y is added to W
b) X is added to Z
c) X is added to W
d) Y is added to Z

49) A galvanic cell, its cell diagram is:

EMF of this cell equals 0.8V , What is the standard oxidation
potential of the electrode (M)?
a)-0.4 V
b)+0.8 V
c) +0.4 V
d) -0.8 V

50) The following compound is …………………………

a) 1-pentyl-2-methylcyclopentane
b) 1-methyl-2-pentylcyclohexane
c) 1-methyl-2-pentylcyclopentane
d) 1-pentyl-2-methylcyclohexane

Exam 5
1)By dilution of hydrochloric acid from 2M to 0.5 M so the number
of moles will …………………………………………………….
a) Decreases to the half
b) Remain the same
c) Increases twice
d) Increases 4 times

2) Consider the following data obtained in a certain gravimetric

analysis by volatilization of a sodium chloride solution:
The mass of The mass of the crucible The mass of the crucible
empty with the sample with the sample after
crucible heating
9.0005 g 9.4211 g 9.4143 g
What is the mass percentage of water in this sample?
[Na=23, Cl=35.5, O=16, H=1]

3)Which of the following pairs of ions have the same magnetic
moment value?
a) 22Ti4+ and 26Fe2+
b) 23V2+ and 24Cr3+
c) 25Mn2+ and 29Cu2+
d) 30Zn2+ and 26Fe3+

4) (X) and (Y) are different elements of the same atomic size and
(Z) is another 3rd element with a smaller atomic size. They are
used to form different types of alloys:
• Alloy (A): formed by replacing some elements of (X) with (Y)
• Alloy (B): formed by replacing some elements of (Y) with (Z),
• Alloy (C): formed by combining (X) with (Z) together
So, the types of alloys (A), (B), and (C) formed
are ….. respectively.
a)inter-metallic, substitutional, and interstitial
b)inter-metallic, interstitial, and substitutional
c)interstitial, inter-metallic, and substitutional
d)substitutional, interstitial, and inter-metallic

5) On heating 2.68 g of sodium sulphate crystals, 1.26 g

vaporized, it is deduced that the molecular formula of these
crystals is ………………………………….
[Na2SO4 = 142 g/mol, H2O = 18g/mol]
a) 2Na2SO4.H2O
b) Na2SO4.7H2O
c) Na2SO4.8H2O
d) Na2SO4.H2O

6) On mixing 50 mL of 0.3 M phosphoric acid with 100 mL of 0.1
M potassium hydroxide solution containing drops of
bromothymol blue indicator, the produced solution will be ….
Choices Produced solution Indicator color
a) Acidic Yellow
b) Basic colorless
c) Acidic Blue
d) Neutral Pale green


7) in the following figure if curve X represents a relation between

time and volume of hydrogen gas evolved due to reaction of
excess of hydrochloric acid with 1gm of zinc powder heated at
30℃ so curve Y represents a relation between excess of the
same acid with

a)1gm of zinc powder at 30℃

b) 1gm of zinc blocks at 30℃
c)0.5gm of zinc blocks at 30℃
d)0.5gm of zinc powder at 30℃

8) Ester (A) has the molecular formula (CH3COOC6H5) , the
ammonolysis of ester (B) that has the same molecular formula
of ester (A) is ………………..
a) C6H5CONH2
b) C2H5CONH2
d) C3H7CONH2

9) To obtain acetic acid from calcium carbide, which of the

following choices is correct
a) oxidation, rearrangement, distillation of water, catalytic
b) distillation of water, catalytic hydration, rearrangement,
c) hydrogenation, oxidation, catalytic hydration, rearrangement
d) distillation of water, catalytic hydration, oxidation,

10) The following compounds are isomers, except………………

11) What is the number of alcohol isomers of C4H10O?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 4
d) 5

12) 10 g of Impure KOH dissolved in water and completed to
become 500 mL. if 10 mL of this solution were neutralized with 15
mL of 0.2 M hydrochloric acid, then the percentage of KOH in the
sample equals …………………….. [K=39 , O=16
, H=1]

13)What is the IUPAC name of the opposite alcohol?

a) 3-methy-1-butanol
b) 2-metyl-1-butanol
c) 2,2-dimethyl-1-propanol
d) Pentanol

14) All the following alcohols are isomers, except…………





15)When iso-propyl bromide is heated with aqueous solution of

potassium hydroxide …… is formed.

a) Primary alcohol
b) Secondary alcohol
c) Tertiary alcohol
d) Dihydric alcohol

16) On reaction the opposite compound with 1 mole of

hydrogen, ………. bond will be broken firstly and the produced
compound is ……………

a) B , Ethyl benzene
b) A , Ethyl benzene
c) B , Ethyl cyclohexane
d) A , Ethyl cyclohexene

17) A piece of iron was immersed in acid (X) for 2 days , then it
was washed by passing chlorine gas over it no reaction occurs ,
what is the acid (X) in which the piece of iron was immersed?
a) Dilute sulphuric acid
b) Concentrated nitric acid
c) Concentrated sulphuric acid
d) Concentrated hydrochloric acid

18) One of the students carried out four experiments to produce

carbon dioxide gas by using excess of zinc carbonate with
sulphuric acid (at 300c), which experiment would have the
highest rate?

Experiment The form of zinc Sulphuric acid


(1) Powder 40 ml 1M

(2) Block 40 ml 0.5 M

(3) Block 10 ml 1M

(4) Powder 20 ml 2M

19) Ethanoic acid can be converted to methyl chloride through

the succession of the process………..
a) Neutralization → Fractional distillation → displacement
b) Reduction → Hydrogenation → Dry distillation
c) Neutralization → Dry distillation → Substitution
d) Esterification → Hydrolysis → Neutralization

20) The isomer of propanoic acid is ……………..

21) Which of the following compounds contains a methylene

a) Propyne
b) 1-butyne
c) 2-butyne
d) 4,4-dimethyl-2-pentyne

22) How many isomers do have the molecular formula C3H8O?

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6

23) The IUPAC name of the following compound

a)2-phenyl butane
b) 2-phenyl hexane
c)1,3-dimethyl benzene
d) 3-phenyl pentane

24) The reduction potential of the best reducing agent equals
a) Zero
b) -2.924
c) 2.87
d) -0.126

25) The correct arrangement of the following acids descendingly

according to basicity number is ………………….

1) Acid (A) added to frozen fruits to retain their color and taste
2) Acid (B) secreted by ants to defend themselves
3) Acid (C) : Oxalic acid

a) 1 , 2, 3
b) 3 ,2 , 1
c) 1 , 3 , 2
d) 2 ,3 ,1

26) The rate of forward reaction increases by increasing

temperature and decreasing pressure in the reaction:
a) H2(g) + I2(v) ⇄ 2HI(g) H=(+)
b)2NO(g) ⇄ N2(g) +O2(g) H=(-)
c)N2H4(g) ⇄ N2(g) + 2H2(g) H=(-)
d)2NH3(g) ⇄ N2(g) + 3H2(g) H=(+)

27) In contact process Sulphur dioxide reacts with oxygen
forming Sulphur trioxide according to the following equation:

2SO2 (g) + O2 (g) ⇄ 2SO3 (g) Kc = 280 at 1000 K

The concentration of [SO3] equals 6.00 mol/liter, the Sulphur
dioxide concentration is twice the oxygen concentration, then
the concentration of oxygen equals ………..
a)0.636 mol/liter
b)0.254 mol/liter
c)0.175 mol/liter
d)0.318 mol/liter

28) If metal (A) reacts with HCl acid as the following reaction:
2A0(s) + 6HCl(aq) →2ACl3(aq) + 3H20(g)
So the reduction potential of A electrode………………..
a) Less than zero
b) Zero
c) More than zero
d) Can’t be determined

29) The solubility product of A2X3 is 1.08x10-23, its solubility degree

equals ………..
a) 1.0x10-5 M
b) 1.0 x10-6 M
c) 1.0 x10-3 M
d) 1.0 x10-4 M

30) Mixture of iron II sulphate, Iron III sulphate and aluminum
sulphate is left in air, then we add excess amount of sodium
hydroxide, what is the produced precipitates which formed?

1)Fe (OH)3 2) Fe (OH)2 3) Al (OH)3

a)1, 2, 3
b) 1 and 2 only
c) 1 and 3 only
d) 1 only

31) Which mixture can be separated into its components by

adding water then filtration?

a) Potassium carbonate and sodium carbonate

b) Silver nitrate and potassium iodide
c) Barium sulphate and magnesium sulphate
d) Silver bromide and silver sulphite

32) Study the following diagram then choose the correct answer:

Choices X Y Z

a) FeCl3 HCl NH4Cl

b) FeCl2 FeSO4 Fe(OH)2

c) FeCl3 Fe2(SO4)3 Fe(OH)2

d) FeCl2 HCl NH4OH

33) 4 different gases has the following properties:

a) Has irritating smell and can be oxidized using oxidizing agents

b) Colorless gas easily oxidized in air

c) Bad smell has low boiling point

d) Dissolves in water, forms white ppt. on reaction with calcium


So which of the following choices is true?

Choice A B C D

34) According to the following reaction, we conclude ……

K2X + H2Y → H2X + 2KY
a) H2Y > H2X in stability

b) H2X > H2Y in stability

c) H2Y = H2X in stability

d) H2Y = H2X in stability and strength

35) If 1 g of sodium hydroxide dissolved in 500 ml of water, So

[OH⁻] product solution equal . . . . . . (O =16 , H=1 , Na =23)
a) 0.05 mol / L
b) 0.5 mol / L
c)0.01 mol / L
d)0.1 mol / L

36) If you know that:
Sn2+ + 2e- → Sn E0=0.318 V
Li+ + e-→ Li E0=-3.04 V
Is the following reaction spontananeous or not?
Sn2+ + Li → Sn + Li+
a)Spontaneous and its emf = + 3.358 V
b)non-spontaneous and its emf = -3.18 V
c)Spontaneous and its emf = -3.358
d)non-spontaneous and its emf = -3.94 V
37) Study the opposite figure then answer the following question:
The correct arrangement of the following metals according to
their activity is ……
a) Z>W >X>Y
b) Y > W> Z > X
c) Z> Y> W> X
d) W> Z> Y > X

38) Alkane (X) its molar mass 86g/mol Could be prepared by

dry distillation of ……………… (C=12, H=1)
a) C5H11COONa
b) C6H13COONa
d) C2H5COONa

39)If 30 ml of nitric acid are neutralized with 10 mL of magnesium
hydroxide solution whose concentration is 0.3 M , the
concentration of nitric caid equals ……………………
a)0.01 M
b)0.02 M
c) 0.1 M
d) 0.2 M
40) A galvanic cell represented by the cell diagram
Cr(s) /Cr3+(aq) //Cl2(g) /Cl-(aq),

what is the ionic equation which represents the oxidation -

reduction reaction in this cell

a) Cr(s) + 2Cl-(aq) ➔ Cl2(g) + Cr3+(aq)

b) 2Cr3+(aq) + 6Cl-(aq)➔ 2Cr(s) + 3Cl2(g)
c) Cr(s) + 3Cl2(g) ➔ Cr3+(aq) + 2Cl- (aq)
d) 2Cr(s) + 3Cl2(g) ➔ 2Cr3+(aq)+ 6Cl-(aq)

41) During electrolysis of copper chloride solution using copper

Choices Reaction at anode Reaction at cathode Solution
a) Cu → Cu2+ + 2e- Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu Decreases
b) 2Cl→ Cl2 + 2e- Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu Remains unchanged
c) Cu → Cu2+ + 2e- Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu Remains unchanged
d) Cu2+ + 2e-→ Cu 2Cl→ Cl2 + 2e- Decreases

42) During electrolysis of copper chloride solution using
platinum -Graphite (Inert) electrode:
Choices Reaction at anode Reaction at cathode Solution
a) Cu → Cu2+ + 2e- Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu Decreases
b) 2Cl-→ Cl2 + 2e- Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu Decreases
c) Cu → Cu2+ + 2e- Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu Remains unchanged
d) Cu2+ + 2e-→ Cu 2Cl→ Cl2 + 2e- Decreases

43) In the following diagram:

Cell (1): Contains molten sodium


Cell (2): Contains aqueous solution

of sodium chloride

An electrolysis process is made for

both of them, the substance formed
at the electrode (X , Y , Z and L ( are …………………

Choices (x) (Y) (Z) (L)

a) H2 Cl2 Na Cl2

b) Cl2 Na H2 O2

c) Cl2 Na Cl2 H2

d) Cl2 Na Na Cl2

44) in some space ships, heat reflecting shields are covered with
a layer of gold using an electroplating process, which of the
following choices does represent the constituents of the used
electroplating cell?

Choices Cathode Anode Electrolyte

a) Graphite Shield One of gold salt


b) Gold Shield One of copper

salt solutions

c) Shield Graphite One of copper


d) Shield Gold One of gold


45) During purification of metal from impurities, at the end of the

experiment we find :
metal 1 dissolve from anode to solution but cannot deposit at
cathode, metal 2 dissolve from anode to solution then deposit at
cathode, metal 3 not dissolve from anode to solution
so the correct arrangement according to oxidation potential ….
a) 1>2>3
b) 1<2<3
c) 3>2>1
d) 2>1>3

46) From the following equations:
Na2X(aq) + 2AgNO3(aq) → 2NaNO3(aq) + Ag2X(s)
Na2Y(aq) + AgNO3(aq) → 2NaNO3(aq) + Ag2Y(s)
Ag2X has a black color at the room temperature, While Ag2Y has
a black color after heating, the acid from which the two anions
are derives is ……………
Choices H2X H2Y

a) H2SO3 H2S2O3
b) H2S H2S2O3
c) H2SO3 H2S
d) H2S H2SO3

47)…………….. Salt solution turns the color of methyl orange into

a) Sodium chloride
b) Ammonium chloride
c) Sodium carbonate
d) Ammonium carbonate

48) We can differentiate between all the following using water

except ………………………………………………..

a) Sodium carbonate and calcium carbonate

b) Sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate
c) Silver carbonate and sodium bicarbonate
d) Ammonium carbonate and lead carbonate

49) Salt (X) When conc. H2SO4 is added to unknown solid salt with
heating, an orange red fumes will be separated turns a paper
wet with starch yellow , and when ammonium hydroxide
solution added to solution of this salt a white gelatinous ppt. is
formed which soluble in dil. Acids, Salt (X) represents ………….

a) Aluminum bromide

b) Aluminum iodide

c) Iron II bromide

d) Potassium iodide

50) One of the students carried out four experiments to produce

hydrogen gas by reacting magnesium strip with 100 ml
hydrochloric acid, which experiment would have the highest

Experiment Magnesium Acid

particles size Temperature concentration

(1) 2μ 20oc 0.1 M

(2) 0.001μ 50oc 1M

(3) 2μ 20oc 0.1M

(4) 5μ 50oc 0.1 M

Exam 1 model answer

1 C 26 A
2 B 27 A
3 D 28 A steps ↓
4 A 29 A
5 B 30 A
6 C 31 C
7 A 32 A
8 B 33 A
9 A 34 A
10 C 35 A
11 C 36 A
12 B 37 D
13 C 38 A
14 C 39 A
15 D 40 A
16 D steps ↓ 41 A
17 A 42 B
18 A 43 A
19 A 44 A
20 A 45 B
21 A 46 C
22 A 47 A
23 A 48 A
24 A 49 C
25 A steps ↓ 50 D steps ↓

Q=I×t = 10×2×60×60=72000C
X=0.746 F
2×Z×F→1 mole of diatomic gas
2×2×F→1 mole of oxygen gas
4F→1 mole of oxygen gas
0.746→X mole
X=0.1865 mole
1 mole →22.4L
0.1865mole→X L

25) Kc=[𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒔]

2 ][𝐴2 ]

[H2] =[A2] =X
[1.563 ]2
[X ]2



Element K (Anode) Cu (Cathode)
Oxidation potential +2.92 V -0.34 V
Reduction potential -2.92 V +0.34 V

2K0 → 2K+ + 2e-

Cu2+ +2e- → Cu0

Na2CO3 + 2HCl→2NaCl +H2O +CO2

Acid (HCl) Base (Na2CO3)

Ma=0.1 M M b= X

Va=25x10-3 ml Vb=25x10-3 ml

na=2 nb=1
𝑀𝑎 𝑥 𝑉𝑎 𝑀𝑏 𝑉𝑏
𝑛𝑎 𝑛𝑏
0.1 𝑥 0.025 𝑀𝑏 𝑥 0.025
2 1
0.1 𝑥 0,025
M b= = 0.05 M
2𝑥 0.025

For Na2CO3:
𝑁𝑜.𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠
𝑁𝑜.𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠
(0.05) =
No. of moles of Na2CO3 = 0.05 moles
1 mole → Molar mass (Na2CO3) 106 gm
0.05 mole → X gram
X gram (Mass of Na2CO3) = 5.3 grams
Molar mass of Na2CO3 = (23x2) + (12) + (16x3) = 106 gm

Na2CO3. XH2O→Na2CO3 + XH2O

14.3gm. 5.3gm. 9gm

Mass of water=mass of hydrated salt – mass of
anhydrous salt =14.3-5.3=9 gm
𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
%Water of crystallization= x100
𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 ℎ𝑦𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒
%Water of crystallization= x100 =62.94%

Exam 2 model answer
1 B 26 C
2 D 27 D
3 A 28 D steps ↓
4 D 29 B
5 C 30 C
6 B 31 C
7 B 32 A
8 C 33 B
9 C 34 B
10 A 35 D
11 A 36 A
12 D 37 B
13 A 38 C
14 C 39 B steps ↓
15 A 40 C steps ↓
16 D 41 C
17 C steps ↓ 42 D
18 B 43 A
19 B 44 C
20 A steps ↓ 45 A steps ↓
21 A steps ↓ 46 A
22 C 47 B
23 A 48 B steps ↓
24 C steps ↓ 49 D steps ↓
25 C 50 A

Kc equals (Kc)½
=(4.4x10³²) ½=2.09x10¹6≈2.1x1016

Kp =
Kp =
Kp = = 0.213

Element Iron (Anode) Tin (Cathode)

S.O. P 0.409 V -0.150 V

S.R.P -0.409 V 0.150 V
EMF = oxidation potential of anode + Reduction potential of
EMF = (0.409) + (0.150) = 0.559 V

Element Aluminum (Anode) copper (Cathode)

S.O. P 1.67 V -0.34 V

S.R.P -1.67 V 0.34 V

For HCN:
1 mole → Molar mass (27 gm)
X mole → 7.258 g
Molar mass of HCN = (1) + (12) +(14) = 27 gm
X mole = 0.2668
𝑵𝒐.𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒔 0.2668
Concentration of HCN = = = 2.68 M
𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 0.1

𝑲𝒂 7.2𝑥10−10
α=√ , α=√ = 1.63x10-5
𝑪 2.68

Element Nickel (Anode) silver (Cathode)

S.O. P +0.23V -0.8 V

S.R.P - 0.23V +0.8 V
EMF = oxidation potential of anode + Reduction potential of
EMF = (0.23) + (0.8) = 1.03 V

Au3+ + 3e- → Au
1F → Equivalent mass (65.66 gm)
XF → 0.5 gm
XF = 7.61x10-3 F
𝑨𝒕𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒄 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝟏𝟗𝟔.𝟗𝟖
Equivalent mass of Au = = =65.66 gm
𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒚 𝟑

AgCl→Ag+ +Cl-

[Ag+] = [Cl-]=√2.56𝑥10−6 =1.6x10-3 molar

𝑵𝑶.𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒔
Concentration =
𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔

No. of moles = 1.6x10-3 x 0.1 = 1.6x10-4 moles

For AgCl→
1 mole → Molar mass (143.5)
1.6x10-4 moles→ X gram
X gram = 0.023 gm

Before dilution:
𝑵𝑶.𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒔
Concentration =
𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔

No. of moles = 0.1 x 0.5 L = 0.05 moles

After dilution:
No. of moles = 0.05 moles
Volume = (200x10-3) + 0.5 L = 0.7L
𝑵𝑶.𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒔
Concentration =
𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔
𝟎.𝟎𝟓 𝐦𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐬
Concentration = -= 0.0714
𝟎.𝟕 𝑳

BaCl2 + Pb (NO3)2→PbCl2 + Ba(NO3)2
PbCl2 → 2Cl-
278 gm → 71 gm
1 gm → Xg
Mass of Cl = 0.255
𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝐶𝑙 0.255
%Cl = x100 = x100 = 12.77%
𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 2

Exam 3 model answer

1 B 26 C
2 B 27 B
3 A 28 C Steps↓
4 D 29 C
5 D 30 C
6 B Steps↓ 31 A
7 A 32 D
8 A 33 B
9 B 34 A
10 C 35 A
11 B 36 C
12 C Steps↓ 37 A
13 B 38 A
14 B 39 D Steps↓
15 D 40 B
16 C 41 B
17 A 42 A
18 D 43 C
19 B 44 B
20 A 45 A
21 B 46 D
22 B Steps↓ 47 B
23 C 48 C
24 A Steps↓ 49 D
25 B 50 A


Kp =

Kp =
(𝐻2 )(𝐵𝑟2 )

Kp = = 4.5 (For forward reaction)

1 1
Kp (For reverse reaction)= = = 0.22
Kp 4.5

[product] [HI]2
Kc = [Reactant] = [I ]
2 [H2]
[1.035]2 2
1.55 = [X].[X]
, [X] = 0.6911, X =0.83 M

22) Ag CrO ⇄ 2Ag + CrO

2 4
+ 2-

X 2x x
+ 2 2-
K = [Ag ] [CrO4 ]

2 3
K = [2x] [x] = 4x

-5 3 -12
K = 4 (6.62 x 10 ) = 1.16 x 10

Element A B

(Anode) (Cathode)

S.O. P 0.409 V -0.800 V

S.R.P -0.409 V 0.800 V

EMF = oxidation potential of anode + Reduction potential of cathode

EMF = (0.409) + (0.800) = 1.209 V
2+ -
A→A + 2e
+ -
2B + 2e → 2B

KCl + AgNO3 → AgCl + KNO3
AgCl → Cl
6.7 g → X g
143.5 g → 35.5 g
6.7 𝑥 35.5
Xg = = 1.65 g
𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝐶𝑙
% of Cl = x100
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠
% of Cl = x100 = 48.7%


Element Fe Ni

(Anode) (Cathode)

S.O. P 0.409 V 0.23 V

S.R.P -0.409 V -0. 23 V

EMF = oxidation potential of anode + Reduction potential of cathode

EMF = (0.409) + (-0.23) = 0.179 V

Model Answer Exam 4
1 A 26 A
2 B 27 A
3 C 28 B
4 C 29 A steps
5 A steps 30 C steps

6 C 31 C
7 D 32 B
8 B 33 A
9 C 34 A
10 C 35 C
11 C 36 A
12 C 37 A
13 A 38 A
14 C 39 B
15 C 40 C
16 C steps 41 B
17 D 42 B steps
18 B steps 43 A
19 A 44 B
20 D 45 A
21 C 46 D
22 D 47 D steps
23 B 48 B
24 C 49 D steps
25 C steps 50 C

5) Kc=[𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒔]
[𝐶]2 [𝟎.𝟓 ]2
Kc=[𝐴][𝐵] = [𝟎.𝟐 ][𝟑] = 0.4167
𝑵𝒐.𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒔
[A] =
𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔
No. of moles = 0.2 x1 = 0.2 mol
At the same temperature the value of KC remains
[𝐶]2 [0.7]2
0.4167 = [𝐴][𝐵] = [𝐴][3]
[A] = 0.392
𝑁𝑜.𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠
[A] =
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠
Total No. of moles of A = 0.392 x1 = 0.392 moles
No. of moles added = 0.392 – 0.2 = 0.19

16) Kc=[𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒔]

[𝐻2 ]2 [𝑆2 ] [0.1]2 [0.4 ]

K c= = = 0.016
[𝐻2 𝑆]2 [0.5]2

Concentration =
𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔
[H2S] = M
[H2] = = 0.1 M
[S2] = = 0.4 M

18) (Ca3(PO4)2)(s) ⇄ 3Ca2+(aq) + 2PO43-(aq)
2.0×10-8 1.0×10-3
Ksp= [Ca+2]3[PO43-]2
Ksp= [2.0×10-8]3[1.0×10-3]2 = 8x10-30

25) 2HCl + Ca(OH)2 → CaCl2 + 2H2O

Acid (HCl) Base Ca(OH)2
Ma=1 Mb=1
Va=1 Vb=1
na=2 nb=1
𝑀𝑎 𝑥 𝑉𝑎 𝑀𝑏 𝑉𝑏
𝑛𝑎 𝑛𝑏
1 𝑥1 1𝑥1
2 1
½ <1

29) Cb=0.2 M
Kb = 3.6 x10-4
[OH-]= √𝒌𝒃 𝒙 𝑪𝒃
[OH-]= √𝟑. 𝟔𝑿𝟏𝟎−𝟒 𝒙 𝟎. 𝟐
[OH-]= 8.48x10-3
pOH = -log[OH-]
pOH = -log[8.48x10-3]
pOH = 2.07

30) Ba (OH)2 is strong base (Completely ionized):
Ba (OH)2 → Ba2+ + 2OH-
[OH-]= 0.1 M
[H+] [OH-]=10-14
[OH-] = = 1x10-13M

42) Electrolysis of NaCl solution yields:

2NaCl → 2Na + Cl2(g)
H2O → H+ + OH-
Product of cathode:H2
Product at anode: Cl2
Q = 2 x (30 x 60) = 3600 coulombs
96500 coulombs → Equivalent mass (35.5)
3600 coulombs → X grams
𝐴𝑡𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑐 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 35.5
Equivalent mass = = = 35.5 gm
𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 1
X grams = 1.32 g

Element Copper Lead Silver Aluminum
S.O.P -0.34v +0.13V -0.80V +1.66V
S.R.P +0.34v -0.13V +0.80V -1.66V

Element Hydrogen M (Cathode)
Oxidation 0V X
Reduction 0V X
EMF =oxidation potential of anode + Reduction potential
of cathode
0.8 V = 0 + Reduction potential of M
Reduction potential of M = 0.8
oxidation potential of M = -0.8

Model Answer Exam 5
1 B 26 D
2 C steps ↓ 27 D
3 B 28 A
4 D 29 A
5 B steps ↓ 30 D
6 A 31 C
7 C 32 A
8 A 33 A
9 B 34 A
10 C 35 A
11 C 36 A
12 A 37 A
13 A 38 B
14 C 39 D
15 B 40 D
16 B 41 C
17 B 42 B
18 D (4) 43 C
19 C 44 D
20 C 45 A
21 B 46 D
22 A 47 C
23 B 48 B
24 B 49 A
25 C 50 B(2)

NaCl.XH2O → NaCl + H2O

The mass of hydrated sample =

The mass of the crucible with the sample - The mass of empty

The mass of hydrated sample =

(9.4211 g) – (9.0005 g) = 0.4206 grams

The mass of anhydrous sample =

The mass of the crucible with the sample after heating - The mass of
empty crucible
The mass of anhydrous sample =
(9.4143 g) - (9.0005 g) =0.4138 g
The mass of water =
Mass of hydrated sample – The mass of anhydrous
The mass of water = (0.4206) – (0.4138) = 6.8x10-3
𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
% of H2O = x100
𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 ℎ𝑦𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒
% of H2O= = 1.62%

Na2SO4.XH2O → Na2SO4 + H2O
2.68 g → 1.42 g + 1.26 g
Mass of anhydrous sample =
Mass of hydrated sample – Mass of water
Mass of anhydrous sample =
2.68 g – 1.26 g = 1.42 g
Na2SO4 → X H2O
1.42 g → 1.26 g
142 g → X 18
𝟏.𝟐𝟔 𝒙 𝟏𝟒𝟐
X= =7
𝟏.𝟒𝟐 𝒙𝟏𝟖

H3PO4 + 3KOH → K3PO4 + 3H2O

Acid: Base (KOH)


Ma= 0.3 M Mb= 0.1 M

Va=50 x10-3 L Vb=100 x10-3 L

n a= 1 n b= 3
𝑴𝒂 𝒙 𝑽𝒂 𝑴𝒃 𝑽𝒃
𝒏𝒂 𝒏𝒃
(0.3)(0.05) (0.1)(0.1)
1 3

0.015 > 3.33x10-3

KOH +HCl → KCl + H2O
Acid: Base (KOH)

Ma=0.2 M M b= X M

Va=15x10-3L Vb= 10x10-3L

n a= 1 n b= 1
𝑴𝒂 𝒙 𝑽𝒂 𝑴𝒃 𝑽𝒃
𝒏𝒂 𝒏𝒃
(0.2)(0.015) (𝑀𝑏 )(0.01)
1 1

Mb = 0.3M

For KOH:
Concentration =
𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔

No. of moles = 0.3 x (500x10-3)=0.15 mol

1 mole → Molar mass (56 gm)

0.15 mol → Xg

Molar mass of KOH = 39 + 16 + 1= 56 gm

Mass of KOH = 8.4 gm

𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝐾𝑂𝐻
% of KOH = x100
𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒

% of KOH = x100 = 84%

[𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒔] [𝑺𝑶𝟑]𝟐
27) Kc = [𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔] = [𝑺𝑶𝟐]𝟐[𝑶𝟐]

280 = [𝑺𝑶𝟐]𝟐[𝑶𝟐] where [SO2] = 2 [O2]

(𝟔)𝟐 (𝟔)𝟐
280 = (𝟐𝒙)𝟐 → 280 =
(𝑿) 𝟒𝑿𝟑

4X3 = 4X3= 0.128

X3 = 0.032

X = 0.318

[O2] = X = 0.318

29) A2X3 → 2A+3 + 3X+2

Ksp = 4X2 x 27X3 = 108X5 = 1.08x10-23
5 1.08𝑥10−23
X= √ = 1X10-5 M

35) Molar mass of NaOH = 23 + 16 + 1 = 40 gram

1 mole → Molar mass (40)
X mole → 1 g
X mol = = 0.025 mole
𝑵𝒐 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝟎.𝟎𝟐𝟓
Concentration = = = 0.05 mole/L
𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆 𝟓𝟎𝟎𝒙 𝟏𝟎−𝟑

36) From equation, Sn is cathode (reduction) and Li is
anode (oxidation)

Emf =

Oxidation potential of anode + Reduction potential of cathode

= 3.04 + 0.318 = 3.358 V

And as emf is +ve value so this cell is galvanic


39) 2HNO3 + Mg(OH)2 → Mg(NO3)2 + 2H2O

Acid Base
Va= 30x10-3 Va= 10x10-3
Ma=? Mb= 0.3
na= 2 nb= 1

𝑴𝒂 𝑽𝒂 𝑴𝒃 𝑽𝒃
= 𝒏𝒃

𝟑𝟎𝒙𝟏𝟎−𝟑 𝒙𝑴𝒂 𝟏𝟎𝒙𝟏𝟎−𝟑 𝒙 𝟎.𝟑

= 𝟏
Ma = 0.2 M


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