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) wtllcox r-rtsii


Oil/ ShipIo Shore


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r fluJt) l-ux uAK(]u tKAt\5t-tK
PRODUCT Oil HoBe Madno tladng Marine tlarin€
RANGE Standard Masbr Masier Maatar Maatar
otl Polypropylene Polypropylgng PTFE

Colour BlEck Blue Gr6y Grey Black

Code 1031 1151 3161 4161t4164 4171I 4174

Temperature -30'to +80'C €0' to +80'C -30'to +80'C 30' to +80'C -30'to +100'C


Galvanised Galvanlsed Polypropylene/ 316Stainleca 316Stainless

Steel Steel CoveredSleel Steel Steel
Wall Materials Polymedctabdcsand flims selecledfor resistanceand strength

OuterWire Galvanis€d Gelvenis6d Galvanised GalvanisedSteel/ GalvanisedSteel/

Steel Steel Steel 316Stainless
Sleel 316StainlessSleel

Nominallntemal MaxWorking l\4inBend Wdght [4axManufacturing

Diameter Pressure Radius Lengths
mm tns bar p.s.ig mm ins ks/m tbift m f t

25 200 100 0.9 0.6 20 66

38 'lv 200 150 1.3 0.9 20 66
50 14 200 180 2.2 20 66
65 2:A 14 200 200 2.7 1.4 20 6€
14 200 2AO 11 3.3 2.2 20 66
100 14 200 400 16 5.1 3.4 20 66

100 11 225 400 t€ 6.5 4.3 20 60

150 14 225 500 20 11 7.1 20 78
200 11 225 740 2S 15 10 15 50
2fi 10 r0.5 150 920 3€ 21 14 40

100 14 225 400 16 €.5 4.3 20 66

150 25 500 20 11 7.1 21 7A
200 225 710 29 15 10 15 50

100 225 400 16 8.5 4.3 20 €€

150 225 500 20 11 2a 70
200 14 225 740 29 15 10 15 50

100 4 11 225 400 16 6.5 4.3 20 66

150 6 14 225 500 20 i1 21 78
200 8 1a 225 740 29 15 10 15 50
2s0 10 10.5 150 S20 36 21 14 40
Construction All hos .c &n bbior he l6mp€6tr€ 6ne6 3O'C io
Wllcoro Oil / ShiFTo.ShoEhos .E m.nlr.rtuGd tEn mulli.l.yeu ot +80'c butin6. aE sbj6cr b pE@E deErlno tdcioE.
Flyprcpyl.nelabn.ndnhwlth.w..rhdFslsndahEionEiBtant@ier Hlohori6mpoEtrc eE p.mhi.d lor Int mhi.d !$
6ubl&t to @nfm.!on byAhntT@l&hdd
hyets ats heldandlomion6db.ire6n .nd dl€md qi€, Standards
compliq 6idedd6iOn he G&i.d in d6p{on.l .h.nlih-lemisht r.ti@ .nd Wll6x Oll hos 6mply dih gS 3492(1e67)AX A BX EndB€
dtlme nqibility, sivinslh€ ho$ delLnt h..dllnq ch.E.t tl!t6. Itb €n.uB 5642(1060I The nanm m$i.r @mdy wlth€doB n.don.l
@dy op€GtorEep€n€ .nd an@uce6 eoodu6l6 pr!cf6. All hos aE .nd Intemalional.t .d.d8 Induding455842(1060)a'n US
spp||d etth lbctorrftlod end@nnecton. io th€ d6tom6l! EquiMdt.
Co.6l Guad R€$bnon& All ho6 mpt to EN13765:2003

AmniTec - wLLcoXHl@Gl; theVitatLinkin cargoTransfer

PROOUCT Polypropyl€ne Polypropylens Polypropylene PTFE
HeaWDuty HeavyDuty H€avyDuty HeEvyDuty HoavyDuty
Colour Grey Blue Grey LightBlue Light Blue
Code 3091 4091 4094 4121 4124
Temperatue -30'to +80'C +gO.C -30. to +80.C -30'to+100'C +100.C

Polypropylene 316Staintess 316Stsinless 316Stainless 316Stainless

CoveredSteel Steel Stsel Steel sieel
WallMatedals Polypiopylene/ PTFEfebdcs andfims selectedfor €sistance and sl€noth

OriterWire GalvanisedSteel catvanisedSts€l 316Siainless Galvanised

Steel 316Staintess
Steel Sleel
Intemal MaxWorking MinBend Weight Maxl\4anufacturing
Diameter Pressurg Radius Lengths
Ins bar p.s.i.g mm ins Kg/m lbifr m f,

14 200 100 4 0.9 0.6 20

1% 14 200 127 1.2 0.8 20
50 14 200 178 7 1.8 1.2 20 66
65 2% 14 200 178 7 1.7 20 66
3 14 200 203 3.0 2.0 20 66
100 14 200 304 12 4.3 2.9 20

1 200 100 0.9 0.6 20

1% 14 200 127 5 0.8 20 66
50 2 14 200 178 7 1.8 20 66
2% 14 200 17A 7 2.5 20
80 3 14 200 203 8 3.0 2.0 20
100 4 14 200 304 12 4.3 2.9 20 66

1 14 200 100 4 0.9 0.6 20

3 € 1 % 14 200 127 1.2 0.8 20
50 14 200 178 7 1.8 20 66
2'A 14 200 178 7 1.7 20 66
3 t4 200 203 I 3.0 2.0 20
100 4 14 200 304 12 4.3 20 66

Conakuctlon T€mperafures
w o(o PIFS (PottE&ansdhybm) hos.€ dea.gmdft. $6 rery Tdp.Etlcs eE subl4i6d to preu€ dqdtng r.doR
e!rcnhg st€nt8 6ndch6fri6t. w in @i ag. BqtytA6bi., M.E.K, Hiah6rt€mp€€rlE€ .E p.hitbd tor inlEoni.nt us
(il€ihyl EthylX€toi6). Mot6n sukphur,p€rchtmhyt.n., Trid o6firytde,
subjer to dfmltion byahniTe Lchniet D.psrtEnr
l@ PopyrA.€tat6, M.thyt t$ Butyt(6lon., NsFhtha,phrh.ticAnMdd6,, Sutpnlti:Add,.to Tn@ hos.E manubcruBdwtrhthe
dt€GtuE @ ol PTFEm.r.ri.r rh.y ha€ e PTFEttnhg eppon€d with Standa.ds
Ey*of chdt [y ftm .nd tub€. h Eddidff 'l4 r,E ChmL€l tos 6mpty wlh v.dou! n tonat and
nanulbdGd w h a w$.!p@of, .b6.ioFr6i6b.t out r@Er rii.rEdMsl Btand€ftbinctudhgBS5O420€60) and rrs
Finiordd fith inr.rnatandiut€mt +lEl wlE. Co€t Geld Reluation. and 6 b€ m.itcd .@dhgty.
arr hoc 6nply to EN13765:2003.

PRODUCT Cryogenic
Hose Cryogenic
RANGE 50 200
Colour White

Code 40t4 4004

Temperature -50' to +50'C -200'to +50'C

316Slainless 316Stainl€ss
St€€l Ste6l
Vlbll Materials Polymedcfubdcsand fims selecledfor resistanceand strenglh
OuterWire 316Slainless 316Stainless
Ste€l Steel

Nominallnternal l\4axWorking Min Bend Weight MaxManufacturing

Diameter Pressure Radius Lengths
mm ins oar p.s.r.g mm ins Kg/m tb/fr

25 25 362 150 0.9 0.6 15 50

38 1% 25 362 175 1.6 1.1 15 50
50 200 2.4 f.6 15 50
25 250 't0 4.5 3.0 15 50
't00 500 20 5.0 15 50
150 300 13.8 9.3 '14

200 15 215 910 18.7 12.5

1 10.5 150 150 0.7 0.5 15 50

3S 1k 10.5 150 175 1.2 0.8 15 50
50 2 10.5 150 200 2.O 1.3 't5 50
3 10.5 150 250 l0 15 50
100 4 10.5 150 500 20 5.0 15 50
150 6 10.5 150 660 25 13.8 9.3 14 45
200 I 10.5 150 910 36 18.7 12.5 12 40
10 10.5 150 2500 98 22.5 15.1 10 33

Conskuction WorklngPrcssures
Wlkoxo Cryogsic 50 b m.nuhcluEd lFm mlti layeE ot potamlde l4/o'ilng p.6euB ac@ tE EnOeaG [email protected] on a ninimum
hb'ic .nd nlm. whil6lC.yaanic 200 uiilb€ poly6ler hbdc and BOPP
flm. Bolh may betudh.r imulalEdby an additionalop€ laqglnoor
Wll@)(DCryolEnichos EB supdr6din bntitu upto 15
Wll@x@cryogentc50 End200 hos hM strinte sb€t inn€rEnd h6b$ dgp€ndingon diEtrEi6r All d3$bli6 hav6Gdory-
outersi6 achlding gu.l si6 .bclricl dnttnuity by bondingro ria
.nd fiflh$ thus sl6ty dtacp.ting si.tic 6t€ctrt6t chaEB.

Wll@(@Cryogenichos pdide a highd€gB ol eity v/ilh ho$

Willco(o Cryog.nic .smbli6 in boE 3ie 4", €' .nd 3'
m.terial h.vins @mp!.le p@duct@mp6dbil'ty
to alld LPC ondING
EE 6rtif.d by th. UK Mann. S.tug Agdct $ €mpting
wilh p.EgEph. 5.4 .nd 5.7 of tha IMO Gs Csid Cod6.
CryolEnic r#mbli6 aE m.nuhctu6d in a@rdgne to

AmniTec - wlLLGoxlHl@SlE;
theVitalLinkin cargoTransfer
;1i. A 1t jk -fa \ 6 fp. a\ ;] dl
Eng Cheong Machinery Co Pte Ltd
C o R c o .N o .1 9 9 2 0 5 1 8 7 E

Ter (+65)67474393
Ema : [email protected]

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