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1. Purpose: This outlines the guidelines and procedures for the transfer of employees within the
same business unit.

2. Scope: These guidelines apply to all US based Reyes Family of Business employees. If an
employee has a union contract with contradictory language, the union contract will supersede

3. Definitions

Job Postings:
• All positions will be posted internally on business unit career web site for 7 calendar
days before an offer can be made, unless otherwise approved by VP of HR.
• Employees must apply as an internal applicant using the Internal Career Portal available
on ReyesConnect and/or use internal applicant access point available on external career
web site pages.

Exceptions to Postings:
• Department reorganization
• Lateral development move that does not result in a vacancy
• Some positions may not be posted based upon specific exceptions identified by Human
Resources team

Employee Applicant Requirements:

• Employees are responsible for notifying their current manager prior to submitting an
internal application. As an alternative, inform local Human Resources, if necessary.
• Employees must meet minimum job requirements as outlined in position job
• Employee must complete application as an internal applicant through ReyesConnect
and/or internal applicant access point available on external career web site. As part of
application, employee must verify the following information:
o Current Business Unit
o Current Business Unit location
o Current Position Title
o Have you been in your current role for at least 6 months?
o Manager’s First and Last Name
o Have you informed your manager or HR that you will be applying to this

Employee Eligibility & Performance Requirements:

For application consideration, an employee must meet the criteria below, subject to exceptions
is the discretion of the VP of HR:
• Employee must be in current position for a minimum of 6 months.
• Employee must meet minimum qualifications of position.
• Employees with documented corrective action within the last 6 months are not eligible.
• An employee must have a “Partially Meets” rating or above on their most recent
performance review.

4. Process Flow for Employee Applications/Transfer Movement within a Business Unit

Employee Eligibility Verification:

• Human Resources will assess employee application and verify eligibility, time in role,
performance standing, etc.
o Local Human Resources will provide current documented corrective action prior
to interview to hiring location’s Human Resources.
o If employee is deemed ineligible, employee’s current local Human Resources is
responsible for communicating such to employee.
• Employee applications meeting eligibility requirements and minimum qualifications of
position will be presented to Hiring Manager.
• All guidelines for interviewing applicants will be adhered to such as interview questions,
current compensation and offer process.

Offer/Transfer Guidelines:
• Hiring Manager and hiring location’s Human Resources will work closely with
employee’s current local Human Resources to establish appropriate offer. Hiring
Manager will present offer to an employee after successfully completing interview
o Interviewed employees who do not receive an offer will receive verbal feedback
from Human Resources or Hiring Manager within 10 business days of an offer
being extended to a candidate.
• If employee accepts an offer additional background check, drug and/or physical testing
may be required based on the nature of the new position.
• Offers will be contingent upon successful completion of position required background
o Example: A Non-DOT employee transitioning into a DOT position must complete
a full background, drug and physical check as required by DOT regulations.
• Hiring manager will align with current manager on transition date. Start date must fall
at the beginning of a pay period.
o Non-exempt position: Start date will be within 30 calendar days from accepted
offer, unless otherwise approved by VP of HR.
o Exempt position: Start date will be within 45 calendar days from accepted offer,
unless otherwise approved by VP of HR.
• Managers who are unable to agree upon appropriate transfer date will engage Human
Resources to determine a mutually beneficial transfer effective date.
• If employee requires relocation, the Hiring Manager and hiring location’s HR must align
on relocation package and obtain proper approvals.
o Hiring location’s HR is responsible for submitting relocation paperwork.

Employee Benefit/PTO Information:

• Benefits may vary between locations within a Business Unit. Confirm benefit
consideration with local Human Resources.
• Employee seniority will be maintained.

Employees who do not following established transfer guidelines will be disqualified from consideration.
Any questions regarding the transfer movement between business units can be addressed with local
Human Resources.

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