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Chance Dudinack · Diogo Nogueira · Nate Treme · Brian Yaksha
Barrow of the Bone Blaggards




16 7


4 5



1 square = 5' L = Locked Door  ↑N

Random Happenings (1-IN-6 PER TURN )

1. Roll 1d4: 1–3: 1d6 skeletons patrol. 4: 1d3 zombies carousing.

2. 2d4 giant rats carrying off bits of rotten food to Area 20,
viciously protect their food.
3. 1 carcass crawler hunting for food. Attempts to pick off a PC and
carry them to its lair (Area 18) to feast. Re-roll if previously slain.
4. Skeleton hand skitters along the wall, like a spider.
5. Tendrils of ghostly mist seep from cracks in the walls.
6. Sounds of revelry from Area 21.
Shrine of the Oozing Serpent



L 9





1 square = 5' L = Locked Door S = Secret Door  ↑N

Cathedral of the Crimson Death

Down to
Area 14

S 9

Down to
Area 14

11 S L
8 S




4 5

1 square = 5' L = Locked Door S = Secret Door  ↑N
The Ravener's Ghat

1 2 4

3 S

19 6

16 9





1 square = 10' S = Secret Door Light gray areas = Interior / Unlit  ↑N

Random Happenings (1-IN-6 PER TURN )

1. 1d6 treasure hunters warily looking for plunder.

2. 2d4 falsehoods creeping along the carved motifs of the walls.
3. 1d8 rakshasa warriors seeking the Hand of the Ravener.
4. Torrential downpour incurs a –1 penalty to attack rolls and saving throws for 1d6 turns.
5. Furious bubbling and a muffled roar emanate from the Lower Well (Area 20).
6. 2d10 elevated baboons wandering casually, as if they own the place.
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Version: 2023-11-27 06:41

Cartography: Glynn Seal
Cover art: Frank Scacalossi
Art on page 29: Jacob Fleming
Development and editing: Noah Green, Gavin Norman, Andrew Sternick
Layout: Vasili Kaliman
Art direction: Vasili Kaliman


Author: Chance Dudinack Author: Diogo Nogueira
Art: Letty Wilson Art: Justine Jones
Play testers: Attronarch, Alexis "Moss Knight" Play testers: Alain Solheid, Ben Glowacki, Erik
Lanoë, Andreas Casapu, Bloodyhand Mitch, Kasper, Jako Kasper, Mathias Schönwald, Max
Ian Engleback, Idle Doodler, JP "Kublaibenzine" Rauw, Mark Allison, Josh May, Dane Kirk,
Ollivier, Samuel Healy, Sleazy B, Alain Solheid, Peter McDevitt
Ben Glowacki, Erik Kasper, Jako Kasper, Mathias
Schönwald, Max Rauw THE RAVENER'S GHAT
Authors: Brian Yaksha
Author: Nate Treme Play testers: Adam Nelson, Timothy St. Claire,
Art: Peter Pagano Minda St. Claire, Alain Solheid, Ben Glowacki,
Play testers: Alain Solheid, Ben Glowacki, Erik Erik Kasper, Jako Kasper, Mathias Schönwald,
Kasper, Jako Kasper, Mathias Schönwald, Max Max Rauw, Anton Wilsbach, Robert Lambert,
Rauw, Benoît Vanderose, Nicolas Riquet, Ravi Ross Jackson, Nema Bezak, Nick Fetko,
Ramdoyal, Ryan Noordally, Sébastien Moiny, Jeremiah Sprague
Luke Murphy, Kili Dugan, Michael Dugan II,
Leprosy Hunk, Thorø Murphy, John Serrano,
Mark Allison, Josh May, Dane Kirk,
David McDevitt, Peter McDevitt

Text © Necrotic Gnome 2023. Ravener's Ghat art © Sajan Rai 2023. All other art © Necrotic Gnome 2023.
Old-School Essentials is a trademark of Necrotic Gnome.
Adventure Anthology 2

Table of
Introduction 3

Barrow of the Bone Blaggards 4

A Level 1–3 Tomb Adventure by Chance Dudinack
Denizens 6
General Notes 6
Area Descriptions 7

Shrine of the Oozing Serpent 18

A Level 1–3 Dungeon Adventure by Nate Treme
Denizens 20
General Notes 20
Area Descriptions 21

Cathedral of the Crimson Death 30

A Level 4–6 Chapel Incursion Adventure by Diogo
Denizens 32
General Notes 33
Area Descriptions 34

The Ravener's Ghat 46

A Level 6–8 Temple Ruin Adventure by Brian Yaksha
Denizens 49
General Notes 50
Glossary 50
Area Descriptions 51


his book presents four short Shrine of the Oozing Serpent
adventures for Old-School A level 1–3 dungeon adventure
Essentials, each crafted by a by Nate Treme.
leading old-school writer. PCs’ search
The ruined forge-temple of an
for gold and glory will take them
ancient gnomish sect is now home
from musty barrow mounds and
to a fetid grease dragon and her
gnomish shrines, to sinister cathe-
drals and accursed stepwells. amphibious minions. PCs are tasked
with slaying the dragon—and may
Old-School Essentials unearth all manner of gnomish
The referee will require a copy of secrets along the way.
Old-School Essentials to run this
adventure. The Classic Fantasy and
Cathedral of the Crimson
Advanced Fantasy flavors work
A level 4–6 chapel incursion adventure
equally well. Alternatively, the classic
by Diogo Nogueira.
Basic/Expert game or other derived
rule set may be used. In a land ravaged by plague, the Puri-
fying Church of the Crimson Flame
Barrow of the Bone Blaggards has turned from beacon of hope to
A level 1–3 tomb adventure cruel oppressor. PCs infiltrate the
by Chance Dudinack. Church’s headquarters in an attempt
Skeletal brigands are harrying trade to loot their treasures or end their
roads, dragging plunder and live pris- reign of terror.
oners back to their lair in a recently
opened barrow mound. Within the
The Ravener’s Ghat
mound, PCs face the rambunctious A level 6–8 temple ruin adventure
by Brian Yaksha.
skeletons, and may discover the
secret of their origin—the hapless The ruined temple of the accursed
necromancer who animated them, rakshasa overlord known as the Rav-
now held captive. ener has been recently rediscovered
in the depths of the rainforest. Unbe-
known to the treasure hunters who
greedily eye the ruin, the presence of
the Ravener still lingers, beckoning
intruders to a most indignant doom.


Barrow of the
Bone Blaggards

averns are abuzz with rumors of robbers on the
roads. Haggard witnesses tell wild tales of brigands
composed of naught but walking bones, attacking
their caravans and making off with their goods and com-
All these incidents have taken place near a certain lonely
barrow in the woods, built a century ago to inter scores of
nameless soldiers who died heroes’ deaths in an historic
battle. The barrow, though always a shunned place, has
never been known to be haunted—but now, a ghostly, lively
music echoes from it.
For a reward, a chance at loot, or both, the adventurers have
come here to investigate this mystery. They are unaware of
the supernatural scourge’s true origin: Quintius, an aspir-
ing necromancer, came to the barrow to animate and com-
mand an army of the dead, but the ritual he used backfired.
The undead were brought to life, but out of his control. The
warriors, after experiencing the terrible boredom that is
death, have decided to use their newfound immortality to
do whatever they want without consequence.




16 7


4 5



1 square = 5' L = Locked Door  ↑N

Random Happenings (1-IN-6 PER TURN )

1. Roll 1d4: 1–3: 1d6 skeletons patrol. 4: 1d3 zombies carousing.

2. 2d4 giant rats carrying off bits of rotten food to Area 20,
viciously protect their food.
3. 1 carcass crawler hunting for food. Attempts to pick off a PC and
carry them to its lair (Area 18) to feast. Re-roll if previously slain.
4. Skeleton hand skitters along the wall, like a spider.
5. Tendrils of ghostly mist seep from cracks in the walls.
6. Sounds of revelry from Area 21.


Denizens ALFWINE
A pixie who has been living in the
barrow for some time before Quin-
tius came. The skeletons managed
Necromancer and prisoner: to keep to capture her beneath a stone cairn
the undead from killing him, Quin- (Area 6). Wants these rude, disgust-
tius has convinced them that by con- ing skeletons off of what she deems
tinuing the ritual, he can eventually her property.
return them to a flesh-bound exis-
tence. The undead have imprisoned UNDEAD TREANT
Quintius in Area 22 to make sure he A long-dead guardian of the bar-
does just that. row, he has been resurrected by the
same dark magic that animates the
skeletons and zombies. He sees his
Sentient skeletons and zombies rean- new form and the other undead
imated by Quintius. They love drink- as an affront to nature, and wants
ing, eating, and smoking despite to return both to death, as things
their inability to truly do so (it all should be.
goes right through them). All mis-

takenly believe that Quintius’s ritual
will grant them living flesh once
more. Zombies act superior to the
skeletons because of the flesh they
already have. Likewise, the skeletons
are desperate to take some living
flesh of their own, and often remove
Areas 1–12, 14, and 20–22 have uneven
skin, limbs, and other parts from vic-
walls of moss-veined stone bricks, 10’
tims in misguided attempts to apply
high ceilings riddled with scraggly
them to their own body and hasten
roots. Areas 13–19 are natural caves of
the “progress” of Quintius’s ritual.
packed earth.
Giant rats and a carcass crawler also
All areas except 10, 12–14, and 16–19
make their homes in this forsaken
are kept lit by waxy clumps of half-
place. They are interested only in
melted candles placed in niches in
the walls.

Area Descriptions

Area Descriptions

1. Entrance
Circular stone pushed aside, darkened
threshold. Streams of mist slither out, stink-
ing of decay. Occasional distant echoes of
faint voices and song from inside (coming
from Area 21).

2. Crawler Tunnel
Pile of forest detritus obscures a short
2’ high tunnel bored into the mound.
X Traversing the tunnel: Characters must
crawl on their hands and knees. The tun-
nel opens into the larger, cave-like tunnel

Area Descriptions

3. Antechamber
Rows of empty burial alcoves, crusty linen
scraps on the floor. Defaced reliefs of war-
riors fighting, scribbled over with profanity.
Crude carving on the north door: “ALL WHO

4. Hall of the Floating Jar

Cobweb-festooned hall, pottery fragments
litter the floor. Opposite the doors from
Area 3, a clay jar is suspended from the ceil-
ing by a near-invisible spider silk thread.
X Touching the jar: Causes the thread to
snap, sending the jar crashing to the floor.
It shatters and releases a cloud of bone
dust (save versus breath or spend 1d4
rounds coughing). The sound of the break-
ing jar also attracts a wandering monster
(1d3 on the random happenings table).

5. Cave-In
Collapsed passage blocked by damp earth
and broken stones. 5 skeletal arms pro-
trude from the rubble, flailing pitifully, their
re-animated, entombed owners unable to
escape. One of them blindly swings a sword
encrusted in a verdigris patina.
X Taking the sword: The skeletal arms
attack once before the character is able to
snatch away the sword: THAC0 19 [0], 4 ×
claws (1d4) and 1 × sword (1d8).
X Cleaning the sword: Reveals it to be a
bronze sword+1, bearing an inscription
commemorating the long-ago battle in
which the tomb’s residents (first) perished.

Area Descriptions

6. Trapped Fairy ALFWINE (PIXIE)

Empty stone coffers lie about the floor in Fuzzy wings and feathery anten-
nae of a moth, dressed in woven
disarray, some broken. A small cairn has leaves. Ultimately wishes to
been made from the rubble of one of them. return to her home (Area 13).
Muffled screams can be heard coming from AC 3 [16], HD 1* (7hp), Att
underneath it. 1 × dagger (1d4), THAC0 19
[0], MV 90’ (30’) / 180’ (60’)
X Moving the cairn: Releases an angry pixie, flying, SV D12 W13 P13 B15
who begins fluttering about frenetically. S15 (Elf 1), ML 7, AL Neu-
tral, XP 13
X Speaking to the pixie: She reveals her
Invisible: Naturally invisible, but
name to be Alfwine, and says she was may choose to reveal herself.
taken from her quiet home in the tunnels May remain invisible when
attacking: cannot be attacked
(Area 13) and trapped under the cairn by in the first round; in subsequent
skeletons, who talked of giving her to the rounds, may be attacked at -2 to
wizard to be used as a magical reagent. hit (locatable by faint shadows
and air movement).
X Gaining her aid: She will use her powers of Surprise: Always surprises, if
invisibility to help the party, if they prom- invisible.
Limited flight: Small wings only
ise to get rid of the skeletons (unless the allow 3 turns of flight. Must rest 1
PCs have taken her gold from Area 13). turn after flying.

7. Store Room SKELETONS

Wielding rusty swords.
Stacks of crates and barrels full of stolen AC 7 [12], HD 1, Att 1 × sword
goods, mostly foods like dried beef, cheese, (1d8), THAC0 19 [0], MV 60’
and bread. 4 skeletons (hp: 5, 5, 4, 2) peeking (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16
(1), ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP 10
into the store, discussing what foods they
Undead: Immune to effects
want to eat when they can taste again. that affect living creatures (e.g.
X If attacked: In combat, the skeletons call poison). Immune to mind-affect-
ing or mind-reading spells (e.g.
dibs on which body parts they’ll take from charm, hold, sleep).
the PCs after they kill them.

Area Descriptions

8. Defiled Crypt
AC No hit roll required, HD Open stone coffers set into the walls, lids in
2* (8hp), Att 1 × spores (1d6 + cracked pieces all over the floor. The skele-
choking), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 0’
(0’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16
tal occupants are still lying inside, but their
(2), ML 12, AL Neutral, XP 25 heads are smashed in. Garbled inscription
Immunity: Unharmed by all on the wall opposite the entrance.
attacks but fire (a burning torch X Reading the inscription: Original writing
does 1d4 damage).
Spore cloud: 50% chance of at- scratched out, replaced by crude graffiti
tacking if touched (or damaged): etched by a blade: “Here lies a bunch of
releases a cloud of spores af-
fecting all within a 10’ cube area. no-good cowards.”
Choking: save versus death or X Searching the skeletons: In the eye sock-
die within 6 rounds.
Erosion: Wood or leather in con- ets of one of the smashed skulls sits a pair
tact with the mold will be eaten of exquisitely crafted, utterly realistic glass
eyes (these belong to the idol in Area 10).

9. Tapestries
Stinks of mold. Semicircular niches in the
walls hold melted candle stubs. Three tap-
estries are hung up on the south wall.
X West tapestry—cloth of gold: Actually
covered in yellow mold. Behind is a niche
holding 50gp and a golden serpent buckle
X Middle tapestry—stoic warrior with
sword: Behind, a white light flickers from
a crack near the floor (concealed door to
Area 10, locked).
X East tapestry—monk knelt in prayer:
Behind is a pull-chain that unlocks the
door behind the warrior tapestry.

Area Descriptions

10. Burning Shrine

White marble idol depicting a saintly figure
cupping a brazier in its hands. Its eye sock-
ets are empty. The brazier is lit with ghostly,
white, smokeless flames.
X Amongst the flames: 3 blue gemstones
(200gp each) in a pile of glowing ash.
X Trying to take the gemstones: White-
hot fire coils up the character’s arm and
engulfs it, dealing 1d8 damage.
X Replacing the idol’s eyes: With the
glass eyes found in Area 8 causes the
flames to abate, making it safe to take the

11. Guard Room

Faded, indecipherable murals on the walls.
3 skeletons (hp: 7, 6, 2—stats on p.9)
smoking pipes and playing knucklebones
(with actual knucklebones). One wears a key
on a string around his neck (opens the door
to Area 12). Refill their pipes from a wooden
box on the floor between them.
X Eavesdropping: The skeletons are gam-
bling over the body parts they plan to take
from their prisoners, who apparently are
somewhere nearby. The skeletons seem to
believe they can somehow wear these body
X In the box: High-end tobacco (250gp).

Area Descriptions

12. Prison
Musty chamber, several empty stone cof-
fers. 6 terrified merchants, clad in mud-spat-
tered purple robes of the sericulturalists
guild, huddle in a corner.
X Speaking to the merchants: They say
they were taken prisoner by the skeletons,
who attacked their caravan. They’ve heard
the skeletons speak of plucking out their
eyes and handing over their bodies to “the
necromancer” for his magic.
X Freeing the merchants: If returned to
civilization, the merchants pay the party

13. Mossy Cave

Water trickles down the moss-clad walls.
A suite of tiny furniture, including a lichen
bed, moss-padded chairs, and overturned
mushroom tables. An oval rug of yellow
striated moss carpets the floor.
X Fairy home: This is the home of Alfwine,
imprisoned in Area 6. The furniture was
overturned by the skeletons who captured
X Underneath the rug: A rock embedded in
the earth conceals a small hole containing
a lead pot of 500gp.

Area Descriptions

14. Lair of the Spider GIANT BLACK WIDOW

Dirty white webs criss-crossed over the SPIDER
room, holding bone fragments and broken AC 6 [13], HD 3* (12hp), Att 1 ×
bite (2d6 + poison), THAC0 17
flagstones. A giant black widow spider sits [+2], MV 60’ (20’) / 120’ (40’) in
at the webs’ heart, legs tucked in, unmoving webs, SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16
(asleep). (2), ML 8, AL Neutral, XP 50

X Traversing the chamber: Characters must Poison: Causes death in 1 turn

(save versus poison).
succeed a DEX check with a +2 bonus or Webs: Creatures caught in webs
become caught in the webs, waking the become entangled and unable
to move. Breaking free de-
spider. pends on Strength: 2d4 turns for
strength in the normal human
range; 4 rounds for strength
15. Marble Slab above 18; 2 rounds for crea-
tures with giant strength. The
A rough-cut marble slab marked with a webs can be destroyed by fire
in two rounds. All creatures in a
carven ‘X’ covers a 5’ wide hole in the wall flaming web suffer 1d6 points of
leading to Area 16. damage.
X Moving the slab: Requires combined STR
of 36+.

Area Descriptions

16. Tree Cave

Dank cave, floor nearly completely taken up
by a murky puddle. A gray, skeletal tree (an
undead treant) stands immobile in the pud-
dle, knotted roots creeping across the ground,
branches and boughs scraping the walls and
ceiling. A rough-cut marble slab blocks the
threshold to the east.
X Entering the room: The treant rouses,
UNDEAD TREANT grumbles “Back to the grave with you, little
AC 2 [17], HD 8 (39hp), Att 2 × ones!”, and attacks the PCs, unless they
fist (2d6), THAC0 12 [+7], MV 0’ convince him they’re not undead.
(0’), SV D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (8),
ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 650 X Speaking with the treant: His roots

Distrusts fire: And those who “hear” most things happening inside the
wield it. dungeon, and he can tell PCs about the
Undead: Immune to effects
that affect living creatures (e.g.
knight who died in Area 18 or the prisoners
poison). Immune to mind-affect- in Area 12.
ing or mind-reading spells (e.g. X Moving the slab: Requires combined STR
charm, hold, sleep).
of 36+.

Area Descriptions

17. The Last Stand CARCASS CRAWLER

Blood-encrusted sword lying on the floor. AC 7 [12], HD 3+1* (15hp), Att 8
Dried bloodstains on the walls, mingled with x tentacle (paralysis), THAC0
16 [+3], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12
splatterings of blue-green ooze. W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 9, AL
X Touching the ooze: Gives a slight numb- Neutral, XP 75
ness and tingling sensation (blood from Paralysis: A hit by a tentacle
the carcass crawler living in Area 18). causes paralysis for 2d4 turns
(save versus paralysis). Para-
lyzed victims will be devoured, if
the crawler is left in peace.
18. Crawler Lair Cling: Can walk on walls and
Nest of yellow bones and dry moss. A
carcass crawler gnaws on a groaning skull.
Searching the nest: Reveals 250gp, 4 HOLY SYMBOL OF SIR
silver cups (50gp each), a suit of badly
Gold-plated holy symbol shaped
dented plate armor (useless), and the like a sunburst. Contains the
Holy Symbol of Sir Ignatius. consciousness of Sir Ignatius,
an insufferably chivalrous holy
X Speaking with the skull: Claims to be a knight whose recent attempt to
knight explorer named Sir Gallant, resur- purge the barrow ended in the
gizzard of the carcass crawler.
rected by the strange magics of the bar- Powers: Can be used to turn
row. This is a lie—he is actually one of the undead as a 3rd level cleric (or 1
level higher if used by a cleric).
re-animated skeletons from the tombs, Limitations: Ignatius refuses to
waylaid by the crawler. Asks to be taken work for anyone that does not
adhere to his ridiculously strict
with the party. Calls for help from the moral code.
other undead as soon as the party enters Chaotic actions: Performed by
the wielder cause the symbol to
any room adjacent to Area 21.
glow red-hot, burning the wield-
er for 1d6 damage.

19. Crystal Spring

Dreamy pool of opalescent water, shedding
cool bubbly mist. White crystal flowers
around the rim.
X Drinking from the pool: Tastes fizzy, heals
a character for 1d6+1hp (at most once a
day) but has a 2-in-6 chance of causing
uncontrollable hiccups lasting 1d6 turns.
X Taking water from the pool: The water
quickly goes flat, losing its healing powers.

Area Descriptions

20. Garbage
AC 7 [12], HD ½, Att 1 × bite (1d3 Piles of rotting, chewed food strewn around
+ disease), THAC0 19 [0], MV the floor and table. 5 giant rats (hp: 4, 4, 3, 2,
120’ (40’) / 60’ (20’) swimming,
2) gorge themselves on the refuse.
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML
8, AL Neutral, XP 5 X Searching the garbage: 4 bronze bowls

Disease: Bite has a 1-in-20 (100gp each) caked in spilt gruel.

chance of infecting the tar-
get (save versus poison). The
disease has a 1-in-4 chance of
being deadly (die in 1d6 days).
21. Central Crypt
Otherwise, the victim is sick and Large, vaulted chamber, lined with
bedridden for one month.
Afraid of fire: Will flee fire. empty niches. Tables and chairs made
from repurposed sarcophagi. A rabble of
undead—10 skeletons (hp: 6, 6, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3,
ZOMBIES 2, 2, 1—stats on p.9) and 6 zombies (hp:
Wielding rusty swords.
12, 11, 10, 7, 6, 2)—are here drinking, laughing,
AC 8 [11], HD 2, Att 1 × sword
(1d8), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60’
singing, and relaxing after a successful plun-
(20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 der. They guzzle wine, letting it fall through
(1), ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP 20 their ribs and splatter on the floor. Their sto-
Initiative: Always lose (no roll). len loot is scattered about the room.
Undead: Immune to effects
that affect living creatures (e.g. X Entering: The undead uproariously wel-
poison). Immune to mind-affect- come the living, offering wine. Their true
ing or mind-reading spells (e.g.
charm, hold, sleep). motive is to swiftly capture or murder the
X Treasure hoard: Stacks of gold and silver
coins (500gp, 1,000sp), 4 crates of dyed
silks (100gp each), 5 casks of wine (20gp
each), 10 tiny gemstones (10gp each), and
an ivory drinking horn (300gp).

Area Descriptions

22. Wizard’s Chamber

Occult symbols drawn on the floor in blood,
alongside multiple piles of bloody bones.
A miserable bed is formed of a pile of grave
shrouds atop a sarcophagus. A robed figure
(Quintius) hunches over the Dead Grimoire,
laid out on an overturned coffer.
X Undead guards: There is a 2-in-6 chance
per turn that one of the skeletons from
Area 21 comes to check on Quintius’s prog-
ress with the (supposed) ritual to grant
them living flesh.
X Speaking with Quintius: If convinced of
the party’s non-threatening intentions, he
describes his current situation (see Deni-
Emaciated, dirty robes, des-
zens), and says he has been trying unsuc- perate. Ruby amulet (1,000gp)
cessfully to find a way to reverse the ritual concealed under his robes.

that raised the barrow’s dead. He offers AC 9 [10], HD 1** (5hp), Att
1 × dagger (1d4) or 1 × spell,
1,000gp if the PCs can get him out alive THAC0 19 [0], MV 120’ (40’),
and keep this whole thing secret (in the SV D13 W14 P13 B16 S15
form of a ruby amulet he has concealed (Magic user 1), ML 7, AL Cha-
otic, XP 13
under his robes).
Spells: Sleep.
X Asking about the hostages: Claims the
undead took them for their own purposes,
but if pressed admits that he’s used “some” THE DEAD GRIMOIRE
of the living in his experiments. Vellum pages bound in black
leather. Magical script written in
X If Quintius leaves this room: The undead
blood describes a ritual to ani-
discover his absence in 1d3 turns. They mate dead remains.
The ritual: Can be performed
proceed to rush madly throughout the bar- by an arcane spell caster on the
row searching for him, half heading south night of the new moon. It takes
to Area 4 via Area 20 and half via Area 11. 1 hour.
Effects: Interred human remains
X Killing Quintius: Causes all undead in the within 200’ are animated as
dungeon to discorporate. undead skeletons and zombies.
They are sentient, free-willed,
and have no regard for the one
who conjured them.
After use: There is a 1-in-6
chance of the grimoire crum-
bling to ash.


Shrine of the
Oozing Serpent

he local duke is offering a reward—600gp, a cart, and two draft
horses—as payment for the slaying of whatever creature it is
that has made the nearby King’s Road unsafe. Where the road
passes along the Kelfrek Marsh, multiple travelers have gone missing.
Nearby homesteaders claim to have seen a large shape slithering
through the marsh, leaving trails of black grease in its wake. These trails
lead to the ruined gnomish Shrine of Mulvis, built into the cliffs on the
other side of the marsh. A decade ago, Sootmurk, the legendary grease
dragon, destroyed the shrine. Unseen since then, could she now have
She has indeed, but she is not alone. A tribe of gloops—slimy, toad-
like humanoids—recently came to infest the marsh. They found the
shrine and awakened Sootmurk, who had been hibernating content-
edly within. Worshiping her as the ultimate embodiment of their own
putrid unctuousness, they now waylay travelers to feed and please her.
The ruined Shrine of Mulvis is a shrine once again—to Sootmurk.

Random Happenings (1-IN-6 PER TURN )

1. 2d6 soot snails hungrily search for grease to devour

2. Ghostly gnomish singing is heard faintly coming from the direction of the catacombs
3. Areas 1–4: Gorfthistle and his automaton dog Butch.
Areas 5–12: 4 gloops dragging a dead human traveler to feed to Sootmurk
4. A glowing green fog forms for a minute and then dissipates with a crackling sound
5. 1d3 crab spiders clearly visible, skittering along ceiling towards party
6. A low, demonic moan resonates from the walls, trailing off into plaintive yowl



L 9





1 square = 5' L = Locked Door S = Secret Door  ↑N


Denizens General
Slimy, amphibious, humanoids with
toad-like heads and limbs. Malodor- HISTORY
ous, flabby, hunched, and vicious. A This unusual gnomish shrine ven-
select cadre led by Captain Gullian erated a demon: Mulvis, a human-
dwells in the shrine. All others reside oid creature with six arms, a snake’s
in the swamp. Fearful of enter- head, and a spiked back. An obscure
ing Areas 1 and 9, believing them cult believed that their ancestors
haunted. Unaware of Areas 2–4. bound Mulvis and forced it to be a
protector to the gnomish race, and
CAPTAIN GULLIAN they worshiped it for this.
Chief of the gloops. Jealously doles
out the honors of grooming, feeding, CONSTRUCTION
and protecting Sootmurk. Cynically Except where noted, interior walls
extracts payment from her subjects and floors are sandstone. Scale
for access to the dragon. of rooms and doors is roughly
A 12-legged, wingless dragon, her LIGHTING
fronded skin pitch-black with the No lighting in any internal chambers.
grease she secretes. Indolent, caus- All denizens see with infravision.
tic, and narcissistic. Revels in the
attentions of her new minions, but APPROACHING THE SHRINE
frustrated that they fear to fetch her PCs must follow the grease trails
the magical treasures from Area 9 to across the vast Kelfrek Marsh (1 day’s
befoul. journey, 3-in-6 chance of encounter-
ing 2d4 gloops) to reach the sand-
GORFTHISTLE stone cliffs overlooking its eastern
A gnome treasure hunter who has side. From a distance, the shrine’s
recently infiltrated the shrine, vow- main gate (Area 1) can be seen, set
ing to kill Sootmurk and recover the into the base of the cliffs. A large
sword Mulvisial and King Bomfluke’s archway (Area 5) also lies about 120’
Crown. For now, he remains in Areas north of it.
1–4, hidden from the gloops.

Area Descriptions


1. Ruined Great Door AUTOMATON HAND

Ornate, 10' tall iron gates hang smashed and Severed brass hand that crawls
blindly. Grips anything it bumps
rusted. The hall beyond is collapsed. A nar- into.
row pathway navigates through precarious AC 6 [13] HD ½ (2hp) Att 1 ×
mounds of rubble. Brass objects (clockwork grip (1d4) THAC0 19 [0] MV
60’ (20’) SV D14 W15 P16 B17
and smashed automaton parts) glint among S18 (NH) ML 12 Neutral XP 5
the debris. Flies buzz around a rotting gloop
corpse, mostly buried under fallen rocks.
X Searching the rubble: Disturbs MECHANICAL VOICE BOX
A brass, palm-sized box with
2 automaton hands, which immedi- a crank and red button on one
ately attack random PCs. Salvageable side. Winding the crank causes
objects include 2 pearl eyeballs (50gp the box to emit sound, repeating
its current recording—a gnomish
each), 3 golden gears (25gp each), and a voice shouting “For Mulvis!”—for
mechanical voice box. 1 turn. Holding the red button
replaces the recording with
the next 10 seconds of nearby

Area Descriptions

2. The Chapel
A 12’ high statue of Mulvis atop a plinth,
CRAB SPIDERS the wrists of its 6 arms shackled. It grasps
AC 7 [12], HD 2* (9hp), Att 1 3 brass lightning bolts, each in a separate
× bite (1d8 + poison), THAC0 hand. A baptismal basin of rancid water sits
18 [+1], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12
before it. Murals depict an army of gnomes
W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 7, AL
Neutral, XP 25 fighting the demon. The ceiling is shrouded
Ambush: Attack by dropping on in thick cobwebs, concealing 2 crab spiders
victims from above. (hp: 11, 7) who drop onto negligent PCs.
Surprise: On a 1–4, due to cam-
ouflage. X Examining the plinth: A gnomish
Cling: Can walk on walls and inscription reads “Mulvis—Our Unwilling
Poison: Causes death in 1d4 Protector”.
turns (save versus poison with X Examining the murals: In one, a gnome
a +2 bonus).
king pulls a spine on the demon's back
while other gnomes bind it in chains.
BRASS LIGHTNING BOLT X Examining the statue: A prominent spine
Can function as a battery or a protrudes from the row of spikes along the
lightning bolt:
Battery: Can power the au-
statue’s back.
tomation in Area 3. Can be re- X Pulling the spine: It moves like a lever, and
charged with storm lightning.
opens a secret door in the northern wall.
Lightning bolt: When thrown,
transforms to an actual lightning
bolt (range 40’, 3d6 damage),
dissolving upon impact. 3. Automaton Closet
Lined with broken shelves. Moldy
AUTOMATON OF MULVIS gnome-sized robes litter the floor. In
AC 2 [17], HD 5 (24hp), Att 6 the center of the room stands a 6’ tall
× short sword (1d6), THAC0 automaton of Mulvis, wielding a short sword
15 [+4], MV 120’ (40’), SV D10 in each of its 6 hands. It appears inert, its
W11 P12 B13 S14 (5), ML 12, AL
Neutral, XP 175 snake-eyes staring lifelessly at the door.
Mundane damage immunity: X Inspecting the automaton: On its back
Can only be harmed by magical is an indentation in the same shape as the
Energy immunity: Unharmed by brass lightning bolts in Area 2.
fire, cold, and electricity. X Inserting a lightning bolt: The automaton
If destroyed: Explodes, doing
1d6 electric damage to all within
begins windmilling its 6 arms as it attacks
30’. the nearest moving being.
Power level: It exhausts its light- X Moving the automaton: Requires 6 people
ning bolt battery after 1 turn and
abruptly deactivates. or the dolly from Area 6.

Area Descriptions

Puny but muscular; beardless.
Enthusiastically states his plans,
offering 500gp to the PCs if they
help him (he has only 100gp
to his name). Knows shrine’s
history. Aware of the traps in
the catacombs (Area 9) and can
disarm them.
AC 7 [12], HD 4* (13hp), Att 1 ×
mace (1d6+1) or 1 × crossbow
(1d6+1), THAC0 19 [0], MV 60’
(20’), SV D8 W9 P10 B14 S11
(Gnome 4), ML 10, AL Neutral,
XP 125
Spells: Colour spray, phantasmal
force, detect magic, mirror image.
(If not using illusionist spells,
replace with sleep, magic missile,
mirror image, web.)
Defensive bonus: +2 bonus to
AC when attacked by greater
than human sized opponents.
Items: Mace, crossbow, 100gp.

Automaton dog companion to
Gorfthistle. Clockwork but sur-
prisingly lithe and quick. Prone
to panting and grinning.
AC 7 [12], HD 2+2 (11hp), Att
1 × bite (1d6), THAC0 17 [+2],
MV 180’ (60’), SV D12 W13 P14
4. Gorfthistle’s Hideout B15 S16 (1), ML 12, AL Neutral,
XP 25
Rotted, once-opulent couches sit against
Sustenance: Requires a pint of
the walls. At the base of one sits a bedroll, oil a week to remain active.
an accordion, a bag of crossbow bolts, and
a week’s worth of rations. There is a 3-in-6 SCROLL OF
chance that Gorfthistle and Butch are here, if GNECROMANCY
they have not been encountered already. Spell that turns all dead gnomes
within 30’ into zombies (with
X Searching the accordion: Reveals a 5hp). Can be cast by arcane spell
scroll of gnecromancy folded in the pleats casters or any gnome. Gorfthistle
plans to use it when he locates
of its bellows. the catacombs, to enlist the
X Door to Area 10: Flat brass door, 4’ high. zombies’ aid in taking over the
No handle, can only be opened from 10.

Area Descriptions

5. Exhaust Tunnel
Snails the size of cats that dwell A 20’ tall blackened archway juts out of the
in chimneys and other soot cov-
ered areas. They eat soot and base of the cliffside. Inside, a tunnel covered
ash and leave behind slippery in thick greasy soot leads into darkness.
trails of slime.
Trails of webbed footprints traverse the tun-
AC 4 [15], HD 1 (4hp), Att 1 ×
nel in both directions. 5 soot snails lurk deep
bite (1d4), THAC0 19 [0], MV
60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 in the grease, feeding.
S16 (1), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP X Gloop pilgrims: 1-in-6 chance of encoun-
tering 4 gloops by day, 2-in-6 by night.
They take care to avoid the soot snails
GLOOPS (see below).
X Following the tunnel: PCs who do not fol-
AC 6 [13], HD 1* (4hp), Att 2 ×
claw (1d3) or 1 × weapon (1d6 low the footprint trail have a 3-in-6 chance
or by weapon), THAC0 19 of disturbing the soot snails.
[0], MV 30’ (10’) / 150’ (50’)
swimming, SV D12 W13 P14
B15 S16 (1), ML 6, AL Chaotic,
XP 13
Weapons: Guards wield short
swords and spears. Pilgrims are
Hopping attack: If an opponent
is 5’ to 10’ away, can hop directly
up to them and attack (+1 bonus
to attack and damage rolls).

Area Descriptions

6. The Foundry
Overturned workbenches, scattered tools,
broken metal casts of gears, and autom-
aton body parts lie in piles. Vivid demon
mural on north wall. A massive stone vat
full of solidified iron, an ornate sword hilt
protruding. 5 blackened anvils sit along the
vat’s perimeter. A giant bellows stands atop a
wheeled wooden dolly in the soot-covered
southwest corner. A trail of black grease
leads south to Area 10.
X Gloop pilgrims: 1-in-6 chance of encoun-
tering 4 gloops by day, 2-in-6 by night.
X Searching the wreckage: Reveals
2 spears, a gold ingot (100gp), a brass tuba,
and an ornate brass ceremonial bell.
X Examining the mural: Gnomish smiths
around a forge. The largest image depicts
Mulvis blasting the forge with lightning.
X Striking the vat with lightning: Liquefies
the iron and frees the embedded sword,
X Clearing the soot: Takes 2 turns and
reveals the concealed door.

7. Prison
An abandoned store room, strewn with CEREMONIAL BELL
empty, broken crates. 4 gloop guards (hp: Can be rung once per day, cast-
ing remove fear on all those in a
4, 3, 3, 2), chuckling and slavering, take turns 10’ radius.
throwing darts at a caged, dead crab spider.
A fresh human corpse in travelers’ garb is
shackled to the wall, multiple darts protrud- MULVISIAL
ing from it. Ornate pommel and razor-sharp
blade carved from one of the
spines of Mulvis himself.
+1 / +2 versus demons and
devils. Sought by Gorfthistle
(see Area 4).

Area Descriptions

8. Embalming Room
BRASS CLOCKWORK Tattered tapestries of gnomish anatomical
HEART diagrams. Four low workbenches, engraved
Heart-shaped device with a with gnomish funerary pictographs and red-
hinged compartment, exactly
the size and shape of a gnome olent of embalming fluid, a bedroll on each.
heart. If a gnome heart is placed On one lies 1 gloop guard (hp: 3—stats on
inside, it starts beating, and the
gears of the clockwork turn in p.24), snoring loudly.
time with it. It can then function X Door to 9: Scrawled with “Noom Evil Goost
as a key to the brass door in
Area 10. — Keyp Owt!”.
X Searching the workbenches: Awakens
the guard. In the drawer of one workbench
AUTOMATON FIREFLY is a glass jar full of pickled gnome hearts
Docile brass flying insect with
glass lower abdomen that puls-
and a brass clockwork heart.
es with light.
AC 5 [14], HD 1 (4hp), Att None,
THAC0 19 [0], MV 150’ (50’)
9. The Catacombs
flying, SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 Filled with green fog that smells of mint and
(1), ML 12, AL Neutral, XP 10
restricts vision to 10’. An automaton firefly
If destroyed: Explodes, doing
1d6 electric damage to all within buzzes serenely in a periodic circuit, its
20’. pulsing blue glow cutting through the fog.
The outer wall is lined with 5’ high alcoves.
The inner wall is marked with a repeating
A multifaceted crystal in a gold-
en frame. Allows the wearer to X Examining the alcoves: Each contains a
see invisible things for 2 turns
4’ iron casket, locked, upright, and secured
once per day.
to the wall, with a plaque inscribed with
a gnomish name. See Alcove Tombs,
Gnome-sized dagger with a X Examining the inscription: Gnomish,
moving glass eye for a pommel.
As long as it remains stabbed reads “Those who generously have given,
into a creature with sight, the Mulvis protects.”
stabber can see through the
X Opening caskets A, C, E, H, J: Locks have
eyes of the stabbed at will.
a gas trap; if triggered, each PC within 10’
must save versus paralysis or be immobi-
BOMFLUKE’S CROWN lized for 1d6 turns.
Green glass crown. Indestructi-
ble. Grants the wearer immunity
to poison.

Area Descriptions

10. Tribute Checkpoint ALCOVE TOMBS

Walls and floor smeared with black Each casket contains a mummi-
fied gnome (unless noted).
grease. 4 gloop guards (hp: 8, 8, 6, 5—stats
A. Bunkle The Scribe: Bright
on p.24) block passage to the south. blue robe, silver-handled
12 gloop pilgrims (hp: 8, 7, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, unicorn hair writing brush
(50gp), a jar of purple squid
1, 1—stats on p.24) petition the guards ink (25gp).
with competing tributes. Behind the guards B. Prince Welfham: Light snail
are several crude baskets. armor (as leather), short ivory
tipped spear with red oak
X Approaching the guards: They demand shaft (30gp).
50gp and custody of weapons for the C. Macklerod The Hound-
Faced: A canine-shaped skull
honor of visiting “the Black One”. Angered on a gnome skeleton, plate
pilgrims complain about PCs cutting ahead armor, a two-handed steel
in line. war mace, and a red clay
pipe with an emerald mouth-
X Paying the tribute: 5 gloop pilgrims piece (25gp).
attack PCs for 1d3 rounds before the guards D. Princess Oxtwig: Elaborate
floral gown, red oak flute
restrain them. The guards allow the PCs to (15gp).
pass, retaining their weapons until they E. Father Mudfoot: Gold em-
return. broidered robes (50gp), a
scroll of teleport, a crystal
X Searching the baskets: 24gp, 46sp,
monocle on a silver chain.
4 jars of mashed insects, other worthless F. Bilyur the Tightfisted: Scowl-
trinkets. ing, hands clenched. Prying
open each reveals 12gp.
X Door to Area 4: Brass, 4’ high, no han-
G. Bopheus The Jester: Patch-
dle, engraved with a gnome guard work tunic with gold fringe,
with a heart-shaped cavity in his chest. tricorn hat with golden bells
on each corner, a voluminous
Opened by inserting the activated fake mustache of red fox fur.
brass clockwork heart (Area 8). H. Marbus Twigbraider: Green
velvet robe (20gp), birch wood
wand, a bag of flower seeds.
I. Brizbee The Lovely: Studded
leather tunic, a mollusk shell
shield, a glowing short sword
+1 with an onyx hilt.
J. King Bomfluke: Wood plate
armor, a red seer’s dagger,
and Bomfluke’s Crown.
Unlike the other caskets, the
back is lined with a rich pur-
ple silk cushion. Removing it
reveals a door, leading into a
5’ high tunnel ending in a one-
way door to Area 12.

Area Descriptions

11. Ritual Preparation
AC 3 [16], HD 6** (38hp), Att [2 Walls and floor smeared with black
× claw (1d4), 1 × bite (2d8)] or grease. The hall ends at a pair of large iron
breath, THAC0 14 [+5], MV 90’
doors. 3 gloop guards (hp: 7, 6, 5—stats on
(30’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14
(6), ML 8, AL Chaotic, XP 725 p.24) clad in filthy robes chant and daub
Breath weapon: Cone of boiling grease onto 4 gloops (hp: 8, 6, 3, 2—stats on
hot grease (2’ wide at the mouth, p.24).
80’ long, 30’ wide at far end), us-
able three times per day. Targets X Entering from Area 9: The gloops shriek
take damage equal to Soot- with terror and call the PCs“accursed
murk’s current hp and suffer a
–2 penalty to attack and dam- wights”, fleeing south to Area 12.
age rolls for remainder of day; X Entering from Area 10: The guards
save versus breath for half
damage and no penalties.
demand to anoint PCs with grease before
Spells: Charm person, darkness, they can pass through the iron doors.
See Old School Essentials: For
further information on dragons.
12. Sootmurk’s Puddle
A 50’ high grotto. Portions of the sloping
SOOTMURK’S HOARD walls are carved into seating. A 3’ deep pool
10,000gp, 8 opals (10gp), 8 of black grease covers most of the floor.
emeralds (50gp), 11 sapphires
(100gp), 9 rubies (500gp), 1
Sootmurk wallows in the muck, fed and
large diamond (1,000gp), wand preened by 10 gloop guards (hp: 8, 7, 6, 6,
of magic detection, potion of
5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1—stats on p.24) under the
control plant, potion of flying,
spell scroll (feeblemind, invisibility, command of Captain Gullian (hp: 12, +2 to
sleep, cloudkill, dimension door). attack rolls).
The scroll requires 1,000gp of
restoration before it can be used. X Entering from the east: Sootmurk is
delighted to see the PCs emerge from
the previously unknown secret door. She
greedily demands more information from
the party.
X Entering from the north: Gullian and
5 gloop guards confront intruders, though
they will hear out anyone approaching
peacefully. Gullian is reluctant to grant
non-gloops audience with Sootmurk.
X Searching the puddle: Dredging
Sootmurk’s Hoard out of the goo requires
1 hour.


Cathedral of the
C rimson Death

or over a decade, the Deathless Plague has ravaged the land. Its victims
suffer incurable, rotting wounds, eventually becoming undead thralls
spreading the pestilence.
The Purifying Church of the Crimson Flame—which venerates the deity Bahal,
the Flame of Purification—was once a beacon of hope in this death-scape. In its
Cathedral, its acolytes healed the sick and put the undead to rest. However, its
methods proving futile, the Church slowly turned to imprisonment, torture, and
fire as a means of purging the contagion. Now the Cathedral’s gates open only for
prisoners, taken by the Church’s reviled Crimson Knights.
No one knows the real truth: the demon who first birthed the plague entered
this world and secretly slew the Church’s leader, the Crimson Bishop, assuming
his form and taking his place. He now controls the Church, using it to grow his
necrotic domain in our world.
An adventuring party may come here for one or more of these reasons:
X Mission: The party is sent to end the Church’s cruel reign.
X Looting: The wicked Cathedral is said to contain great treasures and lost
X Fugitives: Fleeing the undead, the party seeks refuge here.

Random Happenings (1-IN-6 PER TURN )

1. 1d6 Sons of Bahal escorting 1d3 terrified prisoners.

2. Sepulchral hymns echoing through the halls.
3. 1d6+1 Crimson Knights returning from patrol.
4. Distant pleas of mercy that end abruptly with a scream.
5. 1d3 Crimson Knights and 1d3 Sons of Bahal disposing of tortured corpses.
6. The cathedral bell tolls (Area 7) and spectral blood runs down the walls.
The chance of random happenings increases by 1 henceforth.

Down to
Area 14

S 9

Down to
Area 14

11 S L
8 S




4 5

1 square = 5' L = Locked Door S = Secret Door  ↑N


The priests who remained faithful to
Bahal were slain. Some few remain
CRIMSON KNIGHTS prisoners, viewed by the Knights as
Acolytes of Bahal, now corrupted traitors and examples of their lead-
by the demonic Crimson Bishop, er’s mercy. Unaffected by the Crim-
believing themselves the only pure son Bishop’s sorcery, they see the
humans in existence. The Crimson Sons of Bahal in their true form: as
Bishop controls them with rhetoric, undead monsters. Such sights, along
sorcery, and an elite cadre called the with the other depredations, have
Sons of Bahal. His dark enchant- driven them to the brink of sanity.
ments prevent the Knights from
recognizing these Sons of Bahal as PRISONERS
undead. Only casting dispel magic on Uninfected, innocent victims,
a Crimson Knight will enable them to tortured into making false con-
see the truth. fessions that they are infected,
spreading the Plague, or even already
CAPTAIN FARDR undead. They are then burned alive,
Once the commander of the Crim- fed to the Sons of Bahal, or converted
son Knights, Captain Fardr’s mind into undead minions. Any freed by
was shattered by years of witnessed the party flee the cathedral, gibbering
atrocities. He is now left to his own with mindless terror.
devices, but seldom leaves his quar-
ters (Area 10). He is able to perceive THE CRIMSON BISHOP
the Sons of Bahal as undead, and The demon who first spawned the
laments their existence bitterly. Plague to create an earthly domain
of hellish pestilence. The demon
SONS OF BAHAL soon realized that the hands of the
Crimson Knights infected with the Church once healing, now blood-
Deathless Plague and transformed ied would make perfect tools. He
into rotting, undead monstrosi- murdered the real Crimson Bishop,
ties dressed in shining armor. They assumed his form, and seized control
serve as the Bishop’s most trusted of the Church, purging all dissent
henchmen. The Crimson Bishop’s ers. He now uses torture and murder
sorcery prevents the living Crimson to terrorize the land and build his
Knights—Captain Fardr—from rec- undead army. His only goal is spread-
ognizing the Sons of Bahal as undead. ing Plague and undeath.

General Notes

General Notes
The gardens around the cathedral
(Area 2) cover a half-acre rectangle of
land, bounded by a 15’ high outer wall
with a gate on the south side (Area 1).

X A bleak, limestone structure,
crumbling and overgrown with
vines. It consists of two sections
separated by a walled inner plaza
(Area 7).
X Southern section (Areas 3–6):
One story, with a vaulted 40’ roof.
X Northern section (Areas 8–12):
Dominated by a 50’ high but-
tressed nave (Area 8) and a 100’
high domed sanctuary (Area 9),
from which thick smoke billows.
X Scaling the dome: PCs who scale
the dome can reach a soot-stained
opening to a 100’ drop into the
sanctuary below.

Smoothly cut marble floors. Ceilings
are 20’ high, unless otherwise noted.
Doors are of thick, iron-reinforced
wood, with iron handles. All windows
are barred.

All interior areas (save Area 12) are lit
by wall-mounted torches.

Area Descriptions

Area Descriptions
1. Outer Wall and Gates
AC 4 [15], HD 3+1* (14hp), Att 1 Outer wall 15’ high, crumbling in places, and
× sword (1d8+1), THAC0 16[+3], covered in vines. Rusted iron gate in the
MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14
B15 S16 (3), ML 10, AL Neutral,
south wall, decorated with peeling motifs
XP 75 of red flames. A burned corpse on a gib-
Enflame sword: Once per bet hangs from an adjacent post. The gate is
combat, a Knight can will their guarded by 2 Crimson Knights (hp: 15, 13).
sword to burst into flame for 1d3
rounds, dealing 1d4 additional X Approaching: The Knights order the party
damage. to depart immediately.
X Searching the corpse: Inside one of its
burnt boots is a luck coin.
X Attacking the Knights: The 4 patrolling
Allows the holder to re-roll 1 sav-
ing throw once per day. Initiates from Area 2 join the fight in 1d4
X Traversing the gate or climbing the wall:
Leads to Area 2.

Area Descriptions

2. Cathedral Grounds CRIMSON INITIATES

Overgrown, unkempt gardens, choked with Newly inducted members of the
fanatical order, eager to prove
creepers and brambles that often block vis- their place. They brag about the
ibility. Occasional rotting body parts along brutality of their most recent raid
while teasing one another.
paths and in foliage. A bloodstained path
AC 7 [12], HD 2* (9hp), Att 1 ×
leads from the gate (Area 1) to the forbidding
short sword (1d6) or 1 × incen-
iron doors of the cathedral (leading to Area 3). diary lantern (2d6), THAC0 18
X Patrols: 4 Crimson Initiates (hp: 15, 15, 10, [+1], MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13
P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 7, AL Neu-
6) patrol the grounds, carrying iron lan- tral, XP 25
terns with white-hot flames. 2-in-6 chance Incendiary lantern: Initiates
per turn of encountering, and 3-in-6 can throw their iron lanterns up
to 20’. The lanterns explode on
chance of overhearing them. impact. Save versus breath for
X Searching the grounds: 2-in-6 chance per half damage.
turn of finding one of the following (roll
1d3—each item can only be found once):
1. A recently severed human hand,
pinned to the ground with a dagger,
its fingers making a holy sign.
2. 3 vials of holy water under a bush.
3. A scroll of cure light wounds, marred
by a boot print.
X Secret door to Area 7: Searching reveals a
hidden iron ring; pulling it opens the door
to Area 7.

Area Descriptions

3. Hall of Flames
AC 2 [17], HD 5+2** (22hp), Att Great vaulted hall, 40’ high. Two rows
1 × two-handed sword (1d10+2) of black marble columns, their surfaces
or 1 × gaze (paralyze) THAC0
reflecting dancing crimson firelight with no
14 [+5], MV 90’ (30’), SV D10
W11 P12 B13 S14 (5), ML 12, AL discernible source. 3 tortured prisoners are
Chaotic, XP 575 chained to the columns, unconscious and
Mundane damage resistance: clad in rags. Marble floors are bloodstained.
Half damage from all mundane
attacks. X Rousing the prisoners: They moan and
Undead: Make no noise, until babble, describing in fragments the false
they attack. Immune to effects
that affect living creatures (e.g. accusations and tortures they’ve endured
poison). Immune to mind-affect- (see Denizens).
ing or mind-reading spells (e.g. X Freeing the prisoners: Sergeant
charm, hold, sleep).
Paralyzing gaze: save versus Grimlocke (Area 7) has the key to their
paralysis or be paralyzed for chains.
1d4 turns (once per combat).
X Doors to Area 7: Tall iron doors, each
engraved with rows of marching knights.

4. Communal Bedrooms
Spartan barracks, each containing 4 bunk
beds, all fastidiously made with red and
white linen sheets. A small chest rests at the
foot of each bed. 1d6 Crimson Knights (stats
on p.34) are in each room; if more than
4 present, then 1 Son of Bahal (hp: 20) is also
present. 3-in-6 chance of Crimson Knights
being asleep and unarmored.
X Inside the chests: Each contains clothes
and small trinkets worth 3d6gp.
X Order of battle: Melee in either barracks
attracts the Knights from the other one in
1d4+4 rounds.

Area Descriptions

5. Mess and Kitchen WHISTLING COOK

Slovenly, filthy hall. Stiflingly hot, reeks Burly, barrel chested, bald and
with a long gray beard. Wears a
of grease and rot. A long wooden table is blood soaked apron and a cruel
flanked by wooden benches, with dirty uten- smile.
sils and stale food. A cook tends to 2 caul- AC 6 [13], HD 2 (8hp), Att 1 ×
drons bubbling on an iron range, whistling cleaver (1d6+1), THAC0 17 [+2],
MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14
tunelessly. B15 S16 (2), ML 8, AL Chaotic,
X Speaking to the cook: Not too smart. Can XP 20
be easily convinced that the PCs belong
here, and offers them bowls of an utterly
execrable stew of onions and gristle.
X Praising the stew: Cook proudly notes
it suddenly became the Bishop’s favorite
meal 2 years ago; he had been a strict vege-
tarian until then.

6. Priests’ Quarters
Spartan, reeks of sweat. Bare walls adorned
with scrawled inscriptions. 12 priests cower
on thin pads, starving and weak.
X Reading the inscriptions: Phrases such as
“Death to the infected”, “Only through fire
comes purification”, “The work of Bahal is a
work in blood”, repeated over and over.
X Speaking to the priests: They do not fully
grasp who the characters are, and mistake
them for Crimson Knights bringing them
their daily meal. Terrified, they refuse to
leave the room, and beg the PCs to protect
them from “the dead.”
X Possessions: One priest hides a key to the
locked door to Area 12.

Area Descriptions

7. Inner Courtyard
Squat and broad-shouldered, his Interspersed with wooden posts hold-
eyes as fiery as his red hair and
beard. Face twisted in a perma- ing weapons and shields. At the court-
nent scowl of sadistic rage. yard’s center, a 6’ copper bell hangs in a
AC 4 [15], HD 4+1* (19 hp), Att 1 wooden frame; blood stains the ground
× sword (1d8+1), THAC0 15 [+4], beneath. Collapsed around the bell are
MV 60’ (20’), SV D10 W11 P12
B13 S14 (4), ML 10, AL Neutral, 7 Crimson Initiates (hp: 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 5, 4—
XP 200 stats on p.35) battered and exhausted by
Enflame sword: Once per com- endless training, and Sergeant Grimlocke,
bat, the Sergeant can will his
sword to burst into flame for 1d3
who berates them. Outer walls are 15’ high.
rounds, dealing 1d4 additional X Entering the courtyard: Sergeant stalls
Items: Wears a ring of fire re-
PCs with smarmy banter and dispatches
sistance, and a golden pendant 2 Initiates to “fetch some water for our
stamped with the emblem of guests.” They run to summon reinforce-
Bahal (350gp).
ments from Area 4, who arrive in 3 rounds.
X Doors to Area 8: Tall iron doors, each
engraved with processions of torch-bear-
ing priests and monks.

Area Descriptions

8. Crimson Nave
Long, vaulted nave, 60’ high, with soot-
stained red marble floor. Rows of pews,
adorned with flame motifs. Ragged crim-
son banners hang from chains high above.
Firelight and the acrid smell of smoke ema-
nate from the north (Area 9). Two imposing
knight statues flank the tall iron doors to
Area 7.
X Door to Area 12: Locked. Keys are held by
a priest in Area 6 and Captain Fardr in
Area 10.
X Secret door to Area 11: Concealed behind
a hinged bookcase full of moldering prayer
X Examining the statues: Each wears
sun-decorated armor and grips a sword in
both hands, pointing upward.
X Examining the swords: They can be
pivoted downward.
X Pointing both swords downward: Causes
the altar in Area 9 to slowly slide forward,
revealing stone stairs to Area 14.

Area Descriptions

9. Domed Sanctuary
SWORD Smoke billows from burning coal and bones
A short sword +1 with a trans-
parent blade. It drinks from foes up to a hole in the dome 100’ up. 7 blood-
who have blood, turning red and stained gold chalices (200gp each) stand
storing the blood in its pommel
(1hp per 2hp damage inflicted,
upon the red granite altar. 2 Sons of Bahal
maximum storage of 10hp). The (one wielding a blood-drinking sword, hp: 33,
wielder can drink the blood to 28) and 4 Crimson Knights (hp: 18, 15, 15, 9—
recover hp. A Lawful PC who
does so feels an overwhelming stats on p.34) are engrossed in building a
sense of nausea, and becomes pyre before the altar.
Chaotic if they drink more than
twice. X Entering the room: 3-in-6 chance of sur-
prising the Knights.
X Examining the altar: Scratches on the
CAPTAIN FARDR floor in front of it. It can only be moved by
A bald, strapping man with a
brown beard encrusted in dried
the mechanism of the statues in Area 8.
spittle. Clad in dented plate mail. Beneath it, stone stairs lead down to
AC 3 [16], HD 5+1** (23hp), Att 1 Area 14.
× sword (1d8+2), THAC0 14 [+5],
MV 60’ (20’), SV D10 W11 P12
B13 S14 (5), ML 8, AL Neutral, 10. Captain Fardr’s Quarters
XP 575
Enflame sword: Once per com- Modest bedchamber in complete disar-
bat, Fardr can will his sword to ray. Bed is blood-stained and skewered
burst into flame for 1d3 rounds,
dealing 1d4 additional damage.
with a sword. Axes embedded in walls.
Possessions: A key to the locked Captain Fardr stumbles about, swinging a
door to Area 12. sword at empty air, bellowing at imagined
X Entering the room: Fardr demands PCs
join the fight against his imaginary foes.
X Speaking to Fardr: Raves about “the
Abomination, the Betrayer” and gestures
vehemently toward Area 11. Refuses to
leave the room.
X Searching the bed: A sack of 567gp sits
carelessly tossed near the pillow.

Area Descriptions

11. Crimson Bishop’s Chambers RED SUN HOLY SYMBOL

Immaculate, richly furnished bed cham- Adds +2 bonus to turn undead
roll for PCs with this ability. Al-
ber. Eerie quiet. A red candle sits in each lows PCs without the ability to
corner. Luxurious bed with bright red attempt turning as a cleric of
half their level, rounded down.
linen sheets, perfectly made. Wooden desk, Can be used 2 times total per
engraved with fiery motifs. day.
X Entering the room: The candles sponta-
neously ignite. If they are not immedi-
ately extinguished, the Crimson Bishop
is magically notified of the intruders, and
each PC in the room must save versus
spells or become paralyzed for 1d4+1
turns. The Bishop then dispatches the
2 Sons of Bahal and 4 Crimson Knights
from Area 9 to capture the party and bring
them to him.
X Searching the desk: A golden quill pen
(100gp) and a gem-encrusted inkwell
X Searching under the bed: A successful
search reveals a hidden compartment in
the floor. Inside is a ruby ring (700gp), a
red sun holy symbol, and the diary of the
true Crimson Bishop. (These were secreted
here before the demon killed him and
seized control).
X Reading the diary: Grim chronicle of the
Church’s deeds during the Plague, from the
failed cures to the torture of the infected.
Ends with an entry dated 2 years ago in
which the Bishop expresses his sense that
“a presence daemonic” has entered the
Cathedral, and his plan to confront it.

Area Descriptions

12. Forbidden Library
3' long spiders with abdomens Pitch black, musty stench, dust everywhere.
shaped like grisly human heads.
Lurk in thick webs. 4 rows of bookcases stand in the dark-
AC 5 [14], HD 3** (13hp), Att 1 × ness. Light sources glint off of coins and
bite (1d8 + poison) or 1 × web jewels strewn about on the floor. The ceiling
(entangle), THAC0 17 [+2], MV is completely shrouded in ropy cobwebs.
60’ (20’) / 120’ (40’) in webs,
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), 3 grave spiders (hp: 14, 11, 9) hide in the webs,
ML 8, AL Neutral, XP 65 ready to drop on distracted PCs.
Ambush: Attack by dropping on X Examining the webs: Shining a light
victims from above.
Surprise: On a 1–4, when hiding around the ceiling eliminates the spiders’
in webs. improved chance of surprise.
Webs: Range 30’. A victim hit by X Searching the bookshelves: Hundreds of
a web attack must save versus
paralysis or become entangled obscure Crimson Flame holy texts.
in the sticky strands: –2 to attack X Moving the bookcases: Reveals a trap-
rolls and saving throws, unable
to move. door, leading to a staircase to a corridor to
Breaking free: An entangled Area 14.
victim who forgoes other actions
may make a str check each X Scattered treasures: 4,000cp, 1,000sp,
round to escape. 400gp, 4 small amethysts (10gp each), 2
Burning webs: Webs can be
destroyed by fire in 1 round. All small gold statues of Nibu, sister goddess
creatures in a flaming web suffer to Bahal (1,000gp each), 3 gilded silver
1d6 damage.
Poison: Causes weakness: save
scepters (800gp each).
versus poison or –2 to attacks
and saves for 2d6 hours.

Area Descriptions

13. Pit of Ashes ROT GRUB

A huge hole gapes in the underbrush. Rough Tiny (2” long) maggots that con-
sume living flesh.
dirt and stone walls, adorned with a ghastly
AC 9 [10], HD 1hp*, Att None,
tapestry of ash-coated rags and entrails, THAC0 20 [–1], MV 10’ (3’), SV
dangling from jutting charred bones. D14 W15 P16 B17 S18 (NH), ML
X Descending the pit: 30’ deep. At the base 12, AL Neutral, XP 6

is a pile of decomposing, partially burnt If touched: Burrow rapidly into

flesh, seeking the heart. Cause
corpses, and mounds of ashes. death in 1d3 turns.
X Searching the corpses: For each turn Killing: Applying fire in the first
2 rounds after contact kills the
of searching, 2-in-6 chance of finding a grubs. This inflicts 1d6 damage
random treasure (see table below—each on the victim. Cure disease is also
can be found once), and 3-in-6 chance of
encountering 1d6 rot grubs.
X Secret door to Area 14: Concealed behind
an especially rancid pile of ash.
1. Opal gem (500gp)
2. Scroll of hold portal, levitate, infravision
3. 2 vials of holy water
4. Potion of heroism

Area Descriptions


14. The Deathless Abode
A handsome, stately, elderly Unnaturally chilled, lit by cold purple
man. His face bears an ex-
pression of amused contempt. flames in silver braziers. Floor inscribed
Wears a golden tiara em- with arcane symbols. The Crimson Bishop
blazoned with a crimson sun
(1,400gp) and a ceremonial
stands in a circle of candles, chanting as the
robe with demonic embroidery purple flames dance to his voice. 4 uncon-
in gold and platinum (2,000gp). scious victims lie within the circle, at the
Whenever he is struck, demon-
ic features briefly flicker across Bishop’s feet, amid a pile of skeletons. An
his face. archway leads south to Area 15. Next to it is a
AC 3 [16], HD 8*** (48hp), Att small iron chest.
2 × flaming claw (1d8 + 2) or
1 × spell, THAC0 12 [+7], MV X Speaking to the Bishop: He congratulates
90’ (30’), SV D8 W9 P10 B10 the PCs for making it this far, and offers
S12 (8), ML 10, AL Chaotic, XP
them the Cathedral as a secure base, in
exchange for their loyalty. If PCs accept
Spells: Can cast the following
once per day each. Cleric spells: the offer, within 2 days all fighters become
cause fear, cause disease, finger Sons of Bahal and all others become
of death. Magic-user spells: fly,
wall of fire, animate dead. ghouls.
Mundane damage immunity: X Attacking the Bishop: He lets out a hellish
Can only be harmed by magical
attacks. scream, and the entire cathedral shud-
Formidable gaze: Anyone ders. 2 Sons of Bahal (hp: 29, 20—stats
meeting the Bishop’s gaze is
weakened for 1 turn (save
on p.36) arrive in 1d6 rounds. After 3
versus paralysis or –2 penalty rounds, if they are not removed from the
to attack rolls). Unless averting circle of candles, the prisoners arise as
eyes or using a mirror, charac-
ters in melee are affected each 4 ghouls (hp: 14, 13, 9, 8—stats on p.45).
round. X Defeating the Bishop: He dissolves into a
noxious cloud of ashes that quickly dissi-
pates. All Knights flee the Cathedral. Years
of pestilence come to an end as the Death-
less Plague finally lifts. The party receives a
25,000gp reward from local authorities.
X In the chest: 3,500sp, 1,000gp, 35pp, scroll
of haste, remove curse, protection from evil
10’ radius, confusion, charm person, scroll
of hold portal, levitate, polymorph self.

Area Descriptions

15. To the Abyss GHOULS

Archway opens onto the top of a giant pit. Pit AC 6 [13], HD 2* (9hp), Att 2 ×
walls glow a faint blue, providing light. Nar- claw (1d3 + paralysis), 1 × bite
(1d3 + paralysis), THAC0 18 [+1],
row spiral stairs hug the walls and disappear
MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14
into the distance below. B15 S16 (2), ML 9, AL Chaotic,
X Whispers: Coming from below, inviting XP 25
the party to explore just a little further, Paralysis: For 2d4 turns (save
versus paralysis). Elves and
promising treasure ahead. creatures larger than ogres are
X Bottom of pit: There is none. The stairs unaffected. After paralyzing a
target, ghouls will attack others.
and pit continue endlessly. Alternatively, if Undead: Make no noise, until
the referee wishes, this adventure may be they attack. Immune to effects
that affect living creatures (e.g.
expanded by detailing the hellish region at poison). Immune to mind-affect-
the base of the pit. ing or mind-reading spells (e.g.
charm, hold, sleep).


Ravener's Ghat

verlooking a flooded valley sits a temple known as the Ravener's
Ghat. For millennia, a learned rakshasa—the Ravener—reigned here
as the herald of monsoons, a divine servant of the Monsoon God,
attended by pilgrims and pujari.
Fickle dynastic successions on earth and in heaven saw all rakshasas demon-
ized and reduced to man-eaters. The Ravener too fell into cruelty, keeping
offerings made to the Monsoon God to slake his own avaricious hunger for
exaltation. Jealous of the sun’s golden warmth, he shrouded the land in end-
less monsoon. This displeased the Divine, and by treasonous deeds did the
pujari imprison their master in his own temple, severing his left hand and
shackling him in the waters of his floods.
The pujari swore to remain in the temple forever as wardens of their former
master’s prison. For centuries, the place lay beneath a magical veil, hiding it
from the eyes of mortal folk. Recently, the slow decay of time finally eroded
the veil, revealing the Ravener’s Ghat once more—now a ruin, overrun by
nature and blighted by the Ravener’s accursed presence. Treasure hunters
greedily eye the ruin, dreaming of riches, and lesser rakshasas gather, seeking
to restore the Ravener to his covetous throne.

An adventuring party may come here for one or more of these reasons:
X Loot: The party seeks the treasures that surely lie undisturbed in this lost
place. They may or may not have knowledge of the Ghat’s history.
X Wisdom: The pujari Abbott (see Area 12) supposedly lives here still, deep in
meditation, and the party seeks his wisdom on an urgent issue.
X Ravener: The party has been dispatched by a holy order to prevent the Rav-
ener’s awakening, and is aware of the site’s history (except for the severing
of the hand).

1 2 4

3 S

19 6

16 9





1 square = 10' S = Secret Door Light gray areas = Interior / Unlit  ↑N

Random Happenings (1-IN-6 PER TURN )

1. 1d6 treasure hunters warily looking for plunder.

2. 2d4 falsehoods creeping along the carved motifs of the walls.
3. 1d8 rakshasa warriors seeking the Hand of the Ravener.
4. Torrential downpour incurs a –1 penalty to attack rolls and saving throws for 1d6 turns.
5. Furious bubbling and a muffled roar emanate from the Lower Well (Area 20).
6. 2d10 elevated baboons wandering casually, as if they own the place.

4 7
3 6


16 15



17 18


The rakshasa lord of the Ghat, a fallen
servant of the Monsoon God, impris-
oned by his own pujari. Shackled and
impotent beneath the waters of the
Lower Well (Area 20), the Ravener
longs for revenge.

Shadowy manifestations that emerge
from blessed carvings in mockery of
the tales they present. Feared by the
elevated wildlife, and a horror to the
treasure hunters. MUMMIFIED PUJARI
Former servants of the Ravener who,
TREASURE HUNTERS at the behest of the Divine, betrayed
Plunderers drawn to the Ghat by their master, severed his hand, and
greed and a fool's hope for wealth imprisoned his mortal form. Sworn
enough to escape their sorrows. They to serve the Ravener, they are unable
fear the rakshasa warriors, seek to to finally destroy him but remain
avoid the elevated wildlife, and are here as mummified sentinels.
haunted by the falsehoods. Despise the treasure hunters. Ene-
mies of the rakshasa warriors, whom
ELEVATED WILDLIFE they continue to thwart.
Drinking the corrupted waters of the
Ghat, groups of crocodiles and rock
baboons have become “elevated”, Fiends, man-eaters now like the rest
developing a twisted sentience and of their kind. Drawn to the new-
the ability to speak. The two forces ly-revealed Ghat, they search for the
view one another with contempt. Hand of the Ravener (see Area 7), with
They fear the falsehoods, as some which to restore their master to his
exist in mocking, animal-like forms. former power. They are in opposition
to the pujari, whom they have unsuc-
cessfully attempted to defeat.

General Notes

General Glossary
Notes Antarala: An antechamber between
the garbhagriha and a mandapa,
ENDLESS RAIN often stylized with heavenly motifs
The area around the temple com- to convey transition between the
plex, as well as all temple locations mortal realm and the divine realm.
exposed to the elements (Areas 1, Garbhagriha: The innermost sacred
5, 9, 11, 13–15, 17–20) are soaked with chamber of the temple, a place where
endless light rain, called down by the only the ordained are allowed entry.
Ravener in his incarceration. Where the shrine and other directly
divine conduits are found.
The Ravener’s Ghat can be Ghat: The embankments upon a
approached via one of the two stair- body of water. A difficult passage
cases descending from the cliffs upon a mountain. In the case of the
above. Ravener's Ghat, this temple tank is a
X Area 1: Narrow staircase descend-
stepwell, and it serves as both.
ing from northern clifftop, along- Jagati: The raised surface upon
side the waterfall. which the temple is built.
X Area 13: Wide stairway descending
Mandapa: A ritual hallway, notable
from western clifftop.
for its pillars and the intricate carv-
CONSTRUCTION ings which adorn them. A pavilion
from which rituals are performed to a
Perfectly fitted sandstone blocks,
gathered public.
every surface carved with an intri-
cate profusion of scenes exalting Pujari: One who performs the rites of
the Monsoon God. Vines and creep- devotional homage, a priest special-
ers snake throughout. Stairways are ized in rituals making offerings and
eroded and crumbling. receiving blessings from the Divine.
Vimana: A structure over the inner
sanctum of a temple.
All indoor locations (Areas 3–4, 6–8,
10, 12, and 16) are unlit. Other areas
have natural lighting.

Area Descriptions

1. Cliff Stairs
A worn stone staircase, without rail or par-
apet, descends the basalt stone cliffside. A
waterfall cascades alongside it, feeding the
Upper Well (Area 19) visible below.
X Gate to Area 2: The stairs end at a humble,
red-painted wooden gate, still bound shut
by an ancient bundle of twine. The twine
can easily be cut.

Area Descriptions

2. Pilgrim’s Gate
A covered entryway. Overlooks the Upper
Well (Area 19), through pillars carved with
supplicants gathering water. Well-worn floor.
An alcove with a water pump and a shallow
stone basin carved like a tiger’s maw.
X Operating the pump: If operated by a
Lawful character, produces 1d4 measures
of holy water once per day.

3. The Grand Mandapa (“Ritual

Grand stone temple hall with elaborately
carved colonnades and 20’ high ceiling.
Worn stairways ascend to Areas 5 and 6.
X Examining the carvings: Depictions
of monks supplicating to the torrential
rains of a Monsoon, their plea answered
by a horned king who cleaves the clouds
and brings back the sun. The carvings are FALSEHOODS
Shadowed manifestations that
framed with 120 jade, jet, and amethyst form upon blessed carvings
gems (100gp each), impossible to extract in mockery of the tales they
without touching the carvings.
AC 7 [12], HD 2+2*, Att 1 × touch
X Touching the carvings: Any who run their
(1d4 + strength drain), THAC0
hands over the carvings will be attacked by 17 [+2], MV 0’ (0’), SV D12 W13
8 falsehoods (hp: 13, 13, 12, 11, 9, 9, 7, 6) of P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 12, AL
Chaotic, XP 35
the supplicating monks.
Surprise: On a 1–5.
Strength drain: Victims lose
1 STR per hit. Recovers after 8
turns. If reduced to 0 STR, the
victim dies.
Mundane damage immunity:
Can only be harmed by magical
Spell immunity: Unaffected by
charm and sleep spells.
Restrained: Can only strike with-
in 5’ of the carving or mural from
which they project.

Area Descriptions

4. Shrine to the Monsoon God
Mummies of crackling, desic- Cut into the cliff; dank and damp. Carved in
cated flesh, nude and slath-
ered in indigo powder, garbed the rear wall is an ancient votive face,
with only a blessed thread and 3’ high, smoothed by generations of
long dreadlocks. Each pujari’s
dreadlocks are adorned with 50
worshiper’s hands. Ossified offerings
gold beads (1,000gp total). Sit of ghee are slathered over its mouth.
immobile in meditative postures, 2 mummified pujari (hp: 30, 27) sit beside it
but awaken if disturbed.
in deathless meditation, holding fly-whisks
AC 3 [16], HD 5+1*, Att 1 × touch
(1d12 + disease), THAC0 14 [+5], and cups of bright turmeric dye.
MV 60’ (20’), SV D10 W11 P12 X Addressing the pujari: If communicated
B13 S14 (5), ML 12, AL Lawful,
XP 400 with respectfully they stir, quietly relating
Undead: Make no noise, until
the story of the Ravener’s Ghat.
they attack. Immune to effects X Desecration: The pujari awaken and
that affect living creatures (e.g. attack any who disrespect or desecrate the
poison). Immune to mind-affect-
ing or mind-reading spells (e.g. votive face or themselves.
charm, hold, sleep).
Disease: Anyone hit contracts a
horrible rotting disease. Magical
healing is ineffective; natural
5. The Baboons’ Vimana
healing is ten times slower. Can (“Overlook”)
only be removed by magic.
Damage immunity: Only Overlooks the Ghat to the south and
harmed by fire or magic. All
damage reduced by half.
west, surrounded by a stone parapet.
Return from death: If killed 20 elevated baboons eating fruit, lounging
(0hp), regenerate and rise again among rubble and their own filth in a mock
in 2d6 rounds. Can only be per-
manently killed if the Ravener court. Murals on the east wall depict a power-
is destroyed or the Hand of ful divine figure, human but with predatory
the Ravener removed from the
temple. features, sitting in meditation and swallow-
ing the monsoon.
X Approaching: The baboons ignore adven-
turers unless treated with courtly eti-
Speak with bickering yaps. Be-
have like languid nobility. quette. If addressed appropriately, they
AC 6 [13], HD 2 (9hp), Att 1 × warn about the dangers of the hypnotic
club (1d6), 1 × bite (1d3), THAC0 waters in the Lower Well (see Area 14).
18 [+1], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12
X Searching the rubble: Hidden beneath
W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 8, AL
Neutral, XP 20 is the baboons’ hoard: 2,000gp, 1 emerald
Weapons: Wield bones or (1,000gp), 1 star ruby (1,000gp), 1 jacinth
branches as clubs. (Do not use (5,000gp), 12 moonstones (50gp each).
other tools.)

Area Descriptions

6. The Garbhagriha (“Sacred

Chamber”) of Profanity
An oppressive cavern shrine, reeking of
incense. Walls covered in carved reliefs
depicting the Ravener and his pujaris
genuflecting before the Monsoon God.
6 mummified pujari (hp: 34, 31, 27, 25, 21, 16—
stats on p.53) sit in agonized repose, their
left hands removed at the wrist, dripping
with ichorous blood.
X Secret door to Area 7: The reliefs swing
back if pushed.
X Opening the secret door: Awakens the
pujari. They attack any who attempt to
pass through the door without their
X Speaking with the pujari: They state that
the PCs may only pass through the door if
they accept a holy quest (per the spell) to RAVENER
take the evil artifact that lies beyond—the The Ravener’s left hand, bejew-
Hand of the Ravener—to the Temple of eled with fine turquoise, severed
from the Ravener when he was
the Sun God where it can be destroyed. . imprisoned.
Powers: One who possesses the
Hand gains a +2 bonus to saves
7. Hidden Altar versus magic, and can cast the
following once per day: phantas-
Chamber delved into the cliff, unnaturally mal force, hallucinatory terrain,
control weather.
cold and humid. Carved from the rock of Protection: Falsehoods cannot
the north wall are a dozen life-sized tigers, harm one who bears the Hand.
Curse: Bearer secretly chang-
shoulder-to-shoulder, crouching and snarl- es alignment to Chaotic and is
ing. A flat altar slab lies across their backs. unwilling to let others (save rak-
Atop the altar sits the Hand of the Ravener. shasas) view or touch the Hand.
The Ravener’s servants: Rak-
X Taking the Hand: The rakshasa warriors shasa warriors will attempt to
in Area 10 sense the Hand’s presence and retrieve the Hand and return it to
the Ravener.
ambush PCs in Area 3, hiding behind the Destruction: The Hand is im-
columns. mune to mundane damage. It
can only be destroyed in the
flames of a sacred site of the
Sun God.

Area Descriptions

8. The Antarala
Grin and snap with hissing (“Antechamber”) of Butchery
words. Lazy and cunning, con-
cerned only with feeding. Brutal, artless carvings depict the Ravener
AC 5 [14], HD 4, Att 1 × bite as a horned divinity coveting the sun’s light
(1d8+2), THAC0 16 [+3], MV 90’ with outstretched hand. 2-in-6 chance of
(30’) / 120’ (40’) swimming, SV
D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), ML 8, hearing the gruff voices of the rakshasas in
AL Neutral, XP 75 Area 10.
Feeding frenzy: Attracted to the X Touching the carvings: Living flesh
scent of blood or violent move-
ment in the water.
blackens and withers, causing 2d4 damage
(save versus spells to resist). Lost hp can
only be cured by bless or remove curse.

9. The Crocodiles’ Step

A stone quay beside the Ghat, where
10 elevated crocodiles (hp: 22, 18, 18, 17, 14,
14, 11, 10, 9, 6) bask in the rain. The steps
down to the water are covered in black mold
and ooze. A make-shift rope bridge (con-
structed by the treasure hunters in Area 17)
spans to Area 15.
X Approaching: The crocodiles attempt to
trick PCs into providing them baboons
(from Area 5) to eat, promising to dredge
up treasures from the Upper Well (Area 19;
a lie—there are none).
X Crossing the bridge: Encumbered char-
acters (e.g. wearing heavy armor) have a
1-in-6 chance of collapsing the bridge: save
versus death or plunge into the Lower
Well (Area 20).

Area Descriptions

10. Hall of the Rakshasas RAKSHASA WARRIORS

A grand hall lined with 12 statues of rak- 6’ muscular humanoids with
varied, horrific visages—roaring
shasa warriors bowing before a malevo- bears, sneering imps, salivat-
lently grinning statue of the Ravener on ing boars, grinning bats, and
other unrecognizable combina-
the east wall. 8 rakshasa warriors (hp: 18, 17, tions—all bearing exaggerated
15, 15, 14, 13, 11, 9) are camped here, arguing expressions of malice, fury, or
loudly over the whereabouts of the stolen mirth, and sporting flaming red
eyes and outsized pairs of fangs.
Hand of the Ravener (Area 7). The contours of their bodies oc-
X Approaching: The warriors demand casionally shimmer and become
indistinct. Their semi-corporeal-
strangers swear fealty to the Ravener ity does not interfere with their
before his statue, promising “true power”. preferred diet of human flesh.
They wield ceremonial pole
Those who refuse are attacked. arms.
X Swearing fealty to the Ravener: Those
AC 3 [16], HD 4*, Att 1 × bite
who do so change alignment to Chaotic (1d8 + paralysis), [1 × weapon
(1d10) or 2 × claw (1d4 + paral-
and gain immunity to charm effects. They
ysis)], THAC0 16 [+3], MV 150’
immediately join the rakshasas’ quest for (50’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14
the Hand. (4), ML 9, AL Chaotic, XP 125
X Treasure: One of the rakshasas wears Paralysis: For 2d4 turns (save
versus paralysis). Creatures
a silver necklace with inlaid amethysts larger than ogres are unaffect-
(1,200gp). On their persons, in total they ed. After paralyzing a target,
rakshasa warriors will attack
hold an additional 400gp and 1,000sp. others.
Turning: As accursed spirits,
rakshasa warriors can be turned
11. The Ravener’s Precipice as undead.
Vulnerability: Can be killed by a
Cliff-face walkway overlooking the Lower blessed crossbow bolt.
Well (Area 20) and the roof of Area 10. Four
statues, badly weathered, depict the Ravener
as a guardian, learned scholar, warrior, and
horned divinity.
X Examining the statues: The left hand
of the horned divinity statue contains a
hidden niche of 20 golden bangles each
affixed with azure gemstone bells (175gp
X Door to 12: A stone door in the cliff-face,
overgrown with vines. Takes 1 turn to clear.

Area Descriptions

12. The Abbot’s Repose

A hierophant’s personal quarters, once
resplendent; now permeated by a
miasmic slurry of mold and rot. The
mummified pujari Abbot (hp: 35—stats on
p.53), his body desiccated, but immacu-
late, sits beside a towering shelf of mold-cov-
ered tomes. He wears a set of azure prayer
beads (2,000gp; grants immunity to the
paralyzing attacks of rakshasa warriors.)
X Crossing the room: Mold spores erupt,
causing 2d8 damage to all within 10’ (save
versus breath to avoid).
X Speaking with the Abbot: The mummi-
fied Abbot stirs, pleading for those “pure
of heart, bearing the favor of the Divine” to
fully drain the wells into the lands below
(see Area 18) and finally slay the Ravener.
He warns (falsely) that any treasures stolen
from the Ghat will be cursed.
X Tomes: 54 eldritch tomes, replete with
embossed covers, can be rescued from the
mold. They contain ornately illustrated
folios, ancient rituals, and elucidations of
the doings of extra-worldly powers. The
right seeker of such knowledge may pay
500gp for each, for a total of 27,000gp.

13. Cliff Stairs

A broad stone staircase, without rail or
parapet, carved into the basalt stone cliff-
side. The reeking stench of stagnant water
and acrid guano wafts up from the platforms
and Ghat below.

Area Descriptions

14. The Jagati (“Temple Base

A stone quay, slathered in guano, overlook-
ing the vile waters of the Lower Well (Area
20). Immediately below the quay edge, the
waters swirl eerily. 16 giant bats (hp: 10, 10,
9, 8, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2) roost in the cliffs
above and may swoop to attack, if disturbed.
X Examining the guano: Footprints in the
guano bespeak of passersby stepping or
leaping into the water.
X Peering into the swirling water: The char-
acter must save versus spells or be com-
pelled to leap into the water. A PC bearing
the Hand of the Ravener (Area 7) saves
at –2. See Area 20 for effects of falling into
the Lower Well.

15. The Tigers’ Step

A stone quay beside the Ghat, formed of a GIANT BATS
single, cyclopean stone carved with worn AC 6 [13], HD 2, Att 1 × bite
(1d4), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 30’
depictions of tigers. The steps down to the
(10’) / 180’ (60’) flying, SV D12
water are covered in black mold and ooze. W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 8, AL
A makeshift rope bridge (constructed by the Neutral, XP 20
treasure hunters in Area 17) spans to Area 9.
X Crossing the bridge: Encumbered char-
acters (e.g. wearing heavy armor) have a
1-in-6 chance of collapsing the bridge: save
versus death or plunge into the Lower
Well (Area 20).

Area Descriptions

16. The Ravener’s Shrine
Shadowed manifestations that A votive shrine cut into the cliff-side, floors
form upon blessed carvings
in mockery of the tales they carved with worn depictions of tigers. An
present. idol depicts the Ravener as a horned divinity.
AC 7 [12], HD 2+2*, Att 1 × touch Strewn with long-abandoned offerings: coins
(1d4 + strength drain), THAC0
17 [+2], MV 0’ (0’), SV D12 W13
(350gp, 520sp, 500cp), desiccated floral gar-
P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 12, AL lands, and two jars of ghee (act as potions of
Chaotic, XP 35 delusion).
Surprise: On a 1–5. X Entering: 5 falsehoods (hp: 14, 14, 14, 10,
Strength drain: Victims lose
1 STR per hit. Recovers after 8 9, 5—stats on p.51) in the form of dis-
turns. If reduced to 0 STR, the torted tigers manifest from the carvings
victim dies.
Mundane damage immunity: and spring to attack.
Can only be harmed by magical X Touching the idol: Save versus spells or
Spell immunity: Unaffected by
suffer 1d4 cold damage. Victims witness
charm and sleep spells. a vision of the Ravener being cast down
Restrained: Can only strike with- from the sky, grasping for the heavens,
in 5’ of the carving or mural from
which they project. crashing into the Lower Well (Area 20).

Area Descriptions

17. The Treasure Hunters’ TREASURE HUNTERS

Camp Desperate and greedy folk,
drawn by the Ravener’s corrup-
A camp of rain-drenched tents and lean-tos. tion. Prone to violence when the
Makeshift barricades of wood and reed mats odds are in their favor.

ring the edge of the Ghat. 10 treasure AC 6 [13], HD 1, Att 1 × weapon

(1d6 or by weapon), THAC0
hunters (hp: 6, 6, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1 ) live in the 19 [0], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12
shadow of the temple. W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 8, AL
Chaotic, XP 10
X Camp services: The treasure hunters will
Weapons: Short sword, short
sell standard adventuring gear at twice the bow.
normal price.
X Knowledge: If bribed, the treasure hunters
may reveal details about the temple. They
have entered Areas 3, 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, and
18. They are aware of the hypnotic swirl in
Area 14.
X Treasures: The treasure hunters have
recovered a meager hoard of coins (60gp,
200sp) and 12 gold incense burners (150gp
each), stolen from Areas 4 and 8.

Area Descriptions

18. The Ghat Mechanism
Grin and snap with hissing A huge bronze crank attaches to the east-
words. Lazy and cunning, con-
cerned only with feeding. ernmost of 12 enormous interlocking stone
AC 5 [14], HD 4, Att 1 × bite wheels. The wheels connect to the hinges
(1d8+2), THAC0 16 [+3], MV 90’ of a wide, rusting floodgate holding in the
(30’) / 120’ (40’) swimming, SV waters of the Ghat. The Ghat’s overflow cas-
D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), ML 8,
AL Neutral, XP 75 cades over the gate as a waterfall, down to
Feeding frenzy: Attracted to the the flooded valley below. Mosaics depict the
scent of blood or violent move- Monsoon God bestowing a blessing upon
ment in the water.
the Ravener, who operates the gate to control
the monsoons.
X Turning the wheels: Requires a com-
bined STR of 30+ and a bless spell. Causes
the Ghat to empty entirely with a violent
rush into the lands below, sweeping away
the elevated crocodiles from Area 19 and
revealing the Ravener shackled in
Area 20. He immediately calls out to the
PCs, cloaking his form as he does so (see
The Ravener, p.63).

19. The Upper Well

30’ deep, full to the brim with murky
water. Stepped sides slick with algae.
6 elevated crocodiles (hp: 25, 23, 19, 15, 14,
13—stats on p.55) make merry in the
waters, disregarding any peace or courtesy
offered to PCs by their kin in Area 9.
X Entering the water: The crocodiles attack,
seeking to drag an unfortunate swimmer
down to the Lower Well (Area 20), offering
them to the Ravener in exchange for his
corrupting blessing.

Area Descriptions

20. The Lower Well

50’ deep, but appears as a bottomless abyss,
filled with water as thick as blood, swirling
and viscous. Stepped sides slick with noi-
some black sludge. Invisible from the sur-
face, the Ravener is shackled at the bottom
of the Ghat, amid a mire of sediment
X Entering the water: Save versus spells
or panic, thrashing wildly for 1d4 rounds,
which draws 1d4 crocodiles from Area 19.
X Swimming: Visibility is only 5’ in the thick,
swirling waters.
X Speaking with the Ravener: Anyone who
descends to the bottom of the Ghat may
speak with the Ravener. He is conscious,
eternally raging against the treachery of
the Divine, but shackled with chains of THE RAVENER'S HOARD
holy silver, unable to ascend or leave the The bottom of the well is thick
with centuries of mired offerings:
Ghat. He attempts to charm mortals to f 25,000cp, 20,000sp,
retrieve his hand and help him escape his 8,000gp, 1,000pp.
unjust bondage. f 4 platinum rings embossed
with different faces of the
X Giving the Ravener the Hand: If the
Divine (1,500gp each).
Hand of the Ravener (see Area 7) enters f 5 black jaspers (1,000gp
the water, or if is given to the Ravener after each).
f 4 fiery orange topazes
draining the Ghat, the Ravener seizes and (2,500gp each).
reattaches it. He breaks his shackles, bursts f 3 cloudy blue diamonds
from the Ghat in a roaring torrent, and (5,000gp each).
proceeds to butcher any who fail to offer f 9 light green jades (200gp
their fealty. f 15 large green spinels (200gp
X Defeating the Ravener: The unend- each).
ing rains immediately cease and the sun
emerges. The pujari, freed of their mission,
crumble to dust. Clean waters gradually
sweep the Ghat of corruption, and the
Temple is holy again.
X Searching the sediment: See
The Ravener's Hoard

Area Descriptions

A 10' tall obscenity of rotting flesh and patches of filthy, blackened fur. Half the skin of his
tigrine snout is eroded, his skull, jaw, and fangs exposed in a perpetual snarl of bitter rage.
His bottomless yellow eyes radiate utter hatred, vengefulness, and sorrow. He reaches for-
ever towards the sun with his left stump of an arm, calling down only rain instead.
Mundane damage immunity: Can only be harmed by magical attacks.
Spell immunity: Immune to all spells of 1st to 3rd level.
Cloak true form: Can read the minds of those he encounters then cloak his true form with
an illusion of a creature or type of person deemed friendly. (If the Ravener is still chained in
the Ghat, this power does not conceal the chains.)
Magic-user spells: Without limit: charm person, ventriloquism, detect invisible. Once per day:
levitate, lightning bolt.
Cleric spells: Twice per day: darkness, cause fear.
Without Hand / Chained
AC 0 [19], HD 10** (60hp), Att [1 × claw (1d8), 1 × bite (3d4)] or spells, THAC0 11 [+8],
MV 0’ (0’), SV D2 W2 P2 B2 S4 (20), ML 9, AL Chaotic, XP 2,300
At 0hp: If killed while submerged, the Ravener reforms the following day. He can only be
killed permanently if the Ghat is drained (see Area 18).
With Hand
AC –2 [21], HD 16*** (100hp), Att [2 × claw (1d12), 1 × bite (3d6)] or spells, THAC0 8 [+11],
MV 150’ (50’), SV D2 W2 P2 B2 S2 (32), ML 11, AL Chaotic, XP 4,200
Energy damage reduction: Half damage from cold, electricity, fire, gas.
Regeneration: Gains 3hp at the start of each round, as long as alive.
At 0hp: Returns to life with full hit points after 1 turn. Can only permanently be killed if his
bejeweled left hand is severed and destroyed.

In Search of Adventure?
Check out the Old-School Essentials Official Adventure Scenarios.
Ready to play with minimal prep.

The Hole in the Oak (level 1–3) The Incandescent Grottoes (level 1–3)
by Gavin Norman. Delve into the twisting by Gavin Norman. Explore the crystal
tunnels beneath an old oak tree. caverns around a subterranean river.

Halls of the Blood King (level 3–5) The Isle of the Plangent Mage (level 3–5)
by Diogo Nogueira. Infiltrate the dimension- by Donn Stroud. Discover the secrets
hopping manor of a vampire overlord. of a sound-wizard’s underwater lair.

Holy Mountain Shaker (level 5–6) Adventure Anthology 1

by Luka Rejec. Journey to the mountain’s Four short adventures by leading
root in search of the fabled God-Fish. old-school designers.
Adventure Anthology 2
Four short adventures for Old-School Essentials, taking adventurers
from musty barrow mounds and gnomish shrines, to sinister
cathedrals and accursed stepwells.
• Barrow of the Bone Blaggards (level 1–3): Unearth the
necromantic secrets of a freshly opened barrow mound.
• Shrine of the Oozing Serpent (level 1–3): Delve into the
slime-filled lair of a grease dragon and her amphibious minions.
• Cathedral of the Crimson Death (level 4–6): Defeat an evil
death cult and their plans for necrotic world domination.
• The Ravener’s Ghat (level 6–8): Explore the accursed ruins
of an ancient rakshasa’s temple.

Requires Old School Essentials

Classic Fantasy or Advanced Fantasy.

ISBN: 978-3-96657-074-9

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