You Are A Badass

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You are a Badass by Jen

Sincero | Book Summary

by Paul Minors


Who is this book for?

This book is anyone looking for some entertainment and real-life advice. If you’re
feeling a little bit down and have some self-doubt, then this book is for you. Jen
Sincero’s aim is to empower her readers by identifying key problems that almost
everyone faces and explains how to face these hurdles and be a badass. Whether
you want to start a business, learn how to make extra money or get a new job and
are looking for an injection of self-confidence, this is the book for you.

About the Author

Jen Sincero has a down-to-earth humour that is entertaining and enjoyable. Her
books are written in a way that makes you feel like your friends. She’s a #1 New York
bestselling author, coach and motivational speaker. Writing from her own
experiences, she is an increasingly popular author in the self development world.

In this summary
As the title states, this summary will provide you with ways to stop doubting your
greatness and live an awesome life! Jen Sincero starts by explaining how and why
we are the way we are. She moves on to showing us how you can embrace you ‘inner
badass’. Sincero discusses how to get over your own B.S and finally how to get out
there and kick some ass.



It’s all in your subconscious

As Jen herself says, “my subconscious made me do it!” Jen really emphasises the
role our subconscious plays in every decision we make. She describes it as the
blueprint for our life and essentially makes up everything we consider to be our

The interesting part is that we are essentially completely oblivious to the

subconscious beliefs, despite the fact that they run our lives. No matter what we do
or how we do it, our subconscious minds and beliefs are controlling us, they run the

Be in the moment
Jen emphasises the importance of embracing the moment and being present.
Doing this will let you lead a richer, joy-filled life.

”Being present gets you out of your head and connects you to Source Energy,
which raises your frequency, which attracts things of like frequency to you.
And all of those high-frequency things and experiences are already here, just
waiting for you to join the party, all you have to do is shut up, show up, and
usher them in.”

It’s pretty clear that Jen is not a fan of the ego. She describes it as a false self, the self
that’s essentially being an asshole. It really only acts so sabotage our lives, our
happiness. And usually it rears it’s ugly head only because deep down, we don’t feel

Jen refers to the Ego is the ‘Big Snooze’ - because she believes that if our ego’s are
acting up, its because we are still asleep and haven’t yet realised how amazing we
are and how wonderful the universe is.

The ego limits your beliefs, it’s based on fear and is the reason we don’t step outside
our comfort zones, it constantly holds you back and restricts you from doing the
things you want to do the most.

Jen compares your ego to what she calls your true self or your ‘superhero self’. The
part that is based on love and joy, allows you to be proactive and productive and
believes that your potential is limitless, you can do and be whatever you want.

”The Big Snooze will do everything it can to stop you from changing and
growing, especially since you’re attempting to obliterate the very identity that
you and everyone else has come to know as ‘you.’”

Jen’s steps to taking control back, preventing the ugly ego are;

- stop at nothing

- have faith

- stay on course, no matter what happens

- believe that you are awesome

”It’s just as easy to believe we’re awesome as it is to believe we’re giant

sucking things.”


You have to love yourself

Jen prioritise the concept of loving yourself, how can you be unhappy when you
truly love yourself?

Here are Jen’s top tips for self-love:

1. Appreciate how special you are

2. Drown yourself in affirmations

3. Do things you love

4. Ditch the self-deprecating humour

5. Let the love in

6. Don’t compare yourself to others

7. Forgive yourself!

Who cares what they think?

We’ve all heard it before, but Jen really pushes the idea that you have got to stop
worrying about what everybody thinks of you. Who cares what they think? You do
you and celebrate it. Living in fear that we might not meet other people’s
expectations only leaves you miserable and scared of doing the things you love.

Jen emphasises that you cannot control what people think or do, the only thing you
can control is what YOU say and do. People’s opinions of you says more about them
than it does you. Stay true to yourself!

The journey to happiness

Jen reminds us that although we all have different journeys and paths, ultimately, we
all have the same destination in mind; happiness.

Her steps to finding this happiness are;

1. Start NOW. Don’t waste time worrying about whether what your doing is
right, just make the first move!

2. Find what your good at, and do it!

3. Don’t necessarily mix it up too much. If you love it, don’t question it, you
don’t have to be different.

4. Remember that we all evolve, you don’t necessarily have only one true
calling, you can change career paths. It’s OK.

5. Follow your intuition.

6. Allow yourself to dream, and follow your dreams.

7. Most importantly: love yourself.


Something that Jen highly recommends is meditation. So many people worry about
how to meditate, have you done it for long enough? Were you in the right position?
Did your mind wander too much?

Jen suggests you stop worrying about how your doing it and just start meditating.
There’s no right or wrong. But she recons, that starting, will change your life. So give
it a go!

Change your thinking

”Positive thinking is key. Our thoughts are the most powerful tools we’ve got.
Through our thoughts we create our realities.”

Jen says that it’s only after you change your thinking, that things change. We often sit
here thinking that if only something changes, then we’ll be able to be more positive.
But really, you have to think positively FIRST, then changes will over. Trust the process
and believe you can.

”If you want to attract good things and feelings into your life, send
awesomeness out to everyone around you. It can be as simple as leaving a
dollar more than you normally would every time you tip. Or smiling,
complimenting people and making them laugh.”

Have gratitude
Gratitude, Jen describes, as much more than just manners or niceties, it’s a state of
being. She credits feeling awesome to being in a state of gratitude. Not only does it
make you feel good, but it actually strengthens your faith.

”Faith is having the audacity to believe in the not-yet seen. Faith is the muscle
you use when you decide to blast outside of your comfort zone and transform
your life into something that’s practically unrecognizable to you in your

present reality. Faith smothers your fear of the unknown. Faith allows you to
take risks. Faith is the stuff of “leap and the net will appear.”

Forgive or Fester
We all know that forgiveness is hard, but Jen identifies forgiveness, as an act of
looking after yourself, it’s not at all about the person you need to forgive. By allowing
yourself to eliminate the negative feelings you may have had, it means you put
yourself first and allow yourself to be happy and free from those thoughts. Don’t
hold onto feelings of anger, resentment or hurt, you have to let go and move on.
Don’t let someone else be responsible for your happiness.

” It’s about putting your desire to feel good before your desire to be right. It’s
about taking responsibility for your own happiness instead of pretending it’s
in somebody else’s hands. “


We get to choose and experience our own reality, it comes down to making a choice
Jen describes, making a choice to create an life you want to live, let go of things that
don’t serve you well, any negativity or pessimism, and change your reality to one
filled with joy and happy experiences.

”Most of the time it’s not lack of experience that’s holding us back, but rather
the lack of determination to do what we need to do to be successful. We put
so much energy into coming up with excuses why we can’t be, do, or have the
things we want, and designing the perfect distractions to keep us from our
dreams—imagine how far we’d get if we just shut up and used all that energy
to go for it instead?”

Jen highlights procrastination as one of the key ways you constantly self-sabotage.
Procrastination is simply another way to let excuses get in the way of what you really
want. If you are serious about living a better life, you have to stop procrastinating.

”All it takes to turn the fear factor around is learning to be comfortable in,
instead of terrified of, the unknown. And this is done through faith. On the
other side of your fear is your freedom.”

Jen explains that those who you consider the closest to you, are essentially a mirror
of yourself, they reflect how much (or little) you love and respect yourself.

”Your reality is created by what you focus on and how you choose to interpret
it. This goes for everything, including the things you focus on about the
people in your world.”

Jen believes that people come into your life for a reason, and you into theirs for a
reason. You need to see how you can help them grow and develop as a person and
how they can help you in return. Seek the beauty in people, and they will seek and
celebrate the beauty in you.


You have to make a decision

Jen emphasises that too often, we don’t make the tough decisions. We sit back and
don’t commit. But by making a decision, it’s signing yourself up, making a
commitment, to doing everything you can, to reach your goal. If you don’t make the
decision to start now, you’ll never actually start. So commit, decide, and follow your

”So often, we pretend we’ve made a decision, when what we’ve really done is
signed up to try until it gets too uncomfortable. Nobody gets to the top of the
mountain without falling on his face over and over again. The only failure is
quitting. Everything else is just gathering information.”

Jen acknowledges, that in todays world, if you really want to do something big, make
drastic changes and better your life, you’re likely going to have to spend some
money. Whether it’s money you’ve been saving up, getting a loan, racking up a
credit card bull or borrowing from friends and family, do it. Do whatever it takes to
change your life. It’s scary when it means parting with money but it’s about having
faith in the process and following your dreams.

”This is about taking a leap of faith into a new realm that you strongly desire
to be in, demanding of yourself that you rise to the occasion and start living
your damn life already.”

Jen emphasises the importance on balancing the strength of your faith versus your
fear, you have to have faith in the universe, and that has to outweigh your fear of
failure. Essentially, in the words of Jen, you need to surrender to the universe.

Too often, we think that we need to try and take charge of the situation (fear
based thinking) instead of having faith and gratitude and allowing The
Universe to deliver (love based thinking). In short, we think we can do a better
job of manifesting than The Universe can.”

Do it
Jen discusses how too often, people want change, they can invest in it, both time
and money, but they still don’t follow through and make things happen. Jen
recognises, that obviously, the people that don’t follow through, didn’t really want is
as much as they said they did.

You have to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone, take risks, and continue
to follow through if you want to reap the benefits. Challenge yourself, grow and
develop, always be moving forward, never stay stationary, never get comfortable.

“Keep moving through each new challenge instead of stagnating and

settling. The muscle of kick-assery is like any other muscle—you have to use it
or lose it.”

Jen’s final words.

”Give yourself the permission and the means, to be who you are

”You are powerful. You are loved. You are surrounded by miracles. Believe,
really believe that what you desire is here and available to you. And you can
have it all.”


Key Takeaways
- Don’t let your ego get in the way.

- Always be positive

- Surround yourself with people who reflect you well

- Love yourself

- Forgive others, don’t hold on to anger

- Don’t worry about what other people think about you

- Always have gratitude

- Don’t let money hold you back, get it wherever you can

- Just start now, take the first step to transforming your life!

Further Reading
Ryan Holiday’s book, Ego is the Enemy is a great read about how when pursuing
success and our goals, we mustn’t let our ego get in the way and hold us back.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F^ck by Mark Manson is a great book that in many
ways agrees with Jen Sincero’s points but also challenges some. Manson makes us
realise that not everything in life is always great, and he aims to teach you that you
can suffer better, with more meaning and compassion.

If you enjoy Jen Sincero’s attitude and approach to life, I think you’ll also really enjoy
#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso as she tells her journey to becoming a girl boss.

The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwatrz is a great read that focuses on teaching
you how to think in a way that can cultivate success, it’s all about mindset!

Guidelines is my eBook that summarises the main lessons from 33 of the best-selling
self-help books in one place. It is the ultimate book summary; Available as a 80-page

ebook and 115-minute audio book. Guidelines lists 31 rules (or guidelines) that you
should follow to improve your productivity, become a better leader, do better in
business, improve your health, succeed in life and become a happier person.

Action Steps
1. Start meditating, start small and don’t put pressure on yourself. Try it for
2 weeks and see if you feel any different.

2. Write down your dreams, and start working towards them.

3. Look at the people you spend your time with, do they encourage self-
love and positivity? Or are they bringing you down.

4. Work on practising positivity, only use positive language when talking

about yourself and your goals.

5. If you liked this book summary, you can purchase the book on Amazon.

6. . Check out my blog post on the art of practicing happiness!


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