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Competency EN3G-lVi-j-6.1 Quarter FOURTH
Teaching Date June 6, 2023 Time 10:00-10:45

a. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of grammatical structures of English to be able to
communicate effectively in oral and written forms
b. Performance Standards Shows proficiency in constructing grammatically correct sentences in varied theme-
based oral and written activities
c. Learning At the end of the lesson the pupils are expected to:
recognize adverbs of manner (EN3G-lVi-j-6.1)

II. CONTENT Adverb of Manner

III. LEARNING K to 12 Curriculum Guide

RESOURCES Grade 3- Media Assisted Instruction Printed Materials
a. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional materials
from Learning Resource Grade 3 ENGLISH Module
(LR) Portal
b. Other Learning Tarpapel, powerpoint, laptop
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Reviewing the previous Everybody stand up. Let us pray. (after (Prayer)
lesson or presenting the praying) pick up the pieces of paper on the
new lesson. floor. Arrange your chairs and tables
Illustrates objective no.4
Manage classroom structure
to engage learners, Present the classroom rules. (listening to the classroom rules)
individually or in groups, in
meaningful exploration, 1. Listen and follow the directions of
discovery and hands-on the teacher.
activities within a range of 2. Raise your right hand if you want to
physical learning answer or ask question.
environment. 3. Respect your classmates and the

Yesterday, we discussed about adjectives.

Adjective a word that describe a noun or
pronoun. Examples of adjectives are Now,
to know if you really understand or last topic,
I have here a short activity.

Directions: Clap your hands if the word

that will flash on the screen is an adjective
and shout hooray if it is not an adjective. (pupil’s do as told)
1. beautiful 6. shoes
2. silent 7. nice
3. notebook 8. quick
4. bad 9. school
5. bag 10. house

B. Establishing a purpose Motivation:

of the lesson
Now, before we proceed to our new lesson
this morning, let’s have first an energizer.

I have here a video, we are going to follow

the dance in the video.
(pupil’s do as told)


1. What did you observe in the video?

Illustrates objective no. 3 The kids were dancing.
Apply range of teaching 2. How did the kids dance in the video?
strategies to develop critical The kids dance gracefully.
and creative thinking, as The kids dance happily.
well as other high-order 3. Is dancing a form of exercise? The kids dance properly.
thinking skills.
4. Why do you say that dancing is a
form of exercise? Yes, dancing is a form of

(pupil’s answer)
Very good! Dancing is also a form of
exercise because it can be a way to stay fit
for people, dancing can improve your muscle
Illustrates objective no.1 tone, and fitness. And also, in dancing like
“Zumba” you can meet new friends.
Apply knowledge of content
and across curriculum areas
(Integration of MAPEH)

C. Presenting I have here sentences base on the video we

examples/instances of the had.
new lesson
Everybody read!

The kids dance gracefully. The kids dance gracefully.

The kids dance happily. The kids dance happily.
The kids dance properly. The kids dance properly.

What have you observed in each sentence? There are underlined words.

Very, good!

What are the underlined words?

Gracefully, happily, and properly
That’s right!
Do you know what are those words called?

So, be with me this morning as we are going

to talk about adverbs of manner.

Everybody read! Adverbs of Manner

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to

identify adverbs of manner, give examples of
adverbs of manner, and appreciate the value
of teamwork.

D. Discussing new concepts Present pictures:

and practicing new skills #1

 Can you tell me what is the girl The girl is singing.

doing in the picture?
 How does the girl sing? The girl is singing loudly.
 The word loudly is an adverb of
manner because it describes how the
girl sings in the picture.
 It answers the question “HOW”


The boy is walking.

 Can you tell me what is the boy The boy walks happily.
doing in the picture?
 How does the boy walk?
 The word happily is an adverb of
manner because it describes how the
boy walks in the picture.
 It answers the question “HOW”

 Adverb of manner- describe how the

action is done.
 It is usually formed from adjectives
by adding -ly.


graceful - gracefully

(The word graceful. This word is an

adjective. To make this as an adverb of
manner, we will add -ly to the word graceful.
Graceful plus -ly will become gracefully.)

careful - carefully

(The word careful. This word is an adjective.

To make this as an adverb of manner, we
will add the -ly to the word graceful. Careful
plus -ly will become carefully.)

 Can you tell me what is the girl

doing in the picture?
 How does the girl sing?
 The word loudly is an adverb of
manner because it describes how the
girl sings in the picture.
 It answers the question “HOW”

 When adjectives end in -y change -y

to -i and add -ly.


happy - happily

(The word happy. This word is an adjective

that ends in -y. to make this as an adverb of
manner, we will change -y to i and add -ly to
the word happy. The word happy will
become happily.)

greedy - greedily

(The word greedy. This word is an adjective

that ends in -y. to make this as an adverb of
manner, we will change -y to i and add -ly to
the word greedy. The word greedy will
become greedily.)
easy - easily

(The word easy. This word is an adjective

that ends in -y. to make this as an adverb of
manner, we will change -y to i and add -ly to
the word easy. The word easy will become

E. Discussing new concepts (Recognize adverbs of manner)

and practicing new skills #2
1. Mercy dances gracefully.

a dve rb

In sentence number one our verb is

dances, and the adverb of this sentence is

(The adverb in the sentence is gracefully. It

describes the action of Mercy which is
dances. An adverb of manner is added to the
verb dances to modify its meaning and give
us more information on how Mercy dances.

2. A boy sings a song happily.

What is the verb in the sentence?
Very good!
How about the adverb of manner?
That’s right!

(The adverb in the sentence is happily. It

describes the action of a boy which is sings.
An adverb of manner is added to the verb
sings to modify its meaning and give us more
information on how the boy sings.)
3.Annie reads the story carefully.

What is the verb in the sentence?

Very good!
How about the adverb of manner?

That’s right! Carefully

(The adverb in the sentence is carefully. It

describes the action of Annie which is reads.
An adverb of manner is added to the verb
reads to modify its meaning and give us more
information on how Annie reads.)

4. Baby Jane cries easily.

What is the verb in the sentence?

Very good! Cries

How about the adverb of manner?

That’s right! Easily

(The adverb in the sentence is easily. It
describes the action of Baby Jane which is
cries. An adverb of manner is added to the
verb cries to modify its meaning and give us
more information on how Baby Jane cries.)
Now, who can give examples of adverb of
manner and use it in a sentence.

(Pupils giving examples of adverbs

of manner and using it in a sentence)

F. Developing mastery To understand more in recognizing

leading to formative adverb of manner let us have more
assessment activities. I will group you into three
groups, each group will be given task to
Illustrates objective no.5
(Explain the importance of helping each
Manage learner behavior other especially in a group
constructively by applying (TEAMWORK))
positive and non-violent
discipline to ensure

Group 1 Activity
Illustrates objective no.2
Directions: Read the story and write the
Use rage of teaching
highlighted words on the box below.
strategies that enhance
learner achievement in
literacy ad numeracy.

A Trip to Baguio City

It was the start of summer. Harrish excitedly

woke up. School days are over!

The next day, his father shortly added, “Let

us visit Baguio City, the summer capital of
the country.” And Harrish was eagerly asking
his parents to go for a trip, right away.

They ended their summer vacation happily

and Harrish shouted loudly, “What a nice

Finally, they went home safely.

Group 2 Activity

Directions: Give five (5) examples of

adverbs of manner.





Group 3 Activity

Direction: Use the following adverbs of

manner in a sentence.

1. sadly

2. slowly

3. loudly

G. Finding practical Directions: Read and understand the story

application of concepts below. Choose and encircle the adverbs of
and skills in daily living manner.

We Win As One
Illustrates objective no.6 One day, Maria and Ericka patiently
practiced and eagerly waited for the race to
Use differentiated, come.
developmentally appropriate After a month, the contest had come and they
learning experiences to safely played and positively felt of winning
the race.
address learners’ gender,
At the end, the two friends gladly won the
needs, strengths, interests, game and proudly brought the prize home.
and experiences.

Values Integration:

What do you think the reason why Maria an

Ericka won the game? Because they practice eagerly, they
help each other during the practices.

How Important teamwork is?

(Pupil’s answer)

Very Good! Teamwork brings people

together, with the help of one another things
well be done easily with good outcome.

H. Making generalizations Adverb of manner- describe how the action

and abstractions about the is done.
 To make an adverb of manner, add
–ly to the adjective


 When adjectives end in -y change -y

to -I and add -ly.

I. Evaluating learning Directions: Identify the adverbs of manner
found in the sentences. Write your answer on
the space provided.
__________________1. He closed the door Quietly
__________________2. Mom mixes the Slowly
ingredients slowly.
__________________3. My Math teacher clearly
speaks clearly.
__________________4. I wash my clothes gently
__________________5. Justine listens carefully
_________________ 6. My friend sings beautifully
_________________7. The teacher sits nicely
_________________8 . The singer sings softly
_________________9. Father called us loudly
________________10. Karen writes her meaningfully
sentence meaningfully.
J. Additional activities for ASSIGNMENT:
application/ remediation
Directions: Change the words inside the
parenthesis into adverbs of manner to
complete the thought of each sentence.

1. She was late so she had to dress _______


2. You play the piano _____________


3. Rhem stood up and walked ____________


4. The hero hit the crocodile ___________

(hard) on its nose, and escaped.

5. They ran ___________ (fast) but they

couldn’t catch the rat.


a. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation
b. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
for remediation who scores below 80%
c. Did the remedial lesson work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
d. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
e. Which of my teaching strategies
work well? Why did these work?
f. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
g. What innovation or localized
material did I use/discover which I can
share with other teachers?



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