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Family crest:Symbols & Defintions

EELC 1012 Project 1

Member 1 Bowie (A-C3-0137-3)

Member 2 Rowena (A-C3-0149-4)
Member 3 Claudia (S-C3-2921-1)
Member 4 Ella (A-C3-0178-0)
Symbol 1 & 2 (by Bowie):
Symbol 3 & 4 (by Rowana):
Symbol 5 & 6 (by Claudia ):
Symbol 7 & 8 (by Ella):
6.Ocean wave
Conclusion (by students 4)
List of References(APA)
Symbol 1:Fish Symbol 1:Dragon My family crest
Symbol 1:Fish
Fish is an animal.
They are only live in the sea .

Based on Liao (2013), The fish is live in the
water. Thought research gene process and
physiology in water.
According to manoa(n.d) described Fish are
vertebrate animals in the water , there have
gills but don’t have limbs, for example
fingers or toes.
Symbol 1:Fish
In cultural of fish in China,The pronunciation of
fish in Chinese, "yú," is a homophone and mean
represent for “wealth” or “ colorful."
This pronounce same represent the fish becoming
a symbol of rich and good luck in Chinese culture

How the symbol fits the family’s values:

last name is “Yu” and there are same of
fish in Chinese pronunciation.
Symbol 1:Dragon
Dragon is an animal.
This is Chinese zodiac sign.
Cartwright (2017),describe the dragon is
one of animal in the earliest appear the
legend and story of ancient China.The
dragon is most often describe as a huge
and soft wild animal It is live in the clouds.
Symbol 1:Dragon
Dragons come in the mystery of many in old
time cultures but nowhere else in the world
was the creature is so respected .
How the symbol fits the family’s values:
My father’s zodiac sign is dragon and it can
represent my family culture. This year is
dragon in Chinese zodiac.
Therefore, I hope the fish and dragon can
bring some luck and good something in this
My family crest motto
Hope brings good luck

Symbol 1:Fish
Symbol 2: Dragon

Motto rationale:
It's a sign of our family's need for
good polite.
the mix of fish and dragon
represents happiness and luck.
Symbol 1 : Deer Symbol 2 : Forest My family crest

+ =
Symbol 1 : Deer
Definition :
Deer is a real animal in nature.
it is a First-class national protection
of animals of China.
Description :
Bradford (2017): Typically, these ungulates have tiny
tails, long, slender legs, and short torsos.
The Southern pudu is the smallest deer. When fully
grown, it only weighs 9 kilograms and reaches a
height of 36 centimeters.
The moose is the largest deer. It can weigh about
820 kg and reach a maximum height of 2 meters
from hoof to shoulder.
Symbol 1 : Deer
The oldest species of deer on Earth are whitetails.
Their direct progenitor crossed the Bering Land
Bridge into Alaska to reach North America, and
whitetail fossils dating back five million years have
been discovered in Florida. (Thomas, 2022)
How the symbol fits the family's
Deer and my family have many
Peace, kind , and gentle of spirit in
deer are the same with me.
Symbol 2 : Forest
Definition :
The definition of a forest is stated as an area
of land with "canopy cover" in The Great Lie:
Monoculture Trees as Forests (2011),
however it does not address the diversity of
tree species or the embedded flora and
wildlife that comprise an integral part.

Description :
Robert Harrison observes in "Forests, The Shadow of
Civilization" (1993) that forests are typically portrayed in
medieval chivalric romances as existing outside the
boundaries of society and its legal systems.
History : Symbol 2 : Forest
A History of the Pennsylvania State Forest School 1903–1929
by Elizabeth H. Thomas put it like way: "Cut out and get out" was
the loggers' way of working, meaning that poor quality work was
the standard.
By drawing the analogy that a forest is to a school of forestry,
just as a hospital is to a medical student, Forest Leaves (April
1916). The forest serves as the forester's "final and best
How the symbol fits the family's values:
The forest is great, is strong, is a
The forest is as great as my parents.
No matter how many times I fall down,
my parents will protect me when I grow
My family crest motto
Challenge is success
Symbol 1: Deer
Symbol 2: Forest
Motto rationale:
For the kindness and happiness
of our family
The combination of deer and
forest represents the truth,
goodness and beauty of our
Symbol 1: whale symbol 2: rose my family crest:

+ =
symbol 1: whale
Definition :
· Based on Eppstein (2023):a
part of the Marine mammal
· Based on Eppstein (2023):
streamlined bodies, multiple ole
types of fins, large, intelligent
heads, large mouths for hunting,
and horizontally flat or pointy tails
History :
· Whales have been used for food and
industrial products for a long time. But because
too many whales are being caught, their
numbers are decreasing a lot, and now they are
in danger.
How the symbol fits the family's values:
· the meaning of the whale represents freedom,
pursuit, courage, and uniqueness.
· It can also represent our family happiness.
Symbol 2 : rose
Definition :
· Based on Augustyn,A.(2024): the rose
is a plant in the genus Rosaceae

· Based on Augustyn,A.(2024):
Many people grow roses because
of their beauty, and these flowers
can bring pleasure in different
varieties and climates.
History :
· Most roses come from Asia, some from
North America, and some from Europe and
Northwest Africa.

How the symbol fits the family's values:

· roses are beautiful and represent sincerity and love.
My family crest motto:
Born towards the sun
symbol 1: whale
symbol 2: rose
Motto rationale :
· It represents a positive,
courageous state
· It also means that our
family ties are inseparable
Symbol 1: Panda Symbol 2 : Ocean Wave My family crest:
Symbol 1 : Panda
Panda is a real animal in nature.
It is a treasure of China

Brown (2022): looks like the glutinous rice,
and always wears clothes of black and
Ou (2023): Black fur on panda ears and
around eyes, and on its arms and legs. At the
same time, it also has a small little button like
tail on its back.....
Symbol 1 : Panda
Pandas who also have lived 800 million years in
China, and even has been actived on the board of
the nation (Lun, 2021).
The Panda has built a bridge to connecting the
friendship of Americans in 1978 (Holland, 2023).

How the symbol fits the family's values:

The panda symbol has spirit about freedoms ,
hapiness and independence. I hope I can leran
from it.
Symbol 2 : Ocean Wave
According to The Cosmic Spirit (2021), the
waves will gives the different feel to people.
For example calm & dangerous.
Waves are the real object in nature.

Based on Wimbush et al. (2021), waves are often
caused by someonne drop a stone in water, and
also the power from the wind always pushes the
water go ahead.
Always means freedom and vision.
It is an important in our daily life and it can relax
in your brain and heart (Heiser, 2017).

How the symbol fits the family's values:

The ocean wave means freedom and challenge.

My parents are willing to gave me more chances to do

everything when is the first time.

They always hope that i can enjoy something and focus

to do it better.

Try to keep the attitude positively in daily life.

My family crest motto:
Carpe diem cras (Seize the day tomorrow)
Symbol 1 : Panda
Symbol 2 : Ocean Wave
Motto rationale:
We should live in the present moment
Everyone should be take action and make the
most of every opportunity.
Everyone should be know“Yesterday is history,
but tomorrow is unknown”.
Fish symbol Deer symbol Whale symbol Panda symbol

Dragon symbol Forest symbol Rose symbol Waves symbol

Points that our family values share in commom: The positive attitude to face and
solve the question, giving the respect and love to everyone.
Points that our family values differents: Different families have differents
requirements, and have more various opinions.
what is a message we want you to carry with our presentation: Everyone's
family have different life story,and it can look like that everyone has different
requirements for themselves.

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