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Weekly Progress Report

Internship 2024
Week - 03/20 - (From 26th Feb to 2th Mar 2024)

Name: Monisha MS
SRN: PES1202204348
Email: [email protected]
Mob: 9606670086

Date Task Achieved
Task Assigned
Present (P)Absent
(A)or Holiday(H)
26-02-2024 Preparing DIR-8
&MBP -1 DSC Yes P

27-02-2024 Preparing DIR-8

&MBP -1 DSC Yes P

28-02-2024 Preparing DIR-8

&MBP -1 DSC Yes P

No A

01-03-2024 Preparing DIR-8

&&MBP -1 DSC Yes P

02-03-2024 Preparing DIR-8

Yes P Signature
Week's Total Days Days present - 5 Days Absent - 1
Cumulative Attendance till Last week Reporting
Present days - 17 Total days - 18
17Days (94.44%)
Cumulative Attendance - 17days Present Total 17/18 Percentage -94.44%
*Holiday means gazette holiday/Company holiday
Work Abstract

Day 1 Preparing DIR-8and MBP-1 of Four Companies andMail Updates and DSC
Preparing DIR-8 and MBP-1 of Four Companies and Mail Updates and DSC
Day 2

Day 3 Preparing DIR-8 and MBP-1 of Four Companies and Mail Updates and DSC
Preparing DIR-8 and MBP-1 of Four Companies and Mail Updates and SkN
Day 4

Day 5 Absent

Preparing DIR-8 and MBP-1 of Four Companies and Mail Updates and DSC
Day 6 applying,
Schedule of events.

Project Report
IEC -1 COMPLETED Working on primary data

Name &Signature with date Name & Signature with date Name & Signature with date
Student Internal Guide External Guide

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