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SUN2000L App

Quick Guide
Issue: 01
Part Number: 31508725
Date: 2017-09-27

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2017. All rights reserved.

1 Overview
1.1 Function

The mobile phone application used for the SUN2000L is called FusionHome app (app for short), which communicates with the SUN2000L over
WiFi to provide a convenient platform for querying alarms, configuring parameters, performing routine maintenance, and commissioning.

1.2 Connection Methods

After the DC or AC side of the SUN2000L is energized, the app can connect to the SUN2000L in two methods:

NOTE Method 2: mobile phone connecting to the

• When connecting the app to Method 1: mobile phone connecting SUN2000L over a router (not for first login,
the SUN2000L directly, keep to the SUN2000L directly the router WiFi name and encryption
the mobile phone within 5 mode have been set on the SUN2000L)
meters of the SUN2000L with Android 4.4
no barrier in between to ensure and later,
the communication quality Android 4.4 iOS 8.0
between them. and later, and later
• The mobile phone supports the Distance iOS 8.0 and
access to the Internet. (with no later
• The mobile phone supports barrier)
WiFi. ≤ 5m
• This section describes how a
mobile phone connects to the
SUN2000L directly. For the The router supports the WiFi
description about the other protocol (IEEE 802.11 b/g/n,
connection mode, see the 2.4 GHz) and the WiFi signal
appropriate SUN2000L user reaches the SUN2000L.

2 Downloading and Installing the App

Search for FusionHome in one of the following app stores, download the installation package, and install the FusionHome app by following
the instructions.
• Huawei App Store (Android)
• Google Play (Android)
• App Store (iOS)
After the app is installed, the FusionHome icon ( ) is displayed on the home screen.

The screenshots provided in this document are from FusionHome V1.1.0.100. The data on the screenshots is for reference only.

3 Connecting to the SUN2000L

Mobile Phone Connecting to the SUN2000L Directly (Android)
Run the app, tap the WiFi name corresponding to the SUN2000L, and enter the WiFi password to connect to the WiFi network. After the
connection succeeds, the Inverter list screen is displayed.

• The name of the connected SUN2000L WiFi network is represented by SUN2000L-its serial number (SN). The SN is available on the
label attached to the side of the SUN2000L.
• Use the initial password Changeme upon first login. To ensure account security, change the password immediately after login.
• If you log in for the first time and the initial SUN2000L WiFi password is not changed, you can scan the WiFi login QR code on the side
of the SUN2000L to connect to the SUN2000L WiFi network .
• To exit the app, tap Exit on the Inverter list screen.
• If the connection to the SUN2000L WiFi network from the app fails, try the connection to the WiFi network from your mobile phone.

Mobile Phone Connecting to the SUN2000L Directly (iOS)
Choose Settings > WLAN on your mobile phone, tap the WiFi name corresponding to the SUN2000L, and enter the WiFi password to connect
to the WiFi network. After the connection succeeds, the Inverter list screen is displayed.

• The name of the connected SUN2000L WiFi network is represented by SUN2000L-its SN. The SN is available on the label attached to
the side of the SUN2000L.
• If you log in for the first time and the initial SUN2000L WiFi password is not changed, you can run the app, tap Scan, and scan the
WiFi login QR code on the side of the SUN2000L to obtain the WiFi login password.
• Use the initial password Changeme upon first login. To ensure account security, change the password immediately after login.

4 Logging In to the App

The following text describes the operations on Android screens. The operations on iOS screens are the same as those on Android screens,
except that the screens are somewhat different. The actual screens prevail.
Login as installer
1. On the Inverter list screen, tap the corresponding SUN2000L, select installer, enter the password, and then tap Verify.
NOTE Identity authentication
• The name of the connected SUN2000L is represented by its SN, which is available on the label
attached to the side of the SUN2000L.
• The login password is the same as that for the SUN2000L connected to the app and is used only
when the SUN2000L connects to the app.
• The initial password is 00000a. Use the initial password upon first login. To ensure account security,
change the password immediately after login.
2. If you log in successfully, the Quick setting or Operation console screen is displayed.
• The Quick setting screen is displayed only when the SUN2000L is powered on for the first time or the
factory defaults of the SUN2000L are restored.
• If you do not follow the deployment wizard, the Quick setting screen is still displayed when you log in
next time.
• To exit the Quick setting screen, press the Back button on the mobile phone or tap Exit on the screen.
To enter the Quick setting screen again, choose Quick setting from the Operation console screen.
Quick setting

• If the inverter does not need to connect to the router, skip Step 1 Set parameters for the Inverter to
connect to the router. If the inverter does not need to connect to the management system, skip Step
4 Set parameters for the Inverter to connect to the management system.
• After the management system is successfully connected, the SUN2000L will report the SN and installer
CD Key number. If the connection fails, another connection attempt will start after 10 seconds. The
installer CD Key number is generated by the SUN2000L automatically and is used for the installer to
register with the management system and manage the inverter.
• If you want to set parameters using a saved configuration file, ensure that the file is available in your
mobile phone. To generate a configuration file, choose Quick setting > Save settings.

To add devices, tap Go to set after quick setting is complete, and then configure parameters on the Add/Delete device screen.

Login as user
You can log in as user only after you have logged in as installer and followed the instructions on the Quick setting screen.
On the Inverter list screen, tap the corresponding SUN2000L, select user, enter the password, and log in to the app.

• The name of the connected
SUN2000L is represented
by its SN, which is available
on the label attached to the
side of the SUN2000L.
• The login password is the
same as that for the
SUN2000L connected to
the app and is used only
when the SUN2000L
connects to the app.
• The initial password is
00000a. Use the initial
password upon first login.
To ensure account security,
change the password
immediately after login.

5 Common Alarms and Troubleshooting Measures

When a fault occurs, a corresponding alarm is generated.
• To view alarms as installer, choose Device info > Alarm query on the Operation
console screen. For more alarms, see the appropriate SUN2000L
• To view alarms as user, choose > Alarm query in the upper right corner. user manual.
Alarm Possible Cause Measures
High String The PV array is incorrectly Reduce the number of PV modules connected in series
Input configured. Excessive PV to the PV string until the PV string open-circuit voltage
Voltage modules are connected in is less than or equal to the maximum input voltage of
series to the PV string, and the SUN2000L. After the PV array is correctly
therefore the open-circuit configured, the alarm disappears.
voltage exceeds the maximum
input voltage of the SUN2000L.
Output The grid voltage drops 1. The SUN2000L monitors its external working
Overcurrent dramatically or the power grid is conditions in real time. The SUN2000L automatically
short-circuited. As a result, the recovers after the fault is rectified.
SUN2000L transient output 2. If the alarm occurs frequently and affects the power
current exceeds the upper production of the PV plant, check whether the output
threshold and therefore the is short-circuited. If the fault persists, contact your
protection function is triggered. dealer.
Output DC The DC component in the grid 1. The SUN2000L monitors its external working
Component current exceeds the specified conditions in real time. The SUN2000L automatically
Overhigh upper threshold. recovers after the fault is rectified.
2. If the alarm occurs frequently, contact your dealer.
Abnormal The insulation impedance 1. If the alarm occurs accidentally, the external power
Residual between the input and the PE cable may be abnormal temporarily. The SUN2000L
Current decreases when the SUN2000L automatically recovers after the fault is rectified.
is operating. 2. If the alarm occurs frequently or persists, check that
the impedance between the PV string and ground is
not below the lower threshold.
Low 1. The PV string is short- 1. Check the impedance between the PV array output
Insulation circuited to PE. and PE, and eliminate short circuits and poor
Resistance 2. The PV string is installed in insulation points.
a moist environment for a 2. Check that the SUN2000L PE cable is correctly
long time and the power connected.
cable is not well insulated to 3. If you are sure that the impedance is less than the
ground. default value in a cloudy or rainy environment, set
Insulation resistance protection.

6 Common Faults and Troubleshooting Measures
Fault Symptom Possible Cause Measures
• The version of the mobile phone operating system is • Upgrade the version of the mobile phone
An Android mobile phone
earlier than the required version. operating system.
prompts that the app cannot be
• Allow Installation of apps from unknown sources • Choose Settings > Security and select Allow
is not selected. Installation of apps from unknown sources.
The mobile phone or router is more than 5 meters away Keep the mobile phone or router within 5 meters
The communication fails. from the SUN2000L, so the WiFi connection is of the SUN2000L and reconnect to the WiFi
disconnected. network.
The Failed to connect to the
The mobile phone or router is more than 5 meters away Ensure that the WiFi network is connected. Log
inverter. Reconnecting ...
from the SUN2000L, or the WiFi signal is weak. out of the app and then log in again.
message is displayed.
All data fails to be obtained
The app is disconnected from the SUN2000L. Connect to the SUN2000L again.
during operations.
The SUN2000L list fails to be If the scan still fails after several attempts, log out
An error occurs in the WiFi connection to the app.
scanned. and try again.
No upgrade package is displayed
No upgrade package exists in the mobile phone. Save the upgrade package in the mobile phone.
for the upgrade.

7 Grid Codes
NO. Grid Code Description SUN2000L- SUN2000L- SUN2000L- SUN2000L- SUN2000L-
2KTL/SUN2000L- 3.68KTL 4KTL 4.6KTL 5KTL
1 VDE-AR-N-4105 Germany low-voltage power grid Support Support Support Support -
2 NB/T 32004 China Golden Sun low-voltage power grid Support - Support - Support

3 UTE C 15-712-1(A) France mainland power grid Support Support Support Support Support

4 UTE C 15-712-1(B) France island power grid Support Support Support Support Support

5 UTE C 15-712-1(C) France island power grid Support Support Support Support Support

6 G59-England England 230 V power grid (I > 16 A) - - Support Support Support

7 G59-Scotland Scotland 240 V power grid (I > 16 A) - - Support Support Support

8 G83-England England 230 V power grid (I < 16 A) Support Support - - -

9 G83-Scotland Scotland 240 V power grid (I < 16 A) Support Support - - -

10 CEI0-21 Italy power grid Support Support Support Support Support

11 EN50438-NL Netherlands power grid Support Support Support Support Support
12 AS4777 Australia power grid Support Support Support Support Support
13 IEC61727 IEC61727 low-voltage power grid (50 Hz) Support Support Support Support Support

14 EN50438-TR Turkey low-voltage power grid Support Support Support Support Support

15 IEC61727-60 Hz IEC61727 low-voltage power grid (60 Hz) Support Support Support Support Support

16 CLC/TS50549_IE Ireland power grid Support Support Support Support Support

• The grid codes are subject to change. The listed codes are for reference only.
• For more information about the FusionHome app, see the SUN2000L user manual.

Customer Service Contact Information

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India India [email protected]
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Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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