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​ Kobe Crawford

​ Week 8 Case Analysis

​ 1. What are the four principles that Jim Goodnight shares on keeping
employees? Which one stands out to you, and why? Jim Goodnight emphasizes
four principles for retaining employees: providing challenging work, creating a
stimulating environment, offering competitive compensation, and showing
employees they are appreciated. Among these, the principle of providing
challenging work stands out to me. It underscores the importance of engaging
employees with meaningful tasks that promote growth and development, leading
to job satisfaction and long-term commitment.

​ 2.What were some of the methods SAS used for Recruitment and Selection?
SAS employed various methods for recruitment and selection, including campus
recruiting, employee referrals, and partnerships with universities. Additionally,
they utilized internships and co-op programs to identify and nurture talent early.
These methods ensured a diverse pool of candidates and helped align
recruitment efforts with the company's culture and values.

​ 3. List two of the company's benefits. Why would these benefits appeal to you?
Two notable benefits offered by SAS are comprehensive healthcare coverage
and flexible work arrangements. Comprehensive healthcare coverage appeals to
me as it ensures peace of mind and well-being for employees and their families.
Flexible work arrangements, including remote work options, promote work-life
balance and empower employees to manage their schedules effectively,
enhancing productivity and satisfaction.

​ 4. Describe the Performance Management system at SAS. Do you think this is a
good system to manage performance? Why or why not? SAS employs a
Performance Management system characterized by regular feedback, goal
setting, and development planning. This system fosters continuous
communication between managers and employees, aligning individual goals with
organizational objectives. I consider this system effective as it promotes
transparency, accountability, and growth opportunities. By emphasizing ongoing
coaching and development, it helps employees thrive and contribute
meaningfully to the company's success.

​ 5. In the case, it states there is no formal succession plan at SAS. What do they
use in place of a formal succession plan? Would you prefer a formal succession
plan or use the program SAS uses? Instead of a formal succession plan, SAS
emphasizes internal development and promotions based on meritocracy and
talent identification. They focus on cultivating leadership skills at all levels and
providing ample opportunities for growth and advancement. While a formal
succession plan offers structure and clarity, SAS's approach encourages agility
and flexibility, enabling them to adapt to changing business needs efficiently.
Personally, I appreciate SAS's emphasis on fostering talent from within, aligning
with a culture of continuous learning and merit-based advancement.

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