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Social Media Marketing

Tracy L. Tuten
East Carolina University

Michael R. Solomon
The University of Manchester (U.K.)
Saint Josephs University

Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River
Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto
Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo

Preface XV

SECTION I: Foundations of Social Media Marketing

Chapter 1 The Horizontal Revolution 1
Learning Objectives 1
Greetings, Digital Native 2
Living a Social (Media) Life 2
Social Behavior and the Philosophy of Participation 3
Social Media Zones 4
Web 2.0: The Defining Characteristics of Social Media 7
The Web Is the Platform 7
User Participation, User-Generated Content, and Crowdsourcing 8
User-Defined Content 8
Network Effects 9
Scalability 9
Perpetual Beta 10
Reputation Economy 10
The Infrastructure of Social Media 10
Social Software 11
Devices 11
People 12
Show Me the Money! 12
BOX: The Dark Side of Social Media 12
Business Models and Monetization 13
Psychic Income 13
The 5th P of Marketing 14
Marketing Communication: From Top-Down to Bottom-Up 14
Social Media Achieves Marketing Objectives 15
BOX: Bytes to Bucks 19
Social Media Jobs 21
Chapter Summary 24
Key Terms 25
Review Questions 26
Exercises 26
Notes 26

viii Contents

Chapter 2 Strategic Planning with Social Media 28

Learning Objectives 28
Strategic Planning and Social Media Marketing 29
Three Phases of Social Media Marketing Maturity 33
Social Media Campaigns: The Strategic Planning Process 36
Situation Analysis 36
BOX: The Dark Side of Social Media 37
Identify Social Media Marketing Objectives and Set Budgets 39
Profile the Target Audience of Social Consumers 42
Select Social Media Channels and Vehicles 43
Create an Experience Strategy 43
Integrate with Other Promotional Components and Establish
Campaign Timeline 47
BOX: Bytes to Bucks 48
Execute and Measure Outcomes 48
Develop a Planning Structure in the Organization 49
The Social Media Policy 49
An Organizational Structure to Support Social Media 52
Chapter Summary 52
Key Terms 54
Review Questions 54
Exercises 54
Notes 54

Chapter 3 Social Consumers 56

Learning Objectives 56
Digital Identity: You Are What You Post 57
Social Touchpoints in a Wired Life 57
Social Footprints 57
Lifestreams 59
Your Social Brand 60
The Life of a Digital Consumer 61
Diffusion of (Digital) Innovations 62
A Wired World 63
What We Do Online 65
Why We Login 67
BOX: The Dark Side of Social Media 68
Market Segmentation: Slicing the Social Media Pie 68
Geographic Segmentation 69
Demographic Segmentation 69
Psychographic Segmentation 70
BOX: Bytes to Bucks 71
Contents ix

Benefit Segmentation 71
Behavioral Segmentation 72
Social Media Segments 73
Social Technographics 74
Pew Internet Technology Types 76
Anderson Analytics: Users and Nonusers 78
Microblog User Types 78
Chapter Summary 80
Key Terms 80
Review Questions 80
Exercises 81
Notes 81

Chapter 4 Digital Communities 83

Learning Objectives 83
Online Communities 84
Networks: The Underlying Structure of Communities 84
It's a Small World After All 85
Characteristics of Online Communities 86
How Ideas Travel in a Community 88
BOX: Bytes to Bucks 89
Group Influence and Social Capital 90
Social Capital 90
Strong and Weak Ties 92
Influence 95
The Evolution of Online Communities 96
BOX: The Dark Side of Social Media 97
Chapter Summary 98
Key Concepts 99
Review Questions 99
Exercises 99
Notes 100

Section II: The Four Zones of Social Media

Chapter 5 Social Community 102
Learning Objectives 102
The Social Community Zone 103
Digital You: The Social Profile 103
Activities in Social Networks 104
Social Networking Sites 105

BOX: The Dark Side of Social Media 107

Characteristics of Social Networking Sites 108
Marketing Applications in the Social
Community Zone 110
Paid Media in Social Networks 111
BOX: Bytes to Bucks 112
Earned Media and Brand Engagement 112
User-Generated Content Campaigns 114
Is the Brand Ready for Social Relationships? 117
Chapter Summary 117
Key Terms 118
Review Questions 118
Exercises 119
Notes 119

Chapter 6 Social Publishing 121

Learning Objectives 121
The Social Publishing Zone 122
Publishing Content 122
Types of Content 123
Channels of Content Distribution 123
Content Producers: What Is "Authentic?" 124
Developing and Organizing Marketing Content 126
Social Publishing Strategies 129
Level 1: Social Publishing and Search Engine
Optimization 130
BOX: Bytes to Bucks 131
Level 2: Social Media Optimization 136
Title 137
Share Tools 137
RSS Feeds 138
The Social Media Press Release 138
Microblogs 138
Social News and Bookmarking Sites 138
BOX: The Dark Side of Social Media 141
Chapter Summary 141
Key Terms 142
Review Questions 143
Exercises 143
Notes 144
Contents xi

Chapter 7 Social Entertainment 146

Learning Objectives 146
The World of Serious Gaming Takes on a Social Flair 147
Social Games 147
Gamer Segments 148
How We Categorize Social Games 149
Game-Based Marketing 150
Product Placements 151
Brand Integration 152
BOX: The Dark Side of Social Media: Gold Farming 152
The Bottom Line: Why Do Games Work for Marketers? 153
Alternate Reality Games: A Transmedia Genre 155
Characteristics of ARGs 156
The Vocabulary of ARGs 157
The Marketing Value of ARGs 158
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Brand-Sponsored ARG 158
BOX: Bytes to Bucks: Planning a Successful ARG: The Lost Ring 159
Chapter Summary 161
Key Terms 162
Review Questions 163
Exercises 163
Notes 163

Chapter 8 Social Commerce 165

Learning Objectives 165
The Zone of Social Commerce 166
Social Commerce: The Digital Shopping Experience 167
Social Commerce and the Shopping Process 168
Ratings and Reviews 169
BOX: The Dark Side of Social Media 172
Social Shopping Applications and Tools 173
The Psychology of Social Shopping 175
Social Proof 176
Authority 177
Affinity 178
Scarcity 179
Reciprocity 179
Consistency 179
BOX: Bytes to Bucks: F-Commerce 180
Benefits of Social Commerce 180
xii Contents

Chapter Summary 180

Key Terms 181
Review Questions 182
Exercises 182
Notes 182

Section IN: Measuring the Impact of Social Media

Chapter 9 Social Media for Consumer Insights 184
Learning Objectives 184
The Role of Social Media in Research 185
Qualitative Social Media Research 186
Observational Research 186
Ethnographic Research 188
BOX: The Dark Side of Social Media: Is It Ethical to Mine Conversations? 189
Quantitative Social Media Research 190
Monitoring and Tracking 190
Sentiment Analysis 191
Content Analysis 192
BOX: Bytes to Bucks: Text Mining for Dove 193
Caution! Research Errors and Biases 194
Coverage and Sampling Errors 194
Nonresponse Bias 195
Providers of Social Media Monitoring
and Analytics Services 196
Primary Social Media Research 196
Chapter Summary 197 ,
Key Terms 198
Review Questions 198
Exercises 198
Notes 199

Chapter 10 Social Media Metrics 200

Learning Objectives 200
The Numbers Just Don't Add Up 201
What Matters Is Measured 203
A First Date or a Marriage? 203
Campaign Timelines and Metrics 205
The Evaluation and Measurement Process: DATA 205
Define 206
Contents xiii

BOX: Bytes to Bucks: Hershey's Bliss 206

Assess 211
Track 213
BOX: The Dark Side of Social Media 214
Adjust 215
Simple Ways to Start Measuring 217
Chapter Summary 217
Key Terms 218
Review Questions 218
Exercises 218
Notes 219
Cases 221
Appendix: A Sample Social Media Marketing Plan 225
Name/Organization Index 230
Subject Index 235

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