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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the following items carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a model which deems Earth as the center of the universe?

A. Geocentric Model C. Geo-Heliocentric Model
B. Heliocentric Model D. Helio-Geocentric Model
2. Who formulated the 3 laws of planetray motion?
A. Brahe B. Kepler C. Copernicus D. Ptolemy
3. It occurs when the Earth is directly aligned between the sun and moon with the Earth casting a shadow
on the moon.
A. Lunar Eclipse B. Solstice C. Solar Eclipse D. Equinox
4. Which does NOT involve the Sun’s ecliptic path?
A. Autumnal equinox C. Summer solstice
B. Eastward rise of stars D. Zodiac cycle
5. Which aided Eratosthenes in measuring the Earth’s circumference?
A. The appearance of stars differs as when traveling north and south.
B. The shadows cast within the Syene and Alexandria during the solstice.
C. The sphere is the only shape that casts a circular shadow in whatever direction.
D. The shadow casts by the Earth during a solar eclipse is circular.
6. Which of the following statement does not support the 3 laws of planetary motion?
A. Orbits of all the planets are elliptical with the Sun at one focus of the ellipse.
B. The larger the orbit’s size, the longer it takes to orbit the sun.
C. Planets move fastest when it is nearest to the sun.
D. Planets rotate in an orbit called epicycle while the center of the epicycle revolves around Earth.
7. This law of motion states that when two bodies interact, both will apply equal amount of forces to one
another in the opposite direction.
A. Inertia B. Acceleration C. Interaction D. Motion
8. Who proposed the 3 Laws on Motion?
A. Isaac Newton B. Galileo Galilei C. Aristotle D. Charles Darwin
9. Which of the following is NOT considered part of Aristotelian’s natural motion?
A. A book resting on top of a table C. An apple falling from a tree
B. Pushing a cart D. Smoke naturally rises
10. Which of the following is TRUE about inertia based on Galileo’s conception?
A. Inertia is responsible for bringing a body to motion.
B. Inertia is responsible for the continuous acceleration of a body.
C. The amount of inertia of a body is directly proportional to its mass.
D. The amount of inertia of a body is inversely proportional to its mass.
11. What will happen to the acceleration of the body if a marble moves in a sloped downward plane?
A. accelerates B. decelerates C. nothing D. not determined
12. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?
A. The motion of a body can be described by the measurement and the changes in quantifiable
variables such as color and size.
B. Objects dropped simultaneously at the same height will hit the ground at the same time
regardless of mass, size, and air resistance.
C. Force is not necessary to sustain horizontal motion.
D. Inertia refers to the ability of a body to resist change in motion.
13. What do you call a phenomenon by which the incident light falling on the surface is sent back into the
same medium?
A. Absorption B. Polarization C. Reflection D. Refraction
14. It is the splitting of white light into its component colors.
A. Dispersion B. Scattering C. Interference D. Diffraction
15. It refers to the bending of light around an obstacle.
A. Dispersion B. Scattering C. Interference D. Diffraction
16. It is a combination of two or more waves.
A. Dispersion B. Scattering C. Interference D. Diffraction
17. What color is bent the least during dispersion?
A. red B. blue C. orange D. violet
18. What angle is formed by an incoming ray with the normal?
A. Angle of incidence C. Angle of refraction
B. Angle of reflection D. Angle of equivalence
19. Which statement correctly describes the “Law of reflection”?
A. The angle of reflection is perpendicular to the normal.
B. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
C. The angle of reflection is parallel to the angle of incidence.
D. Both the angle of incidence and reflection lie in different planes.
20. Which of the following best describes a Normal line?
A. The path is taken by the rays of light as it approaches the surface
B. Line parallel to the incident and reflected ray
C. The total distance traveled by light upon reflecting
D. An imaginary line is drawn perpendicular to the reflecting surface
21. When you see a “wet spot” mirage on the road in front of you, what are you most likely seeing?
A. Sky B. Water C. Hot air D. Fragment of your imagination
22. An incoming ray of light strikes the mirror at an angle of 30˚ relative to the normal. What is the angle
between the incident ray and the reflected ray?
A. 15° B. 30° C. 60° D. 90°
23. Which explains why sunsets are red?
A. Air molecules scatter red light more readily than others
B. Red light is of shorter wavelength than other colors of light
C. Red light survives the absorption of the particles in the atmosphere
D. Red light is scattered the least and is transmitted the most in the atmosphere
24. Which is viewed as distortion of space-time?
A. mass B. gravity C. time D. force
25. What cosmic body can distort space-time the most?
A. Sun B. Earth B. Moon D. Jupiter
26. What force is explained by general relativity?
A. Weak nuclear force C. Electromagnetic force
B. Strong nuclear force D. Gravitational force
27. What is the minimum velocity needed for a spacecraft to leave the Earth?
A. less than Earth’s escape velocity C. equivalent to Earth’s escape velocity
B. greater than Earth’s escape velocity D. equivalent to the speed of light
28. What is the approximate age of the universe?
A. 14 million years C. 4.5 million years
B. 14 billion years D. 4.5 billion years
29. What is an Astronomical Unit (AU)?
A. It is the average spacing of the planets.
B. It is the average distance of the earth from the Sun.
C. It is the average distance of the earth from the moon.
D. It is the average distance of the Sun from the nearest Star.
30. What is a light-year?
A. The distance travelled by light in one year (365 ¼ days)
B. The distance travelled by light in a leap year (366 years)
C. The time required for light to cover 1 AU of distance travelled
D. The time required for light to make a round trip from a nearby star
31. What happens to light as it travels along a massive cosmic body?
A. it bends C. it bounces
B. it reflects D. it disappears
32. What do red shifted lights mean?
A. The source is slowing down.
B. The source is moving towards the observer.
C. The source is moving away from the observer.
D. The source is moving perpendicular to the observer.
33. What is a parallax?
A. An imaginary parallel line of reference when viewing distant stars.
B. A unit of measurement of the displacement of celestial objects due to atmospheric factors.
C. An apparent displacement of the observed position of objects viewed from different lines of sight.
D. A pulsing of light emitted by stars that are at least 1200 Light-years away from the Solar
34. What does the redshifted light from a distant galaxy tell about the universe?
A. It indicates that the universe is shrinking.
B. It indicates that the universe is expanding.
C. It indicates that the universe is not shrinking nor expanding.
D. It indicates that the universe is shrinking and expanding in cycles.
35. Which part of the spectrum does the Starlight show a shift in wavelength?
A. Infrared end of the EM Spectrum C. Blue light end of the visible spectrum
B. Red light end of the visible spectrum D. Ultraviolet-ray end of the EM spectrum
36. At the age of 20, Donna joined a space exploration at the speed of .8c and completed it in 20 years.
Identify her age upon his return to Earth.
A. 32 B. 45 C. 51 D. 56
37. Why do GPS clocks need to be corrected using the General Theory of Relativity?
A. because they are far away from Earth
B. because they are stationary
C. because they are orbiting the Earth
D. because they are affected by the Earth’s warping of space-time
38. Which is TRUE about the movement of galaxies observed from earth?
A. Far galaxies tend to move faster towards observers on earth.
B. Far galaxies tend to move slower towards observers on earth.
C. Far galaxies tend to move faster away from observers on earth.
D. Far galaxies tend to move slower away from observers on earth.
39. How does special relativity differs from general relativity?
A. Special relativity applies only to moving frames while general relativity applies only to stationary
B. Special relativity applies only to stationary frames while general relativity applies only to
accelerating frames.
C. Special relativity applies only to stationary or moving frames while general relativity applies only
to accelerating frames.
D. Special relativity applies only to accelerating frames while general relativity applies only to
stationary or moving frames.
40. The diagram on the right shows the comparison between the
standard spectrum of an element and a spectrum produced by a
distant star. What conclusion can be drawn from this?
A. The distant star collapsed.
B. The distant star is approaching the earth.
C. The distant star is moving away from the earth.
D. The distant star is following an elliptical movement.

---------------------------------------------------- GOD BLESS! -------------------------------------------------

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Special Science Teacher I Area/Subject Coordinator School Principal II

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