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I. Multiple choice questions (1 Mark)

1. For a uniformly accelerated body with initial and final velocities as u and v m/s, the average
velocity is:
(a) a/2 (b) v/2 (c) (d)
2. Area under a v-t graph represents :
(a) the velocity (b) the acceleration (c) the Displacement (d) the speed.
3. In which of the following cased of motion, the distance moved and the magnitude of
displacement are equal?
(a) The earth is revolving around the Sun.
(b) The pendulum of the clock moving to and fro.
(c) A car is moving in a circular path.
(d) A car is moving on a straight road.
4. Three cars A,B and C are moving on a levelled road. Their distance time graphs are shown
in figure. Choose the correct statement.

(a) Car A is the slowest. (b) Car C is faster than B

(c) Car B is faster than A (d) Car A is the fastest.
5. A girl is enjoying a ride on a merry-g-round which is moving with a constant speed of
10 m/s . It implies the boy is:
(a) moving with uniform velocity (b) at rest.
(c) in accelerated motion (d) moving with zero acceleration.
II Very short answer type questions (1 Mark)
Direction: In the following question, the Assertion and Reason have been put forward. Read
the statements carefully and choose the correct alternative from the following:
(a) Both the Assertion and the Reason are correct and the Reason is the correct explanation of the
(b) The Assertion and the Reason are correct but the Reason is not the correct explanation of the
(c) Assertion is true but the Reason is false.
(d) The Assertion is false but Reason is the correct statement.

6. Assertion: A body moving under uniform velocity has zero acceleration.
Reason: Acceleration of a body is the rate of change of its velocity.
7. Assertion: Displacement can never be greater than the distance travelled.
Reason:- Displacement is the shortest distance between the initial and final position of the
Observe the v-t graph given below and answer the following questions (Qn. No. 8-11):

8. State the kind of motion represented by OA and AB.

9. What does the slope of v-t graph represent?
10. Which part represents uniform retardation of the body? Also find the retardation.
11. Find the distance travelled by the body under constant velocity.
12. A ball thrown vertically upwards returns to the thrower after 4seconds. Draw v-t graph
describing its motion?

III Short answer type questions (3Marks)

13. Distinguish between displacement and distance covered by a body in given time.
14. A boy runs for 10 min at a uniform speed of 9 km/h. At what speed should he run for next
20 min so that the average speed comes to 12 km/h?
15. Define uniform acceleration. Explain why an object dropped from a height is said to be
under uniformly accelerated motion.
16. A car travels from stop A to stop B with a speed of 50 km/f and then returns back with a
speed of 60km/h. Find the average speed of the car.
17. A bus accelerates uniformly from 54 km/h to 72 km/h in 10 seconds. Calculate the distance
covered by the bus during this interval.
IV Long answer type questions (5 Marks)

18. The following table gives the velocity of the object at various instants of time.
Time (sec) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Velocity (m/s) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
(a) Plot the graph: From the graph: (i) describe the motion of the object. (ii)Find the
acceleration. (ii) Find the distance covered by the object.
19. (i)Draw v-t graph of a body which is under uniformly accelerated motion, initially not at
rest. Derive position-velocity relation graphically.
(ii) Differentiate between uniform linear motion and uniform circular motion.
20. (i) Can a body have acceleration without change in magnitude of velocity? Explain with an
(ii)Under what condition is the magnitude of average velocity of an object is equal to its
average speed?
(iii) A body is moving along a circular path of radius R, what will be the distance and the
displacement of the body when it completes (i) half revolution? (ii) One full revolution?


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