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Paper—Critical Review of M-Learning in Total Quality Management Classroom Practice in an...

Critical Review of M-Learning in Total Quality

Management Classroom Practice in an Indonesian
Private University

Bunyamin (), Khoerul Umam, Lismawati

Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta, Indonesia
[email protected]

Abstract—The widespread use of mobile phones has changed learning

practices in the classroom. Many studies have already recommended the
advantages of using mobile phones to teach religious education to university
students. However, there is a lack of evidence for these advantages in the
context of religious education. This research aims to test the effectiveness of M-
learning’s utilization in educational programmes for Islamic religion teachers in
a private university in Jakarta. A total of 41 pre-service teachers participated in
this research. Various methods of data collection are used, including
observation, written journals, students’ responses, and tests. Subsequently, the
data are analysed utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods. The
findings show that M-learning encourages students’ awareness of conducting
independent learning, creates a very interactive discussion atmosphere in class,
and improves students’ communication skills in the learning process. However,
numerous technical challenges are found in the implementation of M-learning,
such as regarding skill in using applications, internet access, and essay tests.
The findings of this research offer recommendations to fellow educators
regarding using this as an alternative solution.

Keywords—M-Learning, TQM Classroom, Communications

1 Introduction

The rapid growth of smartphone use is making mobile learning (M-learning) more
popular in teaching and learning at university level [1]. Particularly in the Interactive
Cellular Technology Journal (ICTJ), we have identified at least six studies that
investigate the application of M-learning in learning practice at university, such as[2]–
[7]. One study recommends that the practice of M-learning offers students an
opportunity to control the learning process independently, without constraints of time
and space. This independent learning opportunity supports the construction of
material comprehension before teaching-learning activities in classroom. How
students control independent learning, according to Tapia-Moreno and Villa-Martinez
[5] and Cavus and Ibrahim [8], can help students to develop extensive material
comprehension that is not limited to mobile learning provided by teachers. This

Paper—Critical Review of M-Learning in Total Quality Management Classroom Practice in an...

comprehension development process is encouraged by enormous curiosity, which

allows access to abundant relevant knowledge that strengthens students’
comprehension of the materials[9], [10]. On the other hand, from the students’
perspective, M-learning promotes their communication skills and collaborative
learning with their peers. This happens because teachers have already prepared and
organized all learning materials, including educational management cases or other
issues, with highly interactive answers that are easily accessed on their students’
The implementation of M-learning in university education has already attracted
attention from practitioners and researchers, among others, [11], who conducted
research to investigate the implementation of M-learning in educational learning. The
trend of use technology in universities around the globe has tremendously grown
fast[12]. They revealed that M-learning offers the flexibility to fulfil various current
needs of students in learning, and it has the potential to optimize the available time to
increase students’ comprehension of educational management. Flexible assistance as
offered by M-learning applications includes videos explaining concepts, steps of case-
solving in educational management, and other tutorial materials. This type of
assistance, in return, enables students to take more responsibility for their own
learning, and it enhances their autonomy in Total Quality Management (TQM)
learning. The utilization of M-learning in higher-education learning has resulted in the
improvement of students’ communication skills during class sessions, and more
importantly, this type of application increases their comprehension related to materials
[11]-[12]. The central factor in improvement is students’ active discussions with their
friends during class activities, where students are encouraged to exchange and share
their thoughts with their friends about the materials they have already learnt. In other
words, M-learning gives benefits to students because it provides a personalized
learning experience. On the other hand, it facilitates students to improve not only their
understanding, but also their communication skills. In this research, we adopted an M-
learning design in order to facilitate TQM learning. Specifically, the implementation
of M-learning aims to facilitate two main activities:

• To enable students of Islamic Studies teachers to learn and practise Total Quality
Management in mobile learning through delivery of materials, in written form or as
interactive videos.
• To promote interactive discussions and communication skills from students of
Islamic Studies during face-to-face learning.

The utilization of the M-learning teaching model in TQM learning is relatively

new. However, reflection on class activities has a very important role in supporting
the development and quality improvement of TQM learning. Reflective teaching gives
a meaningful opportunity to collect information about what happens in class, and
thereby identify successful activities. In order to understand the effectiveness of M-
learning, the researchers use two main instruments, a teaching journal and students’
responses. The teaching journal is checked by our collaborator for the entire classes,
while students’ responses are collected using a survey that includes questions about
learning materials, interactive videos, students’ communication skills, and class

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activities, which are scored on a Likert scale. This reflective teaching has the potential
to promote success in the future, to improve class practice.

2 Theoretical Framework

2.1 Mobile learning in an Islamic classroom practice

E-learning implementation, where mobile phone devices help in the learning

process, can be defined as M-learning, according to Gyeung-Min Kim and Soo Min
Ong [12], [13]. The current development of mobile phones makes the utilization of
M-learning popular among the youth. This is because more diverse learning needs are
being fulfilled, by mobile technology devices that can support the creation of more
personalized learning process management [5], [17], [18]. Smartphone application
developers have also developed countless implementations of educational
applications, whether in terms of material explanation, assignments, or evaluations
that can be modified and independently developed by teachers. The available
applications enable teachers to implement more effective learning. In practice,
teachers’ creativity in delivering more interesting learning can become a challenge
that deserves attention.
Currently, the concept of M-learning is also able to control the development of
students’ competence improvement through various learning evaluation instruments.
Log history and history of activity in applications enable teachers to evaluate
students’ activities on a real-time basis. The developed report allows teachers to
evaluate the ongoing learning practice. M-learning also offers a learning concept that
can be independently evaluated by students. For instance, if students do not
understand, they can relearn the materials. M-learning offers a learning concept which
uses the availability of learning anytime, anywhere; this makes M-learning a learning
model worth considering. Moreover, data have shown that the level of mobile phone
use in students’ daily activities is constantly increasing. M-learning still has the ability
to develop as a navigation of education in the future [5], [7].

2.2 Video interactive lecture

Video utilization in M-learning practice has been widely used to improve students’
learning experience; not only for independent learning, but also for reviewing learning
materials. For example, if students do not understand some materials, they can watch
a video to clarify unclear concepts. Videos for material explanation are designed to be
of short duration, based on students’ concentration level when they watch the video,
so that they can learn more effectively. The method of delivering materials during M-
learning practice in this research is motivated by two main objectives:

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• To improve students’ comprehension related to contents of material, whether inside

or outside the school.
• To enhance basic TQM implementation skills, to solve educational problems in

Fig. 1. Detailing steps of the development process of a video lecture.

A material explanation video is included as part of the M-learning which is being

implemented. Creating it started by setting learning objectives and determining which
material would be delivered. Each material consists of more than two short-duration
videos, which required a preliminary draft of explanation. In order to add more
attraction, the learning video was developed by adding interactive pictures adapted to
the delivered materials. To minimize the risk of error, a video transcription was
developed as voice maker, to explain the integrated materials with the interactive
video. This video explains the main content of a subject, TQM, and is of 15 minutes’
approximate duration; while several videos about school problems were intended to
help students implement the basics of TQM in dealing with educational issues in the
field (also lasting 15 minutes, on average).

2.3 Instructional delivery method

The Instructional Delivery Method (IDM) presented in this paper follows the
procedure of [19], [20]. M-learning gives an opportunity to teachers to take advantage
of students’ habits that are intimately linked with mobile phone use and integrates two
learning models: M-learning and face-to-face learning. The face-to-face element aims

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• Confirm students’ comprehension during their study using M-learning.

• Facilitate learning that encourages the occurrence of interactive discussions.
• Hold class discussions for 120 minutes every week.
Learning practice in class discusses 12 topics for 12 face-to-face meetings, where
the learning process is designed in a group form; it thereby supports the creation of
discussion. Learning with a group design helps students become more active in
discussion and allows them to understand each other’s different comprehension levels,
both individually and as a group. During class discussions, teachers facilitate group
activity and support the creation of interactive discussions in the group. The practice
of face-to-face learning in class follows a procedure that is planned as follows:

• To help pre-service teachers understand the basic concepts of Total Quality

Management in education.
• To enable pre-service teachers to complete Total Quality Management of
educational materials.
• To help pre-service teachers develop and design solutions by applying Total
Quality Management related to school problems.

Textbook: Edward Sallis (2008), Total Quality Management in Education

(Translated by Ahmad Ali Riyadi). Jogjakarta: IRCiSoD.
Time: Twelve sessions, 120 minutes per procedure:

• Step of Giving Problem Stimulus (15 minutes). Lecturer delivers a short speech
related to the material, and provides issues related to Education Management that
occur at levels of the school and the Municipal Education Authority.
• Step of Pre-Discussions (10 minutes). Students undertake discussions in small
groups to find effective solutions for educational problems by implementing TQM
material in education; including preparing the best solution from group discussions,
in the form of essays and PowerPoint files.
• Step of Presentation (70 minutes). Students present the outcome of their discussion
by implementing the TQM materials, with 10 minutes of maximum presentation
time for each group.
• Step of Discussion (20 minutes). Students give responses respectively regarding
the outcome of presentations by two other groups.
• Feedback from Teacher. (10 minutes). Teacher gives an appreciation of the
explanation of the solution from whole groups, and gives feedback related to
solutions presented in the class discussion session.
• Task (10 minutes). Teacher sets a task on mobile phones.
• Teacher’s Feedback (15 minutes). Teacher gives feedback on given material, and
requests responses from students regarding the learning process in each mobile
phone application.

Learning practice in class focuses on the implementation of TQM materials in

finding solutions to educational problems. Students’ ability in solving problems is not

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only measured by their comprehension of materials, but also by teaching them

unwritten technical solving techniques in school. To facilitate TQM learning outside
class, we previously provided various materials, in the form of PowerPoint, essays, or
interactive videos in a mobile application. The percentage of virtual activity in M-
learning is recommended to be from around 20% up to 80% [21]. In the context of
this research, the objectives are to utilize mobile phones to replace face-to-face or
conventional meetings for explaining learning materials, and also for measuring
comprehension with a session of multiple-choice tasks in a short time. Specifically,
M-learning has the following objectives:

• To provide independent learning for students through a mobile application

prepared by the teacher.
• To help students to improve their comprehension of TQM in education.
• To give material explanation, whether in the form of PowerPoint, essays, and
interactive videos that are integrated with reference books.

In implementing M-learning, interactive videos with short duration were already

prepared to help students to understand materials from the reference book. Roux and
Nagel [21] state that a short-duration video gives alternative solutions in explaining
materials, especially to students who are lazy about reading books. The format of
interactive videos with short duration aims to enable students to concentrate on
understanding TQM’s materials. According to Beatty et. al. [22], short-duration video
learning is more effective than long-duration because students’ concentration on
video-learning is very limited. M-learning with various types of learning assistance
has already supported students’ awareness to learn independently, whether at home or
in school.

3 Research Method

3.1 Reflective teaching

Reflective teaching is considered to be an alternative that helps promote teachers’

professional development. This situation gives teachers an extraordinary opportunity
to look at the principles and fundamental beliefs which have a major impact on their
practice in class. Reflective activity can be an effective tool not only for creating
teachers’ profiles, but also to enhance students’ learning environment. The main goal
of reflective learning is to conduct in-depth investigation of teachers’ practice, in
order to comprehensively understand how to improve students’ learning. Investigating
teaching practice in class gives information about activities that need to be improved,
along with aspects to be retained, in order to help achieve more effective class
practice in the future.
In conducting reflective teaching, we used several instruments, such as self-
observation, students’ journals and questionnaires. These instruments have been seen
in previous reflective practice study. Self-observation can help to check teaching
practice through simple actions, such as teachers taking notes when they realize their

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mistakes. Reflection needed to be supported by the results from students’

questionnaires, as a response to past experience; this involved conscious withdrawal
and experience checks, as a foundation for evaluation and making decisions, and also
as a source of planning and action. Responses from students were the biggest source
of teaching evaluation to help improve the quality of teaching practice. It was
anticipated that these various reflective teaching instruments would support and
motivate us to provide more effective teaching in class practice in the future.

3.2 Participants’ demographics

A total of 64 pre-service teachers who enrolled in a model maths course, consisting

of 12 men and 52 women, were involved in our M-learning practice. Our observation
before this research showed that they can operate the Google Play application,
including the ability to search for Wi-Fi networks on mobile phones, open a learning
application called BOZAMI, and deliver presentations using PowerPoint. Students
can also operate internet search engines, correspond via email, upload and download
applications and files from mobile phone applications. In addition to these mobile
phone application skills, they can connect smartphones to computers and laptops,
especially when transferring data from smartphone applications to computers or

Table 1. Demographic features of the sample studied.

Characteristics Percentage Characteristics Percentage
Duration of mobile device use for learning Gender
Less than 6 months 28% Male 46 %
Between 6 and 12 months 54% Female 54 %
More than 12 months 18%
Learning Achievement Level Age
Below 34% Below 21 14 %
Middle 44% Between 20 and 21 74 %
High 12% 21 and above 12 %

3.3 Data collection method and analysis

In implementing reflection on M-learning in the TQM class, data collection

methods included self-observation, students’ journals, and a students’ questionnaire.
Self-observation enables teachers to evaluate and develop learning practice quality, to
improve learning conditions in class [20]. In implementing self-observation, teachers
collected information from class discussion and students’ feedback, produced in two
forms during outside-class learning, through the M-learning workshop and students’
journals. Students were also asked to complete a survey related to the implementation
of M-learning in the classroom, and an M-learning workshop before learning in class.
Umam, et. al [19] suggest that the collected data from self-observation and students’
journals is analysed using content analysis, which adopts the following procedure
[23], [24]. First, observation and students’ journals were given coloured codes based

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on the emerging themes, which were further managed to determine patterns and
calculate their frequency. Eventually, the frequency and code patterns were applied to
the sessions of reflection, discussion and outline. The outcomes of the questionnaire
from students were statistically analysed, presented as the mean calculation (M) and
standard deviation (SD).

4 Findings and Discussion

This part will present the findings obtained from critical reflection on M-learning
teaching of Total Quality Management material, in educating Islamic Studies
teachers. The following themes emerged from reflection.

4.1 Superiority of m-learning

M-Learning encourages students to learn more independently: it also offers time

flexibility, which enables students to learn outside class. Students are no longer
limited by time, as shown by several students saying that even in a traffic jam, they
can still use their time in public/private transportation for learning activities, with both
new and previous materials. They learnt most materials before the class started. This
situation shows that they have high awareness of learning independently; this
awareness is a crucial part of the learning process, because it promotes various other
independencies in learning. This is demonstrated by the many students who searched
and confirmed their comprehension by comparing the delivered materials on M-
learning with materials available on YouTube or other websites. This awareness
emerged based on their strong sense of curiosity and willingness to understand the
materials more deeply.
After class dismissal, students who have not understood the material can revisit it
on their mobile phone. Students can easily access previous materials that enable them
to learn more independently. Introducing learning by mobile phone is new in our class
practice, and most students did not understand how to operate their phone to learn
independently. Before meetings started, we had already prepared an M-learning
workshop for students participating in this research, so that they would not be
surprised when learning practice took place. They were taught how to open learning
materials on their mobile phone. Most students were learning with the BOZAMI
application for the first time; this enables them to learn materials from their mobile
phones. Thus, the phones they own today can not only be used use to communicate,
but also for independent learning. M-learning alerts students to learning opportunities,
and increases their curiosity, which encourages them to learn more.
M-learning has created a highly interactive discussion atmosphere among students
in class learning. Students’ habit of learning before entering the class has increased
their comprehension of materials, because they can learn from existing materials on
their phone before learning in the classroom. Good comprehension of materials
increases students’ confidence in giving opinions during discussion, when it is seen
that students have the ability to convey clear statements based on the delivered

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presentation. Students’ statements which are relevant and qualified demonstrate the
success of delivering materials via M-learning. This situation proves that students’
powerful comprehension will improve their ability to construct arguments about
things being discussed. Discussion also teaches students to try to understand
somebody else’s main ideas, and assess the perspective of other individuals. Active
communication among discussion participants encourages various opinions, and
thereby creates a very interactive discussion atmosphere. Furthermore, discussion
teaches students to listen to other students’ opinions, so that arguments emerge to
further explore the materials. Interactive discussions that support the creation of a
learning atmosphere can result in collective comprehension, so that learning goals are
M-learning improves students’ communication ability. The habits created by M-
learning encourage students to communicate, whether discussion takes place inside or
outside the classroom. Discussion that takes place in the classroom is very important
[5], [19] because it affects the entire team’s awareness, so that one student with others
are need to each other. They can confirm their comprehension with friends in the
same team, who possibly have different perspectives. Each student gives an opinion
based on materials they have learnt, and provides comments based on other statements
[13]. Trying to understand and listen to others’ opinions are communication skills that
ought to be acquired by students.
Students’ ability in communication gradually improves, whether communication
happens via mobile applications or during classroom learning [25]. Class learning that
is designed based on groups enables students to develop their communication during
discussion. Moreover, class learning which relates to problems that happen in school
encourages students to implement Total Quality Management materials. Each group
had an obligation to convey their perspective on problem-solving. An interesting
outcome in class was that each group had various perspectives on problem-solving.
Their presentation was not delivered by one only person, but by all members of the
group, because each of them had an opportunity to speak in front of the class during
presentation time. This also indicates a collective awareness that idea of the solution
ought to be provided by the whole team. Thus, communication that happens outside
the class improves students’ confidence to give opinions in front of the class. This
ability to deliver ideas in front of the class greatly supports students’ self-
improvement in the future [26]. It becomes valuable capital, because students are able
to express their ideas in front of people. To support reliability in the assessment of
students’ communication improvement, the researcher provided a questionnaire,
adopted from [27], after delivering the materials, as follows:

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Table 2. Report on student’ responses regarding communication

skill improvement in classroom practice
Statements Mean SD
1 In class discussion, I summarize and check what was said by others, and then go back
4.46 0.50
to the debate to convey opinions. apa yang saya yakini
2 I try to make my own conclusions after learning by mobile phone, and check whether I
understood correctly during discussion. 4.29 0.60
I put myself in the other person’s (side’s) shoes while leading the conversation.
3 I put myself in someone else’s position while leading class or group discussion. 4.56 0.59
4 In class discussion, I’m more focused on understanding others’ arguments than
4.20 0.68
5 I keep open to others’ opinions although they are different from my own, and I try to
4.61 0.59
6 I pay attention to words said by others, because people may have different perspectives
4.46 0.55
on materials provided by mobile phone.
7 I lead the communication or discussion, even though I meet people from different
4.34 0.73
8 I am confident in using facial expressions and body language as well as verbal
4.22 0.72
expression, to express the argument that I want to convey.
9 I’m already thinking and organizing what I’m going to say before I say it, and try to do
4.32 0.72
it every time they show up.
10 I understand others by reading their facial expression or movements. 4.32 0.72
11 I try to think about my friends’ feelings if I yell during discussion. 4.27 0.74
12 During conversation, I keep thinking about how others will understand and interpret my
4.68 0.47
SD: Standard Deviation, M: Mean.

The interesting outcome from these students’ responses is that they try understand
others’ opinions during discussion. For instance, “I pay attention to words said by
others, because people have different perspectives” receives M(4.46)SD(0.55); “I put
myself in someone else’s position while leading class or group discussions” receives
M(4.56)SD(0.59); and “I keep open to others’ opinions although they are different
from my own, and I try to understand” receives M(4.61)SD(0.59). This shows the
improvement in students’ awareness of respecting each other during communication
with others. Students have also learnt to respect others and confirm each other’s
opinion, which creates inter-communicative learning in the teaching-learning process.
Learning with mobile phones helps most students to learn independently [28].
However, the research found that some of them were unable to properly manage their
time. We found that students did not learn the materials at home. Mobile phones
always distracted their attention away from learning to playing games, especially for
male students. For example, male students tended to use their phones to play games
than using it for learning. Even if they had already allocated the time, they realized
that playing games always comes first. Not all males used their phones to play games;
some tended to look at learning on their phones. Students who lack learning
motivation will encounter difficulties in learning independently. To accommodate
independent learning, we asked students to go online at an agreed time, whether to do
the tasks or simply to learn the materials. Agreement in deciding a time teaches

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students about discipline in independent learning [7]; this supports the creation of
students’ habit of learning independently[29],[30].
Although learning with technology offers an alternative solution for doing tasks or
tests, M-learning is still unable to support grading in essay tests. One of the most
challenging aspects was assessment by mobile phone when the teacher asked students
to write an essay. Smartphones were able to document the results of our grading in
digital documents [5], [31] ; however, technical matters in dealing with essays need to
be considered during M-learning’s implementation. We offered a solution by giving
students an opportunity to use their laptop during an essay test and uploading their
outcome to their mobile phone. This alternative solution offers not only technical
simplicity in conducting essay tests for students, but also helps teachers to document
students’ test outcomes digitally on the M-learning application.

4.2 Technical issues

Workshop for mobile learning: A workshop for learning preparation before M-

learning’s implementation is highly recommended. It aims to reduce the
comprehension disparity between teacher and students, regarding the application’s
utilization in classroom learning practice. Technical aspects need to be covered by
gathering all students first, to introduce which application will be used during
learning. Workshop materials were divided into four parts: the utilization of mobile
phones for learning, examinations, doing the tasks, and assessing students’
comprehension development. This M-learning workshop was conducted on two days,
for eight hours, in a room already provided with an appropriate internet service. The
outcome of the evaluation uses an instrument adopted from [32] about students’
responses regarding the implementation of the mobile phone learning workshop can
be seen in Table 2, as follows:

Table 3. Evaluation of the training method, training materials and trainers.

Statements Mean SD
1 The objectives of the M-learning workshop sessions were very clearly defined and
4.68 0.47
2 Technical simulations both in and outside the class were clearly represented/conducted. 4.39 0.63
3 The ratio between theoretical training and M-learning practice was satisfactory. 4.24 0.62
4 The amount of time allotted to practice was satisfactory. 4.02 0.69
Training Materials
1 The applications (video, audio, slide presentation) were satisfactory. 4.46 0.55
2 The equipment and disposables were satisfactory. 4.29 0.72
3 The manual books were in good condition. 4.24 0.62
4 The checklists produced and the observation grids prompted me to think critically. 4.44 0.71
5 The checklists produced and the observations grids prompted me to search for scientific
4.56 0.59
6 I may use the checklists produced and the observation grids as reference in the future. 4.24 0.62

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1 Were communicative 4.54 0.50
2 Provided satisfactory answers to student questions 4.44 0.59
3 Were approachable 4.32 0.52
4 Cooperated with the students 4.29 0.72
5 I would like to participate in a similar M-learning workshop again, and to be contacted
4.46 0.64
over a long-term period.
SD: Standard Deviation, M: Mean.

Looking at the students’ response outcomes, it is shown that students have the
intention to follow this workshop activity further in a longer period of activity.
Workshop activity is very useful to candidates, not only in learning about M-
learning’s implementation [33], but it also inspires them to do the same thing during
their later teaching practice. One of the opinions stated that “M-Learning is very
useful for study and for my teaching practice, later. I will also use this application in
my teaching practice in school”. Using a workshop for M-learning not only offers
benefits during M-learning’s implementation, but also gives experience that enables
students of Islamic Studies teachers to implement it during teaching practice in
M-learning is an application which needs internet access, and frequently this
prevents students from learning. Limited internet access can be one of the biggest
problems in implementation. Fulfilling this internet requirement is essential for
successful implementation of M-learning practice activity in class [34]. Several
students lacked stable internet access, and thereby missed certain points during
assignment time. An alternative solution is to provide proper minimum internet access
in the school’s facility, so that during implementation, M-learning in class can be
conducted more effectively.

5 Conclusion

This research had the main objective of understanding the effectiveness of M-

learning through reflective teaching. The reflection on M-learning’s implementation
showed that the main problems were technical, so that skills development and habitual
action are needed to make M-learning implementation successful. M-learning is a
very unfamiliar experience for students, because they have to initially learn their
lessons at home. Nevertheless, it encourages collaborative learning and creates an
environment for peer teaching. Independent learning before class learning is
challenging and needs efforts from students. Diligent students have high motivation,
and students who encounter problems need help from their peers in terms of
comprehension, in order to encourage the establishment of peer teaching among

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7 Authors

Bunyamin is a lecturer at Faculty of Teacher Training and Pedagogy, Universitas

Muhammadiyah, Prof. Dr. Hamka (UHAMKA). His research interests include
mathematics teaching, ICT in the classroom
Khoerul Umam is a lecturer at Faculty of Teacher Training and Pedagogy,
Universitas Muhammadiyah, Prof. Dr. Hamka (UHAMKA). His research interests
include management in education, technology in education.
Lismawati is a lecturer at Faculty of Teacher Training and Pedagogy, Universitas
Muhammadiyah, Prof. Dr. Hamka (UHAMKA). His research interests include Islamic
studies, technology in education.

Article submitted 2020-04-22. Resubmitted 2020-09-20. Final acceptance 2020-09-20. Final version
published as submitted by the authors.


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