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WRITER: Eddy Webb
EDITORIAL ASSISTANCE:Matt Forbeck, Jack Kiser, & Stephan Wieck
COVER ART:Matteo Lolli, Yen Nitro
LAYOUT:Sandra Lefever & Adam Jury


PRODUCER & PROJECT LEAD: Carlos "C]" Cervantes Jr.
LEAD WRITER: Matt Forbeck
EDITOR: Brian Overton
LOGO DESIGN:Jonathan Silva
Todd Gizzi, Meredith Gerber, Dean Bigbee, Scott Holden


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Art by Gregory Titus & Chris Sotomayor
/1/ INTRODUCTION..............................................5 /4/ ACT THREE: WHATEVER A SPIDER CAN....... 31
Choose Your Heroes.................................................................... 5 Scene 1: Gordon Vs. Kurt..........................................................31
How to Use This Scenario.......................................................... 7 Scene 2: Finding a Spider-Skrull........................................... 32
What’s Really Going On............................................................. 7 Scene 3: 2099 Reasons to Fight............................................ 33
/2/ ACT ONE: MISTAKEN IDENTITY......................9 /5/ ACT FOUR: SUPER-SKRULL.......................... 37
Scene 1: Daylight Robbery........................................................ 9 Scene 1a: Captured by the Skrulls!....................................... 37
Scene 2: Flashback.................................................................... 12 Scene 1b: Lets Get Those Skrulls!.........................................38
Scene 3: The Suits Arrive......................................................... 12 Scene 1c: Spider-Man Defeated!............................................38
Scene 4: Shave and a Haircut................................................. 16 Scene 2: Safehouse Shootout................................................39
Scene 3: Epilogue....................................................................... 41
/3/ ACT TWO: SECRET A.I.M.S............................ 21
Scene 1: The Briefing................................................................ 21 / / CHARACTERS....................................................
Scene 2: Infiltrating A.I.M........................................................ 23 Bank Robber ...............................................................................11
Scene 3: Finding the Files.......................................................24 Kl’rt, the Super-Skull................................................................. 14
Scene 4: Behold the Fury of M.O.D.O.K.!............................. 27 Skrull Agent..................................................................................15
Scene 5: Back to Base...............................................................28
Scene 6: Poking Around...........................................................29
Art by Jackson Guice & Matthew Wilson
Art by Mark Brooks & Christina Strain
After thwarting a minor crime, a group of heroes are
approached by government agents about a potential Skrull CHOOSE YOUR HEROES
infiltration of the super hero community. With the heroes’ help, Revenge of the Super-Skrull is an adventure for four to six
these agents may be able to stop another secret invasion. But players portraying a group of Rank 2 or Rank 3 heroes.
everything is not what it appears to be. Who is really a Skrull, Included in this adventure are six heroes for you to use
and how does the Super-Skrull tie into all of this? (Ant-Man, Ms. Marvel, Hawkeye, Daredevil, Luke Cage, and
Wolverine [Laura Kinney]). However, the following groups
Welcome, Narrator, to the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing of characters found in the Marvel Multiverse RPG Core Rulebook
Game! If you’re a fan of Marvel heroics and interested in are particularly well-suited for this story — feel free to
tabletop games, you’ve come to the right place. To dive in, adjust them as needed for your players:
you’ll need a copy of the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game
Core Rulebook and some dice. This adventure provides you ▶ Iconic Heroes:Ant-Man (p. 139), Black Widow
with everything else. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer (Natasha Romanoff), (p. 146), Hawkeye (p. 179), Ms.
or new to role-playing, this guide has all the essentials to Marvel (p. 211), and Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (p. 236)
make your super hero experience as exciting as possible. ▶ Hell’s Kitchen Defenders:Daredevil (p. 157), Iron Fist
(Danny Rand) (p. 188), Jessica Jones (p. 190), Luke Cage
(p. 198), and Misty Knight (p. 206)
▶ Mutants:Mirage (Dani Moonstar) (p. 204), Mystique
(p. 213), Nightcrawler (p. 217), Psylocke (Kwannon)
(p. 221), and Wolverine (Laura Kinney) (p. 259)
This adventure was originally designed for
the Roll20 virtual tabletop, and has now been That said, any of the Rank 2 or 3 characters from the Core
adapted for use at any table! Whether you’re Rulebook can be played, including characters made by the
playing online or around a physical table, Roll20 players themselves! As long as the characters don’t have
enhances your game with advanced character any strong personal connection to the characters portrayed
tools and easy rule references. We’ll guide you by the Narrator in this scenario (particularly Maria Hill
through adapting any features unique to Roll20 and Miguel O’Hara) and have at least a willingness to work
to your own tabletop experience. together, they should be fine.

When choosing heroes, decide why the heroes are
working together. The iconic heroes, for example, have HOW TO USE THIS SCENARIO
all worked together in the past (primarily as part of the As the Narrator, you can use these materials to organize this
Avengers) — they are professional colleagues. The Hell’s adventure (or “run the game,” in the common RPG parlance).
Kitchen defenders, on the other hand, are a collection We recommend you read everything in here at least once, to
of acquaintances, friends, and family that often find familiarize yourself with what’s inside. Don’t feel like you
themselves on the same side of problems. Finally, the have to memorize everything — everything is organized
mutants are all part of the same identity, feeling loyalty to help you get to whatever information you need with just
to each other as mutants. a few clicks. We’ve structured this so you can comfortably
When putting together your own team of heroes, think run one act per session in a couple of hours, or two acts at a
about why they are working together. The three reasons we time for longer sessions.
just presented are all good starting points. They might all If you are running this as a self-contained story (or Single
be professionals, working together on the same super hero Issue), we’ve structured this to make it reasonably easy for
team. They might be a group of friends who sometimes work players to learn as they play. All your players need to do is
together and sometimes fight among themselves, but for pick or create appropriate Rank 2 or 3 heroes, come to a quick
the moment they’re on the same side. Or they might have a consensus about why they’re working together (although we
larger social group in common, such as defending the same give you some help in Act One), and dive in!
city or having the same marginalized identity. These are only However, if you’re planning to use this as part of an
some of the options available, but it’s good to decide at the Ongoing Series, you may need to do a little more work to
start why the heroes are a team. Even the best teams have introduce the scenario. We provide a simple option in Act
tensions and dramatic conflict, but in the end they work One — a bank robbery — but feel free to use an introduction
together, so spend some time talking through why that is. more appropriate to your group’s story. As long as the heroes
Players should also decide at the beginning of the can plausibly be approached by the Skrull infiltrators, any
adventure which team maneuver their team can utilize: introduction is a good one.
offensive, defensive, or rally. See the Team Maneuvers In fact, absolutely everything in this scenario is flexible.
section in the Core Rulebook, p. 38 for more information. Feel free to add material between the acts, or cut out scenes
If the players choose characters other than those that don’t make sense for your group. Replace characters with
included in this adventure listed above, take a moment ones more appropriate. You can even use this as a starting
to duplicate the character profiles and tokens. They’ll be point for a Series, and we provide some lingering plot hooks
useful in Acts Three and Four when the Skrulls attack them at the end that you can use as the basis for future adventures.
with copies of themselves. If the players chose from the Ultimately, use whatever works for you, and discard the
characters we’ve listed, you can find duplicate character rest. There’s nothing wrong with following everything here
sheets in the “Skrull Duplicates” folder in your journal. exactly as written, or using it as inspiration for your own


improvised scenario. You can even use the characters, maps, Since the events of the Secret Invasion, Skrull scientists
and other elements in this scenario to make completely have discovered a way around Reed Richards’ invention, so
new stories. As long as everyone’s having fun, that’s all now Skrulls can maintain their adopted shape — and thus
that matters! their cover identities. Go’bak has acquired this information,
and plans to launch his own secret invasion — this time
WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON to cause enough mayhem among Earth’s superhuman
When Skrulls are involved, it can be hard to tell if everyone is community so the Children of Lost Tarnax can lure
who they say they are, and what’s really going on. This cloak- Emperor Hulking back to Earth and capture or kill him
and-dagger feel is intentional, designed to leave the heroes with an imposter.
(and possibly even the players) second-guessing what’s
going on. But we want to make sure you know exactly what’s
happening, so here’s the secret background of this story.
But What About the Other Secret Invasion?
If you or your players are up-to-date on Marvel continuity,
you might know that a second Secret Invasion series
The Secret Invasion (2022-2023) was released. This adventure was written
Several years ago, the Skrulls — a race of shape-changing
under the assumption of happening either just before or
aliens — had their entire empire destroyed. Left without
at roughly the same time as that series. But remember
a throneworld, they instead infiltrated Earth, paving the
that this is a Multiverse, so as Narrator you can adjust or
way for an invasion so they could claim Earth as their new
modify the canon of the comic books in whatever ways
home. Several Earth heroes were replaced by Skrulls as part
you like to suit your own game.
of what is now known as the “Secret Invasion.”
Discovery of the invasion led to an all-out conflict
between the heroes of Earth and the Skrulls. During this Now
conflict, Reed Richards created a device that forced Skrulls The Children of Lost Tarnax are in the early stages of their
to return to their natural state, thus revealing which people plan, and they have adapted their physiology to ignore the
had been replaced, and the Skrulls were ultimately defeated. effects of the Skrull reversion devices using the information
Richards circulated the information on how to construct stolen from the Alliance. However, Go’bak isn’t entirely
similar devices, which were installed into various scanners sure it will work, nor is he sure new countermeasures
and security systems throughout intelligence agencies and haven’t been developed in the meantime. As such, he plans
other sensitive buildings all over the world. to dupe some of Earth’s superhumans into acquiring key
information for the Children before taking the heroes’
The Kree-Skrull Alliance identities as part of the next phase of the plan. To further
Kl’rt, the so-called Super-Skrull, became one of many warlords these goals, Go’bak and the Children have acquired an
seeking to re-unite the various Skrull factions scattered all abandoned SHIELD safehouse and taken on the identity
over the cosmos. Through a series of decisive battles, he of unspecified government agents.
was crowned emperor of a reborn Skrull Empire that had The Super-Skrull has learned of these plans, but due
claimed Tarnax II as their new Throneworld in lieu of Earth. to the punishment given to him by Emperor Hulkling, he
Over time, the Skrulls grew weary of the eternal war can’t simply walk into their base and kill the fanatics that
with their rivals, the Kree Empire. Both empires abdicated in threaten the Alliance. While he’s more powerful than most
favor of Hulkling, an Earth hero with both Kree and Skrull other Skrulls, the Children have larger numbers, and he
parentage. As Hulkling took on the role of Emperor of the can’t be sure he can capture them all. Further, he doesn’t
joint Kree-Skrull Alliance, Kl’rt joined the inner circle of have firm evidence of treachery beyond Go’bak’s mad rants,
Hulkling’s advisors. However, Super-Skrull had previously and he can’t risk a diplomatic incident with his own people.
murdered Hulkling’s mother. As punishment for his past As such, he has instead infiltrated the Children, hoping
crime, Hulkling transferred Kl’rt to diplomatic service and they’ll make a mistake he can use as hard proof of their
told Kl’rt he could never take a life again. machinations against the Alliance. Further, by manipulating
the Children’s heroic dupes, he might even get the Earth
The Children of Lost Tarnax super heroic community to do his dirty work for him.
During a cosmos-spanning conflict between the Kree-
Skrull Alliance and the Cotati, a faction of Skrull extremists
attempted to kill Emperor Hulkling. Calling themselves the
Children of Lost Tarnax (a reference to Tarnax IV, a previous
Throneworld of the Skrulls), these xenophobes renounced

the mixed parentage of the new emperor and attempted to

kill him, in order to reestablish a separate Skrull empire
ruled only by “pure” Skrulls. They were defeated, but from
the ashes a new leader was named:Go’bak. Go’bak declared
any Skrulls who worked with the Kree-Skrull Alliance
to be heretics.


Art by Will Sliney & Antonio Fabela

In this first act, the heroes foil a bank robbery, This is a narrative technique called in medias res, where
meet with the disguised Children of Lost Tarnax, and learn we throw the heroes into the middle of a situation. Since
of the plan to secretly invade the superhuman community. this is a super hero story, we’re starting this scenario off
with action! This works two-fold:both to avoid the players
SCENE 1: DAYLIGHT ROBBERY needing to immediately think of a reason why they would
First, in the Page Toolbar, move the “Player” ribbon on your get involved (they’re already involved!), and to teach them
screen over to the bank page. Put the player’s hero tokens how the core rules of the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game
in the space marked A1, the street intersection on the Bank work, including combat. Plus, it’ll help you as the Narrator
Heist map (page 13). Then, read the following to your players: get comfortable with both the game and Roll20 in a relatively
The Big Apple National Bank alarms can be heard even in the low-stakes way.
street as you rush to the scene. On the street there’s chaos, even
more than normal for New York:people screaming and fleeing
the area, cars abandoned on the street, and even a truck that
has crashed into a fire hydrant. The doors to the bank have been
blown off their hinges. What do you do?

Art by Will Sliney & Antonio Fabela


When Do We Find Out What’s Going On?

 t some point, players will want to know why the heroes are
present in the moment. They might even need to know why
they’re even working together at all! We recommend doing Movable Objects
this as a flashback after the events of “Daylight Robbery” are When it's Clobberin' Time, things get broken
finished, but some groups might prefer talking it through and thrown around. The maps are a starting
beforehand, or even playing through a short prologue before point and may not survive the encounter. Who
they dive into the action. Let your players know that you plan knows where it might end up —
to start in the middle of things, and encourage them to express and in how many pieces?
their preferences before you collectively decide how to proceed.
So why are the heroes there? Start with thinking about
why the heroes are working together (as established in
“Choosing Your Heroes”, p. 5). A professional super hero team
might have been informed by the local police that they’re
closer to the crime, while a band of friends might have been A1: Outside
on their way to do some personal banking when they stumble This is most likely where the heroes will start the scene.
across the crime. Characters visiting from another country From here they can see panicked people, as well as a few
(say, Canada or Krakoa) might offer to help as a show of good cars. Most of the items on the street are actually movable
faith to New Yorkers. Some other possible reasons include: counters, so encourage players to use objects like the cars
▶ Overhearing the alarm, or a report on police radio in their super heroic actions… assuming they have enough
strength to pick up a car, that is!
▶ Getting a panicked call from a friend or relative who
There are also some Average Civilian tokens around the
is in the bank
map. These are mainly to make any fights on the street a little
▶ Discovering the crime while on regular patrol of the city more interesting. Civilians can be captured by bank robbers,
Feel free to turn this question around to the players, too. wander into the line of fire, or otherwise change and redirect
If there isn’t an obvious answer, or one that all the players the actions of the heroes (and villains!) in interesting ways.
immediately gravitate to, go ahead and ask them “How did you Finally, there’s one van on the street. This is the getaway
find the scene of the crime?” The answers might surprise you! van, with a Bank Robber driver inside. Use the Bank Robber
Character Profile for him, if the heroes decide to confront
him. If the bank robbers surrender and the driver is still on
the street, he’ll immediately flee the scene in the van.


KARMA Real Name: Varies

Height: Varies Weight: Varies
Gender: Varies
Eyes: Varies Hair: Varies
Size: Average
Distinguishing Features: Varies
REDUCTION Occupation: Criminal
30 0 Origin: High-Tech
Teams: Bank robbery gang
Base: Varies
Art by Will Sliney & Antonio Fabela

This group of criminals desperately needed cash,

30 0
so they decided to rob a bank.

This group of bank robbers lucked into finding a
cache of super-tech weapons that were intended
INITIATIVE for delivery to an A.I.M. base. They decided to use
SPEED these new super guns to rob a bank. They’re ulti-
Run: 5
mately cowards, looking for a quick buck. They
Climb: 3 would rather go to jail than face down superhu-
Swim: 3 mans for too long. That said, they are desperate,
ABILITIES Jump: 3 and they think their new guns will allow them to
get away with just about anything.
2 12 +2 Traits Tags
MELEE ◆ Connections: ◆ Black Market
Criminal Access,
2 12 +2 ◆ Fearless
◆ Tech Reliance


1 11 +1
1 11 +1 Basic Elemental Control
VIGILANCE ◆ Evasion (Force)
◆ Elemental Burst

1 11 +1

0 10 0


1 2



1 2
1 1

1 0

A2:Bank Lobby to be carried out. If the heroes sneak in via the back doors, they
Read the following to the players: may be able to surprise the robbers — otherwise, if a fight
The chaos continues inside the Big Apple Bank. The smell of starts in the lobby area, assume that one or two of the robbers
smoke, heated metal, and discharged weapons fills your nose. A will come into the fight to help their allies, while the remaining
couple of civilians are lying prone on the ground, although you robbers continue to steal as much money as they can.
can’t tell at a glance if they’re unconscious or dead. A third civilian
is being held at gunpoint by one of the bank robbers, in front The Police and Mopping Up
of a large gaping hole on the west wall behind the cashier desk. The police will arrive just as the heroes are finishing up
with the fight:once the last bank robber is defeated, add a
The two civilians on the ground are unconscious from blows
police car and two police officer tokens to A1. If needed, use
to the backs of their heads. They aren’t in serious condition,
the statistics for a Shield Agent (Core Rulebook, p. 232) for the
but will need medical attention soon. A Logic vs. TN 10 action
police officers. Once the police arrive, they’ll take control of
check will further stabilize them, but a hospital will still be
the situation:arresting any captured bank robbers, calling
needed to deal with the concussion injuries.
for emergency medical aid for wounded civilians, and the like.
The bank robber with the hostage is scared and is only
The police will politely but firmly take a statement from
keeping a hostage to avoid being hurt or killed by the heroes. An
the heroes, before asking them to leave the area so they and
Ego vs. TN 8 action check will convince him to let the hostage go.
emergency services can do their jobs. If the heroes are on
However, as soon as the hostage is clear, four more bank
good terms with the police, they may be asked to help with
robbers hiding behind the desk at A3 will try to ambush
clean up and rescue services; if they are viewed as criminals,
the heroes. The tokens at A3 are only on the GM Layer in
the police will pull their weapons and make a half-hearted
Roll20, so once they attack, use the Layers tool to make them
attempt to arrest them before admitting they have no way
visible to the players. (In general, assume the heroes won’t be
to force the heroes to do anything.
surprised by the additional bank robbers, given that they’re
walking into a bank robbery and it’s unlikely all this chaos
stemmed from a single criminal. However, if circumstances SCENE 2: FLASHBACK
are such that you think they might be surprised, feel free At this point, feel free to run a flashback scene set prior to
to use the rules in Core Rulebook, p. 28.) the events of Scene 1, as per the sidebar “When Do We Find
At this point, roll initiative (Core Rulebook, p. 27). The bank Out What’s Going On?” (p. 10). Don’t worry about dice rolling
robbers — even hidden ones like the ones in A5 — all roll or Character Profiles for this scene — the goal is to just have
initiative as a group and go at the same initiative number. fun explaining how the heroes got from their normal lives
into the chaos of a bank robbery.
This is also a great opportunity for players to role-play
A3: Desk
and settle into their characters some more. One way to
If the heroes sneak into the bank, they will find four robbers
encourage this is to focus on each player in turn, playing
crouching behind this desk with pistols, waiting for their
a short vignette of what each character is doing prior to
moment to attack. There are also a couple of bank tellers,
arriving on the scene. Let the player describe what their
tied up behind the desk — reveal their tokens with the
hero was doing before the call, perhaps even introducing
Layers tool. Use the Average Civilian (Core Rulebook, p. 140)
new characters or locations. The goal here is to let the players
Character Profile for the tellers.
settle into playing their characters and maybe showcasing
The door separating the desk from the vault area is locked,
something exciting or interesting about their hero.
but there is a large hole blown in the connecting wall that’s
If you or your players are stuck for inspiration, here are
big enough for one person to walk through. Heroes with the
some vignette ideas to help you get started:
Big trait or who otherwise are over 6’ tall may have difficulty
stepping through the hole, at Narrator discretion. ▶ Meeting with a friend at a coffee shop
▶ Reading up on some scientific journals at home
A4: Offices ▶ Playing basketball with some of the local youth
Each of the other rooms in the bank are offices, with the
one nearest the vault doubling as a break room. There’s one ▶ Walking through a park on a blind date
bank employee in each office, tied up by the bank robbers. ▶ Ordering lunch from a local food truck
This is an opportunity to adjust the conflict, if you desire. ▶ Arguing with a customer service
If the heroes are somehow having a hard time of it, feel free representative on the phone
to declare that one of the bank employees manages to escape
their bonds and get a hold of a gun, helping the heroes in
their fight. Conversely, if the heroes are having an easy time SCENE 3: THE SUITS ARRIVE
of things and you want to prolong the encounter, you can Once the mop-up from the bank robbery is underway, read
add a bank robber token to some or all of the office spaces, as the following to the players:
they guard over their hostages. The choice is yours! Three black SUVs with tinted windows pull up to the scene, and
several men and women in black suits step out. One of them — a
A5: Vault tall man with a clean-shaven head — pockets a small device and
The bank vault is open, and three bank robbers are hastily steps forward with a smile.
attempting to get as much out of the vault as they can. Two are “I’m Agent Kurt, and we’re agents of the U.S. government. Can
in the vault, while one is by the back doors, piling up the money we have a moment of your time?”

group is not “officially connected to any single agency.” He
What if the Heroes Fled the Scene? says he needs the heroes’ help, and he wants to take them
I f the heroes fled the scene of the bank robbery before the to a nearby safehouse to brief them more fully. He won’t
police arrived, or were forced to flee due to a confrontation yet mention that Skrulls are involved, and any attempts to
with the police, Kurt and his agents will find them wherever push him on the matter will cause him to deflect and say
they’ve fled to. The Skrulls have been keeping tabs on it’s better to talk in private.
the heroes, and have been waiting for an opportunity to Play this scenario as straight as possible. The Children
approach them. Feel free to adjust the particulars of this of Lost Tarnax want to fool the heroes as part of their
scene in any way you see fit. plans for their own secret invasion. Kurt wants to fool
It’s possible that some players may be particularly the heroes to get them close to the Children and discover
contrary on this point. Listen to your player’s concerns, but their plans before they’re too far along, as part of his plan
if you need to, it’s okay to admit that this scene is necessary to trick the heroes into uncovering Go’bak’s plot without
to get into the adventure proper. dragging the Kree-Skrull Alliance into things. So, right
now, all the Skrulls are on the same page. Note that Kurt
has investigated the heroes as much as possible, so he’ll
Kurt is actually Kl’rt, the Super-Skrull (p. 14), and the five get an Edge on Ego action checks to convince them due
agents with him are all Skrull agents (p. 15). These disguised to his Leverage Trait.
Skrulls are here to convince the heroes to help them in Here are some things the heroes might try during
uncovering a Skrull invasion. In fact, Kurt will mention that the discussion:
he’s here on behalf of Maria Hill of the C.I.A., although his





KARMA Real Name:Kl’rt

Height: 6’8” (Varies) Weight: 625 lbs. (Varies)
Gender: Male (Varies)
Eyes: Yellow (Varies) Hair: None (Varies)
Size: Average
Distinguishing Features: Green-skinned alien
HEALTH with shape-shifting powers, in addition to other
90 -2
Occupation: Military; Spy
Origin: Alien:Skrull
Art by Stefano Caselli & Andres Mossa

Teams: Kree-Skrull Alliance; Children of Lost

Tarnax (infiltration)
REDUCTION Base: Abandoned Safehouse
120 0 History
Kl’rt is an experienced soldier of the Skrull
Empire. He was imbued with super powers by the
Skrull Emperor Dorrek in a plot to gain revenge
INITIATIVE against the Fantastic Four, and dubbed the
SPEED “Super-Skrull.” While he would occasionally have
Run: 10
the upper hand in these conflicts, he was regu-
Climb: 6 larly defeated by the team. He fell out of favor
Swim: 3 with the government and was exiled, becoming
ABILITIES Jump: 3 a free agent and often having an on-again,
off-again relationship with both the inhabitants
ABILITY DEFENSE NON-COMBAT of Earth and his home race. Eventually, after
SCORE SCORE CHECKS the Skrull Empire had crumbled into factions,

7 17 +7 TRAITS & TAGS

he joined the group devoted to seeking an heir
to Emperor Dorrek VIII — Hulkling. The Super-
Skrull revealed the truth of Hulkling’s origin
Traits Tags and his own role in killing Hulkling’s “mother.”
◆ Battle Ready ◆ Alien Heritage
As punishment, Kl’rt was forbidden from taking

13 +3 ◆ Combat
◆ Black Market
another life and relegated to diplomatic duty.

◆ Connections: ◆ Extreme Personality

Kl’rt is arrogant, often considering himself to be
Espionage, Appearance

13 +3 Military
(in their
natural form)
the most powerful warrior of his kind, and possi-
bly the entire galaxy. He is also extremely loyal
to the ideals of the Skrull empire, even when his
Alliance) ◆ Obligation:
race has repeatedly turned their backs on him.
3 13 +3
◆ Extra
He has grown to loathe the superhumans of Earth
due to his repeated defeats, but his recent punish-
VIGILANCE ◆ Interrogation ◆ Secret Identity ment by his emperor is forcing him to re-evaluate
◆ Iron Will (when this hatred. He isn’t adverse to tricking humans
6 16 +6 ◆ Leverage
◆ Situational
disguised) into doing his dirty work for him, however.

EGO Awareness

3 13 +3

Basic Elemental Control Illusion
5 7

◆ Disguise (Fire, Force) ◆ Extend Invisibility

◆ Shape-Shift ◆ Elemental Barrier ◆ Invisibility
◆ Elemental Burst
◆ Elemental Push

5 3 ◆ Plasticity Super-Strength
◆ Extended Reach 2 ◆ Clobber

5 6 ◆ Flexible Bones 2 ◆ Crushing Grip


◆ Slip Free ◆ Ground-Shaking Stomp

◆ Stilt Steps ◆ Smash

5 3

KARMA Real Name: Varies
Height: Varies Weight: Varies
Gender: Varies
Eyes: Varies Hair: Varies
Size: Average
Distinguishing Features: Green-skinned aliens
HEALTH with shape-shifting powers
30 -1 Occupation: Outsider
Origin: Alien:Skrull
Art by Francesco Mobili & Jordie Bellaire

Teams: Children of Lost Tarnax

Base: Varies
30 —
The aliens commonly known as Skrulls are
actually the Deviant variant of their race, created
by visiting Celestials in ancient times. Their
amazing powers to assume any guise allowed
them to drive both the original Skrulls and the
INITIATIVE Eternal variant Skrulls long extinct.
MODIFIER Over the past ten million years, the Skrull
Run: 5
Climb: 3
Swim: 3
+1 Empire has spread its influence throughout the
galaxy — first as traders and then as invaders —
conquering hundreds of planets, including the
ABILITIES Jump: 3 Andromeda Galaxy. After Galactus devoured
ABILITY DEFENSE NON-COMBAT their homeworld, they were scattered among the
SCORE SCORE CHECKS stars, but some recently allied with their ancient
TRAITS & TAGS enemies — the Kree — under the leadership of
2 12 +2 Traits Tags
Emperor Dorrek VIII, also known as the Earth
hero Hulkling. These renegade Skrulls reject
MELEE ◆ Connections: ◆ Alien Heritage this half-breed emperor, calling themselves the
Outsiders ◆ Extreme Children of Lost Tarnax.
4 14 +4 ◆ Fresh Eyes
◆ Stranger
(in their Personality
AGILITY natural form) The Children of Lost Tarnax are, perhaps surpris-
◆ Combat ingly, even more xenophobic and jingoistic than

1 Reflexes ◆ Secret Identity their contemporaries in the Kree-Skrull Alliance.

11 +1 ◆ Sneaky
Few of them would hesitate to give their lives
for the cause. While these particular Skrulls are
◆ Villainous not as powerful as their commanders, they have

1 11 +1
been raised to believe they are the greatest, most
worthy race of people in the universe.

2 12 +2
EGO Basic Plasticity Ranged Weapons
◆ Disguise ◆ Extended Reach 1 ◆ Double Tap
0 10 +0 ◆ Shape-Shift ◆

Flexible Bones 1
Slip Free
◆ Suppressive Fire

◆ Flexible Fingers


2 2



2 4
2 2

2 0

▶ Try to determine if Kurt is lying from body
language, micro expressions, and so on:Let any hero What if the Heroes Won’t Go Along?
interested in this make an Ego vs. TN 16 action check
 his scene is written in a way that the heroes should be a
(Kl’rts Ego defense) — you can tell the players that
bit suspicious, but not immediately leap to the conclusion
intelligence agents are trained to avoid giving away
that the agents are enemies. Still, particularly paranoid
their true feelings. Failure means the hero believes
characters (or players!) might struggle to find a reason to
Kurt is telling the truth, but they aren’t completely
go with the agents. There are few techniques you can use.
sure. Success means the hero knows Kurt is holding
The first is to remind the players that, even if the agents
something back, but he really does need the heroes’
are planning a trap, the best way to find out what their
help. A Fantastic Success is the same as a success, but
overall scheme is would be to play along. This allows the
the hero suspects that the agents aren’t working for
adventure to move along more or less as written, but feel
any government agency, indirectly or otherwise.
free to give the heroes an Edge now and then on appropriate
▶ Read Kurt’s mind:Powers like Mind Interrogation action checks to help them uncover the true plot of the story.
and Mind Reading could be used to try and read Kurt’s If the players still aren’t willing to go along, or if they
mind. Kurt has a good Logic defense of 14, but he have powers that make it easy for them to discover the
also has the Telepathy power set (which manifests as truth about these agents, you can confide that this is the
mesmerism), meaning he is likely to recognize such story you have planned, and to get things moving the
an attempt to read his mind. Kurt will attempt to heroes need to come along with the agents. Reassure them
Command any telepath who establishes a Telepathic that their characters won’t be punished for their actions —
Link with him to back his story up. indeed, treat the characters as if they’re playing along, as
▶ Check with Maria Hill:Maria Hill isn’t taking calls above — but role-playing games are a collaborative effort,
from anyone who doesn’t have the right Connections. and the players may need to bend a little in order to have
Even if a hero does have the right Connections, let a fun time playing the game.
them know it’ll take a while to navigate CIA security However, some players dislike this kind of out-of-universe
and get a message to Hill. direction (often called “railroading”). If that’s the case, or
if you’d rather let the players have more freedom in their
Once the heroes agree, head to the next scene. choices, Kurt and the agents will leave the heroes alone. You
can jump to Act Three, and let Miguel O’Hara approach the
SCENE 4: SHAVE AND A HAIRCUT heroes with knowledge of the Skrull plot, or attack them for
Read the following to the players: believing them to be Skrull replacements. That will also get
You follow the agents to a busy street with several storefronts the story back on track, albeit in an abbreviated form. The
closed or boarded up. Kurt directs you to an alleyway besides a biggest change is that Kl’rt/Kurt won’t have any incentive
barbershop that hasn’t seen business in decades. The metal door to help the heroes, making the Act Four fight more difficult.
leading into the shop looks rusted and locked, but Kurt pulls out
a crumbling brick next to the door, revealing an unassuming slot
that he inserts a red card into. With a soft woosh of air, the door
slides aside, revealing several dusty barber’s chairs, a couple The Two Sides of the Safehouse
counters, and a door to a side room.  he safehouse map can be used in every act of this scenario.
However, what rooms the characters have access to, and what is
Move the Players ribbon to the safehouse map, and put the in each room, depends on what’s happened in the scenario so far.
player’s hero tokens in B1. As such, we have two sets of descriptions:Secure and Alert. The
Secure descriptions are the safehouse as the heroes experience
B1:Barbershop Elevator (Secure) it in Acts One through Three, where they are cooperating with
The entire floor of the barbershop acts as an elevator into the the Skrulls (even if they don’t realize it). Once the Children of
safehouse. The switch to move the room between locations is Lost Tarnax learn the heroes are onto them, switch to the Alert
in the side room in the north-west corner. Hitting the switch descriptions, which will be covered in Act Four.
that activates the elevator doesn’t require an action, but it If the heroes try to get into an area that doesn’t have a
does require a character to be in that room. The doors to the Secure description, use the Alert description. It’s possible this
south are simple metal sliding doors. change might result in the plot fast-forwarding to Act Four,
however — if you’re not sure you want to do that, reference
B2:Scanning Room (Secure) the advice in the sidebar “What if the Heroes Won’t Go Along?”
Read the following to the players:
This concrete room only has a yellow stripe on the floor in peeling Characters with powers that can sense or manipulate the
paint, and a couple of machine gun turrets mounted in the far corners, electromagnetic spectrum, or who have experience with such
guarding a large metal door. Kurt smiles at you. “Just a little extra devices, might have a chance to notice the scanning with
security,” he says, and strides across the room, pulling out his red a Logic vs. TN 14 action check. Unless otherwise prevented,
card again. He waves it at the large door, and it rumbles open. the scans will not only uncover any weapons the heroes
might be carrying, but also store a complete body scan that
Unbeknownst to the players, the room is also a large security
the Skrull Agents can use for later duplication in Act Three
scanner, controlled from B3. The turrets are not automated,
(see the Superpowered Skrull Character Profile for more
instead controlled from the rooms marked B4.


information). Having weapons will cause an alarm to sound, B3:Security Room (Secure)
but Kurt will tell the agents to shut the alarm off and let the
This room has two chairs in front of a couple of consoles, and
heroes keep their weapons. He’ll direct them to B5. a bank of monitors on the opposite wall. The consoles show a
typical (if more powerful and advanced) millimeter wave and
X-ray backscatter body scanner, similar to those used in airports.
SecurityDoors (The body scan information is sent to the computers in B17).
 everal doors on the map are color-coded:yellow or red.
Red security cards can also open yellow doors, but yellow B4:Turret Control (Secure)
security cards can only open yellow doors. Uncolored doors Inside these cramped rooms are just large computer screens
can be opened by anyone. Kl’rt and Go’bak have red security and a console with controls. No one is in either room, and
cards, as do any Skrulls working in secure areas (such as the machinery is powered off.
B17-B19). The rest of the agents have yellow security cards.

B5:Hallway (Secure) B14:Watch Room (Secure/Alert)
Read the following to the players: This room is on the other side of the one-way mirror in B13.
As you pass through the large steel door, you notice two Aside from a short desk, chairs, and a couple of tables, this
smaller metal doors behind you. Ahead of you is another large room is empty.
metal door, with two more large doors on either side. On the
floor is a chipped and faded logo painted onto the concrete B15:Offices (Secure/Alert)
floor — the SHIELD logo. These offices look abandoned. The desks, chairs, and filing
“A little something from the former owners of the place,” Kurt cabinets are decades old and covered in dust, and the
jokes. He steps to the door across from you, and waves his red equipment is clearly outdated and doesn’t work.
card at it again as it dutifully slides open. “Let’s meet the boss.”
Kurt directs the team to B12. If asked about the other doors, B16:Commissary (Secure)
he brushes them off, saying “I can give a tour later, if you like.” The commissary has outdated but functional furniture,
enough to comfortably hold eight people eating meals at
B6:Hallway to Guest Dorms (Secure/Alert) the same time. There’s a door to a gender-neutral restroom
This hallway leads to the various dormitories, which the in the corner, and a larger steel door that leads to a walk-in
heroes can use should they choose. There is a red-access refrigerator full of food. There’s also a small sink, a counter
security door that leads to B16. and cabinets that have been repurposed as a coffee station,
and a large vending machine that looks broken.
The vending machine actually swings on a pivot,
B7:Guest Dorm (Secure) revealing a secret door. However, the door is unknown to
Each guest dorm has a bed, nightstand, a couple dressers,
the Skrulls, and the pivot hasn’t been oiled in years. It will
a closet, and a small desk and chair. It also has a hideous
take a Melee vs. TN 10 action check to open this the first time.
carpet that looks decades old. The door can be locked from the
inside, but the lock can be overridden by a red security card.
B17:Lab (Secure)
The lab looks to be only partially in working order. A large and
B8:Restroom and Shower (Secure/Alert) ancient-looking machine in the center of the space has been
There’s a gender-neutral restroom and shower on either side
demolished at some point in the distant past. Other machines
of the hallway at B6. Three people can use each room at a time.
and scanners have been jury-rigged with much more modern
computers and consoles, but only some of them appear to be
B12:Nexus (Secure) working at full capacity. There are three Skrull Agents in the
This nexus leads to various doors deeper in the safehouse. room, working on the machinery to get it operational.
Kurt will direct the heroes to B13. Four of the machines in the lab appear to be large glass
tubes of some kind full of a strange-looking liquid. They are
B13:Conference Room (Secure) big enough to contain an Average-sized character. If asked,
Read the following to the players: Kurt will explain that these were prototype Skrull detection
In contrast to the faded concrete and metal of what you’ve seen devices before they were able to miniaturize it into a smaller
so far, this room is fairly comfortable. A long wooden table sits in the handheld form. (Heroes with the Scientific Expertise trait
middle of the room, with several chairs seated around it. Against one will realize they are devices that have something to do with
wall sits a large screen that’s probably decades old, with a modern genetic engineering, but while they might have been cutting
computer console hastily wired into it. Another wall has a large edge a decade ago, they are badly out-of-date now.)
mirror, which hangs behind the man sitting at the end of the table. On the west wall there is a large reel-to-reel computer bank,
He’s wearing a suit similar to the ones the other agents are with just enough room behind it for someone to squeeze through.
wearing. His hair is gray, and his face looks like it’s wrinkled from Characters that slide behind that console can find a secret door
years of stress and worry, but his eyes blaze with intensity. Kurt hidden there, which leads to B19 (covered in Act Four).
says “Let me introduce the leader of our operation, Agent Gordon,”
as the gray man stands and silently offers his hand to shake.
“Agent Gordon” is Go’bak, leader of the Children of Lost Tarnax.
The large mirror is a one-way window from B14. Go to Act Two.
Art by Luke Ross & Matthew Wilson

In this second act, the heroes are directed to their Kurt’s briefing covers the following points:
first target:A.I.M. and their mysterious leader, M.O.D.O.K.
Within the base they acquire a file, and start gaining hints ▶ The shape-shifting Skrulls have infiltrated the
superhuman community, and potentially even
that things are not as they appear to be.
the government. It’s unclear how entrenched the
invasion has become, which is why the need for
SCENE 1: THE BRIEFING secrecy is paramount.
Once the heroes are settled into the conference room, read
the following to the players: ▶ The agents have been tasked with rooting out the
invasion. Because they don’t officially report to any
Agent Gordon nods silently to Kurt, who turns to you. “Agent
governmental structure, they haven’t been infiltrated,
Gordon has asked me to conduct this briefing on his behalf.
making them ideal for the task.
Understand that what you’re about to see should be held in the
strictest confidence.” He touches a few controls on the hastily- ▶ The Skrulls have tried several times to infiltrate
wired console, and the screen lights up, showing a green-skinned Earth before. Past efforts by one of their favored
alien with large ears and a ribbed chin. agents, the Super-Skrull, were nearly successful.
“This, my friends, is a Skrull. They’re aliens from outer space, The latest attempt was much more widescale, and
and they’re trying to invade our world.” was only thwarted when Reed Richards (Mister
Fantastic of the Fantastic Four) invented a device
that forces Skrulls back into their natural form.
Go’bak and Kl’rt This safehouse has been fitted with such a device,
 gent Gordon/Go’bak remains silent throughout the briefing,
A but the team have also developed a smaller hand-
as part of a power play happening behind the scenes. Go’bak held version, which Kurt used before he met
doesn’t trust Kurt (who is masquerading as a different Skrull as with the heroes.
part of his infiltration of the Children), but he also realizes that ▶ However, they’ve gained intelligence that the Skrulls
if this plan fails, he can blame Kurt and thus keep the loyalty have found a way to counteract the device. They’ve
of his followers. As such, he’s giving Kurt enough rope to hang done this by infiltrating or working with A.I.M. The
himself with, as it were. Kl’rt realizes this, and will use his access organization has found a way to circumvent the
to the heroes to enact his own plan:slowly convincing them procedure. The agents need the heroes to infiltrate the
to uncover the plot without dragging the Kree-Skrull Alliance A.I.M. base they’ve identified, and bring back some files
into things. It’s unlikely the heroes will stumble into this, but located in their computers.This story is, of course, a
keep it in mind as you portray the two agents. fabrication, but most of it is actually true. The Skrulls
Go’bak is a Skrull as per the Core Rulebook, p. 235. are attempting to infiltrate — it just so happens that



these are the Skrulls in question. The device does exist, and not above bragging about his accomplishments — even
and does work as described — in case rival Skrulls if no one in the room (including Go’bak) is aware that Kurt
attempt to infiltrate their ranks — but the Children is the Super-Skrull. As a Narrator, the namedrop serves
(and Kl’rt) have already found a way to circumvent an additional purpose:to get the heroes (and the players)
it. And A.I.M. are actually researching ways to detect thinking about the Super-Skrull.
Skrulls outside of Richards’ device, but they are During the briefing, Kurt will give them a read-only chip
investigating something, and Go’bak is concerned they to download the information onto, and reveal the A.I.M. base’s
may stumble onto his plans. location:the thirteenth floor of a skyscraper in downtown
New York. The heroes may have questions about the Skrulls
This “lie within the truth” approach is Kl’rt’s idea — he
and A.I.M. Feel free to read the history sections of their
knows that between his relatively-honest approach and
respective Character Profiles (Core Rulebook, pp. 235 and 138
his own mental powers, he can likely keep any suspicious
respectively). If the heroes ask about who Kurt and Gordon
heroes from suspecting the truth. That said, the heroes might
work for, they’ll be brushed off “It’s classified, and it’s best
attempt to discern that truth from Kurt in a couple different
if you don’t know either way, just in case you’re captured.”
ways — use the advice presented in Act One, Scene 3, but a
At this point, Agent Gordon will ask if they’re willing
Fantastic Success reveals that there’s some kind of tension
to help, and once they agree, offer to let them stay in the
between Kurt and Gordon, as if the two of them aren’t on
safehouse for their protection. If the heroes want to stay, Kurt
the same page regarding this operation.
will direct them to the guest dorms at B7. Either way, they’ll
The casual mention of the Super-Skrull serves two purposes
be given a yellow security card to allow them to go through
in this scene. From a character perspective, Kl’rt is arrogant
some parts of the safehouse, or to come back once they’ve

completed their mission. If the heroes for some reason refuse
the security key, Kurt will insist they keep it “just in case.” WhyDo the Skrulls Let the Heroes Go?
If the heroes decide to poke around the safehouse or do
I t might be surprising to find that the Skrulls don’t pressure
some investigation on their own before starting the mission,
the heroes to stay with them at this stage. This is because
jump ahead to Scene 6:Poking Around.
both Go’bak and Kl’rt realize the heroes may still be
suspicious at this stage, and a heavy hand to force them
SCENE 2: INFILTRATING A.I.M. into staying could foil their plan. They each have separate
Once the heroes agreed to go after A.I.M., Kurt gave them things they want to accomplish from this meeting, however.
the location of the base:the thirteenth floor of a skyscraper For Go’bak, his primary objective at this stage is to get
in downtown New York. body scans of the heroes in order to duplicate them. That
Information on the location is actually easy to get:The way, even if everything else falls apart, he can at least move
Bryant Tower is owned by Advanced Idea Mechanics, but they ahead with his plan to infiltrate the superhuman community
rent most of the floors out to a variety of other companies. with his detection-resistant Skrulls.
However, like many buildings in New York, there’s no Kl’rt, on the other hand, wants the heroes to have access
“official” 13th floor — the elevator keys skip from 12 to 14. to the facility. His goal is to plant the idea of Skrulls in
Any reasonable investigation into the building — a check the heroes’ heads and give them keycards, so they can
into the building site records, talking to the construction potentially poke around later and uncover Go’bak’s plot.
company, setting up surveillance around the building — As the story unfolds and the heroes potentially grow more
reveals that the floor is there, and that the windows on that suspicious, Go’bak and Kl’rt will encourage the heroes to stay
floor are false. All official records point to the floor being “for their safety.” In Go’bak’s case, this is to keep an eye on
abandoned, however. them, while in Kl’rt case it’s to allow them more opportunities
There are a few ways to infiltrate the 13th floor. to find out what’s really going on. While it appears all of the
The front door:The lobby at the first floor of the Bryant Skrulls are working together, in fact it’s simply a matter that
Tower is large and open. People are constantly coming and their goals happen to align until things fall apart in Act Four.
going from a large bank of elevators, and no one will stop
the heroes if they arrive during business hours. Outside of Finally, there’s also a trash chute at C5 that leads down to
business hours, the building is alarmed and has a couple of the trash room.
security guards patrolling the floor. A Logic vs. TN 10 action
Punch in:The walls are reinforced concrete and steel. If a
check will disarm the alarm.
hero can somehow get to the outside of the 13th floor, they
Once in the elevator, holding down the “1” and “3” keys
can attempt to Plow Through the wall (Core Rulebook p. 41).
will take the elevator to the 13th floor. A Logic vs. TN 12 action
It requires 40 damage to get through most of the exterior
check will reveal this, but the roll has an Edge if the heroes
walls, and 20 damage to get through an interior wall. All
did some research into the construction of the building first.
the walls to C15, M.O.D.O.K.’s lab, require 100 damage. If they
The heroes will arrive in the hallway in front of
break through, place their tokens on an appropriate location
C1, Reception.
on the map (C1-7, C12, or C13).
The back door:There aren’t many other entrances into the
Blend in:The heroes can attempt to infiltrate, pretending
base. Although a violation of safety regulations, this is by
to be an employee. Because A.I.M. has a high turnover rate,
design to ensure the safety of the lab. However, reviewing
security is heavily based on security keys to get around the
the building plans or talking with the building contractors
lab, so if the heroes can get their hands on one, they’ll likely be
reveals three possible entrances. The first is via the elevator
let in without further challenge unless they obviously do not
shaft, which will deposit the heroes by C1, Reception. There
belong there. A.I.M. “beekeeper” uniforms are available in C2,
is a large ventilation shaft that exits into C4, Ventilation.


Art by Luke Ross & Matthew Wilson

so employees entering or leaving the building aren’t obviously There is a single A.I.M. agent at each security desk to the
working for A.I.M. Still, a Vigilance vs. TN 10 action check will north and south, not in their yellow hazard gear. They look
allow a hero to identify an A.I.M. agent out of uniform. bored, but are actually paying close attention to the heroes.
They each have a blue security key.
If anything suspicious happens, Annie will use an action to
SecurityKeys and Alarms sound the alarm while the two security agents engage the heroes
 .I.M. agents have security keys on them, which look like a
A (she won’t make any offensive moves). The security guards can
rugged circuit board attached to a plastic handle (to allow also activate the alarm from their desks by using an action.
the user to grip and slide the “key” into security slots). All
Alert:The two security guards (who are A.I.M. agents) will
keys look identical, except that some have blue handles
attack anyone not dressed like an A.I.M. agent immediately,
while others have green handles. Unlike the red keys of the
using their respective desks as cover. The two agents each
safehouse which also allowed access through yellow doors,
have a blue security key. Also, the guards currently in C10
the blue and green security keys here are separate. A green
will arrive here in three rounds.
key will only allow access through green security doors and
blue keys only through blue security doors.
Most A.I.M. agents will have a blue key, while some will C2:Changing Room
have green keys. None will have both, because M.O.D.O.K. is This is a large unisex changing room, full of lockers. Several
paranoid and wants to make sure his agents have reasons of the lockers have A.I.M. agent uniforms, all fitting Average-
to keep an eye on each other. sized characters.
Each location below has two states:Secure and Alert. Secure:Two A.I.M. agents are here, in the process of changing
Assume the base is Secure to start. If the heroes allow into their yellow uniforms. They each have a blue security key.
an A.I.M. agent to set off an alarm, the whole location
is considered to be Alert. Punching their way in will Alert:The two A.I.M. agents here are fully clothed and will
automatically set the base on Alert. attack anyone not dressed like an A.I.M. agent immediately.
Blue and green security doors require 75 damage to If there is a loud, obvious combat, the agents from C3 will
punch through. enter the fray. They each have a blue security key.

C3: Showers/Restroom
SCENE 3: FINDING THE FILES A combination shower/restroom area, with private shower and
Once the heroes have gotten access to the base, they make toilet stalls. The doors lock from the inside with simple latches.
their way through stealth or force to M.O.D.O.K.’s lab. In the Secure: Two A.I.M. agents are in here. One is finishing out
Page Toolbar, move the “Player” ribbon to the A.I.M. base page, a shower, while another is washing up at a sink. They each
reveal the appropriate location (C1, C4, or C5), and place the have a blue security key.
players’ hero tokens in that space.
Alert:The two A.I.M. agents here are fully clothed and will
C1: Reception attack anyone not dressed like an A.I.M. agent immediately.
The reception area looks like the reception area of any major They each have a blue security key.
corporate location:A large curved desk with a polite woman
sitting behind a desk. She is actually an android built into C4: Ventilation
the desk, so she will always be present even when “work An Average-sized ventilation shaft ends in the ceiling of
hours” are over. this room. No other rooms in the complex connect to this
series of shafts. The room itself is full of discarded cartons,
Secure:Read the following to the players: boxes, and crates all sitting under a handwritten sign that
Before you stands a large reception area. Aside from two security says “We A.I.M. to recycle!” taped to the wall.
desks on either side, the large room is empty save for an enormous
desk, which is completely devoid of computer screens, keyboards, Secure:The room is empty, and the grate from the ventilation
tablets, or even scraps of paper. Behind the desk sits a petite blonde shaft is easily removed with a Logic or Melee vs. TN 12
woman wearing a tasteful button-down shirt and blazer. She smiles action check.
as you enter. “Good morning! How can I help you today?”
Alert:The grate from the ventilation shaft is electrified and
The receptionist (who prefers to be called Annie) will sealed with a magnetic lock. Touching the grate causes 5
continually ask if she can help the heroes. Regardless of their Health damage. Shutting down the electricity trap requires
answers, she’ll deflect and try to convince them they’re on a Logic vs. TN 14 action check. Opening the magnetically
the wrong floor — no one comes to this floor unless they’re an sealed grate requires a Logic or Melee vs. TN 14 action check.
A.I.M. agent, so this is purely to keep someone who accidentally
stumbles upon the combination from growing suspicious. It C5:Trash Chute
should be clear after a couple of exchanges that she has no An Average-sized trash chute leads from the first floor up to
intention of actually helping the heroes in any way. here. The walls of the chute are slick with old refuse, requiring
A Logic vs. TN 10 action check will reveal that her body an Agility vs. TN 14 action check to climb unless the hero
posture is unusually stiff, and she never makes any effort has appropriate powers (like Flight or Wallcrawling). The
to get out of her chair. A Fantastic success informs the hero chute ends with a large metal door that hinges downward.
that her body language is artificial. The chute and the room smell awful.

Secure:There is one A.I.M. agent attempting to throw some Alert:The two agents here have moved into the hallway by
trash into the chute as soon as it opens. They are surprised C1, Reception, in order to catch the heroes. They each have a
(Core Rulebook, p. 28), and have a blue security key. green security key. The television screen only shows a red
screen with the word ALERT in large, white letters.
Alert:The chute magnetically seals, requiring a Logic or Melee
vs. TN 12 action check to open. There is no one in the room.
C11:Monitor Room
Read the following to the players:
C6: Commissary This large room is dominated on one wall with a cluster of screens,
This commissary contains several tables and chairs, a small
showing a variety of hallways all over the base. A few screens show
serving area where food would be laid out, and a stack of
other parts of the building, such as the elevator cars, and one or two
trays. There’s also a small beverage stand. Both the food
are turned to international news channels. Another wall contains
and beverage area are connected to a large, strange-looking
a rack of energy pistols and rifles, behind a blue-tinged force field.
device — a custom-built food synthesizer.
The center of the room has six large curved monitors, with
Secure/Alert:There is no one in the area, although the food six A.I.M. agents watching them carefully.
synthesizer doesn’t work when the area is Alert.
Each of the computers tied to a monitor has security clearance
to override the blue and green security doors. A Logic vs. TN
C7: Storage 12 action check will unlock all blue security doors, while a
This storage room contains several sets of large metal Logic vs. TN 14 action check unlocks all green security doors.
cabinets, containing a variety of shelves. On the shelves Both sets of doors are on independent circuits, so action
are an eclectic mix of supplies:mundane office supplies checks are needed for each set.
like pens, paper, and ink cartridges sit next to power cells The alarm can also be shut off from this room. The base
for A.I.M. weaponry. A few shelves have plastic jugs simply does not immediately go to Secure, however — consider it
labeled “Food Synthesizer Compound.” to still be at Alert, but the A.I.M. agents will be less willing
Secure:Everything is accessible from the shelves. There is to shoot anything that isn’t in a yellow uniform.
no one else in the room.
Alert:All of the shelves have rolling metal shutters that are Cameras
magnetically sealed, restricting all access to the supplies unless  here are several cameras on the map, particularly in the
opened with a blue security key or a Logic vs. TN 14 action check. hallways of the base. There are also cameras in C1, Reception.
An A.I.M. agent is here, loading a power cell into their weapon. If the heroes do anything obviously suspicious near a camera
and fail to make a Vigilance vs. TN 10 action check, the agents
C8: Closet here will notice and switch the base to Alert status. If the
This is a simple closet containing cleaning supplies, a broom, agents or the camera feeds here are neutralized, however,
a bucket, and a map. the base remains Secure.

Secure/Alert:There is nothing unusual in this room.

Secure: The six A.I.M. agents here are unarmed, but they
do each have a green security key. They are surprised (Core
C9: Barracks
Rulebook, p. 28), but their first action will be to sound the
The long barracks looks like a doctor’s on-call room. It
alarm, changing the base status to Alert. The heroes will
contains nine identical bunks with pillows, sheets, and
need to incapacitate or remove all six agents during the
blankets, intended for use by A.I.M. agents working long
bonus round before that happens.
shifts or on-site security during lockdowns.
Alert:Once the base changes to Alert status, the force field
Secure: There are three A.I.M. agents here sleeping in
by the weapons locker drops immediately, allowing access
various bunks. They are sleeping in their uniforms, and their
to the energy weapons within. Both doors to the room also
weaponry and blue security keys are stashed under each bunk.
lock, and can only be opened with a green security key. They
Alert: Two of the three A.I.M. agents are in the hallway require 75 damage to punch through. Each of the agents here
south of the barracks, looking for intruders. The third stays will defend the area to the best of their ability, and each has
in the barracks, checking each bunk. They each have a blue a green security key.
security key. If the base goes to Alert before the heroes get to this
room, one agent will leave here and check each of the nearby
C10: Lounge offices (C12).

This lounge is a place for off-duty A.I.M. agents to blow off

steam. There’s a couple of vending machines, some couches C12: Offices
and chairs, and a small coffee bar. Near one side is a large- Each of these is an office containing a desk, chair, and a
screen television with a video game system connected. computer terminal. The terminal is turned off.
Secure:Two A.I.M. agents are lounging in this area, wearing Secure:Each computer terminal requires a password to access.
their uniforms. One is getting something from a vending A hero with the appropriate skills can attempt to bypass or
machine, while another is playing a game on the television. brute force the password with a Logic vs. TN 13 action check.
They each have a green security key.

Most of the files here are administrative:pay records, Any character can make a Logic vs. TN 10 action check
cleaning schedules, low-security email memos, and the like. to determine that A.I.M. is indeed studying Skrull detection
There are some references to a project involving “tracking methods, but this data isn’t the conclusive information that
down a foreign visitor,” however, but no details. (This is a Gordon needs.
reference to M.O.D.O.K.’s project — see Act Two, Scene 3 for
Secure: Each lab has four A.I.M. agents working as lab
more.) On a Fantastic success, they also find today’s password
researchers. They will be surprised if the heroes attack them.
for M.O.D.O.K.’s lab (C15) which was carelessly emailed to a
If an A.I.M. agent can get to one of the computer consoles, they
colleague who had forgotten it.
can use their action to sound the alarm, sending the base to
Alert: As with Secure, but the action check to get past the Alert status. Each agent has a green security key, and knows
password screen raises to TN 15. the password to the computers in their lab.
Alert: Each of the A.I.M. agents are armed and ready for
C13/C14: Labs anyone to attack them. Each agent has a green security key,
Each of these two labs is where A.I.M.’s moderately-secret and knows the password to the computers in their lab.
research projects take place. A large number of machines
are present, each performing some discrete-yet-cryptic
function. Characters with the Scientific Expertise trait will
C15:M.O.D.O.K. Lab
The door to M.O.D.O.K.’s lab can only be opened by using
know this equipment involving studying and analyzing
both a blue and green security key. It also requires a verbal
genetic sequences.
password, which only M.O.D.O.K. and the A.I.M. agents
Each of the computers here is “air gapped,” meaning it
inside the lab know — although it is possible for the heroes
is not connected to any network. Accessing them requires
to acquire it from one of the offices at C12. The door will
a green security key as well as the daily password — both
open without the password, but it will set off an alarm,
of which can be gained from each A.I.M. agent in the labs.
immediately putting the base on Alert status.
The computers do not have any of the information the
Alternatively, the door can be destroyed if it takes 100 damage.
government agents require, but characters with the Scientific
This also sets off the alarm and puts the base on Alert status.
Expertise trait can confirm the information relates to genetic
Once the heroes gain access to the lab, go to Scene 3.
engineering. These characters can make a Logic vs. TN 13
action check to see that it’s a lot of data relating to detecting
Skrulls by reverse-engineering the Richards device.

Art by Scott Hepburn & Carlos Lopez

because they made a copy to work on in their own time —
SCENE 4: they realize it’s data relating to the Richards device and
BEHOLD THE FURY OF M.O.D.O.K.! mentions Reed Richards a lot. A Logic vs. TN 10 action check
Read the following to the players: reveals that it contains theories on how detectors like what
Past the massive door, you see there’s metal grating all around Reed Richards built could be defeated. A Fantastic Success
you, with a ramp leading down to the main floor area. Yellow- shows that it contains field data implying Skrulls have
suited scientists are working all through the room. In the center, learned to defeat Reed Richard’s detector, as well as theories
much like a throne, sits a massive device. Upon the device floats on how they defeated it, and on how to build better detectors.
a man. He has arms and legs coated in a technical suit of some
kind, but his body has been replaced with that of a giant head. SCENE 5: BACK TO BASE
This is the notorious M.O.D.O.K., leader of A.I.M. Once the heroes have the file, they can return to the safehouse.
▶ If the base is on Secure status: Read the following to the players:
You make your way back to the abandoned barbershop. The
The people in the lab scurry from station to station as the face next trip underground isn’t as surreal as the first time. You show
on the giant head screams. “Faster! Work faster! I want results!” your yellow card to the large metal door, and it dutifully rolls
▶ If the base is on Alert status: away, allowing you access.
As you step across, an agent steps forward and wordlessly
The face on the head looks at you. “You! What are you doing leads you back to the conference room, where you see Agents
here? Attack!” Kurt and Gordon sitting at the table. Kurt smiles as you enter,
There are eight A.I.M. agents in the room, along with M.O.D.O.K. but Gordon looks stone-faced. There’s a tension in the air, as if
they have been arguing.
“Come in, sit down. How’d it go?” Kurt asks.
A Tough Fight The heroes are encouraged to report on their findings. If they
This fight may be more difficult than usual for the heroes, have the data chip, Gordon will speak up (one of the rare
and that’s intentional. The goal of this scene is to find the times he actually does speak), demanding it be handed over.
computer file in question and escape, not defeat every Once the heroes do so, he keeps hold of it until the heroes
enemy in the room. Feel free to plainly express this to the leave or go to their dorms. Any requests for a copy will be
players — not every fight in a Marvel comic ends with one ignored. If they refuse to hand over the data, Gordon will
side unconscious. That said, if you prefer to scale down the threaten them then attempt to capture them, moving the
conflict, feel free to reduce the number of agents to four. action to Act Four, Scene 1b.
There are some permutations, based on how the conflict
Each of the large machines on the map are Average size. in Act Two, Scene 3 went:
They break line of sight, although characters on the metal
grating by the door are five feet above the rest of the floor.
▶ If the heroes captured an A.I.M. agent, Kurt will
thank them and lock the agent in one of the offices at
B15. Once the heroes have left or gone to their dorms,
Tactics the A.I.M. agent is moved to the storage area (B18).
The A.I.M. agents will attempt to protect the equipment
and M.O.D.O.K.
M.O.D.O.K. will attempt to use his Telepathic Link on the
heroes, one at a time. He’ll need to force a link, making a Logic
check against the target’s Vigilance defense. If he establishes
a link, he’ll use Command or Orders (if they have no Focus
left) to get the hero to attack one of their allies. If he fails
to establish a link, he’ll move on to another hero next turn.
If M.O.D.O.K. is directly threatened, he’ll switch to his
Telekinesis and Elemental Control powers to protect himself
while attempting to escape. He will abandon his agents and
bots without any remorse. If he manages to escape, the A.I.M.
agents will surrender.

The Needed File

The console to the left of the door, as well as the one nearby
Art by Scott Hepburn & Carlos Lopez

M.O.D.O.K.’s throne, both contain the file that the Skrull agents
require. It takes two actions to download the encrypted file
onto the read-only data chip. The encryption can be broken,
but it will take time to do so — more time than a fight with
A.I.M. will allow. A casual skim of the file, however, contains
a reference to “finding foreign invaders.”
If the heroes are able to decrypt the file on their own —
because of their powers, particularly Fantastic rolls, or

▶ If the heroes captured M.O.D.O.K., Gordon and Kurt If the heroes decide to get some rest, go to Act Three. If
will both be shocked. Kurt admits they have no way they decide instead to do some investigation on their own or
to detain M.O.D.O.K. for any length of time. Eventually, catch up on their private lives, go to Scene 6.
they’ll take M.O.D.O.K. to the lab (B17) and try to wire
him up to the large device in the center of the room. SCENE 6: POKING AROUND
Kurt will explain to the heroes that it’ll take some There are two different ways this scene can play out,
time to get the device working, and encourage them to depending on whether the heroes head back to their own
stay the night (see below). M.O.D.O.K., for his part, will lives or stay in the safehouse.
refuse to answer questions and claim they are all out
to thwart his plans (which he won’t elaborate on) until Head Back
one of the agents shocks him into unconsciousness.
If the heroes refuse to stay in the safehouse, they can try to
▶ If the heroes failed to get the file, Kurt and Gordon will do some investigation on their own.
act concerned. They’ll interrogate any A.I.M. agents that
are captured, but they’ll become insistent that the heroes ▶ Personal business:If the heroes want to conduct
are in danger (see below). The Skrull agents will conduct personal business like checking in with loved ones,
their own raid on the A.I.M. base that evening to get the spending time in their alternate identities, and the like,
information, since M.O.D.O.K. is most likely captured, let them. If this adventure is part of an Ongoing Series,
incapacitated, or fleeing to a new base of operations. this is a great time to get some role-playing in and
progress any subplots you have in mind as Narrator,
Regardless of the outcome from Act Two, Scene 3, both Kurt or introduce new characters that might be useful in
and Gordon will encourage the heroes to rest in the dorms future adventures.
on base. This is primarily because they claim that A.I.M. and ▶ C.I.A./Maria Hill:Maria Hill is still “unavailable” and
their “Skrull masters” will probably be onto the heroes now, not returning calls. If a hero has Connections that
but also it’s a safe place for the heroes to rest and recover. give them access to the C.I.A. or any other government
If the heroes refuse, Kurt will remind them that the heroes agency, they’ll be told that they don’t know of any
might be replaced by Skrulls, and by staying on base, the secret group of agents investigating an alien invasion,
agents can be sure they haven’t been. If they continue to insist but then again such an operation might be too highly
on leaving, Gordon will slam his fists down on the conference classified for them to know.
table and tell them they don’t have a choice. Kurt, however, ▶ A.I.M.:The A.I.M. base is in the process of being
will override Gordon and tell the heroes they’re free to go, but abandoned if the heroes go back that evening —
they should come back tomorrow once the agents have had M.O.D.O.K. and any remaining A.I.M. bots are gone,
a chance to decrypt the file (or interrogate the captives). It’s although the A.I.M. agents are still there to hastily shut
clear there’s some tension between Gordon and Kurt. everything down. If the heroes go back after not being
able to deliver the file, they might run into the Skrull
agents who are conducting their own raid! Add a few
Skrull agents to the A.I.M. base map in their Skrull form.

Stayin the Safehouse

If the heroes decide to stay in the safehouse, they’ll be given
access to the guest dorms, but told they won’t have permission
to use the barbershop elevator until their next mission. They
also won’t be able to call or contact anyone — the base is too
far underground for cellphone reception, and the rest of the
base is cut off from all but the most rudimentary Internet
access, partially for security reasons and partially because
most of the equipment is antiquated.
If the players want to unwind or mingle with the agents,
they can do so. Like with “personal business” (above), it’s a
chance for some role-play, allowing the players to refine how
the heroes interact as a team or settle into their characters
more. The heroes can go anywhere their yellow access allows
them to, aside from outside the base.
However, if the heroes want to use the opportunity to
actually sneak around and find out what’s really going on, they
may have the chance to stumble into parts of the safehouse
Art by Declan Shalvey

that end up revealing the Skrull’s master plan. If they gain

access to any area that requires a red security card or the
secret Skrull lab (B19), check the advice in the sidebar “What
if the Heroes Won’t Go Along?” or just skip right to Act Four.
The file decryption is happening in the secret lab.

In this third act, the heroes track down what could Once in the briefing room, you see Agent Gordon sitting in
be their first Skrull invader masquerading as Spider-Man. his customary spot at the end of the table. “Agent Kurt won’t be
However, paranoia within the Children of Lost Tarnax is joining us today,” he says curtly. “So take a seat and I’ll tell you
causing the plan to unravel. what we’ve learned.”


Whether the heroes are called back to the safehouse or wake Behind the Scenes
up there the next morning, they’re told by Gordon to meet  o’bak had the file decrypted — a trivial task for Skrull
back in the briefing room for some new information. Read technology — and learned that A.I.M. were investigating a
the following to the players: way to uncover Skrulls. The theories they were investigating
were cross-referenced against a Skrull database, and it may
be nascent technology tied to the Spider-Man of the year
2099, who has come back to the modern day a few times
previously. Go’bak, being paranoid, is convinced that his
plans must be at a critical juncture if that technology has
persisted into the future. He needs to find out what this
Spider-Man knows of the success of Go’bak’s plans.
However, Go’bak isn’t sure who to trust with the next
phase of his plan. That’s why he’s frozen Kl’rt out and is
throwing the heroes against this time-traveling interloper.
If all goes well and this future Spider-Man is destroyed, he
can continue with his invasion plans and use the incident to
manipulate the heroes further. If, however, his plan is about
to unravel, he wants to be able to sacrifice his catspaws
and his followers as a shield to extract himself with the
information he’s gathered. Once he’s escaped, he can create
a new plan to undermine Emperor Hulkling.
Kl’rt realizes he’s running out of time before Go’bak
stumbles onto his infiltration and interference. Kl’rt’s
worried his cover is blown, so he needs to push the heroes
harder to force Go’bak to make a mistake.

If the heroes didn’t bring back the file, they’re informed
that the agents were able to recover the file through Avoiding the Trap
undisclosed “alternate means” and had their analysts It’s entirely possible that, between Gordon’s strange
working overnight to crack the file. (The truth of how this behavior and Kurt’s warning, the heroes will refuse to track
happened is covered in Act Two, Scene 4.) down Spider-Man. If they stay at the safehouse, Gordon will
Here’s what Gordon reveals: eventually find them and demand to know why they aren’t
▶ First, that some Skrulls are emulating specific out getting the Skrull imposter. Kurt will also encourage
superhuman abilities as well as super heroes them to leave, saying only that finding this Spider-Man
themselves. Gordon mentions that these Skrulls might hold the key to what’s going on.
are similar to the “so-called Super-Skrull, but much If the heroes push, Gordon may decide to simply attack
more effective.” the heroes. If this happens, jump to Act Four, Scene 1b.
▶ Second, the Skrulls used A.I.M. technology to defeat
Spider-Man in the past few days, replacing him with a
Skrull. However, the replacement Skrull may not have SCENE 2: FINDING A SPIDER-SKRULL
had a thorough briefing, as this Spider-Man doesn’t Unlike with Act Two, the heroes aren’t given any leads to
exhibit the same powers, and even has the wrong follow. They’ll need to investigate on their own. There are a
costume. He then shows them an image of Spider-Man few methods they can use to try and track this Spider-Man
2099 (although he doesn’t use that name). down. (Note:In most cases, the Investigator Trait will provide
an edge to these action checks.)
Gordon informs the heroes they need to find and
defeat this false Spider-Man, and bring him back for ▶ Crawling the Web:As a popular super hero, there
interrogation. He then dismisses the heroes, refusing to are a wide variety of social media accounts and blogs
take any questions and just telling them to “get it done, devoted to Spider-Man sightings. A Vigilance vs. TN
and don’t listen to anything this infiltrator has to say.” 10 action check will uncover some recent sightings in
Characters who attempt to discern if Gordon is telling the the past couple of days of what appears to be a new
truth can make action checks vs. TN 13 to learn that the suit for Spider-Man:black with red trim and a red
story has some holes in it. skull-like design on the chest. Reviewing the various
geotags, the heroes can narrow the sightings down to a
Kurt’s Side of the Story residential part of Queens.
After the heroes are dismissed, Kurt will be waiting for them ▶ The Daily Bugle:This news organization has
outside the briefing room and encourage them to grab a bite closely followed Spider-Man during his career, both
to eat in the commissary. Once there, read the following: antagonistically and (more rarely) supportive. The
As soon as you step into the commissary, Kurt quickly shuts latest edition of the newspaper doesn’t have much
the door and waves his key card near it. You hear a soft beep and on this “new” Spider-Man, but the website does have
a thump as the door locks behind him. After that’s done, he turns a recent article criticizing his new suit, comparing it
and looks at you, and the customary smile has fallen off his face. unfavorably to an old black-and-white suit of his. A
“Look, we don’t have long to talk. There’s something you Vigilance vs. TN 10 action check reveals the picture
need to know.” included with the article has a small sign in the corner
that belongs to a family-owned bodega in Queens.
Kurt will explain that he thinks something is wrong with
Agent Gordon. The information about the alleged Spider-Man ▶ Asking Around:Heroes with appropriate Connections
replacement doesn’t strike him as plausible, but it’s clear Traits can be pointed to either of the above options
Gordon wants this man for some reason. Kurt’s worried that without requiring an action check. Alternatively,
there might be a larger game being played here, but he’s not asking around with people who are hardcore Spider-
sure what it is — finding this strange Spider-Man might hold Man spotters or reporters that cover the super hero
the answers to what’s going on. beat will need an Ego vs. TN 10 action check. If
He’ll then encourage the heroes to be careful and reveal successful, the hero will learn that Spidey has some
the secret door behind the vending machine, allowing them new costume and was last seen around a residential
to leave the commissary without being seen by Gordon from part of Queens.
the briefing room. If the heroes try to ask questions, Kurt If all else fails, Miguel O’Hara is actually looking for the
will just say there isn’t any time and continue with his story. heroes himself. Part of his research prior to coming to
Characters who attempt to discern if Kurt is telling the truth the modern day was uncovering contemporary files in
can make action checks vs. TN 13 to learn that his story is old computer backups left intact in 2099. In those files he
mostly true, but he’s still hiding something. discovered the body scans of the heroes, along with the
If the heroes ask to borrow Kurt’s Richards device that plans to replace them with super-powered Skrulls, so he
forces Skrulls to reveal themselves, he’ll be reluctant but suspects they may have already been replaced with Skrulls.
eventually give it to them. As such, he is trying to find the heroes as much as they’re
trying to find him.

Why is Spider-Man 2099 Here?
The previous scene determines if Miguel O’Hara (Core
 iguel O’Hara’s timeline/dimension, Earth-2099, was newly
M Rulebook, p. 238) is on the attack or on the defensive.
reformed after an altercation with Norman Osborn. However,
he started noticing errors and inconsistencies in the world
around him. Worse, some of the people he fought alongside
On the Attack
Read the following:
to take down Norman Osborn turned out to be Skrulls put
into place decades back. Since he remembers the timeline Suddenly, you hear footsteps pounding down the street. Some
as it should be (possibly due to the time he’s spent in his of the agents you’ve been working with are running down the street
past), he agrees to be sent back in time to stop these events. towards you. One of them points at Spider-Man. “There! That’s the
Skrull we’re looking for!”

Can We Talk? Add as many Skrull agents (in human guise) to the map as
Once Spider-Man 2099 is found, or he finds the heroes, move there are players.
the Players ribbon to the rooftop map. Put the player’s hero Miguel’s main goal will be to escape. If he can get to the
tokens in the alleyway to the south, and add Miguel’s counter edge of the map and stay there for one round without anyone
there as well (he’s actually hanging from one of the walls). being within one square of him, he’ll have escaped. Powers like
If the heroes immediately attack, go right to Scene 3, using Jump 1 and Hit & Run will be useful in helping him to escape.
the “On the Attack” section. If O’Hara finds the heroes before he The Skrull agents will attempt to subdue him, but they
finds them, or if the heroes approach in a non-hostile fashion, won’t be too picky about injuring or inconveniencing heroes
read the following to the players: in the process. At this point they’re more concerned about
You see Spider-Man clinging to the side of a building. His stopping the time traveler from upsetting their invasion plans
costume is different from the red-and-blue one you’ve seen on a than keeping the charade up around the heroes.
thousand front pages. This one is black, with jagged red highlights If Miguel is captured, go to Act Four, Scene 1c.
and a red skull motif on the front. He looks you up and down from If Miguel escapes, the Skrull agents will tell the heroes to
his strange vantage point. head back to the safehouse for debriefing. If the heroes refuse,
“Look, there isn’t an easy way to say this, so I’ll just spit it out,” the Skrull agents turn into versions of the heroes! Switch the
he says, his voice muffled by his mask. “Are you Skrulls?” Skrull Agents with Skrull Duplicate tokens (resetting their
Health and Focus, if needed), and go to “On the Defensive,”
If the heroes don’t want to listen, go to Scene 3, using the “On but ignore any references to Miguel.
the Attack” section. If the heroes agree to go back to the safehouse, the agents
Otherwise, Miguel will attempt to sort out if the heroes are take them back to a large, unmarked black van and are driven
Skrulls or not. Unlike his modern-day counterparts, Miguel is back to the safehouse. In the Page Toolbar, move the “Player”
generally serious, with his rare moments of humor being more ribbon to the Safehouse page, and put the hero tokens in the
sarcastic than flippant. He is, however, a brilliant scientist with scanning room (B2). Then, read the following to the players.
a strong hatred of corporate evildoers, such as those at A.I.M.
He only has hazy knowledge of the heroes that’s at least As you walk up to the large metal door, you notice something
fifty years out of date, and he doesn’t have any devices or out of the corner of your eye. The agents that came in with you are
technology to discern if they are Skrulls or not. Still, as far as changing! They’re turning into… versions of yourself!
he knows, he’s landed at the time before the theoretical future Swap the Skrull Agent tokens with the Skrull Duplicates
Skrull invasion has taken place, so he’s wavering between (resetting their Health and Focus, if needed) — Go’bak has
suspicious and hopeful. decided that the heroes are now a liability that need to be
Let the players role-play with Miguel for a while, then disposed of. Go to Act Four, Scene 2, but there are no additional
have the hero who is doing the most talking make an Ego government agents to help.
vs. TN 15 action check. Give the heroes an edge if they have
some concrete way to prove they are who they say they are, On the Defensive


such as revealing their secret identities or using the handheld Read the following:
device taken from Kurt.
If the roll fails, Miguel will pretend to believe them, but Suddenly, you hear footsteps pounding down the street. You
then attack at an opportune moment. Go to Scene 3, using the turn to see… versions of yourselves! One of them points at the
“On the Attack” section. group of you. “There! Those are the Skrulls we’ve been looking for!”
If the roll succeeds, Miguel believes them. Go to Scene 3, Add the Skrull Duplicate tokens to the map. Their goals
using the “On the Defensive” section. are twofold:The primary goal is to capture Spider-Man
If the roll is a Fantastic success, Miguel will stay with 2099. Their secondary goal is to cause confusion as to which
the heroes until the end of the adventure. There’s more heroes are authentic and which are Skrulls. If they have the
information in the sidebar “What Happens to Miguel?” opportunity to capture the heroes, thus solidifying their
infiltration, they’ll take that chance, but simply causing
confusion and chaos is good enough for the secondary goal.
Miguel, for his part, will attempt to keep to the rooftops to
avoid the Skrulls. Once he loses sight of a hero, though, he’ll
make Ego vs. TN 10 action checks to discern which character

is which — if he fails, he’ll believe the hero is the Skrull D2:Abandoned Building
infiltrator, and vice versa. If he makes this mistake three This old industrial building has been abandoned for years.
times during the fight, he’ll switch to trying to escape the The roof is 60 feet from the ground, and has two empty water
Skrulls and the heroes; if he can get to the edge of the map towers perched on it, which would allow an Average-sized
and stay there for one round without anyone being within character to hide behind them.
one square of him, he’ll have escaped.
If the heroes are captured, go to Act Four, Scene 1a. If D3:Refurbished Office Building
they’re not, whether Spider-Man is captured or not, go to This roof is 100 feet above street level, and has a large number
Act Four, Scene 1b. of industrial cooling fans mounted on the roof to provide air
conditioning to the dozens of offices contained within. There’s
On the Rooftops also an entrance to the north that leads to the interior of the
Regardless of whether the heroes are on the attack or on the building. The metal door requires 40 damage to punch through.
defensive, the Spider-Man of 2099 will try to keep the fight
to the rooftops, where he has the most advantage.
D4:Apartment Building
The roof of this apartment building is 90 feet above the
D1: Restaurant ground, and contains a swimming pool as well as some
This is the roof of a restaurant that’s 50 feet above ground. tables and chairs, both for sitting and for lounging. A door
It’s an older brownstone building with several skylights, as to the west provides access to the interior. There are three
well as two cooling fans. Average Civilians lounging here.


Art by Will Sliney & Antonio Fabela
D5: Bodega
This local bodega has a sloped roof that’s 50 feet off the
ground at its highest point. A few cooling fans dot the roof.
Characters standing on the foot need to make Agility vs. TN What Happens to Miguel?
8 action checks each round to keep their balance. I n general, assuming Miguel isn’t captured, he’ll head off to
find the Skrulls on his own. Even if the heroes convince him
D6/7:Building and Construction Yard they’re all on the same side, Miguel would rather work on
The building (D6) is being renovated and expanded. The his own, because he doesn’t completely trust the heroes.
roof is 50 feet off the ground, and the surface is covered in That said, if the heroes scored a Fantastic success in
scaffolding. The construction yard next to it (D7) is at ground convincing Miguel of their intentions, or they find some other
level, and has some construction equipment and supplies. way to completely convince him of their sincerity, he’ll stay
with them until the end of the scenario. Make sure his token
D8:Abandoned Building is added to the safehouse map in Act Four, and either control
This building, its roof only 30 feet from the ground, also stands him yourself as Narrator, or give control of the character to
empty and covered in graffiti. It may be next in line to be knocked one of the players to portray along with their own character.
down after the construction work next door is completed.




Ar t
or y
T it
In this act the true plans of the Children of Lost Tarnax stand “Ah, I see our patients are awake,” says a familiar-sounding
revealed, and the heroes find themselves in the middle of voice. Agent Gordon steps into view, and within moments his face
an intense conflict. turns into that of a Skrull. “I think the time for games is at an end.”
There are three ways the characters can enter this act:
At that moment, an alarm sounds through the complex. One
▶ If the heroes (possibly with Spider-Man 2099) were of the Skrull lab assistants taps furiously at her tablet. “Intruder
captured by the Skrulls, go to Scene 1a. alert, leader!”
▶ If the heroes turned on the Skrulls and defeated them The intruders can be one of several possibilities:
and now want to assault the safehouse, go to Scene 1b.
▶ If the heroes captured Spider-Man 2099 and return ▶ If the heroes befriended Spider-Man 2099, and he
managed to avoid being captured, then he has found
him to the safehouse, go to Scene 1c.
the safehouse and broken his way in. Put his token
at B5. Any Skrull Agents at locations B1 through B4
SCENE 1A: are unconscious.
CAPTURED BY THE SKRULLS! ▶ If the heroes had C.I.A. contacts or otherwise
Move the Players ribbon to the safehouse map, and put the attempted to get in touch with Maria Hill or
hero tokens at B19, the hidden Skrull lab. Put one on the some other government agency, this is a group of
table in the center of the room, and three in the containment government agents who are attempting to reclaim the
pods to the north. If there are more than four heroes, put the facility. Put as many government agent tokens at B5
others against the wall to the east. Also put Go’bek’s token as there are players. Any Skrull Agents at locations B1
here (in Skrull form) along with three Skrull Agents. Put through B4 are unconscious. (Government agents use
Kl’rt’s token (in his human guise as Kurt) at B17. the same Character Profile as S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents, Core
Read the following to the players: Rulebook, p. 232.)

After your capture, the Skrulls placed strange collars around ▶ If neither of these is true, then the alarm is false, set
up by Kl’rt to sow confusion. All Skrull Agents at B17
your neck. You immediately went unconscious. When you
are unconscious, and he’ll claim the intruders fled
re-awaken you find yourself inside a strange-looking laboratory,
through the door to B12.
strapped down to medical tables. Skrulls in white lab coats check
tablets and computer screens. Infiltrators will take one round to go through a location:
B5 to B12, B12 to B17, and B17 to B19. In the first round, the
Skrull Agents in the lab at B19 will open the secret door to

B17 and move towards the disruption. Kl’rt, who is in B17, will
override the door controls, forcing it to stay open. Thanks, DirectorHill, But No Thanks
The heroes have three opportunities to break their  he heroes may decide that they don’t need Director Hill’s
restraints and join the fight. They are computerized, flexible, help with the raid, or they might not want to risk lives in
and strong — it will take a Melee, Agility, or Logic vs. TN 13 the attempt. If that’s the case, Hill will agree to simply
action check to break free. If the heroes have a power that monitor their progress and reserve her agents to handling
would allow them to easily escape, such as Slip Free, they any mop-up, as well as detailing Skrulls who attempt to
don’t need to make an action check. Any heroes not free once escape the safehouse.
the invaders (or Kl’rt) arrive will be freed. However, it’s entirely possible that the heroes will
As soon as the heroes are freed, go to Scene 2. distrust Maria Hill — potentially because they won’t have
any assurance she isn’t also a Skrull, and possibly because
SCENE 1B: of her past history of manipulation.
LET’S GET THOSE SKRULLS! Hill will try once or twice to convince the heroes,
Read the following to the players: particularly asking if they really want to let the Skrulls
Now it’s clear who the Skrulls really are. They were get away with their plans, but ultimately she’ll leave them
manipulating you into whatever plans they had in store for be if they don’t want to participate. If that’s the case, Hill
Earth. As you’re considering the ramifications of this, a woman in decided not to risk an invasion without the heroes’ help.
a suit and sunglasses approaches you. You tense in anticipation
of another fight, but she puts her hands up. “Whoa! Not a Skrull.
Totally human. But I think you need to hear this.” SCENE 1C: SPIDER-MAN DEFEATED!
She holds up a cell phone. “Director Maria Hill wants to Read the following to the players:
talk to you.” After capturing this ersatz Spider-Man, one of the agents
places a strange collar around his neck. As soon as it clicks shut,
The person on the call is really Director Hill. If the heroes
Spider-Man falls limp, as if sent immediately unconscious. The
had been trying to get a hold of her, she’ll apologize for not
agent smirks. “These neural inhibitor collars are great. He’ll be
being able to get in touch sooner. Then she’ll explain.
out like a light for an hour. Let’s get him into the van.”
▶ The reason she and her associates had been
Move the Players ribbon to the safehouse map, and put the
unavailable was because they were dealing with
hero tokens (as well as Spider-Man) at B17. Also put Gordon
reports of rogue government agents operating in New
and Kurt’s tokens here as well. Then, read the following
York, and specifically out of a decommissioned SHIELD
to the players:
safehouse. Until she knew who she could trust, she had
put all outgoing communication on lockdown. You make your way back to the safehouse without incident, and
▶ Last night she got a report about a break-in at an the agents help you haul Spider-Man back to the lab. Kurt looks
A.I.M. lab, and the word “Skrull” popped up as part of surprised, while Gordon looks pleased. “Excellent! Excellent! Just
her investigation. Although her team couldn’t find put him anywhere, and we’ll get things ready for the experiment.”
anything at the A.I.M. lab, she started to suspect that Kurt spun to look at Gordon. “Don’t you mean interrogation?”
another secret invasion was in the works. Gordon smiled cruelly, and within moments his face turns
into that of a Skrull. “Oh, I think we’re well past those games
▶ She put a surveillance team on the safehouse, and
now, soldier.”
followed the heroes to determine if they were Skrulls
At that moment, an alarm sounds through the complex. One
or not. When it was clear which side they were on, she
of the Skrull lab assistants taps furiously at her tablet. “Intruder
approached them. She wants to raid the safehouse
alert, leader!”
immediately and take out the Skrulls before they can
vacate and start up their invasion somewhere else. The intruders can be one of two possibilities:

Hill plans to raid the safehouse with or without the heroes’ ▶ If the heroes had C.I.A. contacts or otherwise
attempted to get in touch with Maria Hill or some other
help, but she’d prefer if they worked with her. If they agree,
government agency, this is a group of government
the agent with the phone issues each hero with a black
agents who are attempting to reclaim the facility. Put
security card, which will override all the security doors in
as many government agent tokens at B5 as there are
the safehouse. They then leave for the safehouse.
players. Any Skrull Agents at locations B1, B2, and
In the Page Toolbar, move the “Player” ribbon to the
B3 are unconscious. (Government agents use the
Safehouse page. Put Go’bak in the secret Skrull lab (B19),
same Character Profile as S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents, Core
Kl’rt in the open lab (B17), and the heroes in the barbershop
Rulebook, p. 232.)
elevator (B1), along with government agent tokens equal to
the number of players. Government agents will generally fan ▶ Otherwise, the alarm is false, set up by Kl’rt to sow
out in pairs and leave the heroes to do the primary work on confusion from a button in his jacket.
the raid. That said, if needed, they use the same Character Go to Scene 2.
Profile as S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents, Core Rulebook, p. 232.
Go to Scene 2.

SCENE 2: SAFEHOUSE SHOOTOUT ▶ Flip all Skrull agents near the heroes to their Skrull
side. If a Skrull Agent manages to get away from the
The base is now on alert. Use the following key references heroes, flip them back to the human agent side. They’ll
for the base, modified as needed based on which version attempt to confuse the situation as much as possible by
of Scene 1 your group played through. A few overall tactics pretending to be sympathetic government agents to
to keep in mind: get close to the heroes and attack them.
▶ All yellow and red security doors close, and the heroes’ ▶ If the Skrull Duplicates weren’t already dispatched in
access cards no longer open the doors. Access cards will Act Three, put them in the agent dorms in B9. Like with
need to be taken from a Skrull Agent or Skrull Duplicate the Skrull Agents, Skrull Duplicates will attempt to
(for a yellow access card), or from Go’bak (for a red one). confuse the situation, acting as if they are the heroes
Kl’rt will use his card to open doors for the heroes if he and the heroes are the Skrulls. An Ego or Logic action
is able. Maria Hill’s agents have black override cards check against the Skrull’s Ego or Logic defense will
that can open any door (and the heroes may have one discern if the subterfuge works or not — Ego is the
themselves, depending on how Scene 1b played out). characters are judging the Skrull’s acting, or Logic if the
heroes are looking for mistakes in the impersonation.



▶ Karl will reveal himself to be the Super-Skrull, who B9:Hallway to Agent Dorms (Secure/Alert)
starts attacking the Skrulls in non-lethal ways. He won’t This hallway is empty. However, the floor of this hallway is
attempt to help the heroes in any way. However, if one pressure-sensitive. Unless the hero avoids standing on the
of the heroes attempts to kill a Skrull, or of one of the floor, or weighs less than an Average-sized person, the base
heroes looks to be on the verge of dying themselves, goes to Alert status if it isn’t already.
Kl’rt will stop them, as he has sworn that no one will
lose their life by his hand and he wants to make sure B10:Agent Dorm (Secure/Alert)
there’s no shadow of guilt that could be cast on him. If the safehouse is not already on Alert status, each dorm
▶ Go’bak will try to escape, by any means necessary. contains a Skrull sleeping in their natural form on the bed.
He will gladly sacrifice any Skrull Agents or Skrull If the safehouse is on Alert status, and if the Skrull
Duplicates to accomplish this. Kl’rt’s main goal is to Duplicates weren’t defeated, each one starts here and makes
capture Go’bak alive. their way to the fight via B9.
If the safehouse is on Alert status and the Skrull Duplicates
were defeated, these rooms are empty.
Just How Many People are
in This Safehouse? B11:Weapons Locker (Secure/Alert)
We’ve been intentionally vague about how many Children of One Skrull Agent is in here, weapon ready.
Lost Tarnax there are. The truth is, there are as many Skrulls The lockers contain the following weapons:
as there need to be to make the scenario interesting for
your players. There are at least Go’bak, Kl’rt, and the Skrull
▶ 20 pistols (range 10 spaces, damage multiplier +1)

Duplicates, but the other Skrull Agents are just suggestions. ▶ 10 rifles (range 20 spaces, damage multiplier +1)
Feel free to remove or add some as needed. ▶ 30 grenades (range 10 spaces, damage multiplier x2)
Similarly, there are as many government agents as ▶ 1 bow (range 15 spaces, damage multiplier +1)
you need to have. We recommend an amount equal to the
number of players but again you can adjust this down if the
heroes are in a strong position (such as having Miguel O’Hara B12:Nexus (Alert)
on their side) or up if the fight looks to be too challenging. There are two Skrull Agents here, guarding the door to
the lab (B17).

B1:Barbershop Elevator (Alert) B13:Conference Room (Alert)

The switch that activates the elevator doesn’t work unless This room is empty. As soon as the safehouse changes to
someone has a red access card, or one of Maria Hill’s black Alert status, the computer console here activates a hidden
override cards. circuit and melts itself, destroying all data contained within.

B2:Scanning Room (Alert) B16:Commissary (Alert)

The scanner has been shut down, but the turrets are active. If As with Secure, but the secret entrance to B16 is open.
there is a Skrull Agent in either B4 room, that turret will fire
on the Skrull Agents’ initiative, using the Agent’s Agility (+2). B17:Lab (Alert)
Each turret has a +1 damage multiplier, a range of 10 squares, Unless otherwise stated, Kl’rt is in this lab along with two Skrull
and can take 40 damage before it is destroyed. Agents. They are here to stop anyone from entering the secret
lab at B19, but in reality Kl’rt is trying to stay close to Go’bak to
B3:Security Room (Alert) be ready to capture him as soon as Go’bak steps out of the lab.
The body scanner in this area is turned off, but there is one
Skrull Agent here. B18:Storage (Secure/Alert)
This area is off-limits to the heroes, but on the surface it just
B4:Turret Control (Alert) looks like a common warehouse-style storage room:concrete
One Skrull Agent is in each of these rooms, managing the floors and metal shelves covered with cardboard boxes as
turrets in B2. well as wooden and metal crates. To the north there’s a
forklift, but it’s covered in cobwebs and hasn’t run in years.
B5:Hallway (Alert) However, if the heroes start looking through the boxes,
The hallway is empty. they’ll realize that while most are things like food and office
supplies, a few of the crates contain strange devices and
metal objects. Characters with the right Traits or Tags might
B7:Guest Dorm (Alert) recognize them as Skrull in origin; otherwise, it requires a
If a character enters a guest dorm, the door will close and
Logic vs. TN 16 action check.
lock behind them, requiring a new yellow, red, or black
access card to open. At the beginning of the next round, the
room fills with sleeping gas — unless the character makes a
Resilience vs. TN 10 action check, they take 15 Focus damage.
If the character falls to 0 Focus, they are unconscious.

B19:Secret Lab (Alert) Kl’rt isn’t entirely telling the truth here, but rather painting
This lab looks radically different from the one next door. All himself in the best possible light, on the off chance that word
of the devices here look alien and strange. There are three of this operation will get back to his emperor. Regardless, he
Average-sized tubes against the north wall, with magnetic will then open the door to the secret lab, if the heroes don’t
locks to keep someone inside. The table in the center also know about it already. If Go’bak isn’t captured, he’ll leave to
has devices to keep a character strapped down, as well as find and recover Go’bak. If Hill or her agents capture Go’bak,
two articulating arms with a variety of deadly-looking Kl’rt will be happy to let her take him and his Children
probes and blades. The west wall has a variety of computer into custody.
banks and tables covered with various equipment and If Maria Hill’s agents aren’t already there, they’ll show
scientific devices. up and want to know what happened. Once she gets their
The tubes to the north not only act as tiny cells to hold report, Hill will thank the heroes for their part in staving
unruly people within, but also can be programmed to off another secret invasion. If the heroes don’t trust Hill or
reconstruct a Skrull’s DNA, making them immune to the her agents (perhaps thinking them to be yet more Skrulls),
Skrull detection devices created by Reed Richards. When she will reveal that she has determined yet another way
used on a human, however, their DNA is simply broken down, to detect Skrulls:by drawing and baking the blood to see
killing them painfully and messily. if it turns green.
The arms on the table in the center can be controlled
manually. It requires a Logic vs. TN 12 action check to use Dangling Threads
them if the character hasn’t previously operated them before. If you are running Revenge of the Super-Skrull as a self-
Each blade has a mono-molecular edge, doubling the user’s contained adventure, the story ends there. Hopefully
Melee damage modifier. A character has to be on or next you and your players had a good time! However, if this is
to the table to use the arms, however, and using an arm part of an Ongoing Series, there are a couple of additional
requires an action. things to consider.
First is whether the heroes go up in rank or not. There’s
SCENE 3: EPILOGUE some advice on this in the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing
If the heroes are defeated, overpowered by the Skrulls, Go’bak Game, but in general this adventure is worth one milestone
will attempt to escape, and any conscious Skull Agents and towards that goal.
Skrull Defectors will try to leave with him. Kl’rt, if able, will Second is to decide how much of the consequences from
take Go’bak down. He’ll then explain the situation to the this adventure linger. There are several possible story hooks
heroes (below). you can use as the foundation for possible future adventures:
More likely, the heroes will be able to defeat the Skrull
Agents and Skrull Duplicates. In this case, Kl’rt will reveal
▶ Go’bak:If Go’bak escaped, he could try to rebuild the
Children of Lost Tarnax. It wouldn’t be the first time
himself to be the Super-Skrull, if he hasn’t already. After all he’s lost people as part of his cause, and he is a patient
the Skrulls are carted off, read the following to the players: (if paranoid) Skrull. He could become a regularly
The Super-Skrull looks at you imperiously as he explains. “This recurring villain for the heroes to face.
group of Skrulls were a radical offshoot known as the Children ▶ Kl’rt:Although Kl’rt’s goals aligned closely with
of Lost Tarnax — a Skrull supremacy group. The Skrulls have those of the heroes this time, that doesn’t mean he’s
joined forces with our ancient enemies, the Kree, under Emperor happy with having to cooperate with Earthlings in
Dorrek VIII — the half-Skrull, half-Kree you know as Hulkling. the defense of the Skrulls. He may ask the heroes’
The Children see Emperor Dorrek as an abomination, and they help again in future — perhaps to help him capture
were attempting to stage their own secret invasion plans in order Go’bak — or he may just manipulate them for
to replace powerful superhumans to get close to the Emperor. his own ends.
Go’bak — the one you knew as Gordon — is their leader. I don’t
know how he found a way to circumvent the devices that Reed
▶ A.I.M.:Why was A.I.M. interested in finding ways to
uncover Skrulls? Perhaps they had some plan of their
Richards created, but he did. And from that knowledge did I start own to use the Skrulls. The heroes might want to track
to develop a plan to stop him.” down those plans and deal with A.I.M.’s schemes.
He sighs, looking as if he’d rather be doing anything else than
explaining this. “Due to my… past misdeeds… my emperor has ▶ Maria Hill:Depending on how the adventure panned
out, Hill might feel like she’s indebted to the heroes,
sentenced me to diplomatic service. Further, I am not allowed to
or she may assume she’s pulled their butts out of the
take a life or allow one to die due to my neglect. As I could not allow
fire and they owe her a favor. And the C.I.A. certainly
the Skrull empire… my apologies, the Skrull race to come under
have uses for people with superpowers and experience
suspicion due to Go’bak’s actions, I had few options. I infiltrated

dealing with the tangled web of espionage.

his operation in order to gain hard evidence I could bring before
my emperor — enough to satisfy our Kree allies that Go’bak acts ▶ Duplicates:If the Skrull Duplicates escape, they
alone. That is why I did what I could to rouse your suspicions of might attempt to discredit the heroes further —
Go’bak’s activities, without revealing my true intentions to him. perhaps by performing crimes in their identities, or
“Trust me — it would be much simpler were I able to murder misrepresenting themselves to the heroes’ friends
him and present his head to my emperor.” He shakes his head. and allies. Even if they’ve been captured, however, it’s
“But these days, I am reduced to working with Earthlings to possible that the fight with Spider-Man 2099 led to
police my own.” some awkward cell phone photos or police reports that
the heroes are going to have to explain away.


KARMA Real Name: Scott Lang
Height: 6' Weight: 190 lbs. Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue Hair: Red Size: Average
Distinguishing Features: None
Occupation: Criminal
HEALTH DAMAGE Origin: High Tech: Pym Particles
60 —
Teams: Avengers, Future Foundation,
Guardians of the Galaxy
Base: Mobile
Art by Chris Samnee & Matthew Wilson

Scott Lang was just a penniless engineer with
FOCUS DAMAGE a minor rap sheet. Then his daughter took ill.
Desperate to pay for her treatment, Lang broke
— into the home of Henry Pym and stole Pym’s
Ant-Man suit.
Pym recognized Lang’s decent nature and
eventually decided to let Lang keep his old suit.
Since then, Lang has served the world as a new
SPEED INITIATIVE Ant-Man. In addition to his solo pursuits, Lang
MODIFIER has served as a valuable asset to some of the most
Run: 5
Climb: 3
Swim: 3
+3 powerful super-teams on Earth, and he recently
found his way into the company of the Guardians
of the Galaxy.
ABILITY DEFENSE NON-COMBAT Scott Lang is a good friend and a caring father, if a
SCORE SCORE CHECKS bit of a goofball. He serves as an inspiration to his
3 13 +3 Traits Tags
daughter, Cassie, now a super hero herself under
the codename Stinger.
MELEE ◆ Connections: ◆ Black Market
Criminal Access
4 14 +4 ◆ Gearhead
◆ Glibness
◆ Heroic
◆ Obligation:
◆ Inventor Family

2 12 +2
◆ Tech Reliance ◆ Poor
◆ Public Identity
RESILIENCE ◆ Streetwise

3 13 +3 POWERS
Basic Telepathy Resize
3 13 +3
◆ Combat Trickery
Elemental Control
◆ Animal Communication
◆ Resize Object
◆ Shrinking Dodge
EGO ◆ Shrink 4

◆ Elemental Blast

11 +1 ◆ Elemental Burst
◆ Elemental Push


3 3

3 4
3 3

3 1

KARMA Real Name: Matthew “Matt” Murdock
Height: 5'11" Weight: 185 lbs. Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue Hair: Red Size: Average
Distinguishing Features: Blind
Occupation: Lawyer
HEALTH DAMAGE Origin: Weird Science
60 —
Teams: Defenders
Base: Hell’s Kitchen, New York City
When Matt Murdock was just a boy, his face was
splashed with a rare radioactive isotope. While
the isotope cost him his sight, it enhanced all his

30 —
other senses. Shortly thereafter, his father was
killed by mobsters for refusing to take a fall in
Art by Marco Checchetto

a mob-run boxing match. Matt vowed revenge

on all the criminals of Hell’s Kitchen and began
training in martial arts with the legendary
INITIATIVE sensei Stick.
MODIFIER As an adult, Matt fights crime both within and
Run: 5
Climb/Swim: 3
Jump: 3
+1 without the boundaries of the law. In addition to
his duties as Daredevil, he often runs a thriving
law office with his longtime pal Foggy Nelson.
ABILITIES Swingline: 15
SCORE SCORE CHECKS Though firmly dedicated to the pursuit of justice,
TRAITS & TAGS Matt is not above a joke or engaging in a bit
2 12 +2 Traits Tags
of romance. His legal clients think of him as a
charming, highly considerate gentleman.
MELEE ◆ Dealmaker ◆ Heroic
◆ Fearless ◆ Obligation:
3 13 +3 ◆ Free Running Work
◆ Secret Identity
AGILITY ◆ Legal Eagle
◆ Public ◆ Vision Issues

2 12 +2
◆ Weird

1 11 +1 Basic Martial Arts
◆ Heightened Senses 2 ◆ Attack Stance

1 11 +1
◆ Iconic Weapon:
Daredevil’s Billy Club.
Adds +1 damage multiplier

Chain Strikes
Do This All Day
EGO ◆ Fast Strikes
and grants the swingline
◆ Leg Sweep
2 12 +2
movement mode, with
a speed equal to triple
his Run Speed. The Billy
Club can be thrown and
instantly retrieved. The
DAMAGE range of the Billy Club and
the reach of the swingline

3 2
is equal to its Swingline

Speed: 15 spaces.

3 3

2 1

2 2



KARMA Real Name: Clinton Francis “Clint” Barton
Height: 6'3" Weight: 230 lbs. Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue Hair: Blond Size: Average
Distinguishing Features: None
Occupation: Entertainer
Art by Carlos Pacheco, Jesus Merino & Frank D’Armata

HEALTH DAMAGE Origin: Special Training

30 —
Teams: Avengers, Thunderbolts
Base: Brooklyn, New York City
After his parents were killed in a tragic car
accident, Clint Barton ran away to join the circus.
Naturally talented, he quickly made a name as

60 —
Hawkeye, one of the premier archers. Barton
might have stayed a performer into his old age
if a chance encounter hadn’t brought Iron Man
to his circus. Inspired by Iron Man’s exploits,
Barton created a costume and began fighting
INITIATIVE crime as Hawkeye.
MODIFIER While Barton sometimes operates solo, he’s
Run: 5
Climb: 3
Swim: 3
+2 best known for his work with the Avengers.
After years of such adventures, Barton trained
and mentored Kate Bishop into becoming a
ABILITIES Jump: 3 second Hawkeye.
TRAITS & TAGS Clint Barton is well aware that his lack of
2 12 +2 Traits Tags
super-powers places the upper limits of his
abilities well below those of most super heroes. He
MELEE ◆ Combat ◆ Auditory sometimes puts on an arrogant attitude to cover
Reflexes Issues his insecurities. Barton is sometimes led astray
4 14 +6 ◆ Determination
◆ Famous
◆ Heroic
◆ Public Identity
by his passions, but his conscience always brings
him back to the fight for justice.
◆ Fearless ◆ Signature

1 11 +1
◆ Presence
◆ Public
Weapon: Bow
and arrow
RESILIENCE Speaking ◆ Streetwise

2 12 +2 POWERS
Basic Martial Arts Ranged Weapons
0 10 0
◆ Accuracy 2
◆ Slow-Motion Dodge
◆ Fast Strikes
◆ Leg Sweep
◆ Double Tap
◆ Stopping Power
EGO ◆ Sniping

1 11 +1


2 2

4 4
2 0

2 1

KARMA Real Name: Lucas “Luke” Cage; formerly Carl Lucas
Height: 6'6" Weight: 425 lbs. Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown Hair: Bald Size: Average
Distinguishing Features: None
Occupation: Adventurer, Leader
HEALTH DAMAGE Origin: Weird Science
150 -3
Teams: The Defenders, Heroes for Hire,
Mighty Avengers
Base: New York City
Imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit, Carl
Lucas was recruited by the prison’s doctor as a

30 —
test subject for an experimental variant of the
Super-Soldier Serum that empowered Captain
America (Steve Rogers). Imbued with superhuman
strength and durability, Lucas broke free of his
Art by Dale Keown

prison and returned to the Harlem of his youth.

SPEED INITIATIVE As a fugitive, Lucas adopted the name Luke Cage
MODIFIER and began working as a Hero for Hire. Cage has
Run: 5
Climb: 3
Swim: 3
+1 been through a lot in the years since, sometimes
teaming up with internationally recognized
super-groups and sometimes returning to for-hire
ABILITIES Jump: 3 work, but he’s never stopped being a tireless
ABILITY DEFENSE NON-COMBAT fighter for the people of Harlem.
TRAITS & TAGS Personality
4 14 +6 Traits Tags
Cage is as sensitive and caring as he is tough and
strong. Circumstances may force him into work
MELEE ◆ Connections: ◆ Authority as a paid hero, but he often helps those in need
Super Heroes ◆ Black Market for free. Nothing is more important to him than
1 11 +1 ◆ Extra
◆ Headquarters:
his friends and family, including his wife, Jessica
Jones, and their daughter, Danielle.
◆ Fearless Harlem

5 ◆ Presence Apartment

15 +5 ◆ Public
◆ Heroic
◆ Hounded
◆ Surprising ◆ Powerful
1 11 +1
(Sturdy 3)
◆ Public Identity


3 13 +3 POWERS
Basic Martial Arts Super-Strength
1 11 +1 ◆ Mighty 2
◆ Sturdy 3
◆ Attack Stance
◆ Do This All Day

Banging Heads
◆ Crushing Grip
◆ Immovable
DAMAGE ◆ Smash
◆ Quick Toss
5 4

3 1

3 3

3 1



KARMA Real Name: Kamala Khan
Height: 5'4" Weight: 125 lbs. Gender: Female
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Size: Average
Distinguishing Features: None
Occupation: Student
HEALTH DAMAGE Origin: Inhuman
120 -2
Teams: Champions, Protectors
Base: Jersey City
Art by Valerio Schiti & Rachelle Rosenberg

From a young age, Kamala Khan idolized Captain
Marvel (Carol Danvers), who exemplified a sort of
uncomplicated femininity missing from Khan’s

30 —
own life as the teenage daughter of Pakistani
immigrants. One night, while sneaking out of
her parents’ house to go to a party, Khan was
exposed to a mysterious cloud of Terrigen Mist that
activated the Inhuman DNA lurking in her system,
INITIATIVE giving her the power to grow, shrink and morph
SPEED into whatever shape or appearance she pleased.
Run: 10
Climb: 5
Swim: 5
+1 Donning a costume of her own, Khan adopted
Carol Danvers’ former alias and became the new
Ms. Marvel. In short order, she met her idol Carol
ABILITIES Jump: 5 and even joined the Avengers, but she later left
ABILITY DEFENSE NON-COMBAT them to form the new teenage Champions.
TRAITS & TAGS Personality
2 12 +2 Traits Tags
Khan is a lovable and friendly nerd and a natural
leader. She’s also a teenager still trying to figure
MELEE ◆ Determination ◆ Heroic out the specifics of who she is, but she’s grad-
◆ Glibness ◆ Inhuman ually becoming more confident in herself and
4 14 +4 ◆ Honest Genes
◆ Mentor:
her identity.

AGILITY ◆ Quick Learner

Captain Marvel

(Carol Danvers)

14 +4 ◆ Obligation:
◆ Secret Identity

1 11 +1
◆ Young

3 13 +3 Basic Plasticity Resize
EGO ◆ Disguise ◆ Bounce Back ◆ Grow 2
◆ Extended Reach 2 ◆ Shrink 2

1 11 +1

Flexible Bones 2
Reverse Punch
◆ Slip Free
◆ Stilt Steps

3 2

3 4
3 3

3 1

KARMA Real Name: Laura Kinney
Height: 5'1" Weight: 130 lbs. Gender: Female
Eyes: Green Hair: Black Size: Average
Distinguishing Features: Retractable adaman-
tium claws in hands and feet
DAMAGE Occupation: Adventurer
Origin: High-Tech: Cybernetics, Mutant

-1 Teams: X-Force, X-Men

Art by Ema Lupacchino & Rachelle Rosenberg

Base: Krakoa
Laura Kinney was created as part of a secret
attempt to re-create the experiment that gave the

60 -1
original Wolverine (Logan) his adamantium skel-
eton. She’s a partial clone of Logan himself, with
DNA mixed in from Sarah Kinney, the geneticist
who created her.
The shadowy figures funding this experiment
SPEED INITIATIVE intended for Laura to be an assassin, but Sarah
MODIFIER Kinney took pity on her creation and helped
Run: 5
Climb: 3
Swim: 3
+2 Laura escape from their clutches. Free from her
captors, Laura tracked down her genetic father
and became his protégé. Now she fights alongside
ABILITIES Jump: 3 Logan, both of them acting under the code-
TRAITS & TAGS Personality
6 16 +6 Traits Tags
Although the people who funded her creation did
their best to erase her humanity, Laura Kinney
MELEE ◆ Combat ◆ Black Market has grown into a mature and empathetic young
Reflexes Access woman. She serves as a levelheaded counterpart
3 16 +3 ◆ Connections:
Super Heroes
◆ Heroic
◆ Hounded
to her younger, freewheeling genetic twin sister,
Gabrielle Kinney (Scout).
◆ Extraordinary ◆ Krakoan

◆ Public Identity

13 +3 ◆ Fearless
◆ Iron Will
◆ X-Gene

◆ Tech Reliance
2 12 +2 POWERS

0 10 0
◆ Brawling
Melee Weapons
EGO ◆ Combat Trickery ◆ Exploit
◆ Healing Factor ◆ Fast Attacks
1 11 +1 ◆

Heightened Senses 1
Iconic Weapon:

Focused Fury
Furious Attacks
Adamantium Claws ◆ Hit & Run
[+1 Melee damage ◆ Vicious Attack
DAMAGE multiplier]
◆ Whirling Frenzy
◆ Reinforced Skeleton

4 6

◆ Uncanny 1

3 3

3 0

3 1


Featuring expanded rules for your mutant heroes, maps of

everything from Xavier’s Mansion to Krakoa, and profiles
for dozens of new X-Men heroes and villains.


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