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No. VI.

ORDIN ANCE to provide for the Establishment and

Regulation of Municipal Corporations.
[18th January, 1842.J
"MlfmCIP AL CO:apo..
HEREAS it is necessary that provision should be made for the Preamble.
good order health and convenience of the inhabitants of towns
and their neighbourhoods: And whereas the themselves
are best qualified, as well by their more intimate knowledge of local
affairs as by their more direct interest therein, effectually to provide
for the same: And whereas the habit of self-government in such cases
hath been found to keep alive a spirit of self-reliance and a respect for
the laws, and to prepare men for the due exercise of other political
privileges: BE IT
The Council.
Proclamation of
To improve the
No.6. 50 VICTORllE. SesSa If.
Municipal Oorporations.
BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Governor of New Zealand,
with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, a ~
follows :-
1. Every settlement within the Colony having a population of
two thousand souls shall be a Borough within the meaning of this
Ordinance, and shall be governed by a Council to be elected by the
burgesses thereof.
2. In every borough there shall be a body corporate which shall
take and bear the name of "The Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses"
of such borough, and by that name shall have perpetual succession,
and shall have a Common Seal, and shall by the Council thereof do
all acts and have and enjoy all rights and privileges which bodies
corporate as such may do have or enjoy.
3. The Council of every such body corporate shall consist of a
Mayor and eleven .Aldermen, to be elected as hereinafter provided.
4. Whenever the population of any settlement shall amount to
two thousand souls as aforesaid, His Excellency the Governor shall by
Proclamation declare the same to be a borough within the meaning
of this Ordinance, and shall at the same time, with the advice of the
Executive Council, define the boundaries thereof: Provided always
that such boundaries shall not in any case extend to a distance greater
than seven miles in a straight line from the principal market-place of
the settlement.
5. The Council shall have power to make and keep in repair all
roads streets squares causeways and bridges within the limits of the
borough; to excavate construct and maintain wells waterworks con-
duits sewers and other like works; and to take order for the prevention
of fires, the prevention and abatement of nuisances, the establishment
of markets, the construction of market-places, the watching paving
lighting and cleansing of the said borough, and for all such purposes
as they may deem necessary for the good order health and convenience
of the inhabitants thereof.
To impron harbours. 6. Whenever the limits of any borough shall extend to or com-
Vesting of land in
prise any harbour on the sea-shore or any navigable river, the Council
shall also have power to construct and maintain all such docks basins
locks wharfs quays piers and landing-places, and to set and erect all
such buoys beacons landmarks and lighthouses, and to execute all such
other works and do all such acts as may be deemed necessary for the
purpose of rendering the navigation thereof safe easy and commodious.
7. For the purpose of enabling the Council to carry into effect
the objects aforesaid, all lands within the limits of the borough,-
excepting such lands as have been appropriated for Crown reserves
Native reserves and allotments sold OJ: intended to be sold to private
persons, and which have been marked accordingly in the plan of the
town, signed by the Surveyor-General of the Colony and deposited in
his office,-shall vest in and become the property of the Corporation
and their successors immediately on the completion of the first election.
8. It shall be lawful for the Council (two-thirds thereof being
present at any meeting for the purpose), for the more effectual exercise
of the powers hereby given and for the good rule and government of
the borough, to make from time to time such by-laws as may seem
meet, and by such by-laws to impose any fine not exceeding five pounds
upon any person offending against the same: Provided that no such
by-laws shall be of any force until the expiration of three calendar
5 VICTORllE. No.6.
Municipal Oorporations.
months after a copy thereof sealed with the Seal of the borough shall
have been sent to the Oolonial Secretary to be submitted by him to His
Excellency the Governor, and until a copy thereof shall have been
affixed for the like period upon the outside of the Town Hall or place
wherein the Oouncil shall meet, unless such by-laws shall previously
have received the sanction of His Excellency the Governor and shall
have been affixed for one calendar month upon the outside of the
Borough Hall. If at any time within such period His Excellency the
Governor shall disallow such by-laws or any part thereof, the same or
the part disallowed shall not come into operation.
9. Every male inhabitant of a borough of full age shall, being Burgesses.
duly enrolled in manner hereinafter mentioned, be qualified to vote
at the election of the Oouncil.
10. His Excellency the Governor shall by such Proclamation as Time for claiming to
aforesaid prescribe a period within which all claims to the right of vote.
voting at the election of the first Council of such borough shall be
made, and shall appoint a fit person to receive such claims and to act
as Returning Officer at such election.
II. Every claim shall be in writing according to the form to this Form of claim.
Ordinance annexed.
12. And whereas there may be persons interested in the good Payment before
government of a borough and qualified to have a voice therein but who enrolment.
may not have property rateable under this Ordinance, and it is not
fitting that any man should have (directly or indirectly) any power of
taxing the inhabitants of any borough or any share in the management
of the funds thereof who shall not himself contribute thereto: Be it
enacted that every person claiming the right of voting as aforesaid
shall at the time of preferring such claim pay to the Returning Officer
the sum of twenty shillings, which sum shall be accounted for and
deducted or returned as the case may be from any rate which may
afterwards be assessed upon such claimant.
13. The names of all persons who shall have made such claim and Burgess Roll.
payment as aforesaid shall be entered forthwith hy the lteturning
Officer as aforesaid upon a roll, which shall be called "The Burgess
Roll" of the borough. The names which shall appear upon the
Burgess Roll shall be forthwith arranged by the Plieturlling Officer in
alphabetical order in a written or printed list, which shall be affixed
upon the outer door of the Town Hall. A copy of the list shall be
delivered by him to any person applying for the same on payment of
the sum of one shilling. .
14. On the first Monday of the month next hut one succeedmg First election.
the time appointed for the making out of the first Burgess Roll, the
burgesses of .the borough shall proceed to elect eighteen persons being
15. The Returning Officer shall arrange the names of the eighteen List of persons elected
persons so elected on a list according to the number of votes given for
each, so that the name of every person who shall have rcceiycd a higher
number of votes shall be placed before the name of every person who
shall have received a lower number of votes.
16. The twelve burgesses whose names shall stand highest upon Aldermen.
the list shall be declared by the Returning Officer to be the Aldermen
of the borough.
17. The Mayor of the borough shall be one of the Aldermen Mayor.
thereof, to be determined in manner hereinafter provided.
18. The names of the six remaining burgesses shall form a "reserved Reserved list.
21 list,"
Mode of voting.
Duration of election.
Questions to be put.
False answer.
Result of election.
Publication thereof.
Voting papers to be
kept for inspection.
N otiee to persons
Refusal to vote.
Vacancy supplied.
Burgess Roll for
future elections.
No.6 .. 5 VICTORlh:. Bess. II.
Municipal Corporations.
list," out of which all extraordinary vacancies in the Council until the
next general election thereof shall be supplied.
19. The election of the eighteen persons before mentioned shall
be conducted in the manner following :-Every burgess may vote for
any number of persons not exceeding the number then to be chosen
by delivering to -the Returning Officer a voting paper containing the
Christian names and surnames of the persons for whom he votes, with
their respective places of abode and description, such paper being signed
with the name of the burgess so voting, and setting forth his place of
abode and description.
20. The voting shall commence at nine of the clock in the fore-
noon, and shall finally close at foul' of the clock in the afternoon of
the same day.
21. No inquiry shall be permitted at any election as to the right
of any person to vote except only as follows, that is to say, That the
Returning Officer shall, if required by any two burgesses, put to any
voter at the time of his delivering in of his voting paper and not after-
wards the following questions or either of them and no other:-
(1.) Are you the person whose name is signed as "A.B." to the
voting paper now delivered in by you?
(2.) you the person whose name appears as "A.B." on the
:Surgess Roll now in force for this borough?
And no person required to answer either of the said questions shall be
permitted to vote until he shall have answered the same.
22. If any person shall wilfully make a false answer to either of
the questions aforesaid he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanour.
23. At the close of the election the Returning Officer shall
ascertain the number of votes given for every person whose name
shall appear upon the voting papers, and so many of such persons
being equal to the number of persons then to be chosen as shall have
the greatest number of votes shall be deemed to be elected.
24. The Returning Officer shall then make out a list of the
names of the persons so elected, arranging them as hereinbefore
required, and shall forthwith publish the same.
25. A copy of the said list shall be kept by the Town Clerk
of the borough, who shall also for the space of six calendar months
after the election keep the said voting papers, and shall permit any
hurgess to inspect the same upon payment of one shilling.
26. The Returning Officer shall also forthwith give notic,e in
writing to the several persons elected of such their election, and shall
require them severally within one week to declare whet4er they
accept or decline the offices to which they have been respectively
elected. .
27. If any person so elected shall after receipt of such notice fail
to comply with such requirement, he shall be held to have declined
such office.
28. In case any persons shall decline the offices to which they
have been elected, so many of the persons whose names shall stand
first on the reserved list as shall be equal to the number of persons so '
declining shall be deemed to have been elected members of the
Council and shall receive notice thereof accordingly, and so on until
the number of the Council shall be completed. ln case any vacancy
shall exist or any extraordinary vacancy shall occur in the Council
when the reserved list shall have been exhausted, such vacancy shall
be filled up by an, election to be conducted in manner hereinbefore
29. In the month of May in every year after the first election of a
CouncH of any borough, the Town Clerk shall make out and publish
50 VICTORIlE. No.6.
Municipal Oorporations.
a new" Burgess Roll," in the manner and subject to the conditions
hereinbefore provided for the formation of the first Burgess Roll:
Provided that the sum to be paid before enrolment of any burgess
may be from time to time increased or diminished as to the Oouncil of
the borough shall seem meet, but so that such sum shall in no case
exceed the amount of the borough rate for the preceding year divided
by the number of ratepayers.
30. The first and every succeeding Burgess Roll shall be in force Duration of Butgess
until the completion of the one next succeeding and no longer. Rolls.
31. On the first Monday in the month of December in every Future election of
year after the first election of the Oouncil, the Mayor shall hold a .Aldermen. .
meeting for the election of twelve burgesses in manner and subject
to the requirements hereinbefore prescribed for the election of the first
Council, of whom the six who shall have received the highest number
of votes shall be declal'ed Aldermen of the borough, and the names of
the remaining six shall form the reserved list for the year next
32. At the completion of every such election six of the existing Retiring .Aldermen.
Aldermen (the Mayor being considered an Alderman) shall go out
of office: Provided always that any Alderman shall be capable of being May be recleeted.
re-eleeted immediately upon the expiration of his term of office.
33. The six Aldermen who shall go out of office at the second Order of retirement.
election shall be those who received the smallest number of votes at
the first election, and at every subsequent election shall always be those
who have been Aldermen for the longest time without re-election.
34. On the first Monday in the month of January in every year Auditors.
the burgesses shall elect from amongst themselves, by a majority
of votes, two persons who shall be and be called Auditors of' such
borough, and every such Auditor shall continue in office until the
same day in the year following.
35. No Burgess shall vote for more than one person to be an Mode of election.
Auditor, but in all other respects the election shall be in form and
manner hereinbefore provided for the election of Aldermen: Provided
always that no burgess shall be eligible to be an Auditor or shall be
capable of acting as Auditor who shall be an Alderman or Town Clerk
or Treasurer of the borough.
36. If any Auditor shall die or be incapable of discharging the Vacancy.
duties of his office, the burgesses shall on a day to be fixed by the
Mayor in like manner elect a fit person in the stead of such Auditor.
37. In case of an equality of votes at any election to be holden Equality of votes.
under the authority of this Ordinance, the Heturning Officel' shall
determine by lot the priority between the persons for whom an equal
number of votes shall have been given.
38. No Mayor, Alderman, or Auditor shall act as such (except in Oath.
administering the oath hereinafter contained) until he shall have taken,
before any two or more of such Aldermen (who are hereby authorized
to administer the same) an oath in the words or to the effect following,
that is to say:-
I, A.B., having been elected Alderman [or as tlte case may
be] for the borough of , do swear that I will duly and
faithfully fulfil the duties of my office to the best of my judg-
ment and ability. So help me God.
39. '1'he Mayor shall hold his office until the last Monday of Mayor-duration of
December in the year following his election, on which day the Council office.
shall meet for the purpose of electing his successor.
40. The
No.6. 5 VICTORIlE. Sess. II.
Municipal Oorporations.
Who to be. 40. The office of Mayor shall at the first election be filled by
such member of the Council (being willing to hold the same) as shall
have received the highest number of votes, and at all subsequent
elections the Mayor shall be elected from amongst the Council by
themselves by a majority of votes, the late Mayor having a casting vote.
Vacancy. 41. In case of any extraordinary vacancy in the office of Mayor,
the Council shall meet for the purpose of electing a successor for the
remainder of the year in the manner hereinbefore provided.
Temporaryincapaeity 42. If the Mayor shall by reason of absence or illness be incapable
of discharging the duties of his office, it shall be lawful for the first
Alderman upon the list who shall be willing so to do to perform the
Mayor to be Return- 43. The Mayor for the time being shall be Returning Officer for
ing Officer.
Who exempt.
Who disqualified.
Convicted felona &C.
Bankruptcy &c. of
Mayor or Alderman.
Members of the
Council not to
the borough.
44. Every person who shall be liable to serve the office of Mayor
or Alderman and who shall refuse to accept the same shall forfeit the
sum of fifty pounds, upon payment whereof he shall be discharged
from such liability.
45. It shall be lawful for any Mayor or Alderman to resign his
office at any time with the consent of the Council: Provided that the
Mayor or Alderman desiring to resign shall give to the Council not less
than three weeks-' notice of such his intention.
46. No Member of the Legislative Council, no person holding
office by appointment of His Excellency the Governor, no officer in
Her Majesty's Army or Navy or Marine forces on full pay, nor any
revenue officer, shall be liable to serve as Mavor or Alderman without
his own consent. ~
47. Provided also that no Judge Sheriff or Coroner, no Clergy-
man Priest or Minister of Religion, shall be qualified to hold the offices
48. It shall not be lawful for any man who shall have been con-
victed of felony bribery or perjury (although he shall have suffered the
full punishment for his offence) to vote at the election of Aldermen
and Auditors or to hold any office to be created under the authority of
this Ordinance: Provided that no man who shall have been convicted
of any such offence shall be thereby disqualified in case he shall have
received a free pardon.
49. If any Mayor or Alderman shall be declared bankrupt, or
shall apply to take the benefit of any act for the relief of insolvent
debtors, or shall compound by deed with his creditors, or shall be
absent from the borough for three calendar months at one and the
same time, such Mayor or Alderman shall thereupon cease to be a
member of the Council.
50. If any member of the Council or person holding any office
in the gift or disposal thereof shall directly or indirectly have any share
or interest in any contract or employment with or by the Cou:p.cil
(other than as a shareholder in any public Company, who shall
contract with the Council for the lighting or supplying with water
or insuring against fire any part of such borough), he shall thence-
forward cease to be a member of the Councilor to hold such office
as aforesaid.
51. All acts whatsoever hereby authorized or required to be done
by the Council of any borough, and all questions that may come before
such Council, shall be done and decided by the majority of' the members
of the Council who shall be present at any meeting thereof, the whole
number present at any meeting not being less than one-half of the
5 VICTORIlE. No.6.
Municipal Oorporations.
whole Council: Provided that no by-laws shall be made unless there
shall be present not less than two-thirds of the whole Council.
52. The Mayor shall have power to call a meeting of the Council To be e&lled by
as often as he shall think proper. Mayor.
53. The Mayor shall cause a notice of the time and place of every Notice of meeting.
such intended meeting, specifYing the business proposed to be trans-
acted thereat and signed by him, to be left at the usual place of abode
of every member of the Council three clear days at least before such
54. Every meeting of the Council shall be open to the public. to be
55. At every meeting the Mayor if present shall preside; in case
of his absence the Council shall elect a Chairman.
56. The Mayor or Chairman shall have a second or casting vote Casting vote.
in cases of equality of votes.
57. Minutes of the proceedings of every meeting shall be entered Minutes.
in a book to be kept for that purpose, and shall be signed by the person
presiding at such meeting.
58. Every burgess shall be at liberty to inspect and to make Open to inspection.
extracts from the books so to be kept, at all reasonable times, upon
payment of a fee of one shilling for each inspection.
59. It shall be lawful for the Council of any borough to appoint Committee.
out of their own body such and so many Committees, either of a
general or special nature, and consisting of such number of persons as
may seem fit, for any purposes which in the judgment of such Council
would be better managed by means of a Committee: Provided always
that the proceedings of every such Committee shall be submitted to
the Council for its approval.
60. It shall also be lawful for the Council from time to time to Town Clerk and
appoint fit persons (not being members of the Council) to be Town Treasurer.
Clerk and Treasurer, who shall hold office during pleasure, and also
to appoint such other officers as they shall think necessary for enabling
them to carry into execution the provisions of this Ordinance, and to
pay all the officers so to be appointed such salaries as the Council shall
deem reasonable.
61. It shall be lawful for the Watch Committee, or if there shall Constables.
be no such Committee then for the Council, to appoint a sufficient
number of fit men (removable at the pleasure of such Committee or
Oouncil) to act as constables for keeping the peace by day and by
night, who shall within the limits of the borough have all such powers
and privjIeges and be liable to all such duties and responsibilities as
any constable may by law have or be liable to, and shall obey all
lawful directions touching the execution of their office which they may
from time to time receive from any Police Magistrate having jurisdic-
tion -within the borough.
62. Every constable so to be appointed shall be sworn in by the Oath.
Mayor of the borough.
63. 'rhe Watch Committee or the Council of the borough as the Numbers to be
case may be shall in the month of November in every year transmit to reported.
the Oolonial Secretary a report of the number and situation of all
Station Houses in such borough, and of the number of constables, and
of the description of arms accoutrements and clothing and other
necessaries furnished to each, and of the salaries wages and allowances
payable to them, and also a copy of all Rules and Orders made for
their regulation and guidance, which shall have received the sanction
of such Police lIagistrate.
22 64. The
Police 04lce.
:Bol'Ough GaoL
Coste of criminal
No.6. 5 Sess. II.
Municipal Oorporations.
64. The Council of every borough shall within six calendar
months after the first election provide a suitable office, to be called the
" Police Office" of the borough, for the purpose of transacting the
business of the Magistrates having jurisdiction therein, and shall at all
times uphold and maintain the same and defray all the necessary
expenses thereof: Provided that no room in any victualling house, or
house in which ale wine or spirits shall be sold, shall be used f?r such
65. The Council of every borough shall also within the period
last aforesaid provide and afterwards maintain at the expense of the
borough a suitable building, to be called the "Borough Gaol," for the
safe custody of persons awaiting their trial for offences committed
within the borough, and all such officers as for such purpose shall be
66. After the expiration of twelve calendar months from the first
election in any borough, the costs of all prosecutions for offences com-
mitted or supposed to be committed within the same shall be paid out
of the borough fund hereinafter mentioned upon an order of Court
directed to the Treasurer of such borough: Provided always that so
soon as any borough shall have become liable to such payment, all
rateable property within the same shall be exempt from contribution
to any county rate for the defraying of the like costs in respect of
offences committed or supposed to be committed beyond the limits of
such borough.
Borough rate. 67. For the purpose of raising the means for carrying into effect
all or any of the powers hereby given to the Council of any borough,
ami for the payment of all salaries and the defraying of all expenses
hereby required to be borne by any borough, the Council shall have
power, so often as shall be deemed necessary, to make and levy in
manner hereinafter provided an equitable rate or assessment, in the
nature of a borough rate in England, upon all real property within the
limits of the borough.
By whom to be paid. 68. The rate shall be paid by the occupier of such property, or
in case there shall be no occupier then by the owner thereof.
Valuation. 69. For such purpose the Council shall as often as may be deemed
necessary cause a valuation to be made of all the rateable property
within the borough, and shall cause the same to be published in one
of the newspapers of the borough.
Assessment. 70. The Council shall as often as need may be make an estimate
of the amount of money required, and shall assess the borough rate
accordingly, and shall give public notice thereof in like manner.
Appeal. 71. At any time within one calendar month from and exclusive of
the day of the date of such notice, it shall be lawful for any person who
shall think himself aggrieved by any such rate to appeal the
same to any two or more Justices of the Peace having jurisdiction
within the borough, who are hereby authorized to hear and determine
such appeal: Provided that two clear days' notice in writing of every
such appeal shall be given to the Town Clerk of the borough specifying
the time and place for the hearing thereof.
Collection of rates. 72. At the expiration of the period allowed for appeal the Council
shall appoint fit persons to collect the rate due, which shall on non-
payment thereof be recoverable at the suit of any such collector by
summary proceeding before any Justice of the Peace having jurisdic-
tion within the borough, and leviable by distress and sale .
.Arrears. 78. In case it shall be impossible to levy the rate due by reason
of the property rateable being unoccupied or otherwise, the arrears
5 VICTORIlE. No.6.
Municipal Oorporations.
shall at any subsequent time be leviable upon any goods which may
be found upon such property.
74. The Council shall once in every year publish in one of the To be published.
newspapers of the borough a statement of every sum so in arrear and
of the property in respect of which the same is due.
75. All moneys raised by any borough rate, all fines and fees Borough fund.
payable under the authority of this Ordinance, together with all sums
which may be paid to the Treasurer of the borough on account of the
corporate body thereof (other than the tolls and dues hereinafter men-
tioned), shall form a fund, to be called the" Borough Fund," out of
which shall be paid all costs and expenses for the defraying whereof
a borough rate is hereby authorized to be levied.
76. It shall be lawful for the Council to impose such tolls or dues To levy tolls &0.
as may be reasonable upon all persons making use of any road bridge
market-place dock basin wharf lock quay pier or landing-place, which
the Council is hereby empowered to make and maintain; and in case
of the non-payment of such tolls and dues, to levy the same by distress
and sale.
77. For the purpose of executing any of the works last mentioned, May borrow money.
it shall be lawful for the Council to borrow such sums of money as
may be requisite upon the security of the tolls or dues to be taken in
respect of such work.
78. The tolls or dues to be taken in respect of anyone of the .Application oCtolls
works aforesaid shall be applied exclusively in defraying the expenses &c.
thereof and in repayment of the moneys borrowed for the execution of
the same.
79. The Treasurer of every borough shall, in books to be kept by Yearly audit.
him for that purpose, enter true accounts of all sums of money by him
reoo.ived and paid and of the several matters in respect whereof such
sums shall have been received and paid. All such accounts with all
vouchers and papers relating thereto, together with a full abstract or
balance sheet thereof, shall yearly, at such time as the Council shall
appoint, be submitted by him to the Auditors and to such members of
the Council as the Mayor shall name, for the purpose of being examined
and audited. Such abstract or balance sheet, if found correct, shall Balance sheet to be
be signed by the Auditors and shall be forthwith published by the published.
Treasurer in one of the newspapers of the borough.
80. All penalties imposed by this Ordinance or by any by-laws Penalties.
to be made under the authority thereof shall be recoverable within
three calendar months after the same shall have become payable, or
after the commission of the offence, by summary proceedings before
any Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction within the borough; to
be levied by distress and sale.
81. No person shall be deemed an incompetent witness upon any Witnesses.
such summary proceeding by reason of his being liable to contribute
to any borough rate.
82. Provided always that no dockyard victualling establishment Her Majesty's dock
arsenal or barracks belonging to Her Majesty, which shall be situated yards &c. excepted.
within the limits of any borough, shall be deemed to be part of such
borough for any of the purposes of this Ordinance.
To Mr. A.B. FORM O"F CLA_1M:.
-I HEREBY give you notice that I claim to have my name put upon the Burgess Roll for
the borough of .
Dated the day of , in the year
Place of abode and business of Claimant.
No. VII.

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