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Welcome to the Self-Care Wheel Guide!

I’m very happy and grateful that you are here today! Whether you are here to gain the tools necessary to
dramatically improve your own self-care, self-love, wellbeing, and happiness or to inspire others to make
a positive life transformation and create lasting change - you are in the right place! This is the ultimate
7-step guide to creating a healthy, meaningful, fulfilling, and joyful life for you and countless others!

For the past 15 years I’ve been fortunate to serve as a self-care, resilience, and wellbeing coach, speaker,
and strategist- empowering people and agencies all over the world to grow and thrive. Through years of
research and practice, I discovered several powerful methods for creating a healthy and happy life we
love. One of the most simple and effective ways to do this is an ongoing, personalized, and sustainable
self-care practice. It banishes stress, nurtures self-love and self-esteem, creates focus and meaning,
builds resilience, boosts wellbeing, and allows us to feel, live, and be at our best. But since most people
struggle with creating and sustaining a self-care routine, they don’t get to enjoy the amazing benefits
that come along with it.

This is why in 2013 I created the Self-Care Wheel, a comprehensive six-dimensional wellbeing tool,
featuring 88 self-care activities. The Self-Care Wheel and its two trusted companions, the Self-Care Wheel
Assessment, and the Create-Your-Own Self-Care Wheel tools provide a wealth of new ideas and open
up an engaging space for self-discovery, evaluation, and reflection. They help us identify our strengths,
challenges, priorities, and goals-effectively narrowing down our focus to areas of our lives that require
the most attention. This eye-opening process provides inspiration, clarity, and motivation-resulting in an
educated, intentional, sustainable, and personalized self-care practice and a happier and healthier life!

Because of its simplicity and transformational power, this dynamic Self-Care Wheel trio has become
one of the most searched, downloaded, and media featured self-care tools in the world! Universities,
hospitals, schools, corporations, police and fire departments, mental health programs, and governments
worldwide are utilizing the Self-Care Wheel tools to transform health and wellbeing of their clients,
students, teams, and communities. If you or your agency are one of them-I thank you and commend
your leadership in the wellbeing efforts! If you are looking to bring these tools to your community, please
visit my website for more information and to acquire the Self-Care Wheel trio copyrights.

Whether you are an individual seeking more health and happiness in your life or an agency looking
to bring more wellbeing tools to your community-the following pages will help you do just that! I can’t
wait to see what wondrous gifts, opportunities, and discoveries this guide has in store for you, your
family, friends, your clients, students, teams, and communities! What I know for sure is that with a little
bit of effort and dedication this self-discovery journey will equip and empower you to create a vibrant,
meaningful, healthy, and joyful life you love!

In deepest gratitude for all you are and all you do,

Olga Phoenix, MPA, MA



Social Media @theolgaphoenix

2 t h e s e l f c a re wh e el guid e
Copyright @2021 Olga Phoenix, All Rights Reserved. This publication is protected by copyright laws and is for personal use only. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form. The Self-Care Wheel copyright licenses are available for purchase at

Don’t let Instagram influencers fool you, self-care is so much more than massages, bubble baths, luxury
skincare products, and shopping sprees! Real self-care is about learning what nourishes our body,
mind, and spirit, it’s about discovering what makes us feel whole and free, what gives us purpose, what
makes us feel like we matter and belong. It’s about a journey of becoming our own best friend. Real
self-care is creating an intentional full purposeful lifestyle that allows us to feel and be at our best. It’s
about developing a personalized and sustainable self-care practice that becomes an essential core
component of our lives.

A comprehensive, personalized, and sustainable self-
care practice banishes stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and
prevents burnout. It improves our wellbeing, energy,
mood, and sense of self-worth. It makes us strong and
resilient. It nurtures our relationships and gives us more
time to do the things we enjoy. In short, a sustainable,
well-rounded, and personalized self-care practice has
the power to help us create the life we love! How exciting
and hopeful is this?

3 t h e s e l f c a re wh e el guid e
Copyright @2021 Olga Phoenix, All Rights Reserved. This publication is protected by copyright laws and is for personal use only. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form. The Self-Care Wheel copyright licenses are available for purchase at
Despite some myths out there, there is no pre-existing, cookie-
cutter self-care routine that works for all. Every single self-care
practice that works sustainably, over a long period of time, is
completely personalized. It takes into account a person’s current life
circumstances, challenges, priorities, goals, motives as well as time
availability, support networks, and financial resources. A multitude of
self-care activities and strategies are brought to the table, examined,
and shortlisted, in order to determine which ones could meet our
needs and goals criteria and serve as a small but powerful combo in
our wellbeing-building efforts. These are some of the major parts of
an engaging, long-term, and successful self-care practice.

Most people really struggle with developing and sustaining an

effective self-care routine. If this is you- I have a great solution for
you! The Self-Care Wheel, featuring 88 comprehensive self-care
strategies, and its two trusted companions, the Self-Care Wheel
Assessment and the Create-Your-Own Self-Care Wheel tools, open
up a very natural, mindful, and engaging space for self-discovery
and evaluation. This dynamic trio gently encourages us to take
stock and identify our strengths, challenges, priorities, and goals in
regards to each dimension of the wheel and our lives. The results of
this evaluation and reflection process will kickstart our intentional,
sustainable, and personalized self-care, resilience, and wellbeing

In the following pages, you will discover how the Self-Care Wheel
tools and a simple 7-step process will serve as a powerful foundation
to your sustainable, personalized self-care journey and a healthy,
happy, purposeful, and flourishing life you love!

Sounds promising? If so, it’s now time for step one! Allow me to
introduce you to the Self-Care Wheel!

4 t h e s e l f c a re wh e el guid e
Copyright @2021 Olga Phoenix, All Rights Reserved. This publication is protected by copyright laws and is for personal use only. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form. The Self-Care Wheel copyright licenses are available for purchase at

5 t h e s e l f c a re wh e el guid e
Copyright @2021 Olga Phoenix, All Rights Reserved. This publication is protected by copyright laws and is for personal use only. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form. The Self-Care Wheel copyright licenses are available for purchase at
The Self-Care Wheel is a comprehensive, sustainable, wide-ranging, six-dimensional wellbeing
tool. It covers six major areas of our lives: physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, personal, and
professional. Many of us tend to focus on one or two areas of our lives, completely forgetting all others.
For example, work sometimes comes above all else. This creates an incredible lack of balance which
slowly but surely begins to negatively impact all other areas of lives.

The Self-Care Wheel signifies that all six dimensions are equally important: to be fully present and
effective in our personal and professional lives it’s important to take great care of our physical needs;
to build successful nurturing relationships with ourselves and others, it’s paramount to nurture the
psychological and emotional aspects of ourselves; to live a vibrant and purposeful life it’s crucial to
cultivate all six dimensions of our lives.

Within each of its six dimensions, the Self-Care Wheel features several broad-ranging self-care activities,
specifically selected to dramatically improve the corresponding area of our lives. In total, the Self-Care
Wheel showcases 88 diverse self-care strategies, ranging from meeting basic physical needs to finding
life’s purpose-providing a wealth of new ideas, possibilities, and perspectives. The goal here is to show
ourselves that creating a sustainable self-care practice and improving our wellbeing is easier than it
sounds and that there are numerous options and opportunities for us to do so.

When going over the activities within the Self-Care Wheel, people often come up with other self-care
strategies pertaining specifically to them, their location, their hobbies, their social network. They say:
“I can’t bathe in the ocean right now (one of the activities mentioned on the Self-Care Wheel), since it’s
the middle of January in Minnesota, but I can definitely go play ice hockey with my friends as we used to
a long time ago! I didn’t know ice hockey is a form of self-care! Wow, finding strategies for my self-care
routine is much easier and so much more fun than I imagined!” And just like that, they make a beginning
in creating a personalized, sustainable wellbeing practice that will work for them, because it’s fun, it’s
easy, because they like it, and because it does not feel like a chore anymore.

And did you notice that ice hockey could actually foster all of the six dimensions? Physical, because it’s
a great form of exercise; psychological, because your hockey buddies can be your best support group;
emotional, because it makes you laugh and play; spiritual, because all of nature, frozen lake, and snowy
pine trees make you notice and gasp at the beauty of this universe; personal because it helps you
bond with others; and professional-in case you play with your best friends from work! This means that
sometimes one activity could nurture multiple dimensions of our lives all at the same time, becoming
a powerhouse of a self-care strategy, saving us an astounding amount of time, money, and energy

See what I mean? Pretty simple, right? Now, that we’ve reviewed all 88 Self-Care Wheel activities, possibly
came up with our own ideas, and are utterly convinced that sustainable and personalized self-care
routine possibilities are practically endless and could actually be lots of fun, I’d like to introduce you to
the Self-Care Wheel Assessment tool.

6 t h e s e l f c a re wh e el guid e
Copyright @2021 Olga Phoenix, All Rights Reserved. This publication is protected by copyright laws and is for personal use only. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form. The Self-Care Wheel copyright licenses are available for purchase at

7 t h e s e l f c a re wh e el guid e
Copyright @2021 Olga Phoenix, All Rights Reserved. This publication is protected by copyright laws and is for personal use only. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form. The Self-Care Wheel copyright licenses are available for purchase at
The major part of the successful self-care routine is assessment. I cannot tell you how many times both
agencies and individuals start implementing certain self-care activities just because they see these
activities working in someone else’s life or someone else’s agency. And not because they determined
through an assessment process that these specific strategies are exactly what they need in this particular
moment of their lives. One hundred percent of the time this approach results in discouragement and in
abandoning of self-care routines.

Over time, we start saying things like:” Self-care does not work for me. I always fail at it. It’s too expensive.
I don’t have the time. We instituted self-care practice at our agency, but our employees never took
advantage of it, so we canceled the program.” And on and on. The Self-Care Wheel is an amazing tool
and it has worked for hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. However, if we took this great tool
and we just started practicing every single activity on the wheel in a row, just because - chances are
after a short while we’d start getting tired, overwhelmed, pressed for time, discouraged, and eventually
give up.

This why an assessment is the key. Positive outcomes are rooted in taking stock and making educated
and intentional decisions on what will go into our sustainable personalized self-care and wellness
practice and why. It saves us time, money, it keeps us motivated, hungry for more, and provides a sense
of accomplishment because we actually are seeing results in areas that are important to us. Why?
Because we have identified our top priorities, we made a shortlist of self-care strategies we enjoy and
that work for us, and we are actually working on what needs to be improved. We have our “why” and are
thus so much more motivated and likely to succeed in the long run.

To help us take stock and make more educated and intentional choices about our self-care routine is
the Self-Care Wheel Assessment tool. Within each of its six dimensions, we can rate ourselves from zero
to ten. With a score of 10 signifying that we are spending a lot of time and energy in this part of our lives,
are completely satisfied, and the self-care activities we are utilizing here have done wonders for us.
The score of 0 showing us that we haven’t spent a lot of energy in this area of our lives possibly in a very
long time. And sometimes it’s a great thing-because this is intentional, exactly how we want it, and it’s
our personal choice. And sometimes it might be something to think about and maybe decide to make a
conscious effort to engage in this area more often because doing so would greatly improve the quality
of our lives.

Now it is a wonderful opportunity to invest in ourselves, spend some time filling out the Self-Care
Wheel Assessment, and discover what works, what’s challenging, what’s a priority, what could be put
on the back burner, and what specific areas of our lives are calling for our nourishment, love, and care.
Knowing this would make choosing and fostering our self-care, resilience, and wellbeing routine so
much easier and within reach.

8 t h e s e l f c a re wh e el guid e
Copyright @2021 Olga Phoenix, All Rights Reserved. This publication is protected by copyright laws and is for personal use only. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form. The Self-Care Wheel copyright licenses are available for purchase at

9 t h e s e l f c a re wh e el guid e
Copyright @2021 Olga Phoenix, All Rights Reserved. This publication is protected by copyright laws and is for personal use only. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form. The Self-Care Wheel copyright licenses are available for purchase at
Whatever the results-we are one step closer to our personalized and sustainable self-care routine-
thus one step closer to a happier, healthier, and more meaningful life. And it’s a fantastic thing! Let’s
pat ourselves on the back for completing this undertaking-we know it wasn’t easy. Now let’s mindfully
and non-judgmentally interpret our scores.

If our scores range from 8 to 10 in any of these dimensions, we are doing great! Chances are we
are very satisfied in this particular area of our lives. We are obviously doing something right and it’s
working for us very well. The important thing is to reflect on which specific strategies have gotten us
here and to continue doing what we are doing to ensure continuous life satisfaction in this area of
our lives.

If our scores range from 5 to 7 in any of these dimensions, we are reasonably satisfied in this area but
there is some room and possibly a desire for improvement. What an amazing opportunity to explore
strategies and ideas that will help us to move up the scale!

If our scores range from 0 to 4 in any of these dimensions, this particular area might be challenging
for us and we may want to explore ways to increase our life satisfaction here. Sometimes, however,
these scores may mean that our current life situation does not allow for our engagement in this
area of our lives and it’s our choice to do so. Whatever the reason, this is an excellent and exciting
opportunity for self-reflection, self-discovery, and growth!

10 t h e s e l f c a re wh e el guid e
Copyright @2021 Olga Phoenix, All Rights Reserved. This publication is protected by copyright laws and is for personal use only. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form. The Self-Care Wheel copyright licenses are available for purchase at
We may want to reflect on why we scored the way we scored in these dimensions - in order to help
us determine what specific strategies and tools are working wonders for us and what areas may
need more of our time and energy moving forward. Let’s take some time to answer the questions








Which dimensions or areas of my life I have the most satisfaction with? Why? Is there a common
thread in regards to the time I spend there, activities or strategies I engage in, specific support
systems I have?

Which dimensions or areas of my life I am most dissatisfied with? Why? Is there a common thread
in regards to the time I spend there, activities or strategies I engage in, specific support systems I’m

11 t h e s e l f c a re wh e el guid e
Copyright @2021 Olga Phoenix, All Rights Reserved. This publication is protected by copyright laws and is for personal use only. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form. The Self-Care Wheel copyright licenses are available for purchase at
Which dimensions of my life do I want to focus on to improve my life satisfaction levels?

What specific self-care activities can I utilize to improve my life satisfaction levels?

What specific self-care activities I’m currently using, what specific activities have worked for me in
the past, and what activities I would like to try using in all of the six dimensions of the Self-Care








Let’s congratulate ourselves on taking time for us, and thoughtfully

answering these questions! We are now equipped with the results of our
hard work and self-exploration! Now we’ll be able to Create-Our-Own
Self-Care Wheel, full of personalized strategies, tools, and activities that
will work specifically for us. Let’s transfer our self-discoveries into our
own, sustainable, and personalized Self-Care Wheel!

12 t h e s e l f c a re wh e el guid e
Copyright @2021 Olga Phoenix, All Rights Reserved. This publication is protected by copyright laws and is for personal use only. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form. The Self-Care Wheel copyright licenses are available for purchase at

13 t h e s e l f c a re wh e el guid e
Copyright @2021 Olga Phoenix, All Rights Reserved. This publication is protected by copyright laws and is for personal use only. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form. The Self-Care Wheel copyright licenses are available for purchase at
We have now created an educated, intentional, and precise snapshot of
our personalized, sustainable, and well-rounded self-care practice. It’s time
to commit, put this wheel in motion, and start taking actions that will create
a happy, healthy, and meaningful life we love!



What are 3 immediate actions we can take to help restore balance and enhance the
areas of our lives we feel need it the most? Let’s take some time and write down our 3
immediate actions below. To help ourselves with completing these actions, let’s make
our actions SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound):


Action 1

Action 2

Action 3

14 t h e s e l f c a re wh e el guid e
Copyright @2021 Olga Phoenix, All Rights Reserved. This publication is protected by copyright laws and is for personal use only. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form. The Self-Care Wheel copyright licenses are available for purchase at

Now, let’s pause and admire all this tremendous amount of work and self-discovery we’ve done!
And all this fantastic progress we’ve made! As a result of this process, smart and immediate
actions, and ongoing sustainable efforts we gift ourselves an invaluable opportunity to continue
banishing stress and anxiety, sharpening our mental focus, spending time doing things we love
with people dear to us, boosting self-love and self-esteem, building resilience, and dramatically
improving our wellbeing and quality of our lives.

Imagine feeling calm, strong, purposeful, healthy, and happy on a very regular basis? Imagine
getting better and better at taking care of yourself, and doing it with precise focus, self-knowledge,
motivation, and love? Imagine having complete clarity about meaning and purpose of your
actions, your goals, and the direction of your life? Imagine one day looking at yourself in the
mirror and saying “I love my life!” and knowing that you were an active, strong, informed, resilient,
and committed participant in making it so. This day is right around the corner for you! Your
beautiful, full, healthy, and happy life is within reach. This journey starts with the 1st step towards
yourself, your wellbeing, and your happiness. Start today. Don’t wait another minute to get to
know and to choose YOU!

I can’t wait to see what wondrous gifts, opportunities, discoveries, and positive changes your life
has in store for you! Go forth, do incredible things, and self-care, my dear friend!

In deep gratitude for all you are and all you do,


15 t h e s e l f c a re wh e el guid e
Copyright @2021 Olga Phoenix, All Rights Reserved. This publication is protected by copyright laws and is for personal use only. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form. The Self-Care Wheel copyright licenses are available for purchase at

Below you’ll find some additional resources available to you as well as answers to the most
often asked questions. I encourage and invite you to email me at [email protected] with
your questions, comments, suggestions, and recommendations about this guide, the Self-Care
Wheel tools, or anything else that came across your mind while reading this publication. I very
much look forward to hearing from you!


The Self-Care Wheel tools are absolutely free your community, please purchase the Self-
for personal use. Since the Self-Care Wheel Care Wheel copyright licenses at our copyright
tools are copyrighted intellectual property, store: With
copyright licensing is required to use it in purchase, you’ll gain access to the highest
any other way. Higher education and mental quality non-watermarked Self-Care Wheel
health professionals, trainers, online course images in jpg and pdf, and a copyright license
creators, teachers, doctors, police officers, to reproduce, print, and publish the images
and a multitude of others are successfully in your professional life. Copyright licenses
utilizing the Self-Care Wheel tools to transform are available for both individual and agency-
health, wellbeing, and happiness of their wide purchase. Please email copyrights@
clients, students, teams, and communities. with any questions. We are
If you’d like to bring the Self-Care Wheel to looking forward to hearing from you!

16 t h e s e l f c a re wh e el guid e
Copyright @2021 Olga Phoenix, All Rights Reserved. This publication is protected by copyright laws and is for personal use only. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form. The Self-Care Wheel copyright licenses are available for purchase at

If you love the Self-Care Wheel, you’ll absolutely Boost Wellbeing, and Flourish!” for your
enjoy our other wellbeing tool, the Resilience free download (
Wheel! It features 3 core dimensions of resilience-wheel/) to help you learn how to
resilience and wellbeing building: sustainable use these tools and to provide a powerful
self-care, nurturing relationships, and living kickstart to your sustainable, personalized
with purpose. Within these 3 dimensions resilience and wellbeing journey and healthy,
are 36 powerful strategies designed to help intentional, and happy life! The Resilience
you create a more balanced and flourishing Wheel copyright licenses are available for
life! The Resilience Wheel companions are both individual and agency-wide purchase at
the Resilience Wheel Assessment and the our copyright store:
Create-Your-Own Resilience Wheel tools. I shop/. Please email copyrights@olgaphoenix.
created “The Resilience Wheel Toolkit: Your com with any questions. We are looking
Life-Changing Guide to Overcome Stress, forward to hearing from you!


For those of you interested in learning more advanced self-care, wellbeing, and resilience
tools and strategies for creating the life you love, there is the online academy. There, you’ll find
numerous self-care, resilience, and wellbeing-building courses that meet your goals, your time,
and your budget! If you need more calm, peace, and wellbeing in your life, don’t wait another
minute to visit and get started!


I offer a wide range of speaking, training, and strategic development opportunities. To learn
more, please visit To request a keynote for your upcoming conference,
private agency training, or resilience and wellbeing assessment, evaluation, and programming
consulting opportunity, please email us at [email protected]. I cannot wait to see how I
can be of service to you and your team!

17 t h e s e l f c a re wh e el guid e
Copyright @2021 Olga Phoenix, All Rights Reserved. This publication is protected by copyright laws and is for personal use only. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form. The Self-Care Wheel copyright licenses are available for purchase at

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