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Eastern Railway Bharat Scouts & Guides

पुव रे लवे भारत काउ स एवं गाइ स

District Headquarters: DRM Building (2nd Floor) Eastern Rly, Howrah, Phone: Rly –23144
District Scout Den: Room No. 7 Platform No. 21, (2nd cab Road - Delhi End),Howrah
E-mail :: [email protected] Charter No. :: ER/04-2016, dt. 10-09-2016
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Ref. Scout/04 ][ Dated, 03rd May,2024.

All The Group Leader(Scout)

E.Rly Bharat Scouts & Guides
Howrah District

Sub: Basic Training Courses for Cub Masters, Scout Masters and Rover Scout Leaders and
Advanced TrainingCourse for Scout Master
It is to inform you that Eastern Rly. Bharat Scouts and Guides is going to organize the
Basic Training Courses for Cub Masters, Scout Masters and Rover Scout Leaders and Advanced
Training Course for Scout Master at State Trg. Park/Madhupur, E.Rly. on & from 09th to 15th June, 2024.
The details of the course are as follows:

Date 09th to 15th June 2024 (07 days residential)

Venue State Trg. Park, Madhupur, E.Rly.
Arrival 09th June, 2024(Sunday) at 8:00 Hrs(Late comers will not be entertained)
15th June, 2024(Saturday) after Lunch. Return journey should be arranged
by the candidate accordingly.
Registration fee – Rs. 50-00,
00, Development fee – Rs. 10-00, (For E.Rly
participants).Registration fee – Rs. 60-00,
00, Development fee – Rs. 15-00, (For
Fees CLW, Other Rly participants).
N.B. TA holders/CLW/ Others Rly./ Non Rly. Participants will have to pay food
charges @ Rs/- 200/- per head per day along with registration and development
For Basic CM - Only male candidates, who have completed 18 yrs of age, must
posses the matriculation or its equivalent certificate and must be a person of
good character, conduct and antecedent. He must have knowledge of Scout
movement and its method in particulars and appreciation of its religious &
moral basis & APRO in its application to his work. He must be a person with
special aptitude to deal with children.
For Basic SM - Only male candidates, who have completed 18 yrs of age, must
posses the intermediate (10+2) or its equivalent certificate and must be a person
of good character, conduct and antecedent. He must have knowledge of Scout
Who movement and its method in particulars and appreciation of its religious & moral
can basis & APRO in its application to his work. He must be a person with special
attend aptitude to deal with young boys.
For Basic RSL - Only male candidates, who have completed 21 yrs of age, must
posses the Degree of any discipline or its equivalent certificate and must be a
person of good character, conduct and antecedent. He must have knowledge of
Scout movement and its method in particulars and appreciation of its
religious & moral basis & APRO in its application to his work. He must be a
person with special aptitude to deal with young men.
For Advanced SM – A candidate who has successfully completed the Basic
Training Course in the appropriate section and running the Unit as Unit Leader,
holding valid warrant for not less than 03 months, the gap between Basic and
Advanced course should be atleast six months.
N.B. 1. Candidate should be prepared SLM & submitted to the LOC.
2. Who is suffering from any chronic disease will not allowed to the training course.
If any candidate found sick for that, the medical and related expenses must be borne
by the candidate


अपना सहयोगा मक हाथ बढ़ाएँ एक बेहतर दुिनया बनाएं।

Eastern Railway Bharat Scouts & Guides
पुव रे लवे भारत काउ स एवं गाइ स
District Headquarters: DRM Building (2nd Floor) Eastern Rly, Howrah, Phone: Rly –23144
District Scout Den: Room No. 7 Platform No. 21, (2nd cab Road - Delhi End),Howrah
E-mail :: [email protected] Charter No. :: ER/04-2016, dt. 10-09-2016
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Accommodation All the participants will be accommodated under the Canvas.

As the June in Madhupur is very hot, bedding & clothing will be light and comfortable.
Mosquito Net, Ground sheet/Matress, Night change, Correct & complete Scouter Uniform
as per APRO-II,
APRO Casual wear, Canvas Shoe for hike, Toilet Kit, Plate, Mug, Spoon, Water
What tobring Bottle, Torch with cell, Bonding Note Book 200 pages, Pen, Pencil, Knotting Rope, Sketch
pen,, Chart papers 04 nos. Compass, Round protector, Scale, Pencil, Rubber, Reference
books, Lashing ropes, White T-shirt
T & Blue Trouser for morning exercise etc.

One (01) set of State application form duly forwarded & signed by the Distt authoritywith
How to apply the self attested copy of certificates of D.O.B., Educational qualification, Valid
Warrant, Basic Course Certificate, SLM & Unit Progress Report.
The application form duly filled in( proforma attached ) with requisite attachments (Xerox
attested copies) should reach to DHQ by 06th May 2024. None will be entertained after the
Last Date of above date. No candidates will be allowed directly in the course.
The candidates who will find eligible as per eligible list published by the SHQ after
receiving the application form, they will only be allowed in the training course.

Encl : Proforma of Application form & Self Learning Module.

(Beauty Kesharbani Shaw)

Jt. Distt. Secretary

अपना सहयोगा मक हाथ बढ़ाएँ एक बेहतर दुिनया बनाएं।


The State Training Commissioner, ( S/G ),
The Bharat Scout & Guides, Eastern Rly,

I wish to attend in the ……………………………............ Course on /for……………………..................... to be held

My candidature is as under :

1. Name of the Participant (in block letters) : ………………………………………………..

2. Occupation (if employed, give design., off., place of posting) : ………………………………………………..

3. Residential address with PIN Code No. and Contact No., : ………………………………………………..
UID ………………………………………..………..
M/No …………………E-mail……..,,,,………
4. *Date of birth & Age (Attested copy to be attached.) : ……………………………Age……..………..
5. *Educational qualification : ………………………………………………..
(Attested copy to be attached.)
6. Marital status : ………………………………………………..
7. Father’s / Mother’s / Husband’s /
Guardian’s name & designation, Deptt., : Name of the employee………………………………………..
Place of posting. (if dependent,
give details. If retired or expired then Relationship …………………………………………………..
mention the date of retirement/deceased.)
Rly designation…………………… Deptt……………….........

Place……………… [ D.O.R. / D.O.D. if applicable ……………….]

8. Experience in Scouting/Guiding if any : ……………………………………….……………….
9. *Basic Course completed on : Place………………….from……………….to…………..……
(For Adv. & Spl.Course only, Attested
copy of certificate to be attached.) Certificate No. …………………….. .. date………………….…

10. *Warrant No., date & validity : No. ……………………………………………………….

( In case of Adv. & Specialized Course,
Attested copy of Warrant to be attached.) Valid up to ……………………………………………………..

11. **Self Learning Module completed on : ………………………………………………..

12. Name of the District attached to : ………………………………………………..
13. Name of the Group attached to : ……………………………….……………Place………..…………….

Group Charter No………………..…………, dt………………… & Valid upto…………….……

14. Rank in Scouting/Guiding : ………………………………………………..

15. *Date of joining in the Movement
(for Non Rly Candidates – Relevant documents/event : ………………………………………………..
certificates in Scout/Guide age in support to D.O.J.
should be attached for Basic Course only.) Contd …………. P/2
[ 2 ]

16. Extra curricular activities :

17. Vegetarian / Non-vegetarian :

* I will/will not draw T.A. for the period of the above Training Course.
* Attested copy of the relevant documents should be attached.
**Self Learning Module for respective Section & Trg. to be written in own language & hand writing and to be
discussed in the Training Course.


I, Sri/Smt./Kum ……………………………………………… is hereby declare that the statement which I have

furnished above is absolutely true. If any discrepancy found at any time; my candidature and certificate issued in this
respect will be treated as canceled without any question. I am willing to run / start a Unit after my successful completion
of this Course. I should spare enough time for this.

Date : _____________________
Signature of the Applicant
Place :

Recommendation of the Sponsoring Authority / Group Leader

I recommend Sri / Smt. ……………………………………………..…………………..……………… for admission in the

………………………………………….. Course for…………………...…………………. His / Her statement which have
furnished above is true as per the Group Record. The Group will give him / her all the facilities to run a unit.

Signature of the Sponsoring Authority / Group Leader
Name :
Rly. Designation :
Warrant No…………………………..dt………….………Valid upto………………….
Date & Stamp :
Forwarded :

Signature of District Training Commissioner ( S/G )

Name :
Rly. Designation :
Warrant No…………………………..dt………….………Valid up to………………….
Date & Stamp :

For office use only

Signature of District Commissioner ( S/G )
Name :
Rly. Designation :
Date & Stamp :
1. Know the Cub Characteristics, needs and interest of the boys of Cub age.
2. How Cubbing was born and What is Cubbing.
3. Child Psychology.
4. Knowledge about Wolf Cub Hand book Part I (First to Seventh Bites).
5. Cub Law, Cub Promise, Motto Daily Good turn, Greeting, Salute and Left Hand Shake.
6. Scout Law, Promise, Scout Sign, Salute and Scout Motto.
7. Good turn and Community Service.
8. Personal Health and hygiene.
9. National Flag, BS&G Flag meaning and respect due to them.
10. Six System.
11. Pack and Pack Den, Pack Records, Pack and its parents, Pack and School.
12. Knowledge of APRO,Wolf Cub Hand Book and other reference books.
13. Responsibilities of a Cub Master.
14. The support Cub Master can get.
1. Know the Boy Characteristics, needs and interests of the boys of Scout age.
2. How Scouting was Born and Spread.
3. Promise and Law.
4. Method of Scout Section, Patrol system.
5. Knowledge of Scouting for boys, APRO and other books on scouting.
6. How to start and run a Troop – Troop Management, Troop Records & Club Room.
7. Relationship with parents, school.
8. Group system, Link with Pack and Crew.
9. Scouting and Community Service.
1. Programme activities, scheme of proficiency badges.
2. Knowledge of Rules, A.P.R.O. and other books on Scouting.
3. Spiritual Dimension of training of Scouts.
4. Senior boy and the Scout Troop.
5. Prime Minister Shield competition, C D Project.
6. Knowledge of Rashtrapati Award.
[ 2 ] Contd. …P/2
1. Know the young man, characteristics, needs and interests of young men of rover age.
2. How Rovering was born and what is Rovering.
3. Scout Promise and Law – Promise and Law as applied to Rover.
4. Literature on Rovering and Knowledge of Scouting for Boys, APRO etc.
5. Method of Rover Section, Patrol System, Buddy work.
6. Know the syllabus up to Nipun Rover.
7. Group System, link with Troop and Pack.
8. Scouting and Religion – Duty to God.
9. Crew Management – Starting and running a Rover Crew.
10. Service within the Movement, Community service as applicable to Rover and Upa Rashtrapati Award.

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