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SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2024 Which of these does NOT promote community
SECTIONA: Instruction: Answer all question health? (a) education (b) awareness campaign
(c) illiteracy (d) enlightenment programs
1. What is first aid? 13. _________refers to protection against
(a) The first treatment given to a person before diseases through vaccination (a) injection (b)
arrival of a doctor immunization (c) covid-19 (d) disease
(b) The first drug taken prevention
(c) The first injection given 14. Environmental health is also known as
(d) The first help given to a person _______(a) personal hygiene (b) community
2. Who among these gives first aid? pollution (c) community sanitation (d)
(a) A farmer (b) An engineer community health
(c) A nutritionist (d) A first aider 15. Which of these is a waste in solid form? (a)
3. Which of the following items is used to treat sewage (b) refuse (c) dustbin (d) gutter
fresh wounds to stop bleeding? 16. The following are methods of sewage
(a) Syringe (b) Scissors disposal except_____(a) pit-latrine (b) trench
(c) Blade (d) Iodine latrine (c) water system closet (d) sewage pit
4. Which of these items cannot be found in a first 17. Which among there is a modern form of
aid kit? (a) Iodine (b) Plaster sewage disposal? (a) the pit-latrine (b) the
(c) Knitting pin (d) Paracetamol bucket type (c) the water system closet (d) the
5. ________ is use for dressing wounds and tired waste disposal system
around the injured parts to protect it from 18. One of these is NOT an importance of
germs and further injury (a) spirit (b) gauge waste disposal? (a) prevention of spread of
(c) bandage (d) forceps disease (b) prevention of bad odor (c)
6. Cotton wool is used for ______(a) disinfecting prevention of environmental pollution (d)
wounds (b) protecting wounds (c) cleaning prevention of hygiene
wounds (d) treating sprains 19. Refuse are burnt in the ____________________
7. Who among these is a public health worker? (a) Gutter (b) Pit (c) Incinerator (d) Waste-bin
(a) doctor (b) nurse (c) sanitary inspector (d) 20. An example of an energy giving food is
lawyer _______(a) yam (b) egg (c) beans (d) orange
8. Community health can also be called ________(a)
environmental health (b) mobilization (c) SECTION B: Write your answer at the back.
sanitary health (d) sanitization
9. Community health mobilization does the 1. What is First Aid?
following except______(a) prevention of 2. List four (4) items found in the first aid
diseases (b) provision of pipe-borne water (c) box
provision of clean environment (d) provision 3. Write four (4) efforts of the community for
of social amenities health promotion
10. Immunization cannot be done in ___________ 4. Mention the health services in our
(a) health centers (b) clinics (c) supermarkets community with their example
(d0 hospitals 5. What is Refuse?
11. _________ cannot help in promotion of 6. Mention five (5) waste materials
community health (a) cult groups (b)
government (c) health workers (d) non-
governmental organization
SECTIONA: Instruction: Answer all question Which of these is NOT a knitting instrument? (a)
(1) All these items are snacks except___________ Wool of different colours (b) knitting pins (c)
(a) Cheese balls (b) Bobo juice crochet pin (d) needle
(c) Plantain chips (d) Roasted yam (13) The following are articles made by knitting
(2) Which of these foods is best taken as except__________(a) cardigans (b) socks (c)
breakfast? head bands (d) body towels
(a) Pounded yam and egusi (b) Pap and Akara (14) A woman who sews clothes for a living is
(c) Eba with vegetable soup (d) Pepper soup known as _______(a) sewer (b) tailor (c)
with goat meat seamstress (d) cloth maker
(3) Which of these is a major meal taken three (15) Which of these tools isn’t used by a
times a day and contains balanced diet? seamstress when sewing? (a) scissors (b)
(a) Course meals (b) Snacks sewing machine (c) needle (d) digger
(c) Main meals (d) Fruit juice (16) Which of these machines is used on a table,
(4) Food taken in the afternoon is known as easy to work with but slower?
___________(a) supper (b) lunch (c) breakfast (a) Hand machine (b) Leg machine
(d) dinner (c) Rotor machine (d) Stitching awl
(5) _____________contains all the basic food (17) ___________is not a type of needle for
nutrients (a) snacks (b) fruits (c) juice (d) sewing? (a) crewel needle (b) sharp needle
balanced diet (c) brewer needle (d) ball points needles
(6)Which of these is NOT needed when (18) One of the following is NOT important
preparing sandwich (a) bread (b) eggs (c) when using a sewing machine?
tomato (d) floor (a) Fix needle correctly
(7) _____________is not an ingredient used to (b) Use the right thread
prepare simple fruit juice (a) the chosen fruit (c) Use any needle for the machine
(b) onions (c) water (d) sugar (d) Clean oil, marks on sewing machine
(8) Which of these should come first in fruit before sewing
preparation? (19) One of these is the fastest type of machine
(a)Serve chilled for sewing?
(b) Add warm water and little sugar (a) Electronic machine (b) hand machine
(c) Wash and peel fruit (c) Embroidery machine (d) needle machine
(d) Blend the fruit (20) A type of stitch that remains on a material
(9) Fruit juice are best enjoyed when they are for a long period without it coming loose is
served__________(a) chilled (b) warm (c) hot ________(a) embroidery stitch (b) temporary
(d) blocked stitch (c) permanent stitch (d) tacking stitch
(10) Which of these is NOT a sewing tool? (a)
tin cutter (b) needle (c) measuring tape (d) SECTION B: WRITE ANSWERS AT THE BACK
scissors 1. What is balanced diet?
(11) _______________is used to make cloth looping 2. List four (4) classes of food with examples
together by means of special needle called 3. Explain the process of preparing plantain
knitting pins chips
(a) Pinning (b) Sewing 4. List out five (5) snacks around you.
(c) Crocheting (d) Knitting 5. Mention five (5) kinds of fruits juice you


SECTIONA: Instruction: Answer all question (13) Where are the incisors found? ___________
(1) Which of these is NOT a constituent of soil? (a) At the back of the mouth
(a) Minerals (b) Organic matter (b) At the back of upper and lower jaws
(c) Cold (d) Air (c) At the lower part of the mouth
(2) Which of these soil is the richest for plant (d) At the corner of the jaw
production? ___________________________ (14) Which of these teeth is used for tearing off
(a) Clay (b) Humus flesh from the bone? ________________________
(c) Sandy (d) Loamy (a) The incisors (b) Canines
(3)The top soil from which plant root derives its (c) The molars (d) The premolars
nutrients is known as the ________________ (15) The molars are used for _________________
(a) A-horizon (b) Horizon (a) Grinding (b) Chopping
(c) C-horizon (d) D-Horizon (c) Tearing meat (d) Biting
(4) One of these is NOT a soil layer? ______________ (16) An animals that feed on the animals is
(a) Water (b) Gravel known as __________
(c) Stone (d) Sand (a) Omnivore (b) Carnivore
(5) When water is heated to a certain (c) Herbivore (d) Lion
temperature, it will change into______________ (17) Which of these food is NOT a
(a) Water (b) Heat carbohydrate? ____________________________
(c) Air (d) Vapor (a) Bread (b) Cocoyam
(6) The reverse of evaporation is _______________ (c) Beans (d) Rice
(a) Vaporization (b) Condensation (18) Fish is a very good source of ____________
(c) Rain (d) Moisture (a) Protein (b) Minerals
(7)___________________is formed when the vapor (c) Carbohydrate (d) Vitamins
from water is trapped by a cold surface (19) One of these is NOT a diary product
(a) Rain (b) Water (a) Yoghurt (b) Cheese
(c) Heat (d) Air (c) Salad (d) Milk
(8)Which of these is NOT a condition for growing (20) A good source of vitamins and minerals is
crops? ________________________ _____________
(a) Air (b) Sunlight (a) Melon (b) Wheat
(c) Heat (d) Water (c) Groundnut (d) Meat
(9) An example of a plant pest is ___________
(a) Bird (b) Man SECTION B: Write your answers at the back
(c) Manure (d) Cockroach 1. What is Soil?
(10) One of these is NOT a causal agent of plant 2. Sandy soil is _________________ when felt
diseases 3. ______________ soil is pinkish in colour
(a) Fungi (b) Nematode 4. Why is the soil mentioned above the best for
(c) Bacteria (d) Mosque agriculture?
(11) The following are important methods of 5. Mention three (3) classification of soil
controlling plant pests except_____________ 6. Soil is important to life, why?
(a) Traps (b) Pesticides 7. ___________soil is dark in color
(c) Manuring (d) Biological control 8. List the types of soil
(12) One of these is NOT a disease of plant
(a) Groundnut rosette (b) Cassava mosaic
(c) Maize rot (d) Tomato rot

SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2024 (b) washing the dishes (c) sweeping the floor
SECTIONA: Instruction: Answer all question (d) provision of medical care
(13) All these are characteristics of a nation
(1) The attitudes and behaviors that are expected except______(a) common language (b) common
of an individual in the society is referred to as office (c) common currency (d) common
(a) Obedience (b) Honesty territory
(c) Civic values (d) Respect (14) The attachment an individual has to people
(2) All these are examples of civic values of his or her place of birth or tribe is known as
except_________________________ _____________(a) democracy (b) nepotism (c)
(a) Hard-work (b) Loyalty ethnicity (d) citizenship
(c) Honesty (d) Stubbornness (15) Nation building is the responsibility of
(3)Civic values helps in all the following ______(a) every citizen (b) the president (c) the
except_______________________________________ family (d) the school
(a) It promotes bad friendship (16) The following are ways to solve the
(b) Its promotes democracy problems of ethnicity except______________ (a)
(c) It promote social stability encouraging tribalism (b) encouraging inter-
(d) Its help acquire knowledge, attitude, and ethnic marriages (c) organizing enlightenment
good skills campaign (d) imbibing the spirit of patriotism
(4) A nation’s ______ protects resources of the (17) Which of these is NOT a consequence of
nation (a) Man (b) Leader (c) Woman (d) ethnicity? (a) political violence (b) communal
Farmer conflict (c) under-development (d) ritual
(5)__________promote human right (a) Fight murder
(b) Civic values (c) Serial numbers (d) School (18) Nigeria got her independence in the year
(6)The government should always provide________ ______(a) 1960 (b) 1920 (c) 1850 (d) 1990
services (a) inferior (b) quality (c) book (d) (19) The following are duties of citizens to
poor constituted authority except_______(a) voting
(7) Which of these is NOT a reason why (b) obedience of the law (c) payment of tax (d)
government is unable to provide services? (a) disloyalty
over population (b) staff (c) poor revenue (20) The power or right to enforce obedience is
generation (d) low population known as ____________ (a) strength (b) power (c)
(8) A ______ is ready and willing to defend his/her authority (d) leadership
country (a) terrorist (b) atheist (c) patriot (d)
traitor SECTION B: Write your answers at the back
(9) The head of a home is the ______(a) mother (b) 1. Write out two responsibilities of each of the
father (c) uncle (d) grandfather following
(10) Which of these following is NOT the a. Father
responsibility of a father? (a) payment of home b. Mother
bills (b) providing shelter (c) providing food c. Children
for the family (d) sweeping the house 2. List three (3) social amenities in your area
(11) ___________ has the responsibility of cooking 3. What is government?
and taking care of the children. (a) the mother 4. List three (3) materials needed in house
(b) the father (c) the children (d) the grand construction
parents 5. What is honesty?
(12) The responsibilities of the children include 6. A Nation may be referred to as _______________
the following except______(a) running errands

SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2024 ll these are steps involved in growing

SECTIONA: Instruction: Answer all question ornamental crops except_____(a) choice of land
(1)Which of these is NOT a material needed for (b) weeding (c) watering (d) bush fallowing
crop growth? Viable seeds (b) air (c) manure (17) We can grow orange by planting
(d) heat its_______(a) leaf (b) flower (c) seed (d) stem
(2) Which of these is NOT a good example of a (18) Soil is made up of all these except_______(a)
cutting? (a) stem (b) suckers (c) vines (d) tiny (b) snow (c) tiny bits of rock (d) rotten
seeds plants and animals
(3) A plant that grows where it is not wanted is (19) The disintegration of rocks to form soil is
known as______(a) weed (b) perennial crop (c) known as ______(a) cracking (b) weathering (c)
ornamental crop (d) cash crops washing (d) home
(4)__________ can be used to kill plant pests (a) (20) There are _________ processes of soil
herbicides (b) manure (c) organic fertilizer (d) formation (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7
(5) Which of these is NOT a safety measure when SECTION B: Write answers at the back
handling chemicals? (a) wearing protective
clothing (b) using hands to mix chemicals (c) (1)What is Soil?
not using the mouth to blow the nozzle of the
(2) What are farm tools?
sprayer (d) observing the wind direction when
spraying chemicals (3) List any form tools / draw it
(6)______and ______ grow in the soil (a) plant, tree
(4) What are ornamental crops?
(b) stone, iron (c) butter, cheese (d) clay, soil
(7) Soil is ____________ when it produces good crops (5)Livestock are also called ______________
(a) fertile (b) infertile (c) strong (d) weak
(6)_______________ is dark in colour
(8) Ornamental plants are ______(a) plants that we
sell to make money (b) plants that kill pest (c) (7)List out the types of soil
plans that beautify our environment (d) plants
that are weed
(9)The best soil for planting is ______ (a) sandy (b)
loamy (c) clay (d) fats and oil
(10) An example of ornamental crop is
______________(a) flowing plant (b) weeds (c)
crawling plant (d) plant seed
(11) Cassava is a plant grown from _______(a)
seeds (b) flower (c) stem (d) leaves
(12) Erosion washes away_____________ (a) weeds
(b) soil (c) fertilizer (d) earthworm
(13) Which of the following is NOT type of soil?
(a) loamy (b) clay (c) sandy (d) silt
(14) One of the following is NOT simple farm
tool. (a) harvester (b) hoe (c) cutlass (d) sickle
(15) One of these is NOT a digging tool (a)
spade (b) machete (c) hand trowel (d) seed

SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2024 0, 21, 13, 16 = (a) dump (b) drum (c) jump (d)
(1)Roll , rent, real, read ___________________________ dove
(a) Rent , rent, read , roll
(12) 2 , 1 , 19, 11, 5 , 20 ______(a) football (b)
(b) Real , rent , read, roll
(c) Read , real , rent , roll wealth (c) basket (d) school
(2) Size , hut , heat , hint _________________________ Choose from the correct option, a letter that ends
(a) Size , hut, heat , hint the first word and begins the second word.
(b) Heat, hint, read, roll Examples - suppor (t) all , Accu ( se) ed
(c) Hut, size, heat, hint (13) Coo ( ____) o w (a) L (b) k (c) m (d) s
(d) Apple, aunt, air, ample (14) Wor (_____) ay (a) T (b) p (c) s (d) d
(3) Apple , aunt, air , ample ______________________
(a) Air, ample, apple, aunt, (15) Wol (____) ool (a) c (b) p (c) m (d) f
(b) Air, apple, aunt, ample (16) Ru ( _____) et (a) N (p (c) s (d) p
(c) Apple, air aunt, ample
(d) Air, apple, ample, aunt Pick the odd words out
(4) Read , rat, rust, rig ____________________________ (17) Uncles aunts father cousin
(a) Rat, read, rust, rig (18) Envelope pen Biro Pencils
(b) Rig, rust, rat, read
(c) Read, rat, rig, rust (19) Meat fish Okra Pork
(d) Rat, read, rig , rust (20) Carpet curtain rug mat
Study the letter codes and answer these questions
A B C D E F G H I J K L M (21) Butterfly moth mosquito Ant
Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N (22) Owl eagle rose pigeon
Example: ZMW = And , ILZA = ROAD
(5)OVT = _____(a) bad (b) not (c) leg (d) bag (23) Swim walk run hop
(6)NROP = ______(a) milk (b) mean (c) bean (d) (24) Red blue yellow paper
meet (25) Hat sweater beret cap
(7) YNT = ______(a) bag (b) bet (c) beg (d) ten
(8) NZW = ______(a) man (b) bean (c) Dan (d) mad (26) Obama Obasanjo Shagari Yar’adua

Study these codes and decodes them. Choose from Write out one from the list that can be changed to
the options given. form the first words
Example – ACT = Can, ape, cat= cat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
(27) FEAT ( fest , late , fate , eats) =_____________
O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (28) MEAT ( train , mate , male , tick) ____________
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
(29) SORE ( some , must , rose, sale) _____________
Sample: 1, 44 = AND , 7,1,13,5 = GAME
(30) CHEAT ( Teach , chair , chain , test) _________
(9)18 , 15, 12 , 12 = ______(a) rock (b) roll (c) rake
(d) jump
(10) 18, 9, 19, 11 ______(a) risk (b) dream (c)
drove (d) rich


SECTIONA: Underline the correct answer in (17) Captain Philips entered Benin in the year
each of the following ____(a) 1897 (b) 1888 (c) 1807
(1)Jaja was born in a place called________( Amigbo , (18) Why were the British anxious to enter
Opobo , Oko-jumbo ) Benin? (a) to trade (b) to fight (c) to see the art
(2) Jaja was born in what year? ( 2118 , 1802 , work
1821 ) (19) Oba Ovonramwen refused to open trade
(3) Jaja was bought as a slave by ___________ house ( with the _____
eastern Nigeria , Annie pepple opobo town ) (a) people (b) Niger delta (c) British
(4)In ______ Jaja became the head of the house in (20) Why was Oba Ovonramwen respected by
which he had been a slave ( 1896, 9618 , 1869) his people? (a) he kept the whit emen in Benin
(5) Jaja died in the year ______ ( 1891, 1809, 1890 ) (b) he kept the white men away from Benin (c)
(6) Why was Jaja sent away from Opobo? he loved the white men and their gifts.
(a) He did not allow British traders into the city (21) What eventually happened to captain
(b) He wanted to travel to West Indies Philip and his men? (a) they were killed (b) the
(c) The British government invited him were sent away peacefully (c) they were
(7) Who was the first King of Opobo town? (a) allowed to see Oba
British (b) Oko-Jumbo (c) Jaja (22) “Chi” in igbo language means________________
(8) Why was Jaja loved by the British? (23) List two types of Igbo popular foods
(a) He was a bad trader
(b) He helped them to fight in Ashanti war ____________________ , _____________________
(c) The British don’t hate rulers (24) Most of the Hausa’s practice _________________
(9) Who was the founder of Opobo town? (a) Jaja
(b) Oko-jumbo (c) Annie pepple religion
(10) Why did Jaja move to Opobo? (25) Music and art play important role in
(a) The house of oko-jumbo hated him
(b) The house of oko-jumbo loved him everyday life of the Hausa-Fulani people (a)
(c) The house of oko-jumbo asked him to do so. true (b) false (c) impossible to say
(11) List out the geopolitical zones
(26) List two types of Hausa popular foods
______________ _______________ __________________
____________________ , _____________________
______________ _______________ __________________
(27) “Ogun” among the Yoruba is the god of
(12) Oba Ovonramwen died in the year_____(a)
1897 (b) 1904 (c) 1914
(13) The Oba was deported to ______(a) Calabar (28) The god of thunder among the Yoruba’s is
(b) dehomey (c) Ghana
called _________________________
(14) The Benin massacre was in the year_____(a)
1914 (b) 1897 (c) 1708 (29) List two types of Yoruba popular food
(15) Oba Owonramwen maintained peace in his
____________________ , _____________________
kingdom (a) true (b) false (c) maybe
(16) When celebrating ‘Igwe’ festival, the Oba (30) List three names of Yoruba traditional
was not allowed by the custom to ____________(a)
eat anything (b) see any visitor (c) see his
people ____________________ , ________________, __________________
SCHOOL:- (16)

SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2024 A_______ government controls the public affairs
SECTIONA: Answer all question of local government (a) political (b) federal (c)
(1)Which of the following is NOT a right of a foreign (d) state
citizen? (a) freedom of expression (b) freedom (17) Government manages the affairs of the
of fight (c) freedom of religion or worship (d) ______________(a) heaven (b) state (c) sky (d)
freedom of education down
(2) The state of being a citizen is known as (18) Government makes law and enforces them
______(a) citizen (b) Nigerian (c) citizenship (d) on_______(a) the people (b) the animals (c) the
democracy skies (d) the man
(3) All these goods are brought into our (19) Which of these levels of government is the
community except________(a) televisions (b) second level? (a) the local (b) the federal (c)
cars (c) motorcycles (d) yams the state (d) the deputy governor
(4)_______________ means a group of people that (20) All these are reasons why we should save
controls the affairs of people in a community, money except_____(a) to meet future needs (b)
state or country (a) communalism (b) to get interest (c) to entice others (d) to
government (c) religion (d) NBA protect our money from being stolen
(5) __________ is not a social amenity (a) road (b) SECTION B
hospital (c) electricity (d) gun (1) State four (4) function of the local government
(6) A ________ is the head of presidential form of (2)What is government?
government (a) king (b) queen (c) president (3)Mention the types of government
(d) Oba (4)List out any social amenities in your area
(7)One of the following hinder government from (5) State five (5) reason why we save money
providing essential services? (a) peace (b)
justice (c) co-operation (d) over population
(8) ______________ is not ensured by the government
in the community (a) equity (b) justice (c)
peace (d) war
(9) There are ______ types of constitutional form of
government (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5
(10) ______________is not a form of government
(a) traditional (b) parliamentary (c)
hooliganism (d) war
(11) The ____________ government is closet
government to the people (a) state (b) federal
(c) local (d) people
(12) _____________is not a duty of local
government (a) payment of tax to the federal
government (b) building of schools and
hospitals (c) provision of water (d) toilet
(13) How many states are there in Nigeria?____
(14) The government should always provide
________ services (a) inferior (b) poor (c) quality
(15) _____________is not a problem facing the state
government (a) corruption (b) insecurity (c)
excess revenue , generation


SECTIONA: Answer all question (14) Which of these is used for typing a
(1)One of these is NOT true of a computer system document on the computer? (a) webcam (b)
software? keyboard (c) mouse (d) microphone
(a) It can’t be seen (b) It can’t be touched (15) _________is used to send images into the
(c) It makes the hardware to function computer (a) scanner (b) microphone (c)
(d) It is the monitor printer (d) webcam
(2)Computer software include the following (16) _________is an electronic equipment that
except___ accept data (a) computer (b) keyboard (c)
(a) Operating system (b) Mouse television (d) phone
(c) Device drives (d) Utilities e.g. anti-virus (17) _______is used to store letters, music and
(3)Which of these is designed to help the user to films (a) compact disk (b) light pen (c)
perform specific task? telephone (d) computer
(a) System unit (b) Graphic editor (18) ____________is the smallest size of micro
(c) Scan disk (d) Mac ox computers (a) notebook computer (b) laptop
(4)The physical component of the __________ computer (c) palmtop computer (d) largest
(a) Software (b) Mouse (19) Micro computer is also known as
(c) Hardware (d) Hard drive ________________(a) real computer (b) personal
(5) Which of these is NOT part of a computer computer (c) special computer (d) palmtop
hardware? (20) ___________is used for entering alpha,
(a) Mouse (b) Monitor numbers, and characters into the computer
(c) Storage device (d) Web browser (a) Keyboard (b) Mouse
(6) _______uses the computer to perform useful (c) Monitor (d) Speaker
work beyond the basic operations of the
computer itself SECTION B: Write Answer at the back
(a) Application software (b) System software
(c) The hardware (d) The C.P.U 1. Write five (5) importance of computers
(7) Which of these is AN output device?
2. State six (6) users of computer system
(a) Printer (b) CPU
(c) Keyboard (d) System unit 3. The full meaning of E-mail is
(8) The brain box of the computer is
the____________(a) system unit (b) monitor (c)
application (d) disk drive 4. The full meaning of CPU is
(9) There are generally ______main types of
computer cables. (a) 6 (b) 9 (c) 8 (d) 7
(10) Storage devices could be external or 5. VDU
_______(a) hard (b) internal (c) mouse (d)
(11) One of these can be used to scan the _____________________________________________________
computer and keep it safe (a) anti-virus (b)
6. ______________________________displays information
anti-fungi (c) scan disk (d) disk drive
(12) All these are storage except___________(a) on the screen.
flash disk (b) hard disk (c) monitor (d) CD
(13) Which of these is AN output device? (a)
printer (b) CPU (c) keyboard (d) system unit

SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2024 _______________________ _______________________

SECTIONA: Answer all question
(1)_______________ can be used to beautify our (12) What is setting still life and natural objects
environment (a) sun (b) colour (c) moon for drawing?
(2)Colours are used to _________________ (a) identify
objects (b) kill (c) eat __________________________________________________________
(3)_____________signifies danger (a) blue (b) green
(c) red __________________________________________________________
(4)Colours can be used to_______________objects (a)
burn (b) identify (c) swap __________________________________________________________
(5)__________ is the art of making impression (13) There are ________ number of colours
(6)What are drawing materials?________________ (14) What is colours?
(7)List any drawing materials ______________________ _________________________________________________________

_____________________ _____________________________ (15) Human eyes contains only

__________________types of colours
_______________________ _______________________ (16) What is sound production?
(8)What is Noise?_____________________________________
(17) What is dance?
(9)What is Music?_____________________________________ __________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

(10) List some musical instruments you know (18) What does dance involve completely? (a)
hand (b) feeling (c) eyes (d) mood
_____________________ _____________________________ (19) What is another language which can be
used in expressing ideas and emotions (a)
_______________________ _______________________
dance (b) time (c) space (d) force
(11) List 3 classifications of foreign musical (20) List any five (5) basic shapes.
_____________________ _____________________________

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