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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. Bob wanted to know when ______.
A. will the exam be taken B. the exam will be taken
C. would the exam be taken D. the exam would be taken
2. "We're watching TV,” said the twins.
The twins said they ______ TV.
A. watched B. were watching C. have been watching D. had
3. "You’ve been annoying me all day!” my mum said.
My mum said I ______ her all day.
A. annoyed B. was annoying
C. have been annoying D. had been annoying
4. "At one o'clock, I was having lunch," said Molly.
Molly said she ______ lunch at one o’clock.
A. had been having B. has had C. is havingD. has been having
5. "You’ll get wet without an umbrella," Dad said.
Dad said I ______ wet without an umbrella.
A. will be getting B. got C. would be getting D. would get
Change these sentences into reported speech
26. They said: "We are learning English now”.
They said.
27. "My friend is coming next week”, Tom said.
Tom said
28. "I’ll help my mum with the housework this weekend,” she said.
She said
29. "You will have to finish all these exercises before next week”, the teacher said to his
The teacher said to his students
30. "I came back here early yesterday,” she said.
She said
31. Johnny said to his mother, "I don’t know how to do this exercise.”
Johnny said to his mother
32. "Have you traveled abroad much?” he asked me.
He asked me
33. "Who has written this note?” the boss asked the secretary.
The boss asked
34. "Why didn't I remember meeting her 2 days ago?" he wondered.
He wondered
35. "Did you really see this happen with your own eyes?" the policeman asked the boy.
The policeman asked the boy
36. "Did you watch the detective film on TV yesterday?" he asked her.
He asked her
37. Tom said to the girl, "When did you have this picture taken?"
Tom asked
38. "Shall we go somewhere for a cup of coffee after class?” Tom said.
Tom suggested
39. "Would you like another cup of tea?” the landlady said to the guest.
The landlady invited
40. She asked me, "Have you ever seen a flying saucer?”
She asked
I. Choose the best answer.
1. She said that she ______ me when she got home.
A. will call B. called C. would call D. has called
2. The boy asked me if I ______ fast.
A. could run B. can run C. will run D. run
3. My friend ______ me that I should focus on the content of the presentation.
A. suggest B. suggests C. is suggesting D. suggested
4. She ______ where I worked and lived.
A. said B. asked C. advised D. denied
5. They said that they would finish the project ______
A. the following week B. next week
C. the past week D. next month
II. Change these sentences into reported speech
6. "Gas emission from vehicles is the main cause of air pollution," he said.
=> ____________________________________________________________________.
7. "I can make a speech about climate change without preparation," Nam said.
=> ______________________________________________________________________.
8. “Will you finish your English exercises tomorrow?” the teacher said to Mike.
=> ______________________________________________________________________.
9. "Who is talking about natural disasters in the meeting today?" Linda asked.
=> ____________________________________________________________________.
10. "We release tons of rubbish into rivers and oceans every day,” she said.
=> ______________________________________________________________________.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. We will go camping tomorrow if the weather ______ fine.
A. will be B. is C. would be D. had been
2. I ______ to play one musical instrument if I had more free time.
A. would learn B. had learnt C. will learn D. would have
3. If I ______ you, I would apply for that job.
A. should be B. were C. am D. will be
4. If you were in my situation, I bet you ______ his offer.
A. would refuse B. will refuse C. had refused D. refuse
5. If John ______, I wouldn’t have been able to solve this math problem.
A. didn't help B. hadn't helped C. hasn’t helped D. wouldn't
6. "I think you should go to see the dentist.”
A. If I were you, I would go to see the dentist.
B. If I were you, I will go to see the dentist.
C. If I am you, I will go to the dentist.
D. If I had been you, I would have gone to the dentist.
7. If I had known the time when the party started, I ______ you.
A. would have told B. would tell C. had told D. will tell
8. If it hadn’t been for my parent’s support, I ______ successful.
A. wouldn’t have been B. would have been C. wouldn’t be D. will not be
9. Hurry up or we will be late for the last train.
A. If you don't hurry up, we will be late for the last train.
B. If you hurry up, we will be late for the last train.
C. If you want to be late for the last train, hurry up.
D. Unless you hurry up, we won’t be late for the last train.
10. I ______ you double if you get the work finished by Monday.
A. would pay B. will pay C. might pay D. pay
11. If they paid me twice my current salary, I ______ working for them.
A. would consider B. would have considered
C. will consider D. might have considered
12. We would have joined the party if the class ______ so late.
A. hadn't finished B. didn’t finish C. doesn’t finish D.won’t finish
13. If I hadn’t been ill last weekend, I ______ to your birthday party.
A. would have come B. will come C. will have come D.would come
14. If you watch this movie, you ______ about the cultures of European countries.
A. would learn B. will learn C. were learning D. learned
15. If it hadn’t been for his excellent talent, Kelvin ______ the first prize.
A. would not have won B. did not win C. had not won D. would win
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences.
10. Eco-friendly field trip is the one in which we’ll enjoy, explore and learn about the place, but
in a way that will not ______ it.
A. damage B. damaging C. damaged D. damages
11. If I ______ some small pieces of stalactites to my rock collection, it ______ the best at
A. add - would be B. added - would be C. add - will beD. added - will be
12. I hope our field trip will be a fun ______ experience for everyone.
A. educate B. educator C. education D. educational
13. Mai will bring snacks with a lot of ______ on the trip.
A. package B. packaging C. pack D. unpack
14. We should buy things to help local artists and craftsmen ______ some money and introduce
their culture to more people.
A. earn B. pay C. spend D. exchange
15. If I ______ in your position, I wouldn’t bring that suitcase.
A. was B. am C. were D. is
16. Staying with ______ people is a good way to learn about their culture and enjoy food.
A. international B. local C. native D. ethnic
17. Unless you ______, you will be late for the conference on wild animals.
A. don’t hurry B. hurried C. didn’t hurry D. hurry
18. She is interested ______ walking and camping in the forests.
A. in B. on C. at D. for
19. Travellers know how to ______ the environment and are educated on local environmental
A. explorer B. exploration C. explore D. exploring
20. Responsible tourism often relates ______ specific actions of individuals, businesses and
A. with B. to C. for D. in
21. Nowadays, tourists are ______ of their role in preserving tourist attractions.
A. aware B. unaware C. awareness D.
22. The aim of ______ tourism is to protect the environment, respect local culture, and keep
profits local.
A. mass B. stable C. sustainable D. external

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