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Stage 1 Entrance Test
Selective Eligibility Test (SET)
Information for Candidates

The Selective Eligibility Test (SET) will consist of around 60 questions and be split into four
sections. The test will last for 1 hour and candidates will be told when to start and finish each
Section A: English (comprehension)
Section B: Mathematics
Section C: Verbal reasoning
Section D: Non-verbal reasoning
All questions will be multiple choice. In each section, candidates will have to work out which is the
correct answer from five possible options.

The test comprises a question booklet and an ‘ANSWER SHEET’. The answer sheet will require you
to use a HB pencil. The machine that reads the answer sheet cannot see anything else.

The numbers of the answer sheet will correspond to the question numbers on the Test paper.
Each number on the answer sheet will have boxes A, B, C, D and E for you to fill in your answer.
You must place a solid black mark on top of the letter that corresponds to your answer only. One
mark on top of the letter should be entered for each question, unless stated otherwise in the

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You will be asked to print your surname (last name) in the row of boxes under ‘CANDIDATE


Your candidate number will be filled in for you in the row of boxes under ‘CANDIDATE NUMBER’ as
per the example below. A barcode will printed below the Candidate number, it is important that
candidates do not write on this barcode.

1 0 2 2 2 5 7 4

Do NOT doodle anywhere on the answer sheet.

On the following pages, there are sample questions for you to practise. The answers are on the
final pages.

Good luck!

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St Olave’s Grammar School Selective Eligibility Test (SET)
Sample Paper for website
Name:………………………………………….. Candidate number:…………………….
This paper consists of 57 questions with 60 marks available.

In nearly all questions there is only 1 correct answer.

The only exceptions are questions 10, 11 and 12 where you should fill in 2 answers.
There are 4 sections. Each section should take you 15 minutes. If you finish a
section you can move on to the next section. You will be given a warning every 15
minutes of when you should move on to the next section if you have not done so.
Section A: English (Comprehension)
Section B: Mathematics
Section C: Verbal Reasoning
Section D: Non-Verbal Reasoning

Total time: 1 hour You must NOT use a calculator.

Here is an example of how to fill in the answer sheet.

Question: How many ½ s are there in 2½?

Answers: A: 4 B: 5 C: 6 D: 7 E: 8
The correct answer is B, so mark the answer sheet like this: [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
If a question requires you to give two answer and for example the answer is A & D,
mark the answer sheet like this: [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
If you change your mind about an answer, rub it out completely.
Please note that the marks below are incorrect and will not be recorded.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Do NOT turn over until told to do so.

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Section A: English Comprehension
My head reeled at the sheer and startling beauty, the wide, bare openness of it. The sense 1
of space, the vastness of the sky above and on either side made my heart race. I would
have travelled a thousand miles to see this. I had never imagined such a place.
The only sounds I could hear above the trotting of the pony’s hooves, the rumble of the
wheels and the creak of the cart, were sudden, harsh, weird cries from birds near and far. 5
We had travelled perhaps three miles, and passed no farm or cottage, no kind of dwelling
house at all, all was emptiness. Then, the hedgerows petered out, and we seemed to be
driving towards the very edge of the world. Ahead, the water gleamed like metal and I
began to make out a track. As we slipped onto it, I realized that this must be the Nine Lives
Causeway — this and nothing more — and saw how, when the tide came in, it would 10
quickly be quite submerged and untraceable.
At first the pony and then the trap met the sandy path, the smart noise we had been
making ceased, and we went on almost in silence save for a hissing, silky sort of sound.
Here and there were clumps of reeds, bleached bone-pale, and now and again the faintest
of winds caused them to rattle dryly. I looked up ahead and saw, as if rising out of the 15
water itself, a tall, gaunt house of grey stone with a slate roof that now gleamed steelily in
the light. It stood like some lighthouse or beacon, the most astonishingly situated house I
had ever seen, isolated, uncompromising but also, I thought, handsome. This little island
extended in a southerly direction across an area of scrub and field towards what looked
like the fragmentary ruins of some old church or chapel. 20

English Comprehension: Questions 1-4

Question 1-4 only require one answer.

1. This extract is written in

A. 1st person B. 2nd person C. 3rd person D. 4th person E. 5th person

2. In the first paragraph what is the narrator’s main response to his


A. Fear B. Awe C. Anger D. Joy E. Confusion

3. The narrator is travelling by

A. Foot B. Car C. Plane D. Horse and cart E. Bicycle

4. ‘My heart race’ in line 2 suggests the narrator feels

A. A heart attack B. Fear C. Excitement D. Anger E. Envy

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English Comprehension: Questions 5 to 12
Questions 10, 11 and 12 require two answers with one mark for each correct
answer. All others require one.
5. ‘My head reeled’ in line 1 means the narrator feels

A. Happy B. Fear C. Like his head exploded D. Giddy E. In pain

6. The phrase ‘the water gleamed like metal’ in line 8 is an example of

A. Personification B. Simile C. Alliteration D. Rhyme E. Sibilance

7. Which one of the following does not contribute to the sense of isolation?

A. Three miles from any farm B. causeway cut off by water C. very quiet

D. lots of space E. Lots of birds

8. The reeds are described as ‘bleached bone-pale’ which makes them sound like
they are

A. Skeletons B. Scared C. Fish D. Burned E. Clean

9. Which combination of vocabulary creates a sense of foreboding in the passage?

A. Near, far, trotting B. miles, farm, cottage C. creak, track, edge

D. emptiness, edge, isolated E. pony, handsome, island

10. In line 13, ‘silence save for a hissing, silky sort of sound’, sibilance is used for
which two reasons? (Mark two answers on the answer sheet)

A. Mimics the sound of the cart wheels B. there are snakes

C. creates a sinister atmosphere D. writer liked the sound

E. sounds like silk

11. The description in line 15 & 16, ‘rising out of the water itself, a tall, gaunt house’
has which two effects on our impression of the house (Mark two answers on the
answer sheet)? It is

A. Old B. Small C. Alive D. Funny E. Intimidating

12. Both the water and the roof of the house are likened to metal contributing to the
impression of the environment as being which two of the following? (Mark two
answers on the answer sheet)

A. Cold B. Futuristic C. Warm D. Unwelcoming E. Busy

End of Section A English Comprehension Questions

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Section B : Mathematics : Questions 13 to 27

In this section you have to answer 15 Mathematics questions. Select the answer
from A to E that you think is the correct answer to the problem and enter it on your
answer sheet. Use the space provided below each question for workings.

13. What number is 339 less than two thousand and eighteen?
A. 1669 B. 1679 C. 1689 D. 1779 E. 1789

14. The frequency diagram below represents the numbers of days of absence for
children in a Year 6 class.

Frequency diagram of number of days of absence


Number of children


0 1 2 3 4 5
Number of days of absence

What is the mode for the number of days of absence?

A. 0 B. 1 C. 3 D. 5 E. 12

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Section B : Mathematics

15. Alex arrives school at 8.30 a.m. and leaves at 4.15 p.m.
For how many minutes is he at school?

A. 405 B. 465 C. 495 D. 525 E. 775

16. Which of the following is the most suitable unit for measuring the capacity
of a large bucket?

A. centimetre B. gram C. kilogram D. litre E. millilitre

17. A rectangle has a perimeter of 24 centimetres. Its length is twice its width.
What is its area in square centimetres (cm 2 )?

A. 20 cm 2 B. 24 cm 2 C. 32 cm 2 D. 36 cm 2 E. 128 cm 2

18. The number of lines of symmetry of a rectangle that is not a square is x .

The number of lines of symmetry of an isosceles triangle is y .
What is the value of x + y ?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 7

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Section B : Mathematics
19. A bag contains 20 red discs, 10 green discs and 30 blue discs. A disc is
chosen at random. Which of these events is the most likely?
A. The chosen disc is red.
B. The chosen disc is blue
C. The chosen disc is not red.
D. The chosen disc is green or blue.
E. The chosen disc is not green.

20. What is the next number in the sequence

3 5 9 17 33 ….. ?

A. 57 B. 61 C. 63 D. 65 E. 67

21. The North lighthouse flashes every 20 seconds.

The South lighthouse flashes every 25 seconds.
The two lighthouses have just flashed at the same time.
How many seconds will it be before they next flash at the same time?

A. 500 B. 300 C. 200 D. 100 E. 50

22. Adil says “I have chosen a prime number less than 20. It is one more than
a multiple of 4.”

How many possible numbers could Adil have chosen?

A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 E. 4

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Section B : Mathematics
23. In April this year it rained in Orpington on 9 out of the 30 days. On what
percentage of the days did it not rain in Orpington this year?

A. 21 B. 30 C. 60 D. 70 E. 80

24. Teddy is making a sequence of patterns using white and grey tiles.
The first three patterns are below.
Pattern (1) Pattern (2) Pattern (3)

How many grey tiles will there be in pattern (10)?

A. 44 B. 80 C. 81 D. 90 E. 100

25. Sabrina, Stanley and Shane are sharing a cake.

Sabrina eats one quarter of the cake.
Stanley eats one half of the rest of the cake.
What fraction of the cake is left for Shane?

1 1 3 2 1
A. B. C. D. E.
4 3 8 5 2

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Section B : Mathematics
26. Sophia draws a row of ten dots in a straight line.
The gap between each dot and the next dot is 25 millimetres.
What is the distance in metres between the first dot and last dot?
A. 0.225 B. 0.25 C. 22.5 D. 25 E. 250

27. The total cost of 4 rulers and 5 pencils is the same as the total cost of
2 rulers and 11 pencils.

How many pencils cost the same as 5 rulers?

A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 D. 25 E. 30

End of Section B Mathematics Questions

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Section C : Verbal Reasoning : Questions 28 to 42

In this section you have to answer 15 Verbal Reasoning questions which will test
your skills of comprehension, grammar and logic. Select the answer from A to E that
you think is the correct answer to the problem and enter it on your answer sheet.
Use the space provided with each question for workings.

28. Arrange the words of the following sentence in descending order of length
(number of letters):

Butterflies fly freely

In what order do the words now appear?

A. Butterflies fly freely

B. Fly freely butterflies
C. Freely butterflies fly
D. Butterflies freely fly
E. Freely fly butterflies

29. Arrange the words of the following sentence in descending order of the
number of vowels within each word:

Her babies dozed

In what order do the words now appear?

A. Her babies dozed

B. Babies dozed her
C. Dozed her babies
D. Her dozed babies
E. Babies her dozed

30. Arrange the words of the following sentence in reverse alphabetical order of
their final letter:

Bob never arrives on time

In which order should the words now appear?

A. Bob never arrives on time

B. Never on time Bob arrives
C. Arrives never on time Bob
D. On time Bob never arrives
E. Time Bob never arrives on

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Section C : Verbal Reasoning

31. Rearrange the words of the following sentence in descending number of


Straight watercourses seldom deviate

In what order should the words now appear?

A. Straight watercourses seldom deviate

B. Watercourses seldom deviate straight
C. Watercourses deviate seldom straight
D. Deviate watercourses straight seldom
E. Seldom straight watercourses deviate

32. Which of the following words from this list are homophonic?

Caught Fought Court Fort

A. Caught & Fought

B. Fought & Court
C. Court & Fort
D. Fort & Caught
E. None of the above

33. In the following sentence the letters in capitals are an anagram of another
word which belongs in that place to make sense of the sentence. Solve the
anagram and identify which of the following statements is true of the word which
fits there:

CARFEN is a country west of Switzerland

A. The word begins with the letter A

B. The word begins with the letter C
C. The word begins with the letter E
D. The word begins with the letter F
E. The word begins with the letter N

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Section C : Verbal Reasoning

34. In the following sentence the letters in capitals are an anagram of another
word which belongs in that place to make sense of the sentence. Solve the
anagram and identify which of the following statements is true of the word which
fits there:

My favourite predator is the OLDPEAR

A. The word ends with the letter A

B. The word ends with the letter D
C. The word ends with the letter E
D. The word ends with the letter L
E. The word ends with the letter O

35. Find the same pair of letters that will start the first word and end the second.
There is only one correct answer.

___AST STAP___


36. In the sentence below, a four letter word is hidden at the end of one word
and the start of the next. Which of the flowing is true of the hidden word?

If you ask me, cat ears are very furry

A. The first letter is ‘m’

B. The second letter is ‘a’
C. The third letter is ‘t’
D. The fourth letter is ‘r’
E. The last letter is ‘e’

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Section C : Verbal Reasoning

37. Find the three letter word which completes the word in capital letters, finishing
the sentence in a sensible way, and choose which of the answers is true of the
missing three letter word.

My uncle is my father’s BHER

A. The middle letter is A

B. The middle letter is E
C. The middle letter is I
D. The middle letter is O
E. The middle letter is U

38. Which of these pairs of words is the odd one out in terms of how their
meanings relate to one another?

A. Country Angola
B. School Primary
C. Lion Carnivore
D. River Thames
E. Tree Elm

39. Which pair of words is grammatically the odd one out?

A. Fluffy cloud
B. Steep hill
C. Sleepy boy
D. Scary monster
E. Brick red

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Section C : Verbal Reasoning

40. Malgon’s torvid darples were climping scurvidly

Which word in the above sentence is an adverb?

A. torvid
B. darples
C. climping
D. scurvidly
E. None of the above

41. Letters used in the following words each correspond to a single digit code
number. The number codes for three of these words are listed in a random order.
Work out the code to answer the question.


5412 ~ 4531 ~ 6153

Which sequence of numbers represents the code for the word “FLEA”?

A. 1536 B. 6461 C. 5312 D. 6231 E. 2145

42. Billy, Pat, Jon, Tom and Peter go to a funfair. Everyone except for Tom goes
on the roller coaster. Four of the boys went on the ghost train. Only Billy did not go
on the big wheel. Peter went on the log flume and the spinning teacups. Pat did
not go on the ghost train. Jon and Tom went on the big wheel before going on the
log flume.

Which boy went on the most different rides?

A. Billy B. Pat C. Jon D. Tom E. Peter

End of Section C Verbal Reasoning Questions

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Section D : Non-Verbal Reasoning : Questions 43-57

In this section you have to answer 15 Non-Verbal Reasoning questions. Select the answer
from A to E that you think is the correct answer to the problem and enter it on your answer

43. Which is the odd one out?

44. Which pattern on the right belongs to the group on the left?



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Section D : Non-Verbal Reasoning : Questions 43-57
46. Which one is missing to complete the sequence?


47. Which is the odd one out?

48. Which shape or pattern completes the larger square?

49. Which shape on the right is the reflection of the shape given on the left?

50. Which net would form the cube shown?


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Section D : Non-Verbal Reasoning : Questions 43-57
51. Cube A has been rotated and cube B shows what it looks like now.
Imagine Cube C was rotated in the same way. Which one of the cubes A to E shows
how cube C would look now?



53. Which is the next shape in the sequence?


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Section D : Non-Verbal Reasoning : Questions 43-57


55. Imagine that the first shape has been folded along the dotted line. Which of the
five shapes would it look like when folded?

56. Use the following special alphabet to answer these code questions.


If the code for PLANTS is FAXAFE, what is the code for STRONG?


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Section D : Non-Verbal Reasoning : Questions 43-57
57. In this grid, every row, column and 3x2 box must contain every digit from 1 to
6. What is the product of P and Q?

18 10 5 24 15

End of Non-Verbal Reasoning Questions


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Section A: English Comprehension
Questions 1 to 12
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. E
8. A
9. D
10. A, C
11. C, E
12. A, D
Section B : Mathematics
Questions 13 to 27

13. B
14. A
15. B
16. D
17. C
18. B
19. E
20. D
21. D
22. D
23. D
24. E
25. C
26. A
27. B

Section C : Verbal Reasoning

Questions 28 to 42
28. D
29. B
30. C
31. C
32. E
33. D
34. B
35. E
36. D
37. D
38. C
39. E
40. D
41. D
42. E

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Section D: Non Verbal Reasoning
Questions 43-57

43. C
44. E
45. A
46. A
47. E
48. B
49. D
50. E
51. E
52. C
53. A
54. C
55. C
56. E
57. B

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