12phy Unit2 MCQ

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Time Allowed: 2 minutes Maximum Marks: 55

General Instructions:

1. A variable capacitor and an electroscope are connected in parallel to a battery. The reading of [1]
the electroscope would be decreased by

a) Decreasing the battery potential b) Increasing the area of overlapping of

the plates

c) Decreasing the distance between the d) Placing a dielectric between the

plates plates
2. Three condensers of capacity 2 μF , 4 μF and 8 μF respectively, are first connected in series [1]
and then connected in parallel. The ratio of the equivalent capacitance in the two cases will be

a) 7 : 3 b) 3 : 7

c) 4 : 49 d) 49 : 4
3. Capacitance (in F) of a spherical conductor of radius 1 m is [1]

a) 10-6 b)
1 ⋅ 1 × 10

c) 10-3 d)
9 × 10

4. Three capacitors connected in series have an effective capacitance of 2 μF. If one of the [1]
capacitors is removed, the effective capacitance becomes 3 μF. The capacitance of the
capacitor that is removed is
a) μF b) 2
2 3

c) 6 μF d) 1 μF
5. A semi-circular arc of radius 'a' is charged uniformly and the charge per unit lengths is λ. The [1]
electric field at the centre is:
λ λ
a) 2
b) 4πε0 a
2πε0 a

λ 2

c) 2πε0 a
d) λ

2πε0 a

6. A positively charged particle is released from rest in a uniform electric field. The electric [1]
potential energy of the charge

a) increases because the charge moves b) decreases because the charge moves
along the electric field. along the electric field.

c) decreases because the charge moves d) remains constant because the

opposite to the electric field. electric field is uniform.
7. The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is 5 μF . When a glass slab of thickness equal to [1]
the separation between the plates is introduced between the plates, the potential difference
reduces to 1
of the original value. The dielectric constant of glass is

a) 8 b) 5

c) 1.6 d) 40
8. A parallel plate capacitor of capacity 100 μF is charged by a battery of 50 volts. The battery [1]
remains connected and if the plates of the capacitor are brought closer so that the distance
between them becomes half the original distance, the additional energy given by the battery
to the capacitor in joules is:

a) b)
−3 −3
1. 25 × 10 0.125 × 10

c) d)
−3 −3
12. 5 × 10 125 × 10

9. If the electric current in a lamp decreases by 5%, then the power output decreases by: [1]

a) 20% b) 25%

c) 10% d) 5%
10. Four capacitors each of 25μF are connected in parallel. The voltmeter across them shows a dc [1]
of 200 V. The charge on each plate of capacitor is:

a) b)
−3 −2
±2 × 10 C ±5 × 10 C

c) d)
−2 −3
±2 × 10 C ±5 × 10 C

11. Potential energy of two equal +ve charges 1μC each held 1 m apart in air is: [1]

a) 9 × 10
eV b) 9 × 10

c) zero d) 1 J
12. 64 water drops having equal charges combine to form one bigger drop. The capacitance of the [1]
bigger drop, as compared to that of the smaller drop will be -

a) 8 times b) 16 times

c) 64 times d) 4 times
13. A parallel plate capacitor of value 1.77μF is to be designed using a dielectric material [1]
(dielectric constant 200, breakdown strength of 3 × 10 −6
). In order to make such a
capacitor, which can withstand a potential difference of 20 V across the plates, the separation
d between the plates and the area A of the plates should be

a) d = 10-5 m, A = 10-2 m2 b) d = 10-4 m, A = 10-4 m2

c) d = 10-4 m, A = 10-5 m2 d) d = 10-6 m and A = 10-4 m2

14. In series combination of capacitors, potential drops across the individual capacitors is [1]

a) inverse ratio of charges stored b) direct ratio of capacitors

c) none of these d) inverse ratio of capacitors

15. In bringing an electron towards another electron, the electrostatic potential energy of the [1]


a) decreases b) become zero

c) remains same d) increases

16. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C is connected to a battery and is charged to a [1]
potential difference V. Another capacitor of capacitance 2C is similarly charged to a potential
difference 2V. The charging battery is then disconnected and the capacitors are connected in
parallel to each other in such a way that the positive terminal of one is connected to the
negative terminal of the other. The final energy of the configuration is -
25 3
a) CV
b) CV

6 2

c) CV
d) zero

17. Work done in moving a unit positive charge through a distance of x metre on an equipotential [1]
surface is:

a) 1

joule b) zero

c) x2 joule d) x joule

18. The amount of charge a capacitor can store when a potential diffrence of 1V is applied across [1]
it is called its

a) resistance b) capacitance

c) reactance d) inductance
19. Two parallel plate capacitors of capacitances C and 2C are connected in parallel and charged [1]
to a potential difference V by a battery. The battery is then disconnected and the space
between the plates of capacitor C is completely filled with a material of dielectric constant K =
3. The potential difference across the capacitors now becomes
2V 3V
a) b)
5 6

V 3V
c) 4
d) 5

20. The capacity of an isolated conducting sphere of radius R is proportional to: [1]

a) R2 b)

c) R d)

21. An electric dipole consisting of charges + q and - q separated by a distance L is in stable [1]

equilibrium in a uniform electric field E. The electrostatic potential energy of the dipole is

a) zero b) - qLE

c) - 2 qEL d) qLE
22. Dielectric polarization is the phenomenon, in which atomic dipoles are aligned [1]

a) at an acute angle to the direction of b) perpendicular to the direction of the

the electric field electric field

c) in the direction of the electric field d) opposite to the direction of the

electric field

23. A sheet of aluminium foil of negligible thickness is introduced between the plates of a [1]
capacitor. The capacitance of the capacitor:

a) increases b) decreases

c) becomes infinite d) remains unchanged

24. Two charges -10C and +10C are placed 10 cm apart. Potential at the centre of the line joining [1]
the two charges is:

a) 4 V b) zero

c) -2 V d) 2 V
25. A parallel combination of 0.1 MΩ resistor and a 10 μF capacitor is connected across a 1.5 V [1]
source of negligible resistance. The time (in seconds) required for the capacitor to get charged
up to 0.75 V is approximately

a) lo g10 2 b) lo ge 2

c) ∞ d) zero
26. Equipotentials at a great distance from a collection of charges whose total sum is not zero are [1]

a) planes b) ellipsoids

c) spheres d) paraboloids
27. A hollow metal sphere of radius 10 cm is charged such that the potential at its surface is 80 V. [1]
The potential at the centre of the sphere is:

a) 80 V b) 8 V

c) 800 V d) Zero
28. A parallel plate capacitor is charged and the charging battery is then disconnected. If the [1]
plates of the capacitor are moved farther apart by means of insulating handles _________ .

a) the electrostatic energy stored in the b) the capacitance increases

capacitor increases

c) the voltage across the plates d) the charge on the capacitor increases
29. Two capacitors of capacitances C1 and C2 are connected in parallel. If a charge Q is given to [1]
the combination, the ratio of the charge on the capacitor C1 to the charge on C2 will be

a) b)
C1 C2

C2 C1

c) d)
C1 C2

C2 C1

30. If the charge on a capacitor is increased by 2 coulomb, the energy stored in it increases by [1]
21%. The original charge on the capacitor (in coulomb) is -

a) 30 b) 20

c) 40 d) 10
31. The action of the dielectric to increase the capacitance is due to [1]

a) neutralization of charges b) electric polarization

c) movement of charges to the sides of d) dipole orienting parallel to the plates

32. Figure shows some equipotential lines distributed in space. A charged object is moved from [1]
point A to point B.

a) The work done in Fig. (iii) is greater b) The work done in Fig. (ii) is least.
than Fig. (ii) but equal to that in Fig.

c) The work done in Fig. (i) is the d) The work done is the same in Fig. (i),
greatest. Fig. (ii) and Fig. (iii).
33. Two spherical conductors each of capacity C are charged to potential V and -V. These are then [1]
connected by means of a fine wire. The loss of energy is:

a) Zero b) 2CV2

c) 1
d) CV

34. A 2μF capacitor C1 is charged to a voltage 100 V and a 4 μF capacitor C2 is charged to a [1]

voltage 50 V. The capacitors are then connected in parallel. What is the loss of energy due to
parallel connection?

a) 1. 7 × 1 0
J b) 0.17×10−2J

c) 1.7 J d) 1.7×10−4J
35. If the diameter of earth is 128 × 10 km, then its capacitance will be [1]

a) 331 μF b) 711 μF

c) 111 μF d) 211 μF
36. If the potential difference between the plates of a capacitor is increased by 0.1%, the energy [1]
stored in the capacitor increases by

a) 0.1% b) 0.11%

c) 0.2% d) 0.144%
37. The force of attraction between the plates of parallel plate capacitor having area A and charge [1]
Q is given by

2 2

a) Q
b) Q

4A∈0 2A∈0

c) Q
d) Q

A∈o A∈0

38. Two identical capacitors, have the same capacitance C. One of them is charged to potential V1 [1]
and the other to V2 . The negative ends of the capacitors are connected together. When the
positive ends are also connected, the decrease in energy of the combined system is -
a) b)
1 1 2 2
C (V1 − V2 ) C (V1 + V2 )
4 4

c) d)
1 2 2 1
C (V1 − V2 ) C (V1 + V2 )
4 4

39. For a charged conductor of arbitrary shape, inside the conductor [1]

a) V= 0 and E ≠ 0 b) E and V are zero

c) E = 0, but V is same as on the surface d) E is non-uniform but V is zero

and non-zero everywhere
40. To make a condenser of 16μF, 1000 volts, how many condensers are needed which have [1]
written on them “8μF,, 250 volts”?

a) 8 b) 32

c) 40 d) 2
41. The effective capacitance of two capacitors of capacitances C1 and C2 (with C2 > C1) connected [1]
in parallel is 6
times the effective capacitance when they are connected in series. The ratio

25 5
a) 6
b) 3

c) 4
3 2

42. A parallel plate capacitor is made of two dielectric blocks in series. One of the blocks has [1]
thickness d1 and dielectric constant k1 and the other has thickness d2 and dielectric constant

k2 as shown in Fig. This arrangement can be thought of as a dielectric slab of thickness d (=

d1+d2) and effective dielectric constant k. Then k is

k1 d1 + k2 d2 k1 d1 + k2 d2
a) b)
d1 + d2 k1 + k2

2k1 k2
c) d)
k1 k2 ( d1 + d2 )

( k1 d1 + k2 d2 ) k1 + k2

43. A metal plate of thickness half the separation between the capacitor plates of capacitance C, is [1]
inserted between the plates. The new capacitance is
a) b) zero

c) C d) 2C
44. The capacity of a pure capacitor is 1 farad. In DC circuit, its effective resistance will be [1]

a) infinite b) zero

c) 1 ohm d) 2 ohm
45. Submarine cables act as [1]

a) spherical capacitor b) cylindrical capacitor with inner

cylinder earthed

c) parallel plate capacitor d) cylindrical capacitor with outer

cylinder earthed
46. When a capacitor is connected to a battery, [1]

a) a current flows in the circuit for b) none of these

sometime and then decreases to zero

c) the current keeps on increasing d) no current flows in the circuit at all

47. A capacitor of capacitance C = 2 μF is connected as shown in the figure. If the internal [1]
resistance of the cell is 0.5Ω , the charge on the capacitor plates is

a) 6 μC b) 2 μC

c) zero d) 4 μC
48. The electric field between the plates of a fully charged capacitor is E. If a material of dielectric [1]
constant K is introduced between the plates, the electric field at a point between the plates

a) becomes zero b) remains unchanged

c) becomes E/K d) becomes EK

49. The magnitude of the electric field in the annular region of a charged cylindrical capacitor [1]

a) varies as where r is the distance b) varies as where r is the distance

1 1
2 r

from the axis from the axis

c) is the same throughout d) is higher near the outer cylinder

than near the inner cylinder
50. Two infinite plane parallel non conducting sheets, separated by a distance d have equal and [1]
opposite charge densities σ . Electric field intensity at a point between the sheets is:
a) depends upon location of the point b)

c) zero d) ε0

51. A capacitor of capacitance C is fully charged by a 200 V supply. It is then discharged through a [1]
small coil of resistance wire embedded in a thermally insulated block of specific heat
and of mass 0.1 kg. If the temperature of the block rises by 0.4 K, what is
2 −1 −1
2. 5 × 1 0 Jkg K

the value of C?

a) 500 μF b) 400 μF

c) 300 μF d) 200 μF

52. A charged sphere of radius a is put in contact with another uncharged sphere of radius b. The [1]
ratio of original surface density to that of final surface density of charge on first sphere is
a a+b
a) b)
b a

b b
c) d) a

53. When two charged conductors are connected by a wire, [1]

a) there is always gain of energy b) there is loss or gain of energy

depending upon the potentials

c) there will not be any change in d) there is always loss of energy

54. An electrolytic capacitor is marked 8 μF, 220 V. It can be used in a circuit where the p.d. [1]
across the capacitor may be

a) 200 V b) 300 V

c) 1000 V d) 500 V
55. A parallel plate capacitor of plate area A has a charge Q. The force on each plate of the [1]
capacitor is

a) 2q
b) zero
ϵo A

2 2

c) q
d) q

ϵo A 2ϵo A


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