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DECEMBER 4–9, 2018

2018/2019 SEASON

Great Artists. Great Audiences.

Hancher Performances.


A musical based on the novel by VICTOR HUGO


Original French text by ALAIN BOUBLIL and JEAN-MARC NATEL

Additional material by JAMES FENTON

Adaptation by TREVOR NUNN and JOHN CAIRD

Original Orchestrations by JOHN CAMERON

New Orchestrations by CHRISTOPHER JAHNKE


Projections realized by FIFTY-NINE PRODUCTIONS


Set and Image Design by MATT KINLEY
inspired by the paintings of VICTOR HUGO

Directed by

For LES MISÉRABLES National Tour

Casting by General Management

KAITLIN SHAW, CSA for Gentry & Associates

Executive Producers Executive Producers

for Cameron Mackintosh Inc. for NETworks Presentations

Associate Sound Associate Costume Associate Lighting Associate Set

Designer Designer Designer Designers

Resident Director Musical Director Musical Supervision Associate Director



Photo: Matthew Murphy





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In order of appearance

Jean Valjean ........................................................................................................................ NICK CARTELL

Javert ............................................................................................................................................JOSH DAVIS
Farmer.............................................................................................. FELIPE BARBOSA BOMBONATO
Laborer............................................................................................................................MIKE SCHWITTER
Innkeeper’s Wife....................................................................................................... OLIVIA DEI CICCHI
Innkeeper.....................................................................................................................MONTÉ J. HOWELL
The Bishop of Digne ...........................................................................................ANDREW MAUGHAN
Constables................................................................. NICHOLAS EDWARDS, PATRICK ROONEY
Factory Foreman .....................................................................................................STEVE CZARNECKI
Fantine ...................................................................................................................... MARY KATE MOORE
Factory Girl .......................................................................................... ASHLEY DAWN MORTENSEN
Old Woman................................................................................................... MAGGIE ELIZABETH MAY
Wigmaker ............................................................................................................................ KELSEY DENAE
Bamatabois ...............................................................................................................JOHN AMBROSINO
Fauchelevent................................................................................................................PATRICK ROONEY
Champmathieu..........................................................................................................STEVE CZARNECKI
Little Cosette ..................................................................MADELEINE GUILBOT / VIVI HOWARD
Madame Thénardier .....................................................................................................ALLISON GUINN
Young Éponine ................................................................MADELEINE GUILBOT / VIVI HOWARD
Thénardier ................................................................................................................J ANTHONY CRANE
Petit Gervais / Gavroche.....................................PARKER DZUBA / PARKER WEATHERSBEE
Éponine ....................................................................................................................PAIGE SMALLWOOD
Cosette ...............................................................................................................................JILLIAN BUTLER

Montparnasse ..................................................................................................... NICHOLAS EDWARDS
Babet ............................................................................................... FELIPE BARBOSA BOMBONATO
Brujon ...........................................................................................................................STEVE CZARNECKI
Claquesous ...............................................................................................................JOHN AMBROSINO

Enjolras ..............................................................................................................MATT SHINGLEDECKER
Marius .............................................................................................................................JOSHUA GROSSO
Combeferre................................................................................................................MONTÉ J. HOWELL
Feuilly...............................................................................................................................MIKE SCHWITTER
Courfeyrac.......................................................................................................CHRISTOPHER VILJOEN
Joly........................................................................................................................STAVROS KOUMBAROS
Grantaire ........................................................................................................................................MATT HILL
Lesgles......................................................................................................................ANDREW MAUGHAN
Jean Prouvaire.............................................................................................................PATRICK ROONEY
Loud Hailer..............................................................................................................ANDREW MAUGHAN
Major Domo...................................................................................................................................MATT HILL
Ensemble ....................................................................................CATE ELEFANTE, CAITLIN FINNIE,
Swings .................................................JULIA ELLEN CARTER, JILLIAN GRAY, TIM QUARTIER,
Dance Captain.......................................................................................................................LIZ SHIVENER
Fight Captain .............................................................................................................STEVE CZARNECKI

for the Bishop of Digne–FELIPE BARBOSA BOMBONATO, MONTÉ J. HOWELL; for the

Prologue.....................................................................................................................................The Company

“At The End of the Day”.............................................................. Unemployed and Factory Workers
“I Dreamed a Dream”.........................................................................................................................Fantine
“Lovely Ladies”......................................................................................................................................Clients
“Who Am I?”...........................................................................................................................................Valjean
“Fantine’s Death”......................................................................................................... Fantine and Valjean
“Castle on a Cloud”...........................................................................................................................Cosette

“Master of the House”............................................................. Thénardier, his Wife and Customers
“The Bargain”..............................................................................M. and Mme. Thénardier and Valjean

1832, PARIS
“Paris”................................................................................................................ Gavroche and the Beggars
“ABC Café”........................................................................................Enjolras, Marius and the Students
“The People’s Song”............................................................ Enjolras, the Students and the Citizens
“In My Life”................................................................................ Cosette, Valjean, Marius and Éponine
“A Heart Full of Love”.............................................................................Cosette, Marius and Éponine
“One Day More”......................................................................................................................The Company

“On My Own”...................................................................................................................................... Éponine
“A Little Fall of Rain”..................................................................................................Éponine and Marius
“Drink with Me to Days Gone By”.............................................................................Feuilly, Grantaire,
Students and “Women”
“Bring Him Home” ................................................................................................................................Valjean
“Dog Eats Dog”..............................................................................................................................Thénardier
“Empty Chairs at Empty Tables”......................................................................................................Marius
“Wedding Chorale”..............................................................................................................................Guests
“Beggars at the Feast”.................................................................................... M. and Mme. Thénardier
Finale...........................................................................................................................................The Company

Music Director/Conductor – BRIAN EADS;
Associate Conductor/Keyboards – ERIC EBBENGA;
Assistant Conductor/Keyboards – TIM LENIHAN;
Violin/ Concertmaster – DANIELLE GIULINI;
Flute / Piccolo / Alto Flute / Recorder – HILARY JONES;

Clarinet in B♭ / Clarinet in E♭ / Bass Clarinet / Recorder – PETER SCUDERI;

Oboe / Cor Anglais – KATHY HALVORSON;

Trumpet in B♭ / Flugel Horn / Piccolo Trumpet – JOSH NORTON;


Bass Trombone / Tuba – JACK NOBLE;

Drums / Percussion / Mallets / Timpani – JARED SOLDIVIERO;
Music Coordinator – JOHN MILLER.

The use of any recording device, either audio or video, and the taking of photographs,
either with or without flash, is strictly prohibited.

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ACT ONE Marius, reluctantly agrees to help him
find Cosette, with whom he has fallen
PROLOGUE: 1815, DIGNE in love.
After 19 years on the chain gang, Jean
Valjean finds that the ticket-of-leave he News of General Lamarque’s death
must display condemns him to be an circulates in the city and a group of
outcast. Only the Bishop of Digne treats politically-minded students stream out
him kindly and Valjean, embittered into the streets to whip up support for
by years of hardship, repays him by a revolution.
stealing some silver. Valjean is caught Cosette is consumed by thoughts of
and brought back by the police and is Marius, with whom she has fallen in
astonished when the Bishop lies to the love. Éponine brings Marius to Cosette
police to save him. Valjean decides to and then prevents an attempt by her
start his life anew. father’s gang to rob Valjean’s house.
1823, MONTREUIL-SUR-MER Valjean, convinced it was Javert lurking
outside his house, tells Cosette they
Eight years have passed and Valjean, must prepare to flee the country.
having broken his parole and changed
his name to Monsieur Madeleine, has
become a factory owner and Mayor. ACT TWO
One of his workers, Fantine, has a The students prepare to build the
secret illegitimate child. When the other barricade. Marius, noticing that Éponine
women discover this, they demand her has joined the insurrection, sends her
dismissal. away with a letter to Cosette, which is
intercepted by Valjean. Éponine decides
Desperate for money to pay for to rejoin her love at the barricade.
medicines for her daughter, Fantine
sells her locket, her hair, and then joins The barricade is built and the
the whores in selling herself. Utterly revolutionaries defy an army warning
degraded, she gets into a fight with a to give up or die. Javert is exposed as
prospective customer and is about to a police spy. In trying to return to the
be taken to prison by Javert when the barricade, Éponine is killed.
‘Mayor’ arrives and demands she be
taken to the hospital instead. Valjean arrives at the barricade in
search of Marius. He is given the chance
The Mayor then rescues a man pinned to kill Javert but instead lets him go. The
beneath a cart. Javert is reminded students settle down for a night on the
of the abnormal strength of convict barricade and, in the quiet of the night,
24601 Jean Valjean, who, he says, has Valjean prays to God to save Marius.
just been recaptured. Valjean, unable The next day the rebels are all killed.
to see an innocent man go to prison,
confesses that he is prisoner 24601. Valjean escapes into the sewers with
At the hospital, Valjean promises the the unconscious Marius. After meeting
dying Fantine to find and look after Thénardier, who is robbing the corpses
her daughter Cosette. Javert arrives to of the rebels, he comes across Javert
arrest him, but Valjean escapes. once more. He pleads for time to deliver
the young man to the hospital. Javert lets
1823, MONTFERMEIL Valjean go and, his unbending principles
Cosette has been lodged with the of justice having been shattered by
Thénardiers, who horribly abuse her Valjean’s own mercy, he kills himself.
while indulging their own daughter, Unaware of the identity of his rescuer,
Éponine. Valjean pays the Thénardiers Marius recovers in Cosette’s care.
to let him take her away to Paris. Valjean confesses the truth of his past
1832, PARIS to Marius and insists he must go away.
Nine years later, there is unrest in the At Marius and Cosette’s wedding, the
city because of the likely demise of the Thénardiers try to blackmail Marius.
popular leader General Lamarque, the Thénardier says Cosette’s ‘father’ is a
only man left in the government who murderer and as proof produces a ring
shows any feeling for the poor. A street which he stole from the corpse the night
gang led by Thénardier and his wife sets the barricade fell. It is Marius’s own
upon Jean Valjean and Cosette. They ring and he realizes it was Valjean who
are rescued by Javert, who does not rescued him that night. He and Cosette
recognise Valjean until he has gone. go to Valjean where Cosette learns for
the first time of her own history before
The Thénardiers’ daughter Éponine, the old man dies.
who is secretly in love with the student
















JOHN AMBROSINO (Bamatabois, Playhouse, Paper Mill and others. TV/
Cl a qu esou s , u /s Thénardi er, u /s Film: “Chicago PD,” “Madam Secretary,”
Grantaire). Las Vegas: Jersey Boys (Billy “Elementary,” “Ugly Betty,” “CSI” and
Dixon and Bob Crewe). National Tour: USA’s “The Big Easy.” Northwestern
The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley University graduate. For Susan Ellen.
(Stanley). Off-Broadway: When Midnight
Strikes (Bradley). Regional: Company
(Bobby), Into the Woods (Baker), On The STEVE CZARNECKI (Factory Foreman,
Town (Gabey), Avenue Q (Princeton/Rod), Champmathieu, Brujon, u/s Jean Valjean,
Rent (Mark). u/s Javert, Fight Captain) is elated to join
the Les Misérables National Tour. NYC/
FELIPE BARBOSA BOMBONATO Tours: The Phantom of the Opera (Swing),
(Farmer, Babet, u/s Factory Foreman, u/s Paint Your Wagon (Ensemble). Regional:
Bishop, u/s Grantaire) is ecstatic to be MUNY, Paper Mill, Fulton, North Shore.
in his dream show! BFA UF 2011. Huge BFA MT Otterbein University. Love to The
thanks to James Powell, Laurence Connor, Circus, David Price, The Mine, Tara Rubin
Stephen Brooker, Corey Agnew, Liam Casting and all of his heart to Liz with
McIlwain, James Dodgson, Kaitlin Shaw/ whom he shares this amazing adventure!
Tara Rubin Casting and Meg at Katie/Meg
Pantera agency. Love and beijos to family JOSH DAVIS (Javert). Broadway:
and incredible fiancé, Sherwin and the Beautiful - The Carole King Musical
Mackintosh family. For resume and credits, (Nick, Bill Medley). Off-Broadway: White’s
visit @febrasil10. Lies, My First Time. Regional: Bella:
All glory to God 1 Corinthians 13:13. An American Tall Tale (Dallas Theater
Center), Les Misérables (Pioneer Theatre,
JILLIAN BUTLER (Cosette) is thrilled to Flatrock), Guys and Dolls (J. Engeman
be part of Les Misérables. National Tours: Theater), Beauty and the Beast (Gateway
Wicked, R+H Cinderella. Regional theatre: Playhouse, Oklahoma Lyric), The Last 5
Paper Mill Playhouse, North Shore. Years (Everyman Theater), One Red Flower
Training: Boston Conservatory ’15. Much (Signature Theater). TV/Film: “Law &
love and thanks to my family, Tara Rubin Order,” “The Graduates,” “Guiding Light,”
Casting, DGRW and the entire creative “All My Children,” “As the World Turns.”
team. For my incredible parents. Instagram @joshdnyc

NICK CARTELL (Jean Valjean). Broadway: KELSEY DENAE (Wigmaker, u/s Fantine)
Cirque Du Soleil’s Paramour, Scandalous: is honored to make her tour debut in this
The Musical, Jesus Christ Superstar (2012 timeless story! Graduate of University of
revival). National Tour: The Phantom of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (BFA) Previous
the Opera. Off-Broadway: Frankenstein. credits: Show Boat, Les Miz, Man of La
Regional: The Light in the Piazza (AriZoni Mancha, West Side Story, 9 to 5. Endless
Award—Best Actor, Musical), My Fair Lady, thanks to NETworks, Tara Rubin Casting,
Les Misérables and many more! Concerts: and Danny at Hudson Artists. To my family.
South Coast Symphony, Phoenix
Symphony and The Broadway Boys. Thank OLIVIA DEI CICCHI (Innkeeper’s Wife,
you to this amazing company, Tara Rubin u/s Cosette) is living out her dreams on
Casting and Cynthia Katz. To my family, this National Tour debut! Previous credits
friends and Christine, thank you for your include: Violet (Violet), Bonnie (Bonnie &
undying support. For Mom. Clyde). Film/TV include: Backup singer for
@nickcartell Lorde, “SNL”. Young Arts Theatre Finalist
2014. Endless gratitude to everyone at
JULIA ELLEN CARTER (Swing, u/s DGRW, Tara Rubin Casting, Alchemy,
Factory Girl) is ecstatic to be joining Les Michael, Skylar and my incredible parents.
Misérables for her National Tour debut!!
Favorite credits: Little Mermaid (Aquata), PARKER DZUBA (Peti t Ger vai s ,
Hello Dolly (Irene Molloy), A Christmas Gavroche) is thrilled to be making
Carol (Belle), Viking Ocean Cruises (Lead his debut in the National Tour of Les
Vocalist). BFA: BYU. Massive thanks to Misérables! From Binghamton, NY, Parker
Avalon & Tara Rubin Casting! Endless love has a passion for both theater and dance.
to family & friends! Keep dreaming! IG: Special thanks to Barry Kolker and Tara
@missjuliacarter Rubin Casting. And THANK YOU to his
parents and family for always supporting
J ANTHONY CRANE (Thénardier). him and his dreams.
Broadway: The Country House, Sight
Unseen, Butley and The Winslow Boy. NICHOLAS EDWARDS (Constable,
Off-Broadway/Regional: Cyrano (Theatre Montparnasse, u/s Enjolras). Off-
Works), Ragtime (Barrington Stage Co.) Broadway: Spamilton. National Tour:
and Scar in The Lion King (First National Sister Act (Pablo). DC Area: Jesus Christ
Tour). Arena, Goodman, Berkeley Rep, Superstar (Jesus - Signature Theatre).
Seattle Rep, Mark Taper Forum, The Regional: Kiss of the Spider Woman
Old Globe, Pittsburgh CLO, Cleveland (Valentin - Triangle Productions). Cruise


Line: Celebrity Cruises (Vocalist). BFA the scenes and those who came before us.
Musical Theatre, Montclair State Univ. BFA: CCM. Love to family, friends, MT14, and Preston.

CATE ELEFANTE (Ensemble, u/s Little VIVI HOWARD (Little Cosette/Young

Cosette/Young Éponine). Broadway: Éponine) is thrilled to be making her
Waitress (Lulu). Film: Josie & Jack (Young national tour debut in Les Misérables!
Josie); Other credits include: Ragtime Off-Broadway: Madeline’s Christmas
on Ellis (2018 workshop), Sesame (Madeline), Annie Warbucks (Molly).
Street, Nick Jr. Many thanks to CESD, Television: Iron Fist 2 (Lana). Commercial/
Parkside Talent, Tara Rubin Casting Voiceover work. Special thanks to my
and the entire Les Miz team for this family, friends, Julia, Denise, KOTA,
amazing opportunity! For my incredibly DMO, Take 3 Talent, The Green Room
supportive and loving family. Instagram: Mgmt., Tara Rubin Casting and Les
@cateelefante Mi s C reat i ve s/ Fa m i l y. In st a g ra m
CAITLIN FINNIE (Ensemble, u/s Cosette)
is a recent graduate of Northwestern MONTÉ J. HOWELL (Innkeeper,
University and thrilled to be embarking on Combeferre, u/s Javert, u/s Bishop).
her first National Tour. She has previously Select Credits: The Golden Apple (City
performed in The King and I at the Chicago Center Encores!), Les Misérables (The
Lyric Opera. Much love and thanks MUNY), Shrek (Alliance Theatre), Sister
to Mom, Dad, Kaleigh, Bobby, Amera, Act (Arkansas Rep), The Music Man
family, teachers/mentors and friends! (Flat Rock Playhouse), Porgy and Bess
@caitlinfinnie16 (Opera Theatre of Pittsburgh), Little
Shop of Horrors (Stages St. Louis). Praise
JILLIAN GRAY (Swing) is honored to to God. Love to Ma, Brown and Alyssa.
be joining the barricade in this timeless Psalms 28:7.
production! Jillian was last seen in
Finding Nemo-The Musical (Nemo) in Walt STAVROS KOUMBAROS (Joly, u/s
Disney World. Regional Theatre: Titanic Marius) is thrilled to be making his National
(Kate McGowan), Evita (Mistress), Les Tour Debut with Les Mis. Previous credits
Misérables (Cosette u/s) Joseph…, JCS. include Jesus Christ Superstar (Jesus),
Many thanks and love to ATB, her amazing Children of Eden (Japheth), and West Side
family and husband. Story (Tony). Endless thanks to his family
for their love and support. BFA: CCM. For
JOSHUA GROSSO (Marius) is thrilled Max #tothemax
to be joining the touring company of Les
Misérables. His recent credits include In ANDREW MAUGHAN (Bishop of
the Heights (Usnavi) with PCLO and The Digne, Lesgles, Loud Hailer, u/s Jean
Light in the Piazza (Fabrizio) with Front Valjean) is excited to join his first
Porch Theatricals. He was the winner of National Tour! Opera credits: Candide
the 2012 Jimmy Awards and he recently (Candide), Eugene Onegin (Lenski), Die
graduated with a BFA from Carnegie Fledermaus (Eisenstein), La bohéme
Mellon University. (Rodolfo), La traviata (Alfredo), Magic
Flute (Tamino), Pirates of Penzance
MADELEINE GUILBOT (Little Cosette/ (Fredric), The Merry Widow (Camille).
Young Éponine) is ecstatic to join the cast Musical Theater: My Fair Lady (Freddy).
of Les Misérables! Madeleine debuted IG @maughansterteno
professionally last year as Gretl in The
Sound of Music, joining big sister Danielle MAGGIE ELIZABETH MAY (Old Woman,
on the North American tour. Many thanks u/s Madame Thénardier, u/s Factory
to Carson-Adler Agency, Tara Rubin Girl). West End: Sister Act with Whoopi
Casting, Ashley Rothwell, Alana Adderley, Goldberg (1 st u/s Mary Robert) and
Balance Dance, Danny & Rocker and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Wizard of Oz with
family. Michael Crawford (1st u/s Glinda). Proud
graduate of London’s Royal Academy
ALLISON GUINN (Madame Thénardier). of Music. Endless thanks to teachers,
Broadway: On The Town (2014), Hair creatives-cast-crew, Kaitlin, yoga and Ron
(2009). Off-Broadway/Regional: A Taste Cisneros. Love you Mom and Dad! For
of Things to Come (York Theater), Noises Minow. Desiderata! @maggiemayfromca
Off (Alley Theater), Hair (Public Theater
and West End). TV/Film: “Divorce” (HBO), MARY KATE MOORE (Fantine) is
“Inside Amy Schumer” (Comedy Central), honored to be a part of this timeless
“The Knick” (Cinemax), “Boardwalk production. Previous credits include
Empire” (HBO). Love and thanks to Bear. Fiasco Theater’s Into The Woods, Cats
(Grizabella), The Rocky Horror Show
MATT HILL (Grantaire, Major Domo, u/s (Magenta) and Spring Awakening
Thénardier) is honored to be a part of this (Anna). Mary Kate is a proud graduate
production. Many thanks to those behind of Oklahoma City University. mary-kate-


ASHLEY DAWN MORTENSEN (Factory Completed”), Spring Awakening. Off-

Girl) is excited to be joining Les Misérables Broadway: Rent (Roger – Orig. Revival),
on the road. Broadway: Les Misérables Standby (Jonathan). Tour: Wicked (Fiyero),
(Swing). National Tour/Regional: Wicked Spring Awakening (Georg). London:
(u/s Elphaba), Spamalot (Lady of the Lake), Homemade Fusion. Immersive: Dani Girl
White Christmas (Betty Haynes), The (Marty), Michael Arden’s Adaptation of La
Sound of Music (Maria). BFA, NYU CAP21. Ronde. TV/Film: “Blue Bloods,” “Regis &
Endless thanks to Davin, Nicolosi, Seth and Kelly” (Regis’s Farewell Episode), Seaside,
Trinity. Future 38. BFA: Elon University. Twitter/
Instagram: @m_shingledecker
BREE MURPHY (Ensemble, u/s Madame
Thénardier) is grateful for her Broadway LIZ SHIVENER (Swing, Dance Captain, u/s
National Tour debut! Regional: Utah Fantine) is honored to be joining the Les
Shakespeare Festival, MTWest, PCPA, Misérables family and her third NETworks
Kentucky Shakespeare, Okoboji Summer Tour. Off-Broadway: The Underclassman,
Theatre. VO: World of Warcraft: Warlords Hell’s Belles. National Tours: Disney’s
of Draenor. MFA: UC Irvine. Thank you for Beauty and the Beast (Belle), Shrek The
supporting theatre and thank you to my Musical (Fiona). World Premieres: Mann…
incredibly supportive family, especially and Wife at Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma,
Chuck. Ghost (Molly) at Fulton Theatre Chamber
Version. BFA Otterbein University. Love to
TIM QUARTIER (Swing, u/s Bamatabois) her family, Steve and Teddy.
is thrilled to make his National Tour debut
with Les Miz! Regional: Newsies (Jack PAIGE SMALLWOOD (Éponine) is
Kelly), The Light in the Piazza (Fabrizio), overjoyed to be joining the Les Miz team
West Side Story (Tony), Les Misérables on the barricade! Training: London’s Royal
(Marius), Hairspray (Link Larkin) and Academy of Music (MA in Musical Theatre
Forever Plaid (Frankie). Ithaca College Performance). A HUGE thank you to
BFA Musical Theatre. Cameron Mackintosh, James Powell and
Laurence Connor for believing in me. And
TALIA SIMONE ROBINSON (Ensemble, thank you to my family for your constant
u/s Fantine, u/s Éponine) is a graduate love and support xx. @pcsmalls
of Emerson College, where she earned
her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical BRETT STOELKER (Swing, u/s Enjolras).
Theatre. Most recently she had the honor National Tour: Rock of Ages - Las Vegas
of playing Grace in Grace for President (Stacee Jaxx), Joseph and the...Dreamcoat,
at the Children’s Theatre of Charlotte. Tenors of Rock, Radio City Christmas
Favorite roles include: Les Misérables Spectacular. Regional: Les Misérables
(Éponine), Once on This Island (Ti Moune). (Enjolras), Next To Normal (Gabe), Jesus Christ Superstar, Miss Saigon. Workshop:
Carrie: The Musical. Awards: “Outstanding
PAT R I C K R O O N EY ( C o n st a b l e , Featured Actor” Next To Normal (Gabe).
Fauchelevent, Jean Prouvaire, u/s Marius) Instagram: @brettstoelker
is elated to be a part of Les Misérables.
Regional and Chicago credits: October DANIELLE J. SUMMONS (Ensemble, u/s
Sky at The Old Globe; Newsies, Spring Éponine) is overjoyed to not only be a part
Awakening, October Sky, Godspell at of such a beautiful body of work as Les
The Marriott Theatre; Camelot and Next Misérables, but a group of wonderfully
To Normal at Drury Lane Oakbrook; Rent talented artists. Regional: Memphis (Felicia
(Jeff Nomination) at Theo Ubique Cabaret Farrell), Dreamgirls (Deena Jones). Many
Theatre; Arcadia at Writers Theatre; Love thanks to God, the cast and creatives of
Kills at Steppenwolf. @prooney9 Les Miz, Shug, Irene and family/friends.

MIKE SCHWITTER (Laborer, Feuilly, u/s KYLE TIMSON (Swing, u/s Factory
Marius, u/s Enjolras, u/s Bamatabois). Foreman) is thrilled to be joining the cast
Broadway: Pippin (Lewis, u/s Pippin). of Les Mis! Previously seen in the title role
National Tour: The Book of Mormon (Swing, of Shrek the Musical on the International
u/s Elder Price). Regional: Next to Normal Tour. (More at Training:
(Regional Premier, Gabe), Jesus Christ BFA University of Michigan. Thanks to the
Superstar, Love Changes Everything, creatives and Kaitlin Shaw! Love to my
Unsinkable Molly Brown, Chamberlain. He friends, family, and BROHO. For Baba. @
has performed with symphonies across the kylertimson
country in shows such as Cirque Musica,
“The Spy Who Loved Me” with Sheena CHRISTOPHER VILJOEN (Courfeyrac,
Easton, West Side Story (Hollywood Bowl). u/s Jean Valjean, u/s Factory Foreman). Previous theatre: The Wedding Singer
(Sammy), Chess (The American), Carousel
MATT SHINGLEDECKER (Enjolras). (Billy Bigalow), Songs For A New World
Broadway: Wicked (Fiyero), West Side (Man 1), Escaping Queens (Ensemble).
Story (Tony - Featured in Arthur Laurent’s Proudly South African! Special thanks
Memoir “The Rest of the Story: A Life

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to Avalon, Tara Rubin Casting, family and award-winning film of Les Misérables. He
friends. owns eight London theatres including the
Victoria Palace which, after a spectacular
PARKER WEATHERSBEE (Petit Gervais, refurbishment, is now home to the award-
Gavroche) is thrilled and grateful to winning musical Hamilton, co-produced
be making his National Tour debut in with Jeffrey Seller. Cameron was knighted
Les Misérables! Tremendous thanks to in 1996; recently was the first British
Dee Ann Vernon (Kim Dawson Agency), producer to be elected to the Theater
Mitchell Gossett (Industry Entertainment), Hall of Fame; and is the recipient of the
David Doan (CESD), Tara Rubin Casting, 2017 Stephen Sondheim Award. Music
and the Les Mis team for this amazing Theatre International, the world’s largest
opportunity! Love to my family and friends! owner of secondary rights of many of the
Instagram: p_weathersbee greatest musicals ever written, is now one
of Cameron’s companies.
ALAIN BOUBLIL (Book and Original
French Text). Librettist/original lyricist: HERBERT KRETZMER (Lyrics) was
La Révolution Française, Les Misérables, a London journalist when Cameron
Miss Saigon, Martin Guerre and The Pirate Mackintosh invited him to write the
Queen with Claude-Michel Schönberg and lyrics for Les Misérables epochal West
Marguerite with Michel Legrand. Co-wrote End production in 1985. Combining
the screenplay and co-produced the movie twin careers as a journalist/lyricist, he
soundtrack of Golden Globe-winning Les contributed regular lyrics for the BBC’s
Misérables (Academy-Award nomination, famous satire series “That Was the Week
best song). Author: plays The Diary of That Was” and had also written lyrics
Adam and Eve and Manhattan Parisienne, for the French singer Charles Aznavour
prize-winning novel, Les Dessous de Soi. (“Yesterday When I Was Young,” “She,”
Awards: two Tony, Grammy, Victoires etc.). It was Kretzmer’s work with Aznavour
de la Musique Awards; Molière, Evening which led to Cameron’s invitation. Herbert
Standard and Olivier Award; special Kretzmer was born in South Africa to
Grammy honor; honoree of NY Pops at immigrant parents from Lithuania. He now
Carnegie Hall (2016). Producer: Boublil/ lives in London with his (American) wife
Schönberg Do You Hear the People Sing Sybil.
worldwide symphonic concerts. Member
Board of Directors, NY Pops. JAMES FENTON (Additional Material)
has worked as a political and literary
CLAUDE-MICHEL SCHÖNBERG (Book journalist , drama critic and war
and Music). Co-book writer and composer correspondent. He won the Newdigate
of La Revolution Française, Les Misérables, Prize for Poetry, was made Fellow of
Miss Saigon, Martin Guerre and The the Royal Society of Literature in 1983,
Pirate Queen. Co-wrote Marguerite in Professor of Poetry at Oxford from 1994
collaboration with Alain Boublil, Michel to 1999 and awarded the Queen’s Medal
Legrand, Herbert Kretzmer. Supervised for Poetry in 2007. Libretti include
overseas productions and co-produced Haroun and the Sea Stories (New York
international cast albums of his shows. City Opera). Plays include Pictures at an
Composed the ballet scores for Exhibiton (Young Vic) and Orphan of Zhao
Wuthering Heights and Cleopatra for (RSC, ACT).
Northern Ballet. Co-wrote the screenplay
and reconceived the music for the Les TREVOR NUNN and JOHN CAIRD
Misérables musical movie. Golden Globe (Adaptors). Trevor Nunn joined the RSC in
winner, Oscar nominee, 2016 honoree 1964 and in 1968 was made the company’s
of the New York Pops at Carnegie Hall youngest ever Artistic Director. He was
with Alain Boublil. Appointed visiting responsible for running it until retiring
Professor of Contemporary Theatre at St. from the post in 1986. From 1997-2003,
Catherine’s College, Oxford University. he was director of the National Theatre.
Trevor has worked extensively in theatre,
CAMERON MACKINTOSH (Producer) opera and musical theatre. John Caird is
has produced the three longest-running a freelance director, librettist and writer
musicals in history: Les Misérables, The working worldwide in theatre, opera and
Phantom of the Opera and CATS. His musical theatre – at the National Theatre,
acclaimed new production of Miss Saigon the RSC (Honorary Associate Director)
is now touring North America and the U.K. and at the Royal Dramatic Theatre
while his co-production with Disney of Stockholm (Principal Guest Director).
Mary Poppins returns to London’s West Theatre Craft, his encyclopedic book
End in 2019. Cameron enjoys producing about directing, is published by Faber.
new versions of classic musicals such Together, John and Trevor directed
as Oliver!, My Fair Lady, Oklahoma!, Nicholas Nickleby (five Tony Awards), JM
Carousel, Follies and most recently, his Barrie’s Peter Pan and the original Les
newly rewritten version of Half A Sixpence. Misérables (eight Tonys).
In 2013, in conjunction with Working Title
Films and Universal, Cameron produced LAURENCE CONNOR (Director).
the Oscar, Golden Globe and BAFTA Theatre: School of Rock (Broadway,

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West End, U.S. tour), Les Misérables Jane Eyre (Broadway, Outer Critics Circle
(Broadway, West End, worldwide), Miss nomination). Film include Rosencrantz
Saigon (Broadway, West End, U.K. tour, and Guildenstern Are Dead (dir. Tom
worldwide), Jesus Christ Superstar (U.K. Stoppard).
arena tour, Australia), the entirely new
stage production of The Phantom of the CHRISTINE ROWLAND (Costume
Opera (U.S., U.K. tours), Oliver! (U.K. tour). Designer) was head of costume for the
Concerts: The Phantom of the Opera 25th Royal Shakespeare Company and resident
anniversary (Royal Albert Hall, worldwide costume supervisor at the National
cinema streaming, DVD), Les Misérables Theatre. For Cameron Mackintosh:
25th anniversary (O2 Arena, worldwide Carousel (London, NY, Tokyo), Oliver!
cinema streaming, DVD), Miss Saigon (London, U.S. tour, Australia), The Witches
25th anniversary (cinema release, DVD). of Eastwick (London, Australia), My Fair
Awards: Miss Saigon West End (Best Lady (London, U.S. tour), Mary Poppins
Direction – WhatsOnStage, Broadway (London, NY, U.S. tour, Australia, Holland),
World awards), Miss Saigon Australia Betty Blue Eyes (London), The Phantom
(Best Director of a Musical – Green Room of the Opera (U.K. tour, U.S. tour), Les
Awards), Les Misérables Korea (Best Miz (Japan, South Korea, Australia, Brazil,
Director of a Musical). Broadway, U.K. tour, U.S. tour, Spain,
Canada). Other musicals: Gypsy (NY),
JAMES POWELL (Director) was in Les Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (London, NY).
Misérables in London when he took over
as resident director in 1996 and then PAULE CONSTABLE (Lighting Designer)
associate director a few years later. He has has designed productions for all the major
since directed it in Scandinavia and Berlin, U.K. companies including Follies, Angels
joint directed the anniversary production in America and The Red Barn for the
as a U.K. tour, Japan, Australia, Toronto National Theatre and the 25th anniversary
and the O2 arena concert in London, concert of Les Miz at the O2. Awards:
Broadway, Sao Paolo, Dubai. Other Tony Awards for The Curious Incident
work: Singin’ in the Rain (West Yorkshire of the Dog in the Night Time, War Horse,
Playhouse, RNT), The Witches of Eastwick four Olivier Awards, L.A. Critics Circle
(London, Australia), Mary Poppins Awards, New York Critics Circle Award,
(Bristol, London, Australia, Holland, New Drama Desk Award and Helpmann Award.
Zealand, Zurich, Germany), Dirty Dancing Opera includes Cav and Pag and Roberto
(London, Utrecht, Chicago, Toronto, Berlin, Devereux at the Met; dance includes
Oberhausen, U.S. Tour). He co-directed The Red Shoes and Sleeping Beauty for
Batman Live (U.K., South America, U.S.). Matthew Bourne.
This is the 2nd U.S. tour James has
directed and he is about to direct Mary MICK POTTER (Sound Designer) has
Poppins (Japan). designed the sound for over 100 musicals
worldwide including Broadway and West
MATT KINLEY (Set and Image Designer) End productions of School Of Rock (Drama
graduated from the Motley course in 1994 Desk Award nominee), Les Misérables
and spent the next decade in production (Tony Award nominee, Helpmann Award,
and design at the National Theatre and Broadway World Audience Award
the West End in London. As part of a Canada), The Phantom of the Opera
long-working partnership with Cameron (Parnelii Award), Miss Saigon (Broadway
Mackintosh, he has designed and adapted World Audience Award, London),
productions of My Fair Lady, Mary Love Never Dies (Green Room Award,
Poppins, Phantom and Miss Saigon all over Helpmann Award nominee), The Woman in
the world amongst the design of numerous White (Olivier Award), Cats (Drama Desk
other independent productions. In 2009 Award nominee), Evita, Bombay Dreams,
he was asked to redesign Les Misérables Saturday Night Fever, Sunset Boulevard
for its 25th Anniversary, the success of this (Starring Glenn Close), From Here To
re-imagining has seen many international Eternity, Betty Blue Eyes, The Wizard Of
productions and he is delighted to present Oz, Sister Act, Joseph, Zorro The Musical,
the latest version of this legendary show The Sound Of Music, Half A Sixpence,
on this new U.S. tour. Carousel.


D esi gner). Theatre includes Les Movement director: Henry V (MGC), Dirty
Misérables (Tony nomination) and Miss Dancing (Playful Productions), The Power
Saigon (worldwide); Once in a Lifetime, of Yes (RNT), Resurrection Blues (Old Vic),
Nicholas Nickleby, Hedda Gabler, The Life Is a Dream (Donmar), The Blue Room
Merchant of Venice, Fair Maid of the West, (West End). RSC (associate artist): Hamlet,
The Changeling (all Royal Shakespeare Richard III, Othello, A Midsummer Night’s
Company); Peter Pan (National Theatre); Dream, Antony and Cleopatra, Julius
Grease (West End); Miss Julie (Athens); Caesar, The Tempest, Merry Wives the
Carmen (Royal Albert Hall); Timon of Musical, Macbeth, Richard II. Film: Hamlet,
Athens with David Suchet (Old Vic); Martin Richard II, Henry IV.
Guerre (Guthrie); Nabucco (the Met);

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GEOFFREY GARRATT (Musical Staging). Producers; Kiss Me, Kate; Crazy for You;
Trained at Bird Theatre College in London. And the World Goes ‘Round – The Songs
Associate choreographer on Mary Poppins of Kander and Ebb. Regional: Signature
(London); Miss Saigon (Broadway, U.K. Theatre, Ford’s Theatre, Paper Mill, The
tour, Korea, Australia); Oliver! (London, Muny. Symphonic: National Symphony
Australia, Holland, Toronto, U.K., U.S. Orchestra, Orchestra of St. Luke’s, The
tours); Witches of Eastwick (London, Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra,
Australia); South Pacific (National The Santa Barbara Symphony. Recordings:
Theatre); Hey, Mr. Producer! (London, On the Town, Follies. Education: Master
U.S.). Choreographic credits include Little and Bachelor of Music degrees from the
Shop of Horrors, Blues in the Night and A Indiana University Jacobs School of Music.
Doll’s House for West Yorkshire Playhouse;
Jack and the Beanstalk (Barbican); and STEPHEN BROOKER (New
Fascinating Aida (U.K. tour and West Orchestrations, Musical Supervisor).
End). Performed in Cats, Martin Guerre, Co n d u c to r/mu s i c a l d i re c to r: Les
Fiddler on the Roof, Matador, West Side Misérables film. Supervisor: Les Misérables
Tory, Mister Cinders and Joseph and the (NY, London, Tokyo), Half a Sixpence,
Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Barnum, Oliver!, Mary Poppins, Miss
Saigon, Cats, My Fair Lady, The Secret
59 PRODUCTIONS (Projections Garden, South Pacific, Chess, The
Realization). Led by Leo Warner, Mark Woman in White, Saturday Night Fever,
Grimmer and Lysander Aston along with The Phantom of the Opera. Conductor:
director of animation, Peter Stenhouse, symphonies and choirs worldwide
59 productions is a film and anew media including Royal Choral Society for Her
production company with specialized in Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Composer: Walt
film-making and integrating the moving Disney, Coca-Cola, Ford Motors, BMW
image into live performance. The cars, Jaguar Cars. Produced recordings
company’s team plays both a creative and of Les Misérables, Oliver!, Mary Poppins,
technical role in realization of film, theater, South Pacific. Conducted the 85th
opera, music, ballet and fine art projects. Academy Awards.
Theater projects include Waves (National
Theatre/Schauspiel Holn) and Les JOHN CAMERON (Original
Misérables (Cameron Mackintosh/world Orchestrations) arranged the Orchestral
tour). Opera include 125th Anniversary Score for all the original productions of
Gala, Doctor Atomic (Met Opera/ Les Misérables, Paris, London, Broadway,
ENO), Satyagraha (ENO/Met Opera), the Symphonic recordings, Concert, 10th
Al Gran Sole Carico d’Amore (Salzburg Anniversary and 2006 Queen’s Theatre
Festival). Dance includes Invitus Invitam, versions. As a composer his extensive
The Goldberg Project (Royal Ballet) and film and television film score credits
Dorian Gray (Matthew Bourne’s New include the Academy Award-nominated A
Adventures). Live Music includes the set Touch of Class and the Emmy-nominated
and video design for Icelandic singer Jónsi “Path to 9-11.” John co-composed Zorro
(Sigur Rós). Short film includes the multi- the Musical, nominated for an Olivier
award-winning A Family Portrait and The Award for Best New Musical 2009. Other
Half-Light. arranging credits include Joseph and the
Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.
BRIAN EA DS ( Mu si c al Di r ec to r,
Conductor) is a doctoral candidate in C H R I S TO P H E R JA H N K E ( N e w
Orchestral Conducting, Indiana University. Orchestrations). Orchestrations: Porgy
Guest conducting credits: Great and Bess (2012 Tony nomination), Heart
Lakes Chamber Orchestra, Mississippi And Lights (2014 Radio City), Legally
Symphony Orchestra, North Mississippi Blonde, Cry Baby, Grease (2007 Revival),
Symphony Orchestra, Princeton Festival Do You Hear the People Sing? (Symphonic
Orchestra, Lima Symphony Orchestra. arena tour of Boublil/Schönberg), Dessa
His orchestral arrangements have been Rose, A Man of No Importance, Tom Jones
performed by: Indianapolis Chamber (Stiles/Leigh), Chasing Nicolette, Not
Orchestra and Chorus, Madison Wanted on the Voyage (Bartram/Hill),
Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, Just So (Stiles/Drewe). Music Producer/
Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra, Nashville Music Supervisor of Memphis. Assistant to
Symphony Orchestra, Chicago Symphony William David Brohn: Ragtime, Sweet Smell
Orchestra. Master of Music in Orchestral of Success, The Witches of Eastwick, Mary
Conducting, Florida State University; Poppins, Wicked.
Bachelor of Music, Piano Performance,
Delta State University. Unending love STEPHEN METCALFE (New
and thanks to all of my family, friends and Orchestrations). For the past 17 years,
teachers. Soli Deo Gloria! Stephen has been Head Of Music at
Cameron Mackintosh Ltd. Productions
JAMES MOORE (Musical Supervisor). include Les Misérables, Miss Saigon,
Broadway: Miss Saigon, On the Town, Mary Poppins, My Fair Lady, Avenue
Gigi, Follies, South Pacific, Ragtime, Q, Hair, Betty Blue Eyes, Barnum and
Steel Pier, Company. National Tours: The Half A Sixpence. Stephen produced


the cast albums of Les Misérables (25th Hansen, A Bronx Tale, Cats, Falsettos,
anniversary), Oliver! (London), Mary Disaster!, School of Rock, Gigi, Bullets
Poppins (Australia), Miss Saigon (London, Over Broadway, Aladdin, Les Misérables,
Holland), Betty Blue Eyes (London) and The Heiress, How to Succeed.., Billy Elliot,
Half A Sixpence. He orchestrated and Shrek, Young Frankenstein, Mary Poppins,
produced the soundtrack albums for the Spamalot, …Spelling Bee, The Producers,
Universal Pictures film of Les Misérables, Mamma Mia!, Jersey Boys, The Phantom
for which he was nominated for a Grammy of the Opera. Off-Broadway: The Band’s
Award. Visit; Here Lies Love; Love, Loss and What
I Wore. Regional: Yale Repertory Theatre,
JEAN-MARC NATEL (Original French Paper Mill Playhouse, La Jolla Playhouse,
Text) was born in 1942. He studied Berkeley Rep, The Old Globe, Asolo Rep.
art at the Beaux Arts in Toulon before
turning to poetry and has published two JOHN MILLER (Musical Coordinator).
volumes of his poems. In 1968 he moved Over 100 Broadway shows. Recent: Once
to Paris where he met Alain Boublil, who On This Island; Hello, Dolly!; Indecent;
introduced him to songwriting with the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; A
daunting task of co-writing the lyrics for Bronx Tale; The Great Comet of 1812;
Les Misérables. Since then, he has written Waitress; Something Rotten!; Beautiful;
songs for a variety of artists and, recently, Jersey Boys. Musician (bass): Leonard
some of his poetry has been set to music Cohen, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Bette
by Franck Pourcel. Midler, Peter, Paul and Mary, Eric Clapton,
Frank Sinatra.
COREY AGNEW (Associate Director) is
happy to be back with the team here at Les RYAN PARLIMENT (Company Manager)
Misérables. Most recently, Corey worked is excited to be a part of Les Misérables!
as the Resident Director of the U.S. Tour National Tours include The Sound of Music,
and Toronto productions of Matilda. Prior Dirty Dancing, The Bridges of Madison
to that, he was the Resident Director of County, NETworks presents Disney’s
Cameron Mackintosh’s Les Misérables in Beauty and the Beast and Riverdance. He
Toronto, Australia and on the U.S. National earned his M.B.A from the University of
Tour. Favorite credits include Mary North Florida, completed undergraduate
Poppins (Broadway, Australian Premier, 1st studies at the University of Central Florida,
and 2nd U.S. National Tours), The Sunshine is proud to be ATPAM Board Certified and
Boys (Soulpepper Theatre), Robin Hood will always be a Florida Gator at heart.
(Ross Petty). CHOMP CHOMP.

LIAM McILWAIN (Resident Director) is JACK McLEOD (Production Stage

thrilled to be working on this new U.S. Manager). Broadway and touring credits
Tour of Les Misérables. He began as a cast including The Sound of Music, Dirty
member with the Australian production, Dancing, Kinky Boots, Jersey Boys, Hedwig
then became Resident Director for and the Angry Inch, An American In Paris,
international tours in Manila, Singapore Cabaret, Avenue Q, White Christmas,
and Dubai. Liam worked as Assistant Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Boeing-Boeing,
Director/Choreographer on local language Grease, Porgy and Bess, The King and
productions in São Paulo and Tokyo. I, Smokey Joe’s Café and Cats. Love to
Performer and creative theatrical credits Frederick and Oliver.
include Out From Under, Mary Poppins,
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, High School JESS GOUKER (Stage
Musical, Shout, Cats, Dusty, Grease, Manager). National Tours: The Sound of
The Pirates of Penzance, Gypsy, Sunset Music (PSM), Once (PSM), Disney’s Beauty
Boulevard and Bye Bye Birdie. and the Beast (PSM, ASM). International:
Disney’s Beauty and the Beast at the Walt
CAMPBELL YOUNG ASSOCIATES Disney Grand: Shanghai, China. New York:
(Hair and Wig Designer) and his team Planet Connections Theatre Festivity, NY
design hair and wigs for many opera, International Theatre Festival. Regional:
theatre, film and television companies Weston Playhouse. Graduate of Ramapo
in the U.K. and abroad. Credits include College of New Jersey.
Tristan and Isolde (La Scala, Milan), From
the House of the Dead (Vienna Festival), JOSEPH HEATON (Assistant Stage
Un Ballo in Maschera and La Bohème Manager). Broadway: A Bronx Tale: The
(Bregenz Festival), The Ring Cycle (Tokyo), Musical, Miss Saigon, In Transit, Fully
Lord of the Rings the Musical (Toronto Committed, Machinal. Off-Broadway:
and London), Rock ‘n’ Roll (London and Bright Colors and Bold Patterns; Bad Jews,
Broadway) and Les Liaisons Dangereuses Ugly Lies The Bone (Roundabout Theatre
(Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York). Company); Verite, brownsville song: (b-side
for tray), A Kid Like Jake (Lincoln Center,
TARA RUBIN CASTING (Casting). LCT3); Our Lady of 121st Street (Signature
Selected Broadway: The Band’s Visit, Theatre Company). Regional: A Bronx Tale:
Prince of Broadway, Bandstand, Indecent, The Musical (Paper Mill Playhouse).
Sunset Boulevard, Miss Saigon, Dear Evan


BROADWAY BOOKING OFFICE NYC Bullets Over Broadway (Executive

(Tour Booking, Engagement Management, Producer), Elf the Musical (Executive
Press and Marketing) is a leading theatrical Producer), Disney’s Beauty and the Beast
tour booking, marketing and press (Executive Producer), The Phantom of
company representing award-winning the Opera (Supervisory Production Stage
musicals and plays. Currently: Jersey Boys, Manager), Les Misérables (Production
Cameron Mackintosh’s spectacular new S t a ge M a n a ge r ) , M a r y P o p p i n s
production of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The (Production Stage Manager), Young
Phantom of the Opera, Les Misérables, Frankenstein starring Roger Bart and
Miss Saigon, Beautiful – The Carole King Rent starring Adam Pascal and Anthony
Musical, A Bronx Tale, Falsettos, Summer: Rapp. Trinity currently works on the
The Donna Summer Musical, The Sound of national tours of Les Misérables, Finding
Music, Rodgers & Hammerstein’s The King Neverland and Rodgers & Hammerstein’s
and I and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Love The Sound of Mu sic. Instagram:
Never Dies. @trinityonbroadway

N I C H O L A S A L LOT T ( Exe c u t i v e N E T W O R K S P R E S E N TAT I O N S

Producer) joined Cameron Mackintosh (Producer), from its inception over 20 years
in 1981 as executive producer for Cats ago, has been an industry leading producer
and subsequently Les Misérables, Miss and manager of touring musical theatre
Saigon, The Phantom of the Opera, Oliver! productions and remains committed
and Mary Poppins, amongst others. Since to delivering quality entertainment to
2000, Managing Director of Cameron audiences worldwide. Having toured over
Mackintosh Ltd. Chairman of the Soho 70 productions internationally, NETworks’
Theatre, Trustee of the Roundhouse, current and upcoming touring productions
Patron of Shakespeare Schools Festival include Cameron Mackintosh’s The
and U.K. Business Ambassador for the Phantom of the Opera, Les Misérables,
Prime Minister’s Office. Awarded an OBE Elf the Musical, Finding Neverland, The
for services to theatre and charity by the Sound of Music, Rodgers & Hammerstein’s
Queen in the 2014. The King and I, The Band’s Visit, A Bronx
Tale, Falsettos, Fiddler on the Roof and
SETH SKLAR-HEYN (Executive Producer). Cameron Mackintosh’s Miss Saigon.
Broadway: Miss Saigon, Les Misérables
(Executive Producer); The Phantom of OPENING NIGHT SEPTEMBER 28, 2017
the Opera (Production Supervisor); Miss STAFF FOR LES MISÉRABLES
Saigon, Evita, A Little Night Music, Finian’s EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS
Nicholas Allott Seth Sklar-Heyn
Rainbow, Good Vibrations (Associate Seth Wenig Trinity Wheeler
Director); Mary Stuart, Rock’n’Roll, Frost/ GENERAL MANAGEMENT
Nixon (Assistant Director); The Coast of Gregory Vander Ploeg
Utopia (Assistant to the Director). National Jamey Jennings Steve Varon
Tour: Miss Saigon, The Phantom of the Pearce Landry-Wegener Nicole Gehrin
Opera (Executive Producer and Associate PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT
NETworks Presentations
Director); Billy Elliot (Resident Director).
Jason Juenker  
Seth directed the national tours of Frost/ Hector Guivas Evan Rooney
Nixon and Evita (2012 revival). Seth serves Walker White    Emma Downey
as Executive Producer for Cameron COMPANY MANAGER
Mackintosh Inc. in NY. Graduate of Vassar Ryan Parliment
College. Associate Company Manager
James Yandoli
been with NETworks since its inception in PRESS AND MARKETING
1995. He spearheaded the international Broadway Booking Office NYC
tours of Fosse starring Ben Vereen and Steven Schnepp
Ruthie Henshall. Seth has produced the Kent McIngvale, Jenny Bates, David Freeland,
Lincoln Center Theater production of Zach Stevenson, Sean Mackey, Stacey Burns,
Rodgers & Hammerstein’s South Pacific Danny Knaub, Rachel Peterson, Phil Della Noce
and the National Theatre production
of War Horse. Together with Cameron Tara Rubin Casting
Mackintosh, Seth served as Executive Tara Rubin CSA, Eric Woodall CSA,
Producer for both the U.S. and U.K. tours Merri Sugarman CSA, Laura Schutzel CSA,
of the National Theatre’s My Fair Lady, Kaitlin Shaw CSA, Lindsay Levine CSA,
the 25th Anniversary U.S. Tour of Les Claire Burke CSA, Felicia Rudolph CSA,
Misérables, the new The Phantom of the Xavier Rubiano, Lila Stallone
Opera and Miss Saigon tours. He is most U.S. ASSOC. DIRECTOR.................. COREY AGNEW
proud of his greatest productions – Marlo PRODUCTION STAGE MANAGER........JACK McLEOD
and Camden. Stage Manager...................................Jess Gouker
Assistant Stage Manager...................... Joseph Heaton
Fight Director.......................................Joe Bostick
T R I N I T Y W H E E L E R ( E xe c u t i v e Dance Captain.................................... Liz Shivener
Producer). Broadway: Les Misérables Fight Captain................................. Steve Czarnecki
Voice Consultant.................................... Liz Caplan
(Production Stage Manager). National U.K. Assoc. Scenic Designer................ David Harris
Tours: Dirty Dancing (Executive Producer), U.S. Assoc. Scenic Designer...........Christine Peters


February 8-10
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U.K. Assoc. Costume Supervisor............Laura Hunt Director of Adminstration......................Curt Owens

U.S. Costume Supervisor....................Sam Fleming Executive Assistant to the President............ Hannah
Costume Assistants.......................Joseph D. Sibley Rosenthal
Hair and Wig Designer.Campbell Young Associates/ Senior Director of Finance...................... John Kinna
Luc Verschueren Controller.......................................Jennifer Gifford
U.K. Assoc. Lighting Designer...... Richard Pacholski Director of Tour Accounting.............. Laura S. Carey
U.S. Assoc. Lighting Designer...............Gina Scherr Tax Director.........................................Pat Guerieri
Lighting Programmer........................ Tommy Hague Associate Tax Accountant................ Kim Ngan Tran
Production Electrician...........................Rob Virzera Health and Safety Coordinator.......... Emma Downey
U.K. Assoc. Sound Designer..................... Nic Gray Senior Director, Booking and Engagements.Mary K. Witte
Production Sound............................ David Stollings Director, Booking and Engagements...... Colin Byrne
Projection Realization..................... 59 Productions Booking Coordinator....................Hannah Rosenthal
Ben Pearcy, Brad Peterson Director of Marketing/PR................... Heather Hess
Projections Programmer................... Marc Polimeni Senior Director, General Management...Gregory Vander Ploeg
U.S. Musical Supervisor..................... James Moore General Managers...... Jamey Jennings, Steve Varon
U.K. Musical Supervisor................ Stephen Brooker Associate General Manager.Pearce Landry-Wegener
Music Coordinator................................. John Miller General Manager Associate.............. Nicole Gehring
Assistant to John Miller..............Jennifer Coolbaugh Senior Director, Production Management....... Jason
Keyboard Programming.................. Stuart Andrews Juenker
Asst. Keyboard Programming..........Jean Bellefeuille Senior Production Manager............... Hector Guivas
Production Carpenter........................ George Munz Production Managers......Evan Rooney, Walker White
Head Carpenter................................... Casey Nellis Associate Production Manager......... Emma Downey
Automation Carpenter..................... Andrew Michael Music Coordinator...............................John Mezzio
Assistant Carpenter..................... Joshua Townsend IT Manager.............................................Tim Pizza
Flyman............................................Garret Holmes Office Manager..............................Buddy Piccolino
Head Electrician................................ David George Office Assistant................................... Carol Jewell
Assistant Electricians..........Mary Anderson, John Stinson Warehouse Manager...............................Brad Korff
Head Sound Engineer....................Christopher Lutz Warehouse Costume Manager.... Bobby Maglaughlin
Assistant Audio.....................................Sean Davis
Head Properties...................................Kurt Oostra Credits
Assistant Properties................ Jason Saddy Combs Rigging and Lighting Equipment supplied by Christie
Advance Rigger/Crew Swing............. Paul Reynolds Lites; Video Projection and Sound Equipment
Head Wardrobe.................... Katrina Cahalan-Wilhite supplied by Sound Associates; Set, Show control
Assistant Wardrobe........................... Patricia Bond
Wig/Hair Supervisor........................... Jennifer Chin and scenic motion control featuring stage
Assistant Wigs........................ Stephen Riegel-Myer command systems ® by PRG-Scenic Technologies,
Casting Associate........................... Felicia Rudolph a division of Production Resource Group, L.L.C.,
Production Assistants.......Claire Carden, Willie Porter, New Windsor, NY; Scenic Construction by Global
Annie Schroeder Scenic; Costumes constructed by Eric Winterling,
Rehearsal Pianist.................................. Sinai Tabak John Schneeman Studio; Weapons and Torhces by
Tutoring Services............... On Location Eduacation J&M Special Effects.
Child Wrangler/Teacher..................... Jessica Balun
Physical Therapy Consultant...........Carolyn Lawson, Rehearsed at Ripley Grier and New 42nd Street
NEURO Tour Studios
Print/Advertising Design...Cameron Mackintosh LTD
Radio and Television Spot Production..... Steam U.K. Special Thanks to
Website................................................ Dewynters Providence Performing Arts Center;
Social Media..........Serino Coyne - Ben Cohen, Paige Norbert Mongeon, J. L. “Lynn” Singleton.
Raiczyk Liz Caplan Vocal Studios
Production Photography.................Matthew Murphy
Merchandising.................Platypus Productions, LLC Tax and Financial Consulting, Accounting Services
Merchandising Manager....................Jelani Peterkin CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Legal Services........................... Rick Pappas, Esq. Brian Enverso, Kathleen Thies
Accounting.................NETworks Presentations LLC Insurance Broker Services
Technical Production Accounting............ Colin Byrne Maury Donnelly and Parr, Inc.
HR and Payroll Services......... Human Resources inc
Housing.........Road Concierge, an ALTOUR Company Robert B. Middleton, Sr and Meghan Shriver
Travel Agency.................................Janice Kessler, Financial Services and banking arrangements by
Carlson Wagonlit Travel SunTrust Bank
Trucking.......................................... Clark Transfer Online
For Cameron Mackintosh LTD Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat:
Directors............................... Cameron Mackintosh
Nicholas Allott LesMizUS
Alan Finch
Richard Johnston The Actors and Stage Managers employed in this production
Robert Noble are members of Actors’ Equity Association, the union of
professional actors and stage managers in the United
Richard Knibb States.
Deputy Managing Director.................. Robert Noble All stage work performed by employees represented by
Chief Financial Officer........................Richard Knibb IATSE.
Executive Producer.................. Thomas Schönberg UNITED SCENIC ARTISTS represents the designers and
Technical Director.......................... Jerry Donaldson scenic painters for the American Theatre.
Licensing Manager............................. Maria Baxter The Musicians employed in this production are members of
Head of Marketing.............................David Dolman the American Federation of Musicians of the United States
Head of Casting..................................Paul Wooller and Canada.
Head of Music............................. Stephen Metcalfe The Director and Choreographer are members of the Stage
Assistant to Cameron Mackintosh.......... Jane Austin Directors and Choreographers Society, an independent
Assistant to Nicholas Allott................. Claire Delfont national labor union.
Assistant to Alan Finch The Press Agents, Company and House Managers employed
and Robert Noble..............................Zory Mishchiy in this production are represented by the Association of
Licensing Assistant...............................Jen Mitchell Theatrical Press Agents & Managers.
Technical Coordinator........................ Molly Crewes This production is produced by a member of
The Broadway League in collaboration with our
For Cameron Mackintosh, Inc. professional union-represented employees.
Managing Director............................ Nicholas Allott
Executive Producer........................Seth Sklar-Heyn
Production Associate..........................Shidan Majidi
For NETworks Presentations
Chief Executive Officer...........................Ken Gentry
President.................................................Orin Wolf
Chief Financial Officer...................Scott W. Jackson
Chief Operating Officer....... Jennifer Ardizzone-West
Executive Vice President....................... Seth Wenig
Executive Producer......................... Trinity Wheeler

Europe and America in the time of
Les Misérables: Hearing the people
sing beyond the world of Jean Valjean
By Jake Stigers

Quick: When in history did the events of Les Misérables happen?

The farther we get away from the past, the easier it can be for us to file stories
about—for instance—the Black Plague, Michelangelo, Les Misérables, the
Civil War, or the Titanic into a singular Olden Times mental folder and not
fully understand any larger historical context that might shape or define our
understanding of those events.

(Before you reach for your phones to google all that: The Black Plague wiped
out up to 60% of Europe’s total population around 1350. Michelangelo di
Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni was one of the defining artists of the Italian
Renaissance in the early 1500s. We’ll get to Les Misérables in a minute, but
for the sake of this rough timeline remember that it took place in France in
the early 1800s. The American Civil War prevented the Confederate southern
states from seceding over the issue of slavery when it ended in 1865. And the
RMS Titanic sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on its maiden voyage between
Southampton and New York City just over 100 years ago in 1912.)

For the masterful way the musical Les Misérables telescopes the events and
the settings of the book Les Misérables into 49 songs in two sung-through
acts, an understanding of a more global context can meaningfully enhance any
appreciation of it—if for no other reason than to triangulate it into the broader
timeline of history.

It’s understandably impossible to cover every aspect of the history and culture
surrounding the protagonist Jean Valjean’s journey through Les Misérables,
and this essay in no way tries to do so. Instead, it touches on a range of events
from the epic to the merely interesting that can hopefully offer useful context
for understanding the world in which Les Misérables unfolds:

1796: Preamble: Jean Valjean is sentenced to prison in the Bagne of Toulon

Nineteen years before the story of Les Misérables begins, the peasant Jean
Valjean is sentenced as prisoner number 24601 to serve time in the notorious
Bagne of Toulon for stealing bread to feed his starving sister. During his almost
two decades of incarceration, France and the entire Western Hemisphere
undergo a chain reaction of revolutions and wars that radically alter the course
of modern global history. But first, let’s back up a bit more...

Just three years before Valjean entered prison, the former King Louis XVI
of France and his wife Marie Antoinette were convicted of high treason and
guillotined at the Place de la Révolution in Paris as a thousand-plus years of
French monarchy fell and the French Revolution began. The ensuing French
Revolutionary Wars raged from 1792 to 1802, first pitting the French Republic
against monarchies in Europe and then spreading as far as Egypt and North
America. Their end segued almost directly into the era of Napoleonic Wars
that carried over unresolved disputes between Napoleon’s French Empire
and a fluctuating array of European coalitions. A total of seven wars in all, they
ended when the European Allies finally defeated Napoleon in the one-day
Battle of Waterloo near what is now Belgium in 1815.

Aside from the expected cataclysmic destruction wrought by two decades of

prolonged combat, these wars also brought explosive revolutions in European
social structures, redefined international borders and relationships, and
radically transformed the ways future wars would be strategized and fought
to this day.

Left: Map of the city of Paris in 1800 (detail) 25

Partly to fund his eponymous wars, Napoleon Bonaparte sold France’s
Louisiana Territory in North America to President Thomas Jefferson of the
fledgling United States in 1803. The Louisiana Purchase, as the acquisition
of this territory came to be called, stretched from present-day Louisiana to
what is now Montana on land that would eventually be partitioned into 15
states—including Iowa—and parts of two Canadian provinces. It more than
doubled the existing square mileage of the United States and fueled what our
growing country would declare to be our Manifest Destiny: a continued and
often ruthless expansion all the way west across the continent to the Pacific
Ocean that involved annexing and conquering land from Mexico, Britain, and
the continent’s Native Americans.

Back in Europe, Ludwig van Beethoven composed his now-iconic dum-dum-

dum-DUMMM Symphony No. 5 in 1808 that would help define a burgeoning
era of Romanticism in music, art, and literature. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart—
the quintessential composer of the Classical period in music—had died
seventeen years earlier, at the early pre-dawn of this new Romantic period that
would begin to shape almost a century of culture in both Europe and America.
Romanticism was a bold new paradigm that shed the Classical era’s emphasis
on structure and melody in favor of exploring emotion, imagination, and the
free expression of feeling—all of which spilled over into the worlds of art and
literature. Case in point: Les Misérables and Valjean’s operatic journey through
morality, love, sacrifice, penance, and ultimately grace.

Here are a few more interesting milestones that Jean Valjean missed during
his incarceration: After observing that milkmaids who had caught cowpox
seemed immune to smallpox, Edward Jenner introduced the first successful
smallpox vaccine—actually the first ever vaccine—in England in 1796. French
soldiers fighting under Napoleon in the Ottoman territories of Egypt and
Syria discovered the Rosetta Stone—a decree from Egypt’s 300 BC Ptolemaic
dynasty that was inscribed in three languages and unlocked the mysteries
of deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs—in 1799. The Kingdom of Great Britain
and the Kingdom of Ireland merged to become the United Kingdom in 1801.
The world population officially reached one-billion people in 1804. And the
Industrial Revolution hit its peak, radically transforming the way we produced
everything from textiles to energy to physical and social infrastructure.

So the narrative of Les Misérables opens in a radically new world from the one
Jean Valjean knew when his theft of a loaf of bread landed him in prison 19
years earlier. And, as worlds have a way of doing, his just keeps changing ...

1815: Jean Valjean is released from the Bagne of Toulon

Valjean is released and left homeless in the commune-city of Digne-les-Bains in

the early years of France’s Bourbon Restoration, a new constitutional monarchy
set in place after the fall of Napoleon. Under the new King Louis XVIII, France
restored relationships with longtime allies, centralized its government in Paris,
and moved forward with relative stability under a Revolution-inspired motto:
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité.

Across the pond, the War of 1812 had ended and America was experiencing
what is still called the Era of Good Feelings marked by a decline in partisan
politics and a sense of nationalist identity thanks to a series of Supreme Court
opinions supporting a more centralized government here. A year earlier, a
lawyer and amateur poet named Francis Scott Key saw the American flag flying
over Fort McHenry after an all-night bombardment by British forces near the
end of the war. The sight inspired him to write “Defence of Fort M'Henry,” a
poem that soon became the lyrics to our National Anthem: “The Star-Spangled

Three years after Valjean’s release, twenty-year-old Mary Shelley published,

initially anonymously, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus in England.
This gothic novel is considered to be the first work of modern science fiction
for its premise that employs a deliberate use of science and technology to

create a creature of fantasy and imagination. Not to be outdone in the genre
of gothic literature, American author Washington Irving killed off—or did he?—
poor Ichabod Crane after a terrifying encounter with the Headless Horseman
in his 1820 “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.”

And in a slight detour from this essay’s stated narrative about Europe and
America in the time of Les Misérables, it’s interesting to note that in January
of 1820, German explorer Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen and Russian
explorer Mikhail Lazarev were the first to see and officially discover Antarctica.

1823: John Valjean, under the alias Monsieur Madeleine, is now a wealthy
factory owner and mayor of Montreuil-sur-Mer

France’s Bourbon Restoration period lasted until the 1830–32 uprisings

depicted later in Les Misérables, but by 1823 the constitutional monarchy had
been slowly disassembled by hard-right ultra-royalists, and with the rise of King
Charles X in 1824 it lurched even farther right with severe restrictions on the
press and a campaign to compensate the families of nobles whose property
had been taken during the Revolution.

Here in America, we’d carved the state of Missouri out of the Louisiana
Purchase territory in 1821, bringing our state count—and the number of stars on
our growing flag—to 24. To assert our independence and declare our neutrality
in any future European conflicts, President James Monroe introduced the
Monroe Doctrine in his 1823 State of the Union address, declaring that any
European attempt to re-colonize the Americas would be considered a hostile
act toward the United States. And three years later on July 4, 1826—the 50th
anniversary of the approval of our Declaration of Independence—both former
presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died.

To modern historians, the Classical era in music had officially ended by 1820,
leaving Romanticism as the dominant voice in Western music, art, and literature.
Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” Symphony No. 9 in 1824 thunderously marked the
occasion, as did many iconic works of art, including Eugène Delacroix’s 1830
La Liberté guidant le peuple (Liberty Leading the People), which depicted the
goddess Liberty bearing the flag of France in its brilliant red and blue as she
guides the triumphant citizenry forward over the pro-royalist bodies who fell
in the victorious July Revolution of 1830.

1823 ended on a visions-of-sugar-plums note with the anonymous publication

of A Visit from St. Nicholas (later attributed to Clement Clarke Moore), which
introduced America to the Santa Claus we celebrate to this day with his like-a-
cherry nose and bowl-full-of-jelly laugh.

1832: The Paris June Rebellion

The June Rebellion—also called the Paris Uprising—depicted in Les Misérables

was an actual historical event. The last of a two-year series of violent anti-
monarchist outbreaks in Paris, this battle was inspired by the cholera death
of French Parliamentarian Jean Maximilien Lamarque, a popular anti-royalist
and champion of the poor. The uprising lasted only two days: June 5–6, 1832.

The song “The ABC Café - Red and Black” that student revolutionaries Marius
and Enjrolas sing in Les Misérables to stir the passions of their fellow students
into battle has a coincidental—albeit not specific—relationship to the French
novel The Red and the Black (Le Rouge et le Noir) that had been published
two years earlier by Stendhal (a pen name of French novelist Marie-Henri
Beyle). While the Red and the Black in the Les Misérables uprising represent
“the blood of angry men” fighting on behalf of the poor who have been long
oppressed by “the dark of ages past,” the novel tells the story of a poor man’s
ultimately futile attempts to rise above his station in life through hard work,
talent, and eventually deception and hypocrisy.

Speaking of revolutionary insurrections, Charles Carroll of Carrollton (he used

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this name to distinguish himself from a number of similarly named relatives),
the longest-lived and last surviving signatory of America’s Declaration of
Independence, died on November 14 of 1832, 56 years after the document
was signed. He was 95.

But the revolutions of the era weren’t tied entirely to politics. The British sloop
HMS Beagle had set sail a year before the rebellion on a five-year expedition
to chart the coasts of South America, and it carried as a passenger a young
English biologist named Charles Darwin. Darwin published The Voyage of the
Beagle in 1839 as both a travel memoir and a scientific journal documenting the
discoveries in biology, geology, and anthropology he made on the trip. These
discoveries inspired additional expeditions and research that supported his
theories of evolutionary biology that he eventually published in his 1859 On
the Origins of the Species.

1833: Marius and Cosette make their final reconciliation with Valjean

The French Charter of 1830 had overthrown the conservative government of

King Charles X and signaled the beginning of the eighteen-year July Monarchy,
where the ascending Louis Philippe conspicuously proclaimed himself Roi des
Français (“King of the French”) instead of the imperialistic “King of France” and
pledged to follow the juste milieu—the middle of the road that avoided radical
political extremes.

As Valjean reconciles with his past at the end of Les Misérables and finally
understands that “to love another person is to see the face of God,”
Romanticism is at its peak celebration of both emotional life and the unknown
afterlife, nature and the supernatural, the Medieval past and the infinite
future. Its brave-new-cultural-world outlook mirrors his final resolution from
guilt to atonement … and it indeed allows him a new “life about to start / when
tomorrow comes.”

An interesting side note: After spending four years studying American

representative democracy from the wide-reaching perspectives of our
Constitution, economics, separation of church and state, and societal attitudes
toward women, French diplomat and political scientist Alexis de Tocqueville
published in 1835 De La Démocratie en Amérique, which is commonly
translated to Democracy in America. Tocqueville was interested in examining
the successes and failings of our democratic revolution in comparison to the
aftermath of the revolution in France—in particular the fall of the aristocratic
class and the rise of the concept of equality. Among his conclusions: While
democracy carries with it the danger of a tyranny of the majority and a loss of
governmental control by the people, the promise of equality at its foundation
was one of the greatest political and social ideas of his era … and the United
States at the time was the quintessence of successful democratic equality.

Four years after the narrative of Les Misérables ends, Queen Victoria ascended
the English throne at the age of 18 and ushered in a 63-year period of cultural
influence and British expansion that lasted until the very dawn of the twentieth
century. While her reign saw both cataclysmic wars and monumental advances
in technology, we can all agree here that the two defining landmarks of her
monarchy were these: Iowa became the 29th of the United States in 1846; and
in 1862, Victor Hugo introduced the world to Jean Valjean and his immortal
journey through sacrifice, morality, love, penance, and ultimately grace when
he published Les Misérables.

Jake Stigers is a writer, singer, actor, and incurable history buff living in Cedar
Rapids. He hates to brag, but he saw the original production of Les Misérables
in London.

Les Misérables at Hancher
A summary of Hancher Auditorium
performances of Les Misérables

1989–90 SEASON
8 performances
September 27—October 1, 1989
Total attendance:
1991–92 SEASON*
*See 1991 ad from The Daily
Iowan on the opposite page
8 performances
September 17–22, 1991
Total attendance:
1994–95 SEASON
8 performances
January 24–29, 1995
Total attendance:
1996–97 SEASON
8 performances
October 2–6, 1996
Total attendance:
1999–2000 SEASON
8 performances
February 22–27, 2000
Total attendance:
8 performances ATTENDANCE:
December 4–9, 2018
Total attendance:
That's over 50 times the number
TBD of people in the auditorium with
you right now!


Lobby concessions will open sixty
minutes prior to the performance,
with a bar in Strauss Hall opening
thirty minutes before start time.

Preorder your food selection up until

noon the day before the event. For
information, and ordering, visit:


You are now able to pre-purchase
your drinks for intermission and pick
them up for faster service! Ask your
cashier for details.

The Hancher Showcase offers unique items perfect for

gifts—or for yourself! All proceeds support Hancher’s
educational programs.

Before Performances
10:00 am–1:00 pm
5:00–7:30 pm

Holiday Hours
10:00 am–1:00 pm
December 4–6, 11–13, & 18–20

Happy Holidays
We thank our 2018/2019 Partners for their unwavering loyalty and crucial
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François M. and Doris E. Abboud Katherine Rathe Clifton

Terry and Johanna Abernathy Gary and Cathy Cohn
ACT Ralph H. and Marcia A. Congdon
Bill and Fran Albrecht Tim and Anna Conroy
Lee and Kazi Alward Dale and Cyndy Crider
Dr. Barrie Anderson Jon and Judy Cryer
Nancy Andreasen and Terry Gwinn Brad and Peggy Davis
Loretta Angerer Ellie and Peter Densen
Anonymous Donors David and Sally Dierks
Anonymous Family Foundation Wendy and Greg Dunn
Dale and Linda Baker Mike Edmond and Laurie Lyckholm
Wayne and Nora Lee Balmer George and Lois Eichacker
Douglas and Linda Behrendt Jack and Nancy Evans
Country Bancorp / Everybody's Whole Foods
Bill and Nancy Bernau Dan Feldt in memory of Natalie Feldt
Loanna and Orville Bloethe / Robert and Karlen Fellows
HLV Community School Fund
Ed and Patricia Folsom
Warren and Maryellen Boe
Lucy Foster
Robert F. and Judith C. Boyd
Bruce Gantz
Jeff and Sara Braverman
Pat Gauron
Mace and Kay Braverman
Molly and Joseph Gaylord
Carolyn Brown and Jerry Zimmermann
The Gazette
John and Ellen Buchanan
Shaun Glick and Jessica Tucker Glick
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Richard and Ann Burton
Graduate Iowa City
Willis M. and Linda Brown Bywater
Luke and Hillary Granfield
Mary K. Calkin
Daryl K. and Nancy J. Granner
John and Kim Callaghan
George A. and Barbara J. Grilley
Norma and David Carlson
Peter and Vera Gross
Cosmo Catalano Family
Brent Hadder
CBI Bank and Trust
Leonard and Marlene Hadley
Joseph N. Christopher
Garry R. and Susann K. Hamdorf
Charles Richard and Barbara S. Clark
Hancher Showcase / Hancher Guild
James and Loretta Clark
Hancher Student Alumni


Kevin and Pat Hanick Little Village
Anne Hargrave Jean Lloyd-Jones
Bruce and Melanie Haupert Ed and Ann Lorson
James P. Hayes Casey D. Mahon
Donald W. Heineking Coralville Marriott Hotel
Hills Bank and Trust Company & Conference Center

Raphael and Jodi K. Hirsch Peter and Anne Matthes

Arnold and Darcy Honick William Matthes

and Alicia Brown-Matthes
Albert B. and Jean M. Hood
The McIntyre Foundation
H. Dee and Myrene Hoover
Professor Michael McNulty
Richard and Judith Hurtig and Dr. Darlene McNulty
Cassim and Julie Igram Meardon, Sueppel & Downer P.L.C.
Iowa City Press-Citizen Dr. John P. Mehegan
Iowa House Hotel and Dr. Pamela K. Geyer
Kris Jones John R. Menninger
Phillip E. and Jo Lavera Jones MidWestOne Bank
William and Susan Jones Frank and Jill Morriss
KDAT Mortenson Construction
The Kerber Family Jerry and Judy Musser
in memory of Richard E. Kerber Ray and Linda Muston
Michael and June Kinney Richard F. Neiman, M.D.
Roger and Gayle Klouda and Judith S. Neiman
John and Patricia Koza The Neumann Family
Dr. Karl and Gay Kreder Neumann Monson Architects, P.C.
Tim and Sarah Krumm Jeffrey and Kristine Nielsen
Karl and Allison Kundel Mark and Leslie Nolte
Greg and Meredith Lamb Arthur and Ginger Nowak
Robert J. and Sue B. Latham Ed and Chris Null
Bryan and Jan Lawler Oaknoll Retirement Residence
Lensing Funeral & Cremation Service Michael W. O’Hara
and Jane Engeldinger
Gary, Randi, Carly, Lauren,
and Alyssa Levitz Okoboji Wines / Mark and Sheila Reed
Donald and Rachel Levy Lamont D. and Vicki J. Olson
Nancy Lynch OPN Architects, Inc.



Robert A. Oppliger Chuck and Kim Swanson
Orchard Green Restaurant & Lounge / Tallgrass Business Resources
Bryan Herzic and Shelly Kolar Herzic Tim Terry and Gretchen Rice
Gary and Nancy Pacha Keith and Nancy Thayer
Douglas and Linda Paul James and Robin Torner
Chuck and Mary Ann Peters Toyota/Scion of Iowa City
Mary Lou Peters and ABRA Auto and Body Glass
Phelan, Tucker, Mullen, Walker, Tucker Jeffrey R. and Tammy S. Tronvold
& Gelman, L.L.P. Dick and Buffie Tucker
Bob and Peggy Rakel University of Iowa Community
John Raley / American Family Insurance Credit Union
Alan and Amy Reed University Housing & Dining
Chad, Erica, Cameron, Harrison, Maryn, Douglas and Vance Van Daele
and Emmerson Reimers Craig and Sara Vander Leest
L. Dianne and Herm Reininga Elise and Devin van Holsteijn
David and Noreen Revier Rhoda Vernon
Jean E. and Renée Robillard Fritz and Elizabeth Viner
Tom Rocklin and Barbara McFadden Ronald and Paula Weigel
Jack and Nona Roe Stuart L. Weinstein, M.D.
Kirke Rogers and Sarah Wernimont and Mrs. Lynn Weinstein
Gerald and Nancy Rose Paul Weller and Sara Rynes Weller
Jo Ellen Ross Stephen and Victoria West
Jeff and Susan Sailors West Music
Hutha Sayre Gary A. and LaDonna K. Wicklund
Scheels Ellen M. Widiss
Steve and Janie Schomberg Candace Wiebener
Ralph Schultz Family Foundation Derek and Pamela Willard
Thomas R. Scott Dorothy M. Willie
Louis P. and Patricia A. Shields Herbert A. and Janice A. Wilson
Siroos Shirazi and Patti Walden Betty Winokur
Shive-Hattery Architecture Lee and Bev Witwer
+ Engineering Sara Wolfson
William and Marlene W. Stanford Stephen H. Wolken
Edwin and Mary Stone and Sue Montgomery Wolken
Sue and Joan Strauss George and Carrol Woodworth
Lyse Strnad and Tom Leavenworth Patty and Steve Yeater
W. Richard and Joyce Summerwill Catherine Zaharis and Robert Michael
Alan and Liz Swanson Deborah and Rodney Zeitler


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