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School Siquijor Provincial Science High School Grade 8

DAILY Teacher Learning

Jane P. Ebao ENGLISH
Teaching Dates _______________
Quarter 4
& Time _______________
Week No. 4 Day Duration 1 hour

Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedure must be followed and if needed, additional
lessons, exercises, remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies.
I. OBJECTIVES Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be
derived from the curriculum guide.

The learner demonstrates understanding of : South and West Asian literature as an expression
of philosophical and religious beliefs; information flow in various text types; reality, fantasy,
A. Content
and opinion in listening and viewing materials; word decoding strategies; and use of
information sources, active/passive constructions, direct/reported speech, perfect tenses, and
logical connectors in journalistic writing.
The learners transfers learning by composing a variety of journalistic texts, the contents of
B. Performance which may be used in composing and delivering a memorized oral speech featuring use of
Standards properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making,
persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features , stance and behaviour.
C. Learning  Compose effective paragraph (EN8WC-IIa-2.8)
Write the LC Code for

Knowledge: Define what paragraph is and its elements

Skill: Express personal ideas through paragraph composition
D. Learning
Objectives Attitude: Appreciate the importance of creating effective paragraph in expressing one’s
Content is what the lesson all about. It pertains to the subject matter the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
CONTENT/TOPIC Composing Effective Paragraphs
III. LEARNING List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and
manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Learner’s English 8 Self-Learning Module (SLM) 4 for Quarter 4
Materials pages
2. Additional
Materials from
Learning NONE
Resource (LR)
3. Online
B. Other Learning
pen and paper, multimedia presentation, laptop
These steps should be across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the
IV. students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice
their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusion about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the
PROCEDURES time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing  Greetings
previous lesson  Prayer
or presenting
 Checking of Attendance
the new lesson.
ELICIT (The activities in this  Classroom Rules/ House Rules at Activity Rules
section will evoke or draw out prior
concepts of or experiences from the
After that, the teacher will now start the class.
1. The teacher will let learners turn to “What’s In” part of the module. Then, have them
read and answer the questions in Activity 1 which is about synthesizing essential
information (oral interaction).
2. The teacher will let learners proceed to Activity 2 of “What’s In”. Have them say TRUE
if the statement is correct and FALSE if not (oral interaction). (These will also be shown
through a powerpoint presentation)
B. Establishing a
purpose for the Activity 1: Eyes on Me!
ENGAGE (The activities in this
The students will be asked to compare the given example paragraphs.
section will stimulate their thinking
and help them access and connect Paragraph 1:
prior knowledge as a jumpstart to the
present lesson.) The majestic waterfall captivated visitors with its sheer power and beauty.As tourists
approached the edge of the gorge, they were greeted by the thunderous roar of cascading

A water echoing through the canyon.
W The sight of the waterfall plunging gracefully from the cliff above left spectators in awe,
its mist creating a cool, refreshing atmosphere.
E Families gathered on the viewing platform, cameras in hand, capturing memories against
N the backdrop of nature's grandeur.In the presence of such natural wonder, visitors couldn't
E help but feel a sense of reverence for the beauty and power of the natural world.
Paragraph 2:
The dog ran fast. It was big. It barked loudly. Then it stopped. It looked around. It saw a
squirrel. It chased it. The squirrel climbed a tree. The dog barked more. Then it went

The teacher will ask a question after the activity.

QUESTION: What is the importance of making an outline before coming up or
finalizing a paragraph?
C. Presenting
ces of the new

Through oral interaction, let learners describe the picture above. The idea of the first
learner can be continued by the next, and so on. After which, have them answer the
motive questions: Why is it important to express ideas effectively both in oral and
D. Discussing the 1. The teacher and the learners will interact on the following through a powerpoint
new concepts presentation.
and practicing
new skills. what is a paragraph?
EXPLORE (In this section,
students will be given time to think,
the elements of a paragraph
plan, investigate, and organize the common kinds of logical order that are essential in crafting ideas
collected information; or the
performance of the planned/prepared the three (3) basic structures of a paragraph
activities from the student’s manual the example of a well-structured paragraph
with data gathering and Guide

2. The learners will proceed to “What’s More” and work on different activities. They will
be divided by pair as they answer the activity. (THINK- PAIR- SHARE)

Independent activity 1. The learners will identify the subject and the
controlling idea in each of the given topic sentence.
Independent activity 2. The learners will pick out the topic sentence,
supporting details, and concluding sentence from the paragraph.

After the activity, they will have to share their answers in front of the class.

E. Developing The students will be asked to identify the topic sentence, supporting sentences and
mastery concluding sentence on the paragraph provided.
(Leads to
assessment 3). When people have a hard time in falling asleep at night, there are three things that
EXPLAIN (In this section, students they can do to relax before going to sleep. One of the most pleasant ways to relax is to
will be involved in an analysis of their
exploration. Their understanding is
imagine a beautiful and peaceful place. This requires a creative mind but it is very
clarified and modified because of effective. Another common method is to practice deep-breathing exercises. These
reflective activities)/Analysis of the
gathered data and results and be rhythmic exercises are good for getting rid of the tension that causes people to stay awake.
able to answer the Guide Questions A third method is to listen to relaxing music, especially soft music. Some people may
leading to the focus concept or topic
of the day. have developed unique ways to help them fall asleep, but these three methods are
extremely effective for the majority of people with sleep problems.

Making The teacher asks the question, “Based on the activities undertaken and the discussion that
generalization Learners will answer the question orally.
and abstraction

about the lesson.

ELABORATE (This section will 1. What is a paragraph?
give students the opportunity to 2. What are the four elements of a paragraph?
expand and solidify / concretize their
understanding of the concept and / 3. How many supporting sentences does a paragraph usually has?
or apply it to real –world situation) 4. What are the common kinds of logical order in paragraphs?
5. What does a basic structure of a paragraph consists of?
G. Finding practical Activity 3: How Do You Feel?
application of
concepts and
skills in daily The teacher will let the learners listen on the song entitled “Masdan Mo Ang
living. Kapaligiran” by Asin.

On a ½ crosswise sheet of paper, they will have to write an effective paragraph which
highlights what they feel after hearing the song. Their composition should have a topic
sentence, supporting details and concluding sentence.

Guide Question:
How do you feel after hearing the song?

You will be graded according to the writing rubric on page 12 of Module 4.

H. Evaluating Activity 4: Answer Me!
learning. I. Identify what is being referred in each statement below by chosing your answer
EVALUATION (This section will
provide for concept check test items from the pool of choices given.
and answer key which are aligned to
the learning objectives - content and
performance standards and address Paragraph Unity
misconceptions – if any)
Coherence Completeness Order

1. It is an element of a paragraph which means “oneness”.

2. This means that the paragraph is well-developed. All sentences clearly and
sufficiently support the main idea.
3. An element of a paragraph which means “sticking together”. The best way to
achieve this is to use transition words. These words create bridges from sentence to
the next.
4. This refers to a group of related sentences that develop one main idea.

II. Arrange
the following sentences to form a well-organized idea by writing the
numbers (1-5) at the blanks provided. Write 1 for the first sentence and 5 for the


_______ The day we went up in Banahao is the day that I learned that there can be
a surprising difference in temperature between the ground and the top of a
mountain. _______ My most vivid memory from childhood is travelling to the top
of Mount Banahao.
_______ It was warm on the ground that day, but it got colder and colder the
higher we went up to the mountain.
_______ Indeed, it is my most unforgettable journey I ever had.
_______ Also, the lush bushes add color to our journey.

III. Identify the topic sentence, supporting details and concluding sentence of the given
paragraph below.
Apples make us healthy. They are rich in fiber that reduces the risk of cardiovascular
diseases. They also have vitamin C that boosts the immune system and helps defend the
body from infections and diseases. Lactobacilli, a type of probiotic that is good for
digestion, is another component present in apples. In addition, apples have potassium that
reduces the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular complications. Indeed, apples
are nutritious and good for our health.

I. Additional On your notebook, write an effective paragraph about the picture below.
activities for
application or
EXTEND (This sections give
situation that explains the topic in a
new context , or integrate it to
another discipline / societal concern)

Your paragraph should follow the following structure:

a. one topic sentence
b. three supporting details
c. one concluding sentence

Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students
VI. REFLECTION learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant question.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learner who caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/ discover which I
wish to share with other
NOTE: Procedure/Format is adapted/adopted from DLP 2017 of DepEd-Division of Lapu-Lapu City as reference.


Independent Activity 1:
Instructions: Underline the subject and encircle the controlling idea in each of the given topic

1. Cats are very good pets for several reasons.

2. Our school’s dress code policy has many negative consequences for girls.

3. The world population is strongly impacted by a lack of access to water.

4. To be an effective CEO requires certain characteristics.

5.Crime in poverty-stricken areas occurs as a result of systematic discrimination.

Independent Activity 2:
Instructions: Pick out the topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence from the
paragraph below. Write your answers on the space provided.

Electric cars are future in the auto industry. As climate change gets worse, governments are going to start
limiting the number of gasoline cars being built. The cost of gas will continue to rise, which will make it
harder for people to afford to run gas powered cars. As battery technology improves, electric cars will be
able to travel further on a charge and cost less to buy. Eventually most gas powered cars will be replaced by
electric cars.

Topic Sentence: ________________________________________________________________________


Supporting Details:______________________________________________________________________







Concluding Sentence: ___________________________________________________________________




Activity 1: Eyes on Me!
The students will be asked to compare the given example paragraphs.

Paragraph 1:
The majestic waterfall captivated visitors with its sheer power and beauty.As tourists approached the edge of the
gorge, they were greeted by the thunderous roar of cascading water echoing through the canyon.
The sight of the waterfall plunging gracefully from the cliff above left spectators in awe, its mist creating a cool,
refreshing atmosphere.
Families gathered on the viewing platform, cameras in hand, capturing memories against the backdrop of nature's
grandeur.In the presence of such natural wonder, visitors couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence for the beauty and
power of the natural world.

Paragraph 2:
The dog ran fast. It was big. It barked loudly. Then it stopped. It looked around. It saw a squirrel. It chased it. The
squirrel climbed a tree. The dog barked more. Then it went home.

Activity 3: How Do You Feel?

Directions: On a ½ crosswise sheet of paper, they will have to write an effective paragraph which
highlights what they feel after hearing the song. Their composition should have a topic sentence, supporting
details and concluding sentence.

Guide Question:
How do you feel after hearing the song?

1 2 3 4
Topic I didn’t I attempted I included a
I included a
sentence include a to present a basic topic
topic sentence
topic topic sentence.__
that could
sentence.___ sentence.__ _________
hook the
______ _________ reader.______
Details I didn’t I included I included I included
include relevant descriptive details that
details.____ details.____ details.____ create an
______ _______ ______ image.______
Transition I didn’t I included I included I included
words include one two three or more
transition transition transition transition
words._____ words.____ words.____ devices._____
_____ _______ ______ ________
Conclusio I didn’t I attempted I included a I included a
n include a a basic well-
conclusion._ conclusion. conclusion. developed
__________ _________ _________ conclusion.___
__ _ _________
Total Score: _______
Teacher’s Comments:

Activity 4: Answer Me!

I. Identify what is being referred in each statement below by chosing your answer from the
pool of choices given.

Paragraph Unity

Coherence Completeness Order

___________________1.It is an element of a paragraph which means “oneness”.

___________________2.This means that the paragraph is well-developed. All sentences
clearly and sufficiently support the main idea.
___________________3.An element of a paragraph which means “sticking together”. The
best way to achieve this is to use transition words. These words create bridges from sentence
to the next.
___________________4.This refers to a group of related sentences that develop one main

II. Arrange the following sentences to form a well-organized idea by writing the numbers (1-
5) at the blanks provided. Write 1 for the first sentence and 5 for the last.

_______ The day we went up in Banahao is the day that I learned that there can be a
surprising difference in temperature between the ground and the top of a mountain. _______
My most vivid memory from childhood is travelling to the top of Mount Banahao.
_______ It was warm on the ground that day, but it got colder and colder the higher we
went up to the mountain.
_______ Indeed, it is my most unforgettable journey I ever had.
_______ Also, the lush bushes add color to our journey.

III. Identify the topic sentence, supporting details and concluding sentence of the given
paragraph below.

Apples make us healthy. They are rich in fiber that reduces the risk of cardiovascular
diseases. They also have vitamin C that boosts the immune system and helps defend the
body from infections and diseases. Lactobacilli, a type of probiotic that is good for digestion,
is another component present in apples. In addition, apples have potassium that reduces the
risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular complications. Indeed, apples are nutritious
and good for our health.
(P.S. To the users Comments Suggestions
of this DLP:
To improve this
DLP, please send
your comments
and suggestions
to the writer
whose details
appear below.
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