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Altitude - height Altitude of a conic solid - the length of a segment whose endpoints are the vertex and a point

on the plane of the base that is perpendicular to the plane of the base Altitude of a cylindric solid - the distance between the planes of the bases Altitude of a trapezoid - the distance between the bases of a trapeziod Altitude of a triangle - the perpendicular segment from a vertex to the line containing the opposite side of a triangle Ambiguous - not stable; changing Analytic geometry - see coordinate geometry Angle - the union of 2 rays that have the same endpoint; measured in degrees or radians (trig.); the five types of angles are zero, acute, right, obtuse, and straight Angle bisector - a ray that is in the interior of an angle and forms two equal angles with the sides of that angle Angle measure between a line and a plane - the smallest of the angles formed when a line intersects a plane Angle side - one of the two rays forming an angle Antecedent - the 'if' part of a conditional; represented by p; aka hypothesis, given, problem; see consequent Area - the amount of space taken up in a plane by a figure Arc - a path from one node in a network to another; doesn't have to be straight & can be more than 1 line between 2 nodes; part of a circle; see minor arc, major arc Arc length - the distance between an arc's endpoints along the path of the circle Area(F) - the area of figure F Automatic drawer - a computer program that lets you build constructions Axis - the line containing the vertex of a conic solid and the center of the base Base - the side of an isoscoles triangle whose endpoints are the vertices of the base angles Base angle - the angle opposite one of the equilateral sides in an isoscoles triangle

Base angle of a trapezoid - consecutive angles that share a base of a trapezoid Base of a conic solid - the planar region that forms the widest point of a conic solid; often labeled as the 'bottom' of the conic solid, it determines the exact shape of the conic solid Base of a cylindric solid - the original region and its translation image Base of a trapezoid - the parallel sides of a trapezoid Biconditional - a conditional and its converse where the converse is also true; uses the words if and only if; written p q Bilateral symmetry - see reflection symmetry Bisector of an angle - see angle bisector Bisector pf a segment - any plane, point or two-dimensional figure containing the the midpoint of the segment and no other points on that segment Box - a surface made up of rectangles; a rectangular parallelpided Capacity - see volume Cartesian plane - a coordinate plane Center of a circle - the point that all points in the circle are equidistant from Center of a rotation - the point where the two intersecting lines of a rotation meet Center of gravity - the mean of the coordinates of points in a figure, whether one, two, or three-dimensional Central angle of a circle - an angle whose vertex is the center of the circle Chord of a circle - a segment whose endpoints are on a circle Circle - the set of points on a plane at a certain distance (radius) from a certain point (center); a polygon with infinite sides Circularity - when on a search, circling back to a previous place visited (definition, web site, etc.), usually unhelpful or redundant Circumference - the perimeter of a circle Clockwise - in orientation, the direction in which the points are named when, if traveling along the line, the interior of the polygon is on the right (got all that?); see counterclockwise

Coincidental lines - lines that are identical (one and the same) Colinear - in the same line Compass - a drawing tool used to draw circles at different radii Complementary angles - 2 angles whose measures, when added together, equal 90 degrees; see supplementary angles Composite transformation - The composite of a first transformation S and a second transformation T is the transformation mapping a point P onto T(S(P)). When written T2 T1, do T1 first; see translation, rotation, glide reflection, similarity transformation Concave - see nonconvex Concentric circles - circles that share the same center, but have different radii Conditional - a statement that tells if one thing happens, another will follow; written as p q; see antecedent, consequent, converse, inverse, contrapositive Cone - the surface of a conic solid whose base is a circle; see right cone Congruence tranformation - see isometry Congruent - equilateral, equal, exactly the same (size, shape, etc.) Congruent figures - two figures where one is the image of the other under a reflection or composite of reflections; written A B Conic section - plane section of a cone Conic solid - the set of points between a point (the vertex) and a non-coplanar region (the base), including the point and the region; see cone, pyramid, regular pyramid, right cone Conjecture - an educated guess or opinion; a hypothesis Consecutive sides - sides of a polygon that share an endpoint Consecutive vertices - endpoints of a single side of a polygon Consequent - the 'then' part of a conditional; represented by q; aka conclusion, prove, answer Constant of an equation - the term that has no variable in an equation; example: C Construction - a precise way of drawing which allows only 2 tools: the straightedge and the compass

Contraction - a size change where k is less than 1 Contrapositive - a type of conditional; if not q, then not p; written ~q ~p; see inverse Converse - a reversed conditional; if a conditional is p q, than its converse is q p Convex set - a set of points in which all segments connecting points of the set lie entirely in the set; There are three things one can do to see if a figure is convex - look for "dents", extend the segments (they shouldn't enter the figure), and connect any two points within the figure with a segment (if any part of the segment lies outside the figure, it's concave); see nonconvex set Coordinate - a number that identifies (or helps to identify) a point on a number line (or on a plane, or in space) Coordinate geometry - the study of geometrically representing ordered pairs of numbers Coordinate plane - a plane in which every point is identified with exactly 1 number and vice versa; a twodimensional graph

Coordinatized line - a line on which every point is identified with exactly 1 number and vice versa; a onedimensional graph. The distance between 2 parts on a coordinatized line is the absolute value of the difference of their coordinates.

Coplanar - within the same plane Corollary to a theorem - a theorem that is easily proved from the first Corresponding angles - any pair of angles in similar locations with respect to a transversal Coterminal angles - two angles that have the same terminal side Counterclockwise - in orientation, the direction in which points are named when, if travelling on the line, the interior of the figure is on the left side; see clockwise Counterexample - a situation in a conditional for which the antecedent is true, but the conditional is false; aka contradiction Cylindric solid

- the set of points between a region and its translation in space, including the region and its image Cylinder - the surface of a cylindric solid whose base is a circle; see right cylinder Cylindric surface - the union of the bases and the lateral surface Decagon - a ten-sided polygon Degree - unit used to measure angles Dense line - the line that contains the shortest path between two points Diagonal - a segment in a polygon whose endpoints are 2 nonconsecutive vertices Diameter of a circle (or sphere) - the segment whose endpoints are points on a circle (or sphere) that contains the center of the circle as its midpoint; the length of that segment Dilation - see size change Dilatation - see size change Dimensions - the width, length, and height of a plane or space figure Direction - the way a number goes - positive or negative Direction of a translation - the compass direction in which a translation goes (duh) Discrete Line - a line made of dots with space inbetween their centers Distance - the distance between points A and B is written as AB Distance between 2 parallel lines - the length of a perpendicular segment between them Dodecagon - a twelve-sided polygon Dot - a description of a point in which the point has a definite size Duodecagon - a twelve-sided polygon Drawing - a freehand picture using any tool; see construction Edge - a segment that helps to make up a face Empty set - see null set Ends of a kite

- the common vertices of the equilateral sides of a kite Enneagon - a nine-sided polygon Equianglular - having angles of the same measure Equidistant - the same distance from something Equilateral - equal in length Equilateral triangle - a triangle whose sides are equal in length Even node - a node that has an even number of arcs Exclusive or - one or the other, but not both Existential statement - a conditional that uses the word 'same' Expansion - a size change where k is greater than 1 Exterior angles - angles outside of two lines cut by a transversal; see interior angles Exterior of an angle - the nonconvex set formed by an angle that measures less than 180 degrees; see interior of an angle Extremes - in the proportion Face - a polygonal region of a surface Family tree - hierarchy; tower or pyramid of power or importance Figure - a set of points 45-45-90 triangle - an isoscoles right triangle Fundamental region - a region used in a tesselation Geometric mean - the number g such that for two numbers a and b, Given - information assumed to be true in a proof Glide reflection - a type of composite transformation where a figure is reflected and then translated in a parallel direction Goldback's Conjecture , a and d; see means

- if n is an even number greater than 2, then there are always 2 prime numbers whose sum is n Grade - the tilt of a real-life object in relation to the horizontal, often used to determine how steep a hill is Graph theory - the mathematics of complicated networks Great circle - the circle formed by the intersection of a sphere and the plane that contains its center and that divides the sphere into two hemispheres; see small circle Grid - a tesselation of congruent squares sometimes used to measure distance Harmonic mean - two times the product divided by the sum of the two numbers Hemisphere - half of a sphere Heptagon - a seven-sided polygon Hexagon - a six-sided polygon Hidden lines - broken lines used to signify lines that normally wouldn't be seen in a drawing Hierarchy - a chart that shows varying levels of importance Horizontal line - a line whose slope is zero Hypotenuse - the side opposite the right angle in a right triangle Icosahedron - a 20-sided solid; each side is in the shape of a triangle Identity reflection - a reflection where the preimage and the image are the same; see reflection symmetry Identitiy transformation - a size change where k equals 1 IFF - if and only if; see biconditional If-then statement - see conditional Image - the reflection of the preimage Improper subset - a subset that includes the entire parent set; see proper subset Included angle - the angle made by two sides of a polygon Included side - the side between two angles in a polygon

Inclusive or - one or the other, or both; and/or Infinite - uncountable Initial side - the side that the measurement of an angle starts from; see terminal side Instance of a sentence - a situation where the statement is true Interior angles - angles between two lines cut by a transversal; see exterior angles Interior of an angle - the convex set formed by an angle that measures less than 180 degrees; see exterior of an angle Interior of a circle - the set of points whose distance from the center of the circle is less than that of the radius Intersecting planes - planes that share a line Intersection of two sets A and B - the set of elements which are in both A and B; written A B Inverse - a form of conditional; if not p, then not q; written ~p ~q Irrational number - decimal number that never ends, never repeats (Ex: pi) Irregular region - region whose boundary is not the union of circular arcs or segments Isometry - a transformation that keeps the same size and shape of a figure but moves it to a new location; see reflection, rotation, translation, glide reflection Isosceles trapezoid - a trapezoid that has a pair of equiangular base angles Isosceles triangle - a triangle with two sides of equal length Kite - a quadrilateral that has two distinct pairs of consecutive equilateral sides L.A. - lateral area Lateral area - the area of the lateral surface of a solid Lateral edge - a segment whose endpoints are corresponding points of a cylindric solid's bases, or whose endpoints are the vertex of a conic solid and a vertex of its base Lateral faces - the faces of the lateral surface of a prism, or a face of a pyramid that is not a base Lateral surface - the surface not included in the base(s)

Lattice points - points in the coordinate plane with integer coordinates Leg of a right triangle - a side of a right triangle that include the 90 degree angle Limit - the actual area of a region Line - a two-dimensional object that has no endpoints and continues on forever in a plane; formed of infinite points; the 3 orientations that lines may have are horizontal, vertical, oblique, and skew lines; written Linear equation - Ax + By + C = 0 Linear pair - 2 supplementary adjacent angles whose noncommon sides form a line

Linear term of an equation - the term with a variable, but no exponent in an equation; example: By in a linear equation Line number - numbers on the left side of a computer screen that tell the computer in what order to do instructions in a computer programming language such as BASIC Line of reflection - the line that is reflected over in a reflection Line perpendicular to a plane - a line perpendicular to every line in the plane that it intersects (or any one of them) Lines of sight - lines from an eye to what it sees that show perspective and what size to draw it Location - one of the four main description of a point Locus - the set that satisfies a given condition Magnitude - the value of a number; its distance from the origin Magnitude of a rotation - the amount of rotation in degrees Magnitude of a translation - the distance between any point and its image Major arc - an arc whose endpoints form an angle over 180 degrees with the center of the circle; written Mapping - the extra letter is used to distinguish it from a minor arc; see minor arc

- making a transformation Matrix - arrangement of pixels Mean - average Meaning - a version of a conditional that defines a term, where the term is in the antecedent; see sufficient condition Means - in the proportion , b and c; see extremes Measure - the amount of openness in an angle Measure of an arc - The measure of minor arc or major arc is the measure of its central angle. Median - the segment connecting the vertex of an angle in a triangle to the midpoint of the side opposite it Midpoint - the point M of where AM = AB Minor arc - an arc whose endpoints form an angle less than 180 degrees with the center of the circle; written ; see major arc Net - a 2-D figure that can be folded on its segments or curved on its boundaries to form a 3D figure; see article here Network - a group of nodes and arcs N-gon - a polygon with n sides Node - a description of a point in a network where it is possible for two different segments to share the same endpoints Nonagon - a nine-sided polygon Nonconvex set - a set of points in which not all segments connecting points of the set lie entirely in the set; synonym: concave; see convex set Non-Euclidean geometry - solid geometry Non-included side - the side of a triangle that is not included by 2 given angles Non-overlapping regions - regions that don't share interior points Nonperspective drawing - a three-dimensional drawing that doesn't use perspective

Null set - a set with nothing in it Number line - a coordinatized line Oblique prism or cylinder - a non-right prism or cylinder Oblique line - a line that has a definite slope not equal to zero Obtuse angle - an angle whose measure is greater than 90 but less than 180 degrees; see acute angle Octagon - an eight-sided polygon Odd node - a node with an odd number of arcs One-dimensional - having length, but no width; examples: a line, a ray, a segment Opposite faces - faces that lie in parallel planes Opposite rays - two rays with a common endpoint that form a line Ordered pair - the two numbers that (called coordinates) are used to identify a point in a plane; written
(x, y)

Ordered triple - the three numbers (called coordinates) that are used to identify a point in space; written
(x, y, z)

Orientation - in an image change, the direction in which the points named go (i.e., how A's position relates to B's and B's relates to C's); either clockwise or counterclockwise for figures Overlapping triangles - triangles that share a side or angle Parallel lines - two or more coplanar lines that have no points in common or are identical (eg, the same line) Parallelogram - a quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides parallel Parallelpiped - a prism whose opposite faces are all parallelograms and congruent (in pairs) Parallel planes - planes that have no points in common Pentadecagon - a 15-sided polygon Pentagon - a five-sided polygon Perimeter of a polygon - the sum of the lengths of the sides of the polygon Perpendicular bisector

- the bisector of a segment perpendicular to it Perpendicular lines - 2 segments, rays, or lines that form a 90 degree angle Perpendicular planes - planes in which any two intersecting lines, one in each plane, form a right angle Perspective - feeling of depth Perspective drawing - a drawing in which, in order to show perspective, oblique parallel lines will meet Pi - written ( for those of you who can't read math tags yet); the ratio C/D where C is the circumference and D is the diameter of a circle; 3.14159265359 Pixel - small dot of color that makes up computer and TV screens Plane - a two-dimensional group of points that goes on infinitely in all directions; made up of infinite lines Plane figure - a set of points that are on a plane Plane geometry - the study of two-dimensional figures in a plane Plane section - the intersection of a figure with a plane Point - a zero-dimensional figure; while usually left undefined, has four main representions the dot, the node, the location, and the ordered pair of numbers Polarity of a variable - the positivity or negativity of a variable; its direction Polygon - a union of 3 or more segments where each segment intersects 2 other segments, one at each endpoint; "many sided"; see reflex polygon Polygonal region - the union of a polygon and its interior Polyhedron - a three-dimensional surface which is the union of polygonal regions and has no holes Postulate - a statement assumed to be true without proof; see theorem Preimage - the original object that is reflected Prism - the surface of a cylindric solid whose base is a polygon; see right prism, parallelpiped, box Proof - a sequence of justified conclusions used to prove the validity of an if-then statement Proper subset - a subset that doesn't include everything in its parent set; see improper subset

Proportion - a statement that two ratios are equal Proportional - one of four numbers that form a true proportion Protracter - a tool used to measure angles Prove - the goal of a proof Pyramid - the surface of a conic solid whose base is a polygon; see regular pyramid Pythagorean triple - a set of three numbers that can be side lengths of a right triangle Q.E.D. - "quod erat demonstrandum" (Latin) This stems from medieval translators' habitual tendency of translating the Greek for "this was to be demonstrated" to the Latin phrase above. This appeared originally at the end of many of Euclid's propositions, signifying that he had proved what he set out to prove. Q.E.F. - "quod erat faciendum" is the latin for "which was to be done" It appears in Latin translations of Euclid's works signifying that he had demonstrated what he had set out to demonstrated. Quadrangle - a four-sided polygon; see quadrilateral Quadratic equation - Ax2 + By + C = 0 Quadratic term of an equation - the term Ax2 in a quadratic equation Quadrilateral - a four-sided polygon; see rhombus, parallelogram, square, rectangle, trapezoid, isoscoles trapezoid, kite R - rotation r - radius Radii - plural form of radius Radius - the segment whose endpoints are any point on a circle or sphere and its center; the length of that segment Rate - a ratio where the quantities are of different kinds; example: 60 miles per hour Ratio - a quotient of 2 numbers Ratio of similtude - the ratio of the length of an image to the length of the preimage Ray

- a one-dimensional figure that consists of one endpoint A, one point B, all of the points on , and all points for which B is between them and A; written Rectangle - a quadrilateral whose angles are all right angles Rectangular solid - the union of a box and its interior Reference angle - the angle of less than 360 degrees that corresponds to an angle of over 360 degrees; In order to get the reference angle, you must subtract 360 degrees from the given angle until there is less than 360 degrees left. Refine - to change a conjecture slightly so that it is true Reflecting line - see line of reflection Reflection image - For a point A not on the reflecting line, its reflection image is the point B where the reflecting line is the perpendicular bisector of . For a point A on the reflecting line, its reflection image is itself. Reflection image of a figure - the set of all of the reflection images of points in the figure Reflection notation - rm(ABC), which stands for the reflection over line m of figure ABC Reflection-symmetric figure - a figure that shows reflection symmetry Reflection symmetry - a characteristic of a figure in which there is a reflection line where its reflection is itself Reflex polygon - a polygon for which 2 or more of its sides intersect each other Region - the union of a figure and its interior Regular polygon - a convex polygon whose angles and sides are all congruent Regular pyramid - a pyramid whose base is a regular polygon and whose vertex forms a segment with the center of the polygon perpendicular to its plane Resolution - the density of pixels in a picture Rhombus - a parallelogram with four equilateral sides Right angle - an angle whose measure is 90 degrees Right cone - a cone whose axis is perpendicular to the plane containing its base Right cylinder - a cylinder whose direction of sliding is perpendicular to the plane of the base Right prism

- a prism whose direction of sliding is perpendicular to the plane of the base Right triangle - a triangle that has a 90 degree angle Rotation - the composite of two reflections over intersecting lines S.A. - surface area Scale factor - size change magnitude Scalene triangle - a triangle with no equilateral sides Secant to a circle - a line that intersects the circle in two points Sector - part of a circle containing its center and an arc Segment - aka line segment; the set of points consisting of two distinct points and all inbetween them; written Semicircle - an arc whose central angle is a right angle Septagon - a seven-sided polygon Set - a collection of objects called elements Side of a polygon - a single segment from the union that forms a polygon Similar figures - two figures that have a similarity transformation mapping one onto the other; written F~G Similarity transformation - a transformation that is the composite of size changes and/or reflections Size change - Let A be a point and k be a positive real number. For any point B, let T(B) = B' be the point on with OP' = K*OP. Then S is the size change with center A and magnitude k. See transformation. Size change factor - size change magnitude Size transformation - see size change Skew lines - non-coplanar lines that don't intersect Slant height - the length of a lateral edge of a conic solid Slide - see translation Slope

- the measure of the tilt of a line; rise over run (i.e., how much the line moves up for every movement to the right). The formula for slope is y2-y1 x2-x1 Small circle - the circle formed by the intersection of a sphere and a plane that doesn't contain the center Solid - the union of the surface and the region of space enclosed by a 3-D figure; examples: conic solid, cylindric solid, rectangular solid Solid geometry - the study of figures in three-dimensional space Space - the set of all possible points; made up of infinite planes Sphere - the set of points in space equidistant from a certain point Square - an equilateral and equianglular quadrilateral Straight angle - an angle whose measure is 180 degrees, forming a line with its sides Straightedge, unmarked - just how it sounds, an unmarked tool used to draw straight lines Subroutine - a previously known algorithm used in another algorithm Subset - a set that is part of a larger set Sufficient condition - a version of a conditional that tells you when you can use the term defined, where the term is in the consequent; a condition that implies a preset conclusion; see meaning Supplementary angles - 2 angles whose measures, when added together, equal 180 degrees Surface - the boundary of a 3-D figure Surface area - the total area of the surface of a solid Symmetry diagonal - the diagonal that perpendicularly bisects the other and is a symmetry line for the kite Symmetry line - the line of reflection in a reflection-symmetric figure Terminal side - the side that the measurement of an angle ends at Tesselate - the ability of a region to tessalate Tesselation - a covering of a plane with congruent copies of the same region with no holes or overlaps

Tetragon - a four-sided polygon; see quadrilateral Theorem - important mathematical statements which can be proven by postulates, definitions, and/or previously proved theorems Three-dimensional - having length, width, and thickness (i.e., space) 3-D figure - a set of points in space; examples: box, cone, cylinder, parallelpiped, prism, pyramid, regular pyramid, right cone, right cylinder, right prism, sphere, Tilt - the measure of an angle as compared to a horizontal line; what happens when you kick the pinball machine too hard; see grade Torus - a 3-D figure formed by rolling a rectangle into a cylinder and bending the cylinder until its bases meet; a "doughnut"; see net Transformation - a correspondence between two sets of points such that each point in the preimage has a unique image and that each point in the image has exactly one preimage; see reflection, size change, isometry, composite Transformation notation - T(P), which stands for the transformation of P; also Sk where the transformation S that maps (x, y) onto (kx, ky) and k is the magnitude of that transformation Translation - the composite of two reflections over parallel lines; aka slide Transversal - a line that intersects 2 others Transversible - a network in which all arcs can be traced without going over one more than once Trapezoid - a quadrilateral that has at least one pair of parallel sides; see isoscoles trapezoid Triangle - a polygon with three sides; see equilateral triangle, isoscoles triangle, right triangle, scalene triangle Triangulate - to divide a polygon into triangles Tridecagon - a 13-sided polygon Trigon - a three-sided polygon; see triangle Two-dimensional - having both width and length, but no thickness Undecagon - an eleven-sided polygon Union of two sets A and B - the set of elements in A, B, or both; written AUB

Unit cube - unit of measuring volume Universal statement - a conditional that uses the words 'all' or 'everything' Universe - in a Venn diagram, everything that is outside the sets Vanishing line - the horizon; in a drawing it is at the height of viewer's eye Vanishing point - the point in space where two parallel lines seem to meet Vertex - see node Vertex angle - the angle formed by the equilateral sides of an isoscoles triangle Vertex of an angle - the common endpoint of the two rays Vertex of a conic solid - the point that marks the thinnest part of a conic solid Vertex of a polygon - an endpoint of a segment in a polygon Vertical angles - 2 angles that share a common vertex and whose sides form 2 lines

Vertical line - a line that goes straight up and down, and whose slope is defined as infinite or undefined View - a drawing of a side of an object Volume - the amount of space a 3-D object can hold Wedge - see sector Zero angle - an angle whose measure is 0. In a zero angle, both the initial and terminal sides are the same. Zero-dimensional

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