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Directorate General of Special Education Department

31 Sher
her Shah Block, New Garden Town
(042) 99231366


Bio Data
Student’s Name: _____________________
_________________ Admission Date: _______________
Age: ______________ Gender: _________________
[Photo Graph]
Date of birth: ______________ Birth order: _________________
Religion: ______________ Class/ Grade: ________________
Contact No.: ______________
Home Address: _________________________________________________
Informant Name: __________________________
_______________________________ (relationship
relationship with child) _____________

Type of Disability (Check

Check all that apply
Intellectual Disability (ID) Global Developmental Delay (GDD)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Down Syndrome (DS)
Micro Cephalic Hydro Cephalic
Attention Deficit/Hyper Activity Disorder (ADHD) Cerebral Palsy (CP)
Visual Impairment (Total/ Partial / Low vision) Hearing Impaired
Learning Disability: If yes tick the relevant
(Dyslexia/ Dyscalculia / Dysgraphia / Dyspraxia)

Mention Additional /Multiple disabilities (If Any): ____________________________________


Family History

Fathers’ Name __________________

____________________________ Age: ________________
Education: ____________________________ Occupation: ________________
Monthly Income: __________________
_____________________ No of dependents: _____________
Father living or dead:___________________
___________________ If dead age at death: ____________
Cause of death: ________________________
Any history of physical & psychiatric illness:
illness ______________________________________
Attitude towards target child: (Loving
Loving / Overprotective / Careless / Harsh / others)) __________
Attitude towards other children: (Loving/
Loving/ Overprotective/ Careless/ Harsh/ others)
others) __________
Relationship with spouse: (Satisfactory/Understanding/Conflicting/
Satisfactory/Understanding/Conflicting/ Separated/ Divorced)
Divorced _____
Personality Characteristics:
(Friendly / Cooperative / Optimist / Flexible / Stubborn / Aggressive / Non-cooperative/
Introverted/ Pessimistic/ any other) _____
History of abuse / drug abuse ___________________________________________________
Directorate General of Special Education Department
31 Sher
her Shah Block, New Garden Town
(042) 99231366

Mothers’ Name ____________________________ Age: ________________

Education: ____________________________ Occupation: ________________
Monthly Income: _____________________ No of dependents: _____________
Mother living or dead:___________________ If dead age at death: ____________
Cause of death: ________________________
Any history of physical & psychiatric illness: ______________________________________
Attitude towards target child: (Loving / Overprotective / Careless / Harsh / others) __________
Attitude towards other children: (Loving/ Overprotective/ Careless/ Harsh/ others) __________
Relationship with spouse: (Satisfactory/Understanding/Conflicting/ Separated/ Divorced) _____
Personality Characteristics:
(Friendly / Cooperative / Optimist / Flexible / Stubborn / Aggressive / Non-cooperative
Non /
Introverted/ Pessimistic/ any other) __________________________________________
History of abuse / drug abuse ___________________________________________________
Reaction pattern to stress (Specify behavioral & emotional symptoms):
Are parents living together / separated / divorced? ___________________________
Is child living with both parents, if no, with whom? ________________________
Is child living with step father/ step mother? ________________________________________
Siblings’ Information
o. of Siblings: __________ No. of Brother/s: __
___________ No. of Sister/s: _____________
Interpersonal Relationship with Siblings: ____________________________________________
_______________________ __________________
Any form of disability or chronic disease present in siblings: Yes / No (If yes please describe)
History of any kind of verbal / physical / Sexual abuse with the child
child: Yes / No (If yes please

Overall Pattern of Family Relationship

Alliance Communication Exclusive Tension Criticism


1st Cousin 2nd Cousin Other relatives No relation

Directorate General of Special Education Department
31 Sher
her Shah Block, New Garden Town
(042) 99231366

Birth History

Mother’s age & health at the time of this pregnancy

pregnancy: _________________________________
Was there any illness, injuries, bleeding, or any complication during this pregnancy? Yes / No
(If yes please describe:
Duration of pregnancy: ________________ Emotional
Emotional status during pregnancy: _____________
Duration of labor: ________________
Type of Delivery: Normal C
C- section Vaginal Breech
Birth Place:: _______________ 1st Cry: Yes / No Breathing problem: Yes / No
Anoxia: Yes / Noo Birth weight: _________ Jaundice: Yes / No
Any Fever: Yes / No (if yes) ____________
__________ Birth injury: Yes / No (if yes) ________________
Congenital abnormalities: Yes / No (if yes) _______ Convulsion: (if yes) ___________________
Any other illness: ______________________________________________________________
Did your child bottle or breast fed?____________ How long (specify
ify duration) _____________
Did your child had any sucking/ feeding difficulty Yes / No (if yes):______________________

Developmental Milestones

Physical Millstones Achieving Age

Neck holding
Speech (single word)
Two words speech
Talking (complete sentence)
Eating without help
Dressing without help
Taking bath without help
Bladder Bowl control
Directorate General of Special Education Department
31 Sher
her Shah Block, New Garden Town
(042) 99231366


Medical History/ Health Information

Has your child had any of the following?

Meningitis Mumps Measles Head injury Hepatitis
T.B Polio Asthma Chicken pox Whooping
Cleft Cleft Epilepsy Seizures
Lips Palate
Vision Squint Cataract Glaucoma Ear Infection
High grade fever (with /without fit) Non
Any other Health issue: __________________________________________________________
Allergies: Yes / No (if yes specify)) ________________________________________________
Has completed vaccination course?? Yes / No
Has completed Covid-19
19 vaccination course? Yes / No
age: ____________________________________________
Any health issue with approximate age _______________________________________
If yes, duration of care: _______________________ Length of hospital stay: _____
Medication currently: Yes / No (If
If yes, name of medicine(s) ____________________________
Psychosomatic complaints: Yes / No (if yes specify) ___________________________________
Emotional and Behavioral Pattern
Thumb sucking Nail Biting Finger Chewing
Teeth grinding Temper tantrums Hyperactivity
Enuresis (Day/Night) Stuttering Stammering
Rigidity / stubbornness Anxiety Fears
Danger Recognition Masturbation Stealing
Argumentativeness Aggressiveness
(Physical / verbal)
Is your child manageable at home? Yes / No / with assistance
Is your child manageable outside of the home? Yes / No / with assistance
Repetitive behaviors: Yes / No (if
if yes specify) ______________________________
Any other Behavioral issue: (if yes specify) ___________________________________
Social Skills
Does child prefer to play? (Check all tha
that apply):
Alone With other With older With younger
children children children
Directorate General of Special Education Department
31 Sher
her Shah Block, New Garden Town
(042) 99231366
Does child? (Check all that apply)
Avoid eye contact Dislike being touched or cuddled
Appear self-centered Interrupt others frequently during conversation
Fail to take turns during conversation
Shows little or no interest in what the other person has to say
Fail to use polite form of communication (Saying please/sorry/thank you/Hello/Good bye)
Communication Skills
How does your child communicate?
communicate (e.g. uses words, phrases, sentences, sign language, gestures):
please specify: ___________________
_______Understands / follows simple directives:: Yes / No ______
What languages are spoken at home? __________What
__________ languagee does child speak? __________
Understanding of child’s expressive speech by:
Teacher: _________________ Mother
Mother: __________________ Father: ________________
Less familiar people:: _______________ Any other: _________________
Identify situation / setting at which child feels difficulty in communication
Home ____________________ School ____________________ Friends __________________
Social Gathering ____________Eve
Every where _______________Any other _________________
Other speech problem
roblem related to articulation, voice, fluency (if any) ____________________
Has a speech-language
language pathologist (SLP) provided therapy services to the child? Yes /No
If yes please specify:
When? ____________________________ Duration ____________________________
Why? ______________________________Where? ___________________________________

Educational History
Mention the previous school if attended (if any) ____________________________________
Age at the time of admission: ______________ class of admission: ____________________
Progress in school work (Poor/ Satisfactory/ Good) _____
Grades repeated? if yes, why ? ________________ Reason of withdrawal
drawal __________________

Relations with teacher: Good satisfactory Poor

Relations with peer(s): Good satisfactory Poor

Directorate General of Special Education Department
31 Sher
her Shah Block, New Garden Town
(042) 99231366

Performance Level



Academic Area


i. English
ii. Urdu
i. English
ii. Urdu

Numerical Ability

Any other (General Knowledge /

Science / Social Studies etc.)

Any additional support (coaching / Tuition / academy / remedial class)) provided or not:
not if yes
mention the hours: ____________
___________________ Classroom participation: Active / Passive
Attitude towards studies: _____________________
Interests & Hobbies
Likes: Dislikes:
__________________________________ _______________________________________
__________________________________ _____________________________________
Leisure time activities: ________________________________________________________

Psychologist’s Name & Signatures:

Date: ______________

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