Khotian English2

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Bangladesh form no 5462 (Revised)

Translated from Bengali into English Page No. 1

Khatian No: 2460

District: Khulna P:S: Dighlia Mouza: Debonagar J.L. No: 15 R.S, No: 2155

Name and address of the

owner, non-agricultural
tenant or lessee Share Revenue Plot Class of land Total Area of Share Area of Land In the regard of
No. the land of this according to possession of any
Khatian the Share other special
in the remark
Agricultural Non- Acre Decimal Acre Decimal
1 2 3 4 5 ( Ka) Agricultural 6(Ka) 6 (Kha) 7 8(Ka) 8 (Kha) 9
5 (Kha)
0.50 34 1770 SIde 0 17 1.000 0 17
Mohammad Kamal Hossain

Round Seal

Sd/- Illegible
Md Zakir Hossain
Revenue Officer
….. Note or alteration
according to section of law & Total Land 0 17

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