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93 Jane Dr, Saint Peters, MO 63376-2223, St Charles County

APN: 3-0005-5081-00-0112.0000000 CLIP: 5353592783

MLS Beds MLS Full Baths Half Baths MLS Sale Price MLS Sale Date
3 2 N/A $160,000 09/18/2018

MLS Sq Ft Lot Sq Ft MLS Yr Built Type

1,288 9,945 1976 SFR


Owner Name Conrex Residential Sma I 2018-01 Tax Billing Zip 29405
Operating Company LLC
Tax Billing Address 1505 King Street Ext #100 Tax Billing Zip+4 9442
Tax Billing Address 1505 King Street Ext #100 Owner Occupied No
Tax Billing City & State Charleston, SC


Median Home Value $263,262 School District FRANCIS HOWELL R-III

Median Home Value Rating 4 / 10 Family Friendly Score 71 / 100
Total Crime Risk Score (for the neig 44 / 100 Walkable Score 73 / 100
hborhood, relative to the nation)
Total Incidents (1 yr) 117 Q1 Home Price Forecast $275,220
Standardized Test Rank 74 / 100 Last 2 Yr Home Appreciation 18%


School District Francis Howell Zoning AE9

Municipality St Peters Neighborhood Code 1174-1174
Subdivision Country Hill Manor Resub Topography Flat/Level
Zip Code 63376 New Map 47-MM18
Carrier Route R026 Zoning Description 1-Fam Dwell-Ae9
Census Tract 3113.11 Within 250 Feet of Multiple Flood Z Yes (Ae, X500, X)


Assessment Year 2023 2022 2021

Assessed Value - Total $47,275 $37,133 $37,133
Market Value - Total $248,816 $195,439 $195,439
Market Value - Land $50,000 $45,000 $45,000
Market Value - Improved $198,816 $150,439 $150,439

Total Tax Tax Year Change ($) Change (%)

$2,728 2020
$2,779 2021 $51 1.88%
$2,784 2022 $5 0.19%


Lot Acres 0.2283 Fireplaces 1

Lot Sq Ft 9,945 Garage Type Garage
Lot Frontage 85 Garage Capacity 2
Lot Depth 117 Parking Type Type Unknown
Land Use - Universal SFR Heat Type Forced Air
Land Use - County Single Family Resid Cooling Type Yes
Style Ranch Floor Cover Carpet
# of Buildings 1 Interior Wall Drywall
Stories 1 Exterior Brick Veneer
Year Built 1976 Porch Open Porch
Total Rooms 6 Patio Type Wood Deck
Bedrooms 3 Roof Shape Gable
MLS Total Baths 2 Roof Material Asphalt Shingle
Total Baths 2 Water Type Unknown
Full Baths 2 Sewer Type Unknown
Total Living Area 1,288 Foundation Cont. Footing
Above Gnd Sq Ft 1,288 Condition Average
Basement Type Partial Finished Quality Average


Property Details Courtesy of Jermanita Byrd, Mid America Regional Info Systems Generated on: 11/11/23
The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. The data is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. The accuracy of the data contained herein can be Page 1/3
independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
Feature Type Unit Size/Qty Year Built
A61 S 1,288 1976
Single 1/S Fire Pl U 1
Single 1/S Fire Pl U 1
Open Porch W/Roof S 64
Wood Deck S 232


Estimated Value 1917 Cap Rate 5.6%

Estimated Value High 2133 Forecast Standard Deviation (FSD) 0.11
Estimated Value Low 1701

(1) Rental Trends is a CoreLogic® derived value and should be used for information purposes only.

(2) The FSD denotes confidence in an Rental Trends estimate and uses a consistent scale and meaning to generate a standardized confidence metric. The FSD is a statistic that measures the likely range or dispersion a
Rental Amount estimate will fall within, based on the consistency of the information available to the Rental Amount at the time of estimation. The FSD can be used to create confidence that the true value has a
statistical degree of certainty.


MLS Listing Number 18061570 MLS Pending Date 09/14/2018

MLS Area FRANCIS HOWELL CNTRL Closing Date 09/18/2018
MLS Status Closed Closing Price $160,000
MLS Status Change Date 09/18/2018 MLS Listing Agent Smadelho-Matt Delhougne
MLS Listing Date 07/27/2018 MLS Listing Broker RE/MAX VISION
MLS Current List Price $160,000 MLS Selling Agent Ngellman-Neil Gellman
MLS Orig. List Price $160,000 MLS Selling Broker COLDWELL BANKER PREMIER G

MLS Listing # 15001428 11033834 10017399 80035625 542053

MLS Status Closed Expired Expired Expired Expired
MLS Listing Price $132,900 $126,500 $139,900 $154,900 $149,900
MLS Orig Listing Price $147,000 $137,000 $147,000 $159,900 $149,900
MLS Close Date 11/03/2016
MLS Listing Close Price $132,900 $0 $0 $0
MLS Listing Expiration D 08/30/2015 06/13/2012 08/15/2010 12/07/2008 11/08/2005

MLS Listing # 27100

MLS Status Expired
MLS Listing Price $107,000
MLS Orig Listing Price $107,000
MLS Close Date
MLS Listing Close Price $0
MLS Listing Expiration Date 12/31/2000


Recording Date 09/18/2018 Document Number 6979-132

Settle Date 09/18/2018 Deed Type Warranty Deed
Sale Price $160,000 Owner Name Conrex Residential Sma I 2018-01
Operating Company LLC
Price Per Square Feet $124.22 Seller Hawthorne Kevin & Jeanette

Recording Date 01/24/2019 09/18/2018 11/09/2016 03/18/2003 05/01/1997

Sale Price $160,000 $85,000
Nominal Y Y
Buyer Name Conrex Residl Sma I 20 Conrex Master LLC Hawthorne Kevin & Jea Farmar Lyle Farmar Lyle & Farmar
18-01 O nette Becky
Seller Name Conrex Master LLC Hawthorne Kevin & Jea Farmar Lyle Farmar Lyle & Becky
Document Number 7028-2488 6979-132 6649-249 3303-231 1939-951
Document Type Special Warranty Deed Warranty Deed Warranty Deed Quit Claim Deed Deed (Reg)

Recording Date 07/1992 01/1988

Sale Price $77,000 $71,000
Buyer Name Jensen Mari L Kiley James & Patricia Troha Louis & Suzan
Seller Name

Property Details Courtesy of Jermanita Byrd, Mid America Regional Info Systems Generated on: 11/11/23
The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. The data is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. The accuracy of the data contained herein can be Page 2/3
independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.
Document Number 1468-1445 1195-1436 721-299
Document Type Deed (Reg) Deed (Reg) Deed (Reg)

Property Details Courtesy of Jermanita Byrd, Mid America Regional Info Systems Generated on: 11/11/23
The data within this report is compiled by CoreLogic from public and private sources. The data is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. The accuracy of the data contained herein can be Page 3/3
independently verified by the recipient of this report with the applicable county or municipality.

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