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hen you play games, somebody the sun will come, and you wouldn’t want
wins and somebody loses. And your opponent to ruin it, would you?
while the object of the game is to
win, the point of the game is for I’m an empathetic gamer, and when my
both players to have fun. One thing you can opponent has a bad time, so do I. I recently
do to make that happen, indeed I would say played a game in which I was heading
it is your duty, is to win and lose with grace. towards a major victory, and despite my
efforts to keep it light and fun, my
Keeping in mind the point of the game is to opponent was not dealing with it well. And
have fun, being a poor sport can take all of it made that victory a negative experience.
the joy out of your opponent’s experience. Instead of enjoying it, I was apologising for Managing Editor
And when things aren’t going your way, it. I felt bad. But I was also mad, because
that’s not always fun. But that’s no reason my opponent was taking something from
you should also diminish your opponent’s me. He had lost sight of the point.
fun! That’s when you’re most tested as a
player; can you rise to the occasion and take It wasn’t long before the shoe was on the
your lumps while allowing your opponent other foot, and I remembered to lose with
to enjoy their success? Even if you’re not every bit of grace I could. I hope my
having fun, someone should! Your days in opponent thoroughly enjoyed his win!
tlj'rtiz'f ”WAR;

An tmmdoottoo to tttts month‘s acttoo takmg
piece to the {Wt/to Dam/t Booker,

Are you ready for (JUI Psykors Sorcerers and
the Supemottuat oatmmg chattongo”


Now Crusade rottcs fifld part two of our
compotgn How IS yotn Crusade gum?


New scenartos for 40K and A05, plus a fancy
Watcry Banteoton Gooeratm

Who has prtortty hero? t'topetotiy tttts tssoe's
tauttcs gmde \wtt hetp you find out.

Part two of CICEIEtHg a ootoor scheme takmg
an Idea and tomwg tt [IIIO omts of models.

Tho Rodditch Tabletop Gamers get to touch,
and we take a Closer took and magtcat models

I .

":r‘J.’ ‘5, E‘ ”73‘!“

TALE OF FOUR 5 Letters, questions and pictures of ourntcd
ARLO RD S modelssentin by you,our readers

From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
when civil war makes civil hands unclean.

um: .w W


The world’s largest Warhammer club, including
tactics, painting tips and hobby challenges.


Do you have faith in the God—King Sigmar? You
should join one of the Cults Unberogen.

Something sinister lurks in the sewers of
Hammerhal in this short little tail...

You Messin’7Jimbo talks us through his top 10
narrative rules.

,1" r3. , 4’“ ,' DEATHGORGE BLADEBORN 55

, \‘

' {£79, I i ”if '' Six Bladeborn warbands migratefrom

‘f'\ \,

.‘ -. r N -__ WarhammerUnderworldsinto Warcry.


VA nnmmcfi


it's the final challenge for James, Rhu, Joe and
Andy, and they have pulled out all the stops.

Chrono-psycho-techn0~pyromancy. Is there
anything Crypteks can't do? Well, eat...

The first part in a short-long story set in the
past—present-future of a TechPriest.

ALSO IN THIS ISSUE You’ll have the time of your life with these
This issue’s card —- m‘“’“" temporally-shifting Boarding Action missions.
59; 1°: ”‘C “d“ ”"5 . GALACTICWARHOSTS: , I08
reference for two if: ‘ y .1 1 Painting and modelling inspiration dedicated

scenariOS of the . to the true rulers of the galaxy.

month) one each ' ' - ““ ARMY GALLERY: 122

for Warhammer \ 1m . PURGE THE XENOS
40,000 and Age , .- "MT" Mm“ Golden Demon winner Martin Waller shares
his stunning Deathwatch army With us.
of Sigmar.
It's the final part of the studio‘s campaign. But
who has triumphed in the Underhive?


And it’s also the final part in our Tome Keepers
serial. What Will be the fate of lstrouma?


What we've been painting recently. Also, a
sneak peek of things to come...

Letters, questions and miniatures sent in by you, our readers

High Elf Bannerman and Elrond, Master of Rivendell mounted and on foot Blood Angels Contemptor Dreadnought
by Kev Lawrence bylohn Rosner

.- , 1,.” , ( V
5:; , y.


We know that each of the Mortal Realms has their The Realm of Chaos is not a material place in the -' ‘ '
own realmstone with their own unique properties. same way as the Mortal Realms; it is a different
Hysh has aetherquartz, Shyish has grave—sand, and dimension, and the laws of metaphysics and
so on. But what about the Realm of Chaos? The solidity are very different there. The Realm of
skaven have a thing for warpstone, and varanite Chaos doesn’t even have the decency to be half-
comes from the Eightpoints, but do the domains of real, as is the case with the skaven sub-realm of
each Chaos God have their own realmstones? Blight City, which at least has a realmstone that
can be interacted with (or avoided entirely, if you i,
Saddam Quirem know what’s good for you!) in the form of
Pflugerville, TX, USA warpstone. So no, there are no
realmstones in the Realm of Chaos.
You have a curious mind, beardling — perhaps It’s for the best, really.
too curious. I’llanswer your question, but I’ll be
_ watching you carefully from now on!
... all-» , -..-_._ ,. r «3:. we», a“; i , 7.
, , ‘F -‘ Z

4 Willi! Willi
Waldo: I painted Kragnos using warm tones around his
torso and head and cooler tones the further away you
The Horns were a 1:1 mix of Skrag Brown and Abaddon
Black, and I used Ushabti Bone for highlights, followed
get from these focal areas. For the warm skin tones, I by a glaze of Seraphim Sepia to warm it up a bit. All the B
used Tuskgor Fur as a basecoat and built up the metal parts were painted using mixes of Balthasar Gold,
highlights using Bestigor Flesh and Ungor Flesh. For the Liberator Gold, Seraphim Sepia and Nihilakh Oxide. The
blue hair, I used a basecoat of Incubi Darkness and trick here was going back and forth between the shades \x
mixed in Ushabti Bone to build up successively lighter and highlights to get just the right shadows and
tones for the highlights. reflection points on each area of the model.


Hello! My LGBT pride-themed Space Marines Chapter — disappointment. One even ended up being my absolute
the Gate Crushers — is basically a story of happy all-time favourite — the non-binary one.
If you want to reproduce these colour schemes, I’ve
It all started with a gift for a friend: a Tyranid that I made all of them freely available on my Instagram:
painted using the trans pride flag colours. At first, I @cerberusxt_figurines.
thought it wouldn’t end up looking all that great with the
colours being so unconventional, but the meaning Benoit “Cerberuth” Bartkowiak
behind it mattered to my friend, so I went for it anyway. Chateau-Thierry, France
I was so wrong — the colour scheme turned out pretty
V incredible and made me realise that I shouldn’t dismiss What an awesome collection of models you’ve painted,
unconventional ideas straight away and to try things out. Benoit, and what an exceptional tribute you’re paying
Seeing as I’m a huge Space Marines fan, I tried out the to all the many LGBT communities out there. It’s
same scheme on a Reiver (second row above), and it incredible how good all the flag colours look on Space
came out just as well as the Tyranid. So, I thought, if it Marines. We’re all about inclusiveness here in the
worked that well with one pride flag, why not try some White Dwarf Bunker. We’re also all about creativity.
of the others? After all, it would be challenging, fun and And your project clearly ticks both of those boxes and
a meaningful nod to communities dear to me. more besides. Gold stars all round, we think!
Incidentally, are there any Citadel colours you didn’t
So, that’s what I did, and 12 miniatures later, the Gate use in the creation of these models?
Crushers were born. I’m happy to say that none of the
colour schemes based on those 12 flags were a

Hello! I was wondering if you could provide a list of the Yet another Seraphon painting question. They’re
colours and techniques used in the painting of the coming thick and fast now! Fortunately, the ’Eavy
Starborne Kroxigor? Metal team keep meticulous records of how they paint
models so we can help inquisitive artisans such as
Lance Allen yourself. Below you can find the main colours used for
Nottingham, UK the different Starborne skin tones and scales.


I Basecoat: NightLords Blue I Basecoat: Abaddon Black, Night Lords
Blue & Naggaroth Night1:1:1
I Glaze: Night Lords Blue &
Thunderhawk Blue 1:1 I Highlight: Night Lords Blue &
I Glaze:Thunderhawk Blue Naggaroth Night 1:1

I Highlight: Kantor Blue

I Highlight:ThunderhawkBlue &
Deepkin Flesh 1:1 I Highlight: Alaitoc Blue
I Highlight: CaledorSky I Highlight: Fenrisian Grey
WHITE SKIN Highlight: White Scar

Baseooat: Grey Seer &

Pallid Wych Flesh 1:1

: Shade: Base colour &

I Basecoat: Night Lords Blue
Fiuss Grey 1:1 I Highlight: Altdorquard Blue
I Shade: Buss Grey
I Highlight: Russ Grey
I Recessshade: Thunderhawk Blue
I Highlight: Fenrisian Grey
Highlight: Pallid Wych Flesh

Skullmaster, Herald of Khorne Anasta Malkorion

by Tanakarn Songiin by John Lavery


Taking [un]civi| war to the battlefield

arhammer Age of Sigmar is defined up with a perfectly valid reason for a bit of
by climactic struggles between internecine violence. Let’s take a look at some
bitter foes with ample reason to of our factions and examine how we might
want to tear each other to pieces. justify an outbreak of (un)civil war within
But how can we make narrative sense of their ranks.
those stranger engagements on the tabletop,
when supposed comrades are set against each Attention, captain of the Bringarumm. This
other in a fight to the death? aetber—gold seam has been claimed by Barak—
Urbaz, and by mining here, you are in direct

NICK The grand saga of the Age of Sigmar is based contravention of the Code. If you do not leave
As a background writer in around a central conflict that we all know this zone immediately, I will invoke my rights as
the Age of Sigmar team,
very well: the forces of Order are locked in a detailed in sub—section one thousand and thirty-
Nick spends much of his
time creating new lands, brutal struggle against the servants of Chaos, six and blow that outdated rust bucket ofyours
stories and heroes in the who wish to see civilisation destroyed and the out of the sky. You’ve been warned, bozdok.’
Mortal Realms. Most of the realms reshaped in the vile image of their
time, the A08 team works
harmoniously, but internal ruinous masters. Nagash sends forth his — Admiral Kygli Harmundsdottr of
conflict has been known to legions of Death to serve his own Barak- Urbaz
occur when someone megalomaniacal lust for power, while the
takes 'the best biscuit!
violent tribes of Destruction are obsessed STOBMCAST ETERNALS
with violence for its own sake and will take Okay, so admittedly the God—King would
on any foe that promises them a good fight. take a bit of a dim View of his anointed
champions kicking lumps out of each other.
These classic conflicts make total narrative Yet it’s important to remember that long
sense on the tabletop. Your army of gleaming before they ever took to the battlefields of the
Hammers of Sigmar is taking on your friend’s Mortal Realms, the Stormhosts trained for
horde of slavering Khorne-worshippers? war by fighting one another. The magnificent
Well, it’s pretty obvious why those two Gladitorium of Azyrheim — a gift from the
factions might have a bit of a bone to pick always trustworthy Malerion — allowed the
with each other. But things aren’t always that Stormcast to hone their skills upon every
straightforward. imaginable kind of battlefield. The
enchantments laid upon the Gladitorium
We’ve all been there: you want to settle down ensured that come the battle’s end, everyone
for a rich narrative game of Warhammer, but was restored to fighting shape without the
your opponent is fielding an army of the very need for costly Reforging. Most Stormkeeps
same faction as yours. A Stormcast-versus- possess similar training grounds, albeit on a
Stormcast battle royale is a lot harder to parse less spectacular scale. Perhaps you and your
from a storytelling point of View. Harder, yes, opponent’s fighting chambers are testing each
but it is not out of the question! The Mortal others’ might in just such an environment,
Realms are a vast and magical arena in which with the bragging rights going to the victor?
almost anything is possible, including coming
SEBAPHON Usually the Slann Starmasters who rule over <2
All Seraphon slavishly seek to fulfil the Great Seraphon society manage to smooth over any E
Plan, the cosmos-spanning project of the potentially violent disputes. Yet sometimes,
absent Old Ones. This is their sole imperative, even their guidance is not enough to prevent ii
and anyone who interferes with it can expect bloodshed. Whose interpretation of the Great
Plan is correct? Whoever emerges alive.
a celestite war—mace blow to the back of the
head. Even other Seraphon. It is a very, very
rare occurrence, but it is not unknown for BLADES 0F KHOBNE
one Seraphon constellation to attack another. This one is really pretty simple. Khorne cares
The scale and complexity of the Great Plan is not from whence the blood flows, so fill your
beyond any mortal’s ability to understand, boots. Last one to get their head hacked off is E
and often its finer details can appear utterly a yellow chicken. E
contradictory. <1:
The pursuit of wealth and influence is the
driving force that defines the Kharadron
Overlords, and it encourages them to bend
the rules in a way that would have a E
traditionalist Khazalid duardin tearing his LL
beard out. Usually, the more underhanded a
activities that go on in and around the
sky-ports fall shy of all-out conflict.
Infighting is bad for your profit margins. Yet
there have been incidents when a trade or
mining rights dispute has spilled over into
open warfare, particularly when the more
nefarious sky—ports such as Barak-Mhornar 3
are involved.

The Hammers of Sigmar take on the Anvils of

t Heldenhammer m a Gladitorium tactical
exercise. It is, apparent nendiy’ scrap.

FLESH-EATER COURTS various oafish pastimes, from throwing

When you’re capable of wearing a set of livestock over church spires to seeing how
floppy innards as a stylish wig, you’re capable many ‘stunties’ they can squash with their
of anything. The Flesh-eater curse is a strange gnarled feet. Disagreements about who ‘won’
and unpredictable phenomenon, and it each challenge are common, and they are
affects different courts in different ways. solved via the only medium that gargants
More than once, rival armies of ghouls have understand: brutal violence. Anything in the
come to blows over the correct way to vicinity when a bunch of angry titans start
worship their master, Ushoran. clobbering each other had better scarper
quickly, lest they find themselves crushed to
DAUGHTEBS 0F KHAINE paste by the hollering hooligans.
Given that the bloody—handed flock of the
divine Morathi-Khaine enjoy a slice of
murder and betrayal for breakfast,
engineering a scenario in which two Khainite
temples slaughter each other should be fairly
straightforward. The freshly deified Morathi
actively encourages a certain amount of
discreet infighting amongst her sistren, for it
provides a convenient way for her to keep
suspicious eyes away from her own actions, CITIES 0F SIGMAB
and it allows her to dispose of any It is regarded as a terrible sin for any faithful
troublesome acolytes without dirtying her Sigmarite to spill the blood of their kin.
own perfectly manicured hands. Unfortunately, humans are humans. Just
because there are no officially recorded
SONS 0F BEHEMAT accounts of Freeguild formations opening fire
Ever eager to prove themselves as mighty as on each other does not mean that this has not
their long-dead progenitor, the Sons of happened, and not every such incident can be
Behemat compete against each other in blamed upon the meddling of the Dark Gods.



Good old-fashioned spite, suspicion and OSSIABCH BONEREAPEBS <
enmity form a powerful cocktail of their own. Representing the epitome of martial
excellence amongst the legions of Nagash, the
FYRESLAYEBS Ossiarch Bonereapers might seem too 3:
Fyreslayer society is dominated by incredibly professional and well drilled a force to engage
in infighting. Yet the Mortarch of the
rigid social hierarchies, with a lodge’s
Runefather and their family at the top of the Necropolis is always searching for methods of
pile. However, despite their duardin fondness perfecting his conquests, and it is common
for order, it is not unheard of for a for him to stage battles amongst his own
magmahold to collapse into vicious infighting legions in order to test new strategies or
in the wake of a succession crisis. If a methods of killing. There is nothing fake E
Runefather dies before naming a prime about these conflicts; entire armies of Mortek 5
inheritor from amongst his bellicose Guard smash and hack each other to splinters <1:
offspring, the resulting battle to claim the as the Mortarch watches on, until their
throne can drag in neighbouring Fyreslayer skeletal bodies litter the plains.
lodges, many of whom are all too keen to
accept a contract for a bit of mercenary NIGHTHAUNT
axe-work. Why would a bunch of tormented spirits E
attack one another rather than trying to LI-
In the wake of Grungni’s shocking return to terrify the nearest living being into paralysis? a
the realms, a further rift has opened between Well, their creator Nagash has a knack for
those lodges who welcome the Smith God’s inflicting the cruellest and most bitterly
meddling in their plans and those who see ironic punishments upon his Nighthaunt.
him as a traitor who abandoned duardinkind Maybe these two gheist processions were the
during his long absence. This schism has led firmest of allies in their mortal lives, but they
to many broken noses and ripped-out beards have now been condemned to hate and
already, and who is to say the violence might despise one another and to partake in 3
not escalate even further? endless, pointless spectral battles that neither
can ever win. That’s a level of spiteful cruelty
that would undoubtedly give the Great
Necromancer a chuckle or two.

Call that a cyst, mate? That’s barely a pimple.
Grandfather Nurgle favours me above all
others. Just look at all these suppurating sores
and lesions and that trio of Nurglings
nibbling on my lower intestines. Still can’t
accept that my gifts are more deliciously
repugnant than yours, eh? Right, that’s it. I’m
going to round up two dozen of my most
bloated and bilious lads, and we’ll settle this
on the battlefield.

While the examples above represent only a

fraction of the potential inter-faction rivalries
that can occur in Warhammer Age of Sigmar,
hopefully they will help you rationalise a
narrative the next time that you find READING
yourselves in a mirror match against an army What would you like to

of your own faction. Remember, the Mortal read about in Worlds of

Warhammer? Let us know
Realms are as unknowable as they are vast, yourthoughts, and we'll
and in this universe of mind-shattering magic pass them on!
and od-wrou ht miracles, almost an hin
g g yt g [email protected]
is possible!
The White Dwarf Bunker: the world’s biggest and best Warhammer club

he Crusade campaign we’re playing in All this is to say that as a satellite club, the
the studio is proceeding nicely, and leagues and campaigns offered here in Access
we’ve now completed the second Granted are a great starting point, but they’re
phase. How is your Crusade campaign not prescriptive. We offer them as a structure
going? If you’re playing as well, you can turn to help make setting your club’s agenda easier
to page 16 to see the new relics that are ready and also to give us a way to share in a
to be claimed by phase 2’s top players. collective experience. But if you want to run a
campaign or league or tournament of your
But while the Crusade campaign is our own own devising, more power to you! Go ahead
LYLE satellite club’s main focus, there’s actually a lot and tick that box oflf on your Bunker rank
Club Founder
of other stuff happening! Some of us are tracker or your Bunker Bingo card. They’re
playing in a Blood Bowl league, and some of still Bunker events, but even better, they’re
@5 @2 us are gearing up for a Warhammer your Bunker events! We do it too.
Underworlds league. Some of us are
concentrating on painting units for the We design our leagues and campaigns to be
Bunker challenges, and some of us spend as flexible and accessible as possible, but
most of their playing time on the scenarios of tailoring something to your own club’s needs
the month. And others are beginning to can be even better. Tell us about your own
muster new armies for Armies on Parade. events at [email protected]!

BUNKER CHALLENGES few months, providing all you skirmishers out there
What better way to celebrate your hobby feats than with regular content.
with a scoring system that lets you earn achievement
points and gain ranks within the White Dwarf Bunker? BASIC TRAINING
Here you will find tactical advice on all aspects of
LEAGUES AND CAMPAIGNS Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000.
' Gaming clubs often run leagues and campaigns. The On top of that, you’ll also find game-state puzzles to
White Dwarf Bunker is no different, and wherever you tickle your brain and test your knowledge!
are in the world, you can take part!
SCENARIOS OF THE MONTH Hobby Hangout focuses on helping you paint whole
Every issue, you will find two scenarios of the month — armies, not just single models. You’ll be fielding an
one each for Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age army to be proud of in no time!
of Sigmar.
SKIRMISH EVENTS This is the place where we connect with Bunker mates
We’ll be producing regular content for our various and satellite clubs all over the world! Why not write in
skirmish games. This material will cycle through every and let us know how your club is getting on?


The Bunker’s Crusade campaign uses the Crusade campaign rules found in Crusade: Tyrannic
War or crusade: Pariah Nexus, with the following additions.

RECONNAISSANCE IN FORCE game against each other, they cannot score

As part of this campaign, players may play any points for their team as a result of the
and score points for Combat Patrol games in game, whether they win or lose. They do,
addition to Crusade games. however, still get any other individual
benefits the game would award (a Requisition
Games of Combat Patrol use the existing point if they win a Combat Patrol game,
Combat Patrol forces rather than units from Experience points for their units if playing <
your Crusade Order of Battle. You don’t have Crusade, scores to their tallies for most Victory a:
to use a Combat Patrol of the same faction as points scored, warlords slain, and so on). CD
your Crusade force, though you certainly can (I)
(and to do so would be thematic). You also AWARDS AND RELICS U)
don’t always have to use the same Combat In addition to the usual rules for earning I.I.I
Patrol from game to game. These are smaller Experience points, Battle Honours, etc. U
skirmish actions by separate forces that during this Crusade campaign, during each D
happen to benefit — however directly or of the three campaign phases there are several <
indirectly — your main army and the team it individual player awards up for grabs. At the
belongs to. end of each phase of the campaign, the player
who has earned one of these awards also
At the end of each Combat Patrol game, both earns a unique Crusade Relic to give to one of
players score 1 Campaign point for their team the characters in their Order of Battle. Note
for playing the game. In addition, the player that no character can be equipped with more
who won may add 1 Requisition point to than one of these unique relics, and a
their Order of Battle. character equipped with such a relic increases
their Crusade points total by 1.
Collecting, building and painting miniatures Note that no player can earn more than one
is as much a part of taking part in the award during each phase of the campaign —
Warhammer hobby as playing games. these are rare and potent artefacts scattered
Equally, churning out new materiel and thinly across the stars, and the likelihood of
training up fresh waves of warriors for the discovering more than one of them in close
ongoing war is vital to the continuation of proximity is virtually nil (if one player has
any conflict. earned more than one in a single phase, they
will choose which they wish to keep. The
As such, each time a player builds and paints other(s) Will then be awarded to the player
a unit for their Order of Battle during this that came second in that category, and so on).
campaign, they earn 1 Campaign point for
their team. The three awards are:

If the unit they build and paint is worth 250 Head Hunter — the player who slew the most
points to 499 points, they instead earn 2 enemy Warlords during their Combat Patrol
Campaign points for their team. and Crusade games during this phase.

If the unit they build and paint is worth 500 Arch Logistician - the player who scored the
points or more, they instead earn 3 Campaign highest total of Victory points from their
points for their team. Combat Patrol and Crusade games during
this phase.
Players from the same team may play games Conqueror — the player who won the most
against one another. However, as armies from Combat Patrol and Crusade games during
their campaign team are fighting each other this phase.
rather than the enemy, this doesn’t help
anyone all that much. Turn to page 16 to see the Awards and
Relics for the second phase of the
As such, if two players from the same team campaign.
play a game of Combat Patrol or Crusade


Track your Bunker racking your White Dwarf Bunker Bunker rank. How high will you rise? Track
achievements and achievements is a fun way to motivate your progress on the included White Dwarf
h and inspire you to paint more of your Bunker Challenge card, which is conveniently
see 0W you models and play more games. It also sized to carry along with your gaming
compare to Other gives you an easy way to see how you stack up supplies wherever you go.
CiUb members to other club members here in the
around the world! Warhammer Studio satellite club and other If you want to keep a journal of all your club
satellites around the world. achievements, you can write it into the blank
journal spaces to the right. This will turn
Each month, there are five challenges to your White Dwarf collection into an
complete, worth one point each. The points impressive record of your hobby adventures
you accumulate will correspond to your in their own right!


J; .w r

Each month we present a themed ‘ V ‘ ' \'

painting challenge. Send us
photographs of your challenge entries
to [email protected], and we’ll
display some of our favourites when
the challenge comes around again! Post
them to social media with the hashtags
#WhiteDwarf and #Bunker to engage
with other club members around the
world. Check out the table below to see
all the future challenges and when you
need to submit your photos for
possible inclusion in the magazine.


JANUARY Rank and File 31 July

FEBRUARY Leaders and Heroes 31 August

MARCH Elite Units 30 September

APRIL Psykers, Sorcerers and the Supernatural 31 October

MAY Monsters and Machines 30 November

JUNE Gods of War 3] December

JULY Rank and File 31 January

AUGUST Leaders and Heroes 28 February

SEPTEMBER Elite Units 31 March

OCTOBER Psykers, Sorcerers and the Supernatural 30 April

NOVEMBER Monsters and Machines 31 May

DECEMBER Gods of War 30 June

l4 Willi! WARE
Earn achievement points for your Bunker
club activities, rank up, and see how you
compare to other hobbyists around the
world! Tick a box for every:

. Scenario of the month played

Name: U)
. Club event game played Previousscore: b (D
- Unit painted for a club event V
- - - - . Earn achievement points for your Z
. Palntlng Challenge unlt Palnted WhiteDwarfBunkerclubactivities, Ll.|
rank up. and see how you compare to
other hobbyists around the world! _l
To use the Bunker Challenge card found Ticka boxfor every: v
in many issues of White Dwarf, transfer Scenario oithe month played
. Club event game played <
your final score from your prevrous card Unit paintedfora clubevent
(if any) into the Previous Score box. Tick 33:22?Challengemadevum V D
off the five boxes throughout the month to "WNW ' . Earn”pm 5 pointspermonth
- ' I .~ '

recordyour achievements, and at the end @B" N |\ I: R _.l ,

of the month, add the number of boxes to . MM/VV "ewmm
the Previous Score and record it in the
New Scorebox. Use a new card for each l—R‘M—k—fi
month of tracking. Fill in your earned ' '
rank patches on the reverse!


0—9 points 10—24 points 25-44 points 45-74 points _

Previous score: New score: Previous rank: New rank:


Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only © Copyright Games Workshop 2024

@ —

Warhammer AISE HIGH THE BANNERS! intent on seizing the riches of abandoned
40,000 background Ferocious fighting has raged through vaults and forsaken laborataria. At the same
. dB HOI' the Bastior Sub-sector as Imperial war time, the invading xenos tides push recklessly
writer _an as hosts dug in and stood firm against into fortified Imperial kill zones or turn upon
campalgn the invading hordes and piratical raiders other attacking factions, and so they find
coordinator Andy rampaging through Imperial space. Alien themselves steadily weakened.
joins us once again hosts have hurled themselves at Humanity’s
t0 129" US about the beleaguered defences, cutting down countless As the conflict throughout the Bastior
second stage of warriors and reducing Imperial fortifications Sub-sector grinds on, the Imperial defenders
the studio's to blazing ruin. Heretical war parties have exploit these weaknesses amongst their
_ broken into precious vaults or exploited the enemies. Defence lines are dug in and
crusade campa'gn' impact of the Tyranids’ invasion to seize reinforced. Isolated enemy hosts are
Victories of their own. surrounded and slaughtered. City by city,
world by world, Imperial forces drive their
However, infighting has plagued the raiding enemies back and reconsecrate the ground in
factions as many turn upon one another, the name of the God-Emperor!


"lhe unique relics awarded during phase 2 of this ARCH LOGISTICIAN - MICROTELEPDRTATION CDWL
campaign are as follows: Originallyfashioned by the war artisans ofthe
Tesrmach Confluence, this peculiar alien device skips
HEAD HUNTER - THE PREV-TAKER'S PORTAL its wearer across the weave of reality like a stone
Thought to have been seized from a prolific Drukhari skimmed over water. It allows them to swiftly stalk
pirate during a bloody realspace raid, this malevolent dangerous quarry or avoid monstrous threats with
orb of darkness acts as a sort oflocalised teleportation utmost haste.
device. When roused, it wreathes its bearer in crackling
arcs ofdark energy that draw them into the webway INFANTRY model only. The bearer has the Lone
then spit them back out, poised to pounce upon their Operative and Stealth abilities but cannot be attached
wrong—footed prey. to any unit. In addition, add 2 to Advance and Charge
rolls made for the bearer (this is not cumulative with
Once per battle, at the start of your Movement phase, any other positive modifier).
the bearer can use this relic. When they do, until the
' end of the turn, the bearer’s unit is eligible to shoot CONQUEROR - THE QUICKSILVER FANG
and declare a charge even if they have made a Fall This strange silvered blade emits a deeply unsettling
Back move this turn. aura and looks more like a talon or task somehow
reforged in living silver than any conventional weapon
ofsentient manufacture.

INFANTRY model only. The bearer’s melee weapons gain

the [Precision], [Twin-Linked] and [Lethal Hits]

l6 WHITE nwnnr


The second round of the Bastior
Campaign has come to an end, with the
Defenders once again victorious, though
it was a much closer-run contest than the
As mentioned in the
campaign rules last month,
there are three tltles
awarded in each phase of
the carnpargn , Head
Hunter, Arch Logrsticran
round before. This means that the

and Conqueror. For phase
2, these titles are held by:
Defenders score another 2 strategic
points, putting them on a total of 3 points. Head Hunter: Sam
It doesn’t take a genius to spot that this (2 enemy warlords slain)

Arch togistician: Nyle

means, overall, the Defenders are set for at <
(245 VP scored)
least a share of the campaign victory! m
Conqueror: Wade
However, there’s still a lot to play for. Can (3 battlefield vrctorlesl
the Invaders or Raiders rally their forces
(and their players) and put on a surge to
seize a share of the victory? Will the STRATEGIC POINTS U
Defenders claim a clean sweep by winning BIZ! DEFENDERS: 3
round 3 as well? Find out next issue! THE DEFENDERS THE INVADERS THE RAIDERS INVADERS: o D
1: 1:1":11;
I've been pretty successful with my Aeldari
during this campaign — I reckon they‘re
actually doing most of the hard work for I—
the Raiders (hold on a minute. — Andy). I
played Dan and his Adeptus Mechanicus
first, which proved a tough matchup. His
Kastelan Robots tore out the heart of my
force, but my Howling Banshees waded
through his infantry to give me a 50-30
victory. Another game was against Lyle's
Insidious Infiltrators Combat Patrol. My
jetbikes got eaten by Von Ryan's Leapers,
but the star of the show was my
Wraithlord, which duffed up the Leapers,
then a Lictor, then a Neurolictor! I'll be
adding more jetbikes to my army next.
You can see them elsewhere in the issue.

Hive Fleet Karkinos have descended
planetside to devour biomass and spawn
even more bioforms as their seemingly
never-ending swarm grows! Insects and
shelled creatures inspired the
naturalistic colours I used on my
Tyranid Crusade force. I used Ratskin
Flesh to fully cover their carapaces
before using Catachan Flesh: to add
varied lines. Then, where the two colours
meet, I used small dots to merge the two
sections into a pattern that hides the
divide between the two. It's a quick
technique that achieves great results.


Undercoat:WhiteScar - Wash: FleshTearersRed
: Wash: Seraphim Sepia PSYCHIC PARTS
CARAPACES I Wash: Frostheart
Basecoat: Ratskin Flesh CLAWS

I Layer: Catachan I Wash: BIackTempiar

Flesh (pattern)

I Basecoat:Astrogranite
I Wash:Volupus Pink
I Drybrush: Hoeth Blue
Drybrush: Lucius Lilac


My Death Guard, led by Lord of
Contagion Pustus Gloathe, have done
me proud in the Crusade campaign so
far, but I'm intending to add a Chaos
Rhino or two to the force to help them
get to their destination without being
mulched by my opponent’s heavy
ordnance. For the colour scheme, I
wanted something quick and easy but
also efi'ective enough to capture the filth
and decay of Nurgle’s chosen. You can
see the paints I used below, which I then
covered with weathering powders.


Undercoat:Wraithbone n Basecoai: BalthasarGold
Recesswash: " Wash: Agrax Earthshade
Seraphim Sepia . .
. _ Highlight: Stormhost
Layer: thnox Hide Silver
(battle damage)
I Wash: Nihilakh Oxide
- Basecoat: Caliban Green
I Wash: Agrax Earthshade
I Layer: Caliban Green

l8 llllllIE llWllllf
Grinding attritional warfare has depleted the belligerents' most elite units,
Leaving only battle—hardened line troopers to repel the foe and carry the day.

First, players will need to muster armies based on the Starting with the player taking the first turn, players
battle size they have selected, as described on pages alternate resolving any pre—battle abilities their
55—56 of the Core Rules. This mission is designed for army has.
Incursion and Strike Force battle sizes.

6 CREATETHEBATTLEFIELD The first battle round begins. Players continue to
Players now create the battlefield, as shown in the resolve battle rounds until the battle ends.
mission map opposite, and set up terrain features
using the guidelines on pages 49—52 of the Core
Rules. The minimum size of your battlefield should be
44" X 60". Limited Resources: At the start of the battle, for
each datasheet included in a player’s army (excluding
that player has included more than one instance of
that datasheet in their army, their opponent scores
Players roll off and the M'nner is the Attacker — their SVP for each instance of that datasheet beyond the
opponent is the Defender. first that was included. A player cannot score more
than 40VP from this rule.

DECLARE BATTLE Battle—hardened Soldiery: Each time a BATTLELINE

FDRMATIDNS model makes an attack, if that model is within range
of an objective marker or the target is within range of
Starting with the Defender, players alternate declaring
an objective marker, add 1 to the Hit roll.
each of the following, in the order stated below:

I Which of their Leader units will start the battle

attached to which units.
I Which of their units will start the battle embarked
within TRANSPORT models.
I Which of their units will start the battle in Reserves
(including Strategic Reserves).

Players then alternate deploying their units, one at a
time, starting with the Attacker. Models must be set
up wholly within their controlling player’s deployment
zone. Continue setting up units until both players
have set up all the units from their armies or you have
run out of room to set up more units. If one player
has finished setting up their army, their opponent
continues to set up the remaining units from
their army.

If both players have units with abilities that allow

them to be set up after both armies have deployed, the
players must roll off after all other units have been set
up and alternate setting up those units, starting with
the winner.


Players should roll off again, and the winner takes the
first turn.
8nd Game Objective

Ceaseless combat has forged both armies’ core soldiers


into relentless killers. They will strive to achieve their

objectives with dead—eyed determination, oblivious
Progressive Objective
to the cost in lives. Those who endure the longest will
No more reinforcements remain for either side to call secure victory.
upon. With few viablefortifications remaining, the last
At the end of the battle, for each objective marker on
survivors of both armies fight to establish control over
the battlefield, the player with the most BATTLELINE
the battlefield.

models within range of that objective marker
(excluding Battle-shocked models) scores 5VP if they
From the second battle round onwards, at the end of
also control it.
each player’s Command phase, the player whose turn
it is scores SVP for each of the following conditions
they satisfy:

I They control one or more objective markers.

I They control two or more objective markers.
I They control three or more objective markers.

In the fifth battle round:

I The player who has the first turn scores VP as

described above.
I The player who has the second turn scores VP as
described above, but does so at the end of their turn
instead of at the end of their Command phase.
it. "Pl 5..

l \(i' "I \‘l


Vast numbers of warriors line THE ARMIES across the centre of the battlefield
up against each other. Few will The players agree a points limit for so neither player can see their
walk away from this battlefield, the battle of at least 3,000 points. opponent’s deployment zone. If this
but those who do will forever be Each player then picks an army that is not possible then you can skip
regarded as heroes to their kin. does not exceed the agreed points this step.
limit. Each player can pick up to
3 artefacts of power to be given to Both players then have 3 minutes
HEROES in their army. to set up their units at the same
time. Any units that are not set up
within the time limit (not including
THE BATTLEFIELD those that were placed in reserve)
The players roll off and the winner are destroyed.
chooseswho will be the attacker
and who will be the defender. The
defender sets up the terrain features FIRST TURN
for the battlefield. First, they set up The attacker takes the first turn in
the objective markers. Then, they the first battle round.
. set up an appropriate number of
terrain features. Each terrain feature
must be more than 3" from the LIMITED MAGIC
battlefield edge, more than 6" from Each WIZARD can only attempt
all other terrain features and more to cast or unbind 1 spell or dispel
than 3" from all objectives. 1 endless spell in a hero phase. If
that WIZARD would normally be
able to cast or unbind more than 1
DEPLOYMENT spell in that phase, the controlling 3
The attacker picks which territory is player can add 2 to the casting or 2
their territory. unbinding roll for that WIZARD l
for each spell after the first that ..
. If possible, set up an improvised they would normally be able to cast
barrier such as a hanging bedsheet or unbind.

‘ ~;) .

h s.

' a Ebjecfive Objective


Objective - , Objective

COMBAT PHASE must pick 1 enemy unit within 3" BATTLE LENGTH
Attacks made in the combat phase of that unit to be the target of that The battle lasts for 5 battle rounds.
are resolved simultaneously, unit’s attacks. All of the models
meaning that slain models will only in that unit are considered to be
be removed once every eligible in range to attack with all of‘their GLORIOUS VICTORY
unit on the battlefield has made melee weapons. The player who has the most
their attacks. victory points at the end of the
battle wins a major victory.
Starting with the player whose turn VICTORY POINTS

it is, each player takes it in turns to Each player earns victory points Ifthe players are tied on victory
pile in 1 friendly unit that is eligible at the end of each of their turns points at the end of the battle, then
to do so. Once all eligible units have as follows: if only 1 player completed their
piled in, starting with the player grand strategy, that player wins a
whose turn it is, that player resolves . Score 1 victory point for each minor victory.
the attacks of all of their units that objective wholly within your
are eligible to fight, 1 at a time. territory that you control. Any other result is a draw.
Then the other player resolves all . Score 2 victory points if you
the attacks with their units that are control the objective on the
eligible to fight, 1 at a time. boundary of your territory.
. Score 4 victory points for
When resolving attacks, the each objective wholly within
commanding player picks 1 of your opponent’s territory that
their units to attack. Then, they you control.
Wane-W ,

The Sundered Scales is an unpredictable, This battleplan generator can be used in To use this Warcry battleplan generator, set
unfathomable tract of land surrounding any Warcry game, and it is designed to up the terrain using the normal rules. Then,
the Scales of Talaxis, where even the most be even better when used in conjunction one player determines the Deployment
skilled trackers and pathfinders can become with the Scales of Talaxis Terrain Map, Victory Condition and Twist by
lost in its boggy swamps and sucking Ravaged Lands set, the rules for which rolling a D66 and consulting the tables
marshes. No small number of warbands are available from the Warcry downloads over the following pages. How will your
have disappeared without trace into its on next Warcry battle in the Sundered Scales
gloomy depths. pan out?



DesWCNote: , " ‘
Roll aD66for‘ each
table To mild-1356M v
simply roIIaDGfor
d' ,

For thé Mist table,

Jou- roll a D3v‘for the
first digit instead;


31-33 34-36




51—53 54-56 I..I.|



11-13 14-16

_ V‘ VICTORY 7' _ I vxcrony 3. H ‘

am- ,1 or TH; WAY E AND HIDDEN
" AvidompredatorhoundsthefleelngwarbandstflwyW Valuables safely held'In an encampment are under attack! The
' palteachother, aldrivalria igniteandappartunisflcskinnkkes attacker: must be driven back to ensure they don’t make ofwirh
breakoutasduperatefighten aim karate themlflnglermbyl ; any loot.
feeding it their enemies.
mm place: 4 objectives. Each objective must be placed more than 6" 51¢an
The battle ends after 4 battle rounds the battlefield edge and all other objectives. The defender secretlypicks an’ohj
A,» andmakes a note oftheir choice. That objective is the primary objective. M
After both warbands are deployed, starting with the de
each player picks a point on the battlefield floor within 3'
other objective is a secondary objective. ‘
a battlefield edge. The endsafla4hlnleraundaAttheendofeadihafliemunfl.

21-23 24-26


bufamd with My spam and slowlyfalling rum madam. MMdemmrdthatafimlbewmpleMandwhenlhegnfix
warbands mustfind a care - andfast. makedemands, fileirfollowmareboandtoenactm

The battle ends after 4 battle rounds. _ ‘ ”Hie defender must pick 1 friendly battle group. Each fighter'in Hut.1;,
. Starting with the attacker. player: alternate placing objectives until they battle group is a ritualist I‘
have placed 3 objectives each. Each objective can be placed anywhem
The battle ends afier 4 battle rounds. At the end of each baffle
.melefieldmorethanf from thebettlefieldedgeandlllotherohjeefle;
igund. add 1 to the defender’s ritual count for each ntualrst 5
3% apleyergainscontrolofmobjective,thatplayerrolls D6.011‘ width.4"ofthecentreofthebattlefield.Whenthebattleendghe
. Wismmvedfromplay. Onaénhatohjeofiw '
sritualoountiflormore. thedefender '

..,.. r ., _.
., \ nai'a'lxhjl‘, 3'“:',L‘54‘2_m -.
31-33 34-36

dueofieronlyseekstoeseapewifln theirprixel "

treasure. The attacker then picks a battlefield edge; ' .- theWefieldflmnndvdthinl" harmnnllyofthecenfleofthehlw
‘ mumphdaglobjecmmmangmmmmmu
' nebattleendsafiersbattleroundalf, attheendofa communbewmmwmaoaawmnmmnyw
TWJWWMMMG horimnuflyfiomlllother



them from a friendly fighter-’5 melee attack action that scored WWthkdrumlfammn-myfighmmnkm
' ’ add that enemy fighter’s Wounds .- -
' warband’s obliteration count. WWMdIe-mifwufluderiewithin3'ofthem


" .vm’ronr


lire-attacherphm4objeotlvemmmeflmofwhiahhplwedon ‘


61-63 64-66
Designer's Note:
Reroll results of
60+ if you are not
using the Scales of
Talaxis scenery and there are no swamp board features on the battlefield, drawa '
victory card. ,
terrain rules. 1% whollywithina swampboardfeatureandnotwithin chere are no swamp board features on the battlefield. dnw¢
any enemy fighters can use the following ability: ’ victory card.

lDtedye: Roll a number of dice equalto the value


11-13 14-16

Designer's Note:
If you are using the
Scales of Talaxis
scenery and terrain , A disgusfingdisease thatsefllesin the neflzerregions of We! boltsofelectricityflowthroughtheyound,m
those struck by them. j,
rules, roll a D66, dronkfldly temporary and extremely debilitating.
Atthe end ofeach battle round. startingwith the playerthat
combining Twist ' taunt 1 critical hit scored from the first attack action may ' does not have the initiative, each player rolls a dice for eadr
each fighter in each battle round as a hit instead. friendly fighter on the battlefield. Add 1 to the roll if that‘kfi‘fihtu
Tables A and B.
: ,. wholly within a swamp board feature. On a 6+, that fighter ‘ '
Otherwise, roll a make a bonus move action.
D36, using Twist
Table A only.

@lil NIt'



W who e _.

StarfirePylon:wrealshavocwiththe TheancientandindecipherabletechnologiesoftheSeraphoh
local landscape, and crackling energy in the shape ofgreat have sufl‘used the very air itself with powerful energies.
draconic beastsflashes through the air, the water and even the
After the initiative phase, change the value of each ability to 6.
surrounding architecture

After the initiative phase, the player that has the initiative must
roll each of their singles. For each 4+, they must pick a friendly
fighter on the battlefield. Allocate 3 damage points to that' ‘



Vilerunes,enigmaticSeraphonglyphs,strangeeldritchlights Wounds that might have had little impact on a warrior

in the air— those that battle within thesefell ruins are likely to suddenly tear themselves open, almost desperate to vomitforth
become enraged, possessed by evil spirits or worse. vital fluids

At the end of each battle round. starting with the player that At the end of eadi battle round, starting with the player that has
has the initiative, each player rolls a dice for each fighter in the initiative, allocate 3 damage points to each fighter who has 1
their warband on the battlefield and 1 additional dice for or more damage points allocated to them.
each friendly fighter'in a swamp board feature. For each setof
matching results, the other player can pick 1 friendly fighter:
Eachofthosefriendly fighters can make a bonus melee eleeottack
. melee attaclc '

41-43. _V


.DANGER LURKS y «L». "‘l“’“‘

. ,‘RlMORDIAL SLURR_ W..~T wrest-

This swamp isfilled to the brim with dangers that lurk just beneath Any who linger for too long'in these swampsfind that sinking
the surface of the water, waitingfor fresh prey. becomes an inevitability.

Ifthere are no swamp board features on the battlefield, draw a lfthere are no swamp board features on the battlefield. draw a
new twist card. new twist card.
Roll a dice for each fighter that ends a move action or that is Subtract 1 from the Move characteristic of fighters for each
placed after falling within 1“ of a swamp board feature. On a roll ‘ subsequent activation they end wholly within a swamp board
of 4+, that fighter is allocated D3 damage points. A feature, while they are within that swamp board feature. If
_fighter’sMovecharacteristic' isreducedto 0 in thisway,that
fighter“is taken do.wn


N..._1 v.

Thelocalgnarloakshavedrunkdeeplyofthelife-providing The life-givmg powers of the spawningpools are so energised that even
primordialfluids invested in a Seraphon spawningpool the most shattered of corpses mayfind life once more.
invigorating them further.
Ifthere are no swamp board features on the battlefield. draw a new I
Ifthere are no gnarloak terrain features on the battlefield, draws twist card.
new twist c‘ard. At the end of each battle round, each player, starting with the player that
Gnarloaks on the battlefield are elder gnarloaks, in additi has the initiative, picks a friendly fighter that has been taken down d
to eir other gnarloak types (see the Scales of Talaxis rul ‘ rolls a dice. On a 6+, that player sets up that fighter on the battlefi '
. download on www. warhammer—-community. corn). Wholly within a swamp board feature and more than 3" from each
{lab 4 no longer counts as being ta‘km


The bubbling much that makes up these swamplands causes ‘ Like a giant beast drawing a deep brwth. sometimes the land-
metal to swiflly erode and rust. locked swamps of the Gnarlwoad mysteriously swell andflood
their banks. ..
Ifthere are no swamp board features on the battlefield, draw a i
new twist card Ifthere are no swamp board features on the battlefield. draw a :'
Subtract2 insteadofl(to a minimumof1)fromtheToughness new twist card.
characteristic and Strength characteristic of melee attack actions ' The player with the initiative must roll a dice at the start of f '
of fighters wholly within a swamp board feature. combatphase. Ifthe result'is equal to or lower than the worlds
umber, until the end of the battle round the en ‘ battlefi
Getting your priorities right

elcome to another instalment of choice as you get to hit the enemy first (or get
our tactics series, where we provide yourself out of a potentially tight spot).
you with knowledge and strategies Indeed, it may seem counterintuitive to give
to help you become a better player, away the first turn in a battle round, but there
be it on the war—torn battlefields of the 4lst are many factors that can make this the better
Millennium or the Chaos-tainted landscapes option, even if it means giving your opponent
of the Mortal Realms. In this issue, we’re two turns in a row — a situation commonly
looking at the very first dice roll of a battle known as the double turn!
round — the priority roll.

JIMBO In this article, we’re going to look at how to

As a Warhammer Age of I 60, YOU GO... THEN YOU GO AGAIN? plan for a shift in priority, how to capitalise
Sigmar games developer The priority roll is an important and super on things when they go your way and how to
and a keen tournament
player, Jimbo can often be
fun part of Warhammer Age of Sigmar that plan effectively for when they don’t,
found with his head buried can change the course of a battle. Being able particularly when it comes to mitigating the
in a battletome looking for to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages effectiveness of your opponent’s double turn.
devilish rules combos.
Where the rest of his body
that come with a player choosing to take or When is giving priority to your opponent the
is, however, is a mystery. cede priority go hand in hand with victory at best tactical decision? 'Ihere’s even a little
We had to draw in his
shoulders inthe pic above. any eve 0f the gam e.Takin g the first turn in
1 l rules conundrum at the end to test out what
a battle round often seems like the obvious you’ve learned. Now, whose turn is it?

Before a game, check if the battleplan
you are playing has rules that benefit
the player who takes or loses/cedes
priority, as this may affect your overall
strategy. For example, the Lines of
Communication battleplan in the
General’s Handbook 2023-24 has a rule
called Disruption, which, if successful,
can force your opponent to use extra
command points to issue their

Given that command points are a

valuable resource that can be crucial to
a player’s strategy, should you win
priority in any battle round, it might be
better to give your opponent the first
turn and use the battleplan rule to
confound their plans. Your army might
take some damage from enemy attacks,
but that could be a better option in the
long run rather than taking the first
turn and finding your own cunning
plans cruelly disrupted.


'' x- ' z
Inthisexample,the is hon playeris I STEELHELM

. ,
i V‘ "

, , . 3
controlling the
taking the first turn and .\/®>
objective (1). Theirkeydamage-dealing - CAVAL ‘. .
unit is their Aggradon Lancers. The Skinks, 'ERSI. Mir"-
. . K g;
l ”A'-
I I .
on the other hand, won’t last long in a fight.

Yummy: ] 9;;

If the Seraphon player decides to charge all . I
oftheirunitsintotheenemytostopthem ‘ ’ .- . V.y- E
claimingtheobjective,theAggradon | _ ~~SKIN-Ks. ' ' ' ’~ '
Lancers will likely do a lot of damage to the
Steelhelms (and take some in return), but a yu r Ir . ,_ '..~4

wise Cities of Sigmar player will target the f5 - "'
'1' ', ’ .

5" j 3‘ ’ " 4 fl:

Skinks, likely destroy most of them and , '1 'J l I LANCERS 'J' I SKINKS
force the survivors to flee. The Lancers will )
then be exposed to a countercharge from
the Cavaliers, and the Seraphon player will
ultimately lose control of the objective (2).
Even if the Seraphon player takes the first
turn in the next battle round, they will be
stuck in combat. Their only other option
would be to retreat to recapture the
objective. However, they would then be
exposed to another countercharge. If the .‘
Cities of Sigmar player gets the double turn . ' .- A, ,
and goes first in the next battle round, they
will maintain control of the objective while
dealing damage to the Aggradon Lancers.

Instead, the Seraphon player could set up

screening units. ‘Screens’ are units that are
positioned to receive an enemy charge but,
by doing so, protect a player’s more
valuable units. Typically, units used as
screens have a low points value, a high
Move characteristic and a decent number of
models, often 10 or more. The Skinks
should be positioned so that they are not in
combat but are protecting both the
objective and the Aggradon Lancers (3).
The Steelhelms are too slow to manoeuvre
around the Skinks, so they will have to
charge and fight them. The Skinks will
likely die, but the Steelhelms won’t have
moved very far on the battlefield, so even if ' '
the Cities of Sigmar player has the first turn 4 v
in the next battle round, the second unit of . ~. I ., -. ‘ ‘
Skinkswillactasanotherscreen,ensuring c“k“GE‘.a: ; :1}:
that the Steelhelms can’t contest the . . ‘" 7 '7 \ ‘
objective or charge the Aggradon Lancers. '' "' j j'

The Cavaliers can charge the Skinks on the

right (4), but the Skinks are positioned so
that the cavalry can’t get onto the objective
even if they destroy them. By positioning
their units as shown, the Seraphon player
has mitigated the impact of the Cities of
Sigmar player’s units regardless of who
wins the next priority roll.


If you have a particularly resilient unit,
such as Rockgut Troggoths, Immortis
Guard or Putrid Blightkings, rather
than using screens to protect your
army, these units can be charged into
combat with multiple enemy units to
soak up attacks over consecutive
combat phases. This is often referred to
as ‘tagging’ an enemy unit. This tactic
can be particularly effective against
units with powerful ranged attacks, as
they will be forced to shoot into combat
rather than at a unit that isn’t so tough.

In this scenario, the Gloomspite Gitz

player is going first in this battle round.
By charging the Rockgut Troggoths
into both Lumineth Realm-lords units,
they are able to protect their grot units . ‘
that can then be positioned to surround '
the objective. The Lumineth Realm-
lords are unlikely to destroy the
troggoths, but if they do get the double
turn and somehow overcome their foes,
the grots are protecting the objective,
so the Gloomspite Gitz player will
maintain control of it. If the
Gloomspite Gitz player wins the
priority roll for the next battle round, it
would likely be a good tactical decision
to give the first turn to the Lumineth
Realm-lords player. Not only will their
effectiveness have been neutered ‘
through being tagged by the troggoths,
but the Gloomspite Gitz player will
then have a chance of winning a double
turn of their own later in the game.

In matched play games, you must pick a , ,
battle tactic in each of your turns. Some
battle tactics, such as Seize the Centre,
are the perfect pick if you know you are
going first in that round, while
Conquer may require your opponent to
go first so that you can then steal an
objective from them. Bait and Trap
(from the General’s Handbook 2023-24)
is another battle tactic that benefits
from letting your opponent take
priority. If they charge into your lines
with multiple units, in your turn you
can retreat two of your units and charge
with two others to complete the battle

30 “mm


Let’s say an enemy wizard knows a spell m
with a range of 12" - a spell that you
really don’t want your opponent to cast.
If you take the first turn in the battle
round and move your units closer to
the enemy (to fight, take objectives, and
so on), they may end up within 12" of
that wizard and the potential victim of
some serious magicking. However, if
you let your opponent go first, they
won’t be able to cast the spell because
spells are cast before models are moved
and they won’t be in range to use it.

There are abilities that can get you

around these limitations. Skaven Grey
Seers, for example, can cast Skitterleap
on a Verminlord to move it pretty much
anywhere on the battlefield. It can then
cast spells of its own! The Translocation
prayer for Stormcast Eternals has a
similar effect and can also be attempted
before spells are cast. Some battle
traits, such as the Ironjawz’ Mighty
Destroyers, also enable you to move a
unit in the hero phase. Very sneaky!




FOR oun sorunous

Choosing a colour scheme for a new army - part II
mily: Last issue, I explained the Painting new units for your army is great fun,
process I go through when deciding but it can be challenging, as you might need
upon a colour scheme for a new army. to adapt your colour scheme. For example, a
In a follow-up to that article, I’ve come Termagant’s tongue is a lot smaller than that
up with a stage-by—stage guide to show you of a Trygon, so you might need to add extra
how I paint my Tyranids, including the highlights or shading to make it look right.
freehand pattern I’ve come up with for their Similarly, I’ll probably want to change the
carapaces. scale of the carapace markings on larger
Tyranids, as really small dots won’t show up
A COUPLE 0F USEFUL AIIMY PAINTING TIPS and would take forever to apply! Again, it’s
As a painter in the Having painted models and armies for work worth noting down your painting ‘rules’ in a
magazines team, Emily can for a few years now, I’ve found I often need to journal somewhere (or on one of the White
often be found, brush in revisit colour schemes or explain to others Dwarf painting recipe cards).
hand, working on all
manner of exciting (like those nosey people in White Dwarf!)
projects. At some point or how I painted something. Writing out your Here’s a stage-by-stage guide for my new
other, most of them are scheme in steps can really help map out what Tyranids. They have a name now, too, which
described as 'cute' or
’sweetf Yes, even the
you’ll be doing on your first models and stop is exciting: Hive Fleet Agadza. I find giving an
blood-frenzied, skull— it from feeling overwhelming. You can then army a name adds so much to the
taking psychopaths and background and feel of the force. Long may
use it like a checklist on future projects to
all-devouring aliens.
ensure you don’t miss any steps. they devour their foes!

There are 14 stages to this painting guide for the newly grown Hive Fleet Agadza. You’ll notice that several stages
mention highlighting, which you can easily leave out if you don’t feel confident using a small brush.

My Tyranids have a bright
colour scheme with warm
tones, so I decided to
undercoat them with
Wraithbone spray. This will
help set the tone for all of
the miniatures.



Stage 1
Wash all the areas of skin with Seraphim Sepia. This is applied Highlight the skin with Pallid Wych Flesh. This can be applied as
I Wash: Seraphim Sepia directly over the undercoat. a layer or as a drybrush.

Stage 2

Highlight: Pallid
Wych Flesh

Stage 3

I Basecoat: Lugganath

Stage 4

I Wash: Fuegan Orange

Apply Lugganath Orange as a base colour for the carapace. This Carefully wash the carapace with Fuegan Orange, being sure to
will probably need two full layers to get even coverage. get plenty of the Shade paint in the recesses.

Stage 5

I Highlight: Dorn

Stage 6

I Basecoat: Kantor

I Wash: Nuln Oil l—

Stage 8 =
Highlight the carapace with Dorn Yellow. Again, this can be Basecoat the fleshborer with a layer of Kantor Blue. Use a small I Highlight: Fenrisian D
applied as a layered highlight or as a careful drybrush. brush so you don't get any blue on the model's hands. (D
Stage 9
I Basecoat:Abaddon
Black <
Stage to I
I Highlight: >-
Thunderhawk Blue
Stage 11

2}I Highlight:
Gryph-charger Grey D
Stage 12 I
I Highlight: Volupus

Wash the fleshborer with Nuln Oil. Again, a small brush (such as Highlight the fleshborer with Fenrisian Grey, being sure to catch Stage 13
an M Glaze brush) is ideal forthis little job. all the raised edges.
' Highlight: Fulgrim
Stage I4

I Basecoat:

I Wash: Drakenhof

Highlight: Grey Seer

If you are happy with the

model, you can stop
painting at stage 14. Or, if
you want to go that extra
Highlight all the areas you just painted Abaddon Black with little step, you can add
Apply a basecoat of Abaddon Black to all the 'claw' areas,
including the claws, hooves and the fleshborer's carapace. Thunderhawk Blue. some extra details as
shown over the page.

Apply a wash of Gryph-charger Grey into all the joints, the heat Use a small amount of Volupus Pinkto pick out the eyes. Don‘t
vents on the limbs and the tongue. forget the one on the gun!

Carefully highlight the pink areas with a thin dot or line of Paint the base using a layer of Astrogranite, followed by a wash
Fulgrim Pink. of Drakenhof Nightshade and then a drybrush of Grey Seer.
To make my Tyranids stand out and give them a unique feature, I decided to add a simple pattern to their
carapaces. Here's how I went about applying it.

i chose blue for the
carapace markings on my
Termagants because blue
and orange are
complementary colours.
However, you could always
try a different colour such
as green, replacing the
colours below with
Warpstone Glow and Moot
Green. The first stage is to map out where the pattern will go and the Fill in the shape and clean it up where you need to. The nice
basic shape. Don't worry if it's not perfect. it's more about getting thing about doing a shape like this is that It doesn‘t need to be
the placement and shape that you want. perfectly symmetrical - this is an alien, after all!
Stage I

I Kantor Blue
Stagez a
- KantorBlue [l
Stage 3

- KantorBlue
Stage 4

I Fenrisian Grey

Using a small brush, stipple little spots around the shape. Add Stipple lighter spots all over the dark blue pattern and some of
more, bigger spots close to the centre and fewer, smaller ones as the larger spots. You can also add highlights with the same
you move out. This will create a fade effect. colour to the edges of the carapace to give it some sharpness.

34 llllllli lllllllllf


This little box features useful hobby tips from members of the studio and hobbyists out there in the wider
world. This issue, we look at how to achieve even more contrast on your models!

Writer Dan shares this
useful piece of
knowledge about large
'walker' kits.

Dan: Walkers such as the

Riptide, Slormsurge,
Wraithknrghl, Gorkanaut
and Redemptor
,. l Dreadnought olten have
If you like using Contrast paints but want more definition from then apply a medium to heavy drybrush in a brighter colour Iocntor pegs on their arms
the start, prime in a light colour such as Grey Seer... such as White Scar. and legs to help you put
the kits together, However,
ii you snip those pegs oil,
you can thou posrhoh the
model llllU u huge range ol
exciting new posos'

You'll end up with much lighter highlights on the raised edges which will enhance the effect of whichever Contrast paint
of the model”. you apply overthe top. Here we used Blood Angels Red.

Will]! Willi 35
Showing off your Pyskers, and club news from around the world


This month’s satellite club is the Redditch our friendly, welcoming atmosphere and our
Tabletop Gamers. Vice Chairman Matt love and attention for the painting and
Purdie tells us what they’ve been up to. modelling side of the hobby. On the gaming
side of things, some of our members are more
Matt: Redditch Tabletop Gamers (formerly tournament-minded, attending events such
Redditch Wargaming Society) was founded as Battlefield Birmingham or the UK Games
h”‘18; “ "“1 " ‘” u“-M in 2011 and provides a recreational space for Expo. The majority are more casual gamers
‘ , ' (I ‘ gamers of all stripes from the West Midlands who simply enjoy fielding their fantastically
tabletop area.Theclub hasexpandedgraduallyover paintedmodelson thetableeachweek, some
:1”1‘(a {M Q" “fl the years, and our current home at the of which you can see here.
"‘" L l Windmill Centre in Redditch suits us well,
with space for 16 six-foot tables. Look us up Our most popular gaming system is
if you live locally! Our club prides itself on Warhammer 40,000. The arrival of tenth
edition heralded a new wave of enthusiasm,
aided immensely by the presence of smaller
Slann Starmaster scale games such as Boarding Actions and
by Michael Watts Combat Patrol. We had many greybeards
return to give the new edition a try and
plenty of new players looking to give it a go
too. Aside from 40K and Age of Sigmar, we
also have enthusiastic groups who play Kill
Team, Blood Bowl, Necromunda, Adeptus
Titanicus and Aeronautica Imperialis, each of
which has been supported by well-designed

We recently ran a map—based campaign called

the Taphros Crusade that involved 20 players,
and we used the War Zone Charadon books
to run a more points—based contest called the
Obolis Invasion Campaign. We’re very proud
of our Boarding Actions league, which
involved 24 players and seven sets of terrain,
culminating in an enormous multiplayer
battle (see opposite).

Currently we’re running a Combat Patrol

league inspired by the same scoring system
used by the White Dwarf team, and this will
be followed up by a Fourth Tyrannic War tree
campaign. We’re also considering starting a
dedicated hobby night, encouraging members
to bring their models down for group
building and painting sessions where we can
easily swap tips and tricks.

36 W"! WIMF
Black Orc Blood Bowl Team
by James Rousseau




Wanting to finish our Boarding Actions league with a Abaddon fell in the conflict, the Loyalists were able to
bang, I designed a huge multi-board, multiplayer retake the bridge and expel the Chaos forces. Picking
battlefield to represent an Ultramarines strike cruiser boarding action maps that could realistically re-create
named the Lion of Calth. The game ended up being different parts of the strike cruiser (enginarium,
nine players a side, Loyalists versus Traitors, with teleportarium, armoury, and so on) was a fun
Abaddon leading a force of over 4,000 points against challenge, as was devising some crazy, unique one-off
Roboute Guilliman and his defenders. Emperor- grand stratagems. The boarding action map-building
worshippers will be pleased to hear that the Imperial article in issue 489 proved immensely useful for this
forces triumphed, and though both Guilliman and as I tried to combine seven boards together.


ix 0 ‘ N
The players ponder their next moves as the
Traitors head for the bridge. Amusingly, both
Abaddon and Guilliman were taken out of
f action, but not by each other"

WHITE nurnnr 37



This month’s painting challenge is Psykers, Sorcerers and the Supernatural, which means it’s time to show off our
best wizards, warlocks and otherworldly wonders. This article’s intro was brought to you by the letter ‘W’.

I continued experimenting
with Contrast paints on my
version of Saint Celestine
and her Geminae Superia.
This time, I applied
Basilicanum Grey (thinned
a little with Contrast
- Medium) over the
! Retributor Gold basecoat.
' The result was a deep,
slightly bluish tint to the
recesses of the armour. I
then finished off the
armour with an edge
highlight of Liberator Gold.
It's a simple but effective



For the Headsmen's Curse warband, I decided to contrast the models’
darker cloth with bright ethereal blues and lighter, warmer colours on
their bases. Seraphim Sepia is a great colourfor sandstone paving, with
Snakebite Leather adding shadows to the crevices and gravel. A quick
drybrush of Tyrant Skull later, the bases really help these ghostly
models stand out! SENGEANT




i wanted to add an ally and monsterto my Askurgan Trueblades
warband (featured in the previous issue!). The monster involved
melding a Vargskyr with the Vengorian Lord model, while Cado
Ezechiar made for a fine Vampire Lord. I painted them in similar colours
to the Askurgan themselves, but I made Cado a bit more vibrant to
show that he's more of an outsider. COT PORAL



I painted this Warlock Skyrunner so I could add it to the unit of
Windriders in my Aeldari Crusade force. The Warlock makes them
significantly more powerful in a game, as his Runes of Battle give the To create my molten metal
unit Stealth when being shot at (Conceal!) or the ability to ignore C’tan, I started by spraying
cover when shooting (Reveall). He also has the Destructor psychic it Corax White. I then
power, which is basically a flamer, and his witchblade gives the unit a
bit of punch (well, stab) if I need to get them into combat. SERGEANT washed it with Imperial
Fist, followed by a 1:1 mix
of Magmadroth Flame and
Baal Red. Next, I painted
the base with Mordant
Earth to add some texture,
then drybrushed the
model with the same paint
to make it look like the
living metal was cooling
down and solidifying. I
added patches of
Magmadroth Flame to the
base to tie it to the model.


WHITE Ulllllif 39


Each month in Satellite Uplink, we take a look at what our readers around the world have been painting. This

issue, we’ve scoured the warp and the Realm of Chaos to bring you these magical beings. Behold their majesty!

I DarkApostle Scinari Calligraye and Scinari Cathallar .-

L byPhilippHoppner by Toni Garcia

‘ Cado Ezechiar Daemon Prince a ' I, _. 'V _ ‘ l, -. '5 l a» ‘5"

byAdam Topliss byJuan‘Sanz .— 4 . r ' , " . L "Jr
‘ ' ' Bunkersatelllte club: Wargames Castellan0> ' .' ‘ " ‘1 . \‘ t x»: ‘. . \

Deathwatch Librarian
by James Richey

40 llllllli Willlf
by Ludovic Lopez

,‘u,ii ‘-
\ (ffig‘xhi

Chaos Sorcerers oszeentch Space Wolves Rune Priest
by Thomas David by Richard Vaughan
i may
AG]: 0F QI‘ MAI}





, A d-etailed‘raccount of Sigmar’s most faithful servants


fl -

‘ 6orgourperusat. AsWTusi/aqaitederusade wendsits wag
6orthJ, W reh'gious3eat 06 W peopte seems to sweet dag tag
magatreadg 6e rrwrepoiver6utthanweknoio, andwe :

I“ 3»5-‘". ;
7:5dag. (this is tag design. {It is as you suspected: those in power wantdrepeato6thea‘irwitgardinddent. gtisunknoum '
'doputt W strings o6 W (Butts Werogen, and 9 have made whetherthegods per6orm miraet’es tagpeering through W eges' >
‘ ‘ suretodoaunent it mete. Some magjudge it heresgtospeakihe o6 thueir6adh6utwwhethathegcan seeeuergthing int/neared ,.

:‘ o6 W god—King's hotgorders. We areateone underSigmar, simpeg aid that persons presence. Either way, W geahotry o6
.7 a6terate. (yet it is surer agreater here/3g to notaskthese thewhtsusithinourwathsisause6utthungi6ito66ersprotectim*
equations andthus risk Getting rot set in amongst the against uremia threats.

Sineethe easttime we recordedacensuso6the Guflts

’ g6thereisor1e0aitthatde6irwsW‘UnBerogerutes,-ibistheir (Unherogen, at Eeast a dosen neiotgpes o6 worship have sp
.- e/xtrmtegeahotrg. Astriestspointoutmtheirraoing up usithindtwwnerhaflflasha’s maths. gt isah'nost6rig
' sermons, it is mtensitg o6 6aiththat empowers the god-King how6ast they propagate. alloweoen thanks tothe e66orts o6 ,.
:andhringsahoutthemirmthatattowustoddgtheruirwus Jiigh (Ponti6e/x whooverseesSigmariteorthodoxy, thecults I 'i


powers. Sigmarhas mani6oedaspeotsin which heUS have maintained something o6 an ordered hierarchy. (the
worshipped. die isa6aWr—god,agodo6 humankind, astorm otdestandeargestiterationso6the81gmarite¢aith9 suchms "’
Iigodanda,warriorgod,amongstmungmoreMearnations. Wq)riestso6theflnoi€orthe(i)dgrimso6thegreatWhee€, ,
Sash indwiduataspectus worshipped @gcounthess souls, and contUuietoe/xereisein6hiencewenonthe9randeorwhwe I
eaehaet o6 prageror sacri6icegrants the god-King strengtht. No itset6, sodeeptgdotheirtvetie63run. (youwouldthinkthat
godistruhgomnipotent, et’sethe wars6orthereatms would sinreeacheufltworshipsanaspeotofihegod—an, thegwoutd.
‘ aireadg Bedesided. (yetnonecanhoastsomudtpoweras getatong. Quitetheconi‘rarg. Soadamantintheirhetie6sare --
. MessedSigmar, with so mang6aith6ui? Behind him. someo6theseorganisationsthatthegareper6ecth; anto '
saBotage ruaats whogain, too rrweh poputaritg. @eatings,
NeitherisSigmartrutgomniscient. Norarew1go6theother smearcampaigns, rumours spreadthrough tea6tets and
g godsthatweknowo6.gtisthrougthiesandheart/so6their sermons — athhaee Geendepeogathgthewt’tsasaweapon
. 5 6aith6u£thatthegseetheu9iderwoth orinSigmar’seaseaflso against theirpeers. ([here have even hearta numher o6
' throughthewonderso6045griteastromamg.9thergods6ind suspiciousdeaths. 96mmse,thism3o€enrehasnotgete/xptbded ‘6'
y' “theirownusagstoe/xpandtheiroisionintotheterritoriesofg intooutright anarchy, hat 9 woutd strongt’g advise
‘ theirrieahs. (Perhapsweshoutdhedeittterrwrewargo6W dispatchingagentsasauickegaspossthtemordedorustosteer‘ '
WMhti/ngpdsthataresocommonmourownatws thisrehgiouswnWdeirationthatmosthenefits
smwmumwaswummsma diammerhatinW6utme.


mun:nwnnr 45 [1%

gm flu:arg'i-wxumia"; “w;
\vlimxl \yxu

names fi'nmfi' 1%”?

we do nuthourowncontacts. rWhose Arcfiwsrs
', GuttsWerogennativeto}themarearrangedatmsstentirety wantof; theSupremeQM“, wtw resideshere
Werentty, with whoa reports matclu'ng up. 9 personattyput Jiammerfiatflqsfia. Tfieamourltofgpowerwiefla‘edl
W5 dam t9 difiteriny epinams omfiwtfi, 604"such argument5 Eiletttrws((913eri5mattoi’yeunderestimatedo andaMough
cause enouyhfirictim WWI/L WM atone. (yet at tfle panscsy, Udarosay fieruligfiwcermany mortatin
summit 06 power, there are certain structurat smutaritie/s. e/xi5terwe. Svenywsefi, perfiaps.
Sach'city keepsafiew sacrosamtposm ugitflintfiur
mumgmrmmsmwsmsmopewsc’ ‘itndertt’leflrchaflectcrsaretWeQWe/xuofiadty’smany a

rem-w cults. gtisfieretfiattfiecuhdwergeintotfieirindwiduatand f.

it. Everycitymm (mow/wit55fiaithwmposedofiseven

4‘ Arcfiueectms, uaithone seikctedljrmeachreat’m @ara‘igyr. ywmflfiormtowntinae witIine/search, ywmay rust
(Wrisappearstofieametfiodcfimaintammwntactwitfl heartrom mefisra wfitee. ‘


{433wmaymeet?ImmefiromCell/SWwithtlieSupre treat epmxpeitliz‘
me fifguresuuti’mdegreeoficauhbn. (Wu:stren
’ ' @onufiwc, "eta singeewe 06tine(Pries gestefil‘i’teirmtml;r
tsWeregm spwufli6e wufliauntfiefieartsefitfiepwpfeagaimtt
wuderestimated. Svmthemost emu/3M9 fiegrande v ‘
dressed, piousand sfioufldtfieymakeawneertedefifiertuumtfidrpr
Wei/that?06preaeflersrespectSigmar’sb‘adi opagandao
tienef warrtbr alldtfieerdflefiflgyrknmvsaflewGweeefiwam
priestfieod. One @onufie/xguwestdya askofip'm
tedfiadmfksstfim mnoenceafitf’temestde/spieaflfecr
sixteenWessetmmtfieWgefifiisGu m. x;
Iermfie. Mostefi
lMum/s— whether gtcannetfieduuedtfiattfiesepriestskeep tfiepaz
wmttflegmeofimmedmdew. ssiemofi

gtseewvstfiatm JiammerfiaflAlpha (earning. 9t isthey wfiep
nmflerwfietfieracufltmmsgmarasa ressthe (90m
deityefimarfiafer Jfafleeusmtotflefiandeofitfiede/spera
magicalmigflt, tinegaremeretfianwifingte teéydedarugit ‘ f‘
flueéyfik Sigmar’swe, orrwndup tfieperutent60rde
(waivesee/xampk partingCrusades
ofitfleirsuw. We“ "‘5
9mm issuechange,weeweeflseruedsamewe (rm- tl’u'smfifilmeefior
(ewe oommgood.
crusade’sdeparture, it isthesb'engtfierung06We
tfiecity’sspiritual?Wm. (Thesewfiotedpm
weaktum w tfiegodssorprotecuen. £we
dmof these
‘ (Dawnerseastin theuu'fldernesspFeadWSig
thmsafidy (Cfiefiwtfiat wassosmuuet
rape»,(bythesemseym (Pflzguewas(sumedaw
6M saith torGetterorworse. ‘Wte(PriestsWer
nwetfimaumreofi tfiepmvertl’leguu'efldooer
tilepwae. AsWasMaretstfienmmtwan
eeofi mafia,
. p - 2+.

' v

WHIIE WIMP 47 {'11P}

ufifle E5a“. “Ff-35$.
i.-y\|n\l\|:i .

n g g g : Id _»; ,. .
Jiymeggmwwmwagmm». enm
SupremeWShethrusqfiinm . "
JfiddendlandoywhaoemgdeepestsgmpathiesmhaMgtodmtuuththuswomm.Mgspieswereoergnearty _' ‘
‘ rootedoutwhens hedeeidedtowtt nmmnherofiher househot’dstaff isuspectedofihe ingehaoscuttist s.£uekil’g,‘ ' ~
' gonhaveadiscerningegeboremplbgmwt, andmostofithemwere unscathed. grecommendwecontinue
-.' monitoringSupreme@ontifie/xStethrus((9irwcasn maiterofi the highestpriority. altergtitteringpragerheadsand
. moimtainoficfunsarehutadistractionfiromhermeroii’esscore. ShewearsthepowerofitheeufltsWerogen
mete, and hergrip onthe Aqshian Archgflectors’ hogahtg is ironctad.

3 (thoughusuathjnhaekgroundooieeonthegmndeorwtave,thisismerehjfieeausestethrusq9inecpieksher
moments. (the womanisnmasterofi manipuhitiom andasuigtedect’arationofiretigiousfiemouratjusttheright
timecanwhip theentireoitgintoanenthusiasticfirengg. She hwishesfiavouronthewttsthatath'actmiraetes
andfiavoursofithegod-IG/ng, showingthunofifitothepeopteasproofiofitheirdioineproteetion. WW
thatwhenherschemesgoaiorg, sheisdpractisedhandusithnsigmarite hammer.

. 49W SZenestra
, g (the nameof;(Pontifie/x Zenestrnisonevergone’sPipsasof (kite. (Chispai’anibuin-houndpriestessis theJiah‘iarch
' ofithe great‘WheeB, awkthatoMosSigmar’sdesigns uponthe reai’msastheturningolgtheirepongmous icon.
'1, 9t supposedtgrepresentsthepassageo6time, thepassing06generationsandthegrinding sacrificeo6peopteand
‘ resourcestothewheet’srwohitionsuntitthereisnothingt’efithutthegod—IGng’seternaBMctorg. gtisadrd’eofi'
never—ending, hrutatprogress. (this soundsadmirahee in concept, hut these strangeseatotseschewthe c

conventionat useo6 wheetsoompfletei’g, soreveredis this hotg sgmhoe. (The(Pontifieocis carriedinstead uponher
sedalu hornefiorthhgthe rawrruiscl’eand staminnofi haaiht’sdeuoted.
(PMW Zenestmourrenti’g BeadstheAqshiantaiizofi the(main—W Grusade —anadmirahee undertakingtor '1

someone soaged, forifil’egendsaretohe heeieved, sheisoverncenturgoed. Qurinfiormantsmithinthee/xpedition

have wriitutofigreatwheehsofgl’ightning manizlsestinguttheskiesathercornmandtosmitethegod—mng’s
enemies. Jloweoer, the sideeljfiectsofithese sorcathedmiraehesare nottohe ouerl’oohed. gt seemsthatang
,(t-hageehmthotdenoughto hearher‘paibnauinisagedtoinfirmity within mere weeks. We haveatreadg hostone
ofiourinfiormantsin ‘unknowncircumstances’afiterghadthemprohedeeper. (thereiscertamigmoretothe
fiamousflatriarohthanmeetstheege. 4

(this is notarecommendationfiorohseroation hutfiorfiurthermfiormation. (Cites have reached mefirornmg
Shgishancontaets regardinganactive melnherofi theohsaire Cuhtofi theComet. Amidsttheeot’fapseofi the
cursedcitgWenkarn, a womanng herseqj GhaonaEZeitengahewasnpparenttyaht’eto summonthe Minding
hghtofiSigmarMhisaspeotastheo‘tothom/zt,thngingittohurnawagfioesorshilungituponthesaithfiutto ,
reheioetheiraitments. Thereareconfihctingrumwsastoieitengaie’sbate—andindeedtothe‘«ourrentstatuso{5 i
Wenkarn. 9 havereceivedreh'ahl’ereports suggestingtheentirecity has Beensweptinto theShgishNadir. i
9thersteeemethatdhandofiheroesindudingZeitengatemarmgedtoescapeai’ongwithnportionofitheoitg's I
popuhace. Whatwer happenedthere, it wowedsurel’g Behovethe 9rderto know more.

48 WHHE flWflflF

e1rpi‘1defor what it t~ uly'1s, i
ing t‘h


S1gma'i'fisthis soul,1foh‘l
eofth ders of the Nullstone
d cult, who be1 ed magic to be intri; '
mhelda personalgrudgamamstaelves

an a purgeof mag1c— ac

elsisSoobsessiveandmbsolutewdisfijsghatredthat ‘1' eplanted seeds oftheir cultists,whichrouse
L his soulwas easyp1ck1ngsfor theDa lirince, the " creatures to anger; I have concluded
that Gargoylians
3 can onlybe usefulto thepeopl
eof'th‘e ealms,andI do =‘
7‘ down oncehehad drivenout thany

"“are human, and humans are weak and

' le. Every single cult of S1gmar should be
11 to some degree, in my opinion. Groupmp
Ehful are easy to i filtrate and will latch onto '
' o deepen the1rfa1th 111‘ fess ,

nconoewsion, 9 truty hetieoethat

the Catt/s (ttnherogen shout’ct he
uwhuted on our east
inoigorate the peopee as the
(Twin-(Tait’ect Crusade marches ever
onwards, they act with a,
dangerous tenet of; autonomy
afifiorded toy their e/xtmoagant
disphzys o6 6aith. o‘tutden flax/at
you with surety agree with me
when E] say that corruption can
fiester tam sight avseasity as it
utth’;shadow; 9tUSmy
recommendation that the Order
accentuates its efifiort/s to infiltrate
the (Butts Werogen (We cam/wt
ahhow such a oast amt powerfiue
hody to reign unehecheat


Spymistress aflorien

Beneath the streets of Hammerhal, something hungry stirs...

‘ he air down here, lad,’ Gollac said, as he fixed rusting metal like a knife whittling at the rock of silence.
his lantern to the pole strapped across his The quiet was nearly total, though the yawning ofthe
shoulders. ‘You can chew it. Chew it, say 1. duardin-carved tunnels seemed to generate a low rumble
That’s Hammerhal for you. Symbol 0’ defiance, of its own.
symbol 0’ reconquest, and its guts still smell like a
mountain of dung left out to bake.’ ‘Won’t do itself, though,’ Gollac mumbled. Patting the iron
rungs of the ladder he had clambered down, he flicked the
Ratsnagger barked in answer. The small but vicious grime from his fingers before stooping to scratch
mastilf had Thondian blood, which went some way to Ratsnagger behind a half—torn ear. ‘Come on, lad. Them
explaining his constant pace and low, hungry grumbles. faulty pipes ain’t far. Then to the Toil’s End and a flagon of
The dog remained oblivious to the ropes of drool that blackmalt to wash out the taste.’
sagged over his lips. Behind his leather filtration mask,
Gollac nodded towards him with a gap—toothed grin. Ratsnagger trailing at his feet, Gollac limped off along the
tunnel. Sweat beaded across his bare forearms, each
It was rare for a lowly sewer jack to own such a fine beast. laboured and gulping breath echoing in his ears.
But then, sewer jacks were becoming a scarce sort. Hammerhal’s guts hoarded heat as readily as the rest of
Hammerhal Aqsha’s bowels had long bloated beyond the city, fuming like an open blast furnace — something
reckoning, and most of the city’s capable ‘Undercrofters’ about ‘magmic channels’ or ‘thermic convection’.
had been swallowed up by the Twin—Tailed Crusade.
Gollac had avoided service in the grand venture only due Gollac wiped some ofthe moisture from his skin, wincing
to an old wound from a grot knife that left him limping. as the motion saw his lantern swing and squeak. Its bright
He couldn’t keep a march any more. beam swept over clefts in the brickwork that led into the
catacombs and walls marked with guttersnipe graffiti.
‘Of course,’ Gollac went on. ‘We were fool enough to take Crude Sigmarite iconography competed for space with
this job — 56th Wildercorps to the bone. Real waste~ strange triangular glyphs and unflattering depictions of
waders the pair of us, eh? When a pump—channel starts Conclave members.
spewing up sludge and some Azyrite’s wastrel gets the
mindrot, who comes and investigates? Old Gollac and his It was in pausing to appreciate the latter that Gollac
faithful hound, that’s who.’ realised the squeaking had continued, even after his
lantern had fallen still. The ice dumping into his guts was
The sewer jack sighed, his lantern swinging. Yellow light an unwelcome balm to the sweltering closeness.
panned across walls ofcurved basalt, the squeak of Ratsnagger growling at his side, he looked down. His

50 WHITE Diliilflf
fingers curled around the rough stock ofthe snub~nosed piping and spied a glint of beady red eyes clustering in the
pistol. dark behind him. 'ihey kept low to the ground, an ambush
predator's stance, muttering and hissing as they dodged
A rat stared up at him. its eyes bulged, froth leaking from beneath the lantern light.
itsjaws. it looked drunken, and like a belligerent drunk at
that. Nearby, several other rats twitched and hissed in Quick as his old injury would permit, Gollac lurched
aimless fury. A meaningful snarl from Ratsnagger caused round. He ilailed for his knife and pistol, clutching the
the vermin to glare at them both. Then, the rats turned former in a street—brawier’s backhand grip and levelling
and staggered into the shadows. the latter with a scowl.

Gollac wasn’t fool enough to release his grip on the ‘Poison my city then, you rodent filth? Come on, then.
weapon. From somewhere in the darkness, he thought he Fiftyrsixth Wildercorps!’
detected the cunning tap ofclaws. But not too many. He’d
killed ratmen before, as the notched dirk at his side could With a piercing wail the first predator skittered closer.
attest. He would have been more comibrtabie with a dragging itself forwards with its arms. Gollac pulled the
couple of sturdy Undercrofters at his back, but no point trigger. His pistol’s muzzle-bark briefly vanquished the
wishing for the impossible. blackness. The things shriek cut oti‘suddenly as the bullet
tore out halfits throat. it flipped in the air, carried by
‘Hammerhalians don’t run,‘ he grunted, glancing at momentum to land in a heap at his feet.
Ratsnagger. The hound’s ears were raised and alert.
‘Quickiy now. Not far.’ For the second time, surprise seized Gollac. The body was
no ratman. it was emaciated, with a swollen head.
Gollac’s breathing deepened as he listened for any bump overlong arms, and a blood—caked mouth. But it was
or skitter in the dark. The blackness beyond his lantern’s clearly human, even before one considered the scraps of
glow rippled in a heat haze. Ratsnagger’s occasional Hammerhalian colours that still citing to it.
warning barks elicited no response. Even so, the sewer
jack did not miss the occasional smears of red across the The distraction prevented him killing another ghoul
walls. Whether left by fingers or claws, he couldn’t before the pack charged as one screaming mass. ignoring
discern. how his bad leg protested, Gollac crouched and drove his
blade through the ribs of a pouncing wretch. He yanked it
By the time he arrived at a cluster ofcorroded brass free in a red spray and thrust again to make sure before
plumbing, Goliac's gasping was like the pumping of hurling the creature back and dragging the dirk across the
bellows. Bulging from the walls and disappearing into the throat of another ghoul. its kin shied away, their hisses
vaulted gloom, the plumbworks connected to the wary now.

subterranean reservoir stations that delivered purified

water to the city wells above. These particular brass Fangs suddenly tore into his thigh from behind. Goliac's
arteries trembled with rapturous seizures, their creaking scream was strangled as a claw of pain seemed to rip his
sounding like sighs. Or groans. lungs out. The sewer jack toppled, blade and pistol
skidding from his grip. The gauze of shock over his
‘Pressure might be getting too high. Dragging up sludge thoughts was shredded as the teeth began ripping at the
from the innerworks,’ Gollac muttered, slipping a wrench meat of his arm. Even as he fought for strength to gasp,
from his belt. ‘We’ll let it breathe a bit. Keep watch, lad.’ Gollac saw Ratsnagger tearing at his flesh in a wild furore.
He set the tool at a joint in the piping, let its teeth catch, Crimson froth was leaking from the mastiif's mouth.
and twisted.
The ghouls crawled closer. One of them ripped away his
Gollac drew back, braced for an overeager gout ofsteam mask, bombarding Gollac with a blended reek of gore and
or hissing water. Instead, a turgid gloop gurgled from the faecal foulness. Amidst the pipes that reached into the
crack. Steam rose as it was vomited onto the age—eaten sewers vaulted ceiling he thought he spied a larger figure,
flagstones. So pungent was the odour that it seemed to eat its eyes glowing a sanguinary scarlet. The thing lifted its
through the leather of Goilac’s mask. There was a moment arms, just as the sewer jack found breath enough to bowl.
where, through eyes squinted by reflexive watering, Gollac
could have sworn the thick fluid glinted a holy gold. Then His wail became a gag as the ghouls cupped the bloody
his lantern caught it, and he saw. residue leaking from the pipes and poured it into his open
mouth. Warmth spread through him like a virus. Yet even
Blood. It was blood, viscous and raw. There were. . .bits in as his body attempted in vain to retch it back up, Gollac
it. Bits of flesh. felt his senses come alive at the taste. it was sweet. As rich
and sickly as summer wine.
Ratsnagger had approached the liquid with a sniff before
starting to lap at it. Biting down on the stench trickling Before long the sewer jack was laughing, even as the
into his mouth, Gollac called for the bound to back off. ghouls began eating him alive.
That was when he glanced back into the surface ofthe

WHITE uwanr 5|

Counting down our top 10 most narrative rules

elcome back to the Mortal Realms! re-create the skills and psychology of a
In this issue’s Rules of Engagement particular faction or unit. We also work in
column, I’m going to share with tandem with the miniatures team so that the
you my top 10 favourite Age of rules reflect What the models look like they
Sigmar warscroll rules. However, there is a should do on the tabletop.
twist: I’m going to be picking the rules that I
think fit their narrative most accurately. With this in mind, lets get ready to launch
These are rules so brimming with flavour that into my personal top 10 picks. But, before
they instantly conjure up the Mortal Realms reading further into this column, perhaps you

JIMBO and provide some of the most memorable would like to scribble down your own top 10
Not content with just one gaming moments as a result. They are rules personal favourite rules that perfectly fit their
article in this issue (see so synonymous with their unit or faction that narrative and see if we agree on any. If you do
Basic Training), Jimbo is
back for a second helping they make perfect sense to anyone who have some different ideas, feel free to let us
with Rules of Engagement. knows anything about Age of Sigmar and the know by posting on our Warhammer Age of
Having written two rules factions that inhabit the Mortal Realms. Sigmar Facebook page or tagging our X
articles in quick
succession, anyone would account (@warhammer).
think Jimbo was some kind When the Age of Sigmar games developers
of games developer. 0h, he are writing rules, we work closely with the So without any further ado, let’s get into the
13...? it makes sense now!
background team to ensure that our rules countdown!

52 Ml"! WIMP

"......” .....1.

L kuonz. Ethan-a
l “7.IiV‘1filM‘u“'

j 1”amp“‘mw I.”
, . .


Starting at #10, it's the Orruk Brutes‘ You Messin'? What two words immediately spring to mind when you 0
rule. Brutes are, as their name suggests, massive see a Maw-grunta? Unstoppable and momentum.
brutal warriors, so the idea that their mere presence would Nothing else could so accurately describe a hulking great U)
intimidate other smaller warriors to not contest a strategic part porcine beast thundering full tilt at the enemy. Just the name I.I.l
of the battlefield when they are unfortunate to be close to these Unstoppable Momentum paints a vivid mental tapestry. _l
orruks is absolutelyflawless.
As for the rule itself, well... it does what it says. In each
Messin’?Mostbeingswith halfan ounceof consecutive turn in which the Maw-grunta runs or charges, it n:
on sense swiftly wither under thefurious gaze of gains more momentum, which means that it gains more and
ofiuk 3% who has marked his territory. more buffs to its Move, Bend and Damage output. If you can get
the Maw-grunta to its top momentum profile, it has a Move of 12",
Bend -3 on its Kill-choppas and a Damage characteristic of 03+3
‘1Enemy models with a Wounds characteristic of 1 that
on its Mighty Tusks! To me, that all sounds pretty unstoppable.
are within 3" of this unit cannot contest objectives.

9 SENTENCEDT0ETERNALTOBMENTRULE begins 1ts charge, it can only stop by crashing into '
The Nighthaunt Scriptor Mortis's Sentenced to Eternal something, and as its speed1ncreases, it becomesever-
Torment rule is a bit of a long one (it needs to be to more deadly. .. gj
explain all the mechanics ofthe rule), so as a summary, the
Scriptor Mortis can judge an enemy Hero, and if found wanting, This unit has a momentum score that affects the
that Hero is condemned to an eternity of torment (prior to which values represented by a 1* for this unit as shown on
they suffer a significant number of mortal wounds). the momentum table above. At the start of the battle,
The mechanics of Sentenced to Eternal Torment work in harmony this unit has a momentum score of 1. Each time this
with not only the lore of the Scriptor Mortis but also the design of unit finishes a run or charge move, add D3 to its
the miniature itself. Hunched over their gigantic tome, the momentum score. This unit’s momentum score can
miserable work of the Scriptor Mortis is brought to the tabletop never exceed 6. At the end of each battle round,
for all to see. in my opinion, it's a masterpiece of miniature subtract 1 from this unit’s momentum score (to a
sculpting, background writing and rules design all coming minimum of 1).
together in perfect blend.

iteliced toEtemal Torment: Once the true name

fajudged soul15 recorded, it is a race against t1mefor DISEASED
victim to banish the Scriptor1n order to escape lfl were to say to you that I have been Diseased by Nurgle (don't worry, I haven’t!), you would
\ndingpunishment. assume that I have been standing near someone infectious, and I will rapidly succumb to a vile
and deadly malady. Well, that's exactly what happens in the Mortal Realms to those unfortunate
enough to get too close to one of Grandfather Nurgle's favoured children, and without swift treatment,
I 11 your hero phase, you can say that this unit is going
they could soon join his ranks of Plaguebearers.
" to record the name of a judged soul. If you do so, pick
'le enemy HERO that does not have the DEATH
My favourite part of this ability is that once a unit is infected, it is permanent unless they, or one of their
.{3 keyword and that is visible to this unit to be the
kin, can use a healing ability to remove the effect.
_ judged soul. At the start of each of your subsequent
hero phases, if the judged soul and this unit are on
Diseased: Each of the Maggotkin is a walking vector of disease, a willing incubator for
the battlefield, you must make a judgement roll for
maladies that ravage the body and spirit with horrific virulence.
the judged soul, and this unit cannot record the name
of a different judged soul in that phase. In addition, if
the battle would end and the judged soul and this At the end of the movement phase and at the end of the combat phase, give 1 disease
gym: are on the battlefield, then before the battle ends, point to each enemy unit that is within 3" of any friendly MAGGOTKIN 01: NURGLB
"you must make a judgement roll for the judged soul. units. A unit can have a maximum of 7 disease points at any one time (it cannot be
given any more until the number of disease points it has is reduced to less than 7). 3:
To make a judgement roll, roll a dice. If the roll is less
than the number of the current battle round, the At the start ofthe battleshockphase, for each diseasepoint that anenemyunitha
judged soul suffers 2D6 mortal wounds. The same you must make 1 dice roll (called a disease roll). For each 4+, ' .
unit cannot be picked to be a judged soul more than 1 mortal wound. At the end of the bartleshockphase, redgc‘e
once in the same battle. points each enemy unit has to 1.

The Longshanks ability is shared by all the
Mega-Gargants of the Sons of Behemat and is essentially
a mechanical representation of their enormous size. Their huge
legs clearly allow them to stride across (or even through — I
Just outside the podium places, we go back to the Death
mean, what could stop them?) the tiny humans, aelves or orruks,
Grand Alliance, but this time it's the turn of the
for example, that go unnoticed as they are squashed underfoot.
Flesh-eater Courts and one of their battle traits: Noble Deeds.
Just reading the name Longshanks evokes a strong sense of
what the rule will be about, and anyone simply looking at a
While it might feel counterintuitive that these deranged.
Mega-Gargant will instantly understand that unimpeded
cannibalistic ghouls could do anything that could be considered
stomping around the Mortal Realms is what the Sons of Behemat
noble, the key to this rule is within that horrifyingly warped place
do best.
,. that the Flesh-eater Courts call their minds.
I LOngshanks; A Mega—Gargant towers high above the
They believe, without any shred of doubt, that they are
battlefield, and with their long, powerful legs, they can
honourable warriors — noble, bold and dignified.
step over most obstacles.

This mania is so entrenched in their psyche that the horrific feats

When this unit makes a normal move, runs or _ of the Flesh—eater Courts leaders are acclaimed by their
retreats, it can pass across other models that are not “ underlings as heroic acts. The mechanic of the rule re-creates
MONSTERS and parts of terrain features that are less this through the earning of noble deed points that a Hero can
than 4" tall in the same manner as a unit that can fly. use to buff nearby friendly units or even summon more loyal
subjects to the battlefield.

ANCESTBAL GBUDGEBEABEB Noble Deeds are a brilliant reflection of the mass delusion of the
We‘re halfway through the countdown, and it's our first ghouls of the Flesh-eater Courts.
ability from an Order faction. In this case, it's the Warden
King's Ancestral Grudgebearer ability. The duardin of the free m’embir ofa‘ghoulish court is
cities are led by their Warden Kings, who are responsible for o proVetheir valour and increase
preserving the legacy of the Dispossessed and ensuring that if V _ _
the opportunity presents itself to enact retribution against an . , 1 . ' ' ‘ ,ttlefield that send their loyal subjects into a furore.
individual that has committed wrongs against their father's '‘ i ' ’ F ‘
father's father's father, it is not passed over.
anch time a friendly FLESH-EATER COURTS HERO
successfully casts a spell that is not unbound, give 1
Unfortunately fortheir enemies (and to be fair, their friends), noble deeds point to that HERO.
virtually everyone in the Mortal Realms has committed some
slight against the Dispossessed at some point in history, and so
the Warden King can regularly strike off one of the grudges long . Each time a prayer chanted by a friendly
FLESHEATER COURTS HERO is answered, give 1
held by their clan.
noble deeds point to that HERO.

Ancestral Grudgebearer: Every Warden King knows

the names of those who wronged their forebears. As . Each time a friendly FLESH-EATER Coonrs HERo
they march out to defend or reclaim their holds, they fights, after all of its attacks have been resolved, give
seek the settle those grudges. that HERO a number of noble deeds points equal to
the number of wounds and/or mortal wounds
caused by that HERO in that phase that were
If this unit is picked to be your general, at the start of
first battle round, you can pick 1 enemy unit to bear a allocated to enemy units. Do not count wounds and/
grudge against. If you do so, until the end of the or mortal wounds caused by that HERO’s mount.

battle, if the unmodified hit roll for an attack made

with a melee weapon by a friendly CITIES 0F Each FLESH-EATER COURTS HERO can have a
SIGMAR DUARDIN unit that targets that enemy unit maximum of 6 noble deeds points at any one time (it
is 6, that attack automatically wounds the target (do cannot be given any more until the number of noble
not make a wound roll). deeds points it has is reduced to less than 6).

54 Mill! DWARF
Wrathmongers are, as their name suggests, blessed with a frenzied need to maim and
slaughter any unfortunate nearby. The Crimson Haze is a berserk rage that emanates
from them so powerfully that other Khorne worshippers are driven to fight even harder. More
blood for the Blood God! More skulls forthe Skull Throne! Oh dear, I can see the Crimson Haze
Alarielle the Everqueen, the goddess of life and the embodiment
of the wrath of nature. How fitting it is that her Lifebloom
ability renews her form when she has been damaged, healing the
wounds inflicted by her enemies, and in the most dire of

myself now... I’d best sit down for a moment. circumstances, bringing her back to life if she is slain. What I
particularly love about this ability is that the name, Lifebioom, conjures
Right, I’m okay now. On top of Crimson Haze being an awesome rule, it also holds a lot of an incredible image of a reborn Everqueen sprouting from the ground
nostalgia for me. Back in the first-edition Khorne Bloodhound Battletome, the Wrathmongers in a crescendo of pure Ghyranite magic.
Bloodfury rule meant that when a Wrathmonger was slain in combat, a nearby enemy unit could '—
be overwhelmed with a blood-maddening frenzy, resulting in it eitherfighting itself or another I don't think another ability could so accurately reflect the life-giving
enemy unit within 2" of it. Combined with Crimson Haze, this became a brutal but thematic powers of the Queen of the Radiant Wood. Z
combination, and it was hilarious to watch events unfold on the battlefield such as Archaon the LIJ
Everchosen killing himself with Slayer of Kings or Alarielle the Everqueen murdering an allied Lifebloom: Alarielle calls upon the overflowing restorative
Celestial Hurricanum. energies of Ghyran to heal her wounds, no matter how grave E
they may be. I.”
| always found this very thematic, and had the Bloodfury rule remained as it did in first edition, 1
would have likely put it as my top pick.
In your hero phase, you can heal up to 2D6 wounds
allocated to this unit. In addition, once per battle, at the <
Crimson Haze: A frenzy-inducing vapour of blood and gore fills the air wherever end of your hero phase, if this unit has been destroyed, you (D
Wrathmongers swing their flails. can roll a dice and add the number of the current battle
round to the roll. On a 6+, you can set up this unit on the
I Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by friendly Blades of battlefield wholly within 12" of an overgrown terrain LLI
Khorne units while they are wholly within 8" of any units with this ability. This feature or friendly Awakened Wyldwood, more than 9"
ability has no effect on Wrathmongers. from all enemy units and with 8 wounds allocated to it.
So there we have it: my top 10 picks for rules
SCURRY AWAY that best fit their narrative. I find each of —I
And here we are at my top pick. Skaven are renowned for these rules to be particularly powerfully
their self preservation at all costs, so what could be more evocative recreations of the lore they are
thematic than a rule which allows them to run away representing on the battlefields of the Mortal
from combat? Realms, but there are loads of other rules that
I could have picked, as they also resonate
For me, Scurry Away is a perfect blend of the mechanics of the deeply with their models and lore.
rule, fitting the lore of not just one model but the entire faction.
The idea that when confronted by the possibility of their demise, So, back to the list you scribbled down before
unless they are certain of victory, skaven would prefer to retreat we started the countdown. Did you pick any
rather than engage in honourable combat against the odds for of the same rules as me? Is there a faction
the benefit of their kin is completely embodied within this rule. that didn’t make my cut that should definitely
have been in my top 10? Most importantly,
As a battle trait, it can be used by any Skaven Hero, reinforcing should I have picked a different number one?
the selfish and cowardly nature of all of the Great Horned Rat’s
children, regardless of their position in their society. For now, I’ll leave it with you to discuss my
list with your friends, club-mates and other
-, . . "My.“ hobbyists to see if you can come up with your
.g, _ . ', KW:*T0 the skaven, prudent cowardice is a virtue, and their own definitive list of rules that rule the
_ 35% not think twice about scamperingto safety when thegoing narrative.

ombat phase, when you pick a friendly SKAVEN HERO that

gas - of have a mount to fight, you can say that it will scurry away


Got an idea for Rules of
» ("spur-[Kym
m wum
Engagement? Let us know
yourthoughts, and we'll
send them via
\ Gryph—hound courier to
‘ the A05 team.

[email protected]
Adventurers, midst the ice-rimed depths of the champions from their factions. These fighters
Deathgorge, mighty warriors engage are powerful allies for your warband. They
mercenaries and
each other in desperate battle. Many have additional rules to represent this, and
fight for glory, while others do battle they have unique abilities to help tilt the
enter the for wealth or personal gain. Some simply revel scales of war in your favour.
Deathgorge as we in slaughter and bloodshed. Though many will
bring you even perish, unsung and unremembered in this icy In this issue, we bring you new rules for a
more Bladeborn place, others will survive and thrive to become whopping six Bladeborn warbands: Cyreni’s
renowned fighters. They are the Bladeborn. Razors, The Thricefold Discord, Daggok’s
fighters to use in
Stab-ladz, Zondara’s Gravebreakers, Brethren
your games of
Warcry is a fast-paced skirmish game, replete of the Bolt and The Skinnerkin. We also
Warcry. with cinematic moments set in the Mortal present the rules you’ll need to incorporate
Realms during the Age of Sigmar. Within Bladeborn fighters into your battles (see
Warcry are storied warriors called Bladeborn opposite) along with the fighter cards and
fighters, who are themselves iconic abilities for these unique fighters.

56 WHITE Willi

1. _ “. ‘ Q,
I j -'

What follows are the rules you need to If your warband’s faction runemark is -. heyourally@ coufi‘algainclude H :
use these warbands in games of Warcry, not the same, Bladeborn fighters with the othei'fighter th The Thrfcefola ¢
due to their unique status as Bladeborn Hero (4*) runemark can instead be Discord ( runemark as an ally fir
fighters. You will need a copy of the Core included in your warband as an ally, warband. Note that l'b runlll three I
Book to use all of the rules shown here, provided that the Bladeborn fighter’s fightersfrom Thefiricefold Discord, y“
especially those that relate to faction runemark belongs to the same would need to use a Hedonites of Shark?
narrative games. Grand Alliance (page 80 of the Core warband, and each of three available
Book) as your warband’s faction places in your warband for a fighter with

BLADEBORN FIGHTERS runemark. Rules on how to include allies the Hero (ix) runemark would be taken
- WHAT ARE THEY? in your warband are found on page 76 of up by each of those Bladeborn fighters.
Bladeborn fighters are elite warriors as the Core Book.
varied as the Mortal Realms themselves, INCLUDING BLADEBORN
with skills and missions that set them If you add a Bladeborn fighter with a FIGHTERS IN NARRATIVE
apart from even their closest allies. Some Hero (#0 runemark to your warband as PLAY
Bladeborn fighters belong to small an ally, you can add any other fighters In narrative play, you can add Bladeborn
warbands made up of fellow Bladeborn, that share the same Bladeborn runemark fighters to your warband roster if their
whilst others are mighty individuals who as that fighter. Fighters included in your faction runemark is the same as the one
can even battle an entire enemy warband warband in this manner (i.e. those that chosen for your warband.
alone and emerge triumphant! do not have the Hero (3}) runemark) do
not count towards the total number of In addition, Bladeborn fighters with the
Bladeborn fighters who are closely tied to allies you can include in your warband, Hero (fl) runemark can be added to
one another in the story of Age of Sigmar but they do cost points like any other your warband roster as an ally when you
share the same Bladeborn runemark. For fighter. Additional fighters from a complete the ‘Secure a Powerful Ally’
example, Vexmor and Lascivyr, the Bladeborn warband that have the Hero quest (page 117 of the Core Book). You
Bladed Blessing, each have The Hg?) runemark do count towards the must still spend the glory required to
Thricefold Discord (d) total number of allies you can include in do so.
Bladeborn runemark. your warband, as in the case of The
Thricefold Discord. If you include a Bladeborn fighter with
INCLUDING BLADEBORN the Hero 0*) runemark as an ally in
FIGHTERS IN OPEN PLAY You cannot add the same type of your warband, in the Manage Your
AND MATCHED PLAY Bladeborn fighter more than once to your Warband step of the aftermath sequence
In open play and matched play, when warband roster. (page 112 of the Core Book), you can add
picking your warband for a battle, you any other fighters that share the same
can include any Bladeborn fighters if For example, in open and matched play, Bladeborn runemark as that fighter.
their faction runemark is the same as the you can include up to 2 allies in your Fighters included in your warband in this
one chosen for your warband. warband. If you were to choose Vexmor to manner (Le. those that do not have the
Hero (‘39?) runemark do not count
FACTIONS towards the total number of allies you
Each of the fighters in a Bladeborn warband belongs to a faction. can include in your warband, but they do

The fighters of Cyreni’s Razors have the Idoneth Deepkin (Q7) faction runemark in cost points like any other fighter, and you

addition to the Cyreni’s Razors (W) runemark. must still spend the glory required to
do so.
The fighters of The Thricefold Discord have the Hedonites of Slaanesh: Daemons
(if ) faction runemark in addition to The Thricefold Discord (d) runemark.
You cannot add the same type of
The fighters of Daggok’s Stab-ladz have the Kruleboyz (a) faction runemark in Bladeborn fighter more than once to your
addition to the Daggok’s Stab-ladz (t) runemark. warband roster.
“‘~ r
The fighters of Zondara’s Gravebreakers have the Soulblight Gravelords ((9) faction
runemark in addition to the Zondara’s Gravebreakers (¥) runemark. AFTERMATH SEQUENCE
In the aftermath sequence, the following
The fighters of Brethren of the Bolt have the Castelite (W) faction runemark in
addition to the Brethren of the Bolt (fl) runemark. rules apply to Bladeborn fighters:

The fighters of The Skinnerkin have the Flesh-eater Courts (#5) faction runemark
1. Do not make injury rolls for
in addition to the The Skinnerkin (\) runemark.
Bladeborn fighters.

GRAND ALLIANCE 2. Do not make renown rolls for .

Each of the fighters in Cyreni’s Razors belongs to Grand Alliance Order ($3). Bladeborn fighters Bladeborn fighters -
Each of the fighters in The Thricefold Discord belongs to Grand Alliance Chaos Hi ). cannot gain renown. ‘ '

Each of the fighters in Daggok’s Stab-ladz belongs to Grand Alliance

Bladeborn fighters cannot bear artefag,
Destruction (W ).
of power, but a Bladeborn fighter she
Each of the fighters in Zondara’s Gravebreakers belongs to Grand Alliance as your leader can have 1 heroic tra
Death (W). (which they begin with automat'
Each of the fighters in Brethren of the Bolt belongs to Grand Alliance Order (fit).
Each of the fighters in The Skinnerkin belongs to Grand Alliance Death (W).

tail -
>1\l%\ ‘5


[Reaction] Ink let: A fighter can make this reaction after they are targeted by a melee attack
& action but before the hit rolls are made. For each hit roll from that attack action that misses,
after that attack action is resolved, you can move this fighter up to 2". In addition, if all of the hit

rolls missed, that enemy fighter cannot make attack actions until the end of the battle round.

§ [Double] Hurl Lanmari Blade: Add the value of this ability to the Range characteristic of
the next melee attack action made by this fighter this activation. After that attack action, this
fighter cannot make melee attack actions for the rest of this activation.

[Triple] Hammertide: Pick a corner of the battlefield and draw a straight line 1mm wide
3 between the centre of this fighter’s base and that corner. Enemy fighters whose base touches
that line cannot jump, fly or climb until the end of this battle round. In addition, roll a

at) number of dice equal to the value of this ability for each such enemy fighter. Allocate 1
damage point to that fighter for each roll of 3+.

[Quad] Crushing Wrap: A fighter can only use this ability before it would make a melee
attack action. R0118 dice. For each roll of 3+, add 1 to this fighter’s Strength characteristic

[3(jS {0 for that attack action and allocate 2 damage points to the target of that attack action. If the
taget is taken 0153f action, the melee attack action has no effect.


[Reaction] Fade from Memory: A fighter can make this reaction when an enemy fighter
finishes a move action within 3" of them. If there is another friendly fighter visible to that
enemy fighter and within range of at least one of that enemy fighter’s melee weapons, for the

rest of the battle round that enemy fighter cannot target this fighter.

[Double] Low Tide: A fighter can only use this ability if it is the first battle round. This
fighter can make a bonus move action up to a number of inches equal to the value of this

[Double] Sweeping Blow: Roll a dice for each visible enemy fighter within 2" of this fighter.
On a roll of 5, allocate 1 damage point to the fighter being rolled for. On a roll of 6, allocate a
number of damage points to the fighter being rolled for equal to the value of this ability.

[Triple] High Tide: A fighter can only use this ability if it is the third battle round. Add 1
to the Attacks and Strength characteristics of melee attack actions made by friendly fighters
while they are within 6" of this fighter.
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[Reaction] Triumphant Tittering: A fighter can make this reaction without forfeiting one
of their actions in that battle round, and can make this reaction even if they have already
activated this battle round.’ A fighter can make this reaction after another friendly fighter
with the Thricefold Discord runemark (d) is slain. This fighter makes a bonus move action
or a bonus attack action.

[Double] The Coiled Lash: Until the end of the battle round, enemy fighters cannot make
disengage actions while within 1" of this fighter. At the end of the battle round, allocate a
number of damage points equal to half the value of this ability (rounded up) to each visible
enemy fighter within 1" of this'fighter.

[Triple] The Bladed Blessing: 'Ihis fighter makes a bonus melee attack action. Subtract 5
from the Toughness characteristic of the target of that attack action, to a minimum of 1, for
that attack action.

[Quad] Undignified Effort: Add 2 to the Attacks characteristic of the next melee attack
action made by this fighter in this activation.


[Reaction] Shared Pain: A fighter can make this reaction after they are targeted by a melee

attack action but before the hit rolls are made. For each hit roll from that attack action that
hits, allocate I damage point to the attacking fighter. For each critical hit, allocate 2 damage
points to the attacking fighter instead.

[Double] Lithe and Swift: Add 3 to this fighter’s Move characteristic for their next move
if action this activation.

[Double] Discordant Disruption: Until the end of the battle round, subtract 1 from the
Attacks characteristic (to a minimum of 1) of attack actions made by enemy fighters while
they are within 6" of this fighter.

[Triple] Locus of Excruciation: Until the end of the battle round, add 1 to the Strength

a??? characteristic of melee attack actions made by visible friendly fighters while they are within
6" of this fighter.

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a [Double]LeaveYaBleedin’:A fightercanonlyusethisabilityifanenemyfighterwas
allocated damage points by an attack action made by them this activation. Roll a dice for
a SQ; eachwoundallocatedtothatenemyfighterattheendofthebattleround.Foreach4+,
allocate l damage point to that fighter.

[Double] Hookin’ Your Guts: Until the end of the battle round, after an enemy fighter
makes a disengage action that began within 3" of this fighter, allocate D6 damage points to
% thatfighter.

[Triple] Roar of Kragnos: Until the end of the battle round, add 1 to the Attacks
characteristic of melee attack actions made by visible friendly fighters while they are within
2' 6" ofthis fighter.

‘_ a [Quad]Stealin’YourFinks:Afightercanonlyusethisabilityifanenemyfighterhasbeen
I 3 I. j m Y Y takendownbyanattackactionmadebythemthisactivation.Gainanumberofwilddice
‘" ' - )Q’k equal to the value of this ability, then this fighter makes a bonus move action.

[Reaction] Kunnin’ Trap: A fighter can make this reaction after an enemy fighter finishes a
a moveactionvisibletothisfighterandwithin3"ofthisfighter.Pickanotherfriendlyfighter
. within 3" of this fighter. 'Ihat fighter makes a bonus attack action that must target the enemy
j- I I. '3 l ‘ fighter that made the move action.

a : [Double]Venom-encrustedWeapon:Untiltheendofthisfighter’sactivation,add1tothe
damage points allocated to enemy fighters by each hit and critical hit from attack actions
made by this fighter.

[Quad] Kunnin’ Attack: A fighter can only use this ability if there are more friendly fighters
7$,( withtheWarriorrunemark(‘0)within6"ofthisfighterthanthereareenemyfighters
9 )~ 4 within6"ofthisfighter.Thosefriendlyfighterscaneachmakeabonusmoveactionora
bonus melee attack action (some can make a bonus move action and others can make a
bonus melee attack—action).



[Reaction] Lost Love: A fighter can only make this reaction if they have the Hero (49%) runemark or the

499$ Agile (Q’) runemark, in addition to the Zondara’s Gravebreakers H») runemark, after another fighter
with two of those runemarks is taken down. When this reaction is made, add 1 to this fighter’s Move
characteristic and 2 the Attacks characteristic of this fighter’s weapons until the end ofthe battle.

[Double] Gravebreaking: Each friendly fighter with the Minion (:9) runemark and the Zondara’s

Gravebreakers runemark (in) that is within 3" of an objective can make a bonus attack action. Each
other friendly fighter with the Zondara’s Gravebreakers (at) runemark and the Minion (+) runemark
can make a bonus move action.

[Triple] Devoted Strike: Add 2 to the Attacks and Strength characteristics of melee attack actions

$9"? made by this fighter in this activation while that attack action targets an enemy fighter within 3" ofa
friendly fighter with the Zondara’s Gravebreakers (in) runemark and the Hero (it) runemark.

[Quad] Blind Devotion: This fighter and a friendly fighter with the Zondara’s Gravebreakers (4;)

fl’at runemark and the Agile (Q’ ) runemark can each make either a bonus move action or a bonus attack

[Reaction] Unfeeling Flesh: A fighter can make this reaction when they are targeted by a melee attack

4%? action but before the hit rolls are made. Subtract 1 from the damage points allocated to this fighter by
each hit from that attack action (to a minimum of 1).

(Q1 [Double] Vampiric Agility: Until the end of this fighter’s activation, do not count the vertical distance
moved when this fighter is climbing.

[Double] Shambling Horde: A fighter can only use this ability if they are within 6" of a visible friendly
fighter with the Hero runemark (it). This fighter can make a bonus move action up to a number of
inches equal to the value ofthis ability.

[Double] Necrotic Siphon: Pick a Visible friendly fighter with the Minion runemark (4») within 6" of
this fighter. Allocate a number of damage points equal to the value of this ability to that fighter. Then,
remove a number of damage points allocated to this fighter up to double the value of this ability.

[Triple] Summon Undead Minions: Pick a friendly fighter with the Minion runemark (4*) that has
been taken down. Set that fighter up on a platform or the battlefield floor, wholly within 3" of this
fighter, That fighter no longer counts as being taken down and has no damage points allocated to it.

[Quad] Vanhel’s Danse Macabre: Pick a number of visible friendly fighters with the Minion runemark
(49>) up to the value of this ability within 6" of this fighter. Those fighters can each make a bonus move
action or a bonus attack action (some can make a bonus move action and others can make a bonus
attack action).
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[Reaction] Ultimate Resistor: A fighter can make this reaction when they are targeted by
a melee attack action but before the hit rolls are made. Subtract 1 from the damage points
allocated to this fighter by each hit from that attack action (to a minimum of 1).

[Double] 'Ihunderous Blast: Pick a visible enemy fighter within 3" of this fighter and roll 3
dice. For each roll of 3+, allocate a number of damage points to that fighter equal to half the
value of this ability (rounding up). You can pick an enemy fighter within 3" of another visible
friendly fighter with the Brethren of the Bolt ( Q) runemark if that friendly fighter is within
6" of this fighter.

a [Triple]FuriousAbandon:Thisfightercanmakeabonusmoveactionuptoanumberof
inches equal to the value of this ability. Then, they can make a bonus attack action.

[Quad] Unleashing His Fury: This fighter makes a bonus ranged attack action. When that
attack action is made, you can pick another friendly fighter that is visible to the attacker to
be part of a chain. Then, you can pick a third friendly fighter that is within 6" of and visible
to the second fighter to be the next part of the chain, and so on. Once the last fighter in the
chain is picked, you can measure the range of that bonus attack action from the last fighter
in the chain. Add 1 to the Attacks, Strength and Damage characteristics of that weapon for
each fighter in the chain. Each fighter in the chain must have the Brethren of the Bolt (fl)
\ r.

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[Reaction] Back to the Kitchenslz A fighter can make this reaction after they have been
allocated damage points by a melee attack action. This fighter makes a bonus disengage

[Double] Get out of My Larderlz Pick a visible friendly fighter with the Skinnerkin (\)
runemark that is within 6" of this fighter and has not activated this battle round. This fighter
and that fighter can each make a bonus move action up to the value of this ability. You can
activate that fighter immediately after this fighter’s activation ends.

[Triple] Plated Banquet: A fighter can only use this ability if an enemy fighter has been
taken down by an attack action made by them this activation. Place a banquet token at the
\ centreofthespaceoccupiedbythatfighterbeforeremovingthatfighterfromthebattlefield.
At the end of the battle round, after determining control of objectives, you can remove up
to 3 damage points allocated to each friendly fighter within 6" of the centre of any banquet

[Quad] Precise Filleting: The next melee attack action made by this fighter scores critical
hits on a 3+ regardless of the Toughness characteristic of the target.


[Reaction] Baffling Parley: A fighter can make this reaction after they are targeted
by a melee attack action but before the hit rolls are made. Subtract 1 from the Attacks
characteristic of that attack action, to a minimum of 1.

. l [Double]FeedingFrenzy:Afightercanonlyusethisabilityifanenemyfighterhasbeen
taken down by an attack action made by them this activation. Remove a number of damage
points from this fighter up to the value of this ability.

a Y ‘( [Triple]BringerofDeath:Untiltheendofthebattleround,addhalfthevalueofthisability

I A:‘ thatstartswithin6"ofthisfighter.
(rounding up) to the Move characteristic of friendly fighters while they make a move action

i l [Quad] TheRoyalHunt: Thisfightermakesabonusmoveaction. Then,theycanmakea

bonus attack action. In addition, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of that attack action if
this fighter is within 1" of a visible friendly fighter.


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The warlords complete thei r collecti OHS - all hai | the warlords!

66 WHITE lllllllllf
his is it — the final challenge of the PATH OF THE WABLOIIDS - WARHAMMEB 40,000
Warhammer 40,000 edition of A Tale As with previous years, we encourage you at home to join in with
of Four Warlords 2024! It’s been a long A Tale of Four Warlords. The timeline below shows you the path
and emotional journey that has seen that our series of articles will follow and roughly what challenges
an impressive 105 games played and 153 our warlords can expect to face in each of the six bimonthly
units painted, totalling an incredible 489 instalments. Let us know how you’re getting on by emailing us at
models — the most ever painted in a series of [email protected].
A Tale of Four Warlords! Some other fun
stats for you: 33 tanks (or tank—like vehicles)
were constructed, three of which were titanic. WARLORD INAUG Ii it‘ll st "
Two Primarchs were painted, two gaming
leagues and four tournaments were fought in, _I
96 paint swatches were featured across all the
articles and one leg was broken (accidentally,
not as a punishment for missed deadlines). CHALLENGEI -
Goal: in 3, .rr
ll illl‘» .
For the last challenge in the series (excluding c:
Your; .1‘
the final Battle Report, of course), the four =
warlords have all adopted the ‘go big or go
home’ approach to scoring points. Rhu and Ll.
James have both painted their Legion’s
Daemon Primarch, namely Mortarion and
Angron! And if that wasn’t enough, they both
painted more units to go with them. I.I.l
Andy, meanwhile, painted some tanks. Then
Goal: 1‘10er ' [—
he painted another bigger tank. Then he
painted two more even bigger tanks. And — as <
is becoming customary — some other models
to go with them. Lastly, Joe changed tack
entirely and decided to paint a force of
Tyranids led by a Norn Emissary. And why
not, eh? Oh, and they also constructed a huge
Showstopper model, which will be featured in
the final Battle Report. It’s not painted yet,
but we’ve seen video evidence of its existence. CHALLENGE 5 - APRIL
At around 3' long, we’re going to need some Goal: To complete your collection by adding new units to one of your existing A Tale of Four
Warlords forces OR to paint an additional Combat Patrol set Bonus pornts are awarded based on
big deployment zones. Turn the page to see
victory points scored in the gaming event that will conclude the series.
the warlords’ latest creations and their final,
humongous collections!


Every two months, we’ve counted up how many units our warlords
- l point per enemy unit destroyed
have painted for their collections and how many games they’ve - l pornt per enemy warlord slain
played, awarding them points for each. With the final stage of the - l point per objective secured
- Additional bonus pornts will be awarded at the llr’llllt‘ [ltt’jll‘l
challenge complete, Joe has jumped ahead of Rhu thanks to
team’s discretion (for the Most lragir, Death or . '
playing a colossal number of games. But will they be able to claim Overkill Kill: for example),
victory in the final climactic battle?



hat a journey! Early on in this willing to put my brushes down when I didn’t
project, I promised I would build a feel up to painting. I worked on these models
mainly Terminator-armoured army little by little and often between other parts of
with lots of cultists and no vehicles. my life, and I always felt creatively fresh when
I have produced, at the end of this, almost the I came to them.

RHUAIRIDH opposite of that. However, I’m sure you’ll

There’s an ominous agree that I’ve produced rather a lot of ‘the I’ve wrapped up the army with some final big
creaking coming from the opposite of that’! I think if I had any advice pieces. The first and foremost was, of course,
other end of the office.
Some say it's the wind in
following this project, it’s to start with a Mortarion (see below). I also added some
the rafters. Others say it‘s strong plan and be willing to deviate from it heavy armour to the collection in the form of
the knee joints of the the very second you have a better idea. I’ve three Predators and a Land Raider. I didn’t
infirm. We know the truth
of the matter: it's Hhu's
followed my heart with this project, painting mutate my tanks too much, instead focusing
desk straining under the the models I was most interested in or that I on giving them a hollowed out, battered
weight of over 150 Death
wanted to try out in games. One of my secrets appearance. I imagine Typhus doesn’t care
Guard miniatures!
for never losing momentum was being too much for vehicular assets!


No Death Guard army would be complete
without Mortarion as a centrepiece! I’ve
been terrified of painting him due to his
massive wings, so I came up with an
alternative to make me feel more
comfortable with such a big project.
Instead of the wings, I equipped him with
a huge turbine jump pack converted out of
a trio of Foetid Bloat-drone fans. It’s got a
real Horus Heresy feel to it. I also gave
him a double-bladed sword taken from
the classic Nurgle Daemon Prince kit.

Undercoat: Wraithbone

I Wash:Aggaros Dunes
I Wash: Carroburg Crimson
I Wash: FleshTearers Red
I Highlight: Wazdakka Red ,
I Highlight:Zandri Dust
I Basecoat: AverlandSunset
I Wash: Seraphim Sepia
I Drybrush:YrielYeIIow
I Stippie: Mechanicus
Standard Grey (weathering)

I Basecoat: Mechanicus
Standard Grey
Airbrush: Wraithbone

I Wash:Agrax Earthshade
Stippie: Wraithbone

I Wash: Mortarion Grime



ith a bellow of rage, Angron arrives been entirely transformed by the union of the
to lead the slaughter! I decided at eight Khornate daemons within them.
the outset of this challenge that the
Daemon Primarch would smash I’ve amassed almost 4,000 points of Chaos
into realspace in the closing phase of this models over the course of this challenge, and a
challenge, drawn to the sizeable bloodletting though it’s far from being the largest force, JAMES D:
force the Gore—forged have now become. I and I’m trailing the pack in terms of gaming Rage: 100%
Anger: 100% O
always imagined him in the midst of a points, I’m really proud of my achievements. _I
frothing mass of Eightbound and Exalted It’s also been an extended experiment in Skull reaping: 100% I
Eightbound, so it’s been great to realise that fitting hobby time around a young family Devotion to Khorne:100%
Red paint left: 0%
image as a final sign-off, with a Lord (lots of snatched moments late at night and
Invocatus and Forgefiend thrown in just to early in the morning), and I want to dedicate That’s it! James has
dial up the violence. The Exalted Eightbound this army to all readers who manage to find completed Khorne! He's
now off for a well deserved
were particularly good fun to paint. I gave time for our great hobby around the other =
spa day.
them dark red skin to suggest their flesh has demands of life, whatever those may be. D
For Angron, I drew on the advice
presented in issue 487’s Brush Tips
column. I also carried over some of the
paint recipes I’ve used on the rest of my
army. However, I got a bit experimental
with Angron’s head and its attached <
cabling. I wanted to give the impression
that his anger is so volcanic that it blazes
visibly from his mouth and eyes and
heats his Butcher’s Nails white-hot. This
also helps to highlight his head as the
focal point of the miniature.

I Basecoat: GalVorbakRed
I RecessWash: Nuln Oil
I Glaze: Khorne Red
I Highlight:TuskgorFur
Basecoat: Screaming Bell

U Layer: FulguriteCopper
I Wash:Agrax Earthshade
- RecessWash: Bloodfor
the Blood God
Highlight: Canoptek Alloy


I Basecoat: RhinoxHide
I Layer: Mephiston Red
T Layer: Evil SunzScarlet
Layer: Troll Slayer Orange

Layer: Yriel Yellow

Layer: Dorn Yellow

Layer: Screaming Skull

Mill! Illllillf 69






t’s been a heck of a hobby journey over the I’m going back to tournaments, I’m painting
last few months. I have painted so much armies again — not just single models — and
Warhammer and played so many games; I’m being more creative and social. To say I’m
this series has reinvigorated my hobby! reinvested in my hobby is an understatement.
Gaming has been particularly crazy lately. I

10E played in three tournaments, one of which Sometimes we impose restrictions on our
We’ve got another xenos was a doubles event. I think I managed to go hobby, but I’m learning to do this less and
infestation! Last time, Andy every week with at least one game. less, and it’s very liberating. This is a hobby;
went rogue and painted
some Tyranids. This issue,
it’s supposed to be fun. It should ease stress,
Joe's done exactly the I’m primarily a painter — that’s my jam — but not add to it. So now, if I want to play a game,
same thing. The Hive Mind A Tale of Four Warlords has got me back into but I haven’t finished painting my models, I
is clearly getting into their
heads! However, they have
playing games, and it has resulted in me just do! If I want to paint Dante’s left leg
got some wise words to rekindling old friendships, making new ones instead of highlighting Intercessors, I will!
say about being distracted and reminding me that sometimes there’s Don’t let the act of doing the hobby get in the
(not necessarily by aliens).
nothing quite like rolling dice with a friend. way of enjoying it — that’s what I’ve learned.


I got entirely distracted by Tyranids this
month and painted a small force from
Hive Fleet Kraken. Painting them was a
very different experience to Space
Marines and Kin, and it was a welcome
change of pace. The skin colours were
achieved by applying watered-down
washes straight over the Wraithbone
undercoat. I then painted the carapace in
a similar way, building up the colour
with progressively fighter washes while
leaving the previous colour in the
recesses to create a smooth gradient.

Undercoat: Wraithbone

I Wash: Dreadful Visage

I Wash: Guilliman Flesh
I Recesswash:Volupus
Pink (joints and vents)

I Wash: BlackLegion
I Wash: FleshTearers Red
I Wash: Baal Fled
I Highlight: Evil Sunz

I Highlight: Flayed
One Flesh

I Layer: lyanden
Yellow (eyes)

I Wash: Striking Scorpion

(glowing bits)

I Wash:VolupusPink
(raw flesh)

74 WT! m


wise Imperial commander once said perfect for spearheading any armoured
that big guns never tire. For the final assault. Why settle for just one armoured
deadline, I wanted to put that to the behemoth when you can have two, eh?
test. I wanted to finish the series with
a bang! How many tanks is too many tanks? This series has really let me flex my hobby
muscles with lots of converting and a chance ANDY I
I painted three more Leman Russ Battle to push my painting under some tight Apparently Andy's brief
foray into worshipping an O
Tanks this month, all converted with recessed deadlines. It showed me what I can get done
extragalactic alien deity _l
sponsons and some alterations to weapons. I when I stick (relatively closely) to a plan. I’ve was all a terrible mistake! n:
then painted a Rogal Dorn Battle Tank. That also had a chance to reacquaint myself with He has renounced his faith
in the Four-armed Emperor <
all felt like a nice foundation, but I wanted using an airbrush, as well as try out some
something super-heavy. So I painted a different weathering techniques I’ve only
and returned to the light of
the two-armed Golden
Baneblade, the quintessential Astra really used on small projects. I can’t be more Throned one. The
Inquisition are watching
Militarum super-heavy tank. Then I painted a pleased, as my final tally comes to nearly
him very carefully indeed. :3
more rarely seen Stormsword, which will be 4,600 points of miniatures and 142 models!
My last major project for the series was
to convert the warlord commanding
Operation Argentus, Lord Militant
General Antonin Kursveil, whom I’ll use
to represent the Lord Solar. Kursveil and
his life ward are the House Greim <
Military Attaché from Necromunda,
while the half-track is a combination of a
Jackal Alphus’ bike and some spare
Kataphron Breacher tracks. The Rogal
Dorn, 331 ‘Praetorian’, was painted in
the colours of the rest of my tanks — the
Narmenian Armoured regiment.

- Basecoat: Castellan

I Drybrush: Nurgling
Drybrush: Krieg Khaki

I Basecoat:Zandri

Airbrush: Morghast

l Wash: Agrax
Mortarion Grime &
Contrast Medium 1:1:2

Drybrush: Ushabti

Drybrush: Screaming

lMlIIE Illllllllf 75








Delve into the obscure world of the techno-sorcererous Necrons

80 WHIIE DWflflf

he Necrons are rightly feared across during the messy process of revivification.
the galaxy for their technological . same disciplines — such as technomancy,
might. When they march to war, their plasmancy or chronomancy — have many
legions unleash the most fundamental adherents amongst Royal Courts throughout
forces of the universe, weaponised in ways so Necron society. These are typically the most
inconceivable to the younger species of the obviously useful of the disciplines.
galaxy that they appear as dark sorcery. All Technomancy, for instance, enables a C I - .
this is thanks to the boundless knowledge to maintain the Canoptek constructs, an A id
and sinister ambitions of the Crypteks. soldiery and magnificent war engines of their
masters’ legions. A command of plasmancy,
. The Crypteks are ancient techno—sorcerers of meanwhile, renders a Cryptek terrifyingly I—
great power. They are present throughout , estructive in battle while also aiding in the D.
everyNecrondynasty,actingasadvisors, fillnderstandingandupkeepofsuchvast >.
viziers, soothsayers and techno-savants to power sources as the engines of Tomb Ships
their Royal Courts. Thanks to the rigidly and the energy cores of tomb complexes.
hierarchical nature of Necron society, most ' i$uch knowledge, in’turn, renders its
Crypteks occupy roles subservient to the «possessor invaluable to their noble overlords LLI
ruling nobles of those courts — however ‘ and helps to leverage patronage and favour in I
resentfully. The fact remains, however, that court.
without the expertise of their Crypteks, the -~ LL
mighty dynasties would soon grind to-a baht?! Every Cryptek is different, of course. For each - D
Asagult, manyCrypteksenjoy CLlief." oneessentiallyloyalto theirdynastyand . 2
consi rable influence and powerful p'atrons broadly content with their position, there is
that aid them in fulfilling their own another driven by sinister ambition, seized by E
ambitions. . the compulsive need to plot and politick, or m
‘- obsessed by the study of a particularly strange ' ‘ Ll.l
Most such schemes involve the pursuit of and obscure branch of techno—science.
‘ scientific knowledge and the advancement of Whatever their motivations, most Crypteks (I)
the Crypteks’ esoteric might. Though many labour tirelessly to perfect their arts. They
Crypteks flit from one discipline to the next, fashion incredible artefacts of techno- E
altering their focus - and even their living sorcerous potency. They delve into esoterica
metal bodies — to suit their latest studies, , forbidden by the younger species or
others embrace their peoples’ trend for considered the province of beings beyond
monomania by devoting their aeons—long mortal ken. They labour to create ever more
existences to the study and perfection of a magnificent weapons and war engines with
particular facet of cosmic science. In some which their overlords can assert dynastic
cases, a desire for familiarity may see them dominance over the galaxy at large. Even as
hold to whatever area of study they generation upon generation of organic
specialised in before biotransference. In scholars, scientists and artificers come into
others, it may be an enforced obsession, their power and then wane and decay, still the
pushed upon the Cryptek via the command timeless Crypteks continue their sanity—
protocols of their noble masters or thrust to blasting works of aeons.
the forefront of their personality engram
Y". —
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THE TECHNOMANTIG ARTS fallen or damaged warriors and Plasmancers are ever-eager in the ,
Since biotransference, the Necrons send them lurching back into the application of their nightmarish
have been utterly reliant upon fight with their limbs and bodies creations. Typically accompanied
technology. From the android reforming layer by layer. It is not by small retinues of Cryptothrall
bodies their consciousnesses reside hard to see why the Necron bodyguards, they delight in taking
in to the fortified tomb complexes nobility put great stock in the arts to the field of battle and testing -
‘ in which they revivify and plot of the Technomancer, and why few or witnessing the deployment of —
their campaigns of domination, the will long permit their court to be their weapons first-hand. The most l—
very foundations of their continued without at least one of these skilled devoted to their craft even attach
existence are built upon it. It is, Cryptek artificers. themselves willingly to Destroyer >-
therefore, unsurprising that one of Cults. Here they find many
the most commonplace Cryptek ENERGIES 0F ANNIHILATION degenerated nobles only too willing
disciplines is that of technomancy. It is felt by many Crypteks that to indulge the Plasmancers’
In some ways, these cunning there is something wrong with unbridled appetite for destruction I.“
manipulators of high technologies those of their number who focus and supremely untroubled by how :I:
are as close as the Necrons come to upon the discipline of plasmancy. many dictats of the Triarchal Codes 9
engineers as the younger species Certainly, these destructive such apocalyptic weaponry flouts. LI-
might recognise them. individuals exhibit certain D
common quirks of personality that
It is within the gift of a most outside of the Destroyer Cults
Technomancer to fashion find alarming. Plasmancers are E
Canoptek constructs. Many of known to tend towards aggressive c:
these in turn aid the Crypteks in self-aggrandisement bordering Ll.l
repairing damaged Necron upon megalomania. They scorn the
technologies and structures. Others authority of all those around U)
may act as bound familiars that them — as far as command
carry their masters swiftly from protocols will allow, at least — and E
place to place, swarm over their are viewed by Crypteks of a more
living metal bodies to effect repairs intellectual bent as crude, ill—
and project defensive force fields, tempered and often little better
or burrow into the technologies — than murderous vandals.
or even the nervous systems ~ of
their foes to shackle them to a Such stereotypes are, of course, far
Technomancer’s will. Many from universally true. Yet it cannot
Technomancers also surround be denied that of all the Cryptek
themselves with retinues of larger disciplines, plasmancy most lends
and more powerful Canoptek itself to violent destruction. These
entities to serve as labour units and techno-sorcerers eschew subtlety
bodyguards both. in favour of channelling the raw
power that flows from the most
Most Technomancers create their violent cosmological phenomena.
own tools, though to use such a They hurl blasts of star-hot plasma
word to describe these implements from weaponised staves. They
of creation is reductive in the modify their android bodies to
extreme. Glittering things of project arcing storms of energy
delicately ticking quantum that reduce nearby Victims to
clockwork, nano-engineering and charred corpses in moments. They
harnessed force fields, the fashion colossal energy cannons,
implements of the Technomancers neutrinobaric concussion
channel the powers of creation to munitions that can reduce cities to
reconstruct and revivify their blasted glass from orbit, and
fellow Necrons at a molecular level. thrumming blades of esoteric
A single talented Technomancer energy whose merest touch can
can stiffen the backbone of an burn out the nervous systems of
entire Necron battle line as they living victims.
play their nanoscarab beams across

Willi! WM 83
To control the linear flow of time closing hatchway might be shunted far from their target world, these
seems a fantastical notion to many out of synch with temporality so insidious weapons project
amongst the younger species, and that it moves with glacial speed. overlapping entropic fields that
yet to the Chronomancers it is a cause all upon that planet to age
science as real and multifaceted as Such applications are amongst the and decay at a subtly accelerating
any. 'Ihese Crypteks employ most obvious ways that time can be pace. If the effect is not detected
techno-arcane foci to manipulate employed as a weapon or tool. quickly enough, and its source
localised timestreams and achieve Wielding the strange devices of pinpointed and eliminated by the
many startling and powerful their discipline and applying the foe, entire worlds can be reduced
effects. Allies may be lent haste, full breadth of their cunning and to wastelands of crumbled dust in a
sliding without entropic inertia intellect, Crypteks can also use matter of decades — a mere
through accelerated linear flows temporal energies in far stranger eyeblink by the standards of the
that carry them swiftly along their and grander ways. Some dynasties’ Necrons. In this nightmarish
timelines into futures none around tomb ships, for example, benefit fashion have the dishonourable
them have yet reached. The from chronotronic nodes built into Nekthyst Dynasty conquered
opposite effect may also be their superstructure that hasten several enemy worlds without a
achieved by the Chronomancers’ their self-repairing capabilities — shot being fired.
arts. An enemy champion might be though reckless overuse of such
paused momentarily in the act of power by nobles amid battle has THE SCIENCE OF FEAR

striking a blow, like an insect occasionally seen a vessel knocked If they consider them at all, most

caught in amber. Individuals can out of sync with linear time and Necrons view the sentient organic
be anchored to a single repeating lost forever. Then there are the life forms of the galaxy as little

moment to hold them in a form of sinister entropic accelerator more than troublesome vermin to

preservative stasis or imprison and satellites employed by the Nekthyst be eradicated. Psychomancers,
torture them. A falling structure or Dynasty. Placed in the deep void however, are fascinated by them —



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84 mum want L;
or more specifically, by their might have led the Necrontyr down
psychological makeup. The reasons the road to biotransference.
for this fixation vary. More
militarily minded Crypteks simply Whatever the basis of their studies,
wish to undermine the morale of Psychomancers are invaluable to
the many foes who stand against any Necron dynasty. On the
'the Necrons’ reconquest of the battlefield, their sinister arts cause
stars, weaponising fear just as waves of atavistic terror to ripple
others might harness powerful through the enemy ranks,
energy sources or martial weakening the resolve of even the

technologies. Others practise this staunchest battle lines and sending
art with compulsive sadism, lesser foes fleeing for their lives.
enjoying the fearful responses of With the merest flick of their dark
their victims and revelling in their technologies, they cause focused
sense of superiority over what they hyperadrenal terror spikes to burst
see as primitive, instinct-driven the hearts and minds of enemy
savages. Some Psychomancers commanders. Meanwhile, hard«
pursue stranger goals: efforts to light phantasms conjured by the
refine extreme emotional energy as Psychomancers’ arts spread panic
a power source, esoteric studies through the enemy by making it
into the link between sentient appear that they are outnumbered
organic entities and the or outflanked at the crucial
immaterium and even — in a few moment.

taboo cases ~ clandestine

investigations into what inherent
weakness of organic sentience

It has been noted that while most Crypteks work alone,
those who lead Hierotek Circles often make use of
assistants (designated: Apprentek). These modified
warriors appear to act as conduits — perhaps even HEAD SURROUNDED BY ‘
magnifiers ~ for their master’s powers. A CONTROL COLLAR,



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. 85 [1’5
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Just as the sprawl of the galaxy is the fundamental makeup of is the freedom to follow their
immense and complex beyond any material reality. In this way, they endless and obsessive curiosities
mortal’s true understanding, so too can instil animus into that which and ~— more often than their
are the arts of the Crypteks should remain inert, or they can supposed betters may realise — the
Virtually infinite. For every twist the chemical and molecular leeway to politick, manipulate and
widespread discipline scattered makeup of anything from assert their own overweening
amongst the dynasties, there is planetary bedrock to the walls of genius at every opportunity.
another stranger or more niche enemy fortifications or the hulls of
avenue of science sorcery to be the foe’s war engines. GROWING POWER
pursued. The Crypteks — and by extension
Photachromancers, atomancers, the Necrons as a whole — mastered
Ethermancers, for example, delve prokaryomancers, astromancers, myriad superscientific disciplines
into the myriad energistic fields paradomancers — these and during their conquests of the
generated by meteorological countless others delve into stranger young galaxy and the subsequent
patterns, living creatures and and more niche disciplines. By the nightmare of the War in Heaven.
cosmic phenomena. These they can arts of such learned Crypteks do Some have been forgotten or lost to
turn against their enemies or the Necron dynasties fashion their practitioners thanks to the
channel to empower incredible technologies unimaginable to other damage wrought by the Great
engines of creation and destruction species. The Crypteks give their Sleep. Others await rediscovery or,
both. Geomancers and rulers access to the powers of the in the rarest of cases, are disciplines
Alchemancers ~ whose disciplines cosmos, yoked and turned to arts as yet unknown and unexplored
are sometimes conflated under the that have seen many primitive even by the Necrons. As more and
title Harbingers of civilisations name the Necrons as more Necron tomb complexes
Transmogrification - harness the gods and worship them with surge back to wakefulness, fresh
powers of transmutation to alter fearful awe. All they ask in return conclaves of Crypteks are


Even the Necrons - supremely arrogant and entitled

though they might be — view certain scientific studies as
pushing the boundaries of what is permissible. Typically
these are areas of exploration that butt up against the
strictures of the Triarchal Codes. In most cases, it is less
that these so-called Antithetik Disciplines are utterly
taboo. Rather, Crypteks are expected by Triarchal tradition
to gain the permission of their Overlords, the Triarch
Praetorians or — in just two explicit cases — the blessing of
the Silent King himself before engaging in their pursuit.
The study of the origins and deeper mysteries of the C’tan
is one such discipline and one that led in time to the
refinement of the energy shackles that bind C’tan Shards
into Necron technologies such as Tesseract Vaults. Another
such discipline — doubtless rendered uncomfortable by the
Necrons’ collective memories of the ruinous Wars of
Secession - concerns the quantum sociopolitical
mechanisms of intemecine conflict and their
weaponisation. Crypteks who master this art can advise
their rulers on methods by which enemy civilisations and
military structures may be destabilised on levels so subtly
fundamental that their insidious methods are nigh-
irresistible. However, these same Crypteks are watched
carefully by the mm lest they turn their
techniques upon the already-fractious Necron dynasties.

mum nwnr ' E

unleashed upon the galaxy. Some
swell the ranks of those already
studying the most fundamental
disciplines of techno-sorcery. Some
flit from one area of study to
another as the whim takes them,
' enraptured by the esoteric
opportunities offered by the dark
and war—torn galaxy into which
they have awoken. Then there are

those who stir back to life with the
secrets of entirely new and terrible
powers locked within their
labyrinthine mental architecture.
As the Necrons rouse in ever
greater numbers and their
dynasties set out upon fresh wars
of galactic reconquest, who can say 'THERE ARE THOSE WHO WOULD DRAW FALSE COMPARISONS
what dread forces — be they new or BETWEEN THE RIGHTEOUS TECH-MAGI OF THE ADEPTUS
they will set loose upon the NEORONS. THERE CAN BE NO MERCY FOR SUCH HERETICS.’





The Adeptus Mechanicus come under attack from a xenos foe

agos- echnicus Tathyk S on nicti ated across heil‘ri.'|”lw ' crises as 'she
hesitated. Despite the urgency of isolated and purged the erroneous data. She
the situation, her need to act was examined and then impatiently excised
overridden by an uneasy blurt of several more data-artefacts: a corrupted
contradictory data from her internal timestamp; impossible energy readings; and a
augmetics. She paused in an open hatchway, secondary cortical alarum.
gripping its frame with one metal hand to
steady herself. Her Skitarii halted with her, a I have no time for such nonsense, she thought
few glancing at one another, crimson optics and goaded herself into motion. The lumens
fizzing with unease in the gloom of the studding the corridors of the explorator
poorly lit corridor. Distant screams carried to barque Savant were flickering as though the
them from some lower deck, flesh—voices and ship’s machine spirit were distressed. Smoke
binharic wails entwined. drifted in thin runnels along the ceilings,
flowing from somewhere deeper where
The portions of Magos Shon’s face that were Violence had doubtless been done. Yet Magos
organic twisted in consternation as data Shon did not fear harm at the hands of the
spooled through her cortex, insisting she had xenos that had boarded her vessel. Rather,
suffered a terrible wound when all evidence she felt the need to punish them for their
was to the contrary. Plasmembrane sheaths presumption in setting foot upon this blessed


barque of the Omnissiah. If she feared the deck where the Device languished in its
anything — as much as so heavily augmented vault. She also knew, thanks to the constant
a being as she still experienced base Human inload stream of her advanced augmetics,
emotions — it was the risk that the alien that xenos contacts were reported
boarding party might imperil the Device. approaching the vault from the opposite
That was why she made haste through the direction.
passages and chambers of the Savant,
accompanied by her Skitarii clades and Time is our enemy here, she thought.
hulking Kastelan Robots: to reach the vault
that contained the Device and ensure it was Binharic hymnals rang out as the Skitarii
secured against hostile alien threats. Vanguard Alpha of Omega-Primus-Rho

completed his interface abasement with the
And then, she thought with fierce satisfaction, bulkhead door’s machine spirit.
to unleash its sacred might upon the xenos
filth. ‘CLEAR TO ADVANCE, MAGos,’ heblurted
Magos Shon had brought the Device all the
way from the deep vaults of her forge world. ‘DISPENSATION, SKITARII ALPHA

Stygies VIII harboured many such ancient ONE-ONE-EIGHT RHO,’sherepliedin

treasures of the Omnissiah and — though
perhaps she should have sought more explicit
permission from her superiors before
liberating this one — Shon was certain that the
Machine God would not begrudge her the
use of one in so holy a crusade as this. To
strike at the heart of the Pariah Nexus, to
comprehend the twisted uses the deviant
xenos had found for precious noctilith and to
reclaim that vital substance for the use of the
Omnissiah’s servants, such was surely holy
work. It was also — as this present situation
demonstrated all too neatly — perilous. Hence
Magos Shon’s choice to liberate the Device
and its auto-reliquary, and bring it with her
in secret. She did not doubt that such a gift of
the Omnissiah would prove its worth when
unleashed upon the heretical androids that
had boarded Savant. She just needed to reach
it and unshackle it from its bonds first.

The Skitarii Vanguard of Clade Omega-

Primus-Rho led the advance. They tramped
along corridors of brass and brushed steel,
and clattered down spiralling iron stairways.
Their radium carbines swept every hatchway
and shadow. Their optic lenses burned with
purpose in their ironclad helms. Such loyal
protectors would allow nothing to harm their
mistress, Shon knew. For all that, she was
glad of Clades Omega-Secundus—Rho and
Omega-Tertius-Thetus stiffening her force’s
numbers, and for the trio of massive
Kastelans that surrounded her protectively
while their Datasmith, Hyng, scurried in
their wake.

Reaching the bottom of another stairwell, the

Skitarii of Omega-Primus-Rho reordered
themselves smoothly, preparing to push
through the heavy cog-shaped bulkhead door
before them. This portal, Shon knew, led onto

binhariccant.‘5ERVE HITH ALACRITY through, limning Omega-Primus-Rho for an

AND OFFER THE MERCY OF THE instant as though drenching them in gore.
MACHINE.’ Then they advanced, guns up, and the rest of
Magos Shon’s force followed them through.
She received a fierce blurt of acquiescence. It
was a popular sentiment within the Skitarii of The Magos sensed at once that something
Stygies VIII, the mercy of the machine. Shon was awry in this portion of the ship. The
supposed it constituted a form of humour. Savant had been part of a small Adeptus
Machines, after all, performed their function Mechanicus flotilla attempting to travel from
without compunction. There was no mercy to the Myrtika System to reinforce the Imperial
be found within their relentless iron hearts. defenders at Vertigus. The deleterious effects
of the Nephilim Anomaly had turned their
The bulkhead door cycled open amidst the journey into a gruelling trial as the vessels
tolling of brass bells and fanfare of screeching had dropped unexpectedly out of the warp
binharic choristry from cherubic servitors time and again, suffering more attritional
wired into alcoves above the doorway. The damage each time. Yet the empyric
carmine strobe of emergency lumens spilt disjunction that had hurled Savant out of the
warp had been an order of magnitude more
violent and damaging than anything else the
flotilla had experienced. It was why their
sister ships had been forced to abandon them
in their race to reach the Vertigus System,
and why Magos Shon had become
acclimatised to seeing damage wrought
throughout the ship’s corridors. All she had
done for the past five Tempus-Indomitus-
Standard days was work at repairing that

There was something else at work on this

deck, however. Shon saw the depressingly
familiar buckled deck plates and burst
conduits caused by the emergency translation
from the warp. Yet she also noted tendrils of
what appeared to be corrosion furring
consoles and stanchions. She vid-captured
images of the corruption using secondary
optics as she swept down the corridor and —
upon analysing the playback through one of
her three backup cortices — was surprised to
see that the rust was visibly spreading. Part of
her consciousness watched with growing
disquiet as fingers of corroding corruption
spiderwebbed across a console, extinguishing
indicator bulbs one by one. Each delicate
glass oblong flickered crimson then turned
black as it was touched, glass cracking with
sharp little clinks.

Magos Shon reached out with her

Omnissiah-given senses, her disquiet
growing as she tasted unnatural energies at
work within the fabric of the ship. Whatever
was happening, it involved mysteries of the
Omnissiah that lay outside her own areas of
study. Yet she could sense its effects well
enough. The visual corruption was only one
aspect of a creeping entropy that burned out
bundled wires and corroded data-matrices
deep within Savant’s systems. Yet laced
amongst these deleterious effects were
stranger anomalies still. Shon’s flesh—face ‘ENEMY NUMBERS INCREASING, MAGos,’
twitched again as her data—senses touched blurted Skitarii Alpha One-One-Eight Rho to
upon a conduit amidst the damaged sections her once again.
that instead seemed in perfect working
condition. She interrogated its monitoring ‘REPETITION Is UNNECESSARY,’ she sent
spirit with a thought and frowned more back, tagging irritation against her tonal
deeply at the unexpected answers it provided. indicators. She received a query-response.
It was impossible that this data conduit could (D
have been installed this very day, fresh from ‘CONTRITION. REQUEST CLARITY,
the forges of Stygies VIII, yet all indicators MAGOS. wHAT REPETITION?’ l—
asserted that such was the case. <
Increasingly annoyed by the unwanted CD
Shon was dragged away from investigating distraction at such a crucial moment, Magos 0‘:
the anomaly further by the sudden fierce Shon went to sample the Skitarii Alpha’s D
clamour of gunfire from up ahead. With a repeated query and exload it to him by way of D.
binharic curse, she refocused her primary a response. She paused when she realised
that, according to her conversational chrono- U)
attention upon her surroundings. One-
log, he had indeed only blurted once. =
hundred—and—seventeen feet further along the
corridor, Magos Shon’s internal auspex
detected xenoform energy signatures. The Impossible she thought, experiencing an E
strobe-lit murk of the corridor curdled unpleasant moment of deja vu. As with the I.I.l
previous anomalous readings, Shon I—
further there as flashes of emerald light
silhouetted the Skitarii of Omega-Primus- dismissed and purged them. She would not
Rho who stood in close firing ranks and laid risk anomalous data corrupting her cortices.
down a hail of radium rounds at the Yet even as she bent back to her labours,
approaching aliens. One of Shon’s devoted Magos Shon harboured a swiftly cohering
warriors was blasted from his feet, layers of theory. I
metal and flesh billowing away from his body
under the flaying energies of his killer’s gun. The Necrons have unleashed some techno-
Through the gap left by the fallen soldier, heretical weapon upon my ship, she thought,
Magos Shon got her first look at the android the idea causing her to suffer a digital churn
xenos advancing down the corridor. Killing equivalent to nausea. There is temporal
light glinted in the artificial eyes of the distortion here and it is not natural.
Necrons. The ghoulish machine creatures
shambled closer by the moment, their guns The thought only made her work quicker. At
spitting beams of vivid green energy into the last, the vault’s huge doors groaned open.
exposed Skitarii. Omega-Primus-Rho closed Frozen vapour spilt out, dissipating to reveal
ranks and the enemy was lost to Magos Shon’s the dark space beyond. Sat in a pool of frosty
sight again. light was an ornate auto-reliquary larger than
an Onager Dunecrawler. Within it, Shon
Her followers were suffering, she knew, yet knew, the Device slumbered. As the sounds
their sacrifices would be worthwhile. They of battle intensified she swept into the vault,
had pushed far enough along the corridor mechadendrites coiling with anticipation. She
before engaging the foe. Just fifty-five feet would release the machine from its bondage,
ahead of her, the Magos saw the armoured ally it to her will, and then she would make
door of the vault set into the corridor wall. the Necrons pay for setting foot upon her
Sending a swift blurt to her followers and vessel.
commanding them to protect her at all costs,
the Magos deployed her mechadendrites in a ‘IN THE OMNISSIAH'S NAME/blurted
writhing halo and all but fell upon the access Magos Shon, as she set to work.


blurted Skitarii Alpha One—One-Eight Rho to
her as she worked.

‘ACKNOWLEDGEMENT,’ she sent back

distractedly. The vault had been sealed with
thrice-sanctified data—wards and would not
be opened swiftly.

WllflE Willi 9|
Six new Boarding Actions missions with a time-bending twist

ime is relative — that’s how the saying And that’s what makes this series of six
goes. And nowhere is this more Boarding Actions missions so exciting,
evident than in the 4lst Millennium, because they all feature an element of time
where time distortions, temporal manipulation. In essence, you play two games
anomalies, psychic powers, stasis fields, on two identical boards - one set in the past
esoteric weapons and the horrific powers of and one set in the present. Actions that take
the warp can all turn time inside out, upside place in the past can affect the present and
down and back to front. It’s a mystery how vice versa, so you might send a unit to take
anyone knows what day it is. Or even what an objective only to find that it has moved
year! It is fully possible for a battleship to somewhere else. Or exploded! You may even
leave Terra, travel through the warp and find your units travelling back in time. Be
arrive at its destination before it departed the prepared for some hilarious, outrageous
Solar System. temporal shenanigans!

Each mission map only shows a single game board and half the amount of scenery you would expect to find on a typical Boarding
Action battlefield. This is because you will actually set up two identical instances of this map layout, each representing the same U)
area but at two different time periods. One of these will be called the Past game board and the other the Present game board. Unless 2
otherwise stated in these rules, it is not possible for models on one game board to interact with those on the other.
. First player takes their turn, but when doing so can only

When playing these missions, instead of a player taking their use their units that are on the Present game board and/ <
entire turn in one go, moving and fighting with all their models or set up their units on the Present game board.
on both game boards, the battle round will be split into two
stages — the Past stage and the Present stage — as shown below. - The second player takes their turn with the
same limitations.
. First player takes their turn, but when doing so can only
use their units that are on the Past game board and/or an
set up their units on the Past game board.

- The second player takes their turn with the

same limitations.



The players must first select their Boarding Patrol, as described in Each unit in your Boarding Patrol that has a Unit Strength of 10
Arks of Omen: Abaddon. Players must then provide a copy of their must now be split into multiple units, each containing 5 models.
army roster for their opponent to read through. If, when players When splitting a unit, make a note of which models form each of
compare their points total, one player’s is at least 30 points less than the two new units. From this point onwards, these split units count
their opponent’s, then the player with the smaller points total is the as independent units for all rules purposes.
Underdog, and they may receive an Underdog bonus as detailed in
the mission they are playing. 7. GENERATE STARTING COMMAND POINTS
Each player starts with 1 Command point.
Players determine which mission will be used for the battle; they 8. DEPLOYARMIES
can choose from the Boarding Action missions below. Players can The players alternate setting up their units one at a time, starting
either simply agree which they will use with their opponent, or they with the Defender. For each of a player’s Entry Zones (as shown
can roll a D6 to randomly select a mission using the table. in the mission map), that player sets up one unit within that
Entry Zone.

BOARDING ACTION MISSIONS If a unit has a pre-battle rule that allows it to be set up anywhere
on the battlefield, that unit is instead set up wholly within 6" of its
Entry Zone. That Entry Zone is then considered to have had a unit
1 Chronomantic Sabotage [pg 96] set up within it and cannot have another unit set up within it before
the start of the battle. If one player finishes deploying all their units,
2 Temporal Echoes [pg 98]
their opponent then deploys the remainder of their units until
3 Temporal Connections [pg 100] either both players have set up one unit per Entry Zone or all units

4 Crystalline Regeneration [pg 102] have been deployed.

5 Adriftin the Warp [pg 104] If both players have units with abilities that allow them to be set up

5 Chem Harvest [pg 106] after both armies have deployed, players must roll off after all other
units have been set up and alternate setting up these units, starting
with the winner.
Each mission has a mission briefing that will detail the aims of the
battle. Each mission will also list one or more additional mission
rules that will apply for the duration of the battle, as well as a ENTRY ZONES
series of primary objectives that award Victory points (VP) to
In I‘Itidi‘tliltgz\£1itilt.s,Cttcli player will ha\ e one or more
players. Players should read and familiarise themselves with these
before proceeding, deployment yones called linlr} /.ones. lathtiliie.it1|iitlroiii

a player’s Boarding l’atrol is set up, it must he set up wholly

4. DETERMINE ATTACKER AND DEFENDER within one otthat players Illill')' '/.one.s. 11 a unit will not [it
Players roll off and the winner decides who will be the Attacker
wholly within an linti'y Zone, all of its inotlels must he .set up as
and who will be the Defender. The Attacker’s and Defender’s Entry
elose to the eentre olithnt linti'y [one as possible.
Zones are labelled on the deployment map.

5. CREATE THE BATTLEFIELD AND PLACE Players cannot set up a unit within an lintry [one il'any other
OBJECTIVE MARKERS unit is in that linti‘y /,one. However, when setting up a unit at
Players now create the battlefield and set up terrain features. As
the start ol‘the battle, players tan set up their \\'arlortl alongside
described on page 93, instead of a single map, made by placing two
that unit as it it was a part of it. using the same lantry Zone.
gameboards adjacent to one another, each of these missions uses
two identical copies of the same map that only use one gameboard Rules that prevent a unit from being set up within a speeitie

each. Set both of these gameboards up next to each other, but not distance ol'another model or unit cannot pi em a unit from
touching, and decide which will represent the Past and which will being .set up within an Entry Zone.
represent the Present.

94 WHITE Illllllllf
Any units in a player’s army that do not start the battle on the At the end of the battle, the player with the most VP is the winner. (D
battlefield will start the battle in Strategic Reserves. If players are tied, the battle is a draw. Z
In the Reinforcements step of a player’s Movement phase (starting Each player can score a maximum of 90 VP from mission ‘2
from the first battle round onwards), that player can select one of objectives (any excess VP awarded are discounted). If every model I—

their Strategic Reserves units for each of their Entry Zones that has in a player’s army was painted to a Battle Ready standard, that O
no models within it and set those units up in those Entry Zones. player is awarded a bonus 10 VP. This gives players a maximum
total score of 100 VP.
If one or more of a player’s Strategic Reserves units has the Deep CD
Strike ability, then in each of that player’s turns (starting from the
second battle round onwards), one of those units can be set up on
the battlefield as described by their rule that turn, instead of being Q
set up within an Entry Zone. Any Strategic Reserves units that During the battle. players can earn \'I" by achi “mg n:
have not arrived on the battlefield by the end of the third battle
round count as having been destroyed (this does not apply to units
mission objectives. <
that are placed into Strategic Reserves after the first battle round C
has started). ‘Ihere are two types otmissinn objectives: Progressive and lind a:
(lame. I"I‘t\gl‘C>\l\'C mission objectives are scored during the
10. DETERMINE FIRST TURN battle (exactly when is detailed on the nbieetive itseII'I and can
Players roll GIT and the winner takes the first turn.
be achiued. and 1 ice award \'I’, several times. llnd (lame
mission objectives are scored .11 the end otthe battle,
The first battle round begins. Players continue to resolve battle
rounds until the battle ends.


The battle ends after five battle rounds have been completed. If one
player has no models remaining in their army at the start of their
turn, the other player may continue to play out their turns until the
battle ends.



Caught within the binds of a temporal anomaly, the opposing
hoarding parties seek to use the shifting tides of time. ANOMALOUS ACOUISITION
Manipulating them with esoteric technology or warp sorcery, they
aim to deny their opponents access to invaluable archeotech and End Game Objective
secure these treasures for themselves. Recovering archeotech from temporal anomalies is fraught with
risk and complication. Any item drawn out of its own pocket of
time may cease to exist due to conflicting causalities.

DEPLOYMENT MAP At the end of the battle:

See opposite.
- Each player scores 25VP for each objective marker they
control on the Present game board.
- Each player scores 10VP for each objective marker they
MISSION RULES control on the Past game board.
Set Temporal Charges: In each player’s Command phase on
the Past game board, for each objective marker on that game
board, the player whose turn it is can select one unit from
their army (excluding Battle-shocked units) that is within
range of that objective marker. If they do, and they control that
objective marker, timed explosives (see below) are set on the
corresponding objective marker on the Present game board.

Temporal Detonation: At the end of each player’s turn on

the Present game board, for each objective marker on that
game board, if timed explosives are set on that objective
marker, roll one D6: on a 3+, those explosives go off. When
timed explosives go off on an objective marker, it is no longer
considered to have timed explosives set on it, and roll one D6
for each unit within range of that objective marker: on a 2-3,
that unit suffers 1 mortal wound; on a 4-5, that unit suffers 2
mortal wounds; on a 6, that unit suflers 3 mortal wounds.

Underdog Bonus: If one player is the Underdog, at the start

of the first battle round, that player can select one unit from
their army that is on the Past game board; that unit can make a
Normal move of up to 6".

74;“g“.5-., Defenders
Entrg Zone
' Defenders
Entry Zone





Doing battle within darkened corridors, opposing combatants
seek to confound one another in their attempts to secure NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT
astropathic receiver-nodes. Hatches and bulkheads open and seal
as if at will, manipulated by those cast out of their own timeline. Progressive Objective
Those who remain within their own timeline rush to navigate
corridors and plunder salvage, all the while contending with the
actions of opponents cast into the past and the guns and blades of
DEPLOYMENT MAP those present in the here and now.
See opposite.
In the second, third and fourth battle rounds, at the end of each
Designer’s Note: When creating the battlefield, objective player’s Command phase, the player whose turn it is scores
markers are only placed on the Present game board; do not place SVP for each of the following conditions they satisfy:
any on the Past game board.
. They control one or more objective markers.
- They control two or more objective markers.
. They control three or more objective markers.
Temporal Causality: Each time a Hatchway is opened on the In the fifth battle round:
Past game board, if the corresponding Hatchway on the Present
game board is closed, open it. Each time a Hatchway is closed o The player who has the first turn scores VP as
on the Past game board, if the corresponding Hatchway on the described above.
Present game board is open, close it unless this would result in 0 The player who has the second turn scores VP as
a unit no longer being in Unit Coherency. described above but does so at the end of their turn
instead of at the end of their Command phase.
U Verdog'Bon‘u Ifone player is the Underdog, that player
with nal CR”

‘End Game Objective

Even those cut adriftfrom their own time
of sorts. By establishing control of es
intelligence and insight may be pl

At the end of the battle, if

Defenders Defenders
Entrg Zone Entry Zone



Attackers Attackers
Entrg Zone Entrg Zone

Designer's Note: W/IUI rivaling l/IL' [ml/Inj/it’ld, ()(y'n'm'v mar/M‘s :In’ only plural
UH [hrl’rn'xn'lllgmm'[mun];du1m!p/m't'unyml I/n'l’uslgumc[mun],



Stockpiles of ancient Human weapons, xenotech and other
plunder await opportunists within the belly of a derelict vessel SALVAGED E PH EM ERA
trapped within a temporal anomaly. These treasures continue to
vanish and reappear as they are caught upon the tides of time End Game Objective
and hurled along them in increasingly entropic patterns. The As the derelict’s hidden bounty slides along timelines, so is it given
combatants must navigate escalating chronomatic disturbances permanence. Materiel drawn from scattered temporal packets is
in order to secure these prizes. insubstantial by comparison, its worth immeasurably reduced.

At the end of the battle:

D EPLOYM ENT MAP - Eachplayerscores15VPforeachobjectivemarkerthey

See opposite. control on the Present game board.
. Each player scores 5VP for each objective market they
control on the Past game board.

Entropic Dispersal: Each time a unit from a player’s army
on the Past game board is selected to make a Normal or Fall
Back move, if it is within range of one or more objective
markers controlled by that player, that unit can take one of
those objective markers with them. That player can move that
objective marker up to 6" as if it were a model in that unit.
A unit cannot move more than one objective marker in the a
same turn, and each objective marker cannot be moved more :
than once per turn. The objective marker must end that move
more than 2" away from every other objective marker. Once
the objective marker on the Past game board has been moved,
move the corresponding objective marker on the Present game
board to the corresponding new positimon that game board.

Underdog Bonus: If one player is’the; I briefing; at the start

of the first battle round, that player 1: unit from
their army that ison the P '
Normal move of up to 6". ‘
Defenders Defenders
Entry Zone Entry Zone





The decks of this ancient vessel are encrusted with aeons of
grime and formations of shimmering chronometric crystals, CRYSTAL HARVESTING
the artificial origins of which are lost to time. As the opposing
forces battle to secure the crystal formations for analysis, some Progressive Objective
combatants find themselves cast out of time, presenting an The chronometric crystals may hold within their shimmering
opportunity to manipulate the eldritch technology responsible for depths the ability to unravel the vagaries of time itself. They must
creating these outcroppings. be secured and analysed at all costs.

In the second, third and fourth battle rounds, at the end of each
player’s Command phase, the player whose turn it is scores
DEPLOYMENT MAP IOVP for each objective marker they control.
See opposite.
In the fifth battle round:

. The player who has the first turn scores VP as

MISSION RULES described above.
Crystal Seeding: At the end of each player’s turn on the Past - The player who has the second turn scores VP as
game board, the player whose turn it is can select one unit from described above but does so at the end of their turn
their army within a Chronocrystal Zone (excluding Battle- instead of at the end of their Command phase.
shocked units and those within Engagement Range of one or
more enemy units). If they do, they can place one objective
marker anywhere on the Present game board, wholly within TECH-SALVAGE
6" of the corresponding Chronocrystal Zone and not within
3" of any other objective markers or any Walls or Hatchways. End Game Objective
Those Zones, on both game boards, no longer count as By securing the technological remnants left within the derelict, it
Chronocrystal Zones. may prove possible to unlock the secrets behind the creation of the
chronometric crystal fields.
Underdog Bonus: If one player is the Underdog, that player
starts the battle with 1 additional CP. At the end of the battle, if one player has more units from their
army on the Past game board (excluding Battle—shocked units)
than their opponent, that player scores 20VP.

Entry Zone

Defenders ‘ Chronocrystal 2
Entry Zone ‘ Zone

Chronocrystal m

Chronocrystal Attackers
Zone Entry Zone

Entry Zone

WHITE Willi 103




the battlefield and roll one D6 for each model in that unit, then
MISSION BRIEFING consult the table below to determine which of those models
Rival factions seek to plunder the datahanks of a stricken void suffers 1 mortal wound. That Zone is no longer considered a
ship caught within a warp rift. The empyrean plays havoc with Warp Rift Zone.
reality, degrading crucial data. As battle begins, some warriors
seek to exploit miniature warp rifts, manipulating time in order 1 MORTAL WOUND SUFFERED ON A
to extract the last fragments of data from the dying vessel. ROLL OF:

See below.

Then set back up that unit anywhere on the Past game board
that is more than 3" away from all enemy models. Until the end
MISSION RULES of the turn, that unit is not eligible to declare a charge.
Empyric Tides: In the Movement phase on the Present game
board, each time a unit ends a Normal, Advance or Fall Back Underdog Bonus: If one player is the Underdog, that player
move, if every model in that unit is within a Warp Rift Zone, starts the battle with 1 additional CP.
that unit can travel through it. If it does, remove that unit from

Defenders Defenders
Entry Zone , , Entry Zone

Warp Rift

Warp Rift

Attackers I :- ' Attackers

EntrgZone :p EntrgZone



End Game Objective
TEM PORAL SHIFT The warlord alone possesses the knowledge and intellect to make
- use of the harvested data. They must survive if this encounter is
Progressive Objective to result in victory.
As the battle continues and the warp rift consumes the stricken U)
vessel, data—nodesflicker and die. If the combatants wish to fully At the end of the battle, for each player, if their WARLORD is 2
extract the information they seek, they will have to brave the on the Past game board and is not Battle-shocked, that player
empyric anomalies. scores lOVP. E
In the second, third and fourth battle rounds, at the end of each
player’s Command phase, the player whose turn it is scores
the number of VP shown in the table below for each objective <
marker they control.

1—2 SVP 15VP
3 10VP 10VP
4—5 15VP SVP

In the fifth battle round:

u The player who has the first turn scores VP as

described above.
- The player who has the second turn scores VP as
described above but does so at the end of their turn
instead of at the end of their Command phase.




A cargo vessel loaded with biochemicals has been caught in
the gravitic embrace of a black hole. Exposure to the temporal CHEMICAL ANALYSIS
anomalies wrought by the singularity has warped the ships
cargo, lending it strange and powerful properties. The brave and Progressive Objective
foolhardy seek to enter the vessel’s decks, traverse the anomalies The biochemicals stored within each of the vessels cargo
and secure samplesfor further study. containers have been warped in various strange manners. By
collecting as many samples as possible, the chances of recovering
a substance of value are increased.

DEPLOYMENT MAP Each time a unit from a player’s army harvests a biochemical
See opposite. sample using the Chem Sample Tactical Manoeuvre. that player
scores 10VP.


Chem Harvest: At the start of the battle, all objective markers
have biochemical samples to collect. For each objective marker End Game Objective
with biochemicals to collect, one unit from the army of the Securing control of the biochemical holds to monitor their
player whose turn it is can perform the following Tactical degradation or daring to tarry so as to collect every scrap of
Manoeuvre if it is within range of that objective marker and temporal residue before the singularity rips the vessel apart, those
that player controls that objective marker: with the most wide-ranging data could reap the greatest benefits.

Chem Sample: At the end of your next Command phase At the end of the battle, each player scores 5VP for each
or the end of the battle (whichever comes first), if the objective marker they control.
unit performing this Tactical Manoeuvre is still within
range of that objective marker and is not Battle—shocked,
it harvests the biochemical sample from it, and that
objective marker is no longer considered to have
biochemical samples to collect. Ifthat objective marker
is on the Past game board, the corresponding objective
marker on the Present game board is also no longer
considered to have biochemical samples to collect.

Container Rupture: At the start of each player’s turn on the

Present game board, for each objective marker on the Present
game board that does not have any biochemical samples
to collect, roll one D6: on a 5+, that objective marker is
considered to have biochemical samples to collect again.

Underdog Bonus: If one player is the Underdog, at the start

of the first battle round, that player can select one unit from
Normal move of up to 6".
Defenders Defenders
Entrg Zone Entrg Zone




Modelling and triding forth from ancient tombs, the quirks and idiosyncrasies, many of which
Necrons seek to reclaim a galaxy that were exaggerated during the Great Sleep. The
painting inspiration
they once ruled over 60 million years Necrons of the Mephrit Dynasty, for example,
for the armies of
ago. Taking the form of humanoid are masters of stellar destruction but are
the 41st metal skeletons, these undying soulless troubled by paranoia and in-fighting. The
Millennium. This androids have become a twisted mockery of Nihilakh Necrons are arrogant and proud but
issue: Necron the proud species they once were. The prefer isolation to expansion. In contrast, the

dynasties. command protocols of their warriors have warriors of the Novokh Dynasty are brutal
become broken and corrupted from aeons of butchers who can switch from emotionless
degradation, while the minds of their rulers automatons to frenzied slaughterers in the
having descended into madness. Yet despite blink of an eye.
these flaws (or perhaps because of them), the
Necrons are still terrifying foes. Nigh This article celebrates Necron dynasties in all
indestructible and wielding weapons that can their ancient, undying glory. Opposite, you
obliterate worlds, they march implacably will find some useful guidance on how to go
across the galaxy intent on reconquest. about building an army from a particular
dynasty or even create one of your own. This
THE DVNASTIC RULERS is followed by a selection of models, units and
Every Necron belongs — whether through collections painted by members of the
lineage, conquest, servitude, politics or some Warhammer Studio. We hope they provide
other interweaving of fate — to a regal you with the inspiration you need to create a
dynasty. These dynasties have their own Necron dynastic army of your very own.
Useful advice for creating your own Necron dynasty

Coming up with a colour scheme and a name DYNASTlES OF THE NECRONS

for a Necron dynasty is enough for many Every Necron dynasty has its own heraldry, iconography and
hobbyists, but there are other aspects of their symbolic cartouche (shown below), the colours of which are
creation to explore. Here are a few ideas that often represented on the dynasty’s military assets. For example,
might help you forge of your new force. warriors of the Charnovokh Dynasty will often have midnight
blue shoulder armour, while Phaeron Thoekh’s necrodermis is
Give them a name. Necron dynasties entirely blue. Their energy fields, as shown by the icon, are green.
normally have harsh—sounding single-

word names, often featuring a hard ‘ekh’
or ‘akh’ at the end. A ‘fuh’ sound is also
common, appearing in the form of a ‘ph’.

Territory. Tomb worlds can be found all

over the galaxy. Perhaps yours is located
in a well—known region like the Nephilim
Sector. Maybe it’s hidden in a far-flung ,3 l

corner of the Segmentum Pacificus. Sautekh . Nihilakh

Write some background. When did your

Necrons awaken from their slumber? Are
all their protocols intact or corrupted?
Has their world been invaded by a lesser
species? Do they have an unusual quirk
such as radiation-powered weapons,
glowing eyes or failing self-repair codes?

Who’s your leader? Is your phaeron a

cool and calculating military genius, an
unpredictable but deadly butcher, a host
to the madness-inducing Flayer virus or,
potentially, all of the above?

Create a colour scheme. A Necron’s

necrodermis is commonly silver or brass,
but they often display dynastic colours on Nekthyst Mephrit
shoulder pads, cartouches and weapons.


The Thokt Dynasty is a great example of
an iconic Necron dynasty. Using the
format above, they have the following:

Name: 'Ihokt Dynasty.

Territory: Meghoshta — the Cradle of
War. Located in the I-lyrakii Deeps,
Segmentum l’acificus.
Background: The dynasty harnesses
radiation from void rifts, which
gives their weapons a blue glow.
Commander: Phaeron ()nryx,
Indestructible Lord of Stars.
Colour Scheme: An oily silver
necrodermis embellished with teal
armour panels to denote rank.
Weapons are an eerie blue.

1 MY!» arias av was
My Flayed Ones are in the middle of a
:fflding‘frenzy! Applying blood effects is
fun,a11d it’s hard not to go overboard, but
~31think with blood-guzzling, flesh--draped
Flayed Ones,you can’t really go too far.
1% EH ”is gagcovered'1n pelts of
a 1 "shadesandstates of decay. Some

Basecoat: Rakarth Flesh8r n Basecoat: Leadbelcher
‘ l h 1:1
‘c‘azd'anF85 me
I Wash:Nulnor:
'5 Fleshshade I Wash:AgraxEarthshade m

Stipp 9: Blood for the

Blood God “ *‘

111nm, Hammers or THEvorn 3v DAVE liiwflmon SZERAS 3v mars

Jr Wanted to explore what a phaeron who had I really wanted to see what Illuminor Szeras looked
.vlvembracedthe Destroyer Cult would look like. 'Iheir like'm a diiferent colour scheme, so I painted him1n
I ' ' rafter! from a Skorpekh Lord’s torso atop a the colours of the Novokh Dynasty. I used several
‘ ,‘Wraith’s tail decorated with spare Triarch _ , ntrasting spot colours to help pull out some of the
-' anparts. Their arms are a mix of Overlord, ‘ moreesoteric details on the model- namely magenta
'or‘d and Cryptek parts, while their head1s " the Human biomass (or is it a soul?) being
om a Plasmancer with an Overlord’s crown vacuumed up, and jade green for his empyric
rmingja single, merciless eye. 3overcharger.

1r :
j ’ :
' ' Basecoat:Abaddon I Basecoat:Mephiston Red I Basecoat: Dark
Black 8r Iron Warriors 1:1 ‘ Angels Green
. j I Wash:Abaddon Black8r .
I Wash: Nuln 0r| _: Khorne Rodin I Glaze:WarpstoneGlow
n Highlight:Leadbelcher I Highlight:Evil - Glaze:MootGreen
H' hI' ht sr rmh r
1 | : 0 cs sunzscar'et I Hi hli ht o r nGame
Silgverg Highlight: Fire 9 g gy
Dragon Bright Highlight: Ogryn Camo &
. White Scar 1:1

a Basecoat: Hetributor

a Layer: Gehenna‘s Gold

' Wash: Seraphim Sepia
,: Highlight: CanoptekAlloy

Basecoat: Wraithbone

I Layer: MootGreen
I Wash:Striking Scorpion
I Highlight: PhalanxYellow

"0 Willi! DWARF




.My plan with the Void Dragon was to make it really bright with Airbrush: Stormhost {3 Basecoat: LiberatorGold
‘ lots, of gloss, so it looks very hi-tech like liquid chrome. The idea Silver
Layer: Ardcoat
wasto make it look really different to the traditionally grimdark Layer: Ardcoat
I Wash: Agrax Earthshade
tech of the Imperium and the Adeptus Mechanicus. I Wash: Nuln Oil
B Drybrush: Liberator Gold
Glaze: Talassar Blue &
To: give the chrome skin a bluish tone, I thinned down Talassar Contrast Medium 1:4 Drybrush: Stormhost Silver
Blue quite heavily with Contrast Medium, then gradually built it LIGHTNING BLACKSTONE
QuB-around the areas where I wanted a glow effect — particularly Basecoat: Stormhost Silver
I Basecoat: DarkReaper
’ aroundthe cavity in the shard’s chest and where the lightning
. Wash: Calth Blue
attachesto the model. I painted the chunks of Blackstone on the I Wash: Nuln Oil
fbas’e‘r'enally dark, using blue highlights to show where the glow Layer: Stormhost Silver &
I Drybrush: Dark Reaper
Calth Blue izi
:1er the Void Dragon is reflecting off of them. I Drybrush:Thunderhawk
Highlight: Stormhost
Silver & Calth Blue 2:] Blue

. 4...
Highlight: Fenrisian Grey

llllllTE Dlllllllf III

bxtdised copper statues and how much
copper changes with time. 'lhis
“Doomstalker'isn’t fully oxidised yet, so I
" toistipple Screaming Bell
' tide to ensure the effect

AethermatieBlue,thenapplied Mordant
Earth over the top. When it dried and
V:V d, it revealed the blueglow beneath.

a Basecoat: Iron
Hands Steel
I Wash: Nuln Oil
Dry:brush Necron Compound

Highlight: Stormhost Silver

Basecoat: Corax White

.I'Washjhethermatio Blue
- Layer:MordantEarth
W {Lag/er;StirlandMud
‘7 Xsh jgaxEanhshade ‘

_ :Fluin. His royal gold plating was scoured off as a mark of disgrace
' ceramic,hencethepalearmourcolour.TheenergyglowonthemodellS ‘ " n‘tius characters remark that he looks terribleIn the story, so I used
~' otangetomatch the weapons and tech oftherr parent dynasty.

‘ErBTas‘ecoat: Wraithbone
[WashzSkeleton Horde ‘ IHIghlrght Incubi Darkness
V ”Drybrush:PallidWychFlesh Highlight:ThunderhawkBlue
' Highlight: Pallid Wych Flesh ‘ Highlight:FenrisianGrey
QRARBE ENERGY .- Highlight.Administratum Grey
Basecoat: Doombull Brown .ZI‘GIBZe:BasilicanumGrey
I Layer:TrollSlayerOrange
I Highlight: Lugganath





4‘ ,Dynasty are, by and large,m a bad way after Basecoat: Screaming Bell
rraforminghas resultedm lethal dust storms I Wash1AgraxEarthshade I Wash: Nuln on
a Layer: BrassScorpion Layer: Ulthuan Grey

whichencouragedmeto playaroundwithweathering gill/:Eght5‘0”"“0” Highlight: White Scar

, ta playup theterror of the Necrons, so I chose SEA'GHEE"ARMOUR Basecoat: Wild Rider Red
. 6.5,which 1'Imagine is a sort of ceramic or - 3359003“”‘CUb' Layer: Troll Slayer Orange
tradedbytheir necrodermis.It’sa grim

I Wash:Nuln0”
Highlight: Yriel Yellow

I Highlight: KabaliteGreen Highlight: White Scar

I Highlight: SybariteGreen

W RnAm


“ix. . »‘ -


n Basecoat: Leadbelcher I Basecoat: Naggaroth Night
Layer: Grey Knights Steel I Stipple: Abaddon Black
I Wash: Nuln Oil - Stipple:Xereus Purple
4 n

- flighfw'o rd,whi his:whyI decidedtopaintthemreally Highlight: Stormhost Silver I Stippie: GenestealerPurple
Stipple: Dechala Lilac
Highlight: Dechaia
Lilac & White Scar 1:1

“4 WHITE Illllllllf
u Basecoat: Leadbelcher n Basecoat: BalthasarGold
3 Wash: BlackTemplar& @ Wash: Nihilakh Oxide
Nuln Oil 1:1
u Highlight: BalthasarGold
Drybrush: Stormhost Silver

, , -' i‘onis protocolsanddriveforconquest I Wash: Coelia Greenshade

I Recesswash: Agrax
wflpnagletile M’a'r’dekha greatriskto the region. Highlight: Stormhost Silver
WEAPONS Basecoat: Celestra Grey
. ate a good-looking army with
. painted'
111two weeks! I’d never I Basecoat: BlackTemplar Layer: White Scar

I Drybrush:The Fang , Wash: Tesseract Glow &

I Drybrush:Warpfiend Grey Contrast Medium

WllflE lllllllllf "5

My Necrons hail from a lesser tomb world
that has sworn allegiance to the Silent
King. The force is led by a couple of
converted characters, including my
Plasmancer, who has gained a pair of legs
, from the Royal Warden, and my phaeron,
who has been given arms from the
Overlord model. One of my objectives
Anthea-painting the army was to make it as
if simple to paint as possible so that I could
i take it to gaming events. It really is just
Leadbelcher, lots of washes, then some


n rBasecoét:Leadbelcher I Basecoat:WarpstoneGlow
ljweshmuln Oil I Wash: DarkAngelsGreen
V IWash:AggarosDunes «i: Glaze:MootGreen
(armour panels)
- H' M ht: Fl hG't Y H
I Wash:BiackLegion lg 19 as [2 e ow
i“, ' (shoulder pads) BASES

.j‘mbmgsh? iron:HandsSteel I Basecoat: Rhinnx Hide

’ I Drybrush: BalorBrown
Drybrush: Screaming Skull


I started this army for an A Tale of Four
‘Warlords challenge, but I got carried away
and painted the whole force in a month!
The colour scheme for the Nsaa — which
translates as ‘forgotten’ in Arabic — was
inspired by images of rusty cars in dusty
deserts, with peeled paint but untouched
chrome. I used the hairspray technique to
achieve the rust effect, which involves
painting the rust first, then spraying
' hairspray, airbrushing the other colours
on top, and finally scrubbing back the
paint to reveal the rust layer beneath.


- Airbrush:RhinoxHide n Basecoat:Leadbelcher
'IDrybrush: Moumfang I Wash: Nuln Oil
. ‘ H‘hl'h:R f Stl
w ,- Spraywith hairspray lg lgt une ang ee
A ,, , Airb sh: Wh‘te S
I. Airbrush:KabalrteGreen ru I car
I Airbrush:JokaeroOrange
f:"»'Airbrush: SybariteGreen
1' , *Scrubwithatoothbrush
r‘ .
I Orange y
Airbrush: Troll Sla er

“6 Willi! llllilillF



I chose the Chamovokh Dynasty after reading a teeny little bit of I Basecoat: Stegadon Basecoat: Corax White

background in an old Necrons codex. 'Ihe dynasty honours the Scale Green
I Wash: Hexwraith Flame
coreworlds lost to Hive fleet Behemoth and the Imperial I Wash: Nuln on
I Wash: Athenian
counterattacks against that fleet, with all of their warriors bearing I Layer: Stegadon Camoshade
Scale Green
the colours of night unending. Part of this small chunk of I Highlight: MootGreen
background is that the higher up the dynasty’s hierarchy you go, the I Highlight: Thunderhawk
more deep blue adorns their armour, which is why my Overlord has CANOPTEK ARMOUR
Highlight: Fenrisian Grey
considerably more on him than the Warriors and Immortals. It was I Basecoat: Abaddon Black
really fun taking this idea from such a small bit of background, as it METAL BODIES I Highlight: Caliban Green
gave me a reason for my colour scheme and made the whole venture u Basecoat: Leadbelcher I Highlight: Warpstone
of creating a new army even more appealing. I Wash: Nuln on Glow

I Highlight: MootGreen
Highlight: iron
While most of the models are built straight out of the box, there are Hands Steel BASES
a few conversions, namely the Destroyer Lord, which combines the Highlight: Stormhost
I Basecoat: Martian
body of a Skorpekh Lord with the lower torso of a Lokhust Heavy Silver Ironcrust
Destroyer and the voidscythe arm from the Overlord kit. A little bit Drybrush: Lugganath
of modelling putty to fill some small gaps, and it was job done! Orange

“8 Willi! Willllf

v 4: =1:
J :02" , E


f \:
The Novokh Dynasty prides itself on its combat prowess, so my I Basecoat: Khorne Red a Basecoat: leadbelcher
army includes a fair number of combat units alongside the more I Wash: Agrax Earthshade I Wash: Agrax Earthshade
traditional heavy firepower. Hierarchy in my force can be
I Highlight: Mephiston Red :3 Layer: lronbreaker
.' determined by the colours I used on my models. The lower ranks
‘ were painted in a grimy silver, while higher—ranking troops and I Highlight: Squig Orange Highlight: Stormhost
characters wear gold to show their status. WHITE ARMOUR
Basecoat: Celestra Grey
I most recently added to the force by painting the Silent King, who I Basecoat: Waaagh! Flesh
Wash: Apothecary White
clearly had to look the most regal and striking. I painted the Dais of I Wash: BieI-Tan Green
Layer: Celestra Grey
Dominion in darker colours to match the rest of my other vehicles, I Layer: MootGreen
but I gave Szarekh a shiny golden body and a metallic red cloak to Highlight: White Scar
Highlight: White Scar
make him stand out as the focal part of the model and the whole
force. The red of the Triarchal Menhirs was blended to create a I Glaze:Tesseract Glow
gradient effect; I started with the lighter colours and kept adding
Nuln Oil to create a smooth transition of colour. I then created a
glow effect around the orb in the centre, using the colours shown to
the right but drybrushing them on to represent the emitted light.

401" )


ea: 23:“
artin: I got into the hobby in the was gobsmacked. I’d never seen anything like
mid 1990s when I spotted a copy of it. I think that’s where my interest in
White Dwarf (issue 175 to be competition painting stemmed from.
precise) at my cousin’s house. It
featured the Vibrant second-edition artwork My favourite army of all time has to be the
for Codex: Orks on the cover, and I was brave warriors of the Adeptus Astartes. To me
instantly drawn to it. Not so much the Orks they are the iconic 40K faction, and ever
but what they were stood on — a dead Dark since I spotted that dead Dark Angel on that
Angels Space Marine! The more I looked into White Dwarf cover, I was hooked. Over the

MARTIN WALLER the hobby, the more I fell in love with it. I got years I’ve collected Grey Knights, Dark
Martin is well known on the second-edition starter set for Christmas, Angels and Blood Angels, which were
the painting circuit, having and it blew my mind. The books, the models, featured in Warhammer Visions a few years
won 11 Golden Demon
awards, a Slayer Sword the cardboard dreadnought. .. it was back (issue 12 from 2015).
and countless other awesome. I enjoyed gaming, but I really fell in
painting accolades over love with painting. I spent my weekends at One Chapter that always caught my attention
the years. What many
people don't know is that
the local Warhammer store honing my craft, was the Deathwatch. The idea of a hyper—elite
he is also a keen gamer learning from the staff who would show me xenos-hunting special ops force was just too
and has several beautifully
different techniques. These were pre-internet cool to pass up. I decided to paint a unit of
painted armies.
days, so the only way to learn was to speak to Deathwatch following the release of Kill
others, copy the step-by-step guides in White Team as I wanted to take a break from
Dwarf and muddle your way through. painting Golden Demon entries and focus on
something purely for gaming. I converted a
I ended up being a dab hand at painting, so I few models using Primaris Intercessors and
was asked if I would like to paint the new found that the backpacks, arms and weapons
releases for the store cabinets. It was around from the Deathwatch Veterans fitted the
that time that another model was added to Intercessors perfectly, as did all the packs,
those cabinets — Matt Parkes’ Slayer Sword~ pouches and leg holsters. I put together that
winning diorama from the 1995 Golden initial five-man squad, but then the bug got
Demon. I stared at that diorama for hours. I me, and I ended up buying a whole army!

Captain Cor‘Vah of the Raven Guard

oversees the deployment of his
Deathwatch strike force.


Il , I

A H e m ‘B .5 .m e b

t C In C a
C h a D. nld .m A m a m S I h e C m S O n E:.5t S a n
A p 0 T h E C a Y D: m Nu +1In e w m m H m e S
Kttt Tea m tazretrs rs torned by that
transport vehicle A Thenar’os and a umt
of Varrgtmrd Veterans

Revered Brother-Chaplain Astareus of 3 m

Dark Angels directs the Outriders of
Squad Leandro into battle,


I initially just painted what I thought looked happy to get the best army award at
cool and wasn’t overly worried about Confrontation and an award for my army at
gameplay. Then, about a year into the project, No Retreat, which I was particularly pleased
I was lucky enough to be offered a place at with as the standard was so immensely high.
the No Retreat X tournament. It’s a really I prefer to play games that are visually
exclusive event that takes place in sunny immersive and tell a great story but also have
Gibraltar. They receive hundreds of applicants a structure. It doesn’t necessarily inform what
every year for only 26 places. This focused my I add to my force, but if a unit is particularly >-
mind somewhat and made me think about powerful alongside looking really cool, that’s
how the army would work on the table and always a bonus!
how the units would interact with each other. _|
I started playtesting potential army builds, I don’t play as often as I would like. I’m _|
but I always came back to the models I liked married with two young children, so a lot of <
the look of over how good they were in a my time is taken up with them. Thankfully, c)
matched play setting. the kids are now both at school, so that’s
opened up more opportunities for hobby
I’m not really a competitive gamer, but I do time when I’m not at work. I’m a police E
enjoy the matched-play format. Once I got officer, so the last few years have been really a:
my head around how secondary objectives challenging both physically and mentally, but <
worked and how my army interacted with I’ve found the hobby is a great way to unwind
them, I became a big fan. I’ve only played in and decompress. I love nothing more than to
two tournaments so far, one being No Retreat sit down with an audiobook or podcast on
and the other being Confrontation in and paint. Once I’m in the zone, that ‘quick
Portsmouth. Although these are classified as 15 minutes after work’ does often turn into a
tournaments, they put a lot of emphasis on few hours. On the subject of work, I’m trying
the way players’ armies look and how they are to set up a wargaming club at work, as there
presented. This is often known as the ‘soft seems to be an appetite for it with people
score’, which awards points for the effort that wanting to get back into the hobby. I think
has been put in to your force. I was really another trip to Warhammer World is needed!


WIIIIE Willi l21

My Watch Master is not just converted
from Marneus Calgar; in the background
for my army he is Marneus Calgar. I know
it’s not canon, but considering his
experience fighting the Tyranids and the
fact that he once fought and defeated an
Aeldari Avatar in single combat, the
Deathwatch could probably learn a lot
from him. The conversion work was pretty
simple — I left off the Gauntlets of
Ultramar and replaced them with regular
Primaris arms. I covered the left arm with
a Deathwatch pauldron and painted it
silver like the rest of the army. In his right
hand, he wields an axe (with built-in
storm bolter) taken from the Allarus
Custodians kit.


I wanted to use a neutral black for my I Basecoat:Abaddon Black I Basecoat: lron Warriors
models rather than anything too cold or I Highlight: Eshin Grey I Wash: Nuln Oil
warm. I used Abaddon Black as a base,
I Highlight: MechanicusStandard Grey I Recesswash: Abaddon Black
then edge-highlighted it with Eshin Grey,
Mechanicus Standard Grey and finally I Highlight: Administratum Grey I Highlight: Leadbelcher
Administratum Grey. The whole army is I Recesswash: Mournfang Brown Highlight: Stormhost Silver

lots of very fine edge highlights! For larger

areas like vehicle panels, I used thinned
u Basecoat: RetributorArmour I Basecoat: Khorne Red
Rhinox Hide in the recesses to add a bit of
weathering. I also thinned down some I Wash: Reikland Fleshshade I Wash: Abaddon Black&
Khorne Red 1:3
Mournfang Brown and washed it into the I Recesswash: Gore—grunta Fur
I Recesswash:Abaddon Black8t
recesses of each model’s boots to tie it into I Glaze: Eidolon Purple Khorne Red til
the base. I Layer: Khorne Red
0 Highlight: LiberatorGold
Highlight: Stormhost Silver I Highlight: Mephiston Red
To speed up the painting process, I
painted most of my models in sub- I Highlight: EvilSunzScarlet
assemblies. For example, I would leave off I Basecoat: Dryad Bark I Highlight: Wild RiderRed
the left arm (which could then be sprayed I Glaze: Baal Red 8t ContrastMedium
I Wash: AgraxEarthshade
separately with Leadbelcher) and also the
I Recesswash: Abaddon Black I Highlight: UngorFlesh
Chapter-specific pauldron so I could
undercoat it with a lighter colour if I Highlight: Dryad Bark& DARK ANGEL SHOULDER PADS
Gorthor Brown M
required — like for Imperial Fists. I Basecoat: Caliban Green
I Highlight: Gorthor Brown I Glaze: Coelia Greenshade
I Highlight: Banebiade Brown I Lineshade:Abaddon Black
I Highlight: KarakStone I Volumehighlight: Caliban Green 8(
Warpstone Glow 1:1

I Edge highlight: WarbossGreen

I Edge highlight: SkarsnikGreen

128 Mill! Willi

The Corvus Blackstar I/ictoms flies low .
over the battlefield, ready to deploy its Ki] I!
Team cargo. ‘1




Willi! DWARF 129

The battle for ob: Cinderak City, built upon the come up against Matriarch Primus Adina’s
ruins of Hive Meridian, sits across the personal champion, Athera, as she led House
_ Cinderak City
vital trade artery connecting the Escher’s defence of the city.
reaches its climax
Palatine and Mynerva Clusters. The
as Gorshiv seizure of the city by House Escher (backed In this final instalment of our ongoing series,
confronts Athera in by the rebel lord Lady Credo) during the we are concluding the Succession Campaign
the city’s ruins. Great Darkness presented a threat to that from Necromunda: The Aranthian
trade that the Imperial House could not Succession — Cinderak Burning. This issue, we
afford to ignore. present the campaign scenario Street Fight, a
narrative scenario that covers the chaotic
Thus, while House Goliath’s ultimately battle for control of Cinderak City between
unsuccessful attack on the Riftways the House of Blades and the House of Chains.
surrounding Hive Primus was being launched We then reveal the Triumphs for the end of
by Axon Hammer, Gorshiv Hammerfist led the campaign!
an attack on Cinderak City. There he would

. if?" 7.3» ’


Battered by months of Ash Waste Nomad STREET FIGHT
raids, the people of Cinderak City were During the sixth and final campaign cycle,
ill-prepared for the Goliath assault. With the the battle that everyone is playing is Street
bulk of House Escher’s forces dedicated to the Fight from Necromunda: The Aranthian
defence of the Riftways, Matriarch Primus Succession — Cinderak Burning. This scenario
Adina dispatched her personal champion and is designed to represent Gorshiv leading the
gene-sister, Athera, to lead the defence. House of Chains against Athera’s hastily
Arriving mere hours before Gorshiv and his drawn defences. ROB
Games developer Rob and
fellow Forge Tyrants, Athera quickly took
his gang — the Dustblind
stock. No help was to be found from many of In this scenario, the two gangs fight through Divas - upheld the honour

the inhabitants of the settlement, most the streets of Cinderak City, where space is of the imperial House until
the very end of the
preferring to stay out of what they saw as limited and vehicles struggle to manoeuvre.
Aranthian Succession
inter-clan conflicts. Even the Merchants The objective is simple: to be the last gang campaign. As such, he
Guild were huddled behind the walls of their standing! eagerly awaited a reward
for his loyalty. It came in
compounds, warning away any who
the shape of a beautiful
approached with threats of violence. MURDER DOLLS (ESCHER) - VS - DUSTBLIND bouquet... of grenades!
However, all was not lost as the Road Boss DWAS (ESCHER) Why, Helmawr... why? ~

Arkansus Hammer and House Mistress The two Escher gangs squared off against
Elvera Kayne had gathered together all of the each other, uneasily eyeing up their opposite
Orlocks and Escher within the city. They had number. The first couple of rounds were a
brought with them every willing scummer, cagey affair with both gangs reluctant to fully
bounty hunter and outlander who could commit, trying to bait their opponents into
stand and carry a gun — together, it might just making a mistake. The Dustblind Dyvas
be enough... blinked first, sending their mounted fighters
down a narrow street on their left side to try
When the assault came, it was with terrifying to outflank the Murder Dolls. After a furious
brutality. With their Maulers and ash rigs couple of rounds, the Dyvas stood
smashing through the defences of the city, triumphant, though they did have several of
which had already been weakened by their gang die in the Doc’s care after the
repeated Nomad attacks, the Goliaths made battle.
quick progress through the city outskirts. The
defenders were forced to engage in a running IRON FIST CLAN (ORLOCK) - VS - THE END IS NIGH
battle, moving from building to building or (CAWDOR)
fighting from atop their own vehicles while Despite their numerical advantage in each of
the invaders crushed people and destroyed their battles, The End is Nigh had been
the ramshackle shanty buildings with equal struggling to win decisive Victories for Lady
disregard. Credo’s Rebellion. Facing off against the Iron
Fist Clan, things began much better as the
The Goliath attack was not as random as it Orlocks’ Arms Master was brought down by a
first appeared — Gorshiv was systematically gaggle of Bonepickers and Zealots. The Iron
cutting the city into segments that could be Fist Clan never recovered from the initial
cleared of enemies one by one, and the onslaught and quickly Bottled, leading to
stockpiles placed within claimed for the much of the gang fleeing the battlefield and
attackers. Realising her only chance was to leaving the Cawdor triumphant.
cut off the head of the attack, Athera set her
Escher fighters to bait Gorshiv out into the
central market square where she could deal
with him personally.

Unwilling to be drawn out immediately, the

Goliath Forge Tyrant tightened the noose
around the city until just a few pockets of
resistance remained. Only then did he finally
acknowledge Athera’s challenge. With the
remaining forces of both Houses watching,
the two fought to decide the fate of Cinderak
City. . .
Being one of two undefeated players in the Despite making a name for themselves within
campaign, Anthony had his eye on the Leader the depths of Hive Primus during the first
of Men Triumph, and with only Dan’s Dune half of the campaign, The Fright Knights had
Wraiths in his way, battle was joined. The since been on a losing streak. Hoping to turn
Dune Wraiths caused lots of damage to the things around, the Brat gang challenged the
Wasteland Deadheads, with their Arthromite Enforcers of Fortis Formido. Unfortunately,
Duneskuttler ‘Blackclaw’ felling an Ambot the opportunity to attack scions of the Noble
and a Wolfquad before finally being brought Houses without repercussions was too good
down by the Goliath’s Stimmer. However, as for the Enforcers to pass on, and they did
the battle progressed and Nomad casualties quick (and bloody) work putting them down.
mounted, it became clear that it was a lost
cause for the Dune Wraiths, and so they THE SOMNUS FELLOWSHIP (CHAOS HELOT COLTS)
faded back into the wastes, leaving the - VS - THE ANATHEMA (CHAOS HELOT COLTS)
Goliath Victorious. With two Helot Chaos Cults in the campaign,
it felt inevitable that they would fight each
THE LOST PATROL (BAOZONE ENFORCERS) - VS - other to determine who was more blessed by
THE DUKES FAMILY (OHLOCK) the Dark Gods. The battle started with the
The Badzone Enforcers of Andy’s Lost Patrol Anathema’s Ambot infiltrating in order to
decided to bring justice to the Orlocks of the disrupt the Somnus Fellowship. However, the
Dukes Family. Captain K—5991 ‘Caesar’ led Rustwarren Horror rolled forward and
the Lost Patrol from the front, making a claimed its third Ambot of the campaign, this
beeline for their Outrider Quad. The time scoring a Memorable Death! Rich got
Outrider got one chance to drop him, his revenge though, running the monster
opening up with its heavy bolter. Three hits! down with his Ridgerunner’s wheel scythes.
Three wounds! Caesar needed 6s to save... With both their vehicles and Chaos Spawn
Three 6s! To add insult to injury, the Captain _ soon lost, the Anathema’s Cult Witch, Rain,
managed to drop the Dukes Family’s proved critical, manifesting the Terrify Wyrd
Outrider with a lucky autopistol shot. Despite Power every round, and holding back Jesse’s
these initial heroics, the Dukes Family gathering cultists. With their bottle lost, it
gradually won the ensuing bloody war of was only a matter of time before the Somnus
attrition, and the rest of the Lost Patrol were Fellowship were routed and Rich’s gang left
eliminated. victorious.


Number of
Squaring off against the Akai Suna Syndicate,
the Van Saar of the Night Stingers quickly set
themselves up with their advanced las
weaponry, covering multiple fire lanes across
the battlefield, and waited for their foes to
advance. Knowing that they were just going
to get picked off one by one if they tried to
exchange long—range fire, ‘Gorgeous’ George
led his Orlocks in a charge across the
battlefield, hoping there would be suflicient
numbers left to take down the Night Stingers.
It was a costly decision that left many of his
brothers and sisters dead in the dust behind
him. The gamble paid off, though, as with just
one wound remaining, George managed to
take down the Night Stingers’ leader in
combat, leading to the rest of the gang fleeing
and leaving George as the only remaining
' model on the battlefield. Ever the gent
though, he gifted the Van Saar 60 credits with
his-Too Pretty For Primus Legendary Name!
llfflllfllllllllllfltslflllllllf 2





. <
Escher has sent her
interview for the
personal champion to Tribune, Lady Haera
Cinderak City in order Helmawr’s speech
to ferment discord Writer reveals
and turn its people how her personal
against the esteemed ~ interVention has
Imperial House. See Successfully crushed
a full profile of the :4 any suggestion of
nefarious Athera ' rebellion across
and the long list of the entire planet,
atrocities she has and gives tips for
committed on pages speaking to drudges.

CLUSTER FALLS Do you have the
TO THE REBELS tenacity to chase
The Tribune has the truth down,
received reports that whatever it might be,
the entire Damocles and report it without
cluster have declared fear? If so, then don’t
themselves for the delay! Due to sudden
Rebel Lord, Lady vacancies within
Credo. We have been the Tribune’s senior
instructed to inform editorial team, we are
all loyal citizens to urgently seeking new
stay away from the reporters to get the
cluster. They must stories that no-one
not travel there and else can. Full details
they absolutely must inside...
not enlist in her
forces to fight for
The wanted criminal, Arlzera quou‘se' Escher

WHITE nwnnr I33

. _..-,



At the end of any campaign comes the issuing This Triumph is awarded to the gang who
of Triumphs. These awards are given to won the most battles on behalf of Lady
players whose gangs have proven themselves Credo’s Rebellion.
exceptional in one way or another. The
Triumphs for the Succession Campaign are Lucy: My MVG is my gang’s Leader,
presented in Necromunda: 'Ihe Aranthian Subjugator Captain Bucky. Initially, Bucky
Succession — Cinderak Burning. Presented was deployed in a support role so that he
here'are the winners of each Triumph along could stay safe in the backline whilst the gang
with their Most Valued Ganger (MVG) from acquired XP and credits. Once he obtained a
the campaign. power fist and a Hardcase Cyber—mastiff
companion, though, he became a real threat
LEADER OF MEN: ANTHONY - WASTELANO on the battlefield, able to take the fight to
DEADHEADS enemy Leaders and Champions.
The Triumph is awarded to the gang who
controlled the most Territories at the end of
the campaign.

Anthony: My MVG is my Stimmer, Kal’raz

‘Daemon-slayer’. The moniker ‘Daemon—
slayer’ was earned when he first met the
Wasteland Deadheads’ leader, Arr-rok, where
Kal’raz purportedly defeated an incarnation
of pure rage! Although no other witnesses
saw this event, it is a foolish ganger who dares
question the truth, at least within Kal’raz’s
hearing. Due in part to his superior gene—
smithing, Kal’raz never went into Recovery
and so managed to take part in every
battle — eliminating the deadliest threats on
the battlefield, including single-handedly HOABOEH OF COIN: RICH - THE ANATHEMA
taking down an Arthromite Duneskuttler This Triumph is awarded to the gang with
with his paired ‘Pulverizers’! the highest Wealth at the end of the

Rich: Without any doubt my MVG was my

Cult Witch, Rain. Throughout the campaign
she pulled more than her weight with her
Wyrd Power, Terrify, succeeding at every
psychic test she made throughout the entire
campaign! This made Lady Haera flee before
firing a single shot, terrified gangers into
falling back through walls of fire and was the
key to any battle plan. I suspect the Dark
Prince may have their eye on this one!
This Triumph is awarded to the gang who
had the fewest number of fighters die This Triumph is awarded to the gang with

during the Great Darkness phase. the highest Reputation at the end of the

Adam: My MVG is my Road Sergeant, Dakka

Daisy. With the True Grit skill and armed Dominik: Everest ‘Big Bro’ Duke, my Arms

with a heavy bolter mounted on suspensors, Master, was without a doubt the true hero of

she was able to be impactful in every game, my gang during this campaign. Not only was

often acting as the de facto leader because my his Rule of Iron ability crucial in keeping my

Road Boss kept going into Recovery! One of gang from bottling out during tough

the most memorable battles she took part in missions, but he was also an almost
unstoppable killing machine, knocking out

had her hold the flank against a horde of
Chaos cultists, seriously damaging the heavy nearly a dozen enemies with his arc hammer.

vehicle sent in to clear the area! One time he was rushed by several Cawdor,
each one failing to wound him — in part
thanks to his Legendary Name ‘Blade
Breaker’ - with each crushed by his return
strikes. It took a Warp Horror in a later
scenario to hurt him enough to miss a game,
but this didn’t keep him down for long. He
was later joined by his loyal Cyber-mastiff,
Rex, a dangerous weapon in its own right.


This Triumph is awarded to the gang who
won the most battles on behalf of the
Imperial House.

Rob: The MVG for my gang was Nyliaa the

Wyld Runner. Upon her cyber-hound mount,
she was frequently at the vanguard of my
gang, denying the enemy’s movement with
her wide variety of grenades (by the end she
had scare gas, smoke, choke gas and photon
flash grenadesl). With her penchant for using
the Grenade Bouquet gang tactic, she was
able to acquire enough advancements that if I
include her in a future gang she will quickly
be promoted to a Gang Matriarch!



By Jon Flindall

The last defenders of the All-vault face an ancient foe

shizar freed his axe from the crown of the fallen ‘Then this wave of glory-hungry curs wasted their strength,
Word Bearer’s helmet with a grimace. Blood marked lieutenant. We killed two for every one of us who fell.’
his own forehead, where he had turned his enemy’s
killing blow into a glancing one. The corridor was Roshal smiled, though the expression didn’t reach his eyes.
thick with the scent of gore and weapons discharge, but ‘Aye, we certainly did. It will not be enough, alas. Too few of
beneath that was a fouler odour — the acrid tang of us remain now.’
corruption. His pupils dilated as adreno-stimulants restored
his combat reactions. ' Ushizar could see eight other brothers of the Tome Keepers
amongst the defenders, the remnants of three different
The latest wave of Heretic Astartes had been defeated — fresh squads. A score of pages and serfs remained, working in
corpses were strewn along the barricades. As Ushizar pairs to clear the fallen from the barricades. Bodies in
stepped onto one of the Tome Keepers’ makeshift Chapter livery lay in lines before the vast silver doors of the
fortifications, he saw the dead and dying lay strewn behind All-vault, immediately behind the defensive position.
them too. Ushizar was relieved to see Ilum helping to move a fallen
Chapter initiate — he had lost sight of the neophyte during
Roshal stood with his back to the corridor’s wall, leaning on the carnage.
his sword’s cross-guard. His head was bare and he stared at
the bodies around him. He was badly wounded; Ushizar saw The barricades could be moved back no further without
a thick crust of dried blood at the lieutenant’s waist. He ceding control of the entryway to the traitors.
moved to his side.
Ushizar glanced up at the All—vault’s doors, which towered
‘We cannot hold, Ushizar.’ Roshal spoke through gritted above them — great walls of silver plate over plasteel. They
teeth, his golden eyes fixed upon the Librarian. ‘Hazeer were set with dozens of intricately engraved scenes, each
estimated their total strength at fifty Astartes and upwards of several feet in width. A fallen serf’s blood had sprayed across
a hundred mortals. We barely survived against a quarter of one of these panels, and drew the Librarian’s eye. It was an
that? Roshal turned his gaze down the corridors, towards the artist’s interpretation of the Last Stand at Fornedar — a battle
Cloisters. Firelight flickered in those archways, and shadows in which two squads of Tome Keepers had held a pass
danced on the walls. ‘The rest are waiting for something. We against an ork horde for nine days. The Space Marines had
have only as long as they allow us.’ fallen in the end, but their sacrifice bought time for the
evacuation of the city they protected. An apt allusion,
To Ushizar, the distant archways seemed for a moment like a Ushizar thought.
pair of burning eyes. He blinked away the vision. A bitter
fury replaced his melancholy, and he turned back to Roshal. He reached out with his mind, touching the psyches of the
mortals and transhumans around him. The Space Marines

I36 mm
were bastions of steely determination, with no hint of fear, Ushizar raised a finger to indicate a new point. ‘All three of
but their thoughts were nonetheless besieged by the the brothers whose records the phrase appeared in are ones I
adversity of their situation. The serfs and neophytes knew well. It may be coincidence, or it may not. Nor can I
experienced more human responses to the days of relentless ignore the fact that I also recognised this mysterious phrase
attacks: their exhausted minds railed against the inevitability on first reading it, though I know not why. There must be a
of their imminent deaths. reason...’

Ushizar had overtaxed his psychic strength in the recent Ilum nodded, his eyes showing his weariness. ‘Was there
fighting. The Librarian summoned his will with effort, using anything else in your brothers’ testaments that we might
it to bolster the fortitude of the defenders. Battle-brothers follow up on?’
experiencing doubt at the despoilation of their Chapter Z
fortress felt their disbelief turn to renewed wrath. Mortals ‘No. .. None had any idea of the phrase’s meaning, beyond
found their roiling fears quieted, replaced by a grim resolve. suppositions.’ Ushizar reviewed his recollections of the three LI-
They would not abandon this legendary place or their records, his eyes narrowing. ‘It is probably nothing, but LU
honoured masters. Sennac and Mardas both witnessed what appeared to be D
references to the Istrouman System’s star — Sennac in the
Ilum caught Ushizar’s eye and nodded, recognising the gift orks’ crude daubings, and Mardas in the aeldari’s
the Epistolary had granted the defenders. Ushizar called the performance.’
neophyte to his side.
Ilum shook his head. ‘That was well seen, Epistolary — I wish O
‘We can do little more here, Ilum. Let us make one last effort I had your memory. Does it get us closer to their objective, <
to avert the fate that seems laid out for us.’ however?’ CD
Ushizar’s hand rested on the leather pouch at his waist that _l
___$— held his sister’s tome as he felt a moment of sudden clarity.
He recalled her affectionate mocking. You are so fond of the
past that you risk losing sight of today. ..
In the long hall behind the All-vault’s doors, Ushizar led
Ilum to a lectern lit by hovering glow-globes. The neophyte ‘That’s it.’
lowered himself gratefully onto a sturdy bench.
‘Let us re-examine what we know, Ilum.’
‘I understand why I already knew those words when I first
Ilum reached for a stylus and tablet as Ushizar continued. read them in Nazid’s tome.’

‘This band of heretics are not here by coincidence. They ‘You remember where you heard them?’
attacked our Chapter fortress sixty-four hours after the fleet
departed for the Asmodiox Sector. They seem in little hurry, ‘Not exactly. I only know I must have read them before I
but they move closer and closer to the All-vault? Ushizar received the gift of an eidetic memory. When I was new to
looked around the chamber. ‘There is something here that the Chapter, as you are.’
they want.
Ilum’s eyes were wide. ‘Of course! You told me you were
‘I interrogated one of their cultists and read the words granted access to some of the All-vault’s records early in
“Honour the Truth” in his mind. I believe it was wretches your training. Do you remember whose tomes you read?’
from the same warband who attempted to destroy a great
portion of the Chapter’s strength half a century ago, by Ushizar spoke as Ilum noted his answers. ‘Mardas, of
taking control of an Imperial Navy battleship on approach to course — but he would have recalled the phrase if he’d
Surox VII, as the same words were found outside the ship’s encountered it before. I am sure I read some of Chief
bridge. The traitors’ commander that day was slain by Librarian Eshuh’s rememberings also.’
Brother Nazid bal Kingu. Before the traitor died, he called
out a phrase we do not know the meaning of. A phrase ‘I scoured Eshuh’s chronicle myself,’ Ilum said. ‘No such
which we have since identified in two older tomes — those phrase was present.’
belonging to Sennac bal Shuriash and Mardas bal Sin.
Sennac heard this phrase uttered by a group of ork psykers Ushizar’s eyes wandered as he attempted to recall his distant
on Thyriar nearly seven centuries ago. Mardas heard it five youth, settling on a banner embroidered with the Chapter’s
hundred years ago, from the mouth of an aeldari witch, who star-on-book symbol. ‘Viator,’ he said. ‘I wished to know
also said our Chapter was doomed.’ everything about the Tome Keepers, so I began with the
records of our founder?
‘The aeldari are'notoriously untrustworthy} Ilum said, his
stylus still scratching, ‘but that creature’s prediction seems all “The words couldn’t have been in his own writings, or we’d
too accurate now.’ have found them,’ Ilum said.

“ITEM l31

‘He made extensive reference to the works of his bedrock of Istrouma itself an unyielding granite well suited for
contemporaries: Ushizar replied, remembering. ‘I was a such purpose. For now, the walls around me are austere,
diligent student and read widely.’ unadorned by statuary or ornament; in due time, they will
honour the Chapter’s history and achievements, just as the
He started towards the ward-stacks and their precious walls of the Fortress of Hera are a record of the Ultramarines’
records, calling over his shoulder. ‘We begin there!’ glorious legacy.

Many copies of Viator’s tome existed — it was common for In the same way, the initiates from the Istrouman Sector join
neophytes from other planets in the Istrouman System to the Chapter as uncut stone — they are of worthy, well-chosen
make their own copy of a Tome Keepers luminary’s journal, material, possessing the ideal qualities, but must be shaped
to inculcate in them the practice of writing their own record. and directed to fit their task. In time, so long as the Emperor
Ilum had quickly found a well—made version bound in red wills it, they too may reflect the proud heritage of our
leather, with gilt page—edging. This neophyte, he had primarch.
checked, had especially clear handwriting. In the stillness of
the scriptorium, Ushizar and Ilum read together. At council today, Samsu bal Marduk, the First Speaker of the
Tome Keepers order — the order which I took as my Chapter’s
I, Caelus Viator, make this testament. name — spoke of the long-standing relationship this sector has
I sit in an arming chamber ofi‘the great hall — one ofthefirst with the Angels of Death. When we made planetfall on
rooms completed in this fortress, which will be home to the Istrouma, those mortals we met recognised what we were — to
Chapter I will lead. Through the Chamber’s window I can see them, we were akin to the heroes of ancient legend. I have
fields offoundations — in days, this room will be enclosed by tasked Samsu with identifying where these legends began. Did
others, cutting of the sight of the encircling peaks. Guilliman himself once walk this world, perhaps? Niveneh’s
record-keepers have few details from this distant era, only tales
The people of this world call these the Zaatos Mountains. I will passed down from generation to generation. Samsu has
ask the origin of the name. granted one such artefact into our care — a set ofpainted stone
tablets broughtfrom the agri world of Thyriar, which tell of the
Today I met again with the planetary council. I spoke at length ‘sky warriors’, the name by which we were recognised when we
about my plans for this planet and the Tome Keepers Chapter. first arrived here. The tablets have been placed in the annex
I have been here for two weeks now, and the council have that houses our burgeoning library while the vault itself is—
recovered from the initial shock of treating with a son of
Guilliman; we now learn a great deal from one another. ‘The Thyrian tablets,’ Ushizar said, closing Viator’s tome. ‘I
am sure I read Samsu’s translation?
Kudussa bin Zabada, the First Speaker of Works, impressed
upon me the value of ‘building this edifice’ — the Tome 'I saw them,’ Ilum said. ‘When you showed me the White
Keepers — ‘upon the bedrock of Istrouma’s heritage’. She was Book. They are in the same chamber, off the Dominus
adamant that as recruits from across this sector begin to be Locus.’
added into our ranks, we should encourage rather than
suppress the practices which define Istrouman life. I explained The two quickly reached the tablets’ location, carrying them
that as warriors of the Adeptus As‘tartes, we cannot aflord to to the nearby scriptorium with none of the ceremony that
spend any time in acts that do not further our service to the would normally be afforded such honoured relics.
Imperium. That every day of our existence is a weapon to be
turned against the encroaching darkness. There were six in total — fist-thick slabs of Thyriar’s flaking
white stone nearly a foot square. Their upper surfaces were
She gave me a frank look. Kudussa is old by the standards of covered in intricate lettering in deep red ink turned brown
this world, her skin sallow and her limbs frail. ‘1 near my end, with age.
lord,’ she said. ‘I am twenty—five years old and have served the
Oflice of Works for most of that stretch. We Istroumans are no ‘Sennac saw the cavern these tablets must have come from,’
more granted the luxury of time than you are.’ Ushizar said. ‘There was a pool of crimson algae at its centre.
Perhaps that formed the ink for these writings. This has to
It is at her urging that I begin this chronicle. She suggested that be the connection?
at this nascent stage in the Chapter’s existence I record
everything that strikes me — an approach that I confess sits ill ‘Samsu’s translation wasn’t included in our Chapter’s battle
with the honed efficiency which is my birthright. I may not records,’ Ilum said. ‘It has not been considered by our
recognise the immediate value, but perhaps these words will search.’
one day form a useful reference point for another newly made
Chapter Master. The introduction to the mortal’s translation - a stack of
curling parchment pages - noted the tablets had been cut
As I look at the empty plinths and flagstones ranged across the from the wall of a chamber filled with writing similar to that
mountaintop, I recognise that I and the brothers I brought which they bore. These six blocks held the elements that
with mefrom Dornak IV are building more than a fortress mentioned the Space Marines, and had been brought to
here. The fledgling columns and doorways are cut from the Istrouma to honour Chapter 28'1"s arrival.
Ushizar quickly scanned Samsu’s overview. The second and the red pool the tablets’ ink had been drawn from.
third tablets focused on the period when the transhuman
warriors had walked upon Thyriar; the others dealt with the ‘A heinous testament indeed...’ Ushizar paused. He was
prophecy that preceded their arrival and the practices they missing something. ‘But there is something more here. I am
established which were maintained after they left, so he set sure of it.’ He recalled the aeldari witch’s words to Mardas.
them aside. Ushizar turned to the text of the second tablet. How she had implored him to remember the traitor’s name,
as if it was the only thing that mattered.
He was of the sky warriors; he came from the stars and carried
their power with him. Fierce was his temperament, mighty his Ilum was flicking through the pages of Samsu’s translation, I.”
stature. He had skin of iron and blood offire. He bore death his brow furrowed. ‘Here. .. I think Samsu missed o
with him; death walked at his command. something. The tablets are marked with planetary phases, z

He was taken up; his masters honoured him, and all the gifts
indicating the passage of time. These two tablets have the
wrong symbols — they have been switched.’
which betoken the favoured were showered upon him. He held LLI
the power to break men, to command the spirits. His life was Ushizar looked at the text again. Read in that sequence, they :1
to have no ending. told a different story.
Unto him was granted a name in perpetuity. And that name ‘This heretic dominated Thyriar’s people and conducted a
was Nemh Tal Vorgael Hukh an Bakh Shu’kafael Ghorvael. cruel ritual. After which he ascended, gaining great power >-
and a new name. The creature leading the attack on u
‘Poetic descriptions of this Space Marine’s abilities,’ Ilum Istrouma became swollen with daemonic power centuries :1:
said. ‘The people of Thyriar were cut off for many centuries — ago, on Thyriar. Its followers there made a record of its r5
it’s little wonder they were impressed on meeting one of the achievement. . .’ III
Adeptus Astartes.’ —.I
Distant gunfire echoed through the vault, and Ushizar’s vox
‘The name is strange,’ said Ushizar. ‘And no rank or Chapter chimed. The final attack had begun. He took up his axe.
is given. Perhaps the many elements are a local tradition,
rather than the warrior’s given name... But the syllables are ‘You have done a great service this day, Ilum. Your efforts
those we found in other records.’ Horror dawned on Ushizar may yet save our Chapter. Now, let us turn this discovery
as he looked at llum. ‘Rather than a servant of the Emperor, against the foe?
could this distant figure have been one of the Seventeenth
Legion? It could even be the fiend responsible for the attack
we face today.’

‘Samsu was cautious in dating this record,’ Ilum replied, ‘but

surely that would make our foe tens of thousands years old?’ As Ushizar ran into the All-vault’s entrance chamber, the
defenders were retreating through its doors. Bolt-shells and
‘The foul sorcery of the Archenemy makes possible many las-rounds pursued them. Roshal was the last through,
things that should not be... Let us examine the next tablet.’ harrying their attackers with his pistol.

He hath commanded a tithe of the people of Thyriar and he ‘Vanital, third precept,’ called the lieutenant — an exhortation
hath administered justice. He hath heralded the coming of a to retreat no further.
new era.

Two battle—brothers pushed the All-vault’s great doors

He bringeth knowledge of many things; for this he is honoured. closed, but at that moment they were slammed back on their
Every citizen sings his name, for such he hath decreed. hinges by some titanic force.

His angels number nine. They are feared, for they shareth his Ushizar knew the creature, for he had seen it in the dying
might. Sergeant Makhot’s helm-feed. From that footage, however,
he had misunderstood its size.
He hath made mighty demands; and yea, the worthy were
forfeited unto him. Many are the sacrifices made in his name. It stood more than twice the height of a Space Marine upon
backwards-jointed legs, its form encased in a swollen
‘The text supports your supposition that this “sky warrior” mockery of Legion power armour, bedecked in crimson
had turned from the Emperor’s path,’ Ilum said. ‘Samsu with glowing runes etched upon its every surface.
presumed the sacrifices it referenced were the administrative
demands the Imperium made upon Thyriar, but they could It pushed through into the All-vault, its pauldrons filling the
have been literal.’ great doorway for a moment. Above these, the arms of its
backpack curled, each holding a burning brazier from which
Both of them paused as they thought of victims being greasy black smoke licked. Its arms ended in long, gnarled
slaughtered in the cavern deep beneath Thyriar’s surface, of talons worked in silver.

The creature’s face showed little evidence of the legionary it once more. Ushizar was charging, his axe wreathed in
had once been. Its mouth was drawn in a wide rictus grin, corposant. ‘Asura, the Hunt,’ he shouted.
and its eyes... Ushizar did not wish to look at its eyes. He
had the impression of ever—burning pits of flame in a The Tome Keepers knew that reference. The Telling of Asura
war—ravaged landscape. The animus behind them was a was an epic poem of ancient Istrouma which related how its
tempest of malefic entities. Ushizar’s psychic strength was hero, Asura, had overcome diverse perils to win her
like a candle against it, and the Librarian knew he would freedom. In the Hunt, she had trapped a gargantuan
need to choose his moment. cave-thirster by presenting herself as bait.

The Tome Keepers were falling back in good order, their rate Ushizar swung at the corrupted creature’s leg, leaving a deep
of fire barely slowing. The Word Bearers spilled from the gash across its greave. He used his axe’s haft to block a swing
doorway around their master, corrupted warriors in of the silvered talons; sparks sprayed where they clashed.
blade-edged power armour leading a tide of robed and The creature lunged towards him, its hooves cratering the
masked cultists. flagstones. Ushizar stepped backwards, evading its grasp.

The monster stalked forwards, brushing off a hail of ‘You will suffer for your presumption, little seer. I saw the
mass-reactive rounds that exploded around it. Its claws birth of your Tome Keepers. Before you die, you will
caught a Chapter-serf, tearing the mortal in half. witness your Chapter’s end. When your precious records
burn, you will be nothing.’
Roshal lunged at the monster, his blade licking out to pierce
its armoured greave. Black fire spilled from the wound. The The creature swung with its taloned hand again — Ushizar
lieutenant desperately attempted to parry the claws that could not dance back quickly enough, and a crater was
came at him in response. scored across his breastplate. The next blow struck his left
shoulder, tearing away his pauldron. The towering daemon
‘I have what you came for, beast!’ Ushizar roared his crushed Ushizar’s fallen plate beneath its hoof, shattering the
challenge and raised the tablet aloft. icon of the Tome Keepers that it bore.

The creature fixed its awful gaze upon him, directing its Shots came at the creature from those of Ushizar’s brothers
forces to halt with a wave of its claw. None of those veteran who still stood, but they shattered against the corrupted
warriors dared defy its command. For a moment, the hall ceramite it wore.
was silent, save for the sound of burning parchment.
It leant in close, as if to encircle the Librarian in its steel
‘Begone from this place! You will not claim what you sought, claws. When he swung his axe towards the creature’s wrist, it
Liturgarch,’ Ushizar spat, slamming the tablet onto the tore his weapon from his hand, hurling it away.
Chamber’s flagstone floor and crushing it beneath his
armoured foot. Ushizar took another step backwards, seeking some
weakness he might exploit.
The ascended traitor stared at Ushizar for a moment. Then it
laughed — a cruel, scraping sound which echoed in the entry He saw Ilum charge in, wielding Ushizar’s axe in a two-
hall. ‘For all your hoarded wisdom, you see nothing of the handed grip. The page’s eyes were wild with emotion, the
truth.’ It spoke with an abyssal register, and yet Ushizar enhanced muscles of his arms standing out like cords.
detected some hint of the electrifying oratory that the
warrior had once commanded. ‘In your blindness, you have Without turning from Ushizar, the creature threw a lazy
completed the task that brought me here.’ backhand blow that flung Ilum against the Chamber’s wall
with a resounding crack
Ushizar’s ruse had done its work, yet there had been no
opportunity to apprise his battle-brothers of his intention. Ushizar roared, lightning pouring from his mouth. He leapt
Roshal had circled around behind the monster — now he at the ascended traitor, clamping his hands to its breastplate
- struck. His blade stabbed downwards into the meat of its and releasing what psychic might remained to him in an
waist, driven by both of Roshal’s hands. empyric blast that violently wreathed them both in

The ascended traitor spun around and gripped the injured

lieutenant in one claw, lifting him up to its eyeline. The hilt The traitor blinked, its pupils contracting to points. The fire
of Roshal’s power sword still protruded above its left hip. behind its eyes dimmed for a moment before bursting forth
once more. Ushizar had wounded it, but its hate drove it on.
‘Brave,’ it said. ‘See how that mettle serves you when you
face the scouringflames.’ Its claw squeezed, crushing ‘You would turn the eternal torrent against me?’ It gripped
Roshal’s body with horrific force. The lieutenant screamed in Ushizar, holding him at arm’s length. He was forced to
fury as he died. confront its maiefic gaze.

A cacophony erupted as warriors on both sides opened fire ‘I am their herald, fool. The Blaéing Ones have made their

140 “I!“
might mine to wield. Let me introduce you...’ The traitor He paused briefly at a votive shrine, paying his respects
raised a talon and placed it against Ushizar’s brow. before a skull-faced depiction of the Emperor before
continuing on his way through the apothecarion. Too many
There was agony, such agony as he had never known. After of the Tome Keepers’ number had not made it to these halls.
an eternity, he became aware of faces watching him — lean, Too many pages had fallen before their stories had even
hungering faces, formed of tooth and flame and blood. They begun.
drooled syllables of some foul tongue, which escaped their
maws as curls of black smoke. They swam towards him in He stopped by a station over which incense-skulls hung,
the brimstone haze, until all he could see was their teeth, shooing the constructs away. LLI
their lascivious tongues, the balefire in the throats that D
would consume him. ‘I thought you might wish to read this, brother. My account Z

There was something he had to remember. A phrase... No, a

of recent events.’
name. Ilum’s face was wan, but his eyes were bright as he accepted LLI
Ushizar’s tome. ‘Apothecary Etansa says I shall return to my D
As the jaws closed on Ushizar’s soul, he roared the daemon’s duties in a week. In three more, I will be fit to receive the
name with every ounce of his remaining strength. Carapace!’
Ushizar smiled at the page’s enthusiasm. ‘You have earned it,
Ilum. When Chapter Master Saargon returns to Istrouma, he C.)
will receive a glowing report of our neophytes’ efforts. Yours <
in particular have been noted.’ CD
The chamber was silent but for the whirring of an air I.I.l
scrubber. Ushizar sat at a metal desk worked with a ‘Perhaps I will have joined the Companies of Reserve by _l
repeating helix pattern. Running a hand over his smooth then, Ushizar. I will tell Lord Saargon about it as we fight
scalp, he raised his stylus and continued to write. shoulder to shoulder against the Leviathan!’ Ilum winced as
he pulled at the sutures in his flank. A servitor moved to
The traitor had invited malefic spirits into itself gaining dark check the chiming diagnostic console beside his station.
powers but shackling itself to the constraints of a daemon. I
knew from my studies that such a creature’s name could hold Ushizar placed a heavy hand upon the page’s shoulder,
power over it, but in that moment I could only guess at what soothing Ilum’s pain with his mental touch. ‘Emperor
would result. My memories of what followed are willing, you will.’
fragmentary — the result of the spirits’ attentions, no doubt.
My brothers relate that the name had a deleterious effect upon ‘I doubt we could have found that tablet without His aid,
the warp-swollen horror — it reeled, allowing me to fall to the brother.’
floor. My vital capacity was severely impaired, but I was able
to retrieve my axe and decapitate the traitor before it ‘Indeed. Regardless, it seems it was coincidence that the
recovered. traitor’s name appeared in the records of several brothers I
knew well.’ He paused. ‘I confess, I had worried that I might
My brothers and the remaining mortal complement had somehow be at the eye of this storm.’
continued to defy the Heretic Astartes’ assault; with the
destruction of their leader, a new page was turned. The Ilum gave Ushizar a level look. ‘Through your insight, you
traitors’ will was broken and they abandoned their attack. were able to slay a traitor who has blighted the Imperium for
Leaving their fallen where they lay, they retreated towards the millennia, Ushizar. I do not see coincidence at work.’
empyric portal they had opened in the upper cells. Hazeer and
those battle-brothers still abroad in the fortress ensured that ‘Perhaps you are correct, brother? The Librarian thought
fewer than a dozen of the renegades escaped. We paid a heavy again of the aeldari seer’s prophecy. She had been certain
price for our victory, but in so doing ended a monstrous threat that doom hung over his Chapter. Had Ushizar denied that
to our Chapter. doom, or only deferred it? The mythic performance that
Mardas had observed had played out in cycles. For a
Ushizar stood, picking up his tome carefully so as not to moment, he felt the burning eyes upon him once more.
smear the ink. His limbs ached, his wounds still fresh. The
mental injuries would take even longer to heal. He forced a smile. ‘Let us hope so.’

He walked from the side chamber down a long corridor of

the apothecarion. On either side of him, injured battle-
brothers and pages were attended by chirurgical servitors
and medicae serfs.

The End
Painting, modelling and gaming from the very heart of the hobby

+++ Mission Transcript 61977/6 +++

Chapter: Tome Keepers

VesseL: Teratorn (Strike Cruiser), Abhis baL Narath (Captain) in command.

Subject Matter: Distress CaLL

CLearance: Ochre


> mnyone receiving this? Pleam [STATIC] mspond. Samarkis under attack by xenos
Lifeiom [STATIC] m fied as Tyranids. UpLoading data.

> Vanguard Lifeforms aLream [STATIC] m infiLtrated m [STATIC] m ow deceased.

> Xenos spores... [STATIC] anet’s surface. Significant tectonic destabil,isation.

> Super-massive Kin vesseL detected on Long-range scanners.

> Mass uprisim [STATIC] mult of the Four-armed Emperor. Orbit defences
compromised. Estimate efficienm [STATIC] m 18%.

> Estimated time until xenos invasion: 1 standard month.






«~AF:.‘ :V: LLI


Charge the Boltboyz on the objective.Thiswill‘earn you

victory points for controlling the objective, but your flank will
be exposedto a.charge from the Brutee,andtheBoltbcyz on ‘ ‘
the left will have free rein to shoot any target. Ifthe orruk ‘-
player gets a double turn, your army willbe in deep trouble.

reducing their effectiveness. The ’ “

Avatar of Khaine, meaningthatifthey A
they could charge the WitchAelves.andretake the objective

Move the Witch Aelves and Blood Sisters up
to act as screens for the Brutes. Charge the
Lifetakers into both units of Boltboyz to
soak up Unleash Hell, then charge the
Avatar into the left flank of the central unit
of Boltboyz. In their turn, the Orruk player
will have to charge the Brutes into the
Witch Aelves - a fight they will likely win
Any remaining Boltboyz in the centre of the
battlefield will be in combat with the Avatar,
so they cannot shoot the Blood Sisters, who
will be sure to survive. Because of their
positioning on the edge of the objective.
they can stop the Brutes from claiming it
even if the Orruk player gets a double turn.
Lastly, the Boltboyz on the left cannot
retreat far enough to reach the objective, so
you can happily give away the first turn in
the next battle round and be confident that
you’ll maintain control of the objective;



10 pts no pts IO pts IO M: IO pts


lo M: lo pls 10 pts D2 IO ms


A3 10 ms 10 pts 10 pts 10 pts 10 pts


lo pts IO pts 10 pts lo ms


IO pts lo pts lo pts 10 pts


Activity Completed

© Copyright 2024 Games Workshop Limited. All rights reserved. Permission to photocopy for personal use.


Just like in previous years, the White Dwarfteam are
getting involved with a hobby bingo challenge - the
sheet for which you can see opposite. This month,
several members of the team have taken part in the
studio's Bastior Crusade campaign, which means
they‘ve racked up a fair number of games already (not
to mention increasing their Bunker ranks). On the
painting front, Lyle, Ben and Matt are all painting
secret projects for next issue, but that didn‘t stop Matt
from also painting a unit of Shroud Runners for his
Aeldari collection. Meanwhile, Dan finished Skabbik's
Plaguepack for Warhammer Underworlds.
DAN :‘ \u i\<,;
I love all things skaven, . \N " fl
so it was inevitable that » «it
l'd end up painting this . l‘
warband. | Used Death " ‘ . , 1 'V "‘
Guard Green as the base '. . ' .
colour for thelr robes, ’
followed by a wash of
Agrax Earthshade, then
highlights of Ogryn
Camo. I painted them as
black rats, just like the
classic plague rats of
medieval times. Much»
much plague-death!


r": m" -' r; I '

As part of my self-
proclaimed jetbike
month, I painted a unit of
Shroud Runners for
Crattworld Telennar,
Normally l paint the
craftworld symbol in
white, but I painted it
grey this time to make
them more stealthy. Of
course, the riders are
wearing bright orange,
but it's probably special
stealth orange.


NEXT ISSUE um issue


lllHIIE llllllllIF

Letters, questions and pictures of painted
models sent in by you. our readers.

From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
when civil war makes civil hands unclean.


“Tish "“2 3
The world‘s largest Warhammer club, including
tactics, painting tips and hobby challenges.

«r ' an.I! «slim! fit» ‘ r


Do you have faith in the God—King Sigmar? You
should join one of the Cults Unberogen.

Something sinister lurks in the sewers of
Hammerhal in this short little tail...

You Messin'? Jimbo talks us through his top 10‘
narrative rules.

Six Bladeborn warbands migrate from
Warhammer Underworlds into Warcry.


It's the final challenge for James, Rhu, Joe and
Andy, and they have pulled out all the stops.

Chrono-psycho—techno~pyromanoy. Is there
anything Crypteks can't do? Well, eat...

The first part in a short-long story set in the
past-present-future of a Tech-Priest.

You‘ll have the time of your life with these
temporally-shifting Boarding Action missions.


Painting and modelling inspiration dedicated
to the true rulers of the galaxy.


”.1 .~ 7’ .5: ~ PURGE THE XENOS
3 ~— *8” -- ‘ Golden Demon winner Martin Waller shares
his stunning Deathwatch army with us.

/ ‘
W34;. ~


It's the final part of the studio's campaign. But
who has triumphed in the Underhive?


And it's also the final part in our Tome Keepers
serial. What will be the fate of lstrouma?


What we've been painting recently. Also, a
sneak peek of things to come...

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