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It is a template engine
In spring web mvc we can use Thymeleaf as presentation
We can use Thymeleaf as replacement for JSP
Note: Every JSP page should be converted to Servlet to send response to browser
hence performance wise JSP is slow.
To overcome JSP problems we are using Thymeleaf for presentation layer
It is a UI technology used to implement Dynamic web pages with
Lightweight UI engine.

=>Compared to JSP its coding and memory is less and execution is faster.

=>JSP (JASPER) is a heavy weight engine;

Thymeleaf is a light engine (less memory).

Thymeleaf work flow:--
=>Boot supports working with Thymeleaf UI engine which
converts only
Dynamic content into its equal java code, static content is
placed as it is.
=>Dynamic content will be converted to java format and then compiled, finally
executed and mixed with static output.

=>It may read data from spring container using Thymeleaf EL.
=>To enable Thymeleaf UI in Spring boot apps add below starter in pom.xml.

=>Thymeleaf tags(code) --- starts
Ex:- th:action, th: hreaf, th:object

=>Thymeleaf supports Symbols like and for dynamic coding.

@{url}, ${EL}, *{Link}
Here *{ } Symbol indicates link to variable/Property in

This is used incase of UI forms.


Here ${ } symbol indicates EL in Thymeleaf.

It supports data reading from spring container(may read data from memory).

=>UI form can read data using ModelAttribute, Text Data, can be taken from
Data Exchange between UI and Controller using Thymeleaf:--

=>We can send data from controller to UI using ModelMap. Here, Thymeleaf UI
reads data using EL and TH NAMESPACE.

=>To use Thymeleaf tags we should provide Thymeleaf Engine Location to current UI
page, as:
<html xmlns:th
Step#1:- Create one Spring boot Starter Project
Name : SpringBootWebMVCWithThymeleaf
Dependencies : Web, Thymeleaf
Model class:--
import lombok.Data;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.Table;

public class Employee {
private Integer empId;
private String empName;
private Double empSal;
public class EmployeeController {
@RequestMapping(value="/save", method=RequestMethod.POST)
@RequestMapping("/reg") public String saveData(@ModelAttribute Employee employee,
ModelMap map)
public String regPage(ModelMap
{ map)
{ map.addAttribute("emp", employee);
//Form Backing Object
Employee e= new Employee();
return "Info";
} e);
return "Register";
public String showDates(ModelMap map) {
map.addAttribute("message","Hello UI");
List<Employee> emps=Arrays.asList(
new Employee(10, "Uday",2.2),
new Employee(11, "Venkat",6.3),
new Employee(12, "Neha",9.8)
map.addAttribute("list", emps);
return "Data";
Step#3:- UI Pages (Under templates folder)
<html xmlns:th="">
<body><h3>Welcome to Register Page</h3>
<form action="#" method="post" th:action="@{/save}" th:object="${employee}">
ID : <input type="text" th:field="*{empId}"><br><br>
NAME : <input type="text" th:field="*{empName}"><br><br>
SALARY : <input type="text" th:field="*{empSal}"><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Create"/>
b. Info.html:--
<html xmlns:th="">
Your form data is : <div th:text="${emp}"></div>

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