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Sarp Duyar Doğa Can Sayılkan

Project Lead / Management Project Lead / Creative Direction

Duru Berkman Tyler Denison

Writer Editor

Mehmet Onur Kart Luke Frostick

Lead Writer Editor

Usame Bakar Fatih Şahinbaş

Illustration / Graphic Design Game Design

Veli Deniz Değer Belgin Kaya

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Ezgi Sakin Beliz Baytok

Concept Art Concept Art

Alper Bıçaklar Hakan Alemdar

Concept Art / 3D Art Map Art

Ege Ozan Çalışkan Ali Çağan Keskin

Soundtracks Soundtracks

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means,
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Our most sincere greetings,

I remember how we created the City of Crescent last year. The first steps we took as a TTRPG Publisher; we
were foolhardy and adventurous. The very first Historica Arcanum, created in a blaze of glory; with our work,
our lives focused razor sharp in each word, each line, each art.

But it turns out being a *good* TTRPG publisher is a lot more than just what is in between the covers of
a book. So, we learned and we grew. We wanted to strike hard at all aspects of a TTRPG product, so we
deconstructed all parts of this journey from the idea to reality, and reconstructed them with new insights,
new techniques and new members of our team - art, game design, production, even the way we package and
present the books were overhauled from the very core. Just so that what we create afterwards, is brought to
your hands in truly the best way possible.

What you are holding in your hand is the 13th Century Silk Road, created for Historica Arcanum - a setting
designed as an open world, and an adventure designed to build up to one climactic struggle in a legendary
dungeon. Bringing it to life took us love, sweat and tears, over a full year; with three simultaneous playtest
groups, an upgraded artstyle, an overhauled page design, a monumental research task. All of this is the first
fruit of this newfound understanding on how to be a *good* TTRPG publisher. A long journey, but worth every
step of the path.

But this is not all. TTRPGs are a peculiar form of artistic expression. The *final* final product is not from us,
the studio, but you, the players and the Game Masters. Within the heart of our journey as a *good* TTRPG
Publisher lies something greater than what is in between the covers of this book: The Community.

The Historica Arcanum we envision is not imprisoned in the pages we wrote, but built as a community,
expanded with each new game played, each homebrew created with adventuring parties throughout the
world. We are the custodians of this world, but you are the explorers, the builders, the eyes of the beholders.

So, it is our utmost pleasure to present you Historica Arcanum: Empires of the Silk Road - one of the most
ambitious works in Tabletop Roleplaying Games. Please, go and break the game, mold it into your liking,
snatch artworks, the locations, the lore, and make everything about it your own.

Hoş geldiniz - Welcome,

Sarp & Doğa


Adventure Hooks ................................................................................................................................8

Characters .............................................................................................................................................12

Act I: Wuthering Clouds ............................................................................................................60

Act II: The First Drop .................................................................................................................100

Act III: The Resonating Storm ..............................................................................................122

Act IV: The Deluge of Desolation ......................................................................................148

Act V: The Ark of Salvation .....................................................................................................172

Appendix ...........................................................................................................................................206

Our Eternal Gratitude .............................................................................................................222


The World of Historica Arcanum

Historica Arcanum is set in a magical version of world history. In this universe, magic is potent yet rare, and all arcane
races and matters are hidden in the dark corners of civilization due to the danger of being exposed to the whims of history
and caprices of mankind.

Yet the progress of history in the world of Historica Arcanum is not only bound to the story of humankind as we know
it, but also with the arcane powers that push it from the shadows. The heroic victories, defiant last stands, dastardly
assassinations, and curious coincidences are all shaped one way or another by the users of the occult arts - yet the truth
behind these incidents is hidden behind an almost unbreachable veil for the uninitiated.
The very reason why such secrecy is necessary is because magic is dangerous and unstable. The more one resorts to the
usage of magic, the more distorted reality becomes, and the more reality pushes back against the trespasser - and all that
surrounds the trespasser, whether innocent or not.

Hence, most institutions, religions, and social norms - quite similar to what we have in our world - have strictly forbidden
or regulated the usage of magic. Of course, the lesser the powers these institutions hold on individuals - depending on
the era of history and the geography - the more prevalent magic is. For instance, as states and government bureaucracy
became larger and more influential in human societies with the Modern Era, surveillance and secret bureaus within law
enforcement became possible to dispose of those who threaten the stability of reality and of the incumbent regimes.
Even in a world where magic is so repressed, “accidents” happen, and individuals with arcane gifts and curses are born.
The heroes of Historica Arcanum universe prominently tend to be one of these individuals who have to navigate a world
that is hostile to them, yet the powers that be exploit the very magical essence that these heroes are cursed with, to push
the world to their whims.

So, grab a cloak to hide your inhuman features, whisper incantations out of the earshot of city guards, navigate the sewers
teeming with downtrodden folk of arcane races, team up with archeologists to delve into ancient ruins to uncover magical
artifacts of raw arcane power, and plot the downfall of a Warlock who is using his arcane powers to be the puppet master of
a military coup. Welcome to the world of Historica Arcanum.

The Silk Road of 13th Century

The Silk Road has been the heart of civilization for over two millennia.
Never in world history has humankind had such an important network (until perhaps the internet) that connected not only
goods but also facilitated the exchange of ideas, religions, technologies, and cultures among the peoples of the world. With
gold, silver, and silk flowing through the veins of the Road, merchants and philosophers - not warlords - were perhaps for
the very first time the movers and shakers of society.

Yet with such importance, material wealth, and intellectual prosperity came envy and enmity. In the 13th century, when this
book is set, the Silk Road is coveted by the rising and ruthless Khanate in the North, descending to the lands below under
the Banner of the Eternal Blue Sky. To the West, the then-impoverished Western Crusader Kings have claimed swathes
of lands and eye the East. Stuck in the middle of the collapsing worlds, the Sultanate desperately holds onto the throne of
Persia - that they themselves took by force a few centuries ago.

Where power is fragmented, fear is a valuable currency, and the one who controls the whispers has the closest seat to the
world's heart; so rises Hasan Sabbah and the Hashashin Order. Driven away from the palaces and blessed with arcane
means to execute his plan, Hasan Sabbah aims to play the forces of the Silk Road against one another. A game of chess
is being played, and a loss of a piece in this game means the loss of hundreds of lives or worse - the loss of hope against

Herald of Rain - The Adventure

Within the Herald of Rain, the massive adventure module of the Empires of the Silk Road, the players are thrown into the
heart of this world in a web of intrigue and arcane cataclysm.
In the eye of the hurricane, lies Hasan Sabbah, his Hashashin Order, and their plans for vengeance - which the party
became a loose end of and the scapegoat for. To save their own skin, to clear their names, and in the off chance that their
intentions are noble, to take down a horrendous threat to the Silk Road in a righteous battle, the adventurers must ride
west, city to city - and finally challenge Hasan Sabbah in his lair, the infamous Castle Alamut.
Throughout this journey that takes the players from one end of the Silk Road to the other, the world will move with them.
The adventurers will travel through the legendary cities of Samarkand - the occupied crown jewel of Asia; Merv - the city
of Merchant Emirs; Isfahan - the last stronghold of the Sultanate; and Baghdad - the home of the Caliph and the House of
During their travels, it will be the party’s duty to piece together the conspiracy of the Hashashin Order in each city - and if
the players prove to be capable enough, to stop the string of assassinations that serve this conspiracy.
The party will not take on this journey alone. With the spirit of the Silk Road, the adventurers will travel from one
caravanserai to another with a caravan in tow - a cast of companions with unique backstories, interests, and opinions.
Character Progression
We recommend using milestone XP in our adventure:

Act I: Wuthering Clouds - Level 1 to 3

Act II: The First Drop - Level 3 to 5
Act III: The Resonating Storm - Level 5 to 7
Act IV: The Deluge of Desolation - Level 7 to 8
Act V: The Ark of Salvation - Level 8

Information Boxes and Appendix

In the book you may encounter a monster name that carries this symbol j at the end. These statblocks can be found in
System Reference Document 5.1. If a statblock is not given where the name appears, it can be found in the Appendix

These boxes work as tips, tricks and historical

notes for the GM.

These boxes are mostly intended to read aloud,

usually containing descriptions, visions, and events.

We take immersion very seriously! It is one of the core components of any TTRPG table, and soundscape is a great tool for
any GM to set the tone immediately.

With Empires of the Silk Road - you will also get a full library of ambient tracks, city soundscapes and character
soundtracks. We highly recommend using them in your playthrough to create the perfect Silk Road atmosphere!
Adventure Hooks

erald of Rain starts in Samarkand’s Where did you come from?
necropolis, Shah-i Zinda. It is outside
the city walls, almost a mile away. Take some time to consider this question. The Silk
Potential characters must consider Road is a place where people from civilizations all
some important aspects before the across the world meet. Though it doesn't have to
start of the game: define you, the place you come from is still important
in understanding how you fit into this rich tapestry.
D Each character needs a strong reason to go into
Samarkand. 1) I am from the Sultanate

D Due to the Khaganate’s occupation, no one is You can be a local of the Sultanate, born in Baghdad,
allowed inside the city; thus, adventurers have Samarkand, Merv, Konya, Isfahan, Mardin, Bukhara,
also not been allowed in. Nishapur, or Basra. As a local, it is expected of you
to be familiar with the basic politics, locations, law-
D No matter the character’s origin, they are denied enforcers, laws, and customs of the city. Check
entrance to the city. out “Running a Story in Silk Road” for important
information or your GM might provide the needed
D They must look for a way to enter Samarkand. tips for you. For additional information, you may see
There are rumors that they can enter the city the Appendix section in Empires of the Silk Road
through the Shah-i Zinda. (EotSR) about the sources we consulted and books
we recommend.
Character Ideas Even if you are from Samarkand, you are still denied
entry and must find a way in through other means.
This section offers basic ideas and guides to your
character to help you fit them in the world of the Silk
2) I am from the Khaganate
Road. For a more detailed character builder, see Who
Are You in the Silk Road section in EotSR.
You can be from Karakorum, Ordu-baliq, Tashkent,
Ferghana or another Khaganate controlled land. As
Choose your race. Samarkand is under the Khaganate’s rule, you are
accustomed to Khaganate’s traditions, its soldiers'
As in the core rulebooks, you should decide which behaviors and other rules in Samarkand. Still, you are
race you’d like to play first. It has an impact on some denied entry and must find your own entry.
of the decisions you have to make ahead.
If the GM allows you, you may start with a proper bow
Human and a horse.
If you choose to play as a human, you don’t need extra
effort to adapt your appearance, as you have nothing 3) I am from distant lands
to hide.
You can be from Constantinople, Berlin, Beijing,
Non-Human Lhasa, Delhi, Mali, Toledo, Wien, Kiev, even Kilwa.
If you choose to play as a non-human race, check out You are most likely considered a stranger among
the sections on how to keep your arcane features a these lands, and you probably only know of myths,
secret from the superstitious, hateful, and ignorant legends and childhood tales of the rich cities of the
eyes of humans. See Running a Story in the Silk Silk Road. Though people from all over the world are
Road in EotSR to see how you might hide out commonplace in the markets and caravanserai of the
amongst the humans. Naturally, some races will need region, people are more likely to be curious of you and
to go to greater lengths than others to hide their true want to raise a glass of ale with you and hear your
nature. story.

Adventure Hooks

If the GM allows, you may bring interesting weapons or exotic goods with you.

Samarkand Hooks
This section offers ideas about your characters’ motive for entering Samarkand. There can be just one motive
or many at once depending on the character’s backstory. Work with your GM to establish the details.

d6 Business Reasons
1 You were sent by your guild to deliver an item of utmost importance. It must remain a secret.
You must enter Samarkand to settle a huge amount of debt. Failure to pay will result in con-
A very valuable horse or a similar mount was stolen from you or your employer. It was sold to
a merchant in Samarkand.
4 You are here to help organize a resistance against the Khaganate.
5 You are here to assassinate, extract, or smuggle out a very important individual.
6 You are spying on the Khaganate’s forces for their enemies. You must enter the city.

d6 Personal Reasons
1 You are here to find a lost parent, friend, mentor, or a partner who is very dear to you.
Your only salvation lies in Samarkand. It can be a cure for a disease you have or out of a lon-
ging for spiritual guidance from a specific priest or teacher.
3 You promised to meet with someone in Samarkand. It is the most important thing for you.
You grow up with the stories from One Thousand and One Nights, and it is rumored that they
come true in the city.
5 You come here for vengeance. It will end in your death or theirs.
6 Someone close to you died in Samarkand, and you are here to bury them.

d6 Other Ideas
1 A fortune-teller told you that you will meet your fate in Samarkand.
2 You find a treasure map showing that a treasure is buried in Samarkand.
You have been forced to come to Samarkand for some reason, perhaps by your parents, part-
ners, mentors, children, employers, or your feudal lords.
You normally visit Samarkand often, but now they are not letting you enter the city. This is an
unacceptable affront in your eyes; you’ll enter the city just to prove that you can.
You live in Samarkand but left for some reason; now you are back, but despite the fact that
you are a resident, they will not let you in. How dare they?
You actually don’t care about entering the city, but there was this irresistible and charming
person at the gates, and they really wanted to enter, so you must accompany them.

Adventure Hooks

Class Backstory/Class Ideas

A certain individual committed a crime against your tribe, and you have been sent to
find them.
There are rumors that Samarkand hosts the best stories ever told in the Silk Road,
and there is this storyteller who knows everything inside the walls.
You saw a vision that a terrible disease would emerge from the depths of Samarkand
among the screams of orphan children.
The habitat of the natural area you live in is suffering from a disease, and you heard
that the greatest physician ever lives in Samarkand.
Your training was incomplete, and you believe the most formidable warriors are in
You heard the wisest man in the Silk Road lives in Samarkand. You need their guidan-
You heard that the Khaganate uses interesting and exotic beasts that are used for com-
bat and many other purposes. You are intrigued.
Rogue The rumors surrounding the Hashashin Order have drawn you to Samarkand.
Sorcerer You think the tomb of one of your powerful ancestors is in Samarkand.
Your patron ordered you to go to Samarkand. You must witness the greatest events in
the century.
Wizard You have read about the Khaganate’s powerful shamans and want to find one.

Adventure Hooks

Hasan Sabbah, Sayyidina - The Master
of Masters, the Divine Teacher, and the
Herald of Rain

Introduction I am a prophet, and unlike any who came before me, I

have already brought heaven to Earth.

am Sabbah, the Sayyidina, the Master
of Masters, the divine teacher of the As I speak, thousands gather under my banner to
Hashashin Order - the Herald of Rain, eradicate the mortal and childish whims of the rulers
I will unleash the purifying sky’s power of the world. As we speak, my faithful children take
upon the rotten world. their place among courts of supposed kings, among
generals’ war tents, among whispers in the crowded
With hushed and trembling voices, they call me bazaars, to be my eyes, ears, and the tip of my dagger.
the one holding the hilt of all assassins’ blades, a We will take down the corrupt, the fickle, the decaying
ravenous general leading an army of shadows, a mortals from thrones on which they are placed atop
master politician deftly playing the game of power, the their fellow man, and replace them with the eternal,
Lord Impervious of the Castle Alamut; but these are the undying, and the unchanging. My children are
nothing compared to who I really am.

the thunderstorm that will soak this scorched desert, theorized upon a great deal of philosophical and
to turn Earth into the lush garden of Eden, and with political manners, and has pursued the construction
the voice of an immutable choir, I proclaim, I am the of arcane contraptions to breach Al-Ghaib, the realm
Herald of the Rain. beyond.

Sayyidina’s Past This state of blissful ascendency through bureaucratic

ranks of the Empire ended abruptly for Sabbah. His
Early Life father, aware of the lack of material resources of the
Hasan Sabbah was once the only son of a middling Western garrisons of the Imperial army, approached
bureaucrat toiling in the court of the Seljuk Empire. many higher ranking officials and nobles. His reward
His father’s proximity to the high-born and the rich for his early warning was to be named a defeatist and
afforded his son a place in the House of Wisdom. an accomplice of the crusaders, and his punishment
Sabbah, despite his considerably less-fortunate was to be hanged, alongside his family.
circumstances compared to his fellow students,
performed exceptionally well in matters of both The Footsteps of the Order
arcane and mundane, and was highly regarded as a Hasan Sabbah alone was saved by the intervention of
candidate for High Vizier for the Imperial throne. his friends Omer Hayyam and Nizam-al Mulk. Instead
of disposing of the young prodigy, they convinced the
His aptitude for understanding and manipulating High Vizier of the Seljuks that he may prove useful
the emotions of his fellow man earned him the love to the Empire in the future, and he was exiled to the
of his teachers and most important in the life of the northern wastes.
Sayyidina, the love of an unlikely group of friends.
Finding himself in the company of the two brilliant Perhaps the greatest twist of fate was the
minds of the Madrasah: Omer Hayyam - the Master circumstances of Sabbah’s exile. He was assigned as
of Prose and Poetry; and Abu Ali - a self-made man the governor of Dara - a small and inconsequential
who will soon be called Nizam-al Mulk, meaning region of a handful of villages hidden within the
The Embodied Order of the Empire. The trio has northern mountains. One of these villages was ringed
by the ancient ruins of a castle, Castle Alamut.


Forgotten by the men responsible for the death of the world. One by one, agents of Hasan Sabbah’s web
his father, Sabbah brooded amidst the silence of the of shadows were brought to Alamut, intoxicated by
mountains. His first act was to galvanize the small hasheesh, the arcane, and the beauty of the Order’s
villages he was in charge of, with promises of a more visions of Eden. Those who were convinced–without
prosperous tomorrow. Under his strict command, the a sliver of doubt–were initiated into the Order, and
villages reaped bountiful harvests, built new roads boldly proclaimed that Hasan Sabbah was The
that invited traders and travelers, and hired garrisons Sayyidina, Master of Masters, the Divine Teacher, and
of guards to protect them. a Prophet. Those who did not were hunted for sport in
the feeding ground by the Aegis, Sir Alistair.
Sabbah’s true agenda, however, ran much deeper. With
the gold and silver flowing, he bribed and persuaded The initiates who showed potential as assassins were
merchants, soldiers and aristocrats, and built a web of drilled to perfection by the Aegis and the Sayyidina, to
shadows - the first footsteps of the Order. be the perfect weapons. The ones who were not up to
the challenge were sent off to the cities and caravans
The Rise of the Hashashins of the Silk Road, to be the eyes and ears of the Order.
During his time as the governor, Sabbah has As the order expanded in number and in force, they
frequently climbed the mountains to wander the halls started taking down aristocrats and merchants,
of the broken husk of Castle Alamut. The reason why soldiers and the members of the clergy - at the same
eluded many of his colleagues and his charges now time framing their victims as corrupt and hedonistic.
take it as a sign of his prophetic future. Piece by piece, the Silk Road and the Seljuk Empires
fell to a state of paranoia, with the city guard unable
The real reason, however, was the fact that Hasan to fight back against a shadow army. If captured, the
Sabbah had come upon a crumbled section of the indoctrinated, intoxicated, and highly ideological
castle trapped under rubble - with a voice coming assassins of the Order would off themselves or even
deep from within. Speaking in Latin, the voice their own so as not to let loose secrets. In truth, the
offered the wisdom of an old warrior in exchange Empire would have collapsed much more easily if not
for companionship. The one speaking was none for the old friend of Hasan Sabbah, Nizam-al Mulk
other than Sir Alistair, the future Aegis of Alamut, - who was not yet aware of the real identity of the
and the First Harbinger of the Order. Unable to die, Sayyidina.
and stuck in eternal darkness, Sir Alistair cherished
the opportunity to talk to another along with the fact Hasan Sabbah has also used his power and arcane
that his conversation partner was one of the most prowess to breach into Al-Ghaib - to harness the
intelligent and talented men to walk the Earth. After power of the Djinnkind. His first feat was to conjure
a mutual understanding was established, Alistair a cure for Sir Alistair, a concoction that would, albeit
told Sabbah of his curse - and Sabbah presented temporarily, bring life to his undead body - one thing
a potential arcane solution, drawn from his years that would buy the unending loyalty of the Aegis.
researching Al-Ghaib. Sabbah, in turn, talked of his Sayyidina has also attempted to draw power from
desire for vengeance, and a better world free of rulers' Al-Ghaib, to push his body to perform even more
selfish whims. inhuman feats of arcane and physical power.

The result of countless days of planning, plotting, and The assassins were able to recruit some very gifted
scheming was the idea of an Order; built in shadow individuals, whom the Aegis and the Sayyidina took
and secrecy. Its ranks would be filled with only the a personal interest in - the First Harbingers. Their
most loyal and most capable, wielding manipulation training was significantly harsher, and tasks they
and fear as weapons, striking only if necessary but to were given, once ready, were the most critical. Each
devastating effect. mastered a distinct area of assassinations - and all
within the Order knew that it was through these
The work began immediately after their plan was Harbingers that their Eden would expand across the
formed. Sabbah, using his gift of manipulation, face of the Earth. Hasan Sabbah also took it upon
sought out the most oppressed of the society and himself to ensure the loyalty of his Harbingers through
indoctrinated them into the order. With the wealth exploiting any and all traumas they may have had to
flowing through the newly built trade routes, Sabbah his benefit: a desire for validation, fear of loneliness,
paid for the rebuilding of Castle Alamut. and much more.

The First Harbingers After decades of intricate design, plotting, and

As the rubble of Castle Alamut cleared, Sir Alistair training, the Order of Hashashins were ready, to enact
was freed from the stone shackles that kept him Sabbah’s - their Sayyidina’s - vengeance, to take over
entombed. Sabbah brought gifts - intoxicated men to the governments of the Silk Road, to bring down the
be used as blood sacrifices - to quench the thirst of his corrupt and the fickle, to ensure an everlasting piece
first Harbinger. - safeguarded not by the dull blades and corroded
Sir Alistair took on the role of Aegis, guardian of the shields of millions of conscripted soldiers, but by the
Castle Alamut, teaching the indoctrinated members subtle touch of the dagger.
of the Hashashin Order how to fight. Sabbah, on the
other hand, took an even more grandiose scheme. He
cultivated what he called the Garden of Eden inside
Castle Alamut - to be the showcase of his vision for


The Betrayal Sabbah journeyed back to Alamut after being buried

The masterplan was set to break any resistance to the in the ditch for days. The grim resolve of Sir Alistair
Hashashin Order, a new world would rise out of the met him, knowing that their supposedly inevitable
Seljuk Empire collapsing from their ever increasing plan broke down, The Harbingers and many of the
paranoia. A series of assassinations of the highest Order’s initiates and sympathizers had been killed
ranking officials of the Seljuk Empire was planned. and captured, and to this day, no one, including Hasan
With one fell strike, the Order would take out those Sabbah, knows if the Aegis of Alamut suspects him.
who were deemed to be corrupt, or in-convincible and The two men did not speak much of their failure, but
replace them with initiates and sympathizers. Each spoke in detail of how they will rebuild, and try again.
Harbinger, except the Aegis who would guard Alamut After all, it was the same two that built the Order from
against any potential counter offensives, was assigned the crumbled ruins of Alamut in the first place.
a target of the highest importance. The Sayyidina
himself would commit the first assassination, tasked The Return & the Second Harbingers
with killing the most important man of the Empire, Aegis and Sabbah silently rebuilt their Order for
Nizam al-Mulk, his old friend. decades, this time, much more carefully - biding their
time as the history and politics of the world brushed
On the faithful night of the first kill, Sabbah deftly past them. Within the shadows of war in the west, and
infiltrated the House of Wisdom, where he expected in the north, they found suitable candidates to replace
to find Nizam al-Mulk off guard. At the onset, it their Harbingers. One of these new initiates to the
seemed as such; his victim could not be aware of Harbingers, a child, rekindled the Sayyidina’s passion
the Master Assassin: his every move was perfectly for drawing power from Al-Ghaib.
calculated, inhumanly silent, and was powered not
by the mundane or even arcane powers of this world, Sefir, a child prodigy raised from childhood to not only
but by the powers of the Al-Ghaib. This specific detail, be a Harbinger, but an heir, a son, to the Sayyidina. He
however, along with the repressed humanity still was fiercely loyal to the creed of the Order, and his gift
flickering inside the Sayyidina, became his downfall. for arcane research was beyond any Sabbah had seen
in his long life. Combining their understanding of the
Sabbah positioned himself for the only strike he Al-Ghaib, the father and the son frequently breached
would need, a precision cut with no hope of recovery the veil, albeit momentarily, to seek a potent source
for the unaware. Yet, Nizam al-Mulk was aware. What of power. Their occult plan was to bind a powerful
Hasan Sabbah did not know was that his old friend member of the Djinnkind, to harvest the essence of
had been recruited as a member of the Satraps, an this otherworldly being. The breakthrough came
ancient cabal whose duty was to ensure the corrupting with the discovery of a curious species - a mothlike
influence of the Al-Ghaib would not breach this world. creature that can produce silk that was once used in
The Satrap’s power did catch Sayyidina by surprise; another binding spell two millennia ago.
however what broke him was his voice.
The moth and the Djinn were drawn to this world with
“Old friend…” he said. “…wouldn’t your Eden be a lie, if immense arcane cost, and the moth started to build a
it blossomed from the blood of your brother?” cocoon around the otherworldly being. Their plan was
a resounding success - and the power of the Al-Ghaib
Sabbah’s blade hesitated - a mistake the man who was was laid bare for the Order to exploit. The Choir of Al-
deservedly called The Embodied Order of the Empire Ghaib, an elixir of immense power, was brewed and
punished severely: The dagger of the Master Assassin perfected by Sefir, the last gift of the prodigious son
broke free from his hand as the Satrap used his to his father.
powers to disarm the man who opened up his body
to Al-Ghaib and the boot-falls of the Guard were fast With the Mongolian Khaganate rising in power, the
approaching. Empires of the Silk Road were crumbling before
the Order’s very eyes. The time for the Hashashin’s
“An accord then, brother.” Sayyidina said through Resurrection was at hand. Sayyidina knew this, the
bared his teeth. “My life, in exchange for the life of all Aegis knew this, the Harbingers knew this - another
my blades at your Empire’s neck.” plan had to be crafted. This time, the Order would
appear not as the enemy to the people of Silk Road,
Nizam al-Mulk was intrigued yet pushed his luck: “I but as their savior - the Khaganate’s war machine was
will also proclaim you, dead.” The Satrap continued, the perfect black omen to unite people with. Nothing
“The realm needs reprieve.” could stop the Order, as stopping the Order soon
would mean death at the hand of the Mongolian Army.
With the clanking of the armor of the Seljuk watch
masters ever closing in, the Master of Alamut The Son’s Flight
shamefully accepted the deal. Let loose with a heavy Sefir found out about the first Harbingers, the betrayal
breath the location of each Harbinger, a betrayal that at the House of Wisdom, and the lies his master, his
none other than he should ever know. With magic they father, told to the new members of his order, that he
feigned his death, presenting his torn body for the told him. The fact that only deception and treason
Guard to find and throw into a ditch outside of the lay at the heart of the Hashashin Order’s Eden -
city walls. was learned from none other than Nizam al-Mulk,
imprisoned but a short while ago, within the close


confines of Hasan Sabbah’s quarters where none Perhaps the best chance to roleplay as the Sayyidina
other than Sayyidina could reach. is presented in Baghdad, as he ascends in House of
Wisdom. After the ceremony, he will approach the
So, he fled - and took away his gift to his father. The party - albeit he will choose his words very carefully
Moth Mother he found drifting in the void, he drew to as they are restrained by the social burden of the
our world, and raised - a creature of immense beauty situation they are in. He appears extremely convinced
- had to be put down. As his last act of filial defiance that he is on a righteous path - he and his order only
within Alamut, he drew the blood of his prize animal - kill if it is absolutely necessary, and he remarks at
whose Silk was the thing that bound the Djinn to this the bloodshed that is caused by the Empires and
world. Without these binds, soon, the Djinn would potentially even the Party resulted in more lives lost
be drawn back to Al-Ghaib, and the Choir, the elixir than the entire operation of the Hashashin Order.
that empowers the Hashashins to capabilities beyond He will lament the death of his Harbingers, his sons
humankind, was gone. and daughters - but grants forgiveness if the party
promises to relent. Finally, he will appeal to the party’s
The worst realization for the Sayyidina was the sense of justice, telling the story of how his father was
withdrawal that Harbingers would suffer from when executed on the whims of asinine rulers, and how that
they were left without the Choir for a prolonged time. shaped him into who he is.

The Final Gambit of the Hashashin If the party manages to throw him off his rant with
Right before the game starts, the Sayyidina, the Aegis, clever wordplay or a higher understanding of politics,
and the rest of the Harbingers have come up with one however, he will show a very different character: He
last plan - betting their Eden, their order, and their will explain, in great detail that the party will meet
lives in one final gambit. their end as the villains in this story; that he, his
assassins and surviving Harbingers will take great
The Satraps have to die - for there is one other way to pride and joy in torturing the party, their loved ones,
bind a Djinn to Alamut, but the Satraps’ interference and even associates - and that the party is powerless
would be catastrophic. Then, the Order must appear as to stop him.
the protector of the Silk Road against the Khaganate.
With this plan in mind the new Harbingers were Combat Tactics
assigned targets and left Alamut.
It would provide the best outcomes for the party to
However, before their work could begin, the Sayyidina only have a chance to strike at Sabbah at the final
needed one more death - the demise of his son, his bastion in Castle Alamut, as any other situation
heir was at hand. would be socially, and power-wise, would certainly be
Roleplaying as Hasan Sabbah
Once physically confronted, Sabbah will use his
Hasan Sabbah appears to confront the party in several abilities to teleport around the battlefield and take
sections of the game. down high impact characters first; most likely mages
and healers. If put in actual danger, the surviving
The first time he appears is under the guise of Al- assassins would be willing to even put their own flesh
Himyari, a modest doctor that Ibn-i Sina resorts to between the party’s blows - with no regard for their
when trying to solve the mystery behind the plague lives.
that is afflicting Samarkand.
If he understands that the fight he is in is the final
Here, Hasan Sabbah acts far from his true personality fight of the entire Hashashin Order - he commits his
- he acts just like a curious scientist would, deceptively entire life to it, considering retreat an impossibility.
dismissive of the party - yet he internally judges each He considers this act an atonement of his cowardice
member of the party. Once he opens the eyes of the years ago when he first confronted Nizam al-Mulk.
party to the location of Sefir - he will do anything to
convince them to take him out: Appeal to their sense The Modus Operandi of the Hashashin
of justice, offer rewards, titles, riches. This is a small
gateway into his mind: he does not want to encounter
his prodigious son - he does not want his lie to be
Aegis and Sayyidina understood the nature of politics,
heard out loud, to his face.
and of communities better than their contemporaries.
They knew that the members of an organization that
The next time Hasan Sabbah appears is during the act
outstretched itself could not be truly indoctrinated.
in Isfahan when he shows up with the previous Khan’s
So, a radical path was necessary.
severed head. The party won’t likely have the chance
to interact with him - yet the GM will have a full scene
The Hashashin Order draws its strength through the
to roleplay as Sayyidina. He should sound confident,
power it projects, not the power it holds. There have
defiant, and heroic - he puts himself forward as the
never been more than hundred initiates - assassins
man who will free the people of Silk Road from the
and operators included. Each is known and frequently
Khaganate’s yoke - as the head he hoists proves.
checked by the higher ranking members within the


organization - usually the Harbingers. Such a lowly And ultimately, when Hasan Sabbah’s own life was in
number would have normally meant nothing for the danger - he chose his skin, rather than the success of
vast Empires of the Silk Road - if not for the fact that his Order, as he condemned the first Harbingers.
Hasan Sabbah has devised another way to cripple
and control societies: Fear. None other than Hasan Sabbah and Sir Alistair know
of these dark truths hidden within the heart of the
The Order’s modus operandi is to plan public, and Order, except Sefir - who would be slayed at the hand
gruesome assassinations to instill fear amidst a of the adventurers; and Nizam al-Mulk, who is tucked
population - and leave false trails of corruption and away within the confines of the Sayyidina’s private
treason among the courts. The gnawing fear that chambers.
the next neck to be pierced by a dagger could be his
drives a man to the fraying edges of paranoia - so The Perceptions of the Sayyidina & the
that he would see assassins behind every shadow,
every person. So, with a few whispers, a forged letter
dropped at the right corridor, and a public display of
1- At the moment of the Game’s start, most people
violence and gore; a city could be brought to heel with
have long forgotten the reign of terror under the First
nothing but a few dedicated, professional members of
Harbingers, as this era came into a definitive closure
the Order.
with the supposed death of Hasan Sabbah at the hand
of Nizam al-Mulk.
Let adventurers and heroes think that they are facing
a grand army of operators, let them feel that walls
At this point, if asked, only the old and the enthusiast
have ears, that they are not safe even in the confines
of history would speak of the Assassins of Alamut,
of their own minds - when in reality they are fighting
and they would curse the name and the ground that
shadows, dust and smoke. Use fear to distract, to
they once walked on.
dismay, to dishearten, and to destroy.
2- As the game progresses, things start to change.
The Belief in Eden Assassins grow bolder, and start killing off governors,
merchants, and soldiers. However, their targets are
Each and every member of the order, save the almost always those who are corrupt and callous - the
Sayyidina, and perhaps the Aegis, would die fighting public stirs, old wounds reopen and the fear of the
for the Eden that their Master showed them. Hashashin Order is rekindled.

The ideology of the Hashashin Order is to condemn At this point, most people would say that the Assassins’
the fickleness and capriciousness of the human return is yet another cataclysmic event that the people
nature that rulers have often possess - no doubt this of the Silk Road are damned with. However, the most
is an idea the roots in Hasan Sabbah’s mind as his oppressed would faintly whisper that they approve of
father was executed for doing what he thought was the killings.
right by asinine aristocrats.
3- The flipping point of the public perception is
As a student of the arcane, Sabbah has managed to when Hasan Sabbah appears at the gates of Alamut,
momentarily break the veil between this world and hoisting the cut head of the Ogedei, the Conqueror
that of the Al-Ghaib, and saw the supposed splendor Khan, the Butcher of Samarkand.
the Djinnkind dwell in. A world without change, a
world without death, a world that lacked the explosive The crowd is torn - the politically savvy know that
emotions that death instill within a human heart - a these acts have sealed their fate as the Khanate
world where immortal empires can be built without would surely punish such a horrific insult. However,
the fear that centuries would break them apart. what many people are saying, out loud, is that with
the Death of Ogedei, the Khanate had to retreat back
So he became a prophet for this vision - he cultivated to the steppes. This is half correct, as their armies
his Garden of Eden using the essence he gathered stopped to wait for the Ascension of the New Khan
each of them he ventured deep into Otherworld, the from the Kurultai.
Al-Ghaib. This Garden of Eden would be his proof
that he is not at all a false prophet, but a Herald of the 4- The true legitimization of the Sayyidina occurs as
change that will come. the old Caliph is either killed or taken off the power
as he fails to stop the Khanate’s incursion. The new
In truth, this vision is shrouded in lies and deception caliph, a hidden Harbinger, grants Sabbah the title of
that no one but the first two members of this order Protector of the Realm amidst thunderous applause.
know: Sabbah, and Sir Alistair. Sayyidina intoxicates Only the most cunning amidst the public sees the ruse
his initiates as they enter his Eden, stripping them of the Assassins of Alamut, yet they are afraid to say
of their reason and infusing them with a shard of Al- anything as they fear a dagger piercing their neck in
Ghaib’s essence. Even more damning is the fact that the dark of the night.
the narrative of the Eden is used to garner support of
the oppressed, the downtrodden.


Hasan Sabbah
Medium humanoid, neutral evil

Armor Class 20 (Studded Leather +2) damage if he succeeds on the saving throw,
Hit Points 153 (18d8 + 72) and only half damage if he fails.
Speed 45 ft.
Mortal Strike. If Hasan Sabbah scores a hit to
a surprised, unconscious or an incapacitated
creature, the creature must succeed on a DC 18
15 (+2) 23 (+6) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 19 (+4) 20 (+5)
Constitution saving throw or take 50 (10d10)
extra damage of the same type with the weapon.
Saving Throws Dex +11, Int +10, Wis +9, Cha On a successful save it takes half of the damage.
Skills Acrobatics +16, Stealth +16, Perception Innate Spellcasting. Hasan Sabbah can
+14, Insight +11, Sleight of Hand +16 innately cast these spells (spellcasting ability
Senses devil’s sight 150 ft., Passive Perception CHA, +9 to hit, DC 18):
24, truesight 30 ft.
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened At will: sacred flame, resistance, disguise self,
Damage Resistances psychic, fire misty step
Damage Immunities poison 3/day: alter self, bane, shield, guiding bolt, sleep,
Languages Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Kurdish, identify, tongues
Greek, Latin, Mongolian 1/day: blur, heat metal, fear, freedom of
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) or 14 (11,500 XP) movement, dimension door, teleport
when encountered in Alamut
Proficiency Bonus +5 Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Hasan
Sabbah fails a saving throw, he can choose to
Divine Step. Hasan Sabbah can cast misty step succeed instead.
spell at will.
Master of Skills. Hasan Sabbah can’t roll below
10 for the skills that he is proficient in. Any roll Multiattack. Hasan Sabbah makes three melee
that is 9 or below counts as 10. attacks.

Elixir of Alamut. This magical elixir grants Vajra-Mushti. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit,
Hasan Sabbah the inhuman abilities such as 23 one target, reach 5 ft., Hit: 16 (3d6 + 6) piercing
DEX, truesight, devil’s sight, innate spellcasting damage plus 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. The
and Legendary Resistance. target must make a Constitution saving throw
(DC 14) or be poisoned until the end of Hasan
Master of the Castle. Castle Alamut identifies Sabbah’s next turn.
Hasan Sabbah as its master and uses its features
according to his will. Hasan Sabbah can use the
Legendary Actions
mirrors and other reflective surfaces to see what
is going on at Alamut and in a 10-mile radius.
Casting a Spell. Hasan Sabbah casts a spell.
The First Hashashin. Hasan Sabbah has the
Attack. Hasan Sabbah makes a melee attack.
following benefits:
Move. Hasan Sabbah moves using his walking
D Hasan Sabbah can take disengage, dash, or
hide actions as a bonus action.

D If Hasan Sabbah can see the attacker when

he takes damage, he can use his reaction to
halve the damage. In addition, when Hasan
Sabbah is subjected to an effect that allows
him to make a Dexterity saving throw to
take only half damage, he instead takes no


Sefir - The Grand Alchemist of Alamut

Introduction We were not the first Harbingers! They were left to die
by Hasan Sabbah, our Father, the False Prophet of a
I am Sefir, a man once named Mansur al-Yaman, False Eden! I will burn the world he wishes to rule
now the Grand Alchemist of Alamut. I was the pillar over, so that not a sprout of his heaven could grow
that the Hashashins rest on and the Archon of the on its desolation, not a drop of his rain could wet its
Harbingers of Hasan Sabbah. I served, with unending scorched sands.
loyalty, to my Sayyidina, one who took me in, one who
was like a father to me, one who betrayed me and my I am no longer the man I used to be - I am dying for the
siblings. revenge I swore. But I made sure that Hasan Sabbah
and my blind siblings will suffer the same fate as I
In his name I have looked beyond the veil and have.
witnessed the deadly wonders of the otherworldly
realm. Some whisper its name with fear, some despise I am Sefir, the Grand Alchemist of Alamut, a Rebel to
its nature, but I see the potential of the unknown the Hashashin Order - and my vengeance is nigh, and
plane. You mention the name of Al-Ghaib in fear, I inevitable!
know the power that lies there.
Sefir’s Past
I devised many weapons for Hasan Sabbah, but not
in crude, predictable forms of blades and cudgels. As an orphan, Mansur was discovered by the
The weapons I created would have made Ibn Sina, Hashashin Order and was taken to be raised in an
the greatest physician the world has ever seen, feel orphanage called Hikmet-i Sehab. Bookish and sickly,
useless, childishly helpless. I weaved the otherworldly his early life was full of him being the underdog in
wonder, the Silk, after I witnessed its power with my fights between children like him. However, he had one
own eyes, and empowered the Eden of Alamut, so that of the brightest minds, a remarkable affinity with the
we would rival the armies of Michael and Lucifer. arcane, and a cynical understanding of how the world
really works. His talents were quickly discovered by
For my loyalty and unquestioning faith, I suffered the the headmaster of the orphanage.
fate of Lucifer. Cast out, hounds - my siblings - sent
after me. I learned the horrible treachery behind my Being discovered as gifted in the orphanage is the
life’s work and my very soul. I left everything behind second worst thing that could happen to a child taken
and took my so-called father’s power away with me. by the Hashashin. The first is not being discovered.


Mansur grew to despise his first master. The called to treat the ancient Vizier. Although the entire
headmaster of the orphanage was a cruel and abusive process was overseen by Sabbah so that the old man
teacher. He didn’t take mistakes lightly and punished couldn’t let loose any secrets, Sefir took a vial of blood
children quickly and severely. As Mansur’s potential for research purposes. This vial of blood, combined
was higher than all, he was treated the harshest. with the Lantern, and a curiosity into his father’s past,
Hidden in this treatment was the understanding opened the Alchemist’s eyes.
between the Headmaster and the Master of the
Hashashin Order. Sabbah sensed the potential in The treason of his father, laid bare as Sefir saw
the young Mansur, and wanted to bind him with through Nizam al-Mulk’s eyes in the night where his
unbreakable loyalty. The orphanage would be father tried to assassinate him. Broken, Sefir killed
Mansur’s horrifying past that Sabbah helped him out the Moth Mother, and fled Alamut - swearing revenge.
of, and Alamut would be his home where none dare
touch him. A testament to Sabbah’s willingness and Roleplaying as Sefir
ability to manipulate.
The story doesn’t give the players many opportunities
Mansur was personally picked from the orphanage to interact with Sefir, as he has become, not unjustly,
by Hasan Sabbah after a brutal punishment from paranoid that Hasan Sabbah and the Hashashins will
the headmaster was halted by the direct order of the be coming after him. Thus, Sefir won’t take the time
Sayyidina. Mansur was given a personal room in the to communicate with the adventurers. He will strike
Alamut, a luxury given to a very few, and everything down anyone who tries to breach his sanctum.
he may ever need for experimenting with Arcane
powers and Al-Ghaib. If Sefir has a chance to communicate with the
adventurers, he will be grim, brief, and paranoid about
Hasan Sabbah spent his days with Mansur for years, their intentions. His intelligence may present itself if
teaching him everything he knew, and together, the conversation is about scholarly or arcane matters,
devising ways to harness more power. Mansur was as his knowledge is deep in those subjects.
the prodigal son the Master of the Order needed, an
heir, a mind that brought him a greater weapon than
Combat Tactics
he could ever muster.
Sefir relies on his arcane powers and his lantern for
For his success, Sabbah proclaimed Mansur his heir
combat. He will try to avoid close range threats and
and his son, gave him the name Sefir, and the title of
try to eliminate those who could harm him the most.
Archon of Harbingers. What is tragic is that, although
their relationship was built on lies and manipulation,
In combat, he will most likely activate the green aura
Sabbah truly saw Sefir as his son.
of his lantern and focus his chill touch cantrip while
trying to keep out of melee warriors’ range. He will
On a fateful night, Sefir was called upon by his father
use teleportation skills to gain an edge during combat
for a secret task. Hidden in Hasan Sabbah’s tower
as running away in his condition looks like a low
was Nizam al-Mulk, a prisoner, and the Sayyidina’s
only friend. Suffering an arcane sickness, Sefir was


Medium humanoid, neutral evil

Armor Class 16 (Robe of Sihr) illusions glimmer with a faint white aura
Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24) around them.
Speed 25 ft.
D Crimson Aura: One target within 5 ft. It
erases all feelings of pain for 10 minutes.
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
Innate spellcasting. Sefir’s spellcasting ability
is Charisma (DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks)
Saving Throws Wis +4, Cha +5 and can innately cast the following spells,
Skills Arcana +7, Perception +4, Deception +5, requiring no material component:
Medicine +6
Resistances necrotic At will: chill touch, poison spray, shillelagh,
Immunities poison minor illusion
Senses Passive Perception 14, Sight of 3/day: color spray, guiding bolt, bane,
the Ghaib 120 ft., devil’s sight 120 ft. detect magic, detect poison and disease
Languages Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Mongolian 1/day: misty step, flame blade, cure wounds
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2 Actions
Lantern of Sefir. It requires attunement. It Multiattack. Sefir can attack twice with his
has three different auras that can be activated Dagger of Alamut. It can replace one of the
by using a bonus action. Only one aura can be dagger attacks with Bloodburn.
active at a time, and each aura sheds a different
color of light. It can be used for 1 minute. When Dagger of Alamut (+1). Melee Weapon Attack:
its uses are expended, it is recharged at dawn. +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3)
Other times, it can still be used as a hooded piercing, plus 2 (1d4) poison damage. It forces
lantern and need no fuel. the target to make a DC 13 Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, it becomes poisoned for
D Green Aura: 20 ft radius aura. Each the next minute. At the end of each of its turns,
creature that starts its turn there or enters the poisoned target can repeat the saving throw.
it for the first time must succeed on a DC 13
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, Bloodburn. Melee Spell Attack: +5 to hit, reach
it takes 2d6 poison damage and becomes 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 bludgeoning damage. If
poisoned for 1 minute. On a success, it the target is poisoned, it removes the poisoned
takes half damage but is not poisoned. condition on the target and deals 7 (3d4)
necrotic damage.
D Yellow Aura: 20 ft. radius aura. In its light,
invisible creatures become visible and



Kafender Japeth - The Skinwalker

of Khorasan

Introduction Kafender persevered. They were a true survivor, born

of the earth and forged in the fires of hardship.
I had seen no more than seven summers before my
family abandoned me on the streets of Nishapur, With limbs that twisted and contorted at will, Kafender
Khorasan. Alone, scared and hungry, I cried for days slipped silently through the shadows of Samarkand's
on end, with no one to care for me. orphanage. Their body moved like a serpent,
undulating, and bending to navigate the narrowest of
I saw no more than eight summers before I stopped spaces, evading detection with each breath.
blaming my old family. I was sick, my body decayed
away in the face of the sun, my bones were so For a year, Kafender Japeth remained hidden within
infirm, they were not even stiff enough to break. To the orphanage, a silent observer, learning the habits
keep me alive would have been a burden for them and mannerisms of those around them. As they
and discarding an already dying mouth to feed, was watched, they began to understand the intricacies
logical. Though my condition made living very hard, it of human behavior, to mimic the lives of those they
had its curious uses; for one, it made surviving easy. encountered.
I could crawl through the smallest crack, to steal, to
hide, and to listen. I listened to the fiercest of brawls, With each passing day, Kafender grew more adept at
the brightest of debates, the most intimate whispers, their deception. He started preying on the children
to learn what it was like for other people. of the orphanage, killing, and taking on their identity
with chilling accuracy. Though some may have sensed
I saw no more than nine summers before my life that something was off about their friend, Kafender
took an unexpected turn. In Samarkand I found was careful to choose those who had no other.
an orphanage where I could find shelter and food.
Naturally, I knew I wouldn’t be allowed in with my skin And so, Kafender played their game, moving through
rash and tumors, so I snuck in. The people here were the orphanage like a ghost, leaving a trail of death
much more observant than the world outside, but not in their wake. To those around them, they were a
observant enough to catch me. I fed and slept in the friend and confidant, but in truth, they were a master
dark nooks and crannies within the Orphanage. Until manipulator, using their unnatural abilities to lure in
he, my master, saw me there amidst a crowd of the the unsuspecting and vulnerable.
When Sayyidina visited the orphanage - he alone
I saw no more than ten summers before I was given a realized that something was not right. He saw
home by Sayyidina, my Master, where I wouldn’t have Kafender hiding in the shadows and approached
to sneak in. I was taught ways to use my body that I them. Extremely pleased with Kafender’s ability, he
thought would never be possible. I was taught how to personally took Kafender with him back to Alamut.
kill, and I was taught to make sure that no kill went
to waste. Sabbah wanted Kafender’s loyalty, so he gave them
something that they never experienced before -
Kafender Japeth’s Past love. Kafender was wined and dined, was bestowed
honors and titles, and Sabbah made sure everyone
In the sprawling land of Khorasan, amidst fields of understood how much he cared for Kafender by
golden wheat, there came to be a child born with a immediately, publicly, and brutally executing anyone
body that was twisted and marred. Kafender Japeth who insulted their appearance. In truth, the insults
was this child's name, and though fate had dealt them were actually incentivized by Sabbah, to build a lie
a cruel hand, their spirit remained unbroken. around Kafender. To show that none loved them,
except for their Sayyidina.
The people of Khorasan shunned the sickly and the
weak, so Kafender was left to fend for themselves in Character Progression
a world that showed them no mercy. Yet with each
passing day, they learned to navigate this harsh For their final mission, Kafender was given the order
existence, their bones bending but never breaking. to sniff out the Satrap in Merv, and kill them. They
set their sights on the Gassal - a cemetery worker
In this time of great uncertainty, where even the whose appearance and life they would soon steal.
slightest hint of disease was enough to inspire dread, The Gassal had a reputation for being abusive and


difficult, treating his wife with callous indifference had never known before except with Sabbah. One
and leaving chaos in his wake. final mission for their master, and they were going to
build a life here.
With a calculated plan in place, Kafender made
their move. They assumed the identity of the Gassal, Roleplaying As Kafender Japeth
taking on his appearance and mannerisms with eerie
accuracy. For a time, they lived as the Gassal had, Even though Kafender takes on an identity with
leaving messes in every room and demanding ‘his’ impeccable accuracy, they have one tell. Order
wife clean up after him without rest. is essential to Kafender Japeth. It is their anchor
in a world that is chaotic and unpredictable. No
However, as time passed, Kafender began to feel matter whom they impersonate, they always let this
something they had never experienced before - characteristic shine through.
empathy for the woman who had been trapped in
this toxic relationship. They began to see the world Even in their brief impersonations, those around
through her eyes, to understand the pain she must them could see the cleanliness they established in
have endured under the Gassal's thumb. even the small details. Their appearance was always
polished and put together, their surroundings neat
Kafender let his true nature shine through. They and tidy. For Kafender, this attention to detail was
became tidy and considerate, treating the Gassal's more than just a quirk - it was a necessity. It gave them
wife with a kindness and dignity that she had never a sense of purpose and meaning in a world that often
experienced before. At first, she was taken aback by felt senseless and cruel.
the sudden change in behavior, but as they spent more
time together, she knew that something was different.
Combat Tactics
It could not be her husband that lay with her every
Due to their shapechanging abilities, Kafender will
night, so she felt no fear, for she knew that the true
most likely plan their attacks beforehand. If they are
monster was gone. In his place was a man who loved
able to kill a party member and have conducted their
her deeply, no matter who he was. And so, they began
special ritual, they can assume the form of that person
a new life together, one filled with happiness and joy,
to shake the party’s morale in combat.
free from the shackles of abuse and fear.
They will most likely secure advantageous points,
For Kafender, this was their final act of redemption, a
such as heights, and focus on the weakest members
chance to make things right and to use their unnatural
first to eliminate enemies quickly. They will seek out
abilities for good. In the end, when they found out the
ways to run away from close combat to avoid falling
wife knew they were not her husband anymore, they
into enemy hands or endangering their further duties
found not only redemption, but love, a love that they
to the Sayyidina.


Kafender Japeth
Medium humanoid (shapechanger), lawful evil

Armor Class 18 (Studded Leather Armor +1) action for Use an Object action, such as drinking
Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27) a potion.
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.
Potion of Greater Invisibility (2 total). The
drinker is under the effects of greater invisibility
spell for 1 minute.
8 (-1) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) /
17 (+3)
Potion of Invisibility (5 total). This potion's
container looks empty but feels as though it
Saving Throws Dex +8, Int +4, Wis +5 holds liquid. When Kafender drinks it, they
Skills Acrobatics +8, Perception +8, Deception become invisible for 1 hour. Anything they wear
+4/+9, Sleight of Hand +8 or carry is invisible with them. The effect ends
Senses darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 18 early if they attack or cast a spell.
Languages Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Mongolian
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Bag of Holding. Kafender Japeth carries almost
Proficiency Bonus +3 all of their clothes, poisons, weapons and similar
possessions in a Bag of Holding, resembling a
Shifter Weapon. This weapon can take any plain old bag.
form as a bonus action that is a melee weapon
and must not carry special properties. It has +1 Innate Spellcasting. Kafender Japeth’s innate
bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls. spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC
13). Kafender Japeth can innately cast the
Shapechange Ritual. Kafender Japeth can following spells:
start a 1-hour ritual on a dead person (must be
a humanoid) to assume their form. The ritual At will: minor illusion, mending
must be cast within 10 ft. of the dead humanoid, 3/day: silent image, charm person, command
and it must be dead no more than a day. After the 1/day: hold person, misty step
ritual is complete, Kafender can assume their
form, and their voice by using an action (Only Actions
Charisma score changes and their size may vary
according to the creature). Kafender can change Multiattack. Kafender Japeth makes two attacks
form into any creature using this ritual. While with the Shifter Weapon or Hand Crossbow.
not in their true form, their Charisma score is
17 and can’t roll below 10 in a Charisma check. Shifter Weapon. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to
hit, one target, reach 5 ft. Hit: (Weapon’s damage
Deadly Attack (1/Turn) . Kafender Japeth deals die) +6 plus 2d6 damage of the same damage
2d6 extra damage on their turns if they hit the type if this is the second hit on the same turn.
creature a second time that turn.
Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to
Swift. Kafender Japeth can take disengage or hit, one target, range 30/120 ft. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5)
dash actions as a bonus action on each of their piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) piercing damage if
turns. In addition, Kafender can use their bonus this is the second hit on the same turn.



Kannas Adam - Hellhound of Zagros

Introduction hunter among the woods. He craved companionship,

but he never belonged to either side: neither the
I am Kannas - the wind that sends chills down humans nor the beasts. There he chose the violent
your spine, the monster that lurks in the wilds, the delights of loneliness–with no one by his side he was
embodiment of your deepest fears. I am the one who at the top of the food chain, and savagery became his
steals your last breath, the one who haunts your true nature. The sickening loneliness that plagued
nightmares. I am the wild spirit that roams alone in him only grew stronger, a constant reminder of the
deserts and mountains, hungry and focused. isolation he felt in a world that would never accept
Within this life I found humanity in the company of
only one - Sayyidina, my savior, my master. He sees The emir who ruled over the forest Kannas frequented,
me for who I am, a man, not an animal. With each life desperate to end the constant attacks that had left his
I take, I sense a jigsaw piece falling into place in me, I trade routes in ruin, took it upon himself to eliminate
move away from being a beast of prey, to being a man Kannas. However, the attempts were in vain, and all he
of mission and order. I am being tamed. had to show for his efforts were the severed heads of
his most beloved guards. In a final effort to rid himself
For all that makes me, I am still an endless abyss for of this threat, the emir turned to the trusted expertise
my Master’s enemies, a force of nature that consumes of Hasan Sabbah, a skilled hunter and assassin.
and devours all that crosses my path. Life falls into me,
only to be repeated in an endless cycle of death and Hasan Sabbah saw the potential in Kannas. Instead
rebirth. Therefore, yes, I am Kannas - the monster, the of killing him, he approached Kannas as a friend,
nightmare, the wild spirit. But with Sayyidina's love, I a human being. He invited him to paradise where
am also something more - a being with purpose, an he could be treated as a human, not a monster. He
agent of human change. only needed to be a beast when it came to the safety
of paradise. Only then would he have to turn into a
As I move forward, my every footfall reverberates monster and hunt all his enemies.
through the Earth, a powerful beat that echoes in my
bones. The songs of every bird and the howls of every Roleplaying as Kannas Adam
wolf ring in my ears, a symphony of nature that I alone
am privileged to hear. When the leaves rustle and drift Kannas speaks the language of the wild, where
down to the ground, I am there to witness it, to feel the words are replaced with primal sounds and gestures.
breeze against my skin. Though his vocabulary is limited, he possesses a
deep understanding of nature and communicates
Kannas's Adam’s Past with the world around him in a way that transcends
language. Through simple sentences and expressive
Kannas drew his first breath in agony, emerging into body language, Kannas is able to convey his thoughts
a world colored crimson. The mark his unfortunate and needs to others, speaking a language that all
birth left upon his soul never faded, a blood red stain living things can understand. Although he learned
that lingered throughout his days. It began when to become more human in Alamut, he was always
Kannas' mother, a humble merchant's wife, ventured ordered to act in the shadows, mostly hidden from
far from home in search of her absent husband. Heavy regular Hashashins. That’s why he will only act like a
with child, she braved the perils of the road alone. human around Hasan Sabbah.
However, fate had dark designs, and she found herself
surrounded by monsters, eventually falling prey to the Combat Tactics
savagery of the bitter world.
Due to his strength and size, Kannas does not use
As Kannas' mother breathed her last, a wolf among weapons aside from bolas and overcomes adversaries
the woods caught her scent, and with a pack at its through raw power.
heels, they pounced upon her womb. The grisly scene
that followed saw Kannas born into a world of tooth
and claw, surrounded by feral kin. For many years, he
roamed the wilds, thinking himself a wolf of the pack,
a natural hunter within the wild. Yet the time proved
him wrong: he realized he didn’t belong. He was a
hunter for sure, but he was not a wolf of the pack.

Many suns set, many full moons passed by the lonely


Kannas Adam
Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil

Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor) Innate Spellcasting. Kannas Adam’s innate

Hit Points 102 (12d8 + 48) spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14).
Speed 45 ft., climb 30 ft. Kannas Adam can innately cast the following
At will: poison spray, produce flame
21 (+5) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 8 (-1)
3/day: longstrider, speak with animals, fog
cloud, entangle
Saving Throws Str +8, Dex +6, Con +7 1/day: heat metal, spike growth, enlarge/reduce
Skills Athletics +11, Acrobatics +8, Nature +4,
Perception +6, Survival +6 Actions
Resistances poison
Condition immunities frightened, poisoned Multiattack. Kannas makes three wild strikes.
Senses devil’s sight 120 ft., Passive Perception He can change one of these attacks to a Bola
21 Attack.
Languages understands Turkish, Arabic,
Persian but does not speak on choice Wild Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) hit, one target, reach 5 ft. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5)
Proficiency Bonus +3 bludgeoning or piercing damage. Kannas may
choose to grapple the target instead of dealing
Wildborn Warrior. Due to the Elixir of Alamut, damage. If Kannas has a creature grappled, he
Kannas possesses an inhuman strength and has has advantage on attack rolls against it.
a thick skin; also his body can adapt, changing
his limbs into those of animals to gain clawed Bola Attack. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to
appendages. Thus, its Armor Class is 17 and hit, one target, reach 20 ft. Hit: 1 bludgeoning
can use unarmed strikes more proficiently. In damage. The target is restrained. He can be
addition, he has resistance against poison. freed using an action.

Precise Senses. Kannas has advantage on

Perception checks.




Bengü Ilnara - The Red Right Hand

Introduction However, when the caravan they were guarding, one

of the largest in the region, was ambushed, Zulaykha’s
I was born under the name Zulaykha, known to all as life changed. A flight of arrows took down her sister
Bengü Ilnara except to my Sayyidina. I am a warrior and foster father, and Zulaykha, overflowing with
who has never stopped fighting. Life taught me to rage, cut a bloody swathe into the raider that shot the
wield my blade better than all, for in this life my sole arrow. Her battle cry was so fierce, her impervious
purpose is to protect. I failed once, allowed one I held march of death was so adamant, that the brutal
in my heart, my blood, to be torn from me, from this dismemberment of Zulaykha’s sister’s murderer
life. Fate gave me another chance, the emptiness in stopped the fighting and raiders fled. Zulaykha was
my heart was filled by one other, and my purpose was numb to all around her.
Years later, Zulaykha, still very young, took on the
After a descent into madness, I am made whole again. name Bengü İlnara, and was at the head of a small
With the burning passion in my heart, no man who mercenary band. Her skill drew on the gaze of the
walks the earth is my equal in combat. My invictus Master Assassin, Sabbah who wanted a fighter
blade carries the day in the bloodiest of battles, kings of her skill for his Order. The Sayyidina hired the
and emperors rush to pay my tithe, for my name alone band to guard a caravan, a caravan where he would
is a rallying cry. personally travel in. Throughout their journey, Sabbah
approached Bengü as a capable but old man, a father
The lives that the blade of Bengü takes, the miscreants figure Bengü lost twice in her life.
the Banner of the Ilnara crushes, are all for my oath.
For in my heart, I am my Sayyidina’s Zulaykha, and This caravan was ambushed, with a raiding force
none dare touch him as I breathe. more wrathful than any sane caravan guard would
ever expect. All but two survived the carnage - Sabbah
Bengü’s Past and Bengü, with the Assassin Master wounded.
Bengü took care of the old man, and Sabbah asked
Born as Zulaykha, Bengü was born into a farming one of the most important questions of Bengü’s life:
family blessed with many children, She nestled “Would you like to come to Eden with me?”
comfortably in the middle, a bright light among a
dozen siblings. The family’s life was torn asunder, as The truth is, the ambush was planned by Sabbah. He
a tragedy struck their land, a dreadful famine ravaged could have easily broken through the raiders’ ranks
the fields and left their farm desolate. Zulaykha’s without breaking a sweat - but he needed the loyalty
family, already stretched thin, found themselves of the Banner of Ilnara. So, he showed vulnerability,
starving and destitute. Hope dwindled with each one only his Red Right Hand would be able to protect
passing day, until the parents made a fateful decision. him from.

They chose to venture north, to find hope across Roleplaying as Bengü Ilnara
treacherous waters, to join a supposed long-lost uncle
in order to save their family. As they ventured, the Bengü Ilnara is a fierce warrior, with none equal to
parents knew that the rations they carried were not her talent and inhuman reflexes in a duel. She reflects
enough for all the family, so they decided to leave their these abilities in her words and posture. She doesn’t
youngest born daughter behind, Bengü’s sickly little refrain from speaking her mind, pointing out harsh
sister. Bengü didn’t have the heart to leave her, so she truths and fighting for her ideas and desires. She
stayed behind, confronting her parents and watching usually speaks directly, a trait steppe nomads often
them leave with a frozen heart and teary eyes. share.

Although life for Bengü and her sister grew harder As a Hashashin in disguise, Bengü will frequently lie
by the day, as their once-thriving village dwindled to the adventurers, mostly acting as a determined and
to nothingness, leaving them vulnerable to the duty-focused commander dedicated to Sultan Jalal.
perils of a dangerous world, their luck turned when She will, in time, act as if she is getting closer with
a lost caravan stumbled into their desolate house. the adventurers, even forming a bond with them. She
The children were taken in by the Caravan Guard may seem a cold and distant warrior, only focused
impressed by how fierce the sisters were. The siblings on her duties, but she may evolve into a beloved and
traveled from one end of the Silk Road, to the other, trusted companion of the adventurers. She will try to
learning all there is to learn about this world. maintain a good reputation as a swordmaster and a
loyal servant to the Sultanate. These traits aren’t far
The two sisters made a small name for themselves. from the truth–reflecting her true personality, she
knows what true loyalty looks like.


Combat Tactics
Bengü is a magnificent duelist and swordmaster, and
a dangerous enemy in close combat. She may seek
one on one fights with formidable foes and invite
one individual to a duel rather than fighting against a
whole group. If she’s determined and has a strategy to
beat her foes, she will take out the weakest first and
will try to secure an advantage by threatening to kill
the downed party members. She will frequently use
her features to knock enemies prone and try securing
advantageous points where she will feel less cornered.


Bengü Ilnara
Medium humanoid, neutral evil

Armor Class 19 (Studded Leather Armor +1, scores a hit against a creature, she can choose
Defense) one of the options below:
Hit Points 123 (13d8 + 65)
Speed 35 ft. D The creature must succeed on a Strength
saving throw (DC 16) or be knocked prone.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA D The creature must succeed on a Strength
20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) saving throw (DC 16) or drop whatever they
are holding.
Saving Throws Str +8, Dex +8, Con +8
Skills Athletics +8, Acrobatics +8, Stealth +8, D The creature must succeed on a Wisdom
Perception +4, Deception +9 saving throw (DC 16) or be frightened of
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 14 Bengü Ilnara until the end of its next turn.
Languages Turkish, Mongolian, Persian, Arabic
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Actions
Proficiency Bonus +3
Multiattack. Bengü Ilnara makes three Seljuk
Dueling. When Bengü Ilnara wields a melee Saber attacks.
weapon in one hand and no other weapons,
she gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that Seljuk Saber. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
weapon (included in the attack). one target, reach 5 ft., Hit: 13 (2d8 + 7) slashing
or piercing damage. It counts as a magical
Defense. Bengü Ilnara receives +1 bonus to her weapon.
Armor Class while wearing armor.
Bonus Actions
The Weapon’s Perfect Form. When Bengü
Ilnara hits a creature with a melee weapon attack
Warrior’s Breath (Recharge 6). Bengü Ilnara
that deals slashing damage, she can reduce the
uses a bonus action to heal 33 (4d10 + 11) hit
speed of the target by 10 feet until the start of her
next turn. This ability can be used once per turn.
In addition, when Bengü Ilnara scores a critical
hit that deals slashing damage to a creature, she Reactions
grievously wounds it. Until the start of her next
turn, the target has disadvantage on all attack Parry. Bengü Ilnara adds 4 to its AC against
rolls. one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, she
must see the attacker and be wielding a melee
Choir of Al Ghaib. Due to constant usage weapon.
of Elixir of Alamut, Bengü Ilnara’s Strength,
Dexterity, and Constitution scores are 20. In Perfect Riposte. Bengü Ilnara makes an attack
addition, her mind can’t be read by any means. on a creature within her reach if the creature
misses an attack roll against Bengü or an ally
Mastery of the Sword (5 uses, 1 charge within 5 ft. of her.
recharges with 6). Whenever Bengü Ilnara



Al-Jarrah Nur-ad Din Âlim,

The Sage of Baghdad

Introduction at once have lost their minds as a result, as if they’d

stared at the gates of Al-Ghaib itself. Al-Jarrah thought
I am al-Jarrah. Oh, how my blood runs with the essence that this may be his way to secure unlimited power
of the arcane, a divine legacy bestowed upon me from and eventually become the man he dreamed of since
my holy lineage. Every step I take, my ancestors' the death of his father. He slowly paced the streets of
spirits envelop me, whispering guidance and wisdom. Baghdad and eventually waited for his time to shine.
Yet the grandeur and abundance promised to my
kin were taken from my line. Fame and power once His chance came in the form of a desperate Master
eluded me, but I refused to falter and I will pluck them Hashashin. Sabbah, betrayed by his son and heir,
both from where they nestle. I I will not be denied. looked for other ways to secure his eldritch power,
and found it within the title of Caliph. Al-Jarrah was
With unwavering determination, I sought knowledge known to Sabbah for a long time, but he refused to
as my salvation when life had devious plans, and deal with him as he knew he couldn’t fashion himself
tragedy befell my family. I had to set my studies aside as his superior. With his plan in tatters, Master
to be the safeguard of my household. Still, a great Assassin did the unthinkable to all within the Order,
man recognized the greater man in me, and allowed he reached out to the Sage as a lesser ally. Proud and
me to nurture my arcane abilities, unleashing my true ambitious, Al-Jarrah accepted this proposal. However
potential. Finally, I saw who I was meant to be. both men knew that their alliance would be broken as
soon as either outrun their use.
I am al-Jarrah, a beacon of light, Nur-ad Din, and
the Sage of Baghdad, known as im. The Silk Road
reverberates with my name, for my mind is unmatched, Due to his close relationship with arcane matters,
and my bloodline unparalleled. The title of Caliph is Al-Jarrah has the Permanent Condition from Spell
Rebound called Rotting Body that starts on his chest
rightfully mine, and I shall seize it with vigor - with
and slowly goes through his right arm.
the alliance I forced upon my lesser. Prosperity shall
grace the Silk Road, for I shall accomplish what
others deemed impossible.
Roleplaying as Al-Jarrah
Al-Jarrah’s Past Al-Jarrah is a proud and powerful man, showing these
qualities even with his gaze and posture. Through
Al-Jarrah was born in Madina, as a son to a family nobility, expertise in arcane arts, and his position as
known as Banu Hashims, one of the most noble one of the sages of the House of Wisdom, Al-Jarrah
houses in the Islamic world, tracing their lineage to trusts himself above everyone and everything else.
the Prophet Muhammad through Fatima. Although His pride and intelligence are often visible in the way
he was a noble, his family was a small cadet branch that he expresses himself. As a polyglot, he often uses
of the main line, and they were relatively poor and words or phrases from other languages to express
mostly looked down upon by their relatives, especially himself and further demonstrate his intelligence.
those who rule Baghdad, the Abbasids. Al-Jarrah acts as if his pride comes from his blood-
relation to the Prophet and reveals his powers only to
His father died when he was very little and al-Jarrah private and very trusted eyes.
had to take on a lot of responsibility at an early age.
He had to leave the madrasa, but his teacher realized
Combat Tactics
his potential and introduced him to the arcane arts.
With his natural tendency and his prodigious mind, al-
His ability to concentrate on two spells at once
Jarrah showed great promise and quickly learned all
creates an amazing opportunity for creating new
he could. He rapidly climbed the stairs in Madina and
and unconventional ways for Al-Jarrah to fight. He
eventually gazed upon the biggest prize: The throne
can combine the blur and hold person spells for
in Baghdad.
example. He will attempt to eliminate dangerous
melee combatants and front-liners by limiting their
In Baghdad, through the ancient manuscripts, he
movement, obscuring their minds, and other methods
discovered the greatest obstacle in the way of a
of disabling them, but he will constantly try to stay
magician: shattering of the mind. Most scholars in
out of their range. As with most opponents, he may
the past that have tried to concentrate on two spells
prioritize healers. Also, mages may be his target if
they are able to counter or disable his spells.


Medium humanoid, neutral evil

Armor Class 16 (Robe of the Archmagi) D His spell save DC and spell attack bonus
Hit Points 130 (20d8 + 40) each increase by 2.
Speed 30 ft.
Spellcasting. Al-Jarrah is a 13th-level spellcaster.
His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save
DC 19, +10 to hit with spell attacks). Al-Jarrah
8 (-1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 16 (+3)
has the following wizard spells prepared:

Saving Throws Int +9, Wis +6 Cantrips (at will): shocking grasp, message,
Skills Arcana +13, Insight +6 minor illusion, mending, fire bolt
Senses Passive Perception 12 1st level (4 slots): magic missile, shield, burning
Languages Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Mongolian, hands, sleep
Kurdish, Greek, Latin, Sanskrit 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, mirror image,
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) darkness
Proficiency Bonus +4 3rd level (3 slots): fireball, counterspell, slow
4th level (3 slots): arcane eye, blight, banishment
Unshattered Mind. Al-Jarrah can concentrate 5th level (2 slots): cone of cold, hold monster
on two spells at the same time. If he takes 6th level (1 slot): disintegrate, globe of
damage, he makes separate Constitution saving invulnerability
throws to keep the concentration. 7th level (1 slot): finger of death

Warrior Sage. Al-Jarrah has advantage on Actions

Constitution saving throws he makes to keep the
concentration on a spell. Multiattack. Al-Jarrah makes three Psychic
Blast attacks.
Robe of the Archmagi. Al-Jarrah’s black Robe of
the Archmagi gives these benefits: Psychic Blast: Melee or Ranged Spell Attack:
+10 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 60 ft., one target.
D Al-Jarrah’s Armor Class is 15 + its Dexterity Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) psychic damage.
modifier if it doesn’t wear armor.

D Al-Jarrah has advantage on saving throws

against spells and other magical effects.




Sir Alistair of Granada - The First

Harbinger, Aegis of Alamut

Sir Alistair, accompanied by his faithful band of
I am Alistair; and some would say I have lived too twelve, found themselves in a living nightmare at
long. They are right. Humanity has lost its capacity to Castle Alamut. Hounded by Anatolian cavalry, they
surprise me. I have done too much to bear and lived were soon chased to an old castle, where a death
through too much to need to speak. Centuries ago, at trap was waiting for them. Their foes crushed the
the head of an order of knights I set foot in this cursed castle onto them and the knights were stuck under
castle, little did I know that I condemned myself to an impregnable wall. As their provisions dwindled,
eternal suffering. A devious trap collapsed the castle they were forced to resort to desperate measures,
around us, and I was trapped with my comrades in devouring their noble steeds and other hapless
a courtyard buried under rubble. I was tested with creatures. Though Sir Alistair was loath to harm any
hunger and darkness, and I failed. I ate my own, and living being, the pangs of hunger left him with little
for this sin, I was cursed with what I wanted the most, choice.
not dying in the darkness of this castle.
When all else failed, the cursed knight succumbed
Amidst the tumultuous journey of life, every man to the ultimate taboo: he turned on his own. In the
carries a weight, and mine is the heaviest burden of dead dark, he bound his comrades, one by one, and
all - the gift, or curse, of immortality. While many see it fed on their flesh, consumed by a hunger that knew
as a treasure, the truth is that no one truly knows what no bounds. As he devoured each one slowly, he felt
it's like to live forever. What’s worse is to live forever the last vestiges of his humanity slip away and an
in a dark hole, not being able to die but being able to unforgivable sin take hold of him.
think. You have the time to think about everything ever
abstractable to the mind; what follows is the loss of Little did he know that this vile act would transform
fear, shame, pride, and the basic care to discern right him into a wretched creature, shunned by the light of
from wrong. All these things have become distant day. The whispers of the stones began to haunt him,
memories, and I am unsure if they ever mattered to and he realized too late that he was bound to this
begin with. cursed castle for eternity.

It's no wonder that the prophecy of the Rain found In his eternal wait, Sir Alistair watched as countless
kindling with me. I am privy to the joke that is the adventurers, refugees, exiles, and hermits stumbled
knowledge of what humanity believed a hundred years upon Castle Alamut, none was worthy of his attention.
before and will believe a hundred years from now. Yet But one day, a peculiar figure arrived and claimed
in a strange way, knowing everything and nothing is the abandoned fortress to his thoughts, screaming
all the same. Immortality has turned me heartless, vengeance to the mountains between the rubbles.
and that's why I refuse to meddle in the affairs of the Despite the man’s pain bore heavy over his words, his
world. For what need is there for a man who will never mind was unquestionably sharp.
know the sweet release of death to solve the burdens
of those who do? I live for small pleasures. Intrigued by this eccentric man, Sir Alistair began to
offer advice in hushed Latin, his voice carried by the
Sir Alistair’s Past darkness and the whispering shadows. He deemed
this man to be unlike any other, and so he summoned
Amidst the rampaging Reconquista, Sir Alistair began the courage to speak with him.
his life in Islamic ruled Granada. He was a dreamer,
enticed by the enigmatic tales spun by fishermen, Their conversation was one for the ages, spanning an
sailors, and daring mariners of the Silk Road. As eternity in the darkness of Alamut. If this were a fairy
fate would have it, the Pope's clarion call in 1096 CE tale, it could be said that they talked for a thousand
ignited a fire within him, compelling him to set sail and one nights, but in truth, time had no meaning in
for the Holy Lands. However, destiny had other plans, their cursed existence.
and he found himself and his company of knights in a
forced retreat, seeking refuge in the mountains. After Through their exchange, Sir Alistair came to
wandering through treacherous paths, he stumbled understand Hasan Sabbah's ambitions and foresaw
upon an abandoned castle nestled high upon the hills, the tempestuous storm that was brewing on the
where only eagles dared to fly. horizon. He agreed to become the harbinger, the
first to herald the arrival of the impending chaos that


was to come. From his vantage point, he watched as Sir Alistair is not one to speak unless it is necessary,
Hasan Sabbah carried out his deeds, a silent witness and when he does, his words carry a weight that
to the darkness that had consumed them both. For leaves an impression on all who heard them. He is
his help, Sabbah granted him potions that rekindled careful with his words, particularly when he is in the
the humanity within his undead body - for a brief time. presence of Hasan Sabbah, for he knows the dangers
What ensured Sir Alistair’s loyalty was this payment of speaking too freely. Sir Alistair is a master of
for his service to Alamut, for the Order the two built appearing only when it is crucial, his presence serving
had to be on a foundation of religious zeal. as a warning to those who dare to cross him.

However, even this payment was not enough. When he Combat Tactics
learned of Sefir's treacherous betrayal of his master,
he set out to confront the prodigal son. Sir Alistair is a formidable opponent, feared by many
for his cruelty and his unwavering commitment
But on that day, the castle had other plans, and it to finishing any job that he has started. He has no
seemed to withhold its power, denying Sir Alistair qualms about striking down his enemies, ensuring
the ability to capture Sefir. Though he arrived too late that they are dead, truly dead, unable to strike at him
to apprehend the fugitive, a part of him felt relieved, from this life or any other.
for he knew the dangers that lay ahead for those who
took on the role of harbinger. Deep down, he was As an undead creature, Sir Alistair has a particular
content to let Sefir escape the cursed existence that vendetta against those who wield divine power. He
had claimed all harbingers. As the castle is connected seeks them out, using his supernatural abilities
to him, his reluctance allowed him to be late. to try to ambush them and take them down. He is
particularly adept at utilizing the traps and other
Roleplaying as Sir Alistair supernatural features of his feeding grounds to his
advantage, using them to ensnare and overwhelm his
As an undead creature, Sir Alistair has lived for enemies. Those who dare to face Sir Alistair know
centuries, gaining a wealth of knowledge and that they face a cruel and dangerous foe who’ll stop at
experience that made him a feared figure within Castle nothing to achieve his goals.
Alamut. He revels in his arcane and supernatural
abilities, using them to instill fear and remind those
around him of the nature of mortality.


Sir Alistair of Granada

Medium undead, lawful evil

Armor Class 20 (Plate Armor +2) he reverts to his true form. He is then paralyzed
Hit Points 120 (16d8 + 48) until he regains at least 1 hit point. After
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. spending 1 hour in his resting place with 0 hit
points, he regains 1 hit point.
Regeneration. Sir Alistair regains 10 hit points
20 (+5) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 18 (+4)
at the start of its turn if he has at least 1 hit point
and isn't in sunlight or running water. If Sir
Saving Throws Str +9, Dex +9, Wis +7 Alistair takes radiant damage or damage from
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, holy water, this trait doesn't function at the start
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks of Sir Alistair's next turn.
Damage Immunities poison
Skills Perception +7, Stealth +8, Insight +7, Spider Climb. Sir Alistair can climb difficult
History +7 surfaces, including upside down on ceilings,
Senses darkvision 120 ft. without needing to make an ability check.
Languages Spanish, Latin, Italian, Turkish,
Arabic Choir of Al-Ghaib. Sir Alistair doesn’t possess
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) the vampire weaknesses anymore and can freely
Proficiency Bonus +4 enjoy the sunlight. Still, other features that are
stated in here work normally, such as sunlight
Misty Escape. When he drops to 0 hit points neglecting his regeneration feature.
outside his resting place, Sir Alistair transforms
into a shadowy figure, instead of falling Actions
unconscious, provided that he isn't in direct
sunlight or running water. If he can't transform, Multiattack. Sir Alistair makes two melee
he is destroyed. He is weightless, has a flying weapon attacks.
speed of 20 feet, can hover, and can enter a
hostile creature's space and stop there. In Silver Scythe: Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit,
addition, if air can pass through a space, the mist reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) slashing
can do so without squeezing, and it can't pass damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. Sir
through water. It has advantage on Strength, Alistair gains hit points equal to the necrotic
Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws, and it damage dealt. This attack counted as magical.
is immune to all nonmagical damage, except the
damage it takes from sunlight. Shadowtear (3 uses, Recharge 5-6). Sir Alistar
can use his action to tear one’s shadow from the
While he has 0 hit points in shadowy form Sir other creature and make it appear within 5 ft. of
Alistair must reach its resting place within 2 him in an unoccupied space. The ripped shadow
hours or be destroyed. Once in its resting place, becomes an undead creature named Shadow.


Ibn Sina

Introduction medicine and has earned him a reputation as one of

the greatest physicians of all time. However, Ibn Sina's
I am the wandering Abu Ali al-Huseyn, known as pursuits and skills stretch far beyond the boundaries of
Ibn Sina or Avicenna to those who roam the Silk medicine. He is also a gifted astronomer, philosopher,
Road from the west. My soul is consumed by a thirst and writer, with an impressive catalog of over four
for understanding the existence that surrounds us, hundred written works credited to him.
particularly the enigmatic complexities of the human
body. The extraordinary capabilities and wonders Although Ibn Sina's brilliance and prodigious
of human nature never cease to captivate me, so I achievements are widely acknowledged, he is not
have devoted my life to unlocking its secrets, delving always met with acceptance and admiration. In fact,
deep into its limitations and infinite possibilities. My his bold ideas and written works caused a great deal
unbridled honesty has often drawn the ire of those of controversy during the reign of the previous Caliph,
around me, forcing me to flee from Baghdad, Merv, ultimately leading to his exile from Baghdad. From
Bukhara, Qazvin, Aleppo, and countless other lands. that point on, Ibn Sina has been a nomad, traveling
Yet I remain undaunted, tirelessly striving to unravel from place to place, surviving by his wits and the
the mysteries that shroud the world, whether hidden sheer force of his intellect. His sharp mind and quick
in the human form, scattered across the starry skies, thinking have proved to be invaluable assets as he
or buried deep within the fiery heart of a blazing navigates through an often-hostile world, making
inferno. enemies and overcoming obstacles along the way.

Undeterred by the numerous obstacles in his path,

Ibn Sina’s Past Ibn Sina has remained steadfast in his vocation
as a healer, pouring himself into the study of the
Ibn Sina, also known by the name Abu Ali al-Huseyn, human body and the quest for knowledge. Despite
is a colossus of knowledge and erudition. A Persian the attempts of his detractors to silence him, he sees
polymath, he has unparalleled mastery of the field of their opposition as a symptom of their own fear and


ignorance, and remains steadfast in his resolve to him an outsider in many cities, where he is sometimes
combat falsehood and ignorance wherever it may viewed with suspicion and mistrust.
lurk. Ibn Sina's unwavering dedication to the pursuit
of truth and the betterment of humanity serves as As he roams from city to city, Ibn Sina has faced
a testament to the depth of his character and the numerous challenges and obstacles. He sometimes
enduring legacy of his contributions to the world of shares tales of his past experiences, revealing the
science and medicine. tragic and comedic events that have shaped his
journey. He harbors some particular resentment
Throughout his travels, Ibn Sina's skill as a healer towards Baghdad and its scholar circles, where his
has enabled him to cure a multitude of illnesses and ideas were once met with outrage and opposition.
ailments, including some that had been documented
by the infamous Sefir. Although he and Sefir have never Despite his distracted and quirky nature, Ibn Sina
crossed paths in person, a rivalry has grown between always speaks the truth about science, the world, and
them over time, with Ibn Sina becoming increasingly his opinions. He is known for his ability to jump from
cautious upon discovering the dangerous reputation topic to topic, often using irony and jokes to discuss
that precedes Sefir. It is this caution, combined with personal topics and past experiences. However,
the many other challenges he has faced, that has when it comes to matters of the mind and the human
compelled Ibn Sina to maintain a nomadic lifestyle, body, he is serious and focused, dedicated to using
constantly moving from one city to another and never his knowledge and skills to fight ignorance and
allowing himself to become too comfortable in any misinformation.
one place.
Combat Tactics
Roleplaying as Ibn Sina
Ibn Sina is a man of healing, not of violence. He
Ibn Sina, the wise and energetic old man, is a believes that the best way to solve a problem is through
wanderer at heart. His thirst for knowledge drives peaceful and diplomatic means, and he always tries
him to explore the world and seek out new ideas and to avoid physical conflict whenever possible. However,
experiences. Despite his advanced age, he remains if push comes to shove and he is left with no other
as active as ever, always ready to engage in deep, choice, he does not hesitate to use his knowledge and
philosophical discussions or offer quick and direct skills to defend himself and those he cares about.
answers to complex questions. With his vast array of arcane knowledge, he can hold
his own in a fight and even turn the tides in his favor.
His nomadic lifestyle is both a blessing and a curse. Nonetheless, he always hopes that his enemies can
On the one hand, it allows him to travel to new places be reasoned with, and that violence can be avoided
and discover new ideas. On the other hand, it makes altogether.


Ibn Sina
Medium humanoid, neutral

Armor Class 15 (Inside Dunyazad) use shocking grasp better than most magicians.
Hit Points 31 (7d8) Ibn Sina adds his Intelligence modifier to the
Speed 30 ft. damage of shocking grasp (included in the
actions). In addition, if Ibn Sina deals critical
damage with shocking grasp, he rolls one
additional damage die.
8 (-1) 11 (0) 10 (0) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 14 (+2)
Spellcasting. Ibn Sina is an 8th-level spellcaster.
Saving Throws Int +8, Wis +8, Cha +5 His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save
Skills Medicine +11, Perception +8, Insight +8, DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). Ibn Sina has
Deception +5 the following wizard spells prepared:
Senses Passive Perception 18
Language Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Mongolian, Cantrips (at will): mending, light, shocking
Greek, Latin, Sogdian grasp, prestidigitation
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, identify, mage
Proficiency Bonus +2 armor, unseen servant
2nd level (3 slots): arcane lock, see invisibility
Master Physician. Ibn Sina can’t roll below 10 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, clairvoyance,
on Wisdom (Medicine) checks. Any Medicine remove curse
roll that is 9 or below is counted as 10. 4th level (2 slots): arcane eye, banishment

Tend Wounds. Ibn Sina can expend a use of Actions

healer’s kit to heal a wounded creature 14 (2d8
+ 5) hit points. Quarterstaff: Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,
one target, reach 5 ft., Hit: 3 (1d8-1) bludgeoning
Protected Mind. While inside Dunyazad, Ibn damage.
Sina has advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom
and Charisma saving throws against spells and Shocking Grasp: Melee Spell Attack: +8 to hit,
similar magical effects. In addition, divination one target, reach 5 ft., Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) lightning
spells automatically fail and he can’t be damage. Ibn Sina has advantage if the target is
possessed while in Dunyazad. wearing armor made of metal. If Ibn Sina scores
a hit, the target can’t take reactions until the end
Arcane Anatomy. Due to his knowledge of the of Ibn Sina’s next turn.
human body and arcane matters, Ibn Sina can

Sultan Jalal
ad-Din Menguberti

I am Jalal ad-Din, once known as Menguberdi, a Sultan
of a shattered realm. My crown, once gleaming with
splendor, now torn asunder beneath the galloping
Mongols. My father, Ala ad-Din Muhammad, earned
the ire of Genghis Khan, a mistake my people paid
dearly for. We are pushed back from our heartlands,
with a thousand shame upon my house. I, a descendant
of Alp Arslan and Malik-Shah, will answer the call to
redeem our line.

My victories earned me the name Godsent, and this

name alone carried the realm from an apocalyptic
defeat. At the Battle of the Indus, I confronted the
devil incarnate, and though defeated, I persevered,
eventually arriving at the walls of
Isfahan. The battlefield was my bane,
and my ancestors' spirits wept as
I failed to defeat the hellish horde
that sought to ravage us. Burdened
with the shame of a defeated
king, I pulled all the men I could
away from the carnage , with
thundering oaths of revenge.

The city of Isfahan unbroken,

and the people, the soldiers
beckoned me to rule, and with
them I know that we will resist until
our final breath.

At my darkest hour rose two commanders, loyal

and skilled comrades both, Timur Malik and
Bengü Ilnara. With each raid they return from,
the spirit of the realm is lifted, with each skirmish
they deftly beat back my hope rekindles. With my
unbroken army regaining its strength, with each
ditch we dig, with each tower we raise I will turn
back the tide. I will make Isfahan the mighty rock
that breaks the wave of the Khanate, and we will
reclaim our lost glory. Ours is the vengeance of the

Sultan Jalal ad-Din’s Past

As a young prince, Sultan Jalal ad-Din faced the
ominous threat of the Khaganate. Witnessing his
cities ablaze and his people falling to their knees, he
came to understand the gravity of the situation. His
father's ill-advised move to insult the Khaganate's

emissaries proved to be catastrophic. The devastation He has become a man of reason, pragmatism, and
was unparalleled, and despite taking refuge in the caution. In addition to the looming threat of the
cities, the Khaganate threw waves of men at the Khaganate, he also harbors a deep-seated fear of the
walls, capturing citizens of the Sultanate during their Order of the Hashashins. Even though Hasan Sabbah
campaign. Ala ad-Din's reign came to a dismal end has been dead for quite some time, the Sultan is
when he fled with his sons to the Caspian Sea and haunted by the idea that the remaining members of
perished there. the order may still be out there, plotting their next
Sultan Jalal's remaining days have been no less
tumultuous. His own kin threatened him, and If rumors were to surface of Hasan Sabbah's survival
his grandmother, Terken Khatun, proved to be a and renewed plans, Sultan Jalal would likely become
formidable adversary. Yet through sheer determination even more paranoid. He remains suspicious of anyone
and perseverance, he has defeated all who stood in who has not been by his side for years. He carefully
his way. After a prolonged exile, he raised an army guards his words and keeps his distance from others,
and rallied his people to take up arms against the unwilling to make unnecessary enemies or expose his
Khaganate, vowing to end their influence on the Silk vulnerabilities to those who may be watching closely.
Combat Tactics
Through years of fighting, he journeyed as far as India
and Anatolia, engaging in battles on all sides, in a bid to Sultan Jalal ad-Din is not only a wise and experienced
finally settle down and find some semblance of peace. leader, but also a highly skilled warrior. He has been
However, his enemies from other lands proved to be trained in the art of combat since he was a young boy
just as formidable. He attacked the Mongols twice, and has honed his skills throughout his life. In hand-
triumphing in both battles, capturing the attention of to-hand combat, he is able to easily best regular men-
Genghis Khan, who once again set his sights on him. at-arms.
In a vulnerable position, Sultan Jalal faced the horde,
but narrowly escaped certain death. He regrouped However, he does not let his skills go to his head.
with the aid of Timur Malik, rallying another army to He is not one to engage in pointless battles or show
make a daring escape eastwards, eventually arriving off his abilities for the sake of glory. Instead, he only
at Isfahan and taking command of the region. fights when it is necessary to protect those he cares
about or when it is strategically advantageous for his
Roleplaying as Sultan Jalal ad-Din cause. He fights with great wisdom and forethought,
retreating when necessary and knowing when to
The trials and tribulations of his life have made their conserve his strength for the battles that truly matter.
mark on Sultan Jalal ad-Din, now a wise ruler, and This combination of martial prowess and strategic
an excellent commander. Despite his youth, he speaks thinking has made him a formidable leader on and off
with a calm and measured tone, carefully choosing the battlefield.
his words and meticulously planning every move he


Sultan Jalal ad-Din “Menguberdi” Khwarazm-Shah

Medium humanoid, lawful neutral

Armor Class 18 (Plate Armor)

Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20) Bonus Actions
Speed 30 ft.
Order of the Sultan (3 uses. Recharges after
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA a Long Rest). The Sultan can use his bonus
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) action to give an ally within 60 ft. an advantage
on the next attack roll. It is required that the
Sultan isn’t incapacitated and the ally can hear
Saving Throws Str +6, Wis +4 the Sultan.
Skills Athletics +6, Insight +4, History +6,
Persuasion +7, Perception +4
Senses Passive Perception 14
Languages Turkish, Persian, Arabic, Mongolian,
Multiattack. The Sultan makes two attacks with
his two-handed yatagan.
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Two-Handed Yatagan. Melee Weapon Attack:
+8 to hit, one target, reach 5 ft., 12 (3d6 + 5)
Inspiring Leadership. (3 uses. Recharges after
slashing damage. The Two-Handed Yatagan of
a Long Rest). For 1 minute, the Sultan can
the Sultan is covered with silver, thus counts as
utter a special command or warning whenever
a magical weapon.
a nonhostile creature that he can see within 30
feet makes an attack roll or a saving throw. The
creature can add a d6 to its roll provided it can Reactions
hear and understand the Sultan. A creature can
benefit from only one Leadership die at a time. Parry. The Sultan adds 2 to his AC against
This effect ends if the Sultan is incapacitated. one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the
Sultan must see the attacker and be wielding a
God-given Sultan. The Sultan has +2 bonus to melee weapon.
his attack and damage rolls made with melee
weapons (included in the Actions).


THE SATRAPS Centuries have passed and the world has changed.
The Djinn beneath, slumbered no longer as the
arcane runes and spells were lost to the shifting of
The satraps are an ancient organization whose roots time and sand. The Satraps once again found their
stretch back to when human civilization was in its calling beneath Baghdad, where their ancient master
cradle. The world was young and more dangerous created their kind. With the old teachings at their
than today, as magic and its potential of calamity were disposal gathered one thousand and one sages to
not barred by wiser men. In those times, there were witness the Djinn and bind it once again.
some minds that grasped the essence of the arcane
better than most. These people were adept at magic, Knowing that once the world needed them, their
with unbreakable minds, and words carrying wisdom master would call on them from their dreams,
and power. King Solomon was one such master. He Satraps dispersed, with only but a few being allowed
was known to be a master of commanding djinni, to recruit a new generation. Since that day the Caliph
drawing power from the plane where these eldritch in Baghdad guarded the secret of the Satraps, but
threats come from to protect his kingdom from all corruption proliferated, and this tradition was once
perils. It was not blood or nobility that made him king, again lost to time. Only a few Satraps still wander the
it was his arcane prowess that protected his people. lands, knowing if they are needed, they will be called
upon. As a symbol of their old allegiance, to greet one
Where now the round city of Baghdad stood, Solomon another if fortune has them met, and to mark closed
once bound a djinn powerful enough to break into this portals to beyond, they carry a game piece: Chess,
reality on its own volition, with incantations of power Backgammon, the Royal Game of Ur, or so forth.
that contain spells that healed reality, let alone break
it apart. Solomon’s arcane powers stopped the djinn All satraps have the following features:
in its tracks, and the creature from the other realm
have been conquered. As Solomon's time came to Otherworldly Calling. The satrap is sensitive
pass, he knew that humankind rarely raised people to otherworldly events and receives dreams as a
as powerful and dutiful as he was, so he needed to warning and a call to action if a strong influence from
make sure that the power of banishing Djinn was not other worlds exists nearby. The satrap also learns
forgotten after his body faded. the location of the otherworldly interference to the
material world.
With his power as the King, he raised a hidden order,
one whose duty is to ensure that this world would Ritual of the Thousand Nights. The satrap can spend
not be breached. The chosen sages were taken to the 10 minutes to close a rift, portal or a similar influence
ritual circle that bound the Djinn, to study this eldritch from other planes of existence by maintaining
being, to erase all other knowledge of this eldritch concentration for a full duration (as if concentrating
being, and to make sure that the magic that is holding on a spell). The satrap must be able to speak and
this eldritch being would not break apart with eons see the otherworldly presences and must not be
past. So, the ritual ground was sunk under the desert, incapacitated. If the concentration is not broken for
and a round city was erected on top of this land. A city the whole time period, the portal closes and all magic
whose walls carried runes and sigils of the binding depending on its existence ends. Additionally, the
spells. One of the most important aspects of these satrap may target a creature that does not belong in
sages was that they were chosen from the children the material world and use an action in an attempt
who could not dream. This was at the specific request to banish it. The target must succeed on a DC 16
of King Solomon, who vanished without trace as the Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, it is banished
order was ready to take on his duty. to its original plane of existence and won’t be able to
return to the material world for one year and one day.
The sages could only mimic Solomon’s power to a On a success, it takes 27 (6d8) psychic damage that
lesser extent through meditation. Their task was to cannot be reduced in any way.
study and pass the knowledge to next generations,
trying to keep a dying flame lit - a doomed task. The Wisdom of the Otherworlds. The satrap’s Wisdom
order was wiped clean from even the most secret score is 21 if it was lower before becoming a satrap.
histories of arcane lore. Whoever else remained
within the order, were lost to time.

However, even as the ages forgot them, their old

master did not. The remaining Satraps were guided
through strange dreams - the only ones they ever see
- to broken portals, and to people who sleep without
dreams. The wandering sages caught the eye of the
Achaemenid Shahs, and they were brought to political
power as Satraps. These Satraps, while feudal lords
with strong authorities, also battled otherworldly
presence. While their name stuck with the order, with
the Caliphate conquering the Sassanid Empire, the
order was indoctrinated into the Caliphate.


Yaqut al-Hamawi

Through my training and keen intellect, I earned my

freedom. My thirst for knowledge drove me to count
every star in the sky, delving into the arcane mysteries
that fueled my spirit. And then, fate intervened. I
met a satrap who unlocked the door to a world both
magnificent and dreadful.

With steadfast dedication, I trained to become a

satrap myself - vowing to protect the world from all
harm and never forget the days of my captivity. For I,
Yaqut, am a testament to the power of perseverance
and the beauty of the human spirit.

Yaqut’s Past
Behold the tale of Yaqut - once a lowly slave in Basra,
now a nobleman in Merv. His path to freedom was
paved with scholarly pursuits and a mind sharp as a

Climbing the ranks with unwavering determination,

he caught the attention of Sultan Jalal, who granted
him nobility and a place in his court. Now, as the chief
scholar of Merv, Yaqut commands great respect and
owns lands beyond the city walls.

No longer bound by chains, Yaqut has risen to the

highest heights through his unwavering dedication
to knowledge and his brilliant mind. His story is a
testament to the resilience of the human spirit and
the triumph of the pursuit of wisdom.

Roleplaying as Yaqut
Yaqut is a very intelligent man and a scholar who
is interested in the secrets of the sky. He is fond of
stargazing and finding out the mysteries that lie
beyond the clouds. He is very eager to talk about
scholarly business and usually expresses his
intelligence and curiosity. He usually has a calm
attitude and is at peace with himself, even with the
thought of death. When the Hashashins got too close
to killing him, he had faith in his powers, and he knew
there was nothing he could have done but to fight and
accept his fate. He will reflect his faith and calmness
during conversations.

As a former slave, Yaqut also is very sensitive about

these matters and will express his strong feelings if
Introduction the subject is brought up.

I am Yaqut - once a captive, now an emir of Merv.

Combat Tactics
Long ago, I was sold to local governors, a mere babe
unaware of the cruel fate that lay ahead. Yet as I
Yaqut will attempt to stay out of danger from possible
learned to read, my hidden talents emerged, and my
melee foes and use his inner powers as a satrap to
master took note.
defend himself.


Yaqut al-Hamawi
Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral

Armor Class 15 (Chain Shirt) Actions

Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
Speed 30 ft. Yaqut makes two Word of the Satrap attacks.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Word of the Satrap. Melee or Ranged Spell
9 (-1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 21 (+5) 14 (+2) Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 60 ft., one
target. Hit: 14 (2d10 + 3) psychic damage.

Saving Throws Int +7, Wis +8, Cha +5

Skills Arcana +7, Religion +7, Perception +8,
Insight +8
Senses Passive Perception 18
Resistances poison
Languages Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Ancient
Greek, Greek, Mongolian, Mandarin
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +3

Al Istakhri

I am Al-Istakhri, a humble wanderer, consumed by
the mysteries that lurk beyond the horizon, where the
ceaseless tides crash against the edge of the world.
My heart is filled with a fervent desire to discover the
unfathomable depths of the oceans, those uncharted
waters that remain veiled from sight, untraversed by
the footsteps of any mortal.

For this pursuit, I live and breathe, my soul ignited

by the unquenchable thirst for knowledge and the
yearning to satiate my curiosity. Even as I set forth
on this perilous journey, though, I am mindful of the
gravity of my duty.

I recognize that our world is but one amongst the vast

expanse of the cosmos, and that I, as a denizen of
these realms, bear the responsibility to safeguard it
against any harm that may befall it. Though my eyes
may gaze beyond the point where Atlas upholds the
world upon his broad shoulders, I remain steadfast in
my devotion to this realm and its preservation, even in
the face of my own mortality.

Al-Istakhri’s Past
Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Muhammad al-Farisi al-
Istakhri hailed from the city of Istakhr, nestled in the
heart of Fars. As a mere lad, he was forever restlessly
wandering, listening with rapt attention to the tales
spun by passing merchants, and dreaming of the
secrets that lay hidden beneath the southern seas.

His wanderlust often led him astray, with his

father forever having to retrieve him from his latest
adventure. His reputation as a wild child preceded
him in the town, and it was only through the timely
intervention of the local fishermen that he was saved
from certain drowning while attempting to learn how
to swim.

On one fateful day, while struggling for his life in the

waters, he was visited by a vision of Ibn Abi. From
that moment on, he knew that he must set out in
search of him, forsaking his homeland in the quest
for enlightenment.

Under the tutelage of Ibn Abi, Al-Istakhri

learned that while he might not be able to
unravel the mysteries of the far-flung shores
beyond the seas, he could yet grasp the
boundaries of the world through
diligent training and discipline.
Though he surrendered his
dreams, his hunger for

knowledge remains undiminished and his nights are However, when it comes to matters of satrap business,
still filled with fanciful imaginings and visions of the Al-Istakhri is a different man entirely. Serious and
impossible. solemn, he approaches his role with unwavering
dedication and an unshakeable sense of duty. For him,
Roleplaying as Al-Istakhri there is no greater responsibility than fulfilling his
obligations as a satrap, and he will put the needs of his
Al-Istakhri's boundless curiosity and thirst for people above all else, with focus and determination.
knowledge propelled him on a journey that spanned
many lands along the ancient Silk Road. His travels Combat Tactics
granted him a deep understanding of the regions
surrounding the route, from the mountainous peaks As a powerful mage, he will try to utilize his magic to
of Tibet to the fertile plains of Anatolia. defend himself and may use polymorph on himself in
order to gain advantage or use it on other enemies to
Fond of regaling others with tales of his far-flung block their movement and abilities.
adventures, he speaks with great enthusiasm of
his encounters with exotic cultures and the many
wonders he had beheld on his travels.

Al Istakhri
Medium humanoid (human), lawful good

Armor Class 15 (Robe of Satrap) roll a d10 and subtract from the target’s roll,
Hit Points 82 (11d8 + 33) potentially turning success into a failure.
Speed 30 ft.
Spellcasting. Al Istakhri is a 9th-level spellcaster.
His spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC
14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). Al Istakhri has
9 (-1) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 21 (+5) 14 (+2)
the following spells prepared:

Saving Throws Int +6, Cha +5 Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, mage hand,
Skills Perception +9 mending
Languages Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Ancient 1st level (4 slots): alarm, comprehend
Persian, Greek, Ancient Greek, Mandarin, languages, detect magic, sleep
Tibetan Ancient Latin, Sanskrit 2nd level (3 slots): misty step, mirror image,
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) detect thoughts
Proficiency Bonus +3 3rd level (3 slots): blink, dispel magic, slow
4th level (3 slots): divination, polymorph
Silk Compass (Baghdad). A compass that 5th level (1 slot): legend lore
points to Baghdad instead of north.
Superior Spell Attack (Charge 5-6). When Al
Istakhri misses a spell attack roll, he can roll a The satrap makes two Word of the Satrap
d10 to turn a miss into a potential hit. attacks.

Superior Spell Channel (Charge 5-6). When Word of the Satrap. Melee or Ranged Spell
a creature succeeds a saving throw against Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 60 ft., one
Al Istakhri’s spells, he can use his reaction to target. Hit: 14 (2d10 + 3) psychic damage.

Caliph Al-Zahir
& Hayat Jawhar


I, Al-Zahir, stand as the beloved of Hayat Jawhar and

the descendant of a long line of powerful rulers. Yet I am
not blinded by the glory of my lineage, for I know that my
forefathers have committed grave sins that have tarnished
the Caliphate's reputation and robbed it of its former

As an heir to the legacy of great Caliphs, such as as-Saffah,

al-Mansur, Harun al-Rashid, Abu Bakr, and Umar, I feel the
weight of their expectations upon me. It is my solemn duty
to rise up against those who threaten the safety of the Silk
Road, who burn our cities, and who would dare to take our
children away from us.

Even as I repent for the sins of my forefathers, I know that

I must also stand as a symbol of hope and strength for
my people. With my sword in hand, I shall fight to protect
the honor and integrity of the Caliphate, and to restore its
former glory and splendor.

I am Hayat Jawhar, daughter of no one, yet beloved of Al-

Zahir, and one of the most fearless sages in Baghdad. My
thirst for knowledge and hunger for wisdom is insatiable,
and I have never shied away from the mysteries that so many
others fear to explore. I have gazed beyond the stars and
always wondered the secrets of other worlds, always striving
to go further, deeper, and higher than anyone else.

Now, my focus has shifted to the threats that loom within our
own world. My husband fights a brutal war against a deadly
Khaganate, while my own battles lie in the shadows, hidden
from the eyes of mortal men. The monsters we face are
born of this world, springing forth from the loins of earthly
mothers and fathers, and yet they are more foul and twisted
than any fiend or demon.

I know that these enemies surround me, hiding behind

masks of scholarly pursuits, silver tongues, and other
deceptive guises. They may even be among my own ranks,
waiting to strike when I least expect it. But I am not afraid. I
will be ready for them, armed with the knowledge, wisdom,
and magic that I have gained through my years of study and

Al-Zahir & Hayat Jawhar’s Past Roleplaying as Al-Zahir

Amidst the dazzling splendor of Baghdad, Al-Zahir's Al-Zahir carries the weight of his title, burdened with
destiny was yet unknown. As the youngest son of the duty to defend his people against the Khaganate
the mighty Caliph al-Nasir, he had no inkling of the and Hasan Sabbah. He has grown accustomed to the
weighty mantle that would one day rest upon his presence of traitorous men, spies, and sycophants
shoulders. Unlike his elder brothers, he had never who surround him like vultures, waiting to prey on
been schooled in the ways of rulership, nor trained his downfall. But Al-Zahir is a man who values loyalty
to uphold the grandeur and prestige of the legendary above all else, recognizing the importance of true
Silk Road. talent and unwavering dedication.

But the whims of fate are often unpredictable. With his mind consumed by the war against his
enemies, Al-Zahir appears deep in thought, his focus
In the House of Wisdom, Al-Zahir met Hayat Jawhar, a set on planning strategies and battles that will ensure
young orphan who had been taken in by the venerable victory. Yet even as he wages war, he never forgets that
institution and blessed with a rare and brilliant he is the Caliph, and his words and actions reflect this.
intellect. Together they delved into the deepest secrets He carries himself with a certain gravitas, speaking
of the Caliphate, discovering what it should have and acting with the poise and dignity befitting his
been, and immersing themselves in the holy texts station.
that embodied the essence of satrapy. Their studies
revealed the hidden truths behind Baghdad's walls Roleplaying as Hayat Jawhar
and the fortress of Alamut, illuminating the reasons for
their constructions. Al-Mansur had built Baghdad as Hayat Jawhar is a woman of great passion and
a bulwark against the Ritual of the Thousand Nights, curiosity, with a sharp mind that can unravel the
the key to safeguarding the realm. This knowledge mysteries of the universe. She thrives in the House
had been lost to time, forgotten by the Caliphs. It was of Wisdom, where knowledge is worshiped and
up to these two bright stars to restore the Caliphate to secrets are unveiled. However, her boundless energy
its rightful and honorable place. and enthusiasm are tempered by a sense of duty,
especially in times of danger and uncertainty.
Yet, fate would once again take a role. In a brutal and
unforeseen Khaganate raid to the north, Al-Zahir's With the threat of Hasan Sabbah and the Hashashins
father and brothers were slain, leaving him to ascend looming over the Caliphate, Hayat Jawhar has become
to the throne. It was a dark and somber time, but vigilant and watchful, scanning every nook and
from the ashes of tragedy, a new era would rise. Al- cranny for signs of danger. She is particularly wary
Zahir became the Caliph, and Hayat Jawhar earned of al-Jarrah, sensing that there may be more to him
her rightful place among the esteemed circles of than meets the eye. Her intuition proves to be correct,
the House of Wisdom. Together, they would work to as events later unfold. However, even in the face of
restore the glory of the Caliphate and ensure that its danger, Hayat remains steadfast and determined,
light shone bright upon the Silk Road once more. committed to protecting her people and preserving
the knowledge and wisdom that define the House of


Hayat Jawhar Khatun

Medium humanoid (human), neutral good

Armor Class 15 (Mage Armor) D Fortune-telling: She can catch a glimpse

Hit Points 66 (12d8 +12) of the future. The next day, either she or
Speed 30 ft. her allies within 30 ft. of her can have
advantage on attack rolls, ability checks or
saving throws. She must grant this ability
before the roll. She can use this feature up
11 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 21 (+5) 14 (+2)
to 4 times.

Saving Throws Int +7, Wis +8 D Finding the Path: The next day she can cast
Skills Arcana +7, History +7, Investigation +7, one of these spells once, without expending
Nature +7, Religion +10, Insight +8, Perception a spell slot: find traps, locate object, pass
+8, Persuasion +6 without trace, sending, clairvoyance. She
Senses Passive Perception 19 can’t cast these spells until she finishes a
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) long rest.
Proficiency Bonus +3
D Celestial Omens: She can check the stars’
Spellcasting. Hayat Jawhar is a 7th-level alignment to see what fate holds in her
spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom hands. The next day, she can recall what
(spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). she has seen in the stars. As an action, she
She has the following spells prepared: can use her ability to gain insight about
any creature’s intentions and what it can
Cantrips. guidance, mending, resistance, true see within 60 ft. of it. The creature makes
strike a Wisdom saving throw against her spell
1st level (4 slots): comprehend languages, save DC. On a failed save, she will learn
charm person, detect magic, identify their intentions: good, bad, neutral, or none
2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, hold person, (i.e. if the creature doesn’t know it or is not
see invisibility, suggestion, augury sentient.)
3rd level (3 slots): clairvoyance, counterspell,
slow Actions
4th level (1 slot): death ward
Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
Reading the Stars. During a long rest, she can reach 5 ft, one creature. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning
spend 2 hours searching the stars and make use damage.
of them in three ways:


Caliph Al-Zahir
Medium humanoid, any lawful alignment

Armor Class 16 (Chain Mail) 3rd-level (3 slots): counterspell, sending, slow

Hit Points 77 (14d8 + 14)
Speed 30 ft. Guide of the Faithful. The Caliph can cast
guidance as a bonus action, and the spell’s range
is 30 ft.
15 (+2) 11 (0) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 21 (+5) 17 (+3)
The Caliph. The Caliph cannot be frightened,
charmed or put to sleep in any way. The Caliph
Saving Throws Int +8, Wis +6 has advantage on Wisdom saving throws. In
Skills Arcana +7, History +7, Investigation +7, addition, the Caliph adds 5 (1d10) radiant
Nature +7, Religion +10, Insight +8, Perception damage with his melee attacks, included in the
+8, Persuasion +6 actions.
Senses Passive Perception 18
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) The Holy Prayer. The Caliph can use divination
Proficiency Bonus +3 once, without expending a slot. He can’t use this
ability again until he finishes a long rest.
Spellcasting. The Caliph is a 6th-level
spellcaster (+7 to hit with spell attacks, spell save Actions
DC 15). His spellcasting ability is Intelligence,
and he has the following wizard spells prepared: Multiattack. The Caliph makes two melee
Cantrips: minor illusion, message, guidance,
fire bolt Yatagan. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit , reach
1st-level (4 slots): comprehend languages, 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) bludgeoning
detect magic, magic missile, shield damage plus 5 (1d10 radiant damage)
2nd-level (3 slots): detect thoughts, hold person,


I searched for God among the Christians and on the
Cross and therein I found Him not.
I went into the ancient temples of idolatry; no trace of
Him was there.
I entered the mountain cave of Hira and then went as
far as Qandhar, but God I found not.
With set purpose I fared to the summit of Mount
Caucasus and found there only 'anqa's habitation.
Then I directed my search to the Kaaba, the resort of
old and young; God was not there even.
Turning to philosophy I inquired about him from Ibn
Sina but found Him not within his range.
I feared then the scene of the Prophet's experience of
a great divine manifestation only a “two bow-lengths'
distance from him,” but God was not there even in
that exalted court.

Finally, I looked into my own heart

and there I saw Him; there he was
and nowhere else.

I, Jalal ad-Din, known to many simply as Rumi, the In the grip of the harshest winter seen in many years,
Roman, am a wanderer and a seeker, pursuing the the secrets of Rumi's parents perished with them. With
purest form of love. As I traverse this vast expanse a heavy heart, he departed his abode, embarking upon
of land, I gaze upon the moon, the sun, and the stars, a quest to seek the answers hidden within the depths
and marvel at the sheer magnificence of existence. of his soul. Yet despite his tireless pursuit, the truth
Every step, every breath is imbued with a sense of eluded him, until a glimmer of hope flickered to life in
wonder and reverence. And in the company of fellow the form of Shams Tabrizi. Together they journeyed,
travelers, I find joy and contentment, cherishing the delving into the secrets that had long haunted Rumi.
fleeting moments we share. For I believe that true Under Shams' tutelage, Rumi grew in wisdom and the
love is the unifying force that binds us all together - two found delight in each other's company. Serving in
in heart, in mind, and in the great cosmic web of the Isfahan for Sultan Muhammad, Rumi briefly taught
universe. the future Sultan Jalal ad-Din when he was but a
child, and the young prince was named in his honor.
Alas, not all are believers, and many a skeptic and Their path led them to Baghdad, where the spirits
cynic doth oppose my cherished beliefs. Yet we are dwelling in the House of Wisdom revealed to Rumi
but mortals, driven by our own desires, our minds and that his ancestors had brought books from Rhodes to
our sins. I have borne witness to the full spectrum Alexandria. The family, beset by a brutal winter at sea,
of human nature - the noblest deeds and the basest were stuck on an island and had burned the books to
vices. In my travels along the Silk Road, from the stay alive. Upon reaching Alexandria, they recounted
sprawling city of Beijing to the ancient metropolis of their tale, but were exiled for their actions.
Constantinople, I have beheld countless souls, many
bereft of clothes, yet all bearing within them the Roleplaying as Rumi
boundless expanse of the universe. We are but mere
specks in the cosmic scheme of things, yet we possess Rumi, a man of love, peace, tolerance, and
within us a vastness that defies comprehension. So understanding, possesses a spirit that shuns violence
why do we diminish ourselves so? Why do we act so and seeks resolution through dialogue. His voice
small, when we are in fact the very universe in motion? remains hushed, save for moments of elation and
affection, as he champions the pursuit of knowledge
So, please: and wisdom, exploring the intricacies of philosophy,
Come again, please, come again, religion, science, and Sufism. In his eyes, all things
Whoever you are. in the universe are united by a common element, and
Religious, infidel, heretic or pagan. thus deserving of love, care, and attention. Unafraid
Even if you promised a hundred times to express his sentiments, Rumi offers counsel on life,
And a hundred times you broke your promise, circumstance, and fate, and warmly extends his hand
This door is not the door of despair and frustration. to all who would seek his guidance.
This door is open for everybody.
Come, come as you are.
Combat Tactics
What we sow in this soil
Is nothing but love and all that is fair
Rumi, a man of peace, would never resort to violence
Don’t look for our graves in the ground
unless faced with the most extreme provocation.
At the wise men’s heart we are found
Even in dire circumstances, his first instinct is to seek
peaceful solutions that preserve life and protect the
Rumi’s Past innocent, including children and vulnerable creatures.
Should the situation escalate beyond his control, he
In the land of Vaksh, south of the city of Samarkand, would still strive to restrain himself from causing
there was born a young elf, whose travels to the serious harm, knowing that the cycle of violence only
west earned him the nickname of Roman within his begets more violence.
homeland in the east. He hailed from a family that
had been in exile for many years, ever since their
forefathers were banished from the great Library of
Alexandria. The weight of this disgrace hung heavy
upon their heads, and they carried on the family's will
with a solemn determination.

As a child, Rumi was filled with a boundless curiosity

about this mysterious event, but his parents forbade
him from even uttering a word of it. Undeterred,
he spent his days poring over books of the highest
quality, devouring the words written in many different
languages. His hunger for knowledge only grew
stronger, and his longing to understand the workings
of the world around him burned like a fire within his


Medium humanoid (elf), lawful neutral

Armor Class 15 (Robe of Rumi) Innate Spellcasting. Rumi's spellcasting ability

Hit Points 104 (19d8 + 19) is Wisdom (spell save DC 19). He can innately
Speed 30 ft. cast the following spells, requiring no material
At will: detect thoughts, augury, sacred flame,
8 (-1) 9 (-1) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 23 (+6) 19 (+4)
minor illusion, protection from evil and good
3/day: goodberry, telepathic bond, divination,
Saving Throws Int +9, Wis +11, Cha +9 purify food and drink, lesser restoration,
Skills Arcana +9, Religion +16, Insight +11, mandate of the Sophists: Rumi
Perception +11 1/day: guardian of faith (invisible), harm, legend
Damage Resistances psychic lore, dimension door, sense the sinner
Senses truesight 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., Passive
Perception 21 Actions
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +5 Rumi makes three Word of the Satrap attacks or
uses Divine Prayer once.
Fey Ancestry. Rumi has advantage on saving
throws against being charmed, and magic can't Word of the Satrap. Melee or Ranged Spell
put the satrap to sleep. Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 60 ft., one
target. Hit: 14 (2d10 + 3) psychic damage.
Superior Magic Resistance. Rumi has
advantage on all saving throws against spells Divine Prayer. Range 60 ft. A creature of Rumi’s
and magical effects. Rumi also takes half choice that Rumi can see regains 13 (3d8) hit
damage from any spell or magical effect such as points.
fireball or a blue dragon’s lightning breath if he
fails a saving throw or no damage at all when he

Act I: Wuthering Clouds
“He who has an enemy, shall meet him everywhere.”

amarkand is one of the greatest cities
As you approach the complex, you are greeted by
in the world. High in Central Asia,
a towering blue gate that stands as the entrance to
her walls once welcomed friends and the unholy site. The walls and arches of the gate are
sent dire warnings to her enemies. adorned with ancient geometric patterns and floral
Nowadays, the friends also fear her motifs, created using glazed tiles in shades of blue,
might. The gates are barred, silent and sinister. The green, and white. The colors greet you as if they are
surrounding countryside has been reduced to a war welcoming you through the very doors of death.
torn hell, the Zeravshan river clogged with corpses
and the farms and gardens haunted by fierce horse As you walk through the gate, you are transported
to a world of centuries past, where the tombs and
mausoleums of the wealthy and powerful are nestled
The great storm blown by Genghis Khan years ago among lush gardens and shaded walkways. The tombs
finally reached her walls and tore down the two themselves are ornately decorated with carvings and
century old Kara Khanid banner, replacing it with the mosaics depicting scenes from the lives of the people
standard of the eternal blue sky. buried within. Scenes of war, betrayal, love and more.

The newly established Khaganate’s rule now forbids

newcomers, unless they have a good reason or
The forces of the Khaganate don't touch Shah-i Zinda;
very deep pockets. However, the most courageous
it is rumored that the commanding officers are ordered
may still try to sneak into the city. Many traders, to not venture out of the city until the end of Kurultai -
refugees, travelers, and all those who have business unless an immediate threat presents itself.
in Samarkand stand in front of the gate, disappointed.
Mysterious figures lead them away from the gates to
a walled enclave near the city, an unwelcoming sight: The overall effect of Shah-i Zinda is one of beauty and
Shah-i Zinda, “The Living King,” the two hundred timelessness, a testament to the artistic and a silent
year old necropolis. regard which has long flown to the eternal sky above.
It is a place that invites contemplation and reflection,
All those who have been rejected gather inside the and offers a glimpse into the history and traditions of
dreaded walls and among the whispers of the dead. this ancient civilization.

It was once surrounded by many walls. However,

Usually the guards who hold the gates of Samarkand many have given in to time’s slow march and others to
don’t accept bribery unless it is a huge sum (more than the Khaganate’s catapults.
150 gp) and don’t care about the highborn of other
realms. Check out the Adventure Hooks section to
The Tents
prevent your players from going into the city right away.

On the east side of Shah-i Zinda people have tried to

build shelters for themselves. Multi-coloured tents
Shah-i Zinda: Prayers for Rain have been hung off the tumble down walls. About a
hundred people survive there, waiting for a miracle or
Shah-i Zinda is a complex of dusty mausoleums and embracing the ruins as their new homes. There are
tombs, adorned with luxurious blue and turquoise many people from all around the world; thus, one may
tile work and elaborate geometric carvings. hear many tongues around the campfires. Water and
food are scarce, and people are starting to dread the
fast approaching winter.


As you set your gaze upon the tents you notice many eyes fixed upon you. Some plead for mercy, as if they were sentenced
for a terrible crime. Some gaze back and want you to feel uneasy, threatened. Some are curious, wondering what you
have brought in this desolate place, and some are afraid that you might have brought destruction. Others do not make
their presence immediately felt, but you can feel their eyes on you from the shadows.

Among the tents, the adventurers may trigger a quick event:

d6 Event / Encounter
1 3 Banditsj try to steal from them, most likely gold or other valuables.
2 Commonersj that are infected by Smallpox may pass between them. This triggers a Consti-
tution saving throw. (Check out Plagues & Diseases section of EotSR)
3 A fortune-teller wants to look at their futures for 1 sp each.
4 4 Commonersj beg for money. If they receive any, 4 more will beg for as well.
5 2 Blood Hawksj attack them while 2 Tribal Warriorsj try to ambush them.
2 Orcsj hidden in good disguises (a DC 12 WIS Perception check or 11 Passive Perception to
see through the disguises) will ask for a tribute.

The Wells

Water is always in short supply in Shah-i Zinda, and there are only 3 wells around the tombs. They are occupied
by three different groups who control the water distribution. All locals must go and pay the price for clean water.

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

Controlled by Farhad Aga (Bandit Captainj) and 6 of his followers (Banditsj). They sell a
Well A
bowl for 1 sp and won’t negotiate the price.
Controlled by Bilge Kul (Steppe Guard) and 4 of his followers (Tribal Warriorsj). They
Well B
only sell barrels, and it costs a golden coin, but they may take other trade offers as well.
Controlled by Aslan and 4 of his followers (Thugsj). They sell a cup for 1 cp and a bowl for
5 cp. They also offer a way into the city. Their price is 5 gp for each person and one favor to
Well C
be completed by the group. Many residents of Shah-i Zinda know him and that he offers a
way into the city. It is up to you to introduce Aslan whenever it feels right.

Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 14 (Studded Leather Armor)

Hit Points 44 (8d8 + 16)


10 (+0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)

Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Investigation

+5, Perception +6, Persuasion +5, Sleight of
Hand +4, Stealth +4
Senses Passive Perception 16
Languages Turkish, Arabic, Persian,
Mongolian, Thieves Cant
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Cunning Action. On each of its turns, Aslan

can use a bonus action to take the Dash,
Disengage, or Hide action.

Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Aslan deals an extra

7 (2d6) damage when it hits a target with a
weapon attack and has advantage on the attack
roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an
ally of Aslan that isn't incapacitated and Aslan
doesn't have disadvantage on the attack roll.

Multiattack. Aslan makes two melee attacks.

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,

reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing

Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4

to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6
+ 2) piercing damage.

OLT Statistics
Skullduggery 3, Salary 3 gp/day

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

When one gets close to the tombs, a feeling of dread

Unlike his namesake (meaning Lion), Aslan is a careful can overwhelm the unprepared:
and cautious man. Though he can’t be called a coward,
he rarely puts his life in jeopardy unless something
truly valuable is on the line. In the following dungeon, The tombs are covered with huge stones, almost
he will try to remain behind during encounters with carved perfectly to fit them. A traveler from the west
the undead. He has a limited familiarity with arcane may realize a similarity between chaining of the tomb
matters, but he has never met with any of the undead stones and these stones that stand like unyielding
before. guardians over the dead. Who do they protect, though?
Do they guard the deceased from greedy tomb raiders,
After the Samarkand story ends, Aslan may be or the living from what horrible nightmares may lie
persuaded to join the caravan of adventurers as a underneath?
Schemer. Check out the Overhauled Land Travel
section in EotSR.
Some tombs effect the area and may have temporary
effects for those who may touch them:
Main Story Moment

Aslan is the player's only logical way to the city. He

only takes groups of people with them, at least three
to six. If one applies for an entrance and has the d6 Effect
coin, they have to wait for the expedition members to
They have a -2 penalty on their next
reach a certain number. In addition to the price, Aslan
1 attack roll, ability check, or saving
always demands a favor from the people he guides.
This time Aslan has a favor that involves three boxes
that need delivering to certain places in the main city, They have vulnerability against the
Samarkand. Should the adventurers accept, they will next poison damage they take.
have to complete this task for Aslan. Beasts that are CR 1 or lower are
afraid of them for the next hour.
They have advantage on the next
The three boxes appear plain but well-made and stout. 4
Each of them has been made by the same carpenter.
saving throw they make.
They are sealed with a sigil: A warrior stabbing a lion. 5 They gain 1d4 temporary hit points.
These boxes are important for the main adventure.
They were made by Samarkand’s main antagonist: They have resistance against one type
Sefir. Inside the boxes are beautiful flowers that of random damage for the next hour.
appear alive although they have been picked. The
adventurers must be warned by Aslan to never open
these boxes. If they ever do, they will be affected by the
Otherworldly Disease devised as a weapon by Sefir
himself (though Aslan will not tell them this detail, as
Unless stated otherwise, all effects vanish after a long
he does not know it himself). Check out the sections rest.
below on the disease.
The Nameless Graves
If the adventurers break the seal, it can’t be replaced
using magic but a check related to forgery (DC 20) can
remake the seals. At the northern part of Shah-i Zinda, there is a mass
grave that gives you the chills with its horrible sight.
You feel like you are in a battlefield, this treatment is
only given to those fallen in wars and sieges, usually
Additionally, Aslan will ask these questions: buried like this to prevent rotting and diseases. In this
grave, this is not the case, this was an act of rage. The
D “Are you familiar with the arcane?” (Knowledge graves appear to be put in an unholy order, they do not
of magic is rare in Historica Arcanum–the usage face the right direction and they are not protected by
giant stones. A sense of dread fills you. Someone did
of it is even more so.)
this on purpose, these people must have committed
a terrible sin. Someone must have wanted to punish
D “Can you fight?” them even after death.

The Tombs

The area is covered with tombs that belonged to either In Muslim lands, it was necessary that the graves
nobles or warriors of the past centuries. The burial should face the direction of Mecca and specifically
Kaba, which is called Kıblah. Prayers, funeral rites,
places are marked with wood or marble with Turkish,
and other religious activities are completed while
either in Arabic script or Orkhon runes. Some of the facing the Kıblah. All other graves in Shah-i Zinda are
tombs that belong to Turkic tradition of Central Asia facing the Kıblah, thus placed correctly.
resemble ancient statutes (Kurgan) but careful eyes
know they represent the deceased.

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

The mass graves have no indication other than a small The Kuru Meshe (Dry Oak) Inn
signboard with a section from the Quran: Al-Fatiha. It
is the first surah in the Quran and it is a custom to
Built from wooden parts in a ramshackle manner,
recite it for the dead. It is believed that it gives ease to The Kuru Meshe Inn is a crooked building leaning
their souls in the afterlife. alarmingly to the left. It is, like everything else in
this desolate place, unwelcoming. A guard stands in
On the far corner of the graves there’s a really small front of the gate, with a rusted breast plate and an
hut with a lot of digging equipment next to its walls. uncharacteristically shiny yatagan. His gaze is cold,
A DC 10 Intelligence check reveals that this belongs and his posture intimidates the locals. He is silent as
to the gravekeeper of Shah-i Zinda. In there lives the a tree, but you can tell from the way he holds himself
that he is always ready to strike. He only stops beggars
gravekeeper of the desolate tombs, named Ibrahim.
and those who obviously have no money to spend
within. When you reach the first steps, he fixes his
Ibrahim (Priestj): He is an elderly man with a grim gaze upon you, a silent warning.
attitude. He only performs his job and usually stays Inside, you notice that sitting round the tables
out of the social situations of the other residents of and chairs are unexpectedly wealthy and cultured
Shah-i Zinda. He rarely speaks and when he does his people. These are not like those staying in the tents.
answers are mostly brief and mostly in the form of The people gathered inside have been rejected from
grunts and simple gestures. If the adventurers talk to Samarkand only because of sheer bad luck and the
omnipresence of war.
him and get on his good side (DC 10 Charisma check,
Persuasion of Deception proficiencies may apply), he
will share these information: The guard at the door uses the Knightj statblock and
his name is Khorsid. He can’t speak and if asked, the
D The graves belong to Hashashins. They were bartender briefly tells his tragic story. He was a noble’s
killed years ago after completing a deadly son once but was disinherited by the machinations
mission. All killed themselves. of his brother who eventually muted and exiled him.
Although he swore revenge, the war has done his job
D Hashashins have been quiet since the death of already.
Hasan Sabbah. This grave may be the only thing
that is left of them. The bartender is named Soraya. She and her late
husband built this place two years ago. The prices
soared like a minaret thanks to war. Each price is
tenfold from the usual. She explains the situation
thus: “This is the safest place in this God forsaken
tomb. Everyone is afraid of Khorsid.” Then she laughs.
If adventurers decide to spend the night, nothing
happens to them except weird dreams and an uneasy
feeling throughout the night. If they spend the night
without the protection of a faction, they may be the
target of an event at your discretion:

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

Pillar 3 reads in Arabic: “Qutham wished to be one

with the shadows, he wanted to be unseen and find
peace in solitude from time to time, and he received
d8 Event it.”

They are attacked by a group of If touched, it is activated and the ones who touched
your choice. Alternatively, if there it must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw.
are spellcasters, they lose their On a failed save, they take 1d4 psychic damage and a
spellcasting focus. Specterj appears. On a success, they take no damage
and you roll a d100. On a roll of 1-30, the Specter
Through nightmares that haunt them,
appears nonetheless. (The Specter won’t leave the
they must make a DC 10 Constitution
2 saving throw at the end of a long rest.
On a failed save, they gain one level of
The pillar that is protected by the Specter yields a
tome with runes that glow silver when activated.
The fear of dying and the dead When read, this tome burns in thin air and gives +5 to
haunt them. Whenever they see the next Stealth checks of all creatures within 30 feet
an undead they must succeed on a of it for the next 24 hours.
DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a
failed save they are frightened by the The Beneath
undead for 1 hour.
4 They lose 5d6 gp each. At the northern part of the city, “Şer Kapısı” (Door
of Misdeed) stands tall and intimidating. If the
5 They lose one weapon each. adventurers collect rumors and tales about the
All members roll a d20. On an even Beneath, they may roll for an Intelligence check
6 against DC 7. On a success, they realize there are
roll they lose their trinkets.
non-humans living there.
7 They lose 1d6 days of rations.
8 Nothing happens. An underground burial site lies beneath Shah-i Zinda,
and the ruined undercrofts offer homes to the non-
humans. There are fifty people maximum, mostly orcs,
tieflings, gnomes, and dragonborn. They are dressed
in an eclectic mix of styles from all across Asia and
The Mausoleum of the Follower
speak a range of languages. It seems that they are not
in the best of condition, as the harsh situation above
One of the followers of Prophet Muhammad, Qutham
has forced them to stay in hiding. They rarely go to
ibn Abbas is rumored to have been buried here, at the
the world above and have a clean well at the center
center of Shah-i Zinda in a tomb of shining turquoise.
of the tomb. Thus, they are able to find enough water.
There’s an undamaged building, with a missing door.
Two of them have Acolytej statblocks and four of
It is visible from most places in Shah-i Zinda but no
them have Scoutj statblocks.
one dares to approach, no one ever thinks of entering.
When asked, the locals share a story or two about the
One of the acolytes is called Sabiha (a tiefling); she
people who went inside and never returned.
doubles her proficiency bonus in Medicine checks
(+6). If she decides the adventurers can be trusted, she
If anyone dares to go inside, read:
will want to speak to them. She takes them to a tent,
and introduces them to a half-orc Tribal Warriorj
The air is rank with the smell of death. The named Hashem (His optional quest can be found in
mausoleum is a grand, solemn place, its walls adorned EotSR’s Samarkand section). He wants to go into the
with intricate carvings and deep green blue tilework city to reach his human mother, wondering about her
decorated with ornate patterns that flow into each health due to war. Sabiha asks if they can take him
other and dizzy the brain. The room is filled with a into the city, offering them a flask of holy water and a
sense of stillness and reverence, as if time itself has healing potion in return.
stopped within its walls. The air is heavy with the
scent of rot. The floor is made of polished marble, cool
and smooth beneath your feet that sends your head
spinning with vertigo and the walls are lined with rows Sabiha can be recruited as a Physician for the Players’
of pillars, all containing carvings in calligraphic and Caravan at the end of the Samarkand act, if the
Küfic Arabic, each one etched with one name of Allah. adventurers take Hashem with them and convince her
As you walk through the halls, you can't help but feel that they are trustworthy.
a lingering sense that has been eating you: Death is
Journey to Samarkand: The Catacombs

When the adventurers decide to go into the city, Aslan

explains the situation at Well C, where his base of
operatıons is. He has devised a plan for the players

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

their breath for a minute (due to minus Constitution

modifier) they reach the catacomb by taking 1d6

Room A

Where they land there are five additional barrels

containing supplies, and they are sealed with wax
bound by heavy stones. Aslan explains them as
“needed supplies.” This room contains nothing more
and leads into a corridor. The water coming from the
way makes the floors wet and slippery.

The room is quite desolate, the floorboards are rotted

from contact with the water, and a deep fungal smell
fills the air. An archway beckons the players deeper
into the undercity.

Room B

This room is shrouded in darkness. The smell of damp

lessens, but the air is still oppressive. If the players
have some way of lighting the room, they will see the
walls are decorated with dread carvings of fire and its
consequences. They also see a quite richly decorated
floor of red and blue tiles making the abstract shapes
of flowers. Some of these tiles are slightly raised
above the others: A DC 14 WIS (Perception) check
reveals their locations. If they are stepped on, they
trigger a trap. Whoever stepped on the tile must
make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 10) and the tile
snaps under the player's weight. On a failed save, that
character loses 5 feet of movement and takes 1d4-1
damage due to the sharp rocks under the tiles. The
movement loss can be reduced by a successful WIS
(Medicine) check (DC 10) or 1 hour of short rest.

A DC 10 INT (History or Religion) check will reveal

that this catacomb belongs to a Zoroastrian sect.
Surviving carvings on the wall tell an interesting story.
They show terrible monsters forcing open a gate and a
man with flames on his robe eventually closing the gate
after some powerful warriors defeat the monsters.
Anyone with the ability to read ancient Persian can
read this:
“With flames in his eyes, here he comes to close the
gates of demise. Save us, save us, o’ the wise!”

As they come close to Room C, Aslan stops them with

a worried face and explains that this room has always
been sealed and he doesn’t know who opened it.

involving them swimming through the well until they Room C

reach their destination. There is a path at the bottom
of the well that leads to an old catacomb and it takes The room contains two sarcophagi standing upright
about a minute to reach there. He will also accompany attached to the wall. They look like they were once
them. They must wait for the night and no one must sealed, but those seals appear to now be broken– a
see them jump in the well because no one would want DC 10 INT (Arcana) check reveals that the seal
to drink from a well where people go to swim. was broken due to the seal on the door losing its
magic. There are two conditions that will trigger the
When the night is at its darkest, Aslan will lead them creatures inside sarcophagi to awaken:
into the path at the bottom of the well and they will
swim for a minute. If any of the characters can’t hold D If someone comes within 5 feet of any of the

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

D If the door to Room E opens, the creatures will Thieves’ Tools check is needed. It takes 7 turns to
come to protect the books and tomes. be opened this way. When the first turn starts, if the
monsters have not been awakened in Room C, they
There are two Fravashi Risen inside the sarcophagi. are triggered now and will attempt to defend the
books by immediately attacking the adventurers.
There are four torches on the walls that are still
smoldering and look like they have only recently Inside the room, one side is full of supplies and a
been extinguished. A DC 14 INT (Arcana) check or table for first aid and medical attention (There are
an identify spell reveals that these are Zoroastrian two healer’s kits, each containing 6 uses). There are
Torches that create Zoroastrian Fire when ignited also little chests with locks on them (6 chests with
by an action. If detect magic is cast, the torches, DC 10 locks, each containing a total of 10 gp). Aslan
the tombs, and the statue are clearly magical, all explains that these are his supplies and “rainy day
belonging to abjuration school. money.” On the right, there are piles of books, tomes,
parchments, journals, notebooks, and more. Most
There’s a statue of Zoroaster, a tall robed man with seem like funeral rites and prayer parchments. A DC
his dreadful curly beard, holding a brazier in his 10 INT (Investigation) check reveals two small chests
hands. Behind the statue is a secret door that reveals that contain two Healing Potions.
the corridor to Room D. If the adventurers light the
brazier with Zoroastrian Torches, the secret door is If they examine the books, they realize that there is

When the Fravashi awaken, the torches are ignited. If

the adventurers use the torches to strike the monsters,
consult their stat blocks. If they use the torches after
the Fravashi die to destroy the bodies, the creatures
will be brought back to life with half their hit point

Room D

The room contains a silvered copper bowl covered

in tight floral decorations, clearly of persian make
but cracked down the middle. There is also a small
furnace and a jar of beeswax nearby. In the center,
there’s a small shrine with deep runes carved into it.
In the corner, there are ancient parchments, all blank.
They can be used to produce seals in order to bind the
creatures back to their tombs. However, they need to
be repaired and properly used first (The manuscript
on how to use this is in Room E):

D The broken bowl must be fixed by means of a

mending spell or a proper tool check (smith’s
tools, tinkerer’s tools, mason’s tools, or a similar
set of tools. The DC is 10)

D The furnace must be lit with Zoroastrian Fire

and wax must be melted down in the bowl.

D A page of parchment must be placed on the


D The wax must be placed on the parchment. Then

the pages can be used as seals.

Room E

`The door to Room E can be opened with Aslan’s

key. The normally simple task of unlocking a door
is complicated by the multiple locks on the door
and the several rings of keys that Aslan keeps. He
has to laboriously sort through his key until he finds
the correct one then start the process again for the
next lock. It takes 4 turns for the door to be opened
by Aslan. If a key has been lost somehow, a DC 15

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

a special book covered with good quality leather

Once upon a time, Hodja borrowed a copper cauldron
and patterns that resemble flames amongst the
from his neighbor. The next day he returned it with a
parchments. The pages are black and the ink on small one inside it. Neighbor was shocked. “I gave you
them can only be read under the light of a flame. If one,” he said.
characters are relying only on darkvision or a similar
ability, they won’t be able to read the contents of the Hodja smiled. “It gave birth to a new one.” Neighbor
book unless they use a lantern or a candle to read it. was surprised but didn’t question his luck or Hodja’s
This book contains information on how to seal the sanity and happily received the free cauldron. A week
Fravashi and explains the method in Room D. later, Hodja wanted to borrow the original cauldron
again. But this time he didn’t return it for days. The
neighbor got curious and knocked on his door.
At the end of the room, there's incense burning. A DC
10 INT(Arcana) check or identify spell reveals that this “Hodja, hodja! Where’s my cauldron?”
is magical incense (Incense of Zoroaster) that drew “Oh, I am sorry to inform you that the cauldron is
its power from these catacombs. Whoever smells it dead.”
is immune to disease for the next week. A creature
can benefit from this only once per month, and the Neighbor didn’t like the answer. “Are you trying to
incense loses its property if it leaves the catacombs. make a joke? Cauldrons don’t live and they don’t die!”

Hodja smiled again as he always did when he’s about

Exit: Doguran Kazan (The Living Cauldron) to give a fantastic answer:

“You believed that the cauldron could give birth but

The adventurers advance to Level 2 at the end of this you don’t believe that it can die?”

D If the adventurers manage to seal the monsters

back in their resting places and seal the door,
Aslan will thank them and give their money back,
but “He will still need them to deliver the boxes.”
He will favor the adventurers going forward and
tells them that if they should ever need assistance
in his areas of expertise, he will give them a hand
(usually a discount) on the required tasks.

D If they go out without doing so, Aslan will say, “I

won’t be able to use this road anymore,” but will
still feel gratitude towards the adventurers if he
didn’t drop below half his maximum hit points.
Also, if they brought Hashem with them, he will
express his gratitude and say that he will pay his
debt in the future the first time he’s available.

After this room, the road is long but clean until they
reach The Living Cauldron Inn. The inn’s name is
a reference to a famous story by Nasreddin Hodja,
a famous folk figure in Turkic lore. It is located
in a remote corner of the city and most roguish
types and outcasts hang out there. Aslan is loved
here and arranges a room for the adventurers, and
if they succeed in sealing monsters and the door,
Aslan arranges a night of accommodations free of
charge. If they didn't end up on bad terms with him,
the innkeeper lets them stay for half the price (2 sp
a night with a supper is the usual fee).

In this inn, once a day, whoever tells a story of

Nasreddin Hodja and makes enough people laugh
receives a free copper cauldron (Worth 5 cp). It is
rumored among the regulars that the Innkeeper
Salih has the famous cauldron that gives birth in his

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

A DC 7 INT (History) check reveals the famous Aslan states that they are waiting for a group of
cauldron story: people to make the delivery, and they should utter
this password to prove they are who they are: “Esrik
The players may recall jokes and stories about Dunya” which means “The drunk world,” an often
Nasreddin Hodja via DC 10 INT (History) check, or used expression and metaphor in Turkish poetry. He
you may encourage your players to come up with their also explains that they will receive some coins after
own stories and have them roll a CHA (Performance) the jobs are done and it is their fee, and he has already
check. been paid so they do not need to cut a share for him.

It is up to the adventurers in which order they should

Samarkand: Wartorn Skies go; all destinations are in the same districts, and it
will take them about 1 to 2 hours maximum to reach
“Up from Earth’s Centre through the Seventh Gate them all.
I rose, and on the Throne of Saturn sate
And many Knots unravel’d by the Road;
But not the Knot of Human Death and Fate.” Before setting out for the adventure you can check
-Khayyam out the Samarkand chapter and Running a Story in
the Silk Road chapter’s Samarkand section in EotSR
to find out more about the city’s culture, traditions,
religion, history and more to enrich these steps of the
As the winds howl among the silent streets of
Samarkand people even dream quietly. Only the inn
you recently left seemed able to separate itself from
the dread that covers the land. If the cobblestones
could speak, they’d share the horrific sights they have
witnessed. The walls and carved pillars of the city
are stained with blood and piles of corpses clog the
fountains and wells. Gallows creak in the squares and
on main roads. Hanged men welcome you to the main
bazaars and markets’ entrances. They have no tale left
to tell but one: The horrors they witnessed before they
die can be seen in their burned out eyes.

Armed men and women on horses or on foot patrol

the streets with grim and threatening eyes. They
mostly carry the sky blue banner of the Khaganate or
a wolf’s skin on their proud shoulders. They decide
who gets to live or who meets the cold embrace of the
underworld. They seem to endlessly roam the streets.
People cower in their homes when they walk by. You
witness many hawkers lose their carts and goods to
the steppe riders’ blades, many shops have already
been plundered and the merchandise scattered all in
the dirt.

Samarkand is a wartorn hell and waits in her shell for

all this rampage to be over.

The adventurers are now tasked with delivering

packages to three points of interests in the city which
are explained by Aslan right after they leave the tavern:

D A dervish lodge called Saluting Moon. DC 15 INT

(History or Religion) check reveals that this lodge
is known for its secrecy and has connections in
arcane circles.

D A medrese (a theological school for Muslims)

named Medrese of Cafer Aga. A DC 10 INT
(History) check reveals that this medrese is
known for their studies about ontology and

D A guild known as Tallow Chandlers. A DC

15 INT (History) check reveals that there are
rumors about the guild’s other agendas, such as
smuggling illegal goods and eccentric items.

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

While the adventurers are traveling the streets of Samarkand, you can roll on the table below to generate
certain events and encounters that give a flavor of Samarkand in this fraught and dangerous moment:

d10 Result
4 Thugsj intercept them and ask for official papers (which is not the tradition). They may try
to “arrest” them.
2 officials (Steppe Raiders) from the Khaganate ask what their business is and imply a
2 bribe is needed (10 gp most). If the adventurers fail to do so, they will try to confiscate their
weapons. If the adventurers initiate combat, they will be wanted throughout the city.
3 4 Banditsj try to ambush them on a narrow street.
In a crowded street, they have a 25% chance of losing 2d4 gp each to pickpockets. A Passive
Perception of 13 is required to detect the thieves.
They witness the beheading of two men. If any of them speak Mongolian, they will learn that
they were accused of witchcraft.
6 An arms dealer offers them weapons and ammunition at half the normal market price.
They witness a wedding in a secluded garden where the soldiers don’t roam often. If there
are any priests or religious figures among the party (such as a cleric, a paladin, or a druid),
they are asked to bless this wedding and are given a Riding Horsej. The married couple are
a local Turkish girl named Behice and a Mongolian steppe rider named Toygun.
A lovely elderly lady offers them a yogurt drink while they pass. If they accept, they have
advantage on the next Constitution saving throw they make in the next 8 hours.
They stumble upon a street bard who plays music and sings Turkish love songs. She has
a cup in front of her and some people toss a coin in it. If the adventurers toss a coin to the
bard, they gain a d6 that they can add to their next ability check, attack roll, or saving throw
in the next hour when they fail a skill check.
They find 2d10 gp deserted in a corner with a note on it: “Whoever finds this, I hope you
enjoy it, for I can not.”

Saluting Moon adventurers to leave them with their cargo. The pouch
contains 10 gp.
When they arrive at the door, they can see a sign in
Thieves Cant that says: “An enemy of the Khaganate is The Medrese of Cafer Aga
a friend of ours,” discreetly etched on the lintel.
This medrese can be reached by an ancient staircase.
A man opens the door and lets the players in; almost The building has a small garden with many wooden
all features are concealed by cloth, mostly pale red benches, but there are no people around. Bookcases
and pinks, though a horrible scar around his eyes sheltered from the rain can be seen near the wall,
is visible. The man opens the door to a wide hall looking like a temporary home for them.
furnished with diwans, shishas, and a lot of books
are scattered around. The ceiling has many carvings The stone door is shut, and there’s a small sign in
and miniature paintings containing the story of the Thieves Cant that indicates “Information exchange.”
Prophet’s Ascension, although a DC 8 INT (Religion) When the door is knocked on, a man covered in
check reveals that this story contains interesting a cloak and bandages appears and welcomes the
details depicting the Prophet's landing on the Moon players in. He speaks plainly with the minimum
and interacting with angels on it. words required. He takes the adventurers through a
bewildering series of corridors opening and closing
There’s a round table in the middle of the hall and every few meters until they reach a hall.
three other men, all of whom have hidden their
identities with masks or veils standing around it (3 In the hall there are two paravans (folding screens)
Veterans). The one who opened the door joins them and two guards (you can use Gladiator statblock
and puts a pouch apparently full of coins on the table. for them). The hall is lit by many candles. The only
He slides it towards you as the others gather behind indication that there are people behind the paravans
him. The players can attempt to answer questions, are their shadows. One of them gestures for the
but the answers will be given as hand gestures and adventurers to enter and asks for the delivery. After
very brief or cryptic utterances. They wait for the the delivery is complete, the man who has escorted

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

the adventurers here gives them a pouch that contains The woman (Fortune-teller) wears colorful clothes
15 gp and leads them back out, closing and opening and holds a pouch in her hands; only her eyes can be
the doors once again. seen. She asks for the password and upon hearing it
she drops the pouch on a low table. Afterwards the
Tallow Chandlers adventurers are asked to leave. The pouch contains
25 gp. Check out the Samarkand section’s Business
This place is in a crowded street which houses Gone Wrong quest in EotSR for further detail about
actual candle-makers. Despite the chaos of the city, this woman called Derya Nurperdaz.
people are still plying their trades, and the street
is quite busy. The players can say the password to
anyone on the street. The person they ask will take If the adventurers initiate combat and lose against the
the adventurers to a back alley and swiftly abandon members of Saluting Moon, Medrese of Cafer Aga or
them after knocking on a seemingly mundane wall. Tallow Chandlers, they won’t be killed off by them after
A DC 10 INT (Investigation) check reveals that there the encounter if they didn’t die during combat. They will
be dumped in the street unconscious, and only their
is actually a door here. They are greeted by a woman.
coins will be taken.
Only her eyes are visible behind her veil. She invites
the adventurers in and leaves them alone in a room
with divans and low tables. Downtime

Faint music can be heard from other rooms and when After the adventurers complete their tasks and receive
a woman opens the door again, its volume gets louder their rewards, they are free for a while. Use this time
until she closes the door. A DC 13 INT (History) check to give them Downtime. The characters should have
reveals that women have been known to gather in goals to attain or people to reach within Samarkand.
secret to celebrate events such as marriages or births; Use this downtime to let them complete these tasks
or they just gather to have fun. and advance their backgrounds or their personal
stories. The adventurers may split up the party; it
won’t cause a problem for the next session.

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

Approximately a week will pass, and during this time D There will be a major festival to congratulate the
there are many things they may hear during their time studies of Scholar Yaqut al-Hamawi and the birth
in Samarkand. Either give these pieces of information of Emir Ahmad’s son at Merv.
to the players directly, or ask if they want to collect
information about what’s going on in the world and Otherworldly Disease: Chrysalis of Dream
have them roll a DC 7 CHA (Persuasion) or WIS
(Perception) check.
Check out the Plague & Disease Module section of
EotSR for other mundane and arcane diseases.
D The Kurultai of the Khaganate began last month.
There are many candidates after Ogedei’s
demise, especially his grandchild Shiremün and A sickness is spreading in Samarkand, and its claws
his son Güyük. Ogedei’s widow Töregene has are starting to dig deep. Chrysalis of Dream is a
seized power and now acts as queen regent. disease created by Mansur al-Yaman, better known
as Sefir. He is one of the most important members
D There are many ambassadors and nobles of the Order of Hashashins, and an exile from the
attending the Kurultai, including Kilij Arslan, the sect. As mentioned in the Adventure Hooks section,
heir to the throne of Rum. Sultan Jalal of Isfahan Hashashins play an important role in this story.
refused to send an envoy to “invaders and cruel
monsters.” This disease is spread by invisible and ethereal
butterflies and moths, called Lullabies by Sefir. They
D Since the death of Hasan Sabbah, the carry the untamed and unknown power of the Al-
Hashashins of Alamut have been quiet. The Ghaib, and Sefir devised them to spread like plague,
people of Samarkand are still afraid of them, but sowing chaos and terror along the Silk Road. It is
the silence gives them relief for now. Sefir’s magnum opus. Normal treatments don’t work,
and even experienced physicians can not understand
D For a few days some people have been reported what is happening as an unknown contagion ravages
to be very ill: Weak, pale, coughing and falling the bodies of their loved ones.
unconscious seemingly at random. The city is
moving towards a time of pestilence, and chaos. Infection: Whenever a Lullaby lands on a creature,
that creature must make a Constitution saving throw.
D The Khaganate’s forces have still been unable to As long as a Lullaby is on a creature, it repeats the
arrest Ibn Sina (known in the west as Avicenna) saving throw each day. Unless summoned or banished
though they know his whereabouts. The players somehow, the Lullabies won’t leave a target.
may overhear some of the conversations: “We A Lullaby lands on a creature when it’s sleeping and/
sent a whole squadron to find one guy!” or “HOW or dreaming and is within 1-mile of another creature
CAN YOU NOT ARREST ONE OLD MAN?” who is infected. Cough also may spread the disease.

Incubation: 3d6 hours.

Symptoms: Extreme Cough, Blackout (2nd day),
Pale Skin (2nd day), Movement Loss, Motor
Dysfunction, Strong Fever (2nd day)
Diagnosis: As it is derived from many mundane
and arcane diseases, it can easily be distinguished
from other diseases.
Cure & Treatment: There’s no definite cure
except the Choir of Al Ghaib. It only suppresses
the disease. If the creature does not take the Elixir
for 7 days, symptoms show themselves again.
Disease DC: 15. Any check or saving throw
related to this disease will have DC 15.

Extreme Cough*: The target has disadvantage

on Constitution saving throws and is vulnerable
to poison damage. Honey, pepper, and lemon may
help (5 gp total) to suppress a cough for 3d10
Blackout: The target’s brain functions sometimes
fail and cause the target to lose consciousness;
at random times (or each hour) it must succeed
on a Wisdom saving throw or fall unconscious.
It can be awakened with a Medicine check
and consuming proper herbs, nuts,
and vegetables (15 gp worth
of walnut, ashtree leaf, black
seed, and endive).

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

Strong Fever**: Each hour the target must succeed

on a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save its
maximum hit points decrease by 6. Keeping the body
cool makes the trigger every 2 hours rather than one.

As a rule, spells like lesser restoration or greater

restoration, and features like lay on hands and divine
health can’t destroy the disease and do not affect the
symptoms normally. Detect poison and disease or
other similar spells or features does not detect an
otherworldly disease, unless stated otherwise.

Rules about these features are listed here:

Divine Health: A paladin with this feature has

advantage on saving throws against this disease.
Lay on Health: Spending 5 points grants another
hour to the trigger of Strong Fever.
Lesser Restoration: Grants advantage in Strong
Fever checks.
Dispel Magic: Suppresses the symptoms for 10
minutes in magical and otherworldly diseases. If it
is cast as a 5th level spell, the time becomes 1 hour.
Antimagic Field: Magical and otherworldly diseases
are suppressed in the antimagic field. But they are not
Power Word Heal: It ends all mundane and magical
diseases. It grants a saving throw in order to be cured
from otherworldly diseases as well.

Spells above Level 6 are not encountered often in the

universe of Historica Arcanum.

*This is a different cough from the Plague & Disease

Module’s Symptoms section in EotSR.
**This fever can’t be reduced to Mild or Average Fever
as it is shown in the Plague & Disease Module’s
Symptoms section in EotSR.

When a creature dies of the disease, a random ethereal

flower blooms on their body after 1d4 minutes. In a
period of 2d6 hours, all of the body and its 5 to 10 ft.
diameter is covered with beautiful and colorful flowers.
However, this sight is not visible to the naked eye and
will be revealed only if creatures can see through the
ethereal plane.

The adventurers are considered protected from the

disease on the first day due to their connections in the
Zoroastrian catacombs with the Incense of Zoroaster.
After a week passes, however, they may be affected by
Pale Skin: The target’s skin appears to be very sickly the spell.
and can’t roll 15 or higher in Charisma checks related
to social encounters and similar situations. Any roll
Choir of Al Ghaib
higher than 15 counts as 14.
Movement Loss: The target’s speed is halved.
This otherworldly elixir contains a power beyond
Motor Dysfunction: The target occasionally loses
imagining and takes its roots from Al Ghaib. It is
control over basic motor functions and appears to
produced by Sefir, Grand Alchemist of Alamut, and
move weirdly, thus having disadvantage on Charisma
was designed to empower whoever drinks it. By
checks while these anomalies continue. Each time a
the order of Hasan Sabbah, it had one great flaw:
target enters a social encounter, it must succeed on
a Constitution saving throw to be able to perform

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

The word “Hashashin” comes from “haşhaş,” whose modern name is “papaver somniferum” and known as hashish,
a drug made from opium poppy. This elixir contains hashish and its powerful essence. Legends describe that
Hashashins use hashish as a method of overcoming pain and entering paradise.

Properties: Whenever a creature drinks this elixir, it is counted as “Under the Effects of the Choir of Al Ghaib”
Granted Effect: The drinker is immune to all diseases, including otherworldly ones.
Features: It takes one action to drink the choir. It grants specialties depending on the variations below:
First Time Consumption: Roll from the table below. If you desire another side effect for the feature, you can
roll again for the side effect only or choose a proper side effect for the drinker. In addition, creatures that drink
it gain temporary hit points equal to 4d6 + 4.

d10 Feature Side Effect

The drinker gains 60 ft. darkvision. If you
At random times the drinker’s eyes
1 already have darkvision, this feature increases
become all black.
its range by 60 feet. It lasts for 24 hours.
The creature’s Passive Perception increases by All water becomes muddy and gives out
3 for the next 8 hours. foul stench within 10 ft. of it.
Random body parts of GM’s choice give off
The creature has advantage on Initiative rolls for
3 some steam and look like they have a rash
the next 8 hours.
on them.
The drinker gains climbing and swimming speed
A gill appears under the drinker’s left ear,
4 equal to its walking speed. It lasts until the end
and its nails smell like rotten flesh.
of its next long rest.
The drinker has advantage on ability checks that No one can produce a fire within 10 ft. of
5 rely on its highest Ability Score. It lasts for 8 it. All active fires will go out. This excludes
hours. magical fires.
The drinker gains the ability of Devil’s Sight. It The drinker’s eyes glow a dreadful red at
lasts for 24 hours. night.
The drinker gains resistance to three types of The drinker’s face grows scales like a
7 damage, the GM determines the resistances. It dragon’s. Its color is determined by the
lasts for 8 hours. GM.
The drinker gains +2 bonus to its attack rolls
and saving throws, its spell save DC increases by The drinker’s skin becomes so pale
8 2 or its Armor Class can’t be lower than 16 that people might think it is dead while
(The GM’s choice). It lasts until the end of its sleeping.
next long rest.
The drinker has advantage on saving throws
The drinker’s bodily indicators become
9 against spells and magical effects until the end
exceptionally healthy.
of its next long rest.
The drinker is under the effects of the death The drinker’s random body parts resemble
ward spell for the next 8 hours. a skeleton’s under moonlight.

The side effects last until the end of the drinker’s For excessive uses, you may decide that the drinker
next long rest. It is under your discretion to apply rolls for more features and more effects.
advantage or disadvantage depending on the side
effects, such as 6’s side effect may give advantage Addiction: Each time the creature drinks the elixir,
on CHA (Intimidation) checks. Do not forget that it must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On
this happens on first consumption only, so most a failed save, the creature gets the “Addicted” flaw.
Hashashins don’t have these side effects. A creature with the Addicted flaw must consume
the elixir at least once every 2d10 days. Otherwise,
These side effects are the result of the spell rebound it will suffer from the Withdrawal table. Withdrawal
effects. effects are suppressed for 2d4 days with a greater
restoration spell or another 2d10 days when the

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

creature consumes the elixir. The DCs on the table increase by 2 if an addicted character spends indicated
days without drinking the elixir. For example, if a character rolls 11, withdrawals start at the end of 11 days. If
the character spends another 11 days without the elixir, the DCs on the table increase by 2.

“Addicted” Flaw: “I need to drink the Choir of Al Ghaib. It is what keeps me alive.” Depending on the nature
of your campaign and the personalities of the adventurers, you can alter the wording to fit better. It is intended
for adventurers to feel the pressure of finding the elixir and to give players a method to apply their role playing.

d8 Withdrawal Effect
Fatigue: The creature must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw at the end of each
long rest or suffer one level of exhaustion.
Distraction: The creature must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at the end of
each long rest or suffer disadvantage on all Wisdom checks for that day.
Inhibitor: The creature must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at the end of
each long rest or its walking speed is halved.
Slow Reflexes: The creature must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or takes -2
penalty to its Armor Class.
Bad Blood: The creature must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or can’t
recover hit points until it finishes a long rest. It gains the benefits of the previous long rest.
Slow Reaction: The creature must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or suffer a
disadvantage on all Dexterity checks and saving throws (including Initiative).
Weak Muscles: The creature must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or its STR
is reduced by 1d6 for that day.
Hallucinations: The creature must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or suffer
from hallucinations and similar effects determined by you. For example, the creature may
not tell the difference between enemies and foes, may see things that aren’t there and put
themselves in danger by following them, have phobia attacks (being frightened because of
the hallucinations), or getting paralyzed where they are (having the stunned condition when
a triggering hallucination is seen).

This elixir is the secret weapon of Hasan Sabbah, and he uses it to empower his most trusted Hashashins: The
Harbingers of Castle Alamut.

Echoes of Destruction

On their final day, the players start witnessing the horrors of a city cursed by disease. Fresh suffering and
tragedy lurk around every corner. People are very ill and a word of death is burning in Samarkand like a wild
and untamed fire. There are dozens of locals who are pale, coughing, looking very fragile and fatigued. Here are
some examples to show the adventurers; you can roll 3 times or choose 3 of them randomly:

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

d6 Result
The Khaganate’s soldiers are forcing a crowd into an old wooden building. There are at least
20 people, many of them screaming, struggling. There are children crying. When the soldiers
decide this is enough, they set the building on fire: the ignited arrows set a flammable liquid
that’s been poured on the roof ablaze.
An imam prowls around a sick crowd, bellowing prayers at the top of his voice, some locals
are forcing people to listen but most kneel and pray.
Some “hunters” gather in the streets with sticks, rakes, and clubs to hunt down lepers,
rodents, and dogs, whom they think are responsible for the plague.
There are some charlatans that claim they have found the cure and ask 5 gp for a bottle of
medicine while some people from the crowd realize it and start to lynch them.
A rich merchant is being hung by the crowd and his goods, food, and coins are being
distributed among the attackers.
A group of young boys start to splash blue paint on the doors of people they consider to be

After a short while, each of them is found by Aslan. He looks worried as he hands them a letter. If Aslan is killed
somehow or ends up on bad terms with the adventurers, a hawk will deliver these messages.

Dear adventurers,

My name is Ibn Sina. You may consider me a physician who tries to understand the marvels of the
human body and a scientist who tries to uncover the wonders of the universe.

I am in need of your assistance. This sickness plagues the land, and as a physician it is my duty to
find the source and the cure of it. I have ideas and insights about its origins. My dear associate Aslan
informed me that you were close to its origin point that I have discovered. I’d like to enlighten you further
on this subject and would like to greet you in my humble and unpredictable chambers.

When you are on your way, please make sure you are not followed by:

Hospitalier Knights
Templar Knights
Foundation of Druids
Masons of the West
The Illuminati
Eagle Warriors of the Khaganate
Shamans of Ötüken
Bookbinders Association
Riders of the Jurchen Tribe
Bloods of Alexander
Protect the Elephants Society
Shinobi of Tokugawa
Tomb Raiders Guild
Blacksmiths of Basra
Emir Sadettin the Dog
The Undying Ghost of Kilij Arslan I
Cartographer’s Society
Saladin of the Ayyubid

Under no circumstances should you accept an invitation of companionship fromEshref the Tortoise!

Good luck,
‫ابن سینا‬

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

The letter appears to be genuine. Aslan explains that In the courtyard near the house, adventurers notice
he worked for Ibn Sina for some certain smuggling that there are a large number of tents. Some of the
businesses and sometimes runs an errand, as he likes Khaganate’s guards are also waiting outside, looking
the old man but warns the adventurers that he is a puzzled and frustrated at the house from afar. Some
“little crazy.” of the locals are waiting, looking miserable, probably
waiting for Ibn Sina to cure the disease and help their
Dunyazad (Ibn Sina’s Mansion) relatives.

As you approach the mansion, you can't help but feel a

Aslan helps the adventurers to pass without being
sense of unease. The building looks as though it was seen and leads them to the open door. Behind the door
constructed with no regard for aesthetics or function. is a bedroom painted in vibrant and clashing colors.
The roof slopes at odd angles, the windows are uneven It appears to have not been used for many months,
and mismatched, and doors on the upper floor seem as the dust on the furniture looks thick. If any of the
to lead to nowhere, as if taunting anyone who might adventurers turns to ask Aslan why an entrance to
try to enter. the house is a bedroom, they will see him walk away
another 20 ft. Then, turning them to smile, he waves
Despite its appearance, there is a sense of powerful
magic emanating from the mansion, especially for any
his hand and continues to walk away from the house.
eyes used to dealing with the arcane. The mansion The bedroom door opens and an old man wanders
seems to pulsate with energy, as if alive. You hear in carrying a basket of fruits. He looks puzzled for a
whispers in the wind, telling tales of people’s regret to moment, then notices the adventurers.
have entered the house.
“Ah, you must be the travelers Aslan spoke of.”
You can't help but feel drawn to the mansion. Perhaps
it's the allure of the unknown, or the thrill of facing
Ibn Sina welcomes them and offers them drinks, beds,
the unknown. Whatever the reason, you know that you
must enter the mansion and uncover its secrets. And
and food, and as the adventurers go from door to door
you see one door from the ground floor open as if it is they notice a certain thing: This is a magical house
welcoming you. with ever changing rooms. Each time one opens a
door, a random room appears.

If asked, Ibn Sina will answer differently each time

about the origins of the house:

d8 Result
“It was cursed by my ex-wife. She resented me so much, whenever her eyes touched
something of mine, it went bad.”
“I bought it from a miserable man who was conned into buying this house. It was a trickster
fey’s doing.”
3 “I was bored of predictability, so I made it happen to enjoy my daily life.”
“It was once a great wizard who turned himself into a house with some sort of polymorph
spell and was cursed to stay that way.”
5 “It was built by a drunken architect and its wood was enchanted by an azure dragon.”
“The family that used to live here was murdered by a serial killer, and their blood made the
house awaken.”
7 “It was Nasreddin Hodja’s original house.”
“A genie from a bottle appeared for a little child and she wished for a house where laughter is
never far from her ears.”

Ibn Sina is used to not being able to find the right door but the adventurers wouldn’t be wrong if they come to
the conclusion that the only person who can find its way around is him.

Roll 3d10. The total is the number of minutes it takes to find the common hall, where Ibn Sina usually hangs
out. During this journey and any other times they spend in the house they may encounter many bizarre things:
choose or roll from the table below. As an optional rule, when they try to reach a room, roll a d8 first and use the
total as how many times you will roll from this table. However, in time the adventurers are also getting used to
the house, so you may just roll a 3d10 and say “It took you (3d10) minutes to reach the room you want.” What
they can encounter in the house is not limited to this list, so feel free to add anything you may deem appropriate
for your game.

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

d20 Result
1 1d4-1 black bearsj.
2 1d4-1 tigersj.
3 1d2 giant spidersj.
4 A room with a swamp in the middle of it.
5 Bizarre flowers that should not be able to grow here.
6 Tall trees covering the room.
7 1d4 Pixies.
A heavy chest, but it is a mimicj and apparently snoring loudly. Only a really loud noise can
wake it up.
A very grim room with a balbal (Turkic tomb) in the middle of it. The tombstone reads in
Hunnic runes: “Bleda, brother of Attila, rests here. He ascended to the sky.”
A room full of spices and ingredients from all around the world; curry, coffee, lotus flowers,
tea leaves, and similar.
A small golden dragon wyrmlingj is sleeping on a collection of books, tomes and stone
tablets that look ancient. Whenever someone or an outsider object comes within 10 ft. of
11 the dragon, it and its pile vanishes. If asked, Ibn Sina will refer to the dragon as “Sarıkız”
(meaning “Yellow Girl” in Turkish, a common name used for sheep, horses and similar docile
animals) and that the dragon will sleep for at least a century.
The cellar. There are many types of food and alcoholic beverages such as barrels of beer or
The terrace. There’s a ghostj in there that rarely speaks named Cafer. He came to deliver
Ibn Sina some coins for a job but died inside the house. His wife died years ago, due to an
13 illness, so he had not many things to live for; nevertheless, he got stuck here. He sometimes
plays Go or Chess with Ibn Sina. Unless intensely provoked, he won’t attack the adventurers,
as they are guests in this house.
14 A living room. The only interesting object is a random cantrip scroll of your choice.
15 Nursery. They find three healer’s kits.
The library. They may roll for Intelligence checks and gain lore about the world. The DC
depends on the piece of information they are seeking.
An armory. They can find any simple or martial weapon, and ammunition you deem
They find a well inside the house. The water looks fresh, and the room smells good due to
18 flowers near the well. If they drink from it, they gain 1d4 temporary hit points. A creature can
only benefit from this once a day.
They stumble upon The Treasure Room. They find 4d8 worth of gold pieces and 1d4 healing
19 potions each time they find this room, or at your discretion, they can find one or two spell
scrolls of your choice (Maximum of Level 2).
20 They find the room they are looking for immediately.

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

And most of the time they hear what is going on in other rooms, such as:

d8 Result
They hear two men speaking Mandarin Chinese or Tibetan. The topic is “HOW THE HELL
ARE WE GETTING OUT OF THIS HOUSE?” or “Did you like the meal I cooked?”
2 They hear loud elephant or similar beast noises.
3 They hear the sound of an axe chopping down a tree.
4 They hear a blacksmith working on metals. Loudly.
5 They hear horses’ running around upstairs. “Wait a second…isn’t it only the roof above us?”
6 They hear a woman telling funny stories such as works of Nasreddin Hodja or Keloglan.
7 They hear the bell of a church very nearby and the chanting of a priest.
They hear the clashing of swords and warriors yelling war cries like “Ha!”, “Ahhh!” and the
din of battle.
They hear the sound of many musical instruments at the same time. They are interestingly in
perfect harmony.
10 They hear the crashing of waves on the beach.

D They may use his house as a base of operations

If asked about the mansion’s name, Ibn Sina will tell the for a while, in case they get on the wrong side of
story of Scheherazade and Shahryar and explain that the Khaganate’s forces.
it comes from their story. Dunyazad is Scheherazade’s
sister and eventually marries Shah Zaman, king of D “Whoever is behind this has used you, adventurers
that know nothing, to spread this disease. They
knew that Aslan would ask refugees to carry
out this kind of task. For all our sake, we must
“Shahryar is a king who, after being betrayed by his untangle this mess.”
wife, marries a new woman every night and has her
put to death the next morning. He fears that every If they accept, Ibn Sina will give them certain tasks to
woman will eventually betray him. Scheherazade, the complete in order to find a cure to the disease.
vizier's daughter, volunteers to be the next queen and
marries Shahryar. On their wedding night, she begins
1. Investigate a suspect: A formal associate of Ibn
to tell him a story but stops at a cliffhanger, leaving him
eager to hear the rest. She repeats this process for 1001 Sina named Abu Amir. He usually investigates
nights, keeping Shahryar interested in her stories and these kinds of contagious diseases and its effect
postponing her execution. Eventually, Shahryar falls on the human mind. Ibn Sina warns that he may
in love with Scheherazade, and they lived happily ever be hiding something, and he never trusted him
after. that much, as he was involved with “exorcism
and other equally useless things.” He knows from
It was Dunyazad, Scheherazade’s sister, who visited Aslan that Abu Amir has been invited to a noble’s
her each night and asked for another story before her
house for medical purposes.

2. Find samples: A band of refugees entered the

Main Story Point city using Aslan’s methods, and he arranged a
deserted old inn (Mustakim Inn) for them to stay
When the adventurers rest, Ibn Sina will talk them in. There are non-humans among them, and at
about certain topics: least one of them must be brought here to see if
the disease is affecting them differently. “If there
D This sickness is unusual. He stresses the word are any discrepancies between humans and
and becomes silent for a brief moment for them others, that might just be the key to unlocking
to understand this information’s depth, as it is this thing.”
coming from the best physician in the world.
He has some theories about it, but he can’t go Quest 1) Diseases on the Mind
outside this building, as he has many enemies
outside and the house protects his mind. Abu Amir lives in the wealthy part of the city, and he
bribed many of the Khaganate’s officers in the area

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

using medicine, free examinations, and old fashioned The tunnel is about 250 meters (820 ft.) long, and
gold. He has been summoned by a noble named there are two sickly men sheltering about 500 ft within.
Süleyman Kadir. He will travel from his house to They are wereratsj, and they have Level 1 Exhaustion
there after noon’s prayers (namaz). It will take about and carry the Chrysalis of Dream. Abu Amir carries a
30 minutes for him to arrive, as he will try to avoid the vial of sleep; if adventurers follow behind him, he will
sickly and any unbribed Khaganate officers. immediately use it on the wererats for safe passage.
The wererats are asleep and have Passive Perception
If no one intervenes, this is his route: of 8, due to sleeping and their level of exhaustion even
when they are awake. They may not realize at all if the
1. He will stop by at a local doctor called Hakeem adventurers move stealthily.
(check out the Samarkand section in EotSR for
further details about Hakeem) and gather some If investigated, the wererats carry four dolls with
supplies, such as bandages. ribbons on them, two tiny flutes and a music box.

2. He will deliver medicine to the local officer of

the Khaganate named Batubars (check out the
Samarkand section in EotSR for further details
about Batubars). Batubars will lead him to a
tunnel inside a building nearby. Adventurers with
Passive Perception equal to 13 or higher can
hear this immediately and other characters can
roll for DC 13 WIS (Perception) check that rely
on hearing or mouth reading.

3. There is a sealed tunnel that leads to the house

of Süleyman Kadir. Abu Amir will wait for 10
minutes and check on the well-being
of the Khaganate soldiers’ that are
on guard duty where the tunnel
can’t be seen. This might give the
adventurers a head start in the

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

successfully (DC 10), he will give the pieces of

If the adventurers didn’t return to Shah-i Zinda to be information above to the adventurers and share other
affected by the Incense of Zoroaster, they may be knowledge he possesses about the disease:
inflicted with the disease.
D The patients can’t be possessed.

4. The tunnel leads to a hatch inside the perimeter D Simple magic or arcane methods have proven
of Süleyman Kadir’s house. His only remaining useless.
men are 4 Guardsj scattered around the garden.
Süleyman Kadir uses the Noblej statblock. D The ones about to die mostly claim they are going
to a better place or a terrible place. All patients
5. Inside the house is Süleyman Kadir’s daughter. he saw were either gone with a happy face or a
She has a serious mental illness; thus, she dreaded face.
doesn’t speak or eat properly.
D The symptoms that the patients show, they look
Abu Amir uses an interesting method to deal with like a more “symbiotic” relationship than “a
mental diseases. He carries three tiny chests that possession.”
fit in the palm easily. These chests are marked with
red, purple, and green paint. The red one carries a While going home, Abu Amir starts to show some
lemurej spirit; the purple one carries a shadowj symptoms of the disease.
spirit; and the green one carries a dust mephitj
spirit. He uses the lemure, and lets it possess the girl. Quest 2) Haunted Inn
Afterwards, he uses his limited spellcasting ability to
exorcize the devil back to the chest. Of course, during At the entrance of the inn, there’s a sign in Thieves
the possession, casual observers unfamiliar with Cant that says: “Destruction.” If detect magic is cast, it
magic won’t understand anything. If the adventurers will show a perimeter right around the inn’s borders.
witness this situation they may roll for DC 13 INT A DC 10 INT (Arcana) check reveals that this is a
(Arcana) check to understand the process. protective border that allows newcomers in but deals
damage (2d4 psychic) to whoever wants to come out.
After the ceremony, he utters to the girl and her father
that the girl was possessed and now should be fine. Inside, the adventurers encounter about a dozen
This method is how he tries to cure mental conditions. Commonersj, most of them are non-humans (elves,
After this, he receives payment and goes home. halflings, dwarves, half-orcs, and tieflings). They
all have Level 3 Exhaustion. Although they may be
This is a regular job for Abu Amir, and most of the time scared of the adventurers, they don’t have energy to
he doesn’t take payments from the poor and the like. start any confrontation. As soon as they hear Aslan’s
He tries to understand the human mind and in cases name, they calm down.
he sees as lost causes he uses this method to give the
patients a placebo effect. If persuaded or intimidated The inn has been abandoned and has many leftovers

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

from the previous owners, although many supplies the room must succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving
have been consumed by the refugees. There are throw or take 1d3 bludgeoning damage. The room
tables, chairs and many things that can come close to seems to have been a home for a bard once. There
a bed, but no one goes upstairs. One of the refugees are many sheets of paper that contain musical notes,
warns them: “The dead! The dead are upstairs! We a love letter written in Persian to “Ferhât,” and some
can’t leave, it attacks us! We can’t sleep, it haunts us!” brief scratchings on scraps of paper and unfinished
They do, however, agree to meet with Ibn Sina if the poems. A DC 7 INT (History) check reveals these to
players can get them out of their predicament. be references to a famous love story, Ferhât & Şirin.
The item needed to banish the poltergeistj is a silver
There’s a humming voice inside that never ceases spoon with an N carved on it.
and it grows louder each step close to the upstairs. It
resembles a very distant whistling like the wind. Room 2:

There is also a journal that survived this mayhem. It This room appears to have housed a tailor or a cloth
contains the records of a cook called Nizam and some merchant. There are scissors, needles, and cloth of
notes like: “I love this food”; “This ingredient proved many different kinds, colors, and patterns scattered
to be better than all”; “The last customers loved this around.
stew”; and so on.
The item that is needed is a silver fork with an N
carved on it.

Room 3:

This room contains prayer books in Latin and some

copies of the Second Testament. The last resident
appears to be a missionary from the Western lands
or a priest from the remaining Crusader settlements.
His personal journal’s papers have been scattered
and partly destroyed, so only 3-4 pages can be read.
It involves a story about a child’s confession written
in French. The child lined up in front of a church to
get a bagel and returned for one more by disguising
himself with the aid of dust and paint. He then gave
the extra bagel to stray cats and dogs but afterwards
felt terrible about it.

The item that is needed is a silver knife with an N

carved on it.

Room 4:

This room contains excavation equipment, ropes,

many sheets of parchment, broken ink bottles and a
road map that has been torn to pieces. The pieces can
be combined with a DC 13 Intelligence check or with
the mending spell. It appears the resident of this room
was an archeologist, and the map shows an old temple
The upstairs has four rooms. Each room contains buried under. If the adventurers want to pursue this
one of four items connected to the mystery, and the clue, check out the Buried Temple section in Road to
undead that is stuck here (a poltergeistj) wants them Merv in Act II: The First Drop.
to be burned with prayers from a religious person. A
successful DC 10 INT (Arcana or Religion) check to The item that is needed is a silver plate with an N
understand this situation. The items can be identified carved under it.
with a detect magic spell or the ceasing of the hymning
when someone touches it. The Poltergeist will attack If the adventurers successfully bring the pieces
if anyone tries to leave the inn. If it is reduced to 0 hit together, the poltergeistj appears in front of them
points, it doesn’t die and respawns right away and re- as a chubby old man with an apron and tells them
enters the fight. If anyone tries to leave, they take 2d4 to “Burn them, please.” A DC 10 INT (Arcana or
psychic damage at the threshold due to the magical Religion) check reveals that it must be conducted by a
perimeter. religious person and their prayers.
Room 1: Results
There’s a tile on the roof that will be triggered with
the opening of the door. The first three who enter The adventurers advance to Level 3.

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

After returning to Ibn Sina’s Mansion, Ibn Sina Origin of the Disease: Hikmet-i Sehab
examines the non-humans and thinks about any
information extracted from Abu Amir. Eventually he The name of the orphanage is Hikmet-i Sehab. A local
will talk to the party about these topics: architect named Jabbar built it many years ago and
donated it to charity. If the adventurers ask around
D He knows who is behind this disease: Sefir! A to find him first, they must succeed on a DC 10 CHA
Hashashin that was the heir of Hasan Sabbah. (Persuasion) check to find out where he is. If there
The prodigy of Castle Alamut! One of the most are people who know Thieves Cant within the party,
influential and powerful acolytes of Hasan they can get the information by spending 5 gp and
Sabbah. Ibn Sina saw Sefir’s creations years ago speaking with the seedier elements in the town. In
and mostly healed them. He thinks that Sefir doing so, they may find his abandoned workshop and
probably knows about him, too. Since the demise obtain the plan of the orphanage.
of Hasan Sabbah, the Hashashins have been
keeping quiet, but Ibn Sina’s worst nightmares
are coming true. The orphanage stands before you, its entrance door flung
wide open, beckoning you inside. As you step across the
threshold, you are struck by a heavy cloying stillness
D He knows the origin point of the disease: an that saturates the air. The hallway stretches before you,
orphanage that holds dark secrets. Ibn Sina has empty and lifeless, like a deserted necropolis. The scent
a friend that helped him with this knowledge. of innocence hangs heavy in the air, and for a moment,
This person has the ability to trace the disease. you feel as though you can hear the echoes of screams
He is named al-Himyari. past, rising up from the very stones beneath your feet.
This was a place that once teemed with life and joy, but
D If the adventurers can’t find Sefir, this disease now, all that remains is a watchful silence.
will affect all of the Silk Road, and maybe even
beyond that, as refugees move from city to city
The Garden
to find themselves a new home in the face of the
Khaganate threat.
The garden surrounding the orphanage has only one
point of interest, which is a well. Inside it, there’s the
D If they ever find Sefir, they must bring all his
blue box they delivered to the Saluting Moon.
belongings and his body back to Ibn Sina.
Without his works, Ibn Sina may never be able to
Main Entrance
find a cure. And he is sure that Sefir himself must
be immune to this disease.
There are many coats, ruined cloaks and similar
objects scattered around. A DC 10 WIS (Survival)
D “I know that Sefir seems intimidating and
check reveals that there were many people here and
powerful, but there is no one else but you who
left the building in a hurry. There are three doors
can stand in his way, adventurers.”
besides the main one that lead to other rooms as
shown in the map.

All windows are tightly sealed with wooden boards.

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

They can be forced open with 4 points of bludgeoning B4 (Locked, DC 12)

This is an armory. There’s a workbench filled with
Hall A tools to repair or produce new weapons. There are
also many stools and cushions for people to sit on.
This hall contains 6 rooms. There is a 50% chance Roll for a d100, on a roll 60 or higher, the adventurers
that there are usable lanterns. Otherwise, the lanterns may find simple weapons and ammunition (bolts and
have fallen to the ground and their oil has spilled. arrows).

Rooms A 1 to 6 Hall B

These rooms appear to be orderly and well furnished The northern side of the wall seems damaged but
dorm rooms–with two beds, small tables, chairs and recently repaired. In front them there are three
cabinets for each room. A DC 10 INT (Investigation) taps that still work and let clean water flow into the
check reveals that there are no personal items, which building. They appear to have been used many times
seems odd for a dormitory. over and are somewhat worn down. At the end of the
hall, there are two staircases that lead upstairs and
Each room contains dead children and dead men downstairs. There’s a metal gate locked shut with
armed with daggers and other similar small weapons. chains (DC 10 Thieves Tools check).
A DC 10 INT (History) check reveals that they are the
same men who the party encountered in the Saluting Hall C
The first tile in the door is activated upon the first
B1 & B2 footstep. A DC 13 WIS (Perception) check (or
adventurers with 13 Passive Perception or higher)
These rooms appear to belong to guards of the notice that this is the only tile that hasn't been stepped
orphanage. There are weapon belts that seem empty, on for a long while. Upon activation, small hatches on
long sticks that can be used as clubs, and empty the ceilings fire two darts (DC 10 Dexterity saving
bottles, all scattered around. There are six dead throw), each dealing 1d4 piercing damage upon a
bodies, four of them belong to the men of the Saluting failed save or half as much on a successful one.
Moon and the other two are orphanage guards.
B3 (Locked, DC 14)
This huge room contains many tables and chairs that
This room seems to be designed to accommodate a appear to have hosted many children for their studies.
person of greater importance. The bed is bigger and DC 8 INT (Investigation) check will reveal that meals
more luxurious than the rest. The southern wall holds are also usually eaten here.
many shelves that contain liquor bottles, sweet scents
and other expensive looking drinks. Many of them are D Bookcases cover the western wall from head to
scattered on the ground and broken. toe. In the northeastern corner there’s a fireplace
with cushions in front of it. There’s a little girl

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

sitting in front of the fireplace. A DC 15 INT C2

(Arcana) check (or a 15 Passive Perception)
reveals that this is not a normal child. It is actually This room contains many brooms, buckets, and other
a Karbuga. If the adventurers don’t immediately items used for cleaning, as well as some torches and
attack, they may attempt to communicate with one working candle.
her. She wishes to be warm, so if the adventurers
light the fireplace, she won’t attack them. In Kitchen
return, she will share this knowledge:
There are many cooking supplies and two cook’s
D “We trusted them. They served him. They helped utensils in the kitchen. In the northeastern corner,
him. Why would they damn us? Why would they there is a chimney they can use to reach upstairs. If
choose us to start all this?” She won’t answer the adventurers can think of it, they can use it to climb
further. up.

In the north of the kitchen there’s a hidden trapdoor

that leads to the downstairs Cellar. The door is trapped
Karbuga and deals 2d4 poison damage if not deactivated–a DC
13 INT (Investigation) or WIS (Perception) to spot
Medium monstrosity, neutral good or neutral evil
it, and a DC 12 Dexterity or Thieves Tools check to
deactivate it. Proper equipment is needed to attempt
Armor Class 13 this ability check.
Hit Points 52 (8d8+16)
Speed 30 ft. Dining Hall

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA The floor of the dining hall is covered with black tiles
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) and stones; this room is very distinct to the others
found in the building so far.
Damage Immunities cold
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing There are many tables, simple chairs, and crockery
and slashing from non-magical weapons. used for eating. A close investigation (DC 8) will reveal
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception that tables were moved in the corners many times and
12 there are bloodstains that look very old all over the
Challenge 2 (400 XP) place, mostly in the center.

Drain Heat. Any creature in direct sight of the Behind one of the tables a body lies. It is the man
karbuga will feel chilled and any natural fire with horrible scars from the Saluting Moon. He has a
smaller than the size of a large bonfire will dagger, a hand crossbow and five bolts on him, as well
blow out. as a pouch containing 15 gp. A DC 10 WIS (Medicine)
check indicates that he died of poison.
Terrain Camouflage. The karbuga has
advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made The adventurers are attacked by a Specter. When it
to hide in snowy terrain. dies, it will whisper in Arabic: “We were used. All of
us. He used us.”
Upstairs - Hall D
Cold Embrace. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (2d8+5) There are two doors that lead to the Classroom and
cold damage. The karbuga caresses the body Lounge.
of its target with the back of its hand, and
everything it touches freezes. Classroom

Icicle Breath (Recharge on 4-6). The karbuga There are a lot of diwans, wooden desks, parchment
exhales a blast of freezing wind and icicles in a papers and ink bottles, as well as quills scattered
20-foot cone. Each creature in that area must around and a map of the known world, showing the
make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 12) or take empires and kingdoms that are said to possess the
20 (5d8) cold damage on a failed save, or half realms. There are dead children everywhere, locked
as much damage on a successful one. together in their last embrace moments before the
disease took them away. A dog-shaped creature
appears to be asleep; some of the dead children must
have gathered around it to hug the creature, but they
all perished. A DC 10 INT (Arcana) check reveals that
this is a Ya’is. If the creatures didn’t use stealth and the
score is not more than the Ya’is’s Passive Perception,
it will wake up and attack the adventurers.

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

There is a tall dressing mirror covered in sheets

which emanates a magical aura when detect magic is
active. If identified, it appears to be connected with a
master mirror in an unknown location.
Medium undead, chaotic evil
There are boards on the wall that show interesting
statistics: Armor Class 13
Hit Points 66 (12d8+12)
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.


Dagger Archery 3 (-4) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)

1- Ali 1- Said Saving Throws Dex +6, Cha +4.

Skills Stealth +5
2- Nazif 2- Melek Damage Vulnerability radiant
3- Hatice 3- Osman Damage Resistance acid, fire, lightning,
thunder, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing
Arcane Combat from non magical attacks.
1- Sema 1- Melek Damage Immunities cold, poison necrotic.
Condition Immunities exhausted, grappled,
2- Ali 2- Hüsrev paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone,
3- Nusret 3- Nazif restrained.
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
There are also many names with a line drawn on
them. Incorporeal. The ya’is can move through other
creatures and objects as if they were difficult
terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it
ends its turn inside an object.

Remain in Shadows. While in total darkness,

the ya’is can take the Hide action as a bonus
action and will have advantage in dim light

Sensitive to Light. While in bright light, the

ya’is has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well
as perception checks that rely on sight.

Shadow Embrace. Melee Weapon Attack: +6
to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 9 (2d6 +4)
necrotic damage. The ya’is gains temporary
hit points equal to the damage dealt.

Sorrowful Scream. As an action, the ya’is can

utter a horrific scream. Creatures within 30
ft. of the ya’is must succeed a Wisdom saving
throw (DC 12) or take 9 (2d8) psychic damage
and gain -1 penalty to attack rolls, ability checks
and saving throws. On a successful save, they
take half damage and suffer no penalty.

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

Lounge The headmaster's body is face down on the floor

and blood is leaking from his mouth. A DC 12 WIS
This room appears to be a lounge where important (Medicine) check reveals that he has been poisoned
guests are hosted. There’s a fancy table and well made and there are no signs of the disease. Near him,
chairs as well as a cabinet full of liquor, honey jars, there is a chest that contains identical keys, at least
and similar drinks and snacks. a hundred of them. If detect magic is cast, one key
yields a magical aura and can be used to open the
Warehouse warehouse’s lock. If there’s no way to detect the
magic, it takes 4d6 attempts to find the right key. This
This room’s door is locked (DC 15). Inside, there are keychain can be used for every lock in the orphanage
1d4 healing potions and a strange looking elixir that and 4d6 attempts apply.
resembles a gray cloud. When identified, its effects
are unpredictable and amplify some of the physical or The other door leads to the personal chamber of the
arcane abilities of the drinker. It is made by using the headmaster.
essence of an otherworldly creature (this is the Choir
of Al-Ghaib). Personal Chamber (Locked, DC 15 Thieves Tools)

Main Dormitory If the door is forced open and not unlocked, a magical
trap is activated and each person in the headmaster’s
There are many beds, hammocks, and sheets. This office must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving
appears to be the chamber where all other children throw or take 2d6 psychic damage.
were sleeping. There are many signs of the disease
that cover the bodies of the children. There’s a bed, a table, a chair, and a chest in the room.
The chest is locked (DC 13 Thieves Tools check)
Living Room and holds 2 potions of healing, one potion of poison
resistance, one goggles of night and 100 gp worth of
There are many chairs, stools, and divans scattered gems and rubies.
around. A tall mirror under a sheet takes the
attention within the disastrous scene, while standing Basement - D1
undamaged. Detect magic reveals it as a magical
mirror. It is of the same structure as the mirror in the There are two doors, one leading to D2 and one
Classroom. leading to the Cellar. Both have handmade traps
that fire poisoned darts. They can be detected with
Archive (Locked, DC 15) a DC 12 Perception check or 12 Passive Perception.
Unless disarmed (DC 14 Thieves Tools check), they
The room contains way too many documents for an deal 1d6 poison damage to whoever crosses the door.
orphanage, and they are all in some sort of code. If the
players want to read any of the surviving documents, Cellar
it requires a total of 5 successful Intelligence checks
at the end of each day they are examined during a long This room is full of supplies, barrels and other goods
rest. that need to be stored in the cool environment. A DC
The pieces of information that documents revealed: 10 Investigation check reveals that this cellar has
been used recently, probably even today.
D One child that is particularly brilliant has been
sent to the “mage in the House of Wisdom” in D2
order to be trained further.
The northern part of this room has iron cages, and
D A very old letter, it is completely illegible save for there are children’s diseased corpses inside it. By
the last two lines: “I was also raised here. I know now the players may be getting used to the scent of
its potential.” the disease–the perfume of flowers, beautiful and
D A letter by Hasan bin Ali (DC 20 INT History
check reveals this is Hasan Sabbah’s actual There are two men’s bodies, once armed with a
name), only one command can be read: “Send curved short sword and leather armor inside the
me the four best. Immediately.” (This one can be Guard Room. They carry a total of 25 gp.
decoded immediately if a high Intelligence check
is rolled, DC 20) D3

The Headmaster’s Office The door leading to this room has a handmade trap
that is set up to trip when the first person crosses
This office has two divans, low coffee tables, a desk the threshold. A DC 14 WIS (Perception) check or
with a chair behind it, a fireplace, and a trapdoor (13 14 Passive Perception is required to detect the trap.
Passive Perception) that opens to the archive (DC 13 Otherwise, each crosser must succeed on a DC 14
Thieves Tools check. On a failed save, it deals 2d4 DEX (Acrobatics) check or fall prone. The trap can be
poison damage to anyone who tries to open it). disabled by cutting the string.

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

If any creature falls prone, the 4 Hashashin Trainees D4

immediately attack the adventurers. Otherwise they
will try to appear unconscious until the adventurers This room contains cells with horrible torture devices.
reach the middle of the room. A DC 13 INT There are no traces of their being used for a long time.
(Investigation) or WIS (Medicine) check will see Most of the equipment appears to have been used for
through the ruse. They will fight viciously until the information extraction.
Main Story Moment

When the adventurers decide to leave the orphanage,

Hashashin Trainee they notice a man waiting in the arbor, sitting on a
bench. He smiles when he sees the adventurers
Medium humanoid, chaotic evil and seems to be concerned if they are injured. If
the adventurers respond to him defensively, he will
Armor Class 13 (15 with Focus) reveal himself: “I am al-Himyari, friend of Ibn Sina.”
Hit Points 44 (8d8 + 8) He will say that Ibn Sina himself has directed him
Speed 30 ft. to the adventurers, and he’d like to help them. If an
adventurer wants to see if he can be trusted, a DC 30
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA WIS (Insight) check reveals that he is lying.
14 (+2) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +4, Cha +3. This man is Hasan bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Ja'far bin
Skills Athletics +4, Acrobatics +5, Deception al-Husayn bin Muhammad bin al-Sabbah al-Himyari.
Widely known as Hasan Sabbah, the Old Man of the
Mountain, imam of the İsmaili Naziri State, leader
Senses Passive Perception 12 and founder of the Hashashins of Castle Alamut. He
Languages Arabic, Persian, Turkish, disguises himself as a man simply called al-Himyari, if
Mongolian asked he will reveal his name to be Bayram.
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
It is important to roleplay without hinting that this man
Focus. As a bonus action, the Hashashin is the antagonist of this adventure but also make this
Trainee can enter the Focus state. For 1 NPC memorable to them.
minute, it deals 4 (1d8) extra psychic damage
when it hits a creature with an unarmed strike
Al-Himyari will use a healer's kit to heal each
or hanchar due to the Choir of Al-Ghaib it has
adventurer 1d6+4 hit points if they let him. You can
drunk (included in the Actions) and gains +2
describe the situation to the players by sharing details
to AC if it doesn’t wear any armor. Its attacks
about his talent at tending wounds, hinting that al-
directly hit the nerves. Each turn Hashashin
Himyari may have the Healer feat. If some adventurers
Trainee loses 1 hit point. It can end the state
are really low on HP, he may expend two or three uses
as a bonus action and can’t enter Focus state
of healer’s kit again to heal them more. After tending
again until it finishes a long rest.
the wounds, al-Himyari will want to talk to them about
what happened through these main topics:
D Was anyone alive there?
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning D Is there anyone who needs medical attention?
damage, plus 4 (1d8) psychic damage.
D Is it safe now?
Hanchar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) D Do they have any clue about the disease?
piercing damage, plus 4 (1d8) psychic damage.
After the conversation, he will state that he learned
Their hanchars are decorative, and the daggers from Ibn Sina that a man called Sefir is responsible
are also well made. Each hanchar can be sold for the disease, and it appears that this disease
for 20 gp. contains traces from the worlds beyond the veil.

“It seems Samarkand’s remaining future depends on

the downfall of this man. It is critical that he must be
found at once. I have a certain object, rare beyond belief,
These trainees are not older than 20 and will not
which I obtained many years ago from an eccentric
surrender at any costs. Further investigation in the
storyteller in Baghdad, a teardrop of a bird who traveled
cages revealed that they were here for days and had
back and forth from Qaf Mountain. It is said to hold the
eaten all the supplies. There were no locks on their
dreams of a man who knew too much for his own good.
doors. These youth are infected by the Elixir and were
This storyteller told me that it will open the eyes to many
put in these cages to be trained further. They thought it
unseen weaves of the world.”
was all part of their training and never left this room.

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

Al-Himyari reveals a small vial filled with a silvery stone is lifted, it reveals a staircase that leads down.
liquid that resembles mercury and asks for a piece
of parchment from the adventurers, if there are none Going downstairs leads to a statue. A DC 15 INT
he will rip a piece from his sarik. When he pours the (History) check reveals that this is the statue of Zal,
liquid onto the paper’s surface, it will resemble a drop the father of Rustam, the legendary hero. On each
of water falling onto and evaporating off a red hot side of the statue there are corridors that lead to
cauldron. It seems a bit strange that so much steam stairs. Stair A leads to mosaics where Simurgh and
can come from such a small amount of liquid. her gift to Zal are depicted. Stair B leads to mosaics
where the birth of Rustam is depicted.
The steam comes alive before your eyes. Although it
lacks color and contains only shades of gray closer to
white, you see the visions within clear as day. You see a Check out the Meddah section in EotSR for further
worried child running within the walls of halls left from information about Simurgh, Zal, Rustam, and other
the days when people still looked up at the dark space stories from the Silk Road.
between stars with fear. The child's steps quickly climb
the solid stones of the world's foundations as they pass
a painting of Noah calling out to his son Japeth, inviting Behind the stairs there is a fireplace (20 ft. normal, 20
birds to his ark. Despite his speed, the obstacles, and ft. dim light) where two Tainted One Fanatics (1 and
his frightened looks over his shoulder, the child does not 2 in the battlemap) sit quietly. On the other side of the
fall and continues on with a bravery beyond his years. mausoleum, there is a giant tomb with carvings that
The gloomy eyes and inevitable hands of death are upon show Zal in all his glory. It is now used as a workbench
him. The child arrives at a room, and a bearded man
by Sefir. He is standing by the desk, his back is turned
lying in bed sits up and beckons the child over with a
compassionate smile. Now relaxed, safe perhaps, the
to the south.
tears long held back begin to rise in the child's eyes, and
he quickly runs toward the bed. When the smoke clears, There he is. The man responsible for the disease,
they wake up. standing in front of the tomb of a hero disgraced by
his father. The air is dry. Fire cracks in the south side
of the tomb. Each step feels like drowning in silence,
After the vision ends the adventurers gain 120 ft. as if the ghosts of the legends want to hear none of it.
Sight of the Ghaib. Zal and Simurgh watch over you from the walls. Their
illustrations surround you. Beside the tomb, not much
Sight of the Ghaib. It lets the owners of this sight to has survived from past ages. Many relics have been
detect influences and details from Al-Ghaib normally carried away apparently by tomb raiders and thieves.
invisible to the naked eye. Only the great tomb remains intact, unchanged by the
passing of years.

Your eyes were closed before to reality and all that Only two light sources illuminate the room: the fireplace
is shrouded beyond the ethereal veils. The city was in the south and the lantern of Sefir standing on the
covered with blood and smoke, the bleeding clouds in tomb, ever watchful.
the sky ruled over and the desolate lands prayed for a
savior rain. When your eyes gaze beyond the veil built
of the mysterious and arcane, you witness an incredible
change in the appearance of the city. The lament in Sefir is addicted to the Choir of Al-Ghaib and since his
the sky is no longer a cry of pain, but a journey taken betrayal to Hasan Sabbah, he has been in withdrawal
in the sea of sorrowful memories and a longing for and he appears sickly, old and tired.
the deceased. Where blood reigned, flowers bloomed.
Where rot endured, all shades of rainbows took its
crown and painted the streets with the beauty of mother If the adventurers are able to kill the Tainted Ones
nature. swiftly and without making a noise, and roll a higher
stealth than Sefir’s Passive Perception, they may be
When you turn to look at the orphanage, the ruined able to surprise him.
building appears otherworldly, like the hanging gardens
of Babylon, ivy, and beautiful flowers cover the windows. Sefir will regard the adventurers as enemies and
The unattended garden appears to be plucked from the attack them with his full might, immediately. He will
heavens, and you can almost hear the music behind
ignore every attempt at communication. See the
Characters section for further information about
You notice the sky not only hosts birds, but moths are Sefir and his stat block.
flying towards Shah-i Zinda as they fly to their homes Final Curtain in Samarkand
and find their light. They carry the disease.

Finding the Harbinger

After the adventurers leave al-Himyari and are

affected by Sight of the Ghaib, they can easily trace
down the ethereal moths to the Shah-i Zinda, to an
ancient tomb in the northeastern part of the walls.
The entrance is covered by a vast stone. If the giant

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

When the adventurers return to Ibn Sina’s mansion

with Sefir’s body and possessions, Ibn Sina will take
Tainted One Fanatic some time to examine them and eventually speaks to
the adventurers:
Medium humanoid, lawful evil
D Sefir was under the effects of an elixir (If they
Armor Class 15 (Scale Mail) brought it with them, the elixir). This elixir
Hit Points 22 (5d8) contains an essence from a moth-like creature
Speed 30 ft. that does not belong to this world. It caused
addiction and amplified one’s power through
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA many means. Sefir suffered from withdrawal and
14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) was not at his full potential.

Skills Perception +3, Deception +2 D Through that elixir, the boys in the orphanage
Senses Passive Perception 13 and the headmaster were immune to the disease.
Resistances Poison The cure of the disease must lie within the dark
Languages Turkish, Persian walls of Alamut.
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
D The lantern is a special magic item that contains
Fanatic. They can resist all kinds of torture in a sentient being within it. If infused with blood
situations like information extraction. that contains the elixir, it shows a vision. To
continue their journey, the party must use Sefir’s
Actions blood with the lantern.
After the vision, their path is clear, the nearest city is
Tainted Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to Merv. They can rest for a few days or just finish one
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 bludgeoning
damage. The target must succeed on a DC 11
Constitution saving throw. On a saving throw,
they are poisoned for 1 minute. At the end
of each of its turns, the poisoned target can
repeat the saving throw.

Act I: Wuthering Clouds

to enter Merv without a problem, they can use his

An image invades your mind, and a whisper tells you the
name as a reference and then he gives them proper
truth, though the image is distorted. You are confronted
with an unpleasant reality: the younger, more powerful
version of the person you know as Sefir is talking to a
shadowy, threatening figure behind the misty surface
of a magical mirror. The voice you hear is al-Himyari's, The Satraps
but Sefir addresses him as "Hasan Sabbah Sayyidina,”
rather than by his true name. His voice has traces of The people who might be able to delay Hasan Sabbah’s
hatred and anger beyond the depths of the abyss. plans are called The Satraps, an ancient order that
has one goal: defend against otherworldly threats and
“Betrayer,” whispers Hasan Sabbah in a firm voice that close down portals to other worlds. There are satraps
cuts deep in the dark. His vision becomes clear, same as in Merv, Isfahan and Baghdad. Check out The Satraps
the man you saw as al-Himyari but his eyes lack kindness section and Hasan Sabbah’s pages in the Characters
and curiosity. You see arrogance and disappointment section.
reigns. “You have a chance of redemption. Report to
your brother in Merv.”

“I have no brother, Sayyidina. I have no family, soon your

so-called family will be weaker and your paradise will

Hasan Sabbah only smiles against this threat. “Soon

you will die, my child.”

“They will stop you,” says Sefir with a confident smile.

Hasan Sabbah mimics the confidence in his face. “They

can’t if they die. My children will find them. The tempest
will not be delayed further.” The vision vanishes.

long rest and decide to go. Ibn Sina may also help
them to figure out the pieces:

D Sefir was a Hashashin and betrayed Hasan


D Hasan Sabbah is alive and tricked the adventurers

into killing Sefir, and he pretended to be dead.

D Sefir’s loyal men assaulted the Orphanage, and

the disease affected the children that didn’t drink
any elixir.
D Sefir was addicted to the elixir and his withdrawal
made him weak, but it seems that he did harm
the production of this elixir and wounded the
Hashashins somehow.

D There is a Hashashin in Merv and is hunting a

person that can “stop Hasan Sabbah.”
If there are spellcasters among the adventurers,

Other than the visions, Ibn Sina is only sure about one
thing: “Hasan Sabbah is alive and won’t let you live
for long. He will hunt you down. You must be careful.
Never lose your focus and always be aware of your

Ibn Sina will give two spell scrolls–alarm and pass

without trace–and a dust of disappearance, a
hat of disguise, 4 potions of healing, a number
potions of poison resistance equal to the number
of adventurers, and one robe of useful items. If you
wish, you can alter the items with other convenient
uncommon or common magic items.
Ibn Sina tells them that if the adventurers wish

Act II: The First Drop

Road to Merv D If you are using the rules in the Overhauled

Land Travel section, they may encounter

hen the adventurers set out for Bandit Warbands, Eastern Merchants, Western
Merv, they cannot use the gates Merchants, Smuggler Warbands or Nomadic
of Samarkand to get out of the Warbands. Their statblocks can be found in the
city because of the restrictions. Empires of the Silk Road’s Overhauled Land
However, the guards will accept Travel section.
150 gp or more as a bribe. If they have been able to
keep the route they used with Aslan open, they could Buried Temple
use the catacombs to flee as well.
If the adventurers have found and chosen to follow
the clue in the Haunted Inn, they can follow the map
With the death of Sefir, the otherworldly disease to the Buried Temple. There is some marginalia in
Chrysalis of Dream can be only spread by people that
Orkhon Script that reads:
have it, as it can’t be produced anymore. However,
the refugees from Samarkand may carry the disease
“Beware the trees
along the Silk Road. The adventurers can locate With crimson leaves
other Zoroastrian Temples that have the Incense of They hide the way
Zoroaster for safe travels. Check out the Wilderness To the sacred grave.”
section in EotSR.
When they arrive at the marked location, there is a
It is up to the GM and the pacing of the adventure to small grove with trees bearing crimson leaves and
keep the disease relevant from this point.
shrubs. Once they discover (Passive Perception 15
or Perception 15) or search (1d4 hours) the temple,
they encounter a stone door with Turkic carvings on
At Shah-i Zinda they meet two caravan masters: Ali
it. Whatever spell the door once had is broken now,
Haydar and Ebu Said. For further information, check
and the door can be forced open without much effort.
out the Companions part of the Wilderness section
in Empires of the Silk Road. If they want to travel with
The doorway leads to stairs almost immediately. On
a caravan, they can tag along with one of the groups,
the right there’s a balcony following the wall for 30
or they can build their own caravan if they have
ft. The balcony stands 60 feet high off the ground,
enough resources.
and from it the main hall can be seen from afar. An
Intelligence check (DC 13) reveals that the pillars
You can check out the Overhauled Land Travel below are shaped like letters. If anyone knows how to
section in Empires of the Silk Road for a travel band read an Old Turkic tongue or comprehend language is
experience containing many different and interesting cast, the pillars A reveal the letter “K”; pillars B reveal
people. “Ü”; and pillars C reveal “N”; which is read as “Kün”
in Turkish, meaning sun.

During their journey, they may encounter myriad Main Hall

There are many pillars in the Main Hall. Many include
D You can use the encounter deck to create quests stories in Old Turkic script about the bravery of a man
or other obstacles on their way. and his sons. A DC 14 INT (Religion) check reveals
that this is the story of Oguz Kagan and his sons Kün
D They can encounter many refugees, some of Khan, Ay Khan, and Yıldız Khan. Their names mean
whom are sick with the Chrysalis of Dream. Sun, Moon and Star respectively.
More information can be found in the Wilderness
section of EotSR. At the far side of the hall, there is a Sundial. If the
Sundial is set to noon with the aid of the light that

Act II: The First Drop

comes from the fire, the secret door behind it will be from its waist. There is a golden bow in his hands.
unlocked. A DC 10 INT (History) check reveals that Oguz
Kagan’s elder sons (Kün, Ay, Yıldız) found a golden
Lever Room bow. Oguz Kagan ripped the golden bow into three
pieces and gave them as signs of rulership. Three
There is a lever in the middle of this room. If it is silver arrows were found by his younger sons (Kök,
pulled to the right, it will open the door on the left and Dağ, Deniz). If the bow is ripped into three pieces or
vice versa. three pieces of silver arrows are placed in the quiver, a
secret compartment opens. It reveals a Figurine of a
Warrior’s Room Wondrous Power, Amber Horse. It has the statistics
of a warhorsej.
This room is designed to host a warrior. It has a fur
bed and many taxidermied and skeletal trophies from Hall of Star
hunted animals. In the middle, stands an armored
warrior with stone skin and a greatsword. It has stone The hall resembles the Hall of Moon in structure,
wings with Turkic inscriptions on it. When the players but the walls tell a different story: All the lords and
enter the room, an unknown force animates it, and it kings of the surrounding countries come and feast in
begins its attack on the players. It uses the gargoylej front of a great table. They bring many unique goods
statblock but changes its bite attack with a greatsword and objects from their lands, and Yıldız Khan accepts
attack [Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, one target, them and then he organizes an archery tournament.
reach 5 ft., Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage]. He awards the winner with a chest.

In the upper left corner of the room there are ten At the end of the hall, a balbal of Yıldız Khan awaits.
pieces of +1 ammunition (silver) that fits a bow. He is depicted as awarding someone and pointing
to a place behind. The wall behind the balbal has a
There is another door that leads to the Hall of Star. magical aura. If detect magic is cast or someone from
the adventurers succeeds on a DC 14 INT (Arcana)
Shaman’s Room check, it is revealed that one spot is marked with
ancient magic. If a silver arrow is shot at that point (AC
There is another gargoylej in this room. It is dressed 13) and a unique item from a land afar is presented to
as a shaman and has a different attack rather than the balbal, the secret door to Room S is revealed.
normal attacks of the gargoyle. It chooses two of the
attacks below each turn. Room S
Elemental Strike, Fire: Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to
hit, one target, 30 ft. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) fire damage. This room contains a chest. It holds 300 gp worth
Elemental Strike, Ice: Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, jewelry, a longbow +1, a saddle of the cavalier, four
one target, 30 ft. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) cold damage, plus potions of poison resistance.
the target’s speed is reduced 10 ft. before the end of
its next turn.
Elemental Strike, Poison: Melee Spell Attack: +5
Merv: The False Spring
to hit, one target, reach 5 ft. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) poison
And those who husbanded the Golden Grain,
damage. It forces the target to make a DC 13
And those who flung it to the Winds like Rain,
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target
Alike to no such aureate Earth are turn’d
is poisoned for 1 minute.
As, buried once, Men want dug up again.
Elemental Strike, Wind: Melee Spell Attack: +5 to
hit, one target, reach 5 ft. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) slashing
damage. It forces the target to make a DC 13 Strength
saving throw. On a failed save, it is either knocked
The city of Merv is a city of vibrant colors and rich
prone or pushed 15 feet.
cultural heritage. The golden domes of the city's many
mosques glint in the sunlight, their intricate tilework
The room has many ceremonial clothes, musical
depicting the stories of the Prophet and his followers.
instruments, proper tools and a druidic focus. Among
The streets are lined with lush gardens, their sweet
the clothes, there are two potions of heroism.
perfumes wafting through the air. The bazaars are
a riot of sound and color, as merchants hawk their
There is another door that leads to the Hall of Moon.
wares and haggle over prices. The city is a shining
center of knowledge and arts, and is well known for
Hall of Moon
its numerous madrasahs, libraries, and observatories;
however,most importantly, its merchants, and riches.
The walls offer a tribute in the Old Turkic language
to Ay Khan. There is a statue at the end of the hall. It
With the upcoming war, Merv is the center of many
is called a balbal (check out Running a Story in the
emirs that are loyal to the Sultanate; however, their
Silk Road section in EotSR) and it is a tribute to the
true loyalties lie with themselves only. The rich emirs
dead, which a DC 8 INT (Religion) check will reveal.
of Merv had faced many threats before the fall of
Samarkand, during the reign of the great conqueror
On the balbal, there is an empty quiver. It is hanging

Act II: The First Drop

Genghis Khan, and dealt with his troops by spending

All songs and poems begin to breathe in front of your
enough coins and writing honeyed promises of
eyes. You feel as if Khayyam himself is reading the
loyalty. Samarkand was too proud to accept that, and mesmerizing verses in your ears. The wind carries
Ogedei was furious at the empires on the Silk Road, stories of beauty, prosperity, and wealth from ancient
thus showing no mercy to the walls of Samarkand. times. The hustle and bustle of the streets, the laughter
of children, the noise of merchants, and the sight of
people dressed in colorful clothes wandering in gardens
Officially, Merv is a part of the Sultanate, but since the that seem plucked from paradise or at least remind you
impending invasion of the Khaganate, the governor of of Babylon of myth, Atlantis as described by Plato, the
Merv has started acting more and more independently. palace gardens of Shahriyar in One Thousand and One
The governor is Yahya Hur-Shah, brother of Sultan Nights, or the stars ripped from the sky by The God
Jalal. He’s not been seen outside his walls for months. Ülgen.

Everywhere you look, you notice the city is preparing

At the gates of Merv, a massive crowd consisting of for a festival. Tents are being set up, benches and
refugees waits. The guards, led by Salih bin Abbas, chairs are being arranged, and large pots are cooking
strictly investigate everybody who wants to get inside delicious food, causing every passerby’s mouth to water.
the city. Only the rich, the merchants, and the ones People are in a hurry and everyone seems to have found
with professions needed within are allowed into the something to do, even if it is reciting a poem, wandering
city. If the adventurers use the documents handed by around beautiful women to be able to hold their hands
them from Ibn Sina, they are allowed in the city with and make them laugh, or carrying water jugs along the
colorful streets.
smiling faces and good manners by the guards.
You notice golden and marble combined in the city with
harmony and magnificence. Buildings, squares and
streets carry the signs of wealth and beauty. However,
this is nothing more than a masquerade. When you look
carefully, other parts of the city and most of its people are
around the rich, but they don’t share the wealth. When
your eyes adjust to the brightness of the city, you realize
the darkness in its core. You feel the imbalance between
the sunlight and the shadows cast over the walls. The
beggars, the sick, the poor catch your attention and this
sight will never leave your mind while you wander the
streets of Merv.

The guard Salih accompanies them to a building near

the walls, apparently used by the local garrison. There
is an official waiting in the building from the palace
with clothes made of the finest silk. He presents the
adventurers with an official paper.

Act II: The First Drop

The paper states that Ibn Sina owes 150 gp debt to D If there are adventurers with military background
the city of Merv and its emir Hur-Shah. They demand tied with the Sultanate or a famous commander
that the adventurers pay it up or else they will be (such as Saladin’s commanders, Bohemund
banished from the city. They may pay an equal worth V’s knights, Kilij Arslan’s cavalry, or someone
of jewelry and other possible goods. similar) they are respected among the military of
the Sultanate and, thus, allowed in by the guards.
If the adventurers don’t use the papers handed by Ibn
Sina, they may try other alternatives: D If there are merchants, architects, antiquarians,
alchemists, or scientists among the adventurers,
D A merchant is looking for a group to protect they may attempt a persuasion. They can attempt
himself. If the adventurers consist of proper a DC 10 CHA (Persuasion) check, or they could
combatants (such as strong fighters, barbarians, prove they have such talents by using other tools
rangers, and similar), the merchant can help (Such as alchemist’s supplies).
them get in, in exchange for protection. He is
named Halil bin Basri and uses the stats of a The Festival
The GM can start the festival right away or give the
D The guards can be bribed with a total of 50 gp players a week to gather information and establish
payment. contacts. If you allow them to spend a week, they may
attempt to carouse around Merv. In order to succeed,
D If there are highborn among the adventurers, they must spend money in the taverns and markets
they may attempt a persuasion. The Difficulty (see below) and succeed on a Charisma check (a
Class may increase if their nobility comes from skill may be applied depending on the methods the
enemy states, or it is an insignificant house or adventurers describe). The maximum number of
they are nobility of very distant lands. However, contacts is up to you, but it is recommended that
nobility from a particular respected or powerful the adventurers establish not more than 2 contacts
family, such as being from the Song Dynasty, may during the week.
decrease the DC.

Possible Contacts Carousing Cost DC Descriptions

One of the most renowned scientists of
Emir Yaqut al-Hamawi 150 gp 17 Merv and a powerful figure in the city. He is
actually one of the Satraps.
One of the most influential relatives of the
Emir Ahmad Munzevi 100 gp 15 Hur-Shah through marriage. He is actually
loyal to Hasan Sabbah and the Hashashins.
One of the richest merchant lords and nobles
Emir Yusuf Tegin 100 gp 15 around, Yusuf Tegin comes from the Seljuk
One of the richest merchant lords of the city.
He comes from no noble lineage and has
Emir Erboz 100 gp 14
built his empire through hard times and hard
One of the richest merchant lords of the
city. Emir Inel-Pars is a patron of scientists,
Emir Inel-Pars 100 gp 14 physicians and similar craftsmen and funds
them in their works. He was actually killed
days ago, and there’s an imposter in his place.
One of the city guards, and influential. He is
Salih b. Abbas 55 gp 13 respected among the armed forces of the city
and the locals.
An elderly city guard who is respected among
Rasim 40 gp 12 the city and its locals thanks to his morality
and strong sense of honesty.

Note: The information about Yaqut and Ahmad are
not to be revealed to the adventurers in this phase.
If they somehow manage to learn enough pieces of
this information, they can be rewarded with an early
opportunity to strike a blow to Hasan Sabbah’s plans.

Emir Ahmad Munzevi has recently had his very first

son and heir with his wife Zehra, and Yaqut al-Hamawi
is leading the efforts to build a new observatory
funded by Emir Ahmad and other emirs in the city.
Both these occasions led to the festival that will last
10 days and 10 nights. The whole city is preparing for
the festival. Its first three days coincide with Ramadan
festival, Eid al-Fitr, known as the Festival of Sweets. It
is also the first ten days of the month Shawwal.

If the adventurers wish to stay at an inn, you can check

out the Merv section in EotSR for detailed information
on the inns called Al Ganima, Bayt al Bilal and Al

The First Day of the Festival

The celebrations start in the earlier hours of the day

with a morning prayer which almost all individuals
attend. It is called Salat al Eid. It is practiced only
on the two Eids of Islamic culture. After the practice,
attendees congratulate each others’ Eid with the
famous phrase: “Eid mubarak!”

The table below shows some traditions and other

practices the adventurers may encounter or even join

Giving some coins and distributing sweets to

the children of the community.
Buying clothes and other similar necessities
for the poor.
Listen to the Meddahs (Storytellers) as they
gather people and tell stories that are both
entertaining and insightful.
The Turkish Shadow Game is being played
in the streets. Karagoz and Hacivat entertain
The birth of the son of Ahmad Munzevi is
celebrated with a flourish of trumpets.
Turkish delights and other sweets with
sherbet are distributed in the name of the
heir of Ahmad Munzevi and the opening of
the observatory. The ones that eat the free
sweets are asked to pray for the health of the
heir and the future of Merv.
Many dancers, theater troops and other
entertainers gather and perform in the
Two missionaries from Europe named Julian
and Hector. They are trying to reach the
Kurultai in Ordu-Baliq.

Act II: The First Drop

At noon, Emir Ahmad announces that, in the evening,

he expects all residents to gather in the city center You can share this information with your players:
and celebrate this holy day as a whole city and that
everyone will feast together. If anyone investigates Inel-pars began his journey as a simple potion dealer,
but his travels along the Silk Road led him to discover
the city center, they will notice cauldrons of food that
new recipes from other scientists he met along the way
are enough for an army being prepared and rows and and earn a reputation among the Merv locals. As his
rows of benches and tables have been assembled to business flourished, he converted a remote family house
host a great feast. into a campus for aspiring scientists who lacked the
funding and resources to bring their ideas to fruition.
In the evening many delicious foods are served and
hundreds of people join to celebrate. Meat, bread, If the adventurers wishes to investigate further, these
fruits, sweets, sherbert, yogurt drinks, and juices fly pieces of information can be gained at your discretion:
around, and music brings life to the city. On a large
He provided scientists a place to live and a laboratory
platform, all the emirs slowly arrive after the evening to work in, but also issues a stern warning: if any of
prayers and take their places one by one: them revealed that Inel-Pars’s products were created
by them, they would lose their heads. His inventory of
medicines expanded, and though he lost a few scientists
Yusuf Tegin exudes confidence as he enters the square,
along the way to the business end of a sword, they were
despite his shorter stature and stocky build. His dark,
easily replaced in his quest for success.
striking features and vibrant clothing draw the eye, and
his deep, commanding voice speaks with kindness.

Emir Erboz comes next:

You can share this pieces of information with your
players: Erboz’s humble beginnings are still evident in his tall,
slender frame. But his dark, expensive clothing exudes
Yusuf Tegin’s family, once the most prominent in Merv, the power he holds, and his long, dark hair cascading
was among the first settlers of the region during the over his shoulders, veiled by a small cloth, adds to his
Seljuk rule. Their wealth and power were legendary, mysterious aura.
but as Merv transformed into a bustling commerce hub,
they slowly lost their holdings to incoming merchants
and the drawing power of the new dynasty. Despite this,
Yusuf Tegin is respected by his peers for his family's You can reveal this information to your players:
legacy, and longs for the days when his lineage owned
every building and store in Merv. It is said that he is a Erboz, the youngest of twelve siblings, had to carve his
descendent of Sultan Sanjar himself, and his line began own path to prosperity. From a young age, he worked
when his grandsire Gokalp Tegin was born here. Thus, with local caravan owners, eventually taking over the
Yusuf Tegin has a prideful attitude. business from a trusted mentor. To the citizens of
Merv, Erboz is a respected member of society and a
businessman of whom his family can be proud.
After Yusuf Tegin, Inel-Pars arrives with his guards.
Further investigation may reveal these pieces of
Inel-pars is a middle-aged man with broad, light features
that might initially trick the eye into thinking he is Erboz had a secret source of wealth and power: he
handsome. However, upon closer inspection, one might trafficked humans. When his caravan stopped near
be struck by the sinister cast of his features. His eyes poor villages, he would convince some villagers to join
search for clues everywhere, his steps are stern and them, and when the Mongols attacked and refugees fled
cautious. their lands, Erboz saw an opportunity to profit off their
desperation, selling poor souls to brothels and men to
the service industry as indentured servants.
Note: As it is revealed in the upcoming pages, instead
of Inel-Pars an imposter stands in his place.
The feast lasts for six hours and Ahmad Munzevi
announces that his son will be named Halis. A large
number of pouches filled with coins are distributed
among the common folk and city guards maintain the
order and prevent an uproar among the common folk.

The only strange thing is that his son is not around. If

the adventurers ask more influential contacts or city
guards, with the right Persuasion (DC 13) or bribe (25
gp) they will learn that Ahmad Munzevi has sent his
son and wife to his mother in Herat; no one knows
why, but mostly it is speculated that the Emir is afraid
of a sudden attack by the Khaganate.

If the adventurers have built a good reputation for

themselves and have been successful in Samarkand,

Act II: The First Drop

the stories of them may have reached Merv through

refugees and/or merchants, such as their attempt to Kafender is not the only Hashashin in the city. However,
find the source of the disease and aiding Ibn Sina’s other Hashashins are not named and only there to
cure. If you deem the stories to have reached the extract information and help Kafender if needed. Some
of them will keep an eye on the adventurers and make
emirs, they may bestow additional rewards and
them feel like they are being watched. It will be on
welcoming gifts, such as fine clothes, special trinkets purpose. Due to their actions in Samarkand, Hasan
and other goods as well as inviting them in the coming Sabbah will want them to feel uneasy and will try to
days to their houses. make them feel uncomfortable most of the time.

If the adventurers become aware that the Hashashins

are watching them, they may trail them to their HQ.
Check out the Hashashins section for their statblocks.
There are no more than 1 Hashashin Fedayee, 2
d6 Trinket Hashashin Devotee and 4 Hashashin Disciples.

1 A brooch with the letter “‫ ”ع‬carved

on it. Hashashin HQ
A compass that points to the city of
The Hashashin HQ is located in the poor part of the
3 A small flute that attracts birds. city, between three landmarks that were destroyed
during an earthquake two years ago: a small church
A dreamcatcher of Indian origin
4 that is damaged and abandoned, a dead herbalist’s shop
marked with silver carvings. now empty and ruined and an artisan’s shop where
A golden goblet that shows an image tombstones and other funeral arrangements are made.
5 of horsemen defeating a terrible
6 A traveler’s cloak of Italian design. The Hashashin HQ resembles a courtyard with a
partial dome. It can only be accessed through the
ruins of the church and the secret entrance can be
found by DC 15 WIS (Perception) check. The door is
enchanted and only opens when two conditions are
After the feast is over, the great plan of Hasan Sabbah met:
begins to weave itself onto the fabric of the world. His
Harbinger, Hashashin Kafender Japeth, will attempt to 1. The password must be written in blood. It changes
haunt the hearts of the people of Merv. They will begin every dawn and appears in the small pond at the
a delicate plan of assassinating the important emirs of northern edge of the garden, appearing as icy
Merv by declaring the time they would die. Their first lines on it.
move is to declare the death of an already fallen emir:
Emir Nasir. His body will be hung with three nails from
a notice board in the city center with a note attached to 2. Whoever writes the password must be affected
it. It indicates the names and the times of their death. by Elixir of Alamut.
All are respected emirs among the city.
3. Even if one condition is not met a magical trap will
When the adventurers go to sleep, wake them up with activate. Each creature within 15 ft. of the door
the sound of three nails being hammered in at dawn or must succeed on a Constitution saving throw. On
if they are far away, they can wake up due to voices of a failed save they take 8d6 poison damage and
panic and disorder among the city.
are poisoned for 1 hour or only half damage on
Kafender Japeth will not execute all assassinations on a successful save. Any Hashashin inside the HQ
the same day. There will be one assassination attempt will hear a bell meaning “intruders.”
per day at the designated time. Due to the Hashashin
Order’s ways and doctrines, Kafender will not stray There are three rooms on the west side of the garden.
from the list but if necessary use their powers to There’s a tree in the center that produces apples and
overcome the obstacles in the way: possibly the greatest a pond in the northern edge. The only entrance door
being the adventurers. is located at the south of the garden.

The rooms have:

1. The first room is 10 x 20 feet and contains

supplies and weapons. Many mundane items can
be found in it. Weapons, ammunition, food, tools,
gemstones, ropes, basic poisons and the like.

2. The second room is a sleeping quarters that is

30 x 30 feet. There are ten bunk beds and thus
twenty people can sleep in it.

3. The third room is 25 x 15 feet. It has a giant lock
on it (DC 20 Thieves Tools) and the door contains
an alarm and arcane lock spells. If anyone wants
to break the door it has 20 AC and 36 HP with a
12 damage threshold because of the arcane lock
spell. The door contains many documents and
a note about “a special deployment to Isfahan.”
There’s another magical mirror that Hashashins
use for communicating with Castle Alamut.

The Eve of Chaos

The sun had not yet greeted the new day and the second
day of Eid al-Fitr. The people who had been working all
day were exhausted and drifting into a happy and deep
sleep. They took shelter in the tents they had set up in
the city squares or slept in their hopes, wandering in
safe dreams within the beautiful clouds and shiny days
of their memories and hopes. Neither the rising sun nor
the city's intolerant sky with its gathering clouds were on
their minds. This time, the harbinger of the new day was
not the sun. It was the sound of a hammer striking on a
metal nail three times that woke them up.

In the center of Merv, in the middle of the giant board

where the announcements of Emir Ahmad and the
poetry of the city's leaders were hung, there was a leather
letter on a bloodied body. It was standing upright, facing
the wind at dawn, with a look of despair and terror, and
the words written on it pulled the people of Merv out
of their dreams and dragged them into unforgettable

Six names were written with a designated time:

Emir Nasir > Arefe (Eid’s Eve)
Ahmad Munzevi > Sabah (Morning)
Erboz > Öğle (Noon)
Yaqut al Hamawi > İkindi (Afternoon)
Yusuf Tegin > Akşam (Evening)
Inel-Pars > Yatsı (Night)

The note has been hung by Kafender Japeth, an

assassin with the ability to change their face and voice
with the help of Elixir of Alamut. They are aiming to
hunt the Satrap in the city and make Ahmad Munzevi
the sole ruler and man in power of the city of Merv.
Kafender is not sure which of these men (Erboz,
Yaqut al Hamawi and Yusuf Tegin) is the Satrap. By
removing them they are attempting to do exactly what
Hasan Sabbah wants.

The crowd was in a frozen state. The image of the

violence in front of their eyes would linger in all the
viewers' minds for a long time. Fearfully looking behind
the city walls and worrying about the terrible riders of
the Khaganate, they suddenly saw the threat within
the city, behind the walls, with their own eyes. There
was a hero lying there. He fought outside the city walls
for the safety of those inside and protected his people
from the disaster brought by the riders. Some of the
crowd whispered that it was done by rival orders, but
the statement of a child holding his mother's hand, "Did
these terrible hashashins do this, Mom? Weren't they
gone?" caught the attention of only a few.

However, someone from the crowd, a noble one, Emir

Ahmad Munzevi stood up and ordered his men to take
the dead man down.
Act II: The First Drop

not limited to this list, as your game may need many

Emir Nasir was one of the lesser emirs that commanded personas for Kafender.
a cavalry unit during the wars of Sultan Jalal. He was
known for his chivalry and skill in combat. His body will
be carried to the Great Mosque for a funeral.

Kafender actually killed Inel-Pars days ago. Kafender Name Description

is using their disguise to complete their plans and
Emir of Merv. His wife died
wants to deal a blow to the hopes and happiness of
Inel- years ago and his only daughter
the residents of Merv. They will follow these steps and
Pars resides in Bukhara, married to
attempt each assassination in turn. If they fail to make
another emir.
a kill, they will not try again, but move onto the next
one: Guard of Erboz. Known for his
cruelty and heavy drinking.
D Kafender will attempt to kill Ahmad Munzevi Maid of Yusuf Tegin. Known for
and will wound him, but Kafender’s and Ahmad’s Melike
her beauty and silence.
original plan is for Ahmad Munzevi to survive
and make it look like the list is nothing to be A scientist in a newly found
scared of. Ahmad Munzevi will try to deceive the observatory. Known for his
adventurers away from Kafender and will try to search for solitude and carnal
misguide others. pleasures.
A hodja serves as the Gassal of
D In the second phase, Kafender will do his best the Great Mosque. A Gassal is
to assassinate Erboz. Kafender has already killed a religious figure who bathes
one of Erboz’s guards, Dumrul, weeks ago and the dead before the funeral
disguises themselves as the guard from time to according to Islamic traditions.
time. This act will slowly sow the root of terror
Emre A local homeless beggar.
among the civilians.
A little girl. One of earlier
D In the third phase, Kafender will attempt to personas of Kafender. They use
assassinate Yaqut al-Hamawi, disguised as one of this disguise in order to blend in.
the scientists from the new observatory named Kafender becomes Small.
Bahri. If Yaqut dies, the adventurers (or others A man with a simple and easy-to-
that search his body) will discover a chess piece forget face. Kafender uses this
in his pockets. Okan
disguise to become the “common
man of the city.”
D In the fourth phase, Kafender will attempt to
assassinate Yusuf Tegin as one of the maids One of the city guards and a man
called Melike. Yusuf is a descendent from the not loved by his peers.
Seljuk dynasty and is a serious threat to Ahmad
Munzevi’s power.

D In the final phase, Kafender will be disguised as

Bathing the dead before the funeral is an important
Inel-Pars. By this time all of the city’s forces and aspect in funerary traditions of Islam. Usually each
probably the adventurers will attempt to guard mosque has a place called Gasilhane, and there’s an
him as best as they can. Ahmad Munzevi will expert hodja on the subject that usually washes the
also rally all his forces to the protection of Inel- dead body and prepares it for the funeral. A gassal is
Pars and will play the innocent. In the midst of considered a weird but respected profession in society.
protection and the safety circle around him, Inel You can compare them with undertakers in the western
Pars will slit his own throat and drive the city into cultures.
a state of chaos and fear.
Kafender took the place of one of the Gassals, Harun
Zeyd, after killing Inel-Pars. They are using this position
to control and check on the dead after killing them.
If the adventurers somehow manage to use Ahmad
Kafender’s main goal is to identify the Satrap by finding
Munzevi’s or anyone else’s blood on the lantern, they
a chess piece on him. Satraps carry a piece of their era’s
will find out that it only works on those infected with
famous mind games, such as ancient satraps carried a
the elixir.
piece from Royal Game of Ur, a Mancala piece, a Go
piece, or a Cathuranga piece in Asia.

You can use the Noble stat block for Ahmad Munzevi,
Erboz, and Yusuf Tegin. Consider their Hit Points as
20 (4d8).

The Personas of Kafender

Kafender has many personas in their arsenal. It is

Act II: The First Drop

Main Story Moment: Assassination Attempt on or a creature with the Healer feat intervenes with a
Ahmad Munzevi (Second Day of Festival) healer’s kit, the bleeding stops, and Ahmad Munzevi
restores a number of hit points depending on the
The festival’s fire has been put out by the Hashashins. method.
All emirs except Inel-Pars gather around the list in
the town square to try and calm the spreading chaos. After the bleeding stops, Ahmad Munzevi will
Ahmad Munzevi takes a high place and announces announce he is alive and well, the dagger hit the mirror
that there is nothing to be scared of. in his pockets and the blade missed his heart. He is
alive thanks to the will of Allah. Whoever is behind
Kafender Japeth uses one of their potions of greater this attack will face consequences. All those involved
invisibility and throws a dagger at Ahmad Munzevi will be found and punished. After the incident, he will
from the crowd and deals 13 points of piercing be placed in his house with guards swarming around
damage, hitting him in the heart. Using the advantage and physicians tending his wound.
of the potion they drank, Kafender immediately finds
a safe place to turn back visible and into a regular If the adventurers helped the emir before, they are let
person from the city. into his house and Ahmad Munzevi wants to talk to
If the adventurers are nearby you can have them roll a
DC 15 WIS (Perception) check. On a successful roll,
they realize the dagger was thrown by an invisible As you enter the garden a mesmerizing aura welcomes
you. Shades of green and other beauties of the spring
catch your eyes as you realize how rich this man is.
A pond and an arbor inlaid with gold and silver grab
Ahmad Munzevi will bleed for 3 turns, all the attention. The house hails the morning sun
and he loses 1 hit point each turn. If as if wearing the daybreak as a golden crown.
any of the adventurers succeed on a
DC 12 WIS (Medicine) check, they You are escorted by two armed men with helmets
will stop the bleeding, and you can covering their faces. They have giant axes that
inform them that they have saved you can feel yearning for a crimson ending. Their
metallic armor is not common, but Emir Ahmad
him from certain death. If
Munzevi wants his men to be protected from harm.
any kind of magical
healing is used, The house shows the emir's riches at their best.
Carvings and miniature illustrations cover the
walls and silk carpets guide you to the emir's

Act II: The First Drop

Before the adventurers enter the chamber, they and daughters took the road to Herat. He will
meet Salih b. Abbas at the door. He questions them admit he fears the forces of the Khaganate. (DC
by stating that it is interesting that all these events 15 Insight check will reveal that he is lying.)
started when the adventurers arrived in the city. He is
not necessarily suspicious of the adventurers but will D Ahmad Munzevi’s guard, Kutlubars (Ghulam
point that out and ask a few more questions: Guard), will help them out in the city if they wish
to pursue or investigate Aybars.
D Have they been followed by any enemies? They
may have brought something bigger to the city. Unbeknownst to the adventurers they have time until
the next day’s noon to conduct their investigations.
D They seem to know things beyond their station. Aybars is the clue they gained through the emir.
Do they have any pieces of information valuable Kutlubars will escort them until they reach Bayt al
to the emirs and the city? Bilal, as it is known that Aybars is a guard of that
D Do they have access to more powerful friends
among other emirs or in other cities?
Aybars claims to be from Khazaria and appears to be
After these small queries, he lets them into the Turkic or perhaps Mongolian. He is actually from the
Khaganate and was banished by Batu Khan from the
country. Batu Khan’s territories included Khazaria, so
Aybars is technically telling the truth, but when asked
Ahmad Munzevi looks healthy and refreshed. He he lies about his ancestry and claims it can be traced to
asks for the adventurers to join him by sitting down the Khazarian Empire.
in the diwans as he makes himself comfortable in
a crimson diwan facing them. It is clear that he has He couldn’t marry the woman he wanted, as she was
bandages and ointments over the wounds. On a coffee betrothed to someone else. Aybars stole their horses
table between them, the emir puts down the blade the during their wedding day and was captured by Khan’s
guards. Due to his previous service to the Khaganate,
assassin had thrown and the mirror it broke. “You can
he wasn’t executed for his crime.
see for yourselves if you wish.”
Years later, the woman he loved (Aysu) came looking
The blade appears to be a well-made but simple for him, but she was ambushed in the outskirts of the
dagger. It has no carvings, bears no special emblems city by some bandits. Her body was found by the city’s
or anything else that might indicate the smith. A hunters and scouts. She carried a letter in Uyghur
smith’s tools check or a history check (DC 15) will script indicating to Aybars himself. They found him and
reveal that the craftsman of the blade was local from delivered the letter and the body. Aybars buried her in
the city behind the Green Mosque and has mourned her
its curves. A detect magic or a similar feature also
loss ever since.
reveals that the blade holds no magic.

Ahmad Munzevi will speak about these:

Aybars (Kün Guard) usually hangs out near Bayt al
D If the adventurers mention Hashashins or Hasan Bilal (You can check out the Merv section in EotSR
Sabbah, Ahmad Munzevi will show a slight facial for further information about this inn) and usually
expression with a trace of worry. It can only sells his sword in exchange for guarding highborns or
be detected by the adventurers with a passive escorting merchant caravans.
Insight score of 15 or higher. If they'd like to roll
for Insight after revealing the information, the If not interrupted, he usually follows these steps in a
DC is 18. day:

D Ahmad Munzevi will share information about the D He wakes up at the inn and checks out if the
city (you can check out the Merv section at EotSR) customers want to hire him.
and will say that he suspects the Mongolians, and
he fears that this is an act to weaken the defenses D He usually spends the day at the inn if there are
of Merv. There’s a man called Aybars among the no jobs and drinks in silence.
mercenaries of the city.
D Around midday he finds a florist and buys wild
D He will agree that he has a rivalry with Yusuf roses.
Tegin and Inel-Pars over the control of the city,
but since they are targets as well, he will do D After the sun is set, he travels to Green Mosque’s
anything within his power to protect the other graveyard and puts the roses on his lover’s
emirs and is not suspicious of them. graveyard. In Mongolian (using Orkhon script to
deceive others) it is written: “Brightest color in
D Last night, due to excessive consumption of the heavens.” There’s no name.
sweets, Inel-Pars became sick in his house and
thus did not attend the morning fuss. D He travels to a remote street and enters a
suspicious building. It is a small gambling house
D If asked, Ahmad Munzevi will tell that his wife run by banished Mongolians. The owner is

Act II: The First Drop

Aybars’s relative, Batsaikhan (Steppe Raider), After their clue ends in nothing, the adventurers
who left the army after losing his good eye. may want to confront the emir himself, or just want
to report to him. Ahmad Munzevi will greet them in
D The banished Mongolians only gather here to his chamber with four of his men. Two of which are
play games and while away the day. They do not Ghulam Guards (one being Kutlubars), and other
work for the Khaganate anymore and usually two are Guardsj (with 3d8+3 or 16 hit points).
resent the ones that serve it. Depending on the attitude of the adventurers, his
reactions may vary:
D They play a game of knives for money. Aybars is
accurate enough to win some bets. D If confronted about the misdirection and potential
lies about his family, Ahmad Munzevi might fear
If the adventurers wish to confront Aybars that his loyalty to Hasan Sabbah may be revealed.
immediately, he will not act violently towards them He will panic and order his men to deal with the
unless provoked. The only exception being if a direct adventurers. This condition will initiate combat.
servant of the Khaganate comes up to him. If the
adventurers tail him and get caught, Aybars will laugh D If the adventurers behave like they want Ahmad
at the situation and ask directly what they want. In Munzevi’s further help, he will try to misguide
the end, he will try to convince adventurers he has got them toward Yusuf Tegin.
nothing to do with these assassination attempts and
the list, as sneaking and stabbing from the shadows is If combat breaks out, and Ahmad Munzevi is killed or
not the way he fights, he is a warrior after all. incapacitated, the adventurers may search the house.
They will find 1,000 gp worth of jewelry and the
If the adventurers come to good terms with Aybars, he magical mirror they encountered in the Orphanage.
will point out this:
If the adventurers have time left to reach out to other
“Ask yourself, why does an emir send his heir and emirs, follow the table below:
family away on a day of the Eid and blame it on the

Name Result
He is building up defenses around his house, especially building a door with
metallic features inside the house and having it fortified. If the adventurers suspect a
Yusuf Tegin shapechanger somehow and ask if anyone's been missing recently, roll a History check
for Yusuf Tegin (with +3 bonus) against a DC 14. On a success, he will realize Melike
has not been around for sometime.
He is glad to have met the adventurers and is strangely calm and fearless in the face
of the situation, as he is working on a scientific study. If talked about, he will point out
the inconsistent behaviors of Ahmad Munzevi. He will share an anecdote of Ahmad
Munzevi’s earlier cowardice and find his current bravery a little suspicious.
If the shapechanger suspicion is present as above, roll a History check (with +7 bonus)
against DC 14 for Yaqut al-Hamawi; he will notice Bahri’s disappearances became
more frequent than usual.
He is nowhere to be found. Many suspect that he is seeking refuge in brothels or other
Erboz underground businesses. He is actually to be found in a brothel of his own, hiding with
his personal guards, which include Dumrul, Kafender himself.
He is in bed due to an illness (though, actually not there at the house). If the right
people are asked (such as Salih or other city guards), the players will learn that Inel-
Pars’s daughter Selma came to the city with her husband and children, but the guards
Inel-Pars didn’t let them into the city on orders from the emir himself.

Inel-Pars’s house has 4 guards and 2 veterans guarding it. If the adventurers come
inside the house by using magic or hiding well, they realize his bed is empty.

After the first assassination attempt the adventurers advance to Level 4.

Act II: The First Drop

Third Day of Festival: Assassination Attempt of

Around this time, the adventurers may require allies Emir Erboz
to help them get around the city, and Rasim is one of
the solid choices. He possesses general knowledge of If the adventurers wishes to find Erboz, there are a
the city and its emirs. If the adventurers prove that they
number of steps they must take; the pacing of these
are trustworthy, Rasim may offer help in times of need,
such as offering safe places, finding their simple needs, events depend on your preferences and the players:
giving advice and answering their questions to the best
of his ability about the city and other aspects.

Case Roll/ DC
They must convince the six guards outside his house to let them meet Erboz’s
family. On a success, at least two of them will escort the adventurers through the
Persuasion / 11
house. If they have Rasim with them, or have his greetings, they have advantage
on this roll.
They must convince his wife, Nadia (Noble), that they are looking for Erboz to
Persuasion / 13
ensure his safety.
They may try to carouse around the underground individuals of the city. The
Persuasion / 10
adventurers may spend 25 gp and 1 hour to collect rumors about Erboz.
Persuasion or
To find his room in the brothel, they must convince the workers there.*
Intimidation / 14

*Searching for the brothel may take 2d10 minutes.

He clutches his chest and cries out in agony. His
breathing becomes labored and you see his eyes start
You can consult for the Merv section of EotSR to to roll back as he begins to shake. Blood flows from his
determine criminals, smugglers, illegal guilds and other eyes and ears, streaming into the crevices of the white
nefarious characters the adventurers may encounter to sheets. You see an unnatural color in the veins under his
gain information or can come up with your own to best eyes. The curse of all the innocents he once took from
fit your narrative and pacing of the story of Merv. manifests like a black misfortune in his veins. His cries
subside, silent moans escape from his open mouth but
will reach no one except those present. He will die at the
Erboz is at a brothel called The Phoenix Wings. Check feet of his killer, taking his last breath while thinking of
a terrible fate.
out the Merv section in EotSR for further information
about the brothel.
Kafender, disguised as Dumrul, immediately flees the
At noon of the third day, Kafender will wait for location when he is sure the emir is dead and will drink
the activation of the elixir he put in Erboz’s drinks a potion of invisibility if necessary. If the adventurers
two days ago. It contains Elixir of Alamut; thus, its aren’t around, the body will be transferred to the Great
compounds are amplified. Mosque. If they bring the body to an official, they will
be asked to take it to the mosque.
Elixir of Tamag. It takes effect on the drinker's body
after 48 hours. It can be detected with a DC 21 WIS After the officials learn of the emir's death, they will
(Medicine) check. It can only be delayed 24 hours with declare mourning throughout the city and martial law
the Elixir of Alamut or requires a greater restoration will be applied.
spell. After the activation, the drinker takes 4d8 + 8
necrotic damage each turn until the drinker dies or When they reach the Great Mosque, an imam will
is freed from the elixir. It takes a year and 2,500 gp to lead them to the Gasilhane and they will meet Harun
produce this elixir. It looks like water but smells like Zeyd (who is actually Kafender). If the adventurers
a daisy. pursued Kafender, or they were with the emir when
he died, he will show a little shock when they see the
If the adventurers are around and fail to rescue him, adventurers that can only be traced with a passive
read: Insight of 18 or an active Insight check (DC 21). After
Kafender receives the body, take the following choices
into account:

D Disguised as Harun Zeyd, Kafender will ask

them to leave if they are not relatives or imply a
simple bribe will be required for them to remain
at the ceremony.

Act II: The First Drop

D Kafender will act as a religious person and fulfill D Kafender killed Harun Zeyd about a year ago,
the bathing process to the best of his capacity. and this disguise is a long used one.
Only a DC 21 Insight or Religion check will
reveal little flaws of Kafender as a Gassal. For D Harun Zeyd lived in a small cottage near the
example, they might mix up the surah’s orders, mosque and was granted the house by the older
starting from the left hand instead of right hand, emirs of the city.
or a similar simple mistake.
D As Gassals are considered social outcasts,
If the adventurers wish to examine the other parts of Harun Zeyd had few friends and was seen as a
the gasilhane, there’s a cold room downstairs where silent type.
the bodies of the orphans and outcasts are held. This
is the room where Kafender holds his latest victims D From time to time Harun Zeyd visited country
such as Emre or Melike in there with white sheets parts and villages outside the city walls to inspect
on their faces. If the adventurers reach this room the mosques and similar holy sites on the orders
without alerting Kafender and check out the bodies, of the emirate. Kafender now uses this as an
you can remind them later about the bodies they saw explanation of Harun Zeyd’s absence.
and point out the bizarreness of the situation. You can
have them roll a History check to recall the faces in As Harun Zeyd, Kafender follows this daily routine:
the cold room. The DC is at your discretion, but is
recommended to be higher from 10. D Wakes up early and tends to his little garden.

The Gassal Harun Zeyd’s life can be investigated if the D Prepares breakfast for his wife and himself.
adventurers are suspicious and there are important
pieces of knowledge: D Dresses up and goes to the mosque.

D Harun Zeyd had a reputation for writing poems

about the sky, celestial events and similar topics, so
Kafender is usually seen working on a piece of poem
or reading the newly written ones.

D Sometimes the imam of the Great Mosque,

Said b. Asr, visits Harun Zeyd to talk about
recent deaths or other events.

Act II: The First Drop

D Sometimes Rasim of the city guard stops by and life with Harun Zeyd. A DC 12 WIS (Insight)
asks what he has been up to. He and Harun Zeyd check will reveal her bitterness about the past
are childhood friends. Rasim also stops by for years.
official duties, such as asking about the victims
of a murder in order to find the killer behind it.
There are two important notes on Harun Zeyd/Kafender
D After the evening prayers, he stops by the bazaar and Zeynep:
and buys daily stuff and chats with the local 1. Kafender actually cares for Zeynep and sometimes
merchants. His conversations are usually brief acts without his disguise around Harun Zeyd’s
and considered small talk. wife. Apparently Harun Zeyd and Zeynep didn’t
get along as Harun Zeyd never ended up with the
D At night, he spends time in the garden with his woman of his dreams and was not kind to Zeynep,
wife accompanied by hot sherbert or similar usually acting cold and distant. When Kafender
drinks. gained their disguise as Harun Zeyd, they treated
Zeynep differently and the two started to get along
The most important aspect of Harun Zeyd’s life was his 2. Kafender, as Harun Zeyd, gave İmam Said b. Asr
wife: Zeynep. She is a blind commoner and has been instructions on how to find his secret stash full
married to Harun Zeyd for years. She is about thirty of gold coins. The imam knows that this amount
years old. is too much for a gassal but out of respect never
questioned how he got it. Kafender instructed the
imam that if somehow he dies all these gold pieces
D Zeynep is happily married to Harun Zeyd and should be Zeynep’s.
seems to enjoy her life and daily routines.

D She has a weak constitution and gets sick easily. Fourth Day of Festival: The Assassination Attempt
of Yaqut al-Hamawi
D If the neighbors are convinced to share
information, they will tell that Zeynep was not If the adventurers don’t reach out, Yaqut al-Hamawi
happy with her marriage in earlier years. Only will remain in his house to confront the assassin, as
last year, she and her husband seemed to be on he is sure that Hasan Sabbah is coming for him on the
good terms. fourth day. He will be reluctant to share these pieces
of information to the adventurers, but if he is saved by
D As she and her husband get along better now, them, he will share bits of knowledge with them.
she wants to have his child but is afraid due to If the adventurers come to the aid of Yaqut al-Hamawi,
her lack of sight and that it can be transferred to he will want to lure the assassin out into the open and
children she might have in the future. make it easier for the adventurers to protect him. He
will attend the İkindi Namazı (afternoon prayers) at
D She won’t easily admit the struggles of her earlier the Great Mosque.

Act II: The First Drop

If the adventurers are not with him, he will die among

his peers and guards. Mishlei - Book of Proverbs

Among the crowd there are 3 Hashashin Fedayee Spending seven days (6 hours each day) reading this
book will allow you to learn one of these spells and cast
and will place themselves 30 ft. away from Yaqut.
them innately once a day. Anyone using this book can
There are two floors in the mosque; the second floor only learn one spell from this book.
is smaller and has a balcony facing the ground floor.
Kafender will place themselves on the balcony and Healing word, command, goodberry, longstrider, speak
will fire arrows at Yaqut while “secde” (when all the with animals
attendants of the prayer knell before God) is being
performed. Kafender will attempt to fire six arrows at The book can’t be used again for six months.
Yaqut and then will flee the mosque. Their arrows will
be shot from a hand crossbow, and each of them will
be tipped with wyvern poison. If Yaqut survives, he will want to talk about certain
topics with the adventurers in a private place where
If Yaqut doesn’t survive, a chess piece can be found no unwanted ears can hear.
on Yaqut’s body and a book called Mishlei, Book of
Proverbs, a legendary part of the biblical canon written D Hasan Sabbah’s orders to hunt down Yaqut
by Solomon. This copy is scribed by Muhammad Aufi and other indicators mean that Hasan Sabbah
in the city of Isfahan. will attempt something terrible including an
otherworldly threat.

D Yaqut is a member of a society called “The

Satraps,” an ancient organization that teaches its
disciples to banish and seal otherworldly threats.
Their roots reach archaic depths: to Solomon
himself and his ability to achieve greatness.
Satraps only mimicked his power through

Act II: The First Drop

many rituals and combining many sages’ might Yusuf Tegin has become a little paranoid and
together. You can check out the Satraps section won’t trust others easily. He will even suspect the
for further information. loyalty of Rasim.

D Yaqut believes that there’s a Satrap in Isfahan, D If the adventurers have saved either Emir
but he doesn’t know the identity of the individual. Erboz or Yaqut al-Hamawi, they may receive an
His former guide in the Satraps, Ibn Abi, also advantage on Charisma checks to interact with
guided the Satrap in Isfahan. Ibn Abi died years Yusuf Tegin.
ago and Yaqut’s only knowledge about the person
in Isfahan is that they must be a person “who is D If the adventurers have successfully uncovered
looking for an impossible land across the seas.”

D The hashashin will probably follow the list as

their primary objective is to cause discord among
the realm. If they want to stop this, they could
protect Yusuf Tegin.

Fifth Day of Festival: Assassination Attempt on

Yusuf Tegin

Yusuf Tegin has many guards around his house and

has become paranoid over the course of the last
four days. He only trusts his personal ghulam Jaffar
(Ghulam Guard) and no one else. He spends his days
in his private room with a giant lock (DC 20) on the
fortified door with Jaffar standing guard near it. The
room is on the second floor of his house, and the
windows are locked shut by huge stones and seals.

If Kafender’s disguise as Melike isn’t revealed

by the adventurers or by other means,
they will attempt to start a fire in the
house by using goose feathers as
kindling, especially near the room.
Kafender will attempt to steal the
key from Jaffar and let Yusuf Tegin
burn to death in his private chambers.

The door has 15 AC and 20 hit points

with a 7 damage threshold (resistance
to piercing and slashing damage) and
damages the one's touching it with
2d4 fire damage. It was fortified in
the previous days. Once the fire
starts and the flames rise enough
(it will coincide with Akşam
Namazı, the evening prayers),
due to smoke Yusuf Tegin will
take 5 (2d4) poison damage
each turn.

If Kafender’s disguise as Melike

is broken, they will start the fire in
a remote place in the house, lie in
ambush and will wait for the residents
to free Yusuf Tegin and loose two
poisoned arrows at him. If they are
able, they will spend another round
shooting arrows at Yusuf Tegin and

There are some important aspects

of this assassination attempt:

D It is important to take into consideration that

the secrets of either Ahmad Munzevi or Inel-pars
and inform Yusuf Tegin on the subject, Yusuf
Tegin may not require a Charisma roll to trust
the adventurers.

If Yusuf Tegin survives this attempt, he will reward

the adventurers with 250 gp and give them two
uncommon weapons at your discretion, such as +1
yatagans, +1 bows, or similar.

If Yusuf Tegin dies during this attempt, his body will

be taken to the Gasilhane like the others and Kafender
will check the body to find the chess piece. You may
apply the rolls above if the adventurers wish to watch
the process.

If the adventurers were present during all

assassination attempts and none of the emirs have
survived so far, the city guards will want to arrest and
question the adventurers. If Ahmad Munzevi is still in
power, he will try to put the blame on them or at least
accuse them of incompetence.

The Final Curtain

During the sixth day’s Yatsı Namazı (Night Prayers),

Kafender’s last steps will be about Inel-Pars if
his disguise as the emir has not been discovered.
Kafender’s main goal is to find and kill the Satrap.
Putting Ahmad Munzevi in power is more like a
secondary goal.

D If the disguise is broken and Yaqut is alive,

Kafender will attempt to target Yaqut. They
believe he is the closest one to being a Satrap.

D If the disguise is broken and none of the targeted

emirs are still alive, they will flee to Alamut.

D If Ahmad Munzevi’s secret is safe and at least one

emir is living, they will attempt to assassinate the
remaining ones.

D If the disguise is intact, they will proceed with the

original plan to unleash terror in Merv.

If the disguise is intact, Kafender will attend Yusuf

Tegin’s funeral as Inel-Pars if he is dead or near the
Great Mosque at night to give “morale” to the public
if Yusuf Tegin is alive. He will invite people outside
and relax the martial law as he makes his way to the
city’s center.

Inel-Pars will give a short speech about hope and

determination and will announce that no foul enemy
or an evil killer may put their hands on Merv, then will
unsheathe a well made and painfully sharp dagger
and lift it to the sky. For a moment Kafender will let the
people think this is an oath to take down the enemies
of Merv. When the crowd gets excited, he will quickly
“slit” his own throat. With a Passive Perception of
15 or higher, or a DC 18 WIS (Perception) check,
the adventurers may realize that it was a sleight of
hand and use their action to portray a form of Inel-
Pars wounded on his neck. This will cause terror and
dismay among the people of Merv.
Act II: The First Drop

Kafender will feign death and has ordered some men but Kafender knows that they must not leave loose
to take their body immediately to the Gasilhane. The ends on their quest, so it may be best to take out the
adventurers can make a DC WIS (Medicine) or DC adventurers or die trying.
18 WIS (Perception) check to see through the ruse.
If the adventurers arrive just after Kafender is put
on the mortuary slab, they will notice no dead body The adventurers advance to Level 5.
on the table and see Harun Zeyd next to it, wearing
Inel-pars’s clothes. This is where the adventurers can
actually fight Kafender Japeth. Consequences

Through all these events, Kafender has had many There are several alternative outcomes in Merv and
opportunities to talk about or investigate the abilities thus may have many results at your discretion:
of the adventurers. They may want to take out healers
or crowd controller spellcasters with arcane abilities
that can cause problems first. If Kafender believes
that they can’t take them out, they may attempt to flee,

Variables Result
Hashashins of the Castle Alamut gain +1 bonus to their attack rolls and
Ahmad Munzevi’s damage rolls, due to Ahmad Munzevi’s distribution of quality weapons.
treachery remains
hidden. If the treachery is revealed, the remaining authority figures in Merv will
reward the adventurers with a total of 1,000 gp worth of jewelry.
When the adventurers set out to leave Merv, Emir Erboz will give them
his personal seal. This seal will give advantage to the adventurers on
Emir Erboz lives.
rolls regarding bureaucracy, internal struggles, city guards, officers, the
Sultanate’s military and similar rolls as the GM sees fit.
Yaqut will give the adventurers a magic item called The Thief’s Best
Yaqut al-Hamawi lives.
Friend. Look below for further details of the item.
When the adventurers set out to leave Merv, Yusuf Tegin will improve
Yusuf Tegin lives. their armor, weapons, mounts and other mundane items at your
They set out for Castle Alamut and will attempt to deceive the
adventurers during their raid on the fort. If Kafender managed to kill
Kafender lives. someone the adventurers cared about and performed the ritual during
the story of Merv, they may attempt to disguise themselves as one of
those individuals at a later date.
The adventurers can use Kafender’s blood on the lantern and confiscate
Kafender dies/captured. the useful items such as Bag of Holding, Shifter Weapon and potions of
invisibility they have on them.

The Thief ’s Best Friend

wondrous item

This piece of cloth resembles a Persian carpet and is said to have been used by Keloglan and thieves that dealt
with Ali Baba in legends. It has three uses left. When placed upon a surface or a wall, an action is needed to
activate it and a use is expanded. It turns black and for 1 minute, anyone who goes inside it can go right behind
that surface.

If the adventurers manage to capture or kill Kafender and use Kafender’s blood on the lantern, they will witness
this scene:

Act II: The First Drop

The adventurers next destination is Isfahan.

A shadow walks among the whispers within the training
Depending on the results of Merv, they have some
grounds. The stone corridors seem to be filled by
mournful songs of ancient times. The shadow seems to
clues to follow to Isfahan:
have its own mournful melody as if to light its fate. No
one is looking at or seeing the shadow, it slips by like D The vision they saw in the lantern mentions a
a ghost, unnoticed and unseen. If anybody is aware of Hashashin in Isfahan.
its presence, they give no sign. The shadow, however,
knows the truth: no one wants to look it in the face. It D Yaqut al-Hamawi mentions a Satrap in Isfahan.
doesn't have to hide its face while walking in Paradise,
but not a single angel or an apostle can look it in the
D The book on Yaqut al-Hamawi was written in
eye. The shadow is aware of how ugly it is. Its existence
reeks. Its own shape is foul.

It stops under a beautiful tree. All you can see are the
other ghosts, all hews of black and gray and by their side:
faceless shades. There is only one face that is very clear
in that crowd: the face of Hasan Sabbah, smiling and
looking at the unloved face with affection, it seems. He
puts his hand on the shadow's shoulder and embraces it
as a whole, with all its ugliness and reality. "I am proud
of you."

"I am grateful, Sayyidina," replies the shadow. You know

who the shadow is: the person who caused terror in

"Man is not born innocent; you know this, Kafender


"I know Sayyidina."

"What have you done to be forgiven of these sins?"

"I followed your path, Sayyidina."

"What is your goal?"

"Paradise." The shadow lowers its head, but does not

keep it down for long, adding to its answer: "Family."

"Your family is here." says Hasan Sabbah. "I will have a

request for you."

"Your request is a command for me, Sayyidina."

"Few people are capable of bending the wrist of your

sibling who will go to Isfahan, as you know. Yet still
there has to be one of them among the snakes, in the
Pharaoh's council, and among the vile secrets and
terrible catacombs of the city. No one can do it as well
as you. I want you to teach. You must be your siblings’
guide this time."

"What will I teach?"

"Lying. I don't trust your older brother Sefir as much

as I trust you in this, Kafender Japeth. As Noah trusted
Japeth when he was building his ark, I gave you this
name because I trust you. Be my most trustworthy child
and help your sibling for me."

The shadows disappear. All the smoke and faceless

shades disappear in front of your eyes.

Act III: The
Resonating Storm

The Hunter’s Moon Shines Bright another critical battle with the dreaded Hashashins.
Kannas Adam, the Hunter Among the Mist, will try

he way from Merv to Isfahan is longer to ambush and finish them off. Kannas will trail them
than the Samarkand-Merv route. After when they set off from Merv and prepare his ambush
departing for Isfahan, the adventurers when the Silk Road takes a turn over the mountains
may face the dangers of the wild, as after the steppes end.
stated in the Wilderness section and
following the quests mentioned in the chapter. If the pacing of your game enables it, you can apply
some of the aspects below while the adventurers
During the journey to Isfahan, in addition to the travel along the road to make them feel uneasy and
normal dangers of the road, the players will face watched:

d8 Trinket
The road seems unusually misty. A particular thick bank of fog seems to manifest in the
distance, drawing closer. It gives the chills to anyone who stares at it.
A strange and dark howling is heard from far away, and its source is undetectable. If an
2 adventurer succeeds on a DC 12 WIS (Nature) check, this information is revealed: it does
not come from a wolf or other natural predator.
Frequently, fast predators, like foxes or raptors, are seen running or flying away after
3 being detected by the adventurers. They can't shake the feeling that they are watching and
following them.
4 They encounter a body restrained with a bola.
They notice some tree tops and caves have been used as campsites and shelters by
5 someone. This person seems to use neither modern tools nor any of the normal gear Silk
Road travelers usually carry.
They encounter some long-abandoned villages. A DC 12 INT (Investigation) check on the
6 wells reveals that they were recently closed. That causes some concern as these villages
were abandoned years ago.
They encounter deserted and pillaged merchant carts and similar vehicles. There are
7 claw marks and other clues that indicate a very physical fight occurred near the vehicles.
However, the wounds indicate that no weapons were used.
They encounter the dead body of a hermit from India and notice immediately that his upper
body has been torn apart. A closer check reveals that his heart has been taken out.

Act III: The Resonating Storm

While on the road, they reach a caravanserai, and If the adventurers investigate the area (DC 8), they
even from afar, it can be detected that a disaster has will find these results:
befallen it.
D It appears there are many claw marks that do not
belong to any beast that the players know of.
The scorching sand scours your cheeks as you traverse
the rolling hills of sand. Wanderers along the path
eagerly point towards a nearby oasis, the caravanserai, D No coinage or similar stuff has been taken. This
promising respite and rejuvenation. The winds pick up, does not look like a raid for plunder.
carrying with them not only grains of sand, but also
a haze of ash. As you approach, splintered pieces of D Many refugees took shelter here, and after being
wood, out of place amidst the dunes, come into view, killed, their belongings were searched and their
carried by the gusting winds. And then, like a mirage, pockets were turned out. Whoever attacked here
the caravanserai emerges from behind a towering dune. was looking for something among the refugees.
The once tranquil haven you sought has been forever
marred by violence and death. The scent of smoke The rest of the road takes them to a bridge between
lingers in the air, remnants of the smoldering fire that two hills that stands upon a valley. The bridge is 60
has been doused. The grounds of the caravanserai are feet long and above a terraced valley. Each terrace
littered with the bodies of the fallen, each one bearing under the bridge is 30 ft. higher than the one below it.
the marks of a brutal struggle. A handful of camels, freed The bridge is 120 ft. high from the ground.
from their confines, wander across the dunes. Survivors
move amongst the wreckage, dutifully removing the This is where Kannas is waiting to confront the
deceased. A lone woman, lost in shock and disbelief, sits
adventurers. He is standing in the middle of the bridge
frozen, her gaze fixed upon the desolate scene. The once
proud doors bear the scars of the attack, and the once escorted by 2 dire wolves and 2 giant eagles. Kannas
elegant furnishings are now blackened by soot and ash. will mostly try to throw the players off the bridge by
grappling them and using enlarge/reduce on himself.
What surprises you the most is the body of a dead
elephant. Its giant tusks are missing: it looks like they
have been ripped off. The game’s nature and pacing may vary, as well as its
tone and preferences of combat. The battle ground
The only noise that breaks the stillness is the muted Kannas chooses may be different and, depending on
shuffling of those tasked with removing the fallen. Not your choice, deadlier.
a whisper is spoken, as if the very air is hushed in
reverence for the departed. The silence is oppressive,
ringing in your ears like a mournful dirge.
If Kannas cannot be defeated here and somehow the
adventurers fail to capture him, he will confront them
This caravanserai has actually been torn apart by in front of Alamut. If he is defeated, only a key can
Kannas Adam himself. It was ordered by Hasan be found on him: Kannas’ Key, which opens a secret
Sabbah to act as a message to the adventurers. Also, passage leading to Castle Alamut.
Kannas Adam is searching for a satrap among the
refugees and has checks each victim’s pockets for a If adventurers use his blood on the lantern, they will
chess piece. witness this vision:

Act III: The Resonating Storm

The night was rank with the smell of rain. The man speaks. But how can a monster understand
speech? He speaks with kindness, gentleness, and a soft
You realize the clouds above the sky are suffocating the tone of voice. "What are you doing here, my child, in this
light that the stars and the moon bestow upon the earth. eerie forest at this time of night?"
It is designed to terrify all below. However, you realize it
does not terrify you. You know what lies in the darkness. You no longer see through the eyes of the monster.
It is you. Night has surrounded you, but now you are the Instead, you see the person you fought and managed to
monster. You move forward, unable to think of anything see the crimson shade of, standing before the very Hasan
but the smell of the rain that will pour down as you Sabbah himself. He speaks to Kannas, the creature you
merge with the soul of the monster. A crimson veil has thought was a monster, as if he were a human being.
fallen before your eyes, and even though it's dark, you With kindness, love, and compassion. For the first time,
can see. You have never before distinguished colors so someone is treating Kannas like a human being, rather
well, and crimson has never been your sole reality. than a monster. For the first time, you see a soul that truly
desires to be spoken to rather than being noticed as a pile
These are more than just images; it's as if you can taste of muscles and an angry beast desiring to spill blood.
the crimson on your tongue and begin to understand the
meaning of hunting, sharing your soul with a monster. The scene changes before your eyes. You see Kannas and
As you follow the scent of rain and come across a man Hasan Sabbah walking beside a waterfall. As they climb
between the trees, all your primal instincts kick in. That the hill, you witness one of those rare moments where
man is prey, and you are the predator. The only color Kannas beside Hasan Sabbah looks more like a human
you know is crimson, and you must see the shades of than a beast.
crimson on the man. You approach your prey as if you
are the leader of a pack, standing above the chiefs of the "When you are in Eden, I want you to be what you exactly
monsters, all powerful beasts. Your favorite sight is the want to be, my son," Hasan Sabbah pauses and points
fear in the eyes of your prey. When they see the beast around him, indicating the entire Silk Road and even
and try to flee, their crimson hues are always the most the world itself. "There are many infidels who are our
beautiful shade. You're searching for that shade. That enemies. When you are outside your home, I want you to
shade is your life. show them who the monster is. Kannas Adam, you will
show those who do not feel safe behind the city walls that
You can't see it in the man. the outside is just as unsafe. Where Hasan Sabbah reigns,
all who stand before him will know that his loyal children
The man is not afraid. There's an expression on his face will come for them wherever they are. Only you can do
that should not be shown to a monster. Monsters don't this my son."
understand this expression. The man is smiling. He
stands there fearlessly, beneath the rain clouds, with his The scene points to where the flowing waterfall comes
beard, his robe, and a dagger hanging from his waist. from. A natural tunnel through narrow paths. It leads
directly towards the heart of the Castle Alamut.

If the adventurers are able to get this vision, they

will have a chance to enter Castle Alamut through The Lands of the Sultanate faced the Khaganate’s
the passage that is shown in the vision. It is advised conquests at their worst: they awakened the wrath
to take a look at the Check List at the beginning of of Genghis Khan by killing his messengers. Sultan
Jalal’s father was responsible for this and the following
Castle Alamut. This passage can be found in the
bloodbath. Sultan Ala ad-Din Muhammad II ordered
“Ways to Enter Castle Alamut” part, under the “Secret his troops to man the city walls and defend against the
Passage” section. Mongols. This resulted in a disaster and The Sultanate
was extinguished like a flame caught in a storm.
Isfahan: Over the Blighted Throne Sultan Jalal took over a fallen throne and rallied an
army capable of fighting the Mongols, and through
Ah, Moon of my Delight who know’st no wane, impossible battles they took back some parts of their
The Moon of Heav’n is rising once again: lands and moved their center to Isfahan, where the
How oft hereafter rising shall she look Seljuk Empire’s magnificent ruler Malik-shah I had
Through this same Garden after me—in vain! ruled for twenty years.
The Sultanate’s rise from its ashes was thanks to
Sultan Jalal’s leadership, and the talent of his most
The jewel of the Silk Road lies amongst the oldest trusted general: Timur Malik. They rallied the people
mountains of the world, near the cradle of civilization. of the Silk Road against the Khaganate’s rule, and
The descendants of the Ashina blood combined rekindled the Sultanate’s fire and restored some of the
their nomadic might with the flag of the crescent in lost lands when the Khaganate and other newly formed
the past centuries and created an empire under the states were vulnerable during Ogedei’s ascension to the
name of Seljuk. Now the throne has been inherited throne.
by the Khwarazmians, and their bravest sultan ever
sits upon the throne: Sultan Jalal ad-Din Menguberdi
“God-given” Khwarazm-Shah.

Act III: The Resonating Storm

The refugees are accepted into the city if they are

capable of fighting and are directly taken under the As a young boy, Ismail Tugrul was plucked from his
wings of the military. As the refugees bring news from village and transformed into a soldier. Despite being
Merv, the adventurers will be let into the city without one of many youths like him, the Emir Abu Farhad
saw something special in Ismail Tugrul and took him
a problem.
under his wings. The Emir lavished attention on Ismail
Tugrul, teaching him about politics, finance, and the
ways of the world. He even referred to Ismail Tugrul as
Origins from the Khaganate
"son" in private, a term of endearment he never used
If the adventurers have roots in the lands of Khaganate,
with his own offspring. Tragically, the Emir's own son
they may face obstacles, as the people from the
squandered his opportunity, getting mixed up with an
Khaganate are seen as enemies. Unless they prove they
underground organization and landing himself in jail.
are not from the Khaganate, they will be banned from
In response, the Emir sent him away and confided in
entering the city. The city guards have been commanded
Ismail Tugrul, telling him repeatedly that if there was
to prevent any agents from entering and to prevent any
to be an heir, it would be him. Determined to live up
other covert actions or espionage attempts.
to the Emir's high expectations, Ismail Tugrul worked
tirelessly to become a respected and high-ranking
However, unless the name they give to the city guard
officer. As the Emir grew older and sicker, it became
is clearly a Mongolian name, they can pass themselves
clear that the day of his passing was fast approaching.
off as Turkomans, Uyghurs, or other Turkic tribes from
One small illness was enough to end him, so he was
Central Asia using a DC 10 CHA (Deception) check (or
locked behind a closed door in a sanitary environment
another, related check at the GM’s discretion).
and his orders were delivered only by Ismail Tugrul and
his caregiver.

The howling of the winds leads you to a chamber

nestled among rocks that plead for rain. The prayer for
rain that began in Samarkand is on the verge of turning
into a storm, ready to strike with lightning at the heart of
civilization. You realize that the heavens have accepted
the prayer when the rain starts to fall and will not stop
until all the prayers have been fully answered.

The jewel of the Sultanate, Isfahan, stretches before

your eyes with a splendor unlike anything you've ever
seen in Merv or anywhere else. You see strong soldiers
atop high walls wearing traditional Seljuk scaled armor
and pointed helmets. They are the only hopeful sight in
Isfahan where lightning is about to strike. They watch
the horizon with tense eyes, waiting for danger. None of
them really knows what that threat may be.

As you enter the city, the words "A Sultan lives here"
come to mind. The magnificent combination of marble,
stone, and wood enchants your eyes. You are greeted by
the sight of silk sold by merchants, the smell of spices,
the sound of soldiers practicing with their bows, and
the hustle and bustle of the city, along with tense faces.
The only thing preventing you from being completely
enchanted is the refugees with weapons in their hands
and the terrified expressions on their faces. They have
fled from war, the lords of the steppes, and deadly
plagues, only to be delivered back into the cruel arms
of death.

There are many war tents and Turkomans in the gardens

and squares, preparing for battle. The horses surround
the encampments and even as a newcomer, you feel the
tension between the Sultanate’s organized army and the
warriors from the steppes.

For further information, NPCs, some optional quests

and a unique story-line about Isfahan check out the
Isfahan and Running a Story in the Silk Road sections
in EotSR.

The adventurers are greeted and escorted into the

city by Ismail Tugrul, a city guard with a tall figure,
long dark hair and a silver plate armor that is not
commonly seen in these lands.

Act III: The Resonating Storm

Ismail Tugrul will want to talk about these topics D Abdul Hadi insulted Bengü Ilnara about
while escorting the adventurers, if you deem the her origins and her gender. Abdul Hadi is a
refugees have brought stories with them, he may ask “traditionalist” man and believes that women and
about their adventures as well: infidels have no place in the battlefield, or among
the city. When he voiced these thoughts, Bengü
D Did they encounter any warbands, raiding parties Ilnara immediately challenged him.
or similar threats from the Khaganate?

D Do they know anything about the condition of Bengü Ilnara, is a Harbinger serving the Order of
the Hashashins and her goal is to find and execute
Hur-Shah, grand emir of Merv? (If the adventurers
the Satrap located in Isfahan and, if she is able, to
successfully completed the quest-line about Hur- assassinate Sultan Jalal when the timing is right. She
Shah in the Merv section of EotSR, the sultan formed a warband years ago, adapting her birth name
will want to see them immediately) and slowly gained the trust of Sultan Jalal and eventually
rose the steps of being one of his most trusted advisors.
D Are they interested in staying in Isfahan? Check out the Harbingers section for more information
about Bengü Ilnara.
D Are there any healers or physicians among them?
The fight begins after a few minutes. If any of the
The adventurers observe a gathering near the military
adventurers have 15 Passive Perception or higher,
tents of the Turkomans, where soldiers from the
they realize an individual from a building’s balcony is
Sultanate, nomadic warriors, and other mercenaries
paying close attention to the fight. If they point that
have formed a circle around a square, as if awaiting
out, Ismail Tugrul will identify the person as Timur
a spectacle. Ismail Tugrul furrows his brows and
Malik, the most trusted general of Sultan Jalal and
hastens to the area, coming to a halt only when he
the leader of his cavalry units.
comprehends what is taking place in the square.
Bengü Ilnara ultimately takes the advantage against
You notice silk clothes and expensive metalwork in the Abdul Hadi. The adventurers who are proficient
center of all the attention. Your attention is drawn to at least one martial weapon will realize that Bengü
a bearded man on the left, standing proudly in armor Ilnara is really an expert in sword fighting and has
adorned with bronze coatings and valuable jewels. As incredible control over her body.
his two attendants step away after assisting him with
his armor, a third one presents him with a curved, shiny
sword. The man exudes wealth and power, but his Check out Harbingers section in Characters chapter
bloodlust is evident from the look in his eyes. His gaze for the necessary information about Bengü Ilnara.
is fixed on a woman standing nearby, and he stares at
her with quiet bitterness, like a predator. The gleam of
hatred in his eyes perfectly complements his thirst for Bengü Ilnara defeats and kills Abdul Hadi with a
blood. swift sword movement of your choosing after an
entertaining fight. Abdul Hadi’s body hits the ground,
The serenity on the woman's face reminds you of the still
clouds in the sky and the gentle breeze on the steppes. and then a silence fills the square. Until Bengü Ilnara
You cannot see any expression on her face except peace. cleans her sword and sheathes it, the crowd remains
Experienced warriors can recognize the woman's silent. After the sword’s metal finishes echoing around
preparations, sharpening her mind before her sword the square and beyond, the crowd roars. She salutes
and summoning her willpower before her muscles. The the crowd and returns to her tent. Ismail Tugrul
leather armor she is wearing carries no extravagance or quickly takes control of the situation and makes his
exaggeration, but it is expertly made to protect a warrior men dispose of the body.
while also keeping her movements unimpeded. A man
wearing the same black and purple transitional colors
as the woman wears, approaches her with deep respect, After the fight, the following events may happen
not as a slave or attendant, but as a commander. He throughout the day at your discretion:
presents her with a slender sword, and as she takes it,
you can see that it completes her, as if she had regained D They will be invited to meet Timur Malik in the
a long-lost limb. She is already prepared to break down Garden of Serenity.
any obstacle in front of her. Furthermore, she is always
ready to demolish anything that may come her way. D If they want to meet Bengü Ilnara, she will host
them in her tent and ask about their endeavors
outside Isfahan. She won’t be able to stay with
Ismail Tugrul learns what is happening from some of
them long.
his subordinates and shares with the adventurers:
D If the adventurers are invited by the Sultan Jalal
D The man is called Abdul Hadi, a general that
himself, they will receive an invitation to attend
worked for the late sultan Muhammad II.
the dinner set by the Sultan.
D The woman is called Bengü Ilnara, a trusted
D If the adventurers want to investigate the city,
mercenary and the fierce leader of the Warband
focus on their personal stories that take place
from the steppes called The Külberen, which
in Isfahan, they may face encounters at your
means The Ashbringers in Turkish.

Act III: The Resonating Storm

D You may kick off the questline “The Hand of

the Princess” (Check out the Isfahan section in
EotSR for the questline), the story about Turkan,
daughter of Sultan Jalal.
Timur Malik
Medium humanoid, lawful neutral
Garden of Serenity
Armor Class 18 (Chain Mail, Shield)
Hit Points 105 (14d8 + 42)
Near the Seljuk Citadel, where Ghulam Veterans Speed 30 ft.
protect the gates, a beautiful garden greets your eyes. In
the midst of the oldest mountains of the world, the most STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
beautiful shades of all colors salute the rising Sultan 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3)
of the Silk Road. Even the armed and fierce ghulam
warriors fit within the colors and give a sensation of
Saving Throws Str +7, Dex +5
Skills Athletics +7, Insight +4, History +5
Among the wooden seats, where the greatest Seljuk Senses Passive Perception 11
emperors once sat, you see two men chatting and Languages Turkish, Persian, Arabic,
enjoying the beautiful sunlight. One of the men is Timur Mongolian
Malik, standing tall like a veteran warrior, his one hand Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
is always on his curved sword. Proficiency Bonus +3
The other man is a surprise for you. He wears no crown
Military Tactics. Timur Malik has advantage
and doesn’t clad himself in finary, but you recognize him
immediately: Sultan Jalal Menguberdi himself. His
on attack rolls when a creature he can see is
clothes seem practical, his eyes are filled with wisdom within 5 ft. of him. Timur Malik can forgo this
and vast experience although he is still young. His advantage as a bonus action and give another
shoulders carry the fate of his people, and even where ally within 30 ft.
you stand, you feel his sense of responsibility. He is
responsible for every soul in Isfahan, every child born
here, every drop of blood spilled on the ground. When
Timur Malik notices you, he greets and makes a gesture
to the ghulams to stand where they are. Multiattack. Timur Malik makes three
Khwarazmian Yatagan attacks.
Now, you stand before the blood of Ashina, shah of the
Silk Road, descendents of Seljuks, heir of the great Khwarazmian Yatagan. Melee Weapon
sultans of the Turks. Attack: +7 to hit, one target, reach 5 ft. Hit: 8
(1d8 + 4) slashing damage.

Interception. When a creature Timur Malik
can see hits a target other than Timur Malik,
within 5 feet of it with an attack, Timur Malik
can use his reaction to reduce the damage the
target takes by 15 (2d10 + 4). Timur Malik
must be wielding a shield or a simple or martial
weapon to use this reaction.

Protection. When a creature Timur Malik can

see attacks a target other than Timur Malik
that is within 5 feet of it, Timur Malik can use
its reaction to impose disadvantage on the
attack roll. Timur Malik must be wielding a

Story of Timur Malik and Suggestions on
Role-playing as Him

Timur Malik is a middle-aged war-veteran known for

his remarkable fortitude in withstanding the forces of
the Khaganate during a two year-long siege at Khujan.
He is considered a hero by the people of the Sultanate
for his unwavering determination in defending the city
against starvation, a massive enemy army at the gates,
and harsh illnesses. Despite the odds against him, he
refused to surrender.

At the end of two years, one day Timur Malik used

the night as a cover and carefully abandoned the city
secretly with most of his troops and riches when he
learned about a potential assault on the city gates on
the morrow. Only a handful of brave and loyal soldiers
decided to stay behind to cover their general’s escape.
Timur carries a trinket from each of them, mostly
simple brass rings,wristbands, keychains, and other
similar items that once belonged to the soldiers.

Timur Malik is a reasonable yet stubborn man who

believes in careful planning and swift actions. He trusts
himself as a soldier and the Sultan for his leadership
and judgment, making him one of the most loyal
men in all of Silk Road. Despite his stubbornness, he
speaks in a warm voice and never without thinking.
He dislikes politics and internal conflicts, despises
flattery, hypocrisy and those who wax eloquence. He
can be considered a man of action, and will want to act
accordingly depending on the actions and suggestions
of the adventurers.

The adventurers are greeted by Timur Malik and

then introduced to the Sultan himself. After the
brief introduction and depending on the earlier
achievements by the adventurers, these topics may be

D The coming invasion of the Khaganate and the

adventurers’ potential knowledge on the subject.

D The activities of the Hashashins and the potential

threats they cause.

D The situation of the refugees and their fate.

Sultan Jalal feels sorry that they can’t let them
all in due to food shortage and danger of the
Khaganate’s espionage. That’s why city guards
only let in those who are capable of fighting.

D If the adventurers mention that Hasan Sabbah is

alive and plotting, Sultan Jalal will mention putting
Bengü Ilnara to the task of finding Hashashins
and bringing them to justice immediately.

D If the adventurers show proof of their struggles

and successes against Hashashins, the Sultan
may be more inclined to trust them–especially if
they can show him the vision through the lantern.

Sultan Jalal is not sure that he can trust the

adventurers and wants them to prove themselves,
and if they accept, there is a task suited to their
adventuring methods that they will be given. Outside
Act III: The Resonating Storm

the city walls an ancient Zoroastrian temple’s ruins Unless the adventurers use unconventional
can be found, named Atashgah, House of Fire. It transportation, such as flying or teleporting, the
has been reported by many scouts and merchants House of Fire sits upon a hill that has a pathway up.
that there are shadowy figures and unusual lights If they choose not to use the path to reach the walls
near the hill where Atashgah stands. Sultan wants from the outside, they must succeed on a DC 15 STR
it investigated. If they return with a detailed report (Athletics), or DEX (Acrobatics) check, they must use
and the elimination of possible threats, they will be proper equipment.
rewarded with golden coins and the Sultan's trust.
If the adventurers land on the walls via using this
method or methods like flying, they notice the
Atashgah - The House of Fire
building in the courtyard with magic circles around
them (named Magic Circle 1-2-3-4 below), and you
can read:
Atashgah is an ancient Zoroastrian Temple, deserted
and ruined by time itself. It is now used by a local
magician named Ali Rustam (uses Magej stat block), The courtyard seems to invite the extinguished flames
actually working for Sultan Jalal Menguberti. After the that have lost their war to the winds and harsh winters
conquest of Isfahan by the Sultanate, Ali Rustam saved long ago. Once, the fire that sparked hope all along the
the life of the sultan's little brother, Anush. Silk Road now lies lamenting within sorrowful, cold,
and unmerciful walls. Your gaze stumbles upon the
He guards the end of a tunnel that leads to the Seljuk courtyard’s center: a building with four entrances that
Citadel for the Sultan. He is informed of the adventurers’ guard an ancient altar and four magical circles drawn
arrival and will act as a “loner necromancer” that in each corner. The circles do not belong here. They do
sneaks refugees into the city and conducts interesting not cherish the memories belonging to Zoroaster; they
experiments on the dead. His objective is to evaluate do not call upon you to join the centuries old lament.
the adventurers by attempting to bribe, persuade, They only give you the chills–the sense of danger that
intimidate or plead with (depending on how he the dead are near, watching.
encounters the adventurers) them to not tell anyone
about his operations here and leave him be.
If the adventurers decide to keep this knowledge from
the Sultan, Sultan Jalal will not trust the adventurers
any longer. If the adventurers decide to tell the Sultan Only dust and ancient stones greet you. To the right,
about him and his operations, the Sultan will begin to boulders and huge pieces torn from the walls block the
trust them. way. All the windows seem to have disappeared or never
been built in the first place. You notice a huge lock on a
Ali Rustam will defend his life against the adventurers wooden door on the left side.
if they ever attack him but will use his abilities to
escape or stop the fighting to initiate the test. He has
placed invisible sensors all over Atashgah to screen
The door is enchanted with an arcane lock and alarm
movements of anyone entering. These sensors can only
be detected with see invisibility or a stronger detection spell. The lock on the door can be opened with a DC
spell. They can’t be destroyed unless they take 10 or 24 DEX (Thieves’ Tools) check (due to arcane lock),
more bludgeoning damage. or the door can be forced open with a DC 25 STR
(Athletics) check (also due to arcane lock). With a DC
Ali Rustam also carries a bag of holding. In it, there 12 INT (Arcana) check, the presence of an arcane
are 500 gp worth of jewelry, and four uncommon or lock can be ascertained. To detect the alarm spell, a
rare magic items at your discretion. Ali Rustam may detect magic spell must be cast.
use these jewelry and items to make a deal with the
Through the boulders, a small creature can squeeze
through and reach the wall that has a secret door
(S0) on it. This secret door can be detected with a DC
The winds carry foul whispers from the hill where 15 WIS (Perception) check and can be forced open
Atashgah lies in ruins. The hill is surrounded by high with a DC 15 STR (Athletics) check. It leads to the
walls, but they might have faded away with centuries. Southern Room.
You feel as though the ancient spirits wander within
the walls and you can almost envision the grandeur of Due to the adventurers’ ability of Sight of the Ghaib,
days gone by, where the fire priests conducted rituals they notice two torn cocoons that seem to be from the
and believers praised holy fire. Zoroaster’s divine name Al-Ghaib. The three butterflies that left the cocoon are
echoes through the corridors and Achaemenid’s
encircling the door with irregular movements. With
banner flies freely under the eternal sky that once ruled
over the Silk Road. a DC 10 WIS (Perception) check, the adventurers
realize they move within the shape of three runes that
are Turkic: 𐰸𐰆𐰯 which is read as “yashar.” It is a part
of a common phrase in Old Turkic: “God of time does
not fly, only humankind is doomed to die.” This is
the password for the arcane lock: “Öd tengri yashar,
kishi ogli kop ölgeli torumush.”

Act III: The Resonating Storm

Room 4
“To fly” is a phrase in Turkish that is used for “death.”

Foul winds reach the room through two wooden doors

Room 1 sealed with wax. You hear winds striking at the doors
to enter the room, but the strong seals don’t let them in.
This is the same wax you encountered in Samarkand’s
Two dead bodies without heads greet you. Nothing else catacombs. The only way to dissolve it is with the
but you breathes in the room. Only a door is ahead of Zoroastrian Fire.
you. This time, there are no locks.
The other door has another giant lock on it and
apparently protects something very valuable.
The smell coming from the bodies indicate that they
have been here for a long time. Their bodies have
started to rot. With a DC 12 WIS (Medicine) check, In this room, there is a secret compartment embedded
they realize that the bodies were not killed on this in the wall that can be detected with a DC 15 INT
spot but rather were placed here, and they have likely (Investigation) or WIS (Perception) check. It has a
been dead for at least a few weeks. trap on it that can only be deactivated with a dispel
magic spell. Unless broken, this magical spell casts
Room 2 a fireball spell (3rd-level) at the room. There’s a lever
behind the compartment that deactivates the traps:
Three bodies are hung from the ceiling in the center T1, T2, T3.
of the room. They have no heads, and the ropes are The doors have T1 traps on them from left to right
tied around their bellies. There are no blood stains and they lead to the Courtyard. They are sealed by the
on the ground. wax the adventurers encountered in the catacombs
after Shah-i Zinda. The wax seals can be melted with
The adventurers with a Passive Perception of 15, or Zoroastrian Fire, dispel magic, or magical fire that is
an active INT (Investigation) check against a DC of created with at least a 3rd level spell.
15, can detect the trap Ts in the first tile in the room.
T1: On the floor, there’s a wire that activates a net on
Ts (Sleep Trap): If a creature steps on the tile, the trap the ceiling, and the mechanism there triggers the net.
is activated and a sleep spell of level 3 is cast in the The net is fired upon the creatures that are within a 5
room. If a creature falls asleep, it takes 10 minutes, ft. cube of the tile. A successful Dexterity saving throw
rather than 1, to wake up. (DC 12) saves the adventurers from the net. Those
who fail are restrained and take 7 (2d6) fire damage
S1 is a secret passage that leads to the Hatch Room. It each turn they spend under the net. Creatures that are
can be detected via detect magic or an ability that lets restrained can be freed by other creatures that use
an adventurer see through illusions. It is enchanted their actions or with a DC 15 STR (Athletics) check.
with an alarm spell. The mechanism can be deactivated with a DC 13
DEX (Thieves’ Tools) check.
Room 3 Developments

You notice a note in Turkish (using Arabic script) written If the adventurers receive considerable damage
in blood on the wall: from the traps, Ali Rustam may choose to attack and
ambush the adventurers from Room 5.
Room 5
The third tile in the room contains the trap Tc
and if pressed on, it will be activated. Creatures
You encounter what you least expect, four refugees: an
with a Passive Perception of 15, or an active INT elf, a gnome and two half elves, apparently twins. They
(Investigation) or WIS (Perception) check against a are crouching down at the far edge of the room, terrified
DC of 15, can detect the tile is trapped: there are two of you. They don’t bear any arms, and it looks like they
shafts in the wall that are ready to launch nets. have been traveling for a long time. You notice a small
fire and a pot with boiling water, vegetables, and meat
Tc (Catching Trap): If a creature steps on the tile, two in it.
nets will be fired on two of the adventurers that are
closest to. The nets are made of quality rope and are
hard to break free, requiring a DC 20 STR (Athletics) These refugees use Commoner stat blocks. They are
check. not willing to fight and will try to run away if their lives
are in danger. If spoken to, they will share information
like this:

Act III: The Resonating Storm

They are desperate to go into the city. A mysterious man near the city
walls approached them and told them he could sneak them into the city
DC 10 CHA (Persuasion) and that it was free. A successful DC 10 WIS (Insight) will reveal that
this is a lie). They were all part of the same refugee caravan, but it was
destroyed by bandits.
They are desperate to go into the city. The mysterious man indeed came
to them and told them he could offer a way to the city, but he also met
with other “mysterious types” and bought some interesting goods. He
wants them to deliver these things into the city as the price of helping
Mind Reading -The elf was scared of the guards and wanted a quiet way in. She is
(Alternatively, if the looking for a new life on the Silk Road. She saw the man with an
adventurers treat the interesting cubic object.
refugees well and make -The gnome was banished from Samarkand for using illusion magic. He
them believe that they is looking for a job in Isfahan, but because of his height, the guards didn’t
can protect the refugees let him in. He saw the man talking to the fire.
against the mysterious -The twins are looking for their father, a man among the Sultanate’s
man, they can share this military as far as they know. They saw the mysterious man taking other
information). refugees through the hatch.

Personal Chamber of Ali Rustam

Ali Rustam is attempting to create a narrative for
the adventurers in which he portrays himself as a There’s a bed, a desk, and a chair in the chamber with
mysterious figure, secretly bringing refugees into the a huge amount of scrolls in the room. Adventurers
can find 1d4 wizard spell scrolls (maximum of 3rd-
level) and a burning Incense of Zoroaster. If they
deeply investigate the room, have them roll a DC 15
There are two doors that lead to the Courtyard. They (INT) Investigation or WIS (Perception) check; on a
have T2 traps on them. success, they find a piece of paper written in Turkish
using Arabic script (the signature is made with runic
T2: Anyone who tries to open this door must succeed letters):
on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or fall under the
hold person spell. These traps can be deactivated
with a dispel magic spell. Observe their movement, memorize their powers, and
test their heart. See if they are worthy of our trust.
Developments -𐰋𐰃𐰼𐱅𐰃𐰋𐰭𐰏𐰇

If at least 2 of the adventurers fall for the trap at the

same time, Ali Rustam may choose to attack the The word in Old Turkic script says “Bengübirti” which
adventurers. However, he won’t try to kill them; he can be identified as “Menguberdi” in modern Turkish
will only act as if he is protecting his business and with a DC 12 INT (History) or a similar check. If
headquarters. characters know Turkish as a native tongue, they have
advantage on the ability check. Menguberdi is one of
Room 6 the names of the Sultan Jalal. He uses this script as a
measure of security.
This room contains two doors with T3 traps that are
leading to the Courtyard. There’s a secret door at the
edge of the room. It can be detected via detect magic.
It leads to the Personal Chamber of Ali Rustam.

T3: Anyone who tries to open this door must succeed

on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or fall under
the effects of the bane spell. These traps can be
deactivated with a dispel magic spell.


If at least two adventurers fall for the trap, Ali Rustam

may choose to attack the adventurers.

Act III: The Resonating Storm

Courtyard Gravekeeper appears (Check out the Appendix

section for its statblock) is summoned in one of the
magic circles with the only thing that can extinguish
A fire blazes bright in front of your eyes, right at the the flame at the center and stop the earthquake: A
center of the courtyard. You notice that it ignited when
magic key.
you entered the courtyard. The only thing that is alive
is the fire at the altar and you. It smells like centuries,
memories, and resentments. A faint whisper makes you
shiver, and you suddenly feel an earthquake starting to At the start of each of its rounds, roll a 1d4 for the
shake the very foundation of the temple. A fire blazes Gravekeeper. It will be summoned inside the magic
bright in front of your eyes, right at the center of the circle that matches the result number. For example, if
courtyard. You notice that it ignited when you entered you roll a 1, it will instantly appear on 1.
the courtyard. The only thing that is alive is the fire at
the altar and you. It smells like centuries, memories,
and resentments. A faint whisper makes you shiver, and
you suddenly feel an earthquake starting to shake the Magic Circle 1: Its edges appear as crimson roses
very foundation of the temple. with magically shimmering vines encircling the area.
Creatures within 5 ft. of the area take 2d4 fire damage
at the end of each of their turns. Attack rolls outside of
the area have disadvantage if they aim inside or pass
Roll for initiative when the first adventurer sets foot in through this circle.
the Courtyard.
Magic Circle 2: Its edges appear as silver flowers
with dark roots forming a circle. Creatures that start
Earthquake: Plays at initiative count 20. All creatures their turn or enter the first time within 5 ft. of the area
within the temple must succeed on a Dexterity saving must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or receive
throw (DC 15) or be knocked prone when it's the disadvantage on their next attack roll, ability check or
Earthquake’s turn. saving throw.

The fire at the center is a Cursed Zoroastrian Fire Magic Circle 3: Its edges appear as dozens of gray
and fuels the power to four magic circles around it clover-like plants forming a circle. Whenever a
and creates the Earthquake; a DC 15 INT (Arcana) creature enters the circle, it must succeed on a DC 14
check is required to understand it. The squares made Constitution saving throw or be blinded due to the gas
by the magic circles are considered difficult terrain. the plants produce. The blindness lasts for 1 minute.
The altar that the Fire stands on has a keyhole on the A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
northern side. It can only be opened with the right each of its turns.
key or with a knock spell that is cast at a 3rd level
or higher spell slot. If the crystal inside the altar is Magic Circle 4: Its edges resemble plants with a large
removed, the fire will cease to exist. Otherwise, the amount of salt on them. This circle’s inside works as if
fire cannot be extinguished. an antimagic field spell is cast in it.

After two rounds, the fire changes to blue and a

Act III: The Resonating Storm

Medium undead, neutral

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
Speed 30 ft., fly 15 ft. (hover)


8 (-1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 19 (+4)

Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha +7

Damage immunities poison, necrotic, fire
Damage resistances fire
Condition immunities prone, charmed
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive perception
Languages all languages it knew in life
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +3

Ethereal Sight. The gravekeeper can see 60

feet into the Ethereal Plane when it is on the
Material Plane, and vice versa.

Incorporeal Movement. The gravekeeper can

move through other creatures and objects as
if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10)
force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.

Turn Immunity. The avatar is immune to

features that turn undead.

Multiattack. The gravekeeper makes two
attacks with its Reaping Scythe.

Reaping Scythe. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to

hit, one target, reach 10 ft. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4)
psychic damage plus 3 (1d6) necrotic damage.
If there’s another creature within 5 ft. of the
target, it can forgo its other attack by sweeping
its scythe to that creature. The creature takes
half the damage.

Act III: The Resonating Storm

Developments Chest Room

If the adventurers have already dealt with Ali Rustam, There’s a chest in the room. It is medium in size and
the gravekeeper will vanish, and the earthquake will has a huge and complex lock on it, which requires a
not happen. successful DC 21 DEX (Thieves’ Tools) check to open.
If it is forced open with brute strength, the mechanism
If the adventurers haven’t encountered Ali Rustam, destroys whatever’s inside (DC 12 WIS Perception or
the following events may occur: INT Investigation is needed to detect the machjanism
and that the items will be destroyed).
D If the adventurers are put in a bad condition,
Ali Rustam may want to help them, as he is If properly opened, the chest contains: armor of fire
constructed NOT to kill them. This condition can resistance (You determine which type of armor),
be reversed if they mistreat the refugees, hurt driftglobe, eyes of the eagle, 300 gp worth of jewelry,
them intentionally, or Ali Rustam judges them as a tiny black cube that cast spare the dying and cure
no-good people. wounds at the cost of 1d4 hit points to the caster (3
uses and then vanishes).
D If the adventurers do well during the fight, he
will greet them enthusiastically and not in a Hatch Room
threatening way.
There is a hatch with a series of locks on them, a total
D If the adventurers are swiftly defeated, Ali of 33. They are tied to Ali Rustam by magical means.
Rustam will dismiss the gravekeeper and keep Ali Rustam can use an action to open all of them or
them alive. lock all of them. A dispel magic spell only deactivates
one of the locks. Unless all are open, the hatch can’t
Fountain Room be used. It leads to an underground tunnel that leads
to Seljuk Citadel in Isfahan.
In the room there’s an ancient fountain. It is enchanted.
Anyone who drinks from it gains fire resistance for Ali Rustam’s Test
10 minutes and regains 1 hit point. A creature can
benefit from this fountain only once a day. At an appropriate time, Ali Rustam will intervene
in the adventurers’ quest. He may try one of the
approaches below depending on the adventurers’
alignment and actions:

Ali Rustam will confront them in a defeated manner, with humility:

If the adventurers explaining that he is only delivering some magic items to the city and
treated the refugees sneaking in the people who need help. He will beg the adventurers not to
nicely. (Good act) tell this to the Sultan. He only put those bodies and traps to keep people
away from here.
If the adventurers
Ali Rustam will explain that he lets no harmful people into the city, and
declare they are coming
he needs money to keep his operations going. He’ll offer no bribes if he
on behalf of the Sultan
deems the adventurers lawful people. He will try to convince them that
himself and want him to
he is a pragmatic and reasonable man.
surrender. (Lawful act)
Ali Rustam will offer magic items and money (at your discretion,
If the adventurers treat depending on the adventurers’ desires) at the cost of their silence.
the refugees badly If provoked, he may attack the adventurers if he deems them not
and even cruelly to get appropriate to serve the Sultan.
information. (Evil act) (He had four magic items and 500 gp worth of jewelry in his bag of
holding, as stated above)
The adventurers
acted neutrally or Ali Rustam will act as a cautious and reasonable man, and will offer
pragmatically to the bribes if needed. He will share that his operations here are not harmful
situations (such as to anyone. He only put those bodies and traps to keep people away from
dealing with the refugees here.
in a cautious way)

The adventurers advance to Level 6.

Act III: The Resonating Storm

Seljuk Citadel The adventurers are escorted to the main courtyard

of the citadel.
After Atashgah, the adventurers can go directly to the
Citadel to inform the Sultan or take their time in the There are many Ghulam Warriors around, looking
city. For further information about Isfahan and its own suspiciously in your direction. Some eyes feel threatened
story-line (“The Hand of the Princess”), check out the by you, some plead for help and see you as the hope for
Isfahan section at EotSR. the future of the Sultanate.

As you approach the Citadel once built by the great When the adventurers reach the courtyard, they
sultans of the Seljuk Empire, you can feel the weight of notice Bengü Ilnara and Timur Malik are at his
a glorious but fallen empire bearing down on you. The side. The Sultan sits on a bench, and the other two
citadel is a towering structure, made of sand-colored
are standing near him with respect. The Sultan sees
brick and stone that seems to have emerged naturally
from the earth. Its walls are high and thick, with towers the adventurers and immediately speaks: “Merv has
rising up at each corner, and the gate is a massive fallen! My beloved brother surrendered the city to
wooden door reinforced with iron bands. Hulagu!” He seems furious.

As you enter the citadel, you find yourself in a spacious “Hulagu and his horsemasters will waste no time if
courtyard. The ground is made of smooth, polished they took the city without bloodshed.” Timur Malik
stone, and there are gardens and fountains scattered says.
throughout. You can hear the sound of birds singing
and water flowing, and the scent of fragrant flowers
fills the air. The Khwrazmian flag takes your attention, If the adventurers have successfully kept Yaqut al-
roaring high and mighty to the sky and all enemies of Hamawi alive, Timur Malik will hand them a letter
the Sultanate. You still feel its lament. Every corner you by him. “This one’s for you. Came just about an hour
look, you notice the tension of the soldiers, officials, ago.”
and ghulams. Everyone is scared of the threats closing
in. They fear the Khaganate, Hulagu, and they still feel
the threat of the Hashashins, even though they believe Dear friends, I regret to inform you that I have to leave
Hasan Sabbah to be dead. Merv and head to Baghdad, which I believe to be the
safest place for me. I fear only the Sultan in Isfahan and
But you know the truth, and you know what you are the Caliph in Baghdad can be trusted from this point on.
bringing to these halls. That’s why I didn’t risk this letter to send to you directly
and made sure Timur Malik will be the one who receives
Despite the beauty of the citadel, there is an air of it. Hope to see you in the House of Wisdom.
mystery and danger lurking beneath the surface. You
can't shake the feeling that there are secrets hidden
within its walls, and that danger could be lurking around If the adventurers saved Yusuf Tegin and kept him
any corner. You don’t know if Hasan Sabbah has already alive while being on good terms with him, the letter
placed his closest allies within these walls. will read:

Act III: The Resonating Storm

Emir Yusuf Tegin also rides with me and he’s planning The Sultan introduces Bengü: “My trusted commander,
on joining forces with the Sultan himself. Bengü Ilnara of Astrakhan.” Bengü gives a respectful
nod to you and a simple but warm smile. It appears that
she has heard your deeds in other cities and already
The Sultan will want to know what happened in respects you as warriors. “I believe she, you and I have
Atashgah: a goal in common: Finding the bane of our city and
the plague in our minds. Bengü has leads and clues
D If the adventurers tell them about Ali Rustam, about an important matter: A member of the Order of
Hashashins, not just a mere one, but a leader, is in the
the Sultan’s face will brighten up and will
city and plotting against the fate of the Sultanate.” He
congratulate them. “I am sorry to have deceived stops for a moment to let that information sink in. “We
you. Ali Rustam actually took his orders from me, need experts like you for this task.”
and I had to see if you were faithful to this cause.”

D If the adventurers don’t tell them about Ali If the adventurers have shared the information about
Rustam, a disappointed expression will cover Hasan Sabbah’s well-being and other incidents at
the Sultan’s face, and he will shake his head. Samarkand and Merv, the Sultan will be extra serious
“I believe you forgot to tell me something. I am about this situation and even give the adventurers
disappointed in you and can no longer trust you access to his personal blacksmith and arm them with
being this near to me.” If this happens, Timur magical swords if he trusts them. While sharing the
Malik will ask on their behalf to give them information about Hasan Sabbah, an adventurer may
another chance, “Let them prove their worth by want to check out the reactions of Timur Malik and
finding the Hashashin inside the city walls.” Bengü Ilnara. DC 19 WIS (Insight) check is required
to feel something is off about Bengü’s reaction. As
D If the adventurers manage to learn the deception Timur Malik’s loyalty and side is unquestionable, the
through Ali Rustam and uncover the Sultan's adventurers realize nothing is wrong with him.
involvement in these illegal activities, the Sultan
will commend them for their intelligence and The Sultan will head to his quarters and leave the
resourcefulness. He will trust them more but still others by themselves. This is where the adventurers’
keep his caution. interactions will begin with Bengü Ilnara.

Act III: The Resonating Storm

Bengü Ilnara is aware of a satrap in Isfahan, who As you descend the stairs of the Citadel, you notice the
possesses some sort of magical powers, but has clouds merging with the somber sky in awe-inspiring
limited information about the individual. She has harmony but with a promise of chaos looming over
three potential leads to uncover their identity, but her Isfahan. People's gazes slowly shift towards the city
top priority is to ensure that the adventurers do not square, and you feel the hairs on your arm stand up.
discover that she is the Hashashin they seek. A storm, unlike any seen in Isfahan for a long time,
begins its unstoppable cacophony. Then you notice the
Bengü Ilnara knows that she cannot locate the satrap eye of the storm: a black-robed herald has climbed to
alone, given their arcane and unknown abilities. a place where almost everyone can see him. He is the
Furthermore, she believes it is crucial to keep the herald of rain, the harbinger of the violent storm, and
adventurers close to her, as they have the potential to the messenger of the ensuing deluge. You see the man
pose a significant threat to the Order. who will change the world, the Old Man of the Mountain,
the central figure of the scary stories told to children
and the nightmares seen at night. He is the reason why
the shahs, in their mighty walls, feel insecure and the
They will walk together outside of the citadel while man who discovered how to instill fear in empires by
Bengü introduces herself and explains the situation killing just one person. He is the inventor of the word
they encountered at the square. She believes that "assassination": Hasan Sabbah.
the Hashashin they are looking for is a magician. In
the past month an emir, Suleiman of Tarsus from There are many Hashashins with him, their faces
Anatolia, who just came to join forces with the Sultan, entirely in the shadows. They have come to witness
the herald’s message. They have come to see the
was murdered by magical means.
announcement in the midst of hundreds, thousands of
people. Hasan Sabbah is holding a head in his hands as
a trophy, and he begins to speak:
Bengü Ilnara had one of her Hashashin subordinates
that is talented in arcane matters kill Emir Sulieman "Many times, I have been told that I am the bane of
using a necromancy spell scroll to make it appear as if these lands! My name has been cursed, and my enemies
he was slain by a magician His body was sent back to have rejoiced in singing victory songs over my grave!
Tarsus. However, I, who know all the threats and understand
that order cannot be achieved through wars, intended
What Bengü knows about the Satrap is information he to put an end to the fighting and discord that the Silk
received from Hasan Sabbah: The satrap is a magician. Road has been experiencing for centuries! I still do.
Rather than killing each other like savage animal packs
in the cradle of civilization, I did what was right, and I
did whatever it took!
Main Story Moment: The Herald Now turn and ask your beloved sultan if his father could
Declares War stop the Khaganate. Ask Muhammad Khwarazmshah
why he did not accept my help when his cities were
This is where Hasan Sabbah will announce that he is falling and led his people to misery and disaster. Ask
alive and is responsible for the death of Ogedei, late the Seljuk Empire why it was destroyed, and ask Sultan
leader of the Khaganate. Sanjar himself, who now lies dead in Merv! I have
done what needed to be done; I have protected the Silk
Road. Here is the evidence: the father of nightmares,
the bringer of disaster, the harbinger of the apocalypse,
Make sure that the adventurers can’t reach Hasan Ogedei Khan, the son of Genghis Khan, his head is here!
Sabbah during the speech. Timur Malik may stop them,
the crowd may not let them, or any other way you deem My name is Hasan Sabbah! My comrades, whom I
appropriate. trained, strengthened, and created, took his head and
took the first step to bring peace! Now it's time for more.
Whoever wants to turn the Silk Road into a battlefield,
I will stand against them. I am not dead! I came to warn
you about the rain that will fall and the deluge that will
come! You know where I am and what I am doing. My
home is on the sacred hill of Alamut, and its gates are
open to anyone who wants to escape the flood!"

Act III: The Resonating Storm

Bengü Ilnara immediately draws her sword and seems council. If the Sultan doesn’t trust them, they will be
to be ready to strike like a sudden storm. Timur Malik summoned later by Timur Malik.
stops her: “It is too dangerous!”
The council includes Timur Malik and Bengü Ilnara,
If any of the adventurers are suspicious, they can as well as Sultan’s eldest daughter Turkan Banu
ask for a WIS (Insight) roll, the Difficulty is 23 to (see the Hand of the Princess quest line in EotSR’s
determine that she is relieved when Timur Malik Isfahan section for her stat block), his wife and the
stops her. sultan-consort Sulafa Khatun (Noblej), one of the
scientists and emirs Ibn al-Hatir (Noblej), and viziers
The crowd begins to cheer, and the Hashashins lift of the Sultan: Alp al-Haravi (Knightj with 14 INT)
crystal orbs above their heads, and a sudden and and Cihan Pehlivan (Knightj with 12 INT).
strong light flashes before everyone’s eyes. Each
creature that can see the light must succeed on a DC
15 Constitution saving throw or be blinded for the Historical Background
next 3 turns. When the flash is gone, Hasan Sabbah
and his Hashashins are already gone, and a sudden Sulafa Khatun (30 years old) was one of the female
earthquake hits the city and shakes it for about 10 emirs in the Islamic world who lost a war against Sultan
seconds. The head of the khan is left behind. Jalal and later married him. Although they began as
enemies, Sulafa Khatun admires Sultan Jalal’s bravery
and believes he can unite the lands of Islam. She also
serves as a mother figure for the Sultan’s children, as
The item the Hashashins used can be identified with a their mother died in the Battle of the Indus.
DC 15 INT (Arcana) check.
Ibn al-Hatir (60 years old) is a hadith expert and a
Bright Crystal renowned scholar of the Quran. He strongly believes
Wondrous item - very rare that the Sultan should not look for an open battle
and stay behind the walls. He and Sulafa Khatun are
These orb-like crystals can be shattered with an action quarreling, as Ibn al-Hatir doesn't think that a woman
and force each creature that can see the light to succeed is appropriate for ruling and doesn’t want her at council
against a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be blinded meetings. He has become quieter since Bengü Ilnara’s
for 1d4 turns. Once shattered, the crystals are useless. rising power.

Alp al-Haravi (55 years old) is a trusted vizier and

commander of the Sultanate since the days of the late
This event will trigger a small riot among the refugees, Sultan Muhammad. He advised Sultan Muhammad that
who are mostly on the run because of the Khaganate he should stay behind the walls, he advised the same to
and their fierce riders. Ismail Tughrul and his men Sultan Jalal as well. He believes Sultan Muhammad’s
will swiftly stop it and take control of the streets, and fall was due to other incompetent commanders that
Timur Malik will quickly organize martial law that defended the walls, and the walls of Otrar (Muhammad’s
bans people from leaving their houses or tents after capital) wasn’t as strong as Isfahan.
the sun has set. Sultan Jalal arranges an emergency
Cihan Pehlivan (45 years old) is a governor and general
council meeting where Bengü and Timur Malik
of Sultan Jalal and ruled in his stead during their exile
attend. If Sultan Jalal trusts the adventurers, he will in India. He strongly believes that the forces of the
summon them, too. Khaganate can be defeated on an open battlefield. The
Army of the Sultanate is the only army that is capable
If the adventurers look for clues where Hasan Sabbah of doing that.
gave the speech, have them roll for a DC 15 INT
(Arcana or Investigation) check. On a success, these A historical note: During earlier days of his reign,
conclusions can be made: Sultan Jalal defeated two Mongolian commanders and
faced Genghis Khan himself at the Battle of the Indus
and survived the battle and lost almost all his troops,
D Arcana: They probably used some sort his wife and sons. There’s even a rumor saying that the
of teleportation. This must’ve caused the Sultan personally led a charge to the main lines of the
earthquake: a spell rebound effect. Khaganate and almost succeeded in killing Genghis
Khan. However, the battle was lost. He then rode his
D Investigation: If the adventurers are the first horse off the edge of the 30-foot cliff, but managed
ones to investigate the area, the head of the khan to reach the opposite shore and escape. Genghis,
can still be found there. Its facial features match witnessing the feat, forbade his archers to shoot the
Shah, and called his sons to witness, saying "Fortunate
descriptions of the khan and the headpiece is
should be the father of such a son.”
indeed adorned with the correct jewels and
feathers, indicating royalty. This may indeed be
the head of the Ogedei Khan himself. Other than
that, the Hashashins left no other clue. If the adventurers attend from the beginning, they will
witness these discussions, at which point they can
contribute their own arguments and ideas:
The Council of Isfahan
D With the fall of Merv, what should be done
When the events cool down and the riots have been
against the impending danger of the Khaganate?
stopped, the adventurers make their way to the
Timur Malik, Bengü Ilnara, Sulafa Khatun and

Act III: The Resonating Storm

Cihan Pehlivan think they should meet them on

a battlefield. If the adventurers share information about the Satraps
and want to see the expression of anyone in the room,
D The Caliph Al-Zahir has recently announced that have them roll a DC 22 WIS (Insight) check. This will
reveal that Bengü recognizes the name. If confronted,
he was gathering an army to face the Khaganate
she will share information that seems as to be an
and invited all residents in the Silk Road to join extremely personal confession. She tells them that
forces with him. she was a prostitute and heard that the Satraps were
a secret organization. A DC 20 WIS (Insight) check
D Hasan Sabbah is alive! What can be done against determines that the prostitution part was true, but the
him? What danger lies ahead for Isfahan? Since satrap part was a lie. If you don’t want the adventurers
the adventurers are the ones who encountered to find out Bengü is a Hashashin this early, you may
at least three high-ranking Hashashins, most grant a disadvantage on the WIS Insight check since
she’s using true bits of information from her background
questions will be directed towards them. Bengü
or make the DC 25 to mirror the disadvantage without
Ilnara will state that one of them is in the city, giving it.
and that one is dealing with arcane businesses
and that’s why she needs people who know
what they are doing. Ibn al-Hatir will declare his
strong disagreement on the subject, as magic is a The Hunt for the Hashashin
forbidden thing and they must never meddle with
it. Bengü Ilnara shares her information about the
Hashashin in the city: she will take the adventurers to
If the adventurers become suspicious of Ibn al-Hatir a tent where the wounded soldiers are being treated
or other viziers, Bengü Ilnara may want to feed these and have them meet two of her soldiers (named
suspicions to put pressure on the fissures inside the Ayhan and Tulu, Steppe Riders) that were seriously
Sultanate by declaring Ibn al-Hatir is not a good man. wounded but healing. She also takes them to a
If you don’t want your players to meddle with the Gasilhane and shows two dead bodies, also two of her
political side of this, Bengü may share the information soldiers. A DC 10 WIS (Medicine) or INT (Arcana)
that she already investigated them and they can not will reveal these information:
be Hashashins. If the adventurers want to find their
vices, check out the table below: D Medicine: The men were not injured normally.
The scars don’t match with known weapons,
burn scars and other means that are encountered

Ibn al-Hatir: He is secretly a heavy drinker D Arcana: The men were injured by a necromancy
of alcoholic beverages, and partakes in spell or have taken necrotic damage from a
carnal desires, which is heavily frowned source. They will notice that the spell is chill
upon for a Muslim scientist. In the end, he touch if the result was higher than 15 or one of
is no Hashashin. the adventurers has chill touch as a prepared or a
Alp Haravi: He is secretly in love with known spell (or seen the results of it before). The
Turkan Banu and wants to marry her. dead soldiers may have suffered other spells or
Sometimes, he has his men follow her. similar effects that deal necrotic damage.
Other than that, he is sincere about
his opinions about the defense of the Bengü Ilnara, Ayhan and Tulu will all give the same
Sultanate. information when asked about when, where and how
this happened:

D Since Bengü came into Sultan Jalal’s service,

he was always paranoid about the Hashashins,
After the council, the adventurers are tasked by Bengü
even when he thought Hasan Sabbah was dead.
Ilnara to find this Hashashin quickly and put an end
Thus, he made his subordinates investigate the
to their days.
city often. Bengü once heard strange rumors in
a remote alley and had her soldiers investigate it.

D When the soldiers entered the alley, they noticed

an abandoned building with a pitch darkness
inside it. When they entered, they heard screams,
whispers and other things and felt the effects of
the chill touch spell. Ayhan and Tulu got away but
the other two didn’t. When they went back there
an hour later with Bengü Ilnara, they discovered
the bodies and found no clue.

D It might be a good idea to start there, according

to Bengü, as she’s no expert in detecting the

Act III: The Resonating Storm

trails of a magician. She also wants to investigate If the adventurers want to investigate the medrese in
other strange folks within the refugees and local the Friday Mosque, there are 4 arcane researchers,
residents of Isfahan. The Hashashin may have including the headmaster Luay. They only know the
been located here for a long time. basics of an arcane and magical world; thus, they are
not Hashashins (or Satraps).
The Foul Summoner
The Blind Seer
The person who attacked Bengü Ilnara’s soldiers was
a man called Naim b. Kartal. What happened that A seer named Rana (fortune-teller) is seen around
day is listed below with proper Difficulties given to the city, but she's never in the same place twice.
reach the information. The adventurers will start to Locals don’t know much about her, except that her
investigate from the bottom of the list. predictions often come true and when she sees your
death, it is usually followed by a very violent, bloody
D Naim b. Kartal is originally an arcane researcher and harmful end such as bleeding through the eyes,
of Bukharan origin. He came to Isfahan when darkening of the veins and rotting of the flesh. A DC
the Khaganate’s forces started to invade the Silk 10 INT (Arcana) check will connect these symptoms
Road. This record can be found in the archives to necrotic spells.
of the Seljuk Citadel - DC 10 INT (Investigation
check), according to the archives, his wife died on Rana and Raif (Magej with a chill touch cantrip and
the road and was buried near a hill in Atashgah. blight spell prepared) are working together in this
This is his place now. fortune-telling business. When Rana sees someone’s
death, Raif kills them to prove her right. Rana has no
D He became interested in the djinnkind and knowledge about this situation. Raif was a banished
conducted research about them in the medrese member of the House of Wisdom for his obsession
of the Friday Mosque of Isfahan. This is known with damaging spells and pursuit of power and, during
by the Imam Taha of the mosque–a commoner his exile, he fell in love with Rana, but she doesn’t love
with 14 WIS - DC 10 CHA (Persuasion or him back. She doesn’t know about Raif’s actual power
Intimidation) check. hungry personality, and he acts as a weaker street
magician as if he only knew basic illusion spells.
He had a quarrel with a fellow researcher. This led
to a competition between them. The researcher was This is how they operate their business if not
found dead a few days later. This can be learned from interrupted:
the headmaster of the medrese, another arcane
researcher named Luay - DC 10 CHA (Persuasion or D They travel at nights, Raif casts them an
Intimidation) check. invisibility spell (from his 3rd-level spell slot) and
they travel without being seen.
Naim has been expelled due to allegations of murder,
and he has sworn revenge. He then rented a place in D They set up camp at random locations with a
the remote alley after the events that happened. The small amount of simple equipment. Since Rana
house belonged to an elderly lady called Nesibe - DC has true powers, she doesn’t need what other
7 CHA (Persuasion) check. seers see. If Rana sees no one's death, Raif
quickly makes them invisible and they flee the
Naim then tried to summon a djinni to take his scene.
revenge, but the djinn took control of him. He killed
many residents of the streets and the spell rebound D If a death has been seen, Raif makes Rana
caused damage around. That was when Bengü’s comfortable at their place and then pursues the
soldiers went to investigate. DC 10 INT (Arcana one who is going to die.
or Investigation) check will confirm this. Naim’s
handwriting has changed due to possession and there D They usually hang out in richer neighborhoods
are some notes in djinnspeak. and near the Seljuk Citadel to avoid being seen
by their regular customers and continue this
At the grave, Naim will seem as if he came to his mystery.
senses and there is no sign of the djinn. He managed
to control it but after witnessing the massacre he felt D Since the curfew, they have become invisible
shame and regret. He didn’t kill his fellow researcher and joined in secret clubs, meetings and similar
and was so angry to be blamed for this. If he is organizations. They recently got an invitation by
provoked, the djinn (a Shamhuresh with the ability a local tradesmen gathering for gambling.
to cast chill touch at will) will take control again and
attack the adventurers. The adventurers can quickly investigate their last
spot–DC 10 INT (Investigation or WIS (Perception)–
It turns out that Naim is not the Hashashin (or Satrap). and notice a bronze ring with an Arabic kef (‫ )ك‬letter.
If killed, they will find a note from a “seer” in the city Bengü Ilnara informs them that this is from a trade
called Rana: “To find peace, you must find yourself.” If guild in lower neighborhoods called “Kevser of the
not killed and willing to talk to the adventurers about Land,” the letter is the first letter of Kevser, meaning
fellow magicians, he will give them the note. eternal prosperity.

If Bengü Ilnara is spotted by the guild members, the
meeting will be adjourned and quickly dissolve, so she
will suggest that they infiltrate the meeting in disguise.
If the adventurers can offer magical means, Bengü will
point out that this is a dangerous ability. A DC 19 WIS
(Insight) check (if demanded by the players) will yield
that Bengü has seen shape changing abilities before.
However, she will insist that she finds this dangerous
because she fears for the well-being of the sultan.

The meeting is held in a back alley, protected only by 2

Thugsj at the gate. They can be bribed for 10 gp each
to be allowed in.

Inside, there are many people gambling with dice,

mangala, knife throwing and playing cards. Bengü
will hint that she is furious and disappointed to
see the law being overlooked like this. Rana will be
reading fortunes behind a closed wooden door, where
Raif stands guard. A man with a half plate, apparently
a soldier of the Sultanate, will leave soon after with a
devastated face. When asked, he will mumble things
about last wishes and quickly get out. A DC 14 WIS
(Perception) check will reveal that, while he is leaving,
Raif will take a tiny object from his pockets, either a
silver coin, a key or a similar object at your discretion.
He will use this to track down the man.

If the adventurers are caught while following Rana

and Raif, Raif will try his best to not reveal his true
self and powers.

If Raif is caught after he settles Rana in their safe

place, he will try his best to eliminate the threats. If
defeated, he will try to resist confessing his crimes to
the best of his ability.

Unless shown solid proof, Rana will refuse to believe

Raif could’ve done anything like this. If she can be
convinced–DC 10 CHA Persuasion–and stay on
good terms with the adventurers, she will reveal that:
“Once an old man came to her and wanted his fate to
be seen, I only saw his death in misery. He was the
only one that didn’t die.” If Raif is alive and can be
compelled to speak, he will admit that he was unable
to locate that man. However, he did possess a staff
adorned with ornaments and carvings that depicted
flames encircling the head of the staff. A DC 12
INT (History or Religion) check reveals that this is a
ceremonial staff used by Zoroastrian priests.

The Old Man Prays to Seven Seas

Bengü Ilnara knows of three places in Isfahan

that can be traced to Zoroastrians. One of these is
Atashgah, which is located outside the city. The other
two options are: The Ahgera, Tongue of Fire near
the citadel and the Tomb of Patizeithes. Patizeithes
was an ancient magus of the Zoroastrian religion
who lived centuries ago. The Tomb of Patizeithes was
mostly torn to pieces and a mosque was built on it,
the Ali Mosque.
Act III: The Resonating Storm

The Ahgera - Tongue of Fire Tomb of Patizeithes

Ahgera is an outdoor shrine for the Zoroastrians. It is

just an hour walk from the city walls. When they set This is where the Satrap resides, known as Al-Istakhri,
out for the place, some of Bengü’s soldiers will warn a renowned cartographer of the Silk Road. His intense
curiosity about ancient lore led him to discover a library
the adventurers that scouts have discovered villagers
within the tomb where he has studied for nearly five
fleeing from the area. When questioned, the villagers years. His primary quest is to uncover the secrets of a
will share this information: mysterious land beyond the Atlantic Ocean, which he
learned about from a book in the House of Wisdom..
D Children were going missing near Ahgera, so
some villagers went to see if they could find them.
When the adventurers reach the mosque, a DC 13
D Some invisible creature is tearing people apart. WIS (Perception) check or searching for 1 hour will
There are many witnesses to this claiming an reveal where the Zoroastrian tomb lies. Under one
unseen monster was on the rampage, growling, of the carpets, a pale painting can be detected. If the
throwing people around and tearing them apart. insignia is with the adventurers, a hatch reveals itself
as if the painting comes to life and becomes carvings
D The survivors barely escaped with their lives. rather than just two dimensional colors.
They live in a village near the Ahgera.
When opened, it reveals a staircase that goes down.
D None of them are hurt or have scars. If they spend 1 hour searching for it, the Satrap will
realize that they are coming and will be prepared.
When they arrive at the village, it is being terrorized Although he will not strike first, he will ready his most
by a creature called Unseen Terror, an aberration, powerful spell.
the result of spell rebound. It can only be defeated
with iron, flame or salt. Only those who have the Sight At the door, there’s an alarm spell cast by Al Istakhri.
of the Ghaib or truesight can see the creature.
Depending on the adventurers’ actions, there may be
At Ahgera they witness the remains of a failed ritual. different alternatives here:
Two orcs lie dead and a broken magic circle is found
between them. A DC 10 INT (Arcana) check reveals D If the adventurers quickly find the library, Al
that they tried to channel the shrine’s ancient power Istakhri will cast detect thoughts to understand
into them but have failed due to the shrine bearing their intentions; thus, he will find out that Bengü
no real power. However, they were able to open the is in fact a Hashashin.
shrine, causing the unseen terror to appear. Inside it,
an insignia with flame carvings can be seen. A DC 13 D If they immediately attack, Al-Istakhri will try to
INT (Arcana) check or detect magic reveals that it is a run away by using his spells.
key of some sorts.
D If the Satrap deems the adventurers can be

Act III: The Resonating Storm

trusted and mention Yaqut al-Hamawi, he will

You witness the darkness descending upon the
reveal that he is a satrap as well. They share
shadows before your eyes. Smoke brings the vision to
the same master. If they mention Ibn Ali he will you, appealing not only to your eyes but also to all your
reveal that he is indeed his master. senses. It touches your soul with a piercing pain, one
that can only be recognized by those who have felt the
D Bengü Ilnara will vehemently deny and refuse paralyzing ache of heartbreak.
the man’s claims to the best of her ability. She
will try to convince the adventurers to attack the Before your eyes stands Bengü Ilnara, a woman you
satrap. However, she won’t like to get caught in a have known for a long time as a friend and ally. This
time, she looks at a familiar face: Hasan Sabbah. You
crossfire, if both the adventurers and the satrap
feel that the source of the pain in your heart is Hasan
attack her. Sabbah.

Conclusions "Come, Zulayhka," Sabbah calls. You learn Bengü

Ilnara's true name this way. A Zulaykha, just like the
D If the Satrap dies and the adventurers do not Zulayhka who unrequitedly loved Yusuf, enters Hasan
notice Bengü’s betrayal, Bengü may attack Sabbah's room, unrequitedly in love with Hasan Sabbah.
the adventurers if she is above half of her hit
"They noticed one of our brothers in Baghdad. I don't
point maximum, and the adventurers receive
think he'll disrupt our plans, but I want you to take care
considerable damage. You can consider the of something before you go to Isfahan."
adventurers as surprised at this moment. The
chess piece on the Satrap will reveal he’s telling "For our future caliph, Sayyidina?"
the truth.
"For himself, Zulayhka. For himself."
D If the Satrap dies and Bengü’s lies are revealed,
she will fight them immediately, unless her hit "Do you trust him?"
point is below half her maximum.
"I don't trust anyone other than my children, Zulayhka.
I trust in the ambition and power of our future caliph.
D If Satrap lives and Bengü runs away, she will No other sorcerer as powerful as he has been seen for
hastily try to return to Alamut. a long time."

D If the Satrap lives and Bengü dies, this is the "Not even you?"
best outcome for the adventurers. In cases of the
Satrap’s survival, he will share information about Hasan Sabbah chuckles lightly. "Warriors like you have
not been seen for a long time, too, my dear Zulaykha."
Baghdad’s importance.
"Thanks to you, Sayyidina. You are the one who lifted
If the adventurers use Bengü Ilnara’s blood on the me from hell to heaven. I owe you everything."
lantern, they will witness this vision:
As the vision fades away, Sabbah's victorious smile
remains etched in your mind.

If the adventurers are on good terms with the Sultan

and Bengü is defeated, they will be invited over for
dinner at the Seljuk Citadel, where they will have a
chance to speak with the royal family and Timur

D Sultan Jalal expresses his gratitude and offers to

reward the adventurers in any way they desire.
For characters of Turkic or Muslim descent, he
is willing to bestow titles such as emir or beg,
along with commanding positions and wealthy
lands. If there are religious characters with the
ability to harness divine powers, they may be
granted religious titles such as “The Sage of
the Seljuk Citadel” as well as generous monthly
payments. The Sultan is also willing to provide
the characters with magic items that suit their
abilities. Additionally, he presents them with
silver rings engraved with a two-headed eagle,
symbolizing their authority and responsibility as
ambassadors of the Sultan.

D Timur Malik will give them bronze rings as a

token of their friendship. These are magical

rings, and when a creature finishes a long rest
while wearing them, it gains 1d4 temporary hit

D Sultan Jalal will mention that he received a

letter from a dear and wise man from his past.
In Muslim culture, it is a common practice for
the baby’s name to be recited by an elder and
respected figure of their community, such as a
Hodja, an Imam, a Dervish or a similar figure.
This man read Jalal’s name to his ear when he
was born. They also share the same name: Jalal
ad-Din. “Have you ever heard of him? Jalal ad-
Din Muhammad Rumi, they call him.” A DC 10
INT (History or Religion) check will reveal that
the mentioned man is the Rumi: the famous poet,
theologian and Sufi mystic.

D Sultan Jalal will march for Castle Alamut to

besiege the castle and put an end to Hasan
Sabbah’s order.

Rumi may play an important part in Baghdad depending

on the player’s choices, so it is important not to leave
him out of this conversation. If the adventurers are on
bad terms with the Sultan, Timur Malik,Turkan Banu,
or even the sultan-consort may mention him.

The adventurers advance to Level 7.

Act III: The Resonating Storm

Act IV: The Deluge
of Desolation

The Healer’s Bane If there are no such spells at the adventurers’ disposal,
you can let the adventurers learn these pieces of

he road from Isfahan to Baghdad is information at the village by spreading them around
considerably shorter compared to the the local NPCs.
Merv-Isfahan road. Depending on your
and the story’s pacing, the adventurers The footprints lead to the Village Hazel.
may encounter stronger enemies on
the way, including hostile warbands found in the The village seems to be one of the most pleasant in the
Wilderness section of the Empires of the Silk Road. Silk Road. The locals seem happy, there are numerous
However, most of these warbands would be no match children playing around. People are hospitable to the
against the adventurers' current level of experience newcomers, offering them their food, beds, and even
and power, as they can now be considered the most money with great generosity.
powerful adventurers in the area. You can check
out the Bestiary in EotSR or Appendix section in After Asiya’s death, the entire village was cursed.
this book for more powerful monsters and potential They were all killed by a monster called Muntakim,
enemies. Innocent’s Wail (check out the Appendix section for
its stat block), an avenger spirit that appears when an
innocent person is killed. The villagers’ spirits possessed
You see an oak tree, magnificent and framed by the their own bodies. It happened almost two days ago.
oldest mountains of the world. Its leaves are fighting Muntakim forced them to live as Asiya desired, and now
against the great storms that roll over the Silk Road. You the village has become a manifestation of her dreams.
notice its beauty has been defiled. A very dissonant red
has spread all over its leaves and roots. If the adventurers spend two more days at the village
without noticing anything, they will realize that the
A woman is hanging from it with a serene expression on villagers’ bodies are starting to rot, though they can still
her face. The blood doesn’t come from her. There are walk, talk and look seemingly alive.
footprints that lead to the east.
Muntakim can be found in a small grove, possessing an
oak tree. It can be either convinced or defeated to end
During their journey, they encounter a horrible sight: the curse. On a successful DC 12 CHA (Persuasion)
If the adventurers have the ability to speak with the check made by an innocent party member, or a DC
17 CHA (Persuasion) check, the Muntakim will be
dead through spells or other magical means, they can
persuaded to leave.
learn these things at your discretion:

D She comes from a nearby, small village named Local Villagers (Commonerj, any alignment you
Hazel. Her name is Asiya. desire): There are about 70 houses in the village.
Most of the villagers suppressed the memories of the
D She had healing powers for about a year. hanging, although only a couple of hours have passed.
As they can sense the power of the adventurers, they
D She saved the village’s leader Burhan from a will do anything in their power to hide the situation
deadly disease. from them. For example, they won’t like the idea of
the adventurers doing a WIS (Medicine) check up
D Burhan’s brother Muhsin plotted against her; he close. If the adventurers are suspicious, A DC 10
was jealous of her new status and powers. WIS (Medicine or Perception) check can be made to
determine that the villagers are not breathing. The
D He convinced villagers that Asiya was a witch. request for this roll must come from the adventurers.
You can check out Running a Story in the Silk Road
D Burhan personally hung her from this place.

section of EotSR for general names (Arabic or Persian)
for the local area. Some examples are: Gaffur, Kasım,
Fevzi, Nejmi, Halit for masculine names; Fatima,
Aysha, Serpil, Gülten, Esma for feminine names.

The Innkeeper Sadık (Masquareding Merchant,

CN): Sadık is a middle aged man who owns the
only inn in this small village. Like the rest of the
villagers, he smiles often and loves making apple
and cherry pies. Sadık is actually a half elf and has
long hair to disguise his pointy ears. He has very
limited spellcasting (check out the Appendix section
for Masquerading Merchant) due to his journeys and
frequently uses the disguise self spell to make his ears
look normal on certain occasions. Sadık’s Inn is one
of the places adventurers may realize that the people
of this village are not consuming any food or drink.

Hunters Fazıl and Nesli (Scoutj, N): Fazıl is an

energetic young man, and Nesli is a gloomy young
woman. They have been hunting together for a long
time and make their living out of it. They are the only
ones who travel near to Muntakim, Innocent Wail,
and they try to hide their trails while doing so; a DC
15 WIS (Survival) check will uncover this.

Muhsin (Ghulam Guard, CN): Muhsin is an elderly

man with a military background. He and Burhan were
slaves when they were little. Muhsin was enlisted in
the Sultanate's army and trained as a ghulam, and he
eventually saved his brother Burhan, thanks to Jalal
ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, from the slave owners in
the eastern parts of Samarkand. They moved here
eventually to try and have peaceful lives. Muhsin got
jealous of Asiya and manipulated his brother into
hanging her. Because of Muntakim’s effect, Muhsin
acts like he is the chivalric knight of the village that
wants to protect it.

Burhan (N): You can use the Noblej stat block for
Burhan. He was saved from slavery by his brother
Muhsin. He was chosen as the leader of the village
because of the higher education he received during
Muhsin’s service as a ghulam. He became incredibly
sick a few weeks ago and was cured by Asiya when
his situation got worse. The villagers and Burhan
respected her abilities and gave her a position in the

If the adventurers are able to defeat Muntakim and

make the curse go away, the villagers’ spirits will leave
their bodies and vanish into the unknown, possibly
going to an after-life.

To align with the story “The Vizier and the Sage” from
One Thousand and One Nights, we suggest that even
though they save the village from the Muntakim’s
influence, Burhan will will remain unable to cross the
border and will continue to haunt the village, plagued
by regret for not trusting the woman that saved his life.
You can check out the Meddahs section in EotSR for
the story of The Vizier and the Sage.
At Burhan’s house there is 150 gp worth of jewelry,
and two documents titled Freedom Granted and A
Note to Burhan.
At Muhsin’s house, there are two potions of healing,
25 gp worth of gold coins, and a document titled

Freedom Granted
This man named Burhan, bought from
Abu Farhad al-Najd by Jalal ad-Din
Muhammad, hereby is released by Jalal
ad-Din Muhammad. He is now a free man
by the order of the Sultanate, his freedom
shall not be restricted unless he is found
guilty of a terrible crime.
He, Muhsin, served under Sultan
Muhammad II for years with loyalty and
determination, and is hereby granted the
right to be free, away from the quarrels of
war and conflict. May Allah guide his way
to light.
A Note to Burhan
I believe that your village is in danger. That
bastard who once held your chains is now
after you. Never forget the day that Sufi
saved your life. He has been following the
Sufi’s trail since, and has now made his
way to your village. He knows that Sufi
went to Baghdad, and he is eventually
trying to reach Anatolia. Take care of
-Your dearest friend in Nishapur

Abu Farhad al-Najd (DC 10 INT History check) is

an emir living between Merv and Samarkand. He is
known for his cruelty, arrogance, and grievance.
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad is the famous Rumi
mentioned by Sultan Jalal himself. No roll is required
for this information.

The Marching Crescent

Near Baghdad, the adventurers notice a whole army
leaving Baghdad:

You see an army marching on, disregarding any

darkness and shadows, strengthening storms, and
terrifying enemies. They have raised the banners of
Baghdad high up in the sky, and even from this distance,
you admire their defiance against the darkness. The
banner belongs to the Caliph Al-Zahir himself, who has
gathered the army he promised to raise against Hulagu.
Thousands of soldiers are leaving their fortified cities
for the great unknown of the Silk Road to break free
from the enslavement of the shadows and draw their
weapons against the night terrors that have haunted
their dreams for years.
Act IV: The Deluge of Desolation

If the adventurers continue on their way without

altering it, the army passes them in about a few Al-Jarrah is one of the powerful individuals in the Silk
kilometers. If they wish to, they can meet with the Road who has sworn his loyalty to Hasan Sabbah, like
scouting forces of the Caliph’s army and gain some Ahmad Munvezi, but he is also a powerful mage of the
House of Wisdom (if not the most powerful), and his
insights about the situation with a DC 10 CHA
ambitions to be a Caliph (as a descendent of the Prophet)
(Persuasion) check: make him one of the most powerful Harbingers that
Hasan Sabbah uses for his end goal. Check out the
D The Caliph has announced that all those who Harbingers section for further information about Al-
want to fight against the Khaganate should join Jarrah, as he is considered to be the main antagonist
forces with him. of Baghdad.

D (If Sultan Jalal lives) Sultan Jalal has set out to

besiege Alamut. The Sultanate and the Caliphate If the Caliph deems the adventurers to be trustworthy
have formed an alliance and the Caliph's and capable, he will talk about the importance of
objective being to provide Jalal with an opening to Baghdad and will ask these questions beforehand:
penetrate Alamut, while Sultan Jalal is engaged
in the siege, the Caliph will attempt to delay the D Have they ever heard of Solomon? The great
Khaganate. king of Israel, son of David. He also holds a very
important place in Islam.
D The armies contain at least ten thousand soldiers
to meet against the at least same number of D Do they know how and why Baghdad is shaped
cavalry from the Khaganate as the vanguard like a circle?
forces. Hulagu himself is leading the forces.
Caliph Al-Zahir’s main goal is to delay him until D Have any of them had any dealings with the
Sultan Jalal hits the army from the rear. djinnkind?

If they want to meet the Caliph Al-Zahir, the adventurers “Baghdad is a city of great sanctity located in the heart
must already be on good terms with the Sultan so that of the Silk Road. You may have heard of other holy cities,
the Caliph has heard of them. Only then will the Caliph such as Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem, and Baghdad is
agree to meet them. no different except for the fact that it was constructed
just four hundred years ago by my predecessor,
Muhammad al-Mansur, the second Caliphate of the
Abbasids. According to legend, it is said that the great
The Caliph Al-Zahir is one of the satraps. Check out King Solomon once bound a terrible creature from the
the Satraps section in Characters chapter for further Al-Ghaib to the very heart of Baghdad, but no physical
information about Caliph Al-Zahir. evidence of this event remains. When al-Mansur became
aware of the situation, he discovered that the djinni,
which had been bound thousands of years ago, was on
Consider these during the conversation of Al Zahir
the verge of being released. In response, one thousand
and the adventurers: and one sages were called upon to come together and
rebind the djinni, this time ensuring that it would be
D Unless magical means are used, Al-Zahir won’t a permanent binding. Though their words and power
even consider abandoning his war. could only mimic a fraction of Solomon's might, their
combined strength was enough to safeguard the city's
D If the adventurers successfully captured or killed future. Their words and power are now entrusted to the
at least one Harbinger and saved at least one safety of the House of Wisdom's walls for the protection
of future generations.”
Satrap, the Caliph won’t hide the fact that he is a
Satrap. Sultan Jalal’s attempt to besiege Alamut He pauses a bit to see if the adventurers understood all
will probably be cut off by Hulagu; that’s why he that.
must hurry.
“Not long after that, another djinn was bound not too far
D Al-Zahir will want to listen to the tidings about from here, in Castle Alamut. This ominous castle shares
the Hashashins, Hasan Sabbah, and Isfahan. a common feature with Baghdad: they were built using
He will also share his concerns about a man in the same stones. Surely Sabbah knows too much of this,
as he studied in the House. I have a feeling he has plans
Baghdad as a threat: a sage named Al-Jarrah.
for Baghdad as well, otherwise he wouldn't have chosen
He desires to become the caliph and Al-Zahir is Alamut as his headquarters. I fear that for the past
worried that he will use any means necessary. If century, the Caliphs have lost their influence, power, and
the adventurers are heading towards Baghdad, competence, and were unable to stop Sabbah. When I
they should be very careful when dealing with was chosen, I did everything in my power to diminish his
him. influence in my city, but everyone thought he was dead.
I never wanted to leave the city to his hands, but Hulagu
D He also asks the adventurers to look for the forced my hand.”
other satrap in Baghdad. However, he refuses
to mention their name and identity and will let
that satrap decide if they want to meet with the

Act IV: The Deluge of Desolation

Baghdad: One Thousand and One If the adventurers managed to save Yaqut al-Hamawi,
he would be the one to welcome them as they enter
Nimbus the circular city. Otherwise, a sage from the House of
With them the Seed of Wisdom did I sow, Wisdom, Al-Nadim, would be the one to greet them.
And with my own hand labour'd it to grow: Al-Nadim had already heard about the adventurers'
And this was all the Harvest that I reap'd -- arrival from refugees or a letter sent by a friend in
"I came like Water and like Wind I go." Isfahan, such as Timur Malik. You can choose any
-Khayyam method that better suits your campaign.

For additional information about Baghdad, locations,

You are fleeing from the deluge. Your journey towards and unique NPCs, check out the Baghdad section in
the eye of the storm brings you to the walls of the most EotSR.
magnificent city in the cradle of civilization. The wind
accompanying you reminds your soul to feel grim and
your heart to move with haste. This is the crossroads Ibn Ishaq al-Nadim (arcane researcher) is a scientist
where the fate of the world is determined. This is where in the House of Wisdom that excels in cartography,
Alexander the Great rode his horse, where Ramses and bibliography, and biography. He is in charge of
Mutawalli competed for the rule of the known world, and classification and sorting of the documents, books, and
where Gilgamesh reached for the skies. This crossroads similar written texts in the grand library. He has a sharp
is where the east meets the west, and the north meets mind, a sarcastic attitude, and a very talkative side. His
the south. It is where the wheels of destiny are greased alignment is lawful good.
with the dreams, passions, and efforts of the people of
the Silk Road.
Through Yaqut or al-Nadim the adventurers may
The wind that brought you here crashes into the walls discuss these topics:
of the city and disappears. The circular walls proclaim
a power that you have never seen before anywhere in
the world. This is not just a simple place like a political
capital of a kingdom, an empire, or a throne of shah; this
is the spirit, heart, conscience, and living memory of the Baghdad has opened its arms to all kinds
Silk Road. of refugees and welcomes them with food,
water, and shelter. However, there may be
As you step into the circular city, a stunning blend of spies, warmongers, and even Hashashins
marble and stone greets your eyes. The gates are throng
among them.
with refugees, all of whom are welcomed with open
arms. While some of these refugees may be heading The absence of Caliph Al-Zahir may pose
towards far-off lands, you know that they do so by choice, a problem in the city, as one of the sages
for Baghdad is a city that welcomes all. The squares are from the House of Wisdom is voicing
bustling with activity, with people being served warm
concerns about the Caliph's incompetence.
meals and freshwater. You don't see the Caliph's banner
fluttering everywhere, announcing their presence with
His name is Al-Jarrah Nur ad-Din al- lim.
pomp and splendor. Instead, the city's beauty itself Among the refugees, there is a rumor
speaks volumes about the Caliph's generosity and circulating about an eccentric man who
hospitality. is sharing his wisdom and speaking out
against earthly possessions, pride, sins,
Of course, the most breathtaking place is the House of
Wisdom. The harmony of the rising minarets dazzles
and selfishness of those who rule over
your eyes. The combination of marble and silver the Silk Road and beyond. However, his
reminds you that the heart of civilization beats here outspokenness has made him a wanted
in the glass windows, rounded domes, and courtyards man by the authorities. DC 14 WIS
where hundreds of scholars roam. (Insight) check reveals that this is Rumi
You do not see bandits on the streets of Baghdad,
nor do you see thieves roaming freely. There are no The arrival of new refugees has also
soldiers staring at you with malevolent eyes; everyone brought along various individuals, such as
is doing their job with dedication. The rising voices are merchants, craftsmen, soldiers, and even
only those of the merchants and rushing children. The emirs from different cities. One such emir
gloomy feelings you had in other cities are left at the gate is Abu Farhad al-Najd, who seems to be in
here. search of a particular individual.
You awaken from your dream with a gentleman in a
sarik and stylish clothing greeting you, "Welcome to
Baghdad, House of Wisdom!"
The adventurers can investigate these clues in
certain places. They can visit the places in any order
according to their desires; however, some places may
have their own prerequisites as stated below.

Act IV: The Deluge of Desolation

Mausoleum of the Vizier Barmakid

The eccentric man is Rumi, and he casts a unique
version of the telepathic bond spell. Unlike the
An astonishing mausoleum welcomes you with high traditional version, Rumi can add new individuals to the
walls and a huge garden. One of the founding families bond during the casting, with no limit on the number
in Baghdad, the Barmakids, rests here in peace. The of participants. However, only Rumi can communicate
garden houses large trees for anyone looking to avoid telepathically with the others, as they can only listen
the heat of a raging sun, and the wells offer fresh water and cannot send their own thoughts. Additionally,
to anyone who needs it. There are cooking pots, wooden Rumi grants permission to only one other creature to
chairs filled with refugees, and many officials from the communicate telepathically with him.
state governing the area.

The building’s entrance is blocked by two armed men, Refugees (Commonersj, most of them are CG, CN
waiting in silence. They do not wish to disturb the dead
and emanate a subtle warning to their surroundings
and N): Most refugees that arrived in Baghdad are
that all should do the same. Behind them a huge gate in a state of fatigue, hunger, and desperation. Even
adorned with bronze carvings and amber jewelry awaits. a small amount of coins (5 sp) is enough to gather
information around refugees:
The mausoleum, built by the wealthy Barmakid family, D The eccentric man has a companion who
stands as a testament to their charitable spirit. They claims to be a merchant “for those who cannot
wished for those in need to have access to food and understand.”
water while they peacefully waited for paradise. The
family's wealth was generously donated to the nearby D There was another man dressed like a merchant
Abu Hanifa Mosque, where it is spent on providing asking interesting questions, such as: “What
food for those in need. However, with the recent influx happens to the moon when the sun is afraid?”
of refugees fleeing the Khaganate's invasion, the or “When will the rain start to pour, if the clouds
garden of the mausoleum has become overcrowded, haven’t met?”
highlighting the pressing need for aid and assistance
in the city. Fadil Ciwan (Hashashin Fedayee, NE): Disguised
as a ghulam, Fadil has been stationed in Baghdad
Caliphate Officials (Commoners with 12 INT
for a long time. He was appointed by the Caliphate
and 13 WIS, most of them are LN and N): There to govern the area. However, his true job is to make
are many officials from the palace and from the Abu sure the information flows to Alamut; a task he
Hanifa Mosque. Most of them are distributing the carries out well. Unless using some sort of mind
food, organizing the shelters and cleaning. For names, reading, his secret identity is very hard to uncover or
you can use Rushtu, Zahed, Yasser, Zaki or Sıdqi as exploit. He will inform the adventurers about Ghur’s
masculine names, and Noura, Nehal, Layal or Zineb equipment. He detected vials and glass bottles filled
as feminine names. They are mostly friendly towards with interesting liquids. If the adventurers somehow
strangers, but they tend to stay away from trouble. suspect Fadil, the Difficulty for their WIS (Insight)
With a DC 10 CHA (Persuasion) check, they may check is 18.
share these pieces of information if asked:
Asaf Hamza (Ghulam Veteran, LN): A tall and
D There isn’t anyone that looks suspicious or is muscular man in his thirties. The main official
acting in a strange way. appointed by the Caliphate. He is one of the five
veterans in the city and frequently visits and checks
D The eccentric man stopped by yesterday out the well-being of the refugees. He is the one who
and announced that he will visit the mosque asked Ghur to leave. He didn’t like his attitude and
tomorrow. He usually passes down a password tone. However, Asaf Hamza has not seen the eccentric
for the gathering, and only those who know it are man everyone’s talking about. A DC 15 WIS (Insight)
able to see and talk to him. check reveals that he is lying to protect Rumi because
Rumi is wanted by the officials.
D A man named Ghur (Ghulam Guard, LE) working
for al-Najd came here around midnight and asked Yasmin Farah (Steppe Shaman, NG): A woman in
about the eccentric man. Most people didn’t want her twenties, she doesn’t use her magical powers
to tell him anything and he was asked to leave. out in the open but acts as the physician of this
However, some people, out of fear, mentioned the mausoleum. She and Rumi shared a few moments
mosque he was going to visit. together to talk about how the world works. If she
deems the adventurers to be trustworthy and mean
no harm towards Rumi, she may be persuaded by a
DC 12 CHA (Persuasion) check to share the following

D Ghur probably went back to the district near Bab-

al Sham. Al-Najd could be staying there.

D Rumi is a spellcaster and tells important

messages only to those he deems worthy. It is
important to answer his first question correctly.
He may ask different questions to different
people. He usually does this while in disguise.

Rezan and Habil (2 Ghulam Guards, LN): The gates

of the mausoleum are guarded by a group of soldiers
who take turns to keep watch. They have vowed to
maintain silence during their duty. Their ancestors
were chosen to guard the gates of the Barmakid
House, and they continue to uphold this tradition
even in death. They allow only high-ranking officers of
the Caliphate and the imam of Abu Hanifa Mosque to
enter. Rezan stands guard at night, while Habil takes
over during the day. The gate is secured by a massive
lock, and only the imam of Abu Hanifa Mosque holds
its key.

The Mausoleum: The hall is vast (30 x 80 ft.) and

has twenty tombs covered with green cloth, adorned
with golden edges. All the tombs face south-south
west towards the city of Mecca. At the far edge of the
hall, there is a secret door hidden by an illusion spell.
It can be detected with a DC 18 INT (Investigation)
check or a detect magic spell. At the door, an Arabic
phrase is carved:

“Sleep, delicious and profound, the very counterfeit

of death.”

A DC 10 INT (History or Religion) check reveals that

this is a translation from The Odyssey by Homer.
When Baghdad was built, a translation movement
was initiated by al-Mansur; many Greek, Latin and
Persian works were translated into Arabic. It lasted
for two centuries.

The following acts will result in the door being opened


D A sleep spell is cast on a creature, and the

creature falls asleep thanks to the spell.

D A death ward spell is cast on a creature.

D A quote about death from the Quran or some

Muslim poetry that accepts the reality of death,
surrendering oneself to it and being at peace with
it. Examples are: “Every soul shall taste death.”;
“But to the Angel of Death, you’re just another
name on the list.”; “In the end, it’s just me, my
lord and my deeds.”

D Another creative feat pulled off by the adventurers

concerning the topics of death, sleep and similar
concepts. This is entirely up to you as the GM.

After the door opens, the treasury of the Barmakids is

revealed. There are 2,000 gp worth of jewelry and four
uncommon or rare items, magic weapons and items
that strengthen the spellcasters are recommended.
When an adventurer touches any of the items, an
avatar of death is summoned to protect it. If other
adventurers strike the avatar, an avatar is summoned
for each of them. This outcome can be predicted and
understood beforehand with a DC 15 INT (Arcana)
check, a detect magic spell or a similar effect that can
detect cursed or hollow places.
Act IV: The Deluge of Desolation

Abu Hanifa Mosque the password from the imam, they must roll a DC
Abu Hanifa is one of the greatest scholars in Islamic 10 Intelligence check to guess the answer. They can
literature, founder of the Hanafi School and a add their proficiency if they have a background in
renowned theologian. This mosque was built to honor highborn, academic, or entertainment fields, or if they
his name. have an interest and talent in poetry. Bards can roll
with advantage.
The humble mosque stands before you with a sincere
If the adventurers can come up with answers that
and welcoming sight. It is built in a way that captures the
beauties of Baghdad and the tales told among the winds. are quite close to the correct phrase, succeed in
People come here to see their friends, find a little peace guessing it, or think of something interesting, they
and listen to their souls. will be let into the ceremony. Otherwise, Rumi may
want to speak with them afterwards. Rumi starts
The garden is filled with beautiful flowers and fountains. his ceremony as a subtle ritual, only seeming to
Scholars and dervishes are helping out the refugees and concentrate in a corner, sitting on a wooden bench
you see them building up tents, infirmaries, cooking and looks like doing nothing else.
areas and similar places. Locals are also bringing
equipment and supplies while leading the refugees into
the garden. If they are able to join with Rumi’s telepathic bond,

The moon shines brightly when it doesn't shy away

Imam al-Safari (Acolytej, LG): He is the imam of
from the darkness of the night. Though the night can
Abu Hanifa Mosque and has a keen interest in the bring fear and malevolence, there is always light to be
arcane. He eagerly awaits Rumi's arrival and has found if one knows where to look. Sadly, I must bid you
been given the password to the meeting. However, farewell, for I cannot remain in Baghdad much longer.
after sunset, Ghur will attempt to intimidate the My heart is calling me to Anatolia, where I belong.
imam into putting men in disguise as mosque staff to I seek companions who would journey with me, but I
spy on Rumi's meeting and identify him. The imam fear that evil men may be pursuing me. Tomorrow,
adamantly refuses this proposal, and as a result, I will depart from the city through a tunnel located
beneath the Public Library of Al-Mahdi. Legend holds
Ghur will abduct him. If the adventurers happen to be
that this tunnel was constructed by Al-Mahdi's wife, Al-
present during the abduction and choose to help the Khayzuran bint Atta, who was said to be a nymph from
imam, he will reward them with the password: "When the Hejaz and an exceedingly influential woman. It is
it doesn't avoid the night." rumored that a library rests beneath the River Tigris,
just outside of Baghdad. If anyone can visit me there and
Muezzin Fasih (Commonerj, N): The Muezzin is the help me navigate the hazards of the tunnel, there will be
person responsible for reciting the azan, the Islamic a reward at the end. I seek only one specific item.
call to prayer, five times a day. In addition to this duty,
they are also responsible for cleaning the mosque.
After this, he shares a story about Solomon and the
Fasih, a war veteran who lost an eye in a battle against
binding of a djinni. This results in the adventurers
the Ayyubids twenty years ago, is the Muezzin of Abu
gaining inspiration.
Hanifa Mosque. He has no family and usually sleeps
in a small hut near the mosque. If the adventurers
If the adventurers aren’t able to join Rumi, they will
persuade him (DC 10), Fasih will share that he
be able to track him, as Rumi will let them follow or
remembers Rumi's scent to be that of the River Tigris.
accompany him. Unless interrupted, he will do these
Developments: On the following day, which is a
Friday, Rumi plans to arrive here in disguise as a
D He will visit many places in Bab-al Sham and
young poet who migrated from Samarkand, named
acquire many goods, apparently for the road (See
Ruh ad-Din. After the Friday prayers, which are held
below for Bab-al Sham and the shops there).
at midday, it is customary for Muslims to gather in the
mosque's courtyard to chat, share news, and meet new
D He will meet his merchant friend, who is actually
people. Some of the local shop owners and artisans
Shams al-Tabrizi, his dear friend and mentor.
bring sweets and Turkish delights to distribute among
the attendees. A poet named Talal takes the elevated
D He will tell a story to some urchins he encounters
platform and recites a war poem he wrote himself.
along the way and at the end, he will give them
one silver coin each. The children are considered
Then, Ruh ad-Din takes the stage and recites a poem
about darkness, the sun, stars, and the moon. In
the last verse of his poem, he chooses the sentence:
D He will stop near a street food seller and eat
"When does the moon shine bright?" At that moment,
some treats while chatting with him.
he subtly casts detect thoughts and begins to walk
around the courtyard as if he is meeting people and
D He will be ambushed by Ghur and al-Najd. Al-
asking how they are doing. He touches the surface
Najd uses the knight stat block. Consider his HP
thoughts of people without probing deeper and
to be 71 (11d8 +22). They are accompanied by
selects those who know the password, even if they
two Ghulam Guards.
give a partial answer. If the adventurers didn't receive

Act IV: The Deluge of Desolation

If the adventurers do not interfere, Rumi will be taken The district is overflowing with refugees building up
prisoner and Shams al-Tabrizi will be killed. tents; however, this time the tents appear to be shops
If the adventurers escort Rumi while the attack and merchant counters with lots of goods on them.
happens, al-Najd will be cautious about the situation,
even offering the adventurers rewards and payment if The Wonders of Beijing: It looks like an antique's
they let Rumi go with him and Ghur. shop from the outside, but Zhong Hui’s shop is actually
a shop for magical items and interesting goods. Zhong
Hui (an arcane researcher with the ability to cast
Information about Shams al-Tabrizi can be found in magic missile, detect magic, identify and sleep once
the Baghdad section of EotSR, as he appears as an
a day, innately) usually doesn't negotiate the prices of
important NPC in the quests.
magical items.

Bab-al Sham (Gate of Damascus)

The Bab-al Sham district is truly a marvel to behold.

Here is where the heart of the city beats, with a bustling
market filled with merchants, salesmen, and shops
selling all manner of goods, from tomes and ink to paper,
quills, books, and poetry. The houses are arranged in a
neat and orderly fashion, as if someone had meticulously
placed them with care and precision. It is clear that al-
Mansur's vision and ambition for the city can be seen in
the design of the streets: a place where everyone can live
and thrive in peace.

Item Price* Quantity*

Cantrip scrolls 35 gp More than 10
1st-level spell scrolls 100-150 gp 3d20
2nd-level spell scrolls 250-300 gp 4d8
3rd-level spell scrolls 450-600 gp 4d6
4th-level spell scrolls 650-800 gp 4d4
Potion of healing 45 gp More than 10
Greater potion of healing 100 gp 2d10
Vial of Sleep 250 gp 2d4
Potion of Resistance 400 gp 3d6
Goggles of Night 500 gp 1d6
Weed of Tigris 250 gp 1d6

Act IV: The Deluge of Desolation

The GM determines if the spells asked for by the Dragon Veteranj, NG). Maghan is actually a half-
adventurers exist or not. For example, spells for dragon, but his face hasn’t changed. He uses an
druids, clerics or paladins may not be encountered amulet (Talisman of Ajdakhan) to make his body
that often (such as revivify, branding smite and call look like a normal human’s to avoid detection. He
lightning spells) and some utility and arcane spells can forge new weapons for adventurers according
may be more common in the shop (such as jump, to their desire or improve their existing weapons.
detect magic, expeditious retreat, grease). Detecting the magical nature of this shop should not
*The GM can decide that the quantities and prices are be easy. To normal eyes, he looks like a normal smithy.
different from this table, whatever suits the campaign, Either Maghan decides that they can be trusted, or
the tone and availability of the magic of the current adventurers may realize there is more to the shop
game best. than meets the eye: Through thieves cant, DC 14 WIS
The Steels of Qaf: This is a blacksmith run by an (Insight), DC 14 INT (Arcana) or some other method
African man from Mali named Maghan (Half-Red the DM deems appropriate.

Item/Improvement Price Quantity/Time

+1 weapon 1000 gp Minimum of 5, maximum 2d6
+1 ammunition 50 gp Minimum of 20, maximum 50
+1 shield 1500 gp 2d4
+1 light armor 2000 gp 1d4
+1 medium armor 2500 gp 1d4
+1 heavy armor 5000 - 6500 gp 1d4 -1
+1 plate armor 8500 gp 1d3 -1
Weapon deals +1 fire
1500 gp 1 hour
Weapon deals +1 poison
1500 gp 1 hour
Weapon lets you cast
light cantrip at will, thus
750 gp 2 hours
becoming a magical
You can cast shocking grasp
spell at will through the 650 gp 2 hours
runes engraved in the shield.
The shield you own lets you
cast shield spell once a day 2500 gp 4 hours
through runes carved on it.
Through the weapon you
can cast find traps spell 3500 gp 4 hours
once a day.
Through the shield and
runes engraved on it, you
3500 gp 4 hours
can cast hellish rebuke spell
once a short rest.

Act IV: The Deluge of Desolation

Maghan also can repair their weapons and armor and

sell several for fair prices. The library was established by Al-Mahdi, a former
caliph of Baghdad, with the intention of making
Check out EotSR’s Baghdad section for more knowledge easily accessible to the local people.
locations, shops and similar locations, as they are Situated in the heart of central Baghdad, surrounded
more suited for generic needs. by mosques, it was designed for the convenience of
students studying in madrasas and mekteps who
The Evening Star: This place is al-Najd’s base required literary works for their education.
of operations. It is actually a coffee house run by a
distant cousin of Al-Najd’s, a man named Zabit. Head Librarian Haldun Jiwan (Lala):
There are three Ghulam Guards, five thugsj, and
two spiesj working as al-Najd’s men. The three The adventurers may convene with
Ghulams include Ghur. Other than its hall (50 Rumi at this location to embark on
x 80 ft.) and garden (20 x 30 ft.), there’s a room their journey to Below
(15 x 15 ft.) behind the hall that serves as the River Tigris, as he
chamber for Al-Najd, and there’s a kitchen (10 x
20 ft.) next to it. Al-Najd is usually in the chamber
and guarded by two of his Ghulam Guards. Thugs
usually hang around and protect the grounds
while spies act as the eyes of Al-Najd in the
nearby neighborhoods. Ghur is not there
at the specified times above, other than
when he is reporting to Al-Najd. If the
adventurers didn’t intervene with the
imam, he would be held prisoner in Al
Najd’s chamber.

If the adventurers weren't there when

Rumi was attacked, he is also held prisoner, and
the Imam will be found dead. Rumi will also be
killed after a day.

Treasure: Al-Najd brought 500 gp worth of jewelry

with him to use as bribes and pay his mercenary

Public Library of Al-Mahdi

The scent of parchments carried on the winds draws

your attention, evoking memories of poems, stories, and
books. Scholars are scattered throughout the library,
hunched over desks, poring over tomes, wielding quills
and inks with precision. It's clear that their work is vital
to the preservation and advancement of knowledge.
This is where civilization takes root, standing firm to be
delivered to future generations. You overhear two men
reading the original Greek and an Arabic translation of
the Iliad, and nearby, a group of students sits attentively
as an elderly man speaks about the marvels of the
human body, teaching them the names of bones. Across
the room, maps and navigation devices cover tables,
and three men are locked in a heated debate about the
measurement of the Earth's circumference. This is a
place of enlightenment, and you feel it deep in your soul.

Act IV: The Deluge of Desolation

had previously promised. Additionally, it is possible D At the top, it reads “Judge of Souls” in Greek.
that word of the adventurers' heroic feats may have
reached Rumi, prompting him to enlist their aid in a D Left upper reads Hel in Old Norse. There’s a lit
mission beyond the city walls. torch above it (Torch A).

If adventurers use the detect magic spell inside the D Right upper reads Ra in Egyptian Hieroglyphs.
library, they sense a magical trace that leads to the There’s a lit torch above it. (Torch B)
secret hatch, it is in an out of sight corner of the library,
where no usual scholars and students visit: A corner D Left under reads Azrael in Arabic. There’s an
dedicated to Chinese, Japanese and similarly distant unburning torch under it. (Torch C)
civilizations’ texts. The hatch marks the start of Below
River Tigris. The marks that lead to the hatch can D Right under Izanami-no-Kami in Japanese.
also be detected with a DC 15 INT (Investigation or There’s a lit torch under it. (Torch D)
Arcana) check. The physical marks are engraved with
a small trace of magic into the edges of shelves. If the languages are not known to party members and
no magic (such as comprehend languages or tongues)
Below River Tigris is used, Rumi will read the writing near Torch C as
Azra’il, the angel of death in Islam. The other writings
can be deciphered via:
After descending through the hatch, Rumi and the
adventurers have an opportunity to speak in private and D The Top: DC 15 Intelligence check reveals that
without interruption. Rumi reveals that he is actually the last word is “soul.”
an elf and a Satrap. He genuinely congratulates the
adventurers on their courage and defiance against
D Torch A: DC 15 Intelligence check. Only the
Hasan Sabbah.
characters who have shown interest in Norse
Rumi explains that although he wishes to assist the mythology or having a background with relations
adventurers in Alamut, he received a prophecy in his to Norse can apply their Religion or History
dreams as a Satrap, revealing a terrible disaster in the proficiency. This is entirely up to the GM.
heart of Anatolia that he must attend to. As he is not
an appointed Satrap in Baghdad, he knows who are: D Torch B: DC 15 Intelligence check. As the
Al-Zahir and his wife Hayat Jawhar Khatun. Caliph Al campaign is set in the Silk Road and Egypt is not
Zahir chose Hayat as his wife because they met during
a far away country, the GM may decide that the
a tragic event some decades ago, and they both agreed
that Baghdad needed two Satraps. Hayat Jawhar Khatun
players can apply their Religion or History skills.
gradually climbed the steps of the House of Wisdom, Characters with academic backgrounds or that
where the most crucial ritual of all is kept hidden, and lived in Egypt rolls with advantage.
the only way to become a Satrap is inscribed there - at
least the only known way from Europe to the Altaic D Torch C: In the worst case scenario it will be read
Mountains. by Rumi. If the adventurers didn’t travel with
Rumi here, only a DC 8 Intelligence (Religion or
He ties the story together by adding these points to the
History) check is enough as Arabic is one of the
most common languages spoken throughout the
D “You have been facing opposition from the Silk Road.
Hashashins since the beginning. You have dealt
with their most important agents, known as D Torch D: DC 17 Intelligence check. If characters
Harbingers, the vile mongers of the storm that know Japanese, Korean, or a dialect of Chinese
Hasan Sabbah brings. Sefir was their mightiest. or somehow know how to read Han characters,
You met with Kafender at Merv and Bengü Ilnara they read: “The god that invites”
at Isfahan. Kannas attacked you on your way
there. And I believe Al-Jarrah sold his soul to reach
his ambitions. And now, there is one more to face
The only entity depicted here that is not “Judge of
at the castle: a former crusader with a deadly Souls” is Ra. Other entities are closely entitled with
appetite for crimson. Beware of Sir Alistair, for death, underworld and similar concepts.
he is the guardian of Alamut and knows the castle
even better than Sabbah himself.” The correct position of torches should be this:

Torch A lit.
The hatch leads to a spiral staircase that descends Torch B extinguished.
60 ft., and from there, a 10 ft. wide corridor stretches Torch C lit.
across the River Tigris. The group, led by Rumi, Torch D lit.
traverses this passage safely and without incident until
they come to a large stone door adorned with intricate At the shortest route, the adventurers must extinguish
runic carvings and other fascinating engravings on a Torch B and light Torch C. This will cost them two
circular marble plate set into the door. actions spent on the door, thus summoning creatures
at the available spaces in the corridor. Check out the
table below for each action spent on torches, after the
4th each action counted as two actions:

Act IV: The Deluge of Desolation

Actions Lighting a Tourch Extinguishing a Torch

1st 1d4 impsj 1d4 spectersj
2nd 1d3 hellhoundsj 1d4 poltergeistsj
3rd 1d2 succubij 1d3 ghostsj
4th 1d3 barbed devilsj 1d3 wraithsj

At best, they will fight only 1d4 imps and 1d4 specters. In one of the seats, there is a Malkus Shade that sits
If the imps are defeated, the adventurers can find a comfortably. Those with truesight, ethereal sight, or
spell scroll of your choice (possibly a comprehend the ability to see invisible things can detect that the
languages scroll) and 4 potions of healing. Shade is chained to its chair. However, it doesn’t
limit its movement; it only stops it from leaving the
When the door opens it leads to two separate ways. room. The Malkus Shade has one condition to not to
One way leads to Room C and one way leads to Room strike the adventurers: if they free it from the chains.
D. The chains have 20 AC, 30 HP, and they can only be
destroyed with psychic or fire damage.

After the path appears, Rumi will express his desire Treasures: a figurine of eagle, 50 gp
to stay behind and not engage in any fighting due to
his beliefs and teachings. However, he promises to Room B
intervene and provide assistance if the adventurers find
themselves in dire situations.
The room resembles an Egyptian royal chamber.
If the adventurers drop below half hit point maximum There are many pieces of furniture adorned with gold
in Rooms C and D, Rumi will heal them by using his and jewelry. The wall contains the story of Osiris and
Divine Prayer feature, or if you deem it appropriate, he his rebirth. A bed adorned with quality sheets and
may even fight against the monsters. colorful pillows takes the attention with a chest next
to it.

General Rules There’s a sleeping chimeraj in the middle of the

room. If the adventurers succeed on a DC 13 a DEX
Once the adventurers step onto the path that unlocks (Stealth) check, the chimera won’t wake up when it
after solving the riddle, roll for Initiative. Tigris’s main is first encountered. If the adventurers also succeed
monster (Shaitan al-Ab) must be killed to open doors on the same ability check each time they enter the
from Room A and Room B to the Last Corridor. On room, the chimera remains asleep. If the adventurers
Initiative count 20 is the lair’s turn, and you must roll strike the chimera while it is asleep, you can count it
a d6. 1 means Room A; 2 means Room B; 3 means as surprised. Chimera is also bound to the room with
Room C; and 4 means Room D; 5 means clockwise, an invisible chain.
and 6 means counterclockwise.
Treasure: an amulet of akhu, a +2 weapon of GM’s
At the start of each of the Lair’s turns, in the selected choice, a pearl of power, 250 gp worth of jewelry.
room, water floods the area, and the Shaitan al-Ab
appears in place of the usual monster. The usual Room C
monster is teleported to a pocket dimension created
by the Lair's magic and regains 11 (2d10) hit points. The room looks similar compared to others, as it
resembles an Arabic palace’s living room with half of
The first room that is full of water is Room A. it looking like a library. There’s a ground table with
many cushions around it.
The spells that let a character teleport (misty step,
dimension door, teleport, far step, or similar spells or There are 2 Atshans in the room, one in the library
features) don't work until Shaitan al-Ab is killed. standing before a bookshelf holding a parchment and
one in the living room, sitting on a sofa. They are both
Room A sages from the Golden Age of Baghdad, 900s CE. They
devoted their lives to Al-Khayzuran bint Atta, the wife
The room resembles a Nordic war tent, with many of Al-Mahdi, and confined themselves here, where her
battle axes, warhammers and quality swords. There works have been kept safe after her death. They must
are wooden seats and many cloaks that are coated protect her works, so they will fight the adventurers.
with fur. In the middle, there is a huge table with Only if they are convinced with a successful DC 15
plates and cups at the ready. CHA (Persuasion or Deception) check, will they not

strike the adventurers. If the adventurers accept
this condition, apply the feature below to them. This
feature can only be detected by an identify spell or
a similar feature. The detect magic spell shows that
the adventurers are under some sort of magic. If any
of the adventurers agree, all of the adventurers are
counted to have accepted the situation.

Bound by Word: The one who is bound by a promise

they have given are under the effects of their word. If
they somehow break the promise willingly, they must
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or receive
55 (10d10) necrotic damage.

Room D

The room resembles a tent of a samurai. Japanese

furniture, coloring and objects surround the room.
The ground is made of wood and it resembles a dojo,
a Japanese training hall.

In the room there are 3 Kitsunes disguised as

Japanese warriors and handmaidens who pretend
they only understand Japanese and wait for an
opportunity to strike them. They may try to charm
them or otherwise deceive them.

Treasure: hat of rhonin, 50 gp, 4 +1 dagger

The Last Corridor

The corridor leads to Room E in both exits from

Room A and B. It only appears after Shaitan al-Ab is

Room E

The room is a library full of texts, parchments, and a

carving on the wall with a writing in Arabic: “In the
beloved memory of Al-Khayzuran bint Atta; may she
rest in peace in the seas she yearned for.”

Developments: After investigating the room, Rumi

thanks the adventurers and gives each of them
inspiration as a parting gift. He reveals that he
tried to use his teleportation magic in here, but the
magic of the place didn’t let it, so he is indebted to
the adventurers if they ever visit Konya. After that, he
casts the dimension door spell to leave the dungeon
and finds himself at the far side of River Tigris. The
adventurers can leave any time they want the way they

Treasure: 6 spell scrolls of GM’s choice and Tome

of Baghdad.
Act IV: The Deluge of Desolation

The Fall of Al-Zahir

The Caliph Al-Zahir has lost the war against the forces
of the Khaganate and has been killed by Hulagu, along
with his son. This news will be conveyed to the city at a
suitable time of your choosing. The intention is for the
adventurers to enter the House of Wisdom and witness
the election proceedings after hearing the news.

Great sacrifice was made by the Caliph as he moved his

forces to delay the advance of Hulagu on Sultan Jalal
and ensure the Sultan escaped the battle. Although
Sultan Jalal managed to defeat the forces behind him
and leave Hulagu’s army wounded, he wasn't able to
save the Caliph.

At an appropriate time, the news about the fall of

the Caliph will arrive. An orator from the House of
Wisdom will climb the stairs of the Great Mosque of
al-Mansur and will heed the words:

“Today is darker than ever before. My heart is in pain

and my soul suffers with agony. Believe me, I wouldn't
want to be the one to give you this dire news.

Baghdad is now an orphan, and the Silk Road is now

fatherless. A hero raised his sword to save his people,
but this time his breath did not endure. It seems that
fate has intervened, as when Baghdad sent his father
to death in distant lands, we sit here and mourn while
praying with all our might for the soul of Caliph Al-Zahir.
May his soul be blessed. May his memory be cherished
in our minds.

Caliph Al-Zahir bravely fought against the horsemen and

was martyred. Let all the souls on the Silk Road know.
Surely his soul is safe, and he has fallen on a bright path
to paradise, but do not forget us, the survivors, as we and is now considered the strongest candidate for
pray for him. Undoubtedly, our days ahead will be much the election. There’s a rumor that the votes have
more difficult.”
already been cast by the high scholars of the House
of Wisdom.
This news will have a huge impact on the city and
its people. Many locals will weep with the news, The Sword of Baghdad
and many refugees will fear for their future with the
possibility of a new Caliph’s change of policies for Due to the adventurers’ deeds in previous cities and
them. The city guard takes control of the situation and possible actions in Baghdad, an important figure takes
prevents a potential riot. interest in them: Hayat Jawhar Khatun, the wife of Al-
Zahir, one of the satraps and a sage in the House of
As Al-Zahir had no heir, rumors of "the old way" began Wisdom. She sends a short letter to the adventurers
to spread among the locals and scholars of Baghdad. through trusted locals and invites them to the House
The absence of a leader instilled fear in the people of Wisdom.
and conspiracies surrounding the House of Wisdom
quickly took root.
Hayat Jawhar Khatun is a highly intelligent and
The old way is, simply put, electing the caliph from the knowledgeable woman who possesses great linguistic
abilities in both living and dead languages. Her speech
notable highborns, scholars, sages and commanders
is often rapid, and she tends to mix foreign words into
among the Islamic world. The first election happened her Arabic and Turkish sentences. She is quick to
after Prophet Muhammad’s death in 632 CE, and correct any inaccuracies in scholarly subjects. Hayat is
Abu Bakr was elected to rule the Islamic world. This also an avid lover of literary works in mythologies such
tradition was abandoned when Mu'awiya I won his as Persian and Greek, as well as the pre-Islamic religion
war against Ali and founded the Umayyad Caliphate, of the Arabs. While she can be warm and kind, she can
which ended the old way and started a succession also be quite cold towards those she dislikes.
through blood.
For Hayat Jawhar Khatun’s stat block and backstory you
can check out the Satraps section in Characters.
Al-Jarrah was the leading opposition against Al-Zahir

Act IV: The Deluge of Desolation

The characters are escorted to her room in the House D Al-Jarrah has been chosen as the new Caliph after
of Wisdom by two Ghulam Guards. a quick vote. Al-Zahir’s body isn’t even cold yet. It
is an insult to the Caliphate and Baghdad itself.

This is where legends come true. Amidst the bustling D He will be announced from the top tower of
markets and winding alleyways, there stood a marvel House of Wisdom, many people will attend and
of learning and knowledge - the House of Wisdom.
even there are some people who have traveled
Its walls rose high into the sky, adorned with intricate
carvings and symbols of learning, and its halls echoed from outside of the city to be at the historic
with the whispers of the wise. occasion.
Within its vast chambers lay a trove of books and
manuscripts, stretching back through the ages to the D There will be a ceremony in the evening called
dawn of time itself. Here, the sages and scholars of the Girding the Sword to announce the new Sword
world gathered to share their wisdom and unravel the of Baghdad. It is a ceremonial title held by one
mysteries of the universe. Let it be either the rotation of the kings, shahs, and sultans that answer to
of earth, the depth of the oceans or how to translate
the Caliph. The Caliph chooses this person as the
Hesiod’s works.
commander of armies. This is mostly an honorary
The House of Wisdom is a place of enchantment and title, but it is expected that the Sword of Baghdad
wonder, where the light of knowledge shines like a is a capable warrior; this title also strengthens
beacon in the darkness and dire times. You can see the the legitimacy of the chosen individual.
treasure trove of knowledge, filled with tomes on every
subject under the sun - from the stars that shine in the D She has many suspicions that Al-Jarrah is working
sky to the tiniest creatures that teem in the earth. You for Hasan Sabbah, but he is extremely powerful
feel the spirits of a forgotten time escorting you and
in arcane ways. He hides many of his abilities
other scholars in the vast halls, as if they mourn for other
fallen scholars, burned books and the lost knowledge from public eyes, even in arcane chambers of
that vanished into the Mediterranean Sea. You feel as if the House where magic and similar topics can
the deceased scholars of the Library of Alexandria now comfortably be spoken.
rest here, within the new center of knowledge, science,
and literature.
The time gap between The Fall of Al-Zahir and The
Here, the greatest minds of the age delve deep into Sword of Baghdad is up to the GM, if the story needs
the secrets of science, mathematics, and philosophy, more NPCs from other settlements around Baghdad,
unlocking the secrets of the universe and charting a the announcement could be pushed further in time to
course for the future. It is a place of awe and inspiration, give adventurers time to deal with other possible quests
where the imagination can roam free and the impossible in the Baghdad section of EotSR and for other NPCs to
becomes possible. arrive from far cities.
And so the House of Wisdom stands, a testament to
the boundless potential of the human mind and the
limitless possibilities of the world around us. Its legacy When they are ready, they will go to the Hall of Mansur,
will endure for centuries to come, inspiring generations
the top of the House of Wisdom.
with the power of knowledge and the beauty of learning.

Main Story Moment: Hall of Mansur

Check out the House of Wisdom section in the
Baghdad chapter of EotSR for further information The hall’s walls are adorned with beautiful portraits,
and potential quests relating to the House of Wisdom. miniatures and colorful flowers, and the shelves are
lined with ancient texts and manuscripts. Yet the most
The room of Hayat Jawhar is very modest and full of striking feature of the room is its ceiling, made entirely
books; the only furniture other than bookshelves are of glass. It serves both as a library and a small garden
a wooden chair and stone desk. It has a small balcony close to the heavens.
with some chairs and coffee tables. The adventurers
The glass ceiling allows the bright light of the sun to
are invited by her voice to the balcony where they flood the room, illuminating the pages of the books and
meet her. She appears in white clothes and wears a casting a warm glow on the faces of the gatherers. As
scarf that is also white. It is the color of mourning they wait for the new Caliph, they gaze up at the heavens
in Baghdad and some parts of the Silk Road. DC 10 above, marveling at the wonder of the world around
WIS (Insight) check reveals that she is extremely sad them.
and furious, but she is repressing these feelings to
continue her duty. The guests are also allowed to observe the stars and
constellations as they move across the sky, inspiring
them to contemplate the mysteries of the universe and
She introduces herself and while striking a charting their own course towards discovery thanks to
conversation will try to judge their characters. If the the ceiling glass.
adventurers haven't learned her identity as a satrap
from Rumi, she won’t let them until she judges them But you know now a great shadow has been cast upon
to be trustworthy. She may cast the sense the sinner these halls. The shadow of the man who has haunted
spell before the adventurers are let in, if you deem you since you reached the walls of Samarkand. The
appropriate. mournings of lost comrades, and all those who died due
to his vile plans have followed you here. You sense the
shadow’s presence all over this hall, all over the House
She will likely discuss these things: of Wisdom and all over Baghdad.

Act IV: The Deluge of Desolation

There are many guests in the Hall of Mansur as they the Caliph by mere hours, and despite sending many
wait for Al-Jarrah to arrive. envoys, ravens, and riders to reach out to him, he never
received a response. Hayat Jawhar Khatun reassured
Turkan Banu, the Princess of Isfahan: If the the commander that not a single letter had arrived in
adventurers have crossed their paths with her, she will Baghdad, but Baybars remained concerned. He is of
behave according to their relationship. If their only average height with clear Kipchak features.
encounter occurred during the council meeting, and
they are favored by Sultan Jalal, Turkan Banu will be Baybars wears a tunic that features a panther as a
so happy to see them. She will inform the adventurers blazon, as his name means “rich/great panther.” He
that her father the Sultan has survived the battle and is curious about the House and the stories that may
returned to Isfahan. Also, she will give them a letter come from the adventurers as he senses these people
from Timur Malik: “may have potential to change the course of things.”

Dear friends, Historical Note: Baybars is one of the few commanders

There was a time that my brethren in arms made the who is able to say “I defeated the Mongolian Horde.”
ultimate sacrifice for me and their Sultan. They died in After a few years, when Hulagu’s forces move to
the name of their friends, brothers, sisters and all those conquer Egypt, Baybars will lead the vanguard in the
who put their faith in them even though there were Battle of Ain Jalut and defeat the Mongolian Horde
families, warm beds, and delicious meals waiting for (in 1260 CE), though it is important to point out that
them at home. Hulagu didn’t command his army as he was away
dealing with the death of Möngke Khan and internal
It is now my turn. affairs. His absence let the Mamluks make an advance
against the Mongolian forces.
I know that your path will lead you to Castle Alamut, the
inn of the snake. It is said that the walls are impregnable
and the snakes inside are very powerful. I know better
than most that breaching such a castle is impossible. Melik Ala ad-Din Kayqubad: The title "Melik" refers
You will need my help. Let me know when you arrive, to princes in the Sultanate of Rum and other earlier
I have a plan. Seljuk states. Kayqubad is currently the crown prince
and visiting Baghdad to potentially forge an alliance
between his father, Kaykaus, and the late Caliph
It seems that Timur Malik wants to sacrifice himself Al-Zahir. Now that the Caliph has been killed, he is
to let the adventurers into the Castle Alamut, so they seeking an audience with the new Caliph. Kayqubad
can find and end Hasan Sabbah’s days of terror. is a tall man with a muscular build and slightly darker
skin tone. It is quite striking how much he resembles
Baybars: Baybars, the future sultan of the Mamluks Sultan Jalal in many ways.
who ruled in Egypt, was a seasoned commander with
many years of experience. He traveled to Baghdad to He dons a set of Seljuk Mail Armor sans helmet,
meet with the Caliph and warn him of the dangers along with a cape adorned with turquoise features
posed by the Khaganate. Unfortunately, he missed that harmonize with the Sultanate of Rum's flag.

Act IV: The Deluge of Desolation

Kayqubad is not much of a conversationalist, as

At this moment, the most wanted man in Baghdad
he remains concentrated on his responsibilities.
steps forward through the door - none other than
However, he possesses the ability to perceive the Hasan Sabbah himself. Without deceptions, without
might and expertise of the adventurers, and if he disguises, with a long black robe and a dark sarik, his
deems them worthy, he may extend an invitation to face unleashes all the confidence residing within his
visit Anatolia. heart and all the determination his soul possesses. He
has come to embrace all the deeds he has committed
There are also 4 Ghulam Veterans and 10 Ghulam since his "revival" and his political ambitions have
Warriors in the Hall as a means of protection. Their finally reached a victorious conclusion. Though once
wanted, hated, and despised by all, now many scholars,
names are Bahri, Salman, and Omar.
citizens, and lords of the Silk Road applaud him with all
their might.
Not long after, the long anticipated man arrives: Al-
Jarrah Nur ad-Din lim, the new Caliph of Baghdad. And Hasan Sabbah is just standing there, with a humble
face, as if the crowd flatters him to an extent that he
does not deserve. It is impossible to say what he actually
“As we all know, these are undoubtedly hard times for thinks.
our beloved city and the esteemed House of Wisdom.
The threat of the Khaganate looms large, and the Caliph The Caliph’s men bring down two swords, yatagans
who came before me has failed in his duties to protect adorned with the most beautiful jewelry that can be
our land and perished in the battlefield that I strongly found, one in red, other in blue. He personally puts
advised against going to. the swords around his waist and raises his hand to the
heavens as if the messiah himself has finally come to
But we must not lose hope. In these trying times, our city Earth.
needs a new Sword of Baghdad, a capable commander
who has proven himself against the Khaganate, a “The Sword of Baghdad! May his sword never fail him!”
capable shah that has shown resolution, strength, and
success. And I am here today to tell you that we have The crowd then roars:
found that person. No one has ever dared strike the
horsemasters' heart with a deadlier blow than he! “May his sword never fail him! Hasan Sabbah! Hasan
He is none other than the shah of the Castle Alamut,
Hasan Sabbah himself! His name echoes through the At that moment, Hasan Sabbah himself notices you and
ages as a fearsome warrior, a skilled tactician, and a the corner of his mouth is curved into a devious smile,
fearless leader. He has shown time and again that he his eyes glimmering with victory.
is not afraid to take on the most challenging of foes and
emerge victorious.
With his experience and leadership, we can face the Attacking Hasan Sabbah right now is very dangerous.
Khaganate with confidence and emerge victorious. We If any of the adventurers attempt such an act, Hayat
must rally behind him and show the world that Baghdad Jawhar Khatun, Turkan Banu or even Baybars may
is not to be trifled with. For too long, we have been under stop them:
threat, but no more! The Sword of Baghdad has arrived,
and we will not falter in our defense of our land! D He is now legitimate. With the Caliph’s
intervention, Hasan Sabbah’s show in Isfahan
So I call upon all of you, my fellow citizens of Baghdad,
to join me in welcoming Hasan Sabbah as our new paid off, and he is considered a king among kings
commander. Together, let us stand strong and united, throughout the Silk Road and Islamic world.
and show the world what we are truly capable of. I am
grateful that he is here!” D Al-Jarrah is also said to be an extremely powerful
user of the arcane arts. It would be very unwise to
strike them simultaneously.
Hasan Sabbah enters the Hall of Mansur.
Hasan Sabbah will begin to accept the congratulations
from local scholars, beys, emirs, ghilman and foreign
lords, ministers and such. A local emir called
Numan b. Sarmad (Librarian of Baghdad) starts to
accompany Hasan Sabbah as Al-Jarrah announces his
departure. At this moment Hayat Jawhar Khatun gives
a signal to the adventurers and says that he must be
up to something as all the attention is on Sabbah now.

If the adventurers try to leave, they are stopped by

Numan b. Sarmad’s raised voice: “The heroes of the
Silk Road! It is wonderful to see you. Have you yet to
meet the Sword of Baghdad?”

He and Hasan Sabbah slowly approach them, and

Hasan Sabbah shows interest in talking to them:

Act IV: The Deluge of Desolation

D Hasan Sabbah says that he heard all their door looks as if it is solid stone. The adventurers
endeavors and wanted to congratulate them can see three otherworldly moths. A DC 15 WIS
personally. (Perception) check reveals that they make these lines
over the door:
D How is their dear friend Ibn Sina doing? He very
much hopes that he is healthy and well. First line: “Iqra” in Arabic meaning “Read!” The first
word of the Holy Quran.
D They must come to Castle Alamut to visit Second line: “Bereshit” in Hebrew, meaning “In the
sometime. Their powers will be of utmost beginning”, opening lines of Torah.
importance while fighting against the Khaganate. Third line: “Phos” in Greek, meaning “light”
And the last icon is the sun.

Should the adventurers attack Hasan Sabbah and Al- A DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) check reveals that the
Jarrah, there are 6 Hashashin Fedayee among the crowd door demands the phrase “Let there be light” to be
and 4 Ghulam Veterans and 10 Ghulam Warriors will spoken aloud, it can be in any language as long as the
also try to protect the new Caliph and the new Sword meaning is the same.
of Baghdad.

The acrid smell of burning parchments and books hangs

When you deem enough time has passed, Numan heavy in the air, choking the lungs and stinging the eyes.
b. Sarmad will escort Hasan Sabbah away. Hayat This is no ordinary fire, for it rages in the depths of the
Jawhar Khatun will urge the adventurers to go after Chamber of Asrar-i Azam that had long been hidden
the new Caliph, as he must be in the Chamber of from mere eyes. It reeks of foul magic, so foul that you
want to puke just out of its existence and the intention
Asrar-i Azam, where the oldest manuscripts and texts
behind it. The flames that could bring heat and life are
are hidden and only the Caliph may enter. She hands being used to destroy the beloved of the light, the free
them over a ring made of marble. “The password is: minds under the stars.
Let there be light.” And yet, even as the flames spread with wild abandon,
the greatest tragedy of all is not the destruction of the
After meeting with two or three parties and accepting books themselves, but the disrespect shown to the
congratulations, Hasan Sabbah will excuse himself, wisdom of those who had long since passed away, the
as he must return to Alamut. He will be escorted by spirits from Alexandria scream at you a cry for help and
a wail in terror.
three of the Ghulam Veterans. After they leave the
Hall, Hasan Sabbah will release them and cast the There is a greater sinner than Hasan Sabbah himself, for
teleport spell as soon as possible to return to Castle in casting this great darkness upon the enlightenment of
Alamut where he will conduct his ritual. the ages, the man who lit this inferno has committed the
greatest insult upon human life and progress that could
As this place is not intended to be where the ever be imagined.
adventurers fight Hasan Sabbah, prevent them from
reaching him after their discussion. How can a person dream up such a vile act? How can
anyone stand unbroken against this act of devilry?
After Hasan Sabbah teleports away, a series of
earthquakes will begin to strike Baghdad, causing
panic among the guests and scholars. Unless acted
The adventurers catch Caliph Al-Jarrah in the midst of a
upon quickly, Baghdad may face a dangerous disaster
heinous act: performing a ritual of magical fire aimed at
that could shake its very core. destroying manuscripts adorned with intricate magical
runes and carvings, bound together by silk strings in a
Before the adventurers set out to find al-Jarrah, Hayat manner that speaks of arcane skill and precision.
Jawhar Khatun may cast spells on them, while she
searches for a solution to the earthquakes and any Check out Al-Jarrah’s page at the Characters section for
potential Hashashins within the House of Wisdom. his stat block.

Chamber of Asrar-i Azam

Al-Jarrah will awaken the magic at the monument that
Al-Jarrah is here to destroy one of the ways to only listens to the Caliph. The monument summons
becoming a satrap, which is likely the only method two Jahi Golems in unoccupied space to defend the
available within a radius of a thousand leagues. Caliph.
This method involves a secret ritual held within the
Chamber of Asrar-i Azam, the chamber of the greatest Due to heavy usage of spells and clashing magic
mysteries. around the Chamber of Asrar-i Azam, the magical
flames will spread all around the House of Wisdom
With the item given by Hayat Jawhar Khatun, the no matter what. The library will share a similar fate as
chamber’s marble and wonderful door with Arabic the Library of Alexandria from the legends.
carvings on it can’t stop the adventurers:
The ritual of satraps is saved but it is damaged.
If the adventurers do not possess the password, the The damage can be restored with an hour of ritual

Act IV: The Deluge of Desolation

conducted by at least three spellcasters, silk strings they kill him, any satrap that is alive will come
worth 250 gp, and three 3rd-level spell slots. to Alamut to get rid of any kind of otherworldly
If the adventurers are able to defeat Al-Jarrah, they
can help with the rescuing operation. Almost all living D The new Caliph won’t be chosen for a period and
beings will have time to leave the House unharmed. Hayat Jawhar Khatun will be the Acting Caliph
However, no water can stop the flames, so they will as neither Al-Zahir nor Al-Jarrah had heirs to
be left with the choice of what to rescue in the House succeed them.
of Wisdom. The DCs can be applied to most ability
scores depending on the way characters try to save
the books and parchments, such as holding their If Sultan Jalal lives:
breath among the fumes, or piling up a heavy boulder Thanks to the Caliph's sacrifice, Sultan Jalal survived
along the way, or usage of magic (could be tied to their the battle and was able to besiege Castle Alamut. If they
spellcasting ability). didn’t already hear the news from Turkan Banu, the
news should be relayed to the adventurers. Sultan Jalal
is now eagerly awaiting their return in order to finish
off Hasan Sabbah and put an end to his reign of terror.

Works Difficulty
Astronomy 15
Mathematic 15
Biology 13
Medicine 14
Chemistry 15
Alchemy 11
History 12
Mythology 13
Translations 17

Treasures: Ritual of Blinding Scroll, four spell

scrolls (determined by the GM, maximum 5 level),
3d4 potions of healing (determined by the GM,
maximum rarity is Very Rare), 2d6 potions of
resistance (determined by the GM, maximum rarity
is Very Rare), 1d3 dust of disappearance.

The adventurers advance to Level 8.

D Al-Jarrah used no Choir of Al-Ghaib, thus his
memories can’t be accessed through the lantern.

D Al-Jarrah’s Robe of Archmagi can be looted by the

adventurers, as well as his spellbook. The spells
in the spellbook, other than the spells he has
prepared, are up to the GM.

D If the adventurers are seen going to the Chamber

of Asrar-i Azam, they may be accused of starting
the fire.

D Hayat Jawhar Khatun and, if alive, Yaqut al-

Hamawi will help the adventurers plan their
attack on Castle Alamut and Hasan Sabbah. After

Act IV: The Deluge of Desolation

Act V: The Ark of

n the beginning of this act there are many variables that can affect the outcome of the story.
Castle Alamut is a vast dungeon that changes depending on the successes and failures of the
adventurers throughout the story.

He will confront the adventurers in Castle Alamut in a place

Kannas Adam is alive. determined by the GM; we recommend that this takes place in
lower floors.
They will follow the adventurers to look for an opening in their
Kafender Japeth is alive. defenses. If they cannot find one, they will face them in the
Glass & Mirror Workshop (Area 46).
Bengü Ilnara is alive. She will be at the Main Courtyard (Area 65).
Alamut is under siege (The War Camp of the God-given
Sultan Jalal ad-Din is alive.
Sultan). Many Hashashins are on the walls.
Alamut is not under siege (The Lone Warrior). Many
Sultan Jalal ad-Din is dead.
Hashashins are inside the castle doors.
He and 15 Ghulam Guards will protect the adventurers on the
Yusuf Tegin is alive and an ally.
way to Castle Alamut against potential threats.
There are other possible outcomes
in Act II: The First Drop; don’t
forget to check them out.

The War Camp of the God-given Sultan Jalal’s surviving forces besiege Alamut. He
has about eight thousand soldiers scattered around
Sultan the main camp within the valley surrounding Castle
Alamut. Due to the siege, many Hashashins are on the
You hear the cry of a rooster. Shrill and clear he crows, walls of Alamut, waiting for a possible assault on the
recking nothing of war nor of witchcraft summoned gates.
from other worlds, welcoming only the morning and
the clouds that cast the shadows of death. And as if in Sultan Jalal will greet the adventurers warmly if they
answer, daring voices rise from the distance: Horns! left Isfahan on good terms. Sultan Jalal, Timur Malik,
Horns of the sky blue banners! In Castle Alamut’s sides and other possible NPCs that survived and decided
they dimly echo the great horns of Sultan Jalal wildly
to assist the adventurers are present at the camp,
blowing against the coming of doom.
and the adventurers will be invited to discuss how to
Blue sky banners are ahead howling in the winds with approach the fortress and a plan to strike Alamut:
pride. These do not belong to the Khaganate, these
banners and horns belong to the heir of Oghuz Khan, D Hulagu will probably advocate marching on
Bilge Khagan, Seljuk Beg, Alp Arslan, and Malik-Shah! Castle Alamut to put an end to Hasan Sabbah and
Sultan Jalal ad-Din Menguberdi defies the darkness with his order, as the Hashashins were responsible
all his might, his armies’ tents resemble a vast sea, with for killing Ogedei Khan. The strike must be done
brave waves coming from the Caspian Sea.

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

before he arrives. If it is delayed further, Hasan

You notice a small band of brave warriors gathered
Sabbah will probably complete his ritual and the
in a camp consisting of only five tents. The campsite
consequences will be horrible. resembles a funeral, waiting for the dead bodies, and
laments are the only songs in their minds. Their gaze
D Attacking the walls directly is suicide. They must is upon Alamut. They are waiting for the storm and
come up with a plan to enter secretly. If they can incoming flood with the vengeful rain. They look ready
enter secretly and assassinate the leader of the to embrace the ruthless winds.
assassins, the rest of forces might scatter, and it
may be possible for the Sultan to attack the main At the edge of the hill, there stands Timur Malik, the
hopeless commander of a fallen Sultan, with furrowed
gates directly and capture the castle.
brows and a cold stone face. His hand is at his sword,
always at the ready for a fight. The only emotion in his
D Hasan Sabbah is probably working on his face other than rage takes shape when he sees you.
otherworldly ritual and is, thus, distracted from
the mundane task of overseeing the castle’s
defense. His surviving Harbingers (and Sir Timur Malik will want to sacrifice his life as stated
Alistair) will lead the defense. This is probably the above with a similar speech, with a more hopeless
only time that Hasan Sabbah will be vulnerable. attitude.

D After Hasan Sabbah is dead, the surviving satraps

will get rid of what remains of otherworldly Castle Alamut: The Otherworldly
essence. Rain Over the Mountain
D When a plan has been agreed, Timur Malik will I am Heav’n and Hell:’
announce that for the adventurers to survive, Heav’n but the Vision of fulfill’d Desire,
someone must draw the Hashashins’ attention: And Hell the Shadow of a Soul on fire,
Cast on the Darkness into which Ourselves,
“There was a time, when death surrounded us, many So late emerg’d from, shall so soon expire.
brave men put the lives of their commanders over their -Khayyam
own and did the most selfless thing the Silk Road had
ever seen. They let me and their brethren survive the
Khaganate and eventually fell to their foul hands. It is The shadows grow deeper. The air is rank with the smell
time that I must do the same. To honor their memories, I of unending darkness, but you know the darkness does
will strike where they can see and will create a diversion. not have a smell. The shadows and evil that surround
Wherever you go inside the castle, you’ll be safer.” Castle Alamut are so strong that you can almost touch
them, and you definitely can smell them.

If Bengü Ilnara survived and ran away, Timur will add Death. That is how it smells. Not the trivial reek of the
this: charnel house, the butchers shop or the gibbet–this is
the smell of the end of things. It reminds you of a dead
end, the last pages of a book, the last verse of the greatest
“And there is someone that I must pay a visit to settle or the foulest poem you have ever heard, the last words
an old debt.” from a tale you were told late in the night. It is the last
goodbye to the land of the living, and a welcoming, foul
song fills your heart.
D If the adventurers were unable to find out about
the secret passage thanks to Kannas Adam’s What does it fill you with? Dread? Bravery? Fear of
death? Horror that belongs to the night? It is up to you to
vision, one of the living satraps (at least one must
decide. Castle Alamut surely stands tall in the distance
be alive) will suggest an entrance through the with its almighty and impregnable walls and towers, but
Buried Entrance. to save the world you are about to infiltrate the castle
and assassinate the man who invented the very word.
The Lone Warrior The clouds in the sky gather around Castle Alamut while
the rain grows stronger. Small earthquakes are shaking
If Sultan Jalal is not alive and Timur Malik is on good the land, and in your very soul you know that only death
terms with the adventurers, this part will be relevant. awaits you there: The only question is whose?

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

General Features Traps in Alamut

D Castle Alamut is sentient. The castle’s will is
Wrong Step
directly bound to its master. The Master of
This trap is produced by digging a small pit a few spans
Alamut can use all of its powers and secrets. deep in the floor and covering it with a suitable material
that matches the ground. A mechanism resembling a
D Unless otherwise stated, all doors in Castle mousetrap is placed near one side of the pit's vertical
Alamut are wooden doors reinforced with iron surface, and the pit is filled in a way that creates a ramp
(AC: 10, HP: 50, Damage Threshold 7). If the that will direct whatever falls into the pit toward this
doors are locked, a successful DC 13 Dexterity mechanism. When a person steps on this trap, their leg
(Sleight of Hand) check and thieves’ tools are slides into the trap mechanism with the aid of their own
weight and the ramp. If their ankle is not broken due
required to open them.
to the strange angle created during this process, the
powerful springs of the trap generate enough force to
D Unless otherwise stated, all ceilings in Castle break even a horse's leg when activated.
Alamut are 15 feet high.
This trap can be used indoors, but hiding it will take
D Unless otherwise stated, Castle Alamut can more skill.
open or close all its doors and windows at any
time, lock all the locks that belong to it, operate Passive Perception to Spot: 16
Activation: Target must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity
or deactivate all the mechanical and magical
saving throw or the trap activates.
devices that are part of the castle according to Result: Target takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage. Also the
its will. The Castle loses this feature if Hasan target's walking speed reduces to half until long rest.
Sabbah dies. If the target regains 5 or more hit points via magical
healing, this effect ends..
D The castle always acts at initiative count 20. Disarming: No roll is required.

D Castle Alamut can change the places of items Marked with a “W” symbol on the maps.
inside its rooms. For the castle to use this feature,
the room’s door must be closed, and there should
be no living being breathing inside. The Castle Impaler
loses this feature if Sir Alistair dies. This trap is created with a pressure plate hidden on
or just below the ground, connected to metal stakes
D Sir Alistair is part of the castle. Castle Alamut that operate with springs. If the target steps on the
can relocate Sir Alistair inside the castle in the pressure plate, mechanisms buried at a diagonal angle
blink of an eye. Whenever the castle requires a next to it will shoot nails towards the target. Essentially
protector in a specific place, Sir Alistair shall functioning as three crossbows working simultaneously,
this trap can be quickly applied to almost any surface.
answer the call. He simply emerges from the
The firing angle coming from the ground creates a
shadows. perfect design for finding weak points in armor.

D Unless otherwise stated, Castle Alamut’s This trap can be used on any surface, even on the walls
chambers are always in dim light or darkness. and ceilings with the help of a little more complex
Most of the Hashashin have darkvision thanks to triggering system.
the Choir of Al-Gaib.
Passive Perception to Spot: 15
Activation: Target must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity
D No one can teleport in or out of the castle except
saving throw or the trap activates.
for the true master of the castle. Even the Master Result: Target takes 3d8 bludgeoning damage.
of Alamut must use a pre-prepared teleportation Disarming: A thieves’ tools and a successful DC 15
circle if he wishes to do so. Dexterity check is required. On a fail, the trap activates.

D The enemies of the Hasan Sabbah can never Marked with an “I” symbol on the maps.
find peace inside the castle. The Castle Alamut
does not allow anyone with hostile intentions to
benefit from a long rest. The Castle loses this
feature if Hasan Sabbah dies.

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

Acid Fall Poison Needle

This trap is made using a vial of acid and plenty of This trap can be placed inside any kind of lock. The
tripwire. The tripwire is placed in such a way that the inside of the lock is cleverly opened and a small spring
target's foot will get caught in it, causing the contents mechanism is inserted inside. After that a sharp
of the acid bottle to spill onto the target. Smart trap- needle soaked in a permanent poison is placed inside.
makers can also attach the tripwire to doorknobs and Skilled trappers place this trap in a way that it will
various objects. Due to the half transparent properties not be triggered by those who open the lock with the
of the trapwire, this trap type is very difficult to detect. appropriate key, but it will for those who try to pick the
Because this trap relies on the spilling of acid, it can
only be used in places with a ceiling, in doorways or This trap can only be placed in locks. This makes the
trees. Poison Needle undetectable to the naked eye.

Passive Perception to Spot: 16 Passive Perception to Spot: Impossible. Instead of

Activation: Target must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity this, a successful DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation)
saving throw or the trap activates. check will suffice.
Result: The target and all other creatures within 5 ft. of Activation: If the target fails to pick the lock which has
the original target takes 2d6 acid damage. the Poison Needle placed inside, trap activates. If the
Disarming: Any sharp tool or weapon, and a successful lock in question is picked successfully, nothing happens.
DC 12 Dexterity check is required. On a fail, trap Result: Target takes 1 piercing damage and must
activates. If successfully disarmed one acid vial is there succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a fail
for taking. the target takes 4d8 poison damage. Also, the target is
poisoned for 10 minutes.
Marked with an “A” symbol on the maps. Disarming: A thieves’ tools and a successful DC 20
Dexterity check is required. On a fail, the trap activates.

Marked with a “P” symbol on the maps.

The trap can only be set up in limited places due to
its complex mechanism. A long razor-sharp blade is 1. Mothmother’s Nest
attached to the end of a mechanism that is fitted into
a groove in the wall and tensioned like a bowstring.
When the target triggers the blade with a pressure
Sefir was holding the Mothmother in the chamber by
plate or tripwire-like trigger, it rapidly swings out at the order of Sayyidina until the day of his betrayal.
a calculated height parallel to the ground and can be This creature is now dead, but for many years it was
lethal. This trap is usually placed in dark places where the lifeblood of the Hashashin conspiracy.
it will go unnoticed and is very deadly. If a creature dies
because of this trap, it is beheaded. Before reaching this chamber, adventurers need to
pass through one of the three Moth Gates.
This trap can only be placed on walls. This makes
Beheader a really effective trap for narrow corridors.
The Moth Gate: This kind of gate is very special.
Passive Perception to Spot: 13 The Moth Gate is constructed from an otherworldly
Activation: Target must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity material, a strange kind of metal. It is immune to all
saving throw or the trap activates. The trap automatically magic and indestructible by nature. It fits perfectly to
fails to hit any small creature. the door frame and leaves no gap. A successful DC
Result: Target takes 6d8 slashing damage. 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check or detect magic spell
Disarming: A thieves’ tools and a successful DC 14 reveals the information above. All of the moth gates
Dexterity check is required. On a fail, the trap activates
were handcrafted by Sefir, grand alchemist of Alamut
but deals only half damage.
himself. If even a flicker of the Lantern of Sefir’s light
Marked with a “B” symbol on the maps. touches the gate, the gate opens. If a creature wants
to open the gate without the Lantern of Sefir, it must
speak the command words: “Dur-u Fer”. It means “the
distant light” in Persian.

The air here is humid, and it's a bit difficult to breathe.

When you enter the high-ceilinged underground tunnel,
the only thing that catches your attention among the
natural walls is a creature resembling a huge moth,
attached to the stalactites and stalagmites of the cave
with various chains. Even if it were alive, it is clear that
it would have no place to move because of the angle that
the chains hold its plump body. In front of you, there
is the corpse of a creature that is not alive but has not
decayed, belonging to another world yet is here. It is
clear that its beauty and elegance have been destroyed
by butchers. The foul smells you were expecting are not
present in this room.

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

A successful DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana or Nature)

check reveals that this creature is from another plane
of existence.
d10 Pit of Monsters Inhabitant
A successful DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check
reveals that this creature was brought here a long A Hydraj with 3 heads and
time ago. Its growth was guided and constrained by 1 wounded. Apparently the hydra took
the chains. fire damage.
2 A Wyvernj
Finally a successful DC 11 Intelligence (Medicine)
check reveals that its legs and some other body 3 An Umber Hulkj
parts are missing. These parts were removed by a
professional. Al-Tughrai has these body parts. (Look 4 A Giant Crocodilej
at the Elixir Distillery section for further information.) 5 A Manticorej
6 A Basiliskj
2. Corridor A
7 An Owlbearj
This corridor has roughly carved walls and ceiling.
It connects Mothmother’s Nest (Area 1) to Stairs A 8 4 Dire Wolvesj
(Area 3). 9 4 Giant Spidersj
Roll twice on this table, rerolling
3. Staircase A
10 any further results of 10. There are
two monsters here.
This staircase connects corridor A (Area 2) to Pit of
Monsters (Area 5).

4. Staircase B
Secret Keyhole: There is a hidden keyhole on both
This staircase connects Pit of Monsters (Area 5) to sides of the wall. A creature with Passive Perception
the corridor C (Area 8). score 12 or higher can locate this keyhole easily. If
Kannas’ Key is used, a secret door reveals itself,
connecting Secret Passage and Pit of Monsters.
5. Pit of Monsters
Hashashins use exotic beasts sometimes, as
companions, weapons, and as sources of rare Spiked Walls and Pillars: There are sharp and long
ingredients. Kannas hunts them down and brings spikes placed on the walls and pillars. If a creature is
them to this large chamber using the secret entrance pushed into one of the spikes, it takes 2d8 piercing
known by few. This pit also serves as protection for damage.
the underground levels of the castle. Usually, only the
strongest of various monster types in this pit survives
and rules until a stronger one comes and destroys it. 6. Secret Passage
In rare cases, it is not a single creature, but a species
survives and protects each other. Over the centuries it This passage is known only by Hassan Sabbah and
has been seen that multiple monsters from different harbingers. These tunnels are 1 mile long and not
species have been unable to defeat each other considered a part of the castle. The exterior entrance
and have shared this pit with a silent truce. When of this passage is hidden behind a waterfall.
adventurers enter here, what they will encounter is in
the hands of fate alone. 7. Kannas’ Room
It seems that a person with minimal needs sleeps
here. Only a bed, a chest and some bags are the only
furnishings. There are no windows or fireplaces. This
place looks more like a bear's cave rather than the
room of a harbinger.

There is a potion of speed* in the chest.

8. Corridor B
This corridor is between the Vault of Alamut (Area
11), Feeding Grounds (Area 10) and Sculpting
Room (Area 9).

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

9. Sculpting Room A creature starting its turn on a shadow-covered

square or entering the affected area for the first time
There are sculptures of 5 men in this room. A on its turn, must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution
successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals saving throw. On a fail this creature’s Strength score
that these busts are made by an amateur. These men is reduced by 1d4 and is blinded for one turn. This
look like they are of Spanish origin. effect doesn’t affect constructs or the undead.

10. Feeding Grounds Chains of Dimios: When fighting in this chamber, the
Aegis of Alamut gains some special powers. When
This room is where Sir Alistair reveals his true face. a creature moves under a hooked chain (marked on
The aging assassins are sent here, thinking that they the map with ?) Sir Alistair can use a reaction to
will be given sustenance to enter heaven, but they command the chains to restrain his foe. The target
are actually consumed by Sir Alistair. However, Sir must make a successful DC 13 Dexterity saving throw
Alistair never treats them cruelly or prolongs their or become restrained by the chains. Chains levitate
suffering. It can even be said that this is a merciful way the target 5 feet off the ground and hold the target
to go according to the standards of this cruel castle. there. A creature trying to save itself from chains
must use its action and succeed a DC 13 Strength
(Athletics) check.
The smell of both fresh and stale blood makes your
stomach turn. The chains and meat hooks hanging from 11. Vault of Alamut
the ceiling make this place look like a slaughterhouse,
but it's clear that they serve a different purpose. There
are body parts scattered around and the walls seem to
The Vault of Alamut is an unusual one. It has no
be washed with blood. Every fiber of your being screams doors or any other means of entering, just solid stone
that you need to get out of this cursed place. While many walls without any cracks. Also there is no apparent
parts of the castle are pitch-black, you wonder why this indication that there is a hidden room behind the
room is dimly lit. After all, even shadows need some walls. Sir Alistair can move through the walls of
light to exist. You notice that the shadows in this room Alamut, and Hasan Sabbah can use his private
are definitely moving in a strange way. teleportation circle.

A DC 15 INT (Investigation) check reveals that there

Final Retreat: Like many of his cursed kin, Sir is a hidden entrance to a secret room here.
Alistair retreats to his coffin if he is defeated. A DC 11
Intelligence (Religion) check reveals that Sir Alistair TREASURE
will lose this feature and his ability “Regeneration”
if this coffin is blessed by a cleric or washed by holy There are 40,000 gp, 23,000 sp, and 18,000 cp in
water. Even placing a holy symbol in the coffin might the vault. Also, there are some of Omer Hayyam’s
do the trick. Strangely there is an old copy of the Holy belongings. When he was killed, Sayyidina locked his
Bible written in Latin in this chamber. belongings here just for their sentimental value. There
are three amber rings among the treasures. They
The Chute: There is a chute in the chamber. This belong to Khayyam, Sabbah and Nizam al-Mulk. A
goes directly to the Pit of Monsters (Area 5). If a successful DC 10 Intelligence (History) check reveals
creature tries to slide down, it must succeed on a that these rings are some kind of symbol representing
successful DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 the House of Wisdom in Baghdad.
bludgeoning damage.
12. Secret Room
This room is heavily trapped.
If a creature enters the Feeding Grounds, Castle
Alamut will recognize this act as a threat to its most
fierce protector. Sir Alistair will be summoned At the end of the room stands a suit of armor, its once-
here immediately. When he arrives, the door to this shining steel now dull and tarnished with age. A battered
chamber shuts down and locks itself. If Sir Alistair helm rests on top of the armor, its visor open to reveal
looks like he will lose the fight, Castle Alamut may the empty eye sockets within. Also, you see a beautiful
relocate him for safekeeping. The GM is the final longsword decorated with carvings of a dragon.
arbiter on exactly when, where, and how Sir Alistair
At the end of the room there is a full body plate armor
Shadows of the Fallen: At initiative count 20, (+1) and a magical longsword (+1), two greater potions
shadows spread from corners of this chamber of healing. These armaments clearly originated from
(marked on the map with #). When shadows spread, Europe. A successful DC 14 Intelligence (History)
they spread 1d10+1 squares from one corner. GM check reveals that they are specifically Spanish
decides which squares the shadows spread as long as designs.
they are adjacent to another shadow-covered square.

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

13. Staircase D 16. Staircase F

This staircase connects the Vault of Alamut (Area This staircase connects the Dungeons (Area 15) to
11) to the Dungeons (Area 15). the Entrance Hall (Area 35).

14. Staircase E 17. Staircase G

This staircase connects the Sculpting Room (Area 9) This staircase connects the Dungeons (Area 15)
to the Dungeons (Area 15). to Corridor F (Area 34) on the second floor and
Corridor G (Area 36) on the third floor.
15. Dungeons
18. Pantry
There are prison cells in the castle, narrow and damp,
but they are not very big. Nobody lasts long in these This room is full of provisions. Salted meat, different
cells. The torture instruments give some indication kinds of sausages, dry fruits, and myriad spices fill the
why. shelfs. Any adventurer can easily understand this kind
of diet is good for long travels.

When you step in here, you notice the row of cells.

Most of them seem empty, but it's clear that there is still
19. Kitchen
something breathing in the pitch darkness. The stale
odors and the stuffy air are enough to make one dizzy. In the kitchen there are many different kinds of
Fear and anxiety are engraved on the walls of this place. cooking utensils. This room looks like an ordinary
The strangest thing is the pulsating ground under your kitchen with one big difference. There are labeled
feet. It seems like the further down you go in the levels vials of different poisons on the shelves. These
of Alamut, the more the unease grows. vials have been carefully organized into portions. A
successful DC 14 Wisdom (Medicine) check reveals
that repeated consumption of these small portions
Cages: There are two large cages in this chamber. over a long period of time might grant the user
Although these large cages could have been made immunity.
for big animals, they appear to have been used to
accommodate a large number of prisoners since the TREASURE
entrance to the dungeons is not very wide. The doors
are open and the insides are empty. There are 9 vials of mercy in the kitchen.
Dungeon Cells: These small cells have stone walls
and wooden doors. The doors in this area are always
Mercy (Poison)
locked. A thieves’ tools and a successful DC 14
Dexterity check are required to open them. Only Sir Mercy only works via oral consumption. It has no color
Alistair has the keys to these cells. or smell. When a creature drinks one vial of mercy, it
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 13)
Seljuk Officer: In the cell at the end of the corridor, a otherwise it takes 4d6+4 poison damage. This potion
Seljuk officer named Tufan (Ghulam Guard) is being causes no pain: dying by mercy is indistinguishable
held captive. There is also a corpse in his cell. This from falling asleep.
corpse belongs to an assassin named Djamal, who
pretended to be a prisoner to get close to Tufan after
all other methods failed to make him talk. Tufan is a 20. Dining Hall
smart soldier, and it takes a long time for him to trust
anyone. If the adventurers ask about the body, Tufan This hall is the main dining area for all members of
will say that he caught Djamal's mistakes and took the the hashashin order.
opportunity to strangle him when he heard a noise
from the upper floors of the castle. Although he has
the marks of torture and savage beatings on his body, When you enter the main dining hall, you see long tables.
he appears healthy enough to fight. The high walls are adorned with Iranian tapestries, and
the room is lit by lanterns, with a pleasant incense smell
prevails. Everything is spotless. A special table has
Tufan tells the adventurers that they should avoid been made on a slightly elevated platform for someone
breaking down the doors in the castle. Apparently, important to sit and see all the other tables. Despite its
the castle sometimes perceives it as an attack, and quality furniture, the room, which has no windows to the
a monster comes out of the shadows when that outside, feels gloomy and dark.
happens. He doesn't know Sir Alistair's name, but he
describes him very precisely. If the adventurers agree,
he is willing to fight with them, but despite being There are 4 Hashashin Disciples and 1 Hashashin
brave, he is just a soldier and has limited abilities. If Fedayee chatting in the dining hall. A successful DC
the adventurers tell Tufan to leave through the secret 14 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals that their
passage, he will listen to them and ask if they have any
messages to send outside before leaving, in case they
do not survive this suicide mission.

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

master is in Bedroom A (Area 27). They are waiting check, the adventurers find 89 gp and 146 sp in total.
for their master, Kudret Al-Bechi, to join them. They This money has been hidden in different hiding places
are his bodyguards. They only answer Kudret Al- such as under the beds and inside the pillows. Also
Bechi’s call, and if they hear any trouble, they will there is a greater potion of healing in this room.
rush to defend him, ignoring any other conflict.
27. Bedroom A
21. Guardroom
This is the private bedroom of Kudret Al-Bechi
The guards of Castle Alamut wait in this room when (Hashashin Master). He is blonde, which is rare
they are on duty. Even when Castle Alamut is under in these parts. A simple bed, a wardrobe, a simple
siege, there will be a Hashashin Fedayee in this wooden table and 2 chairs are the only furniture
room. She has the keys to the Armory (Area 22). inside.


At the slightest sign of trouble coming from inside This bedroom belongs to Sıddık Al-Baghdadi. He
the castle, the Hashashin Fedayee will attack uses this room only for sleeping; therefore, the only
the intruders. Also, she will try to alert Sıddık Al- furniture in this room is a large and comfortable
Baghdadi in the Chamber of Wisdom (Area 30). looking bed. All of his personal belongings are in the
Librarian’s Office (Area 33).
22. The Armory
29. Exhibition Hall
The Armory has a strong iron door. A successful DC
18 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check and thieves’ In the Exhibition Hall there are objects from all over
tools are required to open it. the world in glass displays. Under the displays there
are always 2 names: one for the victim and one for
TREASURE the assassin. It looks like great assassinations are
honored here by displaying a personal belonging of
There are many simple and martial weapons that are the victim. Here are some examples:
in good shape in the armory. Among all of them there
are shield (+1), +1 ammunition (10 pieces).

23. Dormitory A
This dormitory has many bunk beds in it. It looks like
some people left the place in a rush.


With a successful DC 11 Intelligence (Investigation)

check, adventurers find 32 gp and 55 sp in total. This
money has been hidden in different hiding places,
such as under the beds and inside the pillows.

24. Corridor C
This long corridor starts from the Entrance Hall
(Area 35) and ends at the door of the Infirmary (Area

25. Corridor D
This corridor is between the Entrance Hall (Area 35)
and the Exhibition Hall (Area 29).

26. Dormitory B
This dormitory has many bunk beds in it. It looks like
some people left the place in a rush.


With a successful DC 11 Intelligence (Investigation)

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

Victim Assassin Object

Yoritomo Minamoto Abdul Seyyid An Ornate Wakizashi
Aqsunqur Al-Bursuqi Kudret Al-Bechi A Bloodied Book
Sir Hugues de Payens Al-Tahir Ibn Nasr A Silver Cross
Khayyam Sayyidina, Hasan Sabbah First Draft of The Rubaiyat
Ogedei Khan Kafender Japeth A Steppe Bow
Terken Khatun Bengü Ilnara A Silver Mirror
Conrad of Montferrat Sumayya Al-Misri A Golden Ring

30. Chamber of Wisdom anywhere inside the chamber as long as this benefits
Sıddık and his apprentices.
The Chamber of Wisdom is the grand library of
Alamut. This place was built to resemble The House TREASURE
of Wisdom in Baghdad. Although the chamber is
much smaller in size, the decorations and furnishings A successful DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation)
give it the unmistakable aesthetic and feeling of the reveals that there are hidden compartments for the
real House of Wisdom. most sacred books and tomes all around the library. In
these compartments there are 5 spell scrolls (detect
magic, detect thoughts, locate object, clairvoyance,
As soon as the door opens, the smell of old parchment locate creature).
and leather hits you in the face. The two-story room
is filled with books as far as the eye can see. Wooden
Also, Sıddık has a wand of fear* at full charge. He will
stairs catch your eye as a way to get to the top floor of
the enormous library. You notice that the books that
use the wand without hesitation.
reach up to the ceiling are about history, geography, and
mystical arts. Also, at the far side of the library, there is 31. Infirmary
a whole section dedicated only to maps.
This is the place where hashashins get mundane
medical treatment. In this world one can not rely only
There are 3 Hashashin Disciples and their master on magic or potions for medical needs. However, this
Sıddık Al-Baghdadi (Hashashin Mystic) in this place also houses a sinister secret: this place conducts
chamber. If they hear any creature closing in, they experiments on the young initiates. A physician called
will try to get to high ground, cast invisibility on Andreyas (uses the Hashashin Devotee stat block)
themselves and prepare for an ambush. They will wait works here.
for the most opportune moment to strike. As always
they will prioritize the casters as primary targets and
try to focus on their enemies one at a time. Sıddık When you enter the infirmary, you see patient’s beds
and his apprentices will die to protect the Chamber separated by curtained partitions. The smells of
of Wisdom. medicine, soap, and decay hit your nose all at once.
There is no doubt that people were being treated in this
room, but you can't see any trace of compassion. The
weight of pure cruelty engulfs your heart. There are
no windows in this chamber. The castle itself seems to
If a fight occurs in the library, all the remaining know that this is a disgusting place and blocks out the
Hashashin patrolling Corridor F (Area 34) will come sun accordingly.
and join the fight.

SPECIAL RULES The infirmary has two parts, the front part with the
patient beds and the operating room in the back.
No Living Flames: There is a strong abjuration effect Andreyas is responsible for the infirmary. He is
in this chamber. Any magic that creates fire (4th level cruel even by the standards of a true hashashin. He
and below) simply won't work in the library. Also, any is obsessed with the Choir of Al-Ghaib. He doesn't
mundane fire sources like lanterns or torches will be allow anyone to go to the operating room where
extinguished by a mysterious wind. he conducts his twisted experiments to solve the
mystery of the elixir. He takes young hashashins
Silence Shall Fall: At initiative count 20, Castle that showed some unusual response to the elixir
Alamut may cast silence as a second level spell and dissects them in the pursuit of knowledge. The

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

Choir of Al-Ghaib makes ordinary humans stronger

and faster but sometimes gives them unusual powers
like invisibility. Hasan Sabbah ordered Andreyas to
uncover its secrets and ensure this miracle is used in
Living Horror
the most effective way possible. He wants an army of Large Monstrosity, chaotic evil
Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)
A successful DC 13 Intelligence (Religion) check Hit Points 136 (16d10+48)
reveals that Andreyas is Coptic. He wears a necklace Speed 40 ft.
with a religious symbol from Egypt.
The operating room has a cage in the corner. There 23 (+6) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 13 (+1) 9 (-1)
is a young hashashin called Hamza imprisoned in it.
He is sedated and unconscious. He can’t be awakened Saving Throws Wis +3, Cons +5
except by magical means. A lesser restoration spell Skills Athletics +8, Perception +2
awakens him. Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Tremorsense 30 ft.,
Passive Perception 11
Challenge 7 (2900 XP)
When adventurers enter the infirmary, Andreyas Proficiency Bonus +3
will fight them to the death. If Castle Alamut is under
siege, all the hashashins will have rushed to defend Failed Experiment: When the Living Horror
the fortress. Therefore, the infirmary is empty except dies, it returns to its original form.
Andreyas. If not, there are 6 Hashashin Disciples
with half hit points, ready to die to safeguard secrets. Eerie Addiction: The Living Horror always
craves the Choir of Al-Ghaib. It can sense the
If Hamza is awakened in any way, he will transform elixir's presence and does everything in its
into a Living Horror and attack the adventurers. power to get it.

There are 3 Choirs of Al-Ghaib, 1 healer’s kit, 1 Multiattack. The Living Horror makes one
superior potion of healing in the infirmary. Also Slam and one Bite attack.
Andreyas has a spell scroll (cure wounds) on him.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d10+6) bludgeoning

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, Reach

5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d10+6) piercing
damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.

Poison Splash. When a creature hits the
Living Horror with a melee weapon attack,
the Living Horror can use its reaction to spew
poison around it. Every creature within 5 ft. of
the Living Horror must succeed on a DC 15
Constitution saving throw or take 14 (4d6)
poison damage.

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

32. Fools Furnace TREASURE

There is no tolerance for the weak or clumsy in If a creature speaks the command words of the strong
Alamut. This small room is designed as a harsh door, Castle Alamut decides that an apprentice has
lesson for the ones who are flawed. proved themself worthy of a second chance. Castle
Alamut will use its displacement powers to reward
this apprentice. This creature will find a potion of
A cloying, sickly aroma assaults your senses, setting healing in the next room it enters.
your stomach roiling with queasiness. The walls and
floor of the cramped and obscure chamber gleam with a
damp, viscous sheen. Suspended in mid-air, without any 33. Librarian Office
apparent tether, an extinguished oil lamp hangs in the
center of the space, its stillness all the more unnerving. This room is the private study of the librarian. All of
Sıddık’s personal belongings are in this room. There
are many books of lore in here.
A successful DC 14 Intelligence (Nature) check
reveals that the thick and sticky liquid covering the TREASURE
walls is highly flammable. This is similar to the
famous “Greek Fire”; it catches fire quickly and burns There is a pouch containing 20 perfectly cut gemstones
extremely hot. Also, it is near impossible to extinguish. (worth 60gp each) and a small potion vial on the table.
This special potion is called odaq, and it is a gift from
Lightless Room: In this room all mundane light Sefir to Sıddık. After the Grand Alchemist’s demise,
sources simply go out. If a creature tries to create the knowledge needed to create odaq is lost.
light with magic, spells that are level 3 or below will be
dispelled immediately. However, the special oil lamp
levitating in the middle of the room will work. Odaq
Potion, Very Rare
Crossword Puzzle: The walls of the room are covered
You regain 1d4+1 levels worth of spell slots combined
with a single giant crossword puzzle. However, thick
when you drink this potion.
liquid covers all the letters and makes them impossible
to decipher. The letters are written only with a small For example, if your dice result is 5, you can recover a
change of shade, so they are hard to see in dim light. fifth level spell slot or choose to recover a 2th and a 3rd
Also darkvision won’t work because a creature with level spell slot.
darkvision can not discern colors. If a creature swipes
the liquid and reads the letters, a successful DC 12
Intelligence check will reveal the words: “Sani Baht.'' 34. Corridor E
This means “second chance” in Arabic. If a creature
tries to swipe the liquid while holding on to a live fire This corridor is between the Staircase G (Area
source, such as an oil lamp, it must succeed on a DC 8 17) and the Dining Hall (Area 20). There are 2
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. If the creature fails, Hashashin Disciples patrolling here.
the flammable liquid ignites.
35. Entrance Hall
Strong Door: The door of the room is currently open
and entirely made of metal. There is no lock on this
This hall is the entrance of Castle Alamut and leads
door, so picking is not an option. A successful DC 30
directly to the Main Courtyard (Area 64).
Strength (Athletic) check will be just enough to force
open this behemoth. Alternatively, if you speak the
command words “Sani Baht,” the door will open. When you enter the hall, you don't feel like you're walking
through the entrance of a big castle, but rather you're
DEVELOPMENTS walking into the open mouth of a monster. Everything
is very clean and well decorated, but there is an evil
If a living creature enters the room, the door will shut hanging in the air itself. You think you can feel the very
breath of the fortress. The cold stone under your feet,
and lock the creature inside. The oil lamp levitating in
pulsating like a heartbeat, unnerves you. You feel like
the middle of the room starts to descend slowly. If the nobody in their right mind would want to step through
creature doesn't grab the lamp in 2 turns, the viscous this door. A terrifying suit of armor, standing motionless,
liquid will catch fire. catches your attention.

If a creature inside the room tries to strike the metal

door with a metal weapon, sparks will fly and the Idle Guardian: There is a Helmed Horrorj guarding
flammable liquid ignites. the entrance. This one only engages with intruders
coming through the main door. It will not attack the
If the liquid catches fire in any way, all creatures adventurers even if they touch it. It will only fight to
inside the room will take 16d6 fire damage. After the defend itself but if a member of the Hashashin order
ignition, the door of the room will open by itself. gives it a verbal command (no actions required), it will

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

36. Corridor F about the traps he was forced to make. Adventurers

will have advantage on any WIS (Perception) checks
This corridor goes three ways. It connects the when trying to spot Wrong Step, Impaler, Acid Fall,
Chamber of Serenity (Area 39), Workshop (Area Beheader, and Poison Needle traps.
38), and the second floor of Chamber of Wisdom

37. Staircase H If adventurers want to take a short rest in this room,

they are safe from danger. There are no mirrors in this
These spiral stairs go all the way up to the Observatory chamber, and no one will come to check the engineer
(Area 50). Staircase H contains 248 steps. without reason.

If adventurers try to remove the Collar of Despair in

38. Workshop any way, Qin Jiushao’s head will be engulfed by green
flames and he will die. Castle Alamut may perceive
Assassins have always used traps, but this room is
this as an attack on something his master holds dear
much more than an ordinary workshop. The castle's
and summon Sir Alistair. The GM is the final arbiter
defenses, the traps used by assassins on missions,
on this subject.
complex lock mechanisms, arcane machines and all
kinds of tools are all made here.

The sulfur smell burns your throat. When you enter Qin Jiushao can silver adventurer's weapons for free.
through the door, you are greeted by a large room filled It takes 10 minutes per weapon. He is not sure if this
with tables, spare parts, chests, and repair tools. Plans works on Sir Alistair or Hasan Sabbah, but it does
drawn on parchment, unfinished prototypes, strange- not hurt to try.
looking weapons, and bottles with mysterious contents
meet you. In the middle of the room stands a huge castle
model. Undoubtedly, this castle is Alamut.
39. Chamber of Serenity
Contrary to its initial appearance, this room was not
There is a man called Qin Jiushao (you can use the built for interrogating prisoners, as its location in the
Librarian of Baghdad statblock) in this room. He is castle clearly shows. The actual purpose of the room
a legendary engineer and architect from China. He is to teach apprentices how to resist interrogation
is a captive in Alamut. He is a kind man and hates methods.
the Hashashin order. When he was given a chance
between death and imprisonment by Bengü five As the door creaks open, a ghastly scene comes into
years ago, he chose the letter. He has an arcane collar view. The chamber brims with instruments of torment,
around his neck that will kill him if he leaves the each one a testament to the agony that has been wrought
room. He wants to help the adventurers, but he has within these walls. Despite the countless horrors that
never seen any interior part of the castle outside of have unfolded here, not a single crimson drop stains
this room and he is no fighter. Because of this collar the immaculate floor. An eerie sense of familiarity grips
there is no need for a guard here. He warns the party you, transporting you back to the very beginning of
in Turkish about Sir Alistair and mirrors. “Through your journey, to the orphanage nestled in the bustling
streets of Samarkand. The very same blackboards
mirrors the master watches, through walls the cursed that once tallied the scores of innocent children now
will come. You must be vigilant, always!” stand alongside the grisly devices, a grim juxtaposition
of innocence and cruelty. Yet, it is the lion statue that
Collar of Despair: This is no ordinary magic item. A stands sentinel at the far end of the chamber, its maw
successful DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals agape and adorned with arcane glyphs, that draws your
that any attempt to free him by magical or mundane eye and holds it fast.
means will result in Qin Jiushao’s death. This a
clever design: even a dispelling attempt will result in
catastrophe. Only the death of Hasan Sabbah will set A DC 11 INT (History) check reveals that torture
the engineer free. devices in this room are from many different cultures.
These devices have been selected specifically from
Model of Alamut: This model was made by Qin those that will cause great pain, but will not leave
Jiushao. The model seems to have been made with permanent wounds.
complete realism down to the smallest detail, and it
appears that it took a lot of time to build. Unfortunately, Failed Apprentice: There is a body of a young man,
the engineer only had the opportunity to see the castle attached to one of the devices, with many small cuts
from the outside. The adventurers can get an idea of and bruises on his body. If anyone wants to investigate
the locations of the towers and the exterior of the the body, a DC 14 WIS (Medicine) check reveals that
castle by looking at it from the outside. he was not killed by the device. He was killed with a
poisoned needle.
If the adventurers try to help Qin Jiushao in any way,
he offers them unconditional help. He informs them Lion Statue: Abjuration magic emanates from the
lion statue standing against the wall. A DC 13 INT

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

(Investigation) check reveals that the statue is hollow. in a booming voice and asks, "What is your greatest
There are symbols in thieves’ cant indicating that fear?" If the creature tells the truth, the statue's eyes
valuable items are hidden inside. It is enchanted to glow with an eerie light, and the creature takes 2d10
protect the contents inside the statue. It is impervious necrotic damage. If the creature wants to lie, they
to any non-magical attacks, but it will shatter upon the must succeed on a DC 25 Charisma (Deception)
slightest damage from a magical source. Any creature check. Otherwise, they inadvertently tell the truth and
within 40 feet of the statue must make a DC 18 take the same damage. If the creature successfully
Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 10d10 piercing lies, the magical object inside the statue is expelled
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on outward.
a successful one.
The wealth in this room is hidden. There is a secret
Test of Focus: Those who enter the Chamber of stash under one of the devices, carefully hidden
Serenity begin to hear painful screams in their heads behind a floor tile. A DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
a minute later. They soon realize that these screams check reveals this stash. It contains 2 diamond rings
belong to people they know and love. The screams (300 gp each).
grow louder and louder. Every creature in The
Chamber of Serenity must make a DC 18 Charisma Inside the Lion Statue, there is a magical weapon
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes called Shifter Weapon. It is the twin sister of
3d6 psychic damage and has disadvantage on all Kafender’s weapon. Shifter Weapon has been waiting
charisma checks for 24 hours while still in this room. for a long time for a worthy apprentice to claim it.
On a successful save the creature is immune to this
effect for 24 hours. If the creature leaves the room, 40. Antechamber
the sound and its effects will stop.
Envoys and messengers usually
Test of Deception: If a creature wait in this room. There are
touches the lion statue or 7 decorated chairs and small
stares at the lion's eyes for a coffee tables in the room.
long time, the statue speaks
Idle Guardian: There is a Helmed
Horrorj guarding the entrance of the Hall
of Mohabbat (Area 42). This one only
engages with intruders trying to enter the
Hall of Mohabbat (Area 42) without the
permission of Sayyidina. It will not attack
the adventurers even if they touch it. It will
only fight to defend itself, but if a member of
hashashin order gives it a verbal command,
it will obey.
41. Broom Closet
It looks like a simple broom closet, but there
is one sinister purpose for this room. If
any creature opens the door of
the closet, a gaseous variant
of mercy (poison) fills all of
the Antechamber (Area 40).
It works exactly like the liquid
version, except this time mercy is
airborne. (Look Kitchen (Area 19)
section for more information.)

42. Hall of Mohabbat

Religious and intellectual gatherings
take place in the Hall of Mohabbat.

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

door with brute force. A DC 20 Strength (Athletics)

The spacious room is designed to accommodate a large
check will suffice.
number of people standing at the same time. Beautiful
carpets cover the entire floor. Apart from the cushions
placed along the edges of the room, there is no other
As you uncover this hidden alcove, a remarkable
furniture. There are many windows overlooking the
sight befalls your eyes. It is a scaled-down copy of the
outside, which makes the air inside quite clean. A round
adjoining chamber, every furnishing in its precise place,
carpet lies in the center of the chamber, and other
and every trap marked with a vivid crimson X scrawled
carpets have been arranged in circles around it to create
in chalk. Etched in Arabic on the wall opposite the
a strange stage-like appearance.
entrance, a foreboding phrase sends shivers down your
spine. "One glance is enough for the sharp-minded to
learn. Wisdom the dull-minded through pain shall earn.
43. Corridor G
This corridor connects Antechamber (Area 40) to DEVELOPMENTS
Main Tower Stairs Hall (Area 49).
If the Castle is under siege, the room is empty. If
44. Room of Remembrance not, there is an eight year old child named Mustafa
(Hashashin Trainee). He is quite afraid because
This octagonal room is one of the many rooms that he is not sure about the locations of the traps. With
masters use to train their apprentices. An assassin a successful DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) check,
must memorize the entire plan from the moment they adventurers can calm the child. In that case, Mustafa
receive the task until the final strike of the dagger. explains to them the purpose of the room and
There is no luxury of taking notes or leaving traces mentions the hidden chamber. If adventurers take
behind. Apprentices work in this room to improve him out of the room safely he gives them a potion
their memory. There are traps under the floor tiles. of healing which he stole from one of the masters.
Those who fail to remember pay a heavy price. Unfortunately, he is new to the castle and can not
provide any useful intelligence.

As you step into the chamber, your gaze falls upon the TREASURE
scattered tables and cabinets, spaced wide apart. Some
of these fixtures are sized perfectly for a child to occupy. Inside the hidden room, there is a chest containing
Laid out on the tabletops are various board games the robes of a teacher, a sarik, a whip, a golden ring
reminiscent of chess and checkers. Your eye is drawn to
decorated with jasper stones (75 gp), white and red
a set of playing cards adorned with a myriad of intriguing
images. In the corner of the room, a grandiose mirror
chalk, a spell scroll (command), and Hodja’s Cane.
is affixed to the wall, its imposing presence demanding
attention. 45. Main Tower Stairs Hall
This hall is between Khatuns’ Chamber (Area 48),
A DC 12 Intelligence (History) check reveals that all Glass and Mirror Workshop (Area 46), Corridor H
the games in the room are somehow about memory (Area 43), and Hall of Mohabbat (Area 42).
or intelligence. They are brought here from all around
the world and belong to different cultures. DEVELOPMENTS

Spike Traps: The floor of the room is filled with If a creature other than Harbingers or Hasan Sabbah
traps placed in a seemingly random pattern. Any enters the Main Tower Stairs Hall, Castle Alamut will
creature that steps on a trap must succeed on a DC 15 recognize this act as a threat to its master. Sir Alistair
Dexterity saving throw, or take 4d6 piercing damage. will be summoned here immediately.
The traps are masterfully hidden. A creature with 20
Passive Perception can notice the traps just before 46. Glass and Mirror Workshop
stepping on them. But a careful investigation on the
floor tiles reveals traps just with a DC 15 Intelligence This room is the place where glass objects used every
(Investigation) check. Remember that this kind of day in Alamut are produced. However, it has a secret
investigation takes lots of time. purpose as well: to produce the special alloy mirrors
that function as the eyes of Hasan Sabbah inside and
Secret Room: There is a secret room right across outside of the castle.
from the entrance. A creature can spot the hidden
door behind a coffer with a successful DC 16 Wisdom
(Perception) check. On top of the coffer in front of
this room, there is a chessboard that seems to be
in the middle of a game. If a creature examining the
board succeeds on a DC 17 Intelligence check, they
will realize that white can checkmate black in three
moves. If they play the correct moves, the cabinet will
slide to the side, revealing the hidden room behind it.
Alternatively a creature can attempt to open the secret

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

The room in front of your eyes is diamond-shaped and

47. Breathless Corridor
creates a sense of peculiarity at first sight. There are
small metal barrels inside the room that undoubtedly This room, built in the shape of a corridor, is designed
contain dangerous substances. The workshop is filled to teach assassins the silent and swift swimming
with metal plates, mirrors of all sizes, and glass. Some skills that can be useful on many missions. The time
mirrors are hanging from the ceiling on ropes and they spend in this room will give them the ability to
chains, like clothes waiting to dry. When you step inside, hold their breath for a long time, which is necessary
you see hundreds of reflections of yourself from mirrors for them to remain hidden even on land.
of all sizes. There is no corner to escape from your own
As you venture forth into the corridor, a peculiar sight
befalls your eyes. The room that lies ahead bears an
There are 2 Hashashin Disciples in this room, uncanny aura. A flight of stairs, mere paces away from
hiding. They will try to surprise and ambush anyone the threshold, descends into a pool that stretches across
who enters the room. the lengthy and slender passageway. Though the gloom
obscures your vision, you sense the fathomless depths
Impossible Alloy: A Successful DC 10 Intelligence of the liquid. The walls and floor are fashioned from
(Arcana) check reveals that the mercury and silver sleek stones and reinforced with superb insulation to
deter any leaks. A musty scent wafts from the stagnant
used for mirror crafting in this room is tainted
waters, assaulting your nostrils with its staleness.
somehow. There is a trace of Al-Ghaib.

Eyes of the Master: A Successful DC 12 Intelligence

A DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals that
(Arcana) check reveals that this taint grants the
the high ceiling is made of a type of stone that has
Master of Castle Alamut some mysterious powers.
been polished to reflect the entire corridor. If the
All the mirrors produced here can be used by Hassan
adventurers enter the water and inspect the pool from
Sabbah. He can see and hear through them as long as
inside, a DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check will
they are in the same plane of existence as him.
reveal that there are many small holes on the bottom
of the pool. If the Intelligence (Investigation) check
Ritual of Blinding: A powerful spellcaster can sever
is successful with a result of 20 or higher, they will
Seyiddina’s connection to all the mirrors. This is a
also notice nail marks left on the walls of the pool by
great blow to Hasan Sabbah but comes with a grim
people who struggled and drowned.
cost. This spellcaster needs to spend a 3rd level spell
slot, and the ritual takes 10 minutes to cast. The worst
part is the caster must blind one of their eyes willingly
and permanently as a sacrifice at the crescendo of
Since the ceiling is not a complete mirror, if
the Ritual. After all of that, the caster must succeed
adventurers do not illuminate the corridor in any
on a DC 11 Intelligence check to perform the ritual
way, Hasan Sabbah cannot see them through this
correctly and a DC 11 Constitution saving throw to
reflection. In this case, they can smoothly swim to the
maintain concentration until the end (If the creature
other side by entering the water.
attempting the ritual has the Ritual of Blinding scroll
from Act IV: House of Wisdom, there is no need for
If light falls on the reflective ceiling, Hasan Sabbah
any rolls. The ritual is a guaranteed success).
notices their presence, and when anyone tries to
cross the water, the doors at both ends of the corridor
close and lock. The water level begins to rise rapidly,
and within 2 turns, the room is completely submerged
If Kafender is alive, they will join the fight in this
in water. The doors at the each end of the corridor
room and try to kill adventurers. Kafender knows
feature complex locks requiring thieves’ tools and a
that this room will give them the advantage they need.
successful DC 20 Dexterity check to pick. The doors
Kafender can come from outside of this room or start
are sealed with Alamut's uncanny magic to withstand
the fight in the room with other hashashins. It is up to
enormous amounts of water pressure, so they cannot
the GM to decide.
be forced open by force. However, they are not
invincible and can be destroyed. When one of the
doors is opened, the water quickly flows out no matter
how it is opened. Any creature inside the Breathless
Endless Reflections: The Mirror Workshop
Corridor or within 10 feet of the opened door must
functions like a lair; therefore, it gives Lair Actions to
attempt a DC 15 Strength saving throw to hold on to
hashashins. On initiative count 20, this room grants
something. On a failed save, the character is knocked
the effects of a Mirror Image spell to one hashashin
prone and washed down to Khatuns’ Chamber (Area
it chooses (prioritizing Kafender). However, it is not
48), taking 4d6 bludgeoning damage.
a spell, so counterspell simply does not work. This
effect can only be active on one creature at a time.

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

but calculations alone take days. Fortunately there

If Kafender is alive and following the adventurers, they are some fixed positions and settings a user can view,
can activate this trap from outside the room using a if their Passive Perception is high enough. Arcane
command word, without the need for Hasan Sabbah to Telescope provides a bird’s eye view of the location
see the trespassers.
from afar.

48. Khatuns’ Chamber

This room is extremely well decorated. There are 3 Passive
Arcane Sight
comfortable looking beds and 3 dressers with lots of Perception
golden jewelry (worth 340 gp in total). Also, there are Locations
many expensive clothes in this chamber. The clothes
are clearly custom made for 3 women. 5 Miles Around
Castle Alamut
This bedroom belongs to Mahvigan, Asude and 13 Isfahan
Verahib. They are trusted bodyguards of Hasan
Sabbah. 14 Baghdad
15 Merv
49. Main Tower Staircase
16 Samarkand
This large and round staircase connects Main Tower 18 Constantinople
Stair Hall (Area 45) to Main Tower’s floors.
19 Karakorum
50. Observatory 21 Beijing

This place is not just an observatory. Its great

telescope can be used by anyone to survey a vast
amount of ground around Castle Alamut.

As you ascend the steep, winding staircase of the There is a notebook alongside parchments. It is a
tower, a refreshing gust of fresh air fills your lungs, journal from a scholar and noble named Prince Ali.
invigorating you for the ascent. Upon reaching the top, Ali talks about his travels in his diary which he wrote
you find yourself in a celestial sanctuary, seemingly in Persian. Adventurers may learn that Ali went to the
transported to another realm. The domed ceiling of the city of Shiraz to buy a magical lens. There is a large
observatory hangs half-open, allowing the starry sky to
blood stain on the page where he wrote that he was
seep in. Dominating the space is a colossal telescope,
its metallic frame stretching from the center of the room going to meet the merchant from whom he would buy
to the aperture above, a wondrous artifact to behold. the lenses.
A metal chair is positioned beside the instrument, an
invitation to gaze at the cosmos. Parchments detailing 51. Bengü’s Room
intricate star systems are scattered throughout the
room, and a table heaves with measuring implements,
This room belongs to one of the infamous Harbingers,
beckoning you to explore the depths of the universe.
Bengü Ilnara.

A successful DC 13 Intelligence check reveals that

The bedroom is dimly lit by a few flickering candles set
some parchments in this room show a different sky in wall sconces. The air is musty and filled with the smell
than ours. If a creature is proficient with Navigator's of old leather and metal. Against the walls are various
Tools, it can roll this check with advantage. The weapons and armor stands, displaying swords, axes,
locations of the constellations are all wrong–not from maces, and shields of various sizes and styles. A suit of
a different time but from a different world. armor stands in the corner, the polished steel gleaming
in the dim light. The bed is large and ornate, with carved
A successful DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check wooden posts and a thick feather mattress piled high
with furs and blankets. A sturdy wooden chest sits at
reveals that the domed ceiling of the observatory can
the foot of the bed, filled with spare linens and clothing.
rotate easily, but there is no lever or crank in the room. On the nightstand beside the bed are a few small items
- a candlestick, a wooden cup, and a leather-bound
The Arcane Telescope: This 30 feet long great book. Despite the cluttered appearance of the room,
telescope is clearly magical. It resonates with everything is organized with care and precision. Each
Transmutation and Divination energy. If a creature weapon and piece of armor is meticulously maintained,
sits on the chair at the back of the telescope, they can cleaned and oiled to prevent rust and wear. The room
move the telescope in any direction they want just by exudes a sense of purpose and practicality.
thinking, and they can rotate the dome-shaped ceiling
as they please. This magnificent device enhances
the perception of its user greatly. This device can be
positioned to see long distances in some magical way

Act V: The Ark of Salvation


There are lots of mundane but well crafted weapons

here. Also, there is a cheap looking brooch with flower

52. Sefir’s Room

This room belongs to the Grand Alchemist of Alamut,
Sefir. A door to that room is a Moth Gate.

The bedroom is filled with the scent of strange herbs and

exotic oils, giving the air a sweet and musky quality. The
room is sparsely furnished, with only a simple bed and a
few basic furnishings, all made from rough-hewn wood.
The walls are lined with bookcases, filled with ancient
tomes and grimoires on alchemy, astrology, and other
esoteric subjects. On a nearby table, there are various
glass vials and jars filled with brightly colored powders
and liquids, as well as an array of small, delicate tools
for measuring and mixing. There are also several
strange contraptions scattered throughout the room - a
large bronze sphere filled with glowing coals, a series of
intricate pipes and tubes that seem to serve no purpose,
and a small, intricate brass device that constantly emits
a low hum. The room exudes a sense of mystery and
wonder, suggesting the profound depths of knowledge
and wisdom that a master alchemist is said to possess.
It seems like this room was searched recently to the
smallest bit with great care.
The bedroom is a study in contrast, with lavish and
expensive furnishings mixed with objects that would fit
Moth Gate: This kind of gate is very special. The Moth a poor man's home. A large four-poster bed dominates
the room, with satin sheets and plush pillows arranged
Gate is constructed from an otherworldly material. It
in perfect symmetry. A richly embroidered tapestry
is immune to all magic and indestructible by nature. hangs on one wall, depicting a heroic knight in shining
It fits perfectly to the door frame and leaves no gap. armor, while on another wall hangs a more discreet and
A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check or nondescript map of the Silk Road. The room is littered
detect magic spell reveals the information above. All with various items of questionable origin - a silver goblet
of the moth gates were handcrafted by Sefir, grand that may or may not have been stolen from a noble's
alchemist of Alamut himself. If even a flicker of the dinner table, a velvet cloak that may or may not have
Lantern of Sefir’s light touches the gate, the gate belonged to a wealthy merchant, and a pile of coins
and trinkets that are certainly of dubious provenance.
opens. If a creature wants to open the gate without the
A small writing desk is tucked into a corner of the
Lantern of Sefir, it must speak the command words: room, with various quills, inks, and papers scattered
“Dur-u Fer”. It means “the distant light” in Persian. haphazardly across its surface. A large chest at the foot
of the bed holds a variety of costumes and disguises,
53. Kafender’s Room ranging from simple peasant garb to the fine silks and
furs of the wealthy.
This room belongs to the Skinwalker of Khorasan,
Kafender Japeth. The door to this room is a special
one called the Visage Gate. Visage Gate: When a creature stands in front of this
gate, a face appears on the door. This face belongs to
a random person who died at the hands of Kafender.
The door has no keyholes and is impossible to open
by brute force. If the creature facing the door can
change their appearance to perfectly match the face,
the door opens.


Among all other disguises there is a broken silver

mirror and a tarot card representing death.

54. Sir Alistair’s Room

This room belongs to the First Harbinger, Sir Alistair
of Granada. The door to this room is a special one
called Blood Gate.

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

The bedroom is a simple yet elegant space, reflecting Before you is a door like no other. Fashioned from a
the understated dignity and quiet strength of a seasoned stone-like material, or perhaps enchanted with some
warrior. A sturdy wooden bed with a simple linen canopy mystic art, the portal seems to repel light from any
dominates the room, flanked by a pair of worn but direction. Strangely, the door casts a shadow of its own,
well-maintained oak nightstands. The walls are hung impervious to any attempt to banish it. An ornate design
with various trophies and mementos of past battles of a moth, expertly carved, adorns the surface of the
and adventures - a pair of crossed swords, a battered door. Its wings are frozen in perpetual motion.
shield bearing the emblem of a long-forgotten lord, and
a tapestry depicting a heroic battle against a fearsome
dragon. Moth Gate: This kind of gate is utterly unique. The
A small writing desk sits against one wall, with a few Moth Gate is constructed from an otherworldly
papers and quills scattered across its surface. An open material. It is immune to all magic and indestructible
book with a frayed leather cover lies on the desk, a by nature. It fits perfectly to the door frame and leaves
history of the knights of old with dog-eared pages and no gap. A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana)
marginalia in a spidery hand. Despite the signs of age check or detect magic spell reveals the information
and wear, the room exudes a sense of quiet strength
above. All of the moth gates were handcrafted by Sefir,
and nobility, reflecting the unwavering sense of duty and
honor that has guided the old knight through a long and grand alchemist of Alamut himself. If even a flicker of
eventful life. the Lantern of Sefir’s light touches the gate, the gate
opens. If a creature wants to open the gate without the
Lantern of Sefir, it must speak the command words:
55. Elixir Distillery “Dur-u Ferç” It means “the distant light” in Persian.

The Distillery is one of the most important chambers Across the corridor lies the distillery. There are two
in the whole castle. This place is the source of Helmed Horrorsj guarding the room. They attack
Hashashin menace. The Choir of Al-Ghaib is any creature entering the room unless they are part of
produced here in great quantities. Therefore, there is Hashashin order. Also, there is an alchemist called Al-
a great deal of protection in this place, both magical Tughrai (he uses the Arcane Researcher stat block)
and physical. in this room. He is trying to recreate the recipe for
Choir of Al-Ghaib from mothmother's remains. He
has not been successful so far.

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

Al-Tughrai is a madman. He used to be one of the to a forced injection of the Choir of Al - Ghaib. There
apprentices of Sefir. After the grand alchemist’s are no shackles or chains to hold him here other than
betrayal, he was promoted to the position of elixir old age itself. He is trapped in his own bed.
maker. He is no doubt a capable alchemist but not the
genius Sefir was. Without the missing elements of the
The space is small and sparsely furnished, with rough-
recipe, he will never be successful in his pursuit. He is
hewn stone walls and a low, sloping ceiling.
pure evil and has no regard for human life. He doesn’t A narrow bed has been pushed up against one wall,
attack the adventurers and tries to deceive them about piled high with soft blankets and pillows. The bed is
his nature. He acts as a captive scientist. A successful clearly the centerpiece of the room, as it is the most
DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that he is lying comfortable and luxurious item present. The man, an
and is a devout follower of the Hashashin order. old and sickly figure, lies in the bed, propped up by the
pile of pillows. The blankets are drawn up around him,
Thieves’ Dream: There is a short and narrow keeping him warm and comfortable. In one corner of the
room, a small fireplace burns brightly, casting a warm
corridor behind the moth gate. If a living creature
and comforting glow across the space. A kettle hangs
or a group of living creatures enters the corridor, a from a hook above the flames, and a small table is set
kind of divination magic in this corridor inspects nearby with a teapot and a few cups. The room is filled
them. If even one of them carries a Choir of Al-Ghaib with the sweet, soothing scent of chamomile tea. Along
or is affected by it, nothing happens. If not, a hidden one wall of the room, shelves are set into the stone,
magical rune on the ceiling triggers and casts a sleep displaying an array of books, scrolls, and other written
spell (4th level) affecting all of the corridor. materials. The man is clearly a scholar and a thinker, as
the texts cover a wide range of topics from philosophy
to history to medicine. A small, narrow window is set
Magic Circle: There is an overly complex magic circle
high in the wall, offering a breathtaking view of the
in the room. A successful DC 19 Intelligence (Arcana) surrounding countryside. The man's face is lit up by the
check reveals that this circle has two different soft light of the window, and he gazes out at the world
purposes. This circle has summoning and protection beyond the castle walls with a mixture of sadness and
uses. longing.

Veil of Illusion: At the far end of the room, just

opposite the alchemy tables, there is a strong illusion. Nizam knows everything about Hasan Sabbah and his
This magical veil looks like an ordinary wall. A plans. He knows about the first harbingers and Sefir’s
successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check betrayal (See Sefir’s character page for more info).
reveals the illusion. He knows that his old friend and rival must be stopped
by any means at any cost. He was a Satrap and now
The Grand Weaver: In the room concealed by illusion, can easily hear the ominous chanting coming from
there is a complex machine. This contraption pulses upstairs, Chamber of Rituals (Area 59). He is happy
with arcane might. The Grand Weaver is an advanced that he saw the adventurers come here, to mend the
alchemy tool by function but looks like an enormous very fabric of reality in his dying hours. If adventurers
weaving machine. A successful DC 13 Intelligence ask any questions, he will answer truthfully (See
(Arcana) check reveals that this gargantuan machine Hasan Sabbah’s character page for more info).
is where the Choir of Al-Ghaib is crafted. His body is not strong enough to walk, but he has a
steel will. “Don’t let him live,” he says. “Don’t repeat
DEVELOPMENTS my mistake.”

If the sleep spell in the entrance corridor (Thieves’ 57. Hasan Sabbah’s Room
Dream) goes off, two Helmed Horrorsj guarding the
distillery attack the intruders immediately without This room is where Seyiddina himself sleeps.
waiting for them to enter. In this case Al-Tughrai
would have enough time to use the invisibility spell
scroll that he has.


There are a lot of alchemical supplies in the distillery.

If the adventurers want to replenish their stocks by
any means, it is up to the GM to decide the outcome.
A tome of clear thoughts* can be found in one of
the bookshelves. Also there are 2 greater potions of
healing* in the room. If adventurers search Al-Tughrai
they find a spell scroll (invisibility).

56. Nizam Al-Mulk’s Room

This room is both the bedroom and prison cell of
Nizam al-Mulk. Nizam is the oldest living friend of
Hasan Sabbah. He is now very old, only alive thanks

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

The room is located high in a tower at the heart of the A creature under the effect of Choir of Al - Ghaib sees
castle, accessible only by a narrow, winding staircase the garden like this:
that spirals up through the stone walls. The chamber
is small and cramped, with rough-hewn stone walls and The garden itself is a riot of color and scent, with a
a low, sloping ceiling. A small wooden table and chair variety of plants and flowers arranged in intricate
are set in one corner of the room, piled high with books, patterns. A small fountain burbles softly in one corner,
scrolls, and maps. A single, flickering candle casts a dim surrounded by a mosaic of brightly colored tiles. The
glow across the table, illuminating the intricate details scent of lavender and rosemary wafts through the
of the ancient texts and parchments. In the opposite air, mingling with the sweet fragrance of jasmine and
corner of the room, a small, narrow bed is tucked honeysuckle. Tall cypress trees line the edges of the
against the wall. The bed is simple and unadorned, with balcony, offering a measure of privacy and seclusion.
a thin mattress and a rough woolen blanket. A small A variety of potted plants and flowers are arranged in
chest is set at the foot of the bed, its lid open to reveal decorative urns and vases, adding to the overall sense
a few spare garments and personal belongings. Along of opulence and refinement. A small wrought-iron table
the walls of the chamber, shelves are set into the stone, and chairs are arranged in one corner of the balcony,
displaying an array of weapons and artifacts. Rusty providing a perfect spot for enjoying a cup of tea or a
swords, ancient spears, and antique shields are hung glass of wine while taking in the beautiful surroundings.
haphazardly on the walls, alongside intricate pieces of Soft cushions and a colorful tablecloth add a touch of
jewelry, ancient coins, and mysterious trinkets. A small, comfort and warmth to the seating area. Overall, the
narrow window set high in the wall allows a thin sliver of garden on the castle's large balcony is a beautiful and
light to enter the room, casting strange shadows across inviting space, offering a peaceful oasis of natural beauty
the stone floor. The window offers a breathtaking view and tranquility in the heart of the fortress.
of the surrounding countryside, with rolling hills as far
as the eye can see. An unaffected creature sees the garden like this:

Overall, the room in Hasan Sabbah's tower is a simple Despite the garden's beauty, there is a sense of unease
and functional space, designed for study and reflection that lingers in the air. The plants and flowers seem to
rather than comfort or luxury. The ancient texts and writhe and twist in the gentle breeze, as if they are alive
artifacts that fill the room speak to the occupant's deep and aware. The fountain's burbling seems to take on a
knowledge and interest in history and the world beyond sinister tone, and the mosaic tiles surrounding it appear
the castle walls. to shift and undulate. The cypress trees that line the
edges of the balcony appear to loom menacingly over
the space, casting long, ominous shadows across the
58. Garden of Eden garden. The potted plants and flowers, once vibrant
and colorful, now seem to take on a sickly, withered
appearance, as if they are infected with some sort of
This garden is clearly magical and often used by
dark magic. The wrought-iron table and chairs in the
Seyiddina to influence other people. Hasan Sabbah corner of the balcony seem to creak and groan under the
shows this place to its followers as “a corner of weight of an invisible presence, and the soft cushions
heaven.” This garden looks more and more beautiful and tablecloth seem to squirm and shift as if something
as the effect of the Choir of Al-Ghaib gets stronger. is moving beneath them. Despite the sense of unease
that permeates the garden, it remains a beautiful and
inviting space, offering a peaceful oasis of natural beauty
and tranquility in the heart of the medieval fortress.
However, there is a feeling that something sinister is
lurking just beneath the surface, waiting to reveal itself.

59. Chamber of Rituals

At the highest point of Castle Alamut, the Chamber of
Rituals stands. This room has never had any purpose
until the most important night. The well at the middle
of the room travels through all of the castle like an

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

As you climb the last stairs, malevolent ritual hymns Ritual of One Thousand and One Nights
cloud your mind. When you enter the ominous room,
you see him in front of you: Hasan Sabbah, murderer When this ritual is completed, the caster of the ritual
and teacher, tyrant and savior, the architect of a thousand becomes immortal thanks to the mysterious powers of
misfortunes that have befallen you... Al - Ghaib. Also, this ritual has a special importance to
the Sayyidina. He will be able to produce the Choir of
You see female guardians next to him. They are ready to Al - Ghaib again and save his dying followers. The ritual
defend their master, even throw their lives away for the needs a special place (Castle Alamut qualifies), many
cause. On one side of the tower room, a large window human sacrifices (Hasan Sabbah already took care of
overlooks the main courtyard which is stained with that), and the mixing of bloods. All the death and agony
blood, and in front of it stands a strange throne made of throughout the ages are contained in this tainted blood
stone with metal spikes on its arms. (Boiling Blood), and it must be mixed with the blood
of the caster.
Boiling blood pours out of a well in the middle of the
room. As the black, pus-filled, and foul-smelling liquid If the Sayyidina sits on the Ritual Throne and his blood
flows, it seems like Castle Alamut itself bleeds like mixes with the Boiling Blood, the ritual is complete.
a dying beast. It is impossible to understand what is Practically speaking, the adventurers need to stop
happening here, but it is very clear that something is him before the Boiling Blood reaches the throne, or
very wrong. somehow prevent him from using the throne. There
is no stopping him after that point. He will regenerate
40 hit points every turn, and he will be immune to all
SPECIAL RULES damage types except radiant.

The Throne of Alamut: This throne has spikes

located where the user puts their arms. The throne 60. Serpent Path
was constructed in a way that blood coming from arms
would flow in a certain way and make a pool of blood The road to Alamut is a treacherous one.
in front of the throne. A creature can use its action to
sit on the throne. If this creature isn’t Hasan Sabbah,
it takes 10d6 + 20 necrotic damage. Because Alamut The road that winds upward like a snake will be tiring
knows its master and tries to punish imposters. to walk, and it's designed to make it impossible for
large groups to maneuver as they ascend. The full
Self Sacrifice: Mahvigan, Asude and Verahib khatuns magnificence of Alamut Castle comes into view at the
use the Hashashin Fedayee stat block, but they have end of the road. The castle seems to gaze upon all
a special reaction. As a reaction, triggering when approaching dangers with the indifference of an ancient
titan. This road, which leaves approaching forces in a
Hasan Sabbah takes damage, one of them can take
difficult position, provides numerous advantages to
the damage instead. They must be within 10 feet of those defending the castle. Height, visibility, distance,
Hasan Sabbah to use this feature. and security advantages belong to the defenders.

Boiling Blood: Boiling blood comes from the well.

Blood naturally flows to the throne (5 feet/1 Turn, This path is full of traps. Only hashashins use this
Initiative count 10). Every round at initiative count 20, road regularly, and they all remember the places of
Hasan Sabbah controls the orientation of the floor; the traps perfectly. There are several Wrong Step and
in doing so, he can direct this harmful fluid to his Impaler traps here.
enemies, and, most importantly, he tries to complete
the Ritual of One Thousand and One Nights. If Castle Alamut is under siege, this path will be full
Sabbah can choose to spread the boiling blood to of soldiers. Otherwise, anyone with a successful DC
one square that is adjacent to existing blood covered 16 Dexterity (Stealth) check can make it to the Castle
tiles, or make it flow faster and approach 5 feet to the Gates (Area 62) without detection.

Even if adventurers are spotted on Serpent Path, the

guards won’t try to stop them. They will just inform
Bengü and Sir Alistair. The harbingers and Hasan
Sabbah know about the adventurers at this point.
They want to lure them in.

61. Drawbridge
This bridge looks like the only way to Castle Alamut.

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

Underneath this drawbridge, instead of a shallow ditch,

Both of the winches have sturdy chains wrapped
you see a massive, steep cliff. This defense, which is
obviously not made by human hands, is the result of the
around them. These chains are hard to break (AC: 18,
intelligent use of the terrain. The wooden bridge built HP: 50, Damage Threshold 10), but if they break, the
on top of it can be lifted within minutes to protect the mechanism will come loose and the drawbridge or
fortress from enemies. The only thing standing between portcullis will lower immediately.
you and the massive fortress seems to be this bridge.
Although it looks safe and sturdy, stepping onto the Everwathful Guardians: There are two Helmed
bridge is a scary thought, as the howling winds blow Horrorsj guarding on the second floor of the gate
fiercely right next to your ear.
house. They only attack to protect themself or when a
creature touches one of the wrenches
A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check
reveals that the roller mechanism that controls this 63. Stables
bridge is inside the Castle Gate (Area 62).
The warriors of Alamut Castle have never been
famous for their cavalry. Since the assassins' tasks are
62. Castle Gate generally not suitable for fighting on horseback, the
horse is nothing more than a means of transportation
The castle gate is always open when there is no for them. However, they develop their riding skills to
danger nearby. Those carrying provisions, entering use them in situations where they need to play a role.
and exiting messengers, and hashashins use this
route regularly. For this reason, a small stable opposite the front door
of the castle, on the east side of the main courtyard is
Reinforced Gate of Alamut: This 15 feet wide and 30 more than sufficient. This place is suitable for feeding
feet high iron reinforced gate protects the entrance about fifteen horses, and most of these horses are tied
(AC: 20, HP: 500, Damage Threshold 20). up on any given day.
Gate House: There are two portcullises at each end of Among these horses, one in pale white is particularly
the gate house just behind the gate. The second floor noteworthy. This horse belongs to Hasan Sabah,
of the gate house can be reached from the ramparts. Grandmaster of Alamut himself, and stands out from
There are 2 separate winches on this floor. A creature the others with its nobility. Her name is Al - Kawwar
can raise or lower the portcullis with a successful DC which is the name of a star meaning “faint one” in
20 Strength (Athletics) check using the smaller winch. Arabic. Al - Kawwar uses the War Horse stat block.
For every other medium sized creature helping, the
DC of this check lowers by 5.

The bigger winch controls the drawbridge and needs

a successful DC 30 Strength (Athletics) check to use.
For every other medium sized creature helping, the
DC of this check lowers by 5.

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

64. Forge The shadows start to breathe. The darkness takes form
as the Aegis of Alamut comes to defend his castle. His
There is a small forge in the main courtyard of armor contains elements from western armor as well
Alamut. There is a tiefling blacksmith called Al- as those from the east. His elderly face appears sickly,
Hazin (He uses the Knight stat block, has eldritch deadly, and pale. He stares at the intruders like it is
blast, mending cantrips and can cast heat metal dinner time. He moves quickly. He strikes quickly and
and shatter spells once per day [each]. Spell Attack most importantly of all: he kills quickly.
Bonus: +4, Spell Save DC: 12 and uses Charisma for
spellcasting). He is a true follower of Hasan Sabbah
and does everything in his power to defend Castle 66. Small Courtyard
Alamut. He makes the infamous Daggers of Alamut
for every senior member of the order. He made a pact At the back side of Alamut, there is another small
with a voice from the fire a long time ago. Therefore, courtyard. This place is designed like a garden. It is
he is a Warlock (Underground Patron). incredibly beautiful and serene.

64a. The Buried Entrance In the small courtyard, many flowers of various colors
catch your eye. Within a symphony of fragrances, the
When Castle Alamut was built, this secret passage plants swaying in the gentle breeze would give peace to
was designed as an escape route connected with a everyone if they were in the shade of another structure.
small bridge. The bridge has collapsed, and the carved But in such a place, they appear to you like flowers
tunnels offer a very rough and dangerous climb to the blooming on the grave of a terrible giant.
castle. It is protected by a hatch and by Al-Hazin.
A successful DC 12 Intelligence (Nature) check reveals
that many of the flowers growing here are for potion
and poison making. You recognize large quantities of
If a fight breaks out in the main courtyard area, Al-
opium poppies planted in the small courtyard.
Hazin will warn people that there are intruders (It is up
to the GM how many Hashashins will come). He will
A successful DC 11 Intelligence (Arcana) check
not back down or surrender under any circumstance.
reveals that there is a subtle spell at work in this
He will put his life down the line without hesitation.
place. This spell regulates the climate, preventing the
temperature from rising too high or dropping too low.
Timur Malik and his men will rush into the Main
67. Ramparts
65. Main Courtyard
There are sturdy ramparts surrounding the Castle
Alamut and its exterior grounds. These walls are
At the front side of Alamut, there is a great courtyard
exceptionally tall for a castle of this size. These
housing a forge and a small stable.
Ramparts are 5 ft. wide and have tall parapets all
over them. There are stone and wooden ladders for
climbing up to the ramparts from the main courtyard.
If Bengü Ilnara lives, Timur Malik will confront her.
If Castle Alamut is under siege, Sir Alistair will be
here, coordinating the defense. It is up to the GM how
“Traitor!” shouts Timur Malik while winds blow among much of the hashashin forces are here because of
the shadows of the castle. “You will pay.” The only light the siege, but keep in mind, a considerable amount
is shed by the torches Timur and his men hold. Most of should be present.
them throw torches around the courtyards to see better.

Bengü stands there with a stern face, knowing she is Conclusions

about to fight a formidable warrior. Her Hashashins line
up behind her and a silence takes over. Their mastery There are a number of possible endings to Castle
at the sword and footwork dazzle your eyes, as the Alamut as well as the Herald of Rain storyline:
heartbroken Timur Malik focuses with all his might and
Bengü Ilnara seems like a goddess of serenity and war
with a sword in her hand. Only one sentence comes from Hasan Sabbah wins!
her mouth: “My loyalty always belonged to Alamut.”
Hasan Sabbah kills the adventurers and finishes the
Then the fates collide as the silence is broken with ritual. The Silk Road faces a series of devastating
shouts, clashing of steels and cries of dead men. earthquakes. Hasan Sabbah personally starts to
hunt down remaining satraps and his other enemies,
starting with Sultan Jalal. He strengthens his claims
If Bengü Ilnara does not live, Sir Alistair may be sent
by taking the title “Padishah,” shah of shahs. He will
here to finish the job of the intruders:
make other lords and emirs of the land bow down and
kill the acting Caliph Hayat Jawhar Khatun at Baghdad.
He will send ultimatums to the surrounding states,

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

such as the Mamluks or Sultanate of Rum, demanding

The Silk Road is safe once more. The threat of Hasan
that they become his vassals. Kings, patriarchs, and
Sabbah has passed, but it was the ending you all feared.
emperors from Beijing, to Constantinople, to the He completed the ritual, became almost invulnerable,
Mongolian steppes will all come to know this new but you still bested him. The earth shakes each passing
power rising from the Silk Road. moment but the word of the satraps finally calms it
down. The world tries to find its peace.
This is the worst possibility.
With their master dead, the Hashashins lost all their will
to fight and surrendered the castle to the Sultan. You are
The ground shakes and the skies roar with the most hurt, possibly will never be the same people that started
powerful rain the world has ever seen since the days of their journey in Samarkand, but you will leave Alamut
Noah. The day of desolation is upon you. Before your as the heroes that stopped the Hashashins.
eyes are forever shut, you only see Hasan Sabbah’s eyes
glow with otherworldly power. Pain and joy are one on
his face and his divinity increases by the minute. With
each passing moment he is more Sayyidina than he is
Hasan Sabbah. Each passing moment, he is coming
closer to the skies and while the Silk Road is falling
under the flood, only Alamut survives at the top.

He won. He is ascending. Alamut is truly where Eden is.

Hasan Sabbah dies!

Hasan Sabbah is killed by the adventurers; thus, the
ritual remains incomplete. Sultan Jalal strikes the
headless snakes and captures the castle with ease.
Any remaining negative effects of the otherworldly
presence of the moth mother dwindle. The
adventurers may receive an invitation by the satraps
to become one in order to protect the realm, and
Sultan Jalal or other nobles may reward them with
titles, lands and holdings.

Castle Alamut’s magic ceases to exist, and the

Hashashins are scattered. If any of the Harbingers
live, they may try to take revenge on the adventurers
and work in the shadows.

This is the best ending for Alamut.

The roar of the skies ends. The vengeful deluge turns

into a summer shower. The clouds become white once
again and in your soul, you wish to take a long walk in
this beautiful rain. Your enemies are on the run, and the
Sultan’s forces are breaking down the gate. You see each
Hashashin fall. There are no war cries from them, no
regrets. They still believe they will go to a better place,
but this false paradise is finally turning to dust.

The bloodbath is over. Hashashins are no more. The

Silk Road is safe, at least when it comes to otherworldly

The ritual is complete but Hasan Sabbah

This is an unlikely outcome. The ritual will cause an
earthquake, but the satraps will cleanse the remaining
effects without further damage. If the adventurers
are dead, they will be named as legendary figures
that killed Hasan Sabbah; if they live they will be
considered as living heroes of the realms.

Act V: The Ark of Salvation

Act V: The Ark of Salvation


Statblocks from Historica Arcanum:

Empires of the Silk Road Fortune-teller

Medium humanoid, any alignment
or detailed information about these
creatures, check out the Bestiary of the Armor Class 10
Black Pen in EotSR. Hit Points 84 (13d8 + 26)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3)
Steppe Rider Saving Throws Wis +6
Medium Humanoid, Any Alignment Skills Insight +6, Perception +6, Deception +6
Senses Passive Perception 16
Armor Class 16 (studded leather armor)
Languages any two languages
Hit Points 65 (10d8+20)
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Speed 30 ft.
Proficiency Bonus +2
Seer. The fortune-teller makes an WIS (Insight)
19 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 11 (+0)
check against a DC determined by the GM to
read the future of a humanoid. On a success, it
Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +6, Wis +2
gains a piece of true knowledge about the fate
Skills Athletics +4, Perception +4, Stealth +6,
of the target. The target must be willing and
Survival +4
within 5 ft. of the fortune-teller.
Senses Passive Perception 14
Languages Turkish, Mongolian
Innate Spellcasting. A fortune-teller is an
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
innate spellcaster (+6 to hit, DC 14) and can
Proficiency Bonus +2
cast the following spells innately:
Relentless Pursuit. When the steppe rider
At will: thaumaturgy, guidance, vicious
takes dash action, all of its attack in its next
mockery (2d4)
turn will have advantage.
3/day: augury, bane
1/day: detect thoughts, enhance ability
Actions 1/week: divination

Multiattack. The steppe rider makes two

attacks with its steppe kargi, or its steppe bow.
Multiattack. A fortune-teller makes two Mind
Steppe Kargi. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
Touch attacks.
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing
Mind Touch. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit,
range 60 ft. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) psychic damage.
Steppe Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5
to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to
+ 4) or 8 (1d8+4) if mounted piercing damage.
hit, reach 5 ft or range 20/60, one target. Hit: 2
(1d4) piercing damage.


Steppe Guard Fravashi Risen

Medium Humanoid, Any Alignment Medium undead, lawful evil
Armor Class 15 (leather armor and shield) Armor Class 13 (Armor of the Condemned)
Hit Points 22 (3d8 + 9) Hit Points 30 (4d8 + 12)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

11 (+0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 6 (-2) 5 (-3)

Skills Athletics +2, Perception +2 Saving Throws Wis +0

Languages Turkish, Mongolian Damage Immunities fire, poison
Senses Passive Perception 12 Condition immunities poisoned
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Senses darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 8
Proficiency Bonus +2 Languages none but understands Ancient
Persian, but can’t speak
Actions Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Multiattack. The guard makes two melee
attacks. Bound Creature. The fravashi risen can’t
travel further than 300 ft. from its bound space.
Shamshir. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing Rekindle. If fravashi risen is dropped to 0 hit
damage. points, its body can’t be destroyed, and if it
comes in contact with zoroastrian fire, it gains
2d4 + 2 hit points and can stand up by using
its reaction. If not, it regains all of its hit points
after 1d4 days.
Steppe Raider Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the
Medium Humanoid, Any Alignment
fravashi risen to 0 hit points, it must make a
Armor Class 14 (leather armor) Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the
Hit Points 40 (9d8) damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or
Speed 30 ft. from a critical hit. On a success, the fravashi
risen drops to 1 hit point instead.
10 (+0) 17 (+3) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) Actions
Skills Athletics +2, Perception +4, Stealth +5, Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, one
Survival +6 target, reach 5 ft., Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) damage.
Senses Passive Perception +4
Languages Turkish, Mongolian
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Multiattack. The steppe raider makes two
attacks with its steppe kargi, or its steppe bow.

Steppe Kargi. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,

reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing

Steppe Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5

to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6
+ 3) or 7 (1d8+3) if mounted piercing damage.


Hashashin Fedayee
Medium humanoid, lawful evil
Armor Class 17 (Studded Leather Armor) In addition, when a hashashin is reduced to 0
Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24) Hit point in a fight, it dies unless a spell like
Speed 30 ft. death ward protects it.


14 (+2) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 18 (+4)
Multiattack. The hashashin makes three
Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +5, Wis +6, Cha Alamut Steel or Alamut Bow attacks.
Damage Resistances poison Alamut Steel. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
Skills Acrobatics +11, Sleight of Hand +11, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing
Stealth +11, Deception +7, Religion +5 damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.
Languages Turkish, Arabic and three more
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Alamut Bow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to
Proficiency Bonus +3 hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4)
piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) poison damage,
Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the plus 5 (2d4) poison damage.
hashashin can use a bonus action to take the
Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
Bonus Actions
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The hashashin deals
Rotten Gloves (Recharge 5-6). Melee Weapon
an extra 7 (2d6) damage when it hits a target
Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
with a weapon attack and has advantage on the
2 (1d4) poison damage. The creature must
attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw
an ally of the hashashin that isn't incapacitated
or be poisoned for 1d6 rounds.
and the hashashin doesn't have disadvantage
on the attack roll.
True Strike (Recharge 4-6). The hashashin
can cast true strike spell as a bonus action.
Choir of Al-Ghaib. The hashashin’s inhuman
abilities come from the elixir. The hashashin
can cast these spells innately, using Charisma
as its spellcasting ability modifier (+6 to hit, DC

At will: mending, resistance, chill touch, true


1/day (each): bane, inflict wounds, sanctuary,

color spray, cause fear


Hashashin Devotee
Medium humanoid, lawful evil
Armor Class 16 (Studded Leather Armor) In addition, when a Hashashin is reduced to 0
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 21) Hit point in a fight, it dies unless a spell like
Speed 30 ft. death ward protects it.


13 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 16 (+3)
Multiattack. The hashashin makes three
Saving Throws Dex +7, Int +4, Wis +5 Alamut Steel or Alamut Bow attacks.
Skills Acrobatics +10, Medicine +10, Survival
+5, Perception +5, Religion +4 Alamut Steel. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
Damage Resistances poison reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) piercing
Senses darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.
Languages Turkish, Arabic and two more Alamut Bow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5)
Proficiency Bonus +3 piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.

Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the

Bonus Actions
hashashin can use a bonus action to take the
Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
Rotten Gloves (Recharge 6). Melee Weapon
Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The hashashin deals
2 (1d4) poison damage. The creature must
an extra 7 (2d6) damage when it hits a target
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
with a weapon attack and has advantage on the
throw or be poisoned for 1d6 rounds. It can be
attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of
used on a willing creature to heal them for an
an ally of the hashashin that isn't incapacitated
amount equal to 1d4. The creature regains 1d4
and the hashashin doesn't have disadvantage
hit points for 1d6 rounds if it has at least 1 hit
on the attack roll.
points at the start of their turn.
Choir of Al-Ghaib. The hashashin’s inhuman
abilities come from the elixir. The hashashin
can cast these spells innately, using Charisma
as its spellcasting ability modifier (+6 to hit, DC

At will: mending, resistance.

1/day (each): bane, inflict wounds, sanctuary,
cure wounds


Hashashin Disciple Kün Guard

Medium humanoid, lawful evil Medium Humanoid, Any Non-Chaotic Alignment
Armor Class 14 (Studded Leather Armor) Armor Class 18 (chain mail, shield)
Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12) Hit Points 19 (3d8+6)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

11 (+0) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 13 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Dex +4, Wis +3 Skills Athletics +4, Perception +3

Skills Acrobatics +6, Sleight of Hand +6, Senses Passive Perception 13
Religion +4, Perception +3 Languages Turkish and one other common
Languages Turkish, Arabic and one more language
Senses darkvision 30 ft., Passive Perception Challenge 1 (100 xp)
13 Proficiency Bonus +2
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2 Guard of the City. The kün guard has advantage
on saving throws against being charmed and
Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the frightened while it is within 30 feet of at least
hashashin can use a bonus action to take the one ally.
Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The hashashin deals
an extra 7 (2d6) damage when it hits a target Multiattack. The soldier makes two melee
with a weapon attack and has advantage on the attacks.
attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of
an ally of the hashashin that isn't incapacitated Najhak. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
and the hashashin doesn't have disadvantage 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3 ) bludgeoning
on the attack roll. damage.

Choir of Al-Ghaib. The hashashin’s inhuman

abilities come from the elixir. The hashashin
can cast these spells innately using Charisma
as its spellcasting ability modifier (+6 to hit, DC Malkus Shade
14): Medium fey, neutral evil or chaotic evil

At will: mending, resistance Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor)

1/day (each): inflict wounds, sanctuary Hit Points 91 (14d8 + 28)
Speed 30 ft.
In addition, when a hashashin is reduced to 0
Hit point in a fight, it dies unless a spell like STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
death ward protects it. 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 9 (-1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Cha +6

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing
and slashing damage from non magical
Dagger of Alamut. Melee Weapon Attack: +5
to hit, one target, reach
Condition Immunities prone
5 ft. or range 20/60 ft. Hit:
Senses darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception
5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage, plus 2 (1d4)
poison damage.
Languages Ancient Persian
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
Proficiency Bonus +2
hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3)
piercing damage, plus 2 (1d4) poison damage.
Poisoning Dart. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing Draining Soul. Melee or Ranged Weapon
damage. The creature must succeed on a DC Attack: +6 to hit, or range 60 ft. Hit: 13 (2d8 +
13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, 4) psychic damage. The target must succeed on
it is poisoned for 1d4 rounds. a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or its hit point
maximum is reduced by 2 (1d4). This effect can
be rid by a greater restoration spell or finishing
a long rest.


Ghulam Guard Turkan Banu

Medium humanoid, any alignment Medium humanoid (human), neutral good
Armor Class 18 (Chain Mail + Shield) Armor Class 15 (Leather Kaftan)
Hit Points 91 (14d8 + 28) Hit Points 55 (10d8+10)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

18 (+4) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Str +7, Dex +5, Con +5 Saving Throws Dex +5, Int +4, Cha +5
Skills Athletics +7, Insight +5, Perception +5 Skills Acrobatics +5, Insight +3, Perception
Senses Passive Perception 15 +3, Deception +5, Persuasion +5, History +4
Languages Turkish and Arabic Languages Turkish, Arabic, Persian,
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Mongolian
Proficiency Bonus +3 Senses Passive Perception 13
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Ghulam Training. The ghulam can’t be Proficiency Bonus +2
surprised while it is conscious and even if its
enemies take a disengage action while they Lightfeet. Turkan Banu can move in difficult as
leave its reach, it can still use its reaction normal if she does not attack that turn.
to make an opportunity attack against that
creature. Sneak Attack. Turkan Banu deals an extra 7
(2d6) damage when she hits a target with a
Ghulam Precision. The ghulam adds +2 to its weapon attack and has advantage on the attack
attack rolls made with weapons (included in roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an
the actions). ally of the princess that isn't incapacitated and
the princess doesn't have disadvantage on the
Actions attack roll.

Multiattack. The ghulam makes three weapon Voice of the Princess. When Turkan Banu
attacks. One can be a heavy crossbow attack. casts an enchantment spell or a spell that
includes the charm of a creature, she can force
Yatagan. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, the creature to make the saving throw with
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 4) slashing disadvantage. Once she uses this feature, she
damage. can’t do so again until she finishes a long rest.

Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: Spellcasting. She can cast these spells using
+7 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 7 Charisma as her spellcasting ability modifier
(1d10 + 2) piercing damage. (+5 to hit, spell save DC 13):

At will: vicious mockery, shillelagh, guidance,

1/day (each): command, charm person,
heroism, hold person, suggestion

Multiattack. She makes two attacks with her

Hanchar. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5

to hit, reach 5 ft or range 20/60 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.


Ghulam Warrior Steppe Shaman

Medium humanoid, any alignment Medium Humanoid, Any Alignment
Armor Class 14 (Studded Leather + Shield) Armor Class 15 (Blessing of the Blue Sky)
Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10) Hit Points 44 (8d8+8)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Str +5 Saving Throws Wisdom +5, Charisma +4

Skills Athletics +5, Persuasion +3 Skills Insight +5, Persuasion +4, Perception
Languages Turkish and Arabic. +5, Medicine +5, Religion +3
Senses Passive Perception 11 Senses Passive Perception 15
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Languages Turkish, Mongolian
Proficiency Bonus +2 Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Ghulam Training. The ghulam can’t be
surprised while it is conscious and even if its Blessings of the Blue Sky. While the steppe
enemies take the disengage action while they shaman is wearing no armor and wielding no
leave its reach, it can still use its reaction shield, its AC includes its Wisdom modifier.
to make an opportunity attack against that In addition, a creature that hits the steppe
creature. shaman with a melee attack while within 5 feet
of it takes 9 (2d8) lightning damage.
Innate Spellcasting. The steppe shaman’s
Mutiattack. The ghulam makes two weapon spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC
attacks. One can be a heavy crossbow attack. 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately
cast the following spells, requiring no material
Yatagan. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, components:
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) slashing
damage. At will: guidance, light, thaumaturgy
3/day each: bless, guiding bolt, healing word,
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: hold person
+4 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 7 1/day each: augury, scrying
(1d10 + 2) piercing damage.
Wrath of the Sky. Ranged Spell Attack: +5
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 3)
lightning damage.

Wisdom of the Sky (3/Day). When the steppe
shaman or a creature it can see makes an
attack roll, a saving throw, or an ability check,
the steppe shaman can cause the roll to be
made with advantage or disadvantage.


Unseen Terror Muntakim, the Innocent’s

Large aberration, unaligned
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Large aberration, unaligned
Hit Points 135 (18d10 + 36)
Speed 45 ft., fly 45 ft. Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 210 (20d10 + 100)
22 (+6) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 4 (-3) 13 (+1) 9 (-1)
Saving Throws Str +10 19 (+4) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)
Senses Passive Perception 11, truesight 60 ft.
Languages - Damage Immunities Any damage from non
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) magical weapons
Proficiency Bonus +4 Damage Resistances Cold, necrotic
Saving Throws Strength +8, Charisma +5
Unseen. The unseen terror can only be seen by Skills Athletics +8, Intimidation +9
truesight or Sight of the Ghaib. Any attempt to Senses 120 ft darkvision, 60 ft blindsight
detect its location is made with disadvantage. Languages Any two
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
Rotting Aura. At the end of each of its turns the Proficiency Bonus +4
creatures that are within 10 ft. of the unseen
terror take 9 (2d8) psychic damage. Any spell Dreadful Presence. Any creature that can
cast within the aura damages the caster 1d12 see a muntakim while within 30 ft of it must
psychic damage for each level of the spell. succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or
become frightened for 1 minute. An affected
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end
of each of its turns.
Multiattack. The unseen terror makes one
Bite attack and two Claw attacks. Actions

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 Multiattack. The muntakim makes 7 attacks
ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage with its flailing hands. Each 30 hit points the
plus 16 (3d10) necrotic damage. muntakim loses reduces its maximum attacks
by 1.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing Flailing Hands. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to
damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4)
bludgeoning damage plus 4 (1d8) necrotic


Ghulam Veteran Shaitan al-Ab

Medium humanoid, any alignment Large water elemental, any non-good alignment
Armor Class 20 (Plate Armor + Shield) Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 150 (20d8 + 60) Hit Points 136 (16d10 + 48)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft., 60 ft swim

20 (+5) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Str +9, Dex 7, Con +7, Cha +6 Saving Throws Str +8, Con +7, Wis +7
Skills Athletics +9, Insight +6, Perception +6 Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing
Senses Passive Perception 16 and slashing damage from nonmagical
Languages Turkish, Arabic, Persian and one weapons, poison
other language Damage Immunities lightning, thunder
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) Skills Athletics + 8, Perception +5
Proficiency Bonus +4 Senses darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception
Ghulam Training. The ghulam can’t be Languages Arabic, Turkish and two other
surprised while it is conscious and even if its Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
enemies take disengage action while they leave Proficiency Bonus +4
its reach, it can still use its reaction to make an
opportunity attack against that creature. Amphibious. The elemental can breathe air
and water.
Superior Ghulam Precision. The ghulam
adds +3 to its attack rolls and damage rolls Waterborne. Underwater, the elemental heals
made with weapons (included in the actions). 10 hit points at the end of each of its turns if it
has 1 hit point and unless it is damaged by fire
Actions or acid. If the elemental is not killed by fire or
acid, it rises up at the start of next round and
Mutiattack. The ghulam makes three weapon immediately regains 25 (3d10 + 9) hit points.
attacks. One can be a heavy crossbow attack.
Yatagan. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) slashing Multiattack. The elemental makes three
damage. Brutal Slam attacks.

Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 Brutal Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to
to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 11 hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4)
(1d10 + 6) piercing damage. damage, plus 7 (2d6) lightning damage.

Lightning Strike (Recharge 5-6). The

elemental claps his hand with a great force
and unleashes a powerful lightning charge in a
radius of 30 ft. Each creature must succeed on
a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 36
(8d8) lightning damage. If it is underwater, its
damage increases by 3d8.


Atshan, The Drought One Kitsune

Medium undead, any non-good alignment Medium monstrosity (shapechanger), chaotic
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18) Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Speed 30 ft. Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12)
Speed 40 ft.
8 (-1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
13 (+1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)
Damage Resistances poison
Damage Immunities necrotic Saving Throws Cha +4
Languages any language it knew in life Skills Deception +4, Insight +4
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Senses darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception
Proficiency Bonus +2 12
Languages Japanese, and one other language
Innate spellcasting. The atshan’s spellcasting Challenge 3 (700 XP)
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 11). It can Proficiency Bonus +2
innately cast the following spells, requiring no
material components: Trickster. The kitsune can appear as a human
At will: ray of frost, produce flame using its action. While in this state, it has
1/day each: create or destroy water, hellish advantage on Charisma checks to trick other
rebuke creatures. It chooses the form it wants to be
seen as, and its statistics do not change.
Ethereal Form. The kitsune can assume an
Draining Strike. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: ethereal form; it looks semi-visible. While in
+4 to hit, one target, reach 5 ft. or range 30 ft. this form, it can pass through walls and objects
Hit: 9 (2d8) fire damage. The affected creature but takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its
has disadvantage on the next Constitution turn inside an object.
saving throw it makes.
Innate spellcasting. The kitsune is an innate
Dehydration (2 uses, Recharge 6). Range spellcaster, using Charisma as its spellcasting
30 ft. The target must succeed on a DC 12 ability (+4 to hit, DC 12) can cast the following
Constitution saving throw or suffer one level of spells innately:
exhaustion. At will: minor illusion, vicious mockery,
3/day: silent image, disguise self, cause fear
1/day: invisibility, suggestion

Multiattack. The kitsune makes two ethereal
claw attacks.

Ethereal Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to

hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3)
piercing damage, plus 3 (1d6) force damage.


Jahi Golem Masquerading Merchant

Large construct, alignment Medium humanoid, any alignment
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Armor Class 13 (Silk Robe)
Hit Points 42 (5d10 + 15) Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

17 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 1 (-5) 8 (-1) 1(-5) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14(+2)

Damage Immunities poison, psychic Senses Passive Perception 11

Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, Skills Insight +3, Deception +4, Persuasion
deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, +4
petrified, poisoned Languages any two
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
radius), Passive Perception 10 Proficiency Bonus +2
Languages —
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Spellcasting. The masquerading merchant is
Proficiency Bonus +2 a 2nd-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is
Charisma (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell
Immutable Form. The golem is immune to attacks). It has the following spells prepared:
any spell or effect that would alter its form.
Cantrips: prestidigitation, mending, shocking
Regeneration. The golem regains 10 hit grasp
points at the start of its turn. If the golem takes 1st-level (3 slots): disguise self, goodberry
bludgeoning or thunder damage, this trait
doesn't function at the start of the golem's next Actions
turn. The golem is destroyed only if it starts its
turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate. Shocking Grasp. Melee Spell Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d8) lightning
Unusual Nature. The golem doesn't require damage. If the target wears metal armor, the
air, food, drink, or sleep. attack roll is made with advantage.

Multiattack. The golem makes two slam

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach

5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning

Bonus Actions
Blood Surge (Charge 5-6). Ranged Spell
Attack: +5 to hit, range 30 ft., one target. Hit:
4 (1d8) necrotic damage. On a hit, the targeted
creature can’t restore hit points until it finishes
a long rest.


Statblocks from Historica Arcanum: The

City of Crescent
Some of these statblocks may be different from the
published book.

Certain Stalker
Medium humanoid, lawful neutral
Armor Class 14 (Leather Armor) Mage Killer. The certain Stalker can use
Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10) its reaction when a spell is cast within 5
Speed 30 ft. ft. of it to make a melee weapon attack
against the spellcaster. If the attack hits, the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA spellcaster makes the concentration save with
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) disadvantage.

Saving Throws Wis +4, Cha +4 Spellcasting. The certain stalker is a 3rd-level
Skills Arcana +8, Investigation +8, Survival spellcaster (DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks).
+4, Perception +4, Stealth +5 Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence. It has the
Senses Passive Perception 14 following spells prepared:
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2 Cantrips: prestidigitation, minor illusion,
shocking grasp
Cunning Action. The certain stalker can take 1st level (4 slots): absorb elements, detect
a bonus action on each of its turns in combat. magic, disguise self, sleep
This action can be used only to take a Dash, 2nd level (2 slots): alter self, darkvision, detect
Disengage, or Hide action. thoughts, invisibility

Sneak Attack. The certain stalker deals an

extra 1d6 damage once per turn to one target
when it has an advantage on the attack roll,
Multiattack. The certain stalker makes two
and using a weapon with the finesse ability or
a ranged weapon. It doesn't need advantage
on the attack roll if another enemy of the
Silvered Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack:
target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn't
+6 to hit. Range: 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 +
incapacitated, and it doesn't have disadvantage
4) or 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage if used with
on the attack roll.
both hands.
Urban Hunter. The certain stalker has
advantage on Survival or Perception checks in
order to track a target in urban areas.


Hashashin Mystic
Medium humanoid, lawful evil
Armor Class 15 (Studded Leather Armor) Innate Spellcasting. The hashashin’s
Hit Points 82 (15d8 + 15) spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC
Speed 30 ft. 15). It can innately cast the following spells,
requiring no material components:
9 (-1) 15 (+2) 12 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) At will: chill touch (3d8), shocking grasp (3d8),
resistance, farabi’s favor, detect magic
Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +6, Cha +7 3/day each: identify, comprehend languages,
Damage Resistances poison disguise self, inflict wounds, shield
Skills Arcana +6, Religion +6, Nature +6 1/day each: see invisibility, silence, zone of
Senses darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception truth, shatter, fireball, fear
Languages Turkish, Arabic and four more Actions
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +3 Dagger of Alamut. Melee Weapon Attack: +5
to hit, one target, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft.
Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage, plus 10 (3d6)
hashashin can use a bonus action to take the poison damage.
Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The hashashin deals hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3)
an extra 7 (2d6) damage when it hits a target piercing damage, plus 10 (3d6) poison damage.
with a weapon attack and has advantage on the
attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of Poisoning Dart. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
an ally of the hashashin that isn't incapacitated hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing
and the hashashin doesn't have disadvantage damage. The creature must succeed on a DC
on the attack roll. 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save,
it is poisoned for 1d4 rounds.
Choir of Al-Ghaib. The hashashin’s inhuman
abilities come from the elixir. The hashashin
can cast a spell using a bonus action (Recharge
5-6). In addition, when a hashashin is reduced
to 0 Hit point in a fight, it dies unless a spell like
death ward protects it.


Hashashin Master
Medium humanoid, lawful evil
Armor Class 19 (Studded Leather Armor +2) At will: mending, resistance, chill touch.
Hit Points 123 (19d8 + 38) 1/day (each): fear, bane, inflict wounds,
Speed 30 ft. sanctuary, color spray, hold monster

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA In addition, when a hashashin is reduced to 0
15 (+2) 20 (+5) 12 (+2) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) Hit point in a fight, it dies unless a spell like
death ward protects it.
Saving Throws Dex +9, Wis +8, Cha +8
Damage Immunities poison Actions
Damage Resistances psychic
Skills Acrobatics +13, Stealth +13, Sleight of Multiattack. The hashashin makes three
Hand +13, Perception +12 melee or ranged attacks, one of which can be
Senses Devil’s Sight 120 ft., Passive Blessed Word.
Perception 22
Languages Turkish, Arabic and three more Blessed Steel. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 hit,
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 6) slashing
Proficiency Bonus +4 damage, plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.

Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the Blessed Bow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 hit,
hashashin can use a bonus action to take the range 150/600 ft. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) piercing
Dash, Disengage, or Hide action. damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.

Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The hashashin deals Blessed Word. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack:
an extra 14 (4d6) damage when it hits a target +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., or range 60 ft. Hit: 7 (2d6)
with a weapon attack and has advantage on the psychic damage. The target must succeed on a
attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or the hashashin
an ally of the hashashin that isn't incapacitated has advantage on its next attack roll against
and the hashashin doesn't have disadvantage that creature.
on the attack roll.

Choir of Al-Ghaib. The hashashin’s inhuman

abilities come from the elixir. The hashashin
can cast these spells innately and at will, using
Charisma as its spellcasting ability modifier
(+6 to hit, DC 14):


Collector of Souls, The Arcane Researcher

Nashitat Medium humanoid, any alignment

Medium celestial, lawful good Armor Class 13 (Silk Robe)

Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4)
Armor Class 15 (Breastplate) Speed 30 ft.
Hit Points 99 (18d8+18)
Speed 30 ft. walk and fly STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
10 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14(+2)
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +5.
Skills Arcana +6, History +6, Nature +6,
Skills Medicine +7, Persuasion +8, Religion Religion +6
+7. Languages Any three
Damage Resistance all. Senses Passive Perception 13
Damage Immunities poison and radiant. Challenge 1/4 CR (25 XP)
Condition Immunities poisoned, frightened, Proficiency Bonus +2
charmed, blinded, deafened.
Senses Darkvision 60 ft. Passive Perception Spellcasting. The arcane researcher is a
14 2nd-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) is Intelligence (+6 to hit, spell save DC 14). It
Proficiency Bonus +3 has the following spells prepared (anc cast the
spells that has ritual tags as a ritual):
Spellcasting. The nashitat is a spellcaster. Her
spellcasting ability is wisdom. (Spell Save DC At will: mending, prestidigitation, shocking
14, +7 to hit with spell attacks) The nashitat grasp
will have the following spells prepared. 1st Level. (3 slots) identify (ritual), detect magic
(ritual), alarm, magic missile, comprehend
Cantrips. (at will) guidance, light, resistance, language (ritual)
spare the dying
1st level. (4 slots) bless, cure wounds, healing Hoarder. The arcane researcher always has
word, purify food and drink some minor trinkets of some kind for sale. The
2nd level. (3 slots) calm emotions, lesser GM can choose 1d4 common or uncommon
restoration, zone of truth magical items that the arcane researcher
3rd level. (3 slots) magic circle, remove curse, always has.
4th level. (2 slots) death ward, freedom of
5th level. (1 slot) greater restoration
Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 ,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning
Actions damage.

Divine Wrath. As an action, the nashitat can

expend a spell slot to cause 11 (3d6 +4) radiant
damage to one evil creature in its sight. If the
nashitat expends a spell slot of 2nd level or
higher, the extra damage is increased by 1d6
for each level above 1st.


Medium djinn, chaotic evil
Armor Class 12 ability scores, the mental ability scores will be
Hit Points 93 (11d10 +44) the djinn’s).
Speed 40 ft.
Magical Resistance. The shamhuresh has
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA advantage on saving throws against spells and
17 (+3) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) other magical effects.

Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +7, Wis +4 Aura of Infection. A strong and mind boggling
Skills Medicine +4 disease emanates from the shamhuresh in
Damage Immunities psychic an aura with a 30-foot radius. Any non-Djinni
Senses Passive Perception 11 creature in that area can’t use reactions against
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) it.
Proficiency Bonus +3
Form of the Ghaib. While not possessing a
creature, a djinn is in its Ghaib form. While in Multiattack. The shamhuresh makes two
this form has the following benefits: attacks.

D It has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) Infectious Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to

checks and it is counted as invisible in dim hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (2d6+3)
light and darkness. necrotic damage. If the target is a living
creature, it must succeed on a Constitution
D It has resistance to nonmagical attacks. saving throw (DC 14) or become diseased.
While diseased this way, the target takes 9
D It can move through solid objects but if it (2d8) necrotic damage at the start of each of its
ends its turn in an object, it takes 5 (1d10) turns. The target can repeat the saving throw
damage. at the end of its turns, ending the disease on
a success.
D It can use its action to transform its body
according to its will. Stronger djinni can Infectious Cloud. A 60-foot radius cloud of
make more drastic changes. disease extends from the shamhuresh. Each
living creature in the area must succeed on a
Possession. The shamhuresh may try to constitution saving throw (DC 14) or become
possess a creature within 5 ft. of it. The diseased. While diseased in this way, a living
creature makes a Charisma saving throw (DC creature's speed is halved and can’t use bonus
13) or is possessed by the rot bringner. The actions. A target can repeat this saving throw
djinn may choose which ability score to use at the end of its turns ending the disease on a
after possessing the creature (only physical success.

Statblocks from SRD

Acolyte Ghost Riding Horse

Avatar of Death Gladiator Scout
Barbed Devil Golden Dragon Wyrmling Shadow
Bandit Guard Spy
Bandit Captain Half-Red Dragon Veteran Specter
Black Bear Hawk Stone Golem
Blood Hawk Hellhound Succubus
Chimera Helmed Horror Thug
Commoner Imp Tiger
Cult Fanatic Iron Golem Tribal Warrior
Cultist Knight Veteran
Dire Wolf Lemure Warhorse
Druid Mage Werebear
Dust Mephit Mimic Wererat
Flesh Golem Noble Werewolf
Gargoyle Orc Wraith
Giant Eagle Priest
Giant Spider Poltergeist

Our Eternal Gratitude
A. Juan Carlos Amit Netanel Bailey Perkins Brooke Ehlert Christopher Williams Daniel Tuttle
Aaron Ammon Lauritzen Barofabula Bryan Chris Turlington Daniel Vasili
Aaron Billingham Amy Kendall Baron Cantrell Bryan Kurpierz Chris Tutt Daniel Vasquez
Aaron Donahoo Amy Nguyen Baron von Nein Lederhosen Bryce Chris Ward Daniel Voigt
Aaron F Stanton Ana Carolina Oliveira Bart Vetters Bryce Anthony Chris Wilcoxon Daniel Zillion
Aaron Golden Anders Jonsson Becca Duncan Bryn Williams Chronicle City Danii Goldstein
Aaron Holloway Andrea Becky Glenn Bud Curtis Chuck Callahan Danilo Linhares
Aaron Hunt Andrea (Maurizio) Ben Buddi Buxbaum Chuck Childers Dan Masters
Aaron Kluck Andrea Chandler Ben Business of life Chuck Frizzell Danny
Aaron Latimer Andreas Froening Ben Balestra BZ Chuck Wilson Danny Awalt Jr.
Aaron M Andreas Welch Ben Brown C.A. Suleiman Ciaran Farrell Danny Conroy
Aaron Peachman Andrea Vitaloni Ben Chance C.J. LeBlanc Ciarán Dan Thomassen
Aaron Starbird Andre Canivet Ben Clarke C4Burgers Civilized Barbarian Daphne
Aaron Thomas Andrew Bene Cainan Chambless Cj Darcy Austin
Aaron Vogt Andrew Bengal Caleb cj Darian Wall
Abbey Lippert Andrew Bengt Olav Olsen Caleb Martin cjsette Darien Pauline
Abdiel Rosario Andrew Brown Ben Hesketh Caleb Reusser Claas Dario
Abdullah Ismail Abul-Qasim Andrew Craft Benja Caleb Warner Clane Kaluna Darren Trapp
Abelard Andrew Cummings Benjamin Boisvert calixus Claude Smith Darryl
Abigail Andrew D Benjamin Messer Callie McDowell Clegg Ivey Darryl Turner
Abi Prescott Andrew F Benjamin Saxton-Ruiz Callum Arnold Clifford Frojd Daryl Cadman
Abraham Andrew Flintrop Ben Joseph Lennon Callum Campbell Clinton Herndon Dave
Absolute Dominion Entertainment Andrew Hayford Ben McFarland Callum Penn Clément Bâcle Dave Chamberlain
AceArtemis7 Andrew Hintz (Adotlin) Ben Morgan Calum Smith Clément Lebossé Dave Colley
Acheron Books Andrew Johnson Ben Nguyen Calvin Knospe Clément Leruth daveNYC
Adam Andrew Long Benoit Lamothe Calvin Phan CM Frampton Dave Pooser
Adam Andrew Lotton Ben Padbury Calvinsmurf CnutTheGreat davi blight
Adam Andrew Martel Ben Peters Cameron B Coagulopathy David
Adam Boisvert Andrew Mauney Ben Tendler Cameron Edinger Cody David
Adam Coleman Andrew McBeth Ben Thomas Cami Cody David
Adam Conner Andrew Mclemore Ben Weinberg Campaign Coins Cody J Taylor David Badovinac
Adam Crossingham Andrew Obrigewitsch Benzie Dio Camron Cohl Dorsey David Cadman
Adam Dinslage Andrew Old Bernat Saenz captain chank colargollum david canela
Adam Farnes Andrew Peregrine bernhard holmok CaptainNorway Cole David Carani
Adam Ghaly Andrew Robertson Bernkastel Cara Cole Nordin David Chambers
Adam Jung Andrew Russell Berry Carey Williams Cole Steven Morse David Dalton
Adam Kilonsky Andrew Schleifer Bert L. Medley Caribet Colin David Driscoll-Carignan
Adam Law Andrew Schmidt Bethany Daugherty Carlos Colon Colin Anderson David Dubin
Adam Neisius Andrew Sinclair Bethany Davis Carlos Diaz II Colin Lindgren David Frogier de Ponlevoy
Adrian Arduini Andrew Steinke Bethany Graham Carlos Romero Colin MacInnis David Garcia-Blasquez
Adrian Czajkowski Andrew Turbott Beth Murray Carmen sbordone Collette Turner David Hadden
Adrian Hermann Andrew Walklate Bev Nelson Caroline Cui Collin David Hazzard
Adrian Rosu Andrew Walton bhashikha Caroline Elizabeth Pavlowsky Collin Heinz David Hubbard
Adrian Webster Andrew Wessel Bill Carson Brooks Colton Holder David Hucul
Adrián Merino Martínez andrzej1752 Bill Freeman Carystra Commodore Erickson David Levy
Adryn Bradbury Andrzej Krakowian Bill Sroufe Casandra Connor Enke David Lewis
Afif Whykes András Zakupszki Bill Walsh Cassidy Connor Holman David M. Schnaubelt
agrayday André Bill Wilcox Cassie Goodwin-Harrison Connor McC David Margowsky
Aidan Callaghan André Bastos Gottgtroy Billy Hamilton Cassi Pohlhammer Connor McLaughlin David Miller
AJ Nox Andy Bioninjahero Castle Productions Connor Sabourin David Morgan
AJ Richardson Andy Greig Bjorn Catriona Plenderleith Conor Kenny David Myers
Akiazoth Andy Robert Bjourk Cave Gaming Cooper Comerford David Niska
Alain Bennett Andy Ronald BKK7064 Cedar Skye Kilcrease CopperKettle David Paul
Alain Williams angela BlackRabbit85 Celestina Knight Corby Gray David Perry
Alan Angela E. Taylor Blake Hutchins Celil Senman Corby Kennard David Pohl
Alan Angelo de Vivo Blake McCormack CesiumKitty corey beetz David Ryack
Alan Day Angus Abranson Blake Taylor Cezary Wysoczanski Corey Fisher David Sapala
Alan Erikson Anita Mozaffari Blayke Humphrey Chad Burns Corgadile David Smith
Alan Oson Anne-Marie Baggott Blue Feather Society Chad Kirkendall Corinna David Stephenson
Alan Spadoni Anne O'Nymous Bobby Bennett Chad Lynema Corinne Schwers David Tavakoli
Alan Wong anonymous1453 Bob Mosdal Chang J. William Costanza Giordani David Wray
Albert Martinez Anoze Bob Reinsch Chaos_Crafter Craig Davy
Alberto anthanum Bo Jensen CharimaticWarlock Craig Cillessen DeadOperator
Alberto Grimaldi Anthony BooBunny Charles B. Craig Coley Deborah Hedges
Alberto Villegas Anthony Bos Charles Beavers Craig WRENN Debra Lieven
Alchemy RPG Anthony Caldwell Bossman Charles Bingham CreatureSoul446 Delmer Bobby Eugene Fry
Aldo Montoya Reynaga Anthony Della Rocco Bouflet Charles Choi Cris Gizzi DemiDemiurge
Alejandro Anthony Egli bpoole110 Charles Dzialak Crixell Matthews Denis Jackman
Alessandra Anthony Lazaroski B Powell Charles Farru-Hill Crow Dennis Christian Sangill
Alex Anthony Nijssen Brad Charles Flowers CthulhuChris Denver Lybarger
Alex Anthony Pereda Braden hoff Charles Hartley Cullen Gilchrist Derek
Alex Anthony Rosario Bradley Wright Charles Hill Curious Cosmonaut Derek Gunther
Alex Anthony Spaulding Brad Luyt Charles Martin Baker Curtis Derek Stanley
Alexander Antoine Brad Painter Charles Mitchell Curtis Harper Derik
Alexander Bernstein Antoine Giasson Brain Charlotte Zinn Curtiss 'Soma' Kuczkowski Derik Fabrizio
Alexander Laurell Anton Bramwell AH Crocker Chase Hennion Cynthia Prentice Derik Masepohl
Alexander Leong Anton Cox Brance Sharp CHEN CHUNG TING Cyprien - Le Scénarurgien Destine
Alexander Neumann Antonia Geiger Brandon Chris cédric Dewa R
Alexander Rodriguez Antonio Roberts Brandon Chris D. Scott Stewart Dezi Ortiz
Alexander VanLaningham Anton Nassonov Brandon Adair Chris Dfahrend
Alexandra Long anyaman111 Brandon Duquette Chris Angelucci Daan Valk Dhawk
Alexandre Anže Ravnikar Brandon Elms Chris Blake Dainelle Ledbetter Diana Sandres Martinez
Alexandre O Apaphous Brandon L'Amoureux Chris Cocks Dakota Brown Diane
Alexandre Rodrigue Arawn MacPhillan Brandon Pohja Chris Gosse Dakota Maycroft die_brotdose
Alexandre Trudel Archaeron BrandonSilva Chris Jahn Dakota Neilsen Diego Riley
Alex Barrett Archer Collins Brandon Spence Chris Kenna Dale Chenault Dillon Olney (Critical Crafting)
Alex Carthey Aref Dyer brazen.sigilos Chris Kit Flanagan Damian Adams Dillon Stockman
Alex G. Ariel Mann Brendan Abernathy Chris Litwiniuk Damien "Stalwart" Torrécillos Dimius
Alex Haney Ariel Rosner Brendan James Chris Lohkamp Damien Brunetto Dirk Obenauer
Alex Harr Arkhane Asylum Publishing Brendan Wheaton Chris Metwell Damion Meany Divine Insect
Alex Heß Armour78 Brennan Chris Oliver-Collins Damith Abeysekera Dogan Tamer
Alexis Lord Arne Vinck Brent Griffith Chris Pearson Dan Abrahmsen Dolan Story
Alex J. Smith Arno Brett Chris Phoenix Lee Dan Alban Dominic
Alex LoRusso Arrow Bri Chris Rive Dan Atwell Dominick Pruch
Alex McKaie Artefact Games Brian Chris Seifert Dan Bernardo Dominik Grab
Alex Milligan Arthur Lord de BlackWood Briana Tano Chris Silfies Dane Grannon Dominique
Alex Norman Arvinraaj Kanagalingam Brian Beckwith Chris Taylor daniel Dominique C. Declerck
Alex S. Ashardalon89 Brian Critch Christian Cook Daniel Dominique Villeneuve
Alex Tey Ashley Brian Flinn Christian Fisher Daniel Don
Alex Tomasi Ashley Gordon Brian Gresham Christian O'Donnell Daniel A. Harrison Donald Forsman
Alex Toth Ashli Woodgate Brian Guerrero Christian Opperman Daniel Arenas Donovan
Alex Wolf Ashton Lackas Brian Johnstone Christian Toftdahl Daniel Armstrong Doomgrin
Alfes Thompson Ashton Sewell Brian K. Eason Christian Torstensson Daniel Baranowski Doran
Algie Lane aslan2692 Brian Koonce Christina Herd Daniel Bartholomae Doug
Ali A Strange Brian Kuil Christina Watson Daniel Coate Doug
Alicia Atahan Kiltan Brian McCabe Christine L. Daniel Combs Doug Bailey
Alida Nielsen A Taylor Brian Meyers Christine Schas Daniel Galron Doug Halterman
AlilSus athynz Brian Meza Christophelese- Cultist of Valoria Daniel Gregory Douglas Arzadon
Ali Moinzadeh Atropamin Brian Murphy Christopher Daniel Hardwick Douglas Fisher
Alina T. AudibleChapoy Brian Pansini Christopher Daniel Harrison Douglas Molineu
Ali Sahimi AUFFRAY Clement Brian peltier Christopher_Brunt Daniel Holton Doug MacLeod
Alistair August Brian Roessler Christopher Adams Daniel Horstman Doug Schepers
Allen Aurelien Merville Brian Swearingen Christopher B. Lambert Daniel Hudson Dr. Yancy Orchard
Allen Aust Brian T Burrell Christopher Brown Daniel Jordan DragonDaem0n
Allen Bostic Austin Brian Wakeham Christopher Coulter Daniel Krala DrDogeMD
Allen Irizarry Austin Aj Watts Brice_T Christopher Gonzalez Daniel Kuespert dreamhappy
Altagos Austin Mays Bridget Casey Christopher Gray Danielle Laman Drew Zambrotta
Altenos Aveio Acosta Bridgette M. Findley Christopher Hill Daniel Levine D strick
Alton Reich Averie Cilfton BridgeWatch Christopher Merrill Daniel Lim Dueark
Alvaro Galan Madrid Avian Caruso Brielle Harrison Christopher Nicholas Nieporte Daniel Matheson Duk
Alyssa Mercer awesomeADV Briony Christopher Pisano Daniel Melssen Dustin Ray Thatcher
Amanda Bamford Ayden Temple Brittany Christopher Porzenheim Daniel Poulin Dylan
Amanda Hansen Aydin Turk Mardan Brittney Christopher Rightmyer Daniel RH Dylan3farley
Amanda Pagnotta Ayshe Britt Richardson Christopher Roberson Daniel Riedler Dylan Gosland
Amanda Welker Azaire Brock Neff Christopher Rodgers Daniel Rossi Dylan McMahon
Amanda Zimmermann Azarea Palmer Broeraroem Christopher Senalik Daniel S Dylan Pickering
Amber Turner B.A. Tosczak Broki Christopher Swing Daniel Throckmorton Dyllan Patterson

Our Eternal Gratitude

E George Yuki Papa-sama James Khoo John M. Portley Kevin Browne Marcello
Ea Gerard James MacDonald JohnnyN Kevin Detres Marco
Ed Gerard Koster James Machuta John Paul Fortune Kevin Heckman Marco A. Fernández
Ed Gerardo Medina James Mathieson John R. Gay Kevin Lopar Marcos Cruz
Ed Gero James Meredith John Ross Kevin P. Marcos de Andres Guayerbas
Ed Gerrit Münster James Meyer John Schultz Kevin Pagliarini Marcos Perez
Ed Dean Frankonis Gert-Jan van der Krogt James Miller John Spelman Kevin Romero Marco Stricker
Edvin Aghanian Giampaolo James Monaghan John Wallenfeldt Kevin Sandow Marc Razack Furman
Edwin Mark Dakin Gibson1027 James Nassif John Weigand Kharidiron Marcus Horne
Edwin Pietrowski Gigi James Nelson Jo Kollewyn Kieran Vick Marcus Mills
Egoitz Gago Gil Cruz James Payne Jonas kikai Marek Benes
Ein_Gunnhildarsson Ginger Stampley James Perrella Jonason Maltese Kim Bishop Marguerite Dabaie
EinfachNurA Glen Stahl James Reichstadt Jonas R Mæland Kit Kallisti Maria Laine
El'li Zaethe glyptodont James Robinson Jonas Rülke KitKat Mario Dongu
Elaewin Gordon James Ryan Jonathan kit khat Marion Hamlin
Eleanor McHugh Gordon Hage James Sarver Jonathan Chiaravalle KJ Potter Mario Powierski
Elena Lida Marie Knupp Gordon Milner James Scott Jonathan Goodwins KKurtz Marissa Williams
Elgin Scott GornSpelljammer James Sean Britt Jonathan Gross KL Mark
Elias Joachim Falk Gotti Page James Sherry Jonathan Ly Davis Klaus Mark
Eliot Mook Graeme Doherty James Shipley jonathan raymond Knightcrawler Mark
Elisa Graham James Terry Jonathan Santerre Kobold Game Labs mark bacon
Elisabeth Chee Grant Canington James Upward Jonathan Schmidt Kofi Jamal Simmons mark broda
Elissa Herron Grant Cook James V Gallo Jonathan Young Korey Mortlock Mark Diaz
Elizabeth Grape James V Nutley Jon Bahleda Kos Ack Mark Greenberg
Elizabeth Brandow Grayson James Wink Jon Bingham Kostadis Roussos Mark J Modugno
Elizabeth Purcell Grayson James Yonemura Jon Bird Kraig Hausmann Mark Jurkuhn
Elizabeth Vershowske Greg Alford jamie Jon Terry Kramer mark lawson
Elkadain Greg Beck Jamie Floyd Jon Vedamuthu Krinsky Mark McCosker
Ellen Ayşe Darnell Greg D Jamie Manley Jordan Kris Mark Mobbs
Ellie Macdonald Greg Downey Jamie Prekup Jordan Kris D'Arienzo Marko Niskanen
Elliot copping Gregg Wilke Jamie Revell Jordan Constantine Kris Leon Mark Pittard
Ellis Putman Greg Katopody Jamison Johnstone Jordan Everett Scott Kris Spiesz Mark Rein-Hagen
ember Greg Lucas Jand2562 Jordan Parducci Krista StMarie Mark Rossow
Emily Blau Greg Rogers Janet Clark Jordan Schreck Kristian Nielsen Mark Schumann
Emily Twining Greg Weeks Jan Olav G. Kanestrøm Jorge Ciprés Kristian Vazquez Mark Shocklee
Emperor Ruanek Greylines Jan Senten Joris Van der Vorst Kristian Zirnsak Markstarter
emusick Greywolf Jared Briault Joseph Bendickson kristina powell Markus
Ender Griffonknight Jared Manninen Joseph Bryers Kristine Dietriche Markus Emrich
entropyrat Guerry Jared Matthews Joseph Collins Kristoffer Holmén Mark W
Eoin O'Byrne Guidrion Jared Mitchell Joseph Creighton Krustentier Marshmellow96
EPICDROID Guillermo Fishburn Jared Morrison Joseph Doney KT Pappas Martin
Eren Lacin Guilty44 Jared Strickland Joseph Evenson Kuraidoscope Martin Kern
Eric Guy Edward Larke Jarred Bruggeman Joseph Flanik Kurt Engelrelst Martin Legg
Eric Arthur Lindberg Gwendolyn Connal Jasmine Joseph Guzman Kurt Piersol Martin Leták
Eric C. Tucker Gwendolyn H. Jason Joseph Nath Kwame SC Martin Luftensteiner
Eric Daniels GX Johns Jason Alexander Joseph Sharif Hakeem Rogers Kyle Ellingson Martin Novitski
Eric Gorman Gycicada Jason B Joseph Vigil Kyle Hanshaw Martin Six
Erich Schafrick Gökhan Akdeniz Jason Bean Joseph W Cross Kyle Jenkins Marty Chodorek
Erick and Irene Viorritto H. Th. Jason Best Joseph Webster Kyle Kolbert Mary Wright
Eric Latouche Haden_Danger_Collins Jason Corley Josh Capozella Kyle Meese María Flores Figueroa
Eric Lentz Haley Smith Jason Daniel Josh Earle Kyle Pearce-O'Brien Massimo Gandola
Eric So Hamish Cameron Jason Francis Josh Guerin Kåre Mate Collins
Eric Sullivan Hannah Lee Jason Gabel Josh Macintosh Lachlan Mateusz
Eric Swirsky Hannah Poulton Jason Householder Josh Martinez Laila Longer Mathieu Alexander
Eric Ugland Hannu Kokko Jason Kranch Josh Rasey Laine Mathieu Loisel
Erik Harko Jason Lamb Josh Rivers Laird Basile Mathieu LORANGE
Erik Harley Hauer Jason Lennie Josh Smith LandisTheThief Mathijs Beaujean
Erik Harley Jebens Jason Lund Joshua Landon Jamieson Matt
Erik Hekman HarmonicShield Jason Luzader Joshua Alkema Laotseu Matt
Erin Harokin Jason M Samsa Joshua Beck Laramie Martinez Matt Alford
Erin Collins Harold Harmon JasonS joshua cremosnik Larry Matt Bond
Erin DeSimone Harrison Fricot Jason Smith joshua edmonds Larry O'Brien Matteo
Erin McCoy Harry Karatassos Jason Smith Joshua Helfferich Larry Wells Matt Gregory
Eris Harry Meier Jason Thorne Joshua Knou Larry Wile Matt Hammer
Ernesto Harry Shankar Jason Wyrick Joshua Kubli Lars boyer Matthew
Ernesto Bravo Jr. Haukehaien Jason Zowin Joshua Kurvers Lars Eirik Holte Matthew
Ernesto Madrigal Hayden Hastings Jasper Joshua Lewis Lars König Matthew
Ernesto Maldonado Heather Chamberlain Javier Joshua Mead Laura Matthew
Ernst Anderson HeavensRevenge Jay Joshua Miller Laura Matthew C. Cutter
Eryk Ferrere Heiko-1970 Jaycey Reinhold Joshua Miller Laura Matthew Cole
Eternal Che Kurono Heiko Walther Jay Collins Joshua Nall Laura Grundeman Matthew Dobinson
Ethan Heine Juhl Jensen jaycus Joshua Nichols Laurance Matthew Dowis
Ethan Heldrim Jaym Gates Joshua Ollier Laurence Breton Matthew Dyksrta
Ethan Chandler Henning Eriksen Jay Minnix Joshua Park Lauren Williams Matthew E Kaiser
Ethan Hartland McGovern Henning Thyrén Nielsen Jay Moon Joshua Spicka Laz Azmat Matthew Gibbs
Ethan McMahon Henrike Jay Ranki Joshua Stare LB Matthew Gooch
Ethan Mercer Henry Dawson Jayson Bennett Joshua Tipping L Classen Matthew Hubbard
Ethan Wang Henry Lopez Jay Stanton Joshua Titsworth Leanne Vida Matthew Jones
Etienne Denis-longtin Henry Nieto jbowtie Joshua Ward Lee Matthew Kester
Eugene G Tutko Heretixer01 jchawley Josh Walker Lee Boswell Matthew Lemay
Evan Jackson Hey_Meow Jcm Joy Perkins Lee Rimmer Matthew Luther
Evan Robinson HighLordnox Jeb Boyt Juan LeeW Matthew Lynch
Everett Sutherland Hika Jefepato Juan Carlos Santiago Len Matthew Mignacco
Fabian N. Hitoshi Nagata Jeff Black Juan Guardado Lena MatthewO
Fabio Bozic HMS Nettleship Jeff franzen Juan Serna Lennart Borchert Matthew Osborn
Fabrice Hoizichri Jeff Grubb Judson Wright Lenora Matthew Pemble
Fabrizio holgerschuh Jeff Hitchcock Julia Augusta Leroy Brown Matthew Pierce
Faelyn Curtis HollowedRaven JeffMortle Juliano Magri Les Howie Matthew P Rieger
FaustinaAurelia13 Holly Jeff Oyler Julie Wincott Lev842 Matthew Ruane
Fawaz AI Hosoth Jeffrey Barlow Justice Dahle Leviathan2379 Matthew Watkinson
Federico Di Gioia Hoss Jeffrey Maynard Justin, the Anti-Social Worker Levi Friesen Matthew William Jones
Felix Rosenberger howeljt Jeffrey Pedersen Justin Bojarski Liam Coghlin Matthias Vandaele
Felix Shafir how is the doc Jeff Takacs Justin Camden Liam McManus Matthieu Rider
Fenella Honey Hrachuk Jen Justin Catt LightShiro Matt Krish
Fenrir Hugo Madge León Jennifer Cooney Justin D Rogers linda harold Matt Lalemand
Feric humbert Jens Eschbacher Justin Hamel Linn Matt McDonald
Fernando de Azevedo Ribeiro Saab Hunter Mayer Jeramy Webb Justin Kits Liquid Wolf Matt McQueen
Fernando Ramirez Hybris Jeremiah Buttrum Justin Landers Lisa Andrew Matt Mole
FF HyoTaka Jeremiah Lewis Justin Offermann Lisa Wright Matt Murdock
Filippo Burighel Hyphen Jeremy Justin Stone Liselotte Matt Pederson
Fiona Murphy Hyrum Grissom Jeremy Chai Justin Todd Liz Grzyb Matt Rice-Evans
Flame71 Håvard Jeremy Hamaker Justin Weaver Ljcridland Matt Robertson
Fletcher Goodwin i0m Jeremy Pinske Jörgen Björk Logan Matt Robinson
Florence Mooney Iain Haukka Jeremy Walker Jürgen Hubert Logan Leduc Matt Sheldon
Florent Sampoux Ian Argue Jerome Devie K.W. Ramsey Logan Porter Matt Taylor
Francisco Ian Jacinto Jerry Pierce Kaelia Lombardo Espinoza Mauro Mangione
frank ianquest jesper Kaiju Corgi Longspeak Max Abe
Frank, Bearward of Valoria Ian Somerville Jesse Kailey Lorai Max Almond
Frankie G Ian Zammit Jesse La Force Kai Uwe Hagenburg Lorelei Staffeld Max Kaehn
Frank Kergil Icaimas Jesse Spence Kaldoran Bloodwar Loren Maxwell Graper
Frank Mayberry Iceman_TG Jesse Williams Kaleb Rabideau Loren Dean Medium Rare
Franko F Igor Coura de Mendonça Jess Fortier Kamish Bhai Loren Small Meepachan
Frank Schirmer Ijaz Peerbocus Jessica Davis Kanaris Lorenzo Meg
František Šilhan ikookniet Jessica Fainges Karavelle Skye Gregory Lorenzo Scatena Megan Garner
Franz B. Ilmaedrien Jessica Flood Karen M. LostWolf Megan Kate Parsons
François Germain IndieRex Jessica Niles Karim Dali Louis Meg Drennan
Freddie Vander Werff Ingjald Pilskog Jessica S Karin Hoffmann Louis-Matthieu Heck mehmet kaygusuz
Frederik Friis Lange Ingrid Emilsson Jessy Maldonado Karl Walldorf Louis-Philippe Simoneau Mehmet Korman
Frederik Pastoft Nielsen InkyRaccoon Jesus Delgado Karma5003 Louis Deutschman Mei-Ling Ramos
fredgiblet InventiveElder Jez Kasper Sommer LT Rex Mel Follmer
FredH İrem Filiz Korman JF Paradis Kassie Lucas Melinda Barkhouse
Frédéric Novalis Isaac Frank jhall88 Kate Lucas Melissa Goodyer
Fábio Balestro Floriano Isaac Graff Jill Katelan Tanner Lucas Almeida Melmoth
G. Hartman Isaac Larson Jim Ashman Kate Young Lucas Andrick Memoirture
Gabe Tanenhaus Isabella Ampudia Jimmie Kathleen Caffrey Lucas de Carvalho Moreira Meredith McKee
Gabe Yohannan isaiah Jimmy Takata Kathrin Pust Lucas Keeley Merryl
Gabriel Casillas Istvan Vad Jim Phillips katie johnson Lucas Pike MG
Gabriel Durnerin ItoSora Jim Temple Katy Luis Leal Mia Cameron McDonald
Gabriel Lott iuravi JL Kay Luis M. Alvarado Michael
Gaetano Mazzotti Ivan Bialostosky Jochen Kestel Kayin Lau Luis Penn Michael
Gage Izack Angerhofer Jodi jost Kayla Walsh Lukaas Hendrix Michael
Gage Hart Zobell Iñaki Ibáñez Díaz Joe Kayley Heymans Lukas Michael
GalacticBaron J Joe Brookes Keanon OKeefe Luke Michael Anderson
Galacticus25 J. Evans Payne Joe Burns Keegan Schroer Luke adams Michael B
Galagoth J.R. Biche Joe Cleary Keej luke leonard Michael Bowman
Gal Giladi Jack Howe Joe Field Kegluneq Luke Roberts Michael Bradley
Game Nite Jack Tan Joe Kushner Kehoe Hanback Luke Sheets Michael Bromund
Gappa 5604 Jacob Joel Hernandez Keiran Sparksman Lumla Michael Bunicci
Gareth Ackrill Jacob Crowley Joe Richardson-Suman Keith Clarke Lunger Hockum ( J David Chrisman) Michael Burkhart
Garikoitz Jacob Meadows Johannes Jörgensen Keith E. Hartman L Wood Michael Clancy
Garrett Jacob Ross Johan Staaf Keith Langley Lyciana Michael Clark
Garrett Aymond Jacob White Johdi Ananmalay Keith McAbee Lyndon Baugh Michael Dean
Garrett Huson Jacqlyn John Kek Lynn Painter Michael Eaton
Garrett leblanc Jacqueline John Kelios: the prophecy Lyntsia Michael Edward
garth Jade Deschesne John "johnkzin" Rudd Kelkedaen László Selmeci Michael G. Palmer
garvin anders Jae Lerer Johnathan Ross Kelly M Michael Gadd
Gary Jake Johnathon VandenHeuvel Kelly Kendrick M. Trout Michael Gerardi
Gary Cronk Jake John A Walz and Katie Walz Kelly Rush Mabov Michael Gionfriddo
Gary Lane Jake Chappelle John Bitondo Kelly Scott macarser Michael Gregg
Gaston Phillips Jake Furbush John Brunhaver Kelsey MacenKrace Michael Hatton
GateEight Jake Perrin John C Jewett Kenneth Ernstein Mackenzie Pahl Michael Howard
Gatekeeper Jake Rooks John D. Cornelius Kenneth Hite Mad Michael Kiel
Gautam Rajulu Jake Roth John David Willis Kenneth Hummel Madcat Angrymog Michael Lally
Gavin Boutdy Jakub John Dixon Kenneth Trease Maddy Michael Losinski
Gavin Cook Jamal John Dorch Ken Nishimura Madelyn Pollack Michael Marsden
Gavin Lyndon Jamal L Wilkins John Dwyer Kenny Imai Mads Bjerkøen Michael McBride
GavinRuneblade James John Gathercole Kenny Paresa Maerin Swanson Michael McLawhorn
Gene D. James John Guy Collick Ken Reinertson Maesta Michael Mitchell
Gene Wolski James Brishaber john heidt Kent Taylor mafee071 Michael Neil Schnebelen
Geoff Nicholson James C Colaiseno John Hickman Kergonan Maik P. Michael Paulini
Geoffrey Ford James Crowder II John Jacob Kerry Dobbins Mal Michael Perry
George Johnson James Cunningham John Kirk Kersten Kõrge M Alexander Jurkat Michael Potter
George Leandro Luna Bonfim James Drouant John Lane Kevin Malgorzata Olechniewicz Michael Schilingno
George Middleton James Fellows John Larson Kevin MalkavianLogic Michael Scott
George Queen JAMES FIELDER John Laubersheimer Kevin mamba Michael Szymanski
George Wohlfarth James Gugliemino John M. Atkinson Kevin "vCJD" Mandragora Michael T. Baker

Our Eternal Gratitude

Michael Tree Patrick Grenier Robert Graham Sheridan Hoare Timothy Zachary
Michael V Moore Patrick Healey Robert Huss Sheryl Anne Timothy Dillon-Cheetham Zachary Baldauf
Michael Williams Patrick Lawson Robert Jackson SHRAPN3LS Timothy Ferrell Zachary Butler
Michel Hébert Patrick McGeachie Robert James Long Shweta Akella Timothy G Smith Zachary Derenne
Michelle McFarlin Patrick P. Robert J Edwards Shyam Naik Timothy Janick Zachary Fioravanti
Michelle Pessoa Patrick Seymour Robert Rotering Shyloh Wideman Timothy McDonad Zachary Kaveney
Michelle Wierenga Patrick Sheridan Robert Smith Sid Razavi Timothy Newman Zach Hitzeroth
MightyJack patrick thoendel Robertulrich Sierra Timothy Obiedzenski Zach King
Mikaeel Moti Patrick Weintraub Robert Van Natter Silas Mortensen Timothy Staub Zach McMechan
Mike Paul Andrade Advincula Robert Wall III Simmy Sims Tim Shaw Zach Ricks
Mike Paul Cooper Robin Simon Titia Thun Zach Ward
Mike B. Paul Copenhefer Robin Lee Simon Tobias Norén Zack
Mike Cullingham Paul Falshaw Rob James Simon JW Tobin Anderson Zee
Mike Field PaulishMH Rob Knowlan simon olthof Toby Shearman Zeke
Mike Gordon Paul Louch Rob Spirko Simon R Todd Zendurak
Mike Haugen Paul Northway Rob Taylor SippySenpai Todd Branch Zhul
Mikel Lyjak Paul Peplinski Rob Vermeulen Skoomaholic Todd Hansen zhulchenn
MikeOrrhizal Paul Rehac RodeoRanch Skye Todd Jacobson Zoraxx Astrea
Mike Whitaker Paul Ryan Rod Fage Slove Todd Mason ZTombur
Mindy Spearman Paul Schifferer Rod Meek SlyDarling Todd Newkirk ZTSugawara
MinxyDark Peachy Keen Rodney Scott sm0ll33b1ggz Todd Patrick ~Rob H.
Mirko Hess Pearski Rodrigo smaszno Tom
Mischlama Pedro Rodrigo Berner Niklitschek SNAKE P. Tomasz Borys
Mishtu Pedro Roger Haxton Snarkayde (Philip) Tom Hudson
mister Pedro Alberto Goncalves-Symons Rolando SnowfoxAU Tom McLachlin
Mitchacho Pedro Ecija Serrano Rolland Therrien SnuTBuT Tom Melanson
Mitchael Jorgensen Pegana Rollie Correa Sochay Tommi Ojala
Mitchell Porteous peippo Ronald Whitehead Sofia Tommy
MMI Pepijn Bodegom Ronan Plessis Solveig Tom Nelson
MOGER Periklis Kretsis ronclark73 Sophie Hunter Tom Ridge
Mogimogwai Persephone Rory Burke SotekSucellus Tonda
Monica Belle Persephone McNair Rory Flannery Spenser Gray Tony
Morgan Per Stalby Ross Aitken SpenserTR Tony Evans
Morgan Holt Pete Lazzaretti Roxanne Baechler-Gill SperlingDer Tony Horne
Morgan Jones Peter Douglas Roy Volcanoes Sphereon Tony Weston
Morganna Black Peter Hough RS Spoon R Douglas Topher Bostick
Moritz Peter Kapper Andersen ruben SPUDINACUP Tor
Mortepierre Peter Mcnally Ruben Weller SR Tormod Gjeitnes Hellen
Mr_Torpor Peter Pfoertsch Rui Manuel Almeida Ste Town_Fool
MrBeerOnMyBelly Peter Siljedahl Rurik farserkr Stefan Kraut Tracy Emrich
Mrkjs Petr Kolar Rurik James Nackerud stefano tagliaferri TranquilSilence
MrShish101 Petru-Daniel Tudosiu Russell Bowman Stefan S Huddleston Transience
Murray Whiteford Petwag Russell Hefner Stefnir Thorsson Trashie
mwx1138 Ph Russell Hoyle Stella Kosmistr Travis Collins
MxRue Phil Goldsbrough Russell McLaughlin Steph Travis Lovellette
Myrthe Phil Hendry Russell Pattie Stephan Travis O
Naomi Libicki Phil Heuschen Ruston Ropac Stephane Rochat Travis Propes
Nate Lentz Philip Ehrig Ruth Behrends Stephanie Travis Spencer
Nate Unknown philip hindley Ruthy Cabrera Stephanie Cooper Tre Fewell
Nathan Philip Kelly Ryan Stephanie Male Trent
Nathan Philip Lewis Ryan Stephen Trent Redfield
Nathanael Brayne Philipp Ryan Stephen Camper Trent Revis
Nathan Crowder Philippe Lemieux Ryan Brown Stephen Dorsey Trevor
Nathaniel Philippe Pelletier Ryan Case Stephen K Triple_t778
Nathaniel Guenther Philip Roworth Ryan Duddleson Stephen Ledebur Tristan White
Nathan Johndro Philip Staffin Wiebe Ryan Henry Stephen Murray Tristan White
Nathan Langley Phillip Bush Ryan Junk Stephen Rokitka Triston Liu
Nathan Legg Phillip Cualing Ryan Pierce Stephen Sale Troy
Nathan Mack Phillip Jones Ryan Przybyl Stephen Simpson Troy Smith
Nathan Nolan Phillip McGregor Ryan Smith Stephen SIsk Troy Storfjell
Nathan Swift Phil Mazur Ryan Weast Stephen Wong Tuebor
Nathan Waldorf Phil O'Brien Ryan Whitcomb Sterling Tuft
Naveed Phil oudin Ryan Williamson Steve Bush Tuna
Nayamek Phil Stepp Ryleigh Bowman Steve Long Twan Pluymaekers
Naïck phoegrif Ryon Ready Steven B. Todd Tyler
Neal5x5 Pierre-Antoine Lortie S. Kelly Marshall Steven Barnes Tyler
Nectarios Andrews Pierre Alain Chartier Sabrina Royal Steven Buchele Tyler
Ned Adams Pierre Angot saiun321 Steven Byrd Tyler Ankenman
Neema Pietro Saleana Judd Steven Chan Tyler Carson
Neil Aitken Piia salem alkuwari Steven Danielson Tyler Cody
Neilson Piotr Antosiak Salvador Martinez Steven Fines Tyler Faught
Nelson DiCarlo PiusV Sam Steven Fisher-Stawinski Tyler J Brown
Neocognitron PJ Zichichi Sam Steven Makai Tyler Kaempfer
Nessalantha Planetwebber Samantha Steven McCreary Tyler Mackey
Nethal Hashim PMa Samantha Cargill Steven Moy Tyler Russell
Nevena Preston Woodfield Sam Brillhart Steven Stroud Typhon
Niccolo Grando Princess Snow Sam Cattle Steven Stufflebeam Ty Storie
Nice Prue McIntyre Sam Cooper steveon Ulrich Drees
Nicholas Dao Psybernary Sam Hoffman Stig Regan UnDeadPat
Nicholas Odinson Chen Putzbeard Samii Stirling Argent Unholy Guy
Nicholas Rahbany qualinestron Sam Jones StoryFunder URGE TV
Nicholas Stegelman Quinn Parrott Sammy Bravo Stuart Nathan Urthwurm
Nicholas Vitek R.J. Sam Peterson Stuart Salvatierra Val Dychok
Nicholas Watkins R.Munden Sam S Stéphane Racz Valentin Poggenpohl
Nick Rachel Berry Samuel Stéphanie Silvano-Tellas ValkiaCz
Nick Cox Rachel Charette Sam W Susan Doerzbacher Valkyrie23
Nick Gray-Bakker Raece Young Sam West Susan Koziel valore
Nick Heinbaugh Rafał Pośnik Sandra Ahlqvist Susan Patton Vandewalle
Nick Long Raf Bressel Sandy Sutton who? Vasha6789
Nick Marten Rafe Ruegg Sarah Syed Vaughan Cockell
Nick McGinnis Ragnar Spalding Sarah Byrne Synapsis Vedrin
Nick Melchior Raijuhato Sarah Filkorn syrenio Verdant Tide Publishing
Nick Moss Rajvir Brar Sarah James Szekeres András Márk Veritas0506
Nickolis Strafford Ralph Holland sarah kimberly Taco Duran Vesselin Lubomirov - Exiled Weresheep
Nick Peterson Ralph Mazza Sarah Speer Taiga Brenerman Victoria Chernecky
Nick Rice Randall Cleveland Sarah Taub Talakai Victoria Goodwin
Nick Underhill Randall M Holmes Sara Keefe Tamsin Davis-Langley Victor Smith
Nico Kullmann Randomwalrus Sara Pullman Tanya Bowers-Dean Vidian
Nicola Randy Belanger Savage Cree Hess Tate Torkelson Ville Vuorela
Nicolas Randy Ray Savan Gupta Tavius Vincent Henrotte
Nicolas Corai Randy Smith Scotia Baker Taylor Gaughf Vinícius Victor de Oliveira
Nicolas Mandujano III Ranting Scott B Taylor Smith Virgil Légaré
Nicolas Papadimitriou Rateyes Scott Campbell Taylor Vik Vitaliy Liptchinsky
Nicole Ray Brooks Scott Evans TC Vladimir
Nicole F Ray Chapel Scott Fox iVardensphere TCAustin Volch
Nigel Bell Ray McCann Scott Kenny Ted Bunt vulgartron
Night_Hunter023 Raymond Chan Scott M. Ted Wilson Wade Gerald Sullivan
NightEyes DaySpring Raymond Nichols scott mcleod-urquhart Tegan Berry Wade Jones
Nikolai Reasoning123 Scott Rhymer temp2264 Walker William Maag
NintendogsOnly Rebecca Pearce Scott Ritz Temujinzen Wally Tillery
Nixon Redfaction5 Scott Van Der Zwet Terrence Walter Witschey
Noah Braganca Redmont Scott Yakimow Terry Colligan Walt Williams
Noah Mellemstrand ReeseMcLinden Scotty Parker Terry Mixon Wanda Kurtcu
Nomaris Reeven sdinkel terry roberts Warf
No Name ReformedScot Sean Tess WarOrdos
Norah Wright Regina Jordan Sean Thaddeus Watulak Wayne Budgen
Norfstar ReidOnly Sean Thad Doria Wayne Ligon
nrasanen Reinaldo Muralha Sean Brannigan Thalji Wayne MacLaurin
Nurthor Le Noir Reinhard Siebert Sean Frackowiak Thalsturz Wayne Marshall
O'Rourke Ren Sean Gallagher Than Gibson Wayne Petersen
Obadijah Renae Sean McCarthy Thasmiel Wayne Sweeney
Oberon D'Argo René D'Avezac De Moran Sean McDaniel ThatNorthWind Weltkamp
Obsidianherz Rexx Sean Mountcastle Thawes1227 Wes Baker
Occam Reymundo Antonio Juco Sean Werner TheBearisDriving Wes Harvin
Oleg Rhel ná DecVandé Sean White TheCataclyst Weston Peterson
Oliver Schumacher Rhiannon Camilleri Sean Wilcox TheCmikePro wheeler
Oliver Volland Rhuby Elizabeth Seb The Creative Fund by BackerKit whiskey-one-eye
Olivia Henson Rhydian Sebastian The Loopymonkey Wickwire's Workshop
Ols Jonas Petter Olsson Rhys Conley Sebastian Black Theodore Barnett Will
Omegamanzking Riccardo Conti Sebastian Scholz Theodore Freed Will
Omer Raviv Richard Sebastian Wobst Theodore McCormick Will Culbertson
Oni_Radix Richard Burke secondrevan Theo Mamalis Will Godar
OrcBot Richard Dahlby Secret Garden Games Theo Martin William
Orhan Ertughrul Richard Dixon Selena Theo Wiklund William Anthony
[email protected] Richard Ferris Sergei THIAGO MALTA FERNANDES William Beard
Orion Iacovelli Richard Geo Sang Lee Sergio Ramirez Olloqui Thomas William Colstad
Osmo Korhonen Richard Goulart Serhan Handani Thomas Barber William Kramer
Otto von German Richard Krizo Serious6 Thomas Dillard William Pullen
OuterElder Richard Lee Hurst Seth Thomas Graf William Sanders
OverlyHandsomeKermit Richard Lord Seth Thomas Hagan William T Fee
Owen Richard Martin Seth Mack Thomas Iverson Willus Maximus
Owen C. Williams Richard Read Seth Scott Thomas Martineau Winston Chiu
Owlglass Richard Rivera Seth Turbeville Thomas P. Kurilla Winston G.
Oyurigunslinger Richard Shatto sgetty Thomas Pine Winterbeer
Pablo Zula Richard Worley ShadeKoar Thomas R. Witty Banter
Pace Irvin Rich E Petch Shadowjezus Thomas T WMcP3
Padraic Cashin Rigatoni ShadowNet Thomas T Adkins Woodmant
Paige Naseef Riley A. Vann Shad Scarboro Thorny Wench Game Studios Woodrow Jarvis Hill
Paige Phillips Riley King Shaelynn Bingham Thorsten Schramm Wrathamon
Pamela Eaton ripgangstar Shaenon Langeneckert Thor Walter Kristensen wtnewman
Panhnha Tran Rita Francis Shane Dunn Thuong Pham Wyatt Fecht
Panicked Play Roarii T Anderson Shane Giles Théo Gauffre Wyatt Fetner
Paris Rob Shannon Tiffany Espinosa Wyng'd Lyon Creations
Parker Herrera Robergeau Brice Shannon John Clark Tim Xacur
Parker Wimberly Robert Shannon M. Tim Xcypher64
Pascal Daniel Robert Shannon Savisky Tim Y. K. Lee
Pat Martin Robert Shaozhul Tim Baker Yannick Graff
Patraporn Leelaprachakul Robert Shariq Tim Clouse Yannick Meyer
Patrick Robert Armstrong Sharon Tim Daigle Yannick Rivard
Patrick A Linford Robert Balch sharon e kitzmiller Tim Englén Yannik Hüllinghorst
Patrick Bolton Robert Barbour Sharon Muffett Tim Griffin Yaroslav Gorbal
Patrick Carl Russell Robert Blanda Shatteredzen Tim Hall Yehimeth Vatarian
Patrick Curtin Robert Cole Shawn Spitaleri Tim Mushel Yoly
Patrick Delaney ROBERT E SHAUGHNESSY Shawn Spitler Tim O'Neil Younes Boulghassoul
patrick dickson Robert Farmer Sheogorath Tim O'Shea Yusuf GUREL
Patrick Gilbert Robert Gamble Sheridan Forbes Timothy Zacharia Heider


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