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Recipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page Dawrwecion Tanna | Filed Date RoaIROw 4730/2024 04:32 PM 7 Type of Recipient Commies: ar comnties- Compan Pais nave (omens ciate) Pt Foner Ban Mase ORecat ae Cees Geconerr 8 soos (corr ene Conroe ‘teem a O sence S Foes Pate Contee ‘tec 3. Commitee information TERR Te 2. Type of Statements [Presta Stern (Dement Stoner Crerwatn sire [Dsante gon bean (Pouarae Satnent Dispec Oas ven Rept Treasurers) Sacrameni CA. beste (etgqanrrsr Fito ca_94534 (16427767 ‘tie Tus Sacto CA osese Sacamerio CA. Sseta—_(1OMAD TTI ‘ppeggbmhiaw com Tenticaton Inve uae al enone snes neath ater he aera sista tyke eration cna even ain asc cheated cre | ‘yt pony pee bel eS of tsa ropa fr aoa Recipient Committee ‘Campaign Statement Cover Page — Part 2 '. Officeholder or Candidate Controlled Committee ec 6. Primarily Formed Ballot Measure Committee East Slane Homes, Jobs, and Chan Energy hniatve Related Committees Not Included in his Statement: i any cammitiee ot intuit ttt tarry er a rma formed ee aThS ORE [RERETON Qaron NA Solano County Sovroce ety he cooing echo, cacidte ott measre proponent ay. smewremey ————|rursmescemmree— 7+ PrimanilyFormed Candidateirtceholder Committee Ustmmesof Fre ono ‘Ana r cata orn commits pry ame _SaTTEEROOREES FRET RREESRSPS BOT TROT OFFCETCIDERER EMERTE— [OFEETOTOTORVES | Cjeuwonr Torwose = IE EF COE TREE SOOERRE ESF RENE TERETE aor Clorwose mo Torwose oS aE comETEE TROT OFREETCIBERER EMORTE | HFEETOTSTORVES | euro Chorose eee Campaign Disclosure Statement Summary Page ae Contributions Received Monetary Centibutons eoeainatnes § Expenditures Made © Payments ae 5 cormars 7, Loans Mase 000 8. Accued Expenses (Unga Bis) peereriery svast008 11, TOTAL EXPENDITURES MADE decioeseaeg § 200887310 ‘Current Cash Statement 12, Begining Cath Baines 19, Cash Receins 1M. Mecolaneousinorases fo Cash 18. Cash Paymens ‘G.ENDING CASH BALANCE. Cash Equivalents and Outstanding Debts 18, cash Equivalents 19, oustanding Debs 1 2, SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS. dsserestd 8 ‘ss0m0000 i) Sitemeter peed — ESSE oom __ ‘Galendar Year Summary for Gandidates Running in Both the State Primary and General Elections. ae tnacegeso the Expenditure Limit Summary for State : ssisns75 | candidates s Roe, Fae Free ot rpc Fo Janz) 1 Ade: seven gure zTOSTI "pps oo ‘Schedule A ‘Amounts may rome scicoues Monetary Contributions Received Seemeet cores pe Twa = vow Got see nsrmucrons vREvEnse ougn —__t05n2004 California Forever eae Caltomis Forever, he cou swam gom sn002009 12800864 Fartels CA 94534 Gece Caltomis Forever, he. cou ‘sz0a0e4 om 22002009 12200864 Gey Fartels CA 94534 Bsc Caltomis Forever, he. cou ‘evan om sn002009 12200864 Gey Fartels CA 94594 Gece Eno Deow om Oev Ose Eno Deow om Oev Ose ‘SUBTOTAL $ #5000000) ‘Schedule A Summary 1 Amount oveived this priod itemized monetary contibtion ‘(include all Schedule A subtotals.) ee 2. Amount received tis period —untemized monetary contrbutions of less than $100 2.00 Jerr romatty 3. Toal monetary contibutons received this period. (fds Lines 1 ané 2. Ener here and on the Summary Page, Colum A, Une 1.) ToraLs_850,000.00 FPPC Fom 40 Janae) FRc Advice: bch cago (E0783) ‘pres ‘Schedule C Nonmonetary Contributions Received Calta Forever a ee Ane, Stat Tene, Ofce Space sevens fears Foe Gem Sere | aaa . Pry | Sponsorships, Bitboard rstecasesse Osc screened Bem er BE x Be. Bem Tn 52S. Bom Ben Bice “ah adnan an oppo bled coraton sheets wees ome Schedule C Summary RESET {Amaunet is prod—lomzed nrmonlay cantor sooasones [S32 eeercemae (oute ot Schoo sub) 1000.00.86 [Hee ere ome tas 2. Amount received this period — unitemized nonmonetary contributions of less than $100. a eater ara ‘3. Total nonmonetary contributions received this period. a oe (Add Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Lines 4 and 10.) i eee ‘FPPC Form 469 (Jan2016) FPPC Adve: vice cau (HO7BTT2} ‘epee ov Schedule E som maybudet Trenton pod I Payments Made ovovanas rate t3) 0) ‘CODES: If one ofthe folowing codes accurately describes the payment, you may enlar the code. Otherwise (wg anager oe women 3 ear 2 on i coe Fe cetera et FBS we eto ccdlng row tre Feag end auvey reach estan acy arareoener sees Fteatonal saree ep Seca revo lescribe the payment (Sire armen proto cots ‘bce tow cpg ee eter eeeen corms oe sane craton Inrsn tay attr a) Wasnron 062085 ‘asnrton 062045 Toon re ayers har conto inept expends ms ee De suman Sete KeO SUBTOTALS —132,58485 ‘Schedule E Summary {Itemized payments made this period (Include all Schedule subtotals) S__631.80378 2.Untemized payments madethis prod of under $100 s 0.00 43. Toalnteret pai this period on loans. (Enter amount rom Schecule 8, Pat 1, Colum (e)) s (0.00 4, Total payments made this period. (Add Lines 1,2, and 3. Enter here and onthe Summary Page, Column A, Line 6) TOTALS 631,808.78 FPPC Fam on) FPPC novice: aovicwatpe caf (HOZTETT3) “rope ‘Schedule E (Continuation Sheet) Payments Made ‘CODES: If one ofthe folowing codes accurately describes the payment, you may enlar the code. Otherwise Tiamat coves prog a 0) lescribe the payment CaP campagne, NBR mabe commons RAD rae ame potion ot AS Saran eens (eRe Resins ag acme BD. teurnea oreo 8 Srv era ermonetn fe Reecnenet SAL Cnpagy were aes ve Sedna Ber fetonceing TEL (eedic atime a prodeton cons FL cant tigate es PHO hone TRG cise tare ocpng eines Fo fang atone POL fg ana sve escah TRS. sidlspmeettgeg anaes INO Ieper omperdneesuppripeneesry ters (exsiny” POS fone dey oesnege snes TSF aplrnteen cons ese anetepnse tes fpelarree FRO Froese cos pa secur) Yor onregeemen UF _ Sinesgnitrste aa tos PRP _pamase INE _hematonwenaogy css rare. ema *Paymeres al aconrutons ornepedet expends ms esrmaraed on SENALED SUBTOTALS 22675548 rpc Fam to Jno) FPPC novice: aovicwatpe caf (HOZTETT3) “rope Schedule E som maybudet I cL iconnia (Continuation Sheet) ovovanas rate t3) 0) Payments Made ‘CODES: If one ofthe folowing codes accurately describes the payment, you may enlar the code. Otherwise lescribe the payment CaP campagne, NBR mabe commons RAD rae ame potion ot AS Saran eens (eRe Resins ag acme BD. teurnea oreo 8 Srv era ermonetn fe Reecnenet SAL Cnpagy were aes ve Sedna Ber fetonceing TEL (eedic atime a prodeton cons FL cant tigate es PHO hone TRG cise tare ocpng eines Fo fang atone POL fg ana sve escah TRS. sidlspmeettgeg anaes INO Ieper omperdneesuppripeneesry ters (exsiny” POS fone dey oesnege snes TSF aplrnteen cons ese anetepnse tes fpelarree FRO Froese cos pa secur) Yor onregeemen UF _ Sinesgnitrste aa tos PRP _pamase INE _hematonwenaogy css rare. ema Tova re *Paymeres al aconrutons ornepedet expends ms esrmaraed on SENALED susToTALs —272.48869 rpc Fam to Jno) FPPC novice: aovicwatpe caf (HOZTETT3) “rope ‘Schedule F ‘Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) 460 errr "GODES: Ione ofthe fotowing coces curate describes the payment, you hay enter code. Otherwise, Gesctbe the payment Qe erin pennant GR net armnitne AD foarte wd ron con STE Soto nln netmortan Ore Shoe eeracs SAL Sinpsprnonon salaie FC So rngttens HO Plena TRC indent rave! goa sere fio frurecngerare tpn sve rece TRS Smapoua te ogg au mes INO nner come sappngcercng err’ POS. fee ies antscenge sevice —«‘YSF-~ mone otis he save canara is Kotamne son RO Fear sve nu tng) a : ‘rg We Cost, ne ee = ae = — ‘ivtaraedonSnatoe. ‘SUBTOTALS $_ 00 § 164,135.42 5. ‘0.00 $ 184,138.42 ‘Schedule F Summary 1 Total acotued expenses incured ths period, include all Schedule F, Column (b) subtotals for accrued expenses of $100 or moe, pls otal untemzed accrued expenses under $100) INCURRED ToTALs$ 376.9608, 2, Total accrued expenses pa ths period, (Include all Schedule F, Column (c) subtotals for payments on _aocrued expenses of $100 or more, plus total untemized payments on accrued expenses unde $100.) PAID TOTALS $, 2.00 3. Net change this period. (Subtract Line 2 ftom Line 1. Enter the ference here and NETS 376,060.68 ‘on the Summary Page, Column A, Line .). orm eb an 0'8) FePc adves: advice gor eeez76379) ‘wetppecacor ‘Schedule F (Continuation Sheet) ‘Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) 460 eens "GODES: Ione ofthe fotowing coces curate describes the payment, you hay enter code. Otherwise, Gesctbe the payment aan 2 SE ar © Bere Be atte npereeracnte $F Became FOC Fryar PRO. scr pe err) ergs norcenatng os oce| zoac000 cy oonee ‘SUBTOTALS $ Do $ 190015248 0008 18001524 Form 60 (an20'8) FePc adves: advice gor eeez76379) ‘wetppecacor ‘Schedule F Amounts my bce (Continuation Sheet) a Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) ae "GODES: Ione ofthe fotowing coces curate describes the payment, you hay enter code. Otherwise, Gesctbe the payment Qe erin pennant GR net armnitne AD foarte wd ron con STE Soto nln netmortan Ore Shoe eeracs SAL Sinpsprnonon salaie FC So rngttens HO Plena TRC indent rave! goa sere fio frurecngerare tpn sve rece TRS Smapoua te ogg au mes INO nner come sappngcercng err’ POS. fee ies antscenge sevice —«‘YSF-~ mone otis he save canara is Kotamne son RO Fear sve nu tng) a : ‘SUBTOTALS $ oops saar0028 0008 asto02 Form 60 (an20'8) FePc adves: advice gor eeez76379) ‘wetppecacor Schedule G mount may be round Payments Made by an Agent or Independent ‘enol sas ‘ized coves pod Contractor (on Behalf of This Committee) om seenermenone overt row —castzttt — | py 12 Caton Forever ee ‘Acosta Consulting ‘CODES: [fone of he olowing codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter he code. Otherwise, Gesobe the payment CMP camps pert. MER nb certs 1S canes ents INT ecg au opeoces 8 Santen oan romney DEE Shee epee Eve Sedona PED peor eeling FS Sint srgoatt ses 0 Farmar. Fo. freraang arene 1b Flngangsiey esearch INO Inpercotepeciresppotngerposa crs expan” POS Fein, dey rd resrnger ares {Ec glass PRO Hetero snioe foa seearrg) UP Spspeltotse and mateoe Par pace Pare alco pene pees mun bo unmade ‘Sotepoee oa, rams ante beeen Contin the same candisonet Irmson choc cost ett sah ‘Attach ectonal information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. ToraL's 11250020 nce coeac sara on Se PPC Form ao ann) Pc navies adviser (eua7973) ‘tmtppeagor Schedule G mount may be round Payments Made by an Agent or Independent ‘enol sas ‘ized coves pod Contractor (on Behalf of This Committee) om seenermenone overt row —c0st2t2t — | py 12. Caton Forever ee I Consultants, nc ‘CODES: [Tone of he folowing codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter he code. Otherwise, Gesoibe the payment CMP camps pert. ER rember cnncane atari suc ons 1S canes ents INT ecg au opeoces (ued ccrstaten 8 Santen oan romney DEE Shee epee (arom weit ses Eve Sedona PED peor eeling eae ame and posite ote FS Sint srgoatt ses © Frmmberia ‘eave cg mens Fo. freraang arene 1b Flngangsiey esearch ‘Sotepoee oa, rams INO Inpercotepeciresppotngerposa crs expan” POS Fein, dey rd resrnger ares ‘ant oemenconmnsor sane canstsponet {Ec glass PRO Hetero snioe foa seearrg) ‘ete regain UP Spspeltotse and mateoe Par pace Inermson sty cote tt at) Pare alco pene pees mun bo unmade ‘Attach ectonal information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. TOTAL'$ 3954.00 nce coeac sara on Se PPC Form ao ann) Pc navies adviser (eua7973) ‘tmtppeagor Schedule G mount may be round Payments Made by an Agent or Independent ‘ewe sar ‘Seen covers peed APIS Contractor (on Behalf of This Committee) om. seenermenone overt row — casts — | py _ M4 Caton Forever ee Rovtiguez Strategies ‘CODES: [fone of he olowing codes accurately describes the paymert, you may enter he code. Otherwise, Gesoibe the payment CMP camps pert. MER nb certs 1S canes ents INT ecg au opeoces 8 Santen oan romney DEE Shee epee Eve Sedona PED peor eeling FS Sint srgoatt ses 0 Farmar. Fo. freraang arene 1b Flngangsiey esearch ‘Sotepoee oa, rams INO Inpercotepeciresppotngerposa crs expan” POS Fein, dey rd resrnger ares ante beeen Contin the same candisonet {Ec glass PRO Hetero snioe foa seearrg) ‘ete regain UP Spspeltotse and mateoe Par faa Inermson sty cote tt at) Pare alco pene pees mun bo unmade ‘Attach ectonal information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. TOTAL'$ 2.72801 nce coeac sara on Se PPC Form ao ann) Pc navies adviser (eua7973) ‘tmtppeagor Schedule G mount may be round Payments Made by an Agent or Independent ‘enol sas ‘ized coves pod Contractor (on Behalf of This Committee) om seenermenone overt rou —castzt2t — | gy 15 Caton Forever ee Rovtiguez Strategies ‘CODES: [fone of he olowing codes accurately describes the paymert, you may enter he code. Otherwise, Gesoibe the payment CMP camps pert. ER rember cnncane atari suc ons 1S canes ents INT ecg au opeoces (ued ccrstaten 8 Santen oan romney DEE Shee epee (arom weit ses Eve Sedona PED peor eeling eae ame and posite ote FS Sint srgoatt ses © Frmmberia ‘eave cg mens Fo. freraang arene 1b Flngangsiey esearch ‘Sotepoee oa, rams INO Inpercotepeciresppotngerposa crs expan” POS Fein, dey rd resrnger ares ‘ant oemenconmnsor sane canstsponet {Ec glass PRO Hetero snioe foa seearrg) ‘ete regain UP Spspeltotse and mateoe Par pace Inermson sty cote tt at) Pare alco pene pees mun bo unmade ‘Attach ectonal information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. TOTAL'$ 120408 nce coeac sara on Se PPC Form ao ann) Pc navies adviser (eua7973) ‘tmtppeagor Form 460 en | eter) Additional Notes tM

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